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    De La Salle University Manila

    Graduate School of Business

    My Company

    In Partial Fulfillment of the

    Requirements for the Subject


    AY 2014-2015, Term 3

    Prepared by:

    Minnie Tan

    Submitted to:

    Prof. Jose Morales

    March 12, 2014

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    I. Introduction

    A. Company Background

    This company is a California corporation was founded in 1979. By 2009, operations of the

    Shared Services Center in Philippines started. Its a top 100 company on the 2014 Fortune

    500 corporation, which is the largest global wholesale technology distributor and a global leader

    in IT supply-chain management, mobile device lifecycle services and logistics solutions. Main

    businesses comprise of IT distribution, cloud, mobility, supply chain and technology solutions.

    IT Distribution1- It buys and sells technology products and services to resellers who, in turn,

    typically sell directly to end-users or other resellers. The distribution services are customized to

    meet the needs of resellers serving a wide range of end-users, including consumers, small to

    medium-sized businesses (SMBs), public sector entities and large enterprises. Programs and

    services designed are offered to support value-added resellers (VARs) that serve as technology

    sources for these markets.

    Mobility2 - The end-to-end mobile device lifecycle capabilities use expertise to solve the

    challenges of many of the worlds leading mobile technology manufacturers, network operators,

    retailers and value-added resellers. The distribution services are focused on portfolio

    management, credit management, channel development and marketing with personalized

    attention to account management. Products offered include smartphones, tablets, machine-to-

    machine, companion products and accessories. Supply-chain solutions offered include forward

    and reverse logistics, SIM kitting, customization services (device configuration,

    software/application loading, customized packaging and flashing), eBusiness (e-commerce

    1(2013 IM, 2014)

    2(2013 IM, 2014)

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    platform, IT integration and hosted web stores on demand), airtime activation, managed financial

    services, advanced planning and trade-in programs.

    Supply-Chain Services3 - It offers fee-based supply-chain services, encompassing the end-to-

    end functions of the supply-chain to vendors choosing to sell direct. Likewise, it provides

    services to retailers and Internet resellers seeking fulfillment services, inventory management,

    reverse logistics and other supply-chain services.



    It has aggregated approximately 200 cloud solutions from more than 70 vendors on a

    global basis. These solutions span virtually every solution category by providing access to

    resellers in certain geographic markets the catalog of cloud solutions and tailor cloud offerings to

    fit the business needs of their end-user customers. It has provided tools and support to assist

    resellers in giving cloud services to their customers.

    B. Profits and Products

    During 2013, it earned $42.6B revenues. There was a consistent increased from previous years of

    $36.3B in 2011 and $37.8B in 2012. It distribute and market technology products worldwide

    from the industrys computer hardware suppliers, mobility hardware suppliers, networking

    equipment suppliers, software publishers, and other suppliers of computer peripherals, consumer

    electronics (CE), automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) / point of sale (POS)

    and physical security products.5Product assortments vary from country to country depending on

    the market, and the suppliers relative contribution. It is focused on building its presence in those

    product categories and solutions that will benefit from key growth trends, such as mobile devices

    and the need for enterprise computing solutions to handle the growing data center market. It also

    3(2013 IM, 2014)

    4(2013 IM, 2014)

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    has expanded capabilities to enable resellers to get opportunities in areas such as the data center

    market, enterprise computing, storage solutions, virtualization, enterprise software, unified

    communications, networking and security.6

    C. Current Strategy

    Diversification strategy continues to provide its new growth opportunities while reducing

    dependence on the current set of partners and markets. Acquisition and investment strategies in

    companies around the world are means of the company to further achieve strategic objectives

    and support key business initiatives.7 It acquired BrightPoint, a global leader in mobile device

    lifecycle services; Aptec, a Dubai-based value-added distributor in the Middle East and Africa,with products and solutions covering data center, storage, security, networking and software

    categories, including technical services; Promark, a value-added distributor in the U.S. with a

    core technology focus on data storage, data management and electronic document imaging

    products and services; Shipwire, a leading provider of e-commerce fulfillment services for

    SMBs, CloudBlue, a global leader in enterprise information technology asset disposition (ITAD),

    onsite data destruction and e-waste recycling services and SoftCom, a leading cloud

    marketplace and global service provider offering domain name management, web hosting and

    cloud infrastructure.


    II. Kuratko Framework

    Kuratko framework has five specific dimensions of an internal environment conducive to

    corporate entrepreneurial behavior: (1) top management support, (2) work discretion/autonomy,

    (3) rewards/reinforcement, (4) time availability, and (5) organizational boundaries. 9

    A. Management Support

    Management support pertains to the willingness of top-level managers to facilitate and promote

    entrepreneurial behavior including the championing of innovative ideas and providing the

    resources people require to behave entrepreneurially.10

    6(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

    7(2013 IM, 2014)

    8(2013 IM, 2014)

    9(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

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    Scale rating received from the survey about management support is 3.68.

    A well-managed organization must produce the results for which it exists. It must be

    administered, that is, its decisions must be made in the right sequence and with the right timing

    and right intensity. In the long run, a well-managed organization must adapt to its external

    environment. The entrepreneurial role focuses on the adaptive changes, which requires creativity

    and risk taking. And to ensure that the organization can have a life span longer than that of any

    of its key managers, the fourth role integration is necessary to build a team effort.11

    It is

    adaptive to changes as part of its strategy is merger and acquisitions and it incorporates within

    the policies, programs and values to support team effort behavior.

    It utilized processes to improve work methods quickly with top management support. An

    example is when Team Foundation Server (TFS) source version control was in placed and

    implemented globally early this year for its application. This need became evident when a

    number of developers around the globe need to access the source code simultaneously, because

    Manila Information System (IS) department was opened early last year. Knowledge transfer and

    sharing are encouraged through trainings. Peers are willing to share information, applications and

    methods to help improve speed of work. Associates are motivated to have an open

    communication and share ideas with each other and to management. This demonstrated that

    management is receptive and open for the development of new and /or innovative ideas that in

    turn creates an internal environment which is highly conducive for entrepreneurial behavior.

    More autonomy is given to associates who are subject matter experts; because they are allowed

    to make decisions without going through elaborate justifications. My knowledge is limited with

    regards to the support of financing a project of innovative ideas from ground zero, and the

    10(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

    11(Burns, 2013)

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    reaction of management on the event that the project failed. But, of course, de-risking for any

    tasks or project undertaking is a must, so estimations, efforts and resources involved whether

    finances and people are necessary at the start or even before it starts. So far, from my experience

    working with the company, management support is evident since communication line is open

    and management is willing to listen to the people. Open door policy is implemented in the


    B. Work Discretion/Autonomy

    Work discretion is top-level managers commitment to tolerate failure, to provide decision-

    making latitude and freedom from excessive oversight, and to delegate authority and

    responsibility to middle- and lower-level managers.12

    Scale rating received from the survey about work discretion / autonomy is 3.4.

    Autonomy at work is available when associates can independently make decisions with minimal

    decision making support from someone else. Creativity is inspired to use own judgment on how

    to do the work through making use of our abilities. As developers, we have the freedom to

    automate our work by creating processes such as scripts to speed up work. Mistakes made on the

    job are not harshly criticized and punished. Instead improvement process and coaching are part

    of the system to support developments though certain conditions should be met in order to get

    out of that process. Of course, each one is responsible to get the job done.

    C. Rewards/Reinforcement

    Rewards/reinforcement is developing and using systems that reinforce entrepreneurial behavior,

    highlight significant achievements, and encourage pursuit of challenging work.13

    Scale rating received from the survey about rewards / reinforcement is 3.83.

    12(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

    13(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

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    Associates are recognized for exceptional performance and those who embodied the corporate

    culture of teamwork, respect, accountability, integrity, innovation, learning and social


    Through formal department recognition and rewards associates are recognized

    for attaining quantifiable results related to improvement or growth of the business, while

    demonstrating any of IM's values. Many departments have incorporated fun, variety and

    innovation by using monthly, quarterly and annual meetings and special events to honor award

    winners.15 Those associates who are deemed as top performers were given a plague of

    recognition in my department, Manila Information System. During the Philippine Christmas

    party, awards are also provided to exceptional candidates who manifested work beyond the

    expectation of their colleagues and management.

    Associates who are successful with their innovative ideas are given recognition as well as

    rewards through a program. Innovative ideas submitted first, then, assessed if it will proceed or

    end as an idea. After the successful implementation of the idea, associates are provided with


    D. Time Availability

    Time availability is evaluating workloads to ensure individuals and groups have the time needed

    to pursue innovations and to structure their jobs in ways supportive of efforts to achieve short-

    and long-term organizational goals.16

    Scale rating received from the survey about time availability is 3.0.

    I havent thought of developing innovative ideas, since my primary goal is to learn first the systems and

    applications that we are currently using. Since the team just started last year, the main focus is to learn as

    much as possible about the systems that we support at a global level and be an expert in the field that we

    14(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

    15(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

    16(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

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    are assigned. Hence, the current stage is more of a learning curve. At this instance, I can observe that the

    group is not really ready yet for the innovative ideas, though any innovative ideas would be welcome. The

    organization supports work life balance as well as promotes innovation, so time can be made available

    depending on the individuals choice and work schedules. Business processes improvements are more

    promoted than innovation specially the operations in the Philippines are shared services at a global scale,

    particularly for support and improvements of any applications, customers and suppliers. Having the Chief

    Information Officer shared with us the long-term goal of making the Manila Shared Services as a delivery

    center influence us to think on a wider organizational structure.

    E. Organizational Boundaries

    Organizational boundaries are the precise explanations of outcomes expected from

    organizational work and development of mechanisms for evaluating, selecting, and using


    Scale rating received from the survey about time availability is 2.57.

    One of a managers controllable areas of corporate entrepreneurship is creating a work

    environment highly conducive to innovation and entrepreneurial behaviors. Therefore, credible

    innovation is more likely in companies where all individuals entrepreneurial potential is sought

    and nurtured, and where organizational knowledge is widely shared.18

    The managerial challenge

    becomes that of using workplace design elements to develop an innovation-friendly internal

    environment. 19

    There exists a global and local SharePoint to nurture organizational wide

    knowledge. Theres also an existing program worldwide to promote innovative behavior and

    practices for a willing individuals or groups.

    Section 1 Management support for corporate entrepreneurship

    5 1. My organization is quick to use improved work methods.

    17(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

    18(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

    19(Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014)

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    - Strongly agree, because our department was a pioneer one in Philippinesand started only last year. So, previously, there was no version controlfor source codes, but recently, the TFS version control was in placedand implemented globally. Processes to improve work and environmentare discussed and action upon.

    42. My organization is quick to use improved work methods that are developed

    by workers.

    - Peers are willing to share information, applications and methods toimprove speed of work.

    43. In my organization, developing ones own ideas is encouraged for the

    improvement of the corporation.

    - Management is open to suggestion that would help supportimprovement in the corporation.

    44. Upper management is aware and very receptive to my ideas and


    - Open communication is highly encouraged. Management is open toideas and suggestions such as process improvements, form anddocument updates.

    45. A promotion usually follows from the development of new and innovative


    - Within the organization, theres reward and recognition for innovativeideas as innovation is part of the corporate values. But, because our

    group was fairly new, started last year, so theres no one who has beenpromoted for new and innovative ideas.

    4 6. Those employees who come up with innovative ideas on their own oftenreceive management encouragement for their activities.

    - Innovative ideas are encouraged by management as recognition is given.

    47. The doers on projects are allowed to make decisions without going

    through elaborate justification and approval procedures.

    - Associates who are subject matter experts in applications like Impulseand Imfirst can easily make decisions and coordinate to people to havefaster project turn around.

    38. Senior managers encourage innovators to bend rules and rigid procedures in order

    to keep promising ideas on track.

    - Im not sure as Im not aware of any innovators who bend rules and rigidprocedures.

    39. Many top managers have been known for their experience with the innovation


    - Im not aware.

    3 10.Money is often available to get new project ideas off the ground.

    - Im not aware.

    311. Individuals with successful innovative projects receive additional rewards and

    compensation beyond the standard reward system for their ideas and efforts.

    - Im not aware.

    3 12.There are several options within the organization for individuals to get financial

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    support for their innovative projects and ideas.

    - Im not aware.

    4 13.People are often encouraged to take calculated risks with ideas around here.- For a given tasks, estimation efforts is often necessary.

    314. Individual risk takers are often recognized for their willingness to champion new

    projects, whether eventually successful or not.- Im not aware of new projects evolving from innovations. All projects are

    allocated to individuals or groups.

    415.The term risk taker is considered a positive attribute for people in my work


    - Possibly, since management is open to ideas.

    316.This organization supports many small and experimental projects, realizing that

    some will undoubtedly fail.

    - Im not aware of any small and experimental projects.

    4 17.An employee with a good idea is often given free time to develop that idea.- Possibly, since theres open reception and open line of communication from


    418.There is considerable desire among people in the organization for generating new

    ideas without regard for crossing departmental or functional boundaries.

    - Theres desire among peers to generate new ideas that would help supportwork or process improvements

    419.People are encouraged to talk to employees in other departments of this

    organization about ideas for new projects.

    - Open communication is encouraged within the organization

    Section 2 Work Discretion

    220. I feel that I am my own boss and do not have to double check all of my decisions

    with someone else.

    - For development, theres code review with peers to ensure that work done iswith quality and right.

    2 21.Harsh criticism and punishment result from mistakes made on the job.- Theres no actual punishment, but more of improvement process and coaching

    to ensure that same mistakes are not committed again and improvements arevisible in work.

    422.This organization provides the chance to be creative and try my own methods of

    doing the job.

    - Individual can create their own creativity in work.

    4 23.This organization provides the freedom to use my own judgment.- Yes

    424.This organization provides the chance to do something that makes use of my


    - Yes, since as a developer, the job entails to be technical in nature and to makeuse of your ability.

    4 25. I have the freedom to decide what I do on my job.

    - Yes, we have autonomy on how to do task assigned to us.

    4 26. It is basically my own responsibility to decide how my job gets done.

    - Yes, its our own responsibility to get the job done and to meet the deadline.

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    2 27. I almost always get to decide what I do on my job.

    - No, since task and projects are allocated to associates

    4 28. I have much autonomy on my job and am left on my own to do my own work.- We have autonomy on our jobs, but boundaries are set for approvals, reviewsand implementations.

    229. I seldom have to follow the same work methods or steps for doing my major tasks

    from day to day.

    - The work processes are still in work-in-progress, but there are work processesinvolved on how to accomplish the tasks

    Section 3 Rewards/Reinforcement

    4 30.My manager helps me get my work done by removing obstacles and roadblocks.- Managers tried to understand the issues in our environment and provide

    solutions if necessary.

    3 31.The rewards I receive are dependent upon my innovation on the job.

    - Not applicable

    432.My supervisor will increase my job responsibilities if I am performing well in my


    - Probably

    433.My supervisor will give me special recognition if my work performance is

    especially good.

    - Yes, because recognition is given to my peers who performed outstandingwork.

    4 34.My manager would tell his/her boss if my work was outstanding.- Yes, since work performance needs to be reported and reviewed to upper


    4 35.There is a lot of challenge in my job.

    - Yes. Since job needs high technical skills as well as soft-skill is required

    Section 4 Time Availability

    336.During the past three months, my workload kept me from spending time on

    developing new ideas.- Yes, I was busy with projects at some instances. However, there are times Im

    not that busy.

    2 37. I always seem to have plenty of time to get everything done.

    - I have not manage my time properly, since of leaves, holidays and timing.

    4 38. I have just the right amount of time and workload to do everything well.

    - There should be right enough time, but sometimes, unforeseen issues arose thataffect the workload.

    239.My job is structured so that I have very little time to think about wider

    organizational problems.

    - No, from a developers perspective I can visualize potential organizationalissues or problems, but there are solutions.

    2 40. I feel that I am always working with time constraints on my job.

    - Yes, probably because of my long travel time.

    3 41.My co-workers and I always find time for long-term problem solving.

    - Im not sure, since we have not really brainstorm about it.

    Section 5 Organizational Boundaries

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    442. In the past three months, I have always followed standard operating procedures or

    practices to do my major tasks.

    - Yes, though still in work in progress

    2 43.There are many written rules and procedures that exist for doing my major tasks.

    - Not really, since the group was fairly new.

    4 44.On my job I have no doubt of what is expected of me.- Usually, but there are times that Ive assumed and/or unsured on the

    requirements on a given tasks.

    4 45.There is little uncertainty in my job.

    - Yes, job description and job role are in provided

    446.During the past year, my immediate supervisor discussed my work performance

    with me frequently.

    - Yes, since Im on the performance improvement program.

    4 47.My job description clearly specifies the standards of performance on which my jobis evaluated.

    - Yes, this was discussed with me by my team lead and manager.

    448. I clearly know what level of work performance is expected from me in terms of

    amount, quality, and timelines of output.

    - Yes.