Carbon Market Impact on Low Income Populations 2D_Doneghy

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  • 8/13/2019 Carbon Market Impact on Low Income Populations 2D_Doneghy


    The Climate It is A-Changin: NecessaryConsumer Protections inClimate legislation

    NEUAC June 14, 2010

    Marti T. Doneghy

    Sr. Legislative RepresentativeGovernment Relations and Advocacy, AARP


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    AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership

    organization that helps people 50+ have

    independence, choice and control in ways that are

    beneficial and affordable to them and society as a

    whole. AARP does not endorse candidates for public

    office or make contributions to either political

    campaigns or candidates. We have staffed offices inall 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,

    and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

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    AARPs Livable Communities

    agenda includes Affordable UtilitiesAARP advocates for policies and

    programs to ensure consumers canafford the energy they need to meet

    their basic needs

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  • 8/13/2019 Carbon Market Impact on Low Income Populations 2D_Doneghy


    Solutions to Global Warming Pose

    Challenges for Many Consumers

    Energy costs are a burden for low and fixed income


    High energy prices cause consumers to cut back on usage

    and other necessary spending.

    Energy affordability is linked to health and safety.

    Incentives and price signals can increase energy bills

    and have negative, even life threatening consequences for

    segments of residential consumers

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    Older consumers pay a higher percentage

    of income for utilities

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    Transition to a Low Carbon

    Economy At what price?

    According to the

    EIA, energy

    consumption is

    increasing by1.07% each year

    At this rate

    energy demand

    will rise by a

    full 26% by theyear 2030.

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    Energy Costs to Increase

    Regardless of climate change legislation, energy costs

    will increase for U.S. consumers.

    Demand could potentially rise by more than 50% by2030 in the absence of any government action.

    Continuing the current trend in energy supply anduse, carbon emissions would rise by 55% by 2030.

    Page 10-38 AARP 2009 Policy Book

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    H.R. 2454, The American Clean Energy and

    Security Act and the Kerry-Lieberman bill

    85% of allowances given free to utilities

    and other polluters

    The percent of allowances given away will

    decline over time between 2026 and 2030

    when most are auctioned, with the revenuerebated to consumers.

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    AARP, NCLC Public Citizen, and more than 40

    environment groups on essential consumer

    protections for cap and trade billEPW letter, July 22, 2009

    The clear preference is to providea greater percentage of allowances

    for auction with more of the

    revenues used for direct consumerrelief.

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    The Carbon Limits and Energy for Americas

    Renewal (CLEAR) Act

    Cap and Refund Approach

    100% auction of allowances - No industry giveaways

    75% of proceeds go directly to non-taxable, monthlycash refunds to every legal resident as offset to increased

    energy costs.

    25% of proceeds fund transition to clean energy

    technologies, fuels research, development anddeployment activities (includes worker assistance,

    energy efficiency, weatherization and LIHEAP).

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    High Energy Costs

    Create Incentives to Reduce

    Usage-Heat, Cool or Eat.

    2008 AARP survey (consumers 45+) found

    nearly half (46%) heated or cooled only

    certain parts of their homes; 81 percentturned the thermostat up or down.

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    LDC Free Give Away of Allowances

    Ratepayer benefit under LDC scheme that gives free

    allowances is vague. Do regulators need more guidance in


    Does complex market scheme invite speculation, false pricesignals?

    Are regional variations overstated?

    Cap will affect all economy sectors and increase the cost of

    goods and services through out the economy for consumers. AARP also supports an explicit requirement that the value of

    any allowances given free to utilities be used to directly

    reduce customer bills.

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    What is the goal and how can it be achieved at thelowest reasonable cost for consumers?

    Consider how the policy impacts specific groups ofconsumers, including low-usage, low income and

    older consumers?

    Do consumers change their behavior and put their

    health at risk? And what about vulnerable


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    We can achieve:

    AARP urges Congress to offset increases in

    consumer energy costs by returning the

    proceeds of a carbon emissions reductionsystem to consumers through a monthly

    direct rebate or direct dividend.

    AARP has the power to make it better 15

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    We Can Achieve:

    Who will be at the table when ratepayer

    benefitis defined in each of the fifty states

    and territories utility commissions

    industry -- consumer advocates?

    AARP is calling on Congress to create a

    Consumer Advocate Office to provide an

    independent voice for consumers and

    support for intervenor funding.


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    We Can Achieve:

    A transition to a clean, green world with reduced

    greenhouse gas emissions that will protect consumers and

    maintain energy affordability for consumers.

    Additional assistance to low and fixed income consumers

    who pay a disproportionate share of their income on


    Climate laws and policy that are simple, transparent, and



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    We Can Achieve:

    Reduction of greenhouse gas emissionswhich is crucial for the future of our society

    and our planet, but it will certainly come at a



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    Contact Information:

    Marti T. DoneghySr. Legislative RepresentativeAARP202 434-3804

    [email protected]