Case Study in Business Application Koji Miyaji General Manager, BVRTSC Bow Valley Regional Transit...

Case Study in Business Application Koji Miyaji General Manager, BVRTSC Bow Valley Regional Transit Services Commission

Transcript of Case Study in Business Application Koji Miyaji General Manager, BVRTSC Bow Valley Regional Transit...

Case Study in Business Application

Koji MiyajiGeneral Manager, BVRTSC

Bow Valley Regional Transit Services Commission

Officially formed and recognized by the province as a Regional Transit Commission on April, 2011

Stakeholders identified Consultative approach with all stakeholders Studies were commissioned through

consultants – Feasibility Study, Original Business Plan, lots of meetings

Took a number of years

How was the BVRTSC formed?

Various different transit services managed independently by various sources

No joint management, cost or resource sharing, Town of Banff – Transit (Happy Bus, Roam) Lake Louise – Parks contracted out, independent

businesses – ran hotel shuttle service Private regional transportation service between Canmore,

Banff, Lake Louise Winter Ski resort service provided by private businesses Taxi service Some of the above still exists

What was in place before/currently

Strategic mandates matched for member municipalities Timing matched for member municipalities Projected costs made sense Shared resources opportunity

infrastructure – Buses, new transit facility on Banff, Green trip buses

Management – transit expertise to oversee rather than the “corner of the desk syndrome”

Green Trip – regional emphasis Learned from past experiences

Why a Regional Transit Commission?

Complexity in setting up a business entity independent from all member municipalities

In the initial set up (early years) Consulting report(s) help for some guidance, but gaps exist in reality and theory – major underestimation in the workload, admin costs, capital cost estimates, lack of understanding in what it takes to establish an independent government business entity, transitioning issues,

No history of transit commission, so regulatory bodies had some difficulty in applying existing policies (eg OAC, Enforcement issues, insurance)

Cost share amongst member municipalities very important. Everyone needs to feel they are getting their dollars worth and being very clear who pays for what and why

Challenges based on current experience

Balance workload so that all members are getting appropriate levels of attention/service from Commission. No perception of favourtism or being ignored (good communication practice is needed to ensure this is understood by all members)

Sensitivity to all member municipality needs. Need to establish good policies to ensure realistic parameters are established…managing expectations

Lack of public awareness of how a Transit Commission works (eg. Who they call?, who is running this operation?)


Positive relationships between Board members critical. Need to have a clear mandate, priorities, good Operating Bylaw, Clear policies and procedures otherwise issues and specific agendas can take organization sideways

Establish an understanding to the public and private sector that public transit is different than private transportation firms. Perceptions of competing with private sector will arise. Be clear with your mandate, be clear with whom public transit serves and the need that it fulfils

Risks con’t

Positive relationship of Board members – good synergies, good agreement on priorities

Good, implementable cost allocation formula (based on service hours)

Resource of transit management expertise well utilized amongst stakeholders in all municipalities

Good regional approach to lines of business 1st regional service (Canmore to Banff) getting

great ridership response.


Setting up the Commission: When working with consultant to draft, develop conceptual plans, feasibility studies, business plans etc, have a transit expert involved throughout the whole process who has relevant experience in similar transit operations, realistic costs, understanding of work complexity, understanding of the calculations used etc. Work with the consultant closely and ask the questions or clarifications that are needed in the development of the work.

Understand the stages of Commission development: Ensure adequate support resources are available to do the work. (eg. IT support, Communications, Marketing, Financial management, mechanical, road maintenance, point of sale, customer service etc) Its not just about managing a transit route and buying buses…

Be flexible in revisiting Business Plans and budget figures.

Project for adequate infrastructure for future needs


“devil is in the details” don’t underestimate the details of who does it, when, how, where (municipal partners have their own work to do…)

Be clear on what your service mandate is and have priorities clear. Cannot be all things to everyone

Communities/ municipalities new to the public transit experience will need to be educated on how public transit works (bus stops, fares, do’s and don’ts on a bus etc.)

Learnings con’t
