Cary Bloyd - RegOnline

ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY VEHICLE ACTIVITIES Cary Bloyd Senior Staff Scientist Electricity Infrastructure & Buildings Division Pacific Northwest National Laboratory [email protected] 5 th International Environmental Friendly Vehicle Conference Baltimore, Maryland September 10-12, 2012

Transcript of Cary Bloyd - RegOnline


Cary Bloyd

Senior Staff Scientist

Electricity Infrastructure & Buildings Division

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

[email protected]

5th International Environmental Friendly Vehicle Conference

Baltimore, Maryland

September 10-12, 2012

What is APEC?

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was created in 1989

Objective: Promote trade liberalization, trade facilitation and technical assistance

APEC Economies account for more than one third of the world’s population, 60% of world GNP and 50% of world trade

Implements its activities through 11 working groups including the Energy Working Group



APEC Member Economies span the Pacific


Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

Informal Meeting of

Economic Leaders

Ministry Meeting

Senior Officials

Meeting (SOM)

APEC Business

Advisory Council Sectoral Ministerial




Budget &





Sub-committee on



Committee on

Trade &

Investment (CTI)


Committee (EC)

SOM Task Force


Working Group


& Other Group



APEC Energy Working Group (EWG)

The EWG was launched in 1990

The EWG seeks to maximize the energy sector's contribution to the region's economic and social well-being, while mitigating the environmental effects of energy supply and use

The Energy Security Initiative (ESI) is the principal mechanism through which the EWG addresses the short and long term energy security challenges in APEC in a sustainable manner

The U.S. hosted the first-ever joint Transportation and Energy Ministerial Conference in San Francisco in September 13, 2011



The thirteen APEC working groups support economic and technical cooperation

Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group

Anti-Corruption and Transparency

Energy Working Group

Energy Preparedness Working Group

Fisheries Working Group

Health Working Group

Human Resources Development Working Group

Industrial Science and Technology Working Group

Marine Resource Conservation Working Group

Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group

Telecommunications and Information Working Group

Tourism Working Group

Transportation Working Group


The Energy Smart Communities Initiative (ESCI) was Launched in November 2010 by U.S. President Obama and Japan’s Prime Minister Kan

The ESCI is being led by the U.S. and is meant to help realized APEC Leaders’ goal to reduce the energy intensity of their economies by 45% by 2035

The ESCI contains two crosscutting elements and four pillars

Cross-Cutting elements

Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) Draft website at:

Low Carbon Model Towns (LCMT) Samui Island , Thailand has been chosen for the next LCMT


The Energy Smart Communities Initiative has Four Pillars (1)

Smart Transportation

Energy-Efficient Urban Transport Network

Energy-Efficient Freight Transport Network

Electromobility Survey and Road Map

Electric Vehicle Demonstrations

Smart Buildings

Low Energy Buildings Network

Materials Testing and Rating Centers

Cool Roof Demonstrations

Low Energy Window Demonstrations


The Energy Smart Communities Initiative has Four Pillars (2)

Smart Grids

Interoperability Survey and Road Map

Smart Grid Test Bed Network

Smart Jobs and Consumers

Energy Efficiency Training Curricula

Energy Efficiency School Curricula

Sister Schools Program


The Energy Working Group is supported by 6 sub-fora groups

Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) – Chair: Chinese Taipei (

APEC Biofuels Task Force- Chair: USA

( (Completed activities in 2012)

Expert Group on Clean Fossil Energy (EGCFE) – Chair: USA


Expert Group on Energy Efficiency & Conservation (EGEEC) – Chair: New Zealand (

Expert Group on Energy Data & Analysis (EGEDA) – Chair: Japan (

Asia Pacific Research Center (APERC)



Recent EGNRET and EWG Projects in the Alternative Transportation Area

International Biofuels Conference (Japan, 2007)

APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative IX): Establishment of the Guidelines for the Development of Biodiesel Standards in the APEC Region (Thailand, 2008)

APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative IX): Alternative Transport Fuels – Implementation Guidelines (New Zealand, 2009)

APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative IX) Workshop and Report on Implications of Bio-refineries for Energy and Trade in the APEC Region (Chinese Taipei, 2009)

APEC Workshop on Energy and Green Transport Benefits of Electric Vehicles (China, Hong Kong China, 2011)

APEC Cooperative Energy Efficiency Design for Sustainability (CEEDS) Phase 3: Energy Efficient Urban Passenger Transport (APERC, 2011)

APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative IX): Stock-take of electric vehicle interface with electricity and smart grids across APEC economies and the potential for harmonisation (New Zealand, 2012)


APEC Economies Have a Long History in the Use of Green Transport Vehicles

Environmental issues have often been a driver of green transport vehicles

Resource availability and energy security can also be important policy drivers

There is a strong interest in electric vehicles across APEC economies

Alternative fuel transport infrastructure development is always important


Thank you for your attention!

[email protected]