CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.



Period of the cell cycle between cell divisions

Transcript of CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Page 1: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.


Page 2: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis

Page 3: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Period of the cell cycle between cell divisions

Page 4: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Structure in an animal cell that helps to organize cell division and reproduction

Page 5: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

The phase of interphase during which DNA replicates

Page 6: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Process in which homologous chromosomes exchange portions of their chromatids during meiosis

Page 7: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Process in which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half through the separation of homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell

Page 8: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Sex cells

Page 9: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

First and longest phase of mitosis in which the genetic material inside the nucleus condenses and the chromosomes become visible

Page 10: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Division of of the cytoplasm to form two separate daughter cells

Page 11: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Separation of alleles during meiosis

Page 12: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Term used to refer to a cell that contains two sets of homologous chromosomes

Page 13: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.


Page 14: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Protiens that regulate the cell cycle

Page 15: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes line up across the center of the cell

Page 16: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Uncoiled DNA

Page 17: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Phase of mitosis in which the distinct individual chromosomes begin to spread out into a tangle of chromatin

Page 18: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

The place on the chromosomes where crossing over occurs

Page 19: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

One of the two identical “sister” parts of a duplicated chromosome

Page 20: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Small cells produced when the cytoplasm divides unevenly during oogenesis which disintegrate and do not become mature eggs

Page 21: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

What is This network of fibersthat attach and pullthe chromosomesapart called?

Page 22: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Part of eukaryotic cell division during which the cell nucleus divides

Page 23: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

A principle that states that genes for different traits can segregate independently during meiosis

Page 24: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

The phase of interphase during which the cell prepares for mitosis

Page 25: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Phase of interphase where the cell does the most of its growing ( cells increase in size)

Page 26: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Region of a chromosome where the two sister chromatids attach

Page 27: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Series of events in which a cell grows, prepares for division, and divides to form two daughter cells.

Page 28: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

This is the result of uncontrolled cell growth

Page 29: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

What is the process that makes four genetically different daughter cells

Page 30: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Structure containing four chromatids ( a pair of homologous chromosomes) that forms during meiosis

Page 31: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

An organelle that produces spindle fibers

Page 32: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell

Page 33: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Chromosome pair where one set comes from the male parent and one set comes from the female parent

Page 34: CELL CYCLE BINGO. This is formed in animal cells during cytokinesis.

Term used to refer to a cell that contains only a single set of genes