Catalogo Bolas Transportadoras Rexnord

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  • The Drive & Control Company

    Ball Transfer Units RE 82 910/2003-08

  • Rexroth Linear Motion Technology

    RE 82 910/2003-08 2

    Ball Rail Systems Standard Ball Rail SystemsSuper Ball Rail SystemsBall Rail Systems with Aluminum Runner BlocksHigh-Speed Ball Rail SystemsCorrosion-Resistant Ball Rail SystemsWide Ball Rail Systems

    Ball Rail Systems with Integrated Measuring SystemClamping and Braking Units for Ball Rail SystemsRack and Pinion for Ball Rail SystemsMiniature Ball Rail SystemsCam Roller Guides

    Roller Rail Systems Standard Roller Rail SystemsWide Roller Rail SystemsHeavy Duty Roller Rail SystemsRoller Rail Systems with Integrated Measuring SystemClamping and Braking Units for Roller Rail SystemsRack and Pinion for Roller Rail Systems

    Linear Bushings and Shafts Linear Bushings, Linear SetsShafts, Shaft Support Rails, Shaft Support Blocks

    Ball Transfer UnitsTraditional Engineering Components

    Screw Drives

    Linear Motion Systems Linear Motion Slides Ball Screw Drive Toothed Belt Drive

    Linear Modules Ball Screw Drive Toothed Belt Drive Rack and Pinion Drive Pneumatic Drive Linear Motor

    Compact Modules Ball Screw Drive Toothed Belt Drive Linear Motor

    Precision Modules Ball Screw DriveBall Rail Tables Ball Screw Drive

    Linear Motor

    Controllers, Motors, Electrical Accessories

    Linear Actuators

  • 3 RE 82 910/2003-08

    Ball Transfer Units

    Product Overview 4

    Technical Data 6

    Tables 10Ball Transfer Units with Sheet Steel Housing 0530... 10

    Ball Transfer Units with Plastic Load Ball 0531... 10

    Ball Transfer Units, Spring-Loaded 0532... 11

    Ball Transfer Units with Solid Steel Housing 0533... 12

    Ball Transfer Units without Housing 0534... 15

    Ball Transfer Units with Reinforced Sheet Steel Housing 0535... 15

    Ball Transfer Units with Spring Clip 0536... 16

    Ball Transfer Units with Plastic Housing 0530... 17

    Tolerance Ring / Mounting Tools 18

  • Ball Transfer Units

    RE 82 910/2003-08 4

    solid steel housing

    for heavy loads

    with steel housing0533-

    Product OverviewBall Transfer Units make light work of shifting, rotating and directing unit loads.They have proven extremely valuable as integral parts of conveyor systems, feeddevices, and machining and packaging equipment.


    General-Purpose Machines

    Feed tables for sheet-metal working machines Fixtures for press brakes Feed devices for machining centers Drilling machine tables and motor-driven supporting tables Assembly aids in the manufacture of large engines and motors

    Materials-Handling Systems

    Transfer ball tables, turntables and switches for sorting anddistribution systems

    Crossover sections of continuous conveyors Baggage sorting systems at airports Transport of steel tubes and pipes Lifting platforms

    Other Fields

    Construction of special-purpose machines Aerospace industry Nuclear reactors Beverage and stone-processing industries

    Ball Transfer Units

    smallest ball transfer unit for general applications

    with sheet steel housing0530-

    with plastic load ball0531-

    suitable particularly fortransporting sensitivematerials such as glass,polished aluminum,brass and steel sheets

    supported on springsand mounted underpreload in a housing

    Ball Transfer Unitrecedes into its housingwhen overloaded


    solid steel housing

    without felt seal

    very smooth movement

    with steel housing0533-

    solid steel housing andcover

    for very high loads

    with steel housing0533-

  • 5 RE 82 910/2003-08

    Smooth running

    High rationalization effect

    Consistently highquality

    Easy mounting and extraction

    Types for all standard applicationsand for many special solutions

    Ball Transfer Units

    Conveying speed up to2 m/sec in all types

    Precise rolling and full load-bearing capability in anymounting orientation

    easily mountable andextractable from theload side. Fixing is bymeans of spring clips,which permit generoustolerances in themounting hole

    reinforced cover towithstand heavy impactloads

    with spring clip0536-

    reinforced housing andcover

    for heavy impact loads

    with sheet steel housing0535-

    low space requirement

    simple mounting

    mounting via holes inthe collar

    without housing0534-

    for special applications

    with plastic housing0530-005-20

    especially suited foroverhead installation

    ball recedes totally intohousing

    with plastic housing0535-003-10

  • Ball Transfer Units

    RE 82 910/2003-08 6

    Technical DataBall Transfer Units have a steel housingincorporating a hardened ball cup.

    The latter serves as a raceway for amultitude of small supporting balls.

    The supporting balls roll against the ballcup when the load ball turns.

    Ball Transfer Units are designed so thatprecise rolling and full load-bearingcapability are ensured in any mountingorientation.

    Ball Transfer Units require little mainten-ance, and almost every type is protectedagainst dirt by an oil-soaked felt seal.

    Structural design of theBall Transfer Units

    Supporting ballBall cup Housing

    Load ballFelt seal


    Supporting ring

    Reinforcing ring

    Ball retaining ring

    Corrosion, caused by moisture or chemicalattack, can lead to impaired functioning oreven failure of the Ball Transfer Units.

    Ball Transfer Units in corrosion-preventive design

    Coated (galvanized + chromated) surfacessimilar to DIN 50902 and DIN 50961 and/or higher-grade materials offer enhancedanticorrosion protection.

    offer simple protection against corrosion.In this type, the supporting balls and loadballs are made from standard antifriction

    Galvanized covers and housings bearing steel and are protected fromcorrosive attack by the lubricant.

    Consistent coating of all internals and theuse of corrosion-resistant steels for theantifriction bearing elements, similar to

    Galvanized internals, corrosion-resistant steel balls

    ISO 683-17, ensures comprehensivecorrosion protection such as specifiedin ASTM B117-97.

    All parts made from rust and acidresistant steel(Antifriction bearing steel to EN 10 088)

    This type is selected if the conveyed articlesare abrasive and/or there is exposure to anaggressive environment, especially tochemicals.

    Since all versions have been designed tomeet the high standards of ISO 281, eventhis type is unsuitable for underwater use.

  • 7 RE 82 910/2003-08

    Mounting possibilities

    Application example

    Ball Transfer Units used for assemblingball rail system runner blocks

  • Ball Transfer Units

    RE 82 910/2003-08 8

    Technical Data

    The stated load capacities apply to allmounting orientations and relate to106 rotations of the load ball. In caseof prolonged periods of use at speedsabove 1 m/sec, an increase in tempera-ture and reduced nominal life must beexpected as a function of the load,especially for sizes 60 to 90.

    Load capacity

    Vmax = 2 m/secConveying speed

    The figures in the column headed Preloadare most important when choosing the sizefor these types. The mass of the conveyedarticle is divided in this case by the numberof load-bearing Ball Transfer Units.

    Spring-loaded Ball Transfer Units

    To determine the load for a Ball TransferUnit, the mass of the conveyed article isdivided by 3.If the load ball height tolerances are well-correlated, it is possible, depending on thenature of the conveyed article, to also per-form the calculation based on the numberof load-bearing Ball Transfer Units.


    Mass = 3000 N

    Ball Transfer Unit load

    F = = 1000 N

    Determining the load forBall Transfer Units

    How the Ball Transfer Units should bearranged depends on the undersurfaceof the conveyed article. For articles witha uniform, smooth undersurface, such asboxes and cases, the distance between theBall Transfer Units is calculated simply bydividing the smallest edge length by 2.5.


    Undersurface of the conveyed article= 500 x 1000 mmDistance between Ball Transfer Units

    a = = 200 mm500 mm2.5

    Arrangement of theBall Transfer Units

    3000 N3

  • 9 RE 82 910/2003-08

    ( )Calculation of the nominal life

    Operating temperature

    The diagram shows the friction coefficientsof Ball Transfer Units as a function of loadand speed. These guideline values apply toany mounting orientation for rolling contacton a hardened steel plate.

    for steel load ball:

    Use high-temperature lubricant!Observe the manufacturers instructions!

    The existing lube oil may have to bewashed out.

    for plastic load ball:Temperature factor

    v = 1 m/s









    0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 FC

    Ball Transfer Unit with steel load ball: up to 100 C.At temperatures above 100 C, only non-galvanized load balls without a felt sealshould be used.Make allowance for reduction in loadcapacity.

    Ball Transfer Unit with plastic load ball: up to 30 C.At temperatures above 30 C, makeallowance for reduction in load capacity.

    The load capacity must be multiplied bythe temperature factor.

    Upper limit

    Lower limit

    Mean value

    L = Nominal life (rotations)

    C = Load capacity [N]

    F = Load [N]




    L = 106

    Friction coefficients

    The lubrication must be adapted to theconveyed articles and to the ambientconditions. The lubricant (oil) can beintroduced via the load ball.

    Temperature Temperaturefactor

    C fT40 0.950 0.860 0.780 0.5

    Temperature Temperaturefactor

    C fT125 0.9150 0.8175 0.7200 0.5

  • Ball Transfer Units

    RE 82 910/2003-08 10

    TablesBall Transfer Units with Sheet SteelHousing

    0530 ...

    1) Without felt seal 2) Bottom holes for dirt discharge against surcharge 3) Dry felt seal 4) At 20 C *) Available as of October 2003

    Part numbers Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity4)

    dw D D1 h H a b C[N] [kg]

    0531108101)*) 8 12.6 0.055 17 4.8 0.15 11.2 1.8 3.2 10 0.0050531112101)*) Cover and 12 18.0 0.055 23 7.4 0.15 15.5 2.0 4.3 35 0.0120531115101) housing 15 24.0 0.065 31 9.5 0.20 21.5 2.5 6.1 70 0.0240531122103) galvanized 22 36.0 0.080 45 9.6 0.20 29.3 2.9 5.7 100 0.0930531130103) 30 45.0 0.080 55 13.6 0.30 37.3 3.7 7.9 150 0.168

    0531208101)* ) 8 12.6 0.055 17 4.8 0.15 11.2 1.8 3.2 10 0.0050531212101)* ) All parts galvanized, 12 18.0 0.055 23 7.4 0.15 15.5 2.0 4.3 35 0.0120531215101) load balls made 15 24.0 0.065 31 9.5 0.20 21.5 2.5 6.1 70 0.0240531222103) from corrosion- 22 36.0 0.080 45 9.6 0.20 29.3 2.9 5.7 100 0.0930531230103) resistant steel 30 45.0 0.080 55 13.6 0.30 37.3 3.7 7.9 150 0.168

    0531608001)*) 8 12.6 0.055 17 4.8 0.15 11.2 1.8 3.2 10 0.0050531612001)* ) All parts made 12 18.0 0.055 23 7.4 0.15 15.5 2.0 4.3 35 0.0120531615001) from corrosion- 15 24.0 0.065 31 9.5 0.20 21.5 2.5 6.1 70 0.0240531622003) resistant steel 22 36.0 0.080 45 9.6 0.20 29.3 2.9 5.7 100 0.0930531630003) 30 45.0 0.080 55 13.6 0.30 37.3 3.7 7.9 150 0.168

    Ball Transfer Units with Plastic LoadBall 0531 ... suitable for conveying sensitive articles

    Part numbers Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D D1 h H a b C[N] [kg]

    0530108101)*) 8 12.6 0.055 17 4.8 0.15 11.2 1.8 3.2 100 0.0070530112101)*) 12 18.0 0.055 23 7.4 0.15 15.5 2.0 4.3 250 0.0180530115101) Cover and 15 24.0 0.065 31 9.5 0.20 21.5 2.5 6.1 500 0.0380530122102) housing 22 36.0 0.080 45 9.8 0.20 29.5 2.9 5.7 1300 0.1320530130102) galvanized 30 45.0 0.080 55 13.8 0.30 37.5 3.7 7.9 2500 0.2650530145102) 45 62.0 0.095 75 19.0 0.40 53.7 4.2 10.3 6000 0.720

    0530208101)*) 8 12.6 0.055 17 4.8 0.15 11.2 1.8 3.2 70 0.0070530212101)*) All parts galvanized, 12 18.0 0.055 23 7.4 0.15 15.5 2.0 4.3 180 0.0180530215101) balls made from 15 24.0 0.065 31 9.5 0.20 21.5 2.5 6.1 370 0.0380530222102) corrosion-resistant 22 36.0 0.080 45 9.8 0.20 29.5 2.9 5.7 970 0.1320530230102) steel 30 45.0 0.080 55 13.8 0.30 37.5 3.7 7.9 1900 0.2650530245102) 45 62.0 0.095 75 19.0 0.40 53.7 4.2 10.3 4500 0.720

    0530608001)*) 8 12.6 0.055 17 4.8 0.15 11.2 1.8 3.2 70 0.0070530612001)*) All parts made 12 18.0 0.055 23 7.4 0.15 15.5 2.0 4.3 180 0.0180530615001) from corrosion- 15 24.0 0.065 31 9.5 0.20 21.5 2.5 6.1 370 0.0380530622002) resistant steel 22 36.0 0.080 45 9.8 0.20 29.5 2.9 5.7 970 0.1320530630002) 30 45.0 0.080 55 13.8 0.30 37.5 3.7 7.9 1900 0.265

    for general applications

  • 11 RE 82 910/2003-08

    1) Under ultimate load the Ball Transfer Unit recedescompletely.

    2) With helical spring

    Spring-loaded Ball Transfer Units

    0532 ...

    Part numbers Execution Dimensions [mm] Pre- Ulti- Tol. for pre- Massload mate load and

    dw D D1 h H a load1) ult. load

    [N] [N] [%] [kg]

    053212210 Cover and 22 38.8 50 0.100 18.6 58.1 13.6 730 860 +25/7.5 0.30053213010 housing 30 48.2 62 0.125 24.4 70.0 17.0 1350 1600 +15/7.5 0.60053214510 galvanized 45 66.4 85 0.150 35.6 100.5 24.2 2280 2770 +15/7.5 1.60

    053222210 All parts galvanized, 22 38.8 50 0.100 18.6 58.1 13.6 730 860 +25/7.5 0.30053223010 balls made from cor- 30 48.2 62 0.125 24.4 70.0 17.0 1350 1600 +15/7.5 0.60053224510 rosion-resistant steel 45 66.4 85 0.150 35.6 100.5 24.2 2280 2770 +15/7.5 1.60

    053212310 2) Galvanized 22 38.8 50 0.100 18.6 58.1 13.6 170 250 +15/7.5 0.28

    supported on springs and mountedunder preload in a housing

    Ball Transfer Unit recedes into itshousing when overloaded

  • Ball Transfer Units

    RE 82 910/2003-08 12

    TablesBall Transfer Units with Solid SteelHousing without collar

    0533 ...

    without felt seal

    very smooth movement

    Part number Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D h H C[N] [kg]

    053371200 Bright metal 12 20 0.065 ~3 16.5 0.2 250 0.028

    Part number Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D D1 h h1 H a C[N] [kg]

    053370200 Bright metal 12 17.5 0.1 20 0.1 ~3 10.5 0.1 16.5 0.2 7 0.1 250 0.027

    Ball Transfer Units with Solid SteelHousing without high collar

    0533 ...

    without felt seal

    very smooth movement

    recedes partially into housing

    Part number Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D D1 h h1 H a C[N] [kg]

    053301200 Bright metal 12 20 0.065 22 0.5 ~3 4.5 0.1 15 1 250 0.024

    Ball Transfer Units with Solid SteelHousing with low collar

    0533 ...

    without felt seal

    very smooth movement

    recedes totally into housing

  • 13 RE 82 910/2003-08

    Ball Transfer Units with Solid SteelHousing with collar

    0533 ...

    plastic seal for heavy soiling

    for high loads

    Part number Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D D1 h H a b C[N] [kg]

    Cover and053310510 housing 60 100 0.11 117 29.5 0.2 77.5 13 14.5 13000 3.5


    1) Upon request, available with lube hole (0533x61x0)

    Ball Transfer Units with Solid SteelHousing with collar (with felt seal)

    0533 ...

    for high loads

    Part numbers Execution1) Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D D1 h H a b C[N] [kg]

    053306000 Bright metal 60 100 0.11 117 29.5 0.2 77.5 13 14.5 13000 3.5

    Cover and053316010 housing 60 100 0.11 117 29.5 0.2 77.5 13 14.5 13000 3.5


    All parts galvanized,053326010 balls made from cor- 60 100 0.11 117 29.5 0.2 77.5 13 14.5 9700 3.5

    rosion-resistant steel

  • Ball Transfer Units

    RE 82 910/2003-08 14


    Part numbers Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D h H C[N] [kg]

    0533076001)Bright metal

    76 130 0.08 23 103 0.2 20000 8.6 0533090002) 90 145 0.08 25 115 0.2 25000 11.0

    Ball Transfer Units with Solid SteelHousing without collar

    0533 ...

    (with felt seal)

    for high loads

    1) Upon request, available with lube hole2) Lube hole R1/8 (at center of base) closed by screw plug

    Part number Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D h H C[N] [kg]

    Ball Transfer Units with Solid SteelHousing without collar 0533 ...

    for high loads

    plastic seal for heavy soiling

    053301100 Bright metal 90 145 0.08 25 115 0.2 25000 11.0

    dia. 9


    R 1/8"D

    dia. 125 h



    relubrication bores

    mounting holes

    B - B

  • 15 RE 82 910/2003-08

    Part numbers Execution Dimensions [mm] Load MassMounting holes capacity

    Cdw D D1 h H a d Tk Number [N] [kg]

    Cover and053412210 ball cup 22 33 0.2 45 9.8 0.2 27.7 3.6 3.5 39 3 1200 0.1


    All parts galvanized,053422210 balls made from cor- 22 33 0.2 45 9.8 0.2 27.7 3.6 3.5 39 3 900 0.1

    rosion-resistant steel

    Ball Transfer Units without Housing

    0534 ...

    low space requirement

    simple mounting

    mounting via holes in the collar

    Ball Transfer Units with ReinforcedSheet Steel Housing

    0535 ...

    for extreme impact loads

    The special shape of the cover requiresthe use of a mounting tool, particularlyif firmly lodged see Mounting Tools.

    heavy duty version 0535-X47-10

    Part numbers Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D D1 h H b C[N] [kg]

    053511510 15 24 0.065 31 9.5 0.2 21.5 5.5 500 0.045053512210 Cover and 22 36 0.080 45 9.8 0.2 29.5 6.0 1300 0.150053513010 housing 30 45 0.080 55 13.8 0.3 37.5 8.0 2500 0.300053514510 galvanized 45 62 0.095 75 19.0 0.4 53.7 10.0 6000 0.820053514710 45 62 0.095 75 19.0 0.4 53.7 10.0 8000 0.820053521510 15 24 0.065 31 9.5 0.2 21.5 5.5 370 0.045053522210 All parts galvanized, 22 36 0.080 45 9.8 0.2 29.5 6.0 970 0.150053523010 balls made from hardened 30 45 0.080 55 13.8 0.3 37.5 8.0 1900 0.300053524510 corrosion-resistant steel 45 62 0.095 75 19.0 0.4 53.7 10.0 4500 0.820053524710 45 62 0.095 75 19.0 0.4 53.7 10.0 6000 0.820

    0535331101) 30 45 0.080 55 13.8 0.3 37.5 8.0 1900 0.300

    1) With holes in base for dirt discharge

    Ball cup, balls and ball retainingring made from corrosion-resis-tant steel. Other parts galvanized.

  • Ball Transfer Units

    RE 82 910/2003-08 16

    Ball Transfer Units with Spring Clip

    0536 ...

    easily mountable and extractable fromthe load side. Fixing is by means ofspring clips, which permit generoustolerances in the mounting hole.

    reinforced cover to withstand heavyimpact loads

    types with plastic load ball

    The special cover shape requires use ofmounting tool see Mounting Tools.

    1) Minimum nominal thickness of mounting base2) With holes in base for dirt discharge

    Part numbers Execution Dimensions [mm] Load MassMounting capacitycutout dia. S1) C

    dw D D1 h H b DB min [N] [kg]

    053611510 Cover and 15 24 0.13 31 9.5 0.2 20.5 5.5 24 + 0.5 1.5 500 0.044053612210 housing 22 36 0.16 45 9.8 0.2 28.6 6.0 36 + 0.8 2.0 1300 0.146053613010 galvanized 30 45 0.16 55 13.8 0.3 37.5 8.0 45 + 1.0 2.5 2500 0.290

    053621510 All parts galvanized, 15 24 0.13 31 9.5 0.2 20.5 5.5 24 + 0.5 1.5 370 0.044053622210 balls made from 22 36 0.16 45 9.8 0.2 28.6 6.0 36 + 0.8 2.0 970 0.146053623010 corrosion-resistant 30 45 0.16 55 13.8 0.3 37.5 8.0 45 + 1.0 2.5 1900 0.2900536331102) steel 30 45 0.16 55 13.8 0.3 37.5 8.0 45 + 1.0 2.5 1900 0.290

    053641510 Cover and housing 15 24 0.13 31 9.5 0.2 20.5 5.5 24 + 0.5 1.5 70 0.044053642210 galvanized, with 22 36 0.16 45 9.8 0.2 28.6 6.0 36 + 0.8 2.0 100 0.146053643010 plastic load ball 30 45 0.16 55 13.8 0.3 37.5 8.0 45 + 1.0 2.5 150 0.290


  • 17 RE 82 910/2003-08

    Part number Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D h H C[N] [kg]

    Ball Transfer Units with PlasticHousing

    0530 ...

    Height-adjustable,053000310 mounting with 30 54 5 46 2500 0.264

    threaded bushing

    M50 x 1.5M10




    Ball Transfer Units with PlasticHousing

    0530 ...

    for lightweight ball transfer tables

    Part number Execution Dimensions [mm] Load Masscapacity

    dw D h H C[N] [kg]

    053000520Mounting with

    15 42 2 32 500 0.045quarter-turn fastener



    dia. 35

    dia. 30D







    especially suited for overhead installation

    ball recedes totally into housing

  • Ball Transfer Units

    RE 82 910/2003-08 18




    Tolerance ringTolerancering

    Tolerance Ring

    0810 ...

    Ball Transfer Unit Dimensions Tolerance ring Mounting dimensionsPart numbers [mm] Part numbers [mm]

    D D1 b

    0530.15.. 0531.15.. 0535.15.. 24 081002403 25.7 + 0.20 7.1+0.2

    0530.22.. 0531.22.. 0535.22.. 36 081003605 37.7 + 0.20 12.1+0.2

    0530.30.. 0531.30.. 0535.30.. 45 081004501 46.7 + 0.20 12.1+0.2

    0530.45.. 0535.4... 62 081006203 64.1 + 0.30 15.1+0.2

    0533.60.. 100 081010002 102.5 + 0.35 19.1+0.3

    1) Suitable for the recesses in the collar of the Ball Transfer Unit 0536

    Dimensions [mm]fordw H

    1) B1)

    max max

    15 0.6 6

    22 0.6 8

    30 0.8 10

    Part Dimensions numbers [mm] a

    dw D2 D3 tmin []

    15 053601530 29 17 10 30

    22 053602230 43 24 10 20

    30 053603030 53 30 10 24

    45 053604530 73 45 15 26




    Tolerance Ring / Mounting Tools

    Mounting Tool 0536for Ball Transfer Units 0535 and 0536

    Extraction ToolRecommended for Ball Transfer Units 0536


  • 19 RE 82 910/2003-08


  • Great care has been taken during thecompilation of this publication to ensureall the information contained is accurate.We accept no responsibility however forany damage resulting from incorrect orincomplete information contained.

    For deliveries and other services in thecourse of commercial business, the gen-eral terms and conditions for suppliesand services contained in the valid pricelists and the confirmations of orderapply.

    As our products are constantly in theprocess of further development, theyare subject to alteration without notice.

    STAR, Ball Rail and are trademarksregistered for Rexroth Star GmbH,Germany.

    Roller Rail is a trademark ofRexroth Star GmbH, Germany.

    Reproduction of this document, even inextract form, is only permitted with ourapproval.

    Bosch Rexroth AGLinear Motion and Assembly TechnologiesErnst-Sachs-Strasse 100D-97424 Schweinfurt, Germany

    Telephone +49-9721-937-0

    Telefax +49-9721-937-275(general)

    Telefax +49-9721-937-465(direct)

    Internet [email protected]

    Ball Transfer UnitsRE 82 910/2003-08

    Printed in Germany p 2004/xx/xx/X

    Ball Transfer UnitsLinear Motion TechnologyIndexProduct OverviewTechnical DataBall Transfer Units with Sheet Steel Housing 0530 ... Ball Transfer Units with Plastic Load Ball 0531 ...Spring-loaded Ball Transfer Units 0532 ... Ball Transfer Units with Solid Steel Housing without- with high- with low- collar 0533 ... Ball Transfer Units without Housing 0534 ...Ball Transfer Units with Reinforced Sheet Steel Housing 0535 ... Ball Transfer Units with Spring Clip 0536 ...Ball Transfer Units with Plastic Housing 0530 Tolerance Ring 0810 ...Mounting Tool 0536 for Ball Transfer Units 0535 and 0536Extraction Tool Recommended for Ball Transfer Units 0536