Celergen - Swiss Cell Therapy (SimonTam)


Transcript of Celergen - Swiss Cell Therapy (SimonTam)

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Cellular Ageing 细胞老化•Lack of good nutrients•缺乏有益营养•Oxidative damage•氧化性损伤

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WIFI : The Silent Killer in your home无线网絡:家中的无声杀手

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發發炎炎55 种症种症状状

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Chronic Chronic Diseases Diseases 慢性疾慢性疾病病

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The task for all AGEING The task for all AGEING people :people :


Chronic DiseasesChronic Diseases慢性疾病慢性疾病PhysicalPhysicalAgeingAgeing老化老化++

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Oxidative Oxidative SStresstress 氧化应激氧化应激

Chronic Chronic IInflammationnflammation慢性炎症慢性炎症

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Free radicals自由基

Anti- oxididants 抗氧化剂

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Antioxidants neutralize free Antioxidants neutralize free radicalsradicals抗氧化剂使中立化自由基抗氧化剂使中立化自由基

STABLE STABLE 稳定 / NEUTRALIZED/ NEUTRALIZEDAll unauthorized duplication and re-production in part or full strictly prohibited.All unauthorized duplication and re-production in part or full strictly prohibited.

Copyright ©2014 ShiangCopyright ©2014 Shiang’’ s International Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.s International Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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瑞士: 细胞疗法的振兴

Clinique Clinique La PrairieLa Prairie, Geneva, GenevaClinique BiotonusClinique Biotonus Clinique Paul Niehans, SwissClinique Paul Niehans, Swiss

CliniqueClinique Le Mana , GenevaLe Mana , Geneva

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Celergen 见證了口服细胞疗法的诞生!

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左边是 Jaime , 跑車愛好者俱樂部主席,右边是Edmond 也是跑車愛好者。Edmond 因尾龙骨退化而感痛楚,曾去德国接受细胞疗法注射。他去的診所就是細胞疗法之父 Dr Paul Neilhans 建立的。每次治疗花费好几万美元。當朋友介绍 Celergen 給他的時候,他很興奮,原来细胞疗法有口服的,更多人可受惠 ! 现在他及他的兄弟都吃 Celergen 保持健康活力。

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1.1. PROTECTSPROTECTS healthy cells healthy cells维护健康的细胞维护健康的细胞• remove free radicals remove free radicals 去除自由基去除自由基

2.2. REPAIRSREPAIRS damaged cells damaged cells 恢复受损的细胞恢复受损的细胞• provide high quality nutrients provide high quality nutrients 提供优质的原料提供优质的原料

3.3. REGENERATESREGENERATES new healthy cells new healthy cells促进健康的新细胞再生促进健康的新细胞再生1.1. control cellular/genetic activitycontrol cellular/genetic activity2.2. 控制细胞活动控制细胞活动

Prevention begins at the CellPrevention begins at the Cell预防措施从细胞开始预防措施从细胞开始

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Bio DNA Bio DNA Cellular Marine Cellular Marine ComplexComplex海洋生物海洋生物 DNADNA 复合物 复合物 ******

300 mg 300 mg

Peptide E CollagenPeptide E Collagen E-E- 肽胶原蛋白肽胶原蛋白

230 mg 230 mg

Hydro MN PeptideHydro MN Peptide 水溶性水溶性 MN-MN- 肽肽 40 mg 40 mg

LuteinLutein 叶黄素叶黄素 10 mg10 mgGrape Skin ExtractGrape Skin Extract 葡萄皮萃取物葡萄皮萃取物 10 mg10 mg

Coenzyme Q10Coenzyme Q10 辅酶辅酶 Q10Q10 10 mg10 mg

Synergistically Blended IngredientsSynergistically Blended Ingredients

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Bio DNA Cellular Marine ComplexBio DNA Cellular Marine Complex 海洋生物海洋生物 DNADNA 复合物 复合物 1. The most potent ingredient in

Celergen喜瑞仕最有效的成分 2. All natural from premium

marine species living in pollution-free, deep ocean waters 提取纯天然在无污染,深海域的优质海洋生物

3. Powerful anti-oxidant which protects against cell oxidative aggression有效抗氧化剂预防细胞氧化的侵略

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Peptide E Collagen Peptide E Collagen E-E- 肽胶原蛋白肽胶原蛋白

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1.1. First grade quality Collagen and First grade quality Collagen and Elastin peptides Elastin peptides 顶级胶原蛋白与弹性蛋白肽顶级胶原蛋白与弹性蛋白肽

2.2. Same ratio of Collagen and Elastin as Same ratio of Collagen and Elastin as in the dermis in the dermis 真皮里的胶原蛋白与弹性蛋白肽有相同比例真皮里的胶原蛋白与弹性蛋白肽有相同比例

3.3. Strengthen extra-cellular matrix Strengthen extra-cellular matrix Collagen’s tensile strength & Elastin Collagen’s tensile strength & Elastin suppleness suppleness 增强细胞外基质胶原的抗张强度与弹性蛋增强细胞外基质胶原的抗张强度与弹性蛋白的柔软度白的柔软度

4.4. Low molecular mass – water soluble Low molecular mass – water soluble and fully digestible and fully digestible 低分子质量 低分子质量 -- -- 可溶于水与能完全消化可溶于水与能完全消化

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Hydro M PeptideHydro M Peptide水溶性水溶性 M-M- 肽肽

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1.1. Marine cartilage extractMarine cartilage extract 海洋软海洋软骨提取物骨提取物 (collagen II & (collagen II & chondroitin sulfate chondroitin sulfate 胶原蛋白胶原蛋白 II II && 硫酸软骨素硫酸软骨素 ))

2.2. Beneficial for connective tissues Beneficial for connective tissues of skin and cartilage of skin and cartilage 对皮肤与软骨结缔组织有益对皮肤与软骨结缔组织有益

3.3. Water soluble and fully Water soluble and fully digestibledigestible可溶于水与能完全消化可溶于水与能完全消化

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Hydro N PeptideHydro N Peptide水溶性水溶性 N-N- 肽肽

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1.1. Premium quality marine peptidePremium quality marine peptide优质海洋肽优质海洋肽2.2. Easily digested and absorbed in Easily digested and absorbed in

the intestinethe intestine 肠胃容易消化与吸收肠胃容易消化与吸收3.3. Source of essential amino acidsSource of essential amino acids 重要氨基酸的来源重要氨基酸的来源4.4. Fat-freeFat-free 不含脂肪不含脂肪5.5. Has glycemic index reducing Has glycemic index reducing


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• Banish unsightly body fat 消除难看的脂肪 Peptide N lowers dietary glycemic index, slowing glucose entry into blood after meals and preventing unhealthy fat storage in the body 减低食物里的血糖生成指数,舒缓在饭后糖份进入血液的速度,避免不健康的脂肪储存在身体里

• Maintain a healthy weight 维持健康的体重Peptide N suppresses appetite and promote satiety via synergistic actions of increasing plasma PYY and reducing plasma ghrelin hormones 控制胃口与促进饱腹感

• Alleviate diabetic symptoms 减低糖尿病的可能性Peptide N blunts blood glucose and insulin peaks, alleviating symptoms of Type II diabetes and other lifestyle related diseases 缓和身体里血糖与胰岛素的协调

Lowers Blood GlucoseLowers Blood Glucose 减低血糖减低血糖

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LuteinLutein 叶黄素叶黄素

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• aka “the eye vitamin” 公认为“眼睛的维他命”• carotenoid pigment in the human eye

(macula and retina) 人眼睛的类胡罗卜素色素 (黄斑和视网膜 )

• function as a light filter, protecting eye tissues from sunlight damage有如滤光器的功能 - 保护眼睛免受阳光伤害

• prevent eye diseases e.g. macula degeneration, cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, floaters预防眼部疾病 例如; 黄斑退化 , 白内障 , 色素性视网膜炎 , 青光眼 , 飞蚊症

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Grape Skin Extract (Resveratrol)Grape Skin Extract (Resveratrol)葡萄皮萃取物白藜芦醇葡萄皮萃取物白藜芦醇

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1.1. Dilates blood vessels allowing more blood to flow Dilates blood vessels allowing more blood to flow through through 扩张血管使更多的血液通过流扩张血管使更多的血液通过流

2.2. Anti-inflammatory and lowers risk of heart diseasesAnti-inflammatory and lowers risk of heart diseases抗炎和降低心脏疾病的风险抗炎和降低心脏疾病的风险3.3. Removes free radicals to protect skin against UVB, Removes free radicals to protect skin against UVB,

radiation therapyradiation therapy 去除自由基,预防辐射疗法对肌肤的损害去除自由基,预防辐射疗法对肌肤的损害4.4. Reduces brain damaging plaques linked to Alzheimer’sReduces brain damaging plaques linked to Alzheimer’s减少损伤大脑的斑块与预防老年痴呆症减少损伤大脑的斑块与预防老年痴呆症5.5. Supports cells and organs in eliminating uric acid and Supports cells and organs in eliminating uric acid and

supporting muscle recovery for athletessupporting muscle recovery for athletes帮助细胞与器官消除尿酸,促使肌肉修复帮助细胞与器官消除尿酸,促使肌肉修复

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Coenzyme Q10Coenzyme Q10 辅酶辅酶 Q10 Q10 1.1. Sparks energy production in every Sparks energy production in every

cellcell促使细胞里产生能量促使细胞里产生能量2.2. ““universal anti-oxidant” that universal anti-oxidant” that

scavenge free radicals that cause scavenge free radicals that cause cardiovascular diseasescardiovascular diseases 抗氧化剂 抗氧化剂 -- 清除体内可引起心血管疾病的自由基清除体内可引起心血管疾病的自由基

3.3. Recharges the energy system in Recharges the energy system in the heart and enabling the heart the heart and enabling the heart muscle to pump blood more muscle to pump blood more efficiently efficiently 心脏肌肉增强, 更有效地输出血液心脏肌肉增强, 更有效地输出血液

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Independent Clinical Independent Clinical Studies Studies 独立的临床研究独立的临床研究

One of Europe’s largest and most sophisticated Clinical Test Research Centres in Pessac, France

under Good Laboratories Practice conditions.欧洲最大最先进的法国佩萨克临床试验研究中心

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Worldwide CertificationsWorldwide CertificationsPremium quality and safety assurance Premium quality and safety assurance

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Full FDA(USA) Full FDA(USA) ComplianceCompliance


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Reduces Arthritic Pain减少关节炎的疼痛 Live an active pain-free life

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Management of osteoarthritis painManagement of osteoarthritis pain骨性关节炎疼痛骨性关节炎疼痛• Live an active pain free life

Bio DNA cmc alleviates pain reducing dependence on harmful painkiller海洋生物 DNA 复合物减轻疼痛,避免依赖有害的止痛药

• Ward off joint breakdownPeptide E Collagen delays cartilage destruction in joints and reduces inflammationE- 肽胶原蛋白延缓关节软骨损坏,减少炎症反应 Regain Youthful MobilityHydro MN peptide rebuild cartilage and other joint structures 水溶性 MN- 肽重建关节软骨及其他关节结构

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Sports Stamina 运动耐力Boost Your Physical Well being

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Bio DNA Cellular Marine ComplexBio DNA Cellular Marine Complex海洋生物海洋生物 DNADNA 复合物复合物

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Effective for Professional Sports’ Athletes Performance有效提升职业运动员的表现 •Elevates the oxygen consumption 提高氧的消耗 •Boosts levels of cellular enzymes and other proteins critical for energy production 提高细胞酶及其他精力需的蛋白质•Dramatic effects on energy and stamina 对精力耐力有巨大影响•Reduces the recuperation time 缩短恢复时间•Reduces heart exertion 减轻对心脏的负荷

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AnonymousEntrepreneur & Golfer

“I now experiences more energy even

after 36 holes. He plays 5 - 7 days a


打完了 36 个洞还是非常精神一个星期能打 5 到 7 天

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Alan had knee pain for years. He took injections that cost S$500 to reduce the pain and have spent $5,000

but the effect is not lasting. He loves golf but could only walk on the golf course with his friends.

Having taken Celergen for 2 months, he could swing freely and even outdo his friends

now. His eyesight improved, has more energy and vitality. He enjoys better sleep.

膝盖痛了很多年,花了 $500 打针减轻疼痛,累积了 $5000 的花费 , 但效果不长久。喜欢打高尔夫却只能在场地与朋友慢慢走吃了 Celergen2 个月,他已经可以自在的挥球杆,还打得比朋友好。现在的他,眼力变好,精力倍增,睡眠也更好了

Alan (Age 60+)Retiree

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Prevents premature skin aging and Prevents premature skin aging and oxidative damage oxidative damage 预防肌肤受到氧化性损伤及过早老化 预防肌肤受到氧化性损伤及过早老化

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• Delays cellular aging 延缓细胞老化 by countering damaging effects of free radicals 反击自由基的有害反应

• Reduces undesirable side effects of radiation and chemotherapy for cancer patients减少辐射及癌症患者化疗的副作用

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Healthier, radiant and younger looking skinHealthier, radiant and younger looking skin更健康,亮丽,嫩滑的肌肤更健康,亮丽,嫩滑的肌肤

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• Restoring youthful looksPeptide E Collagen makes your skin beautiful and radiant by rebuilding it from the inside out E- 肽胶原蛋白使你的肌肤更漂亮与亮丽

• Moist, firm skin 保持湿润 Peptide M keeps your skin well hydrated and supple, reducing rough and mottled surfaces保持肌肤的柔软度,保湿,减除凹凸不平的层面

• Reducing lines and wrinkles 减轻皱纹Peptide E Collagen and Peptide M make skin thicker, more resilient by lifting and toning slack areas 增加肌肤的厚度,使它更有弹性

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Exposure to sun and other sources of UV-radiation lead to problems such as wrinkles, roughness, laxity, mottled pigmentation, etc. 长期暴露在太阳与其他辐射线之下会导致肌肤问题 例如;皱纹,凹凸,松弛,斑点 等Peptide M improves 肽 M 帮助 :•dermal thickness 增加厚度•skin wrinkling 皱纹•skin colour and 皮肤暗淡•viscoelasticity 弹性

Delays premature skin ageing 延缓过早老化

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BEAUTY ENHANCEMENT容光焕发Glowing, radiant skin

Lupita Jones, 1990 墨西哥小姐, 1991 环球小姐

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4646 岁 吃喜瑞仕之前岁 吃喜瑞仕之前 5252 岁 吃喜瑞仕岁 吃喜瑞仕 22 年年 5454 岁 吃喜瑞仕岁 吃喜瑞仕 44 年年

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“在服用 Celergen 两个月后,我注意到能量水平的增高。 我做很多运动,发现体力很快复原,更多的精力,转化为整体提高性能”

Karl Chadwick中东财经专家


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“我的头脑更清晰,我的记忆力更强”Dr Mercedes Schaafsma美国抗衰老医生

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“大约 3 个月前,我的大部分关节疼痛已消失了。 我推荐 Celergen给我所有的病人”

Dr Robert Barr美国家庭医生


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Dr Karla Groves医学美容及家庭医生


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SingaporeAmy Chong

Felt good, look good, minimal side effects of chemo/radio treatment for breast cancer over 14

months气色精神越来越好,减轻了 14 月乳癌化疗的副作用

Healthy pinkish nails 健康的指甲

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“Celergen 是真正的唯一产品,能够解决多方面的健康问题”

Michael George健身专家和名人教练


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“现在我回来跑七分钟 / 英里。 我从来没有觉得比现在更好 !”Anthony Stephen美国冠军骑师


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I have never eaten a raw Apple since I was 9 years old. I was allergic to Japanese Cypress and white birch since childhood. I could never eat cherry, pear and peach etc. I used to take prescription drugs for my allergy 3-4 months every year.

This spring my symptoms were mild and need not take any drugs. I gathered my courage and ate an apple… I was very surprised there was NO symptoms.

I can’t believe it but it is real. I have taken Celergen for at least 6 months. Goodbye to drugs, I hope!

我从小对日本扁柏与白桦过敏,从来没吃过苹果,樱桃, 梨 等等。我每年必须因过敏而服 3-4 个月的药。吃了 Celergen 不到 6 个月,我鼓起勇气吃了个苹果,结果任何过敏的症状都没有!

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Dr Juan Remos美国健康研究所


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“Celergen 作出了相当大的声明,但当我自己亲身偿试之后,我觉得他们是 100% 值得 !”

Victoria Leckie妇女专栏作家


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“我似乎能够教更多的班而没有感觉疲累。 我的疼痛似乎已经消失了”

Sarah Corbett英国教师


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“Celergen 在我的锻炼中大大提高了我的耐力。 我现在可以每天锻炼两次,感觉很快恢复和重新充电”

Ciprian Mazilu迪拜,游泳健将


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世界人口老化 世界人口老化 1950 - 1950 - 20502050 World Population AgWorld Population Ageeinging

世界卫生组织的报告列出主要调查结果世界卫生组织的报告列出主要调查结果 ::WHO WHO report shows that:report shows that:人口老化现象是前所未有的 人口老化现象是前所未有的

Population ageing is Population ageing is unprecedentedunprecedented 在人类历史上没有发生过类似的在人类历史上没有发生过类似的情况。比起刚刚过去的世纪,二情况。比起刚刚过去的世纪,二十一世纪将迎来更加快速的老化。十一世纪将迎来更加快速的老化。Without parallel in human history—and the Without parallel in human history—and the twenty-first twenty-first century will witness even more rapid ageing century will witness even more rapid ageing than did thethan did thecentury just past.century just past.

人口老化是人口老化是 :: 普遍性普遍性Population AgeingPopulation Ageing PervasivePervasive持久的持久的

EnduringEnduring影响深远影响深远Profound ImplicationsProfound Implications

世界卫生组织经济和社会事务部 , 人口处

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