CCSM Assignment Group4

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  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4


    Finland Vs. IndiaGERT HOFSTEDE Group 4

  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4



    Communication styleIntrovertModestQuiet

    Doesnt interrupt

    Uses silenceThinks in silence

    Dislikes big talkersLittle body language

    Cultural featuresLittle poer of traditions

    !igh commitment tocomplete action chains

    Linear"active and reactive

    Listening cultureData"orientation

    !igh situational relevance

    #elatively homogeneous


    #espect for eldersIndividualistic


    Communication style





    Uses silence

    Thinks aloudTalkative

    )vert body language

    Cultural features

    * lot of poer of traditions

    !igh commitment to completeaction chains

    Multi"active and reactive

    Talking culture


    Lo+er, situational relevance

    !ighly diverse and



    !igh respect for elders

    Collectivistic in local group-individualistic ith outsiders

    Cultural andcommunication

    diferences beteen India

    and Finland

    Diferences beteen Indian and Finnis! Culture

    . Finland !as a Hi"! conte#t culture!as a Hi"!

    conte#t culture but its mo$in" Culture. Finnis! communication culturedescribed as

    silent and rat!er monolo"ist culture is

    c!aracterised b& t!e samepatience' !armon&

    and pra"matism t!at c!aracteriseculture. Finnis! culture is c!aracteri)edlittle bod&

    lan"ua"e !ereas Indians are c!b an o$ert

  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4


    . Finland scores lo on -oer distance!ereas India scores !i"! on -oerdistance

    . India la"s be!ind Finland inIndi$idualism. !i"! score /masculine0 on t!isdimension in India indicates t!at t!esociet& ill be

    dri$en b& competition' ac!ie$ementand success. Finland scores !i"! on Indul"ence!ereas India scores lo on

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    -oer Distance

    . Finland scores loer t!an India %ess t!anHal*

    . T!e Finnis! st&le1

    . 2ein" independent'

    . !ierarc!& *or con$enience onl&'

    . E3ual ri"!ts'

    . superiors accessible'

    . coac!in" leader'

    . mana"ement *acilitates and empoers.

    . -oer is decentrali)ed and mana"erscount on t!e e#perience o* t!eir teammembers.

    . Emplo&ees e#pect to be consulted.

    . Control is disli+ed and attitude toardsmana"ers are in*ormal and on rst name

    basis.. Communication is direct and

    . Finland scores loer t!an InHal*

    . T!e Indian St&le1

    . appreciation *or !ierarc!& adon structure in societ& anor"ani)ations

    . dependent on t!e boss or t!!older *or direction'

    . acceptance o* un,e3ual ri"!t!e poer,pri$ile"ed and t!lesser don in t!e pec+in" o

    . immediate superiors accessla&er abo$e less so'

    . paternalistic leader' mana"edirects' "i$es reason 5 meanor+ li*e and reards in e#c

    lo&alt& *rom emplo&ees.. Communication is top don

  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4


    Interaction amon" people ia rm /-DI0

    In Indian business or"ani)ations t!e decision ma+in" is made at seniob& t!e top mana"ement. 7oreo$er' in t!e or"ani)ations t!e 8unior mt!e or"ani)ations are e#pected to "i$e respect and displa& lo&alt& to seniors in t!e or"ani)ations.

    9!ereas' t!e lo poer distance culture li+e Finland t!e subordinatepeople !a$e limited dependenc& it! t!e people it! !i"! status andlso' t!e relations!ip beteen t!e leader and subordinates is open t!e subordinates to approac!es t!eir leaders easil&. -eople relate to omore as e3uals re"ardless o* *ormal positions. Subordinates are morecom*ortable it! and demand t!e ri"!t to contribute to and criti3ue tma+in" o* t!ose in poer.

    7oreo$er' in lo poer distance culture !ere t!e decision ma+in" ce$en *rom a 8unior le$el it!out t!e consultation o* t!e senior le$el por"ani)ations. In t!e Finnis! or"ani)ations t!e members are e#pectede3uall& !ere t!e "ap beteen t!e members o* t!e or"ani)ation is m

    !en compared it! Indian or"ani)ations

  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4


    Indi$idualism. Finland' it! a score o* :; is an

    Indi$idualistic societ&. Hi"! pre*erence *or a loosel&,+nit social

    *rameor+ in !ic! indi$iduals aree#pected to ta+e care o* t!emsel$es andt!eir immediate *amilies onl&.

    . In indi$idualistic societies ofence causes"uilt and a loss o* sel*,esteem'

    . T!e emplo&er5emplo&ee relations!ip is acontract based on mutual ad$anta"e'

    . Hirin" and promotion decisions aresupposed to be based on merit onl&'

    . 7ana"ement is t!e mana"ement o*indi$iduals.

    . India !as an intermediate score

    . is a societ& it! bot! collecti$isttraits

    . Hi"! pre*erence *or belon"in" to*rameor+ in !ic! indi$iduals aaccordance to t!e "reater "ood "roup/s0

    . In suc! situations' t!e actions o*in>uenced b& social netor+s t!

    a?liation toard. For a collecti$ist' to be re8ected t!ou"!t lol& o* b& one=s e#tend"roups' lea$es !im or !er ruddeo* intense emptiness.

    . T!e emplo&er5emplo&ee relatione#pectations based on e#pectatemplo&ee and almost *amilial prEmplo&er.

    . Hirin" and promotion decisions aon relations!ips !ic! are t!e +e

  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4


    Interaction amon" people ia rm /IDV0

    In indi$idualistic cultures li+e Finland business relations!ip are mortransactional basis !en compared it! collecti$istic culture li+e I!ere t!e business relations!ip is $ieed as lon" term and sustain

    7oreo$er' in India personal relations!ip pre$ails o$er tas+ relationpla&s a ma8or role in establis!in" business relations!ip as Indians tbusiness it! t!e *riends rat!er t!an it! t!e un+non people. 2eindi$idualistic cultures li+e Finland belie$es in indi$idual accomplis!ereas t!e collecti$istic culture li+e India is more concerned it!team accomplis!ments.

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    . Finland scores 26 on this dimension and is thusconsidered a feminine society.

    . In feminine countries the focus is on working in orderto live, managers strive for consensus, people valueequality, solidarity and quality in their working lives.

    . Conflicts are resolved by compromise and negotiation.

    Incentives such as free time and flexibility are favoured.. Focus is on well-being, status is not shown.

    . An effective manager is a supportive one, and decisionmaking is achieved through involvement

    . India scores A: on t!is dim

    considered a masculine so. India is actuall& $er& masc

    $isual displa& o* success a. T!e desi"ner brand label'

    ostentation t!at "oes it!success' is idel& practice

    . Hoe$er' India is also a spmillions o* deities and $ari

    p!ilosop!ies.. T!is o*ten rei"ns in people

    7asculine displa&s to t!e emi"!t be naturall& inclined7asculine countries t!e *oand ac!ie$ements' $alidat"ains.

    . 9or+ is t!e center o* one=s&mbols o* success in t!e

  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4


    Interaction amon" people it!irm /7S Inde#0

    It is ob$ious people displa& ealt! and t!irst *or ac!ie$ement in mculture and t!e *eminine culture *ocus on preser$in" t!e en$ironm!elped under pri$ile"ed people. T!e perception suc! as Bbi" is beaappreciated more in !i"!l& masculine culture !ereas t!e *emininbelie$es in t!e perception o* Bsmall is bi".

    T!e or+places in masculine cultures pre*er traits li+e aut!orit&'asserti$eness' per*ormance and success !ile t!e or+places in *ecultures tend to be more democratic

  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4


    ncertaint& $oidance. Finland scores 59 on this dimension and thus!as a

    !i"! pre*erence *or a$oidin" uncertaint&.

    . Countries e#!ibitin" !i"! uncertaint& a$oidancemaintain ri"id codes o* belie* and be!a$iourand are intolerant o* unort!odo# be!a$iour andideas.

    . In t!ese cultures t!ere is an emotional need *or


    . time is mone&' people !a$e an inner ur"e to bebus& and or+ !ard' precision and punctualit&are t!e norm'

    . inno$ation ma& be resisted and securit& is animportant element in indi$idual moti$ation.

    . India scores 4 on t!is dimension anmedium lo pre*erence *or a$oidin"

    . In India' t!ere is acceptance o* imper!as to be per*ect nor !as to "o e#act

    . -eople "enerall& do not *eel dri$en ata+e action,initiati$es and com*ortabestablis!ed rolls and routines it!ou

    . Rules are o*ten in place 8ust to be cirone relies on inno$ati$e met!ods to s&stem.

    . ord used o*ten is Bad8ust and met!in"s' *rom turnin" a blind e&e torulndin" a uni3ue and in$enti$e solutioinsurmountable problem.

    . It is t!is attitude t!at is bot! t!e cau

    as t!e most empoerin" aspect o* t!

  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4


    Interaction amon" people ia rm /I0



    Characteristics Recommendati

    Hi"! IFinland,A

    . Ver& *ormal business practices

    . Structure is paramount. 7aintain a clear

    perspecti$e and *

    parameters set.. -reparation andplannin" are +e& communication aor+ pro8ects.

    %o IIndia,4 . In*ormal business at,mosp!ere

    . Focus on t!e lon" term businessstrate"ies t!an dail& operations.

    . cceptin" o* ris+ and c!an"e

    . $oid implementstructure o* rulesre"ulations as *arpossible

    . 7inimi)e emotionreactions and +ee

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  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4


    Interaction amon" people ia rm /%TO0



    Characteristics Recommendation

    HighLTO . Famil& is *undamental

    . -arents and men !old aut!orit&o$er t!e &oun" and omen

    . Stron" or+ et!ic

    . Emp!asis placed on trainin" andeducation

    . Respect traditions

    . Reard t!ose t!at alo&al and committed

    . Stron"l& a$oidsituations t!at causesomeone to lose *ace

    . 2e aare o* timeorientation

    Low LTOFinand-!"

    . Stri$e *or e3ualit&

    . Indi$idualism and sel*,actuali)ation arepursued

    . bide b& t!e samerules t!at &ou preac!

    . 2e respect*ul

    . Introduce c!an"edecisi$el&

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    . The relatively high score of 57 indicates that Finland isan indulgent country.

    . People in societies classified by a high score inindulgence generally exhibit a willingness to realisetheir impulses and desires with regard to enjoying lifeand having fun.

    . They possess a positive attitude and have a tendencytowards optimism.

    . In addition, they place a higher degree of importanceon leisure time, act as they please and spend money asthey wish.

    . India recei$es a lo scoredimension' meanin" t!at restraint.

    . Societies it! a lo score!a$e a tendenc& to c&nici

    . lso' in contrast to indul"

    restrained societies do noemp!asis on leisure time "ratication o* t!eir desire

    . -eople it! t!is orientatiperception t!at t!eir actiob& social norms and *eel tt!emsel$es is some!at

  • 8/9/2019 CCSM Assignment Group4


    Interaction amon" people ia rm /IVR0

    . BIndul"ence stands *or a societ& t!at allos relati$el& *ree "ratication o* natural !uman desires related to en8o&in" li*e and !a$in" *un /Ho*stede' JRestraint stands *or a societ& t!at controls "ratication o* needs and re"ulmeans o* strict social norms

    . The high indulgence societys people can freely fulfill their basic needs and desires freely as t

    strict social norms. On the other !and restraint societies !a$e stricter social norm"ratications o* dri$es are suppressed and re"ulated. T!e indul"ence socie

    Finland belie$es *reedom o* speec! as important t!in". 9!ereas' in t!e ressociet& li+e India *reedom speec! is not a primar& concern

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