神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法ガイドライン...はじめに 5...

ܦো᙭௧ ༀ๏ΨΠυϥΠϯ վగୈ 2 ൛

Transcript of 神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法ガイドライン...はじめに 5...

Page 1: 神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法ガイドライン...はじめに 5 疾患に伴う様々な痛みの中でも,神経障害性疼痛は難治性であり,医療者の関心を集め



Page 2: 神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法ガイドライン...はじめに 5 疾患に伴う様々な痛みの中でも,神経障害性疼痛は難治性であり,医療者の関心を集め
Page 3: 神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法ガイドライン...はじめに 5 疾患に伴う様々な痛みの中でも,神経障害性疼痛は難治性であり,医療者の関心を集め


 西暦 2010 年(平成 22 年)における医療用麻薬であるフェンタニル貼付剤の非がん性疼痛に対する適応拡大に始まり,神経障害性疼痛に適応のあるプレガバリンとがん性疼痛に適応のあるトラマドールの上市,続く 2011 年には,ブプレノルフィン経皮吸収型製剤,トラマドール/アセトアミノフェン配合剤の上市などにより,当時,本邦における“痛み”と“痛み治療”への関心は否が応にも高まりました.このため,日本ペインクリニック学会会員のみならず,“痛み”治療に関与する他の学会関係者や多くの医療関係者から,“痛み”治療・研究の専門学会である日本ペインクリニック学会から,本邦の現状を認識し,かつ国際的 EBM に基づいた神経障害性疼痛に関する薬物療法のガイドラインの発行を求める声が多く聞かれるようになり,これを受けて,2011 年 7 月に「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン」初版が上梓されました.その後,約 5 年の間に数回の増刷を重ねるほどの好評を博したことはご存知のとおりです. この間も,デュロキセチン,タペンタドール,メサドンなど,さらに多くの鎮痛薬や鎮痛補助薬の上市,念願の三環系抗うつ薬の痛みへの適応拡大など“痛み”治療に関係する新しい薬物・薬剤が市場へ次々と登場し,医療界全体の痛みへの関心はさらに高いものになってきました. しかし,短期間に多くの薬物・薬剤が上市されたことや専門家でない医師による処方が増えたことなどから,そのことに纏わるトラブルも多く報告されるようになりました.ここで,今一度,鎮痛薬の使い方,特に治療の困難な神経障害性疼痛に対する各鎮痛薬,鎮痛補助薬の知識の整理や使い分け,併用法,副作用,適応やエビデンスなどを的確に理解できる改訂版の発刊を求める声が巷に多く聞かれるようになりました. このため,日本ペインクリニック学会では,「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂版作成ワーキンググループ(WG)」を組織し,まず,WG のコアメンバーが中心となり,項目,クリニカル・クエスチョン(CQ)を作成し,各項目,CQ に対する解説,推奨度,エビデンスレベルの総括などの執筆が開始されました.さらに各項目,CQ に対する解説,推奨度,エビデンスレベルの総括について,コアメンバーによりクロスチェックが 2 度行われ,度々のワーキンググループコアメンバー会議で討論され,最終的には WG の委員全員で全体の校正が行われ,その後,日本ペインクリニック学会会員によるパブリックコメントを得た後,ついにここに上梓されました. このガイドライン改訂第 2 版の構成は,2014 年に改訂された「Minds 診療ガイドライン作成の手引き 2014」に沿って作成されており,各項目で,CQ,要約,エビデンスレベル,推奨度,解説が示されています.その方式は,まずエビデンスレベルは CQ に対してアウトカムを決定し,そのアウトカムごとのシステマティックレビューを行い,その総合に全体的な評価を加えて示されること,エビデンスレベルは特定のアウトカムの評価だけでなく,害を含め重要なアウトカムをすべて評価して決定されること,また,推奨の強さは,各アウトカムの結果を総合して推奨度が決められ,その推奨度はエビデンスレベルも考慮した上でのコンセンサスで,重要な論文をすべて拾い出し,主なアウトカムをすべて評価し,害も含めて全体のエビデンスを提示して推奨するかどうかの議論を始めること,など

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からなっています.また,エビデンスレベルが低くても,益と害のバランスが大きな違いならば強い推奨になり得るし,エビデンスレベルが高くても,益と害のバランスがわずかな違いならば,弱い推奨になり得ることを考慮して決定することなどが新しいガイドラインの特徴です.さらに,オピオイドなど薬物の適正使用などにおける expert opinion,総論の解説も混在させながら,できるだけ CQ 形式で作成することが基本とされています.このため,この「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂第 2 版」のガイドラインとしての完成度は,初版に比し格段に高いものとなっています. ただ,言うまでもなく,初版と同じく「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂第 2版」も治療方針の決定,専門施設への紹介判断などに使用されることを目的として作成されたものであり,その他の状況(補償や訴訟など)で使用するべきものではないことを,再度,ここに明記しておきます. 最後に本ガイドライン作成にあたり,多大な御助言を頂いた武蔵国分寺公園クリニック院長の名郷直樹 先生,東京女子医科大学の山口直人 教授,パブリックコメントをいただいた日本ペインクリニック学会会員の皆様,また,日本ペインクリニック学会「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂版作成ワーキンググループ」委員長の福井 聖 先生を始めとした WG 委員の諸先生方に,その多大なご尽力とご努力に対し,この場を借りて感謝の意を表します.

平成 28 年 6 月

日本ペインクリニック学会 代表理事

細 川 豊 史

Page 5: 神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法ガイドライン...はじめに 5 疾患に伴う様々な痛みの中でも,神経障害性疼痛は難治性であり,医療者の関心を集め


 疾患に伴う様々な痛みの中でも,神経障害性疼痛は難治性であり,医療者の関心を集めていることは周知の事実である.これを踏まえ,日本ペインクリニック学会は,平成 23年 6 月に「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン」を和文・英文で出版した.その後,新規薬物・薬剤の登場や神経障害性疼痛に関する新しい知見も得られたことから,日本ペインクリニック学会では,今回,改訂版を作成することとした.また,今後,3 年ごとに改訂することとした. 「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂第 2 版」は,日本医療機能評価機構,EBM普及推進事業「Minds」の「診療ガイドライン作成の手引き 2014」や AGREE Ⅱなどの資料に準じて作成した.ここに evidence‒based medicine(EBM)の考えに則り,ガイドラインの改訂版を提示する. 本ガイドラインが広く用いられることによって,少しでも多くの神経障害性疼痛患者の生活の質(quality of life:QOL)改善に寄与することを期待する.

「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂第 2版」作成の目的 本ガイドラインは,ペインクリニック医師および痛み診療関連の医療従事者のみならず,かかりつけ医も対象とし,多くの医療者が神経障害性疼痛に対する基本の処方を理解することで,神経障害性疼痛患者の QOL 向上に寄与することを目的とした.

「神経症障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂第 2版」の基本理念 本ガイドラインは,現時点における最新の神経障害性疼痛薬物療法のエビデンスを示し,一般に公開し,医療従事者の治療方針の作成や医療を受ける側との相互理解に役立てるものである. 改訂版は,「Minds 診療ガイドライン作成の手引き 2014」や AGREE Ⅱを基に作成することとし,CQ(クリニカルクエスチョン),解説,CQ の項目の推奨度,エビデンスレベルをつけること,オピオイドの適正使用など expert opinion も混在しながら,できるだけ CQ 形式で作成することを基本とした.CQ 形式とすることで,痛みの専門医のみならず,一般内科医,かかりつけ医まで対象として,地域医療を担うかかりつけ医にもわかりやすいガイドラインを作成することとした. 「Minds 診療ガイドライン作成の手引き 2014」(http://minds4.jcqhc.or.jp/minds/guideline/handbook2014.html)に沿った形式で,神経障害性疼痛の定義,疫学,診断,治療,慢性痛の治療目標である QOL の改善に対する効果や痛みに付随する関連症状(睡眠障害や抑うつ気分など),各論の順で CQ を作り,推奨度と解説で答えるという形で統一することを原則とした.エビデンスを重要視し,保険適応のない薬物も解説した.適応外の薬物については,これについてコメントし,専門医のみならず,一般内科医,かかりつけ医まで対象として,理解できるようなものとした.また,今回の改訂版では実臨床に即したガイドラインとするため,疾患各論を設けて,個々の疾患に対する薬物療法の有効性について検討し,詳細に記載した.


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6 はじめに

 一部の権威者の意見でなく,学会として中立な立場からガイドラインを作成するため,作成には若手,中堅の協力者も多く入れることとした. また,「非がん性慢性[疼]痛に対するオピオイド鎮痛薬処方ガイドライン」初版と「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法のガイドライン」初版との整合性をとるため,本改訂版では,それぞれのガイドライン作成委員会の委員を半分程度重複させ,連携の下に,2 つのガイドラインの整合性を保つこととした. オピオイドの分類に関しては「非がん性慢性[疼]痛に対するオピオイド鎮痛薬処方ガイドライン」と整合性をとり,「弱オピオイド」,「強オピオイド」という呼び方と同時に,WHO の分類を基に「軽度」(トラマドール),「中等度」(ブプレノルフィン),「強度」(フェンタニルなど)の分類で記載した.

 本改訂版は,本稿は日本ペインクリニック学会「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂版作成ワーキンググループ」コアメンバーが中心となり,委員,および協力者によって作成された.さらに,度々にわたるワーキンググループ会議,コアメンバー会議,メーリングリストによる会議,討論を基盤として完成した. また,外部専門家として様々なアドバイス,意見をいただいた名郷直樹 先生(武蔵国分寺公園クリニック 院長)に心から御礼申し上げる. 最後に本改訂版作成にあたり,多大な御尽力をいただいた日本ペインクリニック学会

「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂版作成ワーキンググループ」の委員,コアメンバーの諸先生方,御協力,御指導いただいた顧問,外部委員の先生方,日本ペインクリニック学会会員,関係学会の皆様にこの場を借りて,感謝の意を表する.

福井 聖日本ペインクリニック学会


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ガイドラインの基本構成 本ガイドラインの構成は医療情報サービス「Minds 診療ガイドライン作成の手引き2014」に沿った項目立てとし,CQ(クリニカルクエスチョン),要約,エビデンスレベル,推奨度,解説を示すことを作成の基本とした.神経障害性疼痛の基礎知識を理解するための概論,総論の章では,エビデンスレベルのみ提示した項目も含まれている.総論,各論の構成はガイドライン改訂版作成ワーキンググループ(WG)のコアメンバーで作成した.

クリニカルクエスチョン(clinical question:CQ)の作成 クリニカル・クエスチョン(CQ)は,ガイドライン改訂版作成 WG コアメンバーと各項目執筆担当者が案を作り,CQ に対する要約と解説を作成した.

エビデンスレベル 治療のエビデンスレベルは「Minds 診療ガイドライン作成の手引き 2014」に沿って,CQ に対して,Q&A の A に当たる部分,アウトカムごとのシステマティックレビューのまとめに,以下の全体的な評価を加えて作成した. CQ に対するエビデンス総体の総括(アウトカム全般に関する全体的なエビデンスの強さ)は,「Minds 診療ガイドライン作成の手引き 2014」における推奨度作成のためのエビデンス総体の総括を基に A(強):効果の推定値に強く確信がある B(中):効果の推定値に中程度の確信がある C(弱):効果の推定値に対する確信は限定的である D(とても弱い):効果の推定値がほとんど確信できないと規定した. 個々の文献のエビデンスレベルは,「Minds 診療ガイドライン作成の手引き 2014」では必ずしも必要ないとされているが,「Oxford Centre for Evidence‒Based Medicine Levels of Evidence」(http://www.cebm.net/index.aspx?o=1025)が,治療・予防,病因・害,予後,診断,経済的評価について総合的に評価でき,読者の参考になると考え,総論の解説部分を除き,基本的には,本ガイドラインでも文献につけることした.

推奨度の決定 推奨度は「Minds 診療ガイドライン作成の手引き 2014」に沿って,CQ に対して,そのアウトカムごとのシステマティックレビューを行い,そのアウトカムごとのエビデンスレベルを総合して,以下のように推奨度を決めることを基本とした. 推奨の強さは, 1:強く推奨する 2:弱く推奨する(提案する)の 2 通りで提示した.推奨の強さを決められない場合,明確な推奨ができない場合には,


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8 ガイドラインの作成方法

「なし」と表示した. 要約の最後に,上記推奨の強さ「1」にエビデンスの強さ(A,B,C,D)を併記した例を挙げる.  1)患者 P に対して治療 I を行うことを推奨する(1A)    =(強い推奨,強い根拠に基づく)  2)患者 P に対して治療 C に比べ治療 I を行うことを提案する(2C)    =(弱い推奨,弱い根拠に基づく)  3)患者 P に対して治療 C も治療 I も行わないことを提案する(2D)    =(弱い推奨,とても弱い根拠に基づく)  4)患者 P に対して治療 I を行わないことを強く推奨する(1B)    =(強い推奨,中程度の根拠に基づく) エビデンスレベルが低くても,益と害のバランスが大きな違いならば,強い推奨になり得るし,エビデンスレベルが高くても,益と害のバランスが僅かな違いならば,弱い推奨になり得ることを考慮して決定した. 推奨度,エビデンスレベルは以下の原則を考慮して総合的に判断した. 1. エビデンスレベルと推奨度は別のもので,エビデンスレベルは推奨度決定の一要素

に過ぎない, 2. 推奨度はエビデンスレベルも考慮した上でのコンセンサスである, 3. エビデンスレベルは,アウトカムごとのシステマティックレビューの総合によって

示される, 4. エビデンスレベルは,特定のアウトカムの評価だけでなく,害を含め重要なアウト

カムはすべて評価して決定する. 推奨度の提示は,執筆担当者がまず提示し,コアメンバーがクロスチェックを 2 回行い,

Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine Levels for Evidence(http://www.cebm.net/index.aspx?o=1025)

レベル1a RCT のシステマティックレビュー(RCT の結果がほぼ一様)1b 信頼区間が狭い個々の RCT1c 治療群以外の患者すべてが亡くなっている場合,あるいは治療群はすべて生存している

場合2a コホート研究のシステマティックレビュー(コホート研究の結果がほぼ一様)2b 個々のコホート研究で有用性が示されている.ただし,質の低い(フォローアップ 80%

未満など)RCT を含む2c アウトカム研究(医療サービス研究)やエコロジカル研究3a ケースコントロール研究のシステマティックレビュー(ケースコントロール研究の結果

がほぼ一様)3b 個々のケースコントロール研究4 ケースシリーズ研究(および質の低いコホート研究あるいはケースコントロール研究)5 系統だった批判的査読を受けていないが,生理学的・基礎研究的・原理に基づく専門家


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最終的にガイドライン改訂版作成 WG 委員全体で決定した.重要な論文をすべてピックアップし,重要なアウトカムをすべて評価し,害も含めて,全体のエビデンスを提示して,推奨するかどうかの議論を行った.

原稿の推敲 各担当者が作成した記述内容について,ガイドライン改訂版作成 WG コアメンバーがクロチェック形式で 2 回の査読と推敲を行い,最終的には各原稿について WG 全員で査読と推敲を行った.各 CQ に対する推奨度は委員全員で最終決定した.

文献の検索と採用 参考文献として採用する文献は,三環系抗うつ薬に関する論文など古い文献に限られる場合もあり,結果的には年代にこだわらず,最新の文献まで全文献を網羅することになった.参考文献の検索は,PubMed,医中誌(会議録を除く),Cochrane の検索式で検索できる範囲とした.

利益相反の開示 利益相反については,本ガイドライン作成に関わった全員を対象とし,開示は委員名と企業名のみ記載し,各個人の利益相反関係は,学会ホームページ上に掲載することとした.

治療の適応にあたって 国外では,国際疼痛学会(IASP)の NEP Special Interest Group が最近の 2015 年にすぐれたシステマティックレビュー,ガイドラインを提唱している.われわれも EBM の考えに則り,本邦の痛み関連医療者を中心に,かかりつけ医まで,すべての医療者を対象として,本ガイドラインを提示した エビデンスに乏しい分野では,そのことを記述し,評価が定まっていない治療法についても,その旨を記述している. 慢性疼痛に対する,薬物療法の適応に関しては,個々の症例の心理社会的背景などを考慮し,個々の症例の背景に応じて,慎重に考えるべきであることはいうまでもない. 本ガイドラインで記載した薬物の使用に当たっては,適応のあるなしに関わらず,患者に十分な説明を行った上で使用することを銘記されたい. 医療者は推奨レベルのみを一読するのではなく,本文,まとめ,解説をしっかり読んだ上で薬物療法の施行を検討するようにお願いしたい. また,本ガイドラインは,治療方針の作成,専門施設への紹介判断などに使用されることを目的として作成されたものであり,その他の状況(補償や訴訟など)で使用すべきものでないことを明記する.

福井 聖日本ペインクリニック学会


Page 10: 神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法ガイドライン...はじめに 5 疾患に伴う様々な痛みの中でも,神経障害性疼痛は難治性であり,医療者の関心を集め

10 目  次

神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン改訂第 2版

目  次

序 3

はじめに 5

ガイドラインの作成方法 7

目 次 10

執筆者 14

利益相反の開示 15


  1.神経障害性疼痛の定義 18CQ1: 神経障害性疼痛の定義および神経障害性疼痛を臨床において


  2.神経障害性疼痛の病態 20CQ2:神経障害性疼痛の病態をどのように理解するか?

  3.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患 22CQ3:神経障害性疼痛に含まれる疾患にはどのようなものがあるか?

  4.神経障害性疼痛の分類と混合性疼痛 24CQ4:神経障害性疼痛と侵害受容性疼痛の分類とその臨床的意義は?

  5.末梢神経の急性炎症による痛み 25CQ5:末梢神経の炎症による急性痛は神経障害性疼痛か?

  6.慢性疼痛症候群と神経障害性疼痛 27CQ6:神経障害性疼痛患者が呈する慢性疼痛症候群とは?

  7.神経障害性疼痛の疫学 29CQ7:神経障害性疼痛の保有率に関する疫学調査は存在するか?CQ8:がん患者の神経障害性疼痛保有率の疫学調査は存在するか?


  8.神経障害性疼痛の診断 34CQ9: 神経障害性疼痛の可能性がある患者をどのようにスクリーニング

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11目  次


  9.神経障害性疼痛の臨床的特徴 40CQ11:神経障害性疼痛の臨床的特徴は?

 10.神経障害性疼痛とQOL 43CQ12:神経障害性疼痛の QOL に与える影響は?

 11.神経障害性疼痛の治療方針:概略 44CQ13:神経障害性疼痛に対する治療方針の概略は?

 12.神経障害性疼痛の治療目標 45CQ14:神経障害性疼痛の治療目標はどのように設定すべきか?


 13.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法 48CQ15: 神経障害性疼痛全般に対する薬物療法の治療効果の指標と薬物


    13‒1.第一選択薬 48



    13‒2.第二選択薬 51



    13‒3.第三選択薬 52

オピオイド鎮痛薬CQ16: 神経障害性疼痛に対する NSAIDs とアセトアミノフェンの推奨


 14.カルシウム(Ca2+)チャネル α2δ リガンド 57CQ17:神経障害性疼痛に対するプレガバリンの推奨度は?

 15. 三環系抗うつ薬 59CQ18:神経障害性疼痛に対して三環系抗うつ薬は有効か?CQ19: 三環系抗うつ薬にはどのような薬物があり,どのように使い分


 16.セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬(SNRI) 63CQ20:神経障害性疼痛に対して SNRI は有効か?

 17.ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液 65CQ21:ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液の特徴は?

 18. オピオイド鎮痛薬〔軽度〕:トラマドール 66

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12 目  次


 19.オピオイド鎮痛薬〔中等度〕:ブプレノルフィン 68CQ23:ブプレノルフィンとはどのような特徴を持ったオピオイドか?CQ24:神経障害性疼痛に対してブプレノルフィンは有効か?CQ25:神経障害性疼痛に対してブプレノルフィン貼付剤は有効か?CQ26:ブプレノルフィン貼付剤の安全性,忍容性は?

 20.オピオイド鎮痛薬〔強度〕:フェンタニルなど 74CQ27:神経障害性疼痛に対して強オピオイド鎮痛薬は有効か?

 21.神経障害性疼痛薬物療法で用いる選択薬の種類と使用方法 76

 22.その他の抗うつ薬 78CQ 28: 神経障害性疼痛に対して三環系抗うつ薬,SNRI 以外の抗うつ薬


 23.抗てんかん薬 80CQ 29: 神経障害性疼痛に対してプラセボと比較して,プレガバリン・


 24.NMDA(N-methyl-D-aspartate)受容体拮抗薬 84CQ 30:神経障害性疼痛に対して NMDA 受容体拮抗薬は有効か?

 25.抗不整脈薬 86CQ31: 神経障害性疼痛に対して,プラセボと比較して抗不整脈薬(メ


 26.漢 方 薬 88CQ32:神経障害性疼痛に対して漢方薬は有効か?


 27.帯状疱疹後神経痛(慢性期) 90CQ33:帯状疱疹後神経痛に対して,最初に考慮される薬物は何か?CQ34:帯状疱疹後神経痛に対してオピオイドは有効か?CQ35:帯状疱疹後神経痛に対して,他に検討すべき薬物はあるか?

 28.外傷後末梢神経障害性疼痛 94CQ36: 外傷後末梢神経障害性疼痛に対して Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンド


 29.有痛性糖尿病性神経障害 97CQ39:有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対する基本方針と薬物の推奨度は?

 30.三叉神経痛 101CQ40: 三叉神経痛に対してプラセボと比較してカルバマゼピンは有効


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13目  次

CQ41: 三叉神経痛に対してカルバマゼピン以外に有効な薬物はあるか?

 31.中枢性神経障害性疼痛 105CQ42:中枢性脳卒中後疼痛に対してどのような薬物療法が有効か?CQ43: 多発性硬化症による神経障害性疼痛に対してどのような薬物療


 32.脊髄損傷後疼痛 107CQ44: 脊髄損傷後疼痛に対して三環系抗うつ薬や Ca2+チャネル α2δ リ

ガンドは有効か?CQ45:脊髄損傷後疼痛に対してオピオイドは有効か?CQ46: 三環系抗うつ薬や Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンド,オピオイド以外


 33.化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害性疼痛 110CQ47: 化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害性疼痛に対してデュロキセチンは

有効か?CQ48: 化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害性疼痛に対してデュロキセチン以


 34.がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛 113CQ49: がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛に対して強オピオイド鎮痛

薬は有効か?CQ50: がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛に対して神経障害性疼痛治


 35. 手術後神経障害性疼痛(瘢痕部痛など),医原性神経障害(開胸術

後神経障害性疼痛,乳房切除後疼痛など) 116CQ 51:周術期の薬物投与は術後の神経障害性疼痛を軽減させるか?CQ 52:完成した慢性開胸術後痛に対する有効な薬物はあるか?CQ 53:完成した慢性乳房切除後痛に対する有効な薬物はあるか?CQ 54:鼠径ヘルニア術後痛に有効な薬物は?

 36.頸部,腰部神経根症 120CQ 55:頸部,腰部神経根症に対して抗うつ薬は有効か?CQ 56: 頸部,腰部神経根症に対して Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドは有効

か?CQ 57:頸部,腰部神経根症に対してオピオイドは有効か?CQ 58: 頸部,腰部神経根症に対して抗うつ薬,Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガ


索引 255

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「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂第 2版」作成・執筆者

学術顧問細川 豊史〔代表理事〕京都府立医科大学 疼痛・緩和医療学講座 教授奥田 泰久〔事務局長〕獨協医科大学越谷病院 麻酔科 教授大瀬戸清茂〔前学術委員長,前治療指針検討委員長〕東京医科大学 麻酔学分野 教授

外部委員名郷 直樹 武蔵国分寺公園クリニック 院長

神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン 改訂版 作成ワーキンググループ委員福井  聖〔委員長〕〔コアメンバー〕滋賀医科大学附属病院 ペインクリニック科 病院教授伊達  久〔副委員長〕〔コアメンバー〕仙台ペインクリニック 院長井関 雅子〔コアメンバー〕順天堂大学医学部 麻酔科学・ペインクリニック講座 教授山口 重樹〔コアメンバー〕獨協医科大学 麻酔科学講座 教授住谷 昌彦〔コアメンバー〕東京大学医学部附属病院 緩和ケア診療部/麻酔科・痛みセンター 准教授境  徹也〔コアメンバー〕長崎大学病院 麻酔科 准教授岩下 成人〔コアメンバー〕滋賀医科大学附属病院 ペインクリニック科 学内講師加藤  実〔委員〕日本大学医学部 麻酔科学系 麻酔科学分野 教授木村 嘉之〔委員〕獨協医科大学 麻酔科学講座 准教授小杉志都子〔委員〕慶応義塾大学医学部 麻酔学教室 専任講師廣瀬 宗孝〔委員〕兵庫医科大学 麻酔科学・疼痛制御学講座 教授深澤 圭太〔委員〕京都府立医科大学 疼痛・緩和医療学講座 学内講師福井 秀公〔委員〕東京医科大学 麻酔科学分野 講師松田 陽一〔委員〕大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 生体統御医学講座 麻酔・集中治療医学教室 助教(学部内講師)山内 正憲〔委員〕東北大学大学院医学系研究科 麻酔科学・周術期医学分野 教授

協 力 者山口 敬介 順天堂大学医学部 麻酔科学・ペインクリニック講座 先任准教授高橋 良佳 順天堂大学医学部 麻酔科学・ペインクリニック講座 助教大路 牧人 NTT 東日本関東病院 ペインクリニック科樋田久美子 長崎大学医学部 麻酔学教室 助教石井 浩二 長崎大学医学部 麻酔学教室 助教渡邉 恵介 奈良県立医科大学 麻酔科ペインセンター 講師渡邉 秀和 仙台ペインクリニック滝口 規子 仙台ペインクリニック北村 知子 仙台ペインクリニック綿引 奈苗 仙台ペインクリニック山城  晃 仙台ペインクリニック

Page 15: 神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法ガイドライン...はじめに 5 疾患に伴う様々な痛みの中でも,神経障害性疼痛は難治性であり,医療者の関心を集め



医薬品・医療機器メーカー 委員・協力者MSD(株) 廣瀬宗孝,山内正憲,山口重樹アステラス製薬(株) 住谷昌彦,名郷直樹,細川豊史アボット ジャパン(株) 住谷昌彦エーザイ(株) 井関雅子,加藤 実,住谷昌彦,山内正憲,山口重樹

(株)エリクエンスジャパン 松田陽一(株)大塚製薬工場 山内正憲小野薬品工業(株) 住谷昌彦,廣瀬宗孝,山内正憲協和発酵キリン(株) 小杉志都子,住谷昌彦,廣瀬宗孝,福井 聖,細川豊史,山口重樹佐藤製薬(株) 伊達 久塩野義製薬(株) 井関雅子,小杉志都子,住谷昌彦,伊達 久,福井 聖,細川豊史,山口重樹昭和薬品化工(株) 小杉志都子,細川豊史,山口重樹セント・ジュード・メディカル(株) 松田陽一第一三共(株) 加藤 実,細川豊史大研医器(株) 廣瀬宗孝大正富山医薬品(株) 福井 聖大日本住友製薬(株) 住谷昌彦,廣瀬宗孝,細川豊史,山内正憲,山口重樹大鵬製薬工業(株) 住谷昌彦,山口重樹武田薬品工業(株) 細川豊史田辺三菱製薬(株) 福井 聖,細川豊史

(株)ツムラ 岩下成人,境 徹也,細川豊史帝國製薬(株) 山口重樹テルモ(株) 細川豊史,山口重樹鳥居薬品(株) 山口重樹東レ(株) 住谷昌彦ドレーゲル・メディカル ジャパン 山内正憲ニプロ(株) 伊達 久日本イーライリリー(株) 住谷昌彦日本化薬(株) 細川豊史日本新薬(株) 細川豊史日本臓器製薬(株) 大瀬戸清茂,境 徹也,住谷昌彦,伊達 久,山内正憲,山口重樹日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム(株) 名郷直樹バクスター(株) 山内正憲久光製薬(株) 石井浩二,井関雅子,岩下成人,大瀬戸清茂,奥田泰久,加藤 実,境 徹也,

住谷昌彦,伊達 久,廣瀬宗孝,福井 聖,細川豊史,山口重樹ビタカイン製薬(株) 伊達 久,深澤圭太,福井 聖ビー・ブラウンエースクラップ(株) 加藤 実,深澤圭太,山内正憲ファイザー(株) 石井浩二,井関雅子,岩下成人,奥田泰久,加藤 実,境 徹也,住谷昌彦,

伊達 久,名郷直樹,廣瀬宗孝,深澤圭太,福井 聖,細川豊史,山内正憲,山口重樹

(株)富士フイルムソノサイト・ジャパン 深澤圭太,山内正憲ボストン・サイエンティフィック ジャパン(株) 伊達 久丸石製薬(株) 加藤 実,廣瀬宗孝,樋田久美子,深澤圭太,山内正憲,山口重樹マルホ(株) 山口重樹ムンディファーマ(株) 山口重樹持田製薬(株) 加藤 実,境 徹也,伊達 久,山口重樹ヤンセンファーマ(株) 大瀬戸清茂,奥田泰久,加藤 実,境 徹也,住谷昌彦,伊達 久,福井 聖,

細川豊史,松田陽一,山口重樹(50 音順)

Page 16: 神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法ガイドライン...はじめに 5 疾患に伴う様々な痛みの中でも,神経障害性疼痛は難治性であり,医療者の関心を集め
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 1.神経障害性疼痛の定義 CQ12.神経障害性疼痛の病態 CQ23.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患 CQ34.神経障害性疼痛の分類と混合性疼痛 CQ45.末梢神経の急性炎症による痛み CQ56.慢性疼痛症候群と神経障害性疼痛 CQ67.神経障害性疼痛の疫学 CQ7,CQ8




1.神経障害性疼痛の定義 CQ1CQ12.神経障害性疼痛の病態 CQ2CQ23.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患 CQ3CQ34.神経障害性疼痛の分類と混合性疼痛 CQ4CQ45.末梢神経の急性炎症による痛み CQ5CQ56.慢性疼痛症候群と神経障害性疼痛 CQ6CQ67.神経障害性疼痛の疫学 CQ7,CQ8CQ7,CQ8





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18 Ⅰ.神経障害性疼痛の概論


CQ1: 神経障害性疼痛の定義および神経障害性疼痛を臨床においてどのように理解するか?

 神経障害性疼痛は“体性感覚神経系の病変や疾患によって引き起こされる疼痛”と定義されている.神経障害性疼痛は単一の疾患を指すのではなく,多くの痛みの訴えに含まれる病態として認識されなければならない. エビデンス総体の総括:A

解  説: 神経障害性疼痛は,原因となる病変や疾患が極めて多彩であることから,各領域の専門家がそれぞれの立場で“神経障害性疼痛”という用語を用い,その疾患を診断してきた.このような経緯から,神経障害性疼痛という疾患概念が臨床領域間で共有されず,神経障害性疼痛という用語については臨床的に混乱した状況であった.このような神経障害性疼痛という用語を巡る臨床的混乱を収束することを目的に,国際疼痛学会が 1994 年に「神経系の一次的病変あるいは機能異常によって起こる疼痛」と神経障害性疼痛を定義した1).しかし,痛みには常に神経系が関連していることに疑いはなく,“神経系”という言葉が意味を成していないこと,“機能異常”という言葉の定義がなされておらず,意味が曖昧なことなどから,2008 年に国際疼痛学会 神経障害性疼痛分科会が「体性感覚神経系に対する病変や疾患の直接的な結果として生じている疼痛」と再定義した2).1994年の定義であれば,痛み認知の神経基盤ではない大脳後頭葉視覚野(すなわち神経系の一つ)の神経細胞の易興奮性(すなわち機能異常)によって発症する閃輝暗点を伴う片頭痛が神経障害性疼痛に含まれることになっていたが,2008 年の再定義によって,片頭痛は神経障害性疼痛には含まれないことになる.このように,2008 年の再定義によって,神経障害性疼痛の疾患範疇がより限定的になり,その概念の共通化が,臨床各領域間で,また,臨床医学と基礎医学の間で進んだが,臨床的には疾患範疇の限定化による弊害もまた指摘された3).具体的には,神経障害性疼痛を診断する特異性の低さや解剖学的な原因部位特定の困難さから,神経障害性疼痛の診断が偽陰性と判定され,神経障害性疼痛としての治療が導入される患者が不利益を受けることが挙げられた.このような問題点の指摘に加えて,国際疼痛学会は,2008 年の定義が疾患範疇を限定したために,神経障害性疼痛が単一の疾患であるかのような誤解を招きかねないとし,神経障害性疼痛は複数の発症機序を基盤として様々な症状や徴候によって構成される症候群であることを示すことのできるような定義が望まれることから,2011 年には「体性感覚神経系の病変や疾患によって引き起こされる疼痛」と定義し直した4).神経障害性疼痛の診断では,診断学的検査で結果が出ない場合や一貫したデータが得られないことも多いが,患者の全体的な所見を推定診断あるいは簡潔な診断グ


国際疼痛学会IASP:International Association for the Study of Pain

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ループにまとめるための臨床判断が必要となることにも留意する. なお,2011 年に発行した日本ペインクリニック学会「神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン」では“lesion”の訳として“損傷”を充てていたが,圧迫などの不可逆性の解剖学的変化を伴わないような状態にも用いられる単語であるため,日本ペインクリニック学会「ペインクリニック用語集改訂第 4 版」(2015 年)に倣い,“病変”と改めた.

参考文献 1) Mersky H, Bogduk N : Classification of chronic pain, 2nd ed. IASP Press,

1994 2) Loeser JD, Treede RD : The Kyoto protocol of IASP basic pain terminol-

ogy. Pain 2008 ; 137 : 473‒477 3) Eisenberg E : Reassessment of neuropathic pain in light of its revised

definition : Possible implications and consequences. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 2‒3 4) Jensen TS, Baron R, Haanpäpä M, et al : A new definition of neuropathic

pain. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 2204‒2205


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20 Ⅰ.神経障害性疼痛の概論


CQ2: 神経障害性疼痛の病態をどのように理解するか?

 神経障害性疼痛は「体性感覚神経系の病変や疾患によって引き起こされる疼痛」と定義され,末梢神経から大脳に至るまでの侵害情報伝達経路のいずれかに病変や疾患が存在する際に生じる.体性感覚神経系の過敏性と下行性疼痛修飾系における抑制系の機能減弱が発症機序となる. エビデンス総体の総括:A

解  説: 痛みは“組織の実質的ないし潜在的な傷害と関連した,あるいはこのような傷害と関連して述べられる不快な感覚的情動体験”と定義されている1).痛みは,本来,生体に対する侵害刺激の危険を知らせる警告系として作用し,末梢神経上に存在する侵害受容器の興奮が末梢神経→脊髄→大脳へと伝達された際に知覚される.このような機序で引き起こされる痛みの病態を侵害受容性疼痛と呼ぶ.しかし,これら体性感覚伝達経路に損傷を受けると上位中枢への体性感覚入力が減弱あるいは消失するにもかかわらず,自発的に痛みや痛覚過敏,アロディニアが生じることがある.このような侵害受容器の興奮を伴わない痛みには,体性感覚神経系の病変や疾患によって引き起こされる神経障害性疼痛と精神心理的な疾患によって痛みが発症する心因性疼痛の 2 つの病態が,現在,想定されている. 末梢神経から大脳に至るまでの侵害情報伝達経路のいずれかに病変や疾患が存在すると,末梢神経終末上の侵害受容器の興奮がなくても脊髄後角神経細胞以上の神経系で神経応答の過敏性が発現し,痛覚過敏やアロディニア,自発痛が出現し,このような神経応答の過敏性を神経障害性疼痛と考える.神経障害性疼痛の発症には,イオンチャネルの変化や NMDA 受容体などの発現増加,神経線維の発芽,グリア細胞の活性化など様々な分子生物学的機序が示されている.電気生理学的には,末梢神経障害によって wind‒up 現象や長期増強(LTP)などが起こることも示されている2).さらに,末梢神経障害では下行性疼痛修飾系の抑制系を司る OFF 神経細胞の機能が減弱する結果,痛覚過敏やアロディニアのような脊髄後角神経細胞の過敏性が発現することも示されている3). このような生物学的要因に加えて,神経障害性疼痛患者が訴える痛みには生物心理社会的な要因が影響することを銘記する必要がある.したがって,臨床的に神経障害性疼痛患者を診療する場合には,体性感覚神経系の病態評価だけでなく,心理社会的な要因の有無とその影響度の強さを患者の全体的な所見として推定し,治療方針を決定するための臨床判断が必要である.


侵害受容性疼痛nociceptive pain


N‒メチル‒D‒アスパラギン酸NMDA:N‒methyl‒D‒aspar-tatewind‒up 現象wind‒up phenomenon長期増強long‒term potentiation

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参考文献 1) Mersky H, Bogduk N : Classification of chronic pain, 2nd ed. IASP Press,

1994 2) Kuner R : Central mechanisms of pathological pain. Nature Medicine

2010 ; 16 : 1258‒1266 3) Leong ML, Gu M, Spelz‒Paiz R, et al : Neuronal loss in the rostral ven-

tromedial medulla in a rat model of neuropathic pain. J Neurosci 2011 ; 31 : 17028‒17023

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22 Ⅰ.神経障害性疼痛の概論


CQ3: 神経障害性疼痛に含まれる疾患にはどのようなものがあるか?

 神経障害性疼痛の原因には,栄養代謝性,外傷性,虚血性,中毒性,遺伝性,感染性,圧迫/絞扼性,免疫性,腫瘍性,変性疾患などがあり,神経障害性疼痛の主な疾患には以下(表 1)のようなものがある.ただし,ここに挙げた疾患名だけではない. エビデンス総体の総括:A

表 1 一般疾患の痛みの病態分類(神経障害性疼痛の原因となり得る疾患一覧)(文献 1 より引用)

栄養代謝性: 外傷性:

アルコール性多発ニューロパチーアルコール性ニューロパチー栄養障害による神経障害 (脚気,ペラグラなど)甲状腺機能低下症性ニューロパチー有痛性糖尿病性神経障害尿毒症性ニューロパチーファブリー病ポルフィリン症性ニューロパチー など

医原性神経障害開胸術後疼痛症候群外傷後後遺症/手術後後遺症 (術後遷延性創部痛など)虚血後脊髄症幻肢痛神経根引き抜き損傷神経障害性脊髄障害神経損傷後遺症脊髄係留症候群脊髄出血/梗塞脊髄損傷後遺症多発性脳神経障害

断端神経痛乳房切除術後脳卒中後遺症 (視床痛,脳血管奇形など)複合性局所疼痛症候群ヘルニア縫合術後痛放射線照射後神経叢障害放射線照射後脊髄症/放射線 照射後脳症放射線照射後脳症/脊髄症末梢神経断裂/損傷腕神経叢引き抜き損傷 など

遺伝性:圧脆弱性遺伝子ポリニューロパチー遺伝性感覚性自律神経性ニューロパチー など

虚血性: 中毒性: 感染性:

アレルギー性肉芽腫性血管炎可逆性虚血性神経障害虚血性ニューロパチー結合組織病(血管炎)結節性多発動脈炎クリオグロブリン血症多発性単神経炎 など

化学療法誘発性ニューロパチー金水銀中毒中毒性神経筋障害シンナー鉛ヒ素中毒薬物誘発性多発ニューロパチーSMON など

ジフテリア性多発ニューロパチー神経梅毒脊髄ろう帯状疱疹後神経痛ハンセン病ニューロパチーライム病HIV 感覚神経障害HIV 脊髄症HIV ニューロパチー など

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参考文献 1) 花岡一雄,小川節郎,堀田 𩜙,他 : わが国における神経障害性疼痛治療

の進展と今後の展望 -専門家によるコンセンサス会議からの提言-.ペインクリニック 2013 ; 34 : 1227‒1237

表 1 一般疾患の痛みの病態分類(神経障害性疼痛の原因となり得る疾患一覧)(つづき)

圧迫/絞扼性:下肢神経痛頸椎症性神経根症肘部/前腕部/手関節部/足部/ 大腿部/肩部絞扼性神経障害絞扼性ニューロパチー坐骨神経痛坐骨神経絞扼症三叉神経痛頸髄/胸髄/腰仙髄神経根障害神経痛



免疫性: 腫瘍性: 変性疾患他:

がん性ニューロパチーギランバレー症候群シェーグレン症候群自己免疫性神経障害自己免疫性ニューロパチー神経叢炎炎症性脱髄性多発神経障害特発性ニューロパチー など

悪性腫瘍腫瘍による神経圧迫または 浸潤による神経障害脊髄腫瘍脳腫瘍末梢神経腫瘍神経腫神経サルコイドーシス神経鞘腫 など

アミロイド性自律神経ニューロパチーシャルコー関節自律神経性ニューロパチー脊髄空洞症/延髄空洞症パーキンソン病副腎脊髄ニューロパチー など

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24 Ⅰ.神経障害性疼痛の概論


CQ4: 神経障害性疼痛と侵害受容性疼痛の分類とその臨床的意義は?

 痛みは「組織の実質的ないしは潜在的な傷害と関連した,あるいはこのような傷害と関連して述べられる不快な感覚的情動体験」と定義されている1).器質的な原因による痛みは,侵害受容性疼痛と神経障害性疼痛に分類される.ただし,これらの痛みの病態は臨床的にオーバーラップすることも少なくなく,混合性疼痛(mixed pain condition)と称されており,それぞれの病態に応じた薬物療法が求められる. エビデンス総体の総括:A

解  説: 侵害受容性疼痛は「神経組織以外の生体組織に対する実質的ないしは潜在的な傷害によって,侵害受容器が興奮して起こる疼痛」と定義されている.侵害受容性疼痛と神経障害性疼痛を分類して評価する意義は,その原因に対する根治的治療法の可能性を検討するのに役立つことを期待していることにある.痛みを伴う疾患は,このように侵害受容性疼痛と神経障害性疼痛の 2 つに大別されるが,痛みの重症度や遷延化によって神経系の過敏性が発現したり,神経組織内の炎症が侵害受容器を興奮させ痛みを引き起こしたりするため,両病態は混在し得る概念であることが理解されなければならない.

参考文献 1) Mersky H, Bogduk N : Classification of chronic pain, 2nd ed. IASP Press,

1994 2) Cohen SP, Mao J : Neuropathic pain : Mechanisms and their clinical im-

plications. BMJ 2014 ; 348 : 656 3) Leung L, Cahill CM : TNF‒α and neuropathic pain : A review. J Neuroin-

flam 2010 ; 7 : 27

混合性疼痛mixed pain condition

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CQ5: 末梢神経の炎症による急性痛は神経障害性疼痛か?

 神経障害性疼痛に含めるかどうかについて賛否両論があり,本ガイドラインでは末梢神経の炎症による急性痛は神経障害性疼痛に含めない. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説: 末梢神経に炎症が直接生じて急性痛が発症する代表的な疾患は,急性期の帯状疱疹と椎間板ヘルニアによる神経根症である.帯状疱疹では,脊髄後根神経節に潜伏感染していた水痘・帯状疱疹ウィルスが神経に炎症反応を起こし1),椎間板ヘルニアでは,椎間板の髄核が脱出することで神経根や後根神経節に炎症が及んで痛みが生じると考えられている2).帯状疱疹や椎間板ヘルニアによる慢性疼痛が神経障害性疼痛であることに異論はないが,その急性痛も神経障害性疼痛とすることには賛否両論がある.その理由は以下のとおりである.

1)神経障害性疼痛とする考え 末梢神経の神経幹に炎症が発生する時は,神経上膜を含む神経幹周囲の結合組織に分布する感覚神経終末が刺激されて生じる痛みや後根神経節細胞に炎症が及んで生じる痛みと,軸索に炎症が及び,中枢性感作を介して生じる痛みがあり,病態によってこれらの痛みが混在することもある3).詳細は不明であるが,末梢神経の炎症による急性痛は,主に感覚神経終末が刺激されたり,後根神経節細胞に炎症が及んで生じると考えられる.神経上膜や後根神経節細胞は神経の一部であり,国際疼痛学会による神経障害性疼痛の定義が「体性感覚神経系の病変や疾患によって引き起こされる疼痛」であることに鑑みると,このような急性痛も神経障害性疼痛に含まれる.

2)神経障害性疼痛ではないとする考え 神経障害性疼痛は難治性の慢性疼痛で,中枢性感作をきたしているため,末梢の原因を取り除いても痛みは改善しない病的な痛みである.帯状疱疹や椎間板ヘルニアによる急性痛は炎症反応を抑制すると消失する痛みを含み4‒6),また,髄核を摘出すると痛みが消失することから,これらは体性感覚系に直接影響があって生じる痛みであるが,原因を取り除いても改善しない神経障害性疼痛に含めることは妥当でない.


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26 Ⅰ.神経障害性疼痛の概論


参考文献 1) 村木良一,岩崎琢也,佐多徹太郎 : 帯状疱疹の病理-皮疹部の病理組織学

的観察から-.日本ペインクリニック学会誌 1998 ; 5 : 86‒91 2) Mulleman D, Mammou S, Griffoul I, et al : Pathophysiology of disk‒relat-

ed sciatica : I. Evidence supporting a chemical component. Joint Bone Spine 2006 ; 73 : 151‒158

3) Xu Q, Yaksh TL : A brief comparison of the pathophysiology of inflam-matory versus neuropathic pain. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2011 ; 24 : 400‒407

4) Chou R, Huffman LH : Medications for acute and chronic low back pain : A review of the evidence for an American Pain Society/American College of Physicians clinical practice guideline. Ann Intern Med 2007 ; 147 : 505‒514[1a]

5) Kennedy DJ, Plastaras C, Casey E, et al : Comparative effectiveness of lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injections with particulate versus nonparticulate corticosteroids for lumbar radicular pain due to interver-tebral disk herniation : A prospective, randomized, double‒blind trial. Pain Med 2014 ; 15 : 548‒555[1b]

6) Balakrishnan S, Bhushan K, Bhargava VK, et al : A randomized parallel trial of topical aspirin‒moisturizer solution vs. oral aspirin for acute her-petic neuralgia. Int J Dermatol 2001 ; 40 : 535‒538[2b]

7) Berry JD, Petersen KL : A single dose of gabapentin reduces acute pain and allodynia in patients with herpes zoster. Neurology 2005 ; 65 : 444‒447[1b]

8) Liang L, Li X, Zhang G, et al : Pregabalin in the treatment of herpetic neuralgia : Results of a multicenter Chinese study. Pain Med 2015 ; 16 : 160‒167[1b]

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CQ6: 神経障害性疼痛患者が呈する慢性疼痛症候群とは?

 慢性疼痛症候群の定義はないが,神経障害性疼痛などの疼痛疾患では,その器質的病態(発症機序)に比して不釣り合いに強い痛みの訴えや ADL や QOL の低下を示すことがある.このような状態を慢性疼痛症候群と考えた場合には,神経障害性疼痛では生物心理社会的要因が複雑に絡み合った結果として慢性疼痛症候群の状態になることがある. エビデンス総体の総括:B

解  説: 神経障害性疼痛では,痛み以外に睡眠障害や活力の低下,抑うつ,不安,口渇,食欲不振など様々な併存症を伴う1).痛みによって,このような併存症を伴う機序は明らかになっていないが,これらの要因は fear‒avoidance model(恐怖回避モデル)と呼ばれる痛みの悪循環モデルに合致する(図 1)2).つまり,痛みに対する患者の思考パターンとして“痛みの破局的思考”があるため,痛みへのとらわれが強化され,その結果,痛みが起きるような日常生活を避け,過度に安静を保つようになり,廃用障害や機能的 ADL の低下,抑うつ傾向となり,これらが

恐怖回避モデルfear‒avoidance model

痛みの破局的思考pain catastrophizing


















図 1 痛みの恐怖回避モデル(文献 2 より引用一部改変)神経障害性疼痛に対して,心理社会的要因との循環的相互作用により慢性化,重症化することが示されている.

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28 Ⅰ.神経障害性疼痛の概論

転じて痛みに対するとらわれ(疼痛認知への偏り)と疼痛顕示行動がより強化されていくだけでなく,ADL と QOL が負のスパイラルを形成して増悪していく2).このような慢性疼痛症候群と呼べるような状態に陥った神経障害性疼痛の治療では,これらの生物心理社会的な陰性要因を評価する視点が必要である.

参考文献 1) Meyer‒Rosberg K, Kvamström A, Kinnman E, et al : Peripheral neuro-

pathic pain : A multidimensional burden for patients. Eur J Pain 2001 ; 5 : 379‒389

2) Leeuw M, Goossens MEJB, Linton SJ, et al : The fear‒avoidance model of musculoskeletal pain : Current state of scientific evidence. J Behav Med 2007 ; 30 : 77‒94

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CQ7: 神経障害性疼痛の保有率に関する疫学調査は存在するか?

 神経障害性疼痛の保有率に関する大規模調査は少数存在する.しかし,対象国が限られており,対象となった年齢,痛みの強度と頻度にもばらつきがある.また,神経障害性疼痛か否かは,あくまでスクリーニングのための質問票で得られた点数から判断しており,神経障害性疼痛の診断手順を踏んでいない. エビデンス総体の総括:D

解  説: 本邦では,2010 年に,20~69 歳の一般市民 20,000 人を対象としたインターネット調査が行われた.数値評価スケール(NRS)で 4 以上の痛みが週 2 回以上かつ3カ月以上継続している有痛者を慢性疼痛保有者としている.その中で「日本語版 神経障害性疼痛スクリーニング質問票」を用いて,神経障害性疼痛の可能性が高いに該当するものを神経障害性疼痛保有者としている.その結果,慢性疼痛保有率は,26.4%であり,神経障害性疼痛保有率は 6.4%であった1).これを本邦の成人人口に換算すると,本邦の 600 万人が神経障害性疼痛を保有していると推定できる.さらに,本邦では 2010 年に,運動器慢性疼痛の調査が郵送で19,198 名に行われた.その中で持続期間 6 カ月以上の有痛者 660 名に対して,

「painDetect」を用いて神経障害性疼痛に関する再調査が行われ,神経障害性疼痛の可能性が高い有痛者は 7%,要素が含まれる有痛者が 13%であり,痛みは神経障害性疼痛の要因が大きいほど強かった2). 海外では,2004 年にフランスで行われた 18 歳以上の 23,712 名を対象とした面接・郵送・電話による調査では,3 カ月以上,毎日,視覚アナログスケール

(VAS)で 1 以上の慢性疼痛保有率 31,7%,「DN4」による神経障害性疼痛保有率 6.9%であった3).2007 年のドイツの調査では,15 歳以上の 3,011 名を対象とした電話による調査で,3 カ月以上,週 3 回以上の慢性疼痛保有率 24.9%,

「DN4」と「painDETECT」による神経障害性疼痛保有率 6.5%であった4).モロッコでも 5,328 名を対象に電話による調査が行われ,3 カ月以上毎日継続する慢性疼痛保有者は 21%,「DN4」による評価で神経障害性疼痛保有率が 10.6%であった5). 2006 年の英国の報告では,3 都市で 6,000 名への郵送によるアンケート調査を行い,2,957 名の回答者中,3 カ月以上の慢性疼痛保有率が 48%,「LANSS」による評価で神経障害性疼痛保有率が 8.2%であった6).2009 年に報告されたカナダでの 18 歳以上を対象とした電話による調査では,1,207 名中の 3 カ月以上の慢性疼痛保有率は 35%,「DN4」による神経障害性疼痛保有率は 17.9%であった7).2012 年のブラジルからの報告では,1,597 名のアンケート調査の結果,6カ月以上の慢性疼痛保有率は 42%であり「DN4」による評価で神経障害性疼痛

数値評価スケールNRS:numeric rating scale痛みを,痛みなしを 0,考えられる最大の痛みを 10 として,11 段階の整数値で表す

視覚アナログスケールVAS:visual analogue scaleIASP の定義では,痛みを,痛みなしを 0,想像し得る最大の痛みを 100 として表す.100 mmの長さのスケールを用いるpainDETECT神経障害性疼痛スクリーニングのための質問票の一つDN4神経障害性疼痛 4項目質問票LANSS:leeds assessment of neuropathic symptoms and signs:神経障害性疼痛の診断法の一つ

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30 Ⅰ.神経障害性疼痛の概論


参考文献 1) 小川節郎,井関雅子,菊地臣一 : わが国における慢性疼痛および神経障害

性疼痛に関する大規模実態調査.臨整外 2012 ; 47 : 565‒574 2) Nakamura M, Nishiwaki Y, Sumitani M, et al : Investigation of chronic

musculoskeletal pain(3rd report) : With special reference to the impor-tance of neuropathic pain and psychogenic pain. J Orthop Sci 2014 ; 19 : 667‒675

3) Bouhassira D, Lantéri‒Minet M, Attal N, et al : Prevalence of chronic pain with neuropathic characteristics in the general population. Pain 2008 ; 136 : 380‒387

4) Ohayon MM, Stingl JC : Prevalence and comorbidity of chronic pain in the German general population. J Psychires 2012 ; 46 : 444‒450

5) Harifi G, Amine M, Ait Ouazar M, et al : Prevalence of chronic pain with neuropathic characteristics in the Moroccan general population : A na-tional survey. Pain Med 2013 ; 14 : 287‒292

6) Torrance N, Smith BH, Bennett MI, et al : The epidemiology of chronic pain of predominantly neuropathic origin : Results from a general popu-lation survey. J Pain 2006 ; 7 : 281‒289

7) Toth C, Lander J, Wiebe S : The prevalence and impact of chronic pain with neuropathic pain symptoms in the general population. Pain Med 2009 ; 10 : 918‒929

8) de Moraes Vieira EB, Garcia JB, da Silva AA, et al : Prevalence, charac-teristics, and factors associated with chronic pain with and without neu-ropathic characteristics in São Luís, Brazil. J Pain Sympt Manage 2012 ; 44 : 239‒251

CQ8: がん患者の神経障害性疼痛保有率の疫学調査は存在するか?

 がん患者が経験する神経障害性疼痛に関して,疫学調査は存在する.しかし,がん患者が経験する神経障害性疼痛には,① がんに直接起因する痛み(神経や脊柱管への腫瘍の浸潤・転移),② がんの治療に起因する痛み(手術,化学療法,放射線治療によるもの),③ がん以外の疾患に起因する痛み(帯状疱疹後神経痛など)が混在している.そのため,疫学調査においても,①~③ を分別した調査から混在した調査まで様々であり,また,確定診断から得られた結果ではなく,神経障害性疼痛をスクリーニングするための質問票の点数から評価した調査まで様々である. エビデンス総体の総括:C

解  説 がん性疼痛患者 11,063 名を対象として痛みの病態調査を解析した Bennet ら1)

のシステマティックレビューでは,侵害受容性疼痛が 59.4%,純粋な神経障害性疼痛が 19.0%,侵害受容性と神経障害性疼痛の混合性疼痛が 20.1%,不明または他の痛みが 1.5%であった.欧州緩和医療学会(EAPC)は,1,051 名のが

欧州緩和医療学会EAPC:European Association for Palliative Care

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ん患者の中で有痛患者 670 名を対象に「painDETECT」を使用して調査した結果,侵害受容性疼痛が 534 名,神経障害性疼痛が 113 名,痛みの原因が特定できない患者 23 名であり,神経障害性疼痛の患者像は侵害受容性疼痛と比較すると,強オピオイド鎮痛薬や鎮痛補助薬を使用している,performances state(PS)が悪いなどの特徴があった2).スペイン国内の 46 病院での 8,615 名のがん患者を対象に「DN4」を用いて施行された調査では,神経障害性疼痛に該当した患者は366 名であり,その中の 55%に侵害受容性疼痛が混在しており,がん治療中が78.8%,神経毒性を有する化学療法中が 56%であった.さらに,背景因子を分析した結果,がんに直接起因する痛みが 68%,がん治療による痛みが 42.9%,がん以外の原因による痛みが 18.6%であった3).本邦では,平均生存期間 21.5日(0~173 日)のがん患者 220 名の痛みにおいて,がん直接による神経障害性疼痛は 18.6%であった4).

参考文献 1) Bennett MI, Rayment C, Hjermastad M, et al : Prevalence and a etiology

of neuropathic pain in cancer patients : A systematic review. Pain 2012 ; 153 : 359‒365 [2b]

2) Rayment C, Hjermastad M, Aass N, et al : European Palliative Care Re-search Collaborative(EPCRC) : Neuropathic cancer pain : Prevalence, severity, analgesics and impact from the European Palliative Care Re-search Collaborative‒Computerised Symptom Assessment study. Palliat Med 2012 ; 27 : 714‒721 [2b]

3) García de Paredes ML, del Moral González F, Martínez del Prado P, et al : First evidence of oncologic neuropathic pain prevalence after screen-ing 8,615 cancer patients : Results of the On study. Ann Oncol 2011 ; 22 : 924‒930 [2b]

4) Harada S, Tamura F, Ota S : The prevalence of neuropathic pain in ter-minally ill patients with cancer admitted to a palliative care unit : A pro-spective observational study. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2015. pii : 1049909115577353 [2b]

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 8.神経障害性疼痛の診断 CQ9,CQ109.神経障害性疼痛の臨床的特徴 CQ1110.神経障害性疼痛とQOL CQ1211.神経障害性疼痛の治療方針:概略 CQ1312.神経障害性疼痛の治療目標 CQ14



8.神経障害性疼痛の診断 CQ9,CQ10CQ9,CQ109.神経障害性疼痛の臨床的特徴 CQ11CQ1110.神経障害性疼痛とQOL CQ12CQ1211.神経障害性疼痛の治療方針:概略 CQ13CQ1312.神経障害性疼痛の治療目標 CQ14CQ14





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34 Ⅱ.神経障害性疼痛の診断と治療


CQ9: 神経障害性疼痛の可能性がある患者をどのようにスクリーニングするか?

 神経障害性疼痛患者をスクリーニングするために開発されたスクリーニングツール(質問票)を用いる.本邦で使用可能なツールとして,神経障害性疼痛スクリーニング質問票,painDETECT 日本語版がある. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1D

解  説: 日常診療において,患者の痛みが神経障害性疼痛である可能性を簡易に評価するために,複数のスクリーニングツールが開発されている.本邦で開発されたツールとして神経障害性疼痛スクリーニング質問票1) があり,海外で開発されたツールとして LANSS2),S‒LANSS3),NPQ4),DN45),ID Pain6),painDETECT7),StEP8) がある.このうち,StEP は腰下肢痛患者における神経障害性疼痛を同定することを目的に開発されている. 神経障害性疼痛スクリーニング質問票(図 2)は,7 項目の質問に対して 5 段階評価で回答するもので,日本人の慢性疼痛患者 238 名を対象とした研究において,合計得点による評価(5 段階評価をそれぞれ 0~4 点としてスコア化,0~28

LANSS:the Leeds Assess-ment of Neuropathic Symptoms and SignsS‒LANSS:Short versions of the LANSSNPQ:Neuropathic Pain QuestionnaireDN4:the Douleur Neuropathique en 4 questionsStEP:the Standardized Evaluation of Pain 図の×印をつけた部分で,あなたが感じる痛みはどのように表現されますか?

 1)針で刺されるような痛みがある   □ 全くない □ 少しある □ ある □ 強くある □ 非常に強くある

 2)電気が走るような痛みがある   □ 全くない □ 少しある □ ある □ 強くある □ 非常に強くある

 3)焼けるようなひりひりする痛みがある   □ 全くない □ 少しある □ ある □ 強くある □ 非常に強くある

 4)しびれの強い痛みがある   □ 全くない □ 少しある □ ある □ 強くある □ 非常に強くある

 5)衣類が擦れたり,冷風に当たったりするだけで痛みが走る   □ 全くない □ 少しある □ ある □ 強くある □ 非常に強くある

 6)痛みの部位の感覚が低下していたり,過敏になっていたりする   □ 全くない □ 少しある □ ある □ 強くある □ 非常に強くある

 7)痛みの部位の皮膚がむくんだり,赤や赤紫に変色したりする   □ 全くない □ 少しある □ ある □ 強くある □ 非常に強くある

図 2 神経障害性疼痛スクリーニング質問票(文献 1 より引用)

Page 35: 神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法ガイドライン...はじめに 5 疾患に伴う様々な痛みの中でも,神経障害性疼痛は難治性であり,医療者の関心を集め


点)ではカットオフ値 9 点で感度 70%,特異度 76%で,重み付けスコアによる評価(0~9 点)ではカットオフ値 4 点で感度 88%,特異度 72%で神経障害性疼痛患者をスクリーニングできることが示されている1).海外のツールのうち,painDETECT は日本語版(図 3)が作成され,その信頼性・妥当性が確認されている9).9 項目の質問をスコア化(0~38 点)し,カットオフ値 19 点で感度85%,特異度 80%で神経障害性疼痛をスクリーニングできることがオリジナルの研究で示されている7). 神経障害性疼痛の評価・診断方法に関する既存のガイドラインとして,欧州神経学会(EFNS)10) と国際疼痛学会(IASP)11) のガイドラインがある.これらの

欧州神経学会:EFNS:European Federation of Neurological Societies国際疼痛学会:IASP :International Association for the Study of Pain


なし0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


過去 4週間で最も激しい痛みはどの程度でしたか

なし0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


過去 4週間の痛みの平均レベルはどの程度ですか

あなたの痛みの経過を表す図として,どれが最もあてはまりますか? □印にチェックを付けて下さい




はい いいえ




痛みのある部位では,焼けるような痛み(例:ヒリヒリするような痛み)がありますか?一度もない □ ほとんどない □ 少しある □ ある程度ある □ 激しい □ 非常に激しい □

ピリピリしたり,チクチク刺したりするような感じ(蟻が歩いているような,電気が流れているような感じ)がありますか?一度もない □ ほとんどない □ 少しある □ ある程度ある □ 激しい □ 非常に激しい □

痛みがある部位を軽く触れられる(衣服や毛布が触れる)だけでも痛いですか?一度もない □ ほとんどない □ 少しある □ ある程度ある □ 激しい □ 非常に激しい □

電気ショックのような急激な痛みの発作が起きることはありますか?一度もない □ ほとんどない □ 少しある □ ある程度ある □ 激しい □ 非常に激しい □

冷たいものや熱いもの(お風呂のお湯など)によって痛みが起きますか?一度もない □ ほとんどない □ 少しある □ ある程度ある □ 激しい □ 非常に激しい □

痛みのある場所に,しびれを感じますか?一度もない □ ほとんどない □ 少しある □ ある程度ある □ 激しい □ 非常に激しい □

痛みがある部位を,少しの力(指で押す程度)で押しても痛みが起きますか?一度もない □ ほとんどない □ 少しある □ ある程度ある □ 激しい □ 非常に激しい □

なし0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


図 3 painDETECT日本語版(文献 9 より引用)

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36 Ⅱ.神経障害性疼痛の診断と治療

ガイドラインでは,各ツールの優劣については評価されていない.推奨として,各スクリーニングツールは,特に非専門家が神経障害性疼痛の可能性がある患者を同定するために使用できる利点があるが,神経障害性疼痛と診断される患者の10~20%を同定することができないため,「スクリーニングツールの結果を診断に置き換えてはならない10,11),また,疫学研究の目的で使用することについては妥当性の検証が必要である」10) と記述されている. 各スクリーニングツールの質(妥当性,信頼性など)について比較・評価した研究として,Mathieson らによるシステマティックレビュー12) がある.彼らは,オリジナルの DN4 と NPQ において測定ツールとしての質の高さが比較的多くの評価項目で示されているが,すべてのツールの評価は低いエビデンスにより支えられている(評価対象は海外で開発されたツールのみ),また,上記のガイドラインと同様に,「スクリーニングツールの使用を詳細な臨床評価に置き換えてはならない」と結論づけている. 以上より,本ガイドラインでは,診療において神経障害性疼痛の可能性がある患者をスクリーニングするために,本邦で使用可能なスクリーニングツールを用いることを推奨する.ただし,スクリーニングツールの結果で神経障害性疼痛の診断をしてはならない.

参考文献 1) 小川節郎 : 日本人慢性疼痛患者における神経障害性疼痛スクリーニング質

問票の開発.ペインクリニック 2010 ; 31 : 1187‒1194[5] 2) Bennett M : LANSS pain scale : The Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic

Symptoms and Signs. Pain 2001 ; 92 : 147‒157[5] 3) Bennett M, Smith BH, Torrance N, et al : The S‒LANSS score for identi-

fying pain of predominantly neuropathic origin : Validation for use in clinical and postal research. J Pain 2005 ; 6 : 149‒158[5]

4) Krause SJ, Backonja MM : Development of a Neuropathic Pain Question-naire. Clin J Pain 2003 ; 19 : 306‒314[5]

5) Bouhassira D, Attal N, Alchaar H, et al : Comparison of pain syndromes associated with nervous or somatic lesions and development of a new neuropathic pain diagnostic questionnaire(DN4). Pain 2005 ; 114 : 29‒36,

[5] 6) Portenoy R : Development and testing of a neuropathic pain screening

questionnaire : ID Pain. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 1555‒1565[5] 7) Freynhagen R, Baron R, Gockel U, et al : PainDETECT : A new screen-

ing questionnaire to identify neuropathic components in patients with back pain. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 1911‒1920[5]

8) Scholz J, Mannion RJ, Hord DE, et al : A novel tool for the assessment of pain : Validation in low back pain. PLoS Med 2009 ; 6 : e1000047[5]

9) Matsubayashi Y, Takeshita K, Sumitani M, et al : Validity and reliability of the Japanese version of the PainDETECT questionnaire : A multi-centre observational study. PLoS One 2013 ; 8 : e68013[5]

10) Cruccu G, Sommer C, Anand P, et al : EFNS guidelines on neuropathic pain assessment : Revised 2009. Eur J Neurol 2010 ; 17 : 1010‒1018[5]

11) Haanpää M, Attal N, Backonja M, et al : NeuPSIG guidelines on neuro-pathic pain assessment. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 14‒27[5]

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12) Mathieson S, Maher CG, Terwee CB, et al : Neuropathic pain screeningquestionnaires have limited measurement properties : A systematic re-view. J Clin Epidemiol 2015 ; 68 : 957‒966[5]

CQ10: 神経障害性疼痛はどのように診断するか?

 まず,神経障害性疼痛を示唆する現症と病歴を確認し,次に神経学的診察による感覚障害の評価,神経病変あるいは疾患を診断する検査を行う.アルゴリズムに沿って診断を確定することが望ましい. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1D

解  説: 神経障害性疼痛の評価・診断方法に関する既存のガイドラインとして,欧州神経学会(EFNS)1) と国際疼痛学会(IASP)2) のガイドラインがあり,IASP の神経障害性疼痛分科会(NeuPSIG)が作成した診断アルゴリズム(Grading sys-tem)3) が推奨されている(図 4).神経障害を引き起こす病変や疾患に関わらず,

欧州神経学会:EFNS:European Federation of Neurological Societies国際疼痛学会:IASP :International Association for the Study of PainIASP 神経障害性疼痛分科会:NeuPSIG:Neuropathic Pain Special Interest Group

図 4 神経障害性疼痛診断アルゴリズム(文献 3 より引用改変)






A: 障害神経の解剖学的神経支配に一致した領域に観察される感覚障害の他覚的所見

B: 神経障害性疼痛を説明する神経病変あるいは疾患を診断する検査



痛 み






主 訴

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38 Ⅱ.神経障害性疼痛の診断と治療

同一の診断アルゴリズムに沿って評価・診断する方法が提唱されており,神経障害性疼痛の診断に関する現在の国際標準として広く用いられている.診断法の有用性を検証するための質の高い研究は行われていない. まず,神経障害性疼痛を示唆する現症と病歴について詳細な問診を行い,痛みの範囲が神経解剖学的に妥当であること,および体性感覚神経系を障害する病変や疾患注 1 があることを示唆する病歴の有無が確認されれば,神経障害性疼痛の可能性があると判断する.神経障害性疼痛を有する患者が自覚する痛みの範囲は,障害された神経の皮膚分節(デルマトーム)と完全に一致しないことも稀ではなく,逆に侵害受容性疼痛を引き起こす疾患において,特定の神経支配領域に関連痛が自覚されることもある(例:股関節由来の痛みが臀部から下腿にかけての放散痛として自覚される)ため,痛みの範囲が神経解剖学的に妥当であるか評価することは痛みを専門としない医師にとって難しいことも多い.原因となる疾患に典型的にみられる痛みの分布パターンであるか,痛みの性状が神経障害性疼痛に特徴的であるか注 2,なども含めて判断する必要がある. 神経障害性疼痛の可能性があると判断される場合は,(A)神経学的診察により障害神経の解剖学的神経支配に一致した領域に観察される感覚障害(感覚低下,感覚過敏,アロディニアなど)の他覚的所見の有無,(B)検査により神経障害性疼痛を説明する神経病変あるいは疾患の有無を確認する.A,B がともに該当する場合に神経障害性疼痛と確定し,どちらか一方のみ該当する場合は神経障害性疼痛の要素を一部持っていると診断する.A,B ともに該当しない場合を除き,神経障害性疼痛の治療対象と考える. 神経学的診察において,深部組織(筋,腱,関節)や内臓の感覚障害(振動覚を除く)を臨床的に評価する方法はないため,感覚障害の評価は一般的に皮膚に対して行われる.触覚(脱脂綿などで皮膚をそっと触れる)と痛覚(ピンの先で皮膚を刺激)の評価が行われることが多いが,偽陰性を防ぐためには温覚,冷覚,深部覚についても評価することが望ましい.アロディニアの有無についても,触刺激,圧刺激,温冷覚刺激により評価する.より詳細に感覚異常を評価する方法として定量的感覚試験(QST)の有用性が報告されている1,2,4,5) が,現時点では研究目的の検査の域を出ていない.どのような評価法を用いる場合においても,感覚障害の評価は痛みと同様に患者の主観的評価であること,神経障害がない領域にも患者が感覚異常を自覚する場合があること(例:炎症による痛覚過敏,障害神経の支配領域を超えたアロディニア≒中枢性感作,転換性障害など精神心理的反応)に留意する必要がある. 神経障害性疼痛を説明する神経病変あるいは疾患を評価するための検査には,画像検査(MRI,CT),神経生理学的検査(神経伝導検査,三叉神経反射,レーザー誘発電位(LEPs)など),角膜共焦点顕微鏡(CCM),皮膚生検などがある1,2,5).画像検査は,中枢および末梢神経の変性,圧迫,浸潤などを評価するために行うが,画像では評価できない疾患も多くあること,画像所見で神経障害性疼痛の重症度は診断できないことに留意する.神経伝導検査では太い神経線維

(Aβ 線維)の評価しかできない(痛覚に関わる Aδ,C 線維の評価はできない)

注 1:「3.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患」の項を参照

注 2:「9.神経障害性疼痛の臨床的特徴」の項を参照

定量的感覚試験:QST:Quantitative Sensory Testing

レーザー誘発電位:LEPs:laser evoked poten-tials角膜共焦点顕微鏡:CCM:corneal confocal microscopy

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ため,検査を行う場面は限定される.三叉神経反射は三叉神経痛および顔面領域の神経障害性疼痛の鑑別診断に1,2,5,6),LEPs は痛覚伝導系の異常の評価に1,2,5),CCM による角膜神経線維の評価は主に糖尿病性多発神経障害の評価に5,7),皮膚生検による表皮内神経線維密度の評価は small fiber neuropathy の診断に1,2,5) それぞれ有用であることが報告されているが,本邦において現時点では研究目的の検査の域を出ていない.以上のことから,神経障害性疼痛を説明する神経病変あるいは疾患を検査により証明することは臨床上必須であるとはいえず,診断においては,ていねいな問診と神経学的診察が非常に重要である.

参考文献 1) Cruccu G, Sommer C, Anand P, et al : EFNS guidelines on neuropathic

pain assessment : Revised 2009. Eur J Neurol 2010 ; 17 : 1010‒1018[5] 2) Haanpää M, Attal N, Backonja M, et al : NeuPSIG guidelines on neuro-

pathic pain assessment. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 14‒27[5] 3) Treede RD, Jensen TS, Campbell JN, et al : Neuropathic pain : Redefini-

tion and a grading system for clinical and research purposes. Neurology 2008 ; 70 : 1630‒1635[5]

4) Rolke R, Baron R, Maier C, et al : Quantitative sensory testing in the German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain(DFNS) : Standardized protocol and reference values. Pain 2006 ; 123 : 231‒243[5]

5) Mainka T, Maier C, Enax‒Krumova EK : Neuropathic pain assess-ment : Update on laboratory diagnostic tools. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2015 ; 28 : 537‒545[5]

6) Cruccu G, Biasiotta A, Galeotti F, et al : Diagnostic accuracy of trigemi-nal reflex testing in trigeminal neuralgia. Neurology 2006 ; 66 : 139‒141

[5] 7) Jiang MS, Yuan Y, Gu ZX, et al : Corneal confocal microscopy for assess-

ment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy : A meta‒analysis. Br J Ophthal-mol 2016 ; 100 : 9‒14[5]

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40 Ⅱ.神経障害性疼痛の診断と治療


CQ11: 神経障害性疼痛の臨床的特徴は?

 障害された神経支配領域に一致した部位に,自発的な痛みや刺激によって誘発される痛みがあり,その部位に感覚の異常を合併する. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2D

解  説: 神経障害性疼痛は,侵害受容性疼痛と異なった特徴的な痛みを呈する.障害された神経支配領域に一致した部位に,自発的な痛み(持続的もしくは間欠的)や刺激によって誘発される痛み(アロディニア,痛覚過敏)があり,神経が障害されることにより生じる様々な感覚の異常を合併する点が特徴的である1).特に,灼けるような痛みとしびれに加えてアロディニアと感覚低下もしくは感覚過敏が存在する場合には神経障害性疼痛が疑われる2). 神経障害性疼痛の痛みの特徴的な性質については,欧米,また本邦において開発されたスクリーニングツールが参考になる(表 2)2‒8). ただし,これらの特徴によって神経障害性疼痛を診断することはできない.あくまでもスクリーニングレベルであることを認識しなければならない.診断には

表 2 各種スクリーニングツールの比較(文献 2,4~8 を基に作成)

ID Pain4) NPQ5) pain DETECT6) LANSS7) DN48) 神経障害性疼痛


刺すような,ちくりとする + + + + + +電撃痛もしくはビーンと走るような + + + + + +熱いもしくは灼けるような(ヒリヒリするような) + + + + + +

しびれたような + + + + +軽く触れるだけで痛む + + + + +冷たいもしくは凍るような + +軽く押されるだけで痛い +熱いもの,もしくは冷たいもので痛む +天気の変化で痛む +関節に限られた痛み -むずがゆい +痛みのパターン +他の部位に拡がる痛み(放散痛) +自律神経の変化を伴う + +感覚低下,もしくは感覚過敏 +

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表 3 疾患による特徴的な痛みの性質の違い(文献 2,9~12 を基に作成)

帯状疱疹後神経痛9) 有痛性糖尿病性神経障害10)

脊髄損傷後疼痛11) 神経障害性疼痛全般2,12)

うずくような うずくような灼けるような 灼けるような 灼けるような 灼けるようなビーンと走るような ビーンと走るような ビーンと走るような



むずがゆい むずがゆい むずがゆいしびれたような しびれたような しびれたような

アロディニア アロディニア アロディニア アロディニア痛覚過敏 痛覚過敏 痛覚過敏

表 4 神経障害性疼痛と侵害受容性(炎症性)疼痛の特徴の相違点(文献 13 より引用改変)              

神経障害性疼痛 侵害受容性疼痛(炎症性疼痛)


傷害部位の自発痛 あり あり

侵害温熱刺激に対する痛覚過敏 稀にある 頻度が高い

冷刺激に対するアロディニア 頻度が高い 稀にある

圧刺激に対する感覚閾値の増加と痛覚過敏 しばしばある 基本的にない

体性感覚刺激の後に,その刺激感が続くこと しばしばある 稀にある

特徴的な自覚症状 発作痛,灼熱痛 ズキズキする痛み

傷害部位よりも拡がる痛み 基本的にない 基本的にない

陰性症状/徴候傷害神経領域の感覚障害 あり なし

傷害神経領域の運動障害 しばしばある なし

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42 Ⅱ.神経障害性疼痛の診断と治療

前項で示されたとおり,痛みの範囲が神経学的に妥当であるか,その部位に感覚障害を認めるか,などの身体的徴候の診察とそれを裏づける病歴や画像診断等の検査所見が必要である1),ということを明記しておく. また,疾患による特徴的な痛みの性質の違いについて表 3に示す1,9‒12). 神経障害性疼痛と侵害受容性疼痛の体性感覚神経系の陽性および陰性所見は診断の参考とできる(表 4)13).

参考文献 1) Haanpää M, Treede RD : Diagnosis and Classification of Neuropathic

Pain. IASP Clinical Updates 2010 ; 18 : Issue 7[5] 2) 小川節郎 : 日本人慢性疼痛患者における神経障害性疼痛スクリーニング

ツール質問表の開発.ペインクリニック 2010 ; 31 : 1187‒1194[5] 3) Cruccu G, Truini A : Tools for assessing neuropathic pain. PLoS Med

2009 ; 6 : Issue 4[5] 4) Portenoy R : Development and testing of a neuropathic pain screening

questionnaire : ID Pain. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 1555‒1565[5] 5) Krause SJ, Backonja MM : Development of a neuropathic pain question-

naire. Clin J Pain 2003 ; 19 : 306‒314[5] 6) Freynhagen R, Baron R, Gockel U, et al : PainDETECT : A new screen-

ing questionnaire to detect neuropathic components in patients with back pain. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 1911‒1920[5]

7) Bennett MI : The LANSS Pain Scale : The Leeds Assessment of Neuro-pathic Symptoms and Signs. Pain 2001 ; 92 : 147‒157[5]

8) Bouhassira D, Attal N, Alchaar H, et al : Comparison of pain syndromes associated with nervous or somatic lesions and development of a new neuropathic pain diagnostic questionnaire(DN4). Pain 2005 ; 114 : 29‒36

[5] 9) Johnson RW, Whitton TL : Management of herpes zoster(shingles)and

postherpetic neuralgia. Expert Opin Pharmacother 2004 ; 5 : 551‒559[5]10) Tesfaye S, Kempler P : Painful diabetic neuropathy. Diabetologia 2005 ;

48 : 805‒807[5]11) Hulsebosch CE : From discovery to clinical trials : Treatment strategies

for central neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury. Curr Pharm Des 2005 ; 11 : 1411‒1420[5]

12) Irving GA : Contemporary assessment and management of neuropathic pain. Neurology 2005 ; 64 : S21‒S27[5]

13) Jensen TS : Pathophysiology of pain : From theory to clinical evidence. Eur J Pain 2008 ; 2 : S13‒S17

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CQ12: 神経障害性疼痛のQOLに与える影響は?

 神経障害性疼痛は,慢性疼痛疾患の中でも重症度が高く,非神経障害性疼痛に比して生活の質(QOL)に与える影響は大きい.特に,痛みの重症度が高ければQOL の低下が著しい. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解  説: QOL とは人生・生活の質を示し,特に医学領域では健康関連 QOL(HRQL)と記載されることも多い.すなわち,健康に関連しない QOL とは,人生における尊厳や喜び,苦楽の深さについて価値観や希望,目標,家族構成,経済状態,文化的活動などが含まれるのに対して,健康関連 QOL は,健康状態の客観的評価だけでなく,患者の主観的な健康状態の理解や生活全般の well‒being の度合い,価値観によって構成される.ここでは健康関連 QOL のみについて述べる. 神経障害性疼痛に関する QOL についての報告は,フランスから報告された大規模疫学調査1,2) で明らかにされている.3 カ月間以上痛みが継続する慢性疼痛患者は人口の 31.7%に及び,その中でも神経障害性疼痛は約 20%(人口あたり約 7%の罹患率(本邦換算で少なくとも 500 万人以上))を占めることが報告されており,神経障害性疼痛患者の 70%(人口の 5%)以上は痛みの程度が中等度から重度と評価2) しており,神経障害性疼痛以外の慢性疼痛疾患よりも重症度が高く罹病期間が遷延化しやすいため,医療費も高かった3).つまり,神経障害性疼痛は,慢性疼痛疾患の中でも特に重症度が高いといえる.ヨーロッパで標準的に用いられている QOL 尺度の EQ‒5D で評価すると,平均的な神経障害性疼痛患者の EQ‒5D は 0.4~0.6,重症神経障害性疼痛患者では 0.2 前後とされる.EQ‒5D は「0」を死亡した状態,「1」を健康な状態とし 0~1 の間の数字で QOLを評価する尺度で,EQ‒5D=0.4~0.5 は「終末期がん患者が痛みとは無関係に倦怠感等から日常生活を床上で過ごしている QOL」と同程度であり,さらに,EQ‒5D=0.2 は「心筋梗塞患者が絶対安静状態で生活している QOL」と同程度である.このように,神経障害性疼痛患者の QOL 障害は著しい.

参考文献 1) Bouhassira D, Lanteri‒Minet M, Attal N, et al : Prevalence of chronic

pain with neuropathic pain characteristics in the general population. Pain 2008 ; 136 : 380‒387[4]

2) Attal N, Lanteri‒Minet M, Laurent B, et al : The specific disease burden of neuropathic pain : Results of a French nationwide survey. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 2836‒2843[4]

3) O’Connor AB : Neuropathic pain : Quality‒of‒life impact, costs and cost effectiveness of therapy. Pharmacoeconomics 27 ; 95‒112, 2009[3b]

生活の質:QOL:quality of life

健康関連QOL:HRQL:health-related QOL

EQ-5D:EuroQol 5 Dimen-sion欧州で開発されたHRQL

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44 Ⅱ.神経障害性疼痛の診断と治療


CQ13: 神経障害性疼痛に対する治療方針の概略は?

 神経障害性疼痛は,慢性疼痛疾患の中でも痛みの重症度が高く,QOL の低下が著しい.したがって,治療目標の設定は,痛みの重症度と,ADL と QOL の 2つの視点から行う.痛みの緩和のためには薬物療法が基本であるが,段階的に実施する薬物療法が無効な場合や薬物療法の忍容性が低い場合には,神経刺激療法やごく一部の神経ブロック療法を検討する.また,ADL と QOL の改善のためには,リハビリテーションなどの機能訓練を通じて自己効力感を再獲得させる.このように,神経障害性疼痛の治療は生物心理社会的な要因に応じた様々な治療アプローチを組み合わせる集学的診療が重要である. エビデンス総体の総括:B

解  説: 神経障害性疼痛では,痛み以外に睡眠障害や活力の低下,抑うつ,不安,口渇,食欲不振など様々な併存症を伴い1),これらは痛みの悪循環モデル(fear-avoidance model:恐怖回避モデル)を形成する陰性要因となり,ADL と QOL が負のスパイラルを形成して増悪していく2).このような慢性疼痛症候群に陥った神経障害性疼痛の治療では,これらの生物心理社会的な陰性要因を評価する視点が必要で,治療目標の設定は痛みの重症度と ADL あるいは QOL の 2 つの視点から行う. 痛みの緩和のためには薬物療法が基本となるが,段階的に実施する薬物療法が無効ないしは効果不十分な場合や薬物療法の忍容性が低い場合には,神経刺激療法3,4) やごく一部の神経ブロック療法を検討する.また,ADL と QOL の改善のためには,リハビリテーションなどの機能訓練を通じて自己効力感を再獲得させる.このように,神経障害性疼痛の治療は,生物心理社会的な要因に応じた様々な治療アプローチを組み合わせる集学的診療が重要であり,治療のゴール設定は,痛みが十分に緩和することだけでなく,有意義な日常生活を過ごし,精神心理的な問題に捉われないように設定する.

参考文献 1) Meyer‒Rosberg K, Kvamström A, Kinnman E, et al : Peripheral neuro-

pathic pain : A multidimensional burden for patients. Eur J Pain 2001 ; 5 : 379‒389

2) Leeuw M, Goossens MEJB, Linton SJ, et al : The fear‒avoidance model of musculoskeletal pain : Current state of scientific evidence. J Behav Med 2007 ; 30 : 77‒94

3) Deer TR, Krames E, Mekhail N, et al : The appropriate use of neurostim-ulation : New and evolving neurostimulation therapies and applicable treatment for chronic pain and selected disease states. Neuromodulation 2014 ; 17 : 599‒615

4) NICE clinical guideline 2008[spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain of neuropathic or ischaemic origin]

日常生活動作ADL:activity of daily living


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CQ14: 神経障害性疼痛の治療目標はどのように設定すべきか?

 神経障害性疼痛に対して使用されている薬物は,病態の完全治癒を可能にするものではない.痛みの軽減とともに,ADL や QOL の改善を目標とすることも重要である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1D

解  説: 神経障害性疼痛の成立機序について明らかにされていない点も多く,現時点で病態の寛解を可能にする薬物は存在しない.薬物療法を行う際には,鎮痛効果に加えて,安全性および忍容性,他の薬物との相互作用を検討しなければならない.また,依存や乱用の可能性,長期使用による身体への影響についても考慮すべきである1). 欧州神経学会(EFNS)や IASP の神経障害性疼痛分科会(NeuPSIG)のガイドラインでは,痛みの多面的評価(MPQ)などよりも,痛みの強度(VAS など)の軽減を優先項目としており,ADL などについては,二次的な評価項目に設定されているのが現状である.IMMPACT は,慢性疼痛の臨床試験において,痛みの強度,身体機能,精神機能,患者満足度,副作用の徴候,治療に対するアドヒアランスの 6 項目を評価することを推奨しており2,3),臨床上,これらを総合的に評価することは極めて重要と考えられる. 神経障害性疼痛の診療では,痛みの程度の改善のみならず,生活活動や社会活動のレベルなど,ADL と QOL の向上を念頭に治療を進めることも重要である.

参考文献 1) Dworkin RH, O’Connor AB, Backonja M, et al : Pharmacologic manage-

ment of neuropathic pain : Evidence‒based recommendations. Pain 2007 ; 132 : 237‒251[1a]

2) Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Allen RR, et al : Core outcome domains for chronic pain clinical trials : IMMPACT recommendations. Pain 2003 ; 106 : 337‒345[1a]

3) Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Wyrwich KW, et al : Interpreting the clinical im-portance of treatment outcomes in chronic pain clinical trials : IM-MPACT recommendations. J Pain 2008 ; 9 : 105‒121[1a]

欧州神経学会:EFNS:European Federation of Neurological SocietiesIASP 神経障害性疼痛分科会:NeuPSIG:Neuropathic Pain Special Interest Groupマギル疼痛評価票:MPQ:McGill Pain Question-naireIMMPACT:Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials

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 13.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法 CQ15,CQ1614.Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンド CQ1715.三環系抗うつ薬 CQ18,CQ1916. セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬(SNRI) 

CQ2017. ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液 CQ2118.オピオイド鎮痛薬〔軽度〕:トラマドール CQ2219. オピオイド鎮痛薬〔中等度〕:ブプレノルフィン

CQ23,CQ24,CQ25,CQ2620.オピオイド鎮痛薬〔強度〕:フェンタニルなど CQ2721.神経障害性疼痛薬物療法で用いる選択薬の種類と使用方法22.その他の抗うつ薬 CQ2823.抗てんかん薬 CQ2924.NMDA(N-methyl-D-aspartate)受容体拮抗薬 CQ3025.抗不整脈薬 CQ3126.漢 方 薬 CQ32


13.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法 CQ15,CQ16CQ15,CQ1614.Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンド CQ17CQ1715.三環系抗うつ薬 CQ18,CQ19CQ18,CQ1916. セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬(SNRI) 

CQ20CQ2017. ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液 18.オピオイド鎮痛薬〔軽度〕:トラマドール 19. オピオイド鎮痛薬〔中等度〕:ブプレノルフィン

CQ23,CQ24,CQ25,CQ26CQ23,CQ24,CQ25,CQ2620.オピオイド鎮痛薬〔強度〕:フェンタニルなど 21.神経障害性疼痛薬物療法で用いる選択薬の種類と使用方法22.その他の抗うつ薬 CQ28CQ2823.抗てんかん薬 CQ29CQ2924.NMDA(N-methyl-D-aspartate)受容体拮抗薬 25.抗不整脈薬 CQ31CQ3126.漢 方 薬 CQ32CQ32





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48 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法


CQ15: 神経障害性疼痛全般に対する薬物療法の治療効果の指標と薬物の推奨度は?

 神経障害性疼痛全般に対する薬物療法の治療効果は,痛みだけでなく QOL の改善に着目する必要がある. 本邦で鎮痛薬として承認されている薬物の中では,第一選択薬として三環系抗うつ薬(アミトリプチリン),プレガバリン,デュロキセチン注 1 が推奨され,第二選択薬としてトラマドール,ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液が推奨される.第三選択薬としてトラマドール以外のオピオイド鎮痛薬が挙げられる.ただし,各薬物の保険承認病名は異なるため,臨床使用にあたって留意が必要である.また,トラマドールを含むオピオイド鎮痛薬の長期使用時およびトラマドールとブプレノルフィン貼付剤以外のオピオイド鎮痛薬の導入にあたっては,疼痛医療専門医の併診が望ましい.推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解   説: 神経障害性疼痛の病態・疾患は多岐にわたり注 2,個々の病態・疾患に対する臨床試験を行うことは極めて困難である.したがって,本ガイドラインは神経障害性疼痛全般に対する推奨事項を示すことを目的とし,複数の神経障害性疼痛疾患に鎮痛効果があり,本邦で鎮痛薬として承認されている薬物を第一選択薬とした.第二選択薬の推奨事項は,1 種類の神経障害性疼痛疾患に対してのみ鎮痛作用のある薬物を選択した(図 5).また,オピオイド鎮痛薬は複数の神経障害性疼痛疾患に対して有効であることが示されているが,長期使用における安全性への懸念があるため,第三選択薬とした.ただし,オピオイド鎮痛薬の中でもトラマドールは比較的 QOL の改善効果が高く,精神依存形成の危険性が少ないため,第二選択薬に分類した.トラマドールを含むオピオイド鎮痛薬の長期使用では疼痛医療専門医の併診が望ましい.


プレガバリン・ガバペンチン プレガバリン注 1 は,中枢神経系において,電位依存性カルシウム(Ca2+)チャネルの α2δ サブユニットと結合することにより興奮性神経伝達物質の遊離を抑制する.帯状疱疹後神経痛1‒5),糖尿病性神経障害に伴う痛みやしびれ6‒14),脊髄損傷後疼痛15,16) に対して,プラセボに比べ有意な鎮痛効果があり,睡眠の質や痛みに伴う抑うつ,不安も改善することが示されており,痛みだけでなく QOL の

注 1:デュロキセチン使用上の注意として,痛みに対して本薬を投与する場合は,自殺念慮,自殺企図,敵意,攻撃性等の精神症状の発現リスクを考慮し,本薬の投与の適否を慎重に判断すること

注 2:「3.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患」表 1参照

注 1:プレガバリン:神経障害性疼痛に対して承認

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改善効果も明らかである.神経根症に対する鎮痛効果17) や脊髄損傷後疼痛および脳卒中後疼痛についても鎮痛効果が確認されている16,18).プレガバリンは,眠気やふらつき,浮動性めまいなどの副作用があり,慎重な漸増が必要であるが,忍容性は比較的高い19).ただし,腎機能低下患者には投与量を減量する必要がある.プレガバリンの初期用量は,添付文書上は 150 mg/日 朝・夕食後 2 回投与から開始することにはなっているが,高齢者や副作用軽減を考慮して 25~75 mg/日就寝前 1 回投与から開始することもある. プレガバリンと同様に Ca2+チャネルの α2δ サブユニットリガンドとして作用する薬物には,ガバペンチン注 2 とガバペンチンエナカルビル注 3 があるが,いずれも本邦では鎮痛薬としての承認は得られていない.しかし,ガバペンチンは,

注 2:ガバペンチン:てんかん部分発作に対して承認注 3:ガバペンチンエナカルビル:特発性レストレスレッグス症候群に対して承認

図 5 本邦における神経障害性疼痛薬物療法アルゴリズム

神経障害性疼痛 薬物療法アルゴリズム










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50 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法

海外では複数の神経障害性疼痛に対して鎮痛効果と QOL の改善効果が示されており,海外では第一選択薬と位置づけられている20)

三環系抗うつ薬(TCA) TCA注 4 は,非常に多岐にわたる末梢性や中枢性神経障害性疼痛に対し,プラセボに比して有意な鎮痛効果がある.TCA は,抗うつ作用とは別な機序で鎮痛特性を有することが明らかにされている.TCA の中でもアミトリプチリンの神経障害性疼痛に対する鎮痛効果は,帯状疱疹後神経痛21‒23),糖尿病性神経障害による痛みやしびれ24,25),外傷性神経損傷26),脳卒中27) のような様々な疾患・病態にかかわらずほぼ同程度であった.セロトニンおよびノルアドレナリンの再取り込み阻害作用のバランスが取れた三級アミン TCA(アミトリプチリン,イミプラミン)とノルアドレナリン再取り込みを比較的選択的に阻害する二級アミンTCA(ノルトリプチリン)との間で,鎮痛効果に差はないとされ28,29),二級アミン TCA(ノルトリプチリン)は,三級アミン TCA(アミトリプチリンおよびイミプラミン)よりも忍容性に優れ,鎮痛効果は同等であるとの理由から好ましい.高齢患者の場合は特に,75 mg 以上で転倒,100 mg 以上で心突然死の発症が増加することが報告されており,TCA の使用は低用量から開始し,慎重に使用するべきである20).また,TCA を用いた臨床試験の多くが 2000 年以前の報告であるため,QOL の評価が十分に検討されておらず,QOL の改善効果は明らかでない.

セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬(SNRI) デュロキセチン注 5 はセロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬(SNRI)の一つで,TCA に比して安全に使用しやすく,心疾患のある患者ではより良い選択肢である.SNRI の鎮痛機序は下行性疼痛抑制系の賦活作用に起因すると考えられている.デュロキセチンは,糖尿病性神経障害による痛みやしびれを対象とする臨床試験で,プラセボに比して鎮痛効果が確認され30‒34).52 週間の試験で安全性が確認されている35,36).さらに,がん化学療法誘発性ニューロパチー37) や神経根症を伴う腰痛症38) に対する鎮痛効果も示されている.本邦で行われた臨床試験で,デュロキセチンの副作用のうち,発現率が 5%以上かつプラセボに比して有意に高かった症状は傾眠と悪心であるが,その程度は軽度または中等度であった35).投与初期の副作用の発現を抑制するために 20 mg/日から治療を開始し,1~2 週間後に最適投与量(維持量)40~60 mg/日まで増量する.この 40~60 mg/日という投与量により,デュロキセチンは投与開始後 1 週間目から鎮痛効果が得られる35).また,60 mg/日を 1 日 1 回投与と 1 日 2 回分割投与とでは鎮痛効果が等しいと考えられ,60 mg/日を 1 日 2 回分割投与する方が副作用は減少する30).デュロキセチンは末梢神経障害(ニューロパチー)に対してのみ,痛みだけでなく QOL の改善が明確に示されている.デュロキセチン以外のSNRI は,ベンラファキシン注 6 とミルナシプラン注 7 があり,ベンラファキシンが複数の神経障害性疼痛疾患に対して鎮痛効果を発揮することは明らかにされており,デュロキセチンと同等の推奨度20) であるが,ミルナシプランは神経障害

注 4:アミトリプチリンが抗うつ薬および神経障害性疼痛に対して承認され,その他のTCAは抗うつ薬として承認

注 5:デュロキセチン:うつ病,慢性腰痛,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対して承認.使用上の注意として,痛みに対して本薬を投与する場合は,自殺念慮,自殺企図,敵意,攻撃性等の精神症状の発現リスクを考慮し,本薬の投与の適否を慎重に判断することセロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬:SNRI:serotonin-noradrena-line reuptake inhibitor

注 6:ベンラファキシン:うつ病・うつ状態に対して承認注 7:ミルナシプラン:うつ病・うつ状態に対して承認

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 ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液は,神経障害性疼痛の中でも帯状疱疹後神経痛に対して,本邦で臨床試験が行われ,その鎮痛効果が示されている40,41).鎮痛効果に加え,重篤な副作用がなく,忍容性が非常に高いことが特徴で,20 年以上の臨床使用の歴史を持ち,安全性が高い.痛みに伴う睡眠障害の改善効果は示されているが,その他の QOL に対する有効性は評価されていない.帯状疱疹後神経痛に対して,1 日 4 錠を朝夕 2 回に分割投与する.

オピオイド鎮痛薬[軽度]注9:トラマドール トラマドール注 10 は,μ オピオイド受容体作動薬としての作用と SNRI 作用を持つ.医療用麻薬に指定されていないオピオイド鎮痛薬[軽度]に位置づけられるが,ペンタゾシンやブプレノルフィンとは異なり,トラマドールは μ オピオイド受容体に対して完全作動薬として働くため,鎮痛効果に天井効果がなく,用量依存性に鎮痛効果が得られる(ただし,高用量では痙攣の危険性が報告されているので,臨床使用では用量設定に 400 mg/日の上限がある).有痛性糖尿病性神経障害42,43) と帯状疱疹後神経痛44),がん関連神経障害性疼痛45) に対する鎮痛効果が示されており,QOL の改善効果も確認されている.オピオイド鎮痛薬の中では精神依存の発現が非常に少ない46) とされるものの,長期使用時には注意が必要であるため,比較的短期間の使用に留めることが望ましいA).一般に,他のオピオイド鎮痛薬よりも副作用(主に便秘,眠気,嘔吐)が軽度であるため,鎮痛効果と QOL 改善効果から他のオピオイド鎮痛薬よりも優先度が高いが,長期使用に伴う安全性への懸念から,第一選択薬とはせず第二選択薬として推奨される20). 本邦では,トラマドール製剤は経口薬と静脈注射薬があり,経口薬はアセトアミノフェン配合錠(タブレット剤),口腔内崩壊(OD)錠,徐放剤の 3 種類がある.口腔内崩壊錠は 25 mg と 50 mg の 2 つの剤型があり,速放剤である.アセトアミノフェン配合錠はトラマドール 37.5 mg とアセトアミノフェン 325 mg を含む速放剤である.徐放剤の用量は 100 mg 1 日 1 回使用である.トラマドールの使用では少量から漸増することが忍容性を高めるために望ましく,速放剤で導入・漸増後,用量が安定したら徐放剤に切り替えることが服薬アドヒアランスの維持のために理想的である.

注 8:ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液:帯状疱疹後神経痛,腰痛症,頸肩腕症候群,肩関節周囲炎,変形性関節症に対して承認

注 9:オピオイド鎮痛薬[軽度]:軽度の痛みに適応となるオピオイド鎮痛薬注 10:トラマドール:慢性疼痛,がん性疼痛に対して承認

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52 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法


オピオイド鎮痛薬 オピオイド鎮痛薬は,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害と帯状疱疹後神経痛を代表とする種々の末梢性および中枢性神経障害性疼痛疾患を対象に鎮痛効果が示されている.モルヒネ47‒49)注 11 とオキシコドン50‒52)注 12 のエビデンスが豊富であるが,フェンタニル経皮吸収型製剤53,54)注 13 は,1 日間および 3 日間貼付タイプのものは中等度~高度の痛みを伴うがん性疼痛に対して,他の麻薬性鎮痛薬から移行する場合に承認されている.ブプレノルフィン塩酸塩54)注 14 も μ オピオイド受容体完全作動薬であることから同等の有効性が示されている.オピオイド鎮痛薬は,副作用(悪心,便秘,眠気など)の発現頻度が比較的高く,副作用が治療期間全般を通じて長期に渡って継続する可能性がある55).さらに,オピオイド鎮痛薬の長期安全性に関して体系化された検討が行われておらず,発症頻度は少ないが性腺機能異常や精神依存の形成などの副作用により,オピオイド鎮痛薬が他の薬物よりも本質的に安全性が高いとは言い切れず,ここで挙げるオピオイド鎮痛薬[中等度,強度]注 15 の使用に際しては,疼痛医療専門医の併診が望ましい. 有効なオピオイド鎮痛薬の投与量は患者によって大きく異なるため,個々の臨床状況に応じて,下記の 2 つの治療開始方法のうち,どちらか一方を実施する.ここで挙げたオピオイド鎮痛薬を検討する場合には,トラマドールによる治療を実施後に検討し,短時間作用型オピオイド鎮痛薬であるモルヒネ塩酸塩 10~15 mg を 1 日 5~6 回(4 時間ごと)に分割投与し,おおよその 1 日量が特定されたら長時間作用型オピオイド鎮痛薬に切り替える注 16.あるいは,長時間作用型オピオイド鎮痛薬の最低用量から治療を開始することもできる注 17.オピオイド鎮痛薬は,固定されたスケジュールで投与するのが望ましく,頓用はしない.オピオイド鎮痛薬の投与量は,(a)鎮痛効果と QOL の改善効果,(b)十分な対策(便秘に対する緩下薬など)を行っていても出現する副作用の重症度を指標として,漸増・漸減させ,維持量を決定する.オピオイド鎮痛薬の投与時は常に乱用や嗜癖についての評価を継続しなければならない.オピオイド鎮痛薬の維持量はモルヒネ塩酸塩換算 15~120 mg/日が推奨される.

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40) 山村秀夫,檀健二郎,若杉文吉,他 : ノイロトロピン錠の帯状疱疹後神経痛に対する効果-プラセボ錠を対照薬とした多施設二重盲検試験-.医学のあゆみ 1988 ; 147 : 651‒664[1b]

41) 祖父江逸郎,花籠良一,松本昭久,他 : SMON(subacute myelo‒optico‒neuropathy)後遺症に対するノイロトロピンの臨床評価多施設二重盲検交差比較試験.医学のあゆみ 1987 ; 143 : 233‒52[2b]

42) Harati Y, Gooch C, Swenson M, et al : Double‒blind randomized trial of tramadol for the treatment of the pain of diabetic neuropathy. Neurolo-gy 1998 ; 50 : 1842‒1846[1b]

43) Sindrup SH, Andersen G, Madsen C, et al : Tramadol relieves pain and allodynia in polyneuropathy : A randomized, double‒blind, controlled tri-al. Pain 1999 ; 83 : 85‒90[1b]

44) Boureau F, Legallicier P, Kabir-Ahmadi M, et al : Tramadol in post‒her-petic neuralgia : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Pain 2003 ; 104 : 323‒331[1b]

45) Arbaiza D, Vidal O : Tramadol in the treatment of neuropathic cancer pain : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled study. Clin Drug Invest 2007 ; 27 : 75‒83[1b]

46) Cicero TJ, Inciardi JA, Adams EH, et al : . Rates of abuse of tramadol re-main unchanged with the introduction of new branded and generic products : Results of an abuse monitoring system, 1994‒2004. Pharmaco-epidemiol drug safe 2005 ; 14 : 851‒859[1b]

47) Huse E, Larbig W, Flor H, et al : The effect of opioids on phantom limb pain and cortical reorganization. Pain 2001 ; 90 : 47‒55[1b]

48) Wu CL, Agarwal S, Tella PK, et al : Morphine versus mexiletine for treatment of postamputation pain : A randomized, placebo‒controlled, crossover trial. Anesthesiology 2008 ; 109 : 289‒296[1b]

49) Gilron I, Bailey JM, Tu D, et al : Morphine, gabapentin, or their combina-tion for neuropathic pain. N Engl J Med 2005 ; 352 : 1324‒1334[1b]

50) Gimbel JS, Richards P, Portenoy RK : Controlled‒release oxycodone for pain in diabetic neuropathy : A randomized controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 927‒934[1b]

51) Watson CPN, Babul N : Efficacy of oxycodone in neuropathic pain : A ra-domized trial in postherpetic neuralgia. Neurology 1998 ; 50 : 1837‒1841[1b]

52) Watson CPN, Moulin D, Watt-Watson J, et al : Controlled‒release oxyco-done relieves neuropathic pain : A randomized controlled trial in painful diabetic neuropathy. Pain 2003 ; 105 : 71‒78[1b]

53) 宮崎東洋,花岡一雄,並木昭義,他 : デュロテップ®MT パッチの非癌性慢性疼痛患者を対象とした臨床試験Ⅰ : 4 週および長期(52 週)貼付.新薬と臨床 2010 ; 59 : 157‒180[1b]

54) Canneti A, Luzi M, Di Marco P, et al : Safety and efficacy of transdermal buprenorphine and transdermal fentanyl in the treatment of neuropathic pain in AIDS patients. Minerva Anesthesiol 2013 ; 79 : 871‒883[2c]

55) Watson CPN, Watt‒Watson JH, Chipman ML : Chronic non‒cancer pain and the long term utility of opioids. Pain Res Manage 2004 ; 9 : 19‒24[5]

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56 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法

CQ16: 神経障害性疼痛に対するNSAIDs とアセトアミノフェンの推奨度は?

 神経障害性疼痛に対する NSAIDs の鎮痛効果を検討した質の高い報告はなく,神経障害性疼痛には NSAIDs を推奨しない. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解  説: 神経障害性疼痛に対する選択的シクロオキシゲナーゼ(COX)‒2 阻害薬を含むNSAIDs の有効性を示した質の高い研究はなく,系統的解析でも NSAIDs は推奨されていない.ただし,神経障害性疼痛に侵害受容性疼痛(特に炎症性疼痛)を合併した混合性疼痛が想定される場合には,神経障害性疼痛の治療薬に加えてNSAIDs を併用することの付加価値は考慮される可能性がある1). アセトアミノフェンの神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性を示した質の高い研究はなく,推奨されない.混合性疼痛に対してもアセトアミノフェンは抗炎症作用をほとんど有さないため,推奨されない.

参考文献 1) Romano CL, Romano D, Bonora C, et al : Pregabalin, celecoxib, and their

combination for treatment of chronic low‒back pain. J Orthopaed Trau-matol 2009 ; 10 : 185‒191[3b]

2) NICE clinical guideline 2013‒Neuropathic pain in adults:Pharmacologi-cal management in non‒specialist settings

非ステロイド性抗炎症薬:NSAIDs:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

シクロオキシゲナーゼ -2:COX-2:cyclooxygenase-2

混合性疼痛:mixed pain condition

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5714.カルシウム(Ca2+)チャネル α2δ リガンド

14.カルシウム(Ca2+)チャネル α2δ リガンド

CQ17: 神経障害性疼痛に対するプレガバリンの推奨度は?

 プレガバリンは,末梢神経障害性疼痛だけでなく中枢性神経障害性疼痛に対する鎮痛効果が質の高い研究によって明らかにされており,本邦で唯一,神経障害性疼痛全般(中枢性および末梢性)に対して適応承認されている薬物である.神経障害性疼痛全般に対する鎮痛効果だけでなく,痛みに伴う抑うつや不安,睡眠障害などの ADL と QOL を改善する効果が示されており,第一選択薬として推奨される. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1A

解  説: プレガバリン注 1 は,中枢神経系において電位依存性カルシウム(Ca2+)チャネルの α2δ サブユニットと結合することにより,興奮性神経伝達物質の遊離を抑制する.帯状疱疹後神経痛1,2),糖尿病性神経障害に伴う痛みやしびれ3),脊髄損傷後疼痛4) に対して,プラセボに比べ有意な鎮痛効果がある.神経障害性疼痛では,痛み以外に睡眠障害や活力の低下,抑うつ,不安,口渇,食欲不振など様々な併存症を伴い5),これらの要因によって ADL と QOL が負のスパイラルを形成し増悪する.中でも,中等度以上の睡眠障害を訴える神経障害性疼痛患者は約60%に上り,QOL に与える影響は大きい.プレガバリンは,睡眠障害の改善効果2,6) が示されているだけでなく,痛みに伴う抑うつや不安も改善し,ADL とQOL に対する効果が顕著である.このような臨床的有用性から,プレガバリンは様々な治療指針・ガイドラインでも一環して第一選択薬として推奨されている. プレガバリン以外の Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドには,ガバペンチン注 2 とガバペンチンエナカルビル注 3 があり,ガバペンチンは複数の神経障害性疼痛で鎮痛効果と QOL の改善効果が示されており,海外では第一選択薬と位置付けられている7).また,ガバペンチンエナカルビルは,新規の薬物のため研究報告がまだ少ないが,神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性を期待できる結果が得られており,さらに,ガバペンチンに抵抗性を示した患者に対する有効性も示唆されている8,9).ただし,いずれも鎮痛薬としての承認は得られておらず,使用には注意を要する.

参考文献 1) Dworkin RH, Corbin AE, Young JP Jr., et al : Pregabalin for the treat-

ment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 1274‒1283[1b]

2) 小川節郎,鈴木 実 , 荒川明雄 , 他 : 帯状疱疹後神経痛に対するプレガバリンの有効性および安全性の検討-多施設共同無作為化プラセボ対照二重盲検比較試験-.日本ペインクリニック学会誌 2010 ; 17 : 141‒152[1b]

3) Arezzo JC, Rosenstock J, Lamoreaux L, et al : Efficacy and safety of pre-

注 1:プレガバリン:神経障害性疼痛に対して承認

注 2:ガバペンチン:てんかん部分発作に対して承認注 3:ガバペンチンエナカルビル:特発性レストレスレッグス症候群に対して承認

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58 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法

gabalin 600 mg/day for treating painful diabetic peripheral neuropa-thy : A double‒blind placebo‒controlled trial. BMC Neurology 2008 ; 8 : 33

[1b] 4) Cardenas DD, Nieshoff EC, Suda K, et al : A randomized trial of pregaba-

lin in patients with neuropathic pain due to spinal cord injury. Neurolo-gy 2013 ; 80 : 533‒539[1b]

5) Meyer‒Rosberg K, Kvamstrom A, Kinnman E, et al : Peripheral neuro-pathic pain : A multidimensional burden for patients. Eur J Pain 2001 ; 5 : 379‒389

6) Satoh J, Yagihashi S, Baba M, et al : Efficacy and safety of pregabalin for treating neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropa-thy : A 14‒week, randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Dia-bet Med 2011 ; 28 : 109‒116[1b]

7) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173[1a]

8) Zhang L, Rainka M, Freeman R, et al : A randomized, double‒blind, pla-cebo‒controlled trial to assess the efficacy and safety of gabapentin enacarbil in subjects with neuropathic pain associated with postherpetic neuralgia(PXN110748). J Pain 2013 ; 14 : 590‒603[1b]

9) Harden RN, Freeman R, Rainka M, et al : A phase 2a, randomized, cross-over trial of gabapentin enacarbil for the treatment of postherpetic neu-ralgia in gabapentin inadequate responders. Pain Med 2013 ; 14 : 1918‒1932[1b]

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CQ18: 神経障害性疼痛に対して三環系抗うつ薬は有効か?

 神経障害性疼痛に対する NNT は,三環系抗うつ薬(TCA)が最も低く,強オピオイド・トラマドールがほぼ同等,SNRI・ガバペンチン・プレガバリンが三環系抗うつ薬(TCA)に比してやや高値となっており,神経障害性疼痛に対して TCA は最も効果のある薬物の一つであり,有効である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解  説: 鎮痛薬の有効性は,2015 年に発表されたシステマティックレビューでは,TCA の神経障害性疼痛に対する NNT は 3.6,NNH は 13.4 と報告されている1). NNT は「何名の患者を治療すれば 1 名の患者で 50%以上の疼痛軽減が得られるか?」という確率論的な指標によって定量化され,NNT は種々の薬物の鎮痛効果を概観するためには有用な指標であるが,無作為化比較試験(RCT)のデザインが様々に異なることや,ほとんどの臨床試験の調査期間が短期間であること,神経障害性疼痛の治療目標は,鎮痛効果だけでなく,ADL および QOL の改善効果も加味されなければならないこと,さらに,NNT の有効性の基準として 50%の疼痛緩和が設定されているが,30%の疼痛緩和でも QOL に対して意義があることが示されていることから,NNT は実際の日常診療に即した絶対的な指標であるとはいえないことに留意する.副作用の指標である NNH についても同様である. TCA は,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害2‒4),帯状疱疹後神経痛5‒8),外傷性神経損傷後疼痛9),中枢性脳卒中後疼痛10),脊髄損傷後疼痛11) のような多岐にわたる末梢性・中枢性神経障害性疼痛に対し,有意な鎮痛効果があることが RCT で示されている.TCA の鎮痛効果は,抗うつ作用とは無関係であり,抗うつ作用を示すよりも低用量,短期間で鎮痛効果を示すことが明らかにされている.主な鎮痛作用機序はセロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害作用を介した下行性疼痛抑制系の活性化であり,NMDA 受容体拮抗作用,Na+チャネル遮断作用も関与している12,13).副作用は,主に口渇,便秘などの抗コリン作用が問題となるが,心毒性にも注意が必要である14,15).TCA は,他の抗うつ薬,抗てんかん薬と比較して優れたエビデンスがあり,また,安価でもあり,費用対効果に優れている1,16).

CQ19: 三環系抗うつ薬にはどのような薬物があり,どのように使い分けたらよいか?

 三環系抗うつ薬(TCA)は,三級アミン TCA(アミトリプチリン,イミプラミン,クロミプラミン)と,三級アミン TCA の薬物の活性代謝物である二級ア

三環系抗うつ薬:TCA:tricyclic antidepressant 治療必要数NNT:number needed to treat (望ましい治療効果の患者を1人得るために必要な人数)セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬:SNRI:serotonin-noradrena-line reuptake inhibitor害必要数 NNH:number needed to harm (何人の患者を治療すると 1例の有害事象が出現するかを示す)無作為化比較試験ランダム化比較試験RCT:randomized controlled trial

忍容性:明白な有害作用(副作用)が被験者にとってどれだけ耐え得るか の程度

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60 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法

ミン TCA(ノルトリプチリン,デシプラミン)に分類される.鎮痛効果は三級アミン TCA でやや高いが,副作用に対する忍容性は二級アミン TCA が高い. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解  説: TCA には,セロトニンおよびノルアドレナリンの再取り込み阻害作用のバランスが取れた三級アミン TCA(アミトリプチリン,イミプラミン,クロミプラミン)と,ノルアドレナリン再取り込みを比較的選択的に阻害する二級アミンTCA(ノルトリプチリン,デシプラミン)がある.三級アミン TCA は,二級アミン TCA より鎮痛効果はやや勝る可能性はあるが(多発性神経痛に対するNNT:2.1 vs 2.5,帯状疱疹後神経痛に対する NNT:2.5 vs 3.1),副作用も多く,二級アミン TCA の方が忍容性に優れている.いずれかの TCA が無効であった時や副作用のため忍容性が低い場合に,他の TCA へ変更すると鎮痛効果が得られることや,副作用が軽減される場合もあり,TCA のスイッチングは試してみる価値がある.10~25 mg/日(高齢者は 10 mg/日)の低用量から開始し,25~150 mg/日まで漸増する13,17,18).


 アミトリプチリンの鎮痛効果を示す RCT は複数存在し5,10,11),エビデンスの質は中程度である1).多くの研究は小規模であり,バイアスのリスクはあったが,研究の質は良好であった.アミトリプチリンは神経障害性疼痛に効果があり,第一選択薬ではあるが,十分な鎮痛を得られる患者はそれほど多くはない19).


 イミプラミンはアミトリプチリンと同じ三級アミン TCA であり,神経障害性疼痛に有効である.RCT で鎮痛効果が報告されているが20‒23),いずれの RCT も対象患者数が少なく,観察期間も短くエビデンスレベルは低い24).


 RCT で鎮痛効果が報告されているが25),対象患者数が少なく,観察期間も短くエビデンスレベルは低い.TCA の中で唯一静注用製剤があり,速効性を期待する場合や内服が無効な場合に使用されることがある26,27).


 ノルトリプチリンはアミトリプチリンの主な代謝産物であり,アミトリプチリンよりも副作用が少ない.複数の RCT で鎮痛効果が検討されているが,研究によって有効性は異なる28‒32).また,いずれの RCT も対象患者数が少なく,観察期間も短くエビデンスレベルは低い.ノルトリプチリンは神経障害性疼痛に対して第一選択薬とはせず,他の TCA が無効であった場合に使用する33)

注 1:アミトリプチリン:抗うつ薬,夜尿症治療薬として承認・市販,2015 年 8 月に「末梢神経障害性疼痛」が適応追加

注 2:イミプラミン:抗うつ薬,遺尿症治療薬として承認・市販,慢性疼痛に伴ううつ症状に対し一部で適応外使用が認められている

注 3:クロミプラミン:抗うつ薬,遺尿症治療薬,ナルコレプシーによる情動脱力発作治療薬として承認・市販,慢性疼痛に伴ううつ症状に対し一部で適応外使用が認められている

注 4:ノルトリプチリン:抗うつ薬として承認・市販,慢性疼痛に伴ううつ症状に対し一部で適応外使用が認められている

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デシプラミン 帯状疱疹後神経痛と有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対する有効性が RCT で示されている34,35).二級アミン TCA であり,イミプラミンと同様の鎮痛効果が期待されるが,本邦では販売中止となっており,現在は処方できない.

参考文献 1) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-

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CQ20: 神経障害性疼痛に対してSNRI は有効か?

 セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬(SNRI)であるデュロキセチンは,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対する有効性のエビデンスが高く,推奨される.ベンラファキシンは,末梢性神経障害性疼痛に対して有効かもしれない1). 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1A

解  説: SNRI は,下行性疼痛抑制系に関与するセロトニン神経系,ノルアドレナリン神経系に作用し,セロトニンおよびノルアドレナリンの再取り込みを阻害する.シナプス間隙でのセロトニンおよびノルアドレナリンの濃度が上昇し,セロトニン神経,ノルアドレナリン神経の神経伝達が増強されることによって鎮痛効果が発揮されると考えられている.TCA と比較して口渇や起立性低血圧など抗コリン作用による副作用は少ないが,悪心に注意が必要である. SNRI であるデュロキセチン注 1 は,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対する RCT が多数行われ,高い有効性が示されている2‒6).Cochrane レビューによると,12 週間以内の観察期間において,デュロキセチン 40 mg,60 mg,120 mg注 2 は,プラセボと比較し,痛みの程度を 50%以上改善したが,使用量と改善度に相関性を認めなかった.また,12 週間以内の観察期間において,デュロキセチン60 mg,120 mg は,プラセボと比較し,SF‒36 で評価した身体機能項目が有意に改善した7). デュロキセチンは,多発性硬化症に伴う末梢性神経障害性疼痛8) や中枢性脳卒中後疼痛9) に対して有効とする RCT も報告されているが,今後の評価が必要である. 海外の主要なガイドラインにおいて推奨度が高いベンラファキシン注 3 は,本邦で抗うつ薬として承認された.有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対する RCT では,50%以上痛みの強度が低下した患者が,ベンラファキシン内服群(150~225 mg)で 56%,プラセボ内服群で 34%であり,ベンラファキシンの NNT は4.5 としている10).イミプラミンと比較した RCT も報告されているが12),Co-chrane レビューによる評価は低い1).本邦においては,神経障害性疼痛に対する処方の実績が少なく,有効性の評価は困難であると考えられる. 一方,ミルナシプランについては,神経障害性疼痛に対する RCT は報告されていない.

セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬:SNRI:serotonin-noradrena-line reuptake inhibitor

注 1:デュロキセチン使用上の注意として,痛みに対して本薬を投与する場合は,自殺念慮,自殺企図,敵意,攻撃性等の精神症状の発現リスクを考慮し,本薬の投与の適否を慎重に判断すること注 2:デュロキセチン120mgは本邦では未承認

注 3:ベンラファキシンvenlafaxine:抗うつ薬として承認.神経障害性疼痛では未承認

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参考文献 1) Gallagher HC, Gallagher RM, Butler M, et al : Venlafaxine for neuropathic

pain in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Aug 23 ; 8 : CD011091. doi : 10. 1002/14651858. CD011091. pub2

2) Goldstein DJ, Lu Y, Detke MJ, et al : Duloxetine vs. placebo in patients with painful diabetic neuropathy. Pain 2005 ; 116 : 109‒118[1b]

3) Raskin J, Pritchett YL, Wang F, et al : A double‒blind, randomized multi-center trial comparing duloxetine with placebo in the management of di-abetic peripheral neuropathic pain. Pain Med 2005 ; 6 : 346‒356[1b]

4) Wernicke JF, Pritchett YL, D’Souza, et al : A randomized controlled trial of duloxetine in diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. Neurology 2006 ; 67 : 1411‒1420[1b]

5) Gao Y, Ning G, Jia WP, et al : Duloxetine versus placebo in the treatment of patients with diabetic neuropathic pain in China. Chin Med J(Engl)2010 ; 123 : 3184‒3192[2b]

6) Yasuda H, Hotta N, Nakao K, et al : Superiority of duloxetine to placebo in improving diabetic neuropathic pain : Results of a randomized con-trolled trial in Japan. J Diabetes Investig 2011 ; 2 : 132‒139[1b]

7) Lunn MP, Hughes RA, Wiffen RJ, et al : Duloxetine for treating painful neuropathy, chronic pain or fibromyalgia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Jan 3 ; 1 : CD007115[1a]

8) Vollmer TL, Robinson MJ, Risser RC, et al : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial of duloxetine for the treatment of pain in pa-tients with multiple sclerosis. Pain Pract 2014 ; 14 : 732‒744[1b]

9) Brown TR, Slee A : A randomized placebo‒controlled trial of duloxetine for central pain in multiple sclerosis. Int J MS Care 2015 ; 17 : 83‒89[1b]

10) Rowbotham MC, Goli V, Kunz NR, et al : Venlafaxine extended release in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled study. Pain 2004 ; 110697‒706[1b]

11) Sindrup SH, Bach FW, Madsen C, et al : Venlafaxine versus imipramine in painful polyneuropathy : A randomized, controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 1284‒1289 [2b]

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CQ21: ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液の特徴は?

 鎮痛効果発現までに一定期間を要するため,4 週間以上継続投与して効果判定することが望ましい.副作用の発生頻度は低く軽微である. 推奨度,エビデンスの総括:2B

解  説: ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液は,ワクシニアウィルスを接種した家兎の炎症皮膚組織から抽出した非蛋白質性生理活性物質を含有する製剤であり,単一で鎮痛作用を示す有効成分は同定されていないため,成分の一般名が表記されていない.主な薬理作用は,下行性疼痛抑制系の活性化,抗炎症作用,興奮性神経ペプチドの放出抑制,交感神経抑制,血流改善,神経保護作用などである1). 神経障害性疼痛である帯状疱疹後神経痛や有痛性糖尿病性神経障害患者に対して,本邦で臨床試験が行われ,その鎮痛効果が示されている2,3).228 名の帯状疱疹後神経痛患者を対象とした RCT では,1 日 4 錠を 2 回に分けて 4 週間投与すると,プラセボに比べて痛みが有意に改善した2).また,36 名の有痛性糖尿病性神経障害患者を対象とした症例集積研究でも,8 週間投与で 65%以上の患者で自発痛やしびれ感が改善したと報告されている3). 鎮痛効果に加え,重篤な副作用がなく忍容性が非常に高いことが特徴である.いずれの薬物とも相互作用がないため,併用に注意する他の薬物がない.帯状疱疹後神経痛,慢性化しやすい痛み(腰痛症,頸肩腕症候群,肩関節周囲炎,変形性関節症)に対して注1,成人には 1 日 4 錠を朝夕 2 回に分けて経口投与する.4週間で効果の認められない場合は漫然と投薬を続けないよう注意する4).

参考文献 1) 鈴木孝浩 : ノイロトロピン®の作用機序における新展開.ペインクリニッ

ク 2010 ; 31 : S441‒S445[5] 2) 山村秀夫,檀健二郎,若杉文吉,他 : ノイロトロピン®錠の帯状疱疹後神

経痛に対する効果-プラセボ錠を対照薬とした多施設二重盲検試験-.医学のあゆみ 1988 ; 147 : 651‒64[1b]

3) 折茂 肇,中村哲郎,大澤仲昭,他 : 糖尿病性神経障害に対するノイロトロピン®錠の治療効果.Prog Med 1989 ; 9 : 1153~1160[4]

4) ノイロトロピン®添付文書[4]

注 1:ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液:帯状疱疹後神経痛,腰痛症,頸肩腕症候群,肩関節周囲炎,変形性関節症に対して保険適応がある

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CQ22: 神経障害性疼痛に対するトラマドールの推奨は?

 トラマドールは,帯状疱疹後神経痛と有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対する有効性が示されており,QOL の改善効果も明らかにされている.オピオイド鎮痛薬の中では精神依存の発生が非常に少なく,比較的安全性が高いが,長期使用に際しては疼痛医療専門医の併診が望ましく,神経障害性疼痛の第二選択薬として推奨される. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1A

解  説: トラマドール注 1 は,μ オピオイド受容体作動薬としての作用と SNRI としての作用を持つ.トラマドールのオピオイド骨格の μ,δ,κ オピオイド受容体に対する親和性(Ki 値)はモルヒネに比して非常に低く,トラマドールのオピオイド骨格のモノアミンポンプに対する親和性は,三環系抗うつ薬のイミプラミンに比して非常に低い.したがって,トラマドールの鎮痛作用は μ オピオイド受容体作動作用と SNRI としての作用が相乗的に働いているものと考えられ,μ オピオイド受容体拮抗薬であるナロキソンを投与してもトラマドールの鎮痛効果は完全に抑制されない.トラマドールはオピオイド鎮痛薬[軽度]に位置づけられるものの,ペンタゾシンやブプレノルフィンなどの他のオピオイド鎮痛薬[軽度,中等度]と異なり,トラマドールとその代謝産物は μ オピオイド受容体に対して完全作動薬として働くため,侵害受容性疼痛に対する鎮痛作用に天井効果がなく,用量依存性に鎮痛効果が発揮される(ただし,高用量では痙攣の危険性が報告されているので,臨床使用では用量設定に 400 mg/日の上限がある).神経障害性疼痛の中では,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害1,2) と帯状疱疹後神経痛3) に対する鎮痛効果が示されており,QOL の改善効果も確認されている.オピオイド鎮痛薬の中では精神依存の発現が非常に少ない4) とされるものの,長期使用時には注意が必要であるため,比較的短期間の使用に留めることが望ましい5).一般に他のオピオイド鎮痛薬よりも副作用(主に便秘,眠気,嘔吐)が軽度であるため,鎮痛効果と QOL 改善効果から他のオピオイド鎮痛薬よりも優先度が高いが,長期使用に伴う安全性への懸念から,第一選択薬とはせず第二選択薬として推奨される6). トラマドールは,他の多くのオピオイド鎮痛薬や抗うつ薬などと同様に,チトクローム P450(CYP)による代謝を受け,CYP2D6 と CYP3A4 と CYP2B6 の 3種が最も重要である.これらの CYP に影響する薬物や食物との併用は十分に注意する必要がある. 本邦では,トラマドール製剤は経口薬と静脈注射薬があり,経口薬はアセトア

注 1:トラマドール:慢性疼痛,がん性疼痛,抜歯後疼痛に対して承認セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬:SNRI:serotonin-noradrena-line reuptake inhibitor

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ミノフェン配合錠(タブレット剤),口腔内崩壊(OD)錠,徐放剤の 3 種類がある.口腔内崩壊錠は 25 mg と 50 mg の 2 つの剤型があり,両剤型はほぼ同等の薬物動態を示し,いずれも速放剤である.アセトアミノフェン配合錠はトラマドール 37.5 mg を含む速放剤である.徐放剤の用量は 100 mg の剤型がある.トラマドールの使用では少量から漸増することが忍容性を高めるために望ましく,速放剤で導入・漸増後,用量が安定したら徐放剤に切り替えることが服薬アドヒアランスの維持のために理想的である. なお,注射剤の適応は術後痛,がん性疼痛に限られ,投与方法については筋注のみとなっている.

参考文献 1) Harati Y, Gooch C, Swenson M, et al : Double‒blind randomized trial of

tramadol for the treatment of the pain of diabetic neuropathy. Neurolo-gy 1998 ; 50 : 1842‒1846[1b]

2) Sindrup SH, Andersen G, Madsen C, et al : Tramadol relieves pain and allodynia in polyneuropathy : A randomized, double‒blind, controlled tri-al. Pain 1999 ; 83 : 85‒90[1b]

3) Boureau F, Legallicier P, Kabir-Ahmadi M, et al : Tramadol in post‒her-petic neuralgia : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Pain 2003 ; 104 : 323‒331[1b]

4) Cicero TJ, Inciardi JA, Adams EH, et al : Rates of abuse of tramadol re-main unchanged with the introduction of new branded and generic products : Results of an abuse monitoring system, 1994‒2004. Pharmaco-epidemiol drug safe 2005 ; 14 : 851‒859[1b]

5) NICE clinical guideline 2013‒Neuropathic pain in adults : Pharmacologi-cal management in non‒specialist settings

6) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173[1b]

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68 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法


CQ23: ブプレノルフィンとはどのような特徴を持ったオピオイドか?

 ブプレノルフィンは,臨床的には完全 μ オピオイド受容体作動薬であり,他のオピオイドとの併用は問題ないと思われる.また,呼吸抑制や免疫抑制作用,性腺機能低下などを引き起こさず,高齢者にも比較的安全なオピオイドである. 推奨度:なし,エビデンス:なし

解  説: ブプレノルフィンは,以前は,μ オピオイド受容体部分作動薬であり,他のオピオイドとの併用ができない,作用には天井効果があるなどといわれてきた.しかし,最近の研究により in vitro では部分作動薬ではあるが,ヒトを対象とした放射性同位元素標識ブプレノルフィンを用いた研究で,μ オピオイド受容体占拠率 100%未満で完全鎮痛が生じ,臨床的には完全鎮痛作動薬であることが判明した1).また,テールフリック試験を用いた他の μ オピオイド受容体作動薬との相互作用実験で,モルヒネ,オキシコドン,ヒドロモルフィンと相加的もしくは相乗的な鎮痛効果2) を示し,臨床用量では他のオピオイドとの併用は問題ないといわれている3‒5).また,ブプレノルフィンは鎮痛について天井効果はないが,呼吸抑制については天井効果があり,たとえ呼吸抑制が生じても高用量のナロキソンで拮抗でき,臨床的には安全に使用できるオピオイド6‒9) である可能性が示唆されている. ほかには,モルヒネやオキシコドン,フェンタニルに比べて免疫抑制作用10‒11)

がなく,性腺機能低下を引き起こさない12).また,便秘の副作用13‒15) や認知機能低下が少なく16‒18),他のオピオイドでみられる痛覚過敏の誘発がなく,抗痛覚過敏作用がみられる特徴19) がある.腎機能障害患者や高齢者などリスクの高い慢性疼痛患者にも使いやすいオピオイドである20,21). なお,本邦で使用可能なブプレノルフィン製剤は,注射剤(適応は術後痛,がん性疼痛,心筋梗塞症に伴う胸痛),坐剤(適応は術後痛,がん性疼痛),貼付剤


CQ24: 神経障害性疼痛に対してブプレノルフィンは有効か?

 ブプレノルフィンは,動物実験や臨床試験でも神経障害性疼痛に有効である.その機序には,抗痛覚過敏作用や広汎性侵害抑制調節(DNIC)の抑制が関与していると思われる. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

広汎性侵害抑制調節DNIC:diffuse noxious inhibitory controls

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解  説: 動物実験では,ブプレノルフィン皮下注は,神経障害性疼痛に効果があると報告されている.脊髄損傷後の神経障害ラットにおいて,機械的および冷感性アロディニアや痛覚過敏を有意に改善し22),糖尿病性末梢神経障害ラットでは機械的アロディニアが有意に改善した23). ブプレノルフィンの臨床研究では,侵害受容性疼痛も含めた慢性疼痛では有効との報告が多いが,神経障害性疼痛に限定した臨床研究でも有効であるという報告は 2 つである.開胸術後疼痛患者を対象とした二重盲検無作為化試験では静注

(i.v.)ブプレノルフィンは疼痛軽減に効果があった24).また,他のオピオイドが効きにくい中枢神経障害性症候群患者の約 40%は効果があった ブプレノルフィンの神経障害性疼痛に対する鎮痛作用機序には,抗痛覚過敏作用および DNIC の抑制が関与していると考えられている.ブプレノルフィンは,他のオピオイドとは異なり,中枢性感作からの二次痛覚過敏を阻害する19).また,ラットの実験25) ではあるが,低用量のブプレノルフィンは DNIC を抑制する.

CQ25:神経障害性疼痛に対して ブプレノルフィン貼付剤は有効か?

 ブプレノルフィン貼付剤の神経障害性疼痛に対する効果は,有効であるという可能性がある.しかし,すべて非盲検試験および症例報告であり,RCT は行われておらず,今後の研究が期待される. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説: ブプレノルフィン貼付剤の慢性非がん性疼痛や慢性がん性疼痛に対する RCTは 2 つ26‒27) あり,有効性が示されているが,これらは神経障害性疼痛だけではなく,様々な慢性疼痛が含まれている.この 2 つの臨床試験の対象患者 294 症例のうち,神経障害性疼痛の診断がなされたのは 52 症例だけであり,神経障害性疼痛のみでの評価はできない.現時点では,ブプレノルフィン貼付剤の神経障害性疼痛のみを対象にした RCT はない. 非盲検試験および症例報告では,経皮吸収型ブプレノルフィン製剤の神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性は示されている28,29). Rodriguez‒Lopez28) の報告によれば,ブプレノルフィン貼付剤の神経障害性疼痛に対する非盲検試験では,237 名の神経障害性疼痛患者(坐骨神経痛患者30%,肩術後遷延痛患者 13%,帯状疱疹後神経痛患者 12%,他)では,8 週後の VAS は 55%と有意(p<0.001)に低下した.また,症例報告で有効性が示されている. 慢性有痛性神経障害患者 30 症例に対して行った非盲検臨床試験30) では,患者のうち約 40%の患者で VAS の低下がみられた29).また,前向き・非介入・市販調査後研究では,従来の鎮痛治療で不十分だった神経障害性疼痛を有する患者で1 カ月後に鎮痛薬の変更を行った患者 37 名中 23 名で,ブプレノルフィン貼付剤

視覚アナログスケールVAS:visual analogue scale

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 ブプレノルフィン貼付剤を使用した神経障害性疼痛患者の症例報告は,数多くある.視床痛の症例32,33),帯状疱疹後神経痛の症例34),三叉神経痛の症例35),多発性硬化症に伴う疼痛性チックの症例33),FBSS の症例35),大動脈大腿動脈バイパス術後の腰部神経根症35),などがあり,中枢性および末梢性神経障害性疼痛における報告である.

CQ26: ブプレノルフィン貼付剤の安全性,忍容性は?

 ブプレノルフィン貼付剤は,他のオピオイドに比べて呼吸抑制などの重篤な副作用が少なく,忍容性は高いと思われる. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解  説: 侵害受容性疼痛を含めた慢性疼痛患者におけるブプレノルフィン貼付剤の安全性に関しては,オピオイドによる副作用および貼付剤特有の副作用報告がみられる.変形性関節症 315 症例を対象とした RCT では,有害事象の発生率はプラセボ群と有意差はなく,悪心・嘔吐,頭痛,浮動性めまいおよび傾眠,貼付部位の掻痒・発疹が多くみられた6).同じく変形性関節症を対象としてトラマドール製剤と比較したオープンラベル臨床試験では,有害事象の発生率には有意差はなかった.国内における臨床試験においても,有害事象の発生率はプラセボ群と有意差はなかった37,38).国内の長期オープンラベル臨床試験でも,高頻度(10%以上)の有害事象は,悪心,貼付部位の掻痒,便秘,嘔吐,傾眠,貼付部位の紅斑,体重減少,浮動性めまい,接触性皮膚炎,食欲不振,不眠などであったが,重篤なものは少なく,オピオイドに関する有害事象と貼付剤に関する有害事象が軽度から中程度みられたのみであり,安全性は高いと思われる39,40). オピオイドは自動車の運転能力を低下させるといわれているが,Vienna test system(VTS)を用いた前向き非劣性試験では,ブプレノルフィン貼付剤群は健常マッチ群との有意差はみられなかった.VTS はドイツの運転能力を測定するためのテストであり,圧力下反応時間,注意,視覚定位,運動調整,覚醒度などの測定項目がある41). ブプレノルフィンは,臨床濃度であれば,血液透析によって除去されなかった42).70 μg/hr までの用量であれば,腎機能障害患者でも用量調節は不要である42,43). 呼吸抑制に関しては,ブプレノルフィンは天井効果があるために,呼吸数を大幅に減少させることなく,鎮痛を得られる6‒9) が,ベンゾジアゼピン系薬物,筋弛緩薬,アルコールなどとの併用で呼吸抑制が起きる可能性があり,注意が必要である42). 性腺機能低下に関しては,雄性ラットを用いた動物実験では,他のオピオイドと同様に血漿テストステロンは低下させるが,脳内(間脳)濃度は他のオピオイドと異なり影響はみられなかった.臨床データとしては,ブプレノルフィン貼付

脊髄手術後症候群:FBSS:failed back surgery syndrome

VTS:vienna test system

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剤を 6 カ月間使用した患者 60 名で,男女とも血中テストステロン濃度やコルチゾール濃度に有意な変化はみられなかったという報告がある43). 高齢者に対するブプレノルフィン貼付剤の安全性については,合計 82 症例の報告では,65 歳以上の症例(平均年齢 74.3 歳:30 症例)は 65 歳未満の症例(平均年齢 51 歳:51 症例)と有効性や安全性での有意差は認められなかったという報告がある4).また,別な報告では,65 歳未満,65~75 歳,75 歳超の比較でも高齢者で副作用の増加は認められず,用量の調整も必要でなかったとの結果が出ている14,21).

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CQ27: 神経障害性疼痛に対して強オピオイド鎮痛薬は有効か?

 神経障害性疼痛に対して,短期間投与の強オピオイド鎮痛薬の有効性は確認されているが,副作用の忍容性は劣っている.強オピオイド鎮痛薬の長期処方時には,精神依存などが懸念されるため,使用を考慮した際にはオピオイド治療に精通した疼痛医療専門医によって,厳選された患者にのみ処方することが望ましい. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説: 神経障害性疼痛における強オピオイド鎮痛薬の有効性を考える前に,その鎮痛効果は他の薬物と同等であるという事実1) を知っておくべきである. 多くの試験で神経障害性疼痛に対する強オピオイド鎮痛薬の有効性が確認されている.そして,神経障害性疼痛に対して強オピオイド鎮痛薬を推奨するガイドラインも多く,神経障害性疼痛において,強オピオイド鎮痛薬は他の治療が無効な場合に選択されると考えられるが,最終段階の選択肢と捉えるのは危険であり,可能性のある一つの選択肢と考え,その選択は慎重に判断しなければならない.神経障害性疼痛に対して強オピオイド鎮痛薬の使用を考慮した際には,オピオイド治療に精通した痛みの専門医によって,厳選された患者にのみ処方することが望ましい.その理由を以下に示す. ⅰ )強オピオイド鎮痛薬の有効性の報告は限られている. ⅱ )強オピオイド鎮痛薬は副作用の発現頻度が高い. ⅲ )強オピオイド鎮痛薬処方の長期化,高用量化が QOL を低下させる諸問題

を惹起する. ⅳ )強オピオイド鎮痛薬は身体機能を改善することができないという報告が

ある. ⅴ )長期処方に関する体系化された研究が行われていない. ⅵ )強オピオイド鎮痛薬が他の薬物より有効であるという報告はない. ⅶ )一部の国において強オピオイド鎮痛薬の乱用,精神依存が社会問題となっ

ている. 神経障害性疼痛での強オピオイド鎮痛薬の有効性に関するシステマティックレビュー2) では,短期間に限って,プラセボと比較して強オピオイド鎮痛薬の有用性が確認されているが,副作用の忍容性は劣っているとされている. 現時点で,本邦において臨床使用可能な WHO が示す強オピオイド鎮痛薬には,代表薬であるモルヒネ,代替薬であるオキシコドン,フェンタニル,メサドン,ペチジン,タペンタドールがある.しかしながら,本邦においては,各々の薬物の添付文書上の効能・効果によって使用が制限されているため,臨床使用可

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能なすべての強オピオイド鎮痛薬が神経障害性疼痛に使用できるわけではない. 本学会発行の「非がん性慢性[疼]痛に対するオピオイド鎮痛薬処方ガイドライン」に示されている 3 つの目的の 1 つである「本邦におけるオピオイド鎮痛薬の処方,使用,およびその秩序を維持する」を堅持するために,現時点で神経障害性疼痛に対する強オピオイド鎮痛薬は,添付文書上の効能・効果に基づき,非がん性の慢性疼痛に対する適応を有する一部のモルヒネとフェンタニルに限られなければならない. 本邦において,非がん性の神経障害性疼痛に使用可能なモルヒネ製剤はモルヒネ塩酸塩末とモルヒネ塩酸塩錠,フェンタニル製剤はフェンタニル貼付剤(1 日用,3 日用)のみであり,他の製剤の使用は許可されていない.フェンタニル貼付剤の選択にあたっては,添付文書に記載されている「他のオピオイド鎮痛剤が一定期間投与され,忍容性が確認された患者で,かつオピオイド鎮痛剤の継続的な投与を必要とするがん性疼痛及び慢性疼痛の管理にのみ使用すること」という制約が遵守されなければならない. 強オピオイド鎮痛薬処方の詳細については,本学会発行の「非がん性慢性[疼]痛に対するオピオイド鎮痛薬処方ガイドライン」が参考となる.

参考文献 1) Eisenberg E, McNichol ED, Carr DB : Efficacy and safety of opioid ago-

nists in the treatment of neuropathic pain of nonmalignant origin : Sys-tematic review and meta‒analysis of randomized control trials. JAMA 2005 ; 293 : 3043‒3052 [1a]

2) Sommer C, Welsch P, Klose P, et al : Opioids in chronic neuropathic pain : A systematic review and meta‒analysis of efficacy, tolerability and safety in randomized placebo‒controlled studies of at least 4 weeks du-ration. Schmerz 2015 ; 29 : 35‒46 [1b]

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76 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法

21.神経障害性疼痛薬物療法で用いる表5 神経障害性疼痛薬物療法で用いる第一選択薬~第三選択薬

薬物名 剤 型 種 類 具体的使用法 治療効果判定期間 適 応 副作用第一選択薬 第一選択薬アミトリプチリン 経口剤 TCA,第三級アミン 初期量 10 mg /日

最大 150 mg 1回/日 就寝前3~ 7日ごとに 10~ 25 mg 増量

6~ 8週間とし,忍容性の得られる最大用量で 2週間以上

うつ病,末梢神経障害性疼痛(2015 年 8月に適応追加)


ノルトリプチリン 経口剤 TCA,第三級アミン うつ病イミプラミン 経口剤 TCA,第二級アミン うつ病,遺尿症

ガバペンチン 経口剤 Ca2+ チャネル α2δ リガンド 初期量 100~ 300 mg /日最大 3,600 mg 1~ 3回/日1~ 7日ごとに100~ 300 mg増量

用量漸増期間としての3~ 8週間に加え,最大用量で 2週間

難治性てんかん 眠気,めまい,末梢性浮腫,体重増加腎機能障害では使用量を少量とするプレガバリン 経口剤 Ca2+ チャネル α2δ リガンド 初期量 25~ 150 mg /日 

最大 600 mg 1~ 3回/日3~ 7日ごとに 25~ 150 mg 増量

4週間 神経障害性疼痛,線維筋痛症に伴う痛み

デュロキセチン 経口剤 SNRI(セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬)

初期量 20 mg /日最大 60 mg 1回/日 朝食後

4週間 うつ病,糖尿病性神経障害,線維筋痛症,慢性腰痛症


第二選択薬 第二選択薬ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液


非蛋白質性生理活性物質 4錠(16単位)/日2回/日

4週間 帯状疱疹後神経痛,腰痛症,頸肩腕症候群,肩関節周囲炎,変形性膝関節症

悪心,眠気 発症頻度は0.1%未満 忍容性高い


経口剤 オピオイド+アセトアミノフェン 初期量 1~ 4錠/日最大 8錠 1~ 4回/日

4週間 慢性疼痛,抜歯後疼痛 悪心・嘔吐,便秘,傾眠状態SSRI,SNRI,TCA,アセトアミノフェンと併用注意

トラマドール 経口剤,(注射剤)

オピオイド 初期量 25~ 100 mg /日最大 400 mg 1~ 4回/日

4週間 がん性疼痛,慢性疼痛 悪心・嘔吐,便秘,傾眠状態SSRI,SNRI,TCAと併用注意

第三選択薬 第三選択薬ブプレノルフィン 貼布剤,(坐

剤,注射剤)オピオイド 初期量 5 mg /日

最大 20 mg 1回/ 7 日4週間 非オピオイド鎮痛薬で治療困難な


フェンタニル 1日型貼付剤,(注射剤)

オピオイド 切り替え前の使用オピオイド用量から換算して初期量を設定する.最大量はモルヒネ塩酸塩換算量として 120 mg /日

4週間 非オピオイド鎮痛薬で治療困難な慢性疼痛,がん性疼痛他のオピオイドからの切り替え(スイッチング)でのみ使用可能


フェンタニル 3日型貼付剤,(注射剤)

オピオイド 切り替え前の使用オピオイド用量から換算して初期量を設定する.最大量はモルヒネ塩酸塩 換算量として 120 mg /日


モルヒネ 経口剤,坐剤,注射剤

オピオイド 初期量 10 mg /日 最大 120 mg /日

4週間 がん性疼痛,慢性疼痛 悪心・嘔吐,便秘,傾眠状態,呼吸抑制

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選択薬の種類と使用方法表5 神経障害性疼痛薬物療法で用いる第一選択薬~第三選択薬

薬物名 剤 型 種 類 具体的使用法 治療効果判定期間 適 応 副作用第一選択薬 第一選択薬アミトリプチリン 経口剤 TCA,第三級アミン 初期量 10 mg /日

最大 150 mg 1回/日 就寝前3~ 7日ごとに 10~ 25 mg 増量

6~ 8週間とし,忍容性の得られる最大用量で 2週間以上

うつ病,末梢神経障害性疼痛(2015 年 8月に適応追加)


ノルトリプチリン 経口剤 TCA,第三級アミン うつ病イミプラミン 経口剤 TCA,第二級アミン うつ病,遺尿症

ガバペンチン 経口剤 Ca2+ チャネル α2δ リガンド 初期量 100~ 300 mg /日最大 3,600 mg 1~ 3回/日1~ 7日ごとに100~ 300 mg増量

用量漸増期間としての3~ 8週間に加え,最大用量で 2週間

難治性てんかん 眠気,めまい,末梢性浮腫,体重増加腎機能障害では使用量を少量とするプレガバリン 経口剤 Ca2+ チャネル α2δ リガンド 初期量 25~ 150 mg /日 

最大 600 mg 1~ 3回/日3~ 7日ごとに 25~ 150 mg 増量

4週間 神経障害性疼痛,線維筋痛症に伴う痛み

デュロキセチン 経口剤 SNRI(セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬)

初期量 20 mg /日最大 60 mg 1回/日 朝食後

4週間 うつ病,糖尿病性神経障害,線維筋痛症,慢性腰痛症


第二選択薬 第二選択薬ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液


非蛋白質性生理活性物質 4錠(16単位)/日2回/日

4週間 帯状疱疹後神経痛,腰痛症,頸肩腕症候群,肩関節周囲炎,変形性膝関節症

悪心,眠気 発症頻度は0.1%未満 忍容性高い


経口剤 オピオイド+アセトアミノフェン 初期量 1~ 4錠/日最大 8錠 1~ 4回/日

4週間 慢性疼痛,抜歯後疼痛 悪心・嘔吐,便秘,傾眠状態SSRI,SNRI,TCA,アセトアミノフェンと併用注意

トラマドール 経口剤,(注射剤)

オピオイド 初期量 25~ 100 mg /日最大 400 mg 1~ 4回/日

4週間 がん性疼痛,慢性疼痛 悪心・嘔吐,便秘,傾眠状態SSRI,SNRI,TCAと併用注意

第三選択薬 第三選択薬ブプレノルフィン 貼布剤,(坐

剤,注射剤)オピオイド 初期量 5 mg /日

最大 20 mg 1回/ 7 日4週間 非オピオイド鎮痛薬で治療困難な


フェンタニル 1日型貼付剤,(注射剤)

オピオイド 切り替え前の使用オピオイド用量から換算して初期量を設定する.最大量はモルヒネ塩酸塩換算量として 120 mg /日

4週間 非オピオイド鎮痛薬で治療困難な慢性疼痛,がん性疼痛他のオピオイドからの切り替え(スイッチング)でのみ使用可能


フェンタニル 3日型貼付剤,(注射剤)

オピオイド 切り替え前の使用オピオイド用量から換算して初期量を設定する.最大量はモルヒネ塩酸塩 換算量として 120 mg /日


モルヒネ 経口剤,坐剤,注射剤

オピオイド 初期量 10 mg /日 最大 120 mg /日

4週間 がん性疼痛,慢性疼痛 悪心・嘔吐,便秘,傾眠状態,呼吸抑制

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78 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法


CQ28: 神経障害性疼痛に対して三環系抗うつ薬,SNRI 以外の抗うつ薬は有効か?

 三環系抗うつ薬,SNRI 以外の抗うつ薬と比較し,質の高い無作為化比較試験(RCT)が少なく,神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性について推奨度は低い.標準的治療に反応を示さなかった患者のオプションとして使用することができる.しかしながら,多量の選択的セロトニン再取り込阻害薬(SSRI)や SSRI の多薬併用,トラマドール製剤との併用ではセロトニン症候群の発症の危険性があり,注意を要する. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説: SSRI は,セロトニン再取り込み阻害作用により下行性疼痛抑制系を賦活化することで鎮痛効果を発揮する.


 19 名の有痛性糖尿病性神経障害患者を対象に行った RCT1) では,パロキセチン 40 mg はプラセボに対して神経障害による症状を有意に軽減させたが,イミプラミン(血中濃度 400~600 μM)の鎮痛効果には及ばなかった.


 41 名の有痛性多発神経障害患者を対象に行われた RCT2) ではエシタロプラム20 mg はプラセボに対して有意な鎮痛効果を示したが,臨床的に鎮痛効果を示した患者は限定的であったため,神経障害性疼痛の標準治療としては推奨されない.

フルボキサミンマレイン酸塩注3 とセルトラリン塩酸塩注4


ノルアドレナリン作動性特異的セロトニン作動性抗うつ薬(ミルタザピン注5) 神経障害性疼痛に対する鎮痛効果を提示できる臨床試験は国内・国外で行われておらず,神経障害性疼痛に対して推奨できる根拠がない.

 SSRI やミルタザピンは,第一選択薬,第二選択薬,第三選択薬に反応を示さなかった患者のオプションとして使用することができる.しかしながら,多量のSSRI や SSRI の多薬併用,トラマドール製剤との併用では,セロトニン症候群の発症の危険性があり,注意を要する.

無作為化比較試験ランダム化比較試験RCT:randomized controlled trial

選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬:SSRI:selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

注 1:パロキセチン塩酸塩:うつ病,うつ状態,パニック障害,社会不安障害,強迫性障害,外傷後ストレス障害に対して承認・市販

注 2:エスシタロプラム:うつ病,うつ状態に対して承認・市販

注 3:フルボキサミンマレイン酸塩:うつ病,うつ状態,強迫性障害,社会不安障害に対して承認・市販注 4:セルトラリン塩酸塩:うつ病,うつ状態,パニック障害,外傷後ストレス障害に対して承認・市販注 5:ミルタザピン:うつ病,うつ状態に対して承認・市販

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参考文献 1) Sindrup SH, Gram LF, Brosen K, et al : The selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitor, paroxetine is effective in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy symptoms. Pain 1990 ; 42 : 135‒144[1b]

2) Otto M, Bach FW, Jensen TS, et al : Escitalopram in painful polyneurop-athy : A randomized, placebo‒controlled, cross‒over trial. Pain 2008 ; 139 : 275‒283[1b]

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80 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法


CQ29: 神経障害性疼痛に対してプラセボと比較して,プレガバリン・ガバペンチン以外の抗てんかん薬は有効か?

 プレガバリン・ガバペンチン以外の抗てんかん薬(カルバマゼピン,ラモトリギン,トピラマート,バルプロ酸ナトリウム,クロナゼパム)は,プレガバリン・ガバペンチンと比較し,質の高い無作為化比較試験(RCT)が少なく,神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性について試験ごとに結果が乖離している.プレガバリンやガバペンチンに反応を示さなかった患者へのオプションとして使用することができるが,重篤な副作用もあり,その使用には十分注意を要する. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説:カルバマゼピン注1

 Na+チャネルを遮断し,Na+チャネル不活化からの回復を遅らせる.三叉神経痛に対しては有効性が確立されているが1),三叉神経痛以外の神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性の報告は少なく,システマティックレビューでも推奨度は低い2).脳卒中後の中枢性疼痛に対して行われた RCT3) で,カルバマゼピン 800 mg/日の鎮痛効果は,プラセボと比較して有意差はなかった.有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対して行われた 3 つの RCT4‒6) のうち,1 つで,オクスカルバゼピン注 2 1,800 mg/日はプラセボと比較して有意な鎮痛効果を示したが,残りの 2 つの RCT では,600~1,800 mg/日の鎮痛効果は,プラセボと比較して有意差はなかった.カルバマゼピン・オクスカルバゼピン全体の NNH は 5.5 であり,安全性は低い.カルバマゼピンの副作用は,めまい,ふらつき,再生不良性貧血,顆粒球減少,中毒性表皮壊死症(TEN),Stevens‒Jonson 症候群などがある.


 シナプス前後で GABA 作用を増強する.バルプロ酸ナトリウム 1,000~2,400 mg/日の鎮痛効果の有効性は試験ごとに乖離している.脊髄損傷後疼痛を対象とした RCT7) では,バルプロ酸ナトリウム 2,400 mg/日の有効性はなかった.有痛性糖尿病性神経障害を対象とした 3 つの RCT8‒10) のうち,2 つでバルプロ酸ナトリウム 1,000~1,200 mg/日は,プラセボと比較して鎮痛効果が高かった.帯状疱疹後神経痛を対象とした RCT11) では,バルプロ酸ナトリウム 1,000 mg/日は,プラセボと比較して鎮痛効果が高かった.しかし,バルプロ酸ナトリウムの有効性を示した RCT8,9,11) は,いずれも同グループからの報告であり,単施設によるバイアスの可能性が懸念される.肝機能障害,薬物性膵炎(トピラマートの併用で増悪),催奇形性など重篤な副作用があり,推奨度は低い.

注 1:カルバマゼピン:てんかん・躁病・三叉神経痛に対して承認・市販

注 2:オクスカルバゼピン:本邦では未承認

害必要数:NNH :number needed to harm( 何人の患者を治療すると 1例の有害事象が出現するかを示す )中毒性表皮壊死症:TEN:toxic epidermal necrolysis注 3:バルプロ酸ナトリウム:てんかん・躁病に対して承認・市販

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 電位依存性 Na+チャネル抑制により抗痙攣作用を発揮する.国外の RCT12‒17)

では,神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性を認めなかったとする報告が多い.脳卒中後疼痛を対象とした RCT18) では,ラモトリギン 200 mg/日はプラセボと比較して鎮痛効果が有意に高かったが,脊髄損傷後疼痛19) や多発性硬化症に伴う中枢痛20) では,プラセボと比較して有意差はなかった.有痛性糖尿病神経障害やその他の神経障害性疼痛についても,有効とする報告は少なく,推奨度は低い.一方,ラモトリギンは三叉神経痛に対してある程度有効性が期待できる.カルバマゼピンまたはフェニトインを使用中の 14 名の難治性三叉神経痛患者に,ラモトリギン 400 mg またはプラセボを追加するランダム化二重盲検クロスオーバー試験では,ラモトリギンはプラセボと比較して鎮痛効果が優れており,NNT は 2.1と報告されている21,22).副作用として,中毒性表皮壊死症(TEN)や Stevens‒Jonson 症候群などの重篤な皮膚障害がある.


 電位依存性 Na+チャネル抑制により抗痙攣作用を発揮する.有痛性糖尿病性神経障害を対象とした 2 つの RCT23,24) のうち,1 つはトピラマート 400 mg/日の有効性を認めたが,他方は,有効性はなかった.また,神経根症を対象としたRCT25) では,トピラマート 400 mg/日の鎮痛効果はプラセボと比較して有意差はなかった.副作用として,傾眠・体重減少・閉塞隅角緑内障などがある.また,NNH は 6.3 であり,安全性は高くない.


 シナプス後の GABAA 受容体に作用し,催眠・抗不安・抗痙攣作用を発揮する.神経障害性疼痛疾患に対して一定の基準を満たす RCT がなく,神経障害性疼痛に対する推奨度は低い.口腔灼熱症候群(BMS)に有効であったとする報告26)


参考文献 1) Sindrup SH, Jensen TS : Pharmacotherapy of trigeminal neuralgia. Clin J

Pain 2002 ; 18 : 22‒27[1a] 2) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-

ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173[1a]

3) Leijon G, Boivie J : Central post‒stroke pain : A controlled trial of ami-triptyline and carbamazepine. Pain 1989 ; 36 : 27‒36[2b]

4) Dogra S, Beydoun S, Mazzola J, et al : Oxcarbazepine in painful diabetic neuropathy : A randomized, placebo‒controlled study. Eur J Pain 2005 ; 9 : 543‒554. Epub 2004[1b]

5) Grosskopf J, Mazzola J, Wan Y, et al : A randomized, placebo‒controlled study of oxcarbazepine in painful diabetic neuropathy. Acta Neurol Scand 2006 ; 114 : 177‒180[1b]

6) Beydoun A, Shaibani A, Hopwood M, et al : Oxcarbazepine in painful dia-

注 4 :ラモトリギン:難治性てんかんに対して承認・市販

注 5 :トピラマート:難治性てんかんに対して承認・市販

注 6 :クロナゼパム:てんかんに対して承認・市販

口腔灼熱症候群:BMS:burning mouth syndrome

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82 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法

betic neuropathy : Results of a dose‒ranging study. Acta Neurol Scand 2006 ; 113 : 395‒404[1b]

7) Drewes AM, Andreasen A, Poulsen LH : Valproate for treatment of chronic central pain after spinal cord injury : A double‒blind cross‒over study. Paraplegia 1994 ; 32 : 565‒569[2b]

8) Kochar DK, Jain N, Agarwal RP, et al : Sodium valproate in the manage-ment of painful neuropathy in type 2 diabetes : A randomized placebo controlled study. Acta Neurol Scand 2002 ; 106 : 248‒252[2b]

9) Kochar DK, Rawat N, Agrawal RP, et al : Sodium valproate for painful diabetic neuropathy : A randomized double‒blind placebo‒controlled study. QJM. 2004 ; 97 : 33‒38[2b]

10) Agrawal RP, Goswami J, Jain S, et al : Management of diabetic neuropa-thy by sodium valproate and glyceryl trinitrate spray : A prospective double‒blind randomized placebo‒controlled study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2009 ; 83 : 371‒378[2b]

11) Kochar DK, Garg P, Bumb RA, et al : Divalproex sodium in the manage-ment of post‒herpetic neuralgia : A randomized. QJM 2005 ; 98 : 29‒34

[2b]12) Eisenberg E, Lurie Y, Braker C, et al : Lamotrigine reduces painful dia-

betic neuropathy : A randomized, controlled study. Neurology 2001 ; 57 : 505‒509[1b]

13) Vinik AI, Tuchman M, Safirstein B, et al : Lamotrigine for treatment of pain associated with diabetic neuropathy : Results of two randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled studies. Pain 2007 ; 128 : 169‒179[1b]

14) Simpson DM, Olney R, McArthur JC, et al : A placebo‒controlled trial of lamotrigine for painful HIV‒associated neuropathy. Neurology 2000 ; 54 : 2115‒2119[2b]

15) Simpson DM, McArthur JC, Olney R, et al : Lamotrigine HIV Neuropa-thy Study Team : Lamotrigine for HIV‒associated painful sensory neu-ropathies : A placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 1508‒1514[1b]

16) McCleane G : 200 mg daily of lamotrigine has no analgesic effect in neu-ropathic pain : A randomised, double‒blind, placebo controlled trial. Pain 1999 ; 83 : 105‒107[1b]

17) Silver M, Blum D, Grainger J, et al : Double‒blind, placebo‒controlled tri-al of lamotrigine in combination with other medications for neuropathic pain. J Pain Symptom Manage 2007 ; 34 : 446‒454[2b]

18) Vestergaard K, Andersen G, Gottrup H, et al : Lamotrigine for central poststroke pain : A randomized controlled trial. Neurology 2001 ; 56 : 184‒190[1b]

19) Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Bach FW, et al : Lamotrigine in spinal cord injury pain : A randomized controlled trial. Pain 2002 ; 96 : 375‒383[1b]

20) Breuer B, Pappagallo M, Knotkova H, et al : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, two‒period, crossover, pilot trial of lamotrigine in pa-tients with central pain due to multiple sclerosis. Clin Ther 2007 ; 29 : 2022‒2030[2b]

21) Zakrzewska JM, Chaudhry Z, Nurmikko TJ, et al : Lamotrigine(lamic-tal)in refractory trigeminal neuralgia : Results from a double‒blind pla-cebo controlled crossover trial. Pain 1997 ; 73 : 223‒230[2b]

22) Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Jensen TS : The evidence for pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain. Pain 2010 ; 150 : 573‒581[1a]

23) Raskin P, Donofrio PD, Rosenthal NR, et al : CAPSS‒141 Study

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Group : Topiramate vs placebo in painful diabetic neuropathy : Analgesic and metabolic effects. Neurology 2004 ; 63 : 865‒873[1b]

24) Thienel U, Neto W, Schwabe SK, et al : Topiramate Diabetic Neuropathic Pain Study Group : Topiramate in painful diabetic polyneuropathy : Find-ings from three double‒blind placebo‒controlled trials. Acta Neurol Scand 2004 ; 110 : 221‒231[1b]

25) Khoromi S, Patsalides A, Parada S, et al : Topiramate in chronic lumbar radicular pain. J Pain 2005 ; 6 : 829‒836[2b]

26) Heckmann SM, Kirchner E, Grushka M, et al : A double‒blind study on clonazepam in patients with burning mouth syndrome. Laryngoscope 2012 ; 122 : 813‒816[2b]

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84 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法


CQ30: 神経障害性疼痛に対してNMDA受容体拮抗薬は有効か?

 質の高い無作為化比較試験(RCT)が少なく,神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性について推奨度は低い.標準的治療に反応を示さなかった患者のオプションとして使用することができる. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説: NMDA 受容体拮抗薬は,神経伝達物質による侵害受容と中枢性感作を遮断することによる鎮痛効果を示す.


 379 名の有痛性糖尿病性神経障害患者を対象に行われた RCT1) では,デキストロメトルファン臭化水素酸塩 30 mg および 45 mg は,キニジン 30 mg と併用することにより用量依存性に有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対して鎮痛効果を示した.


 数編の RCT2,3) があるが,いずれも神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性は示されなかった.


 92 名の有痛性糖尿病性神経障害,帯状疱疹後神経痛,術後・外傷後神経障害性疼痛患者を対象に行われた RCT4) では,1%[w/v]ケタミンの局所塗布はプラセボに対して神経障害による症状を軽減させなかった.また,全身投与での鎮痛効果を提示できる臨床試験は国内・国外で行われておらず,神経障害性疼痛に対して推奨できる根拠がない.本薬物は有害な中枢作用と身体依存性を有し,一部での非合法的な乱用のため 2007 年より麻薬指定されており,安易な使用は控えるべきである.

参考文献 1) Aziz IS, Laura EP, Ronald T, et al : Efficacy and safety of dextrometho-

rphan/quinidine at two dosage level for diabetic neuropathic pain : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, multicenter study. Pain Med 2012 ; 13 : 243‒254[1b]

2) Eisenberg E, Kleiser A, Dortort A, et al : The NMDA(N‒methyl‒D‒as-partate)receptor antagonist memantine in the treatment of postherpet-ic neuralgia : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled study. Eur J Pain 1998 ;

無作為化比較試験ランダム化比較試験RCT:randomized controlled trial

注 1:デキストロメトルファン臭化水素酸塩:急性気管支炎に対して承認・市販

注 2:メマンチン塩酸塩:アルツハイマー病に対して承認・市販

注 3:ケタミン塩酸塩:全身麻酔の導入薬として承認・市販

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2 : 321‒327[1b] 3) Sang CN, Booher S, Gilron I, et al : Dextromethorphan and memantine in

painful diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia : Efficacy and dose‒response trials. Anesthesiology 2002 ; 96 : 1053‒1061[1b]

4) Lynch ME, Clark AJ, Sawynok J, et al : Topical 2% amitriptyline and 1%ketamine in neuropathic pain syndromes : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Anesthesiology 2005 ; 103 : 140‒146[1b]

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86 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法


CQ31: 神経障害性疼痛に対してプラセボと比較して,抗不整脈薬(メキシレチン塩酸塩)は有効か?

 本邦では,メキシレチン塩酸塩が糖尿病性神経障害の自発痛に適応承認されているが,海外での無作為化比較試験(RCT)では,メキシレチンの有効性を示す結果は得られていない.そのため,糖尿病性神経障害を含めた神経障害性疼痛に対する推奨度は低い. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2B

解  説:メキシレチン塩酸塩注1

 クラス 1 b の抗不整脈薬であり,作用機序は Na+チャネル遮断である.本邦で実施された多施設 RCT1) で,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対するメキレチン塩酸塩 300 mg/日は,プラセボと比較して有意に鎮痛効果が高く,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対しては 300 mg/日 毎食後 3 回分割投与での承認が得られているが,2週間の投与で無効であれば投与中止を検討する.また,不整脈の出現には十分な注意を払い,定期的な心電図検査の実施が推奨されている2).しかし,海外で実施された複数の RCT3‒7) では,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害,脊髄損傷後疼痛,および四肢切断後疼痛に対するメキシレチン塩酸塩 225~1,200 mg/日の有効性はなかった.副作用として嘔気の出現が多く,その他,鎮静,開口障害,不眠,頭痛,悪夢,振戦などがある.有効性が低いこと,また,用量増量の妨げとなる副作用が多いこと8) から,神経障害性疼痛に対するメキシレチンの使用は推奨されていない. 本邦では,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対してメキレチン塩酸塩 300 mg/日(3 回分割投与)が適応承認されているが,2 週間の投与で効果が認められない場合は投与を中止する.重篤な心不全や刺激伝導障害(Ⅱ‒Ⅲ度 房室ブロック)を合併している患者への使用は禁忌である.

参考文献 1) 松岡健平,平田幸正,金澤康徳,他 : 塩酸メキシレチン(MX‒DPN)の

糖尿病性神経障害に対する二重盲検比較試験.医学と薬学 1997 ; 38 : 759‒776[2b]

2) 日本糖尿病学会 : 糖尿病神経障害の治療.(日本糖尿病学会・編 : 科学的根拠に基づく糖尿病診療ガイドライン改訂第 2 版).東京,南江堂,2013 ; 93‒104

3) Chiou‒Tan FY, Tuel SM, Johnson JC, et al : Effect of mexiletine on spinal cord injury dysesthetic pain. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1996 ; 75 : 84‒87

[2b] 4) Stracke H, Meyer UE, Schumacher HE, et al : Mexiletine in the treat-

無作為化比較試験ランダム化比較試験RCT:randomized controlled trial

注 1:メキシレチン塩酸塩:有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対して承認・市販

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ment of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes Care 1992 ; 15 : 1550‒1555[2b] 5) Oskarsson P, Ljunggren JG, Lins PE : Efficacy and safety of mexiletine

in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy : The Mexiletine Study Group. Diabetes Care 1997 ; 20 : 1594‒1597[2b]

6) Wright JM, Oki JC, Graves L 3rd. : Mexiletine in the symptomatic treat-ment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Ann Pharmacother 1997 ; 31 : 29‒34[2b]

7) Wu CL, Agarwal S, Tella PK, et al : Morphine versus mexiletine for treatment of postamputation pain : A randomized, placebo‒controlled, crossover trial. Anesthesiology 2008 ; 109 : 289‒296[2b]

8) Wallace MS, Magnuson S, Ridgeway B : Efficacy of oral mexiletine for neuropathic pain with allodynia : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, crossover study. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2000 ; 25 : 459‒467[1a]

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88 Ⅲ.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法

26.漢 方 薬

CQ32: 神経障害性疼痛に対して漢方薬は有効か?

 漢方薬は伝統医学に基づき,経験的に使用されているが,神経障害性疼痛に対して有効性を示した薬物はない. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2D

解  説: 牛車腎気丸は,オキサリプラチンによる抗がん剤治療を受ける 89 名を対象に,プラセボと比較して末梢神経障害を抑制することが示されたが1),その後行われた RCT では否定された2). 桂枝加朮附湯,ブシ末,抑肝散などで神経障害性疼痛に対する治療効果が報告されているが,症例集積の報告に留まっている. 漢方薬の処方体系は,同じ病名であっても東洋医学の観点から薬物の選択が異なることもあり,RCT による評価が進まない一因となっていると考えられる.

参考文献 1) Kono T, Hata T, Morita S, et al : Goshajinkigan oxaliplatin neurotoxicity

evaluation(GONE) : A phase 2, multicenter, randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial of goshajinkigan to prevent oxaliplatin‒induced neuropathy. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2013 ; 72 : 1283‒1290[2b]

2) Oki E, Emi Y, Kojima H, et al : Preventive effect of Goshajinkigan on pe-ripheral neurotoxicity of FOLFOX therapy(GENIUS trial) : A placebo‒controlled, double‒blind, randomized phase III study. Int J Clin Oncol 2015 ; 20 : 767‒775[2b]

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 27.帯状疱疹後神経痛(慢性期) CQ33,CQ34,CQ3528.外傷後末梢神経障害性疼痛 CQ36,CQ37,CQ3829.有痛性糖尿病性神経障害 CQ3930.三叉神経痛 CQ40,CQ4131.中枢性神経障害性疼痛 CQ42,CQ4332.脊髄損傷後疼痛 CQ44,CQ45,CQ4633.化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害性疼痛 CQ47,CQ4834.がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛 CQ49,CQ5035. 手術後神経障害性疼痛,医原性神経障害 CQ51,CQ52,

CQ53,CQ5436.頸部,腰部神経根症 CQ55,CQ56,CQ57,CQ58





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90 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患


CQ33: 帯状疱疹後神経痛に対して,最初に考慮される薬物は何か?

 三環系抗うつ薬および Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドは,帯状疱疹後神経痛(PHN)に対する有効性のエビデンスが高く,推奨される. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1A

解  説: 三環系抗うつ薬(TCA)であるアミトリプチリン(三級アミン)およびノルトリプチリン(二級アミン)は,帯状疱疹後神経痛(PHN)に対して有効性が高いことが示されている. PHN 患者を対象とした無作為化比較試験(RCT)では,アミトリプチリンはプラセボと比較して有意な疼痛軽減がみられた1,2).PHN 患者 76 名を対象とした 8 週間の RCT では,ノルトリプチリンおよびデシプラミン注 1 は,プラセボと比較して NRS が有意に低下した(1.4 vs 0.2)3).アミトリプチリンとノルトリプチリンの効果を比較した試験では,疼痛軽減の有効性にこれら 2 つの薬物間で差はないが,ノルトリプチリンは,口渇や傾眠など副作用が少なく,忍容性が優れると報告されている4). Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドであるプレガバリン5‒8) およびガバペンチン9,10) のRCT は多数行われており,高い有効性が示されている.76 名の PHN 患者を対象に,ガバペンチンとノルトリプチリンの効果を比較した RCT によると,VASおよび SF‒MPQ スコアの改善は同等であるが,ガバペンチンでは,口渇,起立性低血圧などの副作用が少なかった11). 薬物の選択に際しては,副作用を考慮する必要がある.TCA では,心毒性と抗コリン作用,Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドでは,中枢抑制作用に対して注意が必要である.有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対して推奨度が高いセロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬(SNRI)であるデュロキセチンについては,PHNに対する RCT が報告されていない12).

参考文献 1) Max MB, Schafer SC, Culnane M, et al : Amitriptyline, but not loraze-

pam, relieves postherpetic neuralgia. Neurology. 1988 ; 38 : 1427‒1432[2b] 2) Graff‒Radford SB, Shaw LR, Naliboff BN : Amitriptyline and fluphenazine

in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia. Clin J Pain 2000 ; 16 : 188‒192[1b]

3) Raja SN, Haythornthwaite JA, Pappagallo M, et al : Opioids versus anti-depressants in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2002 ; 59 : 1015‒1021[1b]

4) Watson CP, Vernich L, Chipman M, et al : Nortriptyline versus amitrip-tyline in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized trial. Neurology 1998 ;

帯状疱疹後神経痛PHN:postherpetic neuralgia三環系抗うつ薬TCA:tricyclic antidepressant

注 1:デシプラミン:本邦では販売中止

セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬:SNRI:serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

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51 : 1166‒1171[2b] 5) Dworkin RH, Corbin AE, Young JP Jr, et al : Pregabalin for the treat-

ment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 1274‒1283[1b]

6) Sabatowski R, Gálvez R, Cherry DA, et al : Pregabalin reduces pain and improves sleep and mood disturbances in patients with postherpetic neuralgia : Results of a randomised, placebo‒controlled clinical trial. Pain 2004 ; 109 : 26‒35[1b]

7) van Seventer R, Feister HA, Young JP Jr, et al : Efficacy and tolerability of twice‒daily pregabalin for treating pain and related sleep interference in postherpetic neuralgia : A 13‒week, randomized trial. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 375‒384[1b]

8) Stacey BR, Dworkin RH, Murphy K, et al : Pregabalin in the treatment of refractory neuropathic pain : Results of a 15‒month open‒label trial. Pain Med 2008 ; 9 : 1202‒1208[1b]

9) Rowbotham M, Harden N, Stacey B, et al : Gabapentin for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized controlled trial. JAMA 1998 ; 280 : 1837‒1842[1b]

10) Rice AS, Maton S : Postherpetic Neuralgia Study Group : Gabapentin in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study. Pain 2001 ; 94 : 215‒224[1b]

11) Chandra K, Shafiq N, Pandhi P, et al : Gabapentin versus nortriptyline in post‒herpetic neuralgia patients : A randomized, double‒blind clinical tri-al : the GONIP Trial. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2006 ; 44 : 358‒363[1b]

12) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173[1b]

CQ34: 帯状疱疹後神経痛に対してオピオイドは有効か?

 オピオイドは帯状疱疹後神経痛(PHN)に対して有効であるが,三環系抗うつ薬や Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドと比べて有効性は低い. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2B

解  説: トラマドールを用いた RCT では,PHN 患者 127 名を対象とした 6 週間の試験において,トラマドール内服群は,プラセボ内服群と比較して,痛みの軽減した患者の割合が高く,レスキュー鎮痛薬の使用率が低いこと,両群間で有害事象に差がないことが報告されている1). モルヒネ,オキシコドンについても RCT が行われている2,3).モルヒネ塩酸塩では,PHN 患者 76 名を対象とした 8 週間の RCT において,プラセボと比較して NRS が有意に低下した(1.4 vs 0.2)が,モルヒネ塩酸塩内服群では 66 名中48 名で有害事象が生じ(プラセボ群 56 名中 10 名),継続困難数は 34 名(プラセボ群 10 名)と報告されている. 神経障害性疼痛に対する薬物療法は長期に渡ることも多く,オピオイドの使用については,リスク-ベネフィットの観点から,結論は明確にされていない4).

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92 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患

PHN に対してオピオイドを使用する場合,依存や乱用のリスクがあり,長期使用による安全性が確立していないことから,専門医の助言と厳密な観察が必要である5).したがって,オピオイドは三環系抗うつ薬や Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドと比べて神経障害性疼痛に対して有効性は低いと考えられる.

参考文献 1) Boureau F, Legallicier P, Kabir‒Ahmadi M : Tramadol in post‒herpetic

neuralgia : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Pain 2003 ; 104 : 323‒331[1b]

2) Raja SN, Haythornthwaite JA, Pappagallo M, et al : Opioids versus anti-depressants in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2002 ; 59 : 1015‒1021[1b]

3) Watson CP, Babul N : Efficacy of oxycodone in neuropathic pain : A ran-domized trial in postherpetic neuralgia. Neurology 1998 ; 50 : 1837‒1841

[1b] 4) McNicol ED, Midbari A, Eisenberg E : Opioids for neuropathic pain. Co-

chrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Aug 29 ; 8 : CD006146[1a] 5) Johnson RW, Rice AS : Clinical practice : Postherpetic neuralgia. N Engl

J Med 2014 ; 371 : 1526‒1533[5]

CQ35: 帯状疱疹後神経痛に対して,他に検討すべき薬物はあるか?

 ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液は帯状疱疹後神経痛に対して有効性が示されている. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解  説: ワクシニアウィルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液は,PHN 患者 228 名を対象とした本邦の RCT において,4 錠/日 2 回分割投与を 4 週間行ったところでプラセボに比べて,痛みの程度が有意に改善したと報告されている1).本邦以外で RCTは報告されておらず,海外の主要なガイドラインに記載されていないが,重篤な副作用が少なく,忍容性が高いと考えられる. リドカイン2,3) やカプサイシン4‒6) による局所療法は RCT による有効性が報告されており,海外のガイドラインにおいて推奨されているが,本邦では承認されていない.リドカインゲルやカプサイシンクリームは,施設によっては院内製剤として使用されている. 単薬の増量によって生じる副作用を軽減する目的で,複数の薬物を少量で併用することは臨床上有用である7) が,PHN を対象とする RCT8-10) は限定されており,エビデンスの評価はできない.

参考文献 1) 山村秀夫,檀健二郎,若杉文吉,他 : ノイロトロピン®錠の帯状疱疹後神


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学のあゆみ 1988 ; 147 : 651‒664[1b] 2) Baron R, Mayoral V, Leijon G, et al : 5% lidocaine medicated plaster ver-

sus pregabalin in post‒herpetic neuralgia and diabetic polyneuropa-thy : An open‒label, non‒inferiority two‒stage RCT study. Curr Med Res Opin 2009 ; 25 : 1663‒1676[1b]

3) Rehm S, Binder A, Baron R : Post‒herpetic neuralgia : 5% lidocaine medi-cated plaster, pregabalin, or a combination of both ? : A randomized, open, clinical effectiveness study. Curr Med Res Opin 2010 ; 26 : 1607‒1619[1b]

4) Backonja M, Wallace MS, Blonsky ER, et al : NGX‒4010 C116 Study Group : NGX‒4010, a high‒concentration capsaicin patch, for the treat-ment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomised, double‒blind study. Lan-cet Neurol 2008 ; 7 : 1106‒1112[1b]

5) Backonja MM, Malan TP, Vanhove GF, et al : C102/106 Study Group : NGX‒4010, a high‒concentration capsaicin patch, for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, double‒blind, controlled study with an open‒label extension. Pain Med 2010 ; 11 : 600‒608[1b]

6) Irving GA, Backonja MM, Dunteman E, et al : NGX‒4010 C117 Study Group : A multicenter, randomized, double‒blind, controlled study of NGX‒4010, a high‒concentration capsaicin patch, for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia. Pain Med 2011 ; 12 : 99‒109[1b]

7) Chaparro LE, Wiffen PJ, Moore RA, et al : Combination pharmacothera-py for the treatment of neuropathic pain in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Jul 11 ; 7 : CD008943[1a]

8) Gilron I, Bailey JM, Tu D, et al : Morphine, gabapentin, or their combina-tion for neuropathic pain. N Engl J Med 2005 ; 352 : 1324‒34[1b]

9) Gilron I, Bailey JM, Tu D, et al : Nortriptyline and gabapentin, alone and in combination for neuropathic pain : A double‒blind, randomised con-trolled crossover trial. Lancet 2009 ; 374(9697) : 1252‒1261[1b]

10) Baron R, Mayoral V, Leijon G, et al : Efficacy and safety of combination therapy with 5% lidocaine medicated plaster and pregabalin in post‒her-petic neuralgia and diabetic polyneuropathy. Curr Med Res Opin 2009 ; 25 : 1677‒1687[1b]

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94 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患


CQ36: 外傷後末梢神経障害性疼痛に対してCa2+チャネル α2δ リガンドは有効か?

 Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドであるプレガバリンとガバペンチンは外傷後末梢神経障害性疼痛に対してある程度の鎮痛効果がある. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2B

解  説: 手術後末梢神経障害性疼痛患者 85 名を含む外傷後末梢神経障害性疼痛患者254 名を対象とした無作為化比較試験(RCT)において,プレガバリン 326 mg/日(中央値,範囲 150~600 mg/日)の NNT は 10.61) で,プラセボと比較して有意な痛みの改善があったが,鎮痛効果は高いとはいえない.しかし,効果がなく中断した患者の割合は 1.6%,副作用で中断した割合は 7.1%でいずれもプラセボと有意差がなかった.また,他に高い有用性が示されている薬物は少なく,プレガバリンは重大な副作用は少ないため,用量に注意すれば投与してみる価値がある. ガバペンチンは,慢性的な幻肢痛と残存肢痛患者 24 名を対象とした RCT2) において,最大用量 3,600 mg/日を投与し,痛みの程度はプラセボと比較して有意な差はなかったが,患者の半数以上は,ガバペンチン投与期間に痛みが低下した.また,慢性幻肢痛患者 19 名を対象とした RCT3) では,ガバペンチン 300~2,400 mg/日を投与すると,ガバペンチン投与群とプラセボ群はともに投与前に比べて痛みの程度は有意に低下したが,ガバペンチンではプラセボに比べて痛みの程度変化が有意に大きかった.しかし,ガバペンチンは本邦において末梢神経障害性疼痛に対する適応がないため,プレガバリンを優先して投与すべきである.

参考文献 1) Seventer R, Bach F, Toth C, et al : Pregabalin in the treatment of post‒

traumatic peripheral neuropathic pain : A randomized double‒blind trial. Eur J Neurol 2010 ; 17 : 1082‒1089[1b]

2) Smith D, Ehde D, Hanley M, et. al : Efficacy of gabapentin in treating chronic phantom limb and residual limb pain. J Rehabil Res Dev 2005 ; 42 : 645‒654[1b]

3) Bone M, Critchley P, Buggy D : Gabapentin in postamputation phantom limb pain : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, cross‒over study. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2002 ; 27 : 481‒486[1b]

無作為化比較試験ランダム化比較試験randomized controlled trial治療必要数NNT:number needed to treat(望ましい治療効果の患者を1人得るために必要な人数)

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CQ37: 外傷後末梢神経障害性疼痛に対してオピオイドは有効か?

 モルヒネは四肢切断後の痛みに対する有効性が証明されているが,副作用の問題があるため,有効性は高くない. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説: 四肢切断術後痛 60 名を対象とした無作為化比較試験(RCT)1) において,モルヒネ塩酸塩 112 mg/日(中央値)は NNT が 5.6 であったが,便秘(34%)や,眠気(18%)などの副作用があり,日常生活の活動度や障害度は改善できなかった.幻肢痛患者 12 名を対象とした RCT2) において,モルヒネ硫酸塩 70~300 mg/日で NNT 2.4 であり,プラセボと比較して有意な痛みの低下がみられた.副作用として便秘があり,プラセボと比較して有意に多かった.四肢切断後の幻肢痛 94 名を対象とした RCT3) において,トラマドール 448 mg/日(中央値)を投与し,48 名で VAS 値が 10 mm 以上低下(レスポンダーと定義)したが,アミトリプチリン群とプラセボ群を合わせた 3 群のレスポンダー間での痛みの低下度に有意差はなく,副作用は疲労感(60%),頭痛(44%),めまい(40%),便秘(35%),悪心(33%)などがあった. オピオイドは四肢切断後の幻肢痛の患者において有効であるが,他の薬物よりも副作用に注意が必要である.他の薬物が無効であり,かつ短期間の使用に限り使用は許容できるが,有用性は高くない.

参考文献 1) Wu C, Agarwal S, Tella PK, et al : Morphine versus mexiletine for treat-

ment of postamputation pain : A randomized, placebo‒controlled, cross-over trial. Anesthesiology 2008 ; 109 : 289‒296[1b]

2) Huse E, Larbig W, Flor H, et al : The effect of opioids on phantom limb pain and cortical reorganization. Pain 2001 ; 90 : 47‒55[1b]

3) Wilder‒Smith C, Hill L, Laurent S : Postamputation pain and sensory changes in treatment‒naive patients : Characteristics and responses to treatment with tramadol, amitriptyline, and placebo. Anesthesiology 2005 ; 103 : 619‒628[1b]

CQ38: 上記の他に有効な薬物療法はあるか?

 外傷後末梢神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性を検証した RCT は非常に限られている.リドカイン外用が有効である可能性があるが,本邦ではスプレー製剤以外は製品化されておらず,使用は限られる. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2D

解  説: 抗うつ薬では三環系抗うつ薬,セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害

視覚アナログスケールVAS:visual analogue scale

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96 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患

薬や選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬,抗不整脈薬ではメキシレチン,抗てんかん薬では,ラモトリギン,トピラマート,カルバマゼピン,バルプロ酸ナトリウム,クロナゼパムには外傷後末梢神経障害性疼痛に対する有効性を支持するRCT 以上のエビデンスはなく,有効性の検証は不十分である. 外用薬では,手術後または外傷による末梢神経障害性痛患者 31 名を対象とした RCT1) で 8%[w/v]リドカインスプレー外用 96 mg/日は全身的な副作用なく使用することができ,プラセボと比較して有意に痛みが減少した.

参考文献 1) Kanai A, Segawa Y, Okamoto T, et al : The analgesic effect of a metered‒

dose 8% lidocaine pump spray in posttraumatic peripheral neuropa-thy : A pilot study. Anesth Analg 2009 ; 108 : 987‒991[1b]

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CQ39: 有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対する基本方針と薬物の推奨度は?

 有痛性糖尿病性神経障害の治療では,原疾患(糖尿病)の治療と並行して,プレガバリン,三環系抗うつ薬,デュロキセチン,アルドース還元酵素阻害薬,メキシレチン,トラマドールが推奨される.これらに抵抗性の場合には,その他のオピオイド鎮痛薬の使用を考慮するが,疼痛医療専門医の併診が望ましい. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解  説: 有痛性糖尿病性神経障害の発症原因となっている原疾患(糖尿病)に対する治療が最優先されるべきであり,日本糖尿病学会発行の「科学的根拠に基づく糖尿病診療ガイドライン 2013 年版」1) を参照する. 糖尿病性神経障害による痛みの治療として推奨される鎮痛薬は,プレガバリン2‒10),三環系抗うつ薬(特に二級アミン),デュロキセチン11‒18),アルドース還元酵素阻害薬19‒24),メキシレチン25‒28),トラマドール29,30) が推奨される.メキシレチンは,本邦では有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対して適応承認されているが,メタ解析を実施した海外での報告では必ずしも有効性が示されていないことと,副作用との相対的な比較により,メキシレチンを神経障害性疼痛に対して推奨しないとするシステマティックレビューもある31).このような観点から,本ガイドラインの「第Ⅲ章 13.神経障害性疼痛の薬物療法」にはメキシレチンを記載せず,糖尿病性神経障害の本項のみに記載することとした.メキシレチンの使用に際しては,心電図検査を定期的に実施し,副作用の評価を適宜行うことが望ましい. トラマドール以外のオピオイド鎮痛薬33‒38) は,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対する鎮痛効果が示されているが,忍容性と長期安全性の懸念から優先されない.また,トラマドールの長期使用やその他のオピオイド鎮痛薬の使用に際しては疼痛医療専門医の併診が望ましい.

アルドース還元酵素阻害薬 エパルレスタット注 1 は,グルコースからソルビトールを生成する過程で働くアルドース還元酵素を特異的に阻害し,神経内ソルビトールの蓄積を抑制し,有痛性糖尿病性神経障害を改善する.有痛性糖尿病性神経障害に対しては,痛みとしびれ,さらに自律神経機能も改善する可能性が報告されている1) が,痛みに対する有効性を示さないとする国内臨床試験もある19‒21,24,39).150 mg/日を 3 回分割投与(毎食前)する.ⅰ)神経障害が中等度以下,ⅱ)罹病歴が 3 年以内の症例に対する鎮痛効果が高いとされる1).

注 1:エパルレスタット:糖尿病性末梢神経障害に伴う自覚症状(しびれ感,痛み)に対して承認

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98 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患

参考文献 1) 日本糖尿病学会 : 糖尿病神経障害の治療.(日本糖尿病学会・編 : 科学的根

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7) Freynhagen R, Strojek K, Griesing T, et al : Efficacy of pregabalin in neuropathic pain evaluated in a 12‒week, randomised, double‒blind, mul-ticentre, placebo‒controlled trial of flexible‒and fixed‒dose regimens. Pain 2005 ; 115 : 254‒263[1b]

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CQ40: 三叉神経痛に対してプラセボと比較してカルバマゼピンは有効か?

 三叉神経痛に対して,カルバマゼピンはプラセボと比較して有効であり,第一選択薬として推奨する. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解  説: 三叉神経痛に対するカルバマゼピンの効果をプラセボと比較した臨床研究として,4 件の無作為化二重盲検プラセボ対照比較試験1‒4),1 件のメタ解析5),および 2 件のシステマティックレビュー(ガイドライン,同一グループによるもの)6,7)

がある.Wiffen ら5) の RCT を対象としたメタ解析では,カルバマゼピンの鎮痛効果の NNT は 1.7[95% CI 1.3 to 2.2](リスク比 6.0[95% CI 2.8 to 13])と報告され,これらの結果を踏まえた Cruccu ら6) のシステマティックレビュー

(ガイドライン)では,上述の研究で示された治療効果は強固なものであると結論づけている. CQ に関する既存のガイドラインとして,米国神経学会・欧州神経学会(AAN‒EFNS)のガイドラインがある6,8).Attal ら8) による「神経障害性疼痛に対する薬物療法ガイドライン」では,カルバマゼピンは三叉神経痛に対する薬物療法における第一選択薬として推奨されているが,有害事象に関する忍容性の低さと薬物相互作用(代謝酵素 CYP3A4 を誘導する)により有効性が妨げられることが指摘されている.Cruccu ら6) による「三叉神経痛の診療ガイドライン」では,カルバマゼピンの NNH は 3.4 としている注 1. 以上より,本ガイドラインでは,有害事象に対する忍容性や薬物相互作用に留意する必要があるものの,カルバマゼピンを三叉神経痛に対する第一選択薬として推奨する.

参考文献 1) Campbell FG, Graham JG, Zilkha KJ : Clinical trial of carbamazepine(te-

gretol)in trigeminal neuralgia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1966 ; 29 : 265‒267[1b]

2) Killian JM, Fromm GH : Carbamazepine in the treatment of neuralgia. Arch Neurol 1968 ; 19 : 129‒136[2b]

3) Nicol CF : A four year double blind study of tegretol in facial pain. Head-ache 1969 ; 9 : 54‒57[2b]

4) Rockcliff BW, Davis EH : Controlled sequential trials of carbamazepine in trigeminal neuralgia. Arch Neurol 1996 ; 15 : 129‒136[2b]

5) Wiffen PJ, Derry S, Moore RA, et al : Carbamazepine for chronic neuro-pathic pain and fibromyalgia in adults Cochrane Database Syst Rev, Is-sue 4. Art. No. : CD005451. DOI : 10. 1002/14651858. CD005451. pub3, 2014[1a]

治療必要数NNT:number needed to treat(望ましい治療効果の患者を1人得るために必要な人数)

米国神経学会AAN:The American Academy of Neurology欧州神経学会EFNS:The European Federa-tion of Neurological Societies

害必要数NNH:number needed to harm(何人の患者を治療すると 1例の有害事象が出現するかを示す)注 1:主な有害事象については「抗てんかん薬」の項を参照

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6) Cruccu G, Gronseth G, Alksne J, et al : AAN‒EFNS guidelines on trigem-inal neuralgia management. Eur J Neurol 2008 ; 15 : 1013‒1028[1a]

7) Gronseth G, Cruccu G, Alksne J, et al : Practice parameter : The diagnos-tic evaluation and treatment of trigeminal neuralgia(an evidence‒based review) : Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the Ameri-can Academy of Neurology and the European Federation of Neurologi-cal Societies. Neurology 2008 ; 71 : 1183‒1190[1a]

8) Attal N, Cruccu G, Baron R, et al : EFNS guidelines on the pharmacologi-cal treatment of neuropathic pain : 2010 revision. Eur J Neurol 2010 ; 17 : 1113‒23[1a]

CQ41: 三叉神経痛に対してカルバマゼピン以外に有効な薬物はあるか?

 バクロフェン,ラモトリギン,A 型ボツリヌス毒素が有効な可能性がある.オクスカルバゼピンはカルバマゼピンと同等の効果が期待できるが,本邦では未発売である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説: RCT で三叉神経痛に対する有効性が示されたカルバマゼピン以外の現在使用可能な薬物として,バクロフェン1),ラモトリギン2),リドカイン3,4),スマトリプタン5),A 型ボツリヌス毒素(BTX‒A)6‒8) がある.また,カルバマゼピンとの無作為化実薬対照比較試験で同等以上の効果が示された現在使用可能な薬物として,オクスカルバゼピン9),ピモジド10),トピラマート11) がある.Fromm ら1)

による 10 名の三叉神経痛患者を対象とした無作為化二重盲検クロスオーバー試験では,バクロフェン 50~80 mg/日は,プラセボと比較して有意に発作回数を減少させた(バクロフェン 10 名中 7 名,プラセボ 10 名中 1 名).Zakrzewska ら2)

による,カルバマゼピンまたはフェニトインを使用中の 14 名の三叉神経痛患者に,ラモトリギン 400 mg またはプラセボを追加した無作為化二重盲検クロスオーバー試験では,ラモトリギンはプラセボと比較して複合的評価指数が有意に優れており,NNT は 2.1[95% CI 1.3 to 6.1]と報告されている12).8%[w/v]

リドカインスプレー(8%[w/v]リドカイン塩酸塩)またはプラセボを鼻内に噴霧した Kanai ら3),および口腔内に噴霧した Niki ら4) の無作為化二重盲検クロスオーバー試験では,リドカインスプレーはプラセボと比較して 15 分後の痛みを有意に軽減させたが,その効果期間は短期で,ほとんどの患者は 24 時間以内に痛みが再発したとしている.三叉神経痛患者 24 名を対象にスマトリプタン 3 mgまたはプラセボを皮下注射した Kanai ら5) の無作為化二重盲検クロスオーバー試験では,スマトリプタンはプラセボと比較して 15 分後の発作痛の VAS を有意に低下させたが,その効果持続時間は中央値が 7.9 時間(範囲:1~20 時間)であった.BTX‒A(発作痛のトリガー部位の皮下・口腔粘膜下へ注入)の効果を研究した無作為化二重盲検プラセボ対照比較試験が 2 件ある.Wu らの研究6) で


A 型ボツリヌス毒素:BTX‒A:botulinum toxin type A

視覚アナログスケール:VAS:visual analogue scale(IASP の定義では,痛みなしを0,想像し得る最も強い痛みを 100〔mmで表記〕として表す)

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は,BTX‒A 75 単位の注入は,プラセボと比較して,痛みの強さと発作回数を投与後 12 週まで有意に減少させた.Zhang ら7) の 3 群比較試験(BTX‒A 75 単位,25 単位,プラセボ)では,BTX‒A 投与群は,プラセボ群と比較して投与後8 週まで痛みの強さが有意に低く,レスポンダー率と患者満足度も有意に高かった.また,75 単位群と 25 単位群ではその有効性に差がなかった.両研究における有害事象は,すべて一過性で軽度から中等度に分類された6,7).両研究とも本邦で使用可能な BTX‒A とは異なる製剤が使用されているが,オープンラベル試験を含めたシステマティックレビュー8) では,本邦で使用可能なボトックス®注を使用した研究における有効性も示されている.Liebel ら9) による,オクスカルバゼピンとカルバマゼピンの効果を比較した無作為化二重盲検比較試験では,オクスカルバゼピンはカルバマゼピンと同等に発作回数を減少させた.Lechinら10) による,ピモジド 4~12 mg/日とカルバマゼピン 300~1,200 mg/日の効果を 48 名の三叉神経痛患者で比較した無作為化二重盲検クロスオーバー試験では,ピモジドはカルバマゼピンよりすぐれた改善率(48 名中 48 名 vs 48 名中 28 名)を示したが,ピモジドの副作用発現率は 83%と非常に高かった.Wang ら11) による,トピラマートとカルバマゼピンの効果を比較した RCT を対象としたメタ解析では,トピラマートはカルバマゼピンに比べて投与開始 1 カ月後の効果に差はなく,投与開始 2 カ月後の効果がよりすぐれていたと報告されているが,単一の国の研究グループによる論文のみしかなく,すべての対象論文の研究の質がとても低い点に問題があるとしている. 本 CQ に関するシステマティックレビューとして,Zhang ら13) が,抗てんかん薬以外の薬物を対象とした研究を行っている.カルバマゼピンとの無作為化実薬対照比較試験が行われた薬物として,前述のピモジドに加えて,チザニジン,トカイニド,0.5%[w/v]プロパラカイン塩酸塩点眼剤に関する論文について記述されているが,有用性は見い出せなかった. 本 CQ に関する既存のガイドラインとして,AAN‒EFNS のガイドラインがある14,15).Attal ら15) による「神経障害性疼痛に対する薬物療法ガイドライン」では,三叉神経痛に対する薬物療法における第一選択薬としてカルバマゼピンと同列でオクスカルバゼピンが推奨されている. 以上より,本ガイドラインでは,三叉神経痛に対する有効性が期待できる薬物として,本邦では保険適応外であることに留意する必要があるものの,バクロフェン,ラモトリギン,A 型ボツリヌス毒素を挙げる.オクスカルバゼピンは既存の欧米のガイドラインで第一選択薬として推奨されているが,本邦では未発売であるため,推奨には含めない.

参考文献 1) Fromm GH, Terrence CF, Chattha AS : Baclofen in the treatment of tri-

geminal neuralgia : Bouble‒blind study and long‒term follow‒up. Ann Neurol 1984 ; 15 : 240‒244[2b]

2) Zakrzewska JM, Chaudhry Z, Nurmikko TJ, et al : Lamotrigine(lamic-tal)in refractory trigeminal neuralgia : Results from a double‒blind pla-

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cebo controlled crossover trial. Pain 1997 ; 73 : 223‒230[2b] 3) Kanai A, Suzuki A, Kobayashi M, et al : Intranasal lidocaine 8% spray

for second‒division trigeminal neuralgia. Br J Anaesth 2006 ; 97 : 559‒563[1b]

4) Niki Y, Kanai A, Hoshi K, et al : Immediate analgesic effect of 8% lido-caine applied to the oral mucosa in patients with trigeminal neuralgia. Pain Med 2014 ; 15 : 826‒831[1b]

5) Kanai A, Saito M, Hoka S : Subcutaneous sumatriptan for refractory tri-geminal neuralgia. Headache 2006 ; 46 : 577‒582[1b]

6) Wu CJ, Lian YJ, Zheng YK, et al : Botulinum toxin type A for the treat-ment of trigeminal neuralgia : Results from a randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Cephalalgia 2013 ; 32 : 443‒450[2b]

7) Zhang H, Lian Y, Ma Y, et al : Two doses of botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia : Observation of therapeutic effect from a randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. J Headache Pain 2014 ; 15 : 65[2b]

8) Hu Y, Guan X, Fan L, et al : Therapeutic efficacy and safety of botuli-num toxin type A in trigeminal neuralgia : A systematic review. J Head-ache Pain 2013 ; 14 : 72[2b]

9) Liebel JT, Menger N, Langohr H : Oxcarbazepine in der behandlung der trigeminusneuralgie. Nervenheilkunde 2001 ; 20 : 461‒465[2b]

10) Lechin F, van der Dijs B, Lechin ME, et al : Pimozide therapy for trigem-inal neuralgia. Arch Neurol 1989 ; 46 : 960‒963[2b]

11) Wang QP, Bai M : Topiramate versus carbamazepine for the treatment of classical trigeminal neuralgia : A meta‒analysis. CNS Drugs 2011 ; 25 : 847‒857[1a]

12) Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Jensen TS : The evidence for pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain. Pain 2010 ; 150 : 573‒581[1a]

13) Zhang J, Yang M, Zhou M, et al : Non‒antiepileptic drugs for trigeminal neuralgia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Dec 3 ; 12 : CD004029. [4]

14) Cruccu G, Gronseth G, Alksne J, et al : AAN‒EFNS guidelines on trigem-inal neuralgia management. Eur J Neurol 2008 ; 15 : 1013‒1028[1a]

15) Attal N, Cruccu G, Baron R, et al : EFNS guidelines on the pharmacologi-cal treatment of neuropathic pain : 2010 revision. Eur J Neurol 2010 ; 17 : 1113‒1123[1a]

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CQ42: 中枢性脳卒中後疼痛に対してどのような薬物療法が有効か?

 アミトリプチリンやラモトリギンは,中枢性脳卒中後疼痛に対してある程度有効である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2B

解  説: 中枢性脳卒中後疼痛(CPSP)に対する薬物療法の RCT は,アミトリプチリン,カルバマゼピン,プレガバリン,ラモトリギン,レベチラセタム,モルヒネ,リドカインで行われている.CPSP 患者 15 名を対象とした研究では,アミトリプチリン 75 mg/日は軽度から中程度の倦怠感や口渇などの副作用は出現したが,プラセボに比べ有意に痛みを軽減させた.一方,カルバマゼピンはプラセボと比較して有意な鎮痛効果はなかったと報告されている1).プレガバリンの CPSP 患者(対象 219 名)に対する有効性を検討した研究によれば,プレガバリン 300~600 mg/日は,プラセボに比べ,睡眠や不安は有意に改善させたが,痛みは有意に低下させなかった2).35 名の CPSP 患者を対象としたラモトリギンの鎮痛効果を検討した研究では,ラモトリギン 200 mg/日は忍容性が高く,プラセボに比べ有意な鎮痛効果を示した3).CPSP 患者 42 名を対象としたレベチラセタムの有効性を検討した研究では,レベチラセタム 3,000 mg/日はプラセボと比較して有意な鎮痛効果はなく,QOL も改善しなかった.また,21 名で倦怠感やめまいなどの副作用が出現した4).15 名を対象としたモルヒネでの RCT(注:脊髄損傷後痛患者 9 名を含む)では,モルヒネ塩酸塩 9~30 mg の静注で,プラセボに比べアロディニアは有意に軽減したが,持続痛には効果がなかった5).16 名を対象としたリドカインでの RCT(注:脊髄損傷後疼痛患者 10 名を含む)では,5 mg/kg の 30 分間での静注は,プラセボに比べ,注入後 45 分間まで持続痛とアロディニアの程度を有意に低下させた6). システマティックレビューでも,アミトリプチリンやラモトリギンが CPSP の鎮痛薬として推奨されているが,エビデンスレベルの高い研究が少ないため,更なる研究の集積の必要性があると述べられている7,8).

参考文献 1) Leijon G, Boivie J : Central post‒stroke pain : A controlled trial of ami-

triptyline and carbamazepine. Pain 1989 ; 36 : 27‒36[1b] 2) Kim JS, Bashford G, Murphy TK, et al : Safety and efficacy of pregabalin

in patients with central post‒stroke pain. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 1018‒1023[1b] 3) Vestergaard K, Andersen G, Gottrup H, et al Lamotrigine for central

poststroke pain : A randomized controlled trial. Neurology 2001 ; 56 : 184‒190[1b]

中枢性脳卒中後疼痛CPSP:central post‒stroke pain無作為化比較試験ランダム化比較試験RCT:randomized controlled trial

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4) Jungehulsing GJ, Israel H, Safar N, et al : Levetiracetam in patients with central neuropathic post‒stroke pain : A randomized, double‒blind, pla-cebo‒controlled trial. Eur J Neurol 2013 ; 20 : 331‒337[1b]

5) Attal N, Guirimand F, Brasseur L, et al : Effects of IV morphine in cen-tral pain : A randomized placebo‒controlled study. Neurology 2002 ; 58 : 554‒563[1b]

6) Attal N, Gaudé V, Brasseur L, et al : Intravenous lidocaine in central pain. Neurology 2000 ; 54 : 564‒574[1b]

7) Kim JS : Pharmacological management of central post‒stroke pain : A practical guide. CNS Drugs 2014 ; 28 : 787‒797[1a]

8) Mulla SM, Wang L, Khokhar R, et al : Management of central poststroke pain : Systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Stroke 2015 ; 46 : 2853‒2860[1a]

CQ43: 多発性硬化症による神経障害性疼痛に対してどのような薬物療法が有効か?

 レベチラセタムは,多発性硬化症による神経障害性疼痛に対してある程度有効である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説: 多発性硬化症による中枢性神経障害性疼痛に対する薬物療法の RCT は,レベチラセタムとラモトリギンで行われている.レベチラセタムの RCT は 2 つあり,多発性硬化症による中枢性神経障害性疼痛患者 20 名を対象とした RCT では,レベチラセタム 3,000 mg/日投与で,プラセボに比べ,有意に痛みが軽減した.しかし,レベチラセタム投与群 12 名のうち,3 名に傾眠,1 名にめまい,1 名に嘔気が起こった1).30 名を対象としたもう一つの RCT では,レベチラセタム3,000 mg/日は,痛みの軽減効果はプラセボと有意差はなかった.しかし,電撃痛を呈する患者やアロディニアのない患者に限定した場合,プラセボ群に比べ有意に痛みが軽減した.副作用として 4 名に倦怠感やめまいが出現した2). ラモトリギン 400 mg/日の有効性を検討した RCT では,プラセボと比較して痛みと生活の質の改善効果に有意差はなかった3).

参考文献 1) Rossi S, Mataluni G, Codeca C, et al : Effects of levetiracetam on chronic

pain in multiple sclerosis : Results of a pilot, randomized, placebo‒con-trolled study. Eur J Neurol 2009 ; 16 : 360‒366[1b]

2) Falah M, Madsen C, Holbech JV, et al : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial of levetiracetam in central pain in multiple sclerosis. Eur J Pain 2012 ; 16 : 860‒869[1b]

3) Breuer B, Pappagallo M, Knotkova H, et al : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, two‒period, crossover, pilot trial of lamotrigine in pa-tients with central pain due to multiple sclerosis. Clin Ther 2007 ; 29 : 2022‒2030[1b]

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CQ44: 脊髄損傷後疼痛に対して三環系抗うつ薬やCa2+チャネル α2δ リガンドは有効か?

 アミトリプチリンや Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドの脊髄損傷後疼痛に対する有効性のエビデンスは比較的高い. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1A

解  説: システマティックレビュー1) によると,脊髄損傷後疼痛に対する NNT はアミトリプチリンで 4.42),プレガバリンで 73,4),ガバペンチンで∞2) であると報告されている.一方で,20 名の脊髄損傷後疼痛患者を対象としてガバペンチンの鎮痛効果を検討した RCT によれば,900~3,600 mg/日の投与量で,プラセボに比べて痛みの頻度と程度や QOL が改善したと報告されている5). もう一つのシステマティックレビューでは,アミトリプチリン,プレガバリン,ガバペンチンが脊髄損傷後疼痛に対する第一選択薬として推奨されている.しかし,十分な鎮痛効果を得るには高用量が必要となるため,傾眠,口渇,倦怠感などの副作用に注意が必要である6).

参考文献 1) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-

ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173[1a]

2) Rintala DH, Holmes SA, Courtade D, et al : Comparison of the effective-ness of amitriptyline and gabapentin on chronic neuropathic pain in per-sons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2007 ; 88 : 1547‒1560[1b]

3) Siddall PJ, Cousins MJ, Otte A, et al : Pregabalin in central neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury : A placebo‒controlled trial. Neu-rology 2006 ; 67 : 1792‒1800[1b]

4) Cardenas DD, Nieshoff EC, Suda K, et al : A randomized trial of pregaba-lin in patients with neuropathic pain due to spinal cord injury. Neurolo-gy 2013 ; 80 : 533‒539[1b]

5) Levendoglu F, Ogun CO, Ozerbil O, et al : Gabapentin is a first line drug for the treatment of neuropathic pain in spinal cord injury. Spine 2004 ; 29 : 743‒751[1b]

6) Hagen EM, Rekand T : Management of neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury. Pain Ther 2015 ; 4 : 51‒65[1a]

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108 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患

CQ45: 脊髄損傷後疼痛に対してオピオイドは有効か?

 オピオイドは脊髄損傷後疼痛にある程度有効であるが,三環系抗うつ薬や Ca2+

チャネル α2δ リガンドと比べて有効性は劣る. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2B

解  説: オピオイドでは,トラマドールとモルヒネの脊髄損傷後疼痛に対する鎮痛効果が RCT で検証されている.35 名の脊髄損傷後疼痛患者を対象としたトラマドールの鎮痛効果を検討した RCT によれば,150~400 mg/日の投与量で痛みスコアはプラセボに比べ有意に低下した.一方で,副作用として倦怠感,口渇,めまいなどが 91%の患者で起こったと報告されている1).15 名を対象としたモルヒネでの RCT(注:中枢性脳卒中後疼痛患者 6 名を含む)では,9~30 mg の静注で,プラセボに比べアロディニアは有意に軽減したが,持続痛には効果がなかった2). オピオイドは脊髄損傷後疼痛にある程度有効であるが,効果と副作用のバランスを考慮すると,依存をはじめとした多くの副作用があるため,長期的な使用は勧められていない.したがって,三環系抗うつ薬や Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドと比べて有効性は劣る2,3).

参考文献 1) Norrbrink C, Lundeberg T : Tramadol in neuropathic pain after spinal

cord injury : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Clin J Pain 2009 ; 25 : 177‒184[1b]

2) Attal N, Guirimand F, Brasseur L, et al : Effects of IV morphine in cen-tral pain : A randomized placebo‒controlled study. Neurology 2002 ; 58 : 554‒563[1b]

3) Hagen EM, Rekand T : Management of neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury. Pain Ther 2015 ; 4 : 51‒65[1a]

CQ46: 三環系抗うつ薬やCa2+チャネル α2δ リガンド,オピオイド以外に脊髄損傷後疼痛に対して有効な薬物はあるか?

 脊髄損傷後疼痛に対する有効性を検証した RCT は非常に限られており,三環系抗うつ薬や Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンド,オピオイドよりも有効である薬物があるかどうかは現段階では不明である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説: 抗てんかん薬では,ラモトリギン,カルバマゼピン,レベチラセタム,抗不整脈ではメキシレチンの脊髄損傷後疼痛に対する鎮痛効果が RCT で検証されている.ラモトリギンはアロディニアを呈する患者や不完全型の脊髄損傷の患者には有意な鎮痛効果があったが,それ以外の患者への鎮痛効果はなく,全体としての

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NNT は 12 であった1).カルバマゼピンは,脊髄損傷の早期に投与することで短期的な鎮痛が得られるが,長期的には効果がない2).レベチラセタム3) やメキシレチン4) はプラセボと比較して有意な鎮痛効果はない.

参考文献 1) Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Bach FW, et al : Lamotrigine in spinal cord

injury pain : A randomized controlled trial. Pain 2002 ; 96 : 375‒383[1b] 2) Salinas FA, Lugo LH, García HI : Efficacy of early treatment with carba-

mazepine in prevention of neuropathic pain in patients with spinal cord injury. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2012 ; 91 : 1020‒1027[1b]

3) Finnerup NB, Grydehøj J, Bing J, et al : Levetiracetam in spinal cord in-jury pain : A randomized controlled trial. Spinal Cord 2009 ; 47 : 861‒867

[1b] 4) Chiou‒Tan FY, Tuel SM, Johnson JC, et al : Effect of mexiletine on spinal

cord injury dysesthetic pain. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1996 ; 75 : 84‒87[1b]

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110 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患


CQ47: 化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害性疼痛に対してデュロキセチンは有効か?

 デュロキセチンの化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害性疼痛(CIPN)に対する有効性のエビデンスは中等度である. 推奨度,エビデンスの総括:1C

解  説: CIPN に対する治療についてのシステマティックレビューによると,デュロキセチンについてはその有効性が認められており,中等度の推奨とされている1).231 名の CIPN 患者を対象としたプラセボと比較した RCT でその鎮痛効果が検証されており,痛みに加え,しびれやちくちくした感じも軽減した,と報告されている.また,パクリタキセルによる CIPN よりも,オキサリプラチンによるCIPN に対して,より有効であることが示唆された2).日本人を対象とした 34 名を対象とした小規模の RCT でも,デュロキセチンにより化学療法誘発性ニューロパチーによる痛みとしびれが改善したと報告されている3).

参考文献 1) Hershman DL, Lacchetti C, Dworkin RH, et al : Prevention and manage-

ment of chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy in survivors of adult cancers : American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical practice guideline. J Clin Oncol 2014 ; 32 : 1941‒1967[1a]

2) Smith EM, Pang H, Cirrincione C, et al : Effect of duloxetine on pain, function, and quality of life among patients with chemotherapy‒induced painful peripheral neuropathy : A randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2013 ; 309 : 1359‒1367[1b]

3) Hirayama Y, Ishitani K, Sato Y, et al : Effect of duloxetine in Japanese patients with chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy : A pilot randomized trial. Int J Clin Oncol 2015 ; 20 : 866‒871[1b]

CQ48: 化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害性疼痛に対してデュロキセチン以外に有効な薬物はあるか?

 現在のところ,化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害性疼痛(CIPN)に対して有効性が認められている薬物はデュロキセチン以外にない. 推奨度,エビデンスの総括:2D

解  説: 現在,CIPN に対して有効性が認められている薬物はデュロキセチンのみであ

化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害性疼痛:CIPN:chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropa-thy

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る.三環系抗うつ薬,Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドについては,CIPN に対する効果を検討する RCT が行われている. 三環系抗うつ薬では,アミトリプチリンとノルトリプチリンについて,それぞれ小規模な RCT が検討されている.44 名を対象としたアミトリプチリンの鎮痛効果を検討した RCT では,有効性は認めなかったが,標本数が少ないこと,アミトリプチリンの用量が少なかったことが原因ではないかと考察されている1).51 名を対象としたノルトリプチリンの RCT では,軽度の改善は認めたが強いエビデンスは示せなかった2). Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドについては,ガバペンチンについて 115 名を対象にその鎮痛効果が RCT で検討されているが,有効性は認めなかった3).これについても,痛みのあまり強くない患者を対象としたために有意差が出なかったのではないかと考察されている.プレガバリンについては RCT はないが,ケースコントロール研究で有効性が報告されている4). これらを踏まえ,CIPN の治療についてのシステマティックレビュー5) では,これらの薬物には,CIPN による痛みに対してはっきりした有効性を示すエビデンスはないが,そもそもエビデンスがまだ限られたものしかないこと,他の種類の神経障害性疼痛に対する効果がすでに明らかにされていることから,化学療法誘発性神経障害の治療のオプションとして,使用することは妥当である,としている. その他,エビデンスレベルは低いが,オピオイドについてトラマドール・アセトアミノフェン配合剤6) やオキシコドン7) の有効性を示す報告や,α‒リポ酸の有効性を示す報告がある8,9).

参考文献 1) Kautio AL, Haanpäpä M, Saarto T, et al : Amitriptyline in the treatment

of chemotherapy‒induced neuropathic symptoms. J Pain Symptom Man-age 2008 ; 35 : 31‒39[1b]

2) Hammack JE, Michalak JC, Loprinzi CL, et al : Phase III evaluation of nortriptyline for alleviation of symptoms of cis‒platinum‒induced periph-eral neuropathy. Pain 2002 ; 98 : 195‒203[1b]

3) Rao RD, Michalak JC, Sloan JA, et al : Efficacy of gabapentin in the man-agement of chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy : A phase 3 randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, crossover trial(N00C3). Cancer 2007 ; 110 : 2110‒2118[1b]

4) Saif MW, Syrigos K, Kaley K, et al : Role of pregabalin in treatment of oxaliplatin‒induced sensory neuropathy. Anticancer Res 2010 ; 30 : 2927‒2933[3b]

5) Hershman DL, Lacchetti C, Dworkin RH, et al : Prevention and manage-ment of chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy in survivors of adult cancers : American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical practice guideline. J Clin Oncol 2014 ; 32 : 1941‒1967[1a]

6) Liu YC, Wang WS : Human μ‒opioid receptor gene A118G polymor-phism predicts the efficacy of tramadol/acetaminophen combination tab-lets (ultracet) in oxaliplatin‒induced painful neuropathy. Cancer 2012 ;

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112 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患

118 : 1718‒1725[3b] 7) Cartoni C, Brunetti GA, Federico V, et al : Controlled‒release oxycodone

for the treatment of bortezomib‒induced neuropathic pain in patients with multiple myeloma. Support Care Cancer 2012 ; 20 : 2621‒2626[3b]

8) Gedlicka C, Kornek GV, Schmid K, et al : Amelioration of docetaxel/cis-platin induced polyneuropathy by alpha‒lipoic acid. Ann Oncol 2003 ; 14 : 339‒340[3b]

9) Gedlicka C, Scheithauer W, Schull B, et al : Effective treatment of oxal-iplatin‒induced cumulative polyneuropathy with alpha‒lipoic acid. J Clin Oncol 2002 ; 20 : 3359‒3361[3b]

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CQ49: がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛に対して強オピオイド鎮痛薬は有効か?

 がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛では,オピオイド鎮痛薬に抵抗性を示す痛みであっても,オピオイド鎮痛薬の中止は考慮せず,神経障害性疼痛治療薬との併用を行う.高用量のオピオイド鎮痛薬により副作用が忍容できない場合や他の薬物との併用によって副作用が問題となった場合には,オピオイド鎮痛薬の投与量についての再検討を行い,必要に応じて減量する. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1A

解  説: がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛では,症例ごとに痛みの病態が異なる,併用されているオピオイド鎮痛薬の投与量が異なる.などの理由により,各種薬物の有効性を検証することは今後とも困難かもしれない.がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛に対する薬物療法の詳細は,日本緩和医療学会発行の「がん疼痛の薬物療法に関するガイドライン 2014 年版」を参考にする. がん療養中,① がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛,② がん治療の副作用に伴う神経障害性疼痛,③ がんあるいはがん治療とは関係ない神経障害性疼痛など,様々な場面において神経障害性疼痛を自覚することがある.ここでは,がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛について述べる. がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛には,神経原発のがん,がんの神経浸潤,がんの神経圧迫などの病態があり,脊髄圧迫症候群,腕神経叢浸潤症候群,悪性腸腰筋症候群,症候性三叉神経痛なども含まれる.多くのがん性疼痛に神経障害性疼痛の要因が混在している可能性があるが,日本人の終末期がん患者におけるがんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛の罹患率は 18.6%であるとの報告がある1). がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛が疑われる症例では,画像診断などにより確定診断を行うとともに2),薬物療法以外に化学療法,外科切除,放射線照射などのがんの治療も積極的に考慮すべきである3). がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛はがん性疼痛として理解することが重要で,非がん疾患と異なり,積極的にオピオイド鎮痛薬の投与を検討する.これまでに,程度の差はあるものの,がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛におけるオピオイド鎮痛薬の有効性は認められている.そして,オピオイド鎮痛薬で緩和が困難ながんによる神経障害性疼痛に対して,非がん疾患に使用されるような薬物を考慮する. また,がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛では,オピオイド鎮痛薬に抵抗性を示す痛みであっても,オピオイド鎮痛薬の中止は考慮せず,神経障害性疼痛治療薬を併用する.高用量のオピオイド鎮痛薬により副作用が忍容できない場合や他

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114 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患


参考文献 1) Harada S, Tamura F, Ota S : The prevalence of neuropathic pain in ter-

minally ill patients with cancer admitted to a palliative care unit : A pro-spective observational study. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2016 ; 33 : 594‒598

[4] 2) Cleeland CS, Farrar JT, Hausheerth FH : Assessment of cancer‒related

neuropathy and neuropathic pain. The Oncologist 2010 ; 15 : S13‒S18 [5] 3) Piano V, Schalkwijk A, Burgers J, et al : Guidelines for neuropathic pain

management in patients with cancer : A European survey and compari-son. Pain Pract 2013 ; 13 : 349‒357 [4]

CQ50: がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛に対して神経障害性疼痛治療薬は有効か?

 日本緩和医療学会発行の「がん疼痛の薬物療法に関するガイドライン 2014 年版」では,オピオイドの効果が不十分な場合には,抗てんかん薬,抗うつ薬,抗不整脈薬,NMDA 受容体拮抗薬,ステロイド薬を,いずれも弱い推奨として記載しており,薬物の副作用と患者の病態を考慮し,患者に最も適した薬物を選択すべきとしている.一方で,プレガバリンとガバペンチンの有効性が検証され,有効性が確認されている. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2C

解  説: がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛に使用されるオピオイド鎮痛薬以外の薬物は,非がん疾患などと同様に Ca2+チャネル α2δ 受容体リガンド,抗うつ薬などが推奨される. Ca2+チャネル α2δ 受容体リガンドとしては,プレガバリンとガバペンチンの有効性が検証され,有効性が確認されている.ただし,本邦においてガバペンチンは痛みの緩和のための適応がない.Ca2+チャネル α2δ 受容体リガンドの投与量は中枢神経系の副作用の忍容性を確認しながら調節する. Ca2+チャネル α2δ 受容体リガンド以外の抗てんかん薬として,バルプロ酸ナトリウムやフェニトイン,クロナゼパムの投与が検討される場合でも,がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛への有効性が十分に検討されていると言い難く,オピオイド鎮痛薬との併用に伴う副作用の増強を考慮すると,慎重に適応を考慮すべきである. 抗うつ薬としては,三環系抗うつ薬であるアミトリプチリンやノルトリプチリン,セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込阻害薬であるデュロキセチンなどが推奨される.しかし,がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛に対する抗うつ薬の有効性を検討した報告は少なく,また,確固たる有効性は確認されていない.

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 Ca2+チャネル α2δ 受容体リガンドと抗うつ薬において,いずれの薬物の投与量の増量にもかかわらず,効果が認められない場合,薬物の変更,あるいは併用が検討される.それらの薬物の変更あるいは併用が有効であるとの報告がある1,2).しかし,確固たるエビデンスはないため,副作用に注意しながら変更あるいは併用を考慮すべきで,中枢神経系の副作用を考慮すると,最初に投与された薬物の減量や中止後に次の薬物の投与を検討することが推奨される. がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛では,非がん疾患と異なり,抗不整脈薬やNMDA 受容体拮抗薬の使用が検討される場合が多いと思われる.抗不整脈薬としてはリドカインやメキシレチン,NMDA 受容体拮抗薬としてはケタミン,アマンタジン,デキストロメトルファン,イフェンプロジルなどが検討される場合が多いと思われるが,確固たる有効性が証明されていない.そのため,抗不整脈薬や NMDA 受容体拮抗薬は積極的に推奨されるものではなく,可能性を考慮するといった程度と考えるべきである. がんによる脊髄圧迫症候群,神経浸潤,神経圧迫に起因した神経障害性疼痛に対しては,ステロイド薬が考慮されるかもしれないが,質の高い臨床研究はなく,積極的に推奨されるものではなく,可能性を考慮するといった程度と考えるべきである. がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛では,症例ごとに痛みの病態が異なる,併用されているオピオイド鎮痛薬の投与量が異なるなどの理由により,各種薬物の有効性を検証することは今後も困難と思われる3).

参考文献 1) Matsuoka H, Makimura C, Koyama A, et al : Pilot study of duloxetine for

cancer patients with neuropathic pain non‒responsive to pregabalin. An-ticancer Res 2012 : 32 : 1805‒1809. [4]

2) Arai YC, Matsubara T, Shimo K, et al : Low‒dose gabapentin as useful adjuvant to opioids for neuropathic cancer pain when combined with low‒dose imipramine. J Anesth 2010 ; 24 : 407‒410. [1b]

3) Piano V, Verhagen S, Schalkwijk A, et al : Treatment for neuropathic pain in patients with cancer : Comparative analysis of recommendations in national clinical practice guidelines from European countries. Pain Pract 2014 ; 14 : 1‒7. [2a]

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116 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患

35. 手術後神経障害性疼痛(瘢痕部痛など),医原性神経障害(開胸術後神経障害性疼痛,乳房切除後疼痛など)

CQ51: 周術期の薬物投与は術後の神経障害性疼痛を軽減させるか?

 術後痛(慢性期)に対して有効性が示された RCT は限られているが,プレガバリンはある程度有用である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解  説: 術後痛に対する薬物治療のシステマティックレビュー1) で,ケタミンは,術後3 カ月にプラセボと比較して痛みを有意に改善しなかったが(オッズ比 0.82, 95%信頼区間 0.4‒1.7),術後 6 カ月では痛みを有意に改善した(オッズ比 0.50, 95%信頼区間 0.33‒0.76).ガバペンチンは,術後 3 カ月にプラセボと比較して痛みを有意に改善しなかった(オッズ比 0.97, 95%信頼区間 0.59‒1.59).プレガバリンは,術後 3 カ月にプラセボと比較して有意に痛みを改善した(オッズ比0.60, 95%信頼区間 0.39‒0.93). 他の術後痛に対するプレガバリンのシステマティックレビュー2) では,術後24 時間の急性期に,プレガバリンは安静時・体動時の痛み,術後鎮痛薬の使用量を有意に減少させる.3 カ月以降の慢性期では,RCT は限られているが,全人工膝関節置換術(TKA)に対するプレガバリンの有効性を検証した RCT3) では,プレガバリンは 6 カ月後の痛みを有意に改善したという報告があり,有効である可能性がある.

参考文献 1) Chaparro LE, Smith SA, Moore RA, et al : Pharmacotherapy for the pre-

vention of chronic pain after surgery in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013 ; 7 : CD008307[1a]

2) Mishriky BM, Waldron NH, Habib AS, et al : Impact of pregabalin on acute and persistent postoperative pain : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Br J Anaesth 2015 ; 114 : 10‒31[1a]

3) Buvanendran A, Kroin JS, Della Valle CJ, et al : Perioperative oral prega-balin reduces chronic pain after total knee arthroplasty : A prospective, randomized, controlled trial. Anesth Analg 2010 ; 110 : 199‒207[1b]

CQ52: 完成した慢性開胸術後痛に対する有効な薬物はあるか?

 Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドは開胸術後痛に対して有効であるが,投与量や投与時期に関しては結論が出ていない. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1A

全人工膝関節置換術:TKA:total knee arthroplasty

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解  説: α2δ リガンドの開胸術後痛に対する鎮痛効果が RCT で検証されている.術後3 カ月以上経過し VAS ≧ 5(0~10 表記),かつ LANSS ≧ 12 の痛みを有する開胸術後痛患者 40 名を対象とし,ガバペンチンの鎮痛効果を検討した RCT によると,漸増法による 300~2,400 mg/日の投与量で,治療介入後 45,60 日後のVAS,LANSS を,ナプロキセン(1,000 mg/日)に比べて有意に改善した1).また,開胸術を受けた患者 68 名を対象とし,プレガバリンの鎮痛効果を検討したRCT では,150 mg/日の投与量で術後 1,2,3 カ月後の痛みの程度,LANSS,睡眠障害を,ロキソプロフェン(180 mg/日)に比べて有意に改善した.副作用として,プレガバリンで軽い眠気が有意に多く,ナプロキサンで胃痛が有意に多かった2). 開胸術後または胸部外傷後 1 カ月以上痛みが持続する患者 45 名を対象とし,ガバペンチンの鎮痛効果を検討した前向きコホート研究では,300~900 mg/日の投与量で平均 21 週後には投与前と比較して,痛みの強さ,異常感覚,患者満足度を改善した3).

参考文献 1) Solak O, Metin M, Esme H, et al : Effectiveness of gabapentin in the

treatment of chronic post‒thoracotomy pain. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2007 ; 32 : 9‒12[1b]

2) Matsutani N, Dejima H, Takahashi Y, et al : Pregabalin reduces post‒surgical pain after thoracotomy : A prospective, randomized, controlled trial. Surg Today 2015 ; 45 : 1411‒1146[1b]

3) Sihoe AD, Lee TW, Wan IY, et al : The use of gabapentin for post‒oper-ative and post‒traumatic pain in thoracic surgery patients. Eur J Cardio-thorac Surg 2006 ; 29 : 795‒799[1b]

CQ53: 完成した慢性乳房切除後痛に対する有効な薬物はあるか?

 乳房切除後痛に対して抗うつ薬(ベンラファキシン)や Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンド,リドカインはある程度有効である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1B

解  説: 150 名の乳房切除術を対象としたベンラファキシン,ガバペンチンの有用性を検討した RCT では,プラセボと比較して 37.5 mg/日のベンラファキシンは,300 mg/日のガバペンチンと同程度に術後 2~10 日の鎮痛薬使用量を有意に減少させた.また,ベンラファキシンはガバペンチンやプラセボと比較して術後 6 カ月の痛みの発生頻度,痛みの強さ,鎮痛薬使用量を有意に減少させた1). ガバペンチンと局所麻酔薬を使用した多角的鎮痛が有効であるとする RCT では,ガバペンチン 2,400 mg/日投与と 20 g EMLA クリーム(2.5%[w/w]リドカイン+2.5%[w/w]プロカイン)を塗布し,術中に 0.75%[w/v]ロピバカイン

視覚アナログスケール:VAS:visual analogue scaleLANSS:Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs


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118 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患

10 ml を浸潤麻酔として使用する群は,プラセボ群と比較し,術後 8 日目までは観察時期により痛みの強さの有意差にはばらつきがあるものの,術後 3 カ月,6カ月では介入群はプラセボ群に比べて有意に痛みの発生率と鎮痛薬使用率を軽減した.ただし,複数の鎮痛薬の組み合わせとプラセボを比較しており,どの薬物が有用であったかは不明である2). 同研究グループのリドカインの有効性に関する報告では,45 名を対象としたEMLA クリームの RCT では,周術期から術後 4 日目までの塗布で,術後 6 日目までにプラセボと比べて痛みの程度は有意差はなかったが,術後 3 カ月では痛みの強さと発生率を有意に改善した3). 36 名を対象としたリドカインでの RCT(13 名で追加手術を施行)では,術中の 1.5 mg/kg ボーラス投与に引き続く 1.5 mg/kg/hr 持続静注で,プラセボに比較して 3 カ月後の痛みの強さ・発生率,体動時痛,痛覚過敏の範囲を有意に軽減した4).

参考文献 1) Amr YM, Yousef AA : Evaluation of efficacy of the perioperative admin-

istration of venlafaxine or gabapentin on acute and chronic postmastec-tomy pain. Clin J Pain 2010 ; 26 : 381‒385[2b]

2) Fassoulaki A, Triga A, Melemeni A, et al : Multimodal analgesia with ga-bapentin and local anesthetics prevents acute and chronic pain after breast surgery for cancer. Anesth Analg 2005 ; 101 : 1427‒1432[2b]

3) Fassoulaki A, Sarantopoulos C, Melemeni A, et al : EMLA reduces acute and chronic pain after breast surgery for cancer. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2000 ; 25 : 350‒355[2b]

4) Grigoras A, Lee P, Sattar F, et al : Perioperative intravenous lidocaine decreases the incidence of persistent pain after breast surgery. Clin J Pain 2012 ; 28 : 567‒572[2c]

CQ54: 鼠径ヘルニア術後痛に有効な薬物は?

 鼠径ヘルニア術後痛に対してガバペンチンは有効である可能性がある. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2B

解  説: ガバペンチンは,プラセボと比較した 1 つの RCT 1) で有効性が証明されている. 59 名の鼠径ヘルニア術後患者を対象とした RCT によると,手術 1 時間前の1,200 mg のガバペンチン単回投与は,プラセボと比べて術後 24 時間以内のみならず術後 1,3,6 カ月の痛みの程度を有意に軽減した1).他には,5%[w/w]リドカインパッチ2) や 8%[w/w]カプサイシンパッチ3) の 2 つの RCT があるが,どちらも痛みに関してプラセボと有意差は認めていない.

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参考文献 1) Sen H, Sizlan A, Yanarateş O, et al : The effects of gabapentin on acute

and chronic pain after inguinal herniorrhaphy. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2009 ; 26 : 772‒776[1b]

2) Bischoff JM, Petersen M, Uçeyler N, et al : Lidocaine patch(5%)in treatment of persistent inguinal postherniorrhaphy pain : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, crossover trial. Anesthesiology 2013 ; 119 : 1444‒1452[1b]

3) Bischoff JM, Ringsted TK, Petersen M, et al : A capsaicin(8%)patch in the treatment of severe persistent inguinal postherniorrhaphy pain : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. PLoS One 2014 ; 9 : e109144[1b]

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120 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患


CQ55: 頸部,腰部神経根症に対して抗うつ薬は有効か?

 三環系抗うつ薬や SSRI などの抗うつ薬は,頸部,腰部椎神経根症に対して有効である可能性が高い. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2B

解  説: 椎間板病変に伴う腰部神経根症に対するRCTにおいて,ミルナシプラン(100~200 mg/日)が有効であり,椎間板病変に伴う侵害受容性痛に対してもその有効性が示されている1).また,腰部神経根症を伴った腰痛症に対する RCT において,デュロキセチン注 1(120 mg/日)で全般的な痛みの改善と神経根症状の改善が認められている2). 一方で,システマティックレビューでは,三環系抗うつ薬や SSRI などの抗うつ薬は,神経障害性疼痛に対する第一選択薬の一つであるとしながらも,抗うつ薬は腰部神経根症に対して有効性を示さなかったとしている3). 実際に,慢性神経根症に対する RCT では,ノルトリプチリン塩酸塩(25~100 mg/日)とモルヒネ塩酸塩(15~90 mg/日),また,それらの併用は,7~14%の痛みの軽減が認められるものの,プラセボとしてのベンゾトロピン(0.25~1 mg/日)と比較して,下肢痛や腰痛を有意に軽減することはできなかった4).

参考文献 1) Marks DM, Pae CU, Patkar AA : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled,

parallel‒group pilot study of milnacipran for chronic radicular pain(sci-atica)associated with lumbosacral disc disease. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord 2014 ; 16[1b]

2) Schukro RP, Oehmke MJ, Geroldinger A, et al : Efficacy of duloxetine in chronic low back pain with a neuropathic component : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled crossover trial. Anesthesiology 2016 ; 124 : 150‒158[1b]

3) Dworkin RH, O’Connor AB, Backonja M, et al : Pharmacologic manage-ment of neuropathic pain : Evidence‒based recommendations. Pain 2007 ; 132 : 237‒251[1a]

4) Khoromi S, Cui L, Nackers L, et al : Morphine, nortriptyline and their combination vs. placebo in patients with chronic lumbar root pain. Pain 2007 ; 130 : 66‒75[1b]

CQ56: 頸部,腰部神経根症に対してCa2+チャネル α2δ リガンドは有効か?

 Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドは,頸部,腰部神経根症に対して有効である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:1C

無作為化比較試験ランダム化比較試験RCT:randomized controlled trial

注 1:デュロキセチン使用上の注意として,痛みに対して本薬を投与する場合は,自殺念慮,自殺企図,敵意,攻撃性等の精神症状の発現リスクを考慮し,本薬の投与の適否を慎重に判断すること

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解  説: 頸部,腰部神経症に対する報告は少ない.腰部神経根症に対するガバペンチンの有用性を検証したレビューでは,1,200~3,600 mg/日のガバペンチンが神経根症状を伴った腰下肢痛に有効であったと報告されている1). 頸部もしくは腰部の神経根症に対するプレガバリンの有効性を検証した非ランダム化比較試験でも,その有用性が検証されている.また,痛みのみならず,不安,抑うつ,睡眠障害などの随伴症状の改善にもつながり,日常生活の活動度が改善した2). 分析疫学的研究では,プレガバリンを単独使用もしくは他の薬物と併用することで痛みを軽減し,医療費削減や病気休暇の短縮につながっていると報告されている3,4).しかし,サンプルサイズの小さい RCT ではあるが,頸部,腰仙部の神経根症では,痛み,活動性,患者の満足度において,プラセボに対し有効性が認められなかったとの報告もある5).

参考文献 1) Chou R, Huffman LH : American Pain Society : American College of Phy-

sicians : Medications for acute and chronic low back pain : A review of the evidence for an American Pain Society/American College of Physi-cians clinical practice guideline. Ann Intern Med 2007 ; 147 : 505‒514[1b]

2) Saldaña MT, Navarro A, Pérez C, et al : Patient‒reported‒outcomes in subjects with painful lumbar or cervical radiculopathy treated with pre-gabalin : Evidence from medical practice in primary care settings. Rheu-matol Int 2010 ; 30 : 1005‒1015[4]

3) Sicras‒Mainar A, Rejas‒Gutiérrez J, Navarro‒Artieda R, et al : Cost com-parison of adding pregabalin or gabapentin for the first time to the ther-apy of patients with painful axial radiculopathy treated in Spain. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2013 ; 31 : 372‒381[3a]

4) Saldaña MT, Navarro A, Pérez C, et al : A cost‒consequences analysis of the effect of pregabalin in the treatment of painful radiculopathy under medical practice conditions in primary care settings. Pain Pract 2010 ; 10 : 31‒41[2b]

5) Malik KM, Nelson AM, Avram MJ, et al : Efficacy of pregabalin in the treatment of radicular pain : Results of a controlled trial. Anesth Pain Med 2015 ; 5 : e28110[1b]

CQ57: 頸部,腰部神経根症に対してオピオイドは有効か?

 頸部,腰部神経根症に対する有効性を検討した RCT は非常に限られており,抗うつ薬,Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンドと同様の効果があるかは不明である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2D

解  説: オピオイドは,帯状疱疹後神経痛や糖尿病性神経障害に伴う神経障害性痛に対しては第一選択薬と分類される三環系抗うつ薬や SSRI などの抗うつ薬や Ca2+

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122 Ⅳ.神経障害性疼痛を呈する疾患

チャネル α2δ リガンドと同様の有効性があると報告されているが1),オピオイドは第二選択薬として分類されている.その理由として,オピオイドには他の薬物に比べて高頻度で副作用が認められること,長期使用に関して免疫機能や性腺機能に対する安全性が確立されていないこと,痛覚過敏を引き起こす可能性があることなどが考えられる2). 一方で,神経根症状に対するオピオイドの有効性を検討した報告は少ない.慢性神経根症に対する RCT では,ノルトリプチリン塩酸塩(25~100 mg/日)とモルヒネ塩酸塩(15~90 mg/日),また,それらの併用は,7~14%の痛みの軽減が認められるものの,プラセボとしてのベンゾトロピン(0.25~1 mg/日)と比較して,下肢痛や腰痛の有意な軽減は認められなかった3).

参考文献 1) Eisenberg E, McNicol ED, Carr DB : Efficacy and safety of opioid ago-

nists in the treatment of neuropathic pain of nonmalignant origin : Sys-tematic review and meta‒analysis of randomized controlled trials. JAMA 2005 ; 293 : 3043‒3052[1a]

2) Dworkin RH, O’Connor AB, Backonja M, et al : Pharmacologic manage-ment of neuropathic pain : Evidence‒based recommendations. Pain. 2007 ; 132 : 237‒251[1a]

3) Khoromi S, Cui L, Nackers L, et al : Morphine, nortriptyline and their combination vs. placebo in patients with chronic lumbar root pain. Pain 2007 ; 130 : 66‒75[1b]

CQ58: 頸部,腰部神経根症に対して抗うつ薬,Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンド,オピオイド以外に有効な薬物はあるか?

 頸部,腰部神経根症に対する有用性を検討した RCT は非常に限られており,抗うつ薬,Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンド,オピオイドよりも有用な薬物があるかは不明である. 推奨度,エビデンス総体の総括:2D

解  説: 抗てんかん薬であるトピラマートが腰部神経根症に有効ではあるが,副作用や副作用による服薬アドヒアランスの低さから現時点では神経根症には推奨されない1).

参考文献 1) Khoromi S, Patsalides A, Parada S, et al : Topiramate in chronic lumbar

radicular pain. J Pain. 2005 ; 6 : 829‒836[1b]

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Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain

Second Edition

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 In 2010, noncancer pain was added as a new indication for an opioid analgesic, Fen-tanyl patch, and furthermore, pregabalin and tramadol, which are indicated for treat-ments of neuropathic pain and cancer pain, respectively, appeared on the market in Ja-pan. In the following year, buprenorphine transdermal patch and tramadol‒acetamino-phen combination started out being marketed. Since then, “pain” and “pain manage-ment” have attracted considerable attention in Japan as a matter of course. This made many professionals, not only the members of Japan Society of Pain Clinicians but also the members of other academic societies or medical professionals involved in the treat-ments of “pain”, aware of the necessity to issue a guideline of pharmacologic manage-ment for neuropathic pain which reflects current situation in Japan and also follows the international EBM. In response to this request, the Japan Society of Pain Clinicians pub-lished the first edition of “Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain” in July 2011. This version was reprinted for several times during the next 5 years, and eventually became a best‒seller as we all know. During these 5 years, more analgesics and adjuvant analgesics such as duloxetine, tapentadol and methadone were further introduced, and indications of tricyclic antide-pressants were finally expanded for treatments of pain. Thus, as new pain medications appear on the market one after another, interest in pain has grown even further in the entire medical society. However, many troubles have been also reported associated with these drugs as the number of medications introduced in the market or prescribed by physicians not spe-cialized in pain management increased in a short period of time. Hence, once again, the demand for publishing a revised version of the guideline which shows us how to use analgesics, especially, how to organize and utilize knowledge of each one of the analge-sics and adjuvant analgesics for neuropathic pain, which is hard to treat, and enables us to appropriately understand the concomitant use, adverse reactions, indications and evi-dences on these drugs has increased in these years. Therefore, the Japan Society of Pain Clinicians organized “the Committee for the Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain of JSPC”. In prepa-ration of this guideline, core members first created items and clinical questions (CQs), and then contributors started working on commentaries for each item and CQ, the level of evidence, and a summary of overall evidence. These descriptions were further cross-checked twice by the core members and discussed at meetings frequently held by the core members. The entire draft was eventually proofread by all committee members, and then the final version was published here after receiving public comments made by the members of the Japan Society of Pain Clinicians. The structure of the second edition of this guideline has been created based on the


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“Minds Handbook for Clinical Practice Guideline Development 2014”, the version revised in 2014, presenting a CQ, summary, evidence level, the level of recommendation, and commentary for each item. This structure is characterized as follows;the evidence lev-el determines outcomes for the CQ;a systematic review is performed for each out-come, and a comprehensive evaluation is made on the outcomes as a whole;the level of evidence is determined not only by evaluating a specific outcome but also by evaluat-ing all the important outcomes including hazards;the level of recommendation is de-termined according to the cumulative result of each outcome, and is a consensus taking the level of the evidence into consideration;review all important articles, evaluate all main outcomes, and present the entire evidence including hazards before discussing whether the treatment is recommended or not. It is also a characteristic of this new guideline that the level of recommendation is determined considering that the treat-ment would be strongly recommended if the difference between the benefit and the hazard is large despite the low evidence level, and that it would be weakly recommend-ed if the difference is small despite the high evidence level. In addition, it was basically created in the CQ style as much as possible, incorporating expert opinions in appropri-ate use of drugs such as opioids as well as commentaries on general remarks. Thus, in-tegrity of “the Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain, the second edition” is far higher than the original version as a guideline. However, needless to say, this “the Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain, the second edition” was created for the purpose of determining man-agement methods or of making judgments for referrals to specialized facilities. Hence, I would clearly mention again that it should not be used in any other situations (e.g. com-pensation and lawsuit). Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Naoki Nago, the director of the Musashi Kokubunji Park Clinic, and Dr. Naohito Yamamoto, the professor of Tokyo Women’s Medical Uni-versity, for various valuable advice. Further, I would like to appreciate the members of the Japan Society of Pain Clinicians who gave us the public comments, as well as the members of “the Committee for the Guidelines for Pharmacologic Management of Neu-ropathic Pain” and its chairman Dr. Sei Fukui for their great contributions and efforts.

Toyoshi HosokawaPresident of Japan Society of Pain Clinicians

May 2016

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 There are various types of pain associated with diseases. However, it is well known that neuro-pathic pain has been drawing attention of clinicians to its intractable nature. Taking this into consid-eration, the Japan Society of Pain Clinicians published “Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Manage-ment of Neuropathic Pain” in both Japanese and English versions in June 2011. We are now prepar-ing a revised version of these guidelines which include new drugs/treatments as well as new find-ings associated with neuropathic pain. From now on, we are going to publish the latest version of these guidelines every three years. The “Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain, second edition” has been prepared following materials obtained from Japan Council for Quality Health Care, a handbook for guideline preparation manual published by Minds (Medical Information Network Distribution Ser-vice) (“Minds Handbook for Clinical Practice Guideline Development 2014”), or AGREE II. We present here the revised version of the guidelines based on ideas of EBM (evidence‒based medicine). We hope that these guidelines will be widely used so that QOL (quality of life) of the patients with neuropathic pain would be much more improved.

The purpose of preparing the “Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain (Second Edition)”

 These guidelines are prepared not only for physicians in pain clinics or many other medical profes-sionals involved in pain management but also for primary care physicians to understand the basic prescriptions for neuropathic pain so that QOL of patients with neuropathic pain would be improved.

Basic principles of the “Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain (Second Edition)”

 These guidelines will present evidences of the latest neuropathic pain treatments to the public and help medical professionals to design treatment plans or promote mutual understanding between the clinicians and the patients. This revised version is prepared based on the “Minds Handbook for Clinical Practice Guideline De-velopment 2014” or AGREE II with expert opinions on CQs (clinical questions), commentary, the lev-els of evidence for items of CQs, establishment of the levels of recommendation, and appropriate use of opioids, etc. We intended to prepare the content of these guidelines in the CQ style as much as possible. With this style, it will be easier not only for pain specialists but also for local primary care physicians, including doctors of general medicine or general practitioners, to understand these guide-lines. According to the “Minds Handbook for Clinical Practice Guideline Development2014” (http://minds4.jcqhc.or.jp/minds/guideline/handbook2014.html), we fundamentally attempted to follow the consistent style of presenting CQs along with the levels of recommendations and commentary in the order of definition of neuropathic pain, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, effects on improvement of


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128 Introduction

QOL, which is the goal of chronic pain treatment, and symptoms associated with pain (e.g. sleep dis-order or depression). The most important element is evidence. We also included drugs which are not covered by insurance. For such products, we left commentaries so that not only the specialists but also the doctors in general medicine or general practitioners will be able to have a better under-standing. Furthermore, in order to make this revised version more practical for clinical settings, we discussed and described in details the effectiveness of drugs on each disease. We also included opinions of young contributors in middle positions apart from those of particular authorities so that the content would be created on neutral ground, reflecting our society. Moreover, in order to maintain consistency with the first edition of “Guidelines for Prescribing Opi-oid Analgesics for Chronic Non‒Cancer Pain” and the first edition of “Guidelines for the Pharmacolog-ic Management of Neuropathic Pain”, we established a guideline committee in which approximately a half of the members are from the former guideline committee and the other half are from the latter to work in collaboration. For classifications of opioids, we presented the drugs in categories of “weak opioids” and “strong opioids” to be consistent with the “Guidelines for Prescribing Opioid Analgesics for Chronic Non‒Cancer Pain” and also of “weak (for weak pain)” (e.g. tramadol),“moderate (for moderate pain)” (e.g. buprenorphine) and “strong (for strong pain)” (e.g. fentanyl) following the WHO classification.

 This second edition was prepared mainly by the core members of the “Committee of the Guide-lines for Neuropathic Pain, a revised edition” of the Japan Society of Pain Clinicians with rest of the members and contributors. We completed our mission on the basis of frequent committee meetings, core‒member meetings, mailing‒list meetings and discussions. We deeply appreciate Dr. Naoki Nago (the director of the Musashi Kokubunji Park Clinic) as an external expert for helping us with various valuable advices and opinions. Finally, we also would like to appreciate the members and core‒members of “the Committee for the Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain, a revised edition” of the Ja-pan Society of Pain Clinicians as well as advisors who gave us valuable supports and opinions, exter-nal experts, the members of the Japan Society of Pain Clinicians and all other people involved in the related society.

Sei FukuiThe chairman of the Committee for the Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management

of Neuropathic Pain, Second EditionJapan Society of Pain Clinicians

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129Preparative Method of Guideline

Basic structure of the guideline The guideline consists of sections following the “Minds Handbook for Clinical Practice Guideline Development 2014” which basically includes CQ (clinical questions), summary, levels of evidence, lev-els of recommendation, and commentary. The introduction and summary, which provide basic knowl-edge of neuropathic pain, contains items only presenting the evidence levels. Each one of the items in summary and discussion was created by the core members of the guideline preparation committee.

Preparation of clinical questions (CQs) A draft of clinical questions (CQs) was created by the core members of the Committee for the Guide-lines and the authors for each one of the sections along with summary and commentary for CQs.

Levels of evidence The levels of evidence for treatments were created following the “Minds Handbook for Clinical Practice Guideline Development 2014”;for CQs, general evaluations (listed below) were added to the systematic review for each outcome in the “answers” of Q&A. The gross summary of the entire evidence for CQs (strength of the entire evidence for the out-come in general) was determined as follows based on the summary of the entire evidence to create the levels of recommendation in the “Minds Handbook for Clinical Practice Guideline Development 2014”. A (Strong):The estimate of an effect is strongly reliable. B (Moderate):The estimate of an effect is moderately reliable. C (Weak):The estimate of an effect is somewhat reliable but limited. D (Very weak):The estimate of an effect is hardly reliable. It is not always required to present the levels of evidence for each one of the reference articles ac-cording to the “Minds Handbook for Clinical Practice Guideline Development 2014”. However, these were added in references in this guideline, except for the commentary in summary, considering that it would be helpful for readers to have general evaluations made by “the Oxford Centre for Evidence‒Based Medicine Levels of Evidence” (http://www.cebm.net/index.aspx?o=1025) on treatment/preven-tion, etiology/hazard, prognosis, diagnosis, and economical evaluation.

Levels of recommendation A systematic review was performed on each outcome for CQ, following “Minds Handbook for Clini-cal Practice Guideline Development 2014”. Then, the levels of recommendation were determined as follows by integrating the evidence level for each outcome. 1:Strongly recommended 2:Weakly recommended (suggestion) If the level of recommendation could not be determined, it was presented as “N/A”.

Preparative Method of Guideline

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130 Preparative Method of Guideline

 At the end of summary, examples for the above‒mentioned recommendation levels「1」were add-ed along with the levels of evidence (A, B, C, D).  (1) It is strongly recommended to perform treatment I for patient‒P (1A);(strong recommenda-

tion based on strong evidence)  (2) It is suggested to perform treatment I rather than treatment C for patient P (2C);(weak rec-

ommendation based on weak evidence)  (3) It is suggested not to perform neither treatment I nor treatment C for patient P (2D);(weak

recommendation based on very weak evidence)  (4) It is strongly recommended not to perform treatment I for patient P (1B);(strong recommen-

dation based on moderate evidence) These definitions were made considering that the recommendation can be strong if the difference between advantage and disadvantage is significant in terms of balance, even if the evidence level is low;or the recommendation can be weak if the difference between advantage and disadvantage is not significant in terms of balance, even if the evidence level is high. The levels of recommendation and the levels of evidence were evaluated comprehensively taking into account the following principles. 1. The levels of evidence and the levels of recommendation are not the same;the evidence level

is merely a factor to determine the recommendation level. 2. The levels of recommendation are consensus achieved taking the levels of evidence into consid-

eration. 3. The levels of evidence can be obtained by systematic reviews on each one of the outcomes. 4. The levels of evidence are not determined by evaluating only particular outcomes but by eval-

uating all important outcomes including hazards. The levels of recommendation were first suggested by the authors and cross checked twice by the core members, and then finally determined by the entire guideline committee. Evaluations were made on all crucial outcomes, including hazard, of all important articles. Then they discussed the en-tire evidence to decide whether or not it can be recommended.

Revision of documents The document created by each author was reviewed and revised twice in a cross‒checking man-ner and then finally reviewed and revised again by the entire team members. The final levels of rec-ommendation for each one of the CQs were determined by the entire committee members.

Reference search and adoption In some fields, only outdated articles such as for tricyclic antidepressant were available for refer-ences. Hence, the entire articles, including the latest ones, were reviewed regardless of the published year. The reference articles included those searched under PubMed, Japan Medical Abstract Society (excluding the minutes), and Cochrane Collaboration.

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131Preparative Method of Guideline

Conflicts of interest All individuals involved in preparation of this guideline declared the conflicts of interest. Only the names of committee members and companies were disclosed. The detailed information about the conflicts of interest for each individual are listed on the website of Japan Society of Pain Clinicians.

Indication for treatments In overseas countries, the NEP Special Interest Group of International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) proposed an excellent systematic review guideline in 2015. Meanwhile in Japan, we pres-ent this guideline on the basis of ideas of EBM for all medical professionals involved in the field of pain management, including primary care physicians. If there is not enough evidence in a particular filed, or if there is no evaluation criterion available for a specific treatment, those should be mentioned as well. Needless to say, with regard to indications of pharmacotherapy for chronic pain, psychological and social backgrounds of individual patients should be considered carefully according to the history of each case. It should be also noted that the drugs described in this guideline should be used with adequate ex-planations provided to the patients regardless if these are indicated or not. We hope that clinicians do not only skim read the levels of evidences but rather do read the con-tent, summary and commentary of this guideline when they consider implementation of pharmaco-therapies. This guideline was created to be used for designing treatment plans or making decisions on refer-rals to specialists. Hence, it should not be used for any other situations (e.g. compensations or law-suits).

Sei Fukui,The Chairman of the Commitee for the Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of

Neuropathic Pain, Second EditionJapan Society of Pain Clinicians

Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine Levels for Evidence (http://www.cebm.net/index.aspx?o=1025)

Level1a Systematic review (with homogeneity) of RCTs1b Individual RCT (with narrow confidence interval)1c All or none2a Systematic review (with homogeneity) of cohort studies2b Individual cohort study (including low quality of RCT; e.g., <80% follow-up)2c Outcomes” Research; Ecological studies3a Systematic review (with homogeneity) of case-control studies3b Individual Case-Control study4 Case-series (and poor quality cohort and case-control studies)5 Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal, or based on physiology, bench research or “first” principles

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132 Contents

Guidelines for the PharmacologicManagement of Neuropathic Pain

Preface 125

Introduction 127

Preparative method of guideline 129

Contents 132

List of authors 137

Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

  1.Definition of neuropathic pain 140CQ1: How do we define and understand neuropathic pain in clinical

medicine ?

  2.Pathology of neuropathic pain 142CQ2:How do we understand pathology of neuropathic pain ?

  3.Diseases which present neuropathic pain 144CQ3:What diseases are associated with neuropathic pain ?

  4.Neuropathic pain classification and mixed pain condition 146CQ4: Neuropathic and nociceptive pain classification and its clinical

significance ?

  5.Pain associated with acute peripheral nerve inflammation 147CQ5: Is acute pain associated with peripheral nerve inflammation

regarded as neuropathic pain ?

  6.Chronic pain syndrome and neuropathic pain 149CQ6: What is chronic pain syndrome presented by neuropathic pain

patients ?

  7.Epidemiology of neuropathic pain 151CQ7: Are there any epidemiological surveys on prevalence of neuro-

pathic pain ?CQ8: Are there any epidemiological surveys on prevalence of neuro-

pathic pain in cancer patients ?


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Ⅱ. Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

  8.Diagnosis of neuropathic pain 156CQ9:How do we screen potential patients with neuropathic pain ?CQ10:How do we diagnose neuropathic pain ?

  9.Clinical characteristics of neuropathic pain 162CQ11:What are clinical characteristics of neuropathic pain ?

 10.Neuropathic pain and QOL 165CQ12:What is the effect of neuropathic pain on QOL ?

 11.Management plan for neuropathic pain: general remarks 167CQ13:What is the summary of management plan for neuropathic pain ?

 12.Treatment goal for neuropathic pain 169CQ14:How do we establish the treatment goal for neuropathic pain ?

Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

 13.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain 172CQ15: What are indexes of treatment effects of pharmacotherapy for

neuropathic pain and the level of recommendation for respec-tive drugs ?

    13‒1.First-line drugs

Pregabalin/gabapentin, tricyclic antidepressants

(TCAs), serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors


    13‒2.Second-line drugs

Extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits

inoculated with vaccinia virus, opioid analgesic [weak]:


    13‒3.Third-line drugs

Opioid analgesicCQ16: What is the level of recommendation of NSAIDs and acetamin-

ophen for neuropathic pain ?

 14.Calcium (Ca2+) channel α2δ ligand 182CQ17:What is the level of recommendation of pregabalin for neuro-pathic pain ?

 15.Tricyclic antidepressant 184

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134 Contents

CQ18:Are tricyclic antidepressants effective for neuropathic pain ?CQ19: What kind of drugs are included in the tricyclic antidepressants

(TCAs) ? How can we differentiate them when we use ?

 16.Serotonin-noradrenalin reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) 189CQ20:Are SNRIs effective for neuropathic pain ?

 17. Extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with

vaccinia virus 191CQ21: What are the features of the extract from inflamed cutaneous

tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus ?

 18.Opioid analgesics[weak] : Tramadol 193CQ22:What is the recommendation of tramadol for neuropathic pain ?

 19.Opioid analgesics[moderate]: Buprenorphine 195CQ23:What are the features of buprenorphine ?CQ24:Is buprenorphine effective for neuropathic pain ?CQ25:What is efficacy of buprenorphine patch for neuropathic pain ?CQ26:What about safety and tolerability of buprenorphine patch ?

 20.Opioid analgesics[strong]:Fentanyl, etc. 202CQ27:Are strong opioid analgesics effective for neuropathic pain ?

 21. Type and usage of selective drugs for neuropathic pain 204

 22.Other antidepressants 206CQ28: Are antidepressants other than tricyclic antidepressants and

SNRIs effective for neuropathic pain ?

 23.Anti-epileptics 208CQ29: Are anti-epileptics other than pregabalin-gabapentin effective

for neuropathic pain compared to placebo?

 24.N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)receptor agonists 212CQ30:Are NMDA receptor agonists effective for neuropathic pain ?

 25.Anti-arrhythmic drug 214CQ31: Is an anti-arrhythmic drug (mexiletine hydrochloride) effective

for neuropathic pain?

 26.Chinese herbal medicine 216CQ32:Is Chinese herbal medicine effective for neuropathic pain?

Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

 27.Postherpetic neuralgia(chronic phase) 218CQ33: What is the first drug to be considered for postherpetic neural-

gia ?CQ34:Are opioids effective for postherpetic neuralgia ?

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CQ35: Is there any other drug which should be considered for post-herpetic neuralgia ?

 28.Posttraumatic peripheral neuropathic pain 222CQ36: Are Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands effective for posttraumatic

peripheral neuropathic pain ? CQ37: Are opioids effective for posttraumatic peripheral neuropathic

pain ?CQ38:Are there any other pharmacotherapies which are effective ?

 29.Painful diabetic neuropathy 225CQ39: What are the basic management plan and the level of recom-

mendation of drugs for painful diabetic neuropathy ?

 30.Trigeminal neuralgia 229CQ40: Is carbamazepine effective for trigeminal neuralgia compared

to placebo ?CQ41: Are there any drugs other than carbamazepine that are effec-

tive for trigeminal neuralgia ?

 31.Central neuropathic pain 233CQ42: What pharmacotherapies are effective for central post-stroke

pain ?CQ43: What pharmacotherapies are effective for neuropathic pain

associated with multiple sclerosis ?

 32.Pain after spinal cord injury 236CQ44: Are tricyclic antidepressants and Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands

effective for pain after spinal cord injury ?CQ45:Are opioids effective for pain after spinal cord injury ?CQ46: Are there any drugs effective for pain after spinal cord injury

other than tricyclic antidepressants, Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands, and opioids ?

 33.Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy 239CQ47: Is duloxetine effective for chemotherapy-induced peripheral

neuropathy ?CQ48: Are there any drugs other than duloxetine effective for chemo-

therapy-induced peripheral neuropathy ?

 34.Neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer 242CQ49: Are strong opioids effective for neuropathic pain directly

caused by cancer ?CQ50: Are neuropathic pain medications effective for neuropathic pain

directly caused by cancer ?

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136 Contents

 35. Postoperative neuropathic pain (e.g. painful scar) and iatrogenic

neuropathy (e.g. postthoracotomy neuropathic pain, post-

mastectomy pain) 246CQ51: Does perioperative drug administration reduce postoperative

neuropathic pain ?CQ52: Are there any drugs effective for complete chronic postthora-

cotomy pain ?CQ53: Are there any drugs effective for complete chronic postmastec-

tomy pain ?CQ54: What drug is effective for pain after inguinal hernia repair ?

 36.Cervical and lumbar radiculopathy 250CQ55: Are antidepressants effective for cervical and lumbar radicu-

lopathy ? CQ56: Are Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands effective for cervical and lumbar

radiculopathy ?CQ57:Are opioids effective for cervical and lumbar radiculopathy ?CQ58: Are there any drugs other than antidepressants, Ca2+ channel

α2δ ligands and opioids effective for cervical and lumbar radic-ulopathy ?

Index 257

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Authors for “Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain, Second Edition”

Academic advisorsToyoshi Hosokawa [Representative Director] Department of Pain Management and Palliative Care Medi-cine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, ProfessorYasuhisa Okuda [Secretary General] Anesthesiology, Dokkyo Medical University Koshigaya Hospital, Pro-fessorKiyoshige Oseto [Former Academic Chief, Former Chief of Treatment Design Committee] Depart-ment of Anesthesiology, Tokyo Medical University, Professor

External expertNaoki Nago Musashi Kokubunji Park Clinic, Director

The Committee for the Guidelines for Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain of JSPC (second version)Sei Fukui [Chairman] [Core‒member] Pain Management Clinic, Shiga University of Medical Science Hospi-tal, Clinical ProfessorHisashi Date [Sub‒Chairman] [Core‒member] Sendai Pain Clinic Center, DirectorMasako Iseki [Core‒member] Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Juntendo University School of Medicine, ProfessorShigeki Yamaguchi [Core‒member] Department of Anesthesiology, Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine, ProfessorMasahiko Sumitani [Core‒member] Department of Pain and Palliative Medicine, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Associate ProfessorTetsuya Sakai [Core‒member] Department of Anesthesiology, Nagasaki University Hospital, Associate Pro-fessorNarihito Iwashita [Core‒member] Pain Management Clinic, Shiga Medical University Hospital, LecturerJitsu Kato [Member] Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Anesthesiology, Nihon University School of Medicine, ProfessorYoshiyuki Kimura [Member] Department of Anesthesiology, Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine, Associate ProfessorShizuko Kosugi [Member] Department of Anesthesiology, Keio University School of Medicine, Assistant ProfessorMunetaka Hirose [Member] Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine, ProfessorKeita Fukazawa [Member] Department of Pain Management and Palliative Care Medicine, Kyoto Prefectur-al University of Medicine, LecturerHidekimi Fukui [Member] Department of Anesthesiology, Tokyo Medical University, Lecturer

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Yoichi Matsuda [Member] Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Assistant ProfessorMasanori Yamauchi [Member] Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Tohoku Univer-sity School of Medicine, Professor

ContributorsKeisuke Yamaguchi Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Associate ProfessorYoshika Takahashi Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Juntendo University School of Med-icine, Assistant ProfessorMakito Oji Pain Clinic, NTT East Medical CenterKumiko Hida Department of Anesthesiology, Nagasaki University School of Medicine, Assistant ProfessorKoji Ishii Department of Anesthesiology, Nagasaki University School of Medicine, Assistant ProfessorKeisuke Watanabe Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Center, Nara Medical University, LecturerHidekazu Watanabe Sendai Pain Clinic CenterNoriko Takiguchi Sendai Pain Clinic CenterTomoko Kitamura Sendai Pain Clinic CenterNanae Watabiki Sendai Pain Clinic CenterAkira Yamashiro Sendai Pain Clinic Center

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 1. Definition of neuropathic pain CQ12.Pathology of neuropathic pain CQ23.Diseases which present neuropathic pain CQ34. Neuropathic pain classification and mixed pain condition CQ45. Pain associated with acute peripheral nerve inflammation CQ56.Chronic pain syndrome and neuropathic pain CQ67.Epidemiology of neuropathic pain CQ7,CQ8




1. Definition of neuropathic pain CQ1CQ12.Pathology of neuropathic pain CQ2CQ23.Diseases which present neuropathic pain CQ3CQ34. Neuropathic pain classification and mixed pain condition CQ4CQ45. Pain associated with acute peripheral nerve inflammation CQ5CQ56.Chronic pain syndrome and neuropathic pain CQ6CQ67.Epidemiology of neuropathic pain CQ7,CQ8CQ7,CQ8

■Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain       

□Ⅱ. Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

□Ⅲ. Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

□Ⅳ. Diseases which present neuropathic pain

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140 Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

1.Difinition of neuropathic pain

CQ1: How do we define and understand neuropathic pain in clinical medicine?

 Neuropathic pain is defined as “pain caused by a lesion or disease of the so-matosensory nervous system”. Neuropathic pain should not indicate a single disease but rather should be recognized as a pathological condition involved in many patients complaining of pain. Summary of overall evidence:A

Comments: Varied lesions or diseases can develop neuropathic pain;experts in each field have made a diagnosis of this condition using the term “neuropathic pain” from their own perspectives. Hence, the single concept of neuropathic pain had never been shared among different clinical fields, resulting in confusion in the clinical settings. In order to resolve this confusion with this particular term, the IASP defined neuropathic pain as “pain initiated or caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction in the nervous system”1) in 1994. However, because there is no doubt that the “nervous system” is always involved in pain (it is meaningless to point out) and because the term “dysfunction” has not been clearly defined, the Neuropathic Pain Special Interest Group of the IASP redefined neuropathic pain as “pain arising as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory nervous system”2) in 2008. According to the definition intro-duced in 1994, migraine with aura, induced by abnormal excitability (that is, dysfunction) of neurons in the visual cortex of the occipital lobe, which is cer-tainly one of the nervous system but not the neural basis of pain recognition, is included in the neuropathic pain category. However, with the new definition established in 2008, migraine is not included in neuropathic pain. Thus, neuro-pathic pain entities consequently became more specific by redefinition of the term in 2008, and the concept became further generalized among different clin-ical and basic research fields. However, there were also some concerns pointed out in clinical settings due to limitation of this concept3). This definition report-edly had some disadvantages that some patients loose an opportunity to re-ceive treatments for neuropathic pain as a consequence of false negative judg-ment due to low specificity of demonstrating anatomical damage in diagnosis of neuropathic pain. In addition to these problems, there was also a concern that neuropathic pain might still be misunderstood as a single disease due to the limitation of this concept after introducing the new definition in 2008. It

Definition of neuropathic pain:Pain caused by a lesion or disease of somato-sensory nervous system

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1411.Difinition of neuropathic pain

was more desirable to define neuropathic pain as a syndrome which consists of various symptoms and signs developed by a variety of pathological mecha-nisms. Consequently, in 2011, it was further revised as “pain caused by a lesion or disease of the somatosensory nervous system”4). It was noteworthy that clinical criteria, which is based on overall findings of patients with neuropathic pain, will be necessary in diagnosis of neuropathic pain because it is often im-possible to demonstrate consistent data from diagnostic tests for neuropathic pain. In “Guidelines for Pharmacologic Treatment of Neuropathic Pain” published by Japan Society of Pain Clinicians in 2011, a term “damage” had been used to describe a “lesion”. As this term includes a condition which does not involve an irreversible anatomical change such as compression, it was changed to “lesion” according to the “Taxonomy for Pain Clinics” issued by Japan Society of Pain Clinicians (2016).

References 1) Mersky H, Bogduk N : Classification of chronic pain, 2nd ed. IASP Press,

1994 2) Loeser JD, Treede RD : The Kyoto protocol of IASP basic pain terminol-

ogy. Pain 2008 ; 137 : 473‒477 3) Eisenberg E : Reassessment of neuropathic pain in light of its revised

definition : Possible implications and consequences. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 2‒3 4) Jensen TS, Baron R, Haanpaa M, et al : A new definition of neuropathic

pain. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 2204‒2205

Guidelines for Pharmacolog-ic Treatment of Neuropathic Pain

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142 Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

2.Pathology of neuropathic pain

CQ2: How do we understand pathology of neuropathic pain?

 Neuropathic pain, which is defined as “pain caused by a lesion or disease of the somatosensory nervous system”, emerges when there is a lesion or disease in any of the nociceptive pathways from peripheral nerves to the cerebrum. The pathological mechanisms include abnormal sensitivity of the somatosenso-ry nervous system and functional impairment in the descending pain modula-tory system. Summary of overall of evidence:A

Comments: Pain is defined as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associat-ed with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such dam-age”1). Pain intrinsically functions as a warning system which notifies a body of nociceptive stimuli. Nociceptive pain is perceived when excitability of nocicep-tor is transmitted from peripheral nerve endings to the spinal cord and then to the cerebrum. Alternatively, if the pain pathway is damaged, spontaneous pain, hyperalgesia and/or allodynia sometimes emerge regardless of decrease or loss of somatosensory inputs to the supraspinal central nervous system. For such a pain without nociceptive inputs, two pathological conditions, namely, neuro-pathic pain which is induced by a lesion or disease of the somatosensory ner-vous system and psychogenic pain which emerges due to a psychiatric and psychological problems, have been currently assumed. If there is a lesion or disease in any of the nociceptive pathways from pe-ripheral nerves to the cerebrum, hypersensitivity hyperalgesia, allodynia and/or spontaneous pain of neurons can develop. Such abnormal excitability of neu-ronal firings is considered as neuropathic pain. For the onset of neuropathic pain, various molecular biological mechanisms such as a change in ion channels, increase in expression of NMDA receptors, sprouting of nerve fibers, and acti-vation of glial cells have been suggested. It has been also demonstrated elec-trophysiologically that peripheral nerve damage can induce the “wind‒up” phe-nomenon and long‒term potentiation (LTP)2). Moreover, in peripheral nerve damage, it has been shown that hypersensitivity of spinal dorsal horn neurons such as hyperalgesia and allodynia develop as a consequence of impairment of the “OFF” neuron functions which inhibit the descending pain modulatory sys-tem3). In addition to these biological factors, it should be mentioned that pain is

Definition of pain:An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.Nociceptive pain




Wind-up phenomenon

Long-term potentiation

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1432.Pathology of neuropathic pain

usually affected by bio‒psycho‒social factors. Hence, we need clinical criteria, with which we do not only evaluate the pathological condition of the somato-sensory nervous system but also predict presence or absence of psychosocial factors. We should evaluate their impact on their QOL from findings in a pa-tient as a whole, and then determine the management plan.

References 1) Mersky H, Bogduk N : Classification of chronic pain, 2nd ed. IASP Press,

1994 2) Kuner R : Central mechanisms of pathological pain. Nature Medicine

2010 ; 16 : 1258‒1266 3) Leong ML, Gu M, Spelz‒Paiz R, et al : Neuronal loss in the rostral ven-

tromedial medulla in a rat model of neuropathic pain. J Neurosci 2011 ; 31 : 17028‒17023

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144 Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

3.Diseases which present neuropathic pain  

CQ3:What diseases are associated with neuropathic pain?

 Nutrition metabolism, traumatic, ischemic, toxic, genetic, infectious, compres-sion/entrapment, immune, neoplastic or neurodegenerative disorders can cause neuropathic pain. Following diseases can be associated with neuropathic pain (Table 1). These are just examples, and there are more diseases which are not listed in this table. Summary of overall evidence:A

Table 1 Pathological Classification of Pain in General Diseases (A list of diseases which may cause neuropathic pain) (Referred from the Reference 1)               

Nutrition metabolism: Traumatic:

Alcoholic polyneuropathyAlcoholic neuropathyNeuropathy due to malnutrition (e.g. beriberi, pellagra)Hypothyroid neuropathyPainful diabetic neuropathyUremic neuropathyFabry diseasePorphyric neuropathy, etc.

Iatrogenic neuropathyPostthoracotomy pain syndromePosttraumatic sequelae / post‒operative sequelae

 (e.g. persistent post‒operative wound pain)

Postischemic myelopathyPhantom painNerve root avulsionNeuropathic myelopathyNerve injury sequelaeTethered cord syndromeSpinal cord Hemorrhage /infarction

Spinal cord injury sequelaeMultiple cranial neuropathy

Stump neuralgiaPostmastectomyStroke sequelae (e.g. thalamic pain, CNS vascular malformation)

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Postherniorrhaphic painRadiation‒induced plexopathyRadiation‒induced myelopathy /radiation‒induced encephalopathy

Radiation‒induced encephalopathy / myelopathy

Peripheral neurotmesis / injuryBrachial plexus avulsion, etc.

Genetic:Hereditary polyneuropathy with liability to pressure palsy

Hereditary sensory and autoimmune neuropathy, etc.

Ischemic: Toxic: Infectious:

Allergic granulomatous vasculitis

Reversible ischemic neuropathy

Ischemic neuropathyConnective tissue disease (vasculitis)

Polyarteritis nodosaCryoglobulinemiaMononeuritis multiplex, etc.

Chemotherapy‒induced neuropathy

GoldMercurial poisoningToxic neuromyopathyThinnerLeadArsenic poisoningDrug‒induced polyneuropathySMON, etc.

Diphtheric polyneuropathyNeurosyphilisTabes dorsalisPostherpetic neuralgiaLeprosy neuropathyLyme diseaseHIV sensory neuropathyHIV myelopathyHIV neuropathy, etc.

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1453.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

Reference 1) Hanaoka K, Ogawa S, Hotta N, et al : Progress and future prospects for

neuropathic pain treatment in Japan : A proposal from the expert con-sensus conference. Pain Clinic(Jp)2013 ; 34 : 1227‒1237

Table 1 Pathological Classification of Pain in General Diseases (A list of diseases which may cause neuropathic pain)-2                             

Compression / entrapment:Crural neuralgiaCervical spondylotic radiculopathyCubital / anterachial / wrist / foot /thigh / shoulder entrapment neuropathy

Entrapment neuropathySciaticaSciatic nerve entrapmentTrigeminal neuralgiaCervical / thoracic / lumbosacral spinal cord radiculopathy


Carpal tunnel syndromeCervical / lumber spondylolisthesisMyeloradiculopathyMyelopathySpinal canal stenosisCompressive myelopathy due to spinal canal stenosis

Glossopharyngeal neuropathyHypoglossal neuropathyMultiple sclerosisPolyneuropathy

PolyneuropathyIntervertebral disc displacementChronic neuralgiaChronic cauda equine disorderLumbar sciatic neuralgiaLumbar spondylosisLow back painIntercostal neuralgia

Immune: Neoplastic: Degenerative, etc.

Carcinomatous neuropathyGuillain‒Barre syndromeSjogren’s syndromeAutoimmune neuropathyAutoimmune neuropathyPlexitisInflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

Idiopathic neuropathy, etc.

Malignant tumorNerve compression by tumor or neuralgia due to tumor invasion

Spinal cord tumorBrain tumorPeripheral nerve tumorNeuromaNeurosarcoidosisNeurilemmoma, etc.

Amyloidotic autonomic neuropathyCharcot jointAutonomic neuropathySyringomyelia / syringobulbiaParkinson’s diseaseAdrenomyeloneuropathy, etc.

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146 Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

4.Neuropathic pain classification and mixed pain condition 

CQ4: Neuropathic and nociceptive pain classification and its clinical significance?

 Pain is defined as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associat-ed with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such dam-age”1). The types of pain developed by bodily‒specific causes are classified into nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain. However, pathological conditions of no-ciceptive pain and neuropathic pain are often clinically overlapped, and such state is called as the mixed pain condition. To control the mixed pain condition, pharmacotherapies for each pathologic condition would be necessary for appro-priate pain control. Summary of overall evidence:A

Comments: Nociceptive pain is defined as “pain that arises from actual or threatened damage to non‒neural tissues and is due to the activation of nociceptors”. It will be helpful to classify and evaluate nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain when we plan to treat pain caused by for these causes. Thus, diseases accom-panied by pain can be generally classified into either nociceptive pain and neu-ropathic pain. However, we should understand that these conditions can be present at the same time as the somatosensory nervous system might become hypersensitive according to severity or persistence of pain or as pain is devel-oped by excitability of nociceptors associated with neuroinflammation.

References 1) Mersky H, Bogduk N : Classification of chronic pain, 2nd ed. IASP Press,

1994 2) Cohen SP, Mao J : Neuropathic pain : Mechanisms and their clinical im-

plications. BMJ 2014 ; 348 : 656 3) Leung L, Cahill CM : TNF‒α and neuropathic pain : A review. J Neu-

roinflam 2010 ; 7 : 27

Mixed pain condition

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1475.Pain associated with acute peripheral nerve inflammation

5.Pain associated with acute peripheral nerve inflammation       

CQ5: Is acute pain associated with peripheral nerve inflammation regard-ed as neuropathic pain?

 There is a controversy regarding whether or not this should be included in the neuropathic pain category. In this guideline, acute pain associated with pe-ripheral nerve inflammation is not included in the neuropathic pain category. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments: The most representative diseases which develop acute pain in association with direct inflammation on the peripheral nerve include shingles in the acute phase and radiculopathy due to intervertebral disc displacement. It is consid-ered that, in shingles, varicella‒zoster virus which has caused latent infection in the dorsal root ganglia induces inflammatory reactions on nerves1), and in intervertebral disc displacement, herniation of the nucleus pulposus of the in-tervertebral disc induces inflammations on nerve roots and dorsal root ganglia, resulting in development of pain2). Although it is agreed that chronic pain in-duced by shingles or intervertebral disc displacement is neuropathic pain, there is a controversy regarding whether or not this acute pain is considered as the neuropathic pain due to the following reasons.

1)It is the neuropathic pain Inflammation on the peripheral nerve trunk induces various types of pain, such as pain caused by stimulation of sensory nerve terminal distributed in the connective tissues around the nerve trunk including the epineurium, pain caused by inflammation developed over the posterior root ganglion cells, and pain caused via CNS sensitization by inflammation developed over the nerve axons. These types of pain may be present at the same time according to the pathological condition3). Although details are unknown, it is considered that acute pain associated with peripheral nerve inflammation may develop mainly due to stimulation of sensory nerve terminals or due to inflammation over dor-sal root ganglia. Epineurium and dorsal root ganglia are also a part of nerve tissues. Therefore, considering that the definition of neuropathic pain suggest-ed by IASP is “pain caused by a lesion or disease of somatosensory nervous system”, this acute pain should be included in the neuropathic pain category.

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148 Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

2)It is not the neuropathic pain Neuropathic pain is chronic refractory pain caused via CNS sensitization;it is pathological pain not alleviated by resolving the problems on the peripheral nerve terminals. The acute pain associated with shingles or intervertebral disc displacement may disappear if inflammatory response is controlled4-6), or it dis-appears if nucleus pulposus is removed. Therefore, it is not appropriate to re-gard this pain as neuropathic pain which would not be improved even if the cause is removed, though it directly involves the somatosensory system.

 Thus, there is a controversy regarding definition of neuropathic pain. Be-sides, although nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain may be present at the same time during a transition phase from acute to chronic pain in association with peripheral nerve inflammation, it is currently difficult to figure out how much of the acute pain induced by shingles or intervertebral disc displacement is neuropathic pain. Therefore, in this guideline, we would not include the acute pain associated with terminal nerve inflammation in the neuropathic pain category. It may respond well however to antiepileptic agent or antidepres-sant7,8). This will be discussed in details in each commentary.

References 1) Muraki R, Iwasaki T, Sata T : Pathology of shingles : From histopatholog-

ical observation of rash. Journal of Japan Society of Pain Clinicians. 1998 ; 5 : 86‒91

2) Mulleman D, Mammou S, Griffoul I, et al : Pathophysiology of disk‒relat-ed sciatica. I. Evidence supporting a chemical component. Joint Bone Spine 2006 ; 73 : 151‒158

3) Xu Q, Yaksh TL : A brief comparison of the pathophysiology of inflam-matory versus neuropathic pain. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2011 ; 24 : 400‒407

4) Chou R, Huffman LH : Medications for acute and chronic low back pain : A review of the evidence for an American Pain Society/American College of Physicians clinical practice guideline. Ann Intern Med 2007 ; 147 : 505‒514[1a]

5) Kennedy DJ, Plastaras C, Casey E, et al : Comparative effectiveness of lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injections with particulate versus nonparticulate corticosteroids for lumbar radicular pain due to interver-tebral disk herniation : A prospective, randomized, double‒blind trial. Pain Med 2014 ; 15 : 548‒555[1b]

6) Balakrishnan S, Bhushan K, Bhargava VK, et al : A randomized parallel trial of topical aspirin‒moisturizer solution vs. oral aspirin for acute her-petic neuralgia. Int J Dermatol 2001 ; 40 : 535‒538[2b]

7) Berry JD, Petersen KL : A single dose of gabapentin reduces acute pain and allodynia in patients with herpes zoster. Neurology 2005 ; 65 : 444‒447[1b]

8) Liang L, Li X, Zhang G, et al : Pregabalin in the treatment of herpetic neuralgia : Results of a multicenter Chinese study. Pain Med 2015 ; 16 : 160‒167[1b]

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1496.Chronic pain syndrome and neuropathic pain

6.Chronic pain syndrome and neuropathic pain    

CQ6: What is the chronic pain syndrome presented by neuropathic pain patients?

 There is no definition for the chronic pain syndrome. However, pain diseases, such as neuropathic pain, might induce intensive pain which is far greater than that for the bodily‒specific pathologic conditions (underlying mechanisms) or impairment in ADL and QOL. Such patients’ state is considered as the chronic pain syndrome, and the chronic pain syndrome would emerge as a conse-quence of complex interactions of bio‒psycho‒social factors. Summary of overall evidence:B

Comments: Neuropathic pain is accompanied by various comorbidities such as sleep dis-order, hypodynamia, depression, anxiety, dry mouth and loss of appetite, other than pain1). Although it has not been clearly understood how these comorbidi-

Hypervigilance toward pain

Threat perception

Escape and /avoidance behavior toward pain

No or low fear/ and anxiety

Improvement and recovery




・Negative affectivity・Threatening illness(e.g. incurable disease of unknown cause)

Pain experience





Nervous and/or /Tissue disorder

Pain anxiety

Sleep disorder

Fear of pain

Pain catastrophizing

Figure 1  Fear Avoidance Model of Pain (Referred and partially modified from Reference 2)

Neuropathic pain becomes chronic and aggravated due to circulatory interac-tions with bio-psycho-social factors.

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150 Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

ties are associated with pain, the factors for these conditions are consistent with those of a vicious circle model known as a fear‒avoidance model (Figure 1)2).In other words, “pain catastrophizing”, which is a thought pattern of a pa-tient for pain, reinforces his/her pain obsession. As a consequence, the patient begins to avoid daily activities which may induce pain and remains rested, re-sulting in disuse syndrome, functional decrease in ADL, and a tendency to be-come depressed. These conditions do not only further reinforce pain obsession (a bias toward pain recognition) and pain presentation behavior but also form a negative spiral which aggravates ADL and QOL2). In the treatment of neuro-pathic pain, which appears to be under such a state of chronic pain syndrome, a perspective to evaluate these negative bio‒psycho‒social factors is required.

References 1) Meyer‒Rosberg K, Kvamström A, Kinnman E, et al : Peripheral neuro-

pathic pain : A multidimensional burden for patients. Eur J Pain 2001 ; 5 : 379‒389

2) Leeuw M, Goossens MEJB, Linton SJ, et al : The fear‒avoidance model of musculoskeletal pain : Current state of scientific evidence. J Behav Med 2007 ; 30 : 77‒94

Fear-avoidance model

Pain catastrophizing

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1517.Epidemiology of neuropathic pain

7.Epidemiology of neuropathic pain

CQ7: Are there any epidemiological surveys on prevalence of neuropathic pain?

 There are a few reports from large‒scale surveys on the prevalence of neu-ropathic pain. These surveys have been conducted in only a few countries, however, and are varied in their age and criteria for the intensity/frequency of pain. The judgments on whether or not the pain was of neuropathic origin were made only based on the scores obtained from questionnaire surveys for screening but not following the diagnostic procedure for neuropathic pain. Summary of overall evidence:D

Comments: In 2010, an online survey was conducted in Japan involving 20,000 people from the general population aged between 20 and 69. An individual with chron-ic pain was defined as a person who had had pain of 4 or above in the numeric rating scale (NRS) for at least twice per week for more than 3 months. Of these, the subjects who were likely to have neuropathic pain on the “Neuro-pathic Pain Screening Questionnaire (Japanese version)” were defined as indi-viduals with neuropathic pain. According to the results from the survey, prev-alence for chronic pain and neuropathic pain was 26.4% and 6.4% , respec-tively1). Applying these percentages to the entire adult population in Japan, it can be assumed that 6,000,000 people suffer from neuropathic pain in this country. Aside from the above online survey, a postal survey on musculoskele-tal chronic pain was conducted also in Japan in 2010 involving 19,198 people. Of these, 660 persons who had had pain persisting for more than 6 months were examined for neuropathic pain using “painDetect” ; 7% of subjects were likely to have neuropathic pain and 13% had some factors of neuropathic pain. Those with greater factors of neuropathic pain generally suffered from more intensive pain2). Outside Japan, an interview/postal/telephone survey conducted in France in 2004 in 23,712 persons aged 18 years or older revealed that 31.7% were suf-fering from chronic pain of 1 or above in visual analog scale (VAS) every day for more than 3 months and 6.9% from neuropathic pain as defined in “DN‒4”3). A telephone survey conducted in Germany in 2007 in 3,011 subjects aged 15 years or older revealed that 24.9% suffered from chronic pain for at least 3 times per week for more than 3 months and 6.5% from neuropathic pain as defined in “DN4” and “painDetect”4). In another telephone survey conducted in

NRS:numeric rating scalePain is rated in integer values of 11 levels from 0 (no pain) to 10 (the maximum pain that the person can think of).

VAS:visual analogue scalePain is rated on a scale of 100 mm. According to the IASP definition, 0 indicates no pain, and100 indicates the maximum pain that the person can think of. DN4:the Douleur Neuropathique en 4 questions (4-item question-naire for neuropathic pain)

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152 Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

Morocco in 5,328 subjects, the prevalence of chronic pain reported every day for more than 3 months was 21% , and that of neuropathic pain according to “DN4” was 10.6%5). In 2006, a postal questionnaire survey was conducted in 6,000 subjects in 3 cities in the U.K. Of 2,957 subjects who responded to this questionnaire, the prevalence of chronic pain persisting more than 3 months was 48% , and that of neuropathic pain according to “LANSS” was 8.2%6). In a telephone survey conducted in Canada in 2009 in 1,207 subjects of 18 years or older, the preva-lence of chronic pain for more than 3 months was 35% and that of neuropathic pain as defined in “DN4” was 17.9%7). A questionnaire survey conducted in 1,597 subjects in Brazil in 2012 revealed that the prevalence of chronic pain persisting more than 6 months was 42% , and that of neuropathic pain using “DN‒4” was 10%8).

References 1) Ogawa S, Iseki M, Kikuchi S : A large‒scale survey on chronic pain and

neuropathic pain in Japan. The Journal of the Japanese Clinical Ortho-paedic Association 2012 ; 47 : 565‒574

2) Nakamura M, Nishiwaki Y, Sumitani M, et al : Investigation of chronic musculoskeletal pain(3rd report) : With special reference to the impor-tance of neuropathic pain and psychogenic pain. J Orthop Sci 2014 ; 19 : 667‒675

3) Bouhassira D, Lantéri‒Minet M, Attal N, et al : Prevalence of chronic pain with neuropathic characteristics in the general population. Pain 2008 ; 136 : 380‒387

4) Ohayon MM, Stingl JC : Prevalence and comorbidity of chronic pain in the German general population. J Psychires 2012 ; 46 : 444‒450

5) Harifi G, Amine M, Ait Ouazar M, et al : Prevalence of chronic pain with neuropathic characteristics in the Moroccan general population : A na-tional survey. Pain Med 2013 ; 14 : 287‒292

6) Torrance N, Smith BH, Bennett MI, et al : The epidemiology of chronic pain of predominantly neuropathic origin : Results from a general popu-lation survey. J Pain 2006 ; 7 : 281‒289

7) Toth C, Lander J, Wiebe S : The prevalence and impact of chronic pain with neuropathic pain symptoms in the general population. Pain Med 2009 ; 10 : 918‒929

8) de Moraes Vieira EB, Garcia JB, da Silva AA, et al : Prevalence, charac-teristics, and factors associated with chronic pain with and without neu-ropathic characteristics in São Luís, Brazil. J Pain Symptom Manage 2012 ; 44 : 239‒251

LANSS:Leeds assessment of neuropathic symptoms and signs: One of the diagnostic methods for neuropathic pain

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1537.Epidemiology of neuropathic pain

CQ8: Are there any epidemiological surveys on prevalence of neuropathic pain in cancer patients?

 There exist epidemiological surveys on neuropathic pain in cancer patients. As neuropathic pain in cancer patients include (1) pain directly associated with cancer (invasion / metastasis of the tumor to nerves or the spinal canal),(2) pain associated with cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy and radiother-apy) and (3) pain associated with diseases other than cancer (postherpetic neu-ralgia and others). However, those surveys vary in their scopes;some sepa-rate the types (1) through (3) while others mix them together. Definition of pain also varies among the surveys ranging form those with definitive diagnoses and those evaluated from the scores of questionnaires for neuropathic pain screening. Summary of overall evidence:C

Comments According to a systematic review of Bennet et al. that analyzed pathological conditions of pain in 11,063 patients with cancer pain, 59.4% were nociceptive pain, 19.0% pure neuropathic pain, 20.1% a mixture of nociceptive pain and neu-ropathic pain and 1.5% unknown or other types of pain1). European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) conducted a survey using painDETECT in 670 pa-tients with pain out of 1,051 cancer patients. According to its results, 534 pa-tients had nociceptive pain, 113 neuropathic pain and 23 pain of unknown cause. Compared to the patients with nociceptive pain, those with neuropathic pain used stronger opioid analgesics and/or adjuvants and their performance state (PS) scores were worse2). In another study conducted using DN4 in 8,615 cancer patient at 46 hospitals in Spain, 366 patients had neuropathic pain. Among the patients, 55% also had nociceptive pain, 78.8% had been under treatments for cancer and 56% had been treated with neurotoxic chemothera-py. A background factor analysis in the same patients revealed that 68% of the patients had pain directly associated with cancer, 42.9% had pain associated with cancer treatment, and 18.6% had pain not associated with cancer3).In Ja-pan, 18.6% of 220 patients with the mean survival time of 21.5 days (0‒173 days) suffered from neuropathic pain directly associated with cancer4).

References 1) Bennett MI, Rayment C, Hjermastad M, et al : Prevalence and a etiology

of neuropathic pain in cancer patients : A systematic review. Pain 2012 ; 153 : 359‒3652. [2b]

2) Rayment C, Hjermastad M, Aass N, et al : European Palliative Care Re-search Collaborative(EPCRC) : Neuropathic cancer pain : Prevalence,

Mixed pain condition

EAPC:European Association for Palliative Care

DN4:the Douleur Neuropathique en 4 questions

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154 Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

severity, analgesics and impact from the European Palliative Care Re-search Collaborative‒Computerised Symptom Assessment study. Palliat Med 2012 ; 27 : 714‒721. [2b]

3) García de Paredes ML, Hjermastad M, Aass N, et al : First evidence of oncologic neuropathic pain prevalence after screening 8, 615 cancer pa-tients : Results of the On study. Ann Oncol 2011 ; 22 : 924‒930. [2b]

4) Harada S, Tamura F, Ota S : The prevalence of neuropathic pain in ter-minally ill patients with cancer admitted to a palliative care unit : A pro-spective observational study. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2016 ; 33 : 594‒598.


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 8.Diagnosis of neuropathic pain CQ9,CQ109.Clinical characteristics of neuropathic pain CQ1110.Neuropathic pain and QOL CQ1211.Management plan for neuropathic pain: general remarks CQ1312.Treatment goal for neuropathic pain CQ14



8.Diagnosis of neuropathic pain CQ9,CQ10CQ9,CQ109.Clinical characteristics of neuropathic pain CQ11CQ1110.Neuropathic pain and QOL CQ12CQ1211.Management plan for neuropathic pain: general remarks CQ13CQ1312.Treatment goal for neuropathic pain CQ14CQ14

□Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

■Ⅱ. Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain     

□Ⅲ. Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

□Ⅳ. Diseases which present neuropathic pain

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156 Ⅱ.Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

8.Diagnosis of neuropathic pain

CQ9: How do we screen potential patients with neuropathic pain?

 This guideline recommends the use of the screening tools (questionnaires) which have been developed for the identification of neuropathic pain. The screening tools for neuropathic pain available in Japan are the neuropathic pain screening questionnaire (Japanese version only), and the Japanese version of the painDETECT. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1D

Comments: Multiple screening tools have been developed to easily evaluate the possibili-ty that a patient has neuropathic pain. There is a tool known as the neuropath-ic pain screening questionnaire1) developed in Japan, and in overseas countries, there are LANSS2), S‒LANSS3), NPQ4), DN45), ID Pain6), painDETECT7), and StEP8). Of these, StEP was developed to identify neuropathic low back pain. The neuropathic pain screening questionnaire (Figure 2), has 7 questions in 5 levels. In a study conducted in 238 Japanese patients with chronic pain, pa-

LANSS:the Leeds Assess-ment of Neuropathic Symptoms and SignsS-LANSS:Short versions of the LANSSNPQ:Neuropathic Pain QuestionnaireDN4:the Douleur Neuropathique en 4 questionsStEP:the Standardized Evaluation of Pain

Figure 2 Neuropathic Pain Screening Questionnaire (Reference 1)Notice : This questionnaire has been developed and validated only in Japan, and this English version has not been validated.

How would you describe your pain in the area marked ×?

 1) Stinging pain   □ Never □ Slightly □ Moderately □ Strongly □ Very strongly

 2) Electric like pain   □ Never □ Slightly □ Moderately □ Strongly □ Very strongly

 3) Burning pain   □ Never □ Slightly □ Moderately □ Strongly □ Very strongly

 4) Numbness   □ Never □ Slightly □ Moderately □ Strongly □ Very strongly

 5) Pain induced by mild stimulation such as clothing touching the skin or cold wind

  □ Never □ Slightly □ Moderately □ Strongly □ Very strongly

 6) Hypoesthesia or hyperesthesia in the painful area   □ Never □ Slightly □ Moderately □ Strongly □ Very strongly

 7) Swelling or skin color change (red or purple) in the painful area   □ Never □ Slightly □ Moderately □ Strongly □ Very strongly

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1578.Diagnosis of neuropathic pain

tients with neuropathic pain could be identified at sensitivity and specificity of 70% and 76% respectively with a cutoff value of 9 points when evaluated on the total score (0‒28 points:evaluated in 5 levels of 0‒4), and when evaluated on weighted scores (0‒9), sensitivity and specificity were 88% and 72% respec-tively with a cutoff value of 4 points1). Out of all screening tools developed in foreign languages, painDETECT was translated into Japanese (Figure 3 “pain-DETECT-Japanese version”. See p.35 as Japanese language), and its reliability and validity have been confirmed9). The original study demonstrated that pa-tients with neuropathic pain could be identified at sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 80% respectively at a cutoff value of 19 points when the patients were evaluated on the scores (0‒38) for 9 questions7). There are also guidelines for assessment and diagnostic methods of neuro-pathic pain such as EFNS guidelines10) and NeuPSIG guidelines of IASP11). Su-periority or inferiority of a particular tool has not been evaluated in these guidelines. Although there is an advantage for each screening tool that it can be used by non‒specialist physicians, 10‒20% patients diagnosed with neuro-pathic pain cannot be identified with these tools. Therefore, these guidelines recommend that we should not diagnose neuropathic pain only using a result of the screening tool10,11), and validation study for epidemiological studies is necessary10). There is a systematic review conducted by Mathieson et al, which compared and evaluated quality (e.g. validity, reliability) of each screening tool12). They concluded that, the quality level had been shown to be relatively high for the original version of DN4 and NPQ, although all screening tools had been sup-ported at the low evidence level, and the screening tools should not replace a detailed clinical assessment. Therefore, this guideline recommends that we should use the screening tools available in Japan for screening of potential patients with neuropathic pain in the clinical practice. However, we should not diagnose neuropathic pain only using the result of the screening questionnaires.

References 1) Ogawa S : Development of the neuropathic pain screening questionnaire

for Japanese patients with chronic pain. Pain Clinic 2010 ; 31 : 1187‒1194[5] 2) Bennett M : LANSS pain scale : The Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic

Symptoms and Signs. Pain 2001 ; 92 : 147‒157[5] 3) Bennett M, Smith BH, Torrance N, et al : The S‒LANSS score for identi-

fying pain of predominantly neuropathic origin : Validation for use in clinical and postal research. J Pain 2005 ; 6 : 149‒158[5]

4) Krause SJ, Backonja MM : Development of a Neuropathic Pain Question-naire. Clin J Pain 2003 ; 19 : 306‒314[5]

5) Bouhassira D, Attal N, Alchaar H, et al : Comparison of pain syndromes

EFNS:European Federation of Neurological SocietiesIASP :International Association for the Study of Pain

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158 Ⅱ.Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

associated with nervous or somatic lesions and development of a new neuropathic pain diagnostic questionnaire (DN4). Pain 2005 ; 114 : 29‒36, [5]

6) Portenoy R : Development and testing of a neuropathic pain screening questionnaire : ID Pain. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 1555‒1565[5]

7) Freynhagen R, Baron R, Gockel U, et al : PainDETECT : A new screen-ing questionnaire to identify neuropathic components in patients with back pain. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 1911‒1920[5]

8) Scholz J, Mannion RJ, Hord DE, et al : A novel tool for the assessment of pain : Validation in low back pain. PLoS Med 2009 ; 6 : e1000047[5]

9) Matsubayashi Y, Takeshita K, Sumitani M, et al : Validity and reliability of the Japanese version of the PainDETECT questionnaire : A multi-centre observational study. PLoS One 2013 ; 8 : e68013[5]

10) Cruccu G, Sommer C, Anand P, et al : EFNS guidelines on neuropathic pain assessment : Revised 2009. Eur J Neurol 2010 ; 17 : 1010‒1018[5]

11) Haanpää M, Attal N, Backonja M, et al : NeuPSIG guidelines on neuro-pathic pain assessment. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 14‒27[5]

12) Mathieson S, Maher CG, Terwee CB, et al : Neuropathic pain screening questionnaires have limited measurement properties : A systematic re-view. J Clin Epidemiol 2015 ; 68 : 957‒966[5]

CQ10: How do we diagnose neuropathic pain?

 We should firstly identify the present illness and the past medical history which suggest neuropathic pain, and then perform neurological examination to assess sensory disturbance and tests to diagnose a neurological lesion or dis-ease. We recommend to confirm the diagnosis following an algorithm (grading system). The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1D

Comments: There are guidelines for assessment and diagnostic methods of neuropathic pain developed by EFNS1) and IASP2), with a recommended diagnostic algo-rithm (grading system)3) formulated by Neuropathic Pain Special Interest Group (NeuPSIG) of IASP (Figure 4). They recommend to assess and diagnose neuropathic pain following the identical algorithm regardless of a lesion or dis-ease which causes neuropathy. This algorithm (grading system) is widely used as a current international standard for the diagnosis of neuropathic pain. How-ever, no high‒quality study has been conducted yet to verify the effectiveness of the diagnostic method. First, we closely ask a patient about the present illness and the past medical history suggestive of neuropathic pain. If we are able to confirm pain distribu-tion which is neuroanatomically plausible and the past medical history sugges-tive of a lesion or disease Note 1 affecting the somatosensory nervous system, we can judge the patient may have neuropathic pain. The pain distribution per-

EFNS:European Federation of Neurological SocietiesIASP :International Association for the Study of PainNeuPSIG:Neuropathic Pain Special Interest Group

Note 1:Refer to “3. Diseases which present neuropathic pain”

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1598.Diagnosis of neuropathic pain

ceived by the patient with neuropathic pain may not often completely coincide with the dermatome of the affected nerve;while patients with nociceptive pain may perceive referred pain along particular dermatome (e.g. the patient with hip osteoarthlitis may perceives radiating pain from the buttocks to the lower thigh). Therefore, it is often difficult for a physician not specialized in pain treatment to evaluate whether or not the pain distribution is neuroana-tomically valid. We should take into consideration whether or not the pain dis-tribution pattern is typical for the underlying disease, or if the nature of pain is characteristic to neuropathic pain Note 2 when we assess neuropathic pain. If we can judge the patient may have neuropathic pain, the following assess-ment should be made:(A) neurological examination to assess the presence or absence of sensory disturbance (e.g. hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, allodynia) in the area corresponding to the anatomical innervation of the affected nerve, and (B) tests to diagnose a lesion or disease explaining neuropathic pain. It is con-firmed that the patient has neuropathic pain if both A and B are applicable, or it is considered that the patient has some elements of neuropathic pain if either one is applicable. These patients should be treated as neuropathic pain except for when neither one is applicable.

Note 2:Refer to “9. Clinical characteristics of neuropathic pain”

Range of pain is neuroanatomically plausiblea n d

A lesion or disease of the somatosensory system is suggested

Neuropathic pain very unlikely

W or k i n g h y p ot h esi s:M a y b e n eu r op a t h i c p a i n

Re-evaluate working hypothesis of neuropathic pain

A : Objective findings of sensory damage observed in neuroanatomically innervated region of the damaged nerve

B : Tests performed to give a diagnosis of neurological lesion or disease which accounts for neuropathic pain

C on f i r m as neuropathic pain

Has some elements of neuropathic pain

P a i nP r i m a r y c om p l a i n t

C u r r en t c on d i t i on a n dd i sea se h i st or y

E v a l u a t i on a n d t est i n g

Neither applicable

Only one is applicableBoth are applicable



Figure 4 Algorithm for diagnosing neuropathic pain (Referred and modified from Reference 3)                      

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160 Ⅱ.Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

 There is no method to clinically evaluate the sensory disturbance of deep tis-sues (e.g. muscles, tendons, joints) and viscera in the neurological examination except for vibratory sensation. Hence, the region for assessing the sensory dis-turbance is generally the skin. It is often evaluated for tactile sensation (by lightly touching the skin with a cotton wool) and pain sensation (by stimulating the skin with a tip of a pin) and dynamic allodynia. However, we should also assess heat sensation, cold sensation, vibration sensation, static allodynia and thermal allodynia in order to avoid a false‒negative result. The quantitative sensory testing (QST) is effective tool for more detailed evaluations of sensory abnormality1,2,4,5) though it is currently used only for research purposes. For any of these evaluation methods, we should be aware that sensory disturbance, also pain, is based on subjective assessment by patients, and that patients may perceive sensory abnormality even in the unaffected area (e.g. primary hyper-algesia due to inflammation, central sensitization, and a psychophysiological re-actions such as conversion disorder). The tests used for assessing the neurological lesion or disease explaning neu-ropathic pain include imaging tests (MRI, CT), neurophysiological tests (e.g. nerve conduction studies, trigeminal reflex, laser‒evoked potentials [LEPs]), corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) and skin biopsy1,2,5). The imaging tests are performed to assess degeneration, compression and infiltration of the central and peripheral nerves. However, we should be aware that there are many neu-rological diseases which cannot be evaluated on the images and that the sever-ity of neuropathic pain is not associated with the image findings. The nerve conduction studies cannot detect the damage of Aδ and C fibers associated with pain sensation, though it can detect large fibers (Aβ fibers). Therefore, the necessity of that test is limited. It has been also reported that the trigemi-nal reflex can be useful for a differential diagnosis between trigeminal neural-gia and neuropathic pain in the facial area1,2,5,6), LEPs for the assessment of Aδ fiber dysfunction1,2,5), CCM for the assessment of diabetic polyneuropa-thy5,7), and the evaluation of intraepidermal nerve fiber density using skin bi-opsy for the assessment of small fiber neuropathy1,2,5). However, these tests have currently been used only for research purposes in Japan. Thus, it is not clinically necessary to demonstrate the neurological lesion or disease explain-ing neuropathic pain by tests. It is crucial to perform careful interviews and neurological examinations in order to make a diagnosis of neuropathic pain.

References 1) Cruccu G, Sommer C, Anand P, et al : EFNS guidelines on neuropathic

pain assessment : Revised 2009. Eur J Neurol 2010 ; 17 : 1010‒1018[5] 2) Haanpää M, Attal N, Backonja M, et al : NeuPSIG guidelines on neuro-

QST:Quantitative Sensory Testing

LEP:Laser-evoked poten-tialsCCM:corneal confocal microscopy

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1618.Diagnosis of neuropathic pain

pathic pain assessment. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 14‒27[5] 3) Treede RD, Jensen TS, Campbell JN, et al : Neuropathic pain : Redefini-

tion and a grading system for clinical and research purposes. Neurology 2008 ; 70 : 1630‒1635[5]

4) Rolke R, Baron R, Maier C, et al : Quantitative sensory testing in the German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain(DFNS) : Standardized protocol and reference values. Pain 2006 ; 123 : 231‒243[5]

5) Mainka T, Maier C, Enax‒Krumova EK : Neuropathic pain assessment : Update on laboratory diagnostic tools. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2015 ; 28 : 537‒545[5]

6) Cruccu G, Biasiotta A, Galeotti F, et al : Diagnostic accuracy of trigemi-nal reflex testing in trigeminal neuralgia. Neurology 2006 ; 66 : 139‒141

[5] 7) Jiang MS, Yuan Y, Gu ZX, et al : Corneal confocal microscopy for assess-

ment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy : A meta‒analysis. Br J Ophthal-mol 2016 ; 100 : 9‒14[5]

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162 Ⅱ.Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

9.Clinical characteristics of neuropathic pain   

CQ11: What are clinical characteristics of neuropathic pain?

 The patient has spontaneous pain or pain induced by stimulation at the site corresponding to the area supplied by the affected nerve, which is complicated by abnormal sensations of this site. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2D

Comments: Neuropathic pain presents distinctive pain which is different from nocicep-tive pain. It is characterized by spontaneous pain (continuous or intermittent) or pain induced by stimulation (allodynia, hypersensitivity) at the site corre-sponding to the area supplied by the affected nerve, which is complicated by various sensory abnormalities caused by disturbance of a nerve1). Neuropathic pain is suspected especially when the patient has allodynia and hypo/hyper-

Table 2 Comparisons among various screening tools (Prepared based on References 2, 4-8)

ID Pain4) NPQ5) pain DETECT6) LANSS7) DN48) Neuropathic pain

screening tool2)

Stinging, prickling pain + + + + + +Pain like electric shock or shooting pain + + + + + +

Hot or burning pain (irritation) + + + + + +Tingling pain + + + + +Pain induced by light touch + + + + +Cold or freezing + +Pain induced by slight pressure +Pain induced by heat or cold +Pain induced by weather change +Pain limited to joints -Itchiness +Pain pattern +Pain radiating to the other areas (referred pain) +

Accompanied by change in the autonomic nerve + +

Hypo/hypersensitivity +

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1639.Clinical characteristics of neuropathic pain

Table 3 Differences in the features of pain characteristic to each disease (Prepared based on References 2, 9-12)        

Postherpetic neuralgia9)

Painful diabetic neuropathy10)

Pain after spinal cord injury11)

Neuropathic pain in general2,12)

Dull pain Dull painBurning pain Burning pain Burning pain Burning painShooting pain Shooting pain Shooting pain

Irritating painPrickling painStabbing painCramping pain

Tearing painPenetrating pain

Itchiness Itchiness ItchinessTingling pain Tingling pain Tingling pain

Allodynia Allodynia Allodynia AllodyniaHypersensitivity Hypersensitivity Hypersensitivity

Table 4 Differences in features between neuropathic pain and nociceptive    (inflammatory) pain (referred and modified from Reference 13)

Neuropathic pain

Nociceptive pain(inflammatory pain)

Positive symptoms/signs

Spontaneous pain at the affected site Present Present

Hypersensitive to pain against nociceptive warmth stimulation Rare Frequent

Allodynia against cold stimulation Frequent RareIncreased sensory threshold against pressure stimulation and hypersensitivity to pain

Often Basically none

Persistent feeling of stimulation after somatosensory stimulation Often Rare

Characteristic subjective symptoms

Sudden pain, burning pain Throbbing pain

Pain spreading beyond the affected area Basically none Basically none

Negative symptoms/signs

Sensory disturbance in the area supplied by the affected nerve Present None

Motor disturbance in the area supplied by the affected nerve Often None

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164 Ⅱ.Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

sensitivity in addition to burning pain and numbness2). The characteristic features of neuropathic pain can be referred to the descrip-tions of the screening tools developed in the EU and US and in Japan (Table 2)2‒8). However, a diagnosis of neuropathic pain should not be made based on these features. We should recognize that these are valid only for the screening level. It should be emphasized as mentioned in the previous section that physical ex-aminations to evaluate whether or not the range of pain is neurologically valid or if there is a sensory disturbance at the corresponding site are necessary to make a diagnosis along with supportive past medical history and test findings including those on imaging tests1). The differences in the features of pain characteristic to each disease are pre-sented in Table 3 1,9‒12). Positive and negative findings in the somatosensory nervous system of neuropathic pain and nociceptive pain can be useful when making a diagnosis (Table 4)13).

References 1) Haanpää M, Treede RD : Diagnosis and Classification of Neuropathic

Pain. IASP Clinical Updates 2010 ; 18 : Issue 7[5] 2) Ogawa S : Development of the neuropathic pain screening questionnaire

for Japanese patients with chronic pain. Pain clinic 2010 ; 31 : 1187‒1194[5] 3) Cruccu G, Truini A : Tools for assessing neuropathic pain. PLoS Med

2009 ; 6 : Issue 4[5] 4) Portenoy R : Development and testing of a neuropathic pain screening

questionnaire : ID Pain. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 1555‒1565[5] 5) Krause SJ, Backonja MM : Development of a neuropathic pain question-

naire. Clin J Pain 2003 ; 19 : 306‒314[5] 6) Freynhagen R, Baron R, Gockel U, et al : PainDETECT : A new screen-

ing questionnaire to detect neuropathic components in patients with back pain. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 1911‒1920[5]

7) Bennett MI : The LANSS Pain Scale : The Leeds Assessment of Neuro-pathic Symptoms and Signs. Pain 2001 ; 92 : 147‒157[5]

8) Bouhassira D, Attal N, Alchaar H, et al : Comparison of pain syndromes associated with nervous or somatic lesions and development of a new neuropathic pain diagnostic questionnaire(DN4). Pain 2005 ; 114 : 29‒36[5]

9) Johnson RW, Whitton TL : Management of herpes zoster(shingles)and postherpetic neuralgia. Expert Opin Pharmacother 2004 ; 5 : 551‒559[5]

10) Tesfaye S, Kempler P : Painful diabetic neuropathy. Diabetologia 2005 ; 48 : 805‒807[5]

11) Hulsebosch CE : From discovery to clinical trials : treatment strategies for central neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury. Curr Pharm Des 2005 ; 11 : 1411‒1420[5]

12) Irving GA : Contemporary assessment and management of neuropathic pain. Neurology 2005 ; 64 : S21‒S27[5]

13) Jensen TS : Pathophysiology of pain : From theory to clinical evidence. Eur J Pain 2008 ; 2 : s13‒7

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16510.Neuropathic pain and QOL

10.Neuropathic pain and QOL

CQ12: What is the effect of neuropathic pain on QOL?

 Pain severity of neuropathic pain is relatively higher than that of other pain conditions, and neuropathic pain affects greatly patients’ QOL. The higher the severity in pain, the lower the QOL remains. The level of recommendation and the summary of evidence:1B

Comments: QOL indicates the quality of life and living style in a broad sense, and it is often described as health‒related QOL (HRQL) especially in the medical field. In other words, compared to the non‒health related QOL which include dignity and joys in one’s life, values for depth of joys and sorrows, hope, goal, family structure, economical situation, and cultural activities, health‒related QOL con-sists of not only the objective evaluations on patients’ health conditions but also of their subjective understandings on health conditions and the degree of well‒being as well as their values in their lives in general. In this section, we only discuss the health‒related QOL. The intimate relationship between HRQOL and neuropathic pain has been revealed in a large epidemiological surveillance1,2) reported from France. The number of patients with chronic pain which had persisted for more than 3 months reached 31.7% of the population. Of these, about 20% of the patients had neuropathic pain (morbidity was approximately 7% per population [more than 5,000,000 when converted to Japanese population]). More than 70% (5% of the population) of patients with neuropathic pain assessed their level of pain at moderate or severe 2), which was higher in severity than that of patients who had other types of chronic pain, and they were likely to have prolonged disease duration and to pay more medical expenses3). Consequently, we can understand that severity in neuropathic pain is particularly higher than that of other chronic diseases. Using EQ‒5D, which is the standard QOL scale used in Europe, EQ‒5D of average neuropathic patients is 0.4‒0.6, and that of severe neuropathic pa-tients is around 0.2. The EQ‒5D answers numbers between 0‒1, where “0” in-dicates death and “1” indicates a healthy state. The EQ‒5D score of 0.4‒0.5 is equivalent to the QOL of terminal cancer patients who have been living on their beds as they feel fatigue, etc. with or without pain, and the EQ‒D score of 0.2 is equivalent to the QOL of patients with myocardial infarction who have been strictly confined to bed. Thus, the QOL of patients with neuropathic pain is remarkably affected.

QOL:quality of life

HRQL:health-related QOL

EQ-5D:EuroQol 5 Dimen-sion HRQL developed in the E.U31.

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166 Ⅱ.Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

References 1) Bouhassira D, Lanteri‒Minet M, Attal N, et al : Prevalence of chronic

pain with neuropathic pain characteristics in the general population. Pain 2008 ; 136 : 380‒387[4]

2) Attal N, Lanteri‒Minet M, Laurent B, et al : The specific disease burden of neuropathic pain : Results of a French nationwide survey. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 2836‒2843[4]

3) O’Connor AB : Neuropathic pain : Quality‒of‒life impact, costs and cost effectiveness of therapy. Pharmacoeconomics 27 ; 95‒112, 2009[3b]

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16711.Management plan for neuropathic pain:general remarks

11.Management plan for neuropathic pain:general remarks   

CQ13: What is a summary of management plan for neuropathic pain?

 The severity is relatively high in neuropathic pain compared to the other types of chronic pain, and the QOL of these patients has been remarkably de-creased. Hence, the treatment goal should be planed on the basis of both the severity in pain and their impaired ADL and QOL. The basic treatment strate-gy is a pharmacotherapy which can relieves the pain. However, if the patients do not respond well to pharmacotherapy, which is prescribed in a step‒wise manner, or when their adherence for pharmacotherapy is not adequate, neuro-modulation treatments or several interventional treatments are considered. Further, in order to improve the patients’ ADL and QOL, functional exercis-es such as rehabilitations are provided to the patients so that they will be able to recover their self‒efficacy. Thus, it is really important to provide inter‒or multi‒disciplinary treatment for neuropathic pain by combining various treat-ment approaches according to the bio‒psycho‒social factors. Summary of overall evidence:B

Comments: Neuropathic pain is complicated by various conditions other than pain such as sleep disorder, impaired ADL, depression, anxiety, dry mouth, and loss of appetite1). These can be negative factors which form a vicious circle model of pain (fear-avoidance model) with negative spirals of ADL and QOL2). In order to treat neuropathic pain which usually has fallen into such chronic pain syn-drome, we need perspectives to evaluate these negative bio‒psycho‒social fac-tors in respective patients;hence, the treatment goal is planed on the basis of both severity in pain and their impaired ADL and QOL. The basic treatment strategy for pain relief is pharmacotherapy. However, if patients do not respond to it, which is prescribed in a step‒wise manner, or when their adherence for it is not adequate, neuromodulation treatments3,4) or several interventional treatments are considered. Further, in order to improve patients’ ADL and QOL, functional exercises such as rehabilitations are provid-ed to patients so that they will be able to recover their self‒efficacy. Thus, it is really important to provide inter‒or multi‒disciplinary treatments for neuro-pathic pain by combining various treatment approaches according to their bio‒psycho‒social factors. In addition, the treatment goal should be set not only to control pain but also to improve their meaningful daily lives and spend their

ADL:activity of daily living

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168 Ⅱ.Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

lifetimes as quietly as possible without any psychological distresses.

References 1) Meyer‒Rosberg K, Kvamstrom A, Kinnman E, et al : Peripheral neuro-

pathic pain : A multidimensional burden for patients. Eur J Pain 2001 ; 5 : 379‒389

2) Leeuw M, Goossens MEJB, Linton SJ, et al : The fear‒avoidance model of musculoskeletal pain : Current state of scientific evidence. J Behav Med 2007 ; 30 : 77‒94

3) Deer TR, Krames E, Mekhail N, et al : The appropriate use of neurostim-ulation : New and evolving neurostimulation therapies and applicable treatment for chronic pain and selected disease states. Neuromodulation 2014 ; 17 : 599‒615

4) NICE clinical guideline 2008[spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain of neuropathic or ischaemic origin]

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16912.Treatment goal for neuropathic pain

12.Treatment goal for neuropathic pain

CQ14: How do we establish the treatment goal for neuropathic pain ?

 The drugs used for neuropathic pain cannot completely cure the condition. Therefore, it is important not only to relieve the pain but also to establish a goal to achieve improvements in ADL and QOL. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1D

Comments: The onset mechanism of neuropathic pain has not been adequately revealed. Hence, there is no drug which can induce remission of the pathological condi-tion at this point. When conducting a pharmacotherapy, we must consider safe-ty, adherence and interactions with other drugs in addition to the analgesic ef-fects. Moreover, potentials for dependency or abuse, as well as long‒term ef-fects on the patients’ bodies should be also taken into consideration1). In guidelines of EFNA and NeuPSIG of IASP, alleviation of pain intensity (e.g. VAS) has been prioritized over the multifaceted evaluations of pain (MPQ);the ADL has been currently included in the secondary outcomes. According to IMMPACT, it is recommended to evaluate the following 6 items:intensity of pain, physical functions, mental functions, the level of patients’ satisfaction, signs of adverse reactions, and adherence to the treatments, in a clinical study of chronic pain2,3). It is considered crucial to evaluate these factors comprehen-sively in the clinical practice. It is also important in the care of neuropathic pain not only to improve the degree of pain, but also to proceed the treatments aiming to improve the pa-tients’ ADL and QOL such as the levels of their life‒activities and social activi-ties.

References 1) Dworkin RH, O’Connor AB, Backonja M, et al : Pharmacologic manage-

ment of neuropathic pain : Evidence‒based recommendations. Pain 2007 ; 132 : 237‒251[1a]

2) Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Allen RR, et al : Core outcome domains for chronic pain clinical trials : IMMPACT recommendations. Pain 2003 ; 106 : 337‒345[1a]

3) Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Wyrwich KW, et al : Interpreting the clinical im-portance of treatment outcomes in chronic pain clinical trials : IM-MPACT recommendations. J Pain 2008 ; 9 : 105‒121[1a]

EFNS:European Federation of Neurological SocietiesIASP-NeuPSIG:Neuropathic Pain Special Interest GroupMPQ:McGill Pain Question-naireIMMPACT:Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials

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 13.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain CQ15,CQ1614.Ca2+ channel α2δ ligand CQ1715.Tricyclic antidepressant CQ18,CQ1916.Serotonin-noradrenalin reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)  CQ2017. Extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with

vaccinia virus CQ2118.Opioid analgesics[weak] : Tramadol CQ2219. Opioid analgesics[moderate] : Buprenorphine CQ23,CQ24,

CQ25,CQ2620.Opioid analgesics[strong] : Fentanyl, etc. CQ2721. Type and usage of selective drugs for neuropathic pain22.Other antidepressants CQ2823.Anti-epileptics CQ2924.N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonists CQ3025.Anti-arrhythmic drug CQ3126.Chinese herbal medicine CQ32


13.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain CQ15,CQ16CQ15,CQ1614.Ca2+ channel α2δ ligand CQ17CQ1715.Tricyclic antidepressant CQ18,CQ19CQ18,CQ1916.Serotonin-noradrenalin reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)  CQ20CQ2017. Extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with

vaccinia virus CQ21CQ2118.Opioid analgesics[weak] : Tramadol CQ22CQ2219. Opioid analgesics[moderate] : Buprenorphine CQ23,CQ24,CQ23,CQ24,

CQ25,CQ26CQ25,CQ2620.Opioid analgesics[strong] : Fentanyl, etc. CQ27CQ2721. Type and usage of selective drugs for neuropathic pain22.Other antidepressants CQ28CQ2823.Anti-epileptics CQ29CQ2924.N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonists CQ30CQ3025.Anti-arrhythmic drug CQ31CQ3126.Chinese herbal medicine CQ32CQ32

□Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

□Ⅱ. Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

■Ⅲ. Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain                

□Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

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172 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

13.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain 

CQ15: What are indexes of treatment effects of pharmacotherapy for neuro-pathic pain and the level of recommendation for respective drugs ?

 For treatment effects of pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain, focus should be placed not only on the improvement of pain but also on patients’ QOL. Out of all analgesics approved in Japan, tricyclic antidepressant (amitripty-

Figure 5 Neuropathic pain pharmacotherapy algorithm in Japan

Neuropathic pain pharmacotherapy algorithm

The first-line drugs[efficacy has been confirmed in multiple diseases and conditions]

The second-line drugs

The third-line drugs

[efficacy has been confirmed in one pathological condition]

◇Ca2+ channel α2δ ligandsPregabalin, gabapentin

◇Serotonin and noradrenalin reuptake inhibitor

◇An extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of  rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus◇Tramadol


◇Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)Amitriptyline, nortriptyline, imipramine

◇Opioid analgesicsFentanyl, morphine, oxycodone, buprenorphine

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line), pregabalin, and duloxetine Note 1 are recommended as the first‒line drugs, and tramadol and an extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inocu-lated with vaccinia virus as the second‒line drugs. The third‒line drugs could be opioid analgesics except for tramadol. However, we should be careful in clinical use as the names of insurance‒approved diseases are different for each drug. For a long‒term use of opioid analgesics including tramadol and intro-duction of opioid analgesics, it is desirable to receive a collaborative consulta-tion from a pain management specialist. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1B

Comments: Pathological conditions and diseases associated with neuropathic pain vary greatly Note 2;it is extremely difficult to conduct a clinical study for each one of the conditions and diseases. Therefore, in this guideline, we aim to present rec-ommendations for neuropathic pain and selected drugs, which would have a potential to demonstrate analgesic effects on multiple diseases associated with neuropathic pain and have been approved in Japan as analgesis, were selected as the first‒line drugs. For recommendation of the second‒line drugs, we se-lected analgesic drugs which are effective for only 1 type of diseases associated with neuropathic pain (Figure 5). Opioid analgesics are shown to be effective for multiple diseases associated with neuropathic pain. However, we consider them as the third‒line drugs because there have safety concerns for a long‒term use. Of all opioid analgesics, tramadol has been exceptionally classified as the second‒line drug as its improvement effect on QOL is relatively high and its risk of developing addiction is low. It is desirable to receive a collaborative consultation from a pain management specialist when considering a long‒term administration of opioid analgesics including tramadol.

13-1.First‒line drugs

Pregabalin/gabapentin Pregabalin Note 1 inhibits the release of excitatory neurotransmitters by com-bining with α2δ subunits of voltage‒dependent Ca2+ channels in the central nervous system. It has been shown to induce significant analgesic effects on postherpetic neuralgia1‒5), pain and numbness associated with diabetic neuropa-thy6‒14), and pain after spinal cord injury15,16) compared to placebo and improves sleep disturbance, depression and anxiety associated with neuropathic pain;These favorable effects can be clearly obseved not only in pain but also in pa-tients’ QOL. Further, its analgesic effects have been also confirmed for radicu-

Note 1: Duloxetine: approved for depression, chronic low back pain,pain-ful diabetic neuropathy. For precautions when using this drug for pain, appropriate-ness of administration of this drug should be judged carefully taking into consideration the risk of developing psychiatric symp-toms such as suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt, hostility and aggression.

Note 2:Refer to Table 1 “Diseases associated with neuropathic pain”

Note 1:Pregabalin:approved for neuropathic pain

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lopathy17) and for the pain after spinal cord injury and post‒stroke pain 16,18). Although pregabalin may induce adverse effect such as sleepiness, lighthead-edness, and dizziness, requiring careful and gradual increase in dose, tolerabili-ty is relatively high19). The dose needs to be reduced however in patients with decreased renal function. The initial dose of pregabalin is supposed to be 150 mg/day, twice a day after breakfast and dinner to start with. While in elderly patients and in those who are at the risk of emerging adverse effects, it can be started at 25‒75 mg/day once daily at bedtime. Similar to pregabalin, gabapentin Note 2 and gabapentin enacarbil Note 3 are also the drugs which act as α2δ subunit ligands for Ca2+ channels. Neither one of these drugs has been approved as an analgesic agent in Japan. However, in overseas, analgesic effects and improvement effects of QOL have been re-vealed with gabapentin in multiple diseases associated with neuropathic pain;hence, it is considered as the first‒line drug in those countries 20).

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) TCAs Note 4 are significantly effective for a variety of peripheral and central neuropathic pain compared to placebo. It has been revealed that analgesic properties of TCAs are different from those of antidepressant mechanism. Out of all TCAs, analgesic effects of amitriptyline for neuropathic pain were nearly consistent in various diseases and pathological conditions, regardless of their types, such as postherpetic neuralgia21‒23), pain and numbness associated with diabetic neuropathy24,25), traumatic nerve injury26) and cerebral stroke27). It is known that there is no difference in analgesic effects between the tertiary amine TCAs (amitriptyline and imipramine) which show well‒balanced sero-tonin‒noradrenaline reuptake inhibition and the secondary amine TCA (nor-triptyline) which shows relatively selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibi-tion28,29);hence, the secondary amine TCA (nortriptyline) is considered more favorable than the tertiary amine TCAs (amitriptyline and imipramine) for be-ing superior in tolerability but equivalent in analgesic effects. It has been par-ticularly reported for elderly patients that incidence of fall and cardiac sudden death increase at doses higher than 75 mg and 100 mg, respectively;hence TCAs should be used carefully, starting from a low dose 20).As majority of clinical studies using TCAs had been conducted before the year 2000, improve-ment effects on QOL are still unknown due to lack of appropriate evaluations made on QOL.

Serotonin‒noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) Duloxetine Note 5 is one of the serotonin‒noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) which is safer to use compared to TCAs and is a good option for pa-

Note 2:Gabapentin:approved for partial seizureNote 3:Gabapentin enacabil:approved for idiopathic restless legs syndrome

Note 4:Amitriptyline has been approved for depres-sion and neuropathic pain, and other TCAs for depres-sion.

Note 5: Duloxetine: approved for depression, chronic low back pain,pain-ful diabetic neuropathy. For precautions when using this drug for pain, appropriate-ness of administration of this drug should be judged carefully taking into consideration the risk of developing psychiatric symp-toms such as suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt, hostility and aggression. SNRI:serotonin-noradrena-line re-uptake inhibitor

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tients with cardiac diseases. The analgesic mechanism of SNRI is considered to be induced by activation of the descending pain inhibitory system. The analge-sic effect of duloxetine has been demonstrated compared to placebo in a clini-cal study on pain and numbness associated with diabetic neuropathy30‒34), and its safety has been confirmed in a 52 week‒study35,36). In addition, analgesic ef-fects on cancer chemotherapy‒induced neuropathy37) and low back pain associ-ated with radiculopathy38) have been also observed. Of all adverse effects of duloxetine observed in clinical studies conducted in Japan, incidence of somno-lence and nausea were 5% or above and were significantly higher than that of placebo though the severity was either weak or moderate35). In order to inhibit development of adverse reactions during the initial treatment stage, adminis-tration of this drug is started at a dose of 20 mg/day and increased up to the optimal dose (maintenance dose) at 40‒60 mg/day in 1‒2 weeks. The analgesic effect of duloxetine is obtained at this dose of 40‒60 mg/day in 1 week after the start of treatment35). The analgesic effects of once daily administration at 60 mg/day and those of twice daily administration of 60 mg/day are reported-ly equivalent, while incidence of adverse reactions are lower with the twice‒daily administration of 60 mg/day30).It has been clearly shown that duloxetine improved not only pain but also QOL as well exclusively in patients with pe-ripheral neuropathy. In addition to duloxetine, two other SNRIs, venlafaxine Note 6 and milnacipran Note 7 are available in Japan. It has been shown that venlafaxine has analgesic effects on multiple diseases associated with neuropathic pain, and the level of recommendation is equivalent to that of duloxetine in overseas20). While for milnacipran, its efficacy has not been revealed as there is no high‒quality clinical study report available on its use for neuropathic pain39).

13-2.Second‒line drugs

Extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virusNote 8

 In clinical studies conducted only in Japan, the extract from inflamed cutane-ous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus was shown to be effective particularly for postherpetic neuralgia, a type of peripheral neuropathic pain40,41). In addition to the analgesic effects, there are other features with this drug such as that it does not induce serious adverse reactions and the tolera-bility is very high. It has been used for more than 20 years in clinical practice in Japan and has been highly safe. Although sleep disorder associated with pain improved, efficacy for other aspects of QOL has not yet been evaluated. The patients with postherpetic neuralgia are treated with twice‒daily adminis-

Note 6:Venlafaxine: approved for depression/depressive state Note 7:Milnacipran: approved for depression/depressive state

Note 8:Extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccine virus: approved for post-herpetic neuralgia, low back pain, cervicobrachial syndrome, scapulohumeral periarthritis,osteoarthritis

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tration, in the morning and in evening, of 4 tables per day.

Opioid analgesic [weak]Note 9:tramadol Tramadol Note 10 acts as both a μ‒opioid receptor agonist and SNRI. It is cate-gorized as an opioid analgesic [weak], which is not designated as a restricted opioid for medical use. However, unlike pentazocine or buprenorphine, trama-dol acts as a full agonist for μ‒opioid receptors;there is no ceiling effect, and analgesic effects can be obtained dose‒dependently (though the upper limit of its dose is at 400 mg/day in clinical practice as a risk of seizure has been reported at a high‒dose). The analgesic effects of tramadol have been demonstrated for painful diabetic neuropathy42,43), postherpetic neuralgia44) and cancer‒related neuropathic pain45), and improvement effects on QOL have been also confirmed. Although development of addiction is very unlikely46), cautions are required for a long‒term use;it is desirable to use this drug relatively for a short‒term. Adverse effects (e.g. constipation, sleepiness, vomiting) induced by tramadol are generally milder than those of other opioid analgesics, and with both anal-gesic effects and QOL improvement effects, tramadol is given priority over other opioid analgesics. However, it is recommended not as the first‒line but as the second‒line drug due to safety concerns associated with a long‒term use20). For tramadol, oral forms and intravenous form are available in Japan. There are three forms of oral drugs:acetaminophen combination tablets (tablets), orally disintegrating (OD) tablets, and sustained‒release tablets. The dosage form of orally‒disintegrating tablets can be either 25 mg or 50 mg, and are rapidly released. Acetaminophen combination tablets are fast‒releasing drugs containing 37.5 mg of tramadol and 325 mg of acetaminophen. The dosage of the sustained‒release tablets is 100 mg. When using tramadol, it is desirable to administer in dose‒escalation manner starting from a small amount so that higher tolerability will be achieved. After introducing/dose‒escalating the rapid‒release drug, it can be switched to a sustained‒release drug. This is an idealistic way to maintain medication adherence.

13-3.Third‒line drugs

Opioid analgesic Opioid analgesics are effective for a variety of diseases associated with pe-ripheral and central neuropathic pain, including painful diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia. There is abundant evidence for morphine Note 11 47‒49) and oxycodone Note 12 50‒52). Transdermal fentanyl preparation Note 13 53,54) of 1‒day patch type and 3‒day patch type have been approved for moderate‒severe

Note 9:Opioid analgesic [weak]:opioid analgesics approved for weak painNote 10:Tramadol:approved for chronic pain, cancer pain

Note 11: Ethylmorphine hydrochloride:approved for intensive painMorphine hydrochloride oral liquid preparation / suppository /Morphine sulfate sustained release tablet: approved for moderate-severe cancer painNote 12: Oxycodone hydrochloride sustained release tablet / powder : approved for moderate-se-vere cancer painNote 13:Transdermal fentanyl preparation:3-day patch type has been approved for moderate-se-vere chronic pain and cancer pain when switching from a narcotic analgesic. 1-day type has been approved for moderate-severe cancer pain when switching from other opioid analgesics.Note 14: Buprenorphine hydrochloride:approved for postoperative pain and cancer pain. Transdermal sustained release preparation has been approved for chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis / low back pain, which are difficult to be treated by non-opioid analgesics.

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cancer pain when switching from other opioid. Buprenorphine hydrochloride Note 14 54) is a partial agonist for μ‒opioid receptors, showing equivalent efficacy. Incidence of adverse effects (e.g. nausea, constipation, sleepiness) induced by opioid analgesics is relatively high, and these could persist for a long time throughout the treatment period55). Moreover, there is no systematic investiga-tion made on long‒term safety of these opioid analgesics. Opioid analgesics might not be essentially safer than other drugs due to adverse effects such as development of hypogonadism or addiction though the incidence is low. Hence, it is desirable to receive a collaborative consultation from a pain management specialist when using opioid analgesics [moderate and strong]Note 15 listed in this chapter. Effective dosages of opioid analgesics vary greatly among patients;either one of the following treatment‒initiation methods is performed accord-ing to the individuals’ clinical situations. Opioid analgesics described here should be considered after treatment with tramadol;10‒15 mg of morphine hydrochloride, a short‒acting opioid analgesic, is divided into 5‒6 doses (every 4 hours) per day. Once the daily dose is determined, approximately, it is re-placed by a long‒acting opioid analgesic Note 16. Otherwise, a treatment can be started from the minimum dose of a long‒acting opioid analgesic Note 17. It is de-sirable to administer opioid analgesics in a fixed schedule, and not in per‒re-quest medication. The maintenance dose of opioid analgesics is determined by gradually increasing/decreasing the dose, using the degree of severity of ad-verse effects, which emerge even with (a) analgesic effects and improvement effects on QOL, and (b) adequate measures (laxative for constipation), as a clini-cal index. We need to always continue evaluations on abuse or addiction when a patient is treated with an opioid analgesic. The recommended maintenance dose of an opioid analgesic is 15‒120 mg/day when converted to morphine hy-drochloride.

References 1) Dworkin RH, Corbin AE, Young JP Jr., et al : Pregabalin for the treat-

ment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 1274‒1283[1b]

2) Sabatowski R, Galvez R, Cherry DA, et al : Pregabalin reduces pain and improves sleep and mood disturbances in patients with post‒herpetic neuralgia : Results of a randomised, placebo‒controlled clinical trial. Pain 2004 ; 109 : 26‒35[1b]

3) Stacey BR, Barrett JA, Whalen E, et al : Pregabalin for postherpetic neu-ralgia : Placebo‒controlled trial of fixed and flexible dosing regimens on allodynia and time to onset of pain relief. J Pain 2008 ; 9 : 1006‒1017[1b]

4) van Seventer R, Feister HA, Young JP Jr., et al : Efficacy and tolerability of twice‒daily pregabalin for treating pain and related sleep interference in postherpetic neuralgia : A 13‒week, randomized trial. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 375‒384[1b]

Note 15:Opioid analgesics [moderate and strong]:opioid analgesics approved for moderate and strong pain

Note 16:No drug has been approved in Japan for such a use.Note 17:Only fentanyl patch has been approved in Japan for non-cancer neuropathic pain. Oxycodon is now being developed for moderate-severe chronic pain

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51) Watson CPN, Babul N : Efficacy of oxycodone in neuropathic pain : A ra-domized trial in postherpetic neuralgia. Neurology 1998 ; 50 : 1837‒1841[1b]

52) Watson CPN, Moulin D, Watt‒Watson J, et al : Controlled‒release oxyco-done relieves neuropathic pain : A randomized controlled trial in painful diabetic neuropathy. Pain 2003 ; 105 : 71‒78[1b]

53) Miyazaki H, Hanaoka K, Namiki A, et al : A clinical study I of Durotep® MT patch in chronic non‒cancer pain patients : Four week and a long‒term (52 week) application. Journal of New Remedies & Clinics 2010 ; 59 : 157‒180[1b]

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buprenorphine and transdermal fentanyl in the treatment of neuropathic pain in AIDS patients. Minerva Anesthesiol 2013 ; 79 : 871‒883[2c]

55) Watson CPN, Watt‒Watson JH, Chipman ML : Chronic non‒cancer pain and the long term utility of opioids. Pain Res Manage 2004 ; 9 : 19‒24[5]

CQ16: What is the level of recommendation of NSAIDs and acetamino-phen for neuropathic pain ?

 There is no high‒quality evidence on analgesic effects of NSAIDs used for neuropathic pain;NSAIDs are not recommended for neuropathic pain. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1B

Comments: There is no high‒quality study which demonstrated efficacy of NSAIDs, in-cluding selective cyclooxygenase (COX)‒2 inhibitor, for neuropathic pain. NSAIDs are not recommended in a systematic analysis either. However, a con-comitant use of NSAIDs in addition to the treatments for neuropathic pain might be considered when a mixed pain condition, where neuropathic pain is complicated by nociceptive pain (especially inflammatory pain), is expected to occur 1). Acetaminophen is not recommended as there is also no high‒quality study which showed its efficacy for neuropathic pain. It is not recommended for the mixed pain condition either as there is hardly any anti‒inflammatory effects with acetaminophen.

参考文献 1) Romano CL, Romano D, Bonora C, et al : Pregabalin, celecoxib, and their

combination for treatment of chronic low‒back pain. J Orthopaed Trau-matol 2009 ; 10 : 185‒191[3b]

2) NICE clinical guideline 2013‒Neuropathic pain in adults:Pharmacologi-cal management in non‒specialist settings

NSAIDs:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs


Mixed pain condition

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182 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

14.Calcium (Ca2+) channel α2δ ligandCQ17: What is the level of recommendation of pregabalin for neuropathic


 Analgesic effects of pregabalin for not only peripheral but also central neuro-pathic pain have been revealed in high‒quality clinical studies;it is the only drug which has been approved for indications of neuropathic pain in general (central and peripheral). The efficacy of pregabailin has been demonstrated not only for the analgesic effects on neuropathic pain but also for improvement ef-fects on both ADL and QOL, such as depression, anxiety, and sleep disorder associated with neuropathic pain. Therefore, pregabalin is recommended as the first‒line drug. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1A

Comments: Pregabalin Note 1 inhibits the release of excitatory neurotransmitters by com-bining with α2δ subunits of voltage‒dependent Ca2+ channel in the central nervous system and shows significant analgesic effects, compared to placebo, on postherpetic neuralgia1,2), pain and numbness associated with diabetic neu-ropathy3), and pain after spinal cord injury4). Neuropathic pain is complicated by various comorbidities other than pain, such as sleep disorder, decreased ac-tivity level, depression, anxiety, dry month, and loss of appetitite5), and the con-dition can be aggravated when a negative spiral of ADL and QOL is formed by these factors. Of these, approximately 60% of patients with neuropathic pain complain of moderate or severe sleep disorder, and their QOL has been severely affected. Pregabalin is not only shown to be effective for sleep disor-der associated with neuropathic pain2,6) but also on depression and anxiety as-sociated with neuropathic pain, leading to remarkable improvement in ADL and QOL. Considering these clinical efficacy, pregabalin has been consistently recommended as the first‒line drug in various management plans. The Ca2+ channel α2δ a ligands, other than pregabalin, include gabapentin Note 2 and gabapentin enacarbil Note 3. Gabapentin is shown to be effective for multiple types of neuropathic pain and on improvement of QOL, and is considered as the first‒line drug in overseas countries7). Gabapentin enacarbil is a new drug in Japan with which only a few reports are available for neuropathic pain. However, the results of these studies have been suggesting potential efficacy of this drug on neuropathic pain, as well as efficacy in patients whose condi-tions have been resistant to gabapentin8,9). It requires attentions however as

Note 1:Pregabalin:approved for neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia

Note 2:Gabapentin: approved for partial seizureNote 3:Gabapentin enacarbil: approved for idiopathic rest-less legs syndrome

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18314.Calcium channel (Ca2+) α2δ ligand

neither one of these drugs has been approved as analgesics.

References 1) Dworkin RH, Corbin AE, Young JP Jr., et al : Pregabalin for the treat-

ment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 1274‒1283[1b]

2) Ogawa S, Suzuki M, Arakawa A, et al : Efficacy and Safety of pregabalin for post‒herpetic neuralgia : A multicenter collaborative randomized pla-cebo control double blind comparative study. Journal of Japan Society of Pain Clinicians 2010 ; 17 : 141‒152[1b]

3) Arezzo JC, Rosenstock J, Lamoreaux L, et al : Efficacy and safety of pre-gabalin 600 mg/day for treating painful diabetic peripheral neuropa-thy : A double‒blind placebo‒controlled trial. BMC Neurology 2008 ; 8 : 33

[1b] 4) Cardenas DD, Nieshoff EC, Suda K, et al : A randomized trial of pregaba-

lin in patients with neuropathic pain due to spinal cord injury. Neurolo-gy 2013 ; 80 : 533‒539[1b]

5) Meyer‒Rosberg K, Kvamstrom A, Kinnman E, et al : Peripheral neuro-pathic pain : A multidimensional burden for patients. Eur J Pain 2001 ; 5 : 379‒389

6) Satoh J, Yagihashi S, Baba M, et al : Efficacy and safety of pregabalin for treating neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropa-thy : A 14‒week, randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Dia-bet Med 2011 ; 28 : 109‒116[1b]

7) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173

8) Zhang L, Rainka M, Freeman R, et al : A randomized, double‒blind, pla-cebo‒controlled trial to assess the efficacy and safety of gabapentin enacarbil in subjects with neuropathic pain associated with postherpetic neuralgia(PXN110748). J Pain 2013 ; 14 : 590‒603[1b]

9) Harden RN, Freeman R, Rainka M, et al : A phase 2a, randomized, cross-over trial of gabapentin enacarbil for the treatment of postherpetic neu-ralgia in gabapentin inadequate responders. Pain Med 2013 ; 14 : 1918‒1932[1b]

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184 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

15.Tricyclic antidepressant

CQ18: Are tricyclic antidepressants effective for neuropathic pain ?

 NNT for neuropathic pain is the lowest with tricyclic antidepressants, and those of strong opioid and tramadol are almost equivalent. NTTs of SNRI, gab-apentin and pregabalin are slightly higher than that of tricyclic antidepressants (TCA). TCA is one of the most effective drugs for neuropathic pain and is ef-fective for the treatment. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1B

Comments: For the efficacy of analgesic drugs, NNT and NNH of TCAs for neuropathic pain in a systematic review published in 2015 1) were reported to be 3.6 and 13.4, respectively. NNT is quantified by a stochastic index “how many patients need to be treated in order for one patient to achieve reduction of pain by more than 50%”. Thus, NNT is a useful index to take a general view of analgesic effects of various drugs. However, it should be noted that NNT is not an absolute in-dex which can be used in the actual clinical practice as each designs of ran-domized controlled trials (RCTs) had been heterogeneous, the duration of the study period was too short in most of the RCTs, and the goal of the treatment for neuropathic pain is not only to relieve the pain but also to improve ADL and QOL;moreover, although 50% pain intensity reduction is included as the efficacy criteria of NNT, even 30% pain intensity reduction could be meaning-ful in terms of QOL. This would apply to NNH, which is an index for adverse reactions. It has been shown in RCTs that TCAs induce significant analgesic effects for a variety of peripheral and central neuropathic pain such as painful diabetic neuropathy2‒4), postherpetic neuralgia5‒8), pain after traumatic nerve injury9), central post‒stroke pain10), and pain after spinal cord injury11). It has been also revealed that analgesic effects of TCAs are not related to the antidepressant effects, and that analgesic effects can be obtained at a lower dose in a shorter period of time compared to the antidepressant effects. The major mechanism of analgesic effects is activation of the descending pain inhibitory system through the serotonin‒noradrenaline reuptake inhibi-tion. In addition, NMDA receptor antagonistic action and Na+ channel blocking action are involved12,13). Adverse reactions include anticholinergic effects such as dry month and constipation;attention is needed for cardiotoxicity as

NNT:number needed to treat Number of patients that need to be treated in order for one to benefit.SNRI:serotonin-noradrena-line reuptake inhibitorTCA:tricyclic antidepressant NNH:number needed to harm

RCT:randomized controlled trial

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18515.Tricyclic antidepressant

well14,15). With higher quality evidences and lower price, TCAs are considered more cost‒effective than antidepressants or anti‒epileptic agents1,16).

CQ19: What kind of drugs are included in the tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) ? How can we differentiate them when we use?

 Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) can be classified into tertiary amine TCAs (amitriptyline, imipramine, clomipramine) and secondary amine TCAs (nortrip-tyline, desipramine), which are active metabolites of the tertiary amine TCAs. The analgesic effects are slightly more prominent in the tertiary amine TCAs, while the tolerability for adverse reactions is greater in the secondary amine TCAs. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1B

Comments: For TCAs, there are tertiary amine TCAs (amitriptyline, imipramine, clomip-ramine) which induce well‒balanced serotonin‒noradrenaline reuptake inhibi-tion, and secondary amine TCA (nortriptyline, desipramine) which inhibits rela-tively selective noradrenaline reuptake. Although the tertiary amine TCAs may be slightly superior in analgesic effects over the secondary amine TCAs (NNT for painful polyneuropathy:2.1 vs 2.5, NTT for postherpetic neural-gia:2.5 vs 3.1) the incidence of adverse reactions is higher;the secondary amine TCAs are superior in terms of tolerability. It is worth trying to switch TCAs to obtain better analgesic effects or to reduce adverse reactions when either one of the TCAs was ineffective or when tolerability was too low for ad-verse reactions. The administration can be started at a low dose of 10‒25 mg/day (10 mg/day in elderly patients) and gradually increase up to 25‒150 mg/day13,17,18).

Amitriptyline Note 1

 There are some RCTs which show analgesic effects of amitriptyline5,10,11) and the quality of evidence is moderate1). Most of the studies were conducted in small‒scale and there was a risk of bias. However, the quality of the studies was satisfactory. Although amitriptyline is effective for neuropathic pain and is the first‒line drug, not many patients can achieve adequate pain relief19).

Imipramine Note 2

 Imipramine is a tertiary amine TCA, as amitriptyline, and effective for neu-ropathic pain. The analgesic effects of imipramine have been reported in some RCTs20‒23). However, the evidence level was low due to small sample size and

Note 1:Amitriptyline: approved and marketed as an antidepressant and a treatment for enuresis. In August 2015, “peripheral neuropathic pain” was added as an indication.

Note 2:Imipramine:approved and marketed as an anti-depressant and a treatment for enuresis; off-la-bel use is allowed occasion-ally for depressive symptoms associated with chronic pain.

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186 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

short duration of the observation period24).

Clomipramine Note 3

 Analgesic effects of clomipramine have been reported in RCT25). However, the evidence level was low due to small sample size and short duration of the observation period. Clomipramine is the only TCA drug which can be adminis-tered intravenously;it can be used when a rapid effect is required or when an oral intake is ineffective26,27).

Nortriptyline Note 4

 Nortriptyline is a major metabolite of amitriptyline with less adverse reac-tions. Analgesic effects of nortriptyline have been studied in some RCT, though the efficacy varied among these studied28‒32). In any of the RCT, the evidence level was low due to small sample size and short duration of the observation period. Nortriptyline should not be used as the first‒line drug for neuropathic pain;it can be used when a patient did not respond to any other TCAs33)/

Desipramine Efficacy for postherpetic neuralgia and painful diabetic neuropathy has been shown in RCT34,35). As a secondary amine TCA, desipramine may also induce analgesic effects, which are similar to those of imipramine. However, it is no longer available in the market, and prescription is not currently allowed in Ja-pan.

References 1) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-

ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173[1a]

2) Max MB, Culnane M, Schafer SC, et al : Amitriptyline relieves diabetic neuropathy pain in patients with normal or depressed mood. Neurology 1987 ; 37 : 589‒596[1b]

3) Boyle J, Eriksson ME, Gribble L, et al : Randomized, placebo‒controlled comparison of amitriptyline, duloxetine, and pregabalin in patients with chronic diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain : Impact on pain, polysom-nographic sleep, daytime functioning, and quality of life. Diabetes Care 2012 ; 35 : 2451‒2458[1b]

4) Jose VM, Bhansali A, Hota D, et al : Randomized double‒blind study comparing the efficacy and safety of lamotrigine and amitriptyline in painful diabetic neuropathy. Diabet Med 2007 ; 24 : 377‒383[1b]

5) Bowsher D : The effects of pre‒emptive treatment of postherpetic neu-ralgia with amitriptyline : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒con-trolled trial. J Pain Symptom Manage 1997 ; 13 : 327‒331[1b]

6) Graff‒Radford SB, Shaw LR, Naliboff BN : Amitriptyline and fluphenazine in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia. Clin J Pain

Note 3:Clomipramine:approved and marketed as an anti-depressant, a treatment for enuresis and cataplexy of narcolepsy ; off-label use is allowed occasionally for depressive symptoms associated with chronic pain.

Note 4:Nortriptyline:approved and marketed as an anti-depressant. off-label use is allowed occasionally for depressive symptoms associated with chronic pain.

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18715.Tricyclic antidepressant

2000 ; 16 : 188‒192[1b] 7) Watson CP, Vernich L, Chipman M, et al : Nortriptyline versus amitrip-

tyline in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized trial. Neurology 1998 ; 51 : 1166‒1171[1b]

8) Watson CP, Chipman M, Reed K, et al : Amitriptyline versus maprotiline in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, double‒blind, crossover trial. Pain 1992 ; 48 : 29‒36[1b]

9) Wilder‒Smith CH, Hill LT, Laurent S : Postamputation pain and sensory changes in treatment‒naive patients : characteristics and responses to treatment with tramadol, amitriptyline, and placebo. Anesthesiology 2005 ; 103 : 619‒628[1b]

10) Leijon G, Boivie J : Central post‒stroke pain‒a controlled trial of amitrip-tyline and carbamazepine. Pain 1989 ; 36 : 27‒36[1b]

11) Rintala DH, Holmes SA, Courtade D, et al : Comparison of the effective-ness of amitriptyline and gabapentin on chronic neuropathic pain in per-sons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2007 ; 88 : 1547‒1560[1b]

12) Dick IE, Brochu RM, Purohit Y, et a : Sodium channel blockade may con-tribute to the analgesic efficacy of antidepressants. J Pain 2007 ; 8 : 315‒324[2c]

13) Gilron I, Watson CP, Cahill CM, et al : Neuropathic pain : A practical guide for the clinician. CMAJ 2006 ; 175 : 265‒275[1a]

14) Ray WA, Meredith S, Thapa PB, et al : Cyclic antidepressants and the risk of sudden cardiac death. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2004 ; 75 : 234‒241

[2b]15) Miura N, Saito T, Taira T, et al : Risk factors for QT prolongation associ-

ated with acute psychotropic drug overdose. Am J Emerg Med 2015 ; 33 : 142‒149[2b]

16) O’Connor AB, Noyes K, Holloway RG : A cost‒effectiveness comparison of desipramine, gabapentin, and pregabalin for treating postherpetic neuralgia. J Am Geriatr Soc 2007 ; 55 : 1176‒1184[2b]

17) Finnerup NB, Otto M, McQuay HJ, et al : Algorithm for neuropathic pain treatment : An evidence based proposal. Pain 2005 ; 118 : 289‒305[1a]

18) Attal N, Bouhassira D : Pharmacotherapy of neuropathic pain : Which drugs, which treatment algorithms? Pain 2015 ; 156(Suppl 1) : S104‒S114[1a]

19) Moore RA, Derry S, Aldington D, et al : Amitriptyline for neuropathic pain in adults. Cochrane Databases Syst Rev. 2015 ; 6 ; 7 : CD008242. Doi : 10. 1002/14651858. CD008242. Pub3. Review[1a]

20) Kvinesdal B, Molin J, Froland A, et al : Imipraminetreatment for painful diabetic neuropathy. J Am Med Association 1984 ; 251 : 1727‒1730[1b]

21) Sindrup SH, Gram LF, Brosen K, et al : The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor paroxetine is effective in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy symptoms. Pain 1990 ; 42 : 135‒144[1b]

22) Sindrup SH, Tuxen C, Gram LF, et al : Lack of effect of mianserin on the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1992 ; 43 : 251‒255[1b]

23) Sindrup SH, Bach FW, Madsen C, et al : Venlafaxine versus imipramine in painful polyneuropathy : A randomized, controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 1284‒1289[1b]

24) Hearn L, Derry S, Phillips T, et al : Imipramine for neuropathic pain in

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188 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

adults. Cochrane Databases Syst Rev 2014 ; 19 ; 5 : CD010769. Doi : 10. 1002/14651858. CD010769. Pub2. Review[1a]

25) Sindrup SH, Gram LF, Skjold TE, et al : Clomipramine vs desipramine vs placebo in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy symptoms : A double‒blind cross‒over study. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1990 ; 30 : 683‒691[1b]

26) Yanaki M, Iwade M, Yamagata K, et al : Two cases of medicinal treat-ment of diabetic post treatment painful neuropathy. Masui 2013 ; 62 : 1400‒1405[4]

27) Fallon BA, Liebowitz MR, Campeas R, et al : Intravenous clomipramine for obsessive‒compulsive disorder refractory to oral clomipramine : A placebo‒controlled study. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1998 ; 55 : 918‒924[1b]

28) Hammack JE, Michalak JC, Loprinzi CL, et al : Phase III evaluation of nortriptyline for alleviation of symptoms of cis‒platinum induced periph-eral neuropathy. Pain 2002 ; 98 : 195‒203[1b]

29) Khoromi S, Cui L, Nackers L, et al : Nortriptyline and their combination vs. placebo in patients with chronic lumbar root pain. Pain 2007 ; 130 : 66‒75[1b]

30) Panerai AE, Monza G, Movilia P, et al : A randomized, within‒patient, cross‒over, placebo‒controlled trial on the efficacy and tolerability of the tricyclic antidepressants chlorimipramine and nortriptyline in central pain. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 1990 ; 82 : 34‒38[1b]

31) Raja SN, Haythornthwaite JA, Pappagallo M, et al : Opioids versus anti-depressants in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2002 ; 59 : 1015‒1021[1b]

32) Gomez‒Perez FJ, Rull JA, Dies H, et al : Nortriptyline and fluphenazine in the symptomatic treatment of diabetic neuropathy : A double‒blind cross‒over study. Pain 1985 ; 23 : 395‒400[1b]

33) Derry S, Wiffen PJ, Aldington D, et al : Nortriptyline for neuropathic pain in adults. Cochrane Databases Syst Rev. 2015 ; 8 ; 1 : CD011209. Doi : 10. 1002/14651868. CD11209. Pub2. Review[1a]

34) Max MB, Kishore‒Kumar R, Schafer SC, et al : Efficacy of desipramine in painful diabetic neuropathy : A placebo‒controlled trial. Pain 1991 ; 45 : 3‒9. [00]

35) Kishore‒Kumar R, Max MB, Schafer SC, et al : Desipramine relieves pos-therpetic neuralgia. Neurology 1990 ; 47 : 305‒312. [1b]

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18916.Serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)

16.Serotonin‒noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)      

CQ20: Are SNRIs effective for neuropathic pain?

 Duloxetine which is one of the serotonin‒noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor is recommended as efficacy was observed for painful diabetic neuropathy with high level of evidence. Venlafaxine may be effective for peripheral neuropathic pain1). The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1A

Comments: SNRIs act on serotonin system and noradrenalin system involved in the de-scending pain inhibitory system and inhibits serotonin‒noradrenaline reuptake. It is considered that analgesic effects are induced when serotonin and nor-adrenaline levels increase between synapses, and serotonin and noradrenaline neurotransmissions are intensified. There are less adverse reactions induced by anticholinergic effects such as dry mouth or orthostatic hypotension, com-pared to TCAs. Attention is needed for nausea, however. For one of the SNRIs, duloxetine Note 1, many RCTs were conducted for pain-ful diabetic neuropathy, and high efficacy was observed2‒6). According to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, improvement of pain by 50% or more was observed with duloxetine at 40, 60 and 120 mg Note 2, compared to placebo, during the 12‒week observation period;however, there was no cor-relation between the dose and the degree of improvement. In addition, items for physical functions evaluated by SF‒36 were significantly improved with duloxetine at 60 mg and 120 mg compared to placebo during the 12‒week ob-servation period7). It has been also reported in RCTs that duloxetine is effective for peripheral neuropathy associated with multiple sclerosis8) and central post‒stroke pain9);further evaluations are needed. Venlafaxine Note 3, which is highly recommended in major overseas guidelines, has been approved in Japan as an antidepressant. In RCT for painful diabetic neuropathy, decrease in pain intensity of 50% or more was observed in 56% of patients treated with oral venlafaxine (150‒225 mg) and in 34% of patients who received placebo;NNT of venlafaxine was 4.510). There was also a RCT com-paring venlafaxine with imipramine12), although the level of evaluation was low in Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews1). It appears that efficacy evalua-tion would be difficult in Japan as it is not very commonly prescribed for neu-

Note 1: Duloxetine: approved for depression, chronic low back pain,pain-ful diabetic neuropathy. For precautions when using this drug for pain, appropriate-ness of administration of this drug should be judged carefully taking into consideration the risk of developing psychiatric symp-toms such as suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt, hostility and aggression. Note 2:Duloxetine 120mg has not yet been approved in Japan

Note 3:Venlafaxine:approved as an anti-depres-sant; not approved as for neuropathic pain yet

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190 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

ropathic pain. As for milnacipran, there is no RCT reported for neuropathic pain.

References 1) Gallagher HC, Gallagher RM, Butler M, et al : Venlafaxine for neuropathic

pain in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Aug 23 ; 8 : CD011091. doi : 10. 1002/14651858. CD011091. pub2

2) Goldstein DJ, Lu Y, Detke MJ, et al : Duloxetine vs. placebo in patients with painful diabetic neuropathy. Pain 2005 ; 116 : 109‒118[1b]

3) Raskin J, Pritchett YL, Wang F, et al : A double‒blind, randomized multi-center trial comparing duloxetine with placebo in the management of di-abetic peripheral neuropathic pain. Pain Med 2005 ; 6 : 346‒356[1b]

4) Wernicke JF, Pritchett YL, D’Souza, et al : A randomized controlled trial of duloxetine in diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. Neurology 2006 ; 67 : 1411‒1420[1b]

5) Gao Y, Ning G, Jia WP, et al : Duloxetine versus placebo in the treatment of patients with diabetic neuropathic pain in China. Chin Med J(Engl)2010 ; 123 : 3184‒3192[2b]

6) Yasuda H, Hotta N, Nakao K, et al : Superiority of duloxetine to placebo in improving diabetic neuropathic pain : Results of a randomized con-trolled trial in Japan. J Diabetes Investig 2011 ; 2 : 132‒139[1b]

7) Lunn MP, Hughes RA, Wiffen RJ, et al : Duloxetine for treating painful neuropathy, chronic pain or fibromyalgia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Jan 3 ; 1 : CD007115[1a]

8) Vollmer TL, Robinson MJ, Risser RC, et al : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial of duloxetine for the treatment of pain in pa-tients with multiple sclerosis. Pain Pract 2014 ; 14 : 732‒744[1b]

9) Brown TR, Slee A : A randomized placebo‒controlled trial of duloxetine for central pain in multiple sclerosis. Int J MS Care 2015 ; 17 : 83‒89[1b]

10) Rowbotham MC, Goli V, Kunz NR, et al : Venlafaxine extended release in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled study. Pain 2004 ; 110697‒706[1b]

11) Sindrup SH, Bach FW, Madsen C, et al : Venlafaxine versus imipramine in painful polyneuropathy : A randomized, controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 1284‒1289[2b]

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19117.Extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus

17. Extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus

CQ21: What are the features of the extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus?

 It requires a certain length of time until analgesic effects appear;hence, it is desirable to continue the administration for more than 4 weeks in order to evaluate the effects. The incidence and severity of adverse reactions is low and mild, respectively. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2B

Comments: The extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vac-cinia virus is a preparation containing non‒proteinogenic physiologically active substance extracted from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus. There is no description of the generic name as no single active ingredient, which induces analgesic effects by itself, has been identified. Prima-ry pharmacological actions include activation of the descending pain inhibitory system, anti‒inflammatory effects, inhibition of a release of excitatory neuro-peptides, inhibition of sympathetic nerves, improvement of blood flow, and neu-roprotective effects1). Clinical studies were conducted in Japan in patients with neuropathic pain such as postherpetic neuralgia and painful diabetic neuropathy, and the analge-sic effects of this preparation were demonstrated2,3). In a RCT conducted in 228 patients with postherpetic neuralgia, significant improvement of pain was observed in a group which received 4 tablets per day (two tablets twice daily), for 4 weeks, compared to the group which received placebo2). Also in a case‒series study conducted in 36 patients with painful diabetic neuropathy, it was reported that spontaneous pain and numbness improved in more than 65% of the patients after 8 weeks of the administration3). This preparation is characterized, in addition to the analgesic effects, by very high tolerability with no serious adverse reaction. There is no precaution required for concomitant use of other drugs as it does not interact with any drugs. Four tablets per day, two tablets twice daily in the morning and one in the evening, are administered orally to adult patients for postherpetic neuralgia and pain which is likely to become chronic (e.g. low back pain, cervicobrachial syndrome, scapulohumeral periarthritis, and osteoarthritis). The administration should not be continued aimlessly if no effect was observed for 4 weeks4).

Note 1:Extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccine virus: approved for post-herpetic neuralgia, low back pain, cervicobrachial syndrome, scapulohumeral periarthritis,osteoarthritis

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192 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

References 1) Suzuki T : A novel development in action mechanism of Neurotropin®.

Pain Clinic 2010 ; 31 : S441‒S445[5] 2) Yamamura H, Dan K, Wakasugi B, et al : Effects of neurotropin® tablets

on post‒herpetic neuralgia : A placebo‒controlled multicenter double blind study. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 1988 ; 147 : 651‒64[1b]

3) Orimo H, Nakamura T, Ohsawa N, et al : Treatment effects of Neurotro-pin® tablets for diabetic neuropathy. Prog Med 1989 ; 9 : 1153‒1160[4]

4) Neurotropin® : Drug information[4]

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19318.Opioid analgesics [weak]:Tramadol

18.Opioid analgesics [weak] : Tramadol      

CQ22: What is the recommendation of tramadol for neuropathic pain?

 For tramadol, efficacy has been shown for postherpetic neuralgia and painful diabetic neuropathy with improvement effects on QOL. Compared to other opi-oid analgesics, tramadol induces far less addiction and appears to be relatively safe. For long‒term use, it is desirable to receive a collaborative consultation from a pain management specialist. Tramadol should be recommended as a second‒line drug for neuropathic pain. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1A

Comments: Tramadol Note acts as a μ‒opioid receptor agonist and as a SNRI. The affinity (Ki) of tramadol opioid structure for μ‒, δ‒ and κ‒opioid receptors is far less than that of morphine, and the affinity of tramadol amine structure for a mono-amine pump is far less than that of imipramine, which is a tricyclic antidepres-sant. Therefore, analgesic effects of tramadol can be considered as the product of synergistic effects induced by the actions of a μ‒opioid receptor agonist and SNRI. Analgesic effects of tramadol cannot be completely inhibited, even if a μ‒opioid receptor antagonist, naloxone, was administered. Although tramadol is regarded as an opioid analgesic [weak], it is different from other opioid anal-gesics [weak, moderate] such as pentazocine or buprenorphine. Tramadol and its metabolites act as full agonists for μ‒opioid receptors;there is no ceiling effect on analgesic effects for nociceptive pain, and the analgesic effects would be observed dose‒dependently (however, as there is a risk of convulsion at a high dose, the upper limit of its dose has been set at 400 mg/day for clinical use). Out of all types of neuropathic pain, analgesic effects were observed for painful diabetic neuropathy1,2) and postherpetic neuralgia3) along with improve-ment effects on QOL. Although development of addiction is relatively rare for an opioid analgesic4), attention is required for a long‒term use. Hence, it is de-sirable to use it for relatively a short‒term5). Adverse effects (e.g. constipation, sleepiness, vomiting) induced by tramadol are weak, in general, than those of other opioid analgesics. Tramadol is superior to the other opioid analgesics due to its analgesic effects and improvement effects on QOL. However, as there is a safety concern for a long‒term use, tramadol is recommended as a second‒line drug rather than a first‒line drug6). As with many other opioid analgesics and antidepressants, tramadol is me-

Note:Tramadol:approved for chronic pain, cancer pain, pain after tooth extractionSNRI:serotonin-noradrena-line reuptake inhibitor

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194 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

tabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYPs);of these, the most important types are CYP2D6, CYP3A4, and CYP2B6. Therefore, adequate attention is required when tramadol is being used concomitantly with other drugs or food which may affect CYPs. Tramadol preparations are available in Japan for oral and intravenous ad-ministrations. There are three forms of oral drugs:acetaminophen combina-tion tablets, orally disintegrating (OD) tablets, and sustained release tablets. There are 2 dose of orally‒disintegrating tablets:25 mg and 50 mg, and the pharmacokinetics of these forms are almost equivalent to each other;namely, rapid‒releasing. Acetaminophen combination tablets are fast‒releasing drugs containing 37.5 mg of tramadol. The dosages of the sustained‒release tablets are 100 mg. When using tramadol, it is desirable to administer in dose‒escala-tion manner starting from a small amount so that higher tolerability will be achieved. After introducing/dose‒escalating the rapid‒release drug, it can be switched to a sustained‒release drug. This is an idealistic way to maintain medication adherence. Indications for its injection form are limited to postoperative pain and cancer pain, and for the method of administration, only intramuscular injection is per-formed.

References 1) Harati Y, Gooch C, Swenson M, et al : Double‒blind randomized trial of

tramadol for the treatment of the pain of diabetic neuropathy. Neurolo-gy 1998 ; 50 : 1842‒1846. [1b]

2) Sindrup SH, Andersen G, Madsen C, et al : Tramadol relieves pain and allodynia in polyneuropathy : A randomized, double‒blind, controlled tri-al. Pain 1999 ; 83 : 85‒90. [1b]

3) Boureau F, Legallicier P, Kabir‒Ahmadi M : Tramadol in post‒herpetic neuralgia : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Pain 2003 ; 104 : 323‒331. [1b]

4) Cicero TJ, Inciardi JA, Adams EH, et al : Rates of abuse of tramadol re-main unchanged with the introduction of new branded and generic products : Results of an abuse monitoring system, 1994‒2004. Pharmaco-epidemiol drug safe 2005 ; 14 : 851‒859. [1b]

5) NICE clinical guideline 2013‒Neuropathic pain in adults : Pharmacologi-cal management in non‒specialist settings

6) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173. [1b]

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19519.Opioid analgesics [moderate] : Buprenorphine

19.Opioid analgesics [moderate] : Buprenorphine      

CQ23: What are the features of buprenorphine ?

 Buprenorphine is clinically a full agonist for μ‒opioid receptors, and there seems to be no problem using this drug concomitantly with other opioids. It does not induce respiratory depression, immunosuppressive action, or hypogo-nadism either;hence, it is an opioid relatively safe even for elderly people to use. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:none

Comments: Buprenorphine used to be considered as a partial agonist for μ‒opioid recep-tors, which could not be used concomitantly with other opioids or there was a ceiling effect for its action. However, the results of a recent study conducted in humans using radioisotope labeling with buprenorphine revealed that, even though it is a partial agonist in vitro, clinically it can be a full agonist for anal-gesic actions, which can induce a full pain relief with less than 100% of μ‒opi-oid receptor occupancy1). Also in a study of interactions with other μ‒opioid receptor agonists using the tail flick test, additive or synergistic analgesic ef-fects were observed with morphine, oxycodone and hydromorphine2), suggest-ing that there would be no problem using this drug concomitantly with other opioids3‒5).It has been also suggested that, although there is no ceiling effect for pain relief with buprenorphine, there is for respiratory depression;in other words, even if respiratory depression occurred, it could be controlled by a high dose administration of naloxone. Hence, it may be an opioid which can be used safely in clinical practice. 6‒9)

 In addition, it does not induce neither immunosuppressive effects, compared to morphine, oxycodone, and fentanyl10‒11), nor hypogonadism12).Constipa-tion13‒15) and decreased cognitive function are rare for adverse reactions16‒18),and antihyperalgesia effects are observed instead of hyperalgesia which is in-duced by other opioids19). It is an opioid which can be used safely even in high‒risk chronic‒pain patients such as those with renal dysfunction or elderly pa-tients20,21). Buprenorphine preparations available in Japan are injection (indications in-clude postoperative pain, cancer pain, chest pain associated with myocardial in-farction), suppository (indications include postoperative pain, cancer pain), and patches (chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis and low back pain):indica-

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196 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

tions described in the drug information must be complied for each product.

CQ24: Is buprenorphine effective for neuropathic pain?

 Buprenorphine can be effective for neuropathic pain in both animal studies and clinical studies. Its action mechanism seems to involve antihyperalgesia ef-fects or inhibition of diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC). The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments: It has been reported in animal studies that subcutaneous injection of bu-prenorphine is effective for neuropathic pain. Significant improvement was ob-served in mechanical and cold allodynia or hyperalgesia in neuropathic rats af-ter spinal cord injury22), and in diabetic peripheral neuropathy rats, significant improvement was observed in mechanical hyperalgesia23). In clinical studies of buprenorphine, there are many reports which state that it was effective for chronic pain including nociceptive pain. In addition, there are 2 reports which exclusively demonstrated efficacy for neuropathic pain in clinical studies. In a double blind randomized study conducted in patients with pain after thoracotomy, intravenous (i.v.) administration of buprenorphine was effective for reduction of pain24). It was also effective in approximately 40% of patients with central neuropathic syndrome, who did not respond well to the other opioids. It is considered that antihyperalgesia effects and inhibition of DNIC have been involved in the pain‒relief mechanism of buprenorphine for neuropathic pain. Unlike any other opioids, buprenorphine inhibits hyperalgesia secondary to the CNS sensitization19). In a study using rats25), administration of low‒dose buprenorphine inhibited DNIC.

CQ25: What is efficacy of buprenorphine patch for neuropathic pain?

 Effectiveness of buprenorphine patch for neuropathic pain may be valid ac-cording to the results of open‒label studies and case reports. However, further studies will be necessary in the future as there has been no RCT conducted so far on this potential. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Commens: Effectiveness of buprenorphine patch for chronic non‒cancer pain and chron-ic cancer pain has been demonstrated in two randomized control clinical stud-

DNIC:diffuse noxious inhibitory controls

DNIC:diffuse noxious inhibitory controls

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19719.Opioid analgesics [moderate] : Buprenorphine

ies26‒27). The subjects investigated in these studies had various chronic pain in-cluding neuropathic pain;out of 294 patients included in these two studies, only 52 patients had received diagnoses of neuropathic pain. Therefore, evalua-tions should not be made only for neuropathic pain. Currently, there is no ran-domized controlled clinical study which were conducted only in patients with neuropathic pain who had been treated with buprenorphine patch. Effectiveness of transdermal absorption buprenorphine preparation for neu-ropathic pain has been demonstrated in an open‒label study and in a case re-port form28,29). According to the reports of Rodriguez‒Lopez28), in an open‒label study of buprenorphine patch for neuropathic pain, a significant decrease of VAS (55%, p<0.001) was observed after 8 weeks in 237 patients with neuropathic pain (patients with sciatic nerve pain 30%, persistent postoperative pain on shoul-ders 13%, postherpetic neuralgia 12%, etc.). The effectiveness of this treatment was also suggested in a case report form. In an open‒label clinical study conducted in 30 patients with chronic painful neuropathy30), decrease of VAS was observed in approximately 40% of these patients29).In prospective, noninterventional and postmarketing studies, 23 out of 37 patients who had shown in significant effects with conventional analgesic treatment and changed analgesics after a month were able to withdraw or re-duce concomitant drugs by using buprenorphine patch.29,30)

 There are many case reports available for patients with neuropathic pain who had used the buprenorphine patch. These reports included both central and peripheral neuropathic pain such as thalamic pain32,33), postherpetic neural-gia34), trigeminal neuralgia35), tic douloureux associated with multiple sclero-sis33), FBSS35), and lumbar radiculopathy after aortofemoral bypass35).

CQ26: What about safety and tolerability of buprenorphine patch?

 Buprenorphine induces fewer serious adverse reactions, such as respiratory depression, compared to other opioids, suggesting better tolerability. The level of recommendation and the summary of oversll evidence:1B

Comments: For safety of buprenorphine patch in patients with chronic pain including nociceptive pain, there are reports of adverse reactions induced by opioids, and adverse reactions specifically induced by patches. In a RCT conducted in 315 patients with osteoarthritis, there was no significant difference observed in in-cidence of adverse events between the placebo group and the treatment group;the events most commonly reported included nausea/vomiting, head-

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198 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

ache, dizziness and somnolence, as well as pruritus and rash at the site where the patch had been applied6). Similarly, in an open‒label clinical study compar-ing buprenorphine patch with tramadol preparation in osteoarthritis patients, there was no significant difference in incidence of adverse events. Also, in clini-cal studies conducted in Japan, the significant difference was not observed ei-ther in incidence of adverse events between the treatment group and the pla-cebo group37,38). In a long‒term open‒label clinical study conducted in Japan, adverse events such as nausea, pruritus at the site of treatment, constipation, vomiting, somnolence, erythema at the site of treatment, decreased body weight, dizziness, contact dermatitis, loss of appetite, and insomnia occurred at high incidence (more than 10%). However, none of these were serious, and only weak or moderate adverse events were observed in association with the opioid or with the patch, suggesting that the treatment was highly safe39,40). Although it has been considered that opioids would decrease driving ability, there was no significant difference observed between the buprenorphine patch group and the healthy match group in a prospective noninferiority study using the Vienna test system (VTS). The VTS is a test used in Germany to measure driving ability, and the test items include the reaction time under pressure, at-tention, visual orientation, motor control, and the level of arousal41). Buprenorphine was not removed by hemodialysis as long as it was at the clinical level42).Hence, dose adjustment would not be needed up to 70 μg/hr even in patients with renal dysfunction42,43). With regard to respiratory depression, buprenorphine will be able to relieve pain without causing a remarkable decrease in respiratory rate with its ceiling effect6‒9), unless it is induced by concomitant treatments such as benzodiaze-pines, muscle relaxants, or alcohol. Therefore, attention is required in these conditions42). For hypogonadism, a decrease in the plasma testosterone level was detected as with other opioids in an animal study using male rats, though there was no effect observed, unlike other opioids, in the intracranial (diencephalic) testoster-one level. As clinical data, there is a report that no significant change was ob-served in the blood testosterone or cortisol level in both males and females of 60 patients who had been treated with the buprenorphine patch for 6 months43). With regard to the safety of the buprenorphine patch in elderly patients, it has been reported in a study conducted in a total of 82 patients that no signifi-cant difference was observed in efficacy or safety between the group older than 65 years of age (the mean age 74.3 years, 30 patients) and the group younger than 65 (the mean age 51 years, 51 patients)4).In addition, it has been also reported in another study that there was no increase observed in the

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19919.Opioid analgesics [moderate] : Buprenorphine

number of adverse reactions in elderly patients even when comparisons were made among groups:younger than 65 years old, between 65 and 75 years old, and over 75 years old;therefore, no dose‒adjustment was necessary14,21).

References 1) Greenwald MK, Johanson CE, Moody DE, et al : Effects of buprenorphine

maintenance dose on μ‒opioid receptor availability, plasma concentra-tions, and antagonist blockade in heroin‒dependent volunteers. Neuro-psycho‒Phamaco1ogy. 2003 ; 28 : 2000‒2009[2c]

2) Kögel B, Christoph T, Straßburger W, et al : Interaction of μ‒opioid re-ceptor agonists and antagonists with the analgesic effect of buprenor-phine in mice. Eur J Pain 2005 ; 9 : 599‒611[5]

3) Nemirovsky A, Chen L, Zelman V, et al : The antinociceptive effect of the combination of spinal morphine with systemic morphine or bu-prenorphine. Anesth Analg 2001 ; 93 : 197‒203[2c]

4) Mercadante S, Villari P, Ferrera P, et al : Safety and effectiveness of in-travenous morphine for episodic breakthrough pain in patients receiving transdermal buprenorphine. J Symptom Manage 2006 ; 32 : 175‒179[2c]

5) Ofia S, White I, Sydoruk T, et al : Effects of intravenous patient‒con-trolled analgesia with buprenorphine and morphine alone and in combi-nation during the first 12 postoperative hours : A four arm randomized double blind trial in adults undergoing abdominal surgery. Clin Ther 2009 ; 31 : 527‒541[2c]

6) Budd K : High dose buprenorphine for postoperative analgesia. Anaes-thesia 1981 ; 36 : 900‒903[2c]

7) Dahan A, Yassen A, Romberg R, et al : Buprenorphine induces ceiling in respiratory depression but not in analgesia. Br J Anaesth 2006 ; 96 : 627‒632[2c]

8) Dahan A, Yassen A, Bijil H, et al : Comparison of the respirratory effects of intravenous buprenorphine and fentanyl in humans and rats. Br J An-aesth 2005 ; 94 : 825‒834[2c]

9) Dahan A : Opiold‒induced respiratory effects : new data on buprenor-phine. Palllat Med 2006 ; 20(suppl l) : S3‒S8[5]

10) Van Loveren H, Gianotten N, Hendriksen CF, et al : Assessment of im-munotoxicity of buprenorphine. Lab Anim 1994 ; 28 : 355‒363[2c]

11) Martucci C, Panerai AE, Sacerdote P : Chronic fentanyl or buprenor-phine infusion in the mouse : Similar analgesic profile but difficult effects on immune response. Pain 2004 ; 110 : 385‒392[5]

12) Ceccarelii l, De Padova AM, Fiorenzani P, et al : Single opioid administra-tion modifies gonadal steroids in both the CNS and plasma of male rats. Neuroscience 2006 ; 140 : 929‒937[5]

13) Evans HC, Easthope SE : Transdermal buprenorphine. Drugs 2003 ; 63 : 11‒12

14) Likar R, Kayser H, Sittl R : Long‒term management of chronic pain with transdermal buprenorphine : A multicenter, open‒label, follow‒up study in patients from three short‒term clinical trials. Clin Ther 2006 ; 28 : 943‒952[2c]

15) Nasar MA, McLeavy MA, Knox J : An open study of sub‒lingual bu-prenorphine in the treatment of chronic pain in the elderly. Curr Med Res Opin 1986 ; 10 : 251‒255[2b]

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200 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

16) Glacomuzzi S, Haaser W, Pilsz L, et al : Driving impairment on buprenor-phine and slow‒release oral morphine in drug‒dependent patients. Fo-rensic Sci Int 2005 ; 152 : 323‒324[2c]

17) Soyka M, Hock B, Kagerer S, et al : Less impairment on one portion of a driving‒relevant psychomotor battery in buprenorphine‒maintained than in methadone‒maintained patients : Results of a randomized clinical trial. J C1in Psychopharmacol 2005 ; 25 : 490‒493[1b]

18) Baewert A, Gombas W, Schindler SD, et al : Influence of peak and trough levels of opioid maintenance therapy on driving aptitude. Eur Addict Res 2007 ; 13 : 127‒135[2b]

19) Koppert W, Ihmsen H, Körber N, et al : Different profiles of buprenor-phine‒induced analgesia and antihyperalgesia in a human pain model. Pain 2005 ; 118 ; 15‒22[2c]

20) Filitz J, Griessinger N, Sittl R, et al : Effects of intermittent hemodialysis on buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine plasma concentrations in chronic pain patients treated with transdermal buprenorphine. EUR J Pain 2006 ; 10 : 743‒748[2b]

21) Hand CW, Sear JW, Uppington J, et al : Buprenorphine disposition in pa-tients with renal impairment : Single and continuous dosing, with special reference to metabolites. Br J Anaesth 1990 ; 64 : 276‒282[2b]

22) Poli Francois K, Jing‒Xia H, Xiao‒Jun X : Buprenorphine alleviates neu-ropathic pain‒like behaviors in rats after spinal cord and peripheral nerve injury. Eur J Pharmacol 2002 ; 450 : 49‒53[5]

23) Annalisa C, Alessia C, Cristina M, et al : Continuous bupenorphine deliv-ery effect in streptozotocine‒induced painful diabetic neuropathy in rats. J Pain 2009 ; 10 : 961‒968[5]

24) Benedetti F, Vighetti S, Amanzio M, et al : Dose‒response relationship of opioids in nociceptive and neuropathic postoperative pain. Pain 1998 ; 74 : 205‒211[2c]

25) Guirimand F, Chauvin M, Wi11er JC, et al : Buprenorphine blocks diffuse noxious inhibitory controls in the rat. Eur J Pharmaco1 1995 ; 294 : 651‒659[5]

26) Sittl R, Griessinger N, Likar R : Analgesic efficacy and tolerabi1ity of transdermal buprenorphine in patients with inadequately controlled chronic pain related to cancer and other disorders : A multicenter, ran-domized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Clin Ther 2003 ; 21l : 150‒168[1b]

27) Sorge J, Sittl R : Transdermal buprenorphine in the treatment of chronic pain : Results of a phase III, multicenter, randomized, double‒blind, pla-cebo‒controlled study. Clin Ther 2004 ; 26 : 1808‒1820[1b]

28) Rodriguez‒Lopez M : The opioid study Group of the Spanish Pain Soci-ety : Transdermal buprenorphine in the management of neuropathic pain. Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2004 ; 11(Suppl V) : 11‒21

29) Griessinger N, Sittl R, Likar R : Transdermal buprenorphine in clinical practice : A post‒marketing surveillance study of 13,179 patients. Curr Med Res Opin 2005 ; 21 : 1147‒1156[3b]

30) Paola P, Angela C, Alfred M, et al : Short‒and intermediate‒term effica-cy of buprenorphine TDS in chronic painful neuropathies. J Peripheral Nervous System 2008 ; 13 : 283‒288[4]

31) Marek H : Transdermal buprenorphine in clinical practice : A multi-center, post‒marketing study in the Czech Republic, with a focus on

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20119.Opioid analgesics [moderate] : Buprenorphine

neuropathic pain components. Pain Manage 2012 ; 2 : 169‒175[2b]32) Michelle W, Constantine S, Eva G : Transdermal buprenorphine controls

central neuropathic pain. J Opioid Manag 2012 ; 8 : 414‒415[4]33) Cristiana G, Chiara A, Franco Mi, et al : Transdermal buprenorphine for

central neuropathic pain : Clinical reports. Pain Pract 2011 ; 11 : 446‒452[4]

34) Induru RR, Davis MP : Buprenorphine for neuropathic pain‒targeting hyperalgesia. Am J Hospice Palliat Med 2009 ; 26 : 470‒473[4]

35) Rudolf Likar, Reinhard Sittl : Transdermal buprenorphine for treating nociceptive and neuropathic pain : Four cace studies. Anesth Analg 2005 ; 100 : 781‒785[4]

36) Catherine M, Margaret D, Nelson E, et al : A randomized, placebo‒con-trolled, double‒blinded, parallel‒group, 5‒week study of buprenorphine transdermal system in adults with osteoarthritis. J Opioid Manag 2010 ; 6 : 193‒202[1b]

37) Nishida K, Ogawa S, Hattori S : Efficacy and safety of transdermal bu-prenorphine for osteoarthritis. J New Rem Clin 2015 ; 64 : 243‒259[1b]

38) Ogawa S, Kikuchi S, Yabuki S, et al : Low‒dose transdermal buprenor-phine for low back pain : An enriched enrollement randomized with-drawal placebo‒controlled study. J New Rem Clin 2014 ; 63 : 1276‒1291

[1b]39) Ogawa S, Nishida K, Hattori S : Safety and efficacy of long‒term admin-

istration of transdermal buprenorphine in patients with osteoarthritis. J New Rem Clin 2014 ; 63 : 551‒567[1b]

40) Kikuchi S, Yabuki S, Ogawa S : Safety and efficacy of long‒term admin-istration of transdermal buprenorphine in patients with chronic low back pain. J New Rem Clin 2014 ; 63 : 1420‒1435[1b]

41) A1oisi AM, Pari G, Ceccarel1i1, et al : Gender‒related effects of chronic non‒malignant pain and opioid therapy on plasma levels of macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF). Pain 2005 ; 115 : 142‒151[2b]

42) Calderon R, Copenhaver D : Buprenorphine for chronic pain. J Pain Palli-at Care Pharmacother 2013 ; 27 : 402‒405[5]

43) Aurilio C, Ceccarelli I, Pota V, et al : Endocrine and behavioural effects of transdermal buprenorphine in pain‒suffering woman oh different re-productive ages. 2011 ; 58 : 1071‒1078

44) Likar R, Vadlau EM, Breschan C, et al : Comparable analgesic efficacy of transdermal buprenorphine in patients over and under 65 years of age. Clin J Pain 2008 ; 24 : 536‒543[2b]

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202 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

20.Opioid analgesics [strong] : Fentanyl, etc.     

CQ27: Are strong opioid analgesics effective for neuropathic pain?

 Although efficacy of short‒term administration of strong opioid analgesics has been observed for neuropathic pain, its tolerability for adverse reactions is not satisfactory. For long‒term administration of strong opioid analgesics, there are concerns regarding addiction, etc. Therefore, the treatment should be pro-vided to strictly selected patients by a pain management specialist, who has adequate knowledge of opioids, when considering this treatment. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments: Before considering the efficacy of strong opioid analgesics in neuropathic pain, we should realize the fact1) that the analgesic effects of strong opioids are equivalent to those of other drugs. The efficacy of strong opioid analgesics for neuropathic pain has been con-firmed in many studies. There are also many guidelines which recommend strong opioid analgesics for neuropathic pain. Although these drugs will be se-lected when other treatments are ineffective in neuropathic pain, it is risky to consider them as the last option. Instead, it should rather be regarded as one of the possibilities which need to be carefully evaluated before being selected. When considering the use of strong opioid analgesics for patients with neuro-pathic pain, it is desirable that this treatment be prescribed by a pain manage-ment specialist who has adequate knowledge of opioid treatments to strictly selected patients, for the following reasons. ⅰ ) There are limited numbers of efficacy reports available for strong opioid

analgesics. ⅱ ) The incidence of adverse reactions is high in strong opioid analgesics. ⅲ ) Prolongation and dose escalation of strong opioid analgesics induce a va-

riety of problems which decrease the patients’ QOL. ⅳ ) It has been reported that strong opioid analgesics would never improve

physical functions. ⅴ ) There has been no systematized study conducted for long‒term adminis-

tration. ⅵ ) There is no report available which states that strong opioid analgesics

are more effective than the other drugs. ⅶ ) The abuse of and psychological dependence on strong opioid analgesics

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20320.Opioid analgesics [strong] : Fentanyl, etc.

have been social issues in some countries. According to the report of a systematic review on efficacy of strong opioid analgesics in neuropathic pain2), efficacy of these drugs has been confirmed only for the short‒term use, compared to placebo. However, its tolerability for adverse effects is considered poor. The strong opioid analgesics suggested by WHO, which are currently avail-able for clinical use in Japan, include morphine, the most commonly used opi-oid, and alternative drugs such as oxycodone, fentanyl, methadone, pethidine and tapentadol. However, the use of these drugs are limited in Japan by indica-tions written on the drug information for each product;not all the strong opi-oid analgesics available for clinical use can be used for the treatment of neuro-pathic pain. In order to adhere to the statement “maintain the prescription, use and the order of opioid analgesics in Japan”, which is one of the three objectives pre-sented in the “Guidelines for Prescribing Opioid Analgesics for Chronic Non‒cancer Pain” issued by Japan Society of Pain Clinicians, the strong opioid anal-gesics to be used for neuropathic pain must be restricted to a certain types of morphine and fentanyl, which can be effective for non‒cancer chronic pain, based on indications written on the drug information. The morphine preparations available for non‒cancer neuropathic pain in Ja-pan include morphine hydrochloride powder and tablets, and fentanyl patch (for 1‒day and 3‒days), the only fentanyl preparation that can be used. No oth-er drugs have been approved for this treatment. Upon selection of the fentanyl patch, the following condition needs to be complied;“it should be used only to control cancer pain and chronic pain which require continuous administration of opioid analgesics in a patient whose tolerability has been confirmed by ad-ministration of other opioid analgesics for a certain period of time” as described in the drug information. The detailed information for the prescription of strong opioid analgesics can be obtained in the “Guidelines for Prescribing Opioid Analgesics for Chronic Non‒cancer Pain” issued by Japan Society of Pain Clinicians.

References 1) Eisenberg E, McNichol ED, Carr DB : Efficacy and safety of opioid ago-

nists in the treatment of neuropathic pain of nonmalignant origin : Sys-tematic review and meta‒analysis of randomized control trials. JAMA 2005 ; 293 : 3043‒3052. [1a]

2) Sommer C, Welsch P, Klose P, et al : Opioids in chronic neuropathic pain : A systematic review and meta‒analysis of efficacy, tolerability and safety in randomized placebo‒controlled studies of at least 4 weeks du-ration. Schmerz 2015 ; 29 : 35‒46. [1b]

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204 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

21.Type and usage of selective drugsTable 5 First-line, second-line and third-line drugs for neuropathic pain

Drug name Dosage form Type Specific usageJudgment period for treatment effect

Indications Adverse effects

First-line drug First-line drug

Amitriptyline Per-oral drug TCA, tertiary amine Initial dose 10 mg/day, maximum 150 mgOnce daily, before bedtimeIncrease 10-25 mg every 3-7 days

6-8 weeks; the maximum tolerable dose for at least 2 weeks

Depression, peripheral neuropathic pain

Anti-cholinergic effect, QT prolongation, suicide riskContraindications : glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy, cardiac diseasesLess adverse events with secondary amineAttention required when used concomitantly with tramadol

Nortriptyline Per-oral drug TCA, tertiary amine Depression

Ⅰmipramine Per-oral drug TCA, secondary amine Depression, enuresis

Gabapentin Per-oral drug Ca2+ channel α2δ ligand Initial dose 100-300 mg/day, maximum 3,600 mg1-3 times/dayIncrease 100-300 mg every 1-7 days

In addition to 3-8 weeks of dose-escalation period, 2 more weeks at the maximum dose

Refractory epilepsy Sleepiness, dizziness, periphera edema, increased body weightA small dose shoud be used in patients with renal dysfunction.

Pregabalin Per-oral drug Ca2+ channel α2δ ligand Initial dose 25-150 mg/day, maximum 600 mg1-3 times/dayIncrease 25-150 mg every 3-7 days

4 weeks Neuropathic pain, pain associated with fibromyalgia

Duloxetine Per-oral drug SNRI (seritonine-noradrerline reuptake inhibitor)

Initial dose 20 mg/day, maximum 60 mgOnce daily, after breakfast

4 weeks Depression, diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia, chronic low back pain

Nausea TCA, attention required when used concomitantly with tramadol

Second-line drug Second-line drug

An extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus

Per-oral drug (injection)

Non-proteinogenic physiologically active substance

4 tablets (16 unites)/dayTwice daily

4 weeks Post-herpetic neuralgia, low back pain, cervicobrachial syndrome, scapulohumeral periarthritis, knee osteoarthritis

Nausea, sleepiness : incidence is below 0.1%, high tolerability

tramadol/acetaminophen combination

Per-oral drug Opioid + acetaminophen Initial dose 1-4 tablets/day, maximum 8 tablets1-4 times/day

4 weeks Chronic pain, pain after tooth extraction

Nausea/vomiting, constipation, somnolenceAttention required when used concomitantly with SSRI, SNRI, TCA and acetaminophen

Tramadol Per-oral drug (injection)

Opioid Initial dose 25-100mg/day, maximum 400 mg1 ~ 4 times/day

4 weeks Cancer pain, chronic pain Nausea/vomiting, constipation, somnolenceAttention required when used concomitantly with SSRI, SNRI and TCA.

Third-line drug Third-line drug

Buprenorphine Patch (suppository, injection)

Opioid Initial dose 5 mg/day, maximum 20 mgOnce in 7 days

4 weeks Chronic pain difficult to treat with non-opioid analgesic (osteoarthritis, low back pain)

Nausea/vomiting, constipation, somnolence, respiratory control

Fentanyl 1-day patch (injection)

Opioid Establish the initial dose by calculat-ing from the opioid dose used before switching the treatment. The maxi-mum dose is 120 mg/day converted from morphine hydrochloride.

4 weeks Chronic pain and cancer pain difficult to treat with nonopioid analgesicCan be used just by switching from other opioids

Nausea/vomiting, constipation, somnolence, respiratory depression

Fentanyl 3-day patch (injection)

Opioid Establish the initial dose by calculat-ing from the opioid dose used before switching the treatment. The maxi-mum dose is 120 mg/day converted from morphine hydrochloride.

4 weeks

Morphine Per-oral, suppository, injection

Opioid Initial dose 10mg/day, maximum 120mg/day

4 weeks Cancer pain, chronic pain Nausea/vomiting, constipation, somnolence, respiratory depression

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20521.Type and usage of selective drugs for neuropathic pain

for neuropathic painTable 5 First-line, second-line and third-line drugs for neuropathic pain

Drug name Dosage form Type Specific usageJudgment period for treatment effect

Indications Adverse effects

First-line drug First-line drug

Amitriptyline Per-oral drug TCA, tertiary amine Initial dose 10 mg/day, maximum 150 mgOnce daily, before bedtimeIncrease 10-25 mg every 3-7 days

6-8 weeks; the maximum tolerable dose for at least 2 weeks

Depression, peripheral neuropathic pain

Anti-cholinergic effect, QT prolongation, suicide riskContraindications : glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy, cardiac diseasesLess adverse events with secondary amineAttention required when used concomitantly with tramadol

Nortriptyline Per-oral drug TCA, tertiary amine Depression

Ⅰmipramine Per-oral drug TCA, secondary amine Depression, enuresis

Gabapentin Per-oral drug Ca2+ channel α2δ ligand Initial dose 100-300 mg/day, maximum 3,600 mg1-3 times/dayIncrease 100-300 mg every 1-7 days

In addition to 3-8 weeks of dose-escalation period, 2 more weeks at the maximum dose

Refractory epilepsy Sleepiness, dizziness, periphera edema, increased body weightA small dose shoud be used in patients with renal dysfunction.

Pregabalin Per-oral drug Ca2+ channel α2δ ligand Initial dose 25-150 mg/day, maximum 600 mg1-3 times/dayIncrease 25-150 mg every 3-7 days

4 weeks Neuropathic pain, pain associated with fibromyalgia

Duloxetine Per-oral drug SNRI (seritonine-noradrerline reuptake inhibitor)

Initial dose 20 mg/day, maximum 60 mgOnce daily, after breakfast

4 weeks Depression, diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia, chronic low back pain

Nausea TCA, attention required when used concomitantly with tramadol

Second-line drug Second-line drug

An extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus

Per-oral drug (injection)

Non-proteinogenic physiologically active substance

4 tablets (16 unites)/dayTwice daily

4 weeks Post-herpetic neuralgia, low back pain, cervicobrachial syndrome, scapulohumeral periarthritis, knee osteoarthritis

Nausea, sleepiness : incidence is below 0.1%, high tolerability

tramadol/acetaminophen combination

Per-oral drug Opioid + acetaminophen Initial dose 1-4 tablets/day, maximum 8 tablets1-4 times/day

4 weeks Chronic pain, pain after tooth extraction

Nausea/vomiting, constipation, somnolenceAttention required when used concomitantly with SSRI, SNRI, TCA and acetaminophen

Tramadol Per-oral drug (injection)

Opioid Initial dose 25-100mg/day, maximum 400 mg1 ~ 4 times/day

4 weeks Cancer pain, chronic pain Nausea/vomiting, constipation, somnolenceAttention required when used concomitantly with SSRI, SNRI and TCA.

Third-line drug Third-line drug

Buprenorphine Patch (suppository, injection)

Opioid Initial dose 5 mg/day, maximum 20 mgOnce in 7 days

4 weeks Chronic pain difficult to treat with non-opioid analgesic (osteoarthritis, low back pain)

Nausea/vomiting, constipation, somnolence, respiratory control

Fentanyl 1-day patch (injection)

Opioid Establish the initial dose by calculat-ing from the opioid dose used before switching the treatment. The maxi-mum dose is 120 mg/day converted from morphine hydrochloride.

4 weeks Chronic pain and cancer pain difficult to treat with nonopioid analgesicCan be used just by switching from other opioids

Nausea/vomiting, constipation, somnolence, respiratory depression

Fentanyl 3-day patch (injection)

Opioid Establish the initial dose by calculat-ing from the opioid dose used before switching the treatment. The maxi-mum dose is 120 mg/day converted from morphine hydrochloride.

4 weeks

Morphine Per-oral, suppository, injection

Opioid Initial dose 10mg/day, maximum 120mg/day

4 weeks Cancer pain, chronic pain Nausea/vomiting, constipation, somnolence, respiratory depression

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206 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

22.Other antidepressants

CQ28: Are antidepressants other than tricyclic antidepressants and SNRIs effective for neuropathic pain?

 Compared to the antidepressants other than tricyclic antidepressants and SNRIs, there are less high‒quality randomized controlled trials (RCTs) avail-able;hence, the level of recommendation for efficacy for neuropathic pain is low. These can be used as alternative options for patients who did not respond well to the standard treatment. However, attention is required when using a large amount of or multiple kinds of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or when using a tramadol preparation concomitantly, as a risk of devel-oping serotonin syndrome may increase. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments: SSRIs induces analgesic effects by activating the descending pain inhibitory system with serotonin reuptake inhibition.

Proxetine hydrochloride Note 1

 In a RCT1) conducted in 19 patients with painful diabetic neuropathy, admin-istration of paroxetine 40 mg significantly relieved neuropathic symptoms, al-though it was not as effective as imipramine (blood concentration 400‒600 μM).

Escitalopram Note 2

 In a RCT2) conducted in 41 patients with painful polyneuropathy, significant analgesic effects were observed with administration of escitalopram 20 mg compared to placebo. However, it should not be recommended as the standard treatment for neuropathic pain as the number of patients who clinically re-sponded to the treatment was limited.

Fluvoxamine maleate Note 3 and sertraline hydrochloride Note 4

 No clinical study has ever been conducted to present analgesic effects of these products for neuropathic pain inside and outside the country. Hence, there is no rationale for recommending these drugs for neuropathic pain.

Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (Mirtazapine) Note 5

 No clinical study has ever been conducted to present analgesic effects of mirtazapine for neuropathic pain inside and outside the country. Hence, there

RCT:randomized controlled trial

SSRI:selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

Note 1:Paroxetine hydrochloride:approved and marketed for depression, depressive state, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compul-sive disorder, and posttrau-matic stress disorderNote 2:Citalopram:approved and marketed for depression and depressive stateNote 3:Fluvoxamine maleate:approved and marketed for depression, depressive state, obses-sive-compulsive disorder, and social anxiety disorderNote 4:Sertraline hydro-chloride: approved and marketed for depression, depressive state, panic disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorderNote 5:Mirtazapine:approved and marketed for depression, depressive state

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20722.Other antidepressants

is no rationale for recommending this drug for neuropathic pain.

 SSRIs and mirtazapine can be used as alternative options for patients who did not respond well to the first, second and the third‒line drugs. However, at-tention is required when using a large amount of or multiple kinds of SSRIs or when using a tramadol preparation concomitantly, as a risk of developing sero-tonin syndrome may increase.

References 1) Sindrup SH, Gram LF, Brosen K, et al : The selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitor, paroxetine is effective in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy symptoms. Pain 1990 ; 42 : 135‒144[1b]

2) Otto M, Bach FW, Jensen TS, et al : Escitalopram in painful polyneurop-athy : A randomized, placebo‒controlled, cross‒over trial. Pain 2008 ; 139 : 275‒283[1b]

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208 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain


CQ29: Are anti-epileptics other than pregabalin/gabapentin effective for neuropathic pain compared to placebo?

 There are less high‒quality randomized placebo controlled studies (RCTs) with high quality of evidence conducted for anti-epileptics other than pregabalin/gabapentin (carbamazepine, lamotrigine, topiramate, sodium valproate, clonaze-pam) compared to pregabalin/gabapentin, and for efficacy of these products for neuropathic pain, the results were not consistent among these studies. Al-though these products can be used as alternative options for patients who did not respond well to pregabalin/gabapentin, adequate attention is required when using these products as serious adverse reactions may develop. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments:Carbamazepine Note 1

 It blocks Na+ channels and enhances Na+‒channel inactivation.. Although its efficacy has been established for the trigeminal neuralgia1), there are not many reports on efficacy for neuropathic pain other than trigeminal neuralgia. Hence, the level of recommendation is low in the systematic review 2). In an RCT3) conducted for central post‒stroke pain, there was no significant difference in analgesic effects between carbamazepine 800 mg/day and placebo. In one of the three RCT4-6) conducted for painful diabetic neuropathy, a significant dif-ference was observed in analgesic effects between oxcarbazepine Note 2 1,800 mg/day and placebo, while in other two RCTs, no significant effect was observed with oxcarbazepine 600‒1,800 mg/day in analgesic effects compared to place-bo. The NNH of carbamazepine/oxcarbazepine as a whole was 5.5;the safety level was low. Adverse effects of carbamazepine include dizziness, lightheaded-ness, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, toxic epidermal necrosis (TEN), and Ste-vens‒Jonson syndrome.

Sodium valproate Note 3

 It has been believed to enhance pre‒ and post‒synaptic GABAergic effect. Efficacy of sodium valproate 1,000‒2,400 mg/day for analgesic effects varied among studies. In an RCA7) conducted for pain after spinal cord injury, no effi-cacy was observed for sodium valproate at 2,400 mg/day. In two out of three RCT8‒10) for painful diabetic neuropathy, higher analgesic effects were observed with sodium valproate 1,000‒1,200 mg/day compared to placebo. Also in a RCT11)

Note 1:Carbamazepine:Approved and marketed for epilepsy, manic psychosis, and trigeminal neuralgia

Note 2:Oxcarbazepine:not approved in Japan.NNH:Number needed to harm (Number of patients that need to be treated in order for one to develop an adverse event).TEN:toxic epidermal necrolysis

Note 3:Sodium val-proate:approved and marketed for epilepsy and manic psychosis

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conducted for postherpetic neuralgia, higher analgesic effects were observed as well for sodium valproate 1,000 mg/day compared to placebo. However, the efficacy of sodium valproate observed in these RCTs8,9,11) were from the same group:the results might have been biased due to the nature of the single cen-ter study. The level of recommendation is low as serious adverse effects such as hepatic dysfunction, drug‒induced pancreatitis (aggravated by concomitant use of topirmate), and teratogenicity may develop.

Lamotrigine Note 4

 It induces anti-epileptic effects by inhibiting voltage‒dependent Na+ chan-nels. In many of RCTs12‒17) conducted abroad, efficacy was not observed for neuropathic pain. In a RCT18) conducted for post‒stroke pain, significant anal-gesic effects were observed with lamotrigine 200 mg/day compared to placebo, while in RCTs for pain after spinal cord injury19) or central pain associated with multiple sclerosis20), no significant difference was observed between the treatment group and the placebo group. For painful diabetic neuropathy and other neuropathic pain, there are not many reports suggesting efficacy of lam-otrigine. Hence, the level of recommendation is low. Meanwhile, lamotrigine can be somewhat effective for trigeminal neuralgia. In a randomized double blind crossover study where 14 patients with refractory trigeminal neuralgia who had been treated with carbamazepine or phenytoin received additional la-motrigine 400 mg or placebo, significant analgesic effects were observed with lamotrigine compared to placebo. The NNT was reported to be 2.121,22), and adverse effects include serious skin disorders such as toxic epidermal necrosis (TEN) and Stevens‒Jonson syndrome.

Topiramate Note 5

 It induces anti-epileptic effects by inhibiting voltage‒dependent Na+ chan-nels. In two RCTs23,24) conducted for painful diabetic neuropathy, efficacy of topiramate 400 mg/day was observed in one study, but not in the other. In a RCT25) conducted for radiculopathy, no significant difference was observed in analgesic effects between topiramate 400 mg/day and placebo. The adverse ef-fects include somnolence, weight loss, and closure‒angle glaucoma. NNH was 6.3. The safety level is not very high.

Clonazepam Note 6

 It acts on post‒synaptic GABAA receptors and induces somnolence and anti‒anxiety/epileptic effects. There is no RCT which meets the certain standard for diseases associated with neuropathic pain, and the level of recommendation for neuropathic pain is low. There is also a report26) which showed efficacy for

Note 4:Lamotrigine:approved and marketed for refractory epilepsy

Note5:Topiramate:approved and marketed for refractory epilepsy

Note 6:Clonazepam:approved and marketed for refractory

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210 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

burning mouth syndrome (BMS).

References 1) Sindrup SH, Jensen TS : Pharmacotherapy of trigeminal neuralgia. Clin J

Pain 2002 ; 18 : 22‒27[1a] 2) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-

ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173[1a]

3) Leijon G, Boivie J : Central post‒stroke pain : A controlled trial of ami-triptyline and carbamazepine. Pain 1989 ; 36 : 27‒36[2b]

4) Dogra S, Beydoun S, Mazzola J, et al : Oxcarbazepine in painful diabetic neuropathy : A randomized, placebo‒controlled study. Eur J Pain 2005 ; 9 : 543‒554. Epub 2004[1b]

5) Grosskopf J, Mazzola J, Wan Y, et al : A randomized, placebo‒controlled study of oxcarbazepine in painful diabetic neuropathy. Acta Neurol Scand 2006 ; 114 : 177‒180[1b]

6) Beydoun A, Shaibani A, Hopwood M, et al : Oxcarbazepine in painful dia-betic neuropathy : Results of a dose‒ranging study. Acta Neurol Scand 2006 ; 113 : 395‒404[1b]

7) Drewes AM, Andreasen A, Poulsen LH : Valproate for treatment of chronic central pain after spinal cord injury : A double‒blind cross‒over study. Paraplegia 1994 ; 32 : 565‒569[2b]

8) Kochar DK, Jain N, Agarwal RP, et al : Sodium valproate in the manage-ment of painful neuropathy in type 2 diabetes : A randomized placebo controlled study. Acta Neurol Scand 2002 ; 106 : 248‒252[2b]

9) Kochar DK, Rawat N, Agrawal RP, et al : Sodium valproate for painful diabetic neuropathy : A randomized double‒blind placebo‒controlled study. QJM. 2004 ; 97 : 33‒38[2b]

10) Agrawal RP, Goswami J, Jain S, et al : Management of diabetic neuropa-thy by sodium valproate and glyceryl trinitrate spray : A prospective double‒blind randomized placebo‒controlled study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2009 ; 83 : 371‒378[2b]

11) Kochar DK, Garg P, Bumb RA, et al : Divalproex sodium in the manage-ment of post‒herpetic neuralgia : A randomized. QJM 2005 ; 98 : 29‒34

[2b]12) Eisenberg E, Lurie Y, Braker C, et al : Lamotrigine reduces painful dia-

betic neuropathy : A randomized, controlled study. Neurology 2001 ; 57 : 505‒509[1b]

13) Vinik AI, Tuchman M, Safirstein B, et al : Lamotrigine for treatment of pain associated with diabetic neuropathy : Results of two randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled studies. Pain 2007 ; 128 : 169‒179[1b]

14) Simpson DM, Olney R, McArthur JC, et al : A placebo‒controlled trial of lamotrigine for painful HIV‒associated neuropathy. Neurology 2000 ; 54 : 2115‒2119[2b]

15) Simpson DM, McArthur JC, Olney R, et al : Lamotrigine HIV Neuropa-thy Study Team : Lamotrigine for HIV‒associated painful sensory neu-ropathies : A placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 1508‒1514[1b]

16) McCleane G : 200 mg daily of lamotrigine has no analgesic effect in neu-ropathic pain : A randomised, double‒blind, placebo controlled trial. Pain 1999 ; 83 : 105‒107[1b]

BMS:burning mouth syndrome

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17) Silver M, Blum D, Grainger J, et al : Double‒blind, placebo‒controlled tri-al of lamotrigine in combination with other medications for neuropathic pain. J Pain Symptom Manage 2007 ; 34 : 446‒454[2b]

18) Vestergaard K, Andersen G, Gottrup H, et al : Lamotrigine for central poststroke pain : A randomized controlled trial. Neurology 2001 ; 56 : 184‒190[1b]

19) Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Bach FW, et al : Lamotrigine in spinal cord injury pain : A randomized controlled trial. Pain 2002 ; 96 : 375‒383[1b]

20) Breuer B, Pappagallo M, Knotkova H, et al : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, two‒period, crossover, pilot trial of lamotrigine in pa-tients with central pain due to multiple sclerosis. Clin Ther 2007 ; 29 : 2022‒2030[2b]

21) Zakrzewska JM, Chaudhry Z, Nurmikko TJ, et al : Lamotrigine(lamic-tal)in refractory trigeminal neuralgia : Results from a double‒blind pla-cebo controlled crossover trial. Pain 1997 ; 73 : 223‒230[2b]

22) Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Jensen TS : The evidence for pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain. Pain 2010 ; 150 : 573‒581[1a]

23) Raskin P, Donofrio PD, Rosenthal NR, et al : CAPSS‒141 Study Group : Topiramate vs placebo in painful diabetic neuropathy : Analgesic and metabolic effects. Neurology 2004 ; 63 : 865‒873[1b]

24) Thienel U, Neto W, Schwabe SK, et al : Topiramate Diabetic Neuropathic Pain Study Group : Topiramate in painful diabetic polyneuropathy : Find-ings from three double‒blind placebo‒controlled trials. Acta Neurol Scand 2004 ; 110 : 221‒231[1b]

25) Khoromi S, Patsalides A, Parada S, et al : Topiramate in chronic lumbar radicular pain. J Pain 2005 ; 6 : 829‒836[2b]

26) Heckmann SM, Kirchner E, Grushka M, et al : A double‒blind study on clonazepam in patients with burning mouth syndrome. Laryngoscope 2012 ; 122 : 813‒816[2b]

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212 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

24.NMDA (N‒methyl‒D‒aspartate) receptor antagonists   

CQ30: Are NMDA receptor antagonists effective for neuropathic pain?

 There are not many high‒quality randomized controlled trial (RCT) conduct-ed with NMDA receptor antagonists;the level of recommendation in terms of efficacy for neuropathic pain is low. It can be used as an alternative option for patients who did not respond to the standard treatment. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments: NMDA receptor antagonists induce analgesic effects by blocking nociceptive transmission and central sensitization.

Dextromethorphan hydrobromide Note 1

 In a RCT 1) conducted in 379 patients with painful diabetic neuropathy, anal-gesic effects were observed dose‒dependently with dextromethorphan hydro-bromide 30 mg and 45 mg when used concomitantly with quinidine 30 mg.

Memantine hydrochloride Note 2

 There are a few RCT2,3) conducted on memantine hydrochloride. However, none of these demonstrated its efficacy for neuropathic pain.

Ketamine hydrochloride Note 3

 In a RCT4) conducted in 92 patients with painful diabetic neuropathy, post-herpetic neuralgia and postoperative/posttraumatic neuropathy, topical admin-istration of 1% [w/v] ketamine did not relieve neuropathic pain compared to placebo. Moreover, there has been no clinical study conducted so far inside /outside the country for systemic administration of ketamine hydrochloride which could show its analgesic effects. Hence, there is no rationale for recom-mendation of ketamine hydrochloride for neuropathic pain. This drug induces both harmful central actions and addiction, and it has been scheduled as a nar-cotic drug in Japan since 2007 due to issues of illegal abuse. Hence, careful ad-ministration should be required when using this product.

References 1) Aziz IS, Laura EP, Ronald T, et al : Efficacy and safety of dextrometho-

rphan/quinidine at two dosage level for diabetic neuropathic pain : a

Note 1:Dextromethorphan hydrobromide:Approved and marketed for acute bron-chitis

Note 2:Memantine hydrochloride:Approved and marketed for Alzheimer’s disease

Note 3:Ketamine hydro-chloride:Approved and marketed for general anesthesia induction

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21324.NMDA (N‒methyl‒D‒aspartate) Receptor Antagonists

double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, multicenter study. Pain Med 2012 ; 13 : 243‒254[1b]

2) Eisenberg E, Kleiser A, Dortort A, et al : The NMDA(N‒methyl‒D‒as-partate)receptor antagonist memantine in the treatment of postherpet-ic neuralgia : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled study. Eur J Pain 1998 ; 2 : 321‒327[1b]

3) Sang CN, Booher S, Gilron I, et al : Dextromethorphan and memantine in painful diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia : Efficacy and dose‒response trials. Anesthesiology 2002 ; 96 : 1053‒1061[1b]

4) Lynch ME, Clark AJ, Sawynok J, et al : Topical 2% amitriptyline and 1%ketamine in neuropathic pain syndromes : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Anesthesiology 2005 ; 103 : 140‒146[1b]

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214 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

25.Anti-arrhythmic drug

CQ31: Is an anti‒arrhythmic drug (mexiletine hydrochloride) effective for neuropathic pain?

 Mexiletine hydrochloride has been approved in Japan for painful diabetic neuropathy. However, there is no randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted abroad which showed efficacy of maxiletine. Hence, the level of recommenda-tion of this drug for neuropathic pain, including diabetic neuropathic pain, is low. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2B

Comments:Mexiletine hydrochloride Note 1

 It is an anti‒arrhythmic drug of class 1b which acts as a Na+ channel block-er. In a multicenter RCT1) conducted in Japan, significant analgesic effects were observed with mexiletine hydrochloride 300 mg/day, compared to place-bo, for painful diabetic neuropathy. Although administration of mexiletine hy-drochlorider 300 mg/day (divided into 3 doses) has been approved in Japan for painful diabetic neuropathy, discontinuation of the treatment should be consid-ered if there was no effect for 2 weeks. Adequate attention is required for de-velopment of arrhythmia;it is recommended to perform electrocardiography regularly2). However, in multiple RCTs3-7) conducted abroad, efficacy was not observed with mexiletine hydrochloride 225‒1,200 mg/day for painful diabetic neuropathy, pain after spinal cord injury, and phantom limb pain. For adverse effects, it often induces nausea and other symptoms such as sedation, trismus, insomnia, headache, nightmare and tremor. Due to low efficacy and high inci-dence of adverse effects8), mexiletine is not recommended for neuropathic pain. Administration of mexiletine hydrochloride 300 mg/day (divided into 3 dos-es) has been approved in Japan for painful diabetic neuropathy. However, the treatment should be discontinued if there was no effect for 2 weeks. Serious cardiac failure or the second and third‒degree atrioventricular block are con-traindications for mexiletine

References 1) Matsuoka K, Hirata Y, Kanazawa Y, et al : A double blind comparative

study of mexiletine hydrochloride(MX‒DPN)for diabetic neuropathy. Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science 1997 ; 38 : 759‒776[2b]

2) The Japan Diabetes Society : Treatment of diabetic neuropathy(edited

RCT:randomized controlled trial

Note 1: Mexiletine hydrochloride:Approved and marketed for painful diabetic neuropathic pain

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21525.Anti-arrhythmic drug

by The Japan Diabetes Society : Evidence‒based Practice Guideline for the Treatment for Diabetes in Japan, revised version 2). Tokyo, Nanko-do 2013 ; 93‒104

3) Chiou‒Tan FY, Tuel SM, Johnson JC, et al : Effect of mexiletine on spinal cord injury dysesthetic pain. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1996 ; 75 : 84‒87

[2b] 4) Stracke H, Meyer UE, Schumacher HE, et al : Mexiletine in the treat-

ment of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes Care 1992 ; 15 : 1550‒1555[2b] 5) Oskarsson P, Ljunggren JG, Lins PE : Efficacy and safety of mexiletine

in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy : The Mexiletine Study Group. Diabetes Care 1997 ; 20 : 1594‒1597[2b]

6) Wright JM, Oki JC, Graves L 3rd. : Mexiletine in the symptomatic treat-ment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Ann Pharmacother 1997 ; 31 : 29‒34[2b]

7) Wu CL, Agarwal S, Tella PK, et al : Morphine versus mexiletine for treatment of postamputation pain : A randomized, placebo‒controlled, crossover trial. Anesthesiology 2008 ; 109 : 289‒296[2b]

8) Wallace MS, Magnuson S, Ridgeway B : Efficacy of oral mexiletine for neuropathic pain with allodynia : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, crossover study. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2000 ; 25 : 459‒467[1a]

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216 Ⅲ.Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

26.Chinese herbal medicine

CQ32: Is Chinese herbal medicine effective for neuropathic pain?

 Chinese herbal medicine has been used in an empirical manner based on tra-ditional medicine. However, none of them has ever shown efficacy for neuro-pathic pain. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2D

Comments It was shown that Goshajinkigan could inhibit peripheral neuropathy com-pared to placebo in a study conducted in 89 patients who had been treated with anti‒cancer therapy using oxaliplatin1). It was however denied in a subse-quent RCT 2). Although treatment effects on neuropathic pain have been reported for keis-hikajutsubuto, powdered processed aconite root and yokukansan, these reports are limited to the case series studies. In a prescription system of Chinese herbal medicine, treatment selections for an identical disease may be different from the perspective of Eastern medicine. This is considered as one of the reasons why evaluations have not been con-ducted in RCT.

References 1) Kono T, Hata T, Morita S, et al : Goshajinkigan oxaliplatin neurotoxicity

evaluation(GONE) : A phase 2, multicenter, randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial of goshajinkigan to prevent oxaliplatin‒induced neuropathy. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2013 ; 72 : 1283‒1290[2b]

2) Oki E, Emi Y, Kojima H, et al : Preventive effect of Goshajinkigan on pe-ripheral neurotoxicity of FOLFOX therapy(GENIUS trial) : A placebo‒controlled, double‒blind, randomized phase III study. Int J Clin Oncol 2015 ; 20 : 767‒775[2b]

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 27.Postherpetic neuralgia (chronic phase) CQ33,CQ34,CQ3528.Posttraumatic peripheral neuropathy CQ36,CQ37,CQ3829.Diabetic neuropathy CQ3930.Trigeminal neuralgia CQ40,CQ4131.Central neuropathic pain CQ42,CQ4332.Pain after spinal cord injury CQ44,CQ45,CQ4633.Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy CQ47,CQ4834.Neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer CQ49,CQ5035.Postoperative neuropathic pain CQ51,CQ52,CQ53,CQ5436. Cervical and lumbar radiculopathy CQ55,CQ56,CQ57,CQ58

□Ⅰ.Overview of neuropathic pain

□Ⅱ. Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain

□Ⅲ. Pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain

■Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

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218 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

27.Postherpetic neuralgia (chronic phase) 

CQ33: What is the first drug to be considered for postherpetic neuralgia?

 Tricyclic antidepressants and Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands are recommended owing to high‒quality evidence of efficacy for postherpetic neuralgia. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1A

Comments: Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) such as amitriptyline (tertiary amine) and nortriptyline (secondary amine) are shown to be effective for postherpetic neu-ralgia (PHN). In a placebo controlled trial conducted in PHN patients, a significant pain re-lief was observed with amitriptyline compared to placebo1,2). Further, in an 8‒week RCT conducted in 76 PHN patients, a significant decrease of NRS was observed with nortriptyline and desipramine Note 1 compared to placebo (1.4 vs 0.2)3). In a study comparing the effects of amitriptyline and nortriptyline, there was no difference between these two drugs in terms of efficacy for pain relief. However, nortriptyline has been reported to be superior in tolerability with lower incidence of adverse effects such as dry mouth and somnolence4). High efficacy has been demonstrated in many RCTs for Ca2+ channel α2δ li-gands such as pregabalin5‒8) and gabapentin9,10). In a RCT conducted in 76 PHN patients comparing the effects of gabapentin and nortriptyline, similar improve-ments were observed in VAS and SF‒MPQ scores, although gabapentin in-duced less adverse effects such as dry mouth and orthostatic hypotension11). Adverse effects must be taken into consideration when selecting a drug. At-tention is required for cardiotoxicity and anticholinergic effects with TCAs, and for CNS depressant actions with Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands. No RCT has been reported for PHN with duloxetine, a selective serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), which is highly recommended for painful diabetic neuropathy.

References 1) Max MB, Schafer SC, Culnane M, et al : Amitriptyline, but not loraze-

pam, relieves postherpetic neuralgia. Neurology. 1988 ; 38 : 1427‒1432[2b] 2) Graff‒Radford SB, Shaw LR, Naliboff BN : Amitriptyline and fluphenazine

in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia. Clin J Pain 2000 ; 16 : 188‒192[1b]

3) Raja SN, Haythornthwaite JA, Pappagallo M, et al : Opioids versus anti-

PHN:postherpetic neuralgiaTCA:trycyclin antidepressant

Note 1:Desipramine:Marketing has been suspended in Japan.

SNRI:selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

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21927.Postherpetic neuralgia (chronic phase)

depressants in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2002 ; 59 : 1015‒1021[1b]

4) Watson CP, Vernich L, Chipman M, et al : Nortriptyline versus amitrip-tyline in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized trial. Neurology 1998 ; 51 : 1166‒1171[2b]

5) Dworkin RH, Corbin AE, Young JP Jr, et al : Pregabalin for the treat-ment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 1274‒1283[1b]

6) Sabatowski R, Gálvez R, Cherry DA, et al : Pregabalin reduces pain and improves sleep and mood disturbances in patients with post‒herpetic neuralgia : Results of a randomised, placebo‒controlled clinical trial. Pain 2004 ; 109 : 26‒35[1b]

7) van Seventer R, Feister HA, Young JP Jr, et al : Efficacy and tolerability of twice‒daily pregabalin for treating pain and related sleep interference in postherpetic neuralgia : A 13‒week, randomized trial. Curr Med Res Opin 2006 ; 22 : 375‒384[1b]

8) Stacey BR, Dworkin RH, Murphy K, et al : Pregabalin in the treatment of refractory neuropathic pain : results of a 15‒month open‒label trial. Pain Med 2008 ; 9 : 1202‒1208[1b]

9) Rowbotham M, Harden N, Stacey B, et al : Gabapentin for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized controlled trial. JAMA 1998 ; 280 : 1837‒1842[1b]

10) Rice AS, Maton S : Postherpetic Neuralgia Study Group : Gabapentin in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study. Pain 2001 ; 94 : 215‒224[1b]

11) Chandra K, Shafiq N, Pandhi P, et al : Gabapentin versus nortriptyline in post‒herpetic neuralgia patients : A randomized, double‒blind clinical tri-al : the GONIP Trial. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2006 ; 44 : 358‒363[1b]

CQ34: Are opioids effective for postherpetic neuralgia ?

 Opioids are effective for postherpetic neuralgia;however, these are less ef-fective than tricyclic antidepressants or Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2B

Comments: In a RCT conducted in 127 PHN patients using tramadol for 6 weeks, it was reported that in the tramadol group, the percentage of patients who achieved pain relief was higher and the rate of rescue analgesic use was lower than those of the placebo group, and that there was no difference between the groups in terms of adverse events1). There are also RCTs conducted for morphine and oxycodone as well2,3). In a RCT conducted in 76 PHN patients using morphine hydrochloride for 8 weeks, a significant decrease of NRS was observed in the treatment group compared to the placebo group (1.4 vs 0.2). However, it has been also reported that 48 out of 66 patients of the morphine hydrochloride group (10 out of 56 patients of

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220 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

the placebo group) developed adverse events, and that 34 patients (10 patients of the placebo group) could not continue the study. The pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain can often continue for a long time, and risk‒benefit aspects of opioid use have not been clearly revealed4). When an opioid is used for PHN, there is a risk of addiction or abuse. As the safety of a long‒term opioid use has not yet been established, it is necessary to obtain advice and strict observations of experts when it is administrated5). Hence, it is considered less effective compared to tricyclic antidepressants or Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands.

References 1) Boureau F, Legallicier P, Kabir‒Ahmadi M : Tramadol in post‒herpetic

neuralgia : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Pain 2003 ; 104 : 323‒331[1b]

2) Raja SN, Haythornthwaite JA, Pappagallo M, et al : Opioids versus anti-depressants in postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. Neurology 2002 ; 59 : 1015‒1021[1b]

3) Watson CP, Babul N : Efficacy of oxycodone in neuropathic pain : A ran-domized trial in postherpetic neuralgia. Neurology 1998 ; 50 : 1837‒1841

[1b] 4) McNicol ED, Midbari A, Eisenberg E : Opioids for neuropathic pain. Co-

chrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Aug 29 ; 8 : CD006146[1a] 5) Johnson RW, Rice AS : Clinical practice : Postherpetic neuralgia. N Engl

J Med 2014 ; 371 : 1526‒1533[5]

CQ35: Is there any other drug which should be considered for post-herpetic neuralgia ?

 The extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vac-cinia virus has been shown to be effective for postherpetic neuralgia. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1B

Comments: In a RCT conducted in 228 PHN patients in Japan, the extract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus was administered at 4 tablets/day, divided into two doses, for 4 weeks. According to the result, a significant improvement was reported in pain intensity in the treatment group compared to the placebo group1). Although there is no description of the ex-tract from inflamed cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus in major overseas guidelines as no RCT has been reported in any other coun-tries, it may be a drug which is not likely to induce serious adverse effects and is high in tolerability. Topical therapies with lidocaine2,3) and capsaicin4‒6) have been reported effec-

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22127.Postherpetic neuralgia (chronic phase)

tive in RCTs and are recommended in overseas guidelines, while these are not approved in Japan. Lidocaine gel and capsaicin cream however are used in some facilities as hospital preparations. It is clinically effective to concomitantly use small doses of multiple drugs in order to reduce adverse effects induced by increased dose of a single drug7). However, evidence cannot be evaluated due to limitations of RCTs8‒10) conduct-ed on PHN.

References 1) Yamamura H, Dan K, Wakasugi B et al : Effects of neurotropin(r)tab-

lets on post‒herpetic neuralgia : A multi‒center double blind placebo controlled study. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 1988 ; 147 : 651‒664[1b]

2) Baron R, Mayoral V, Leijon G, et al : 5% lidocaine medicated plaster ver-sus pregabalin in post‒herpetic neuralgia and diabetic polyneuropa-thy : An open‒label, non‒inferiority two‒stage RCT study. Curr Med Res Opin 2009 ; 25 : 1663‒1676[1b]

3) Rehm S, Binder A, Baron R : Post‒herpetic neuralgia : 5% lidocaine medi-cated plaster, pregabalin, or a combination of both? : A randomized, open, clinical effectiveness study. Curr Med Res Opin 2010 ; 26 : 1607‒1619[1b]

4) Backonja M, Wallace MS, Blonsky ER, et al : NGX‒4010 C116 Study Group : NGX‒4010, a high‒concentration capsaicin patch, for the treat-ment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomised, double‒blind study. Lan-cet Neurol 2008 ; 7 : 1106‒1112[1b]

5) Backonja MM, Malan TP, Vanhove GF, et al : C102/106 Study Group : NGX‒4010, a high‒concentration capsaicin patch, for the treat-ment of postherpetic neuralgia : A randomized, double‒blind, controlled study with an open‒label extension. Pain Med 2010 ; 11 : 600‒608[1b]

6) Irving GA, Backonja MM, Dunteman E, et al : NGX‒4010 C117 Study Group : A multicenter, randomized, double‒blind, controlled study of NGX‒4010, a high‒concentration capsaicin patch, for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia. Pain Med 2011 ; 12 : 99‒109[1b]

7) Chaparro LE, Wiffen PJ, Moore RA, et al : Combination pharmacothera-py for the treatment of neuropathic pain in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Jul 11 ; 7 : CD008943[1a]

8) Gilron I, Bailey JM, Tu D, et al : Morphine, gabapentin, or their combina-tion for neuropathic pain. N Engl J Med 2005 ; 352) : 1324‒34[1b]

9) Gilron I, Bailey JM, Tu D, et al : Nortriptyline and gabapentin, alone and in combination for neuropathic pain : A double‒blind, randomised con-trolled crossover trial. Lancet 2009 ; 374(9697) : 1252‒1261[1b]

10) Baron R, Mayoral V, Leijon G, et al : Efficacy and safety of combination therapy with 5% lidocaine medicated plaster and pregabalin in post‒her-petic neuralgia and diabetic polyneuropathy. Curr Med Res Opin 2009 ; 25 : 1677‒1687[1b]

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222 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

28.Posttraumatic peripheral neuropathic pain  

CQ36: Are Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands effective for posttraumatic periph-eral neuropathic pain ?

 Pregabalin and gabapentin, which are Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands, induce mod-erate analgesic effects on posttraumatic peripheral neuropathic pain. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2B

Comments: In a randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted in 254 patients with post-traumatic peripheral neuropathic pain, including 85 postoperative peripheral neuropathic pain patients, NNT of pregabalin 326 mg/day (median, range 150‒600 mg/day) was 10.6 1). A significant improvement of pain was observed with the treatment compared to placebo though its analgesic effect was not high. However, the percentage of patients who discontinued the trial due to ineffec-tiveness of the treatment was 1.6% , and that of patients who discontinued due to adverse effects was 7.1%;there was no significant difference observed between the treatment and the placebo in either case. There are not many drugs which show high effectiveness other than pregabalin. Further, pregaba-lin hardly induce serious adverse effects. Hence, it is worth trying this treat-ment as long as we pay attention to the doses. For gabapentin, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) was conducted in 24 pa-tients with chronic phantom limb pain and residual limb pain2). With the maxi-mum dose of 3,600 mg/day, no significant difference was observed in the de-gree of pain compared to placebo. However, for more than a half of the patient treated with gabapentin, the pain was alleviated during the treatment period. There was also another randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted in 19 pa-tients with chronic phantom limb pain3). In this study, the degree of pain de-creased significantly in both the gabapentin group, which had received 300‒2,400 mg/day, and the placebo group compared to the baseline, yet the change in the degree of pain was significantly greater with gabapentin than with pla-cebo. However, as gabapentin is not indicated for peripheral neuropathy in Ja-pan, priority should be given to pregabalin in the treatment.

References 1) Seventer R, Bach F, Toth C, et al : Pregabalin in the treatment of post‒

traumatic peripheral neuropathic pain : A randomized double‒blind trial.

NNT:number needed to treat

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22328.Posttraumatic peripheral neuropathic pain

Eur J Neurol 2010 ; 17 : 1082‒1089[1b] 2) Smith D, Ehde D, Hanley M, et. al : Efficacy of gabapentin in treating

chronic phantom limb and residual limb pain. J Rehabil Res Dev 2005 ; 42 : 645‒654[1b]

3) Bone M, Critchley P, Buggy D : Gabapentin in postamputation phantom limb pain : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, cross‒over study. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2002 ; 27 : 481‒486[1b]

CQ37: Are opioids effective for posttraumatic peripheral neuropathic pain ?

 Efficacy of morphine has been demonstrated for postamputation pain. How-ever, it is not very effective due to problems associated with adverse effects. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments: In a randomized controlled trial conducted in 60 patients with post‒amputa-tion pain1), NNT of morphine hydrochloride at 112 mg/day (median) was 5.6. However, due to adverse effects such as constipation (34% ) and sleepiness (18% ), the level of activities or disability in daily living did not improve. In a randomized comparative trial conducted in 12 patients with phantom limb pain2), NNT of morphine sulfate at 70‒300 mg/day was 2.4. A significant de-crease in pain was observed compared to placebo. However, incidence of con-stipation, as an adverse effect, was significantly higher than placebo. In a RCT3) conducted in 94 patients with postamputation phantom limb pain, tramadol 448 mg/day (median) was administered to the patients. According to the result, VAS value decreased by more than 10 mm in 48 patients (defined as respond-ers). However, there was no significant difference observed in the level of de-crease in pain among responders of 3 groups which received either tramadol, amitriptyine or placebo. For adverse effects, fatigue (60%), headache (44%), diz-ziness (40%), constipation (35%), and nausea (33%) were reported. Although opioids are effective for patients with postamputation phantom limb pain, special attention will be required for adverse effects compared to the other drugs. These can be accepted only when a patient does not respond to other treatments and when it is used for a short period of time;opioids are not effective for this treatment.

References 1) Wu C, Agarwal S, Tella PK, et al : Morphine versus mexiletine for treat-

ment of postamputation pain : A randomized, placebo‒controlled, cross-over trial. Anesthesiology 2008 ; 109 : 289‒296[1b]

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224 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

2) Huse E, Larbig W, Flor H, et al : The effect of opioids on phantom limb pain and cortical reorganization. Pain 2001 ; 90 : 47‒55[1b]

3) Wilder‒Smith C, Hill L, Laurent S : Postamputation pain and sensory changes in treatment‒naive patients : Characteristics and responses to treatment with tramadol, amitriptyline, and placebo. Anesthesiology 2005 ; 103 : 619‒628[1b]

CQ38: Are there any other pharmacotherapies which are effective?

 The number of randomized comparative trials which investigated effective-ness of drugs for posttraumatic peripheral neuropathic pain is very limited. Topical lidocaine could be effective. However, its use is limited as there is no product other than lidocaine spray available in Japan. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2D

Comments: There is no evidence other than randomized controlled trials which support efficacy for posttraumatic peripheral neuropathic pain on the following drugs:Antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin‒noradrenalin re-uptake inhibitors and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, anti‒arrhythmic drugs such as mexiletine, and anti-epileptic drugs such as lamotrigine, topira-mate, carbamazepine, sodium valproate, and clonazepam. Therefore, efficacy of these drugs has not been well verified. For topical drugs, a RCT was conducted in 31 patients with postoperative or posttraumatic peripheral neuropathic pain1). In this study, topical lidocaine spray was effective at 96 mg/day without inducing any systemic adverse ef-fects, and a significant reduction in pain was observed compared to placebo.

References 1) Kanai A, Segawa Y, Okamoto T, et al : The analgesic effect of a metered‒

dose 8% lidocaine pump spray in posttraumatic peripheral neuropathy : A pilot study. Anesth Analg 2009 ; 108 : 987‒991[1b]

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22529.Painful diabetic neuropathy

29.Painful diabetic neuropathy

CQ39: What are the basic management plan and the level of recommen-dation of drugs for painful diabetic neuropathy?

 In treatments of painful diabetic neuropathy, pregabalin, tricyclic antidepres-sants, duloxetine, the aldose reductase inhibitor, mexiletine and tramadol are recommended to use along with the treatment for the primary disease (diabe-tes mellitus). For a patient who is resistant to these drugs, use of tramadol and other opioid analgesics are considered. However, it is desirable to receive a consultation from a pain management specialist as well. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1B

Comments: The highest priority should be given to treatments for the primary disease (diabetes mellitus) which induce painful diabetic neuropathy, according to the “Evidence‒based Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Diabetes in Japan (2013)” edited by The Japan Diabetes Society1). The analgesics recommended for treatment of neuropathic pain caused by diabetic neuropathy include pregabalin2‒10), tricyclic antidepressant (especially the secondary amines), duloxetine11‒18), the aldose reductase inhibitor19‒24), mex-iletine25‒28) and tramadol29,30). Mexiletine has been approved to be indicated for painful diabetic neuropathy in Japan. However, there is also a systematic re-view which does not recommend mexiletine for the treatment of painful diabet-ic neuropathy taking into consideration that it had not always been demon-strated effective in meta‒analysis conducted abroad and the results of relative comparisons made on adverse effects31). Hence, descriptions of mexiletine were not included in the outline of the treatments for neuropathic pain in this guide-line but only in this section of diabetic neuropathy. When using mexiletine, it is desirable to regularly examine electrocardiography and always evaluate ad-verse effects accordingly. Opioid analgesics other than tramadol33‒38) are not the priority due to con-cerns associated with tolerability and long‒term safety though these have been demonstrated effective for painful diabetic neuropathy. In addition, it is desir-able to receive a consultation from a pain management specialist when per-forming a long‒term tramadol administration or when using other opioid anal-gesics.

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226 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

 Aldose reductase inhibitor EpalrestatNote 1 controls intraneural sorbital accumulation and improves pain-ful diabetic neuropathy by specifically inhibiting aldose reductase which acts in the process of sorbitol production from glucose. It has been reported that epal-restat may improve pain, numbness and autonomic nervous functions in pain-ful diabetic neuropathy1). However, there is also a clinical study conducted in Japan concluding that no efficacy was observed for neuropathic pain19‒21,24,39). Epalrestat is administered at 150 mg/day divided into 3 doses (before meals). Analgesic effects are likely to be observed in patients with (i) weak or moder-ate neuropathic pain and (ii) disease history of less than 3 years1).

References 1) The Japan Diabetes Society : Treatments for diabetic neuropathy(Evi-

dence‒based Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Diabetes in Japan[2013]edited by The Japan Diabetes Society)2013 ; 115‒128

2) Arezzo JC, Rosenstock J, Lamoreaux L, et al : Efficacy and safety of pre-gabalin 600 mg/day for treating painful diabetic peripheral neuropa-thy : A double‒blind placebo‒controlled trial. BMC Neurology 2008 ; 8 : 33

[1b] 3) Lesser H, Sharma U, Lamoreaux L, et al : Pregabalin relieves symptoms

of painful diabetic neuropathy : A randomized controlled trial. Neurology 2004 ; 63 : 2104‒2110[1b]

4) Richter RW, Portenoy R, Sharma U, et al : Relief of painful diabetic pe-ripheral neuropathy with pregabalin : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial. J Pain 2005 ; 6 : 253‒-260[1b]

5) Rosenstock J, Tuchman M, Lamoreaux L, et al : Pregabalin for the treat-ment of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Pain 2004 ; 110 : 628‒638[1b]

6) Tolle T, Freynhagen R, Versavel M, et al : Pregabalin for relief of neuro-pathic pain associated with diabetic neuropathy : A randomized, double‒blind study. Eur J Pain 2008 ; 12 : 203‒213[1b]

7) Freynhagen R, Strojek K, Griesing T, et al : Efficacy of pregabalin in neuropathic pain evaluated in a 12‒week, randomised, double‒blind, mul-ticentre, placebo‒controlled trial of flexible‒and fixed‒dose regimens. Pain 2005 ; 115 : 254‒263[1b]

8) Freeman R, Durso‒DeCruz E, Emir B : Efficacy, safety, and tolerability of pregabalin treatment for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy : find-ings from seven randomized, controlled trials across a range of doses. Diabet Care 2008 ; 31 : 1448‒1454[1a]

9) Satoh J, Yagihashi S, Baba M, et al : Efficacy and safety of pregabalin for treating neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropa-thy : A 14‒week, randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Dia-bet Med 2011 ; 28 : 109‒116[1b]

10) Randomized, double‒blind, multicenter, placebo‒controlled study of pre-gabalin for pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. http : //www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/results/NCT00553475?term=A0081163&rank=2

11) Goldstein DJ, Lu Y, Detke MJ, et al : Duloxetine vs. placebo in patients

Note 1:Epalrestat:approved for subjective symptoms (numbness and pain) associated with diabetic neuropathy.

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22729.Painful diabetic neuropathy

with painful diabetic neuropathy. Pain 2005 ; 116 : 109‒118[1b]12) Raskin J, Pritchett Y, Chappell AS, et al : Duloxetine in the treatment of

diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain : Results from three clinical trials. European Federation of Neurological Societies 2005 ; Sept 17‒20 ; Athens, Greece. [1b]

13) Wernicke JF, Pritchett YL, D’Souza DN, et al : A randomized controlled trial of duloxetine in diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. Neurology 2006 ; 67 : 1411‒1420[1b]

14) Raskin J, Pritchett YL, Wang F, et al : A double‒blind, randomized multi-center trial comparing duloxetine with placebo in the management of di-abetic peripheral neuropathic pain. Pain Med 2005 ; 6 : 346‒356[1b]

15) Yasuda H, Hotta N, Nakao K, et al : Superiority of duloxetine to placebo in improving diabetic neuropathic pain : Results of a randomized con-trolled trial in Japan. J Diabet Invest 2011 ; 2 : 132‒139[1b]

16) A Study for the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. http : //clinicaltrials. gov/ct2/show/results/NCT00552175?term=ly248686+japan&rank=1

17) Wernicke JF, Wang F, Pritchett YL, et al : An open‒label 52‒week clini-cal extension comparing duloxetine with routine care in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. Pain Med 2007 ; 8 : 503‒513[2b]

18) Raskin J, Smith TR, Wong K, et al : Duloxetine versus routine care in the long‒term management of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. J Palliat Med 2006 ; 9 : 29‒40[2b]

19) Goto Y, Shigeta Y, Sakamoto N, et al : A clinical study on epalrestat(ONO‒2235)for diabetic neuropathy? : A double‒blind group comprison study using a placebo control(containing a small amount of study drug). Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 1990 ; 152 : 405‒416

[1b]20) Goto Y, Shigeta Y, Sakamoto N, et al : A clinical evaluation of aldose re-

ductase inhibitor ONO‒2235 for diabetic neuropathy : A double‒blind comparative clinical study. Gendai iryo 1986 ; 18 : 449‒66[1b]

21) Aida K, Tsuchiya K, Tanaka H, et al : Clinical effects of long‒term ad-ministraitons of aldose reductase inhibitor epalrestat for diabetic neurop-athy for 3 years in Yamanashi region? : Including clinical course after discontiuous of the treatment. Diabet Frontier 2008 ; 19 : 522‒527[2b]

22) Hotta N, Akanuma Y, Kawamori R, et al : Long‒term clinical effects of epalrestat, an aldose reductase inhibitor, on diabetic peripheral neuropa-thy : The 3‒year, multicenter, comparative aldose reductase inhibitor‒di-abetes complications trial. Diabet Care 2006 ; 29 : 1538‒1544[2b]

23) Sako Y, Ashida K, Aoki T, et al : An investigation of actual situation of diabetic neuropathy and clinical effects of aldose reductase inhibitors for neuropathic subjective symptoms and autonomic neuropathy(CVR‒R abnormality)in our clinic. The Japanese Journal of Clinical and Experi-mental Medicine 2005 ; 82 : 723‒732[2b]

24) Matsuoka T, Aoyama M, Himei H : Effects of aldose reductase inhibitor for subjective and objective findings of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Diabetic Complications 2000 ; 15 : 48‒54[2b]

25) Matsuoka K, Hirata Y, Kanazawa Y, et al : Optimal clinical dose of mex-iletine hydrochloride(MX‒DPN)for diabetic neuropathy patients. Japa-nese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science 1997 ; 38 : 729‒757


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228 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

26) Matsuoka K, Hirata Y, Kanazawa Y, et al : A double‒blind comparative study on mexiletine hydrochloride(MX‒DPN)for diabetic neuropathy. Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science 1997 ; 38 : 759‒776[2b]

27) Suzuki Y, Matsuoka K : Effects of mexiletine for diabetic neuropathic pain (a double‒blind study). Journal of New remedies & Clinics 1992 ; 41 : 2347‒2351[2b]

28) Nishizawa Y, Yoshioka F, Nosaka S, et al : Improving and protecting ef-fect and safety of mexiletine hydrochloride or mianserin hydrochloride on painful diabetic neuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus for 2 years in prospective randomized well‒controlled comparative study. The Journal of the Japanese Society for the Study of Chronic Pain 2005 ; 24 : 137‒148[2b]

29) Sindrup SH, Andersen G, Madsen C, et al : Tramadol relieves pain and allodynia in polyneuropathy : A randomised, double‒blind, controlled tri-al. Pain 1999 ; 83 : 85‒90[1b]

30) Harati Y, Gooch C, Swenson M, et al : Double‒blind randomized trial of tramadol for the treatment of the pain of diabetic neuropathy. Neurolo-gy 1998 ; 50 : 1842‒1846[1b]

31) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173

32) Gimbel JS, Richards P, Portenoy RK : Controlled‒release oxycodone for pain in diabetic neuropathy : A randomized controlled trial. Neurology 2003 ; 60 : 927‒934[1b]

33) Gilron I, Bailey JM, Tu D, et al : Morphine, gabapentin, or their combina-tion for neuropathic pain. N Engl J Med 2005 ; 352 : 1324‒1334[1b]

34) Watson CPN, Moulin D, Watt‒Watson J, et al : Controlled‒release oxyco-done relieves neuropathic pain : A randomized controlled trial in painful diabetic neuropathy. Pain 2003 ; 105 : 71‒78[1b]

35) Gilron I, Bailey JM, Tu D, et al : Morphine, gabapentin, or their combina-tion for neuropathic pain. N Engl J Med 2005 ; 352 : 1324‒1334[1b]

36) Boureau F, Legallicier P, Kabir‒Ahmadi M : Tramadol in post‒herpetic neuralgia : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Pain 2003 ; 104 : 323‒331[1b]

37) Sindrup SH, Andersen G, Madsen C, et al : Tramadol relieves pain and allodynia in polyneuropathy : A randomised, double‒blind, controlled tri-al. Pain 1999 ; 83 : 85‒90[1b]

38) Rowbotham MC, Twilling L, Davies PS, et al : Oral opioid therapy for chronic peripheral and central neuropathic pain. N Engl J Med 2003 ; 348 : 1223‒1232[1b]

39) Suzuki K, Kimura M : Effects of a concomitant use of Methycobal® and Kinedak®. Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science 1999 ; 41 : 281‒295[2b]

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22930.Trigeminal neuralgia

30.Trigeminal neuralgia

CQ40: Is carbamazepine effective for trigeminal neuralgia compared to placebo?

 Carbamazepine is effective for trigeminal neuralgia compared to placebo and recommended as the first‒line drug for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Summary of the level of recommendation and overall evidence:1B

Comments: There are 4 randomized, double‒blind, placebo controlled studies1‒4), 1 meta‒analysis5), and 2 systematic reviews (guidelines, written by the same group)6,7) on the effects of carbamazepine for trigeminal neuralgia compared to placebo. In a meta‒analysis including randomized controlled studies conducted by Wiff-en et al5), NNT for carbamazepine in trigeminal neuralgia was 1.7 [95% CI 1.3 to 2.2] (risk ratio 6.0 [95% CI 2.8 to 13]). In a systematic review conducted by Cruccu et al6), they concluded that the evidence of the effectiveness of carba-mazepine for trigeminal neuralgia was robust. Existing guidelines related to this clinical question have been issued by AAN and EFNS6,8). In EFNS guidelines on the pharmacological treatment of neuro-pathic pain conducted by Attal et al.8), carbamazepine was recommended as the first‒line drug in pharmacological treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, while it was also indicated that the effectiveness of carbamazepine could be affected by low tolerability and drug interactions (as CYP3A4 inducer). In a clinical practice guideline for trigeminal neuralgia conducted by Cruccu et al. 6), NNH of carbamazepine is 3.4 Note 1. Thus, this guideline recommended carbamazepine as the first‒line drug for trigeminal neuralgia. However, we should use carbamazepine with careful at-tention to adverse events and drug interactions.

References 1) Campbell FG, Graham JG, Zilkha KJ : Clinical trial of carbamazepine(te-

gretol)in trigeminal neuralgia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1966 ; 29 : 265‒267[1b]

2) Killian JM, Fromm GH : Carbamazepine in the treatment of neuralgia. Arch Neurol 1968 ; 19 : 129‒136[2b]

3) Nicol CF : A four year double blind study of tegretol in facial pain. Head-ache 1969 ; 9 : 54‒57[2b]

4) Rockcliff BW, Davis EH : Controlled sequential trials of carbamazepine in trigeminal neuralgia. Arch Neurol 1996 ; 15 : 129‒136[2b]

5) Wiffen PJ, Derry S, Moore RA, et al : Carbamazepine for chronic neuro-

NNT:number needed to treat

AAN:The American Academy of NeurologyEFNS:The European Federation of Neurological Societies

NNH:number needed to harmNote 1:See the section of “anti-epileptics” for major adverse events.

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230 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

pathic pain and fibromyalgia in adults Cochrane Database Syst Rev, Is-sue 4. Art. No. : CD005451. DOI : 10. 1002/14651858. CD005451. pub3, 2014[1a]

6) Cruccu G, Gronseth G, Alksne J, et al : AAN‒EFNS guidelines on tri-geminal neuralgia management. Eur J Neurol 2008 ; 15 : 1013‒1028[1a]

7) Gronseth G, Cruccu G, Alksne J, et al : Practice parameter : The diagnos-tic evaluation and treatment of trigeminal neuralgia(an evidence‒based review) : Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the Ameri-can Academy of Neurology and the European Federation of Neurologi-cal Societies. Neurology 2008 ; 71 : 1183‒1190[1a]

8) Attal N, Cruccu G, Baron R, et al : EFNS guidelines on the pharmacologi-cal treatment of neuropathic pain : 2010 revision. Eur J Neurol 2010 ; 17 : 1113‒23[1a]

CQ41: Are there any drugs other than carbamazepine that are effective for trigeminal neuralgia?

 Baclofen, lamotrigine and botulinum toxin type A may be effective for tri-geminal neuralgia. Oxcarbazepine may has comparable effectiveness with car-bamazepine, although it is not approved in Japan. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments: The drugs currently available in Japan other than carbamazepine that have been shown to be effective for trigeminal neuralgia in randomized, placebo con-trolled studies are baclofen1), lamotrigine2), lidocaine3,4), sumatriptan5) and botu-linum toxin type A (BTX‒A)6‒8). In addition, oxcarbazepine9), pimozide10) and topiramate11) have been shown to be equally or more effective than carbamaz-epine in randomized active‒controlled studies. In a randomized, double‒blind, crossover study of 10 patients with trigeminal neuralgia conducted by Fromm et al1), baclofen 50‒80 mg/day significantly reduced the number of attacks com-pared to placebo (7 out of 10 patients in the baclofen group, 1 out of 10 patients in the placebo group). In a randomized double‒blind crossover study of 14 re-fractory trigeminal neuralgia patients prescribed carbamazepine or phenytoin conducted by Zakrzewska et al2), additional use lamotrigine 400 mg significant-ly improved composite index of efficacy compared to placebo, and NNT for la-motrigine was 2.1 [95% CI 1.3‒6.1]12). In randomized, double‒blind, crossover studies using 8% [w/v] lidocaine spray (8% [w/v] lidocaine hydrochloride) or placebo intranasally (Kanai et al. 3)) and intraorally (Niki et al. 4)), significant pain reduction was observed 15 minutes after the treatment with lidocaine spray compared to the placebo. However, it was effective only for a short peri-od of time, and pain recurred in most of the patients within 24 hours. In a ran-domized, double blind, crossover study of subcutaneous injection of sumatrip-

Oxcarbazepine:Not marketed in Japan

BTX-A:botulinum toxin type A

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23130.Trigeminal neuralgia

tan 3 mg or placebo in 24 trigeminal neuralgia patients conducted by Kanai et al. 5), sumatriptan significantly reduced the VAS score of attacks 15 minutes af-ter compared to placebo. However, the duration of the effect was 7.9 [1‒20] hours (median [range]). There are two randomized, double blind, placebo‒con-trolled studies which investigated effects of BTX‒A (subcutaneous or oral mu-cosal injection to the trigger points). Wu et al.6) demonstrated that 75 U of BTX‒A significantly reduced the pain intensity and the number of attacks until week 12 compared to placebo. In a study comparing 3 groups (BTX‒A 75 U, 25 U and placebo) conducted by Zhang et al.7), pain intensity was significantly lower, and the response rates and the patient satisfaction score were signifi-cantly higher until week 8 in the BTX‒A group compared to the placebo group. There was no difference in terms of effectiveness between the BTX‒A 75 U group and the 25 U group. The adverse events observed in these studies were all transient and classified as either weak or moderate6,7). The BTX‒A products used in these studies were different from that available in Japan. However, a systematic review including open‒label trials8), showed the effec-tiveness of Botox® injection which is also available in Japan. In a randomized, double blind, controlled study comparing effects of oxcarbazepine and carba-mazepine conducted by Liebel et al. 9) , the number of attacks was reduced with oxcarbazepine as much as with carbamazepine. Also in a randomized, double blind, crossover study conducted by Lechin et al. 10) on effects of pi-mozide 4‒12 mg/day and carbamazepine 300‒1,200 mg/day in 48 patients with trigeminal neuralgia, the improvement rate was higher with pimozide than with carbamazepine (48 of 48 patients vs. 28 of 48 patients), although the inci-dence of adverse events was 83% for pimozide. In a meta‒analysis conducted by Wang et al. 11) on RCTs comparing effects of topiramate and carbamaze-pine, there was no difference in the effectiveness of each drug in one month af-ter the start of treatment, while the effectiveness of topiramate was superior to carbamazepine after two months. However, the authors described that their studies were some limitations that all studies had been performed in only one country and was very low in terms of the quality of study. There is a systematic review related to this clinical question, conducted by Zhang et al. 13) on non‒antiepileptic drugs for trigeminal neuralgia. This study described about the studies on tizanidine, tocainide and 0.5% [w/v] propara-caine hydrochloride, in addition to pimozide described above, as drugs com-pared to carbamazepine in randomized controlled studies. However, there were no drugs comparable to carbamazepine. Existing guidelines related to this clinical question have been issued by AAN and EFNS14,15). In EFNS guidelines on the pharmacological treatment of neuro-pathic pain conducted by Attal et al. 15), oxcarbazepine was recommended

VAS:visual analogue scale(defined by IASP:0 as no pain and 100 [mm] as the worst pain you could ever imagine)

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232 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

along with carbamazepine as the first‒line drug in pharmacological treatment for trigeminal neuralgia. Hence, this guideline concludes that baclofen, lamotrigine, and botulinum tox-in type A may be effective for trigeminal neuralgia, although the use of these drugs for trigeminal neuralgia is not covered by insurance in Japan. Oxcarba-zepine is recommended as the first‒line drug in guidelines available in the US and Europe, however we do not refer to oxcarbazepine in this conclusion as it is not marketed and approved in Japan.

References 1) Fromm GH, Terrence CF, Chattha AS : Baclofen in the treatment of tri-

geminal neuralgia : Bouble‒blind study and long‒term follow‒up. Ann Neurol 1984 ; 15 : 240‒244[2b]

2) Zakrzewska JM, Chaudhry Z, Nurmikko TJ, et al : Lamotrigine(lamic-tal)in refractory trigeminal neuralgia : Results from a double‒blind pla-cebo controlled crossover trial. Pain 1997 ; 73 : 223‒230[2b]

3) Kanai A, Suzuki A, Kobayashi M, Hoka S. Intranasal lidocaine 8% spray for second‒division trigeminal neuralgia. Br J Anaesth 2006 ; 97 : 559‒563[1b]

4) Niki Y, Kanai A, Hoshi K, et al : Immediate analgesic effect of 8% lido-caine applied to the oral mucosa in patients with trigeminal neuralgia. Pain Med 2014 ; 15 : 826‒831[1b]

5) Kanai A, Saito M, Hoka S : Subcutaneous sumatriptan for refractory tri-geminal neuralgia. Headache 2006 ; 46 : 577‒582[1b]

6) Wu CJ, Lian YJ, Zheng YK, et al : Botulinum toxin type A for the treat-ment of trigeminal neuralgia : Results from a randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Cephalalgia 2013 ; 32 : 443‒450[2b]

7) Zhang H, Lian Y, Ma Y, et al : Two doses of botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia : Observation of therapeutic effect from a randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. J Headache Pain 2014 ; 15 : 65[2b]

8) Hu Y, Guan X, Fan L, et al : Therapeutic efficacy and safety of botuli-num toxin type A in trigeminal neuralgia : A systematic review. J Head-ache Pain 2013 ; 14 : 72[2b]

9) Liebel JT, Menger N, Langohr H : Oxcarbazepine in der behandlung der trigeminusneuralgie. Nervenheilkunde 2001 ; 20 : 461‒465[2b]

10) Lechin F, van der Dijs B, Lechin ME, et al : Pimozide therapy for trigem-inal neuralgia. Arch Neurol 1989 ; 46 : 960‒963[2b]

11) Wang QP, Bai M : Topiramate versus carbamazepine for the treatment of classical trigeminal neuralgia : A meta‒analysis. CNS Drugs 2011 ; 25 : 847‒857[1a]

12) Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Jensen TS : The evidence for pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain. Pain 2010 ; 150 : 573‒581[1a]

13) Zhang J, Yang M, Zhou M, et al : Non‒antiepileptic drugs for trigeminal neuralgia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Dec 3 ; 12 : CD004029. [4]

14) Cruccu G, Gronseth G, Alksne J, et al : AAN‒EFNS guidelines on trigem-inal neuralgia management. Eur J Neurol 2008 ; 15 : 1013‒1028[1a]

15) Attal N, Cruccu G, Baron R, et al : EFNS guidelines on the pharmacologi-cal treatment of neuropathic pain : 2010 revision. Eur J Neurol 2010 ; 17 : 1113‒23[1a]

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23331.Central neuropathic pain

31.Central neuropathic pain

CQ42: What pharmacotherapies are effective for central post‒stroke pain ?

 Amitriptyline and lamotrigine are effective at a certain level for central post‒stroke pain. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2B

Comments: RCTs have been conducted on pharmacotherapies for central post‒stroke pain (CPSP) using amitriptyline, carbamazepine, pregabalin, lamotrigine, leveti-racetam, morphine and lidocaine. In a study conducted in 15 CPSP patients, ad-verse effects such as weak to moderate malaise and dry mouth developed with amitriptyline 75 mg/day, while pain was significantly reduced by amitriptyline compared to placebo. On the other hand, it has been reported that no signifi-cant analgesic effect was observed with carbamazepine compared to placebo1). In a study conducted on efficacy of pregabalin in CPSP patients (219 subjects), significant improvement was observed in sleep and anxiety with pregabalin 300‒600 mg/day compared to placebo, while no significant decrease was re-ported for pain2). In a study investigating analgesic effects of lamotrigine in 35 CPSP patients, high tolerability was observed with lamotrigine 200 mg/day along with significantly higher analgesic effects compared to placebo3). In a study conducted on efficacy of levetiracetam in 42 CPSP patients, no significant difference was observed in analgesic effects between levetiracetam 3,000 mg/day and placebo, and no improvement was reported either for QOL. Moreover, adverse effects such as malaise or dizziness developed in 21 patients in this study4). In a RCT conducted using morphine in 15 patients (including 9 patients with pain after spinal cord injury), allodynia was significantly reduced by intra-venous administration of morphine hydrochloride at 9‒30 mg compared to pla-cebo, although it was not effective for persistent pain5). In a RCT conducted using lidocaine in 16 patients (including 10 patients with pain after spinal cord injury), significant decreases were observed with 30 minutes of intravenous li-docaine administration at 5 mg/kg compared to placebo in persistent pain until 45 minutes after injection and in the degree of allodynia6). It has been also mentioned in systematic reviews that further accumulation of studies will be necessary as there are not many studies with high evidence level available for amitriptyline and lamotrigine, which are recommended as analgesic drugs for CPSP7,8).

RCT:randamized controlled trialCPSP:central post-stroke pain

RCT:randomized controlled trial

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234 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

References 1) Leijon G, Boivie J : Central post‒stroke pain : A controlled trial of ami-

triptyline and carbamazepine. Pain 1989 ; 36 : 27‒36[1b] 2) Kim JS, Bashford G, Murphy TK, et al : Safety and efficacy of pregabalin

in patients with central post‒stroke pain. Pain 2011 ; 152 : 1018‒1023[1b] 3) Vestergaard K, Andersen G, Gottrup H, et al Lamotrigine for central

poststroke pain : A randomized controlled trial. Neurology 2001 ; 56 : 184‒190[1b]

4) Jungehulsing GJ, Israel H, Safar N, et al : Levetiracetam in patients with central neuropathic post‒stroke pain : A randomized, double‒blind, pla-cebo‒controlled trial. Eur J Neurol 2013 ; 20 : 331‒337[1b]

5) Attal N, Guirimand F, Brasseur L, et al : Effects of IV morphine in cen-tral pain : A randomized placebo‒controlled study. Neurology 2002 ; 58 : 554‒563[1b]

6) Attal N, Gaudé V, Brasseur L, et al : Intravenous lidocaine in central pain. Neurology 2000 ; 54 : 564‒574[1b]

7) Kim JS : Pharmacological management of central post‒stroke pain : A practical guide. CNS Drugs 2014 ; 28 : 787‒797[1a]

8) Mulla SM, Wang L, Khokhar R, et al : Management of central poststroke pain : Systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Stroke 2015 ; 46 : 2853‒2860[1a]

CQ43: What pharmacotherapies are effective for neuropathic pain asso-ciated with multiple sclerosis ?

 Levetiracetam is effective at a certain level for neuropathic pain associated with multiple sclerosis. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments: RCTs have been conducted on pharmacotherapies for central neuropathic pain associated with multiple sclerosis using levetiracetam and lamotrigine. There are 2 RCTs for levetiracetam. In a RCT conducted in 20 patients with central neuropathic pain associated with multiple sclerosis, significant allevia-tion of pain was observed with levetiracetam administration at 3,000 mg/day compared to placebo. In 3 out of 12 patients in the levetiracetam group howev-er developed somnolence, 1 developed dizziness, and 1 developed nausea1). In another RCT conducted in 30 patients, no significant difference was observed in pain reduction between levetiracetam 3,000 mg/day and placebo. However, significant reduction in pain was observed compared to placebo when limited to patients presenting shooting pain or patients without allodynia. Adverse ef-fects such as malaise or dizziness developed in 4 patients2). In a RCT investigating efficacy of lamotrigine 400 mg/day, no significant dif-ference was observed in improvement effects on pain and quality of life com-pared to placebo3).

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23531.Central neuropathic pain

References 1) Rossi S, Mataluni G, Codeca C, et al : Effects of levetiracetam on chronic

pain in multiple sclerosis : Results of a pilot, randomized, placebo‒con-trolled study. Eur J Neurol 2009 ; 16 : 360‒366[1b]

2) Falah M, Madsen C, Holbech JV, et al : A randomized, placebo‒controlled trial of levetiracetam in central pain in multiple sclerosis. Eur J Pain 2012 ; 16 : 860‒869[1b]

3) Breuer B, Pappagallo M, Knotkova H, et al : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, two‒period, crossover, pilot trial of lamotrigine in pa-tients with central pain due to multiple sclerosis. Clin Ther 2007 ; 29 : 2022‒2030[1b]

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236 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

32.Pain after spinal cord injury

CQ44: Are tricyclic antidepressants and Ca2+channel α2δ ligands effec-tive for pain after spinal cord injury?

 Evidence of efficacy for amitriptyline and Ca2+channel α 2 δ ligands is rela-tively high for pain after spinal cord injury. The level of recommendation and summary of overall evidence:1A

Comments: It has been reported in a systematic review1) that NNT for pain after spinal cord injury was 4.4 for amitriptyline2), 7 for pregabalin3,4), and ∞ for gabapen-tin2). Meanwhile, in a RCT investigated on analgesic effects of gabapentin in 20 patients with pain after spinal cord injury, the reduction of the frequency and the degree of pain and the improvement of QOL were reported at doses of 900‒3,600 mg/day compared to placebo5). In another systematic review, amitriptyline, pregabalin and gabapentin have been recommended as first‒line drugs for pain after spinal cord injury. Howev-er, attention is required for adverse effects such as somnolence, dry mouth and malaise as high doses are needed to achieve adequate analgesic effects6).

References 1) Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al : Pharmacotherapy for neu-

ropathic pain in adults : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015 ; 14 : 162‒173[1a]

2) Rintala DH, Holmes SA, Courtade D, et al : Comparison of the effective-ness of amitriptyline and gabapentin on chronic neuropathic pain in per-sons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2007 ; 88 : 1547‒1560[1b]

3) Siddall PJ, Cousins MJ, Otte A, et al : Pregabalin in central neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury : A placebo‒controlled trial. Neu-rology 2006 ; 67 : 1792‒1800[1b]

4) Cardenas DD, Nieshoff EC, Suda K, et al : A randomized trial of pregaba-lin in patients with neuropathic pain due to spinal cord injury. Neurolo-gy 2013 ; 80 : 533‒539[1b]

5) Levendoglu F, Ogun CO, Ozerbil O, et al : Gabapentin is a first line drug for the treatment of neuropathic pain in spinal cord injury. Spine 2004 ; 29 : 743‒751[1b]

6) Hagen EM, Rekand T : Management of neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury. Pain Ther 2015 ; 4 : 51‒65[1a]

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23732.Pain after spinal cord injury

CQ45: Are opioids effective for pain after spinal cord injury?

 Opioids are moderately effective for pain after spinal cord injury, but are less effective compared to tricyclic antidepressants or Ca2+ channel α2δ li-gands. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2B

Comments: For opioids, analgesic effects of tramadol and morphine for pain after spinal cord injury have been investigated in RCTs. In a RCT conducted on analgesic effects of tramadol in 35 patients with pain after spinal cord injury, the pain score decreased significantly with administration at 150‒400 mg/day compared to placebo. On the other hand, adverse effects such as malaise, dry mouth and dizziness have been reported in 91% of patients1). In a RCT conducted using morphine in 15 patients (including 6 patients with central post‒stroke pain), a significant reduction of allodynia was observed with intravenous administration at 9‒30 mg compared to placebo. It was not effective, however, for persistent pain2). Opioids are moderately effective for pain after spinal cord injury. However, a long‒term use is not recommended considering the balance between the ef-fects and adverse effects, as they often induce adverse effects including addic-tion. Thus, opioids are less effective compared to tricyclic antidepressants and Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands2,3).

References 1) Norrbrink C, Lundeberg T : Tramadol in neuropathic pain after spinal

cord injury : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. Clin J Pain 2009 ; 25 : 177‒184[1b]

2) Attal N, Guirimand F, Brasseur L, et al : Effects of IV morphine in cen-tral pain : A randomized placebo‒controlled study. Neurology 2002 ; 58 : 554‒563[1b]

3) Hagen EM, Rekand T : Management of neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury. Pain Ther 2015 ; 4 : 51‒65[1a]

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238 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

CQ46: Are there any drugs effective for pain after spinal cord injury other than tricyclic antidepressants, Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands, and opioids?

 The number of RCT which investigated effectiveness of drugs for pain after spinal cord injury is very limited. It is currently unknown if there are any drugs which can be more effective than tricyclic antidepressants, Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands, and opioids. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments: Analgesic effects of anti‒epileptics including lamotrigine, carbamazepine, and levetiracetam and of anti‒arrhythmic drug such as mexiletine for pain after spinal cord injury have been investigated in RCTs. Lamotrigine showed signifi-cant analgesic effects in patients presenting allodynia and patients with incom-plete spinal cord injury, though no analgesic effect was observed in any other patients. NNT for the entire population was 12 1). A short‒time pain relief can be achieved with carbamazepine when administered in the early stage of spi-nal cord injury. It is not effective however in a long‒term treatment2). No sig-nificant analgesic effect was observed with levetiracetam3) and mexiletine4) compared to placebo.

References 1) Finnerup NB, Sindrup SH, Bach FW, et al : Lamotrigine in spinal cord

injury pain : A randomized controlled trial. Pain 2002 ; 96 : 375‒383[1b] 2) Salinas FA, Lugo LH, García HI : Efficacy of early treatment with carba-

mazepine in prevention of neuropathic pain in patients with spinal cord injury. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2012 ; 91 : 1020‒1027[1b]

3) Finnerup NB, Grydehøj J, Bing J, et al : Levetiracetam in spinal cord in-jury pain : A randomized controlled trial. Spinal Cord 2009 ; 47 : 861‒867

[1b] 4) Chiou‒Tan FY, Tuel SM, Johnson JC, et al : Effect of mexiletine on spinal

cord injury dysesthetic pain. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1996 ; 75 : 84‒87[1b]

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23933.Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

33.Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy         

CQ47: Is duloxetine effective for chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy ?

 The level of evidence on efficacy of duloxetine for chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is moderate. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1C

Comments: Efficacy of duloxetine has been confirmed in a systematic review on treat-ments for CIPN, and the level of recommendation for this drug is moderate1). In a RCT conducted on analgesic effects of duloxetine in 231 CIPN patients compared to placebo, it was reported that numbness and prickling sensation, in addition to pain, had also been relieved. Moreover, it was suggested that dulox-etine was more effective for CIPN induced by oxaliplatin than for CIPN in-duced by paclitaxel2). In a small‒scale RCT conducted in 34 Japanese patients, improvements were also reported in pain and numbness associated with che-motherapy‒induced neuropathy3).

References 1) Hershman DL, Lacchetti C, Dworkin RH, et al : Prevention and manage-

ment of chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy in survivors of adult cancers : American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical practice guideline. J Clin Oncol 2014 ; 32 : 1941‒1967[1a]

2) Smith EM, Pang H, Cirrincione C, et al : Effect of duloxetine on pain, function, and quality of life among patients with chemotherapy‒induced painful peripheral neuropathy : A randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2013 ; 309 : 1359‒1367[1b]

3) Hirayama Y, Ishitani K, Sato Y, et al : Effect of duloxetine in Japanese patients with chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy : A pilot randomized trial. Int J Clin Oncol 2015 ; 20 : 866‒871[1b]

CQ48: Are there any drugs other than duloxetine effective for chemother-apy‒induced peripheral neuropathy?

 Currently, there is no drug other than duloxetine confirmed to be effective for chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2D

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240 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

Comments: Duloxetine is currently the only drug so far which has shown efficacy for CIPN. RCTs have been also conducted on effects of tricyclic antidepressants and Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands for CIPN. For tricyclic antidepressants, small‒scale RCTs were conducted on amitrip-tyline and nortriptyline. In a RCT investigating analgesic effects of amitripty-line in 44 patients, no efficacy was observed with the treatment;it was consid-ered that a small sample size and low amitriptyline doses would probably ac-count for the result1). In a RCT conducted on nortriptyline in 51 patients, a slight improvement was observed though the evidence was not strong2). For Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands, in a RCT investigating analgesic effects of ga-bapentin in 115 patients, no efficacy was observed with the treatment3);it was considered that a significant difference was not observed as the patients par-ticipated in this study might not have had strong pain. For pregabaline, no RCT has been conducted. However, efficacy has been reported in a case‒con-trol study4). In a systematic review5) made on these findings for the treatments of CIPN, it was suggested that for these drugs there was no evidence which clearly supported efficacy for pain associated with CIPN. However, it was considered appropriate to use them as treatment options for chemotherapy‒induced neu-ropathy, as not many evidences had been available in the first place, and the effects for other types of neuropathic pain had been already revealed. Though the evidence level is low, there are also other reports made for opi-oids, showing efficacy of tramadol/acetaminophen combination tablets6) and oxycodone7) or that of α‒lipoic acid8,9).

References 1) Kautio AL, Haanpäpä M, Saarto T, et al : Amitriptyline in the treatment

of chemotherapy‒induced neuropathic symptoms. J Pain Symptom Man-age 2008 ; 35 : 31‒39[1b]

2) Hammack JE, Michalak JC, Loprinzi CL, et al : Phase III evaluation of nortriptyline for alleviation of symptoms of cis‒platinum‒induced periph-eral neuropathy. Pain 2002 ; 98 : 195‒203[1b]

3) Rao RD, Michalak JC, Sloan JA, et al : Efficacy of gabapentin in the man-agement of chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy : A phase 3 randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, crossover trial(N00C3). Cancer 2007 ; 110 : 2110‒2118[1b]

4) Saif MW, Syrigos K, Kaley K, et al : Role of pregabalin in treatment of oxaliplatin‒induced sensory neuropathy. Anticancer Res 2010 ; 30 : 2927‒2933[3b]

5) Hershman DL, Lacchetti C, Dworkin RH, et al : Prevention and manage-ment of chemotherapy‒induced peripheral neuropathy in survivors of adult cancers : American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical practice

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24133.Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

guideline. J Clin Oncol 2014 ; 32 : 1941‒1967[1a] 6) Liu YC, Wang WS : Human μ -opioid receptor gene A118G polymor-

phism predicts the efficacy of tramadol/acetaminophen combination tab-lets (ultracet) in oxaliplatin‒induced painful neuropathy. Cancer 2012 ; 118 : 1718‒1725[3b]

7) Cartoni C, Brunetti GA, Federico V, et al : Controlled‒release oxycodone for the treatment of bortezomib‒induced neuropathic pain in patients with multiple myeloma. Support Care Cancer 2012 ; 20 : 2621‒2626[3b]

8) Gedlicka C, Kornek GV, Schmid K, et al : Amelioration of docetaxel/cis-platin induced polyneuropathy by alpha‒lipoic acid. Ann Oncol 2003 ; 14 : 339‒340[3b]

9) Gedlicka C, Scheithauer W, Schull B, et al : Effective treatment of oxal-iplatin‒induced cumulative polyneuropathy with alpha‒lipoic acid. J Clin Oncol 2002 ; 20 : 3359‒3361[3b]

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242 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

34.Neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer  

CQ49: Are strong opioids effective for neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer?

 For neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer, opioid analgesics should not be discontinued even if it was opioid resistant pain, but should be used con-comitantly with therapeutic drugs for neuropathic pain. If patients are not tol-erated with adverse effects due to high‒dose opioid analgesics or if adverse ef-fects developed due to concomitant use of other drugs, the doses of opioid anal-gesics should be reconsidered and reduced accordingly. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1A

Comments: The pathological condition of pain can be different for each case in neuro-pathic pain directly caused by cancer. It will remain difficult in the future to investigate efficacy of each drug for reasons such as that the doses of opioid analgesics being used may vary according to each condition. For details of pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer, see “Clinical Guidelines for Cancer Pain Management, Second Edition (2014)” issued by Jap-anese Society for Palliative Medicine. During cancer treatments, patients may develop subjective symptoms of neuropathic pain in various situations:(1) neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer, (2) neuropathic pain associated with adverse effects of cancer treat-ment, and (3) neuropathic pain not associated with cancer or cancer treatment. In this section, we discuss neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer. Pathological conditions of neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer include cancer of neural origin, neural invasion by cancer, and neural compression by cancer, which can be also manifested by compression syndrome of the spinal cord, brachial plexus infiltration syndrome, malignant psoas syndrome, and symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia, etc. There may be various cases of cancer pain which involve neuropathic factors. The morbidity rate of neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer is reported to be 18.6% in terminal cancer patients in Japan1). In case where neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer is suspected, a de-finitive diagnosis should be obtained by imaging tests2), and cancer treatments other than pharmacotherapies, such as chemotherapy, surgical removal, and radiotherapy should be also considered positively3).

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24334.Neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer

 It is important to understand that neuropathic pain directly caused by can-cer is cancer pain. Hence, administration of opioid analgesics should be encour-aged unlike the cases of non‒cancer pain. Although there are some differences in terms of the levels, efficacy of opioid analgesics has been observed in neuro-pathic pain directly caused by cancer. For neuropathic pain caused by cancer which has been difficult to treat with opioid analgesics, drugs for non‒cancer pain should be considered. Moreover, for neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer, opioid analgesics should not be discontinued even if it was opioid resistant pain, but should be used concomitantly with therapeutic drugs for neuropathic pain. If patients are not tolerated with adverse effects due to high‒dose opioid analgesics or if ad-verse effects developed due to concomitant use of other drugs, the doses of opioid analgesics should be reconsidered and reduced accordingly.

References 1) Harada S, Tamura F, Ota S : The prevalence of neuropathic pain in ter-

minally ill patients with cancer admitted to a palliative care unit : A pro-spective observational study. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2016 ; 33 : 594‒598

[4] 2) Cleeland CS, Farrar JT, Hausheerth FH : Assessment of cancer‒related

neuropathy and neuropathic pain. The Oncologist 2010 ; 15 : S13‒S18. [5] 3) Piano V, Schalkwijk A, Burgers J, et al : Guidelines for neuropathic pain

management in patients with cancer : A European survey and compari-son. Pain Pract 2013 ; 13 : 349‒357. [4]

CQ50: Are neuropathic pain medications effective for neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer ?

 In “Clinical Guidelines for Cancer Pain Management, Second Edition (2014)” issued by Japanese Society for Palliative Medicine, drugs such as anti-epileptics, anti‒depressants, anti‒arrhythmic drugs, NMDA receptor antagonists and steroids are weakly recommended to be used when opioids are not effective enough;the most appropriate drug should be selected for each patient considering adverse effects of drugs and the patient’s condition. Meanwhile, efficacy of pre-gabalin and gabapentin has been examined and verified. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2C

Comments: The drugs other than opioid analgesics recommended for neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer, include Ca2+ channel α2δ receptor ligands and anti‒depressants as in a case of non‒cancer pain. For Ca2+ channel α2δ receptor ligands, efficacy of pregabalin and gabapentin

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244 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

has been examined and verified. However, gabapentin is not indicated for alle-viation of pain in Japan. The doses of Ca2+ channel α2δ receptor ligands should be adjusted while observing tolerability of adverse effects in CNS. For anti-epileptic drugs other than Ca2+ channel α2δ receptor ligands, ad-ministrations of sodium valproate, phenytoin, clonazepam can be considered. However, efficacy of these drugs for neuropathic pain directly caused by can-cer has not been adequately studied. Indication of these drugs should be con-sidered carefully, taking into consideration the aggravation of adverse effects associated with concomitant use of opioid analgesics. For antidepressants, administrations of tricyclic antidepressants such as ami-triptyline or nortriptyline, and serotonin/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor du-loxetine are recommended. However, there are not many studies reporting. Efficacy of antidepressants for neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer, and no absolute efficacy has been verified. For Ca2+ channel α2δ receptor ligands and antidepressants, drugs might be changed or used concomitantly with other drugs if no effect has been observed despite increasing doses for any drugs. Such changes or concomitant use of other drugs have been reported effective1,2). However, these procedures should be considered carefully while paying attention to adverse effects as there is no absolute evidence on efficacy. Considering adverse effects in CNS, it is recom-mended to consider administration of the second drug after dose reduction or discontinuation of the first drug. For neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer, use of anti‒arrhythmic drugs or NMDA receptor antagonists is likely to be considered unlike noncan-cer pain. Anti‒arrhythmic drugs, such as lidocaine or mexiletine, and NMDA receptor antagonists such as ketamine, amantadine, dextromethorphan and if-enprodil appear to be considered in many cases. However, no absolute efficacy has been demonstrated. Hence, anti‒arrhythmic drugs or NMDA receptor an-tagonists should not be positively recommended but rather should be consid-ered as potential options. Steroids can be considered for compression syndrome of the spinal cord, neural invasion, and neuropathic pain induced by nerve compression. There is no high‒quality clinical study conducted on these treatments. Hence, steroids should not be positively recommended but rather should be considered as po-tential options. The pathological condition of pain can be different for each case, and doses of opioid analgesics which are used concomitantly may vary in neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer. For these reasons, it will remain difficult in the future to investigate efficacy of each drug3).

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24534.Neuropathic pain directly caused by cancer

References 1) Matsuoka H, Makimura C, Koyama A, et al : Pilot study of duloxetine for

cancer patients with neuropathic pain non‒responsive to pregabalin. An-ticancer Res 2012 : 32 : 1805‒1809. [4]

2) Arai YC, Matsubara T, Shimo K, et al : Low‒dose gabapentin as useful adjuvant to opioids for neuropathic cancer pain when combined with low‒dose imipramine. J Anesth 2010 ; 24 : 407‒410. [1b]

3) Piano V, Verhagen S, Schalkwijk A, et al : Treatment for neuropathic pain in patients with cancer : Comparative analysis of recommendations in national clinical practice guidelines from European countries. Pain Pract 2014 ; 14 : 1‒7. [2a]

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246 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

35. Postoperative neuropathic pain (e.g. painful scar) and iatrogenic neuropathy (e.g. postthoracotomy neuropathic pain, postmastectomy pain)

CQ51: Does perioperative drug administration reduce postoperative neuropathic pain?

 Although the number of RCTs which showed efficacy for postoperative pain (chronic phase) is limited, pregabalin was effective for a certain level. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1B

Comments: In a systematic review of pharmacotherapies for postoperative pain1), no sig-nificant improvement was observed with ketamine in 3 months postoperatively compared to placebo (odds ratio 0.82, 95% confidence interval 0.4‒1.7), while in 6 months, pain significantly improved (odds ratio 0.50, 95% confidence inter-val 0.33‒0.76). The pain did not improve significantly with gabapentin in 3 months postoperatively compared to placebo (odds ratio 0.97, 95% confidence interval 0.59‒1.59). A significant improvement was observed in pain with pre-gabalin in 3 months postoperatively compared to placebo (odds ratio 0.60, 95%confidence interval 0.39‒0.93). In a systematic review of pregabalin for other post‒operative pain2), pregab-alin significantly reduced the pain at rest/on physical movement and the amount of postoperative analgesics being used during the acute phase 24 hours postoperatively. The number of RCTs has been limited for the chronic phase after 3 months. However, in a RCT investigating the efficacy of pregabalin for total knee arthroplasty (TKA)3), pain was reported to be significantly improved by pregabalin in 6 months, suggesting that this treatment might be effective.

References 1) Chaparro LE, Smith SA, Moore RA, et al : Pharmacotherapy for the pre-

vention of chronic pain after surgery in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013 ; 7 : CD008307[1a]

2) Mishriky BM, Waldron NH, Habib AS, et al : Impact of pregabalin on acute and persistent postoperative pain : A systematic review and meta‒analysis. Br J Anaesth 2015 ; 114 : 10‒31[1a]

3) Buvanendran A, Kroin JS, Della Valle CJ, et al : Perioperative oral prega-balin reduces chronic pain after total knee arthroplasty : A prospective, randomized, controlled trial. Anesth Analg 2010 ; 110 : 199‒207[1b]

TKA:total knee arthroplasty

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24735.Postoperative neuropathic pain (e.g. painful scar) and iatrogenic neuropathy (e.g. post-thoracotomy neuropathic pain, post-mastectomy pain)

CQ52: Are there any drugs effective for complete chronic postthoracoto-my pain?

 Although Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands are effective for postthoracotomy pain, no conclusion has been obtained for doses and the timing of the treatment. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1A

Comments: Analgesic effects of Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands for postthoracotomy pain have been examined in a RCT. In a RCT investigating analgesic effects of gabapentin in 40 patients with postthoracotomy pain of VAS ≧ 5 (0‒10) and LANSS ≧ 12, who received operations more than 3 months ago, significant im-provement was observed at 300‒2,400 mg/day administered in a dose escala-tion manner, in VAS and LANSS after 45 days and 60 days from treatment in-tervention compared to naproxen (1,000 mg/day)1). Also in a RCT conducted on analgesic effects of pregabalin in 68 patients who received thoracotomy, sig-nificant improvements were observed at 150 mg/day in 1, 2 and 3 months postoperatively in the degree of pain, LANSS and sleep disorder compared to loxoprofen (180 mg/day). For adverse effects, incidence of mild sleepiness was significantly higher with pregabalin, and that of stomachache was significantly higher with naproxan2). In a prospective cohort study investigating analgesic effects of gabapentin in 45 patients with persistent pain for more than 1 month after thoracotomy or chest trauma, improvement was observed in pain intensity, abnormal sensation and patients’ satisfaction level at 300‒900 mg/day after 21 weeks on average compared to the baseline3).

References 1) Solak O, Metin M, Esme H, et al : Effectiveness of gabapentin in the

treatment of chronic post‒thoracotomy pain. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2007 ; 32 : 9‒12[1b]

2) Matsutani N, Dejima H, Takahashi Y, et al : Pregabalin reduces post‒surgical pain after thoracotomy : A prospective, randomized, controlled trial. Surg Today 2015 ; 45 : 1411‒1146[1b]

3) Sihoe AD, Lee TW, Wan IY, et al : The use of gabapentin for post‒oper-ative and post‒traumatic pain in thoracic surgery patients. Eur J Cardio-thorac Surg 2006 ; 29 : 795‒799[1b]

VAS:visual analogue scaleLANSS :Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs

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248 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

CQ53: Are there any drugs effective for complete chronic postmastecto-my pain ?

 Antidepressants (e.g. venlafaxine), Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands, and lidocaine are effective for a certain level for postmastectomy pain. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1B

Comments: In a RCT investigating efficacy of venlafaxine and gabapentin in 150 patients who received mastectomy, a significant and equivalent decrease was observed in the amount of analgesics being used between Day 2 and Day 10 postopera-tively for both venlafaxine at 37.5 mg/day and gabapentin at 300 mg/day compared to placebo. In addition, venlafaxine significantly reduced the inci-dence and intensity of pain as well as the amount of analgesics being used in 6 months postoperatively compared to gabapentin or placebo1). In a RCT which showed that multi‒model analgesia using gabapentin and lo-cal anesthetics is effective, significant decreases in incidence of pain and the rate of analgesic use were observed in 3 months and 6 months postoperatively in the group which received gabapentin 2,400 mg/day and topical EMLA cream 20 g (2.5% [w/w] lidocaine+2.5% [w/w] procaine) with infiltration anes-thesia of 0.75% [w/v] ropivacaine 10 ml compared to the placebo group, al-though the significant difference in pain intensity varied until Day 8 according to the timing of observation. It was unknown however which drug had been effective as comparisons had been made between the combination of multiple analgesics and placebo2). According to a report made by the same research group on efficacy of lido-caine, in a RCT investigating the EMLA cream in 45 patients, no significant difference was observed with the treatment from perioperative period until Day 4 postoperatively in the degree of pain by Day 6 postoperatively com-pared to placebo. However, significant improvement was observed in intensity and incidence of pain in 3 months postoperatively3). In a RCT conducted on lidocaine in 36 patients (additional operations were performed in 13 patients), significant reductions in intensity and incidence of pain, pain at physical movement, and the range of pain sensitivity were ob-served with the continuous intravenous administration at 1.5 mg/kg/hr follow-ing bolus administration at 1.5 mg/kg during operations, in 3 months postop-eratively compared to placebo4).

References 1) Amr YM, Yousef AA : Evaluation of efficacy of the perioperative admin-


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24935.Postoperative neuropathic pain (e.g. painful scar) and iatrogenic neuropathy (e.g. post-thoracotomy neuropathic pain, post-mastectomy pain)

istration of venlafaxine or gabapentin on acute and chronic postmastec-tomy pain. Clin J Pain 2010 ; 26 : 381‒385[2b]

2) Fassoulaki A, Triga A, Melemeni A, et al : Multimodal analgesia with ga-bapentin and local anesthetics prevents acute and chronic pain after breast surgery for cancer. Anesth Analg 2005 ; 101 : 1427‒1432[2b]

3) Fassoulaki A, Sarantopoulos C, Melemeni A, et al : EMLA reduces acute and chronic pain after breast surgery for cancer. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2000 ; 25 : 350‒355[2b]

4) Grigoras A, Lee P, Sattar F, et al : Perioperative intravenous lidocaine decreases the incidence of persistent pain after breast surgery. Clin J Pain 2012 ; 28 : 567‒572[2c]

CQ54: What drug is effective for pain after inguinal hernia repair ?

 Gabapentin may be effective for pain after inguinal hernia repair. Summary of the level of recommendation and overall evidence:2B

Comments: Efficacy of gabapentin has been demonstrated in a RCT1) compared to place-bo. In a RCT conducted in 59 patients with inguinal hernia, the degree of pain was significantly reduced not only within 24 hours after the operation but also in 1, 3 and 6 months postoperatively with a single gabapentin administration at 1,200 mg performed one hour before the operation, compared to placebo1). There were also 2 other RCTs investigating 5%[w/w] lidocaine patch2) and 8%[w/w] capsaicin patch3). No significant difference was observed in pain com-pared to placebo in either RCT.

References 1) Sen H, Sizlan A, Yanarateş O, et al : The effects of gabapentin on acute

and chronic pain after inguinal herniorrhaphy. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2009 ; 26 : 772‒776[1b]

2) Bischoff JM, Petersen M, Uçeyler N, et al : Lidocaine patch(5%)in treatment of persistent inguinal postherniorrhaphy pain : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled, crossover trial. Anesthesiology 2013 ; 119 : 1444‒1452[1b]

3) Bischoff JM, Ringsted TK, Petersen M, et al : A capsaicin(8%)patch in the treatment of severe persistent inguinal postherniorrhaphy pain : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled trial. PLoS One 2014 ; 9 : e 109144[1b]

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250 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

36.Cervical and lumbar radiculopathy

CQ55: Are antidepressants effective for cervical and lumbar radiculopa-thy ?

 Antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs may be effec-tive for cervical and lumbar radiculopathy. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2B

Comments: Efficacy of milnacipran (100‒200 mg/day) was shown in a RCT for lumbar radiculopathy associated with intervertebral disc lesions. It was also effective for nociceptive pain associated with the intervertebral disc lesions1). In addi-tion, in a RCT for low back pain associated with lumbar radiculopathy, im-provements were observed with duloxetine Note 1 (120 mg/day) in general pain and radicular symptoms2). Meanwhile, in a systematic review on antidepressants including tricyclic an-tidepressants and SSRIs, no efficacy was observed with antidepressants for lumbar radiculopathy, although antidepressant is one of the first‒line drugs for neuropathic pain3). In fact, in a randomized comparative study for chronic radiculopathy, pain was alleviated by 7‒14% by nortriptyline hydrochloride (25‒100 mg/day), mor-phine hydrochloride (15‒90 mg/day), and a combination of these drugs. Howev-er, no significant reduction of lower limb pain or low back pain was observed with these drugs compared to benztropine (0.25‒1 mg/day) which was used as placebo4).

References 1) Marks DM, Pae CU, Patkar AA : A double‒blind, placebo‒controlled,

parallel‒group pilot study of milnacipran for chronic radicular pain(sci-atica)associated with lumbosacral disc disease. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2014 ; 16(4)[1b]

2) Schukro RP, Oehmke MJ, Geroldinger A, et al : Efficacy of duloxetine in chronic low back pain with a neuropathic component : A randomized, double‒blind, placebo‒controlled crossover trial. Anesthesiology 2016 ; 124 : 150‒158[1b]

3) Dworkin RH, O’Connor AB, Backonja M, et al : Pharmacologic manage-ment of neuropathic pain : Evidence‒based recommendations. Pain 2007 ; 132 : 237‒251[1a]

4) Khoromi S, Cui L, Nackers L, et l : Morphine, nortriptyline and their combination vs. placebo in patients with chronic lumbar root pain. Pain 2007 ; 130 : 66‒75[1b]

RCT:randomized controlled trial

Note 1: Duloxetine: approved for depression, chronic low back pain,pain-ful diabetic neuropathy. For precautions when using this drug for pain, appropriate-ness of administration of this drug should be judged carefully taking into consideration the risk of developing psychiatric symp-toms such as suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt, hostility and aggression.

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25136.Cervical and lumbar radiculopathy

CQ56: Are Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands effective for cervical and lumbar radiculopathy ?

 Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands are effective for cervical and lumbar radiculopathy. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:1C

Comments: There are few reports available for cervical and lumbar radiculopathy. In the review made on efficacy of gabapentin for lumbar radiculopathy, gabapen-tin administration at 1,200‒3,600 mg/day was effective for low back and lower limb pain associated with radiculopathy1). Its efficacy has been also verified in a non‒randomized comparative study investigating effectiveness of pregabalin for cervical or lumbar radiculopathy. In addition, improvement was observed not only in pain but also in associated symptoms such as anxiety, depression and sleep disorder2). In an analytical epidemiological study, pregabalin alleviated pain when used by itself or when used concomitantly with other drugs. This resulted in reduc-tion of medical cost and shortening of sick leave3,4). However, there is also a re-port stating that no efficacy was observed for cervical and lumbosacral radicu-lopathy compared to placebo in pain, activity and the patients’ satisfaction level in a small‒sized RCT5).

References 1) Chou R, Huffman LH : American Pain Society : American College of Phy-

sicians : Medications for acute and chronic low back pain : A review of the evidence for an American Pain Society/American College of Physi-cians clinical practice guideline. Ann Intern Med 2007 ; 147 : 505‒514[1b]

2) Saldaña MT, Navarro A, Pérez C, et al : Patient‒reported‒outcomes in subjects with painful lumbar or cervical radiculopathy treated with pre-gabalin : Evidence from medical practice in primary care settings. Rheu-matol Int 2010 ; 30 : 1005‒1015[4]

3) Sicras‒Mainar A, Rejas‒Gutiérrez J, Navarro‒Artieda R, et al : Cost com-parison of adding pregabalin or gabapentin for the first time to the ther-apy of patients with painful axial radiculopathy treated in Spain. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2013 ; 31 : 372‒381[3a]

4) Saldaña MT, Navarro A, Pérez C, et al : A cost‒consequences analysis of the effect of pregabalin in the treatment of painful radiculopathy under medical practice conditions in primary care settings. Pain Pract 2010 ; 10 : 31‒41[2b]

5) Malik KM, Nelson AM, Avram MJ, et al : Efficacy of pregabalin in the treatment of radicular pain : Results of a controlled trial. Anesth Pain Med 2015 ; 5 : e28110[1b]

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252 Ⅳ.Diseases which present neuropathic pain

CQ57: Are opioids effective for cervical and lumbar radiculopathy ?

 The number of RCTs investigating efficacy for cervical and lumbar radicu-lopathy is very limited. It is unknown if opioids are as effective as antidepres-sants or Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands for such conditions. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2D

Comments: It has been reported that opioids are as effective as antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants or SSRIs and Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands which are classified as the first‒line drugs for postherpetic neuralgia or neuropathic pain associated with diabetic neuropathy1). However, opioids are classified as the second‒line drugs for the following reasons;incidence of adverse effects is higher with opioids compared with the other drugs, safety in immune functions and gonadal functions has not been established for long‒term use of opioids, and opioids may induce hyperalgesia2). Meanwhile, only a few reports have been made on efficacy of opioids for ra-diculopathy. In a RCT for chronic radiculopathy, pain was alleviated by 7‒14%by nortriptyline hydrochloride (25‒100 mg/day), morphine hydrochloride (15‒90 mg/day), and a combination of these drugs. However, no significant reduction of lower limb pain or low back pain was observed with these drugs compared to benztropine (0.25‒1 mg/day) which had been used as placebo3).

References 1) Eisenberg E, McNicol ED, Carr DB : Efficacy and safety of opioid ago-

nists in the treatment of neuropathic pain of nonmalignant origin : Sys-tematic review and meta‒analysis of randomized controlled trials. JAMA 2005 ; 293 : 3043‒3052[1a]

2) Dworkin RH, O’Connor AB, Backonja M, et al : Pharmacologic manage-ment of neuropathic pain : Evidence‒based recommendations. Pain. 2007 ; 132 : 237‒251[1a]

3) Khoromi S, Cui L, Nackers L, et al : Morphine, Nortriptyline and their combination vs. placebo in patients with chronic lumbar root pain. Pain 2007 ; 130 : 66‒75[1b]

CQ58: Are there any drugs other than antidepressants, Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands and opioids effective for cervical and lumbar radiculopathy ?

 The number of RCTs investigating efficacy for cervical and lumbar radicu-lopathy is very limited. It is unknown if there are any drugs which are more effective than antidepressants, Ca2+ channel α2δ ligands and opioids. The level of recommendation and the summary of overall evidence:2D

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25336.Cervical and lumbar radiculopathy

Comments: The anti-epileptic drug, topiramate, is effective for lumbar radiculopathy. However, it is currently not recommended for the treatment of radiculopathy due to adverse effects and low treatment continuation rate due to adverse ef-fects1).

Reference 1) Khoromi S, Patsalides A, Parada S, et al : Topiramate in chronic lumbar

radicular pain. J Pain. 2005 ; 6 : 829‒836[1b]

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あ行アセトアミノフェン 51アミトリプチリン 49, 59, 60, 76,

90, 105, 107アルドース還元酵素阻害薬 97アロディニア 20, 40医原性神経障害 116痛みの悪循環モデル 44痛みの性質 41, 42痛みの定義 20, 24痛みの破局的思考 27痛みの病態分類 22痛みの分類 24イミプラミン 49, 59, 60, 76疫学調査 29, 43エスシタロプラム 78エパルレスタット 97エビデンスレベル 7欧州緩和医療学会 30欧州神経学会 35, 101オキシコドン 49, 52, 74オクスカルバゼピン 80, 102オピオイド 91, 95オピオイド鎮痛薬 113オピオイド鎮痛薬[強度] 74オピオイド鎮痛薬[軽度] 51, 66オピオイド鎮痛薬[中等度,強度] 

52オピオイド鎮痛薬[中等度] 68

か行外傷後末梢神経障害性疼痛 94化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害性疼痛 

110角膜共焦点顕微鏡 38下行性疼痛修飾系 20下行性疼痛抑制系 50, 59画像検査 38ガバペンチン 48, 49, 57, 76, 94,

107, 114, 117, 118, 121

ガバペンチンエナカルビル 49, 57カルバマゼピン 80, 101, 108感覚の異常 40がん性疼痛 30がんによる直接的な神経障害性疼痛 

113漢方薬 88強オピオイド鎮痛薬 74恐怖回避モデル 27, 44クロナゼパム 80, 81クロミプラミン 59, 60頸部神経根症 120ケタミン 84健康関連 QOL 43抗うつ薬 117口腔灼熱症候群 81抗てんかん薬 80広汎性侵害抑制調節 68抗不整脈薬 86国際疼痛学会 18国際疼痛学会 35混合性疼痛 24

さ行三環系抗うつ薬 50, 59, 90, 97,

120三叉神経痛 101視覚アナログスケール 29自己効力感 44集学的診療 44手術後神経障害性疼痛 116心因性疼痛 20侵害受容器 20侵害受容性疼痛 20侵害受容性疼痛の定義 24侵害情報伝達経路 20神経刺激療法 44神経障害性疼痛 18, 59神経障害性疼痛スクリーニング質問

票 34, 40神経障害性疼痛の定義 18

神経障害性疼痛保有者 29神経障害性疼痛保有率 29神経生理学的検査 38神経の皮膚分節 38神経ブロック療法 44診断アルゴリズム 37推奨度 7数値評価スケール 29スクリーニング 34スクリーニングツール 40生活の質 43精神依存 74生物心理社会的要因 27脊髄手術後症候群 70脊髄損傷後疼痛 107セルトラリン 78セロトニン症候群 78セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取

り込み阻害薬 50, 63, 66, 90全人工膝関節置換術 116選択的セロトニン再取り込阻害薬 

78鼠径ヘルニア術後痛 118

た行第一選択薬 48第三選択薬 52帯状疱疹後神経痛 66, 90第二選択薬 51, 66多発性硬化症 106タペンタドール 74中枢性神経障害性疼痛 105中枢性脳卒中後疼痛 105中毒性表皮壊死症 80長期増強 20痛覚過敏 20, 40定量的感覚試験 38デキストロメトルファン 84デシプラミン 60, 61, 90デュロキセチン 50, 63, 76, 97,

110, 120

索  引

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256 索  引

デルマトーム 38天井効果 70疼痛顕示行動 28トピラマート 80, 81, 102トラマドール 49, 51, 66, 76, 95,

97, 108トラマドール/アセトアミノフェン

配合剤 76

な行日常生活動作 44忍容性 44, 65, 67, 70, 74, 105ノルトリプチリン 49, 60, 76, 90

は行廃用障害 27バクロフェン 102バルプロ酸ナトリウム 80パロキセチン 78ピモジド 102フェンタニル 49ブプレノルフィン 49フェンタニル 52, 74, 75, 76服薬アドヒアランス 51ブプレノルフィン 52, 68, 76フルボキサミン 78プレガバリン 48, 49, 57, 76, 94,

97, 107, 114, 116米国神経学会 101ペチジン 74ベンラファキシン 63, 117

ま行マギル疼痛評価票 45末梢神経 20慢性開胸術後痛 116慢性疼痛症候群 27慢性疼痛保有者 29慢性乳房切除後痛 117μ オピオイド受容体作動薬 66, 68ミルタザピン 78メキシレチン 86, 97, 108メサドン 74メマンチン 84モルヒネ 49, 52, 74, 75, 76, 95,


や行薬物療法 44, 48有痛性糖尿病性神経障害 66, 86,

97腰部神経根症 120

ら行ラモトリギン 80, 81, 102, 105,

108リドカイン 117リドカイン外用 95リハビリテーション 44レーザー誘発電位 38レベチラセタム 106, 108


膚抽出液 49, 51, 65, 76, 92

アルファベットA 型ボツリヌス毒素 102ADL 44, 45Ca2+チャネル α2δ リガンド 57,

90, 107, 117, 120DN4 29, 34, 40EQ‒5D 43fear‒avoidance model 27, 44IMMPACT 45LANSS 29, 34, 40NMDA 受容体拮抗薬 84NNH 59, 80, 101NNT 59, 94, 101NPQ 34, 40NRS 29pain catastrophizing 27painDETECT 29, 34painDETECT 日本語版 35QOL 43, 44, 45, 66RCT 59, 63, 65, 69, 84, 86, 90,

94, 105, 120S‒LANSS 34SNRI 50, 63, 66, 78, 120StEP 34TCA 50VAS 29, 102Vienna test system 70well‒being 43wind‒up 現象 20

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Aabnormal sensations 162abuse 202addiction 202adherence 167ADL 167, 169, 182aldose reductase inhibitor 225,

226allodynia 142, 162amitriptyline 172, 173, 185, 205,

233, 236anti‒arrhythmic drug 214antidepressants 250anti‒epileptics 208

Bbaclofen 231bio‒psycho‒social factors 149botulinum toxin type A (BTX‒A) 

231buprenorphine 172, 177, 195,

205buprenorphine preparation 195burning mouth syndrome (BMS) 


CCa2+ channel α2δ ligand 182,

218, 236, 251cancer pain 153, 194carbamazepine 208, 229ceiling effect 198central neuropathic pain 182central post‒stroke pain 233cervical radiculopathy 250chemotherapy‒induced peripheral

neuropathy 239Chinese herbal medicine 216chronic cancer pain 196chronic non‒cancer pain 196chronic pain syndrome 149, 150chronic postthoracotomy pain 

247clomipramine 185, 186clonazepam 208, 209

complete chronic postmastectomy pain 248

corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) 160

Ddermatome 159descending pain inhibitory system 

175, 184descending pain modulatory

system 142desipramine 185, 186, 218dextromethorphan 212diagnosis following an algorithm 

158diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC) 196

difinition of neuropathic pain 140disuse syndrome 150DN4 153, 156, 162duloxetine 172, 173, 174, 189,

205, 225, 239, 250

Eepalrestat 226epidemiological surveillance 165epidemiological surveys 151EQ‒5D 165escitalopram 206European Association for Palliative

Care (EAPC) 153, 157, 158extract from inflamed cutaneous

tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus 172, 173, 175, 191, 205, 220

FFBSS 197fear avoidance model 149, 167fentanyl 172, 202, 203, 205fluvoxamine 206

Ggabapentin 172, 174, 182, 205,

222, 236, 243, 248, 249, 251gabapentin enacarbil 174, 182

Hhealth‒related QOL (HRQL) 165hyperalgesia 142hypersensitivity 162

Iiatrogenic neuropathy 246ID Pain 156, 162imipramine 172, 185, 205IMMPACT 169individual with chronic pain 151individual with neuropathic pain 

151International Association for the

Study of Pain (IASP) 140, 157, 158

interventional treatment 167

JJapanese version of the painDE-

TECT 156

Kketamine 212

Llamotrigine 208, 209, 231, 233LANSS 152, 156, 162laser‒evoked potentials (LEPs) 

160levels of evidence 129levels of recommendation 129levetiracetam 234lidocaine 224lidocaine spray 224long‒term potentiation 142lumbar radiculopathy 250

Mmemantine 212methadone 203mexiletine 214, 225mirtazapine 206mixed pain condition 146, 153morphine 172, 176, 203, 205,


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258 Index

223MPQ 169multi‒disciplinary treatment 167

NNa+ channel blocker 214neuromodulation treatment 167neuropathic pain 140, 184neuropathic pain directly caused

by cancer 242Neuropathic Pain Screening

Questionnaire  156Neuropathic Pain Screening Tool 

162Neuropathic Pain Special Interest

Group (NeuPSIG) 158NMDA receptor antagonist 212NNH 184, 208, 229NNT 184, 222, 229nociceptive pain 142, 146nociceptive pathway 142noradrenergic and specific seroto-

nergic antidepressant 206nortriptyline 172, 185, 186, 205NPQ 156, 162NRS 151

Oopioid 219, 223, 237opioid analgesic 173opioid analgesics [weak] 176,

193opioid analgesics [moderate and

strong] 177opioid analgesics [moderate] 195opioid analgesics [strong] 202oxcarbazepine 208, 230, 231oxycodone 172, 176, 203

Ppain after inguinal hernia repair 

249pain after spinal cord injury 236,

238pain catastrophizing 150

pain characteristic 163pain presentation behavior 150painDETECT 151, 156, 162painful diabetic neuropathy 193,

225paroxetine 206pathological classification of pain 

144peripheral nerve 142peripheral nerve neuropathic pain 

182pethidine 203pharmacotherapy 167, 172, 234pimozide 231postherpetic neuralgia 193, 218postoperative neuropathic pain 

246postoperative pain 194posttraumatic peripheral neuro-

pathic pain 222pregabalin 172, 173, 182, 205,

222, 225, 236, 243, 246psychogenic pain 142psychological dependence 202

QQOL 165, 167, 169, 182, 193Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST) 160

questionnaires 156

RRCT 184, 189, 191, 206, 212,

214, 218, 222, 250rehabilitation 167

Sscreening tool 156, 163second‒line drug 193selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitors (SSRIs) 206self‒efficacy 167serotonin syndrome 206serotonin‒noradrenaline reuptake

inhibitor (SNRI) 174, 189

sertraline 206S‒LANSS 156sodium valproate 208SSRI 250StEP 156

Ttapentadol 203The American Academy of Neurol-

ogy (AAN) 229The European Federation of

Neurological Societies (EFNS) 229

tolerability 191, 194, 197, 202, 233

topiramate 208, 209, 231total knee arthroplasty (TKA) 

246toxic epidermal necrosis (TEN) 

208tramadol 172, 173, 176, 193,

205, 223, 225tramadol/acetaminophen combina-

tion 205transdermal fentanyl preparation 

176tricyclic antidepressant 172, 174,

184, 218, 225trigeminal neuralgia 229

Vvenlafaxine 189vicious circle model of pain 167Vienna test system (VTS) 198visual analogue scale (VAS) 151,


Wwell‒being 165wind‒up phenomenon 142

記号μ‒opioid receptor agonist 193μ‒opioid receptors 195

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ガイドライン 改訂第 2版2011 年 7 月 20 日 第 1 版第 1 刷発行2011 年 9 月 5 日 第 1 版第 2 刷発行2011 年 11 月 15 日 第 1 版第 3 刷発行2012 年 7 月 25 日 第 1 版第 4 刷発行2016 年 6 月 30 日 第 2 版第 1 刷発行2016 年 7 月 30 日 第 2 版第 2 刷発行

編  集  一般社団法人 日本ペインクリニック学会神経障害性疼痛薬物療法ガイドライン改訂版作成ワーキンググループ© Japan Society of Pain Clinicians

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Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic PainSecond Edition

 The Committee for the Guidelines for the Pharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain (Revised) of JSPCFirst Edition First Published in 2011First Edition Second Published in 2011First Edition Third Published in 2011First Edition Fourth Published in 2012Second Edition First Published in 2016Second Edition Second Published in 2016by Publication Department, Shinko Trading Co. Ltd.Ⓒ JSPC(Japan Society of Pain Clinicians)

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