Celebrating birth

Grade: 7A Subject: Religious Education Date: March 21, 2013



Transcript of Celebrating birth

  • 1. Grade:7ASubject:Date:Religious EducationMarch 21, 2013

2. Whatdo you think the topic is? 3. Childrenare a precious gift from God, and the blessing of a child is a special time in a person's life. All cultures and religious traditions have certain ways of welcoming a newborn child into the community. Let us look at the rituals or practices of the four main religions. 4. Twomain rituals accompany the birth of a child. First, the Call to Prayer or the Adhan is whispered into the newborn's right ear as the first sound it hears. This act symbolically brings the baby into an awareness of Allah from the first moment of life. This is accompanied by reading from the Quran and other small rites. 5. Muslimwomen tend to prefer allfemale attendants at the birth, whether they be doctors, nurses, midwives or female relatives. However, it is permissible in Islam for male doctors to attend to a pregnant woman. 6. Thereis no Islamic teaching that prohibits fathers from attending the birth of their child; this is left up to personal choice. 7. Islampractices male circumcision with for sole purpose of cleanliness. The male child may be circumcised at any time which is convenient without ceremony; however parents usually have their son circumcised before his trip home from the hospital. 8. Muslimwomen are encouraged to give their children the nourishment of breast milk. The Quran instructs that if a woman breastfeeds her children, their period of weaning is two years. 9. Tocelebrate a child's birth, it is recommended that a father slaughter one or two animals (sheep or goats). One third of the meat is given away to the poor, and the rest shared in a community meal. Relatives, friends, and neighbours are thus invited to share in celebrating the happy event. 10. Thisis traditionally done the seventh day after the child's birth, but may be postponed to later. The name for this event comes from the Arabic word 'aq, which means "cut." This is also traditionally the time when the child's hair is cut or shaved 11. Itis traditional, but not required, for parents to shave the hair of their newborn child on the seventh day after birth. The hair is weighed, and an equivalent amount in silver or gold is donated to the poor. 12. Oneof the very first duties that parents have toward a new child, besides physical care and love, is to give the child a meaningful Muslim name. It is reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "On the Day of Resurrection, you will be called by your names and by your fathers' names, so give yourselves good names" Muslim children are usually named within seven days of their birth. 13. Whatare some things that Muslims do in your own words based on what you have just read? Arethey similar in any way to what you know about the celebration of birth in Christianity or any other religion or in society in general today? 14. Hindusbelieve that it is the responsibility of each individual to continue the Hindu race and therefore soon after a couple are married, a prayer called Garbhadana (conception) is recited for fulfillment of one's parental obligations. 15. Hindus believe that it is the responsibility of each individual to continue the Hindu race. 16. Duringthe third and seventh month of pregnancy the ceremonies of Punsavana (foetus protection) and Simantonnyana are performed. These are done for the strong physical growth of the foetus and healthy mental development of the unborn child. Hindus believe that mental state of a pregnant woman affects the unborn child. 17. Oncethe child enters the world, Jatakarma is performed to welcome the child into the family, by putting some honey in the child's mouth and whispering the name of God in the child's ear. 18. Theear-piercing ceremony (Karnavedha) and first haircut (Mundan) ceremonies are also considered highly significant. These sacraments are performed on both the sexes. Hindus believe that the piercing of a hole in the lower lobes of the ear have health benefits such as those of acupuncture. 19. Whenthe child reaches school-going age, the Upanayana (sacred thread) ceremony is performed. The three strands of the sacred thread represent the three vows (to respect the knowledge, the parents and the society) taken before the start of formal education. 20. AlthoughHindu scriptures explain the rituals, it is possible that Hindu rituals and rites will differ according to particular castes and regions. 21. Whatare the similarities between birth rituals in Hinduism and Islam so far?Whatdo you think head shaving symbolizes? 22. Likesome other religions, Jewish baby rites differ for male and female babies. 23. Circumcisionis a religious obligation on Jews recalling the covenant that God made with Abraham. Ordinarily circumcision ceremonies take place when the child is eight days old but it can be delayed for medical reasons. 24. TheBrit Milah is usually attended by men. The child is placed on the lap of a his grandfather, if not, a male friend or relative who has the honour of being the Sandek. He has the responsibility of holding the child still whilst the circumcision is performed by a Mohel. 25. Babyboys are also given their names at their circumcisions; it is customary to keep the name a secret before the ceremony. It is traditional for the child to receive his or her name at the first public gathering, so if the child is a girl, then she will be named at the first public reading of the Torah at the Synagogue. 26. InfantBaptism is a ritual that is carried out on babies in the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox churches. During this service the baby is sprinkled three times as a symbol of forgiveness in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Other churches only baptise adults. 27. Somebelieve that a child should decide to become a Christian or not by themselves. A service of dedication for babies is carried out in unorthodox churches. This involves giving thanks to God for the childs safe birth, a promise to bring up the child in a Christian way and dedicate the baby to the service of Christ. 28. Whatis another name for the service of dedication that is done in Unorthodox churches? 29. Whathave you learnt?