Cej e- Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0cwg3w/data/0812.pdf · 2013-06-19 · fPpSthe PLACE ISi AI...

1 + Ce j 11l Special Values For the noxt tun days in Seasonable Merchandise in whichovery household in Onio county is interested Qualities that speak for themselves Prices that competitors lure not meet Value No IBoys Corduroy Knee Pants ovtni heavy well inudo from 5 to 15 years a ready LongPnnts price 12- 5Value No 2Ladies good everyday wear Gulf Shoes seamless back rivitcd seams well pegged sell everywhere for 125childrens same 75c to OOc our price 100 Value No 3Ladies fine allwool Kersoy Jacket with or without collar threequarters length nicely lined and well made throughout in castor or black n garment that sells everywhere else for 850 or 900 our price 500 Value No 4gxtm size heavy cotton Bed Blanket the kind that sell elsewhere for 75c our special price 50e Big size Bed Comfort well quilt- ed and padded n regular dollaranda quarter arti- cle ¬ our price 100 Besides these SPECIALS wo have our shelves loaded with big values that wo have not room her to mention Como and examine a stock which is superior in QUALITY and lower in PRICE than ti > you have been accustomed to looking through the PLACE ISi S fPp AI C11TAYLOR Undertaker I carry in stock a complete lino ol Undertakers goods together with a oioo Hearse and aiu jrqxuid to furnish anything in this lino at any hour Embalming a specialty Washing tlresainf and laying ont free of charge A C TAYLOR Hartford Ky rlartroru Republican1 FRIDAY NOVUMnKR 21 Gito Carson Bios lor Gunlli basin Rapes at Cnrwm Bros I Rcnd DAvle6 Cr Ric rt C al1 Oa stets Iuh Cdetyat Cty Rep Uuunt I Everything gaud to eat at City Re taursnt Highest rash TrIce iad fir Fare m SanrBaihs City Ristauiant most uptodntt place In Haitlrtil Myl My whet nice soup you get at City Restaurant Gii your meats at City Restaurant RVtrthlnl6rtcRU F1 Jenny hlataazta call tll s u while 10t11 Monday W t S Ilil Vtilvv called to ur ua while In trwu i > atuiny John W Jnnes RochSer spent feWdaya with us Ut week Miss Low Biartshaw Stanley Kv Is visiting Miss Bessie irate t4r see us while in town Tuf8U JiT Rone Cntertowu called to see no while In toxn MOndAC- j Serwh ai3 yoir Turs He wlillixr yu highest raSh price v Beu It TjavUsTTsunnydaie called nt this oft while lu toRn TurwUy V i HV BK 1 L C Taylor Mitsnzic mnrfe us a 1 pleasant i a while in lwn londa1 John Carter MHUnzrtai pleasant call while In town > S J Tlchenor nufTfnry wade n < n pleasant roll whilf hr ton Mot day ji F Sttvfns McHeriry wade u 3 a pleasant rail while In town Mon day L B Renter Centtrtuwn made us a pleatant call while in town Moo day E A Smith Ceralvo called to see us while in town Saturday Jeff Ef Williams Evansvllle visit ed friends In the city lest week See D W Williams for anything In the Staple or Fancy Grocery line i C F Wallace Roslne made us a pleasant call while In town Monday I C K Reneer Centertown railed at this office while In town Wed DCS lay Panl Woodward Taylor Mines call d to see us while in town Wednea ¬ day N C Daniel Beaver Dam made un quite a pleasant call while in town Monday J H Everly Pt Pleasant made us a very pleasant call while In town Wednesday E M Durham Thebes Ill made us a vry Pleasant call while In town Wednesday For fish Oysters Ctanbrrles Cel ery or Fruits of any kinds call on D W Willams James A King Sulphur Springs made us a vzq plearant call while In town Tuesday From this date until further notice we will pay 20 cents for eggs- CARSON Co OSTEOPATHY Dr D W King Is at Mrs Lou Collins Examination and Consultation free tf Call on W H Moore the mrat man for your Thanksgiving Turkey dressed or undressed Dr A S Yewell Osteopath room u Commercial Hotel Hartford Ky Examination and Consultation free Misses Pfarl Thomas Artie Wed ding Cassle Riley and Irene Miller City called atJiiR REPUBLICAN office Saturdays Deputy Sheriff Chester Keown went to Morgantown Saturday to take B H Allen who was wanted i lu ButUr for disturbing religious wore Heavy Ceiling Paper at Pales New Golf Glove 250 and Soc at Fairs Ladles fleeced Union Suits 35c at Fairs Telescopes Suit Cases Trnnksetc at Fairs Fairs line of Ladles Jackets nt f5 are beauties Fairs new Overcrats ate thechcni eat in town Fairs Glove Stock Is the best In Ohio county Readymade Skirts a new shi- pwentat Pairs Buy your Winter Shoes at Fairs Money saved U you do Carson Co want five hundred bushels ot hickory nuts W H Moore the meat shop man will pay cash for Hides and Skins New heavy yarn Socks 250 La dies heavy gray Hoes 25 at Fairs Miss Alice Hayes Cromwell Is the guest of Mrs R B Martin this week J H Pollard of Shrtvecalled on us yesterday and subscrlbd for TUB RHPUDLICAN Pairs Black and Brown Beaver Overcoats at 5 are the regular 7 50 quality Ftllx Shaver tNoCretk made us quite a pitapat call while In town yesterday The Infant son of Mr and Mrs R B Martin Is recovering from a severe attack of croup Jurors sad witnesses are Invited to visit Fairs Headquarters for Cloth lug Dry Goods etc New Overcoats and a full lino of clothing ECONOMY Day GOODSSTORK The hunting season U now open and yon will used a Gnu and Ammu ¬ nition Camn Xros have them Uncle George Bbrewaberryot South Carrolltoa called in and paid Iris sub Bcrlptlon while In town Wedmtsday Ladles Miriam and Chlldrens Rub- ber Boots Mass Fait Boots ECONOMY DRY Goons STORE Mrs C M Barnett wko has been 111 for the past few weeks is greatly Improved but not entirely recovered Col C M Barottt returned to Loniev lie Wednesday after a few days stay with his family in this city Col J S R Wedding who has been ill for the past few weeks is slowly Improving his fever b about broken Sheriff Keown informes us that by some oversight the property of R R Wedding was wrongfully advertised for taxes If yon enjoy good health yon must keep your feet dry and if yon keep your feet dry you must buy your Shoes from Carson Co You must hurry up and Ret In your guess on the big candle Remember the lucky one gets an elegant suite of oak furniture CARSON Co Just received a lull line of Mens Rubber Boots all new goods not a tlr left over from lat seanon every pair guaranteed ECONOMY DRY GOODS STORE The Floating Studio Is now at Hart- ford until January I 1904 Our prices- on many of our better grades are cheaper than ever It will pay you to give ns a call before going elsewhere L T Barhard one ol our general liverymen Is recovering slowly from very painful Injuries sustained from a horse kick three of his ribs on left side were broken besides being other- wise I bruised WANTED Corn Pith Must be free from shell and jolbts and must also be practically dry We will be- gin to receive December sat and will my scents per pound Will take any quantities CARSON Co I will sell all my personal property consisting of Horses Mules Cattle Hogs Farming Implements House- hold ¬ and Kitchen Furniture to the highest and best bidder at my farm the A B Smith two miles South of McHenry on Saturday Decembers 19jt CAW HCOUBS Strayed from Hartford about five weeks ago one red heifer about five or six months old has white star In face and some while on under part of body has been dehorned ears not marked will pay for her return or information as to her whereabouts I LT BARNARDHartford L D Taylor ol the Bald Knob neighborhood happened to a very painful accident the latter part of last week He wan at a sawmill near his home and In raising around the log carriage got to near and his foot was caught between the passing carriage and the skldway as a result of which his foot was crushed and Bruised vary todly At lust report he was Improv ¬ ing BEDA KY Nov iS Mr and Mrs E G Cork ol Oven bfo are visiting the family of Mrs W A Carson Miss Ethyl Bennett left Sunday for LonUvlle where she goes to visit r T atlvf RevIHarneil filled his regular ap pnlntraent at the CP Church Saint day night and Sunday Mrs Nancy Park Vho has ben very ill Is better Mr and Mrs W H Park of An dersonvllle came up Sunday tu b lit the bedside of Mr Parks mother Mr B F Tlcbenor has moved Into his property here Mr Sam Nave of Owe bno spent Monday night with friends here Burn to the wile ol Mr Rowan Greer the isth a boy Mr W R Carson attended the Teaches Meeting at Crones school house Friday He reports n pleasant time Mr Walter Puikj went to Hartford FridayA number were in attendance at the entertainment given at the school house Thursday night by Mr Grant Winkler The Cash Grocery wants 500 dozen of eggs for Thanksgiving Will pay 20c per dozen for same Circuit Court The Ohio Circuit Court met at the court houlloaday for a two weeks term with Judge W T Owen on the bench Commonwealths Attorney J Edwin Rowe and J B Wilson county attorney protem are present to represent the commonwealth and aslst the grand jury In Its work The following named gentlemen were impaneled as grand jurors for this term Eldy WarJAI Adding ton Jack Crabtree C L Rogers W P Taylor W L Brown E H Mor ¬ gan N C Daniel W R Moseley R H Barnes foreman J B DoJson sheriff and A O Berryman clerk The following sawed gentlemen have ben impaneled as petit jurors Jot the presnt term of court A R Hoover J P Sbrnm J R Hoover Jai K Tlntley Wm French J E Chick C L Wuodward E B Tins ley E Mitchell Jake Shaver Albert McCrocklln W Clark J H Pollard Jarxea Wlsj W H Duke 8 J Hawkins H A Baird 8 T Hunter Robert Bill Wax Tirk J C Bennett J A Ambrose SL Phillips and Joe FosterAll tile Commonwealth cases ex ¬ cept case oi the Comnioiwaalth vs A B Sckleltzbaum changed wltk oat bezzltng 192 from I C R S Co wblck la now on trial were paised vn til this morning The following tamed gentlemen were Impaneled to try the Schleltzhanm case S T Han tic Jacob Shaver Jas Wilson Wm French Robert Bell Joseph Foster Bud Sharp W P Goff Late DeWeesc Frank Black Henry Deaver andS F Wallace the trial was begun Tuesday afternoon and at the hour of going to press the court and jury were still hearing tvldence against Schleltz baum attorney for the Common ¬ wealth and for the dependant have indulged In several lively tilts some ¬ times reaching bitterness Glenn Ringo Heavrln Woodward repre- sent ¬ the defendant and H P Taylor Is assisting the prosecution It is likely that this case will consume the entire week and perhaps some of next 11 so the entire criminal term will have ben consumed in trying this one case Next week the civil dock It Is set and there are several interesting cases to be trie- dCranberries for Thanks- giving ¬ at the Cash Gro ¬ cery YMCA Notes Realizing that there are a number of ladies In town who are Interested ln the promotion of the Y M C A organization and who are prevented rom becoming active members the adlcsAuzlllary have Instituted what they call their Reserve Force Any lady desiring to become a mem- obr can send her name and member- ship tee Loo to Mrs Pendleton or Miss Maggie Marks Mado Young Again One of Dr Kings New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me In teens writes D H- TufaerJlJ1Dempseytown Pa Theyre the best in the world for Liver Stom ¬ ach and Bowels Purely vegetable Never gripe Only 250 at Z Wayne Griffin Hros Drug Store m Fresh Oyster Celery and everything good to eat call at the CashGro Gory JUST WHAT YOU NEED Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablots When you feel dull alter eating When you have no appetite When you have a bad taste In the monthWhen your liver Is torpid constipatedWhen When you feel bilious appetitecleanse and regulate your liver and bowels Price 25 cents per box For sale by all druggists m vas OxtxA Bur tba1b KW Yw Haw Atars BO 1It Blgattu 11 of Pony a Zebra The nearest approach to a mans painting a pony and declaring It Is a- zeb ato the statement of certain Dem ocmtft to the effect that Roosevelt ailmlnsTilon has been In full knowledge of those postal scandas all the while They no more believe such statements than the fellow lr leveR the pony a zrbIYeUoli Jacket DUNDEE KY Miss Stella Weddtr g and brother Palmer of Whltesvllle at t > e- guests ol their cousin Mn ron tVrd dingMiss Njla R nrow Narrows vis lied her home here Saturday night and Sunday- A few ol our young people attend ed church at Sugar Gr ve Sunday Judge R R Wedding was In town FridayMr B F Bean was in Hartford MondayMrs StClalr Is very Ill at this writingMr Mrs W H Sargent Fords yule were the guests of their daugh- ter Mrs Byron Bean Saturday night and Sunday Mr Porter McDowell and sister Miss Jennie of Hartford visited their brother Dr McDowell Sunday and MondayQuite a crowd of young people at tended the spelling at Narrows Fri- day night Mr and Mrs GeoCummlngs visit ed relatives at Spring Lick recently Misses Effie and Matty Bean enter- tained a tew friends Saturday night In honor of Mr Palmer Wedding and sisterMrs C L Annendt and children visited relatives at Narrows last weekMr W R Bean was in HArtford MondayMr Mrs Byron Wedding and visitors spent Sunday with Mrs Wed dingspareats Mr and Mrs Virgil RenfrowThe of Dundee will give a pie supper to be followed by a Mys tery Tea Thanksgiving night at the Public Hall Proceeds to b given to the Sunday School Everybody invited A Scientific Discovery Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the stach that which it is unable to do fur elf even when but slightly dls ordered or overloaded Kodol Dys ¬ paia Cure supplies the natural nicer of digestion and does the work of the rtomack relaxing the nervous tension while the inflamed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food In to rich red blood Sold by Z Wayne Griffin Bro m- C7ARtITORTB T Ban tyaIts Kind You Kara Arrays BotiM Biputu 11 o- rBiotle ger Held Over The examining trial of Andrew Al forJ of Neafus Ohio county who Is charged with bootlegging was held before Commissioner Lindsey Satur day morning Alford was held over to the November term of the United States Court under a bond of 300 which was furnished by his brother P H Alford Owensboro Inquirer Worm Dostroyor Whites Cream Vermifuge not only kills worms but removes mucus and slime In which they build their nests it brings and quickly a heal ¬ tlicondlUon of the body where 250 at J H Williams Druggist m For sick headache try Chambe- rlains ¬ Stomach and Liver Tablets they will ward oS the attack If taken in time For sale by all druggists Cuts Rivals Throat Parkersburg Pa Nov J6Mabel Barnes a white girl lay in watt to- night for Percy Jones a colored girl and cut her throatkllling her instant ¬ ly The two were in love with a col- ored man and jealousy of the girl prompted the Barnesglrl to the deed The girl Is under arrest Proverbs II When the butter wont come put a penny in the churn is an old time dairy proverb It often seems to work though no one has ever told why When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scotts Emul ¬ sion It is like the penny in the milk because it works an because there is somethin astonishing about it Scotts Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with somehypophosphiteie- specially prepared for delicate stomachsChildren take to it naturally because they like the tast e and the remedy takes just ai naturally to the children be- cause it is so perfectly adaptet to their wants For all weak and pale ant thin children Scotts Emulsioi is the most satisfactory treat i ment We will send yo the penny Ie sample free De sun dial this picton I tbe wrapper lorm of eve lid q both Emuhka you but SCOTT DOWN Chemists les 409 Pearl St N and = too tB dtrt A FREE game inside each package of Lion Coffee 60 different games- CENTERTOWN KY Nov 17 Mrs Booth Swain is on the sick list Mrs A F Ogleaby nfter a short visit to friends and relatives here has returned to her home in St Louis Bailee Brothers oi Blrdseye Iud have moved to our town S M Dexter and C C Ross Are with us again after waking a short visit to St Louis Mr W L Itflehart has bought a home here and will move In this weekMr T H Benton alter spending several days here with his family has returned to his rallrcil position In LouisvilleMr 11111 has bought proper ¬ ty on N Mill St and will soon be a citizen with us W L Dock r1 und wife are visit ¬ ing relatlvla in Butler county this weekMr Tutu Her has moved into his new home on S Mill St Miss May Tichenor came home Sunday from Louisville where she has bees quite awhile in the milliner business Curod of Pllos Aftor 40 Years I Mr C Haney of Geneva 0 had the piles for 40 years Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently Invaluable for cuts burns bruises sprains lacera ¬ tions eczema tetter sat rheum and all other skin diseases Look for the name DeWitt on the package sll others are cheap worthless counter ¬ feits Sold by Z Wayne Griffin Bro m No Matter Where Your Farm Is Locate- dI I sell it for you I soIl on commission I quote your a few figures on farm land 70 acres near Palo 650 100 acres 4 miles from Hertford 950 135 acres 4 I II8oo 60 acres near Beaver Dam 1600 173 acres fine bottom land six miles west of Hartford on Rough riv ¬ erCHEAP 200 acres one mile from Mclicnry Good farm Improvements orchard cI200 120 acres near Macon Mo at 50 per acre 400 acres near Cnllos Mo at f50 per acre 400 acres near Bevier Mo at 3550 an acre no acres near Macon Mo at 40 per acre 260 acres near Macon Mo at 20 per acre On this Missouri land we can loan a large part of the purchase money All these are great bargains See me for a better description List your property with me I have calls every day for farming laud S A Anderson Dealer in Real Estate HARTFORD KY I LAUGHED TOO MUG I Prominent Owensboro Man E I joyed Elks nitration Owensboro Ky Nov 16 County Judge H M Haskirs 110 s at the point of death at hId home on East Third street from an Internal hemmorrhage and the three physicians who are in attendance say list the chances are ajalcs hs rectv ry The facts concerning Judge Has tin Illness are very peculiar He wa + Initiated Into the Elks lodge Thursday night bnt on account of his advanced age being sixtyfive he was not put through the regular Ini ¬ tiation Htwettr there were two other young men who were put through the regular initiation Judge Hesklna was an amused spectator Catdltltl8lcnns r a was ty 0 If Its co is bad yo order Ayers P tongue cur make to < 2es Alt drargtata ITut tmnliirUi er h iia LCKINGHAMS w- NIKN I 4t How Are I You Fixed Ifi 5 These two departments are two of the li most important ones now us Wa are Jij just in receipt of a big shipment of Mens J and Boys Suits and Overcoats Our Shoo lj stock never 2was moro complete You andIY = choice Our stock of Shoes of all = the now lasts and all the new shapes in toes J all of tho best material Our ClotHhig f4V Consists of the new weaves now styles now 4 49 cuts in fact everything now in Clothing 4 + 4 You should see our stock of Shoes sand t 4 4 Clothing You will not be disappointed if V d i 4V you come hero Our goods aro of tho best S 4V and tho are the lowest Wo shall erf 4i you You will certainly miss itw t 4V you dont como to seo us for your Clothing eD- t4 and Footwear in fact everything pertain 4V ing to fall and winter wearing apparel Wo a will bo disappoitod if wo dont see you in t1 our store Youre welcome any time rt CI C B CARSON seo t1 4 BIG DEALERIN 14 = DRY 0008 = F URNITU Q L = GROCERIES HARTFORD KENTUCKY i 4 fi ii TTii- i Quick Sales I Small Profits tVe havo our shelves loaded down all kinds of Goods direct tho i markets and if it is real Bargains you call and examine and get our places on Dry Goods Clothing Hats Boots Shoes Telescopes big lot of Comforts and Blankets and in fact everything found in a firstclass uptodate store Wo also purchased big lot of bigg s CLOTHING Twentyfour Mens fe Black Clay Worsted Suits sizes 35 to 42 at 200 olsowhoro 500 I Twenty Youths Black Clay Worst ed Suits sizes 14 to 19 at 250 else- where 425- Twenty Mons allwool heavy Suits 4i- I all colors sizes 35 to 42 at 450 else 44Big 750 tlssortmont of Pants all sizes and- colors 100 elsewhere from 150 to 250 Big Uno of Boys Suits all t aeach cause langht your pcpsia your Easy take easy tp 5p kraratl KIehhekr DYE with consists very prices U pert 1 I with from Eastern want Trunks Woolen prices OVERCOATS A splendid Bea ¬ er Coat 400 elsewhere 675 SHOES Hamilton Brown for men every pair guaranteed 125 La ¬ dies Shoes 1 Big lot of Chindrons Shoes all price- sJACKETA 12 Jacket for 9 a 10 Jacket for 8j an 8 Jacket for 5 and so on down the lino SKIRTS A 6 Skirt for 425 a 5 Skirt for 375 a 4 Skirt for 250 a3 Skirt for 160 a 150 Skirt for 100 ChildtohaJncketsat all prices tlWe would like to give you moro prices but as our spaco is limited therefore w a ask the public to call and examine our stock and buy their Fall Goods from us E ns wo can tool will save you money Yours for trade of- i t Sam Bach Hartford K

Transcript of Cej e- Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0cwg3w/data/0812.pdf · 2013-06-19 · fPpSthe PLACE ISi AI...

Page 1: Cej e- Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0cwg3w/data/0812.pdf · 2013-06-19 · fPpSthe PLACE ISi AI C11TAYLOR Undertaker I carry in stock a complete lino ol Undertakers goods together with



Special ValuesFor the noxt tun days in Seasonable Merchandise inwhichovery household in Onio county is interestedQualities that speak for themselves Prices thatcompetitors lure not meet

Value No IBoys Corduroy Knee Pantsovtni heavy well inudo from 5 to 15 years a readyLongPnntsprice 12-

5Value No 2Ladies good everyday wearGulf Shoes seamless back rivitcd seams well peggedsell everywhere for 125childrens same 75c toOOc our price 100

Value No 3Ladies fine allwool KersoyJacket with or without collar threequarters lengthnicely lined and well made throughout in castor orblack n garment that sells everywhere else for 850or 900 our price 500

Value No 4gxtm size heavy cotton BedBlanket the kind that sell elsewhere for 75c ourspecial price 50e Big size Bed Comfort well quilt-ed and padded n regular dollaranda quarter arti-cle


our price 100

Besides these SPECIALS wo have our shelvesloaded with big values that wo have not room herto mention Como and examine a stock which is

superior in QUALITY and lower in PRICE than

ti > you have been accustomed to looking through


SfPpAI C11TAYLOR Undertaker

I carry in stock a complete lino ol Undertakers goods together with a

oioo Hearse and aiu jrqxuid to furnish anything in this lino at any hour

Embalming a specialty Washing tlresainf and laying ont free of charge

A C TAYLOR Hartford Ky

rlartroru Republican1


Gito Carson Bios lor Gunllibasin Rapes at Cnrwm Bros


Rcnd DAvle6 Cr Ric rt C al1

Oa stets Iuh Cdetyat Cty Rep

Uuunt IEverything gaud to eat at City Re

taursntHighest rash TrIce iad fir Fare m

SanrBaihsCity Ristauiant most uptodntt

place In HaitlrtilMyl My whet nice soup you get

at City Restaurant

Gii your meats at City Restaurant

RVtrthlnl6rtcRUF1 Jenny hlataazta call tll s

u while 10t11 Monday


S Ilil Vtilvv called to u r

ua while In trwu i> atuiny

John W Jnnes RochSer spent

feWdaya with us Ut week

Miss Low Biartshaw Stanley Kv

Is visiting Miss Bessie iratet4rsee us while in town Tuf8U

JiT Rone Cntertowu called to

see no while In toxn MOndAC-

j Serwh ai3 yoir Turs He

wlillixr yu highest raSh pricev

Beu It TjavUsTTsunnydaie called nt

this oft while lu toRn TurwUyV i HV BK

1 L C Taylor Mitsnzic mnrfe us a

1 pleasant i a while in lwnlonda1

John Carter MHUnzrtai

pleasant call while In town >

S J Tlchenor nufTfnry wade n <

n pleasant roll whilf hr ton Mot


ji F Sttvfns McHeriry wade u3

a pleasant rail while In town Mon


L B Renter Centtrtuwn made us

a pleatant call while in town Moo


E A Smith Ceralvo called to seeus while in town Saturday

Jeff Ef Williams Evansvllle visited friends In the city lest week

See D W Williams for anythingIn the Staple or Fancy Grocery line i

C F Wallace Roslne made us apleasant call while In town Monday I

C K Reneer Centertown railedat this office while In town Wed DCS


Panl Woodward Taylor Mines calld to see us while in town Wednea ¬


N C Daniel Beaver Dam madeun quite a pleasant call while in townMonday

J H Everly Pt Pleasant made usa very pleasant call while In townWednesday

E M Durham Thebes Ill madeus a vry Pleasant call while In townWednesday

For fish Oysters Ctanbrrles Celery or Fruits of any kinds call on DW Willams

James A King Sulphur Springsmade us a vzq plearant call while Intown Tuesday

From this date until further noticewe will pay 20 cents for eggs-


OSTEOPATHY Dr D W King Is atMrs Lou Collins Examination andConsultation free tf

Call on W H Moore the mratman for your Thanksgiving Turkey

dressed or undressed

Dr A S Yewell Osteopath room

u Commercial Hotel Hartford KyExamination and Consultation free

Misses Pfarl Thomas Artie Wed

ding Cassle Riley and Irene MillerCity called atJiiR REPUBLICAN office

SaturdaysDeputy Sheriff Chester Keown

went to Morgantown Saturday to

take B H Allen who was wanted

i lu ButUr for disturbing religious wore

Heavy Ceiling Paper at Pales

New Golf Glove 250 and Soc atFairs

Ladles fleeced Union Suits 35c atFairs

Telescopes Suit Cases Trnnksetcat Fairs

Fairs line of Ladles Jackets nt f5are beauties

Fairs new Overcrats ate thechcnieat in town

Fairs Glove Stock Is the best In

Ohio county

Readymade Skirts a new shi-pwentat Pairs

Buy your Winter Shoes at FairsMoney saved U you do

Carson Co want five hundredbushels ot hickory nuts

W H Moore the meat shop manwill pay cash for Hides and Skins

New heavy yarn Socks 250 Ladies heavy gray Hoes 25 at Fairs

Miss Alice Hayes Cromwell Is theguest of Mrs R B Martin this week

J H Pollard of Shrtvecalled on usyesterday and subscrlbd for TUB


Pairs Black and Brown BeaverOvercoats at 5 are the regular 7 50quality

Ftllx Shaver tNoCretk made usquite a pitapat call while In townyesterday

The Infant son of Mr and Mrs R

B Martin Is recovering from a severeattack of croup

Jurors sad witnesses are Invited tovisit Fairs Headquarters for Clothlug Dry Goods etc

New Overcoats and a full lino of


The hunting season U now openand yon will used a Gnu and Ammu ¬

nition Camn Xros have them

Uncle George Bbrewaberryot SouthCarrolltoa called in and paid Iris subBcrlptlon while In town Wedmtsday

Ladles Miriam and Chlldrens Rub-ber Boots Mass Fait Boots


Mrs C M Barnett wko has been111 for the past few weeks is greatlyImproved but not entirely recovered

Col C M Barottt returned toLoniev lie Wednesday after a few

days stay with his family in thiscity

Col J S R Wedding who hasbeen ill for the past few weeks isslowly Improving his fever b aboutbroken

Sheriff Keown informes us that bysome oversight the property of R RWedding was wrongfully advertisedfor taxes

If yon enjoy good health yon mustkeep your feet dry and if yon keepyour feet dry you must buy yourShoes from Carson Co

You must hurry up and Ret In yourguess on the big candle Rememberthe lucky one gets an elegant suite ofoak furniture CARSON Co

Just received a lull line of MensRubber Boots all new goods not a

tlr left over from lat seanon everypair guaranteed


The Floating Studio Is now at Hart-

ford until January I 1904 Our prices-

on many of our better grades arecheaper than ever It will pay you togive ns a call before going elsewhere

L T Barhard one ol our generalliverymen Is recovering slowly fromvery painful Injuries sustained from a

horse kick three of his ribs on leftside were broken besides being other-




WANTED Corn Pith Must befree from shell and jolbts and mustalso be practically dry We will be-

gin to receive December sat and willmy scents per pound Will take any

quantities CARSON Co

I will sell all my personal propertyconsisting of Horses Mules CattleHogs Farming Implements House-



and Kitchen Furniture to thehighest and best bidder at my farmthe A B Smith two miles South of

McHenry on Saturday Decembers19jt CAW HCOUBS

Strayed from Hartford about five

weeks ago one red heifer about five

or six months old has white star In

face and some while on under part ofbody has been dehorned ears notmarked will pay for her return orinformation as to her whereabouts


L D Taylor ol the Bald Knobneighborhood happened to a verypainful accident the latter part of lastweek He wan at a sawmill near hishome and In raising around the logcarriage got to near and his foot wascaught between the passing carriageand the skldway as a result of whichhis foot was crushed and Bruised varytodly At lust report he was Improv ¬


BEDA KYNov iS Mr and Mrs E G

Cork ol Oven bfo are visiting thefamily of Mrs W A Carson

Miss Ethyl Bennett left Sunday for

LonUvlle where she goes to visit r Tatlvf

RevIHarneil filled his regular appnlntraent at the CP Church Saintday night and Sunday

Mrs Nancy Park Vho has ben

very ill Is betterMr and Mrs W H Park of An

dersonvllle came up Sunday tu b litthe bedside of Mr Parks mother

Mr B F Tlcbenor has moved Intohis property here

Mr Sam Nave of Owe bno spentMonday night with friends here

Burn to the wile ol Mr RowanGreer the isth a boy

Mr W R Carson attended theTeaches Meeting at Crones schoolhouse Friday He reports n pleasanttime

Mr Walter Puikj went to Hartford

FridayAnumber were in attendance

at the entertainment given at theschool house Thursday night by MrGrant Winkler

The Cash Grocerywants 500 dozen of eggsfor Thanksgiving Willpay 20c per dozen forsame

Circuit CourtThe Ohio Circuit Court met at the

court houlloaday for a two weeksterm with Judge W T Owen on thebench Commonwealths AttorneyJ Edwin Rowe and J B Wilsoncounty attorney protem are presentto represent the commonwealth andaslst the grand jury In Its work

The following named gentlemenwere impaneled as grand jurors forthis term Eldy WarJAI Addington Jack Crabtree C L Rogers WP Taylor W L Brown E H Mor¬

gan N C Daniel W R MoseleyR H Barnes foreman J B DoJsonsheriff and A O Berryman clerk

The following sawed gentlemenhave ben impaneled as petit jurorsJot the presnt term of court A R

Hoover J P Sbrnm J R HooverJai K Tlntley Wm French J EChick C L Wuodward E B Tinsley E Mitchell Jake Shaver AlbertMcCrocklln W Clark J H PollardJarxea Wlsj W H Duke 8 JHawkins H A Baird 8 T HunterRobert Bill Wax Tirk J C BennettJ A Ambrose S L Phillips and Joe

FosterAlltile Commonwealth cases ex ¬

cept case oi the Comnioiwaalth vsA B Sckleltzbaum changed wltk oatbezzltng 192 from I C R S Cowblck la now on trial were paised vntil this morning The followingtamed gentlemen were Impaneled totry the Schleltzhanm case S T Hantic Jacob Shaver Jas Wilson WmFrench Robert Bell Joseph FosterBud Sharp W P Goff Late DeWeescFrank Black Henry Deaver andS FWallace the trial was begun Tuesdayafternoon and at the hour of going topress the court and jury were stillhearing tvldence against Schleltzbaum attorney for the Common ¬

wealth and for the dependant haveindulged In several lively tilts some ¬

times reaching bitterness GlennRingo Heavrln Woodward repre-sent


the defendant and H P TaylorIs assisting the prosecution It islikely that this case will consume theentire week and perhaps some of next11 so the entire criminal term willhave ben consumed in trying thisone case Next week the civil dock ItIs set and there are several interestingcases to be trie-

dCranberries for Thanks-giving


at the Cash Gro ¬


YMCA NotesRealizing that there are a number

of ladies In town who are Interestedln the promotion of the Y M C Aorganization and who are preventedrom becoming active members the

adlcsAuzlllary have Instituted whatthey call their Reserve ForceAny lady desiring to become a mem-obr can send her name and member-ship tee Loo to Mrs Pendleton orMiss Maggie Marks

Mado Young AgainOne of Dr Kings New Life Pills

each night for two weeks has put meIn teens writes D H-

TufaerJlJ1Dempseytown Pa Theyrethe best in the world for Liver Stom ¬

ach and Bowels Purely vegetableNever gripe Only 250 at Z WayneGriffin Hros Drug Store m

Fresh Oyster Celeryand everything good toeat call at the CashGroGory


Chamberlains Stomach andLiver Tablots

When you feel dull alter eatingWhen you have no appetiteWhen you have a bad taste In the

monthWhenyour liver Is torpid

constipatedWhenWhen you feel bilious

appetitecleanseand regulate your liver and bowelsPrice 25 cents per box For sale byall druggists m

vas OxtxABur tba1b KW Yw Haw Atars BO 1ItBlgattu 11


Pony a ZebraThe nearest approach to a mans

painting a pony and declaring It Is a-

zeb ato the statement of certain Democmtft to the effect that RooseveltailmlnsTilon has been In fullknowledge of those postal scandasall the while They no more believesuch statements than the fellow lrleveR the pony a zrbIYeUoliJacket

DUNDEE KYMiss Stella Weddtr g and brother

Palmer of Whltesvllle at t > e-

guests ol their cousin Mn ron tVrd

dingMissNjla R nrow Narrows vis

lied her home here Saturday nightand Sunday-

A few ol our young people attended church at Sugar Gr ve Sunday

Judge R R Wedding was In town

FridayMrB F Bean was in Hartford

MondayMrsStClalr Is very Ill at this

writingMrMrs W H Sargent Fords

yule were the guests of their daugh-

ter Mrs Byron Bean Saturday nightand Sunday

Mr Porter McDowell and sisterMiss Jennie of Hartford visited theirbrother Dr McDowell Sunday and

MondayQuitea crowd of young people at

tended the spelling at Narrows Fri-

day nightMr and Mrs GeoCummlngs visit

ed relatives at Spring Lick recentlyMisses Effie and Matty Bean enter-

tained a tew friends Saturday nightIn honor of Mr Palmer Wedding and

sisterMrsC L Annendt and children

visited relatives at Narrows last

weekMrW R Bean was in HArtford

MondayMrMrs Byron Wedding and

visitors spent Sunday with Mrs Weddingspareats Mr and Mrs Virgil

RenfrowTheof Dundee will give a

pie supper to be followed by a Mystery Tea Thanksgiving night at thePublic Hall Proceeds to b givento the Sunday School Everybodyinvited

A Scientific DiscoveryKodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the

stach that which it is unable to dofur elf even when but slightly dlsordered or overloaded Kodol Dys ¬

paia Cure supplies the naturalnicer of digestion and does the work

of the rtomack relaxing the nervoustension while the inflamed musclesof that organ are allowed to rest andheal Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digestswhat you eat and enables the stomachand digestive organs to transform allfood In to rich red blood Sold by ZWayne Griffin Bro m-


Ban tyaIts Kind You Kara Arrays BotiM

Biputu 11o-

rBiotle ger Held OverThe examining trial of Andrew Al

forJ of Neafus Ohio county who Ischarged with bootlegging was heldbefore Commissioner Lindsey Saturday morning Alford was held overto the November term of the UnitedStates Court under a bond of 300which was furnished by his brotherP H Alford Owensboro Inquirer

Worm DostroyorWhites Cream Vermifuge not only

kills worms but removes mucusand slime In which they build theirnests it brings and quickly a heal ¬

tlicondlUon of the body where250 at J H Williams

Druggist m

For sick headache try Chambe-rlains


Stomach and Liver Tabletsthey will ward oS the attack If takenin time For sale by all druggists

Cuts Rivals ThroatParkersburg Pa Nov J6Mabel

Barnes a white girl lay in watt to-night for Percy Jones a colored girland cut her throatkllling her instant ¬

ly The two were in love with a col-

ored man and jealousy of the girlprompted the Barnesglrl to the deedThe girl Is under arrest

ProverbsII When the butter wont

come put a penny in thechurn is an old time dairyproverb It often seems towork though no one has evertold why

When mothers are worriedbecause the children do notgain strength and flesh wesay give them Scotts Emul ¬

sionIt is like the penny in the

milk because it works anbecause there is somethinastonishing about it

Scotts Emulsion is simply

a milk of pure cod liver oil

with somehypophosphiteie-specially prepared for delicate

stomachsChildrentake to it naturally

because they like the taste

and the remedy takes just ai

naturally to the children be-

cause it is so perfectly adaptetto their wants

For all weak and pale antthin children Scotts Emulsioiis the most satisfactory treat

i mentWe will send yo

the penny Iesample free

De sun dial this picton I


lorm of evelidq both

Emuhka you but

SCOTT DOWNChemists les

409 Pearl St Nand =too tB dtrt

A FREE game insideeach package of

Lion Coffee60 different games-

CENTERTOWN KYNov 17 Mrs Booth Swain is on

the sick listMrs A F Ogleaby nfter a short

visit to friends and relatives here hasreturned to her home in St Louis

Bailee Brothers oi Blrdseye Iudhave moved to our town

S M Dexter and C C Ross Arewith us again after waking a shortvisit to St Louis

Mr W L Itflehart has bought ahome here and will move In thisweekMr

T H Benton alter spendingseveral days here with his family hasreturned to his rallrcil position In

LouisvilleMr11111 has bought proper ¬

ty on N Mill St and will soon be acitizen with us

W L Dock r1 und wife are visit¬

ing relatlvla in Butler county thisweekMr

Tutu Her has moved into hisnew home on S Mill St

Miss May Tichenor came homeSunday from Louisville where shehas bees quite awhile in the millinerbusiness

Curod of Pllos Aftor 40 YearsI

Mr C Haney of Geneva 0 hadthe piles for 40 years Doctors anddollars could do him no lasting goodDeWitts Witch Hazel Salve curedhim permanently Invaluable forcuts burns bruises sprains lacera ¬

tions eczema tetter sat rheum andall other skin diseases Look for thename DeWitt on the package sllothers are cheap worthless counter ¬

feits Sold by Z Wayne GriffinBro m

No Matter WhereYour Farm

Is Locate-dII sell it for you I soIl on

commission I quote your afew figures on farm land

70 acres near Palo 650100 acres 4 miles from Hertford 950135 acres 4 I II8oo60 acres near Beaver Dam 1600173 acres fine bottom land six

miles west of Hartford on Rough riv ¬

erCHEAP200 acres one mile from Mclicnry

Good farm Improvements orchardcI200120 acres near Macon Mo at 50

per acre400 acres near Cnllos Mo at f50

per acre400 acres near Bevier Mo at 3550

an acreno acres near Macon Mo at 40

per acre260 acres near Macon Mo at 20

per acreOn this Missouri land we can loan

a large part of the purchase moneyAll these are great bargains See

me for a better descriptionList your property with me I have

calls every day for farming laud

S A AndersonDealer in Real Estate




Prominent Owensboro Man EI joyed Elks nitration

Owensboro Ky Nov 16 County

Judge H M Haskirs 110 s at the point

of death at hId home on East Third

street from an Internal hemmorrhage

and the three physicians who are in

attendance say list the chances are

ajalcs hs rectv ryThe facts concerning Judge Has

tin Illness are very peculiar Hewa + Initiated Into the Elks lodgeThursday night bnt on account ofhis advanced age being sixtyfive hewas not put through the regular Ini¬

tiation Htwettr there were twoother young men who were putthrough the regular initiation JudgeHesklna was an amused spectator




0If Its cois bad yoorder Ayers P

tongue curmake

to <

2es Alt drargtata

ITut tmnliirUi erh iiaLCKINGHAMS w-



4t How AreIYouFixedIfi

5 These two departments are two of the

li most important ones now us Wa are

Jij just in receipt of a big shipment of Mens

J and Boys Suits and Overcoats Our Shoo

lj stock never 2was moro complete YouandIY= choice Our stock of Shoes of all

= the now lasts and all the new shapes in toes

J all of tho best material

Our ClotHhigf4V Consists of the new weaves now styles now449 cuts in fact everything now in Clothing4 +4 You should see our stock of Shoes sand t44 Clothing You will not be disappointed if

Vdi4V you come hero Our goods aro of tho best

S4V and tho are the lowest Wo shall erf4i you You will certainly miss itw t4V you dont como to seo us for your Clothing eD-

t4 and Footwear in fact everything pertain4V ing to fall and winter wearing apparel Wo a

will bo disappoitod if wo dont see you int1 our store Youre welcome any time rtCI CB

CARSON seo t1




TTii-i Quick Sales I Small ProfitstVe havo our shelves loaded down all kinds of Goods direct thoi markets and if it is real Bargains you call and examine and

get our places on Dry Goods Clothing Hats Boots ShoesTelescopes big lot of Comforts and Blankets and in fact

everything found in a firstclass uptodate store Wo also purchased big lot ofbiggs CLOTHING Twentyfour Mensfe Black Clay Worsted Suits sizes 35 to

42 at 200 olsowhoro 500I Twenty Youths Black Clay Worst

ed Suits sizes 14 to 19 at 250 else-

where 425-

Twenty Mons allwool heavy Suits4i-


all colors sizes 35 to 42 at 450 else

44Big 750tlssortmont of Pants all sizes and-

colors 100 elsewhere from 150 to250 Big Uno of Boys Suits all




yourpcpsia yourEasy take easy tp 5p






prices Upert



with fromEastern want

Trunks Woolen


OVERCOATS A splendid Bea ¬

er Coat 400 elsewhere 675SHOES Hamilton Brown for

men every pair guaranteed 125 La¬

dies Shoes 1 Big lot of ChindronsShoes all price-

sJACKETA 12 Jacket for 9 a10 Jacket for 8j an 8 Jacket for 5

and so on down the linoSKIRTS A 6 Skirt for 425 a

5 Skirt for 375 a 4 Skirt for 250a3 Skirt for 160 a 150 Skirt for100 ChildtohaJncketsat all prices

tlWe would like to give you moro prices but as our spaco is limited therefore w

a ask the public to call and examine our stock and buy their Fall Goods from us

E ns wo can tool will save you money Yours for tradeof-


t Sam Bach Hartford K