Celebrities are not role models


Transcript of Celebrities are not role models

Celebrities are not role models

Celebrities are not role modelsHanna Willard

Celebrity EndorsementCelebrities are often used by many brands to endorse their productsWhile most endorsements are positive, celebrities become more popular and noticeable to the general publicCelebrities do not only endorse product on television but they endorse their lifestyles when they are seen in the media which is closely watched by our youthCelebrities unknowingly endorse alcohol and substance abuse as they publicly struggle with addictions

Beyonc Knowles in one of her endorsement pictures for Pepsi.

Celebrity Substance and Alcohol AbuseCelebrities and drug addiction go hand in hand so often that the stigma appears to be fading, and since there seemingly arent penalties for using drugs in their professional lives theres less motivation to go get treatment (Celebrity Substance Abuse May Have Impact on Teens)Celebrities are always in the spotlight even when the things they are doing are not positive Many celebrities are seen struggling with eating disorders, substance and or alcohol abuse

Miley Cyrus in concert with bong in hand.

The Beloved Amy WinehouseAmy Winehouse was an award-winning singer-songwriter, she is best known for her soulful jazz musical style.One of biggest hits was her song Rehab, where she tells about her own addiction problems.Amy Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning on July 23, 2011.She is another example of a celebrity who battled with addiction and died before the age of 27.

Amy Winehouse before death.

Publicity StuntsCelebrities are often over publicized especially for things like addictions, divorces, arrests, and other negative things Many celebrities are only talked about when they are doing something society considers badThis can cause celebrities to do things just for the publicity, called publicity stuntsPublicity stunts can cause teens to think that what the celebrities are doing is acceptable and could encourage them to do the same or similar things

Britney Spears after shaving head.

Monkey See Monkey DoTeenagers often do what they see others doing. Since celebrities are all over social media sites that are flooded with teenagers, they may copy what the celebrities are doingMany adolescents look up to the celebrities which can cause them to think that it is ok for them to try drugs or alcohol

Social media sites that teens love.

ConclusionWe should not allow our children to look up to celebrities as role models as they often struggle publicly with substance and alcohol abuse.Our teens are already being pressured enough by their piers, celebrities just add to the pressure of trying to fit in.Instead we should encourage our youth to be leaders and to set their own trends and be role models for younger generations.

The red man is the leader we should encourage our children to be.

Works Cited

"Amy Winehouse Biography." Amy Winehouse Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2016. . Are Celebrity Endorsements Worth It? - Bean Soup Times." Bean Soup Times. N.p., 2015. Web. 24 Apr. 2016. ."Britney Spears Bald." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2016. . "Calling All Leaders." TurningPoint Church RSS2. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2016. . "Celebrity Substance Abuse May Have Impact on Teens." Drug Rehab . 2013. Web. 06 Mar. 2016. . "Free Coloured round Social Media Icons." Http://geekfairy.co.uk/free-coloured-round-social-media-icons/. N.p., 13 Feb. 2013. Web. 24 Apr. 2016. Heather. Character, Values, and Celebrity Culture. Celebyouth.org. Np. 01 February 2012. Web. 21 February 2016Knight, John, Timothy Roberts, Joy Gabrielli, and Sharivan Hook. Adolescents Alcohol and Substance Use and Abuse. Web. 6 Mar. 2016. .Rubin, Julia. Inside the Mysterious 27 Club for Rock Musicians. Allday.com. Np., Web. 21 February 2016."Teens and Celebrities." TeenZeen. 2016. Web. 06 Mar. 2016. . "Topless Miley Cyrus Celebrates 4/20 with Bong Hit." The Daily Dot. N.p., 2015. Web. 24 Apr. 2016. .