EPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS, AND hcchmond, Vuguua VOL. 42 FEBRUARY 1996 NO. 1 CATALOG OF VIRGINIA OIL AND GAS WELL SAMPLES Jack E. Nolde PREFACE This catalog revises, supplements, and supersedes two earlier publications of the Division of Mineral Resources: Informa- tion Circular l , "Catalog of oil and gas wells in well sample repository on August l , 1959," and Information Ciicular 5, "Supple- ment to catalog of oil and gas wells - samples added to repository August 1,1959 to January 1,1962," both by D. C. Le Van. As of January 1. 1996, six-hundred and forty sets of well cuttings from gas and oil tests drilled in Virginia are on file with the Division of Mineral Resources in Charlottesville. Figure 1 shows the counties and the number of wells in each county for which cuttings are available. Cuttings are available for inspection by any interested individual or company at the Division's office in Charlottesville. A microscope and space to examine the cuttings will be provided. Anyone desiring to examine these cuttings must provide all other materials. An appointment is required. Sample sets cannot be removed from the Division's premises. Oil and gas well cuttings are listed alphabetically by county and by 7.5-minute quadrangle. In addition, all wells are listed alphabetically for each quadrangle and numerically by file number. Also included in the listing is the total depth, completion year, formation at the bottom of the hole, and the intervals for which samples are available. It is recognized that there may be errors and omissions in this list. Users are requested to notify the Division of any corrections or additions. A supplementary list will be issued at such time that additional cuttings have been collected to make a supplement necessary. Many individuals and companies have been helpful in contributing samples and information to the Division. The Division of Mineral Resources is extremely interested in obtaining the cuttings from any oil and gas wells drilled in Virginia and arrange- ments will be made for Division personnel to pick up these cuttings. The arrangements to pick up oil and gas well cuttings should be made by notifying Division offices at either Abingdon, Blacksburg, Charlottesville, or Williamsburg. County, Quadrangle File Operator Landowner Well Total Comptetlon Formation at Sample WMR Number Number Depth Year Total Depth ~~~ -0rY (Feet) Number Hallwood AGW1 J & J Enterprises E. G. Taylor I-G 6272 1971 Schist 0-6280 W-3180 Bath Green Valley BA-001 Pennzoil John L. Lawrence 1 405 1968 Helderberg Limestone 0- 405 W-2326 Eagle Rock BT-001 Columbia Gas Trans. Co Tredegar Co. 20750-T 9219 1981 Copper Ridge Formation 0-9210 W-6631 Buchanan Arnonate A0138 United Producing Co. Pocahontas Mining Corp. 1784 5735 1951 Chattanooga Shale 2226-5728 W-0032 Bradshaw BU-048 Ashland Exploration Pocahontas ~ i n i n g Corp. 2415 5008 1956 Chattanooga Shale 2021-5028 W-0126 Bradshaw BU-072 Cabot Oil & Gas Co. Randal Jewell 1514 5220 1961 Chattanooga Shale 1005200 W-0588 Bradshaw BU-073 United ProducingCo. Lon B. Rogers et al. 3201 5270 1961 Chattanwga Shale 2000-5260 W-0567



VOL. 42 FEBRUARY 1996 NO. 1


Jack E. Nolde


This catalog revises, supplements, and supersedes two earlier publications of the Division of Mineral Resources: Informa- tion Circular l , "Catalog of oil and gas wells in well sample repository on August l , 1959," and Information Ciicular 5, "Supple- ment to catalog of oil and gas wells - samples added to repository August 1,1959 to January 1,1962," both by D. C. Le Van. As of January 1. 1996, six-hundred and forty sets of well cuttings from gas and oil tests drilled in Virginia are on file with the Division of Mineral Resources in Charlottesville. Figure 1 shows the counties and the number of wells in each county for which cuttings are available. Cuttings are available for inspection by any interested individual or company at the Division's office in Charlottesville. A microscope and space to examine the cuttings will be provided. Anyone desiring to examine these cuttings must provide all other materials. An appointment is required. Sample sets cannot be removed from the Division's premises.

Oil and gas well cuttings are listed alphabetically by county and by 7.5-minute quadrangle. In addition, all wells are listed alphabetically for each quadrangle and numerically by file number. Also included in the listing is the total depth, completion year, formation at the bottom of the hole, and the intervals for which samples are available. It is recognized that there may be errors and omissions in this list. Users are requested to notify the Division of any corrections or additions. A supplementary list will be issued at such time that additional cuttings have been collected to make a supplement necessary.

Many individuals and companies have been helpful in contributing samples and information to the Division. The Division of Mineral Resources is extremely interested in obtaining the cuttings from any oil and gas wells drilled in Virginia and arrange- ments will be made for Division personnel to pick up these cuttings. The arrangements to pick up oil and gas well cuttings should be made by notifying Division offices at either Abingdon, Blacksburg, Charlottesville, or Williamsburg.

County, Quadrangle

File Operator Landowner Well Total Comptetlon Formation at Sample WMR Number Number Depth Year Total Depth ~~~ -0rY

(Feet) Number

Hallwood AGW1 J & J Enterprises E. G. Taylor I-G 6272 1971 Schist 0-6280 W-3180


Green Valley BA-001 Pennzoil John L. Lawrence 1 405 1968 Helderberg Limestone 0- 405 W-2326

Eagle Rock BT-001 Columbia Gas Trans. Co Tredegar Co. 20750-T 9219 1981 Copper Ridge Formation 0-921 0 W-6631


Arnonate A01 38 United Producing Co. Pocahontas Mining Corp. 1784 5735 1951 Chattanooga Shale 2226-5728 W-0032 Bradshaw BU-048 Ashland Exploration Pocahontas ~ining Corp. 2415 5008 1956 Chattanooga Shale 2021-5028 W-0126 Bradshaw BU-072 Cabot Oil & Gas Co. Randal Jewell 1514 5220 1961 Chattanooga Shale 1005200 W-0588 Bradshaw BU-073 United Producing Co. Lon B. Rogers et al. 3201 5270 1961 Chattanwga Shale 2000-5260 W-0567




cou*v Quadrangle

Flle Operator Number

Landowner Well Total Completion Formation at Number Depth Year Total Depth


Sample MMR Interval F!epository


Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Elkhom City ElWMm City Elkhom Ciy Elkhom City Elkhorn City Ukhom City Elkhom C i Elkhorn City Elkhom City Elkhom City Elkhom City Elkhom City Ukhom City Elkhorn City Grundy Grundy Grundy Grundy Grundy G ~ n d y Grundy Grundy Grundy Grundy G ~ n d y Grundy Grundy Haman Harman

Hatman H a m Harman Harman Harman Hanan Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Haman Haman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman

Hurley Hwley Huhy

United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. Ashland Exploration United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. Columbia Natural Resoues United Fuel Gas Co. Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues W. E. Ellid Trust Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natuial Rescues Columbia Natural Resoues Ashland Exploration Pipeline Construction Co United Pmducing Co. P & S Oil 8 Gas Co. Pipeline Construction Co Pipeline Const~ctimn Co P&SOil&GasCo. P 8 S Oil & Gas Co. Slate Creek Development Slate Creek Development Ashland Exploration Columbia Natural Resoues NRM Petroleum Columbia Natural Rescues United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues United Fuel Gas Co. Columbia Natural Resoues

Pocahontas Mining Cop. Pocahontas Mining Cop. Lon B. Rogen et al. The Piltston Co. The Pinston Co. The Pinston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pinston Co. m e ~ i i o n a. The Pittston Co. Fred Clevinger The Pinston Co. N. D. Howard et al. The P i o n Co. Michael R. Epling h'ne Mountain Oil & Gas Pine Mountain Oil &Gas W. H. Matney J. G. Buston et al. R. A. Looney at al. Florence Harris Curtis Florence Harris Curtis et al. E H. Curtis et al. Amy L. Powers George H. Belcher et al. Mountain Mission School Janie McClaMhan Yukon Pocahontas Coal H. Claude Pobst et al. Georgia Pacific Big Sandy Fuel Corp. Bull Creek C d Co. Lynn Camp Coal Corp. Robert C. and David H. J. G. Belcher et al. Clell Ramey et al. Lydia Belcher et al. George C. Chaties et al. The Pittston Co. Robert C. and David H. The Pinston Co. The Pinston Co. The Pinston Co. Bull Creek Coal Co. G. T Ramey Heirs Lynn Camp Coal Cop. Lynn Camp Coal Cop. J. L. Elswick J. L. Elswick et al. J. L. Elswick G. C. Charles et al. Bull Creek Coal Co. H. H. Deel et al. G. P. Belcher et al. H. Claude Pobst et al. Robert C. and David H. H. Claude Pobst et al. A M. Rowe et al. J. L Elswick et al. The Pinston Co. Thompson Kinder et ux. J. L Elswick Bull Creek Coal Co. Free Lin Elswick et al. Grover Deel Big Sandy Coal Corp. Grover Dee1 Alfred Deel

'J. L. Elswick J. L. Elswick Estate Denise B. Jordan et al. Opal C. & H. M. Thomas The Pittston Co. The Pimton Co. National Shawmut Bank Kentland cpal &Coke Co National Shawmut Bank

Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Greenbner hmestone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Wddcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Greenbner Limestone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattarmga Shale Maccrady Shale Maccrady Shale W~ldcat Valley Sandstone Bluefield Formahon Wildcat Valley Sandstone Pnce Format~on Maccrady Shale Maccrady Shale Maccrady Shale Maccrady Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chananooga Shale W~ldcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga, Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chaaanooga Shale Hlnton Formation Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Maccrady Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Hancock Dolomite Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale


County, Quadrangle

File Operator Number

Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley .!ewes R I Jewell Ridge Jewell Ridge Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Keen Mountain Majestic Panther Panther Panther Panther Panther Panther Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Prater Prater Prater Prater Prater

Landowner Well Total Completion Formation at Number Depth Year Total Depth


Sample Interval

Columbia Natural Resoues United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. Columbia Natural Resoues United Fuel Gas Co. Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Reswas Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues United Producing Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. Pipeline Construction Co United Producing Co. Ashland Exploration United Producing Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. Ashland Exploration United Producing Co. Ashland Exploration United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. Virginia Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Producing Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Fuel Gas Co. P & S Oil & Gas Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. Ashland Exploration Ashland Exploration Ashland Exploration Ashland Exploration Ashland Exploration United Producing Co. United Producing Co. Texas International Texas lntemational Ashland Exploration Clinchfield Coal Co. United Fuel Gas Co. United Fuel Gas Co. Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues

National Shawmut Bank Zach Justice et al. National Shawmut Bank Zach Justice et al. National Shawmut Bank Zach Justice et al. National Shawmut Bank National Shawmut Bank National Shawmut Bank Zach Justice et al. National Shawmut Bank National Shawmut Bank Helen Warfield New Era Coal Co. New Era Coal Co. W. Miller Richardson et al. W. Miller Richardson et al. W. Miller Richardson et al. Buchanan Energy Cop. W. Miller and G. Charles New Era Coal Co. Buchanan Energy Corp. Ma!y R. McNeil et al. New River & Poca Coal Pocahontas Mining Corp. James McGuire Yukon Pocahontas Coal Yukon Pocahontas Coal Yukon Pocahontas Coal Hugh McRae W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. C. L Ritter Lumber Co. W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. Slocum Land Corp. Yukon Pocahontas Coal Yukon Pocahontas Coal Yukon Pocahontas Coal Yukon Pocahontas Coal Yukon Pocahontas Coal Yukon Pocaki-tas Coal Yukon Pocahontas Coal Orson Ratliff Heirs National Shawmut Bank W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. National Shawmut Bank National Shawmut Bank National Shawmut Bank National Shawmut Bank Buchanan Energy Co. W. H. Matney W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. Slocum Land Corp National Shawmut Bank, R. J. Carlson W. M. Riner Lumber Co. Slocum Land Cop. W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. Slocum Land Yukon Pocahontas Coal Yukon Pocahontas Coal Lon 8. Rogers et al. Clinchfield Coal Co. et al. Clinchfield Coal Co. et al. Clinchfield Coal Co. et al. Clinchfield Coal Co. et al. Lon B. Rogers et al. Clinchfield Coal Co. et al. Lon B. Rogers et al. C. L. Ritter Lumber Co. Big Vein Lon B. Rogers Andrew Thomas m e Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. John W. Pobst et al. Ttm Pittston Co.

Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale W~ldcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Greenbner L~mestone Chattanooga Shale Maccrady Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone W~ldcat Valley Sandstone Greenbner Ltmestone Maccrady Shale Maccrady Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Maccrady Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Pnce Format~on Rose Hlll Formahon H~nton Format~on Pnce Formahon Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale H~nton Formahon Maccrady Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Pnce Formahon Chattanooga Shale Maccrady Shale Rose H~ll Format~on Maccrady Shale Chattanwga Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Wlldcat Valley Sandstone Wildcat Valley Sandstone Wildcat Valley Sandstone Maccrady Shale Maccrady Shale H~nton Format~on Chattanooga Shale Pnce Format~on Maccrady Shale H~nton Formation Chattanooga Shale Maccrady Shale Maccrady Shale Maccrady Shale Bluef~eld Format~on Chattanooga Shale ChatIanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Rose Htll Formatnon Cl~nch Sandstone

Repository Number

W-0419 W-0445 w-0444 W-0563 W-0564 W-0632 w-0643 w-0641 W-0633 W-0642 W-0630 W-0654 W-5924 W-6071 w-7290 W-7260 W-6803 W-7308 W-7316 W-7317 W-7261 W-6739 W-0028 W-0127 W-0711 W-0043 W-0027 W-0026 W-0024 W-0006 w-0010 w-0011


Rle Operator Quadrangle Number

Landowner Well Total Completion Formation at Number Depth Year Total Depth


Sample VDMR lntewal Repository


Prater Prater Prater Prater Prater Prater Prater Vansant Vansant Vansant Vansant Vansant Wharndiffe

Charles City

Charles City Charles City Charles City

Hallsboro Hallsboro Hallsboro Hallsboro Mannboro Mannboro Midlothian Winterpock Winterpock


P a s Creek


Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge . .

Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney ~ i d g e Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge

Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. United Producing Co. Columbia Natural Resoues United Fuel Gas Co.

CC-001 Emest L. Lippert CC-001 Emest L. Lippert CC-002 Emest L. Lippert

Menill Natural Resource Menill Natural Resource Merrill Natural Resource Shore Exploration Merrill Natural Resource Merrill Natural Resource Merrill Natural Resource A & R Oil Co. A& R Oil Co.

CR-001 ARC0 Oil & Gas Co.

Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor

The Pittston Co. Howard Coleman m e Pittston Co. Josh Deel et al. Stewarl Elswick The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. Yukon Poca Coal Co. et Yukon Poca Coal Co. et Yukon Poca Coal Co. et Yukon Poca Coal Co. et Landon R. Wyatt et al. National Shawmut Bank,

Clarence Gaddy Clarence Gaddy Clarence Gaddy

Marguerite Turner Marguerite Turner Georgia Pacific Cop. J. R. Hicks Continental Can Co. Continental Can Co. Cassel Adamson Martin Marlin

D. Fridley and J. Keffer

Samuel Bise Thomas Bise Rainwater Ramsey W. R. Reedy William Green Rainwater Ramsey William Green Thomas Bise Thomas Bise Rainwater Ramsey Rainwater Ramsey Rainwater Ramsey Larkin Stanley Steinman Development The Brown Trust The Brown Trust The Brown Tmst The Brown Trust The Brown Trust Thomas Bise Samuel Hensley Samuel Hensley Willtam G. Baker William G. Baker Samuel Hensley Samuel Hensley W. H. Ashton A ~ i l Deel et al. Wilson Rose Wilson Rose Wilson Rose P. R. Smith Samuel E. Rose Samuel E. Rose Samuel E. Rose Samuel Bise John S. Rose William Green. The Brown Tmst Squire Smith

20009 20005 20212 20006 20301 20554 20553 1454 1466 1812 1952 972 1 -T 8431

1 1A 1 B

1 2 Ga Pac 1 JR 1 4 1 1 -A 1-0

1 Smith

P-001 P-002 P-003 P-004 P-007 P-008 P-011 P-013 P-014 P-015 P-016 P-029 P-032 P-035 P-047 P-048 P-049 P-050 P-052 P-056 P-065 P-067 P-076 P-075 P-086 P-113 P-122 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-129 P-130 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-200 P-210 P-211 P-051 P-244

Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Helderberg Limestone Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Maccrady Shale

Patuxent Formation Patuxent Formation Schist

Newark Grwp Newark Grwp Newark Group

Newark Group Newark Group Granite NewaR Group Newark Group

Knox Group

Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Berea Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shde Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shde Chattanooga Shde Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale

Quadrangle File







Well Total Completbn Formatbn at Number Depth Year Total Depth


VOL. 42

Sample vDMR @ Interval Repcsltory


Caney Ridge Carey Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Caney Ridge Clintwood Clintwood Clintwood Clintwood a ' i Clintwood Clintwood Uintwood Clintwood Clintwood Uintwood Clintwood Coebum Oxbum h t y h t y Duty Ukhom City Elkhom Ci Ekhom City Elkhom City Elkhom Cii Elkhorn Ci Elkhorn City Elkhorn City Elkhorn City Elkhom Ci Elkhorn City Elkhom City Elkhom City Elkhorn City Elkhom Ci Elkhorn City ENdrorn City Elkhom City Elkhorn City Elkhorn City Elkhom City Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi mysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi mysi Haysi Haysi Ha@ Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi

Dl-330 01-340 Dl-367 Dl425 Dl-452 Dl-052 Dl-107 Dl-263 06268 DI-272 Dl-341 01-346 Dl-353 Dl-364 Dl-443 DI-450 Dl-458 01-058 DI-179 Dl-252 Dl-264 01-456 Dl-061 Dl-063 DI-064 DI-065 01-066 DI-067 DI-068 DI-071 Dl-072 Dl-473 DI-074 Dl-080 Dl-082 Dl- 102 Dl-137 DI-141 Dl-175 Dl-206 Dl-562 Dl-568 Dl-674 A012DI Dl-051 DI-053 DI-054 Dl-056 DI-057 DI-059 Dl-060 Dl-062 Dl-069 DI-070 DI-081 Dl-086 DI-092 DI-103 Dl-121 Dl-123 Dl-124 DI-139 DI-142 Dl-150 DI-151 01-153 DI-154 Dl-155 DI-158 DI-159 Dl-163 DI-164 DI-165 Dl-166 Dl-167 DI-170 Dl-172 DL177

Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor EquiWe Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Clinchfield Coal Co. Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Rescas Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Clinchfield Coal Co. Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor EquitaMe Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Columbia Gas (UFG) Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Resows Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Rescues ' W. E. Elliot Trust Columbia Natural Reswes Virginia Gas Co. Virginia Gas Co. Virginia Gas Co. Clinchfield Coal Co. Equitable Resces Explor Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Pine Mwntain .Oil & Gas Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Rescues Columbia Natural Resoues Columbia Natural Reswes Columbia Natural Rescues Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Columbia Natural Reswes Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Rescss Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor

VICC Land Co. G. W. Smith Wllson Rose Wllliam Green Peter Sm%h E. A Smth Henry W Ellen W. Duryea Tarpon Coal & Coke Co. w. B. J. Wright Tarpon Coal & Coke Co. Elias J. FPose Marha Colley J. C. Kerr J. C. Kerr Ann W. Stratton J. H. Robinson Wrginia Iron, Coal & Coke A. B. Bise R. D. Sutherland R. D. Sutherland James Rasnake The P i o n Co. The Pinston Co. he Pinston CO. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pinston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pinston Co. The Pinston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pinston Co. Bmce Mullins Heirs N. D. Howard et al. The Pinston Co. United States of America Bums Willis Heirs United States of America Arch Rose Isaac C h r a n Big Sandy Fuel Corp. B i i Sandy Fuel Corp. J. W. Wright Big Sandy Fuel Corp. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. The Pittston Co. Steinman Development Steinman Development Steinman Development Steinman Development The Pittston Co. Noah Counts W. D. Stanley Noah Counts J. W. Wright W. F. Stanley Steinman Development George W. Branham Steinman Development J. L Sifers J. L Sifers Tarpon Coal & Coke Co. Tarpon Coal &Coke Co. Tarpon Coal & Coke Co. W. L. F. Wright J. H. Cochran

Chaaanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Bluestone Formabon Wddcat Valley Sandstone Wildcat valley sandstone Chattanooga Shale Rose Hill Formation Chaaanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chaaanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chaaanooga s a l e Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Pnce Formation Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Wfldcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Price Formmon Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale W~ldcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chanarmga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Mascot Dolom~te Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Pnce Formation Chattanooga Shale Chattanow Shale Wildcat Valley Sandstone Wildcat valley Sandstone W~ldcat Valley Sandstone Wildcat Valley Sandstone Wildcat Valley Sandstone Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattarooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chananooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Hancock Dolomite Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chananooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale Chattanooga Shale


Ouadrangle Rla

Number Operator Landowner Well Total Completion Formation at

Number Depth Y Total Depth


Sample VDMR Interval Repository


Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Haysi Nora Nora Nora Nora . -

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Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Columbia Natural Resou Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Virginia Gas Co. Virginia Gas Co. Clinchfield Coal Co. Clinchfield Coal Co. Clinchfield Coal Co. Clinchfield Coal Co. Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Clinchfield Coal Co. Pine Mwntain Oil 8 Gas Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Philadelphia Oil Co. Philadelphia Oil Co. Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Philadelphia Oil Co. Equitable Resces Explor Philadelphia Oil Co. Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Expior Equitable Resces Explor Philadelphia Oil Co. Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor Equitable Resces Explor

Steinman Development Steinman Development The Pittston Co. James Sykes Joseph Viers George W. Sutherland Noah Counts Maltin Owens Elihu K. Counts Elihu K. Counts D. B. Sutherland Larkin Viers J. R. Turner John G. Rakes Steinman Development Lovell Stanley J. W. Wright J. H. Harrison Eli Davis J. C. Kerr Tarpon Coal 8 Coke Co. Solomon Fleming Barbara Owens Eli Davis Lovell Stanley Ann W. Stratton Chas Anderson Johnny Owens United Sates of America J. C. Rasnick David Colley H. P. Phillips G. W. C. Smith E. C. Smith Earl Hilton David Colley E. J. Long David Cdley David Cdley David Smith David Smith W. T. Goodloe Joshua Pressley Joshua Pressley Joseph Kelly Larkin Stanley Nell Phipps et al. Nell Phipps et al. Nell Phipps et al. Nell Phipps et al. Nell Phipps et al. Nell Phipps et al. Jimmy Counts et al. Jimmy Counts et al. The Pittston Co. Jesse Wampler Jesse Wampler Joshua Presslby Rainwater Ramsey Standard Banner Coal Co. David Smith Jessee J. Grizzle E. S. Counts A. A. Skeen W. B. Stras James H. Sutherland J. M. Colley W. L. Counts R. E. Chase Rainwater Ramsey Noah A. Skeens Simpson Dyer W. A. Stanley Standard Banner Coal Co. Jessee Lee G. 0. Lee- Peter Reedy Jessee Wampler

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Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Virginia Division of Mineral Resources P.O. Box 3667 Charlottesville, VA 22903

Virginia Minerals Seond-Class postage paid at Charlottesville, Va ISSNO042-6652


Publication 140. Structural section across the Atlantic Coastal Plain, Virginia and southeastern Maryland, by R. C. Milici, J. K. Costain, C, Coruh, and P. A. Pappano, 2 sheets with text and 11 figures, 1995.

Price: $7.75

Virginia Minerals, Vol. 42, No. 1, February 1996