carrie film case study


Transcript of carrie film case study

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• Carrie is a supernatural horror which was firstly made in 1976. Carrie is a well

known franchise. • It was film based on a novel.

• The book was released on April the 5th 1974 written by Stephen King. Several

different adaptations of Carrie have been released, including a 1976 feature film, a 1988 Broadway musical, a 1999 feature film sequel, a 2002 television movie, and

a 2013 feature film remake.


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• Carrie was then remade in 2013 by Kimberly Peirce.

• Carrie is a US film aimed at an international audience.

• It was a large hollywood production with a $30,000,000 (estimated)

• On the films opening weekend it made $16,101,552 in the USA alone in October 2013.• Overall it has grossed in $35,266,619 in the



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• The film was marketed mainly by the use of social media.

• The film was spread by the synergy of social media of twitter and facebook and tumblr to advertise the

movie.• The movie was also spread thought the use of word of

mouth as people would have spoken about the film.• For this film there was also a sony rewards scheme

where you would get points for seeing or buying the movie and giving discounts on other sony products

this would be an example of synergy.


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The iconography of the film would be associated with the typical genre. It contains themes like religion and demonic possession

this would be the main theme of the supernatual horror film. Another theme that

is included in a horror film is that it sterotypically always contains an innocent, naïve child. In this film there is a contrasts between good and evil making the horror

even more effective.


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Carrie consists of a young, carrie white a shy girl who is an outcast by her school

peers and sheltered by her deeply devoted religious mother, she finds out her use of telekinetic terror on her small town after being taken as a joke at her senior prom.