Catalogue of Crushing Plants

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  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants




    ZENITHWe pursue the zenith of technology and quality

    Shanghai Zenith
  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants



    *iiJIf ' * Brief Introductionk~~~~~I~m.~~0~, ~~~M*~~~~m.~I~M~~~~~ .~~,~F~~.~

    -~~~ ~~~~ ~~~oM ~W~~ *, 0~~ m~.~~ ~~ft ~~.m *~~~ .$~, F~ili~~)rlj, ;:jt~, $S[I, ~S[I, $*, ~~)rlj, )~)rl j~fulZo

    ~~0~1J:1l~~~;f-)JiEi3~~FtVfDI.!IH{1t~59!~fu,~~ffBt: i j~~IS090012000~~;f~~iAiiE1**t;f>Et*f i~ ~, ~F ,m ~~ ~~ o ~, 0 ~* ~~ F~ ~~ ~~ ~ &I ~M ~m *~ F~ B~ ~~ ~m ~~~,*~,~~,~. ,~I,m~,~~~fi~o

    ~~0~*~~~M~~~~~fi"~~~~~~~~, ~H~~,~, B*~~*~~~I~, ~I*il iW-~~~F~*~~*~~~ft~~*o0~m~*~~*~*~ffi~~*A~, ~~~F~*fi&~~~~, ~~*~~A~~~~mF~,~~~~~F~o

    i l i~*, 0~~IJi ' ITD-&WJ~~J'aJ~-&ftI !A;; t ,: f iM~~&~~91,~:gJ 'aJtx:i3~ft~*~~1lD_OO_,'!) ;!B~IfSjftI! :f i iJ1MBA) 13A, J ' a J~-&I~~i j J22A,~~i j J60A,M&~~k~BJi3~~I~ i IJ~1*~I i3~80%~~ko 0~i3~13Z*:fiH~JL.\~ ~:g$::;: ~*~iG4~9*)~91ti i3~~:g*, 1 J:1l ~ltQ~ *13Z*~*1j,# B H 3 J J X7-3Hfl~liM,*~*~~M~~~, ~~~~~m~~~~~~~o

    ~*~~~~,~*~~.*~~ .,~~~~~A"~~J' aJ~ , 0~~~~m~~N,*~~~~~~.~~, ~~~*~~M~~~~~.~o

    Shanghai Zenith Company isthe leading professional supplier of solution. equipment and service forcrushing and grinding industry. Inpast 20years. bearing the enterprise aim of " Better quality. Betterservice" .Shanghai Zenith hasobtained an enviable reputation from the customersover 120countries

    inthe world.

    Shanghai Zenith are experts in the design and manufacture of two businessline: crushing equipmentsuch as crushing. conveying. feeding and screening for the quarry. mining. recycling industr iesprocessing aggregates and demolition waste; Grinding equipment like MTMmill. XZMmill and MTWmillfor the mining. grinding and chemical industries.

    Employing over 800 skilled workers. our company has more than 20agents abroad. Meanwhile. wepassed the certification of IS09001 and set up an experienced R&Dteam providing the continuouspower to ensurereliable and effective products. New advanced product development plays a vitalpart inthe businessphilosophy"Pursuing the Zenithof Technology and Quality".

    Shanghai Zenith'sgoal isto become leaders intheir respective marketsby giving Zenith customers themeans to be more productive and profi table for generations to come. coupled with unparalleledcustomer service. training. education and support.

  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants



    :Wj;15~F~ii.S an d a nd S to ne P ro du ct io n L in e

    PEW.'IJ~lit.i*JL PEW Series Jaw Crusher

    T 30~ ~ i9 :it, *U:@ ,it\:E ' ,Uan% ~~9 iE \ 3 i m1i$;j;Jl3~~~~ft, f t0 ~ 7 f. tB 7 i J f -R i 3 ~P E W * ? jl j~ 9 i: E t~ 1 i $; j; J l,t:~* x ~1i$;j;m>i7 f * ~ 7 ! *1H~ E* ?j lj~9i :Et~ 1 i $; j; J l3~jt!t}*,~*m7~~~~il iWk.~*~~*~~:@I~,~~~~~*~*~~~~~~~~~~~~U0i9:-i-i3~~J2I 0

    Shanghai Zenith Company develops a new generat ion of PEWseries of jaw crusher base on our more than 30 yearse xp er ie nc e i n d es ig ni ng , f ab ri ca ti ng , a nd s up pl yi ng t he h ig hquali ty jaw crusher. Except ofthe advantages from our originalPE se ri es ja w cr ush er , o ur n ew j aw cr us he r a lso ad op ts th em os t a dv an ce d t ec hn ol og y a nd f ab ri ca ti on t ec hn ol og y i n t hew or ld . H ig h q ua li ty a nd l ow t ot al c os t o f z en it h j aw c ru sh er sh av e m ad e t he m t he b es t c ho ic e i n c ru sh in g a nd s cr ee ni ngplant.

    1. iliW-)JiEi3~13Z*tD!*1;t)jGj., ii~f*PEW*?jlj~1i$;j;Jl~"iiItt j:J;L3 ~m m t tt D" ii I~ t t0

    2 . li J J~ 9 i J~ \ ~* m ~~~i3~1J,J1JXJ*U:@,i~f*;j;JlH-~.F~~~~*#~~A~mn~"iiI~tto3. ~1*:Et1J,J1JXJ$I!lm~.!:3;j;JlAAi3~C~Elc.g., Jm ~7~~:Et$I! lm~~mAA~*~~~~~~~o4 . " V " ~ i 3~ ~ 1 i$ ~ 2 :~ i 9 :i t~ J J D .g . I' ,f*iiE~~ A)jG j.R ~~ ~~ A)jG j.R ~-~ , ~ )jG j.~ ~~~$~~.~*)jGj., ~~~~$~F~.*f t, J 5 J st j: ~ ~ ~ 9i 1 .& i 3 ~t Ij m $o5 . [ z i 3~ ~ ffB P E W * ?j lj ~ 9i ~ ~ B El c~ t t~E J5J*.m~~ 9i ~ ~*, ~1!~ i3~11jiH~,\I!l$I!l*0 ~ '.3:E t@ ;lti9:it1~;j;JlH-m~)~~~mi3~1~t!Ro6.1!~rm'I~1li3~~:l:M~~)jGj.Q l ~: P* ~ ft , 1 ~ ;j ;J lH -W~~~~ffl~~~"i iI~~n0~~~~~mQ l~i IHYJ:YE1~, t t~:Et i3~m ~:Et1~~)jGj.l~:P*~ft~r;,l~ , ~ ~~, ~ '1~ 1lo


    1 .P EW s er ie s c ru sh er s a re p re mi um c la ss c ru sh er s d ue t o t he ir d es ig n a s w e ll a s t o t h e m at er ia ls t ha t a re u se d t o

    produce them. Attention has been paid to even the smallest detai ls , so asto ensure the highest possible funct ionali ty

    and reliability, without any compromises.

    2.The moving jaw assembly ismade ofhigh-quality cast s teel and droved bytwo massive cast steel f lywheels . A very

    large eccentr ic shaft forging and four large spherical rol ler bearings that are all of the same size ensure the greatest

    reliability even under the most severe crushing conditions.

    3 . T h e s in gl e p ie ce c as t s te el f ra me b ea ri ng h ou si ng s e ns ur e a p er fe ct f it t o t he c ru sh er f ra me . T he y a ls o p re ve nt

    unnecessary loads tothe frame bearings that are common with 2-piece frame bearing housings.

    4. The right cavity design can improve the performance ofthe crusher great ly. The "V" type cavity makes sure the real

    feeding size ofjaw crusher equal tothe nominal one. The real feeding size ofZenith PEW series isgreatly bigger than

    c om pe ti to rs ' c om pa ra bl e s iz e. A nd t hi s r ig ht c av it y d es ig n e ns ur es t ha t t he m at er ia ls p ro gr es se s s mo ot hl y d ow n

    through the crushing cavity toenable high reduction, productivity and superb uti lization ofjaw plates.

    5 . A ll z en it h P EW s er ie s j aw c ru sh er s i nc or po ra te l arge r a nd s tu rd ie r e cc en tr ic s ha ft b ea ri ng t ha n c om pe ti to rs '

    comparable size. The grease-lubricated bearings are kept free from contamination bymeans ofwell-proven labyrinth


    6.Allzenith PEW series jaw crushers are equipped with a proven, rugged and fast wedge set ting adjustment system.The crusher 's set ting can byadjusted hydraulical ly ina matter of minutes, even when the machine isrunning without

    loading. This adjustment system issimpler, safer and faster than the outdated shim adjustment systems.

    ~ . w.f~ ~ ' 1 ' 1ti~~ J) l :* Specifications:~-% J1!nQ tlH'i-QRJ ~lU~t.J i ! ! ic m ~ $ > 1 \ J l ~ R-t

    Model R-t i~=pmffil Capacity * J lr . }] ~ Overall DimensionFeed Closed (t/h) Power (mm)

    Opening side setting (kw)(mm) (mm)

    PEW760x 1100 760x 1100 150-350 110-132 2698x2304x2795

    PEW840 840 x 1100 200-500 132-160 3301 x2412x3259

    PEWll00 1100x1200 300-650 185-200 4138x2653x3655

    PEW400x 600 400x600 15-70 37 1 92 0x 1 46 0x 1 84 0

    PEW250x 1200 2 50 x 1 20 0 20-50 37 1 40 0x 20 50 x 1 31 0

    PEW250x 1000 2 50 x 1 20 0 15-50 30 1 40 0x 1 85 0x 1 31 0

    PEW180x 1300 180x 1300 12-35 30 1320x2150xl175

    5:t: i-JjJj*1&MHfHHl iL~, jixj!j:StJli!!;fJl~tma~ftllHIH?tJla~tlT:1>!tNotes: I the re i sany modfcaton , a pa ramete r and overa dmenson aresubec t to theopera tng Ins t ruc tons .


  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants



    ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ k . ~ u ~ m m ~ ~1:i$;j;Jl,PE* ?iIJ:*:'* " ~~ 9i~ ~1:i$;j;Jl~ft 0 ~ i3~~*F~~-,~~~B~~~~~~*~o

    ~ ~ ~ ~ m m m ~ ~ ~ , ~ m , ~ t i , 0M,~M,*~~~~I~~A~fi~o

    The Zenith PE Series jaw crusher delivers

    consistent performance even in the most

    c ha ll en gi ng c ond it io ns . Wh et her i t' s c rus hi ng a

    hard, quarr ied s tone or demol it ion debr is , you can

    depend on the Zenith jaw crusher for high

    production rates and lower cost per ton.

    H gh p rod uc ti on r at es a re a ch ie ve d wi th a wi de

    crushing chamber and relatively large gape, which

    can handle even the large s labby mater ia l. Plus , a

    relatively long crushing chamber delivers

    aggress ive crushing act ion to nip even hard s tone

    for quick processing and consistent performance.

    It features with exceptionally high crusher

    availability, cost-efficient crushing, low cost per ton,


    ~-5 J1!nl=l ~*J1! t l H ' i - I = l R J ~lU~t.J i ! !i c m ~ ? > 1 \ J l ~ R-tModel R-t * H i I m i~=pmffil Capacity *Jllh* Overall Dmension

    Feed Max. Feed Setting (t/h) Power (mm)

    Opening Size Adjustment (kw)(mm) (mm) Range


    PE500x750 500x750 50-100 40-110 45-55 2035x1921x2000

    PE600x900 600x900 65-160 90-180 55-75 2520x1840x2303

    PE750x1060 750x1060 80-140 110-320 90-110 2620x2302x3110

    P E9 00 x1 20 0 9 00 x1 20 0 95-165 220-450 110-132 3789x2826x3025

    P E1000x1200 1000x1200 195-265 315-550 110-132 3887x2826x3025

    P E1200x1500 1200x1500 150-300 400-850 220 4200x3750x3820

    5:t: i - .J j J j* 1 & M H f H H 1 ' il ' ~ , j i x j! j : S tJ l i !! ; f Jl ~ t m a ~ ft m l H ? tJ l a ~ tl T: 1> ! tNotes : I there i sanymodfca ton, a parameter and overa dmenson aresubec t to theopera tng Ins t ruc tons .


    ~Y~~r-~ii~*Sand and Stone Product ion Line

    1, ~ 9 i;j;BniJTZl~*~~2, ~~1.~~I'i3~~tI'HljiHYffil

    3 , ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ * ~ , O O ~ . ~4, ~4l!:i!~{.tri3~~~~M&5-, f~H1=51~," i i J~tlj6, F~*.\lN~$J, ~1:i$tt:*:


    1Reversible jaw plate

    2 Heat-treated,forged eccentric shafts

    3Advanced side plate bolt fixed system,easy formaintenance

    4 Slanting-wedge fixed jaw plate

    5 Easyto operate,high dependability

    6 Evenfinal particles,high crushing ratio.

    ~ . w.f~ ~ ' 1 ' 1ti~~ J) l :* Specifications:

  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants



    HP.JIJjlBiIm ~ * J lHP Series Hydraulic Cone Crusher

    H P * ? j lj~ ff ~ liHim1:i$;j;JU1UI'lt _;j;Jlfj[Jti9:it ,~~7~~~~ ,~~~~~~~ .*~~~~~

    ~~ .~~~$#*~~m~~~~~N~*o~* ? jl j~91.~ i3 ~~ ~ f 6:i9:it tD11iBl,\ ~ ~ ~~YE~J i J E$~ i3 ~'! itiJ13Z7i~& ~3 -1-'3~"~'8!&l1t"*~ 1 t ~t~ * ?j l j3~~91.i lj~ ,~~F~~~ m M ~$, A~~ ~~oo,~mm~~,~. t t~,~~~.~ft~,m~7~.~ m ~ tD -f fl ~~ ff ~ m ~ ~ ~f t! t} o

    HP se ri es h yd ra ul ic co ne cr ush er a do pt s co mp ute ro pt im iz at io n d es ig n t o s pe ed u p m ai n s ha ft s pe ed . T heu ni qu e c ru sh in g c ha mb er r ep la ce s ys te m c an q ui ck lyreplace components in crushing chamber to meetd if fe re nt s iz e r eq ui re me nt . T he f ri ct io n d is c d es ig n a ndr ot at io n o f e cc en tr ic b us hi ng c ir cu m f ix s ha ft p lu s m or ereasonable "labyrinth seal" system are unique features ofHP se ri es, whi ch h ave mo re ad va nta ge s l ike e as ie ro pe ra ti on , l arge a pp li ca ti on s co pe , m or e r el ia bl e, m or esmooth functioning comparing with spring and tradi tional

    cone crusher.

    1.HP*?jl j~ff~m~1:i$; j ;J l*m" 11 i B J l , \ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y E ~ J i J E $ r~~~I~~~ ,~~7~~~~N, ~~~*~$~~~~7*#o~M ,*m 7~~ ~~~f6:-'!i~~ ~ , m M *m~~m ff~ ~~~~~~~~ ~& ~ zffi~~ ~~~ , ~ .m~~~~~F~, ~~7~~M~~~~*~o

    2 . HP * ? j lj~ ff ~ m ~ 1:i$;j;Jl! l ei [71* ~ j ffl f il tD l J it j f fl f iI~ff~~*~o~ ~~n~~ ~~~~m , ~g~m H ~~M~&.~~*~ffl~~, ~~~m~ff~~~~~YEm$m~, l iM~~~*~1 : i$~2 :~ i3~~~4m, ~1 .! J ;!~ t f. j: ;j ; Jl~1 -'~~ ,**~ffr 7 ~~* .~m~1: i$ ; j; J l~1~ ; j; J lJ tHJ AI1~~~ i3~ : t JiH iXi,1~g 1U ~ r ;, l1 ~

    3 .t ~ ;j ;J l* m 7i fJ f ~~ff l~ :P *g 1 t , *A~ lJitYE. tr l .fJt l g, l~ :pm~~~f t ,~o

    4 .!&l1 t*m ~I ]5~~~!&l1 t, **m ~5z)ci3~~ '8 !&l1 t~ :r t :,Jm ~ 7Mp.l

  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants



    i .9 1 : i 1 : .F ti i~"S an d a nd S to ne P ro du ct io n L in e

    S Series Cone Crusher*iF;i~7ft~;Atl~tl:~g~~)l:* Specification chart inopen circuit (STANDARD)

    s*~~.~~m~~~0~m=+*~~.~.~~m~F~~, ~~~~~,~~*ffl$~mk, ~~~~~,~~,ft~&*m~~~~~.~~~o**~~.~tt~ftn,~F~$~, B~~~~~~~fi~=m~~~=m~~~_~~1 ~ o

    ~- %~Yl.1%


    36"(3' )

    :f i :F T :l l t/J \ x i E 7 . 'f :f i :F T s" J :l l t/N ~ ~ l f Q ""i\Vtjt",,_ r- n{> J+- ""' ' ' 'E+f~ ~ lfQ A s"J~ il '~ -+ Q MJ- .f1rW '-~~::t:./ ~uJRecomme- Feed o pening with m n. r ecom- Copocities in tons p er h our possing through the Power

    m ~? ~e m mended d i s c ha rg e s et t;ii:A =(ffi:::;ffij::);ii=::;;:=:::U==;ji=c=ru=shiie=r=ot::;ini=d=ic=ou:te=d=d:;iSi=c=ho=r:uge==u:=:;i==;ii=~dischorge = r- 'tJ r+l r- 'tJsetting ) I '- ill " ' J ' - 'ill 9

    A ( mm ) O pe ni ng S id e " B" C lo se d S id E! B"---r~--~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~--~--r----


    84"( 7 ' ) 'I.EllliCoarse

    9 102 83 45 58 70 80 9313 175 159

    (KW)I 3 I 6 I 9 22 25 31 38 51 64 76 89 I 02

    59 71 92 107 115 137 165

    129 145 175 19875


    (4 . ! . . ' )4


    ~H.EllliExtra Coarse




    Extra 'Coars,

    25 178 163

    106 125 145 153 II 183

    132 156 174 201 224 253 304

    171 198 217 249 295 349

    230 272 304 358 450


    Based on 20 years' manufacturing experiences of spring

    cone crusher, absorbing technical p ith of cone crushing

    equipment f rom USA and Germany, through numerous

    t imes o f i nn ova ti on , t es ti ng , a nd o pt imi za ti on, R&D

    department and technology department of Zenith company

    release S ser ies cone crusher. This s ireis cone crusher

    has been the bes t choice in the crushing and screening

    p la nt , s in ce i t' s h ig h p er fo rma nc e a s s ec on da ry a nd




    cpll iMedium 22

    13 137 109

    180 200 224 256 298 324

    252 286 330 380 417 437

    'I.EllliCoarse 25 269 241 299 353 417 453 634~~~';~f~'~;~'~~ ~~~~~1 ~~1~;~ ..~~~ . 240~OOlliFine

    cpll iMedium 25

    ~H.EllliExtra Coarse

    16 210 188

    381 406 499 615 726 849 1028

    7 86 83 5 1 078 12 50 1 37 0 14 50

    605 721 800 994 1120 1284400

    t 51 aJ j: 1 F :! i !: C( ~? IJ f- 4 jt \ J jI .6 t/ m t t. I . C a pa ci t y i n t a bl e i s on t he b as is o f m at er ia l w it h s to ck d en si ty o f 1 .6 t/ m .

    88 6 1 179 13 54 1 47 8 15 25 16 37

    tertiary crusher.

    19 241 216

    25 259 238

    ~li :~~ 7ft~;Atl~l: ~g~~)l:* Specification chart inopen circuit (SHORT. J i JT~1 , f f i J 1 * $ ~ l i J J t D $ ~ J ! ~ ~ Wi H i E F ~_:kit 02 . 1 3 i H ~ 1 J l H - 1 E* 1 1 = ~,ff:~~mi 3 ~ ~W : t~ g ~ J E : 1 T~j~IHYJ:Y Ei3 ~~ 1 J l S t~ iJ0

    3. 5:jLf~,i3 ~~ 4iE r$ ~ 1 ~ l i J J ~'Ii 04.mmtlj,~F5z)l:$~ 0

    5 . 1 f r~i3 ~g1U~ . ! : 3E :1T~*06.i9:it~@;, f~H1=r ; , l ~o



    :f i :F T :l l t/J \ x1 E7 .f:f i :F T s" J :l l t/M ~lf Q x i E 7.f~ ~ lfQ s " J~ f" fig ; iJRJ~otiiie- As"J ~il '~-+Q C ap ac it ie s i n t o ns p er h ou r p as si ng t hr ou gh t he

    Feed opening with m n. r ecom- crusher at i ndicated dischargem ~? ~e m m en de d d is ch arge s et t in g A =( m= m: ,I ~; : :: : :: :: : ;; i =: : :; ; :=

    di~~n~r8e 7f Q ill fflQ ill 3 5 6 F 0 13 16 19 25 29 32__ I-__ A...;..(m_m..;)_ .,~o..;p_eningide"B" Closed Side;. .", ;_B'_, ~_-+_ L



    36"(3' )


    209 188




    27 40 53 67 91

    28 41 54 68 92 100

    58 72 93 112 127

    209 236





    241 213


    38 (KW)

    Technical advantages:


    1.Balanced runout rotation ensures best capacity.

    2. Proper opera tion , continuously load unt il shut downscheduled.

    51 "






    19 278 253





    36 57 83 102 134 160

    84 104 136 I 4

    110 157 180 202 224 155

    3. Stable bevel wheel transmission device.

    4. Wide application, high production efficiency.

    5.Low maintenance and operating cost.

    6. Des ign ed wi th bo th o pe ra ti on a nd mai nt en an ce i nmind,these crushers are easy to operate.


    334 303

    35 90 134 160 2 07

    cpll iMedium 6 89 54 137 164 210 253 280....................................................................................................................................................................................................



    31 369 334



    190 253 282 304 330

    253 282 309 337



    cplliMedium84"( 7 ' )


    38 460 425





    189 271 340 361 404 470 509

    352 408 450 509 558 6 I

    450 481 542 596 661 687 400


    t 51 aJ j: 1 F :! i !: C( ~? IJ f- 4 jt \ J jI .6 t/ m t t. I . C a pa ci t y i n t a bl e i s o n t h e b as is o f m at er ia l w it h s to ck d en si ty o f",

    505 592 650 684 693 727

    3 60

    6 76

    3 64

    6 89

    8 105

    16 133

    5 70

    10 133

    13 133

    5 105

    10 133

    13 178

    16 203


  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants


  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants



    i .9 1 : i 1 : .F ti i~"S an d a nd S to ne P ro du ct io n L in e

    P FM JIJ& mit.~*JlPF Series Impact Crusher

    *F~~~~m~~~~~,~M,,~&~~H~~~tt~~ft~~.~~ 1 i $; j; J UD l ~ ~ 1 i $; j; J l

    & m ~~ 1 i$ ; j; J l " ii I ~ 1 i $t J 1f f~ N l' ~31360~~$ 1 3 , *im*01'*~5%i3~~.f~m)jGj.o


    The Zenith impact crushers are the solut ion for current and

    future operating conditions in which output and productivity

    demands are increas ingly s tr ingent . They can be used in

    q ua rr y a pp li ca ti on s f or p ri ma ry, s ec on da ry, o r t er ti ar y

    crushing, and they may also beused in recycling asphalt or


    In t hi s s er ie s, t he r ot or i s r ed es ig ne d t o i nc re as e s wi ng -

    weig ht, impr ove cr us hing r edu ction an d o btain extr a

    c ap ac it y. Th ey a re p ro du ci ng h ig h vo lu me s o f f in e a nd

    c hi pp in g ma te ri al d ue t o t he ir h ig h c ir cu mf er en ti al r ot or

    speeds. Especia lly, they are accepting coarser mater ia lt ha n t he o th er t yp e o f ma ch in es a t t er ti ar y a pp li ca ti on s

    which makes them first choice. It is proved that end

    p ro du ct s a re o f c ubi ca l s ha pe , wh ic h i s t he o ut st an di ng

    advantage compared with that of cone crusher and hammer


    ~-5 J ;_ I j I_~ l i H 4 Q R " 1 " ~*liHHJz& :tf'flL] J.!J$Model Spec (mm) Feed Max Feed Capacity Power

    Opening Size (t/h) (kw)(mm) (mm)


    70-130 110-132




    5:t: i-.JjJj*1&MHfHH1'il '~,jixj!j:Stlli!!;fJl~tma~ftllHIH?tJlaHlT:1>!tNotes: I the re i sany modfcaton , a pa ramete r and overa dmenson aresubec t to theopera tng Ins t ruc tons .


    1, ~91.~~~1~,7ClJiJi*o

    2,"iiI~~~~~~"iiI~~~~*~~o3, ~.~~.**~*7~.~~~~i3~fB~o4, *m)ffi~~~I]5~i3~*~$I!lmo5, ~ 1i$ tt *, ~ 1i$ 5z )l: $~ o

    6, g1U~1J1~,f*i1=r;,l~"iiI~o


    1.No-board connection.

    2.lnstalled in stationary or portable

    crushing system.

    3.Hgh chrome steel blow bar minimize

    likelihood of blow bar breakage.

    4.Greased oversize bearings.

    5.Hgh crushing ratio,best crushing

    efficiency.6.Easy maintenance and reliable


    ~ . w.f~ ~ ' 1 ' 1ti~~ J) l*Specifications:

  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants



    B .J IJi ID~. lL $ d Ii lf lm .~* J lB Series Deep Rotor Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher

    B*~~~~~~$~~m, ~ft0~m~ili 15~~~)rp~1i$1Jl:F*U:l~J~~ft,fi~__t~*~~~&m.m&~~, m.~~~~~~.~*~~II~, ~~B*~~~~$~~m*fi~oo*m~.~F~o

    B*~~~~~~$~~m*~7~~~~~~m~n~~I~~~, ~~~~$~'F~~WM~ft~, ~M~m~~~~~~ ~ ~ * , * - ~ m ~ 7 F ~ , ~*7~~~ i3~lc4W H V D t lg ~ 5~* t0 ~ l~ 14i3~~Pj IJ'i JfijJ~M~~~ft~~~, ~m$**m~,~~m~m ~~~ ~~~ ~;~ $#*m~ ~*i3~~.f~ .g .~*u:@,1~M13Z~*~~;f~m~.~;Att~~~~~~~~.~~~~OO~o ~~~__t ~~~, B*~ ~~~~)rp$~1i$1Jl1:E~1~~~~~)jGj.i3~~st)I~1JlH-i3~:F~*~iIJ7.1~L~1~:Fi3~.1tJ2I:t~o

    B s er ie s d ee p r ot or Ver ti ca l S ha ft I mp ac t c ru sh er i s o ur c om pa ny 's l at es t p ro du ct c om pr eh en si ve ly u pg ra de d f ro mprevious B series VSI crusher. I t is innovated based on 15 years ' manufacturing experiences of VSI crusher, absorbingthousands of clients ' feedback and suggest ions, applying newest design concept and the most advanced processingtechnology.

    B s er ie s d ee p r ot or Ver ti ca l S ha ft I mp ac t c ru sh er k ee ps o ri gi na l r oc k- on -r oc k p ri nc ip le o f v er ti ca l s ha ft c ru sh er. I t h asa dv an ta ge s o f h ig h c ru sh in g r at io a nd g oo d c ub ic s ha pe o f f in is he d p ro du ct s. A pp li ca ti on o f b ra nd n ew d ee p r ot ortechnology further improves equipment capacity and decreases the unit spare parts and energy cost. Optimized designo f l ay ou t o f s pa re p ar ts i nc re as es t he u ti li za ti on r at io o f s pa re p ar ts a nd p ro vi de s m or e e ff ic ie nt p ro te ct io n f or c ru sh erb od y. Ke y pa rt s a re ma de o f a dva nc ed ce me nte d ca rb id e, ta ki ng t he le ad o f p ra cti ca l a pp lica tio n o f sc ie nce a ndtechnology achievements. Humanized design enables convenient operation and maintenance, based onabove quali ty, Bse ri es d ee p r ot or ve rti ca l sh aft im pa ct cr ush er n ot o nl y pr od uce s h ig h q ua li ty a gg re gat e, b ut a lso mi ni mi ze s th eproduction cost, yet i t isyour best choice for producing.

    1,~iJf)*~2:$~~13Z*i3~JE:m~B*?JIJ)*~2:~~)rp$~1i$1Jli3~~l.fJ~.o2 ,~~~~~~M Q~N~U m~~ *~5~~~, ~ .~~0)jGj ..~~~~Q ~~~~__t~~ ~~

    ~rB]i3~s::rB]~*o3, ~ffBs : : rB] i3~~*1~$~~~~~~WJ~~i3~A)jGj. ,tI '~~1lD~Jt30%~~__to4, ~ $ S: : ~ ~~ * ~~ ) j Gj . 1: E . ~~ ~ ~M ~ ~ m~ , ~ ) jG j . ~~ ~ ~_ _ t ~~ ~ ~~ M m ~~ * *~ *

    ~, $~~Elc14i3~*$: t~~30%-50%o5,~~M.~~mH-~m~.*~~m$~R.~m~~~m.~M~o

    i .9 1 : i 1 : .F ti ~"Sa nd a nd Sto ne Pr od ucti on L ine

    :tJjM4~Main Ro to r Tip

    wVt:J?QJIJFeed EyeRing


    Standard Rotor Deep Rotor

    The heartThe c ub ag e of d ee p r ot or h assignificant increase


    1, R ot or i s t h e h ea rt o f V S l, th e s uc ce ss o f t he Z en it h B s er ie s V SI a tt ri bu te s t o t he a pp li ca ti on o f n ew t ec hn ol og yf or i ts d ee p r ot or .

    2, Th e p or t h eig ht o f d ee p r oto r i s a bo ut 50 % g re ate r th an th at o f n or ma l r ot or , wh ich me an s t he re i s a g re ate rs pa ce b et we en d is tr ib ut or a nd f ee d e ye r in g, a s w e ll a s b et we en t he u pp er a nd l owe r w ea ri ng p la te s.

    3, Wi th th e i ncr ea se d sp ace i nsi de t he r ot or , mo re ma ter ia ls ca n b e f ed in to t he r oto r, th e r ot or th ro ugh pu tincreases about 30 % (and sometimes even more) .

    4, A s t he re i s m o re s pa ce i n t h e r ot or, m at er ia ls a re s ho t f ro m t he r ot or m or e s mo ot hl y, w it h l it tl e t hr ot tl e b et we ent he u pp er a nd l ow er w ea ri ng p la te . T he re fo re , w he n t he m at er ia ls e nt er t he r ot or, t he re i s l es s w ea r o n t he u pp erand lower wearing plates. The lifet ime of these wearing parts increase about 30%-50%.

    5, This also means less downtime, and higher crusher availabil ity.

    B-9532DR B-1145DR

    240-380 350-540 500-640

    120-200 180-280 250-360

  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants


  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants



    O *im AA l~ O *im O *i= L R-t l~~Jl ~JI~ ~JHIJ~* ~U~1IiiScreen Spec ~J$( Screen Mesh Capacity

    (mm) S iz e ( mm ) (t/h)

    1200x3700 4-50 960

    1200x3700 4-50 960

    4800x1500 3-100 870

    4800x1500 3-100 870

    4800x1500 3-100 870

    4800x1800 3-100 870

    4800x1800 3-100 870

    4800x1800 3-100 870

    6000x1800 3-100 870

    6000x1800 3-100 870

    6000x1800 3-100 870

    6000x2100 3-100 730

    6000x2100 3-100 730

    6000x2100 3-100 730

    6000x2400 3-150 770

    6000x2400 3-150 770

    ): *1jIi~.!a;HN~~~!lJi:. ~~:!>\il!;tllfjmm*~fiI!!IltijJ'>mll'l~";tN ot es : I f t h er e i s an y m o d f c at o n. a p ar am et er a nd o ve ra d m en si on a re s u b e ct t o t h e o p er at n g I ns tr uc t on s.

    Y K M J I J I m

    YK Series Vibrating Screen

    ~~~u~-~~m~,~~~~~~UoA~~~~.,U0~$~, ~oo,~m~~~~~, ~~~m~~~,~ti,~m,~~,~I~fi~~F~0mo


    Vibrating Screens are used to separate mater ia ls intov ar io us s iz es fo r fu rth er p ro ce ss in g. o r fo r e nd u se .depending on your need. The mater ia l i ssepara ted bypassingi t through a vibra ting "screen box" which hasa number of different sized screens, or meshes, whicht he ma te ri al fa ll s th ro ug h l ik e a s ie ve . T he m ate ri al

    f al ls o nt o a tt ac he d c on ve yo rs w hi ch s to ck p il e t hee nd p ro du ct s. T he e nd p ro du cts c an th en b e u se d i nthe building and construction industries.

    i . 91 : i1:.F ti ~"Sa nd a nd Sto ne Pr od ucti on L ine

    ~~ ~'ti fi~~li~ Specifications:

    1 , f lZ$ I ! lrt :i3~~; t I l : t J lXA A2 , 4 ~ * U f , lj i H ~ , \ $ I! l ~ ~ ~ : 'J J X 1 J l ! l :E . : f 1 9 :1 N 2 J E : l i J J

    3 , ~ m 3 1 l~ T H lj iH ~ ,< I: ;k ;i3 ~ ~~ & 3 [~ :tJ lX 1 J , J ti IJ l~ T nJ lX $ lil


    4, * I J m ~ I ] 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ I ] 5 ~ $ I ! l m ,~8'@;lt5, *mSPC~~5z) l := f i E Z: r t ;

    6, ~1:i$5z)l:$~,F ~*o

    Features and Benefits:

    1, Pivoting motor bases

    2, Special eccentril shaft creats circular throw action.

    3, Easyto change excitat ion force through adjusting the

    weight ofeccentric block.

    4, Itemploys grease lubricate bearing,labyrinth sealing.

    5, Itapplicates SPCtype high-efficiency triangle belt.

    6, High screening efficiency,high capacity.


  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants


    Notes: I there i sanymodfca ton, a pa ramete r andovera dmenson aresubec t to theopera tng Ins t ruc tons .

    i .9 1 : i 1 : .F ti ~"S an d a nd S to ne P ro du ct io n L in e

    L S X . JI J 5 S 'c I ' )* J l

    LSX Series Sand Washing Machine


    ~x*~~~m~~~~~m~m~-~~~~.~~~~~.8A~~~N~,~~~~, ~~~*,~.$*~ft~, ~~~~~.~~ .

    X S O .J IJ * tit5 S 'c I ' )* J l

    XSD Series Sand Washing Machines

    ~D*~~~~~m~~~~~m~m~-~~4~~~~, ~~*~~m~~~~~~~$~.~~~~*~,m~~~~~~.**~~~m*m~*~*,~~~~~~fi~~~ffl~*fi~~,~~m~~.I~,~~r,*~M~.~~r,r~~~&~*~~mff~~~~~,0m~~*.

    LSXSand Washing Machine is mainly used forsand factory, electric pole factory, work-si te ofbuilding and concrete dam to wash, classifyingand de-watering various sands. Yourmaterial isful ly managed f rom raw feed to qua li ty sandand g ri t out put , wi th an e asil y h andl ed f in alwaste. Key features:Capable of separatingeven the most heavily clay boundaggregates;Low wear and maintenance;Easilyadjusted to accommodate differing materialsand feed rates;Each model isspecified from awide range according to customersrequirements.

    XSD series sand washing machines adopts wheel-likestructure and equipped with sand making machine is then ec es sa ry s an d w as hi ng p ro du ct . I t c a n w as h s to ne p ow de ra nd r esi du al a wa y fr om t he mi xe d sa nd s p ro duc ed b y sa ndm ak in g m ac hi ne , wh ic h c an i mp ro ve t he s an d q ua li ty m os tl y.X SD s an d w as he r, a do pt in g a dv an ce d t ec hn ol og y a nd t ak in gthe stone sand industry's practical condition into consideration,is applied for washing, grading and dehydrating in sandstone

    f ac to ry, c on st ru ct io n s it e, h yd ro el ec tr ic s ta ti on d am , g la ssmanufacturing, and oil well development. This washer featuresbig process capacity, and economical power cost. Especiallyt he a dv an ce d d es ig n t ha t m ak es t ra ns mi ss io n p ar t i so la te dfr om wa te r a nd sa nd, ca n mo st ly r ed uce t he ma lfu nct io ncompared with the tradi tional sand washer. Sothis sand washeristhe best choice for product's upgrading and development.

    * YJ ~ ~. ! : : j'1'1tm ~ ~ ~*Specifications:* Y J ~ ~. ! : : j'1 '1ti~~ ~ *Specifications:~-5 Model XSD2610 XSD2816 XSD3016 XSD3620

    Q H N ~ ; t g . Impeller specification(mm) CD2600x1000 CD2800 1 600 CD3000 1 600 CD3600 2 000

    Q H ~ ~ l * Impeller speed(r/min) 1.178 1.177 1.179 1.179

    A 1 2 U J z & Max. Feed size(mm) ,,;;10 ,,;;10 ,,;;10 ,,;;10

    ; ~ l * ; P M ' !5 Gear boxmodels ZQ50-50-I-Z ZQ65-50-I-Z ZQ65-50-I-Z ZQ65-50-I-Z

    :tf'flL] Capacity(t/h) 20-50 30-60 50-120 60-150

    J.!J$ Power(kw) 7.5 11 15 18.5

    :9i'if;R'f Overall dimensions(mm) 3540x 3000 x 2880 4500x 3206 x 3480

    5:t: i - I j J j *1&MHfHH1 ' i l ' ~ ,jixj!j:stlli!!;fJl~tma~ftllHIH?tJlaHlT:1>!t

    ~-5 Model LSX-920 2LSX-920 LSX-1120 2LSX-1120

    ~JdE~]i Number of spiral 2 2

    ~ J d E H 1 5 :Spiral diameter(mm) 920 920 1120 1120

    * t ~ H ~ & Tank length(mm) 7585 7585 9750 9750

    A J 2 U J z &Feed size(mm) ,,;;10 ,,;;10 ,,;;10 ,,;;10

    5/tI!fjU] Capacity(t/h) 100 200 175 350~JdE${l* Rev.of spiral(rpm) 21 21 17 17

  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants



    i .9 1 : i 1 : .F ti i~"S an d a nd S to ne P ro du ct io n L in e

    Belt Conveyors Dust collecting system in crushing and screening plan

    ~~~~~~~~~F~~tl~mff~mm~m~, ~~~~~~~**M~$~~~~~~~,#~~~~~~~~~~mk*~~-.~M~~U0r~.~~~~o~~~~.~~~.,~~M~,~m,~~*~~-~, ~~~~$~, ~~.~~, ~ . ~ ~ , ~ f i ~ * * ~ ~

    uil t to match the super ior s trength and long service

    l ife of Zenith crushers, grinders, and pulverizers as

    p rove d i n i ndu st ry's mo st d ema ndi ng ma ter ia ls

    h and li ng, Ze ni th be lt con ve yor s ca n wi thst and

    r ep ea te d s ev er e i mp ac t l oa ds o ve r l on g o pe ra ti ng


    ft0~~F~~~.~m~m*.~~ft~M~~~~~,~e.~,~~~em~~~~~.~~m~*~~~~~.~*~,~~~~~mw~~~~t%~~o A s a r es po ns ibl e c om pa ny, z en it h h as p ai d a l ot o f a tt en ti on t o t he e nv ir on me nt p ro te ct io n i n c r us hi ng a nd

    s cr ee ni ng p la nt . A ft er y ea rs o f e xp er ie nc e o n t he d us t c ol le ct in g i n c ru sh in g p la nt , z en it h h as d ev el op ed t hel at es t t ec hn ol og y i n d u st c ol le ct in g s ys te m f or c ru sh in g a nd sc re en in g p la nt . T hi s s ys te m i s in te gr at ed w it hc ol le ct in g c ov er s, d us t f il te r, bl ow er s a nd co nt ro l p an el s. i t h as f ea th er s o f h ig h c le an in g e ff ic ie nc y, e as yins ta llat ion and maintainc ing, f lexible adjus tment, and lower running cos t.h e b el t c on ve ye rs p ro du ce d b y Z en it h c on si st o f

    st and ard p ar ts; t hey a re bi g i n t ra nsf er qu ant it y,

    advanced and s imple in s truc ture , easy to maintain.

    T he y a re w id el y u se d i n m in in g, me ta ll ur gi ca l a nd

    c oa l i nd us tr y t o t ra ns fe r s an dy o r l um p m at er ia l, o r

    packaged mater ia l. According to diffe rent t ransfer

    r eq ui re me nt s, t he t ra ns fe r sy st em c an b e o nl y o ne

    bel t conveyer or mul ti -conveyers , or combined with

    other t ransfer equipment . The bel t conveyers can be

    i n h or iz on o r i n s lo pe t o me et t he n ee ds o f d if fe re nt

    transfer lines.

    : i z l J I J X L : ! [llc.~cgfJl(kw)Matching Moter

    ;I;.9/,"*Type Flowrate 3:.fJl J!,,~li1Etitr~fJl

    m/h Mainframe Helixconveryermachine

    14400- 21600 22 2.2

    16800-25200 37 2.2

    19200-28800 37 2.2

    21 600-32400 45 2.2

    24000-36000 45 3

    26400-39600 45 3

    28800-43200 55 3

    31 200-48000 55 3

    ZXMC-280-2.5 33600-50400 55 3

    ZXMC-300-2.5 36000-54000 75 2.2x2

    ZXMC-320-2.5 38400-57600 75 2.2x2


    ~1lUi2S*Ji/ lJJB el t Le ng th ( m) / Po we r ( kw )

    ~ 1lU i2S~ Ji ~ 1 lU2S:I:Belt S peed Capacity (t/h)


    1.25-2.0 30-60

    1.25-2.0 40-80

    1.25-2.0 80-120

    1.25-2.0 120-200

    1.25-2.0 200-320

    1.25-2.0 290-480

    ,,;;12/2.2 12-20/2.2-4 20-25/3.5-7.5

    12-20/3-5.5 20-30/5.5-7.5

    12-20/4-5.5 20-30/5.5-11

    10-15/4-5.5 15-30/5.5-15

    10-20/5.5-11 20-40/11-22

    10-20/7.5-15 20-40/15-30






    Notes: I the re i sany modfcaton , a pa ramete r and overa dmenson aresubec t to theopera tng Ins t ruc tons .

  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants



    i .9 1 : i 1 : .F ti i~"S an d a nd S to ne P ro du ct io n L in e

    LD.JIJ.iJJ.~~LD Series Portable Crushing Plant Technical advantages:

    1 . T h e b la st ed r oc ks a re f ed i nt o o ur m ob il e c ru sh in g p la nt b y e xc av at or o r l oa de r d ir ec tl y wi th ou t u si ng t ru ck t otransport the materials to the stationary crushing plant . There wil l be l it tle traff ic vehicles investment in the crushing

    plant . The fuel and tire consumption ofthe truck and the labor costs are great ly reduced.~~~0~~$~~~~~~m~M~m~~~, ~~M*~~~~~~~M~~~ ,~F~~ .oft0~iJft t tBLD*?JIJ~l iJJ~1:i$ft~, "i i I~LH$~p~~~E lc~~~,~ m ~ ,&.m~, VSI~1 :i$~J l&t J lX l iJ J t rj j~~Fi9 :-i-, F~"iiI Jt 100 Q'tls t i l J600 Q'tlst 0 t~ F ~ t t t lgf j tif-, i iI~ t t ~ , m : $ tu ~Elc151~, f ;~H1=gt1~; ,1~ 0 2 . E ve ry L D s er ie s c ru sh in g o r s cr ee ni ng p la nt i s o n e c om pl et ed s ys te m, w hi ch i nt eg ra te d f ee di ng h op pe r, f ee de r,

    crusher or screening, bel t conveyor, power supply, and driving device into one unit. I tcan be easily and quickly set up

    and relocated atsi te without other special preparation and modificat ion. This feature makes i t is the excel lent choice of

    contractor who need moving the crusherfrom site tosi te .Shanghai Zenith Company isthe leading manufacture ofcrushing and screening machine in China. We are professionalin designing, manufacturing, and supplying high quali ty mobile crushing plant . Tomeet customers ' specific needs, ournew LDseries mobile crushing plants can be equipped with jaw crusher, cone crusher, impact crusher, VSI crusher, andv ib ra ti ng s cr ee n. T he c ap ac it y i s f r om 1 00 t on s p er h ou r t o 6 00 t on s p er h ou r. A ll o ur L D s e ri es m ob il e c ru sh in g p la nt sfeatured with high performance, rel iabi li ty, convenient transportat ion, quick installat ion, easy operation and simplemaintenance.

    3 . L D s er ie s j aw a nd i mp ac t c ru sh in g p la nt s a re t he b es t s ol ut io n o f d em ol it io n r ec yc li ng w hi ch h ea vi ly e mp ha si ze

    mobil ity and eff iciency. The compact design ensures LDseries crushing plants have the best transportabil ity and more

    crushing capacity.

    4 . I n m ob il e c ru sh in g a nd s cr ee ni ng p ro ce ss , wh et he r t he c us to me r r eq ui re t wo -s ta ge o r t hr ee -s ta ge p la nt , t he

    combination of LDseries mobile crushing and screening plants can provide the customer optimum solut ion, and our

    outstanding designing team are ready tocustomize a plant tofi tal l the customer specific requirements.

    1.1~fiiiT l r1~tlE~~liJJt t , LD*?JIJ~1:i$ftM~:J>1~mSd.mI~, 7C~T$tl :D"iiI ; [~~miPJ.@31~lfsX~1tr i9:- i -Hm ru A~ ~~ ~M $, * *~ ~7 ~iP J.~ ~~ ~~ ft& ff i~ AI~ *o2. LD*?JIJF~;[~Jit iPJ.)ff iiPl- ,i t iPJ.H-,~1:i$~Jl , t r j j5HJl , EZ:r t ;~Jl ,~)!*, ~ l R li JJ * gf t~ ~ .g .7 :J -l '~ 7 I; , 1 ~ t -1'~~ ,U 0M ~~7:J-1'~~~*~ ,"iiI~~~~~~ ,fi0, ~7C~~ .~~-i-~ .& o~T ~F~~' [' l1 l ') 5L~* ,g~*~~~li J J~F i9: - i-E~~P* t5 t , LD*?J IJ~ l iJ J~1 :i$ ft~7C~JE~~f jtZJ2Io3 . LD*?J IJF~ $ E~~9 i :E t~ l iJ J~1 :i$ ft~ tD&.:Et~~liJJ~1:i$ft~~).tT F~E~ )j5liJJ tUD5z)l:$,~~~)~E~i9: t t~I .!) ; !*~F~, 7:J~~M~m~7~~~.~15.o4 .1 :E~1: i$i1=~31~$ , 7C~~P~~f!":Z}~~ =:Z}J i t1TE~~1 : i$ f t~ ,LD*?J IJ~ l iJ J~1 :i$ , t r jj 0 ftMi~"i iI~~7 :J~Pf~~~fj t .~l5.oftm~tB~~~~~aM"iiIm~~p~~.~*~~*~o

    ~1*! ! i i' . : l ! i~i /& i j1 fIo Jilil]m J Fl l i' oS 'i- m Consultfactory forspecific configuration andtechnical parameter.


  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants


    ~1*!!icii~ iI&i j1fIo J;jil]mi Fl l i, , s iB] Consultfactory forspecific configuration andtechnical parameter.


    1, Easyto transport

    Y seriesportable plant has high on-board chassis,shortwheel base and tight turning radius,which isconvenientfor road transportation, especially for driving to crushingsites that are difficult to access. The set-up time of theportable plant are great ly reduced, compared with thestationary one.

    2, Greatlyreduce material transportation cost

    Yseriesportable plants crushthe material on site,withouttransport ing the materials for off-site crushing, so thematerial transportation costisgreatly reduced.

    3, Wide applications

    According to different customers' requirements, Yseriesportable plant can be operated asindependent units,orastwo-stage crushing plant with primary and secondarycrushing, or as three-stage crushing plant with primary,s ec on da ry, a nd t er ti ar y c ru sh in g. L ke wi se , Y s er ie sportable plant can be easilyadjusted to suitthe crushingapplication by choosing feeding to crusheror feeding toscreen options.

    4, Reliableperformance and convenient maintenance

    Yseriescrushing plants adapt excellent quality crusher,screen and feeder made fromShanghai ZenithCompany,yet the quality isstable and reliable.Normal belt conveyorc an be u se d for c on ve yan ce of ma te ri al , wh ic h i s o f

    mature technology, simplyoperation, easymaintenance,and lowinvestment.

    5, Customized production and flexibleconfiguration

    We can provide special mobile crushingplant based oncustomers'site,material, and particle shaperequirements,etc. Such as self-load belt conveyor, multiple machinescombined type,singlemachine type andsoon.

    Y.JIJ.iJJ.~~Y Series Portable Crushing Plant

    4, ' l i f i g i i T i ; ,t 1 ~ J J f l

    Y * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M * m k ~ ~ ~ t t ~ f t n ~ ~ ~ m ,~~U~~Mm, ~ ~ .~ i iT .; ~ M ~ ~ i i T~ * ~ ~~ . ~ m , ~ * ~ . , ~ ~ ~ , ~ o o ,~~~*1 f r o

    5, : n c ~ ~ * u ,~~]![~j !f t 0 ~ i i T ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ M , ~ W ~ ~ * ,

    x " 1 ~ l i j ] ~ 1 i $ f t ~ * 1 T 4 ~ t . ; I J ~ $ U ,t P D ~ ~ ; t J l X "r t , F~ . . g . " r t ,; t J l " r t ~ o

    Shanghai Zenith Yseriesmobile crushing plant isdesignedbased on the conception of fully adapting various crushingc on di ti on , e li mi na ti ng o bs ta cl es c au se d b y l oc at io n,environment, foundation configuration, consequentlyproviding simple,efficient, low-cost crushingequipment.The outstanding features of Y seriesmobile crushing plantare:* Built with high quali ty jaw crusher, cone crusher andimpact crusher*Feeder,screen and belt conveyor on board*Tractivesteering shaft, convenient for road transportation* Integrated with landing gears , quick and convenientinstallation on site*Integrated motor and control panel

    k ~ ~ ~ Y * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ , ~ 0 m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f f l ~ , ~ ~ ~~~~,~~,m~]![~~~~~~~~. ~ , ~ ~ ~~ ~ m~ ~ m, ~~ , * ~ *i 3 ~ ~ 1 i $ i 9 : o* ? J J J ~ l i j ] ~ 1 i $ f t M ~ ~ t B 4 ~ , ~ :

    * ~ ~ tt ~ ~ "r t ~ ~m , ~ ." r t ~ ~; t J l , .m " r t ~ 1 i $ ; t J l

    * $ $ X ~ M ; t J l , t J l X l i j ] r r j j ,~ ; t J l* ~ 5 1 $ ~ 1 o J $ I ! l ,~ T 0 ~ ~ $ t u* $ $ X ~ ~ ~ . , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m o o ~* E lc ~ ~ ~~ l i J J 1 J l t D$ U*

    Technical advantages:

    1, * j l , M ~ j !Y * ? J J J ~ l i j ] ~ 1 i $ f t ~ $ $ X ~ f 6 : ~ ,~~*1Jj\, m . g . 1 : E 1 M f @ 0 ~ 1 T ~ ~ ,1 ~ T 1 : E ~ 1 i $ m l Z i l i ~ J 1 J [ n f f i l j i 3 ~ m ~ ~

    ~ $f i ~ , ~ ~~ * t t I ~ ~~ 7M ~ , ~ M~ .~ ~~ ~~ m~ 7~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~o2, ~ * f ~ 4 m * 4 ~ $ W J ~ f f lY * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M, ~ ~ ~ ~ M* f i ~ ~~ ~ ,~ ~ 7~ ~ M~ ~ ~ ~ 1 :E ~ ~ ~ $~ ~ ~ , m* ~ * 7 ~

    M i 3 ~ ~ $ t u ~ * o3, m . g . ~ j ! , ~$'1i5im ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ . ~ , Y * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ i i T ~ m m ~ ~ ~ f i , ~ i i T ~ m . g . ~ m ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    U 0 * ~ ,m ~ , $ ~ , ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~U 0 * ~ o~ m~ ~ ~ f fl ~m .g .~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U * ~ o

    i .9 1 : i 1 : .F ti i~"S an d a nd S to ne P ro du ct io n L in e

    2 8

  • 8/6/2019 Catalogue of Crushing Plants


    Typical flow chart


    i .9 1 : i 1 : .F ti i~"S an d a nd S to ne P ro du ct io n L in e

    3 0

    .iJJit.~M' Portable Crushing Plantffm.& mii '&1i4f*f lJ1 t fr=~.& i .&1i4f ,~ )J fE~lEJ*, 1iX:~*'!Uf~ =rCJ'IH f*) -,

    t$'H~)*~*'f,~oThe i mp ac t c ru sher i su sed as sec onda ry c rush er w ith the f ea tu re s o f s imple f low,very cubical shape products and lowinvestment etc.

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    Due to the shortage of natural sand

    resource nowadays, ourcompany developsspecial VSI crusher for producingmanufactured sand toreplace natural sand.I t f ea tu re s o f h igh p roduct iv it y o f cub ic alsa nd , a dj ust abl e f in ene ss, lo w cost ,effectively improving compressive strengtha nd f le xu ra l s tr en gt h, a nd r ed uc in g t heconsumption ofthe cement.

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