Cardiac Anatomy and Common Pathologies

Maria Theresa Navarro, M.D. Quirino Memorial Medical Center Department of Medical Imaging CARDIAC ANATOMY CARDIAC ANATOMY And And COMMON PATHOLOGIES COMMON PATHOLOGIES


Discussion and illustration of the anatomy of the heart, film interpretation of chest x-rays with focus on the heart and great vessels. Congenital heart diseases are discussed in another powerpoint presentation

Transcript of Cardiac Anatomy and Common Pathologies


Maria Theresa Navarro, M.D.Quirino Memorial Medical Center Department of Medical Imaging


RIGHT ATRIUM smooth posterior wall develops from the sinus venosus where the SVC and IVC attached opening of coronary sinus trabeculated anterior wall from embryonic right atrium Fossa ovalis in the medial and posterior wall of the interatrial septum


Inflow o r s inu s p or tion Tra bec ula te d Poste rior or in ferior por tion Outf lo w tra ct or pu lmo na ry c onu s Les s tra be cu la te d An te rio r or s up er ior por tion div id ed by the cr ista sup ra ventric ula ris mu scula r rid ge wi th a sept al ba nd c alle d th e mod er at or ba nd Mod era to r Ba nd co nne ct s th e inte rven tr icu lar sep tu m to the a nt er ior p ap il la ry mu scle Co nt ain s th e rig ht bun dle br an ch

Infun dib ulum (conu s ar te riosus) smoot h cephal ic port ion o f the ri ght ventr icl e that leads to the pulm onar y trunk

LE FT AT RIU M highe st and mo st poste rio r cha mb er nes tled betwe en th e rig ht an d lef t br on chi pos ter ior wa ll abu ts th e ant er ior wa ll o f th e esop ha gus Lef t atr ial a pp en dag e sm all pouch that proj ect s super iorly and to the lef t sm oother and longer than th e right atr ial appendage wi thi n t he inter atr ial septum

For am en ovale

LE FT VEN TR IC LE Inflow p or tion pos te rior to the anterior portion of the anterior mitral leaf let Outf low tract anterior and super ior to th e anterior mitral leaf let

PUL MON ARY T RU NK fro m t he righ t v entric ula r ou tf low tr ac t po ste rio r t o th e a orta an d to t he le ft div id es in to righ t a nd l eft pu lmo na ry a rt er ies

PULMON AR Y TR UNK 4-5 cm i n l eng th 3 cm in diam et er lie s with in th e per icar dia l sac RI GH T P ULMO NARY ART ERY behi nd t he ascendi ng aor ta, SVC, and ri ght upper pul monary ve in DE SCE NDING BRA NCH of the r ight pul mo nary art er y 10- 16 mm in m en 9- 15 m m in wom en

LEF T P ULMO NARY ART ERY Intr aper icar di al for a

AORT A As cending trans vers e / arch des cending beg ins a t t he liga me ntu m or duct us arte rio sum

Ligamentum arterios um re mna nt of d uc tu s arte rio sus clos es f unc tio na ll ly with in 2 4 h ou rs o f lif e ana to my b y 1 0 da ys of l if e f oll owing birt h

Cardiac Valves











Axial Anatomy

Normal Roentgenographic Anatomy

Postero-Anterior (PA) View Right border Superior vena cava Right atrium Inferior vena cava

Left border Aortic knob Main pulmonary trunk Left ventricle

Postero-Anterior (PA) View Pulmonary Arteries Right Left

Left Atrium


Lateral View

Right Anterior Oblique

Left Anterior Oblique

Pla in Film Inter pr etation

L and R atria (AP) =