Careers and career choices

Careers and Career Choices Lesson Outcomes: How to plan a career Requirements for the NSC How to gain access to higher education What are life domains Socio-economic factors affecting study and career choices
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Transcript of Careers and career choices

Page 1: Careers and career choices

Careers and Career Choices

Lesson Outcomes:How to plan a career

Requirements for the NSCHow to gain access to higher education

What are life domainsSocio-economic factors affecting study and career choices

Page 2: Careers and career choices

Career PlanningO Planning is an important component

of career choice.O What is the next step to achieving

your career goals?O Will you be able to study further?O Have you done the research of how

you will be able to reach those goals to continue on your career path

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Career Planning Career planning is about:

O The directions you take in life (what you will study, if you will work, the kind of friends you have etc.)

O The challenges you overcome that get in your way (peer pressure, low marks, application rejection, drugs, teen pregnancy etc.)

O The steps you take to reach your goals in life

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Six steps to Career Planning

Step 1: Take a career assessment test at your school

O Some of you would have done it last year when you were choosing your subjects.

O It gives you a idea as to what your strengths may lie in.

O Does not always align with what your passions may be.

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Six steps to Career Planning

Step 2: Research yourself – develop an understanding of who you are, what your interests and passions are and what you must do with your life.

O This would be part of your self concept

O It would include things like whether you want a well paying job, if you want to work for government, in doors or outdoors etc.

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Six steps to Career Planning

Step 3: Decide on your career goals. Careers organisations can help you with identifying suitable courses, or you teachers can help to organise a course at your school.

O At KHS we hold career expos and university/technicon/college expos to show our students what is out there in the career field

O Universities/technicons/colleges also host career expos on their campuses.

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Six steps to Career Planning

Step 4: Explore the current job market and find out the latest career trends.

O You can do this through different websites likeO


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Six steps to Career Planning

Step 5: Attend a career decision-making workshop, such as at a university or college or at a career centre.

O This happens during your grade 9 year as we do the Holland's tests to help determine what your ideal career sector may be.

O Some universities have departments dedicated to career decisions and workshops.

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Six steps to Career Planning

Step 6: Complete a plan of action for your future – this should show the steps you need to follow to reach your career goals.

O Ways to do this could be by:O using a goal ladder that you were

taught last year.O Flow charts in order of steps that

need to be completedO Ordering steps using bullets or points

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Requirements for the NSC

O This is the certificate you receive when you have completed and passed your final year of high school (grade 12) and is seen as a school leaving certificate for any South African student.

O To receive this certificate you would need to complete and pass grades 10,11 and 12.

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Structure of the National Senior certificate

Subjects:O Six Subjects: 3 compulsory and three

electivesO Group A (compulsory): Home Language,

First Additional Language, Mathematics or Mathematical literacy and Life Orientation.

O Group B (Elective): Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, History, Geography, Visual Art, Design, Economics, Business Studies, Accounting, Consumer Studies, EGD, CAT.

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Structure of the National Senior certificate

To obtain an NSC:O Complete grades 10, 11 and 12 separatelyO Comply with the external and internal assessment

requirements for grades 10, 11 and 12

Requirements for Promotion to grades 10,11 and 12 One official language at Home

Language level at 40% Two other subjects at 40% (Maths or

Maths lit and Afrikaans) Three subjects at 30% (Electives)

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How to gain Access to Higher Education

O There are certain minimum requirements that you have to meet to be eligible to study further.

O Some universities, technicons and colleges might have addition requirements for you to be able to apply and be accepted like specific subject choices.

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How to gain Access to Higher Education

Higher Certificate CoursesO NSC with a minimum of 30% in the

language of further study.O Done at FET Colleges.

Diploma CoursesO NSC with a minimum in the language of

further study.O Achievement rating of 3 (40% - 49%) or

better in four recognised NSC Subjects.O Done at FET Colleges and Universities of


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How to gain Access to Higher Education

Bachelor’s DegreesO NSC with a minimum of 30% in the

language of further study.O Achievement rating of 4 (50% - 59%)

or better in four designated subjects.O Life orientation is not a designated

subject hence achievement is not considered for entry into Bachelor’s degrees.

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What are Life Domains?

Multidimensional – our lives have many aspects to them

These are domainsO Being: the physical, psychological

and spiritual domainO Becoming: The practical, leisure and

growth domainO Belonging: The physical, social and

community domain

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Being Who one is:

O Physical being: Physical health, personal hygiene, nutrition, exercise, clothing and physical appearance.

O Psychological being: Person’s psychological health, feelings and evaluations concerning the self.

O Spiritual Being: reflects personal values, personal standards of conduct and spiritual beliefs which may or may not be associated with organised religions.

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Becoming Purposeful activities carried out to

achieve personal goals, hopes and wishesO Practical becoming: Day to day actions such as

domestic activities, work, school or volunteer activities, and seeing to health or social needs.

O Leisure becoming: Promote relaxation and stress reduction such as card games, neighbourhood walks, and family visits or longer duration activities like holidays.

O Growth becoming: Promote the improvement or maintenance of knowledge or skills.

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Belonging Peoples fit with their environments.

O Physical belonging: The connections people have with their physical environments such as their home, workplace, neighbourhood, school and community.

O Social belonging: Links with social environments such as the sense of acceptance by intimate others, family, friends, co-workers, neighbourhood and community

O Community belonging: Access to resources normally available to community members such as educational and recreational programs, community activities, health and social services, employment and adequate income.

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Socio-economic factors affecting study and career choices

O Combination of social and economic influences.

O Play an important role in your decisions about your study fields and career choices.

O Community needs: the needs of the community can be turned into positive and helpful career options. Your choice could help uplift your community and help those in need.

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Affordability and availability of finances to fund your further studies

O If your parents are able to pay for your further studies you are very fortunate and should not waste the opportunity.

O If that is not possible, there are other options:O You could study part time or through

correspondence while working full time.

O You could work first, save up enough money to study and the study full time.

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Financial Assistances Bursaries and scholarships:

O awarded to deserving learners. These students work hard and get top marks receive bursaries or scholarships from organisations or businesses.

O They normally set certain requirements or criteria for the bursaries such as expecting learners to work for them for a certain number of years once their studies are complete.

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Financial Assistance Learnerships:

O Training systems that allow learners to gain effective skills in the workplace.

O Gain on-the-job training and off-the-job training.

O Work and study at the same time and gain a qualification at the end of the period.

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Financial Assistance Banks and other institutions:

O Offer study loansO Interest rates are lower on study

loans than on other loansO Once studying is complete and

employed work begins, the loan must be repaid along with the interest accumulated on the loan.

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Overcoming stereotyping and disability in career choicesO Stereotyping: People have a fixed idea

about what other people of capable of or how they should behave.

O Gender stereotyping plays a big role in careers as for example in the mines women are now allowed to go underground as it is finally recognised that woman can the do the job as well as men.

O People over come other forms of discrimination such as disability making it difficult to enter certain careers.

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Income taxO A person is expected to pay taxes on

monies earned.O When you receive your salaries, certain

deductions have already been take off.O Types of deductions:

O Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)O Pay As You Earn (PAYE)

O Payable to the South African revenue Services (SARS)

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HomeworkO Find your current reportO Choose a career that you are interested in, and do

some research on it. (what its about, what do you need in order to do the job, where will this career take you, which industry will you work in etc)

O Compare your current marks to the requirements of the career you chose. Does your aps score match the requirements, or are your marks well enough for a learner ship etc.

O The learner with the most exciting career choice, will be allowed to dress in their professions attire!

O Due the next period you have with me!