Case-based Approach for Process Modeling - MDH · Case-based Approach for Process Modeling ......

1 Case-based Approach for Process Modeling Authors:Qin Cao and Bijun Wan Supervisor: Ning Xiong, Malardalen University Examiner: Peter Funk 28th May 2013

Transcript of Case-based Approach for Process Modeling - MDH · Case-based Approach for Process Modeling ......


Case-based Approach for

Process Modeling

Authors:Qin Cao and Bijun Wan

Supervisor: Ning Xiong, Malardalen University

Examiner: Peter Funk

28th May 2013



Case-based reasoning is a technique to solve new problems based on previous

successful cases. Similar problems have similar solutions is the main assumption

when case-based reasoning is used. For the problem that the prediction accuracy of

real-valued attribute data is not high and some algorithms can be time-consuming, a

novel case-based approach is proposed in this article, which combines K nearest

neighbor algorithm and regression. This case-based approach is studied with the

purpose of improving the efficiency of case retrieval. It was known to be

computationally expensive due to the matrix calculation when regression is applied

as well as the use of mutual Euclidean distance between elements as a similarity

measure. Here, the authors propose to alleviate this drawback by conducting off-line

calculation using K nearest neighbor regression method for the existing cases in the

dataset. In this way, each case in the dataset can have an extra useful attribute. In the

experiments, this case-based approach is applied to a furnace process. After making

full use of some updated cases, on-line calculation for the unsolved problem proves to

be much faster which owes to the substantial calculation reduction. Some other

common methods are also studied in this thesis. Ten-fold cross validation is applied

to show that the prediction performance of this CBR system appears almost the same

as the other methods, while the size of the useful updated cases decreases


Date: 28 MAY 2013

Carried out at: MDH

Supervisor at MDH: Ning Xiong

Examiner: Peter Funk


PREFACE First and foremost, we really appreciate our advisor, Ning Xiong, for his

supervision on our thesis. His suggestions and comments is always right to the point.

He gives us helpful advice how to work more efficiently. After this thesis work, I think

I learn the knowledge as well as how to fulfill a more effective teamwork. On the

other hand, we are also very grateful for this exchange student program, which give

us the chance to study in Sweden. It turns out to be an unforgettable experience. I

learn a lot and also have many friends now.

At the same time, we want to thank some friends who care and help us in study.

They really help to improve ourselves in daily life. At last, we do believe that this

thesis work experience and life here is very nice and unforgettable.

Place and month year: Västerås, May 2013

Qin Cao

Bijun Wan



1. Introduction ......................................................................................... 6

2.Background ........................................................................................... 6

2.1 Basic Concept of CBR .................................................................... 6

2.2 Case-based Reasoning Foundations ............................................. 7

2.3 Application of CBR ........................................................................ 8

3. Algorithm ............................................................................................. 9

3.1 Off-line Calculation Method ......................................................... 9

3.1.1 K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm ............................................. 9

3.1.2 Case Adaptation ................................................................ 10

3.1.3 Regression ......................................................................... 10

3.2 On-line Calculation Method ....................................................... 12

3.3 some related methods ............................................................... 12

3.3.1 Average ............................................................................. 12

3.3.2 Weighted average .............................................................. 13

4 Ten-fold Cross Validation .................................................................... 13

4.1 Historical Background ................................................................. 14

4.2 Why 10-Fold Cross-Validation: From Ideal to Reality .................. 14

4.3 Applications of Cross Validation ................................................. 15

5 Implement Procedures ........................................................................ 15

6 Experiment tests ................................................................................. 17

6.1 Data set ...................................................................................... 17


6.2 Results and Evaluation................................................................ 18

6.2.1 Test for simple Linear regression ....................................... 18

6.2.2 Test for Adaptation ............................................................ 20

6.2.3 Test for improved algorithm .............................................. 22

7 Summary and Conclusion .................................................................... 24

8 Future work ........................................................................................ 24

Reference .............................................................................................. 24


1. Introduction

Case-based Reasoning (CBR) systems fall in the domain of Artificial Intelligence

(AI). Problems are solved by reusing past knowledge, the way humans use their past

experiences. Past cases as well as their solutions are stored in the case base of a

particular domain. As an important reasoning approach in AI, CBR overcomes the

bottleneck of capturing knowledge. CBR avoids solving problems from the scratch for

each time so as to improve the reasoning efficiency.

Case-based reasoning system (CBR) includes 4 processes: case retrieve, case

revise, case reuse and case retain[1], among which case retrieve is the key link of the

reasoning system. The efficiency of the retrieval affects the whole system.

Prediction to some important parameters using CBR is of significant importance

in industry domain, including continuous industrial processes. Outcome estimation

in a continuous process requires tuning a few other model parameters, which may

affect the result. Knowledge acquisition for a furnace process is a difficult task.

The furnace process has inherently time-delay, time-varying and non-linear

characteristics. Traditional control strategies such as PID are no longer in force while

confronting the combustion problem of the furnace process, because there are no

exact mathematical models for describing the characteristics. Therefore some

advanced control strategies have been researched and implemented for solving this

control problem, such as fuzzy control or expert control methods reported in

literatures[2-5]. But the natures of these intelligent control strategies are of rule-based,

consequently the obstacle or so called “bottle neck” for gaining the expert knowledge,

which is the basis for realizing the above mentioned strategies, is inevitable


We have proposed a novel case-based approach which utilizes CBR rather than

rule-based reasoning (RBR) as its reasoning machine for getting the control

information. This proposed case-based approach in this thesis is essentially applying

K nearest neighbor regression algorithm, however, with some significant


The thesis is organized as follow: chapter 2 introduces some related background

and theory. Chapter 3 describes this novel case-based approach in detail. And chapter

4 explains the procedure of cross validation. Chapter 5 gives a brief description of the

procedures in the implementation. Chapter 6 is one of the most important part in this

thesis with focus on implementation and evaluation. In this part, several methods are

conducted to prove that this proposed approach brings improvements in some

aspects. At the end, conclusions are given in chapter 7 as well as some future work in

chapter 8.


2.1 Basic Concept of CBR


Case-based reasoning (CBR), broadly construed, is the process of solving new

problems based on the solutions of similar past problems. It has been argued that

CBR is not only a powerful method for computer reasoning, but also a pervasive

behavior in everyday human problem solving; more radically, that all reasoning is

based on past cases. This view is related to prototype theory, which is most deeply

explored in cognitive science.

Although CBR is based on cognitive science, and also it was borne by artificial

intelligence, it still had a lot of disadvantages. People do not deny it just because of

their experience, there is no strict proof, which make it very hard to solve some

difficult problems. In other words, it is just a method, not a technology. So, a

complete CBR system should include the following circle steps: Retrieve, Reuse,

Revise and Retain. It can be showed by using a cycle diagram (figure 1). After

checking all kinds of similar cases, we can match these cases and test them and get a

solution by modifying them, so that we can get a most suitable case.

Figure 1: Work flow of CBR

2.2 Case-based Reasoning Foundations

Case-based reasoning was conceived at the end of 70s when first Schank and

Abelson [6] and then Schank [7] laid the foundations for the creation of CBR. To date,

CBR has evolved so as to extend its reasoning and learning capabilities to more

complex situations, as in the case of the use of fuzzy logic as the main knowledge

representation of the information [8], Special attention is required for the use of CBR

in distributed problems that use physically dispersed information, or which comprise

diverse and independent pieces of knowledge. The issues are dealt with in Hayes [9],

Chaudhury [10], and Watson [11],The reasoning cycle of a CBR comprises four stages

which are continuously accessing a shared knowledge base. The four stages of this

cycle are:


1) Retrieve: Given a target problem, retrieve from memory those cases relevant to

solving it. A case consists of a problem, its solution, and, typically, annotations about

how the solution was derived.

2) Reuse: Map the solution from the previous case to the target problem. This

can be done in various ways, either through the substitution of characteristics, human

expert intervention, or the reapplication of the same reasoning process as that

followed in the case retrieval.

3) Revise: Having mapped the previous solution to the target situation, test the

new solution in the real world (or a simulation) and, if necessary, revise.

4) Retain: After the solution has been successfully adapted to the target problem,

store the resulting experience as a new case in memory.

2.3 Application of CBR

Since case-based reasoning has been put forward, researches in this area

increases a lot. After continuous development, case-based reasoning had been

applied in both academic and commercial fields till 1990’s. and now, the fields where

CBR can be used become more and more, such as, application of CBR in industrial


CBR can be used to make diagnosis in different area, such as commercial and

industrial area. And also it is possible to make the best decision according to a good

case-based system. What is more, in order to get a better design, CBR system

provides some useful successful experience, which may contribute greatly to part of

the design. On the other hand, the application most commonly seen is to apply CBR

to commercial field, to do decision making or to do assessment and so on. However,

the wide application of CBR does not mean that CBR can be used everywhere. It is

necessary to make sure some conditions are satisfied, for example, case base is

available and the assumption should be valid that similarity in problems can indicate

that the solutions are similar, and so on.

Despite that CBR can be useful in many ways, CBR usually work together with

other methods to get a desired purpose. Article [12] introduces an improved

case-based reasoning. As the large number of attributes in Case-based reasoning

system (CBR) brings a huge information redundancy which reduces the matching

and retrieval efficiency, a novel reduction method based on Water-Filling is proposed

in [12] to remove those unnecessary attributes. A hierarchical memetic algorithm was

proposed in [13] for combined feature selection and similarity modeling in case-based

reasoning. And also Chun Guang Chang [14-15]put forward another way to reduce the

size of cases, and applied it to solve the practical dynamic scheduling problem of

some iron and steel works. Rough set based reduction technique for case attributes is

studied to improve the efficiency of case retrieval.

Learning and knowledge discovery have received much attention by the CBR

community to extract valuable knowledge from the case bases to support the various

steps in a CBR process. Genetic algorithms have been employed to learn/adapt the

parameters in a similarity metric [16,17,18]. Fuzzy rule learning was conducted in [19,20]

to construct a fuzzy knowledge base for similarity assessment. Different learning

algorithms were utilized in [21] for adaptation knowledge modeling in a case-based


pharmaceutical design task.

3. Algorithm

After considering many aspects, a novel case-based approach is proposed to get

the unsolved real value output. Two main steps for this new algorithm are as follows:

at first, K nearest neighbor regression algorithm is used to add one more attribute to

the original cases, that is, the coefficients of the linear line. Secondly, a new unknown

input attribute x0 remains to be solved. After searching for some useful cases which

already add the coefficient as an input attribute, the output of the new problem can

be calculated in a very easy and time-saving way.

3.1 Off-line Calculation Method

K nearest neighbor algorithm together with regression is applied in the off-line

calculation stage. By using KNN regression, the coefficients for the linear line can be

calculated, which is an important step in this proposed case-based approach.

3.1.1 K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm is a classification and prediction method

used widely in pattern recognition and data mining, and it is a supervised machine

learning method. It is also one of the basic technologies in the field of data mining. It

has been proved to be very effective in many fields, but the researches on KNN

algorithm applying for real-valued output are rare relatively.

Given a set of training samples:

{( , ) 1,2, , , ( , ) }p

i i i iS x y i m x y R R

where xi and yi respectively represent input attribute and output, and they are

both real values. Given a sample x0 to be predicted, KNN is used to predict its

associated real-valued output y0 .

The traditional KNN regression algorithm mainly includes two steps [22]: Firstly,

associated output values of K nearest training samples, which have the shortest

distance with x0 , are selected by KNN in S , denoted as Y={ y1, y2,… yk}. Secondly, the

average value of Y is used as the predicted value of y0, that is,

∑ . An

obvious improvement is that the weighted average value of Y is used to be the

predictive value of y0, that is, (∑ ) ∑

, where the distance weight wi

is inversely proportional to distance, and the associated algorithm is called

distance-weighted KNN[22]. Studies have shown that KNN regression algorithm

achieves relatively better effects in some practical applications [22].

However a new way is proposed to get the output y0, which is corresponding to

the input attribute x0.The first step is the same with the traditional KNN algorithm.

Euclidean distance shown below in equation 1 is applied to act as the similarity



Distance √(x − x )^2 + (x2 − x2 )^2 + …+ (xn − xn )^2 (equation 1)

where x is a n-dimension variable, (x , x2 , ……,xn ) is the input attribute of

the unsolved problem, and (x ,x2 ,…,xn ) is the existing case. By calculating all

the Euclidean distance between the unsolved problem x0 and the known cases in the

dataset, the specified K nearest neighbors can be obtained. On the other hand, the

second step is regression essentially, but some more work has to be done before

applying regression, that is, the following case adaptation part.

3.1.2 Case Adaptation

The major difficulty in case-based reasoning system is the adaptation from

retrieved case. Most of the design problems have to be adapted manually due to the

complexity of the adaptation processes. The approach to make case adaptation varies


The adaptation patterns are the combinations of process parameters, which

would affect the final outcome of a product. A particular process pattern when

observed in a process suggests a good or bad effect in the final product unlike the

traditional adaptation rules, which suggest the amount of change to be made to the

final solution.

In this thesis, from the K neighbors relative to be the nearest to the unsolved

input attribute x0. it is possible to find a method to get the output of this input x0. This

kind of method can be used to get the average value of these neighbors or something

else. However, in this thesis, case adaptation is conducted to get more accurate

information with these limited neighbors. that is, get the incremental value between

two different neighbors. In this way, the useful size of data is increased to Ck2. thus

more accurate information are given by using these limited useful neighbors.

Xnew ∑ ∑ (x − xj) j +

(equation 2)

Ynew ∑ ∑ ( − j) j +

(equation 3)

In the equations above, Xnew and Ynew are vectors to store the adapted cases. And

xi and yi is the obtained cases by using K nearest neighbor algorithm.

3.1.3 Regression

In the normal linear regression, data are modeled using linear predictor function

as follows:

y=a1x1+a2x2+…+akxk+b=XA+b (Equation 4)

However, since the case adaptation has been made, that is, getting the

incremental value between elements, a new equation for linear regression can be

obtained. The following shows how it works.


0 0

0 0

( )y xA b

y y x x Ay x A b

y xA


( Equation 5)

As it is shown in Equation 5, the estimation for variable b is eliminated,

compared with Equation 4. The value of A, that is, (a1, a2, …, ak)T, can be derived from

the useful adapted cases. And usually, X is a matrix as follows:










(Equation 6)

Where X is a matrix with its size as C 2 × K, Xnew is a row vector, whose size is

1 × K, and means the corresponding input attribute of an adapted case among all the

useful cases, and n is the amount of useful points.

The same as the equation below, Y is a C 2 × 1 matrix, with rows equal to the

size of useful points after adaptation, each of which is the output of the corresponding











(Equation 7)

In this project, after getting these qualified cases, linear regression models are

fitted using the least squares approach as follows:

2 2( ) = ( )n n

i Li i

i i

E Y Y Y XA (Equation 8)

In equation 8, n is the amount of useful points, Yi is the output value of ith

qualified case, and YLi is the value we got using linear regression for the

corresponding existed case.

By minimizing value for equation 8, we can get the following coefficients

equation to get the coefficients of the linear function.

1( )T TA X X X Y (Equation 9)


As we can see in K nearest neighbor regression method, large quantity of matrix

calculation is really time-consuming. However, all of the time-costing calculation can

be finished before the unsolved problem really comes. The following is about how this

work is done.

Without the real unsolved problem as an input, every time each of the existing

cases in the dataset acts as the unsolved problem. At the same time, all the other

cases act as the training data, thus the desired coefficient for the temporary test case

can be obtained. In this way, with the knowledge of the existing successful cases, each

existing case in the dataset can get one more useful input attribute.

3.2 On-line Calculation Method

After the off-line work has been done, an updated dataset is achieved. Every time

a new problem arrives, instead of large calculation of the K nearest neighbor

regression method mentioned above, the output value can be calculated in a very

simple way with the help of the coefficient attribute. Obviously, this way to deal with

CBR system is much less time-consuming.

On the other hand, it is necessary to understand the reason for the validity and

reliance of this new input attribute. Let us consider two situations: the first situation

is applying K nearest neighbor regression method and calculating everything on-line

when a new problem comes; the second situation can be the approach we put forward

in this article, making some off-line calculation and then get the on-line results. In

the first situation, the new problem is the test case and all the data in the original

dataset are the training data when conducting KNN regression. And coefficients for

the linear line will be calculated and used to get the output value. However, in the

second situation, one of the data in the original dataset acts as the test case, and all

the others are training data. As it can be seen, the only difference between these two

situations when calculating the coefficient attribute is that there is just one case less

in the training data in the second situation compared with the first situation. Usually,

if one case is eliminated from a dataset, which has a pretty large amount of data,

there will not be big difference to the desired results.

To make the output value more accurate, a specified number of neighbors for the

unsolved problem can be found. It is better to take the average value of all the output

of these neighbors.

3.3 some related methods

3.3.1 Average

An average is a measure of the “middle” or “typical” value of a data set. It is thus a

measure of central tendency. In the most common case, the data set is a list of numbers,


and the average of a list of numbers is a single number intended to typify the numbers in

the list.

y=(y1+y2+…+yk)/k (Equation 10)

3.3.2 Weighted average

Weighted average is aimed to compute a kind of arithmetic mean of a set of

numbers in which some elements of the set are more important than others. The

influence of different elements in this data set is distinguished by the weighted

coefficient, wi. That is, wi determine the relative importance of each element on the

final average value. Average, or arithmetic mean, is actually a special case of a

weighted average, except all the weights are equal to 1.

y=(w1y1+w2y2+…+wkyk)/(w1+w2+…+wk) (Equation 11)

Here in some part of work in this thesis, the weighted coefficient is related to the

Euclidean distance between this element in the data set with the unsolved element. The

closer they are, the bigger the weighted coefficient is. That is,

1 √(x − x )^2 + (x2 − x2 )^2 + …+ (xn − xn )^2 (Equation 12)

In [23] it was suggested that case similarity degrees being used as the weights to

calculate the weighted average of the outcomes of retrieved cases in prediction for the

new query problem.

4 Ten-fold Cross Validation

Cross-Validation is a statistical method of evaluating and comparing learning

algorithms by dividing data into two segments: one used to learn or train a model and

the other used to validate the model. In typical cross-validation, the training and

validation sets must cross-over in successive rounds such that each data point has a

chance of being validated against. The basic form of cross-validation is k-fold

cross-validation. Other forms of cross-validation are special cases of k-fold

cross-validation or involve repeated rounds of k-fold cross-validation.

Cross-validation is used to evaluate or compare learning algorithms as follows: in

each iteration, one or more learning algorithms use k-1 folds of data to learn one or

more models, and subsequently the learned models are asked to make predictions

about the data in the validation fold. The performance of each learning algorithm on


each fold can be tracked using some predetermined performance metric like accuracy.

Upon completion, k samples of the performance metric will be available for each

algorithm. Different methodologies such as averaging can be used to obtain an

aggregate measure from these samples, or these samples can be used in a statistical

hypothesis test to show that one algorithm is superior to another. The follow is the

procedure of the three-fold cross-validation.

Figure 4: Procedure of three-fold cross-validation

4.1 Historical Background

In statistics or data mining, a typical task is to learn a model from available data.

Such a model may be a regression model or a classifier. The problem with evaluating

such a model is that it may demonstrate adequate prediction capability on the training

data, but might fail to predict future unseen data. Cross-validation is a procedure for

estimating the generalization performance in this context. The idea for

cross-validation originated in the 1930s [24]. In the paper one sample is used for

regression and a second for prediction. Mosteller and Turkey [25], and various other

people further developed the idea. A clear statement of cross-validation, which is

similar to current version of k-fold cross-validation, first appeared in[26]. In

1970s,both Stone [27] and Geisser [28] employed cross-validation as means for choosing

proper model parameters, As opposed to using cross-validation purely for estimating

model performance. Currently, cross-validation is widely accepted in data mining and

machine learning community, and serves as a standard procedure for performance

estimation and model selection.

4.2 Why 10-Fold Cross-Validation: From Ideal to Reality

Whether estimating the performance of a learning algorithm or comparing two or

more algorithms in terms of their ability to learn, an ideal or statistically sound

experimental design must provide a sufficiently large number of independent

measurements of the algorithm(s) performance. To make independent measurements

of an algorithm’s performance, one must ensure that the factors affecting the

measurement are independent from one run to the next. These factors are the training

data the algorithm learns from and the test data uses to measure the algorithm’s

performance. If some data is used for testing in more than one round, the obtained

results, for example the accuracy from these two rounds will be dependent and a

statistical comparison may not be valid.


Now the issue becomes selecting an appropriate value for k. A large k is

seemingly desirable, since with a larger k, there are more performance estimates, and

the training set size is closer to the full data size, thus increasing the possibility that

any conclusion made about the learning algorithm(s) under test will generalize to the

case where all the data is used to train the learning model. As k increases, however,

the overlap between training sets also increases. For example, with 5-fold

cross-validation, each training set shares only 3∕4 of its instances with each of the

other four training sets whereas with 10-fold cross-validation, each training set shares

8/9 of its instances with each of the other nine training sets. Furthermore, increasing

k shrinks the size of the test set, leading to less precise, less fine-grained performance

metric. These competing factors have all been considered and the general consensus

in the data mining community seems to be that k = 10 is a good compromise. This

value of k is particularity attractive because it makes predictions using 90% of the

data, making it more likely to be generalizable to the full data.

4.3 Applications of Cross Validation

Cross-validation can be applied in three contexts: performance estimation,

model selection, and tuning learning model parameters. The early uses of

cross-validation were for the investigation of prediction equations but, more recently,

they have been used for model selection purposes. And it also can be used to compare

the performances of different predictive modeling procedures. Many classfiers are

parameterized and their parameters can be tuned to achieve the best result with a

particular dataset. In most cases it is easy to learn the proper value for a parameter

from the available data. Besides it can be performed on the training data as to

measure the performance with each value being tested. Alternatively a portion of the

training set can be reserved for this purpose and not used in the rest of the learning

process. But if the amount of labeled data is limited, this can significantly degrade the

performance of the learned model and cross-validation may be the best option.

5 Implement Procedures

With the help of some graphs, the description below shows how this case-based

approach is fulfilled. All the graph vividly depict how it works in a single input and

single output continuous process. And ten-fold cross validation is used to test the


1. Make use of the existing dataset. The first case in the dataset acts as test case, that

is, the unsolved problem x0. And all the other cases are training data.

2. Find K nearest neighbors for the test case x0 in the continuous process.






0 2 8-4

X 5 6x0








Figure 2: find K nearest neighbors

3. Make case adaptation. After some incremental calculation, CK2 useful points are


4. Conduct regression to the adapted points, thus getting the coefficients for the

linear function.









cede 0


Figure 3: get the coefficients of the linear function

5. Make the coefficient to be a new part for the test case.

6. Make the next case in the dataset to be test case x0, and repeat step 2 until all the

cases in the dataset get one more part indicating the coefficients of the corresponding

linear function.

7. Make use of the coefficients which is newly added to the dataset, calculate the

output of a real unsolved problem.

8. Find a specified number of nearest neighbors, to get the average output of the

unsolved problem.

9. Conduct ten-fold cross validation to test the accuracy of this method.


6 Experiment tests

The gas furnace datasets is a commonly used benchmark, and it also very useful

in valuation, we compare the results with three different algorithms on this dataset,

these algorithms are applied to estimate the output in a furnace process. Firstly, we

use the simple linear fitting to get the result(square error) comparing with the

method of average and weighted-average, secondly, we add case adaptation to make

the first method more perfect, because this method can make us use less data points

to get the appropriate results, after that we use off-line calculation to subscribe this

online-calculation. In order to make the result more accurate, ten-cross validation is

applied when testing these algorithms.

6.1 Data set

The data set consists of 296 input-output measurements sampled at a fixed

interval of 9 seconds. The measured input u(k) represents the flow rate of the

methane gas in a gas furnace and the output measurement y(k) represents the

concentration of carbon dioxide in the gas mixture flowing out of the furnace under a

steady air supply.

In our attached dataset, the first column in the data represent u(k) and the

second column is y(k), k is between 1 and 296.In this test we chose y(k-1), y(k-2),

y(k-3), u(k), u(k-1),u(k-2)as inputs of the cases to predict the concentration of carbon

dioxide at time instant k. The following graph gives a clear image of the relationship

between the inputs and output.

Figure 1.The process of furnace

Figure 2 shows the distribution of this dataset, we can see these dataset is

continuous, it can be treated as a non-linear model between small amount numbers

of points.


Figure 2. The gas furnace data

6.2 Results and Evaluation

6.2.1 Test for simple Linear regression

In the following table, K means the number of nearest neighbors, we have made

six input data, so we made K change from six. The results are the average squared

errors with the data library when using the specified method to predict the output

values. Ave indicates that we use the average method to predict the output as results,

after that we decide the numbers of the nearest neighbors, we get the sum of these

point’s value, then average them. Weighted-ave stands for the results which using

the weighted-average method, this method is mainly related to the Euclidean



Table 1. The result of simple regression

K Ave Weighted-ave Simple Linear regession

6 0.41473 0.37658 9.2607

9 0.43734 0.38322 0.24766

14 0.53548 0.42601 0.15619

18 0.62127 0.46772 0.12564

24 0.74047 0.52547 0.099747

27 0.80127 0.55302 0.095479

32 0.91621 0.59950 0.082702

37 1.0213 0.6410 0.074715

42 1.1003 0.67187 0.073254

46 1.1674 0.69672 0.074356

51 1.2645 0.73203 0.074191

55 1.3319 0.75543 0.071290

60 1.4194 0.78353 0.069408

64 1.4915 0.80619 0.070306

67 1.5598 0.82657 0.070117

71 1.6346 0.84935 0.06975

75 1.7150 0.87165 0.068703

79 1.7897 0.89345 0.070054

83 1.8858 0.91884 0.070159

87 1.9709 0.93850 0.070491

92 2.0811 0.96159 0.070425

97 2.2095 0.98749 0.070730

100 2.2845 1.0031 0.071613


From the result above, we can see that there are many important factors we

should notice, because they will have a great effect to the result, firstly, with different

amount of neighbors, which is denoted by K, the results vary greatly, for the first

method, when K increase, the result is also turned to increase, but for Simple Linear

regression, when K is small, such as, 6, the error is pretty big, but when k increases

from 6,the error decreases gradually, the larger number the less square error. When

K increase to 75,we can see that the result is the smallest, However, when K continues

to increase, the error becomes larger. The reasons why the error behaves in this way

are explained as follows:

1) When the amount of neighbors is small, the possibility of inaccuracy is much

higher. Since the data library with small number of the nearest neighbor may be not

so concentrated, it is easy to get inaccurate approximation linear line.

2) On the other hand, if the amount of neighbors is too large, it is pointless to

search for the nearest neighbor, because with large number data points, the linear

line will deviate greatly compared to the real line, and we know that linear regression

prove to be very good locally in small interval.

Meanwhile, from the result we can see that the results from simple linear

regression are much better than another two methods(average method and

weighted-average method). So the simple linear regression method is more accurate

than these two methods.

6.2.2 Test for Adaptation

The parameters below (K, ave, Weighted-ave) is the same as above we have

described. For the adaptation part, we just do a little change based on the simple

linear regression, after deciding the number of the nearest neighbor, we don’t use

these data points to do regression directly as last method, firstly making the

adaptation based on these data points, for instance, if we choose four data points,

after the adaptation we can get six data points to do regression, so for the six input

system, the start value of K is four.


Table 2. The result of Adaptation

K ave Weighted-ave Adaptation

4 0.41307 0.38424 0.37819

6 0.41473 0.37658 0.62961

9 0.43734 0.38322 0.24766

13 0.50263 0.41179 0.15938

19 0.63703 0.47507 0.12132

24 0.74047 0.52547 0.099747

28 0.82313 0.56156 0.092044

32 0.91621 0.59950 0.082702

36 0.99675 0.63176 0.07603

41 1.0815 0.66383 0.073324

46 1.1674 0.69672 0.074356

55 1.3319 0.75543 0.071290

59 1.4094 0.77932 0.069752

64 1.4915 0.80619 0.070306

68 1.5774 0.83243 0.069882

72 1.6538 0.855 0.069261

75 1.7150 0.87165 0.068703

81 1.8427 0.90686 0.070501

84 1.9095 0.92407 0.070016

87 1.9709 0.93850 0.070491

91 2.0545 0.95562 0.070433

96 2.1844 0.98256 0.070626

100 2.2845 1.0031 0.071613


From the result, with the increment of K, the error of first two methods increase

in the meantime, and for adaptation part, the result is same as the simple linear

regression, when K equals 75, the best result comes out.

6.2.3 Test for improved algorithm

From previous calculation, we can see that for the gas furnace dataset, the best

result (square error) under these methods is 0.068703 when K equals to 75.The

following method leads to the new algorithm for this dataset, it combines average and

adaptation as well as linear regression, the big difference comparing with previous

two is that this method use offline calculation.

When getting the input data points, we divided them into 10 sets, we choose one

set for the test data, and the rest is train data, unlike previous method, here, we

separate one data points from train dataset and use the value of K equals to 75 in the

adaptation method which we talked in 5.2.2 as the nearest neighbors of this data point,

with that we use these nearest neighbors to do adaptation, then we can get the

coefficient of the equation related to this data point, in this process, we set a loop to

work out the coefficients of all the data points in the training dataset. After these all

steps, go back to the test dataset, giving the data point from test dataset, according to

the nearest neighbors, use the related coefficient to calculate the values of cases in the

test dataset in combination with the average method. In the following parameters, K

means the number of the nearest neighbors of the test dataset.


Table 3. The result of improved algorithm

K Ave-adaptation

4 0.086943

6 0.081838

9 0.07669

14 0.072748

18 0.07208

22 0.071868

26 0.071744

30 0.07064

32 0.070388

34 0.069724

35 0.069432

36 0.069743

39 0.0698

43 0.07048

46 0.070755

50 0.071305

53 0.07148

56 0.071506

Skimming through the result, we can see that when K increases, the square error

decreases until K equals to 35, and the smallest error is 0.069432, after that, when K

increases, the result turn out to increase. Comparing this method with the other two

methods we discussed before, it’s not difficult to find out that the result (square

error) is almost same as the method of Adaptation, but for the test dataset, the need

of the nearest neighbor’s numbers is not so many, just 35 which is much less than 75

in the simple linear regression and the adaptation method.


7 Summary and Conclusion

After all the test methods, we can see that without designing complicated

mathematical models, CBR can get the desired output with a tolerant error. From the

simple linear regression and adaptation, we can see that the choice of the nearest

neighbor is so important, different value of K will make the result totally different. We

also should notice that the result from the linear regression and adaptation is much

better than the average and weighted-average methods, so these two methods are

more appropriate for this continuous dataset compared with simple average and

weighted-average method.

In the third part, we have presented an operational and a new approach based on

the classical gas furnace dataset in CBR. This method mainly do some changes on the

previous methods(simple linear fitting and adaptation),it combines linear regression

and adaptation with the nearest neighbors, and it also firstly calculate the coefficients

of the equation related to training dataset, so we don’t need to calculate the

coefficients online which is so time-consuming when given the new problem, just use

the coefficients calculated before. Regarding the numbers of the nearest neighbors,

this method gets the best result when K equals 35 instead of 75 in the other two

methods. It use fewer cases to get the best result which is almost the same as the

previous methods. Moreover, this approach has the advantage of being general and

easy to understand and to reuse. In particular, it fits well with the “real world”


8 Future work

The experiment shows that the approach proposed in this thesis has its own

advantage compared with some other methods. However, there is still some ways to

improve the prediction performance of the CBR system. Due to the time limitation,

we are not able to study it further.

In our opinion, there is at least one improvement for this method. It is possible

and reasonable to make use of some techniques to deal with more complex and high

dimensional dataset. such as, K-means algorithm. In this way, combine clustering

and case-based reasoning is possible to reach better accuracy.


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