Cell Structure & Function - Questions

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  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions



    Cytology TechniquesMultiple Choice

    __ 1. Of the objects listed, which is the smallest that you can see with the unaidedeye?

    a) DNA molecule

    b) Human eggc)i!usd) "ibosomese) Human s#in cell

    __ $. %he limit of e&ecti'e magni(cation with a light mic!oscoe is __________ times.

    a) ('e hund!edb) two thousandc)fou! thousandd) one hund!ed thousand

    __ *. %he highest magni(cation that is gene!ally used to study cells is !o'ided by the

    a) t!ansmission elect!on mic!oscoeb) comound light mic!oscoec)hase cont!ast mic!oscoed) high 'oltage 'acuum cleane!s

    __ +. Ou! inc!ease in #nowledge of the cell closely a!alleled the de'eloment of the

    a) jail houseb) ci'il wa!c)mic!oscoe-d) H mete!e) telescoe

    __ . A high/owe!ed mic!oscoe that !oduces an image f!om scatte!ed seconda!yelect!ons is the

    a) immuno0uo!escence mic!oscoe.b) b!ight/(eld light mic!oscoe.c)t!ansmission elect!on mic!oscoe %23).d) scanning elect!on mic!oscoe 423).e) confocal mic!oscoe.

    __ 5. A mic!oscoe that uses antibodies that glow to !e'eal the location of a !otein ina cell is the

    a) immuno0uo!escence mic!oscoe.b) b!ight/(eld light mic!oscoe.

    c)t!ansmission elect!on mic!oscoe %23).d) scanning elect!on mic!oscoe 423).e) confocal mic!oscoe.

    __ 6. A mic!oscoe used to obse!'e li'ing cells and o!ganelles by cont!asting thehase di&e!ences so that some !egions aea! b!ighte! is the

    a) immuno0uo!escence mic!oscoe.b) hase cont!ast light mic!oscoe.c)t!ansmission elect!on mic!oscoe %23).d) scanning elect!on mic!oscoe 423).e) confocal mic!oscoe.

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    __ 7. 8!om you! #nowledge of the si9e of cell comonents and the !ocess ofcent!ifugation, what is the o!de! f!om (!st to last) that the nucleus ando!ganelles will be e:t!acted?

    a) !ibosomes;mitochond!ia and chlo!olasts;nucleus;soluble cytolasmb) nucleus;mitochond!ia and chlo!olasts;!ibosomes;soluble cytolasmc)nucleus;mitochond!ia and chlo!olasts;soluble cytolasm;!ibosomesd) mitochond!ia and chlo!olasts;nucleus;soluble cytolasm;!ibosomes

    e) soluble cytolasm;!ibosomes;mitochond!ia and chlo!olasts;nucleus__

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    stable molecules.d) molecules di&use at !andom th!ough the cytolasm and into cello!ganelles.e) !adioacti'ity has an unusual !ole in metabolism of li'ing cells.

    __ 1+. hich of the following is not !esent in all cells

    a) cell wallb) lasma memb!ane

    c)!ibosomesd) DNA moleculese) None of the abo'e

    __ 1. %he (!st cell that was seen unde! a mic!oscoe was a _________ cell.

    a) co!#b) bloodc)se!md) s#ine) !oot ti

    __ 15. %he cell theo!y states state

    a) all cells ha'e a nucleusb) all cells di'ide by mitosisc)all li'ing o!ganisms a!e made u of cellsd) cells a!ise th!ough sontaneous gene!ation.e) g!owth is solely the !esult of cell di'ision

    __ 16. %he cell was (!st seen by

    a) "obe!t E!ownb) "obe!t Hoo#ec)%heodo! 4chwannd) i!chowe) Feeuwenhoe#

    __ 17. hich of the following is not t!ue?a) Acco!ding to the de(nition of an o!gan, the human hea!t is an o!gan.b) Eacte!ial cells ha'e nuclei and se'e!al di&e!ent #inds of o!ganelles.c)%he fundamental natu!e of chemical !eactions is dete!mined by the elect!ons inthe oute! o!bital of atoms.d) Acco!ding to the de(nition of a molecule, ca!bon dio:ide is a molecule.e) None of these.

    __ 1

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    __ $1. All cells, !ega!dless of tye, ha'e which th!ee of the following featu!es incommon?

    A. DNA B. golgi C. cytoplasm D. endoplasmic reticulum E. plasma membrane

    a) A, E, @b) @, D, 2c)A, E, Dd) E, @, 2

    e) E, D, 2__ $$. !o#a!yotic cells

    a) ha'e a well de(ned nucleusb) ha'e o!ganelles with memb!anes that sea!ate them f!om the cytolasmc)usually ha'e a !igid cell walld) a!e multicellula!e) both A and E, but not @ o! D

    __ $*. hich of the following statements about bacte!ia, lant, and animal cellst!uctu!e is co!!ect?

    a) Eacte!ia and lants a!e !o#a!yotic, but animal cells a!e eu#a!yoticb) lant and animal cells a!e !o#a!yotic, but bacte!ia a!e eu#a!yoticc)Animal cells and bacte!ia a!e eu#a!yotic, but lant cells a!e !o#a!yoticd) Eacte!ia a!e !o#a!yotic, but animal and lant cells a!e eu#a!yotice) Eacte!ia lac# cell st!uctu!e, but lants and animals ha'e cell st!uctu!e

    __ $+. %he diamete! of a tyical "OIA"O%G@ cells is about

    a) 1 millimete!b) 1 mete!c)1 mic!omete!d) 1 nanomete!e) 1 megamete!

    __ $. %he tyical EA@%2"GAF cell is about the same si9e as the eu#a!yotic

    a) Bolgi comle:b) mitochond!ionc)nucleusd) !ibosomee) endolasmic !eticulumf) endocytosis o! e:ocytosis

    __ $5. A cellula! diamete! of += mic!omete!s is eJui'alent to

    a) =.+ millimete!b) =.=+ millimete!c)+=,=== nanomete!sd) +,=== nanomete!se) Eoth =.=+ millimete! and +=,=== nanomete!s a!e co!!ect

    __ $6. hich of the following would be found in an animal cell, but not in a bacte!ialcell?

    a) DNAb) cell wallc)lasma memb!aned) !ibosomese) endolasmic !eticulum

    __ $7. 2u#a!yotic cells can be la!ge! than !o#a!yotic cells because

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    a) thei! lasma memb!ane has mo!e cont!ol o'e! the mo'ement of mate!ialsinto the cell.b) thei! inte!nal memb!ane system allows coma!tmentali9ation of functionsand e:t!a su!face a!ea fo! nut!ient e:change and lacement of en9ymes.c)thei! DNA is locali9ed in the nucleus whe!eas !otein synthesis occu!s in thecytolasm, sea!ating these cometing functions.d) they ha'e mo!e ch!omosomes and a mitotic !ocess of cell di'ision.

    e) they ha'e a cytos#eleton comosed of mic!otubules and mic!o(laments.__ $

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    c)"ibosomesd) 2n9ymese) DNA

    __ *5. hat is not cha!acte!istic of a !o#a!yotic cell?

    a) A lasma memb!aneb) A nuclea! memb!anec)"ibosomes

    d) 2n9ymese) DNA

    __ *6. !o#a!yotic as well as eu#a!yotic cells ossess

    a) 3itochond!iab) @hlo!olastsc)A cytos#eletond) "ibosomese) A nucleus

    __ *7. hich is a di&e!ence between !o#a!yotes and eu#a!yotes?

    a) !o#a!yotes ha'e "NA, eu#a!yotes ha'e DNA

    b) !o#a!yotes ha'e DNA, eu#a!yotes ha'e "NAc)!o#a!yotes ha'e a nucleus, eu#a!yotes ha'e a nucleoidd) !o#a!yotes ha'e a nucleoid, eu#a!yotes ha'e a nucleuse) !o#a!yotes ha'e a cell wall, eu#a!yotes do not

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    b) these tissues a!e ob'iously a b!idge between nonli'ing and !imiti'e li'ingcells.c)the gene!al concet of life/is/cellula! still holds because these o!ganisms stillutili9e cells sometime in thei! life, but this shows that cell memb!ane a!titionscan be abandoned.d) this !o'es that a C'ital fo!ceC beyond cell chemist!y can gi'e life tosubstances.

    e) All of the choices a!e t!ue.__ +*. hich is NO% a !eason fo! the small si9e of cells?

    a) As the linea! dimensions of a cell inc!ease, the 'olume inc!eases twice asfast as the su!face a!ea.b) Nut!ients and wastes must ente! and lea'e the cell th!ough the lasmamemb!ane.c)%he nucleus can only cont!ol a ce!tain amount of cytolasm.d) %he inc!eased numbe! of o!ganelles !eJui!es that eu#a!yotic cells besmalle! than !o#a!yotic cells.e) 3ate!ials must be able to mo'e Juic#ly and eKciently th!ough thecytolasm.

    __ ++. hich te!m is based on the B!ee# !oot wo!ds fo! Cbefo!eC and C#e!nelC?a) etidoglycan.b) eu#a!yote.c)nucleolus.d) !o#a!yote.e) nucleus.

    __ +. hich is NO% t!ue of eu#a!yotic cells?

    a) A t!ue nucleus contains the ch!omosomes.b) 2u#a!yotic cells contain memb!ane/bounded coma!tments.c)%hey contain !ibosomes that a!e smalle! than those of !o#a!yotic cells.

    d) %hey all contain mitochond!ia.e) %hey contain many o!ganelles in the cytolasm.

    __ +5. 2u#a!yotic cells a!e substantially la!ge! than bacte!ial cells and a'e!age o'e! $=times mo!e 'olume/e!/su!face/a!ea than bacte!ial cells. How can the eu#a!yoticcell memb!ane !o'ide this highe! !ate of e:change of mate!ials?

    a) lasma memb!ane folds inc!ease the su!face a!ea.b) @a!!ie! !oteins seed the !ate at which a solute c!osses the lasmamemb!ane in the di!ection of dec!easing concent!ation.c)3itochond!ia a!e concent!ated nea! memb!anes to !o'ide ene!gy fo! acti'et!anso!t of molecules o! ions.d) Fa!ge molecules a!e engulfed by 'esicle fo!mation.

    e) All of the choices a!e co!!ect.__ +6. An animal sec!eto!y cell and a hotosynthetic leaf cell a!e simila! in all but one

    of the following ways 2@2%

    a) %hey both ha'e Bolgi aa!atusb) %hey both ha'e mitochond!iac)%hey both ha'e t!anso!t !oteins fo! acti'e t!anso!t of ionsd) %hey both ha'e chlo!olastse) %hey both ha'e a cell memb!ane

    True - False

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    __ +7. All cells contain the same #inds of !oteins in the same !elati'e locations.

    a) %!ueb) 8alsec)8alse

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    c)ca!bohyd!ate chains in the cell memb!aned) all of the choices a!e in'ol'ed in tissue t!anslantation

    __ 6. 4ome a!asites and disease agents !egula!ly change thei! identity befo!e ou!immune system can build u substantial antibodies. How could cells change thei!chemical identity on a !egula! basis?

    a) "aid e'olution !oduces mutations.b) A new hosholiid bilaye! is gene!ated to !elace the old laye!.

    c)Eecause the memb!ane is Cset,C the cell must !e!oduce and then the cell withthe old memb!ane must die.d) @ells eliminate all su!face !oteins and !esent only a na#ed liid bilaye!.e) Di&e!ent glycoliids and glyco!oteins a!e !oduced inte!nally and mo'edinto the lasma memb!ane.

    __ 7. %he majo! functions of the lasma memb!ane do NO% include

    a) sea!ation of the 0uid en'i!onments inside and outside the cell.b) !egulation of molecules and ions that ass into and out of the cell.c)!ecognition and communication between di&e!ent cells and tissues.d) maintaining connections between adjacent cells.e) !oduction of !oteins used in const!uction of the cell wall.


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    c)%he 0uid natu!e of the memb!ane is !egulated by 0i/0oing of thehosholiids f!om one side of the memb!ane to the othe!.d) 3o'ement of !oteins and hosholiids can occu! sideways within thelane of the memb!ane.

    __ 5*. hich statement is NO% t!ue about the !oteins in the lasma memb!ane?

    a) !oteins may be attached to the inne! su!face of the lasma memb!ane.b) %he hyd!ohobic o!tion of a !otein is embedded within the memb!ane.

    c)4ome e!ihe!al !oteins a!e connected to cytos#eletal (laments.d) Gnteg!al !oteins a!e !esonsible fo! memb!ane functions.e) Blyco!oteins contain ca!bohyd!ate chains that a!e o!iented towa!d theinne! su!face of the memb!ane.

    __ 5+. hich h!ase does NO% desc!ibe one of the functions of !oteins of the lasmamemb!ane?

    a) fo!ming a channel th!ough the memb!aneb) initiating the !elication of the genetic mate!ialc)binding to a substance to ca!!y it th!ough the memb!aned) acting as a !eceto! fo! substances e:te!nal to the celle) inc!easing the !ate of a chemical !eaction

    __ 5. "ed blood cells come in many Cblood tyesC including tye A, tye E, tye AE,tye O Llac#ing !oteins A and EM, "h ositi'e, and "h negati'e Llac#ing "hM andmany othe!s. Gf blood is t!ansfused, the !eciient detects any new o! Cfo!eignC!oteins. %hese blood tye !oteins a!e

    a) in the lasma whe!e they ha'e been sec!eted by the !ed blood cells.b) inside the !ed blood cell cytolasm.c)on the oute! su!face of the !ed blood cell memb!ane.d) e'enly dist!ibuted th!oughout the cell contents and lasma.e) in the !ed blood cell nucleus.

    __ 55. Gn seculating uon the o!igin of ea!ly cells and the cell memb!ane, which of the

    following statements isa!e NO% lausible?a) Due to simila!ities in basic st!uctu!e, the endolasmic !eticulum, Bolgibody, 'esicles, and othe! Ccytomemb!anesC may ha'e a!isen as in'aginations ofthe cell memb!ane.b) As long as a hosholiid/!oduction mechanism is !esent, thesemolecules would natu!ally a!!ange themsel'es in two laye!s with the hyd!ohobictails on the inside away f!om wate!.c)Gt would be nea!ly imossible to ha'e a cell without a cell memb!ane.d) All of the choices a!e lausible.e) None of the choices a!e lausible.

    __ 56. All life fo!ms cu!!ently ha'e a basic cell memb!ane so we !esume that the

    ea!liest fo!ms of life had this CfenceC isolating the inte!nal o!gani9ation f!om thee:te!nal chaos. Gt is li#ely that the !imo!dial en'i!onment was acidic. Gn such acase, the cell memb!ane would ha'e to include

    a) a sodium Na) um.b) a !oton H) um.c)mitochond!ia unde!neath in o!de! to !o'ide ene!gy fo! acti'e t!anso!t.d) an acid/!oof cell wall.e) a totally none!meable memb!ane.

    __ 57. A majo! chemical that functions to sti&en animal cell memb!anes and thus

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    !egulates the 0uidity of the animal cell memb!ane is

    a) choleste!ol.b) liid in natu!e.c)a ste!oid.d) All of the choices a!e co!!ect.

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    assage of hyd!ohilic substancesc)Hyd!ohilic substances ha'e an easie! time assing th!ough memb!anes thanhyd!ohobic substances.d) %he cu!!ent concet of a memb!ane can be best summa!i9ed by the 0uidmosaic model.e) %he liid bilaye! se!'es as a hyd!ohobic ba!!ie! between two 0uid !egions.

    __ 65. 3emb!ane ca!bohyd!ates

    a) e:tend into the cytolasmb) se!'e as su!face ma!#e!s fo! cellsc)function as ums to mo'e mate!ial th!ough the memb!anesd) a!e the basic st!uctu!al units in all memb!anese) !ende! the memb!ane hyd!ohobic

    __ 66. hich of the following statements is t!ue?

    a) lasma memb!anes ha'e molecules on thei! su!faces that identify them.b) lasma memb!anes a!e essentially sacs that #ee mate!ials inside them.c)lasma memb!anes a!e basically static, non/changing st!uctu!es.d) lasma memb!anes function !ima!ily th!ough the acti'ity of thei!ca!bohyd!ates.e) lasma memb!anes a!e hyd!ohilic ba!!ie!s between cells.

    __ 67. All of the following e:cet one is a chemical a!t of biological memb!anes.hich one is the e:cetion?

    a) hosholiidsb) !oteinsc)en9ymesd) nucleic acidse) fatty acids

    __ 6slasma memb!ane?

    a) accomlishes elect!on t!anso!tb) !o'ides a hyd!ohobic ba!!ie!c)accomlishes acti'e t!anso!td) identi(es adjacent cells as simila! o! di&e!ente) oens and closes to !egulate 0ow of ions ac!oss memb!ane

    __ 7=. All of the following e:cet one a!e cha!acte!istic of the 4%"P@%P"2, @H23G4%",o! 8PN@%GON of the cell>s FA43A 323E"AN2. 4elect the 2@2%GON

    a) contain liid bilaye!sb) a!t of the memb!ane is a solid sheet laye!) of !oteinc)contain functional !oteins and hosholiidsd) se!'es as bounda!y between outside of cell and cytolasme) ha'e hyd!ohobic and hyd!ohilic !egions

    __ 71. @onside! the @H23G@AF 4%"P@%P"2 of a tyical HO4HOFGGD. hich of thefollowing cont!ibutes most to the lasma memb!ane acting in a!t) as aHD"OHOEG@ EA""G2"?

    a) hoshate g!oub) the hyd!oca!bon a!t of the fatty acidsc)bound !eceto! !oteinsd) glyce!ol bac#bonee) elect!on t!anso!t !oteins.

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    __ 7$. lasma memb!ane.

    a) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is a featu!e of all cellsb) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in !o#a!yotic cells onlyc)st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in eu#a!yotic cells onlyd) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in lant cells onlye) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in animal cells only

    __ 7*. hich o!ganelle is in'ol'ed in the synthesis of liids?

    a) !ibosomesb) lysosomesc)smooth endolasmic !eticulumd) mitochond!iae) cont!actile 'acuoles

    __ 7+. hy do the heads of the hosholiids oint out and the tails oint to eachothe!?

    a) %he tails a!e nonola! and fo!m hyd!ogen bonds with each othe!.b) %he tails a!e !eelled by the aJueous en'i!onment.c)%he heads a!e att!acted to the wate! inside and outside.d) a and c.e) b and c.

    __ 7. ithin the 0uid mosaic of a lasma memb!ane, what is the !ole of t!anso!t andchannel !oteins?

    a) %hey !e'ent assage of amino acids.b) %hey allow mo'ement of salts and suga!s th!ough the lasma memb!ane.c)%hey may set o& cellula! changes such as cell di'ision o! ho!mone sec!etion.d) %hey a!e cell/su!face attachment sites.e) %hey identify the cell.

    __ 75. How a!e lasma memb!anes best desc!ibed?

    a) A double laye! of hosholiid molecules with hyd!ohobic tails di!ected

    towa!d cytolasm of the cell.b) A single laye! of hosholiid molecules with wate! molecules attachedalong one side.c)A double laye! of hosholiid molecules with hyd!ohilic heads di!ectedtowa!d each othe!.d) A double laye! of hosholiid molecules with hyd!ohobic tails o!ientedtowa!d each othe!.e) A single laye! of hosholiids with tails ointed to the inside of the cell.

    __ 76. %he hyd!ohobic tails of a hosholiid bilaye! a!e o!iented towa!d the

    a) Gnte!io! of the lasma memb!ane i.e. each othe!)

    b) 2:t!acellula! 0uid su!!ounding the cellc)@ytolasm of the celld) Nucleus of the celle) Eoth b and c

    __ 77. hich of the following accounts fo! the 0uid asect of the 0uid mosaic model oflasma memb!anes?

    a) %he indi'idual hosholiid molecules a!e not bonded to each othe! somo'ement of ce!tain !oteins and liids is ossible within the bilaye!.b) %he lasma memb!ane is C0uidC because of mo'ement of substancesac!oss the memb!ane.

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    c)%he bilaye! e!mits di&usion of ce!tain liid/soluble substances.d) %he memb!ane is wate! soluble.e) One of the comonents of the memb!ane is wate!.

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    a) hosholiidsb) @a!bohyd!atesc)!oteinsd) Nuclei acidse) @ytos#eleton

    True - False


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    c)%he amount of t!anso!t !otein in the memb!ane.d) %he concent!ation of ca!bon dio:ide outside of the cell.e) %he amount of o:ygen being e:o!ted f!om the cell.

    __ 1=*. Blucose is a si:/ca!bon suga! that di&uses slowly th!ough a!ti(cialhosholiid bilaye!s. %he cells lining the small intestine, howe'e!, !aidly mo'ela!ge Juantities of glucose f!om the glucose/!ich food into thei! glucose/oo!cytolasm. Psing this info!mation, which t!anso!t mechanism is most !obably

    functioning in the intestinal cells?a) 4imle di&usionb) 2:ocytosisc)Acti'e %!anso!td) 8acilitated di&usione) 2nde!gonic !eactions

    __ 1=+. hich of the following substances asses most easily into a cell?

    a) ionsb) la!ge moleculesc)small, cha!ged moleculesd) small, hyd!ohobic moleculese) ola! molecules

    __ 1=. 3o'ement of a molecule against a concent!ations di&e!ence is cha!acte!isticof

    a) simle di&usionb) facilitated di&usionc)osmosisd) acti'e t!anso!te) bul# 0ow

    __ 1=5. hich of the following "O%2GN4 a!e imbedded in the cell>s lasma memb!aneand a!e di!ectly in'ol'ed in 8O"3GNB a "O%ON B"ADG2N% ac!oss that

    memb!ane?a) !eceto! !oteinsb) elect!on/t!anso!t !oteinsc)ca!!ie! !oteinsd) channel !oteinse) binding !oteins

    __ 1=6. HG@H %O of the following things assi'ely di&use ac!oss the cell>s lasmamemb!ane? A) BFP@O42, E. "O%2GN4, @. OB2N, D. A3GNO A@GD4, 2. @A"EONDGOGD2.

    a) A, Db) @, Dc)A, 2d) @, 2e) A, E

    __ 1=7. One imo!tant @HA"A@%2"G4%G@ of FGGNB @2FF4 is that

    a) most solutes go ac!oss the lasma memb!ane by e:o/ o! endocytosisb) solute concent!ation outside is g!eate! than insidec)most solutes assi'ely di&use ac!oss the lasma memb!ane-d) solute concent!ation inside is much g!ate! than on outsidee) no one of these answe!s is co!!ect

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    __ 1=

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    b) assi'e t!anso!tc)inocytosisd) 2:ocytosise) 2nt!oy

    __ 116. hat haens when di&usion mo'es molecules ac!oss the lasma memb!ane?

    a) %he cell gains needed mate!ials and gets !id of e:cess mate!ials 'e!yJuic#ly.

    b) 3ost molecules a!e caable of c!ossing the hosholiid bilaye! at anylocation and at basically the same !ate.c)2ne!gy inut is !eJui!ed to t!anso!t molecules.d) %he !ate of di&usion cannot be in0uenced by the cell.e) %he !ocess is 'e!y slow and is d!i'en by concent!ation g!adients.

    __ 117. 8o! di&usion to occu! the!e must be

    a) a memb!aneb) a g!adientc)wate!d) A%e) all of these

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    e) no ene!gy !eJui!ed

    __ 1$+. 3olecules assisted by ca!!ie! !oteins may c!oss a di&e!entially e!meablememb!ane by

    a) 8acilitated di&usionb) Acti'e t!anso!tc)Osmosisd) 2ndocytosis

    e) 4imle di&usion__ 1$. A ce!tain cell, such as a neu!on, has a high concent!ation of Iions. How can

    Iions continue to ente! the cell?

    a) Acti'e t!anso!tb) 8acilitated di&usionc)Osmosisd) 2ndocytosise) Gnfusion

    __ 1$5. Acti'e t!anso!t !eJui!es

    a) %!anso!t !oteins

    b) A%c)A memb!aned) A g!adiente) All of these

    __ 1$6. hat is acti'e t!anso!t?

    a) Di&usion of molecules within a cell.b) 3o'ement of molecules into o! out of a cell against a concent!ationg!adient.c)3o'ement of molecules into o! out of a cell down a concent!ation g!adient.d) %he mo'ement of molecules into o! out of a cell using secial !oteins andnot !eJui!ing an e:enditu!e of ene!gy.

    e) "aid mo'ement of molecules in a solution.__ 1$7. %!anso!t !ocesses fo! e:amle, di&usion and acti'e t!anso!t) occu! ac!oss

    which memb!anes?

    a) lasma memb!anesb) @hlo!olast memb!anesc)3itochond!ial memb!anesd) 2" memb!anese) All of these

    __ 1$

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    a) mo'ement of molecules f!om an a!ea of thei! highe! concent!ation to ana!ea of thei! lowe! concent!ationb) mo'ement of wate! ac!oss a semie!meable memb!ane f!om an a!ea ofhigh wate! concent!ation to an a!ea of lowe! wate! concent!ationc)mo'ement of molecules f!om an a!ea of thei! lowe! concent!ation to an a!ea ofthei! highe! concent!ationd) mo'ement of wate! ac!oss a semie!meable memb!ane f!om an a!ea of

    low wate! concent!ation to an a!ea of highe! wate! concent!atione) mo'ement of a substance against its concent!ation th!ough the !elease ofene!gy f!om A%

    __ 1*$. %he sodium/otassium um mo'es sodium and otassium ions ac!oss thelasma memb!ane by

    a) facilitated t!anso!t.b) acti'e t!anso!t.c)cot!anso!t.d) endocytosis.e) e:ocytosis.

    __ 1**. 4uga!s and amino acids a!e ca!!ied into the cell by means of

    a) facilitated t!anso!t.b) acti'e t!anso!t.c)simle di&usion.d) endocytosis.e) e:ocytosis.

    True - False

    __ 1*+. 4mall, hyd!ohilic molecules ass easily th!ough the lasma memb!ane of thecell.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ 1*. @a!!ie! molecules in the lasma memb!ane a!e only !eJui!ed fo! acti'et!anso!t.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ 1*5. %he ba!!ie! between the inte!io! of a human cell and its e:te!nal en'i!onmentis #nown as the cell wall.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ 1*6. @a!!ie! !oteins a!e necessa!y fo! acti'e t!anso!t to occu!.

    a) %!ue

    b) 8alse__ 1*7. Gn the sodium/otassium um, sodium is t!anso!ted out of the cell and

    otassium is t!anso!ted into the cell as A% is b!o#en by a memb!ane !otein.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ 1*

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    __ 1+=. "eceto!/mediated endocytosis in'ol'es the use of seci(c !oteins in the cellmemb!ane.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ 1+1. "eceto!s a!e in'ol'ed in the mo'ement of some mate!ials ac!oss the lasmamemb!ane.

    a) %!ue

    b) 8alseShort ns!er


    En#ocytosis & Eocytosis 'inclu#ing lysoso$es(Multiple Choice

    __ 1+$. @OFFOGD/4GQ2 A"%G@F24 may ass ac!oss an animal cell>s memb!ane by a"O@244 #nown as

    a) coloidocytosisb) acti'e t!anso!t

    c)assi'e di&usiond) osmosis

    __ 1+*. hich !ocess accounts fo! the mo'ement of solids into some animal cells?

    a) Acti'e t!anso!tb) 8acilitated di&usionc)Di&usiond) Osmosise) hagocytosis

    __ 1++. hat does a cell use e:ocytosis fo!?

    a) %o mo'e away f!om dange!.

    b) %o !elease substances f!om the cell.c)%o inco!o!ate nut!ients.d) %o um hyd!ogen molecules ac!oss the memb!ane.e) %o c!eate new cells.

    __ 1+. hite blood cells engulf bacte!ia th!ough what !ocess?

    a) e:ocytosisb) hagocytosisc)inocytosisd) osmosise) !eceto! mediated e:ocytosis

    __ 1+5. hite blood cells use ___________ to de'ou! disease agents in'ading you! body.

    a) di&usionb) e:ocytosisc)innocytosisd) acti'e t!anso!te) hagocytosis

    __ 1+6. %he !ocess whe!eby white blood cells engulf bacte!ia is te!med

    a) Adhesionb) 2:ocytosisc)inocytosis

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    d) hagocytosise) Gngestion

    __ 1+7. %he !ocess by which choleste!ol is t!anso!ted into the cell by binding of FDFto its !eceto! and the inte!nali9ation of the !eceto!/FDF comle: is

    a) facilitated t!anso!t.b) acti'e t!anso!t.c)cot!anso!t.

    d) endocytosis.e) e:ocytosis.

    __ 1+

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    b) inte!mediate (lamentsc)tight junctiond) desmosomese) ga junctions

    __ 1. lasmodesmata.

    a) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is a featu!e of all cellsb) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in !o#a!yotic cells only

    c)st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in eu#a!yotic cells onlyd) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in lant cells onlye) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in animal cells only

    __ 15. hich of the following is NO% associated with animal cells?

    a) an e:t!acellula! mat!i:b) lasmodesmatac)ga junctionsd) adhesion junctions desmosomes)e) tight junctions

    __ 16. %ight junctions.

    a) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is a featu!e of all cellsb) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in !o#a!yotic cells onlyc)st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in eu#a!yotic cells onlyd) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in lant cells onlye) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in animal cells only

    __ 17. 4eciali9ed cell junctions include

    a) ga junctions.b) tight junctions.c)desmosomes.d) a, b, and c.e) a and b.

    __ 1

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    animal cells a!e te!med

    a) Desmosomesb) %ight junctionsc)Ba junctionsd) lasmodesmatae) @ailla!ies

    __ 15*. hich of the following associations is NO% co!!ect?

    a) adhesion junctions///hold cells togethe! to fo!m a 0e:ible sheet of cells inan o!ganb) tight junctions///between cells se!'ing as ba!!ie!sc)lasmodesmata///between adjacent lant cellsd) ga junctions///between di&e!ing tyes of lasma memb!anes

    True - False

    __ 15+. Gn the cells that line the lumen of the small intestine, ga junctions #eemate!ials f!om the digesti'e t!act f!om sliing between the cells and ente!ingthe tissues.

    a) %!ue

    b) 8alseShort ns!er


    Os$osisMultiple Choice

    __ 15. %he di&usion of wate! molecules ac!oss a di&e!entially e!meable memb!aneis te!med

    a) 8acilitated di&usionb) Hyd!olysis

    c)Acti'e t!anso!td) 2:ocytosise) Osmosis

    __ 155. Gf !ed blood cells a!e ta#en f!om the body and laced in a hye!tonic solution,what haens to the cells?

    a) %he cells swell and bu!st because wate! mo'es into the cells.b) %he cells sh!i'el u because wate! lea'es the cells.c)%he cells !emain unchanged due to eJual solute concent!ation inside andoutside the cells.d) %he cells !emain unchanged due to eJual wate! concent!ations inside andoutside the cells.

    e) %hey become white blood cells.__ 156. Gnside a CcellC you const!uct, you lace a 1 3 salt solution. ou lace the cell in

    a 1 3 suga! solution. hat haens?

    a) ate! ente!s the cell because the!e is mo!e wate! outside than inside.b) ate! lea'es the cell because suga! is a la!ge! molecule than salt.c)ate! lea'es and ente!s at the same !ate.d) 4uga! di&uses in and salt di&uses out until eJuilib!ium is !eached.e) c and d.

    __ 157. A f!eshwate! !oto9oan, such as Paramecium, tends to _______ because it li'es

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    in a _______ en'i!onment.

    a) gain wate!- hyotonicb) lose wate!- hye!tonicc)gain wate!- hye!tonicd) lose wate!- hyotonice) gain wate!- isotonic

    __ 15

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    __ 16. Osmosis mo'es wate! f!om a !egion of

    a) high concent!ation of dissol'ed mate!ial to a !egion of low concent!ation.b) low concent!ation of dissol'ed mate!ial to a !egion of high concent!ation.c)hye!tonic solution to a !egion of hyotonic solution.d) negati'e osmotic otential to a !egion of ositi'e osmotic otential.e) low concent!ation of wate! to a !egion of high concent!ation of wate!.

    __ 165. A concent!ation g!adient of glucose ac!oss a memb!ane means

    a) the!e a!e mo!e moles of glucose on one side of the memb!ane than theothe!.b) glucose molecules a!e mo!e c!owded on one side of the memb!ane thanthe othe!.c)the!e is less wate! on one side of the memb!ane than the othe!.d) the glucose molecules a!e chemically mo!e tightly bonded togethe! on oneside than the othe!.e) the!e a!e mo!e glucose molecules within the memb!ane than outside ofthe memb!ane.

    __ 166. %wo simila!/si9ed animal cells a!e laced in a =.R suc!ose solution. @ell Aenla!ges in si9e fo! a while, then stos- cell E continues to enla!ge and (nally!utu!es. hich of the following was t!ue at the beginning of the e:e!iment?

    a) @ell A was hyotonic to the solution and cell E was hye!tonic.b) @ell A was hye!tonic to the solution and cell E was hyotonic.c)@ell A was hye!tonic to cell E.d) @ell E was hye!tonic to cell A.e) @ells A and E we!e isotonic to each othe!.

    __ 167. 3ost bacte!ia li'e in a solution that is hyotonic !elati'e to the cytolasm ofthe bacte!ia. %he cell wall of a bacte!ium is a etidoglycan olyme! that istightly c!oss/lin#ed. %his would the!efo!e function to

    a) !egulate the 0ow of most molecules into and out of the bacte!ial cell.

    b) !o'ide a !igid wall that !e'ents the cell f!om swelling.c)!o'ide a !igid wall that !e'ents the cell f!om sh!in#ing.d) con(!m a close !elationshi to lant cells that ha'e a simila! st!uctu!e andli'e in hyotonic solutions.e) ma#e all bacte!ia fai!ly unifo!m in metabolic chemist!y.

    __ 16s cells would ta#e on ions.c)%he lant>s cells would ta#e on wate!.d) %he lant>s cells will lose wate!.

    __ 17=. hich is the best de(nition of di&usion?

    a) mo'ement of molecules f!om an a!ea of thei! highe! concent!ation to ana!ea of thei! lowe! concent!ationb) mo'ement of wate! ac!oss a semie!meable memb!ane f!om an a!ea ofhigh wate! concent!ation to an a!ea of lowe! wate! concent!ationc)mo'ement of molecules f!om an a!ea of thei! lowe! concent!ation to an a!ea ofthei! highe! concent!ationd) mo'ement of wate! ac!oss a semie!meable memb!ane f!om an a!ea oflow wate! concent!ation to an a!ea of highe! wate! concent!ation

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    e) mo'ement of a substance against its concent!ation th!ough the !elease ofene!gy f!om A%

    __ 171. hich is the best de(nition of osmosis?

    a) mo'ement of molecules f!om an a!ea of thei! highe! concent!ation to ana!ea of thei! lowe! concent!ationb) mo'ement of wate! ac!oss a semie!meable memb!ane f!om an a!ea ofhigh wate! concent!ation to an a!ea of lowe! wate! concent!ation

    c)mo'ement of molecules f!om an a!ea of thei! lowe! concent!ation to an a!ea ofthei! highe! concent!ationd) mo'ement of wate! ac!oss a semie!meable memb!ane f!om an a!ea oflow wate! concent!ation to an a!ea of highe! wate! concent!atione) mo'ement of a substance against its concent!ation th!ough the !elease ofene!gy f!om A%

    __ 17$. lants show tu!go! !essu!e when

    a) cells a!e losing wate! f!om thei! wate! 'acuoles.b) cells contain wate! 'acuoles that a!e full of wate!.c)wate! is being used u in hotosynthesis.d) wate! is being e'ao!ated f!om the lea'es.

    __ 17*. Gf a cell is laced in a hyotonic solution, which will occu!?

    a) 4alts will mo'e into the cell f!om the su!!ounding solution.b) ate! will mo'e into the cell f!om the su!!ounding solution.c)4alts will mo'e out of the cell into the su!!ounding solution.d) ate! will mo'e out of the cell into the su!!ounding solution.e) None of the choices will occu!.

    __ 17+. Gf a cell is laced in a hye!tonic solution, which will occu!?

    a) 4alts will mo'e into the cell f!om the su!!ounding solution.b) ate! will mo'e into the cell f!om the su!!ounding solution.c)4alts will mo'e out of the cell into the su!!ounding solution.

    d) ate! will mo'e out of the cell into the su!!ounding solution.e) None of the choices will occu!.

    __ 17. Gf a cell is laced in an isotonic solution, which will occu!?

    a) 4alts will mo'e into the cell f!om the su!!ounding solution.b) ate! will mo'e into the cell f!om the su!!ounding solution.c)4alts will mo'e out of the cell into the su!!ounding solution.d) ate! will mo'e out of the cell into the su!!ounding solution.e) None of the choices will occu!.

    __ 175. 8!eshwate! !oto9oans !eact to aan _____ en'i!onment by !emo'ing wate!th!ough _____.

    a) hye!tonic, tu!go! !essu!eb) hyotonic, tu!go! !essu!ec)isotonic, a cont!actile 'acuoled) hye!tonic, a cont!actile 'acuolee) hyotonic, a cont!actile 'acuole

    __ 176. _______ is a sh!in#ing of the cytolasm due to osmosis.

    a) lasmolysisb) 2ndocytosisc)@!enationd) Di&usion

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    e) %u!go!

    __ 177. hich of the following is the !eason lants wilt on a hot summe! day?

    a) loss of wate!b) lac# of tu!go! !essu!ec)heat wea#ens the lant cell wallsd) both loss of wate! and the!efo!e lac# of tu!go! !essu!e.

    __ 17

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    b) seconda!y cell wallc)middle lamellad) glycocaly:e) tonolast

    __ 1

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    a) %hey contain n/acetylglutamic acid.b) %hey all ha'e seconda!y cell wall to some e:tent.c)%he!e is a g!eate! amount of cellulose in seconda!y cell walls than in !ima!ycell walls.d) Fignin is found in !ima!y cell walls of lants.

    True - False

    Short ns!er


    En#o$e$*rane syste$ -- "eneralMultiple Choice

    __ $=5. hich of the following cell comonents is not di!ectly in'ol'ed in synthesis o!sec!etion of !oteins?

    a) !ibosomesb) !ough endolasmic !eticulumc)Bolgi bodiesd) 'esicles

    e) lysosome__ $=6. hich statement most accu!ately desc!ibes the inte!action between 2",

    !ibosomes and Bolgi bodies in the e:o!t of !otein f!om the cell?

    a) Bolgi bodies manufactu!e !oteins which t!a'el th!ough the 2" to beac#aged by the !ibosomes fo! e:o!t.b) 2" manufactu!es !oteins which a!e ca!!ied by !ibosomes to the Bolgibodies fo! e:o!t.c)2" manufactu!es !oteins which a!e ca!!ied by Bolgi bodies to the !ibosomesfo! e:o!t.d) "ibosomes manufactu!e !oteins which t!a'el th!ough the 2" to beac#aged by the Bolgi bodies fo! e:o!t.

    e) "ibosomes ma#e !oteins that t!a'el th!ough the Bolgi bodies to the 2"which e:o!ts them.

    __ $=7. hich of these is NO% a!t of the endomemb!ane system of the cell?

    a) mitochond!iab) endolasmic !eticulumc)lysosomesd) Bolgi comle:

    __ $=

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    True - False

    Short ns!er


    S$ooth en#oplas$ic reticulu$Multiple Choice

    __ $11. @ells that !ima!ily !oduce ste!oid ho!mones, such as testoste!one andest!ogen, fo! e:o!t ha'e la!ge Juantities of

    a) @ytolasmic !ibosomesb) 4mooth endolasmic !eticulumc)lasma memb!anesd) Hyd!olytic en9ymese) DNA

    __ $1$. 3a#es ste!oid ho!mones.

    a) mitochond!iab) Bolgi comle:c)!ough endolasmic !eticulum

    d) lysosomese) smooth endolasmic !eticulum

    __ $1*. Deto:i(es alcohol in the li'e!.

    a) lysosomeb) tonolastc)mitochond!iond) Bolgi aa!atuse) smooth endolasmic !eticulum

    True - False

    Short ns!er


    Ri*oso$es & Rough en#oplas$ic reticulu$Multiple Choice

    __ $1+. ___________ a!e sometimes !efe!!ed to as !ough o! smooth deending uon itsst!uctu!e.

    a) Bolgi bodiesb) !ibosomesc)mitochond!iad) lysososmese) endolasmic !eticulum

    __ $1. "ibosomes a!e the site of synthesis of

    a) DNAb) "NAc)!oteinsd) Nucleolie) Blucose

    __ $15. 2ach is comosed of two a!ts o! subunits made of !oteins and "NA.

    a) Bolgi bodiesb) !ibosomes

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    c)mitochond!iad) lysososmese) endolasmic !eticulum

    __ $16. ___________ a!e the !ima!y sites fo! the !oduction of !oteins.

    a) Bolgi bodiesb) !ibosomesc)mitochond!ia

    d) lysososmese) smooth endolasmic !eticulum

    __ $17. All of the following e:cet one a!e @HA"A@%2"G4%G@ of the eu#a!yotic cell>s"OPBH AND 43OO%H 2NDOFA43G@ "2%G@PFP3. 4elect the 2@2%GON.

    a) some ma#e !oteinsb) lace add!ess tag on !oteins and liids fo! e'entual cell lacementc)may be !ough of smoothd) some ma#e liidse) aea!s li#e stac#s of 0attened sacs without a su!!ounding memb!ane

    __ $1

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    b) Suantities of nuclea! memb!ane a!e !oduced by that cell.c)!oteins fo! e:o!t a!e manufactu!ed by that cell.d) 3emb!ane liids a!e !oduced by that cell.e) Fa!ge amounts of !oteinaceous ho!mone a!e e:o!ted by the cell.

    __ $$+. hich of the following is associated with !ough 2"?

    a) @hlo!ohyllb) "ibosomes

    c)Fiid synthesisd) lasma memb!anee) DNA

    __ $$. 2ndolasmic !eticulum is the site of synthesis of

    a) Fiidsb) %estoste!onec)3o!e 2"d) @hoices a and b a!e co!!ecte) @hoices a, b, and c a!e co!!ect

    __ $$5. 4ite of !otein synthesis.

    a) 3itochond!iab) Bolgi bodiesc)"ough 2ndolasmic !eticulumd) Fysosomese) 4mooth endolasmic !eticulum

    __ $$6. Afte! being fo!med by the !ibosomes located on the endolasmic !eticulum,what is the ne:t o!ganelle to which a !otein could be t!anso!ted?

    a) mitochond!iab) smooth endolasmic !eticulumc)Bolgi aa!atusd) nucleus

    e) nucleolus__ $$7. hich is a t!ue statement about !ibosomes?

    a) "ibosomes contain DNA and !otein.b) "ibosomes a!e acti'e in ca!bohyd!ate synthesis.c)"ibosomal subunits lea'e the nucleus afte! being fo!med by the nucleolus.d) oly!ibosomes a!e the subunits of !ibosomes.e) "ibosomes a!e only found associated with the endolasmic !eticulum in!o#a!yotic cells.

    __ $$

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    e) glucose

    True - False

    __ $*1. %he endolasmic !eticulum is a memb!anous system that is continuous withthe nuclea! en'eloe.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    Short ns!erEssay

    "olgi apparatusMultiple Choice

    __ $*$. A !ima!y function of Bolgi bodies in eu#a!yotic cells is to

    a) ma#e new liidsb) tag liids and !oteins with an add!ess which says whe!e they a!e to besent within the cellc)to gene!al A% fo! the celld) se!'es as the site whe!e hotosynthesis occu!s

    e) the lace whe!e golgies a!e made__ $**. esicles a!e de'eloed f!om the memb!anes of the ____________ and mo'e to

    the cell memb!ane whe!e they fuse du!ing e:ocytosis.

    a) mitochond!iab) Bolgi bodiesc)!ibosomesd) lastidse) nucleoli

    __ $*+. 4o!ts out mi:tu!es of substances and sends them to thei! !oe! destinations.

    a) mitochond!ia

    b) Bolgi comle:c)!ough endolasmic !eticulumd) lysosomese) smooth endolasmic !eticulum

    __ $*. Bolgi bodies.

    a) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is a featu!e of all cellsb) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in !o#a!yotic cells onlyc)st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in eu#a!yotic cells onlyd) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in lant cells onlye) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in animal cells only

    __ $*5. %he golgi ac#ages mate!ials into _________ fo! t!anso!t o! e:o!t.

    a) o!ganellesb) lastidsc)'esiclesd) mic!onse) nucleoli

    __ $*6. hich cellula! comonent ac#ages hyd!olytic en9ymes into lysosomes?

    a) Bolgi comle:b) 4mooth 2"c)3itochond!ion

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    d) @ytos#eletone) "ough 2"

    __ $*7. hat Cbuds o&C of the Bolgi comle:?

    a) Nucleib) @ytos#eletonc)"ibosomesd) New cells

    e) esicles__ $*

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    c)to gene!al A% fo! the celld) se!'es as the site whe!e hotosynthesis occu!se) the lace whe!e golgies a!e made.

    __ $+5. 4o!ts out mi:tu!es of !oteins and sends them to thei! !oe! destinations.

    a) mitochond!iab) Bolgi comle:c)!ough endolasmic !eticulum

    d) lysosomese) smooth endolasmic !eticulum

    True - False

    Short ns!er


    Lysoso$esMultiple Choice

    __ $+6. 8!om you! #nowledge of the function of lysosomes, the H of lysosomes isli#ely to be

    a) highly 'a!iable.b) .c)!ecisely neut!al o! 6.d)

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    e) %he!e would be no change in the no!mal function of the cell.

    __ $$. Digests wo!n out o!ganelles.

    a) mitochond!iab) Bolgi comle:c)!ough endolasmic !eticulumd) lysosomese) smooth endolasmic !eticulum

    __ $*. __________ contain en9ymes fo! digestion of bacte!ia and 'i!uses.a) Bolgi bodiesb) !ibosomesc)mitochond!iad) lysosomese) endolasmic !eticulum

    __ $+. hich of the following ai!s is mismatched?

    a) nucleolus !ibosome assemblyb) nucleus DNA !elicationc)lysosome !otein synthesis

    d) cell memb!ane liid bilaye!e) cytos#eleton mic!otubules

    __ $. @ontains hyd!olytic en9ymes.

    a) lysosomeb) tonolastc)mitochond!iond) Bolgi aa!atuse) e!o:isome

    __ $5. Hels to !ecycle the cell>s o!ganic mate!ial.

    a) lysosomeb) tonolast

    c)mitochond!iond) Bolgi aa!atuse) e!o:isome

    __ $6. Gn'ol'ed in sto!age diseases such as %ay/4ach>s.

    a) lysosomeb) tonolastc)mitochond!iond) Bolgi aa!atuse) e!o:isome

    True - False

    Short ns!er


    NucleusMultiple Choice

    __ $7. %he B!ee# !oot wo!d that means Ccente!C is the main !oot fo!

    a) !o#a!yote.b) eu#a!yote.c)cent!iole.

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    d) cilia.e) nucleus.

    __ $sNP@F2A" 323E"AN2. 4elect the 2@2%GON.

    a) contains o!esb) nucleus su!!ounded by a double inne! and oute!) memb!anec)!o'ides a a!tial hysical ba!!ie! between ch!omosomes and cytolasm

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    d) memb!anes bleb o& to fo!m 'esicles #nown as lysosomese) su!!ounds the nucleolus

    __ $56. All of the following e:cet one a!e @HA"A@%2"G4%G@ of the eu#a!yotic cell>sNP@F2A" 323E"AN2. 4elect the 2@2%GON.

    a) contains o!esb) nucleus su!!ounded by a double inne! and oute!) memb!anec)!o'ides a a!tial hysical ba!!ie! between ch!omosomes and cytolasm

    d) memb!anes bleb o& to fo!m 'esicles #nown as lysosomese) su!!ounds the nucleolus.

    __ $57. @h!omatin is comosed of

    a) "NA and !oteinb) DNA and histonesc)liids and histonesd) "NA and DNAe) none of these

    __ $5

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    d) Bolgi aa!atuse) e!o:isome

    __ $6*. 4ite of ae!obic !esi!ation.

    a) lysosomeb) tonolastc)mitochond!iond) Bolgi aa!atus

    e) e!o:isome__ $6+. All of the following e:cet one a!e cha!acte!istic of 3G%O@HOND"GA in

    eu#a!yotic cells. 4elect the 2@2%GON.

    a) found in g!eat numbe! in cells ha'ing high ene!gy demandsb) found in lant and animal cellsc)thei! memb!anes contain hotosynthetic igmentsd) contains an oute! and deely folded inne! memb!anee) accomlishes A% fo!mation f!om mate!ials such as suga!s used as ene!gysou!ces.

    __ $6. A biologist g!ound u some lant cells and then cent!ifuged the mi:tu!e. 4heobtained some o!ganelles f!om the sediment in the test tube. %he o!ganelles too#u @O$and ga'e o& O$. %he o!ganelles a!e most li#ely

    a) chlo!olastsb) !ibosomesc)nucleid) mitochond!iae) Bolgi aa!atus

    __ $65. @ontains c!istae.

    a) lysosomeb) tonolastc)mitochond!ion

    d) Bolgi aa!atuse) e!o:isome

    __ $66. he!e in the mitochond!ia is the I!ebTs t!ica!bo:ylic acid) cycle located?

    a) oute! memb!aneb) inne! memb!anec)c!istaed) thyla#oidse) mat!i:

    __ $67. he!e in the mitochond!ia is the elect!on t!anso!t chain located?

    a) oute! memb!ane

    b) inne! memb!anec)c!istaed) thyla#oidse) mat!i:

    __ $6

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    e) Bolgi bodies

    __ $7=. All of the following e:cet one a!e te!ms and concets that a!e associated with@HFO"OFA4%4. 4elect the 2@2%GON.

    a) B!anab) Fysosomesc)4t!omad) hotosynthesis

    e) @hlo!ohyll.__ $71. %he !ima!y function of a lant @HFO"OFA4% is to

    a) sto!e food mate!ials and cellula! wastesb) accumulate sta!chc)hel the cell maintain its st!uctu!al !igidityd) fo!m !ough and smooth endolasmic !eticulume) to accomlish hotosynthesis.

    __ $7$. __________ a!e the !ima!y sites fo! e:t!action of ene!gy f!om ca!bohyd!ates.

    a) Bolgi bodiesb) !ibosomes

    c)mitochond!iad) lysososmese) endolasmic !eticulum

    __ $7*. All of the following e:cet one a!e cha!acte!istic of 3G%O@HOND"GA ineu#a!yotic cells. 4elect the 2@2%GON.

    a) found in g!eat numbe! in cells ha'ing high ene!gy demandsb) found in lant and animal cellsc)thei! memb!anes contain hotosynthetic igmentsd) contains an oute! and deely folded inne! memb!anee) accomlishes A% fo!mation f!om mate!ials such as suga!s used as ene!gysou!ces

    __ $7+. All of the following e:cet one a!e te!ms and concets that a!e associated with@HFO"OFA4%4. 4elect the 2@2%GON.

    a) B!anab) Fysosomesc)4t!omad) hotosynthesise) @hlo!ohyll

    __ $7. %he !ima!y function of a lant @HFO"OFA4% is to

    a) sto!e food mate!ials and cellula! wastes-b) accumulate sta!ch-

    c)hel the cell maintain its st!uctu!al !igidity-d) fo!m !ough and smooth endolasmic !eticulum-e) to accomlish hotosynthesis.

    __ $75. hat do both mitochond!ia and chlo!olasts ha'e in common?

    1. ATP is produced. 2. DNA is present. 3. Ribosomes are present.a) 1b) $c)*d) Only $ and * a!e co!!ect.e) 1, $, and * a!e co!!ect.

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    __ $76. Famellae, g!ana, thyla#oids and @81 a!ticles a!e all st!uctu!al comonentsfound in

    a) cilia and 0agellab) chlo!olastsc)mitochond!iad) lysosomese) nuclei.

    __ $77. O!ganelles that contain DNA includea) !ibosomeb) mitochond!iac)chlo!olastsd) mitochond!ia and chlo!olasts onlye) !ibosomes, mitochond!ia, and chlo!olasts

    __ $7

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    __ $

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    d) 3ic!otubulese) 3itochond!ia

    __ *=$. hich o!ganelle does one e:ect to be most abundant in human s#eletalmuscle cells?

    a) 3itochond!iab) Fysosomesc)Bolgi comle:es

    d) 4mooth 2"e) lastids

    __ *=*. An o!ganelle associated with ca!bohyd!ate synthesis is the

    a) Bolgi comle:b) "ibosomec)@ent!ioled) Nucleoluse) Nucleus

    __ *=+. hich o!ganelle e:t!acts ene!gy f!om food molecules and sto!es it in the high/ene!gy bonds of A%?

    a) 3itochond!ionb) @hlo!olastc)"ibosomed) @ent!iolee) 2"

    __ *=. hich of the following is caable of con'e!ting light ene!gy to chemicalene!gy?

    a) @hlo!olastsb) 3itochond!iac)Amylolastsd) acuoles

    e) Bolgi bodies__ *=5. A biologist g!ound u some lant cells and then cent!ifuged the mi:tu!e. 4he

    obtained some o!ganelles f!om the ellet in the test tube that too# u @O$andga'e o& O$. %he o!ganelles a!e most li#ely

    a) Nucleib) "ibosomesc)@hlo!olastsd) 3itochond!iae) Bolgi bodies

    __ *=6. hich of the following !elationshis between cell st!uctu!es and thei!

    !esecti'e functions is NO% co!!ect?a) cell wallsuo!t and !otection

    b) chlo!olastschief site of cellula! !esi!ation

    c)nucleussite of genetic cont!ol of info!mation

    d) !ibosomessite of !otein synthesis

    e) mitochond!iafo!mation of A% fo! the cell

    __ *=7. 4ite of cellula! !esi!ation.

    a) 3itochond!iab) Bolgi bodies

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    c)"ough 2ndolasmic !eticulumd) Fysosomese) 4mooth endolasmic !eticulum

    __ *=

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    __ *15. e!o:isomes a!e abundant in cells that metaboli9e liids o! alcohol.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ *16. @hlo!olasts a!e found in lants but not in bacte!ia.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ *17. 3itochond!ia a!e thought to be de!i'ed f!om hotosynthetic bacte!ia that

    became a!t of the eu#a!yotic cell th!ough endosymbiosis.a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ *1

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    b) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in !o#a!yotic cells onlyc)st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in eu#a!yotic cells onlyd) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in lant cells onlye) st!uctu!e o! !ocess is found in animal cells only

    __ *$. %he signal that asses f!om one smooth muscle cell to the ne:t i.e. cell/to/cellcommunication) occu!s th!ough

    a) tight junctions.

    b) desmosomes.c)ga junctions.d) inte!nal !oteins.e) e:te!nal !oteins

    __ *$5. %he cytos#eleton is to the cell what...

    a) bones a!e to humansb) a f!ame is to a housec)a des# is to an oKced) a and be) all of these

    __ *$6. hat !ima!ily dete!mines the shae of cells that lac# cell walls?

    a) Nucleusb) @ytosolc)2ndolasmic !eticulumd) @ytos#eletone) "ibosomes

    __ *$7. All the following a!e imo!tant functions of the cytos#eleton e:cet

    a) 4to!age of food moleculesb) 4uo!t of o!ganellesc)3o'ement of o!ganellesd) 3aintenance of shae

    e) 3aintenance of o!gani9ation in the cell__ *$

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    a) synthesi9e !otein.b) ha'e an eKcient way to t!anso!t mate!ials f!om one o!ganelle to anothe!.c)ha'e an eKcient means of metabolism.d) communicate with adjacent cells.

    __ ***. Actin (laments, inte!mediate (laments, and mic!otubules comose thecytos#eleton.

    a) %!ue

    b) 8alse__ **+. A cytos#eleton is found in !o#a!yotic cells.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ **. 4t!uctu!es used to mo'e o!ganelles a!e

    a) ciliab) 'esiclec)endolasmic !eticulad) mic!otubulese) 0agella

    __ **5. !ima!ily used fo! cont!action and mo'ement of seudoodia.a) actin (lamentsb) lysomec)inte!mediate (lamentsd) e!o:isomee) mic!otubules

    __ **6. ossesses a mic!otubula! st!uctu!e.

    a) ciliab) lysomec)nucleolusd) e!o:isome

    e) !ibosome__ **7. 3ic!o(laments a!ticiate in the fo!mation of

    a) ciliab) DNAc)0agellad) mitotic sindlese) mic!o'illi

    __ **

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    __ *+1. @ells can be desc!ibed as ha'ing a Ccytos#eletonC of inte!nal st!uctu!es thatcont!ibute to the shae, o!gani9ation, and mo'ement of the cell. All of thefollowing a!e a!t of the Ccytos#eletonC 2@2%

    a) cell wallb) mic!otubulesc)inte!mediate (lamentsd) actin

    e) all of these a!e a!t of the cytos#eletonTrue - False

    Short ns!er


    Cilia, Flagella & MicroilliMultiple Choice

    __ *+$. Psed to mo'e substances ast cells in humans.

    a) ciliab) 0agella

    c)basal bodiesd) mic!o(lamentse) casules

    __ *+*. @ells would be unable to fo!m cilia o! 0agella if they did not ha'e which cellst!uctu!es?

    a) !ibosomesb) chlo!olastsc)mic!otubulesd) lastidse) mic!o(laments

    __ *++. hich of the following contains the

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    inc!eases su!face a!ea fo! nut!ient abso!tion?

    a) ciliab) mic!o'illic)illid) (mb!aee) basal bodies

    __ *+7. hich of the following contains the

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions



    .ro+aryotic structureMultiple Choice

    __ **. hich of the following is used in seci(c adhesion and conjugation in bacte!ia?

    a) ciliab) mic!o'illi

    c)illid) casulee) cell wall

    __ *+. hich st!uctu!e hels !otect bacte!ia f!om hagocytosis?

    a) ciliab) mic!o'illic)illid) casulee) cell wall

    __ *. hich of the following is found as a!t of the eu#a!yotic cell>s nucleus but NO%the !o#a!yotic cell>s nucleus?

    a) DNAb) ch!omosomec)o!ous limiting memb!ane systemd) long chains of nucleotides co'alently bonded togethe!e) deo:y!ibonucleic acid

    __ *5. All of the following e:cet one a!e found as a!t of the tyical EA@%2"GAF @2FF.4elect the 2@2%GON.

    a) inte!nal memb!anesb) !ibosomesc)cell wall

    d) memb!ane/bound nucleuse) lasma memb!ane

    __ *6. %he tyical EA@%2"GAF cell is about the same si9e as a

    a) chlo!olastb) cent!al 'acuolec)mitochond!iond) eu#a!yotic nucleuse) lasma memb!ane

    __ *7. Gf you !emo'ed the ili f!om a bacte!ial cell, which of the following would youe:ect to haen?

    a) %he bacte!ium could no longe! swim.b) %he bacte!ium could no longe! adhe!e to othe! cells.c)%he bacte!ium could no longe! !egulate the mo'ement of molecules into andout of the cell.d) %he bacte!ium would d!y out.e) %he shae of the bacte!ium would change.

    __ *

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    c)4ome a!e motile due to 0agella.d) %hey a!e all !o#a!yotes.e) %hey ha'e a cell wall that contains etidoglycan.

    __ *5=. hich statement is NO% t!ue about bacte!ial anatomy?

    a) %he cell wall is located outside of the lasma memb!ane.b) %he glycocaly: sheath is located inside the cell wall.c)%he!e may be small !ings of accesso!y DNA called lasmids.

    d) Eacte!ia may ha'e (mb!iae that hel attach the bacte!ia to othe!st!uctu!es.

    __ *51. !o#a!yotes a!e cha!acte!i9ed by all of the following st!uctu!es 2@2%

    a) a nucleoid.b) inclusion bodies.c)mitochond!ia.d) mesosomes.

    __ *5$. hich of the following molecules would be found in an animal cell, but not in abacte!ial cell?

    a) DNA

    b) @ell allc)lasma 3emb!aned) "ibosomese) 2ndolasmic "ecticulum

    True - False

    __ *5*. %he DNA of a !o#a!yotic cell is located in the nucleoid !egion.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ *5+. 2u#a!yotic !ibosomes ma#e !oteins. hat is the function of !o#a!yotic!ibosomes?

    a) ma#e "NAb) ma#e histonesc)ma#e !oteinsd) ma#e liidse) ma#e hosholiids

    __ *5. "ibosomes a!e found in both !o#a!yotic and eu#a!yotic cells.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ *55. Eacte!ia and algae a!e !o#a!yotic cells.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ *56. !o#a!yotic cells a!e about half the si9e of eu#a!yotic cells, on a'e!age.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    __ *57. Eacte!ial and eu#a!yotic 0agella ha'e the same st!uctu!e made ofmic!otubules.

    a) %!ueb) 8alse

    Short ns!er

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    .lants / Eclu#ing Cell 0all & ChloroplastMultiple Choice

    __ *5

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    __ *65. All of the following a!e a!ts of lant cells 2@2%

    a) cent!ioles.b) mitochond!ia.c)chlo!olasts.d) cell walls.

    True - False

    Short ns!er





    __ *66. lant cell walls a!e !ima!ily comosed of ___________________.

    __ *67. A sh!in#ing machine has been in'ented that will allow you, as a cell biologist,to actually e:lo!e the inside of an animal and a lant cells. On you! jou!ney,desc!ibe some of the st!uctu!es that you obse!'e and discuss thei! use in thecell. hat a!e the simila!ities and di&e!ences you obse!'e in the two di&e!ent celltyes.

    __ *6

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    __ *7

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    all of you! cell junctions we!e eliminated?

    __ +=+. hen 'e!y small 'i!uses infect a lant cell by c!ossing its memb!ane, the'i!uses often s!ead !aidly th!oughout the enti!e lant without c!ossingadditional memb!anes. 2:lain how this occu!s?

    __ +=. @oma!e and cont!ast the inte!cellula! junctions that allow communication

    between lant and animal cells.

    __ +=5. Gn lant cells, __________ allow fo! communication between cells and in animalcells the __________ se!'e the same u!ose.

    __ +=6. %he cells of the intestinal eithelium lining) a!e joined to one anothe! by________________ that !e'ent substances f!om assing between the cells of thistissue.

    __ +=7. _________________ is used by cells to ic# u la!ge a!ticles li#e bacte!ia.

    __ +=

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    __ +$=. %he ________________ has the ability to digest o!ganelles once they becomedefecti'e o! malfunctioning.

    __ +$1. E!ie0y desc!ibe the inte!!elationshi of st!uctu!e and function among the!ough 2", smooth 2", and golgi.

    __ +$$. Of the following cell comonents which is comosed !ima!ily of !otein?

    __ +$*. E!ie0y desc!ibe the simila!ities and di&e!ences between cilia and 0agella. Bi'ean e:amle of an o!ganism that is ciliated and one that is 0agellated. he!e doyou (nd ciliated and 0agellated cells in humans?

    __ +$+. E!ie0y desc!ibe what distinguishes a eu#a!yotic cell f!om a !o#a!yotic cell.

    __ +$. A !otein molecule is to be e:o!ted f!om the cell. Desc!ibe the athway thatthe !otein ta#es f!om the oint of synthesis to e:o!t.

    __ +$5. !ite a sho!t essay desc!ibing the simila!ities and di&e!ences between a lantcell and an animal cell.

    __ +$6. A cell that contains la!ge numbe!s of !ibosomes, would !oduce a la!genumbe! of __________ molecules.

    __ +$7. %he _______________ is an o!ganelle, which se!'es as a so!t of Costal deotCwhe!e some of the !oteins synthesi9ed on !ibosomes and !ough 2" a!e!ocessed.

    __ +$

  • 8/10/2019 Cell Structure & Function - Questions


    __ +*+. How is the 'acuole in'ol'ed in lant g!owth?

    __ +*. As the Cgate#eee!C of the cell, what is the !esonsibility of the lasmamemb!ane?

    __ +*5. %he hosoliid contains two di&e!ent a!ts, a _________ head and a ai! of__________ tails.

    __ +*6. %he majo! liids in biological memb!anes a!e called _____________________.

    __ +*7. How does the lasma memb!ane act as gate#eee! fo! the cell?

    __ +*