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§4 描述性统计学 Zhu Huaiqiu @Peking University Zhu Huaiqiu @Peking University 统计与数据分析Statistics & Data Analysis 统计与数据分析Statistics & Data Analysis A picture says more than a thousand words!

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§4 描述性统计学

Zhu Huaiqiu@Peking University

Zhu Huaiqiu@Peking University

《统计与数据分析》Statistics & Data Analysis《统计与数据分析》Statistics & Data Analysis

A picture says more than a thousand words!

描述性统计学(或统计描述)(Descriptive statistics, or Statistical description):研究如何取得反映客观现象的数据,从科学研究的原始数据出发,采用收集、整理、概括、描述等方法,通过图表形式对所收集的数据进行加工处理和显示,进而通过综合概括与分析给出总体或样本数据的概括性的、描述性的基本信息。

——Clear and understandable way

——统计学最基本的分支:解释性的一般统计方法;有别于推断性统计学(或统计推断)( Inferential statistics

or Statistical inference)


§4.1 描述性统计学概述

What does the Descriptive Statistics do?

How to present your arguments or viewpoints?

Open-air preaching in James Street, Covent Garden, London. The preacher is using an unusual style, he has his main points written on laminated plastic cards and is sticking them on a board.

What does the Descriptive Statistics do?

——Describe and summarize the basic features of the data gathered from an experimental study in various ways;

——Form the basis of quantitative analysis of data together with simple graphics analysis;——Provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures;——Proceed to inferential statistics if there are enough data to draw a conclusion

It is necessary to be familiar with primary methods of describing data in order to understand phenomena and make intelligent decisions.


(1) Graphical displays of the data in which graphs summarize the data or facilitate comparisons.

(2) Tabular description in which tables of numbers summarize the data.

(3) Summary statistics (single numbers) which summarize the data


(1) 数据的采集(Collect data)

(2) 数据的分类(Classify data)

(3) 数据的分析和总结(Summarize data)

(4) 数据的表达(Present data)

(5) 统计推断的准备(Proceed to inferential statistics if there are enough data to

draw a conclusion)


描述性统计与推断性统计推断统计学(Inferential statistics):在对样本数据进行描述的基础上,对统计总体的未知数量特征做出以概率形式表述的推断。





§4.2 数据的汇总统计量(Summary



1. 均值(期望值)重要性质:均值与各观察值的离差平方和最小

2. 方差(标准差)

3. 顺序统计量(Order statistics)


设X1, X2, …, Xn为来自总体X的简单随机样本,x1, x2, …, xn为其观察值,将它们按照观察值的大小递增顺序排列生成x(1)≤ x(2)≤…≤x(n),则称之为X1, X2, …, Xn的顺序统计量,记为

X(1), X(2), …, X(n)



设随机变量X的分布函数为F(x),密度函数为f(x),X的顺序统计量为 X(1), X(2), …, X(n),则(1)( X(1), X(2), …, X(n)) 的联合密度函数为

(2) X(k), k=1, 2, …, n 的密度函数为

(3) ( X(k), X(l)) , k<l 的联合密度函数为

1 2 1 2! ( ) ( )... ( ), ...n nn f x f x f x x x x

1!( )[ ( )] [1 ( )]

( 1)!( )!k n kn

f x F x F xk n k



!( ) ( ) [ ( )]

( 1)!( 1)!( )!

[ ( ) ( )] [1 ( )] ,

kk l k

l k n ll k l k l

nf x f x F x

k l k n l

F x F x F x x x

4. 样本极差(Range)


设X1, X2, …, Xn为来自总体X的简单随机样本,X(1), X(2), …, X(n)为其顺序统计量。定义

Rn=max{X1, X2, …, Xn} -min{X1, X2, …, Xn}= X(n) -X(1)

为样本X1, X2, …, Xn的极差。



2 2

( )

( )

n n

n n

E R c

D R d

5. 中位数(Median)(50%分位数)

定义设X1, X2, …, Xn为来自总体X的简单随机样本,X(1), X(2), …, X(n)为其顺序统计量。

当n=2k+1时,定义 为中位数;当n=2k时,定义 为中位数。



( ) ( 1)( ) / 2k kx x ( 1)kx

6. 众数(Mode)

——The value that occurs the most frequently in a data set or a probability distribution

设总体X的一组样本X1, X2, ..., Xn的观测值为x1, x2, ..., xn,出现次数最多的数值xM称为众数。


Plant Growth (# of leaves/plant)







【Example 4.1】均值、中位数和众数的区别

7. 变异系数(相对标准差)

定义已知总体X的一组样本X1, X2, ..., Xn,其均值为



为X的变异系数(coefficient of variation)或相对标准差。


1 n


X Xn

2 2


1( )




S X Xn




【Example 4.2】一位生物学家研究不同种类啮齿类动物的遗传变异,需要测量每只啮齿类动物的体重(单位:克)。他随机选取20只小白鼠,测得结果为:=25.8克,s=3.2克;又随机选取15只灰袋鼠,测得结果为:



8. Chebyshev’s theorem


给定一组数据x1, x2, ..., xN,其数学期望和方差都存在,即均值为μ,标准差为σ > 0。则对于任意k>1,位于区间[μ−kσ, μ+kσ]内的数据所占比例大于或等于

k=2: 75.0%k=3: 88.9%k=4: 93.8%





回顾比较:正态分布的3σ规则| |

(| | ) ( 1) 0 .683

| |(| | 2 ) ( 2) 0 .954

| |(| | 3 ) ( 3) 0 .997




§4.3 数据的探索性分析


探索性分析(exploratory analysis)





§4.3.1 直方图(Histogram)

Histogram:——histos “anything set upright”——gramma “drawing, record, writing”

——graphical display of tabulated frequencies, shown as bars,it shows what proportion of cases fall into each of severalcategories.




1. 频数直方图(Occurrence histogram)


Moore公式(Moore, 1986) :

,其中C =1~3。

Sturges公式(Sturges, 1928):


5K C n

1 3.322lgK n

区间间隔△k :

△k :k=1, 2, ..., K

由此得到每个区间的频数n1, n2, ..., nK, 进而确定每一方柱的高度nk/△k,即可画出频数直方图。

2. 频率直方图和频率密度直方图频率(frequency)

, 1, 2,...,k kf n n k K





频率密度(frequency density)

, 1, 2,...,k kk

k k

f np k K




k kk


【Example 4.3】Consider data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau ontime to travel to work (2000 census). The census found that there were 124million people who work outside of their homes. This rounding is acommon phenomenon when collecting data from people.

Data by absolute numbersInterval Width Quantity Quantity/width

0 5 4180 836

5 5 13687 2737

10 5 18618 3723

15 5 19634 3926

20 5 17981 3596

25 5 7190 1438

30 5 16369 3273

35 5 3212 642

40 5 4122 824

45 15 9200 613

60 30 6461 215

90 60 3435 57

Histogram of travel time, US 2000 census. Area under the curve equals the total number of cases. This diagram uses Q/width from the table.

Data by proportion

Interval Width Quantity (Q) Q/total/width

0 5 4180 0.0067

5 5 13687 0.0220

10 5 18618 0.0300

15 5 19634 0.0316

20 5 17981 0.0289

25 5 7190 0.0115

30 5 16369 0.0263

35 5 3212 0.0051

40 5 4122 0.0066

45 15 9200 0.0049

60 30 6461 0.0017

90 60 3435 0.0004

Histogram of travel time, US 2000 census. Area under the curve equals 1. This diagram uses Q/total/width from the table

3. 如何解读直方图?A histogram represents a frequency distribution by means of rectangles whose widths represent class intervals and whose areas are proportional to the corresponding frequencies. They only place the bars together to make it easier to compare data.




区别:柱形图(Bar chart)

4. Pareto图(Pareto chart)


V. Pareto(意大利经济学家)

A type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph, where individual values are represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the line.


A Pareto chart showing the relative frequency of reasons for arriving late at work.

§4.3.2 茎叶图(Stem-leaf plot)




342 342 346 344 343 339 336 342 347 340

340 350 340 336 341 339 346 338 342 346

340 346 346 345 344 350 348 342 340 356

339 348 338 342 347 347 344 343 339 341

348 341 340 340 342 337 344 340 344 346

342 344 345 338 341 348 345 339 343 345

346 344 344 344 343 345 345 350 353 345

352 350 345 343 347 343 350 343 350 344

343 348 342 344 345 349 332 343 340 346

342 335 349 343 344 347 341 346 341 362

【Example 4.4】以下列一组材料的压力强度样本数据(100个铝锂合金样品的压力强度,单位:磅/平方英寸,psi)画茎叶图。

构造茎叶图的步骤:1. 把每一个xi的数字分成两部分:Stem(包含一位或一位以上的主要数字)、Leaf(包含余下位的数字)

2. 在垂直方向上列出Stem的值

3. 在Stem旁边记录下每个观察的Leaf

4. 在图上写出Stem和Leaf的单位

1 33 22 33 55 33 6 6 7

13 33 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 928 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 148 34 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3(21) 34 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 531 34 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 717 34 8 8 8 8 8 9 910 35 0 0 0 0 0 04 35 2 32 352 35 61 351 361 36 2


Cumulative Freq. Stem Leaf


Leaf Stem Leaf







§4.3.3 箱线图(Boxplot)


——也称箱须图(Box-whisker Plot),由统计学家John Tukey提出。


箱线图的绘制步骤:(1)画数轴(2)画矩形盒:两端位置分别对应数据的上下四分位数(Q1和Q3)。在矩形盒内部中位数位置画中位线。(3)在Q3+1.5IQR和Q1-1.5IQR处画两条线段,这两条线段为异常值截断点,称其为内限;在Q3+3IQR和Q1-3IQR处画两条线段,称其为外限。处于内限以外位置的点表示的数据都是异常值,其中在内限与外限之间的异常值为温和的异常值(mild outliers),在外限以外的为极端的异常值 (extremeoutliers)。(4)从矩形盒两端边向外各画一条线段直到不是异常值的最远点,表示该批数据正常值的分布区间。(5)用“〇”标出温和的异常值,用“*”标出极端的异常值。(统计软件绘制的箱线图一般没有标出内限和外限,只标出最大和最小非异常值。)

中位线内限 内限外限 外限

Mild outliers Mild outliers

Extreme outliers

Extreme outliers

IQR: Interquartile RangeIQR = | Q3 – Q1 |


内限 内限

Mild outliers

Extreme outliers

最小非异常值 最大非异常值


John Wilder Tukey(1915-2000)

Let the data speak for themselves!

——J. W. Tukey

【Example 4.5】

【Example 4.6】数据来自1969.10-1972.10期间新泽西州Bayonne的二氧化硫日最大浓度记录,为36组容量约30的样本数据。Clambers等(1983)的结论为:“The boxplots . . .show many properties of the data rather strikingly. There is a general reduction in sulphur dioxideconcentration through time due to the gradual conversion to low sulphur fuels in the region. Thedecline is most dramatic for the highest quantiles. Also, there are higher concentrations during thewinter months due to the use of heating oil. In addition, the boxplots show that the distributionsare skewed toward high values and that the spread of the distributions . . . is larger when thegeneral level of concentration is higher.”










【Example 4.7】 The total number of tornadoes recorded by State of USA (including the District of Columbia) from 2000.

State No. of Tornadoes State No. of

Tornadoes Alabama 44 Montana 10Alaska 0 Nebraska 60Arizona 0 Nevada 2Arkansas 37 New Hampshire 0California 9 New Jersey 0Colorado 60 New Mexico 5Connecticut 1 New York 5Delaware 0 North Carolina 23District of Columbia 0 North Dakota 28

Florida 77 Ohio 25Georgia 28 Oklahoma 44Hawaii 0 Oregon 3Idaho 13 Pennsylvania 5Illinois 55 Rhode Island 1Indiana 13 South Carolina 20Iowa 45 South Dakota 18Kansas 59 Tennessee 27Kentucky 23 Texas 147Louisiana 43 Utah 3Maine 2 Vermont 0Maryland 8 Virginia 11Massachusetts 1 Washington 3Michigan 4 West Virginia 4Minnesota 32 Wisconsin 18Mississippi 27 Wyoming 5Missouri 28

Table 1. The total number of recorded tornadoes in 2000, arranged alphabetically by State of USA and including the District of Columbia.

(Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center)

Graphical Summaries: Dispersion Graphs (dot plots)

A dispersion graph places individual data values along a number line, therebyrepresenting the position of each data value in relation to all the other data values.Researchers use dispersion graphs to identify patterns in data such as concentrations,locations of data 'gaps', or atypical data (i.e. observations that do not fit the generalcharacter of the data.)We can see that most of the data is concentrated at the lower end of the graph, indicatingthat most States had 20 or fewer tornadoes, and only a few States had more than 50tornadoes. Texas had 147 tornadoes during 2000 and this data value is positioned on thefar right-hand side of the graph. There are also several gaps in the data where there areno values; these are shown by the green rectangles on the graph. Since the data areconcentrated toward the lower end of the dispersion graph, we can say that the numberof tornadoes for Texas (147) is atypical of this particular data set. Atypical data valuesare also referred to as outliers.

Graphical Summaries: Histograms

We see that the first class contains all the States that experienced between zero andnineteen tornadoes during 2000. Notice that each class has the same width along the x-axis. The decision to set the width of each class at nineteen is arbitrary. A different widthcould easily be used and would likely change the overall appearance of the histogram. Aswith dispersion graphs, histograms can show gaps where no data values exist (the 100-119 class). In the Figure, there are three empty classes: 80-99, 100-119, and 120-139.

When histogram data cluster to one side or the other, the shape of thehistogram is described as ‘skewed’. In the Figure, the tornado data areclustered on the lower or left-hand side, which is known as positive skew.Due to the single outlier, the data is said to ‘tail’ to the positive side.

Numerical Summaries: Measures of Central Tendency


If we examine the mean in relation to all data values, we can see that the mean liestoward the lower end of the dispersion graph, which makes sense because this is wherethe majority of the data values are concentrated.

Numerical Summaries: Measures of Central Tendency

MedianWe can see the tornado data medianvalue of 11 on the dispersion graph.Note that for this data set, themedian is positioned closer to thelower end of the data values than themean. This shows that the median isnot influenced by outliers as was themean, but by the number of datavalues. When a data set has outliers,reporting the median as the centraltendency of the data often gives abetter 'typical' data value than themean.

Rank State No. of Tornadoes Rank State No. of

Tornadoes 1 Alaska 0 27 Idaho 132 Arizona 0 28 Indiana 13

3 District of Columbia 0 29 South Dakota 18

4 Delaware 0 30 Wisconsin 18

5 Hawaii 0 31 South Carolina 20

6 New Hampshire 0 32 Kentucky 23

7 New Jersey 0 33 North Carolina 23

8 Vermont 0 34 Ohio 259 Connecticut 1 35 Mississippi 27

10 Massachusetts 1 36 Tennessee 27

11 Rhode Island 1 37 Georgia 2812 Maine 2 38 Missouri 2813 Nevada 2 39 North Dakota 2814 Oregon 3 40 Minnesota 3215 Utah 3 41 Arkansas 3716 Washington 3 42 Louisiana 4317 Michigan 4 43 Alabama 4418 West Virginia 4 44 Oklahoma 4419 New Mexico 5 45 Iowa 4520 New York 5 46 Illinois 5521 Pennsylvania 5 47 Kansas 5922 Wyoming 5 48 Colorado 6023 Maryland 8 49 Nebraska 6024 California 9 50 Florida 7725 Montana 10 51 Texas 14726 Virginia 11

Numerical Summaries: Measures of Central Tendency


The mode is the data value that occurs the most frequently in a data set. Although notused as often as the mean and the median, by identifying the most commonly occurringdata value the mode may suggest the central tendency of the data. For the tornado data,the mode is 0. There are eight States that did not experience any tornadoes in 2000.However, it would be misleading to suggest that the central tendency of this data set is 0,since it is obvious from the data values that the value of 0 is not 'central' to the range ofvalues.

Numerical Summaries: Measures of Dispersions


No. of Tornad


Deviation Scores

Squared Deviation


Alaska 0 -21.1 445.21Arizona 0 -21.1 445.21District of Columbia 0 -21.1 445.21

Delaware 0 -21.1 445.21Hawaii 0 -21.1 445.21

New Hampshire 0 -21.1 445.21

New Jersey 0 -21.1 445.21Vermont 0 -21.1 445.21Connecticut 1 -20.1 404.01

Massachusetts 1 -20.1 404.01

Rhode Island 1 -20.1 404.01Maine 2 -19.1 364.81Nevada 2 -19.1 364.81Oregon 3 -18.1 327.61Utah 3 -18.1 327.61Washington 3 -18.1 327.61Michigan 4 -17.1 292.41West Virginia 4 -17.1 292.41New Mexico 5 -16.1 259.21New York 5 -16.1 259.21Pennsylvania 5 -16.1 259.21Wyoming 5 -16.1 259.21Maryland 8 -13.1 171.61California 9 -12.1 146.41Montana 10 -11.1 123.21

Virginia 11 -10.1 102.01Idaho 13 -8.1 65.61Indiana 13 -8.1 65.61South Dakota 18 -3.1 9.61

Wisconsin 18 -3.1 9.61South Carolina 20 -1.1 1.21

Kentucky 23 1.9 3.61North Carolina 23 1.9 3.61

Ohio 25 3.9 15.21Mississippi 27 5.9 34.81Tennessee 27 5.9 34.81Georgia 28 6.9 47.61Missouri 28 6.9 47.61North Dakota 28 6.9 47.61

Minnesota 32 10.9 118.81Arkansas 37 15.9 252.81Louisiana 43 21.9 479.61Alabama 44 22.9 524.41Oklahoma 44 22.9 524.41Iowa 45 23.9 571.21Illinois 55 33.9 1149.21Kansas 59 37.9 1436.41Colorado 60 38.9 1513.21Nebraska 60 38.9 1513.21Florida 77 55.9 3124.81Texas 147 125.9 15850.81

Sum=0.0 Sum=36096.5

Numerical Summaries: Measures of Dispersions

Standard Deviation Using the standard deviation of 26.6 for the tornado data, we cancreate bounds around the mean that describe data positions that are ±1, ±2, or ±3standard deviations. For example, if we add one standard deviation to and subtract onestandard deviation from the mean we arrive at 47.7 and -5.5, respectively. From the Figure,we can see that most of the data fall within ±1 standard deviation of the mean, whichsuggests that the data are concentrated about the mean. Notice that as the number ofstandard deviations increases, fewer data values are found. In fact, only six data values arefound beyond ±1 standard deviations from the mean. It is interesting to note that one datavalue is beyond ±3 standard deviations. When interpreting any standard deviation value itis important to keep in mind that the greater the value of the standard deviation, the morespread out or dispersed a data set is likely to be.

Numerical Summaries: Measures of Dispersions

Interquartile Range

A quartile can be thought of as one of the classes created from the division of an ordereddata set into four equally-sized groups. The 25th quartile has 25% of the data falling belowit and the 75th quartile has 75% of the data falling below it. The interquartile rangedescribes the middle one-half (or 50%) of an ordered data set, so represents the rangebetween the data value of the 25th quartile and the data value of the 75th quartile.

The Figure illustrates the bounds of the interquartile range for the tornado data.

Numerical Summaries: Measures of Dispersions

Interquartile Range

Using the box-and-whisker plot, you can see the position of the central tendency withrespect to the interquartile range. In our case, the median is positioned toward the lowerend of the data, which suggests that the data is positively skewed. You can also see thelength of the interquartile range compared to the entire data set, and identify atypical datavalues and the degree to which those values are atypical. The numbers on top of the circleand asterisk indicate the rank of the value, and allow you to locate the specific data value.

§4.3.4 其它统计图示方法

A distribution of tornadoes by month for area covered by the National Weather Forecast Office in Shreveport. This includes 48 counties and parishes in SW Arkansas, NW Louisiana, SE Oklahoma, and E Texas.

Bar chart


Scatter plot(散点图)

A 3D scatter plot allows for the visualization of multivariate data of up to four dimensions. The Scatter plot takes multiple scalar variables and uses them for different axes in phase space. The different variables are combined to form coordinates in the phase space and they are displayed using glyphs and colored using another scalar variable.











54321 txtxtxtx


Descriptive Statistics——Classification & Arrangement——Summarizing——Presentation (figure, graph, table, …)

Inferential Statistics——Sampling——Parameter Estimation——Hypothesis Test

Statisticsfor Data Analysis


+Working Hypothesis
