Cathedral News March 15 - Bradford Cathedral · she joined in a capella song with ... exposed her...

March 2015 Cathedral Cathedral News News

Transcript of Cathedral News March 15 - Bradford Cathedral · she joined in a capella song with ... exposed her...

March 2015

Cathedral Cathedral NewsNews



Front page image The photograph on the front cover, of the Majestas, is one of a number of images taken by Michelle Heseltine for the latest Cathedral guide book.

Vision and Strategy Update In the last few weeks Bishop Nick has been using this statement as his vision statement. We want to be a vibrant diocese, equipping confident clergy to enable confident Christians to live and tell the good news of Jesus Christ in West Yorkshire & the Dales. This will now feed into the work that we are doing with our sister cathedrals and connect with our own strategy. Since the start of January both the Cathedral Chapter and the Staff have spent a lot of time working on the right way to take our Vision forward. As a result we have discerned ten areas that we need to work on: - Arts and Culture - Internal and External Communications - Nurture and Pastoral Care - Diocese and Episcopal Area - Growth and Discipleship - The Public Square - Buildings and the Precinct - Finance and Compliance - Reconciliation, Faith and Culture - Worship and Music - Hospitality and Mission Support - Education and Visitors Each area will have a lead person responsible for working with others, both internally and externally, to draw up some key objectives for 2015-2018 as well as longer term ideas. Remember, this is a ten year plan so we do not need to put everything into the first twelve months! Chapter is hoping to sign off this work by May or June. It is a big piece of work and it would be good to keep the prayer going for this please!

Dean Jerry

Shrove Tuesday On Shrove Tuesday morning the nave chairs were pushed back and the kitchen become a hive of activity as the Cathedral was transformed into a pancake parlour and sixty-five of us sat down to a delicious pancake lunch cooked by Paul and Sally Brodie. There were savoury pancakes for mains and sweet pancakes for pudding, and plenty for everyone.

After lunch we chortled to humorous stories from Eveline Hudson and June Kelly, and Canon Mandy gave us a musical version of her story to faith as she joined in a capella song with husband Richard. Congregation members took the opportunity to invite friends and family and we were particularly pleased that some of the Friends of Bradford Cathedral were able to join in too. They came from parishes far and wide for a final fling before the arrival of Lent.


News from the Church of England For news from further afield, please look at the latest copy of INREVIEW which is pinned to the Community Noticeboard - don’t forget that you can subscribe and/or download this publication yourself from:


New Honorary Canon The Revd Bev Mason On Monday 9th March at Evensong we shall be welcoming Bev Mason as a new Honorary Canon into the stall of St Hilda.

Bev’s call to ministry dates back to childhood but her career path initially took her into the financial world first in Düsseldorf and then London, working in institutional investments, before switching to stock broking on the US market. In 1994, she took a year out from work and backpacked through Africa, from Cairo to Capetown. This exposed her to a whole new world. She met Rwandan refugees fleeing the genocide; passed through the killing fields in Eritrea; witnessed the horrors of poverty, the brutal effects of oppressive and corrupt governance and the effects of Aids, Malaria and other major and minor health issues upon a continent. Africa was where she reconnected to the world in all its complexities. It was on Table Mountain, at the end of a very long journey, that Bev committed her life to the God who had become so present to her.

Returning to the UK at the end of 1994, Bev changed career paths, becoming a Charity Fundraiser/Project Co-ordinator for Christian charities serving the former Russian Republics. It was during this time that the call to ordination was re-awakened in her. After studying Theology at Chichester and Trinity College, Bristol she was ordained in 2001 and after curacies in the Diocese of Rochester she became vicar of St John the Evangelist, Upper Norwood in the Diocese of Southwark in 2005, where she also served as Area Dean. She moved north in 2012, to become vicar of All Saints Bingley. Her passion is the Gospel and her buzz is growing churches! All are welcome to the service at 5.30pm.

Dean Jerry

...STOP PRESS…STOP PRESS Date for your diary - the annual Community Committee weekend at Parcevall Hall this year is on Sunday/Monday 3/4 May. There will be space for others to join us. More details to follow.



Children’s Sunday Space Throughout Lent we will continue looking at ways of loving our neighbours and find out what happened in the run up to Easter. Join us for the usual fun, craft, stories and games.

For more details speak to Emma Towers.

Cathedral Mission In the February issue of Cathedral News I wrote about six of the charitable projects that we have decided to support from our 2014 tithe (10%) of our “voluntary giving” (ie weekly collections and donations), and that due to the significant amount of local deprivation, we felt we should increase the proportion that we give to local charities.

Here are the remaining projects that Chapter have approved financial support for from our 2014 tithe:-

§ £1000 to Canon Andrew White’s Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East, which supports his work and brings humanitarian relief through St George's Church and Clinic, Baghdad.

§ £1000 to Tearfund's Ebola Crisis Appeal, which is working to relieve the effects of Ebola through local churches in some of the poorest countries of Africa.

§ £750 to Zephaniah Trust, which supports Christian musicians, storytellers, and artists, who “take light into dark corners” in schools, churches, and community groups in Bradford and beyond. Fiona Beevers can tell you more.

§ £750 to the Anchor Project at St Clements, Barkerend, which provides a lunch club for older people, children’s activities, English conversation classes, and gardening and small environmental projects, all designed to enhance the wellbeing of the community. Sue McWhinney can tell you more.

§ £500 to the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation. We have had longstanding links with Acorn, who work to provide healing, listening, and reconciliation ministry, and training. In the past they have provided our Cathedral team with valuable training in listening and healing prayer ministry. Alex McLelland can tell you more about Acorn. § £500 to Manningham Youth Talks a community project, led by Mike de Villiers, working with young people aged 16-19 of different cultural and faith heritage, bringing them together for discussion and mutual understanding each week in term time. He works in association with Schools Linking Network. This is a new project for us, and Mike de Villiers can tell you more about it. § £500 to the Clergy Discretionary fund. This is allocated by the Dean. We would like to encourage members of the congregation to find out more about the projects that we support financially, and to pray for them. We’ll write with updates as we receive them in future editions of Cathedral News.

Sue McWhinney Community Committee Chairman



Prayers for the Persecuted Church The new look monthly Cathedral News gives us space to consider in more detail the plight of Christians across the world who are persecuted for their faith. Each month, I hope to give you more information about the situation for Christians in particular countries, with some more detailed guidance for prayer. This month, the focus is on Iraq. The conflict in Iraq became more intensive in January 2014, although its roots go back long before that. The group calling itself Islamic State or IS (formerly ISIS) began to make gains across Iraq, as a result of which more than 1.45 million people fled from their homes. The barbarity of IS’s tactics have shocked the world, including atrocities such as mass killings, summary executions, rape, kidnapping and other violence against civilians. When the city of Mosul was taken in June last year, Christians living there were given the choice of converting to Islam, paying a protection tax, or execution. The Arabic letter ‘nun’, for Nassareh – an Arabic word for Christian – was painted on the doorways of Christian households, and their possessions were declared the property of IS. Those who were able, fled, leaving those who stayed behind to live in increasingly difficult conditions, in which freedom for all, particularly women, has been curtailed, the phone network has become unreliable, electricity is intermittent and drinking water is polluted. There have been Christians living in Iraq since the first century AD, when the Gospel was reputedly brought to the

region by the apostles Thomas and Thaddeus. Now hundreds of thousands have fled, and churches are used as prisons or administrative bases by IS. Religious sites such as the tomb of Jonah near Mosul and many monasteries have been destroyed.

While air strikes from a coalition of many countries, and the advance of Kurdish troops have pushed IS back, it still holds or controls much of Iraq. The Iraqi government has announced that it plans an offensive to retake Mosul in the spring. Please pray: - for all people affected by the rise of Islamic State in Iraq, whether they have been injured, bereaved, traumatised, or forced to become refugees; - for all countries who have taken refugees, that they will have sufficient resources to provide care, and for our own government that they would be willing to provide asylum to Christians from Iraq; - for wisdom, for Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the Iraqi government, the leaders of the Kurdish people and all international leaders working for peace in Iraq; - for courage and protection for all Iraqi Christians who remain in the country; for all Iraqi Christians in this country, whether long-term resident or recently arrived; - that the hearts of those who are committed to violence, injustice and intolerance may be changed, so that all may work for peace in the nation of Iraq.

The Revd Cat Thatcher



If you are new to the Cathedral … … Welcome Please make yourself known to one of the Churchwardens, Sue McWhinney and Maggie Peel, who would love to meet you. If you would like to join a Fellowship Group, find out more about the congregational life of the Cathedral, including social events, or if we can help in any way, please ask one of the stewards at the door, who will find us for you. We look forward to meeting you.

Abigail Housing Abigail Housing's quarterly newsletter was released this month. If you would like a copy to hear all about the work of the project please see Sandra Howard or Maggie Peel … or subscribe yourself by contacting Emily or Daniel on [email protected].

Abigail continues to need donations of food such as: sugar, oil, chopped tomatoes, spaghetti, tuna and biscuits (as treats). These can be left with the Cathedral Office. Thank you

Toddler Group The Communityworks Toddler group meets every Friday in the Parish Room. Starting at 9.30am and running through until 11.00pm it is full of fantastic toys, games and crafts whilst at the same time always ensuring that parents and carers get a break with a hot drink and biscuits. It is open to everyone from the local community, so please do encourage anyone to come along for whom it would be a blessing. For more details please speak to Gill Davis.

Fairtrade Fortnight Recently, the children at the Cathedral have been learning what it means to Love your neighbour as yourself and that our neighbour is anyone, not just the person next door.

Fairtrade Fortnight offers us the opportunity to remember those in other countries. Could you buy a Fairtrade product you don't usually buy this week? Why not look at our special stall for something a little different. This stall will be here next week, too.

Whilst enjoying your Fairtrade refreshments after the morning service on 1 March, join us in watching a short film telling us more about the people involved in the production of Fairtrade goods. You can also pick up new Stock It cards from the Fairtrade Stall to use to ask your local supermarket or cafe to sell more Fairtrade products.



The Friends Members of the Friends are drawn from across the Diocese and beyond, as well as from the Cathedral congregation, all linked by a unity of purpose in wanting to help care for this wonderful building, which has been standing for over thirteen hundred years, and support the work done by the staff and volunteers. The aims of the Friends are to: - Bring together in fellowship people

who care for the Cathedral - Support the Cathedral and its staff

through prayer - Help raise funds for special projects Past projects include: - New pipes for the Organ - New display stands - Production of the Guidebook - Refurbishment of the Holy Spirit Chapel

- Provision of the new steps to the Lectern

- Purchase of the new staging

The cost of joining the Friends is just £10 per person per year and £5 for anyone else living at the same address - although larger donations are always appreciated! For this, members receive at least three newsletters a year and a chance to join in with a number of varied social events over the year. The 2015 programme includes: - A visit from the Friends of Southwell

Cathedral on 7 May - A trip to Carlisle Cathedral on 13 May

via the Settle to Carlisle railway - A visit to Bingley Little Theatre to see

‘If I were you’ by Alan Ayckbourn - A visit to Holy Trinity Church in

Skipton with tea and evensong

- A ‘Day at the Cathedral’ in September - The annual lunch on 11 October, this

year at the Midland Hotel, followed by Choral Evensong at the Cathedral

Please give consideration to becoming a member of the Friends. Your support, as a member, would mean so much to the Cathedral, its staff and congregation. If you would like further details, please contact me on 01535 634256 or via [email protected]

Jill Wright, Chairman

The Friends of Bradford Cathedral

Annual General Meeting Sunday 8 March at 2.00pm

followed by tea and Choral Evensong

All Welcome As President of the Friends the Dean, the Very Revd Jerry Lepine , will preside over the meeting which will be attended by the Rt Revd Toby Howarth, Bishop of Bradford.

The Chairman, Mrs Jill Wright, will expand upon another successful year and talk about plans for the next twelve months.

The success of the Friends and the work done in supporting the Cathedral very much depends on you, its members. Please prayerfully consider joining the Friends and also whether you might be able to help with a particular event or join the committee. Thank you.



Monday Fellowship Monday 9 March at 2.00pm We give you all a very warm invitation to join us for our March meeting which will take the form of a Lenten Meditation centred around the Prodigal Son. Our own Gill Davis will be leading us, and we are looking forward to a time of ministry and blessing. Please join us – you will be most welcome!

People Inspired Monday 16 March at 7.00pm Bradford Cathedral is joining with other English Cathedrals to host a series of events with the intention of reconnecting the general public to politicians. Two events will be hosted here. The first is on Monday 16 March at 7pm and will be a roundtable discussion about the issues which affect people's lives. This will be followed on Sunday 12 April by a Hustings event at which the parliamentary candidates for the Bradford West constituency will be presented with the outcomes of the first meeting and asked for their response. The event on 16 March is free but will be ticketed so pre booking is essential. If you live in the Bradford West constituency, or run a business or voluntary organisation here, and would like to come to that event, please call the Cathedral Office on 01274 777720 to obtain your ticket. If you would like more details, please contact the Revd Cat Thatcher via [email protected].

Engaging with Central and Eastern European Communities Wednesday 11 March 2015 7.00 - 9.00pm (6.30pm for refreshments) An invitation to clergy, staff and members of local Churches and Christian organisations to learn and share ideas of how best to engage with and respond to the needs of these Communities. This event will bring together expertise and experience of those Churches who have been able to engage with and meet the needs of Central and Eastern European Communities, the challenges of this work and support which can be provided. For further information please contact Liz Firth Development Worker at Wellsprings Together Bradford via [email protected]

Yorkshire Cathedrals’ Girls’ Choirs’ Festival Saturday 7 March, at 5.30pm Join us in the Cathedral for a very special Festal Choral Evensong sung by the Girls and Men of York Minster, Ripon Cathedral, Wakefield Cathedral, Sheffield Cathedral, Leeds Minster and our own Cathedral, singing music by Stainer, Stanford and the contemporary composer Philip Moore, who was Master of the Music at York Minster from 1983 - 2008. Some 150 singers will meet in this annual celebration of the ministry of singing girls in Cathedral Choirs.



… until 3 April Journey with the Oppressed This exhibition of conte drawings and monotypes draws powerful parallels between the life and execution of Jesus and treatment of prisoners and asylum seekers world-wide.

Wednesday 4 1.00pm Wednesday @ 1 Organ Recital … with Michael Haynes from Newcastle Cathedral Recitals are preceded by a light buffet lunch at 12.30pm for for which there is a £3 minimum donation.

Sunday 8 2.00pm The Friends AGM The Friends of Bradford Cathedral hold their Annual General Meeting followed by refreshments before joining Choral Evensong at 4.00pm. All welcome.

Monday 9 2.00pm Monday Fellowship This month Gill Davis leads a Lenten Meditation.

Wednesday 11 1.00pm Wednesday @ 1 Organ Recital … with Daniel Justin from Leeds Cathedral

Friday 13 7.00pm Silent Film - The Black Pirate (1926) The third in this season of silent movies with Jonathan Eyre providing the live organ improvisation.

Saturday 14 1.30pm Come and Sing - Stainer’s Crucifixion Director Alex Woodrow and Organist Jonathan Eyre. Rehearsal 1.30pm with performance at 4.00pm Singers £8 music to hire if required Audience £5

Wednesday 18 1.00pm Wednesday @ 1 Organ Recital … with Peter Heginbotham from Sheffield

Wednesday 25 1.00pm Wednesday @ 1 Organ Recital … with Paul Bowen, former Cathedral Organist

All welcome. Events are free - with donations appreciated - unless otherwise stated.

Cathedral News I hope you are enjoying the new look Cathedral News. It is actually produced in full glorious technicolour! Unfortunately costs prevent it from being printed in colour but if you would like a copy emailed to you please email me - that way I have your correct address - and I will ensure you get your colour copy every month.

[email protected]

Please see the services guide on pages 10 to 13 for full listing of all services.



Sunday 1 2nd Sunday of Lent 0800 Holy Communion 1015 Cathedral Eucharist Girls and Adults Canon Sam Corley

Preacher: The Rev Cat Thatcher Mass XVII Archer: Tantum Ergo Organ Voluntary: Bach: Prelude in C minor BWV 546

1600 Choral Evensong Boys and Adults The Rev Cat Thatcher Preacher: Mr Jon Howard Batten: Fourth Service Byrd Oxley: Forty Days Psalm 135 Organ Voluntary: Bach: Sei gegrusset, Jesu gutig (1,II) BWV 768

Monday 2 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong The Rev Cat Thatcher

Sumsion in G (ATB) Ashfield Bullock: O most merciful Psalm 8

Tuesday 3 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong The Rev Cat Thatcher

Tallis: Short Service Byrd Farrant: Call to remembrance Psalm 10

Wednesday 4 0730 Holy Communion The Dean 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion The Rev Suzanne Vernon-Yorke 1300 Organ Recital Michael Haynes (Newcastle Cathedral) 1730 Evening Prayer

Thursday 5

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong The Rev Cat Thatcher

Plainsong Plainsong Farrant: Hide not thou thy face Psalm 18

Friday 6 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Saturday 7

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Sung by the Yorkshire Cathedrals’ Girls’ Choirs’ Festival



Sunday 8 3rd Sunday of Lent 0800 Holy Communion 1015 Cathedral Eucharist Boys and Men Canon Mandy Coutts

Preacher: Canon Sam Corley Batten: Short Service Tallis: If ye love me Organ Voluntary: Bach: Sei gegrusset, Jesu gutig (1II - V) BWV 768

1600 Choral Evensong Lay Clerks The Dean Preacher: The Rev Cat Thatcher Moore : First Service Cleobury Shepherd: In manus tuas Psalm 11 Organ Voluntary: Bach: Sei gegrusset, Jesu gutig (VIII, IX) BWV 768

1830 Taize Prayer Dr Sue McWhinney

Monday 9 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong with Installation of Honorary Canon The Dean

Gibbons: Short Service Plainsong Vaughan-Williams: The Call Psalm 30

Tuesday 10 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Canon Mandy Coutts

Tallis: Short Service Plainsong Dowland: My spirit longs for thee Psalm 32

Wednesday 11 0730 Holy Communion Canon Mandy Coutts 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion Canon Bruce Grainger 1300 Organ Recital Daniel Justin (Leeds Cathedral) 1730 Evening Prayer

Thursday 12

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Canon Mandy Coutts

Plainsong Plainsong Arr. Eyre: Day is done but love unfailing Psalm 36

Friday 13 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Saturday 14

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer



Sunday 15 Mothering Sunday 0800 Holy Communion 1015 Cathedral Eucharist with Healing Prayer The Cathedral Consort Canon Sam Corley

Preacher: The Dean Gabrieli: Missa Brevis Bruckner: Christus factus est Organ Voluntary: Bach: Sonata I in Eb (i) BWV 525

1600 Choral Evensong Boys and Adults Dr. Sue McWhinney Preacher: Canon Sam Corley Wise in F Byrd Handel: Since by man came death Psalm 107:1-9 Organ Voluntary: Bach: Christus, der uns selig macht BWV 620

Monday 16 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong

Palestrina/Soriano Canticles Ebdon Lent Prose Psalm 45

Tuesday 17 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong

Wise in F Byrd Stainer: The Agony Psalm 48

Wednesday 18 0730 Holy Communion Canon Sam Corley 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion Canon Sam Corley 1300 Organ Recital Peter Heginbotham (Sheffield) 1730 Evening Prayer

Thursday 19 St. Joseph

0830 Morning Prayer 0900 Holy Communion The Dean 1730 Choral Evensong

Byrd: Second Service Plainsong Gibbons: Drop, drop slow tears Psalm 1

Friday 20 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Saturday 21

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer



Sunday 22 Passion Sunday 0800 Holy Communion 1015 Cathedral Eucharist Girls and Adults The Dean

Preacher: Canon Mandy Coutts Mass XVIII De Severac: Tantum ergo Organ Voluntary: Bach: O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig BWV 618

1600 Choral Evensong Girls and Adults Canon Sam Corley Preacher: The Dean Latin Plainsong Ebdon Bairstow: The Lamentation Psalm 34 Bach: O Mensch, bewein dein Sunde gross BWV 622

Monday 23 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Canon Sam Corley

Plainsong Plainsong Now lay aside the works of day Psalm 62

Tuesday 24 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Canon Sam Corley

Morley: Fauxbourdon Cleobury Biebl: Ave maria Psalm 65

Wednesday 25 The Annunciation 0730 Holy Communion The Rev Paul Booth 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion Canon Bruce Grainger 1300 Organ Recital Paul Bowen 1730 Evening Prayer 1930 Lady Day Eucharist Sung by the Cathedral Consort The Rev Sue Shrine

Preacher: The Bishop of Bradford Thursday 26

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Canon Sam Corley

Plainsong Plainsong Trad: Were you there Psalm 73

Friday 27 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Saturday 28

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer



It is a great pleasure to begin this report by congratulating Assistant Director of Music, Jonathan Eyre, on his attainment of the Fellowship of the Royal College of Organists (FRCO) by examination. This, the highest qualification available in organ playing and overall musicianship, is a really great achievement and the qualification has significant credence worldwide. Candidates must pass a number of sections: repertoire-playing, various keyboard skills such as transposition, score reading and harmonisation, and two substantial written papers, covering a wide range of technical and historical subject matter, all to a high academic standard. The FRCO, examined by some of the world's leading organists and church musicians, is the gold award for any Cathedral musician: well done, Jonathan!

Over the February half term break, 16 of our boys enjoyed a thoroughly good choir tour to Shrewsbury and Wolverhampton, where we sang impressively to large and attentive congregations and were warmly received. St Chad's Church in Shrewsbury has the distinction of being the only Georgian church in the round in the country and its generous acoustics enabled our choir to sound to great effect in Tudor music by Byrd and Tallis. A visit on the Monday to RAF Cosford, where we enjoyed a guided tour of the hangars, preceded an extraordinarily generous pizza and pancake lunch for us all at the residence of Mr and Mrs Peter Morris. Peter is the excellent Director of Music at St Peter's, Wolverhampton, where he runs choirs distinguished for their great size and enthusiasm, very much a tribute to his boundless energy! The at-

home hospitality was incredible, and, suitably refreshed, the boys sang a lovely service in the chancel of medieval St Peter's Church to a full congregation. Touring is so affirmative for everybody: for the singers individually, for the choir as a whole, and to build links with other choral foundations and make all sorts of connections that really help to strengthen the cause of good-quality church music!

There are many highlights coming up for the Cathedral Choir. Lent and Passiontide are remarkable seasons musically, distinguished by their extraordinary variety and depth of repertoire, and among the Sunday and midweek singing are numbered performances of two major pieces of music. The boys and adults sing John Stainer's perennially evocative 'The Crucifixion' on


Extended Membership Please remember in your prayers the following members of the Cathedral fellowship who, through illness or incapacity, cannot attend in person: Pat Baly Dorothy Dean Barbara Foulds Hazel Naylor Bill Pirie Joan Simpson Marie Toft Dorothy Walsh Heather Wright If anyone you know would appreciate being added to this list, please speak to one of the clergy or churchwardens, Sue McWhinney or Maggie Peel.


Palm Sunday in a devotional performance at 4.00pm, and on Good Friday at 7.30pm the girls and adults sing Durufle's 'Requiem', ethereal and at times dramatic in its masterly plainsong-inspired writing. Compline is again offered on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week (Wednesday in Latin, the other two services in English) at 8.00pm. This, one of the monastic offices, is timeless and meditative in its quality: if you have never attended a Choral Compline before, do so, and/or build in the Stainer and the Durufle as part of our own personal Passiontide journey this year. Once every six years, we are privileged to host the Yorkshire Cathedrals' Girls' Choirs' Festival (notice all of those right-of-'s' apostrophes!). On 7 March, at 5.30pm, we shall host a Festal Choral Evensong sung by the Girls and Men of York Minster, Ripon Cathedral, Wakefield Cathedral, Sheffield Cathedral, Leeds Minster and our own Cathedral, singing music by Stainer, Stanford and the contemporary composer Philip Moore, who was Master of the Music at York Minster from 1983 - 2008. Some 150 singers will meet in this annual celebration of the ministry of singing girls in Cathedral Choirs. Not to be outdone, the boys look forward to their re-inclusion within the Yorkshire Three Choirs' Festival this October, of which we were members until 1981. We are delighted to re-ignite this connection after some 34 years, although we fear the festival's name will have to be reconceived, as we will be the fourth ensemble joining the existing triumvirate of Leeds Minster, Ripon and Wakefield Cathedrals. On a more nuts-and-bolts level, this next few weeks and months will see a major recruitment drive for new boy and girl probationers to join the Choir ahead of the start of the new academic year in September. Running a choir is all about recruiting and retaining: the retaining involves the harnessing of goodwill, the affirmation of progress made, and the continued enthusiasm of the choristers and tireless support of the chorister families as the choristers progress, with our support, on their musical journeys. I am pleased to report that we are retaining effectively! However, with the passage of time one always needs to plan ahead and think to the future, and so it is essential that we try to gain a number of new boys and girls over the coming weeks and months. Do you know a girl or boy aged between 7 and 10 who might enjoy singing with us and gaining a first-rate musical education, free of charge? If so, don't delay: encourage them to contact me on: [email protected] or 01274 777720 to find out more.

Alex Woodrow, Director of Music



CLERGY Dean The Very Revd Jerry Lepine Canon Precentor The Revd Canon Sam Corley Canon for Mission and Pastoral Development The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts Curate The Revd Cat Thatcher Honorary Chaplains The Revd Paul Booth The Revd Dr Barbara Glasson OPERATIONS Director of Strategic Development and Operations Amanda Anderson MUSIC DEPARTMENT Director of Music Alexander Woodrow Assistant Director of Music Jonathan Eyre Music Administrator Ann Foster Cathedral Organ Scholar Anthony Gray Chorister Tutor Joseph Judge VERGERS Head Verger and Reader Jon Howard Assistant Verger John Paley Assistant Verger David Robinson ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PA to the Dean & Cathedral Communications Officer Sandra Howard Cathedral Secretary Julie Bowyer Administrative Clerk Sandra Heaton Treasurer Chris Wontner-Smith EDUCATION Education and Visitor Officer Gillian Davis Interfaith Worker Liz Firth Youth Worker Wayne Cadman


[email protected] Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, Bradford, BD1 4EH T: 01274 777720 F: 01274 777730