Cardinal NewmanSaint John Henry Newman Feast Day On Friday 9th October we will celebrate the Feast...

Message from the Headteacher Dear Parents/Carers As we move into the month of October, we begin to consider the life of our patron, St John Henry Newman. This year, his feast day (9 October) will be the first since his canonisation on 13 October 2019. We are comforted by his wisdom in these uncertain times, often and particularly his phrase ‘Let us act on what we have, since we have not what we wish.’ The PE Department will be talking to students about a return to lessons from 12 October. Letters will be sent out to parents sharing the specific details next week. We thank all of our students and their families for their continued support as we navigate through this unprecedented time. Ms Emma O’Connor This week the Headteachers’ Award goes to Joseph Bracken for his design for a Cardinal Newman face covering. Cardinal Newman Catholic School Holy Cross Catholic Multi Academy Company 2nd October 2020 Newsletter 2

Transcript of Cardinal NewmanSaint John Henry Newman Feast Day On Friday 9th October we will celebrate the Feast...

  • 19 July 2019 NEWSLETTER ISSUE 39

    Message from the Headteacher

    Dear Parents/Carers

    As we move into the month of October, we begin to consider the life of our patron, St John Henry

    Newman. This year, his feast day (9 October) will be the first since his canonisation on 13 October 2019.

    We are comforted by his wisdom in these uncertain times, often and particularly his phrase ‘Let us act on

    what we have, since we have not what we wish.’

    The PE Department will be talking to students about a return to lessons from 12 October. Letters will

    be sent out to parents sharing the specific details next week.

    We thank all of our students and their families for their continued support as we navigate through this

    unprecedented time.

    Ms Emma O’Connor

    This week the Headteachers’ Award goes to Joseph Bracken for his design for a Cardinal

    Newman face covering.

    Cardinal Newman

    Catholic School Holy Cross Catholic Multi Academy Company

    2nd October 2020 Newsletter 2

  • Don’t forget to check the school’s

    website for all the latest news:

    You can also find us on Twitter at

    @newmancoventry and Facebook

    Cardinal Newman Catholic School Cov.

    Virtual Open


    Thank you to

    all the students

    and staff that

    worked so

    hard to produce the videos and letters for Open

    Evening. The evening was a great success with lots

    of visitors to the site and lots of positive feedback

    about the quality of the information shown and

    how well our students represented the school

    community. We are very proud of both the staff

    and the students at Cardinal Newman and it was

    lovely to see the students from Year 13 and Year 8

    talk about their experiences at Cardinal Newman

    as well as Year 7 talk about their transition to our

    school in very unusual and challenging


    If you require any further information from the

    school about applications for Year 7, or if you

    would like a prospectus sent out to you, please

    contact Mrs Amanda Higgins -

    [email protected]

    The deadline for application is the 31st October




    Miss M Goodwin, Deputy Headteacher

    Attendance Competition

    Each week, a laminated pizza

    slice is awarded to either the

    highest attendance or most

    improved attendance. Once a

    tutor group has completed their empty pizza pie,

    they will receive an actual Dominoes pizza party.

    Please see below the winners of last week’s pizza


    Mr E Timmins, Assistant Headteacher

    Highest Attendance Most improved

    Year 7 7EBG 7NMI

    Year 8 8MCN 8LHR

    Year 9 9CLR 8SON

    Year 10 10AHR 10CWD

    Year 11 11ANO 11RNN

    Saint John Henry Newman Feast Day

    On Friday 9th October we will celebrate the Feast day of

    Saint John Henry Newman. We are very privileged to have

    a connection with Saint John Henry Newman and

    throughout the year we will explore some of his different

    teachings, poems and writings to learn more about how he

    put his faith into action. We will be celebrating Mass as a

    school community via our school YouTube channel, if you

    would like to join us for this celebration please access the

    channel on Friday 9th October at 11.30am.

    Laura Byrne, Lay Chaplain

  • Lord support us all day long.

    Help us to learn and work together

    You have blessed us with special and unique gifts, help us to use them and not

    to hide them.

    Help us to encourage others to use their gifts, to be their best self and prove

    that we are all made for greatness


    Saint John Henry Newman

    Pray for us

    Cardinal Newman Catholic School Prayer

    Governor Vacancy at Cardinal Newman

    School governors make a valuable contribution to children’s

    education, opportunities and futures. Being a school governor

    is a challenging but hugely rewarding role and will give you the opportunity to make a real difference to young people, give

    something back to your local community and use and develop your skills in a board-level environment.

    School governing boards need to have a balance and diversity of knowledge skills and experience to enable it to be effective.

    There is no requirement for governors to have an understanding of the education system, just the necessary skills, character

    and time to contribute. There is plenty of training available to help you learn about education. Schools need and benefit from

    a range of professional knowledge on their governing board including education, finance, human resources, legal, marketing and

    public relations, property and estates management and organisational change.

    The governing body of a school has three core functions:

    • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

    • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupil, and the

    performance management of staff; and

    • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

    At Cardinal Newman we currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor.

    A Parent Governor is elected by parents of registered pupils at the school.

    If you are interested or know of anyone who would be interested and would like further information, please contact, Suzanne

    Harris, Clerk to the Governors [email protected] or visit


  • COVID-19

    Please see below important information:

    • If your child is unwell and displaying symptoms of COVID 19 you MUST NOT send them to

    school. They and the household in which they live must isolate for 14 days or until a test has

    been confirmed as negative and fever symptoms have disappeared for 48 hours.

    • Please call the school on 024 7633 2382 and leave details of your child’s name, their registration

    group and symptoms. We will mark their register accordingly.

    • You should immediately arrange for a COVID test via the online portal or calling 119.

    • Upon receiving the results contact us and advise as follows:-

    1. If your child’s test is positive, then they should self isolate for at least 10 days from the date of

    test and all other household members should self isolate for 14 days. Please inform the school


    2. If your child’s test is negative and no other person in the household has received a positive test,

    then you should advise the school accordingly and your child can return to school when they are

    well (must be fever free for 48 hours).

    3. If your child’s test is negative but another person in the household has a positive test, then your

    child must self isolate for 14 days from the date of the positive person’s test.

    If you have any members of your family with symptoms please DO NOT send your child to school but

    instead follow the procedures above.

    If your child is unwell at school:

    You will receive a phone call from the school requesting that you come to collect them immedi-


    You will be advised to arrange a test and follow the ‘stay at home’ guidance.

    Please then follow the procedures above. Our school team will mark their register accordingly.

    Students are

    reminded to bring a

    face covering with

    them to school every


  • Year 7 continue to settle in well to life at Cardinal Newman. We were very proud of the

    students that took part in the Virtual Open Evening last week. They were fine

    ambassadors of the Year Group and of the school.

    The School Counsellor has now visited most of the tutor groups to introduce herself and

    carry out a ‘well being’ session with the students, which has been really important and well

    received. Our Lay Chaplain, Laura, has also started visiting the groups to talk a little bit

    about the Catholic Life of the school and deliver a short prayer service in the classroom.

    It is hard to believe that we are already on week 5 - it feels like Year 7 have always been


    Miss Keane, Head of Year

    Roisin Jones 7ECK 89

    Rhys Wandji 7ECK 89

    Jasmine Lysik 7ECK 75

    Lucy Cronin 7PRN 73

    Kurtis Docherty 7NMI 73

    Brolin Okechukwu 7ABK 73

    Kanimoly Pakiswaran 7CHT 71

    Munachinonso Ohadomere 7CML 69

    Joseph Quainoo 7ECK 68

    Grace Leape 7ECK 67

    Riley Glenn 7ECK 65

    Adin Marianixon 7NOE 64

    Mary-Grace Berry 7NOE 63

    Isabelle Boshell 7CML 63

    Michalina Cyboran 7ABK 63


    News from the Year Groups

  • W/C 21/09/20 W/C 14/09/20

  • Another fantastic week

    by Year 8! Well done to

    8TGN for winning the

    Top Notch Tutor


    Showing fantastic

    attitude to learning and

    always trying their best.

    Our students in Year 8

    really are doing us proud.

    Well done to those who

    are on the ASPIRE

    leadership board this

    week. Some are on here

    for the second week


    Year 8 News

  • A week in the life of a Year 9 student

    Akilan Rahulan 9NWH 62 Nikola Singh 9BNE 57

    Jake Whitehead 9ECM 55 Erin Healy 9BNE 54

    Nicholas Imagbovomwan 9NWH 51

    Since returning to school after lockdown Year 9 have been working tirelessly across the board to make up for lost time. This also includes the huge boost in

    numbers of ASPIRE points being attained by the year group as the students want to get the new prizes as part of the school reward system re-launch.

    The current Year 9 top 5 ASPIRE point scorers.


    Each week we also run a friendly tutor group

    competition which is based around attendance, number

    of ASPIRE points and the number of negatives points each tutor group receives

    over the previous week.

    Well done to our current leaders 9TEN!

    During lockdown, I had no idea we were going back to school. I didn’t know whether it would be weeks, months or

    even a year. I was (to my surprise) anticipating starting school in September when I heard we were coming back. I

    never actually realised that I missed school and quite enjoyed it until the whole COVID-19 situation.

    Therefore, on my first day back I was quite nervous. Nervous about seeing my friends, worried about seeing my

    teachers and anxious about starting my lessons. I personally thought that my first day back was very enjoyable. I believe that the school has handled the COVID-19 situation with care and tactical skill. The idea of always

    positioning the teacher 2 metres apart with tape is quite ingenious. I also like the compulsory rule that students

    should always wear face coverings inside the buildings and outside when with your friends from different tutor


    This leads me onto my next point, the classroom divide. Before COVID-19 students were set into different groups

    by their academic skill. However, the school has now decided that students will stay in their groups for almost

    every lesson (excluding their options). This creates protection for students in the school and if in the rare case that a child were to contract COVID-19 the school would isolate the students that the infected pupil had been

    with in lessons. This is another prevention to stop the school from closing down again as a child’s education is

    extremely important.

    Altogether, I believe Cardinal Newman Catholic School has done an excellent job of providing education to students whilst still following the COVID-19 laws and guidelines and becoming a safe environment for both students and teachers alike.

    By Matthew McBrearty—9TEN

    School under COVID-19 measures….

  • Year 10

    Message from Mr McLintock: Hello again, to our Year 10 students. A huge well done to the majority of students on your

    conduct and behaviour since your return, I hope this continues all year round! Each week, a student from a different tutor group

    will be nominated to write a small piece for the newsletter. This weeks newsletter has been written by Rebecca Stevenson,

    10TRD. Well done Rebecca!

    "Amid this global crisis, we have had to adapt to the "new normal." New measures have been put in place globally and this has

    happened in school too. School life as we knew it has changed, not just for the students but for our teachers as well. These

    changes are both vital and necessary in order to keep us in school and to receive our important education. In Year 10, the

    majority of students have settled in successfully so far and are adapting to this new way of life, with all of its advantages and


    We personally feel like our school has done their very best to ensure our safety through these new measures, such as our year

    zones and wearing a mask in our own block and on school site. We all feel safe in school and are so happy to be back with our

    friends, who were greatly missed during lockdown. I think I speak for the whole year when I say that we appreciate what the

    school has done to ensure our safety.”

    Rebecca Stevenson 10TRD

    Inter-year competition current standings.

    1st place – 10SSH

    2nd place – 10CWD

    3rd place - 10ABI

    4th place – 10TDS

    5th place – 10RDS

    6th place – 10AHR

    7th place – 10TRD

    8th place - 10SPX

    Mr J McLintock, Head of Year 10

    Year 11 - School Life After Lockdown

    Many state ‘collective intelligence is the only hope we have to save the planet.’ As a student, I unquestionably feel that this is evident

    within this new, but now normal world – where this very idea of ‘communality’ is what allows us to collectively protect ourselves

    from this invisible enemy.

    Throughout the unprecedented chain of events we have all experienced since March, the staff at Cardinal Newman ensured that the

    heart of the institution - students’ mental health and wellbeing – was held paramount. As you may tragically be aware, the mental

    health of many students is at breaking point – with students often having no access to support at home. However, at Cardinal

    Newman, the large number of different interventions held at tutor times on a weekly basis has helped us tackle such issues – en-

    couraging pupils to freely approach many different sources of support such as tutors, ‘Heads of Year’ and the safeguarding team

    during this time of unease.

    As a pupil in Year 11, I can truly say that the support, commitment and care given at Cardinal Newman is beyond words. The staff

    at Cardinal Newman had solemnly acknowledged that the transition into life at school after several months of lockdown was not an

    easy task, so they made it one of their priorities to help the student community to overcome their challenges – duly ensuring we

    were protected at all times and were aligned and congruent to government guidance and regulation.

    As pupils, we have experienced an actuality which has not been experienced by any generation today. We woke up into a world of

    economic, physiological and social uncertainty - but this is going to help shape our generation as it encourages us to contemplate

    the world with a different mindset and appreciate the smaller, yet equally as important things in life - the key skills that each student

    is taught at Cardinal Newman.

    Harsimran Nagra, 11AMI

  • Social Media

    We as all parents to remind students to follow sensible rules

    concerning social media

    Social media can be a lot of fun, sharing the photo you just snapped

    with your phone, connecting with friends after school and sharing

    interests. Nevertheless please be aware of some important do’s and

    don'ts's when connecting through social media.

    Do: Think about how you present yourself online, including your profile image and your language. You

    are creating an online reputation that stays with you forever.

    Do: Know who can access your personal information. You may be able to decide what parts of your

    profile others can access, but assume everything is public unless you learn otherwise. Sometimes

    "private" means everyone can see what's on your profile, but only your friends can post comments or

    contact you.

    Do: Trust your instincts if something doesn't feel or look right. If something online makes you feel

    uncomfortable, talk to a trusted adult.

    Do: Think before posting your personal information. As soon as your information goes online, you

    can't control who sees it and how it's used. This means your photo could be shared almost instantly

    with thousands of people or even altered/distorted digitally. If you wouldn't want everyone to see it,

    don't post it.

    Do: Think before sharing others' personal information, including tagging photos without their

    permission or sharing their personal life with the world. They deserve privacy as much as you, so help

    protect it.

    Do: Use privacy settings and follow password recommendations

    Don't : Assume everyone you meet online is who he or she seems to be. Anyone can create a user

    profile pretending to be someone else -- even on social media sites that claim to connect students from

    the same school.

    Don't : Post information that could lead someone to you offline. Avoid posting photos that include

    license plates or identifiable landmarks or messages that indicate your typical hangouts. Over time,

    people can piece together detailed information about you.

    Don't : Reply to harassing or disturbing messages.

    Cyberbullies want to know they are making you worried or

    upset and want a reaction from you. Instead of responding,

    remain in control by talking to a trusted adult.

    Don’t : Post about illegal activities

    Don’t : Fall down the social media rabbit hole.

  • Weekly Prayer

    Father, stay with us and care for us so

    that we will always be united to You.

    May we walk with you daily and desire

    to spend refreshing times in your pres-

    ence. Keep us safe from evil and close to the Holy

    Spirit. Sanctify us in truth of your word and may

    we never doubt your love for us. We pray to be con-

    tinually amazed by your desire to guide us always

    and constantly stand in awe of your glory. These

    things we ask in Christ’s name. Amen


    Dates for your Diary

    Fri 9th October 2020 @ 11.30am - Feast Day Mass

    In 2019/2020 we celebrated

    our 50th anniversary year

    and have set the target of raising £50.000. We have secured

    £20,000 and need your help to reach the target. The money

    raised will be shared between 3 charities voted for by stu-

    dents, parents, staff and governors. Myton Hospice, CRISIS and

    Mary's Meals. If you would like to make a donation or for fur-

    ther information please visit the link below:

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Message from Lucy Bassett

    - Counsellor

    A quick message from me to say hello

    and share some wellbeing information.

    I hope you are all settling back into a routine and know where

    to go if you need any support or have any questions. I feel as

    though some things have returned to normal whilst some

    things have definitively changed. I wonder how you are

    managing all these changes, what is it like for you?

    We all need help sometimes, your heads of year, student

    reception staff, teachers and support staff will signpost you to

    student support if you would like some extra support.

    Here is a link to some information about mental health and

    returning to school


    Are you still making time for things to enjoy, things to do for

    fun? I wonder if you could think of some things to do for fun in

    October, no matter how big or small, just something that will

    feel good? It could be watching that film you meant to,

    spending more time drawing. It could be spending more time

    with someone who makes you feel special… whatever it is, I

    wonder if you could make some time for it as a way of looking

    after yourself.

    There are lots of wellbeing resources on the school website

    which you can find here =


    Please may we remind students and

    parents to ensure they come to

    school equipped. Due to health and

    safety at this time we are unable to

    accept students belongings into

    school after they have arrived.

    Many thanks for your cooperation.

    Coventry Against Racism Public Discussion

    – Coventry City of Peace

    Date/Time - 06/10/2020 at 19:00. Location Online. Coven-

    try Against Racism will be holding a public event on

    Facebook Live on 6 October. For further information visit:
