Cause of Stress & Fatigue†- Welcome to Our Site

The amazing QLinkPlus neck pendant, with unpaid endorsements from many leading doctors & scientists, professional athletes, best- selling authors, & celebrities. As reported by the BBC, Sports Illustrated, Golf Digest, & Time Magazine. “Doctors Discover Invisible Cause of Stress & Fatigue Brainwave Chaos-Interference from EMF Radiation… Repel Both EMF-Stress & Mental Stress by Simply Wearing QLinkPlus Pendant : Feel Calm and at Peace, by Reinforcing Your Bioenergy, in as Little as 5 Minutes Concentrate Like a Chess Champ, Think Clearly, Stabilize Your Emotions/Mood Now Complete 2 Hour’s Tasks in 1 Hour, Performing Up to 470% Better Under Stress Feel More Energy to Stay Alert, Even After Lunch, Guaranteed or Your Money Back… Hidden Stress Hazards in Your Home/Office Got stress? You may be shocked to discover where it’s coming from. Electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) are bombarding your body. EMFs come from electric appliances, and transmitter tower signals from cellular, pagers, TV, power lines, radio, and satellites. (Cont. p. 2) Feel the Energy of the Top 1 in 10,000 People: Live Blood Cell Photos………………...p. 3 This Is Your Brain on a Cell Phone: Brainwave EEG…………………………………..……p. 5 470% More Likely to Respond Better to Stress (Test Results)………………………..…..p. 6 Like a High-Tech ‘Antidepressant:’ “QLink Is My New Paxil™”……..……………………p. 9 Student Goes From ADD & Prozacto “Making 100’s on Her Tests”…………………. p. 9 Perform Under Pressure Like Pro Athletes: The Secret of 300 PGA Golf Pros……..… p. 10 “I Feel Better than I Have in Over 40 Years”…………………………………………………. p. 13 80% of illnesses are Stress-Related According to Leading Doctors.…...………………..p. 15 World Record, Which Stood for 46 Years, Suddenly Broken, Thanks to Qlink………...p. 17 New U.S. Chess Champion Thanks New Technology for His Better Concentration…..p. 22 21 st Century Health Breakthroughs New Discoveries from the Next Generation of Health Science EMF Hazards from Household/Office Appliances (The EPA proposed EMF exposure safe limit is 1 milligauss.) Appliance 4” Distance 36” Distance Bedside Clock 1-30 mG .5-10 mG Coffee Maker 6-29 mG 0-.01 mG Computer 4-20 mG 2-5 mG Fluorescent Lights 20-160 mG .01-5 mG Microwave Oven 100-500 mG 1-25 mG Television 3-100 mG .01-6 mG Hair Dryer 6-700 mG .01-6mG

Transcript of Cause of Stress & Fatigue†- Welcome to Our Site

Page 1: Cause of Stress & Fatigue†- Welcome to Our Site

The amazing QLink™ Plus neck pendant, with unpaid endorsements from many

leading doctors & scientists, professional athletes, best-

selling authors, & celebrities. As reported by the BBC, Sports Illustrated, Golf

Digest, & Time Magazine.

“Doctors Discover Invisible Cause of Stress & Fatigue”

Brainwave Chaos-Interference from EMF Radiation…

Repel Both EMF-Stress & Mental Stress by Simply Wearing QLink™ Plus Pendant: ►Feel Calm and at Peace, by Reinforcing Your Bioenergy, in as Little as 5 Minutes ►Concentrate Like a Chess Champ, Think Clearly, Stabilize Your Emotions/Mood Now ►Complete 2 Hour’s Tasks in 1 Hour, Performing Up to 470% Better Under Stress ►Feel More Energy to Stay Alert, Even After Lunch, Guaranteed or Your Money Back…

Hidden Stress Hazards in Your Home/Office Got stress? You may be shocked to discover where it’s coming from. Electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) are bombarding your body. EMFs come from electric appliances, and transmitter tower signals from cellular, pagers, TV, power lines, radio, and satellites. (Cont. p. 2)

Feel the Energy of the Top 1 in 10,000 People: Live Blood Cell Photos………………... p. 3 This Is Your Brain on a Cell Phone: Brainwave EEG…………………………………..……p. 5 470% More Likely to Respond Better to Stress (Test Results)………………………..…..p. 6 Like a High-Tech ‘Antidepressant:’ “QLink Is My New Paxil™”……..……………………p. 9 Student Goes From ADD & Prozac™ to “Making 100’s on Her Tests”…………………. p. 9 Perform Under Pressure Like Pro Athletes: The Secret of 300 PGA Golf Pros……..… p. 10 “I Feel Better than I Have in Over 40 Years”…………………………………………………. p. 13 80% of illnesses are Stress-Related According to Leading Doctors.…...………………..p. 15 World Record, Which Stood for 46 Years, Suddenly Broken, Thanks to Qlink………...p. 17 New U.S. Chess Champion Thanks New Technology for His Better Concentration…..p. 22

21st Century Health Breakthroughs New Discoveries from the Next Generation of Health Science

EMF Hazards from Household/Office Appliances(The EPA proposed EMF exposure safe limit is 1 milligauss.)

Appliance 4” Distance 36” Distance Bedside Clock 1-30 mG .5-10 mG Coffee Maker 6-29 mG 0-.01 mG Computer 4-20 mG 2-5 mG Fluorescent Lights 20-160 mG .01-5 mG Microwave Oven 100-500 mG 1-25 mG Television 3-100 mG .01-6 mG Hair Dryer 6-700 mG .01-6mG

Page 2: Cause of Stress & Fatigue†- Welcome to Our Site


(Cont. from p. 1) But, what happens when those EMFs hit your body? The stronger EMFs overpower weaker electrical brainwaves and nerve impulses, resulting in static chaos, interference. And, you feel stressed & fatigued. In this report, you’ll see the fascinating photos and studies proving this risk, plus the remarkable solution to forever end stress & fatigue, and a whole lot more...

How the Amazing QLink™ Plus Neck Pendant Reinforces Bioenergy to Deflect EMF-Stress



Got Sleep? PhD: “I Needed Less Sleep”“The first thing I noticed when using QLink was it took the edge off my life… my emotional/mental experience of roughness or noise was greatly reduced & the feeling of clarity & centeredness was enhanced….I needed less sleep at night & felt more awake & alert through the day. I felt this technology allows people to enhance theirphysiological & psychology-cal functioning in very pro-found ways.” Robert Teifeld, Ph.D., Los Angeles, CA

Pilot Near Cockpit EMF: “1st 2 Days…Slept Better”

“I’m a pilot & I spend hours in a cockpit where there is a lot of radiation & electric current. I tried the QLink pendant and I did not expect to feel an improvement right away. However, in the first 2 days… I found I suffered less fatigue, slept better & I needed less time to recover from consecutive days of flying.” S.M., Airline Pilot

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“Feel the Energy of the Top 1 in 10,000 People” Blood Microcirculation & Less Hyper-Clotting, Proven by QLink™ Tests

Blood Cells Before EMFs Blood Cells After EMFs Blood Cells After QLink

Before EMFs, no QLink After 8 hrs. EMFs, no QLink After 3 days EMFs, w/ QLink Daisy Norman 7/10/00 10:30am Daisy Norman 7/10/00 8:30pm Daisy Norman 7/14/00

Before EMFs, no QLink After 8 hrs. EMFs, no QLink After 3 days EMFs, w/ QLink Sarah Grace 7/10/00 11am Sarah Grace 7/10/00 8:10pm Sarah Grace 7/14/00

“After wearing the QLink Pendant for only 72 hours, each test participant showed a significant improvement in the quality of their blood. The blood of the test group wearing the QLink Pendant showed a visual, normal blood profile that I see in only 1 out of every 10,000 people.” Dr. R.O. Young, Microbiologist

With the placebo pendant, 8 of 8 subjects showed little or no difference in the live and dry blood cell tests. However, with the real QLink™, 8 of 8 subjects had significant differences in the live & dry blood tests. Reduction of hyper-clotting from EMF helps circulation through the smallest micro-capillaries, so narrow that blood cells file through one at a time. Improving micro-circulation leads to better waste removal, & delivery to cells of oxygen & nutrients.

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Ph.D: “My Doctor Detected…Well Being in my Blood” “…The operating principle & theories behind QLink are so inno-vative that they have the potential to revolutionize our understand-ing of the human being & the universe. I’ve been impressed by QLink because it helped me balance my physical, emotional, & cognitive energies. I feel a greater clarity & well being in my mind, & my doctor detected the same clarity & well being in my blood…” Alfredo Kofman, PhD, Former Prof. of the Year, MIT Sloan School of Mgmt., Consultant to Chrysler, Shell, GM, & Intel

“QLink™ & Blood Circulation: TV Investigative Report” Here’s another live blood cell test performed by Dr. Young and reported on London Today, the highest rated evening news program on British TV… “The pendant that’s said to be good for your health. It’s the maker’s claim it can protect Londoner’s from electro-magnetic radiation given out by machines in the office and home, everything from computers and mobile phones to toasters and televisions. The result is said to be less fatigue and more energy. Humans, like all living things, have an electro-magnetic frequency. Cells in the brain, for example, communicate electronically. But as technology progresses, we surround ourselves with more and more bits of equipment which emit their own EMFs with the potential to interfere with our own… A new invention called QLink, a pendant consisting of a cell, circuit board, & copper coil, claims to help us fight the effect of interference from outside electro-magnetic forces, by reinforcing our own signal. Cynical that such a…thing could make any difference, we commissioned Dr. Young to do a series of tests on 2 office workers. After a weekend away from equipment, Jessie’s blood was tested. She’d had a sleep-less night & was suffering headaches. Then after a day in the edit suite, it was tested again. Just so you know, healthy cells look round, separate, organized. Jessie’s were not great to start, but by the end of the day in the edit suite, they looked dreadful. The cell formations are highly damaged. There’s some crystalline form & accumu-lation of acids. Similar effects were seen with the other girls. Then they were all is-sued with QLinks to wear for 3 days…After that Dr. Young tested their blood again. The difference was remarkable. The cells were more organized, less bacteria, and the white blood cells, the nutrifils, which are the major aspects of cellular cleansing, were active and mobile & moving throughout the blood stream. Jessie had slept well all week & noticed other changes: I do suffer rather badly from headaches & I’ve not had a single headache so far this week...”

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“Electromagnetic pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced in this century, all the more dangerous because it’s invisible and insensible.” Andrew Weil, M.D., Author of several health bestsellers.

Brainwave Static-Interference from Cell Phones Proven by EEG Cell phones are a way of life. But, technology has its cost. In the test above, 24 sub-jects’ brainwaves were measured on an EEG by Dr. Rodney Croft, Univ. of Wollon-gong, Australia. The EEG visualized the harmful effect of cell phones on brainwaves.

How Many of These Stress Symptoms Do You Feel? Early Stress Symptoms: Chronic Stress Symptoms: Sweating High blood pressure Rapid heartbeat Indigestion Shortness of breath Ulcers Muscle tension Sexual dysfunction Headaches Insomnia Irritability Fatigue Mood swings Depression

“This Is Your Brain on a Cell Phone: Brainwave EEG”

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“Scientific Tests: Feel Calm & at Peace for a Change”

Acupuncture Points Measured

How to Increase Your Stress Resistance 292% in Only 2 Minutes! In this study above, Dr. Tykeeta Reye measured the electrical strength of 40 acu-puncture points, on 18 subjects, before & after EMF exposure by a hairdryer (hair dryers emit the highest amount of EMF – see chart on page 1). After using the hair dryer, stress resistance dropped 64% (measured by acupuncture point strength and conductivity). After wearing the QLink™ for only 2 minutes, stress resistance increased 292% (higher than even the baseline measure before EMF exposure.) QLink Wearers Test 470% Better Under Stress A group of PGA Sr. Tour players were tested on a Bio-Meridian Stress Assessment (FDA-registered machine to measure acupuncture points) with & without the QLink.

David Rupley, M.D. analyzed: “…players were nearly 5 times more likely to immed-iately reach the system’s ideal range when using QLink…Being a trained practitioner with this equipment, I can tell you this type of response is highly unusual, even ex-traordinary. QLink technology should be an essential element for anyone interested in optimal health and wellness, and will help promote peak performance in sports.”

Before hairdryer, without QLink = Blue After hairdryer, without QLink = Red After hairdryer, with QLink = Green

Test Proves QLink™ Leveled Stress Measurements from Hairdryer’s EMFs

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“Need Proof QLink™ Works?” Tests Amaze Scientists Worldwide

Studies at the University of California at Irvine, Imperial College at London, University of Vienna’s Institute of Environmental Health, and independent clinics have convinced researchers of QLink’s™ effectiveness.

“Be All That You Can Be: U.S. Army Academy Performs 74% Better” The U.S. Army Academy, West Point, Gymnastic Team tested QLink™ with a double-blind study. Coach Doug Van Everen, Ph.D., divided 11 gymnasts into 2 groups. Group A got place-bo QLinks™ & Group B got active QLinks™. The difference QLink™ made was conclusive. The placebo group = 38% hits, but the active group = 66% hits. That's a 74% increase in per-formance! Plus, those with the real QLink™ reported less pain, stress, & tiredness, & more energy. Whether you're a gymnast or a couch potato, QLink™ Plus can help you perform.

“Thousands of Tests…Never Seen Anything Like…QLink” “I’ve conducted thousands of tests w/ the FDA-registered MSA-21 stress assessment system in every industry & I’ve never seen anything like QLink results…every subject exhibited a dramatic increase in measurable energy, a strengthened resistance to stress effects, & a shift to the ideal performance state.” Steve McGregor, BioMeridian Corp.

Controlled, Double Blind, Scientific Study: 100% Had Muscle Weakness at Computer, 85% Had Muscle Strength w/ QLink™ Twenty subjects were tested by applied kinesiology (muscle testing) during exposure to EMF. All 20 subjects showed mid-deltoid weakness on both sides when tested seated at a computer. They were then retested using 2 QLinks™ (active & placebo.) The results indicate 17 of 20 subjects (85%) showed a marked change in muscle strength when exposed to EMFs while wearing the active QLink™. Plus, these 17 of 20 showed no change in muscle strength when the placebo QLink™ was worn. Only 1 subject showed a change with the placebo pendant. Two subjects showed changes to both pendants. No subjects had any worsening of symptoms or new symptoms. All subjects reported greater emotional stability & better concentration with QLink™.

Tested: “I’ve Never Seen These Excellent Benefits with a Product Before”

“I’ve tested the QLink's effectiveness by Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) with many of my patients against computer screens, my X-ray generator, power lines, cell phones & TV sets. It has not failed to produce positive results in the presence of these evoked environmental stressors. I’ve never seen these excellent benefits with a pro-duct before.” Joseph Angleitner, D.C. (Diplomat, Intl. Board of Applied Kinesiology)

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“Increase Your Body’s ‘Battery Life’” Energy and Endurance

“Higher Energy, Greater Endurance…Essential for Running a Marathon”

“QLink creates higher energy, greater endurance, improved focus & concentration, all essential for running a marathon.” Stu Mittle-man, World Champ Long Distance Runner & Record Holder

M.D: “Substantial Increase in my…Energy Level”

“I’ve noticed a substantial increase in my own energy level & less stress since I began wearing QLink. Many of my staff wear QLinks & experience similar benefits, especially those who work with computers all day…” Larry Altshuler, M.D.

“Had Nothing Left at the End of the Day…Can Now Write for 6 Hrs, Workout” “It’s about performance. I like to write first thing in the morning; a good long stretch, usually 6 hours. Sitting in front of the computer was seriously draining. I lost the will to live by noon. My workouts were agonizing. I had nothing left at the end of the day. QLink is remarkable. I started wearing the pendant 3 years ago. I can now write for 6 hours, workout with intensity & focus, and still have enough energy left to enjoy whatever the evening brings. I’ve never been more productive.” Jean-Jacques de Mesterton, Author of The Succession

“A Huge Burst of Sustained Energy”

“My wife…had 1/4 of her lung covered with hard tissue from an in-fection. Her kidneys were destroyed by high blood pressure medicine. We thought she was going to die…after 2 months in Intensive Care. Today she had a huge burst of sustained energy. She spent a half day buying food. Then came home & made a nice meal. She hasn’t done anything like that for the past 4 months. The only thing that’s changed…is her wearing QLink in the last 3 or 4 days...” R. Hansen

“Increase Your Body’s ‘Battery Life’”

Experiments Prove QLink™ Increases Battery Energy Life 100%-2000% Your body has a finite amount of energy (refilled by eating) stored up like a battery. That energy is exhausted by EMF radiation assaulting your nervous system. In ex-periments, button size cell batteries were exposed to EMFs, then shipped to a 3rd par-ty test lab. When batteries protected by QLink™ technology were tested, their life was significantly extended. Battery life was extended from 5 hours up to 10 hours. One type of battery had its life increased up to 2000%. Since QLink™ has such effect on ordinary batteries, it can’t possibly work due to the placebo!

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“Like a High-Tech ‘Antidepressant’” Emotional and Mood Stability

Student Goes from ADD & Prozac™ to “Making 100’s on Her Tests & Totally Calm”

“I had an attorney bring her 5 year old child to see me for evaluation of ADD/ADHD ... She was basically terrorizing the family & school. Even Luvox™ & Prozac™ didn’t work. At the first visit I suggested a QLink pendant be worn along with the nutritional supplements I prescribed. In one month Dallas is a new child, making 100’s on her tests & totally calm. The entire family bought QLinks at the next visit.” Best regards, Dr. Bob Erickson, Preventive Medicine Center, Gainesville, GA

Mood: “Now I Have Even Moods”

After wearing the QLink for about a week I noticed my change in my moods & wasn’t getting as aggravated when people upset me or was being accused of things I had no control over. I used to…fly off the handle easily. Now, I have even moods...” Olga Gruber, age 84

Depression: “QLink Is My New Paxil™” “…a testimonial to QLink’s amazing abilities. I’d been suffering from depression for the past few years. The de-presssion was a low functioning depression, which basically means I had a lack of energy & little interest in anything. I’ve been on & off antidepressants, & everything I’ve tried thus far has failed to turn me back to my “old self”. That is, the energetic & happy person I was before depres-sion set in. I’ve been wearing QLink for 2 weeks, & I’ve experienced a dramatic shift in mood. I have a tremendous amount of energy & I’m, in general, feeling hap-py & positive. Little stressors that set me off 2 weeks ago, don’t bother me in the slightest now. My sleep patterns have become less erratic & I no longer have dis-turbed sleep. I now wake up at a reasonable hour feeling refreshed & actually excited about starting my day…I bought QLink because I wanted to protect myself from harmful environmental stressors. I had no idea it would actually alleviate the depres-sion I’ve battled for so long. I’ve been joking to my family that QLink is my new Paxil™. Please let your customers know about the dramatic effects QLink has on de-pression & moods. As a person who’s suffered from depression for a long time, been to several therapists, tried so many antidepressants, tried so many natural alterna-tives, you name it, I can attest to the fact that QLink has been a miracle in my life. I can’t thank the developers of QLink enough. I hope you’ll do some further research into exactly how QLink deals so well with depression. It’ll be a tremendous help to many people like myself who suffer from this debilitating illness.” Michelle Walsh

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“Perform Under Pressure Like a Pro Athlete” On the Course, at the Office, or at Home

(Use the Secret of 300+ PGA Tour Pros with 64 Victories & 2 world records) You think you’ve got pressure? The real pressure players are pro athletes. If QLink™ can de-stress them, then imagine what it can do for you. Whether you’re a homemaker, an executive, or athlete, you can feel calmer, & perform better with more endurance when energized with QLink™ Plus. QLink™ is especially effective in producing greater calm, heightened focus, and concentration, so necessary for the game of golf. QLink™ was featured in PGA Magazine, Nov. ‘99 in the article “New Products at the PGA show”. To improve your score in the game of life, you need to concentrate like a pro. So, to reach your peak performance & concentrate under stress in the kitchen, at the office, or on the course, take a lesson from these pros:

“Level of Focus & Concentration” “With QLink, I always achieve a level of focus & concentration during competition that I seldom…reached in my career. It helps me achieve the Zone, reduce pressure during tournaments & even helps me sleep. What an advantage! This is a great product.” Bob Duval, PGA Sr. Tour

“I Put QLink on 2 Yrs. Ago & Won Immediately”

“Incredible. This is the real thing. I put the QLink on 2 years ago & won immediately, & the next year I won the U.S. Sr. Open with it…” Bruce Fleisher, Sr. PGA Tour, U.S. Sr. Open Winner

From 7 Handicap to Par Rounds & Hole in One “On a good day I have a 7 handicap, but the day after getting my QLink, I went out & shot a par round of golf. The very next day I played with QLink, I got a hole in one, and 3 days later I played another par round.” Brian Katrek, PGA Tour Radio,

“I Won my 1st LPGA…10 Days After…QLink” “I won my first LPGA Tournament 10 days after putting on a QLink, & I haven’t taken it off since.” Carin Koch, LPGA Tour

“I Qualified…PGA Tour Within 6 Mos. of…QLink”

“I qualified from the Challenge Tour to both the European Tour & the U.S. PGA Tour within 6 months of wearing QLink!” John Morgan, PGA Tour

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Computer Stress Relieved: “I Used to Get Very Tired” “I work near 3 computers. My whole day is spent monitoring information online. I used to get very tired, in the afternoon. My ability to focus diminished. My job re-quires precision. A mistake could send millions of $’s to the wrong place….QLink greatly improved my ability to focus. My energy level has noticeably increased. I used to avoid doing anything at night during the work week. I’m now able to accept a

dinner invitation without my lips going numb halfway through the meal.” Sachiko Nakahira, ACH Coord., Denver

“Reduced Irritation from Computers” “…as a chiropractor, I…test QLink w/ my patients. They’re experiencing increased energy, mental clarity, emotional sta- bility, & reduced irritation from computers...” Herb Ross, D.C.

“Time Deadlines: Workplace Stress!” Whether you work at home or the office, working in 21st century America is stress-ful: Deadlines, phone calls, emails, performance goals, meetings, & EMFs. QLink makes work less stressful, and more productive…

“Improve Efficiency & Productivity…Positive Attitudes” “…shown to reduce stress, improve efficiency, & productivity. Our staff has noticed a definite difference in their health & energy, & even more positive attitudes.” W. Karl Parker, D.C. F.I.C.C., Exec. Vice Pres., Parker Chiropractic Research Found.

“Energy Drainers: Fluorescent Lights” Few things stress & wear out your body more than fluorescent lights. Maybe you’ve noticed their color is skewed toward yel- low, instead of balanced, pure white. Yellow is one of the most stressful colors in the spectrum, next to orange & red. Yellow’s long wavelengths, 570-590 nanometers, stress the eyes. Light that’s imbalanced toward the yellow end of the spectrum is a major cause of employee fatigue. Don’t believe it? Just try staring into a yellow fluorescent light for a few minutes until your head starts to hurt!

“I Now Can Be at Work All Day & Not Feel the Effects of the Lighting”

“The Q link is great. I now can be at work all day and not feel the effects of the lighting system. I was so exhausted after only an hour. The QLink allows me to stay all day and feel great. Virginia Vazin 5/16/01

“Everyone Around Me…Ask Why I Seem so Calm & Relaxed at My Job”

“in the first hour…with your product, no teeth gritting….everyone around me when they ask why I seem so calm and relaxed at my job.…” Timothy Kafitz

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“Reach Your 100% Potential Whatever You Do!” How can one product improve your performance in so many different pursuits in life? The only theory we have is that when your bioenergy is enhanced, your whole mind and body are energized. So, whatever you do, whether studying for exams, carpooling the kids, cooking the meals, making sales, or managing the company, reach your 100% potential like these QLink™ wearers…

“My Sales Figures…Increased…25%/Month” “I’ve been wearing QLink for the last 8 months & while I don’t understand all of the scientific explanations behind this invention, I know with certainty that my life has been greatly enhanced. I own a contemporary art gallery & my approach has always been to inform the buyer about the works of art with intelligence & sincerity. With QLink around my neck, & my body in balance, I’m relaxed, focused & confident. As a result, my sales figures have increased at least 25% per month.” Robin Rule, Owner, Rule Modern & Contemporary Gallery, Denver, CO

Student: “For the First Time, Straight A’s…”

“Since wearing my QLink, I’ve been getting, for the first time, straight A’s in my college math & science courses, & my art & design courses…It’s like both sides of my brain are more integrated & balanced.” Erin Hall, San Diego, CA

“The Team Used QLink…We Performed Better”

“This year the team used QLink midway through the season….As a team, we per-formed better than last year with a better hit percentage… I’m confident that QLink will help the team with reducing pressure & allow the guys to focus on winning com-pletions.” Douglas Van Everen Ph.D., Head Coach, Army, BoD, USA Gymnastics

“A Definitive Improvement in my Guitar Playing”

“I started using QLink 4 months ago & my experience has been nothing short of awesome. The increase in my energy levels, & in my ability to focus has been dra-matic. As a singer-songwriter, I’ve noticed a definitive improvement in my guitar playing…song ideas seem to come much more easily & with more frequency… the most empowering effect it has had is in my yearning to heal old wounds…I feel there is no coincidence that the timing of that desire coincides with my QLink usage. I’m convinced it was…an enormous catalyst in my moving forward with that process, which in turn has lead to the letting go of a lot of baggage that inhibited me from enjoying a more balanced acceptance of life…but I do feel I’m embracing those changes with a lightness & sense of humor that I didn’t possess prior to the QLink. All that, & it’s helped my putting too.” Dave Zobl, Singer-Songwriter

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“Various Wellness Imbalances Self-Adjust When Your Bioenergy Is Reinforced”

How can so many different health problems be resolved by wearing one little pendant? We don’t know for sure, but maybe when your body’s bioenergy is strengthened, it’s energized to self-correct. That healing energy flows throughout your whole body. Healing signals are sent throughout the body by balanced & reinforced brainwaves and nerve impulses. Some of these wearers were surprised when their various health problems were “overpowered” by Qlink™…

“It Doesn’t Matter Who Coughs in My Face, I Don’t Get Sick”

“…If I caught the flu, it usually took me 1½-2 months to recover; & I caught everything going around. I was in bed 12-18 hours a day…Since purchasing my pendant I’ve been sick only once…I caught a flu that normally would have taken 2 months to get over; but, I went through the cycle in 7 days, feeling better by the 3rd day…it doesn't matter who coughs in my face. I don’t get sick.” Shirley A. Bisson

ADD: “Soon as I Put it on, the Results Were Amazing” “I’ve struggled all my life with ADD & recently had dental work that caused severe memory problems…I ordered QLink & as soon as I put it on, the results were amaz-ing. I felt alert. I had energy to spare. I felt so much clearer mentally & I could focus & get things done, something that was very difficult before.” Marian Reitzwn

“I Feel Better than I Have in Over 40 Years”

“Wow & Awesome are the 2 words…for how I felt the last 15 days …for the first time in memory since age 5 (I’m currently 49)…get a badly physically abused body back together…for what was done in childhood…Thank you for the alternative to poison (called medicine) My mood is more positive because energy is channeled properly. My QLink is very pretty & I enjoy wearing it & getting all the comments ….I feel better than I have in over 40 years, & I always had pain....” Paula Hedrick

Menopause: “Night Sweats & Hot Flashes Have Diminished Drastically”

“…Before wearing QLink, I was experiencing depression, unbearable night sweats, & incredible hot flashes. Since wearing it several of my co-workers have commented how cheery I’ve become. My night sweats & hot flashes have diminished drastically & now I can actually sleep through the night…” Anna Kostecka

“Headaches Stopped:” 1st Day He Wore QLink “My 9 year old son’s school has a huge microwave tower outside his classroom. The first day he wore QLink, his headaches stopped!” Mary Melen, Laguna Beach, CA

When ordering QLink™ Plus, there’s an anticipation, because you never know what illnesses (besides stress & fatigue) your body might self-adjust, until you put it on.

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“Users Report Lower Stress = Lower Blood Pressure” Lower blood pressure with QLink is no mystery, if you saw the photos of the live blood cell test on p. 3. QLink wearers’ blood cells were unclotted to flow more freely through microcapillaries. Thinner blood means better circulation & reduced pressure.

“Blood Pressure Dropped…15% in 3+ Hours”

“I’m the C.O.O. of IMDP, primary worldwide distributor of the U.S. FDA-Cleared, Cardio-Vision System, developed to measure arterial stiffness & blood pressure. I’ve been on medication to help reduce high blood pressure. At a recent medical confer-ence I purchased a QLink, & was amazed to discover as soon as I started wearing it, my own blood pressure dropped by more than 15% in a little over 3 hours. I’ve rare-ly taken off my QLink since, & have noticed I’m sleeping better, feel less stressed, & my USGA golf index has gone down by 4 strokes. I’ve even won my first men’s day golf tournament at my club with my QLink.” Charles Dexter, Las Vegas, NV

Blood Pressure Down from 145/98 - 110/75 For most of my adult life I’ve had fairly high blood pressure. At my doctor’s sug-gestion, I went on a special diet & I was able to bring my reading down to 145/98, still pretty high. I was then introduced to QLink, & within 2 months my blood pres-sure dropped to 110/75, which so surprised my doctor that he took 3 different read-ings to make sure the meter was working properly. It was. Bob Kilcullen, Frisco, TX

Ph.D: “A Key to Refining Nearly Every Aspect of Life”

“(QLink technology) provide a key to refining nearly every aspect of life, from jet lag to stress & chronic fatigue.” Peter Clecak, Ph.D., Univ. of California, Irvine

In the 21st century, life isn’t going to get any slower. All of our technological advances only obligate us to try to get more work done in less time. The pressures build, preventing & relaxation. QLink™ Plus restores the pre-industrial environment that our ancestors lived in.

“The One Hazard You Never Want to Live or Work Near” You’re driving down the road in your car listening to the radio. You pass under an electrical power line that crosses the street. Suddenly, your radio signal changes into an irritable, chaotic, hissing sound. If a power line can cause static interference to your radio signals,then imagine what living near an electrical, microwave, or cell phone transmitter tower can do to your brainwave signals. Hisssssssssssssssss!

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“80% of Illnesses Are Stress-Related” More and more doctors are identifying stress as a major contributor to numerous diseases. The father of stress-health research, Hans Selye, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., of the American Stress Institute, discovered:

• 80% of illness in high-tech societies is stress related. • 43% of adults suffer adverse health from stress. • 75-90% of doctor visits are stress related.

Dr. Selye links stress to accidents, heart disease, colds, arthritis, plus digestive, skin, mental, emotional, & immune problems. Many studies link stress to illnesses: A study off 100 subjects concluded that those experiencing more stress were 400% more likely to be infected by a virus.1 Also, in a study of 3000 middle age men, Type A personalities (impatient) vs. Type B personalities (relaxed): Type A’s are 100% more likely to develop heart disease than Type B’s.2 And, type A’s had 350% more job related injuries and 38% more sickness than Type B’s3. See also page 5 of this report for a list of symptoms of stress. The link between EMFs and both stress & fatigue is demonstrated in this report. This health hazard can’t be cured with surgery, prescription pills, nutritional supplements, etc. They only mask the symptoms of stress and fatigue, without neutralizing the root cause. But now, a new solution, the QLink™ Plus pendant has been invented, with help from scientists at Stanford University, and the University of California, Irvine. “Researchers estimate that stress contributes to as many as 80% of all major illnesses, including cardio-vascular disease…” (Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James Balch, M.D., p. 647.).

Will you feel QLink™ Plus when you first put it on? QLink™ wearers report feeling it in one of these 3 ways: 15% immediately when putting it on. 70% within the first 2 weeks, as it adjusts to the body. 15% when they take it off. Whichever time users feel QLink™, they report it works.

1 Harvard Mental Health Letter 8:7 (Jan. 1992). 2 R. B. Williams, M.D. “Hostility & the Heart.” In: D. Goleman, Ph.D. & Gurin, eds. Mind/Body Medicine (Consumer Reports Books, 1993), 66-67. 3 C. D. Jenkins, “The Mind & the Body.” World Health (Mar./Apr. 94), 6-7.

Many researchers have con-cluded that EMF exposure over a long period of time can cause health damage, cumulatively, much like cigarette smoking.

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“New Age Quackery or New Anti-Aging Science” How QLInk Plus Works to Lessen Stress

Brainwave Electro-Encephalogram (EEG)

Did you know that your body is full of electrical energy, pulsating all around you? The U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) scientists call this the human biofield. Nerve impulses deliver electrical messages throughout your nervous system. Your heartbeat’s electric signals can be measured by an electro-cardiogram (EKG.) Your brainwave’s electrical signals can be measured by an electro-encephalogram (EEG.) These natural bioenergies are disrupted by static interference from subtle EMFs. So, if you can find a way to strengthen your natural bioenergies, then your nervous system impulses can resist being overpowered by EMF-stress & even mental stress (in the form of negative mental thoughts). The QLink™ Plus pendant consists of 4 parts: A tuner, an amplifier, a vibrating cell & silver neck chain. The tuner tunes into your own natural bioenergy field. Then, the amplifying coil increases that energy so it extends about 18” out in concentric circles. Then, the vibrating cell vibrates to reinforce that energy.

Reinforce Your Bioenergy to Overpower EMF-Stress & Mental Stress When you put on the QLink™ Plus, the result is that your body’s natural energy field is strengthened. Electron flow and messages between cells are enhanced for better brain signals, speech, limb movement, & more. Your nervous system impulses flow more clearly & evenly, with less chaos. Many people report fewer stress symptoms wearing the QLink™. Independent clinical tests conducted by highly qualified applied kinesiology (muscle testing) professionals confirm these reports.

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World Record Broken Twice Thanks to the QLink A golfing (72-hole) world record set by Mike Souchak in 1955 has been unbroken for 46 years. It was an amazing 257 (27-under-par). Despite all the innovations ingolf such as better clubs, various training aids, longer distance balls, etc., the re-cord stood for 46 years until it was finally broken at the Phoenix Open in 2001 by Mark Calcavecchia and than again 2 years later by Tommy Armour III. What do these 2 record breakers have in common? They were both wearing the QLink! The only way to break such an incredible record is to be in your ultimate place of focus and concentration. Being “in the zone” as professionals call it. The Qlink Plus, of course, helps you to achieve that & allow you to always to be at your best.

“Are You Skeptical that EMFs Really Cause Stress & Fatigue?” OK, here’s one way to test if EMF’s are really harming you. Turn on your TV. Place one ear against the screen. And, place the palms of both hands against the screen. Now, hold them there for a few minutes until you start to get a splitting headache! Then, remember that the TV is only one of many electrical appliances bombarding you. (Also, some hairdryers, when held by the TV screen, emit EMFs strong enough to distort the picture.) The story about this amazing energizer is told by some of QLink’s™ 200,000+ worldwide users. They all share one thing in common: QLink™ has made their lives easier to live, in various ways that may surprise you.

“Test Your Muscle Strength Before & After” “Thank you for your contribution to mankind. I've been practicing preventive medicine for 36 years…The truly effective QLink…can easily protect & strengthen us as demonstrated by merely testing it in the presence of a computer or cell phone. Test your muscle strength before & after. You'll never leave home without it.” William J. Saccoman, M.D. San Diego Clinic of Preventive Medicine

“Invaluable in Helping Me Cope with Stress” “…As a filmmaker, I spend every day surrounded by electronic equipment. I’ve found QLink to be invaluable in helping me cope with stress & staying creatively clear & focused….” Meg Switzgable, Filmmaker, Academy Award nominee

“I Felt Unusually Calm…in the Group Situation”

“I’ve been very fatigued for several years due to fibromyalgia & lupus. Recently my lack of energy had made working very difficult to impossible as I was so drained after doing permanent make-up on even one client. The day my QLink arrived at the office, I immediately put it on & was able to work for 5 hours & felt energetic the rest of the day & evening. I was in 2 days of classes shortly afterwards & noticed that I felt unusually calm & centered in the group situation, a definite first for me as I’ve never liked groups & tend to feel anxious. I was surprised to notice how relaxed I felt & have continued to feel wearing QLink …” Kayla Davies, 9/7/99

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“The Strongest EMF: Jet Lag Conquered!” If you’ve ever flown long distance, then you knowhow tired you can feel. Airplane EMF averages ~50 milligauss (mG). Remember, the EPA maxi-mum limit is only 1 mG. If QLink™ can protect airplane travelers from one of the strongest sources of EMF-fatigue, then surely it can protect you from weaker EMF-fatigue, from electrical appliances & transmitter towers.

“I Never Experience Jet Lag Anymore” “…I never experience jet lag anymore. Iarrive fresh & relaxed and wake up the next day as if I were already there for a week…” Vera Brandes, Recording Producer, Germany

“Flight to Europe…First Time I’ve Not Been Fatigued” “I wore QLink on a flight to Europe. This is the first time I’ve not been fatigued & worn down after hours in an airline.” Donald Epstein, D.C. Author: The 12 Stages of Healing

“Highly Recommend the QLink Pendant to Every Flight Attendant” “I’ve been a flight attendant for 11 years & have always thought I coped well with jet lag, until I felt the difference when I started wearing the QLink. The first time I noticed a dramatic difference was after a round trip to Japan. After the flight I was still thinking clearly, even though I still felt some physical tiredness I did not have that spacey feeling I so often feel after long intl. trips. I would highly recommend QLink to every flight attendant, on any airline, and to anybody else that travels by air frequently.” Michelle Kwon, Flight Attendant, San Francisco, CA

“I No Longer Struggle to Stay Awake at Work After Lunch” “I'm hoping to be able to get one of these for my 17 year old son. I think QLink would help him in his studies while finishing high school & thru college… I’ve noticed several very positive effects I can only attribute to QLink…I’ve never beaten my buddy at ping pong before…Not only did I win, but preceded to win several games… I no longer struggle to stay awake at work after lunch. I used to always get very tired in the afternoon at work…I think sitting in front of a computer all day, really takes its toll on a person, & you don’t even realize it. I also notice my head seems to be clearer…My mind is much more clear & sharp. QLink has also helped my golf game tremendously. My focus on the golf course is better than it has ever been…Before wearing QLink, I used to get a headache 4 out of 5 days during the work week…In the last 2 months with QLink, I’ve only had a couple headaches…I’d have paid triple for QLink, for that benefit alone...I wear my QLink all the time & will never take this thing off! These things just work.” Mark Bille, Spring Valley, WI

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“The Calmer You Are, the More Powerful”

“The Calmer One Is, the More Powerful” “…I teach the importance of maintaining a calm center in the activity of one’s life. In fact, the calmer one is, the more powerful...Most athletes, as do most activities in the West, create a state of fight or flight emergency, which wears the body down. The QLink directly supports this calm center within one’s self. I strongly recommend the QLink to serious athletes and to everyone else who wants more graceful and less stressful performance.” John Douillard, D.C., Author of Body, Mind and Sport

After 2 Days: “Major Difference in Stress Levels” “I recently purchased a QLink & have worn it for 2 days. I’ve already noticed a major difference in stress levels, as I’m relegated to sitting in front of a monitor much of the working day doing engineering tasks. Very amazing. I had begun to suspect that EMF was my culprit in this situation, & this device has helped me substantiate that claim.” Chad Pryson, Nashville, TN

“In 1997, T.M. Srinivasan, Ph.D., an expert in the field of subtle energy research, reviewed independent tests on QLink…conducted by scientists at the Univ. of Calif., Irvine. Among the findings Dr. Srinivasan reported were a 30% or greater reduction in stress responses in organisms exposed…nullification of EMF radiation generated by computers; reduced problem behaviors among students wearing the QLink…” (Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide, Burton Goldberg, Ed., p. 213.)

“Amplifies and Clarifies the Body's Energies”

“QLink is a technology that amplifies & clarifies the body’s energies…has been scientifically demonstrated to enhance the body’s ability to protect itself from harmful environmental rad-iation…This technology therefore removes some of the blocks to inner transformation to higher and healthier states of being.” Ken Wilber, Author of 17 books, A Brief History of Everything

“I’ve Noticed a Definite Improvement in Clarity…Endurance” “…I’ve noticed a definite improvement in clarity, perception, balance & endur-ance...” Erik Giese, Pres., Comfort Products, (Roller Blades & Easy Spirit Shoes)

“Deserve the Nobel Prize” “I can’t begin to express my thanks to you people …deserve the Nobel Prize…my life has been hell for the last 7 years especially since I work in heavy engineering surrounded by machines, motors, pc’s, bus bars, & directly above are power cables! ...until I purchased my QLink Classic 4 days ago, a desperate purchase I can ill afford but had to try… QLink does exactly what you say it does. I’ve not had a problem at all since wearing it. I want to tell the world about this…” Regards, Karl

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“Do You Talk on a Cell Phone?” How to help you brain “fight” EMF

Famous Doctors Conclude, “Cell Phones: Medical Menaces” Well known doctors Robert Goldman & Ronald Klatz published a recent article warning how cell phones damage the brain: “Cellular Phone Radiation and Potential Risks to the Human Brain: A Review of the Scientific Literature,” Anti-Aging Medical News, Winter 2002, 1-32 (excerpted from their book Cellular Phones: Medical Menaces of a Modern Day Convenience.)

In it, they caution that in addition to interfering with brain function, cell phones are also suspected of damaging the body with other problems: • Fatigue • Sex/reproduction • High blood pressure • Immune system

“Cellular telephones are the most radiative appliance we’ve ever invented apart from the microwave oven & people are putting them by their heads – arguably the most sensitive part of the body,” bio-electromagnetics scientist Roger Coghill (p. 5)

Talk on a Cell Phone, Accelerate Your Heartbeat: QLink™ “Showed a Significant Protective Effect”

Alternative Medicine Magazine tested QLink™ to see if it really works. They chose the Heart Rate Variability (HRV,) a well-respected test of the body’s response to stimuli. HRV is the measurement in milliseconds between heartbeats. The time between heartbeats is affected by gastro-intestinal movement, hormones, & other body functions.

First, the test subject’s HRV was measured before EMF exposure. Then, after answering a cell phone, her nervous system went into fight or flight mode from adrenaline & cortisol ac-celerating her heart rate. Then, QLink™ was worn by the subject. Dr. I. Michael Borkin was selected to interpret the results: “…we tested the QLink, which…showed a significant pro-tective effect.” (Larry Trivieri, Jr. “Protection You Can Wear,” Alternative Medicine Magazine)

Anthony (Tony) Robbins: “Immediate Recovery in my Muscle Strength”.

“As a speaker, I’m often onstage for 12 hours/day. Dr. Herb Ross found that the extreme low frequency waves (EMF) emitted by my wireless headset were creating a physical weakness in my body. When I began using QLink I noticed an immediate recovery in my muscle strength… Scientific research has shown that QLink makes a significant difference in reducing the impact of this harmful EMF...” Tony Robbins, Best selling Author & Speaker

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“What Kind of Success Do You Want in Life?” So, what kind of success do you want out of life? That elusive, calm feeling that so few possess? More consistent moods and less bad days? A memory like a com-puter? A higher grade point average? To run faster, jump higher, and score better? A lower golf handicap? More sales? More energy to breeze through your “Do-It List?”

Don’t be surprised if you get what you want in life when you’re energized by QLink™ Plus. And, if you just want to try it to see if it really will change your life, then you can do it with no risk. QLink™ Plus includes a 90-day risk-free, trial guarantee. If it doesn’t improve your stress, fatigue, or whatever you hope it will do, just return it with the Return-Refund Authorization below for a full refund.

QLink™ Plus is your most economical way to overcome the destructive effects of stress. It’s much more affordable than consumable pills that must be refilled every month. A one-time investment of $99 today could help you save on expensive, future medical bills. Your spouse & kids will also feel better wearing QLink™ Plus. That’s why you’ll receive a discount when you order 2 or more. Your health is worth far more than 27¢/day over the first year or .09¢/day over the first 3 years The good news is that QLink™ Plus is designed to last a lifetime. Call right now while this report is still fresh in your memory: 1-800-388-7012.

Stanford Professor: “An Important Part of Humanity’s Future …Reduction of…EMFs…on Brainwave(s)”

“…will be an important part of humanity’s future…This research showed significant indication of the QLink achieving a reduction of the effect of EMFs on changes to brainwave patterns. QLink has shown a capability to help prevent or diminish anomalous electrical activity in the brain caused by EMF sensitivity.” [from a double-blind study appearing in a prestigious peer-reviewed science journal]. William Tiller, Ph.D. Prof. Emeritus, Mtrls. Sc. & Eng. Stanford University

“All Success Stems from a Healthy Outlook” “When you study what rich people know, you soon discover they all know one thing...all success stems from having a healthy outlook & healthy mind. EMF is a modern day phenomenon that zaps your energy without you realizing it. QLink is a solution I found to protect myself…I felt an increase of energy & mental clarity that I was able to maintain continuously throughout the day.” Brian Sher, Author

“Do You Want Massive Energy Reserves?”

“Do you want massive energy reserves? Do you want to feel confident in your physical capacities? Then wear QLink, day & night, loving life even more.” Charles Kovess, Corp. Coach, Author of Passionate People Produce.

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QLink™ Users Report: • Feeling calmer & at peace under stress. • Feeling more energy. • Sleeping deeper & longer. • No longer feeling jet lag. • Achieving peak performance in work, sports, & life. • Reinforced bioenergy to repel EMF radiation. • Improved focus and concentration, clear thinking,

emotions & mood.

All QLink™ Plus models feature: • 24K gold microtuner, 75’ coiled, superfine copper wire, & vibrating cell. • Pure sterling silver neck chain. • Extremely durable and waterproof. • Requires no batteries or maintenance. • Easy to use, simply wear around your neck • Protective effect extends 18” around body.

Some users like to wear the silver or gold QLink™ Plus as attractive jewelry outside their clothes.

American chess grandmaster Alexander Shabalov, just became the U.S. Chess Champion for the first time in his life by winning the US Chess Championship. He used the Q-Link pendant that tunes your body & mind for optimal living: more energy, less stress, greater focus, and enhanced well being. Shabalov said that Q-Link was a crucial ingredient to his success. "I never wore it before. I wore it here every game – and I won the tournament," he said, and added later, "Now that I have my groove back and my concentration is stronger than ever, I'm enjoying one of the best years of my chess career."

100% Satisfaction, No Risk, 90-Day Money Back Guarantee QLink™ Plus MUST help you to calm stress, feel energized, concentrate, and be more productive. If you’re not 100% satisfied with your QLink™ Plus for ANY reason (health, style, etc.) you may return the product back to us or our authorized distributor anytime

within 90 days from ordering. You’ll receive a courteous, full refund of the purchase price. We’re a proud member of the Better Business Bureau.

Note: By enhancing the key component frequencies in the external biofield, the Qlink protects you from the effects of stressful stimuli, thereby enhancing the healing response, & supporting general wellness.

An additional healing strategy Many Qlink Plus users

report applying it locally near their problem area (or it’s corresponding

acupressure point) to help speed healing by

rebalancing energies there.