Transcript of CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine...

Page 1: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also





Page 2: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also



SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also the name of a brand of home made natural organic remedies, perfumes, and elixirs made in India with love by a french seeker, Demian. He lives in India since 2000, and prepares these alchemical preparations in a small village of the himalayas. He learnt ayurveda, aromatherapy, alchemy and many different techniques of healing. He also worked with shamanic plants and works in relationship with the spirits of the plants and the planets.

MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING is the last development of this journey. It combines the alchemy of the 5 elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether with the powerful cosmic energies of Illahi Noor (portal of Oneness Energy from ancient Egypt) and the healing frequencies of the Siddha channel ( South Indian Alchemist yogis).

All these products are home made and activated in a sacred space, with complete devotion and respects for the herbs, stones, oils used and with full connexion to the masters and healing archetypes channeled.

Page 3: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also

GEM ELIXIRS CATALOGVibrational preparations for Body-Mind_Spirit

Gemstones stimulate healing within the physical body upon the principles of resonancy or harmony and vibration. Their ability to heal is based upon the transference of their stable form of molecular structure, permeating into the physical body down to the molecular level and bringing stability on the biomolecular level to where there is a sympathetic resonancy.

Gemstones elixirs affect the physical body but also psychospiritual dynamics of the individuals and balances chakras, nadis and energetic centers of the whole being.

It is recommended to make a one month cure, by drinking 7 drops of elixir in a glasss of water, 3 times a day.

Page 4: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also

ETHER ELEMENTTranscendence, Transformation, Unification, Power, Time, The Void,

Third Eye and Crown Chakra

AZEZTULITE GEM ELIXIR Opens crown chakra. Connects to higher goal. Awakens original blueprint. Removes toxicity from the whole body. Cures brain diseases. Helps to adjsut to the new cosmic energies.

TANZANITE GEM ELIXIRConnects Heart, throat, Third Eye and Crown chakras. Good for heart wounds and traumas.Connects to intuition.

AURAURALITE GEM ELIXIR Reconnects you to your original blueprint.Awakens extraterrestrial origins.Aligns mental,emotional, etheric and astral bodies. Removes implants and spiritual limitations.

IOLITE GEM ELIXIRVision crystal. Activates the third eye. Relaxes before meditation. Helps to connect to other dimensions.

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AIR ELEMENTThought, Reason, Intellect, Knowledge, Freedom, Memory, Awareness,

Throat and Heart Chakra

EMERALD GEM ELIXIRStrengthens the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas. removes any kind of radiation toxicity.Balances heart chakra, and the relation to the father.Stabilizes etheric, astral, emotional bodies. Increases psychic and clairvoyant faculties.

LAPIS LAZULI GEM ELIXIRActivate the Pineal gland and Third eye chakra. Brings self-confidence and opens throat chakra. Helps thyroid. Brings protection and calmness.

LABRADORITE GEM ELIXIROpens third eye and develops psychic abilities, like clairevoyance, claire audience and clairsentience. protects the aura. comencts to other dimensions.

JADE GEM ELIXIROpens the heart and Divine Love. Awakens hidden inner-knowledge and wisdom. Calms irritability and reduces moodiness. Brings inner-peace, tranquillity, success and achievement in life.

Page 6: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also

FIRE ELEMENTPassion, Courage, Lust, Creativity, Fertility, Virility, Desire, Romance,

Force, Enthusiasm, Solar Plexus Chakra

FIRE OPAL GEM ELIXIR Affects testicles, ovaries, pancreas, spleen. Helps degenerescence of bone marrow. Bonds emotional and crown chakras. Awakens sexual chakra. Discharges toxicity from adrenals.

SUN STONE GEM ELIXIRLifts mood and increases energy and vitality. promotes self-confidence and leadership abilities, dispels fear, releases stress, transmutes negativity, and enhances clarity and creativity.Anti-depressant. Activates sacral chakra.

RUBY GEM ELIXIR : opens heart chakra and cures all heart diseases. Balances kundalini. Increases compassion, self love, decision making, leadership. Releases anger towards the father.

LEMON TOPAZ GEM ELIXIRStabilizes the emotions. Brings joy, generosity, and abundance. Encourages rejuvenation and rebirth of the spiritual Self. Cleanses the aura.

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WATER ELEMENTEmotions, Intuition, Divination, Healing, Dreams, Ocean, Rivers, Lakes,

Second ChakraAQUAMARINE GEM ELIXIRClarifies, purifies, and calms emotions. Brings courage, confidence, calm, clarity, and communication. Creates an inner tranquility, peace, and balance.

MOONSTONE ELIXIR : Releases anxiety, stress. Heals abdomen, spleen, pancreas,pituitary and intestianl tracts. Cures ulcers. Feminine stone for birthing process, menstruations, and hormonal problems.

LIGHT PEARL GEM ELIXIR : alleviates all emotional imbalances.balances the relationship to the moon. Relieves emotional stress from abdomen, muscles, skeletal frame. Opens third chakra and amplifies feminine qualities.

TURQUOISE GEM ELIXIR :Strengthens and aligns all chakras, meridians, and subtle bodies. Stimulates the throat, heart, and naval chakras, balancing communication skills and emotional issues. Merges energy of Father Sky and Mother Earth.BLUE SAPPHIRE GEM ELIXIROpens all chakras, especially crown. Increases clairvoyance, visions, deeper meditation. Eases anxiety, hyperactivity, procrastination. Boosts pituitary gland, all meridians and nadis. Activated with Blue Light spectrochrome.

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EARTH ELEMENTStability, Strength, Comfort, Grounding, Harvest, Animals, Root Chakra

CLEAR QUARTZ GEM ELIXIRIntestinal tract problems, abdominal ulcers, leukemia, hysteria. Tissue regeneration. Boosts third, sixth and seventh chakras.

TIGER EYE GEM ELIXIRBrings confidence, self empowerment, trust, will power. Activates third chakra. Helps digestion, anxiety, ulcers..Improves night vision and spinal alignment.

RED CORAL GEM ELIXIR :Strengthens the heart and circulatory system and the bones, activates thyroid. Increase production of red and white cells. balances masculine and feminine qualities. Helps first and second chakras.

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A consciousness activator

This elixir is made of 10 different gemstones elixirs, that corresponds to the activation and purification of all chakras.Tiger eye for the first chakra.Red coral for the second chakraWhite pearl and Fire opal for the solar plexus chakraRuby and Emerald for the heart chakraLapis lazuli for the throat chakraStar blue sapphire and clear quartz for the third eye chakraAzeztulite for the crown chakraThe water used is distilled diamond water and the elixir is prepared in a sing crystal bowl 432 hertz based on the heart frequency.The single gem elixirs are blended as tinctures and homeopathic dilutions to merge the physical and spiritual effects.They are then activated under a pyramid with many crystals and dynamised with sound and prayers.

Drinking this elixir 3 times a day (7 drops in a glass of water), the morning when you wake up, at midday and before to sleep, for a month will purify, clean, activate all your chakras. It will enable your kundalini to unfold in a natural and effortless way.

Many people experienced an improvement in their psychic abilities and spiritual practices.It will increase your vitality, enhance your mood and stabilize your emotional body. You will access your heart space more easily and experience more patience and more compassion.

After the complete cure, you will feel energized, centered, transformed. You will be in perfect tune with the Universe. You will feel more complete, more multi dimensional, more integrated.

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COSMIC ELIXIRConnect to your multi dimensionality

This is a new elixir, really potent, to give you access to your multi dimensionality and to allow you to connect to your Higher Cosmic Self.This elixir was made on the new moon in July 2015. The water was charged first during an electric storm, and then was activated in a 432 hertz crystal singing bowl. It contains the energy and codes from Moldavite and Aurauralite (2 meteorites), smoky quartz, ruby, blue sapphire and star blue sapphire, azeztulite, amethyst, gold and salvia divinorum essence. It is also enhanced with Ganga water, Navpashnam, and Aura soma elixirs. Finally, it is activated in a sacred crystal mandala, with the energies of the Siddha masters, Illahi Noor, and other ascended masters.

It connects you to your multi dimensionality, opens your crown, third eye and zeal chakras, and refines the subtle channels and nadis of the brain. It will boost your psychic abilities and telepathic skills. It will reconnect you to your stellar family, and bring you informations about your life mission, and how you can serve on this planet.

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Made on Guru Purnima 2015, the full moon where we revere the masters, this Gem Elixir is carrying the energy of the Blue Ray, and the Electric Blue Frequency Of Sirius.Activated in a 432 hertz Crystal Bowl tuned in F (Heart Chakra), in the middle of a Siddha crystal mandala of different sacred geometries, it is infused with the energy and information of Lapis Lazuli, Lazurite, Blue Sapphire, Star blue sapphire, Kyanite and Aurauralite. Impregnated with Blue Turquoise Light from the SpectroChrome, it carries the energy of the Blue Ray, the First ray, bringing human souls self power (power within, not over) through letting go of self denial, emotional attachments, and fears such as need and dependency. This Gem Elixir contains also navpashnam siddha elixir and Maha Chohan Aura Soma.

Physical Effects :

The lapis lazuli invigorates the lymphatic system, the pituitary, the thymus, as well as the spleen and the lungs. It cures all diseases of the throat. Blue Sapphire and Star Blue Sapphire stimulate regeneration of the intestinal tract, stomach and pituitary gland.Blue Light relieves itching and inflammation, fever. It is a pineal stimulant.

Emotional effects :

Lapis Lazuli eases anxiety and stress. It helps shy and introverted people to express their buried emotions.Blue Sapphire and Star Blue Sapphire bring self clarity and inspiration. It is also anti depressant. Cures procrastination, anxiety and hyperactivity.Blue light is a mild sedative and helps calm the mind.

Page 12: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also

Spiritual effects :

Lapis Lazuli balances the throat chakra and aligns etheric, mental and spiritual bodies. Helps for meditation and broadcasting of thought forms.Blue Sapphire and Star Blue Sapphire balance all meridians and nadis, so the tension in the hara can be released. Stimulate feminine qualities and allow a better communication with your spirit guides. Blue sapphire opens the Heart and throat Chakra, and the Star Sapphire aligns and activate all chakras. Amplifies clairvoyance, telepathy and astral projection.Lazurite activates the third eye and stimulates artistic creativity.Kyanite works energetically to clear and align all chakras, and can create new energy pathways, clearing old blockages and habitual patterns, allowing new and higher frequencies to enter the body. Aurauralite brings more integrity and a sense of justice into own s life. It carries the energy of the UV ray and helps remove all self limitations and implants.

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Created on Guru purnima 2015, the full moon of the masters, this elixir will open your heart chakra and connect you to the values of compassion, self esteem and service. It carries the energy of the Green ray.

It is infused with the energies of Rose Quartz, Ruby, Star Ruby, Emerald, Peridot, Green Tourmaline and Aurauralite. It also contains navpashnam essence, and Peruvian San Pedro floral essence.

It was activated in a 432 hertz crystal singing bowl tuned on the heart frequency Fa. Finally, it was activated in a sacred crystal mandala, with the energies of the Siddha masters, Illahi Noor, and other ascended masters.

This elixir will help you to heal your heart, your emotional wounds. It will increase your self esteem and enhance compassion in your life. It will help balance your kundalini and strenghten your nadis. The etheric, astral, mental and emotional bodies will get more aligned.Physically, it will help all heart conditions and cardiac diseases and will detoxify your kidneys, pancreas, liver and lungs.Emotionally it will bring confidence and stability. It also helps to ease relationship with the father, on all levels..

Page 14: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also

COLLOIDAL SILVERA natural 100% safe antibiotic

New recipe ! 100% colloids ! 3 times stronger !•

Prior to the use of penicillin and sulfa drugs during World War II, Medicine’s most commonly utilized infection fighter was Colloidal Silver (a solution of extremely fine particles of pure silver suspended in water).

A powerful germicidal, silver is an exceptional metal in that it is non-toxic to the human body, but lethal to over

650 types of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and molds. It is made by electrolysis of pure 99.99% silver in distilled water, using cinnamon extract to enhance the efficiency. The tiny little particles of silver, called colloids are so small they can go in the cells and flush them by killing all pathogens agents inside. The body then get rid off the silver through the urine.

•Uses As stated above, Colloidal Silver is lethal to over 650 types of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and molds. However, it is completely non-toxic to the human body. For several decades, silver has proven itself in the treatment of burns, and eye, ear, nose, throat, vaginal, rectal, and urinary tract infections.It has been proven to improve : Acne, Arthritis, Blood Poisoning, Burns, Cancer, Candidiasis, Chronic Fatigue, Colitis, Conjunctivitis, Cystitis, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Diptheria, Dysentery, Eczema, Gastritis, Hepatitis, Herpes Virus, Impetigo, Influenza, Leukemia, Lupus, Lyme disease, Malaria, Meningitis, Ophthalmia, Psoriasis, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Septicemia, Skin Cancer, Staph Infection, Stomach Flu, Streptococcus, Toxemia, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough, Zona.

•How to use ?Drink a sip of colloidal silver once a day to remain healthy or drink 1 sip every 2 hours when you feel sick. You can also spray it in the mouth or on a local area (in case of burns) few times a day. Keep the bottle out of magnets. It is recommended not to use metal in contact with it. Use until you feel better !! It is perfectly safe.

Page 15: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also

THE MAGIC CREAMA multi-purpose organic healing cream for the skin

Made from bee wax and organic oils, this balm was created to heal every skin conditions, from pain to infection, inflammation, bites, burns, eczema, psoriasis, fungus, warts, pimples...It is a all-in-one cream, specially designed for travellers, to fit in the first aid kit.

It contains :organic non refined bee wax, organic olive oil, organic sesame oil, harmala oil, organic coconut oil, organic sunflower oil, navpashnam oil, neem tincture, calendula tincture, echinacea tincture, propolis tincture, arnica tincture, pure organic essential oils of lavender, tea tree, chamomille, palmarosa, carrot seed, tulsi, frankincense, niaouli, helychrisum, neem.

Apply it on the skin few times a day.

HERBAL ENERGY DRINKA natural boost of energy !

100% organic blendMade from pure organic herbs, this blend is to be mixed with water or juice. Adding lemon juice makes it super tasty!

It contains Ephedra geriadiana, aschwagandha, dry ginger, safed musli, macca, guarana,spirulina and stevia extract.

A small dose will give you a boost of energy the morning.One dose is enough not to sleep for 24 hours.. enough energy to dance all night long !It also improves concentration, focus, memory and libido.

Page 16: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also

SIDDHALINGAHarmonizing - Healing - Protecting

What it is ?

This rosewood pendant is the result of 13 years of research, experiments and collection of magic artifacts !The base is the navpashnam salt, an ancestral alchemical preparation made of 9 purified metals, designed by Siddha Masters in India. It is then mixed with powerful herbs like rajasoma, himalayan brahmkamal, spikenard, tulsi and is also mixed with pure gold leaves and sacred ashes (vibhuti) from powerful vedic ritualsIt contains pure organic essential oils of jatamansi, rose, frankincense, tulsi and white sage and some aura soma elixirs.It is also boosted and encoded with semi precious stones energy : red jas-per, azeztulite, green tourmaline, amber, amethyst, iolite, turquoise, tiger eye and 2 meteorites : aurauralite and moldavite. It is finally encoded with color therapy, pyramid, sri yantra and activated in a crystal singing bowl 432 hertz in Fa (heart).The full preparation takes place while reciting the Gayatri mantra.

SIDDHALINGA PENDANT Harmonize your whole cellular system!

Page 17: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also

What does it do?

The SIDDHALINGA pendant helps you to remain well grounded and centered, to keep your energy field clear, and to harmonize all chakras, meridians and organs.You will feel more energized, more flexible and less tired while traveling or using computers and cellphones for example.

It informs your all crystalline structure (your flower of life structure) with a high frequency of healing and protection.It also scans you whole body system in real-time and adjusts your energy field as necessary.You will feel it as soon as you wear it. The first days it is even advised not to wear it the full time but to allow breaks, to let your body adjust to this new energy.

It helps for yoga, for all spiritual practices like meditation, chi kung, or healing work.You can use it on painful areas of the body or to energize your chakras.

To reset it to its maximum potential, we provide a special activated mandala that will restore and upgrade its power. For this, simply put the SIDDHALINGA Pendant on the mandala for a couple of hours.

You will discover yourself the many possibilities of this amazing tool. Simply allow your creativity to unfold!

Page 18: CATALOGUE - MAGIC VIBRATIONS HEALING · CATALOGUE SPANDA KARIKA or the sacred tremor, the divine vibration of the dance of masculine and feminine energies inside all matter, is also

SIDDHALINGA GUARDIAN Harmonize and protect your home !

This rosewood Buddha head is the perfect companion of the SIDDHALINGA pendant. Result of 13 years of research, experiments and collection of magic artifacts, this tool will transform and protect your living space to make it more sacred and harmonious.

The base is the navpashnam salt, an ancestral alchemical preparation made of 9 purified metals, designed by Siddha Masters in India. It is then mixed with powerful herbs like rajasoma, himalayan brahmkamal, spikenard, tulsi and is also mixed with pure gold leaves and sacred ashes (vibhuti) from powerful vedic rituals.

It contains pure organic essential oils of jatamansi, rose, frankincense, tulsi and white sage and some aura soma elixir.It is also boosted and encoded with semi precious stones energy : red jasper, azeztulite, green tourmaline, amber, amethyst and 2 meteorites : aurauralite and moldavite. It is finally encoded with color therapy, pyramid, sri yantra and is activated in a singing crystal bowl in 432 hertz in Fa (heart).The full preparation takes place while reciting the Gayatri mantra.

What does it do?

The SIDDHALINGA GUARDIAN generates a torus field of harmonic and coherent energy around itself, in a 22 meters radius sphere.It neutralizes all harmful radiations like microwaves from cellphones, wifi, computers and mental negativity generated by collectice mind. It balances all energies and harmonizes geopathogenic zones of your house.

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Gold is a universal natural antibacterial and also has anti-inflammatory properties.

EFFECTS :• Improve brain, concentration and memory function. • Increase energy and libido (aphrodisiac). • Improve motor skills, athletic performance, visual acuity. • Enhance creativity. • Calming and soothing effect fight against stress, anxiety and depression. • Fight against joint and arthritis pain. • Fight against addiction especially drug and alcohol addiction. • Fight against aging by supporting neurological function.

OTHER AREAS OF APPLICATION OF COLLOIDAL GOLD Colloidal gold reduces pain of chronic diseases.It relieves all diseases caused by polluted food consumption because colloidal gold removes all waste and toxins that may be present in the body.Unlike colloidal silver, colloidal gold is not only carried on the body but also on the mind, therefore it is claimed in the treatment of mental disorders and mental illness.

USAGE Colloidal Gold is to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach preferably 15-20 minutes before eating for maximum absorption. The nominal dosage for adults is one tablespoon (10 ml) per day.

COMPOSITION : pure water (deionized or demineralized water),99.99% fine gold, organic cinnamon extract (natural antioxidant), sodium chloride and citrate (a few drops per liter).

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Based in organic moringa oil, this blend of organic essential oils helps you to relax your mind and to dive into a deep state of mediation. It shuts down the mind and assists you in reaching a state of tranquility, propice to meditation. To be applied on the forehead, on the temples, or on the sole of the feet for grounding.


Based in organic moringa oil, this blend of organic essential oils of white lotus, rose, patchouli and cinnamon will bring you the state of joyful bliss and unconditionnal love. Use it on any part of your body or simply breathe it few times a day.




Based in organic moringa oil, this blend of organic essential oils of rose, bergamot, neroli, lavender, and jasmine will uplift your mood and heal your heart. The oil is enhanced by navpashnam oil and by prayer.

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Based in organic moringa oil, this blend of organic essential oils of patchouli, vetiver,jasmine,lemon and rose will bring to your life auspicious outcomes, like success, money, love, good results in exams. Put few drops on your neck or your hair, or simply smell it with awareness.



Based in organic moringa oil, this blend of organic essential oils of palo santo, sandalwood, cedar and jasmine is clearing the space around you to allow a safe and deep shamanic exploration of consciousness. Useful for all psychotropic experiences or for channeling. Put few drops on your neck or third eye, or simply open the bottle and keep it close to you.

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Based in organic moringa oil, this blend of organic essential oils is highly concentrated like a perfume. It contains bergamot, orange, mandarin, petit grain, rose, jasmine, vanilla, jatamansi or spikenard, sandalwood and vetiver. This is a love potion that can be used in tantric work or to uplift your mood when you feel a bit down. Apply it on your heart chakra, or put it in your hair to carry the fragrance along the day.



Based in organic moringa oil, this blend of organic essential oils is highly concentrated like a perfume. It contains orange, mandarin, cardamom, ginger, jasmine, sandalwood, vanilla, white ginger lily and vetiver, patchouli. This is a love potion for tantric dance with a partner or alone. It opens your heart and is highly aphrodisiac. Apply it on your heart chakra, or put it in your hair to carry the fragrance along the day.



Based in organic moringa oil, this blend of organic essential oils is highly concentrated like a perfume.It contains frankincense, cedar, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli and the precious agarwood. This deep and powerful blend opens the heart and uplifts your spirit. His woody energy brings you also the calmness of the deep forest. To apply to your neck, heart, third eye, or in the hair.

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It also channels and radiate the energy of the Siddha masters, which is perfect for all kind of spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, chi gong, or shamanic work.

It can be programmed like the Siddhalinga pendant with specific intentions that will fit your needs. For example, you can ask to be more focused, or more patient, or more compassionate when you are around it.

The mandala on the bottom maintains its energetic level and acts as a recycle bin. Therefore you dont need any maintenance or cleaning.You can place it on your altar or in a dedicated area in the center of your living space.

When you meditate or practice your sadhana, you can consciously connect to it and ask its support to be more focused and to get better results.

With time, you will discover yourself the many possibilities of this amazing tool. Simply allow your creativity to unfold!

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PRICES 2015INSIDE INDIA (Rupees, shipment not included)GEM ELIXIRS (50ml) - SIMPLE 500 rs - COMBINED 1000 rs



REST OF THE WORLD (Euros, shipment not included)GEM ELIXIRS (50ml) - SIMPLE 15 EUR - COMBINED 25 EUR



Contact me for shipment charges and for special orders/wholesale [email protected] -