Celebrating 50th Anniversary Visit to My

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    Celebrating 50 th

     Anniversary visit to Jamaica of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I

    A Little Book


    Y O U Y O U

    . . . Of The Shared Rhythm


    THE BEGINNING‘. . the !"k"o#"$ !"remem%ered &ate . . the %e&i""i"& (T.S.Eliot/Little Gidding)

    ‘ . . #he" #e 'ay "at!re #e really mea" rhythm$ a"d the %a'i( rhythm i' oe'tr!'$ the%eati"& e&& i" it' )rimal )o!(h. (The Avignon Quintet/Lawrence Durrell) 

    ‘From reality I *!'t (a"t drift . . Im 'tayi"& #ith thi' riff +Riff, (Ras Bo !arle") 

    -Tekla ekfet

  • 8/16/2019 Celebrating 50th Anniversary Visit to My PDF File






    THE 67th


    TO 4AAI1A 9 9

    Quote $ ‘’In the early 1930’s Prophet Leonard ‘First Rasta’ Howell was on trial in Jamaica for preachin

    that !lac" people sho#ld not ser$e any %in or Royalty of &nland'rope( !#t sho#ld !e reconi)in

    ser$in their tr#e "in His Imperial *a+esty Haile ,elassie I'&thiopia-.frica( who was crowned in 1930/

     .nd so it was on 1st 

     .pril 192 the !irthday of reinin #een &li)a!eth II of Jamaica 4 the so5called

    6ommonwealth2 Rastafari a$e a t#m#lt#o#s psychic reconition of the Royal line and Loic of Life from

    which we are tr#ly primordial/’’ 78i$e than"s for copyriht free imaes only in this nine5pae online now

    etended protest :#estionin relatin pop#lar philosophy to *other .frica in H#man"ind

    ac"nowleded in Rastafari ;

    In the 1930’s o#t of

  • 8/16/2019 Celebrating 50th Anniversary Visit to My PDF File



     .nni$ersary $isit to Jamaica of His Imperial *a+esty Haile ,elassie I


    " Te*la !e*+et

    The Glo%al la"d'(a)e %ei"& i"fl!e"(ed. , . . the Euro-ean landsca-e societ" culture haits

    and general outloo* as thoroughl" as i+ a new s-ecies had arisen on the -lanet . . . , . .

    needing in0uir" into the nature o+ 'ature on the in0uir" into the 'ature o+ !an. ( 1The

    Slee-wal*ers2/Arthur 3oestler). 4n5inter+ered with Logic in 'ature -rovides on o++er -ri6ordial

    -oint o+ re+erence +or universal hu6an ehaviour in Logic o+ Li+e. As 1Atlas Shrugged2 ?irt#al

    Reality  can condition 6inds indi++erent to Logic o+ Li+e in 'ature.

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    a tool +or -ower struggle. S-iritualit" is not theolog" or ideolog" =ut> . . life$ )!re a"d ori&i"al

    . . S)irit!ality i' a "et #ork li"ki"& !' to the o't Hi&h$ the !"i=er'e a"d ea(h other. ?n the

    essence o+ our e:istence it e6odies our culture true identit" nationhood and destin". 5 of a 

    /orld 'hared. No fir't2(la'' or 'e(o"d2(la'' (itie"' of a"y "atio"$ U"i=er'al orality for

    1olle(ti=e Se(!rity for )ro')erity #ith )ea(e 2 a"d 'o The Em)eror of Ethio)iaCThe Garde" of

    Ede"CThe /orld rea'o"' i"')iri"& '(attered (hildre" of Ra' Tafari i"')iri"& The /orld.

    ut o+ Euro-e into A6erica out o+ the @2s C onl"

    when asored into the larger and 6ore astract entit" o+ the organic state.

    Danish -hiloso-her 3ier*egaard (@H@5@HII) as i+ res-onding to ;egel is ac*nowledged as the

    +ounder o+ E:istentialis6. Essentiall" he -osited that < . . it i' the i"di=id!al #ho i' the

    '!)reme moral e"tity$ and there+ore it is the -ersonal suJective as-ects o+ hu6an li+e that are

    the 6ost i6-ortant22 "et adds a rider 12what 6atters 6ost is the relationshi- o+ the individual2s

    soul to God. B4T +or 6an" 1there eing no God2 5 there is a H!ma"i't Ei'te"tiali'm which

    -revails in the conte6-orar" world & Even as out o+ Ger6an" 'ietsche (@H

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    And essentiall" Sartre su66ed u- declaring that ecause ‘God i' dead a"d there i' "o )re2

    defi"ed h!ma" "at!re$ "o !"i=er'al morality$ 'o to -ro+it withal . . " one S-irit are

    we all a-tied into one od" . . 6an" 6e6ers "et one od" . . That there should e no

    schis6 in the od"K ut that the 6e6ers should have the sa6e care one +or another . .

    + -hiloso-h" o+ A+rica re+lected in the Bile +or The E:tended a6il" o+ ;u6an*ind5Earth5

    'ature58os6os in 1ecolog"2/2household2 shared Rh"th6 o+ E:istence & Ac*nowledging

    e:-eriencing an 1e-i-han"2 or cos6ic cocoon o+ consciousness viewing -lanet Earth

    transcended wal*ing on the !oon astronaut Edgar !itchell is re-orted in Andrew S6ith2s oo*

    1!oon Dust2 o+ interviews with such A6erican astronauts as sa"ing ‘God i' 'omethi"& like a

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    12 . . 6"stical sense o+ the unit" o+ hu6an*ind as seen +ro6 a+ar. . . it2s utterl" insanit" to sa"

    ? ca6e +ro6 the 4nited States. r rance. r the Re-ulic o+ 8hina.22

    (!oon Dust/Andrew S6ith)

    8onte6-late 0uote +ro6 Barac* a6a2s oo* 1Drea6s ro6 !" ather2 as*ing o+ $ @6reation

    / / If only we co#ld remem!er that first common step2 that first common word 5 that time

    !efore Aa!el/B  

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    !"i=er'al (o"'(io!'"e'' ma"ife't i" ea(h i"di=id!al . . Dr. !itchell is +urther re-orted 6a*ing

    lin*s to a conce-t o+ 7h"sics $ ‘!a"t!m Holo&ra)hy . . the i"formatio" of the #hole ei't' i"

    e=ery (o"'tit!e"t )art that a little )ie(e$ a ti"y )arti(le$ mi&ht (o"tai" all the i"formatio"

    )ertai"i"& to e=erythi"& that ei't' or ha' e=er ei'ted$ if i" dil!ted form. 5 and entering the


    centur" we were re6inded " English artist -oet 6"stic 9illia6 Bla*e o+ seeing ‘the

    #orld i" a &rai" of 'a"d. 7eo-le o+ all races on s-ending little ti6e in A+rica o+ten have a sense

    o+ dC+D $# o+ eing 1here e+ore2 atavistic sense o+ ho6ing -igeons sensing *nowing to re5turn

    +ro6 whence the" originated of ‘)arti(le a(k"o#led&i"& The /hole of Bei"&. 

    S6ith2s oo* o++ers so6e conclusion $ ‘Nat!re i' a%o!t i"formatio"$ )ro(e''$ 'hari"& )retty

    m!(h #hat the my'ti(' ha=e %ee" telli"& !' for mille""ia. So Tedd" 7rendergrass M or was it

    Barr" 9hite 5 was right. Ever"thang reall" is ever"thang.22 . .22 o+ 1-article2 ac*nowledging The

    9hole o+ Being.22 And even as dail" all over Fa6aica in tones o+ reassurance o+ 6"stic logic o+

    ;u6an Behaviour C 'ature2s connected5ness un5ac*nowledged it is re56inded ‘E=erythi"& i'

    E=erythi"& 2 )hilo'o)hy of Afri(a !ttered )rimordially !"k"o#i"&ly i&"ora"t of S!)er2

    Ete"ded Family of H!ma"ity ; All 1reatio"$ of The E(olo&y of Earth ; The 1o'mo'.

    ‘S)irit!ality. . life$ )!re a"d ori&i"al a' #a' &i=e" %y the o't Hi&h of (reatio" +H.I..,. 

    + -ri6ordial logic in -hiloso-h" o+ A+rica 5 a 6essage +or The 9orld eing carried "

    ;u6an*ind2s !other5ather A+rica/Ethio-ia/Garden o+ Eden in Rasta+ari 5 o+ Rh"th6 o+ Li+e in

    'ature. + s"6iosis or household o+ 6utual de-endence in 1Ecolog"2 o+ 'ature o+ Earth in

    s"6iosis with 8os6os as one living organis6. As D.;. Lawrence o++ers e:a6-le in the

    introduction to his oo* 1antasia o+ the 4nconscious . .2 $ ‘’Instead of life !ein drawn from the

    s#n2 it is the emanation from life itself2 that is2 from all the li$in plants and creat#res which

    no#rish the s#n/’’ Given  science -roving A+rica as !other o+ ;u6an*ind Lawrence2s earlier

    oservation +its $ 12all the great s"6ols and 6"ths which do6inate the world when our histor"

    +irst egins are ver" 6uch the sa6e in ever" countr" and ever" -eo-le the great 6"ths all

    relate to one another.22 Laurens van der 7ost 0uotes a +ather o+ western -s"chiatr" 8arl Fung in

    related conte:t o+ universal value in 7hiloso-h" o+ A+rica and o+ a world in e:istential dis5arra"

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    REALITY SHO/   ‘The )re'idi"& demo" i' the ')irit of matter . . The 0ri"(e i'

    !'!ry$ the ')irit of &ai"$ the e"i&mati( )o#er of (a)ital =al!e em%odied i" the

    )oetry of &old . . The &old %ar i' the a)otheo'i' of the h!ma" t!rd.

    ( 1The Avignon Quintet2 !acaru/Lawrence Durrell )

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    (1Fung and The Stor" o+ ur Ti6e2) $  other Afri(a re2)re'e"t' ‘‘a"ki"d' 1olle(ti=e

    U"(o"'(io!'D . . thus +ocuses revival 12!"i=er'al (o"'(io!'"e'' ma"ife't i" ea(h i"di=id!al 2

    li*e a shared rh"th6 -ri6ordial all races roc*ing to )o)2u5lar 6usic A+rican 5 o+ The ne

    Shared Great Ancestor Gloal. Yet$  the do6inant 1will to -ower2 in the Gloal Nillage is o+

    western -hiloso-h" e:istential where The !ar*et 8o6-etitive and in+luences thereon

    1creating2 the value o+ The MoneyWiseGo  12-oetr" o+ gold22 rooted in the -olitics o+ -ro+it o+

    1su-erior5-ower2 deter6ine 1Right C 9rong2 'atural/4n5natural 4niversal 5 o+ 0R2o&re''.

    Rasta+ari re5-atria5tion o+ ?5rit/S-irit in od" o+ 1collective unconscious2 o+ !other5ather A+rica

    +or The 9orld recognies and declares again the 6onstrous lie in e:istential e:-loitive braning

    that   !"at#re tells #s nothing abo#t man specifically an provies no imperatives for his$her%

    con#ct& ' of (ight ) Wrong 5 o+ such the western in+luenced worldwide 1Realit" Show2.

    Rasta+ari o+ -ro-hec" a  people dispersed /scattered people  thirsting +or their ather5!other 5

    +or The 9orld -ri6ordial in The 7resent o+ Eternal Logic in 'ature.

    Recogniing wisdo6 in 'ature2s i6-eratives +or universal hu6an ehaviour consistent with

    eternal Logic o+ Li+e the culture o+ H!ma"ki"d' other Afri(a e)lai"' life !'i"& refere"(e'

    to a')e(t' of Nat!re i" )ro=er%'$ riddle'$ 'ayi"&'$ 'o"&' a"d other (o"*!red #ord' of eter"al

    meta)hori(al mea"i"& 2 LIFE i' "ot e)lai"ed i" meta)hor' of the ma(hi"e imitati"& )la"t or

    %ody of life. Al'o "ote the #i'dom of Solomo"  @3ings

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    E:istential caco-hon" orderless 0uest stor6ing wa" out con+usion 6eaning e:istence 5

    s"nthesier5+reedo6 in "our +ace 7un*5Dancehall5;eav"!etal !ercur"5Glitter Esca-e ;aunt


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    rendered 6an"5+old 6ore di++icult. = i*e* Po$erty feeds h#ner feedin impatience feedin crime

    4 $iolence feedin more ’a money mi worship’ m#t#al5oppression ‘fantasy5cide’ feedin

    claimin !oom5!oom !oom dem away impotent impatience !oom !oom5!oom t#n #p di m#sic

    drown it drown it press#repress#re ram5it fire fi slin shot drop moneyshelterfoodfashion weh

    wid oon# pre+#dice discipline fiscal policy 4 rich man ease poor people sa$ins a !an" ‘. who y#

    a come class mi E weh ’ t#n it #p m#sic attac" m#mma tits dry di !addest p#ppy s#r$i$e fiht

     fi cr#m!s ‘a money mi sey’ synthesi)e !oom5!oom!oom!oom shelter5attac" m#sic as co$er

     po$erty 4 peace h#ner policed $iolence $iolence i dem as J#stice cramps chronic critically

    s#icidal in con$ol#ted constipation>. The assault on these two -role6s 6ust e 6ade

    si6ultaneousl" . . insisting u-on the devotion to -rinci-le which is the antithesis o+ -ure

    -ower -olitics . . . 9hen no one u-holds the cause o+ right and Justice +or their own sa*e

    when the s6all still voice o+ conscience s-ea*s no longer immorality a"d la(k of )ri"(i)le

    ha=e tri!m)hed$ a"d i" thi' hi'tory all of ma"ki"d i' the lo'er . . . /hy did the effort' of

    tho'e #ho tried to %!ild the To#er of Ba%el (ome to "othi"& 9 9as it not ecause the" tried

    to live a-art +ro6 their 8reator . . valuing the6selves in their   wisdo6 . . ,+ E:istentialis6

    Rasta+ari5Reggae Bo !arle" would sa" @Gnly a fool leaneth on his own mis#nderstandin/B

    !oonwal*er 'ASA scientist Dr. Edgar !itchell -osed a 0uestion and co66ented $ 129hat is

    the gloal crisis teaching us O . . At the root o+ terroris6 and 6uch gloal con+lict is the

    grossl" une0ual distriution o+ inco6e throughout the world . . ;ow can we correct all this O

    ur a--roach egins with high56indedness with +inding a dee-er 6ind realii"& that #e are

    o"e$ that #e are (hildre" of "at!re. 

    ,9e 6ust loo* into ourselves into the de-th o+ our souls. 9e 6ust eco6e so6ething we

    have never een and +or which our education and e:-erience and environ6ent have ill5

    -re-ared us.22 (;.?.!.). 1Education2 6eans 1to ring +orth2 IS in all as Logic o+ Li+e in 'AT4RE.

    + a world , . . needing in0uir" into the nature o+ 'ature on the in0uir" into the 'ature o+

    !an. And so 6idst the ac*dro- o+ enduring universal culture in Logic o+ 8reation or 'ature 5

    the nigh worldwide +orced and un+orced  fren+y of migration&s e,istential alienation from

    native c#lt#res seems to yearn as His Majesty inicates an ethereal !aboe of e,iles& .

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    12. . the nigh worldwide +orced and un+orced fren+y of migration&s e,istential alienation fromnative c#lt#res seems to yearn as His Majesty inicates an ethereal !aboe of e,iles& . . . all

    well thin*ing 6en and wo6en regardless o+ colour and creed . . should ta*e es-ecial note o+


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    Ra'tafari 0hilo'o)hy of more #orld rele=a"(e tha" (ommo"ly a((e)ted i" 4amai(a

    (ele%rati"& Hi' Im)erial a*e'ty Haile Sela''ie (omi"& to 4amai(a a(k"o#led&i"& hi' (hildre"

    e=er re2mi"di"& of a mi''io" for the #orld "eedi"& to a(k"o#led&e eter"al lo&i( of life i"

    Rhythm of Nat!re  to a=oid +or e:a6-le the several 6ani+estations o+ ecological -role6s

    red o+ folly i" ei'te"tial )ride. @*y determination is to ather the nations / / restore to the

     peoples a p#re lan#ae / / From !eyond the ri$ers of &thiopia / / *y dispersed ones shall

    !rin my offerin / / I raised #p some of yo#r yo#n men as a)arites / /B7ephaniah 32 .mos ; 

    o+ ;u6an*ind2s !other A+rica re56inding ;u6an*ind holding Rh"th6 8reation recogniing

    signi+icance heart5eat rh"th6 universal distinct +ro6 oo65oo6ooooo6 dangerousl"

    1un5nature2 violenthighlood-ressure eats P.. PPPP.. PPPPPP.. 12when we sa" nature we

    reall" 6ean rh"th6 and the asic rh"th6 is oestrus the eating egg in its -ri6al -ouch.12

    ?n the earl" @2s 7ro-het Leonard 1irst Rasta2 ;owell was on trial in Fa6aica +or -reaching

    that lac* -eo-le should not serve an" 3ing or Ro"alt" o+ England=Euro-e> ut should e

    recogniing serving their true *ing ;is ?6-erial !aJest" ;aile Selassie ? =Ethio-ia/A+rica>who was

    crowned in @. And so it was on #@st

     A-ril @ the irthda" o+ reigning Queen Eliaeth ?? o+

    Fa6aica C the so5called 8o66onwealth Rasta+ari gave a tu6ultuous -s"chic recognition o+ the

    Ro"al line and Logic o+ Li+e +ro6 which we are trul" -ri6ordial. Ra'tafari more tha"

    (oi"(ide"(e.  And so in this A-ril #@ as alwa"s I ‘" I Hail The 5i"& of 5i"&'$ 1o"!eri"& Lio"

    of the tri%e of 4!dah$ Ele(t of 4ah E=er Li=i"& D O!t of the %i%li(al ‘i'le i" the 'ea' $ 4amai(a

    ‘From %eyo"d the ri=er' of Ethio)ia . . y di')er'ed o"e'‘ )rai'i"& 4AH CThe Great A"(e'tor

    ma"ife't The Father i" The So" RAS TAFARI to#ard' e''e"tial )hilo'o)hy ‘Garde" of

    Ede"CEthio)iaCThe Be&i""i"& 2 %or" a&ai" ‘a )!re la"&!a&e for The /orld D