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  • 8/15/2019 centatpo15broc


    Confidential Performance Report for TPO 2015



  • 8/15/2019 centatpo15broc


    Confidential Performance Report for TPO 2015 - VAMSI MOHAN KRISHNA TADEPALLI


     Thank you for taking part in the CENTA Teaching Professional's Olympiad TPO 2015. Hope you found the experience

    valuable. This Report provides you with your performance analysis and snapshot of peer performance. This is a

    Confidential Performance Report and has not been shared with any other person or entity. You are free to share it with

    anyone of your choice for developmental reasons. We hope you find this Report useful.

     The Report has six sections: (1) Information About TPO 2015, (2) Coverage of TPO 2015, (3) Your Performance

    Snapshot including peer comparisons, (4) Interesting performance trends, (5) Your Performance Analysis with

    areas of strength and development, and (6) Information about Next steps after TPO 2015. For ease of reading, Sections

    1 and 6 (informational) are highlighted in BLUE colour, Sections 3 and 5 (personal) in GREEN, and Sections 2 and 4

    (coverage, trends) in ORANGE.

    About CENTA Teaching Professionals' Olympiad TPO 2015

    CENTA 'Teaching Professionals' Olympiad' (TPO) is a first-of-its-kind national competition for teachers and also the first

    step towards the CENTA Certification. TPO is an objective computer-based assessment. TPO 2015 had The Hindu and HCL

    as primary partners, with Varkey Foundation and Kaizen as additional partners.

    Centre for Teacher Accreditation (CENTA) (www.centa.org) aims to empower teachers and catalyse teacher professional

    development, by identifying outstanding teachers and teacher candidates, and creating a range of career, recognition

    and professional development opportunities, for them as well as the schools and B.Ed. colleges they belong to. Through

    this, CENTA aims to contribute to the quality of school education and to teaching becoming a more preferred and

    celebrated profession.

     The CENTA Certification is based on the CENTA Standards, developed through rigorous international benchmarking and

    inputs from 100+ stakeholders in India, and to be updated on based on continued inputs and experience.

    Coverage of CENTA Standards in TPO 2015

    Out of the competencies listed in the CENTA standards (www.centa.org/standards), TPO covers a subset that are

    relatively more suited for objective testing. The chart below indicates the levels of testing done by the TPO, for different

    competency areas for new, experienced and senior teachers, respectively.

    Foundational testing means that the particular competency has been covered by TPO to a smaller extent and in-depth testing is needed in the

     practical part of the Certification; indicative testing means that the particular competency has been covered reasonably though the practical may 

    cover some more aspects; and advanced testing means that the particular competency has been covered sufficiently and the practical will have

    limited coverage of it. New/ Experienced/ Senior Teacher  refers to where a teacher is in his/her career, typically having experience of 0-3 years/ 

    3-10 years/ >10 years, respectively, though these are broad guidelines and candidates can self-assess their career stage.

  • 8/15/2019 centatpo15broc


    Confidential Performance Report for TPO 2015 - VAMSI MOHAN KRISHNA TADEPALLI

     Your Performance Snapshot

      Your scores Peer Performance

      Max Score Average Score Min ScoreSubject Knowledge (out of 25) 10 23 12 1

    Classroom Practice and Professional Competencies (out of 50) 29 47 25 4

    Logical Ability and Communication (out of 25) 21 25 14 0

     Total (out of 100) 60

    Please note that all scores are normalized scores. Also, in Subject Knowledge, Peer scores are only for candidates who

    participated in same track as you, while for other sections, Peer scores are based on all the candidates who participated

    in the TPO 2015.

     Your overall performance as well as sectional performance is as follows:

     Your scores have been highlighted in GREEN.

    Scores in Section-1 (HighPhysics) Scores in Section-2

    Scores in Section-3 Overall scores

  • 8/15/2019 centatpo15broc


    Confidential Performance Report for TPO 2015 - VAMSI MOHAN KRISHNA TADEPALLI

    A Few Interesting Performance Trends

    Percentage split of Top 500 winners by gradelevel is similar to percentage split inparticipation.

    Regions with maximum candidates in the Top100 and Top 500 ranks

    (Note: 'Region' includes everyone who wrote the TPO in

    that centre, mostly about 50% local and 50% outstation.)

    Average scores have not varied much across thenine subject tracks.

    Majority of the Top 500 winners have about 10years of teaching experience.

     Your Performance Analysis

     Your performance on TPO 2015 has helped us identify the following strengths and development

    areas. Please analyse your strengths and development areas in combination with the section

    scores and the coverage or extent to which different competencies have been tested in TPO 2015.

    Strength areas:

     You have strong knowledge and understanding of common pedagogical methods and

    techniques, covered in classroom practices

     You have a good understanding of assessment methods and purposes, a topic covered

    significantly in classroom practices. In addition, you are also able to derive insights from

    student assessments on basic topics.

    Development areas:

     You need to increase your knowledge and understanding of common learning theories, one

    of the themes tested within clasroom practices.

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     You need to improve your understanding of learning objectives, alignment of lesson plans

    with these and lesson plan design. These were among the themes covered in the classroom

    practices section.

     You seem to be less familiar with some of the basic technology tools used in education.

     Technology tools is a topic covered to a limited extent by TPO 2015

     You need to improve your understanding of Concepts and Application in your subject.

     TPO2015 covers the testing of Knowledge, Concepts and Application, within the Subject

    Knowledge section.

    Next Steps after TPO 2015

     TPO 2015 has also been the starting point of a community of motivated teachers from all over the country. We hope to

    help keep this community alive through useful information and exchanges on our website as well as Facebook pages

    from time to time.

    Further, in the next two to four months, Centre for Teacher Accreditation is launching its CENTA Certification of Levels 1,

    2 and 3, for new, experienced and senior teachers, respectively. The Certification has detailed practical testing, in

    addition to the objective component. For those who have participated in TPO, the score from the same will be considered

    towards the objective component, and for those who have not participated in TPO, they can complete the objective test

    along with the practical components.

    In 2016, CENTA will take up a maximum of 300 candidates for the CENTA Certification, on first come first serve basis. We

    will keep TPO 2015 participants informed on a priority basis through your registered email address, post which we will

    announce the launch on our website and Facebook pages. Please watch out for the same towards the end of March and

    we look forward to hearing from you if you are interested.