CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra

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  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PRROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra11CAnvi M1.1 GeneProject naName of wClient: MContractoStructuraProject MType of thProject CoContractContractEstimatedCommencExpected

    Total ProjChapteraniar (1205)eral Proame: West Pwork: WestMPSEZ (Munor: Simplexal ConsultanManagementhe Project: Iode: B-001Type: ItemValue: Rs. 6d Project Vacement of Pdate of Coject duratioINTR1oject InPort Basin Dt Port Wharndra Port & SInfrastructunts: Howe In

    t ConsultantInfrastructu1Rate68.62 crorelue: Rs. 288Project: 15thompletion:n: 22 monthRODUCTformatiDevelopmenrf ConstructSpecial Econure Ltd.ndia Pvt. Ltd

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    ts: PMC Indure (Marines8.24 croresJuly 2008hs15th Nov 215th Jan 215th MayIONonnt (Phase-1)ionnomic Zoned.dia Pvt. Ltd.Project)2009 (Ap010 (Ap

    2010 (Ape)pproach Jettpproach Jettpproach JettSBST, CEPTty 1 & 2, 1stty 3, 2nd Jettty 4, 3rd JettyT University,Jetty)ty)y)Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PRROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra22CAnvi M22.1 TEND2.1.1 C1. StandaAggregateSources fo2. SourceCoarse agg3. QualitThe aggrematter andwith alkalifresh wateused in Per

    4. TestinAll aggregaccordancand expenwork is beContractosource ofSamples shEmployercontrol sa5. Fine AThe gradiII as definshall consfor use in6. Fine AFine aggreIS: 383 an7. Sand fSand speccomplying8. Sand fSand for urendering9. CoarseCoarse agChapteraniar (1205)DER SPEoncrete Agardses shall comor Concrete egregate shalltyegate shall bed shall be obis of cementer to the satisrmanent Wo

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    nggates shall bce with IS: 2nses incurredegun by ther, at his ownsupply for tehall be in suwill keep pomples for coAggregatesing of fine aged in IS: 383ist of naturaconcrete shAggregatesegates for mnd its gradinfor Masonry

    cified for mag with IS: 21for Plasteriuse in mortags shall confoe Aggregatggregates forBOR2ECIFICAggregateply with the

    .be from VIDIe hard, stronbtained fromt, shall not bsfaction of subject to386 (Part I td in complyContractor sn cost, shallests and appufficient quaortion of theomparison wfor Structuggregate for3 Coarse anal sand or coall be washefor Mortarmortar and grng shall be iny Mortarasonry morta116 Sand foingars for internorm to Class

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    tesr reinforcedRED PILESATIONS:e requiremenI quarries neang, durable,m an approvebe used. Aggrhe Employerinspection ato Part VII) ying with thishall informsubmit to thproval.antity to enabe samples suwith later de

    ural concrer reinforcednd Fine Aggrombination ted if orderedr and Grourout shall ben accordancears shall beor Masonrynal walls ans A grading od concrete shS: TENDEMateriants of IS: 38ar Anjar.clean and fed source. Aregates, whir. Coarse agand testing.

    Methods ofis requiremem the Employhe Employerble the Emplubmitted whieliverieseteconcrete shregate fromthereof withd by the Empute obtained fre with gradinatural sanMortars .d ceiling plaof IS: 1542

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    hall consist oER SPECIal3 Coarse anree from anAggregates, wich are not cggregate havSampling anf Test for Agent shall be byer about ther, samples ofloyer to carrich have beehall be withinNatural Souh fine gravelployer.

    rom an appring zone IIInd, crushed sastering and

    Sand for Plof gravel or bIFICATIOSBST, CEPTnd Fine Aggny adherent cwhich are chclean, shall bving colourednd testing shggregates forborne by thee source(s) of various aggry out the fuen tested andn the limits ources for Cowhole or crroved sourceof Table IV ostone or crud external pllaster .broken stonNS & RET University,gregate fromcoatings or dhemically rebe washed ind layer shallhall be carrier Concrete .e Contractorof aggregategregates from

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    ull range of td approvedof grading zncrete - Tabrushed. Finee. It shall coof the sameshed gravelastering andes free fromEFERENCAhmedabadm Naturaldeleteriouseactiven cleanl not beed out in. All costs

    r. Beforees. Them eachtests. Theto act aszones I andble IV, ande aggregateomply flatE CODESS

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddralaminatedd or elongatted pieces annd shall be wwithin the limmits of relattive grading as specifiedd in IS: 383Table II.

    10. Storaage at SiteAggregatees shall be sttored at the Site on cleann, well drainned areas, wwhichare noot liable to thheflooding. TThe various sizes and tyypes of aggreegates shall bbe well sepaarated

    and thhe layout annd sittingof the storrage areas shhall be submmitted to the Employer foor approval prior to the starting ofconstructiion.

    11. Rejeccted MaterrialAny aggreegate broughht to the Sitee, which is nnot approvedd by the Empployer.Shalll be immediately

    removed ffrom the Sitee by the Conntractor at his own cost.

    2.1.2 Ceement1. StandaardsOrdinary Portland Ceement of 53 grade compplying with tthe requiremments of IS:88112 shall bbe used inall gradess of concretee.

    2. Tests after Delivvery to SiteeEach conssignment off cement shaall, after deliivery to Site, be subjecte d to all the ttests and anaalysis

    requiredby the relevvant Indian SStandards. SSamples shalll be collecteed as directed by the Emmployer and

    tests carrried out at ann approved laboratory. TThe cement from whichh the samplees have beenn extracted

    shall notbe used in aany works beefore complletion of the testing and analysis andd until it hass been

    accepted as satisfactoory by the Emmployer.

    The Emplooyer may reeject ant cemment, if the rresults of succh tests are not satisfacttory, notwithhstandingthe manufacturer s ceertificate. Alll rejected ceement shall bbe immediattely removedd from the SSite at thecontractorr s own costt.

    3. Contraactor s Res ponsibilityyThe Contrractor shall bbe responsibble for keepiing all the ceement in souund and accceptable conndition. Anycement wwhich deterioorates while in the Contrractor s chaare and is rejjected asunssuitable by ttheEmployer shall be remmoved from the Site andd replaced byy the contraactor at his oown expensee.

    4. Storagge of CemenntCement inn bags shall be unloadedd under coveer and store d in a perfecctly watertigght and welll ventilated

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    building aaccommodatting sufficieent cement too ensure conntinuity of thhe workandd having a ffloor raisednot less thhan 30 cm frrom the grouund. An air space shall be left betwween theflooor and the boottomlayer of tthe bags. Eaach consignnment shall be stacked separately therein to ppermit easyy access forinspectionn and a recoord shall be kept so thaat each consiignment maay be identiffied by a serrial numberand date oof delivery. Cement shaall be issued from the store in the order in whicch it is received at Site,commenccing with thee consignmeent, which hhas been in the store for the longest

    period of timme. Theage of cemment at the ttime of delivvery to the Siite shall not be more thaan two (2) mmonths and tthe cementshall be uused in the WWorks withinn three(3) mmonths thereeafter.

    5. Storagge of Cemennt in BulkCement inn bulk shall be transportted to Site inn properly ddesigned andd approved bbulk carrierss. The

    Contractoor shall provvide suitable unloading aand storage facilities. Thhe Contractoor shall submmit fulldetails ofunloading, hhandling annd storage faacilities for thhe approvall of the Emplloyer beforee anycement inn bulk is receeived by the contractor.

    3 Anvi M3 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra6. Weeklly ReportThe contractor shall ssubmit a weeekly report tto the Emplooyer of the vvariousconsiignments off cementshowing wwhat quantitty has been rreceived andd consumed during the week, from whom obtaiined andin what poortions of the work the ccement has bbeen used inndicating thee uptodate cconsumptionn andbalance stoock.

    8. Protecction from Rain, etc.Cement shhall be adeqquately proteected at all thhe times form rain and spray.

    2.1.3 Water1. Waterr from Apprroved SourrceClean fresh water onnly shall be uused for mixxing all conccrete, grout aand mor

    tar. The water sshall befree fromany deleteriious matter in solution oor in suspennsion and bee obtainedfrrom an approved

    source. Thhe quality off water shalll conform too IS: 456. Chhloride conteent inwaterr should not be more

    than 300 PPM irrespeective of whhat is specifieed in IS: 4566.

    2. StoraggeThe Contraactor shall make adequatee arrangemennts to deliver and store suffficient waterr at the Works for use.

    3. TestinngContractoor should maake arrangemment for daiily testing off Cl, SO4 & ppH of water at Site. Sincee it isobserved that there iss seasonal vaariation in wwater qualityy, water shouuld be

    testedd at outside aapprovedlaboratoryy every three months.

    2.1.4 Addmixturess for Concrrete1. GenerralAdmixturees to the cemment shall noot be used wwithout the wwritten conssent ofthe Emmployer. WWhenpermitted, the contracctor shall furnish full deetails from thhe manufacturer and shhall carry ouut suchtests as thee Employer mmay requiree before any admixture is used in thhe work.Thee costs of all the testson admixttures are to bbe borne by the contracctor includinng the cost oof the admixtture.

    2.Waterpproofing CompoundWaterproofing compoound to be uused in conccrete, where specified, shhall be fromm approved sstandard

    manufacturers and shhall be approoved by the Employer. I t shall compply with the requiremennt of IS:

    2645. It should be miixed as per sspecificationns supplied bby manufactturer butnoot exceeding 3% by

    weight annd as approvved and directed by the EEmployer.

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    3. Bondinng AgentsApprovedd bonding coompound su ch as Sikalatex or equivvalent shall bbe used atthhe junction oof any oldand new cconcrete. Coost of same sshall be assuumed to be inncluded & thhe rates

    andd prices.

    2.1.5 Reinforcingg Steel1. Reinfoorcing BarssSteel reinfforcing barss for concrette shall be roound bars off Grade I qualitycomplyying to IS: 4332 MildSteel and Medium Tennsile Bars annd Hard Draawn Steel WWire for Conccrete Reinforrcement orr High YieldStrength DDeformed Roound Bars conforming tto IS: 1786 Specificatioons for Cold Twisted Steeel Bars forConcrete Reinforcemeent .

    Reinforcinng steel to bee used for vaarious differrent structurre shall be aas shown in ttable 1.There is nno requiremeent for an eppoxy coatingg or other annti- corrosivve treatmentt to the reinfforcingSteel.

    4 Anvi M4 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), MunddraSStructure Typpe of Steel Gradde of SteelJetty HYSD aas per IS: 1786 Fe500OtherMain bStructuresbarsHYSD aas per IS: 1786 Fe500// Fe415Placemties, sament bars,addlesMS as pper IS: 432 Fe250

    Tablble 1 Details oof Reinforceement Used aat Site

    2. Bindinng Wire

    The bindinng wire shalll be to IS: 280 Mild Steel Wire forr General EnngineeringPPurpose , wi th size1mm or ovver.

    3. Tests after DelivveryIrrespectivve of manuffacturers ceertificate, sammples shouldd be collecteed andsent ffor external laboratorytest for onne set/ 300 MMT. the costts of all suchh tests are deeemed to be included inn the rate andd prices.The Emplooyer may rejeject any connsignment off reinforcingg steel, if thee results of ssuch tests are notsatisfactorry, notwiths tanding the mill certificcate. All rejeected steel shhall be immeediately remmoved fromthe Site att the Contracctor s own eexpense.

    4. StoraggeReinforcinng bars shall be stored oon Site on timmber or conncrete supports suitably spaced and of

    sufficientheight to keeep steel cleaar of the groound. The reeinforcing stteel shall bestored separrately


    2.1.6 MMaterial noot Specifieed

    All materiaals not hereiin fully speccified and whhich may bee offered for use in the WWorks shall be subject

    to the apprroval of the Employer, wwithout whicch they shalll not be used anywheree in the Permmanent


    22.2 TENDDER SPEECIFICAATIONS: Bored PPiles2.2.1. GGeneral

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    The Contraactor shall ffurnish mateerials, labour and equipmment necesssary to drill oor bore and installbored piles in accordaance with the following sections.

    2.2.2. StandardConstructiion and testiing of boredd piles shall bbe carried ouut in accorddance

    with thhe relevant sections ofIS: 2911 (PPart 1) Codde of Practicce for Designn and Constrruction of Piile Foundatioons except whereotherwisespecified, deescribed by the Employeer.

    To avoid ddeflection of piles duringg the construuction stage, the contracctor has to pprovide at hiis own costtemporaryy bracings off structural ssteel immeddiately after ccasing of boored in situ ppiles till the ppiles areinterconneected by RCCC deck beamms. The desiggn and provision of temporary braccings shall beecontractorr s responsibbility entirelyy.

    2.2.3. Meethod of CConstructiion

    The Contraactor must ffurnish to thhe Employer, before commmencing wwork, a detailled method oofconstructioon he intendds to adopt ffor piling woork togetherr with the prrogramme oof constructioon.

    Extension of the liner will dependd upon the mmethodologyy being adoppted by theCContractor. In case,

    5 Anvi M5 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), MunddraContractorr chooses to do the dreddging first inn the wharf aarea and choooses to do tthe piling work later,liner has too go 2 to 3 mmts. Below tthe dredged profile.

    2.2.4. BooringBoring shaall generallyy be carried oout by recommmended prrocedure as set out in ISS: 2911 by eiither rotaryor percusssion equipment, grabbinng equipmennt or by reveerse or direcct mud circuulation meth od. If thesoil is founnd to be unstable, the booring tools shhould be succh that suctiioneffects aare minimaliised. Wallsof boreholles shall be sstabilized byy using Casinng/liners uppto depth 2-3 mts.

    Beloww bed level aas directedby Engineeer-in chargee with or witthout drillinng fluid depeending uponn the soil connditions. Hoowever,

    contractorr has to ensuure that the ddepth of lineer is sufficient from the constructionn point of viiewincluding boring, pitching and othher problemms.

    22.3 desiggn codes & refeerncesThhe codes & rreferences u sed for desiggn are as givven below:

    22.3.1 Indiian Codes & Standrrads

    IS: 456-22000IS:800-1 984IS: 1893-200213920-1 993

    IS: 875IS:4651-1974IS:4651-1989IS:4651-1974IS:4651-1989




    SP 16SP 24-19983SP 34-19987

    Code of Practice forr Plain & Reinnforced ConncreteCode of Practice forr General Coonstruction iin SteelPart 1-CCriteria for DDesign of Eaarthquake RResistant StruucturesDuctile Detailing off Reinforced Concrete Sttructures subbjected to SeeismicForces-Code of Pracctice

    Part 3Part1Part2Part3Part

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra



    CCode of Pracctice for Dessign Loads of Strictures--Wind loadsPPlanning & DDesign of Poorts & Harboours-Site InvvestigationPPlanning & DDesign of Poorts & Harboours -Earth PPressurePPlanning & DDesign of Poorts & Harboours -LoadinngsPPlanning & DDesign of Poorts & Harboours Generall Design

    ConsiderationsPart 5-PPlanning & DDesign of Poorts & Harboours-Layoutt & FunctionnalRequiremmentsPart 1/ Sec2-Code of Practice ffor Design && Construction of Pile Fooundations-Bored caast in- situ PPilesPart 4-CCode of Pracctice for Dessign & Consttruction of PPile Foundatiions-Load Test on PPilesDesign aaids to IS:4556Explanaatory Book onn Indian Staandard Codee for Plain & Reinforced Concrete

    Handbook on Concrrete Reinforccement & Deetailing2.3.2 Brritish Codes & Stanndards

    BS: 6349 Briitish Standarrd Code of PPractice for MMaritime Strructures-Paart II to Partt 7BS: 8002 Code of Practicce for Earth Retaining SttructuresAPI RP 2AA Reccommendedd Practice forr Planning, DDesign, Connstructing Fixed Off shorrePlaatforms- Woorking Stresss Design

    US ARMYY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SHORE PROOTECTION MMANUAL-VVOLUME 1 && VOLUME IIIOCIMF Guuidelines & rrecommendaations for saffe mooring oof large shipps at islands & piersOCIMF Preedication of Wind & Currrent LoadsBRITISH PPORTS ASSOOCIATION: DDESIGN OF HEAVY DUTTY PAVEMENNTS FOR POORTS



    Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PRROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra73oooCAnvi M73.1 GeneThe layou1st Approa2nd Appro3rd Appro4th Appro1st Main J2nd Main3rd Main JThe layout

    As per the+ Main beThe Approfounding1.02 & ReoThe piOtherChapteraniar (1205)eral Infout of the Jettyach-120 xoach-120 xoach-120 xach-120 xJetty-340.8Jetty-400 xJetty-380 xt is as showne design, theerths- 751).ITApproacApproacApproacApproacPiles inJetties 1splayedMain BeMain BeMain Beoach Jetty pilevels, showeinforcemeniles in the mdetails showPILI3ormatioy is made up

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    18.51 Mts.12.00 Mts.12.00 Mts.18.51Mts.x 28.81 Mtsx 38.82 Mts.28.81 Drawing Ne total no. of. The detailsTEMch Jetty 1ch Jetty 2ch Jetty 3ch Jetty 4Approach, 2, 3, 4 (inportion)erth 1

    erth 2erth 3iles are dividwn in Table 3nt details in DPILE TYP1P2main berth arwn in DrawiNGnp of 4 Appros.No. 2.01.piles in theare as showNO. OF PIN A RO3223-4344648Table 2 Detded into two3. The Pile ADrawing NoPE DIAME1100m1100mTablre of two difing no. 1.03oach jetties &Main & Appwn in Table 2PILES

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    OWNO.ROW11115565tails of Pileso types, haviArrangemento. 1.05ETER FOUNmm (mm (ble 3 Pile Typ

    fferent diam3..& 3 Main berproach jettie2.. OFWSNO. OPILES3 393 263 263 39-65 2155 29665 240in Jettiesing differentt details areNDING LEV(-)41.00m(-)38.00mpesmeters- 1300SBST, CEPTrths, of dimees is 887(i.eOF TOTALNO.136575160t reinforcemshown in DEL0mm, 1400mT University,ensions as fo. Approach j

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    Lment arrangeDrawing and1.01 &

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra88Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra99Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra110Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    1PR3ThisAnvi M 11ROJECT 203.2 Stathe status ofas shown inaniar (1205)08- 09tus of SPiling Workn Chart 1.01020

    30405060708090100Approfor 1ub- Strks on joiningoach Piling1st JettyAuctureg of site (as oChart 1 StApproach Pilinfor 2nd JettySTATUSWORKSon 15th Dec.Status of Subg Approachfor 3rd JS OF PILING W. 2008) andb- structure wh PilingJettyAppforWORKSWeSBST, CEPTcurrently, (worksroach Pilingr 4th Jettyest Port (Pha

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    T University,as on 24th JaStatu(15-1Curre(24-0ase- 1), MundAhmedabadan. 2009)s on Joining12-'08)ent Status01-'09)dra

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PRROOJJEECCTT 22000088-- 0099 WWeeeesstt PPoorrtt ((PPhhaaaassee-- 11)),, MMuunnddddrraa33.3 Salieent Feattures off PileLocation: Approach JJetty 1

    Type of Pile: Bored CCast In- situ pile

    Pile Type Under Studdy: P2

    Pile Desiggnation: 8 xx 1

    Diameterr of Pile: 11000mm

    Length off Pile: 44m

    Method oof Boring: Peercussion MMethod

    Equipmennt used: Bailer & Chisell

    Hyydraulic Rig (using Augger)

    Grade of Concrete: MM40

    Liner Tip Level: (-)122.743m

    Pile Cut-off Level: ++6.oo m

    Reinforceement Cut-off Level:+88.60 m

    Overall CCage Lengthh: 46.60m

    Theoreticcal Foundingg Level: (-)338.00m

    Diameterr of Hole: 11100 mm

    Depth of Boring: (-)338.00m

    Water Taable depth: VVarying

    Design Caapacity of ppile: 350 Tonns

    Size of Pille Cap: 1.7mm x 1.5m

    Pile Cap ttop level: +77.00m

    Load Trannsfer Mechaanism: 80%% by Frictionn, 20% by Ennd- bearingg

    1 Anvi M12 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra33.4 Boreed Cast In- situ Piling: Work B reakdowwn StructureLinerr FabricationReinforPrecement CageparationnBgeSuMarkingLiner LowBoring (upBoring (uptoReinforL

    TremFlushingCoSand fillinfor nextShiftinurveyingg of Pile Poiering & Pitcpto Refusal Lo Founding lrcement Cagoweringmie Loweringg of Bore Hooncretingng and PrepaGantry Shifng of GantryintchingLevel)level)gegolearingftingySounnding1 Anvi M13 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra33.5 Consstructioon Sequence of PilingLiftiCLinerGantLinerSurvMarking ofing of bottomChecking ofr extension bFixing oLiner loweShiftintry is arrester driving usiLiner attai

    vey worksf reference pm liner fromf Pile centreby welding lof guide boxeering & pitchng of Gantryed/ locked iing Monkeyins Refusal lIointsm pontoonpointliner unitseshingyn positiony (hammer)evelLinerShiftLoadingFabricationing to Siteg on pontoon1 Anvi M14 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), MunddraEmpty boriBoring uptIing (2-3m deto Refusal leepth)evelBentonitCheckSeawaMixing okater circulatiion in bore tto loosen soiReBeplacement o

    matureBoring to attof saline wated bentonitetain foundinter witheg level BentonS(aBLifting &Lowering oRestingounding to cattainment oBentonite cilowering ofof top reinfopiling bottom reincheck boringof Foundingirculation stbottom reinorcement cagng winchnforcementIIg depthLevel )oppednforcement cge suspendedcage on linecaged byerReinfoLoorcement cag

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    at Steel yShifting tooading ontoge fabricatioyardo Siteo pontoononile stored in taank for 24 hoours to swelling pH, Visccosity & SpecApprovacific Gravityal for useof bentonite in the tanklnite circulation in bore1 Anvi M15 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), MunddraClWelding ofProvidinf reinforcemg extra helicment cage wical reinforceIIth bottom caement for lapagepsApplicatioJoining rleaning of pion of greaserequired no.

    ipee on joints. of pipesLiftingHopperemg & loweringLLACAirg of hopperLifting of TrpositionLowering ofAttaching beFlushinghecking of sRemovaAttachingr flushing forremie pipe &n using Tremf Tremie pipholeentonite pipeout bentonispecific gravof boreal of bentonig air pipe forr 10 min. && holding inmie forkpes into boree for flushingite slurryvity at bottomite piper flushing

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    air pipe remOrdegmmovaldering for cooncrete at Baatching Plannter mouth plumovable chargIIIugged withge plateM40 grade concrete pproducedConcretetransportedto site in transit mixerssIII

    1 Anvi M16 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 20Filling oRemConcretinSoundingDismaHopper rRemovalExtensionPlacing of bto prepar08- 09IIIof hopper wimoval of charng throughg- Checkingbuild up

    ntling of Trperiodicalre- attachedresumeding upto reqof hopper &of liner & filbracings, grre for next Gith concreterge plateTremie pipeg of Pile shafpremie pipeslly& concretindt& tremie pipelling with saillages & whGantry shiftinesftgesandheelsngSRWeUp- downSpecimens taQuality tesRemaining beest Port (PhaIII n Tremie maken for teststing of concentonite discbore hole

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    ase- 1), Mundovementting & curedcrete cubescharged fromdradm1 Anvi M17 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra118Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra119Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra33.6 LINEER FABRRICATIONNoLiner is a hollow, circcular tube mmade of mildd steel plates..oIt is drivenn into the seeabed upto ddesired depthh.oIt acts as aa guide in thhe piling opeeration.oIt is left peermanently in place.oIt is not a structural mmember i.e. iit does not taake any impposed loads.oIt acts as sshuttering only & prevents collapse of the bore hole sides.3.6.1 Addvantagess of Liner Usage in MMarine Coonstructioon

    It acts as an additiional layer tto the pile suurface, proviiding protecction to

    the ppile. It acts as a guide dduring the ppiling operattion.

    It suppports the siddes of the bo re hole, prevventing themm from collaapsing at

    thee time of piliing.

    It provvides a barriier between the saline wwater & the ppile, preventting mixingof seawaterr withconcreete during thhe concretinng process.

    It incrreases the liffe span of thhe pile by dellaying the deeterioration of concretee as the linerr iscorrodded first, after which cooncrete woulld get affecteed & then thhe reinforcemment.

    Also, iits rate of coorrosion is veery low: 0.4- 0.75mm/yyr. in seawaater(splash

    z one).3.6.2 Liner DetaillsLocatiion: Approacch PileInternnal Diameterr: 1100mmExternnal Diameterr: 1112mm

    Lengthh of Single UUnit: 1.50mLiner Cut-off Leveel: (+)6.00mmRefusaal Depth: (-))12.743mTotal LLiner Lengthh: 18.743mMaterrial for Linerr: 6mm thk. Mild Steel pplatesMaterrial for Shoe: 8mm thk. MMild Steel platesLengthh of Shoe: 5000mmNo. off Lifting Hoooks: 2Type oof Weld: Meetal Arc Welding (6mm thk.)

    The Soil sttrata for Pilee 8 x 1 (undder study) iss shown in DDrawing No.. 1.04.Method of Liner Fabrication is shhown in Drawwing No.1.005.

    2 Anvi M20 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra3.6.3 Coonstructioon Sequencce for Liner FabricaationUnloadingStackiFabrof Mild Steeel platesing of platesrication yards indMarking onfon plates usinfor cuttingng chalkPlate cureq

    utting as perquirementsr sizeCircular sRollhaping of plling machinelates ineRemovalFull strenthe leTack weldlengthWelding olifJoining of ureStacking inof liner unitmachinength weldingength of lineding of plateh on both sidof stiffener pfting hooksunits to formeqd. lengthFabricationt fromg alongers alongdesrplates &m liner ofn yardJoinbott

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    ning of shoetom (for botat the linerttom liners)Anvi Maniar (1205)

    221SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra3.6.4 Coonstructioon Methodology of LLiner Fabrrication UUnloading

    Thhe steel plates are transporrted to the sitee in trucks. T hey are unloaaded from thhe truck by sliiding themover hollow cirrcular sectionns serving as rrollers. Thereeafter they aree stacked in tthe yard for uuse. MMarking & CCutting

    The leength of eachh liner unit is 1.50m whhich is equal to the widtth of availabble MS plate.. Length ofavailaable plate is 66.30m.

    The leength of the plate to be ccut, as requi red to form circular shaape for linerr, is given byy:L = px (t + ID) wheree, L: lengthh of plate reqquiredt: thicknness of plateID = Intternal diameeter of liner

    Hencee, size of plaate requiredd to fabricatte liner of ddia.1100mmm liner with6mm thickk plate is asfollowws:Requirred length oof steel plate = p x (66 + 1100)= 3.141 x 11106= 3.475 m

    So, thee size of the plate to be ccut = 3475x 1500 x 6 mm.

    Diagoonal lengths of the plate are measurred to ensurre proper ge ometry of thhe

    plate. Theen, string isplacedd along the llength to be cut & markiing is done uusing chalk..

    Then tthe plate is ccut carefullyy using Gas--cutting set. RRolling

    After tthe plate is ccut accordinng to the reqquirements, iit is taken too the Plate Roolling mach ine,shiftinng it by passing it over rrollers.

    The mmachine has two bottom rollers & a ttop roller beetween whicch the plate iis to be rolleed.

    The toop roller of tthe machine is loosened & the plate is placed onn the bottomm rollers afterr which thetop rooller is lowerred & tightenned to the reequired amoount.

    The pllate is allowed to pass 2 to 3 times bbetween the rollers for pproper straigghtening.

    Wedgges inserted bbetween topp roller & plaate at 3 locattions (centerr & ends of pplate) is usedd to render

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    the iniitial curvatuure to the plaate.

    Then ttop roller is tightened ass per the maarkings madde initially onn the tightenning screw tto get

    proper profile. Cuurvature of tthe liner is ccontinuouslyy checked with the help

    of a steel plate cut tothe dimmension of tthe diameterr of liner.

    The ciircular shape is obtainedd in one rotaation after innserting weddge block.

    On atttainment of the circularr shape, tackk welding of 100mm @ 200 c/c is ddone

    on bothh the sidesof platte along the length, to pprevent openning up of thhe joined siddes.

    Thereaafter, to achhieve exact ccurvature of the liner, it is rotated inn the machinne again for additional3 to 4 minutes.

    Then tthe liner is rremoved from the machhine by withddrawing thee top roller oof the machiine, &rollingg it down a pplate slopedd against the machine, too the liner sttacking areaa. WWelding

    Each lliner unit is welded alonng the lengthh, on both siides of the plate, with

    6mmm metal arrc welding.

    For joiining liners,, two units aare welded toogether, alonng their circcumference such that thhe weldedjoints along the leength are noot in the samme alignmentt (staggered)).

    For boottom liners,, 8 liners of 1.5m lengthh are joined tto form the 12m long liiner. Then li ner shoe isformeed, 500mm llong & madee using 8mmm thk. MS pllate, by fittinng it at the bbottom mostt portion.

    At sitee, other linerrs are made by joining oof two units.

    Thereaafter, full strrength weldding is done along verticcally & circuumferentiallyy on the lineerfabricated & also aalong the shhoe.2 Anvi M22 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra

    Then sstiffener plaates of size 130 x 150 x 4mm are fixxed along thhe circumferrence wheree two unitsare joiined. 4 suchh plates are wwelded at eaach circumfeerence. Liftinng hooksaree weldd on tthe innersurfacce of the cagge.

    The faabricated linner is then stacked in thee stacking arrea by meanns of hydra

    ccrane.3.6.5 Maaterial Deetails for LLiner Fabrrication1. Steel PPlates

    Purpoose : Raw maaterial for forrming of linner

    Type : Mild Steel

    Size : 6300 x 15000 x 6mm Cost : Rs.43000/MMT2. Gas-OOxygen & LLPG

    Purpoose : Cutting of platesOxygeen

    Capaccity : 50 Kg.

    Consuumption : 455 rmt. Cuttinng (approx.) / cylinder ffor 6mm plaate

    Cost : Rs.200/cyliinder

    Quanttity: 2 nos.LPG

    Comppany: Super GGas

    Capaccity : 14 Kg.

    Consuumption : 3660 rmt. Cuttiing (approxx.) / cylinderr for 6mm pplate

    Cost : Rs.500/cyliinder

    Quanttity: 2 nos.3. Welding rods

    Purpoose: Weldingg of steel plattes

    Comppany : ESAB EElectrodes Pvvt. Ltd.

    Type : Metal Arcc Welding-6013, 70188

    Code rreference : IIS 4111

    Size : 44.00 x 450mmm

    Cost: TType- 6013::Rs. 2600/ ppacket (55 rods)

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    TType- 7018::Rs. 4200/ ppacket (55 rods)

    Consuumption : 2225mm weld length /rodd (4mm x 4550mm)3.6.6 Laabour Req uirement for LinerFabricati onThhe labour reequirement ffor fabrication of liners is as given iin Table 4.

    ACTIVITY SKILLEDD UNSSKILLEDShifting/ UUnloading 2 3Marking 1 1Cutting 1 2Rolling 2 4Welding 2 2TOTAL 8 12

    Table 4 LLabour Requuirement forr Liner Fabrirication

    Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad


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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra3.6.7 Cyycle Time for LinerFabricati onTable 5 shhows the cyccle time for lliner fabricaation.

    ACTIVITYY TIMEE LAPSEShifting// Unloadingg 0.55 Hr.Markingg 0.55 Hr.Cutting 0.55 Hr.Rolling 0.55 Hr.Weldingg 6 Hrs.TOTAL 9.55 Hrs.TOTAL TOFTIME FOR FAF LINER OF AABRICATION

    A PILEN 16 x 9.5i.e. 6.3= 152 Hrs33 Days

    TTable 5 Cyclele time for lininer fabricatition

    2 Anvi M24 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra33.7 Consstructioon Sequence for Reinfoorcemennt Cage Fabricaation3.7.1 Reeinforcemeent Cage DDetailsLocatiion : Approaach JettyDiameeter of Pile: 1100 mmFoundding Level off Pile:( -) 38 .00mPile cuut off level: ((+) 6.00 mR/F cuut off level: ++ 8.60 mR/F foounding leveel:(-) 38.00 mTotal llength of R//F Cages : 466.50mTotal nno. of Cagess: 5 nos.Main Reinforcemeent: 32 mm TMT barsLap Leength: 40DR/F foor Inner Stifffener ring: 220 mm barsHelicaal stirrups: 110mm TMT bbars @ 300 mm c/cNo. off Lifting Hoooks: 10Clear cover to maain R/F: 75mmm

    Type oof welding: MMetal Arc welding2 Anvi M25 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra3.7.2 Coonstructioon Sequencce of Reinnforcement Cage Faabrication

    2 Anvi M26CuPlaMarrinPosiCWhInserWe

    UnloWelaniar (1205)tting of reinrequireacing of mainrking spacingngs (guide rinitioning of gbShifting toChecking byWelding of guhooks to reinrtion of heliblelding of lapsoading of reFabriclding of helicreinfonforcement bed lengthsn bars on plag for inner sngs) on Maiguide rings obarsStacking Yay PMC Enginuide bars & lnforcement ccal stirrupslockss of helical sinforcementation yardcal stirrupsorcementbars toatform

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    stiffenerin barson mainardneerliftingcage& coverstirrupst bars atto mainPreparationCutMarking ofFReinfSBST, CEPTn of leveled bforcement be

    FabricaFabricT University,bed for cageending for hation of heliccation of liftAhmedabade fabricationhelical ringscal stirrupsing hooksstting & bendinnerding of reinfostiffener ringorcement forgsmain bar disabrication ostances on stof inner stiffetiffener ringsener rings

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra3.7.3 Coonstructioon Method ology for Reinforcement Cagge Fabrication

    The reeinforcemennt bars are trransported too site & are unloaded att the Fabricaation yard.

    Then rreinforcemeent bars are cut to the reequired sizee as per apprroved bar beending scheddule withthe heelp of Gas cuutting tool. OOn site, the bbars are available in 12mm lengths.

    Helicaal stirrups arre prepared with the help of circulaar drum likee steel barasssembly maddeespeciially for thatt purpose. Thhe rod is fixxed on the drrum & it is rrolled,due too which the bar iswoundd around it, forming helical shapedd ring. But thhe exact circcular shape aand the diammeter

    requirred, is not acchieved by thhis procedu re. The innner guide r ings & hoopps are made at the bar beenders bench. The bars are cut usinng the IronRod Cutting machhine & bent uusing the Iroon Rod Bendding machinne and then fformed propperlymanuaally.

    For the fabricationn of the cagee, a leveled pplatform is pprepared usiing ISMC2550 sections. Thesesectionns are placed on the groound such thhat the cage can rest on it.

    Now, the guide rinngs are placced in their rrespective poositions on tthe leveled pplatform andd themarkiings for posiitions of maain bars on thhem is donee at the requuired spacingg as per the drawing.

    Then oone bottom reinforcemeent bar is weelded to the inner guide ring & simuultaneously, the top baris alsoo welded.

    In the same way, all the bars are welded tto the inner stiffener rinng. Weldingg

    of two oppoosite pairsat a timme is ensureed in order tto prevent thhe imbalanc e in the asseembly.

    Now tthe helical sttirrup spacinng is markedd on the main reinforceement bars i..e. 300mm cc/c.

    Helicaal stirrups arre then slid oover the main reinforceement bars aalong their

    leength accordding to themarkeed positions,, maintaininng 300mm c/c distance between theem. They aree tack weldeed to themain rreinforcemeent.

    Guidee bars (2- 322) are weldded on the innner side of tthe cage. Baars for liftingg hooks are ccut & bent.Liftingg hooks are wwelded on thhe cage.

    Then tthe circular cover blockks are weldedd to the cagee at regular intervals,att 1.5-2m c/cc distance.

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    All thee laps are prroperly weldded as per thheir relevantt codes. Alterrnate reinfoorcement barrs arejoggleed upto 800mmm length tto form laps for joining with other rreinforcementcages.

    All thee reinforcemment cages are marked uusing tags haaving the Pille number &&

    Cage numbber writtenon it.

    After tthe fabricatiion, the cagee is checked by the PMCC engineer.

    After tthe approvaal of the PMCC engineer thhe cage is shhifted to the stackingareea from whiich they aretranspported to thee site for usee.Details of Pile type P22 (under studdy) is shownn in Drawinng No. 1.06.

    3.7.4 Maaterial Deetails for RReinforcemment Cagee Fabricattion1.Reinforrcement

    Diameeter :10, 20,, 25, 32mm TMT bars

    Sourcee : National,, Rajauri, SAAIL

    Cost : Rs. 42000/ MT2. Welding rods

    Purpoose: Weldingg of steel plattes

    Comppany : ESAB EElectrodes Pvvt. Ltd.

    Type : Metal Arcc Welding-6013, 70188

    Code rreference : IIS 4111

    Size : 44.00 x 450mmm

    Cost: TType- 6013::Rs. 2600/ ppacket (55 r ods)TType- 7018::Rs. 4200/ ppacket (55 rods)

    Consuumption : 2225mm weld length /rodd (4mm x 4550mm)2 Anvi M27 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra3. Bindinng Wire

    Thicknness:19 gaugge

    Availaability: 50 Kgg rolls

    Code rreference: ISS 814

    Cost: RRs.25/kg3.7.5 Laabour Req uirement for Reinfoorcement Cage FabrricationTaable 6 showws the labourr required inn fabricationn of reinforceement cage..

    ACTIVITY SKILLEDD UNSSKILLEDShifting/ UUnloading -10Cutting 2 4Bar-bendiing 2 4

    Making Heelical Stirrupps 2 5Fixing 3 5Welding 4 -TOTAL 13 27

    Table 6 Labour Reququirement foor Reinforcemment age Fababrication

    3.7.6 Cyycle Time for Reinfoorcement Cage FabrricationThhe cycle timme for fabricaation of a re inforcementt cage is as sshown in Taable 7.

    ACTIVITTY TTIME LAPSEShiftingg/ Unloadingg 2 Hrs.Cuttingg 2 Hrs.Bar-be nding 2.5 Hr.Makingg Helical Stirrrups 4.5 Hr.Fixing 6 Hrs.Welding 12 Hrs.TOTALL 29 Hrs. i.e. 1.21 DDays

    Tablele 7 Cycle timme for Reinfoforcement CaCage Fabricattion

    2 Anvi M28 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra229Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra33.8 Consstructioon Methodologyy for Pi ling3.8.1 Gaantry Shiffting

    On coompletion off the permannent piles 1 & 2 and temmporary pilee 5 of grid-99 ,braces, grrillages andwheells are placedd on the piless to facilitatee shifting off the Piling GGantry.

    Pointss are marke d on the mmain girder oof the gantrry & roller and another point is mmarked at adistannce of 10m ffrom the firsst point. Theese points heelp to ensuree that the

    di stance of 100m betweenthe piles is maintaained and thhus, assist inn the next ppositioning ffor the consttruction of nnext row ofpiles i.e. grid 8

    Shiftinng winches hhave wire roope connected to pulleyys out of whiich one is tieed to the ganntry & otherto the second last pile. When the shifting winch is rootated, wire rrope gets collected in thhe winch.

    Due too this, lengthh of the wiree rope decreeases & the ggantry movees forward.

    Whenn it is moveed by 10m, locks are pplaced on thhe gantry suuch that they obstruct the gantrymovemment by collliding with tthe wheel. TThen the braakes of the wwheels are ti

    ghtened to pprevent anyfurtheer movemennt of the ganttry.

    Total sstation is theen used to chheck if the ppositioning oof the gantryy doneis prooper.

    Sufficiient precauttions have too be taken too shift the gaantry only upto the requuired distancce asbackwward movemment of the gantry, in casse it has movved more thhan the speciified distancce, wouldnot bee possible. If side shiftingg is observedd, it has to bbe rectified.3.8.2 Pile Point MMarking

    After tthe shifting of gantry is done, pointts are given for the nextt row of piles i.e. pile noos. 1, 2, 3 ofgrid 88 .

    Markiing of the ceentre point of the pile iis not feasibble. So, a poiint is markeed on eitherr side of thecentree point of thee pile, on the gantry flooor using paiint.

    These points helpp in checkinng of the centre point oof the pile. TThese are mmarked at a distance of1.5m on either sidde.

    These points are mmarked usinng Total Statiion.3.8.3 Chhecking off Pile Centtre Point

    The ceentre point oof the pile is to be checkked after the pile points are marked..

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  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra331Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra3.8.5 Fixixing of Guuide

    The guuide is madee of ISMC 1550 box.

    There are two guiide boxes forr each pile. TThey help too keep the linner in plummb & positionn.

    Four bboxes are weelded in position, with rrespect to the pile pointss marked, leeaving 4mm on all sidesof the liner surfacce. The top gguide is weldded to the gaantry.

    The seecond guide is fixed in pposition at thhe bottom, uusing the plumb bob annd projectingg the pointsmarkeed on the gantry above.

    The guuide is remooved after thhe boring iss completed as to facilittate lowerin

    ng of the reinforcementcage.3.8.6 Liner Lowerring & Pittching

    After tthe guide fixxing is comppleted, the liner is lowerred from its pposition.

    Extra liner units aare welded tto the bottomm liner for lliner extension, as requuired, dependding on thedepth of the bed. In case of aany distortioon, that partt is removedd. When thee

    liner is to bbe lowered,the arresting cleatts are cut annd removed.

    Thereaafter, on relleasing the wwinch brakee, the liner ddrops into thhe bore holee below. It iss allowed tofall freeely settle oon the sea beed on its ownn, owing to iits self weighht & it touchhes the bed llevel & restson it wwithout any support. Thhis is referredd to as Linerr Pitching.3.8.7 Liner Drivinng

    Whenn the liner stoops going innside the seaa on its ownand settles oon the bed(ii.e. at the beed level), itis drivven into the sea bed.

    A remmovable driviing cap is pllaced on the top of the liiner so as too preventanyy damage too the linerdue too the impact while drivinng it in.

    A hammmering too l called Monnkey is used to drive thee liner. It is ddropped fromm a height oof about 1-1.5m above the linner to thrustt it in.

    The linner is drivenn till it reachhes the hardd/ rocky straata, beyond wwhich it cannnot be driveen. This isreferred to as the refusal leveel , which deepends on thhe soil strataa and is abouut 9m beloww the bedlevel iin this case.

    At timmes, the attainnment of reffusal level iss determinedd on the basis of less thaan 25mm dissplacementin 12 blows.

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    3.8.8. Boring usinng Chisel & Bailer

    Once the liner is pproperly insserted beloww the sea bedd level, borinng is carried out using bbailer, asteel vvertical cylinnder with ann opening at the top & a one way vaalve at theboottom weighhing about1-3 toon & a cross--chisel weigghing 2- 2.5 tons.

    The innitial boring (upto the reefusal level) is done by bbailer as thee stratabeingg sandy, is sooft and canbe cutt easily.

    To faccilitate the looosening of ssoil, seawateer is made too flow into thhe pile, and then the soiil isremovved using maainly the baiiler.

    Once the refusal llevel is reachhed, emptyboring is caarried out boring is ccarried out for about2-3m generally, uusing chisel, to break upp the hard sttrata beneathh. It is not

    peermitted forr more than3-4m..

    Then ccutting of thhe soil is carrried out usinng chisel. Simmultaneouslly, thesalinee water in thhe pile isreplacced by pumpping in matuure bentonitee underneatth the water . So, the watter surfaces on top of it& is reemoved, as bbentonite haaving higherr density setttles at the boottom. Bailerr then is lowwered toremovve the mud && wet soil fr om the boree hole after cchiseling.

    Circullation of thee bentonite sllurry helps tto prevent thhe sides of thhe bore

    holee from collappsing.

    The acction of benttonite in preeventing colllapse of sidees of bore hooles is mainlyy due to its tthixotropicproperty of bentonnite suspenssion, which allows the mmaterial to foorm fluid likke consistency when3 Anvi M32 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddraintrodduced in the bore hole && form jelly llike formatioon when un disturbed, wwhich turns back tofluid oon agitation..

    The leevel of bentoonite in the bborehole is mmaintained iin such a waay that it

    is aalways abovee theseabedd level durinng low tide aand more thhan the sea wwater level dduring thehiigh tide periiod.

    Once the chisel is removed, bbailer is loweered into thee borehole and dropped multiple timmes, so thatthe soil material eenters the baailer. Then, iit is lifted ouut and tilted to dischargee the collecteed matter(soil, wwaste, bentoonite lumps eetc.). It is ussed for cleanning the boreehole.

    Thus, chiseling annd bailing opperations coontinue alterrnately till thhe founding level (-38mm) isreacheed.

    Simulttaneously, soounding is aalso taken att regular inteervals to dettermine the depth of thee borehole.Soil saamples are taaken regularrly, using thhe Mud Sampler to knoww the soil strrata at differrent depths.

    Once this is achieeved, the bailer is lowereed for the last time to cleean out all looose materiaal from thebore. TThe reinforccement cagee can be placced in the hoole thereafteer.3.8.9 Soounding too Check Bore Depthh

    Bore ddepth is checcked using aa Sounding cchain. A weiight is tied aat the bottomm of a chain and it islowereed inside thee bore. Wheen it touchess the flat botttom surfacee, the weightt gets reduceed & thediffereence is felt. TThe chain iss lifted up annd lowered rrepeatedly too findthe exxact point att which ittouchees the bottomm.

    The pooint where tthe chain touuches the gaantry floor iss marked. Thhe chain is

    llifted out and thelengthh between thhat point andd the end of the chain iss measured.

    The heeight of the gantry is deeducted fromm that lengthh to find out the bore deepth.

    Soundding is done at regular inntervals durring the proccess of borinng and after boring is coompleted,the boore depth achhieved is checked to enssure attainmment of the required deppth i.e upto tthefoundding level. Onnce the boree depth is appproved by tthe PMC enggineer, execuution of the subsequentactivitties is approvved.3.8.10 RReinforcemment Cagee Lifting, JJoining && Loweringg

    Prior tto lowering the reinforccement cages, the boreh ole is thorouughly cleaneed of all the muck

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    using a bailer.

    Then tthe top of thhe liner is cuut & removedd in such a wway so that tthe full-length cage cann rest on its


    The boottom reinfoorcement cagge is lifted frrom the ponntoon by the piling toweer winch. A gguide ropeis tied to its bottomm to controll the lifting ooperation.

    After iit is lifted, it is made to ssit on the linner top by pllacing it withh the help oof resting barrs weldedto the inside of thee cage ( 2 noos. 32).

    The neext cage is thhen lifted annd positioneed so that thee bars of thee two cages aare properlyy alignedwith eeach other foor accurate llapping.

    The laapping is donne in a stagggered manneer with lap llength takenn as 40D and

    d alternate sstaggeringof lapss as 800mmm.

    After tthe lapping of the main bars, helicaal reinforcemment or hoopps are insertted and are wwelded inpositioon as per thee drawing att 300mm sppacing.

    Now, the welded sections are lifted up byy 100mm, thhe resting baars are remooved and thee bottomcage in lowered innto the pile bbore such thhat the coverr blocks are not damageed.

    After tthe entire caage, except tthe lapped pportion is lowwered, the seegment weldded to the boottom cageis resteed on the linner using resting bars annd another ccage is liftedd and weldedd as explainned before.

    Here, 5 reinforcemment cage seegments formm the entiree reinforcemment cage unnit.

    Whenn it has been lowered, thhe cage top iss measured with respect to gantry ddeck level too ensurethat thhe cage has aattained reqquired levels .

    The toopmost cage has provisioons of develoopment lenggths in the bbars for embbedment in thheheadsttock.3 Anvi M33 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra334Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra335Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra336Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra337Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra338Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra339Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra

    The linner length iss later on inccreased beyoond the straaight bars of reinforcemeent cage so aas to makepossibble placemennt of wheels and grillagees on it to faacilitate shiftting ofthe gantry.3.8.11 TTremie Lowwering

    Tremiie lowering ccan be starteed immediattely after commpletion of lowering off

    reinforcemment cages.

    The trremie has a ddiameter of 200mm andd length of thhe pipe variies between 1.20m to 1.40m.

    The trremie pipes aare attachedd to each othher by male ffemale joints and these

    jjoints are grreasedusing a wire brushh to facilitatte their smoooth attachmment and remmoval.

    The trremie is attacched to the ttremie top wwhich is susppended fromm the piling ttower.

    The firrst tremie is lowered annd is kept susspended witth the help oof a tremie

    foork. The lenggth of thefirst trremie pipe iss 3.89m.Thee ones attachhed thereafteer are 1.35mm long.

    Thereaafter, tremiee top is detacched from thhe first tremmie and is atttached to thee second tremmie, whichis attached to the first tremie at the other end.

    In thiss way, tremiie is loweredd upto 300mmm above thee bottom of the bore holle.

    After aall the tremiie pipes are lowered, pippe carrying bentonite sluurry is attacched to the trremie top.3.8.12 FFlushing oof Bore Hoole

    Flushiing is carriedd out to cleaan the bore sshaft by getting rid of thhe unwantedd matter prioor toconcreeting.

    Fresh bentonite sluurry havingg specific graavity of 1.044 to 1.12 is ccirculated innside the borre hole.

    Whenn bentonite iss mixed withh water it foorms a colloiidal suspenssion which t

    ends to attraact mudparticles. It is duee to thixotroppic propertyy of the susp ension due tto which

    it tturns back innto fluid onbeing agitated andd comes out of the bore..

    The sppecific graviity of the sluurry increasees by 0.1 till it reaches thhe bottom of the bore, thhusbecomming 1.14 to 1.22.

    The sppecific graviity of bentonnite should iddeally be lesss than half tthe specific gravity of cooncreteand shhould not exxceed the speecific gravit y of concrette in any casse.

    The beentonite mixx at the bottoom of the boore hole is chhecked by loowering a

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    MMud Samplerr & taking asamplle from theree. Hydrometter is used too check the sspecific gravvity.

    If the density of beentonite is mmore than 1..25, flushingg is continueed.

    After tthe flushingg of bentonitee is over, Airr flushing iss carried to rremove

    the ssand particlees from thebore hhole. It is donne using air compressorrs. For that, aair pipe is atttached

    in pplace of the ppipecarryiing bentonit e and the beentonite is suupplied to thhe bore withh the help

    of canvas pipee placeddirectlly into the liiner.

    It is doone for abouut 10 minutees & care shoould be takeen so as not to do it in exxcess as it mmay causethe siddes of the boore hole to coollapse.3.8.13 CConcretingg

    The cooncrete of grrade M40 iss prepared inn a batchingg plant of 300m3/ hr outp

    put capacityy. It istranspported to thee site in Trannsit mixers, aat the locatioon of concreete pump arrranged for cconcreting.

    Since compactionn of concretee inside the ppile is not feaasible, the sllump ofthe concrete is keptbetweeen 150- 1800mm.

    The Trransit mixerrs are placedd next to thee concrete puumps for unnloading ofcconcrete andd theconcreete is pumpeed and sent to the pile loocation throough pipes.

    Once the flushingg is completeed, a hopperr is attached to the top trremie pipe.

    TThis hopperr for thefirst batch of conccreting is of a larger sizee than thosee used afterwwards, with aa volume of 2.5m3.

    The boottom opening of the hoopper is initiially pluggedd by a removvable chargee plate. Thiss plug isattachhed to a sepaarate winch wire rope.

    The gaap between the bore holle bottom annd the bottomm tremie pippe is kept arround 300mmm.

    The trremie hopper is applied with oil.

    4 Anvi M40 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra

    The trremie hopper is filled wiith concrete. When the hopper is coompletely fillled with conncrete, theplug is pulled out using the wwinch and thhe concrete iin the hoppeer rushes ouut of the tremmie pipedownwwards, displlacing the beentonite in tthe bottom eend of the treemie pipe.

    This iss done so asto prevent mmixing of cooncrete withh the slurry. Also, as the density of concrete ismore tthan the sluurry in the boore shaft & iit falls with aa pressure frrom such a height, the sslurrymovedd upwards aand allows c oncrete to ddeposit at thee bottom, thuus filling thee bore with soundconcreete. The air in the tremie is removedd through thhe air pipe.

    Now wwhen the co ncrete is pouured, it resuults in a Pile shaft build uup. A bui

    ld-- up of 4-5 mm is alwaysmaintained in thee pile.

    Concrrete build-uup is checkedd regularly tto note the vvariation bettween the thheoretical & aactualquantity of concreete consumpption. This aalso helps to note the deppth at whichh variation iss found.

    Theoretical heightt of concretee build- up ccan be calcuulated from tthe quantumm of concrette pumpedinto thhe pile and tthe length off the tremie lowered, obbtained fromm the number of tremie ppipes.Variattion betweenn the theorettical & actuaal build- up should not bbe more thaan + 5%.

    Once the build-upp of 4-5m iss obtained, thhe tremie piipe is lifted oout. The hoppper is remooved & thetopmoost tremie piipe is detachhed.

    Thereaafter, a smalller hopper oof 1-1.5m3 volume is aattached to thhe tremie annd the systemm islowereed into the ppile and conncreting is reesumed. It is continued ttill the bore is filled withh concrete.

    Care sshould be takken that thee tremie pipee should alwways remain atleast 4m eembedded innside theconcreete to prevennt mixing off concrete && bentonite.

    At thee cut- off levvel of the pilee, a windoww sized 200 xx 200mm appprox. is cutt on the linerr tofacilitaate removal of the contaaminated cooncrete by leetting it overrflow. Aboutt 1m3 of conccrete isalloweed to flow ouut.

    On coompletion, thhe tremie pippes are remooved and aree properly ccleaned withh

    water & wiire brush.Mix propoortions for MM40 grade aas per designn mix are ass given in tabble 8.

    MATERRIAL QUANTITTYCemeent 330 Kg./mm3Flyassh 110 Kg./mm3

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    Sandd 608.48 Kg. /m3Coarrse Aggregatte (10mm) 470.74 Kg. /m3Coarrse Aggregatte (20mm) 750.84 Kg. /m3Admixture 167.20 Lit.//m3sWatter 4.81 Kg./mm3

    TTable 8 M400 Grade Conncrete Design Mix Propoortions

    Quantityy of Concreete


    Theoreticaal Quantity of Concrete (As per Draawing)= 3.114 x R2 x H

    R: Radius= 3.114 x (0.55)22 x (38 + 6 ++ 1)

    of pile

    = 422.74 m3H: TheoretticalTheoreticaal Quantity of Concrete (As per Acttual Boring)== 3.14 x R2 x H lengthoof= 3.114 x (0.55)22 x (38.233 + 6 + 1) pile= 422.96 m3H : ActualActual Quuantity of Cooncrete: 46 mm3 lengthof

    pile(The diffeerence betweeen the theooretical quanntity of conc rete as per ddrawing & thhat as per acctualboring is ddue to the ddifference beetween the thheoretical && actual founndinglevels.The differrence betweeen theoretical quantity && actual quaantity is duee to allowancce of washinng off ofimpure cooncrete at cuut- off level)).

    441 Anvi Maniar (1205)SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), MunddraActual connsumption oof materials in concretinng of pile is given in Taable 9.

    MATERRIAL QUANTITTYCemeent 15180 Kgg.Flyassh 5060 Kgg.Sandd 27990.08 Kg.Coarrse Aggregatte (10mm) 216.54 KKg.Coarrse Aggregatte (20mm) 34538.64 Kg.Admixture 7691.2 Liit.Wateer 221.26 KKg.

    TTable 9 Actual Material CConsumptioon of Pile Cooncrete

    3.8.14 PPreparatioon for nexxt Gantry SShifting

    On coompletion of concreting,, the existingg liner is exttended to reaach the ganttry bottom l evel.

    The linner is filled with sand.

    Bracinngs are provvided betweeen the piles tto support thhe piles on wwhich thegaantry will reest .

    The toop plates aree placed on tthe piles. Griillages are ppositioned onn the plates. Gantry shiffting wheelsare plaaced in the rrequired loccations to faccilitate the nnext shiftingg.

    After tthe concretee has gainedd appropriatee strength, sshifting of gaantry iscarrried out.4 Anvi M42 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra443Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra444Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra445Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra446Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PRROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra43D3

    3ThAnvi M473.9 MateDetails of matCementSandCoarse AgAdmixturWater

    FlyashBentonite3.10 LabNo. of labNo. of shiNo. of dayThereforeToToToHence, To3.11 Cyche cycle TimLJoBLRTFCSGaniar (1205)erial Deterials usedMATERIALggregaterebour reqbourers per sfts/ day: 2ys for comple,otal no. of Opotal no. of Wotal no. of Heotal Labour Rcle Timeme for PilingLiner lowerin

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    oining of AdBoringLiner CuttingReinforcemeTremie LoweFlushingConcretingSand filling &Gantry Shiftitailsin Pile ConsSDVSMSBquiremen

    shift: OperatWelderHelperletion of a piperators: 1 xWelders: 1 x 2elpers: 3 x 2Requiremenfor Pilfor the PileACTng & Liner Pdditional Ling & Guide Reent Cage Lapering& PreparatioingTOTAstruction is aSOUSanghi CemDhrub VillagVidi, AnjarSikaMundraSabarmatiBhujTable 10 Pnt for Ptor-1r-1rs-3ile: 9.93 dayx 2 x 10= 22 x 10= 202 x 10= 60t in Piling Oing8 x 1 is as gTIVITY

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    Pitchingner Unitsemovalpping & Lowon for GantrAL TIMETable 11as given in TURCEentgePile MateriaPilingys i.e. 10 day0Operation: 10given in Tabweringry Shifting

    1 Cycle TimeTable 10.TY53 gradZone II20mm &600HP2l Detailsys00/ Pileble 11.238.2me for PilingSBST, CEPTYPEde& 10mm2A---TIME LAPSE4.00 hrs.4.41 hrs.197. 00 hrs1.33 hrs.9.41 hrs.1.30 hrs.1.00 hrs.12.00 hrs.6.50 hrs.1.25 hrs.2 Hrs.-9.93T University,CORs. 4300/MRs.0.27/KgRs.0.27/KgRs.35/ Kg.Rs.0.11/LitRs.1200/MRs. 225/ baE

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    .DaysAhmedabadOSTMTg.g.t.MTag(50 kg.)

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra33.12 CONCRETEE MIX DEESIGN FFOR M400 GRADE OF COONCRETTEAccordingg to the Mixx Design for M40 grade of concrete,, calculationns for themaaterial quanttities are asgiven.

    3.12.1 CCalculatioons for 44 0 Kg. Cemmentitiousmass witth 25% repplacementt MMix Propoortions as per stipulatiionsoSand CContent= 344.5%oWaterr Content @@0.38 W/C rratio= 167.220 lit.

    oCoarsee aggregate ratio=61: 339oCemennt @ 75%= 330 Kg.oFlyashh @ 25%= 110 Kg.oApprooximate air ccontent @ 22% QQuantity of Fine Agggregate:V= [w + cc/Sc + 1/p xx FA/SFA] x 11/1000For 1 concrete @ 2% air coontent1= [167.220 + 440/2 .92 + 1/0.3345 x FA/2.6665] x 1/98801= -167.220 + 150.688 + FA/ 0.9 19Hence, FAA/0.919= 6662.12So, FA (Saand)= 608.448 Kg. QQuantity of Coarse AAggregate (220mm):V= [w + cc/Sc + 1/p xx CA/SCA] x 1/1000For 1 concrete @ 2% air coontent1= [167.220 + 440/2 .92 + 1/0.339955 x CA//2.839] x 1//9801= -167.220 + 150.688 + CA/ 1.1 34Hence, CAA/1.134= 6 08.12So, CA= 7750.84 Kg. QQuantity of Coarse AAggregate (10mm):V= [w + cc/Sc + 1/p xx CA/SCA] x 1/1000For 1 concrete @ 2% air coontent1= [167.220 + 440/2 .92 + 1/0.225545 x CA//2.810] x 1//9801= -167.220 + 150.688 + CA/0.7117Hence, CAA/0.717= 6 62.12So, CA (100mm)= 4744.74 Kg.

    Hence, th e mix designn is as givenn in Table 122.

    INGREDIIENTS SSD WEIGHHT IN Kg./mm3Cement 330Flyash 110Sand 6088.48Coarse agggregate (20 mm) 7500.84Coarse agggregate (10 mm) 4744.74Water 1667.2

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    Admixture @ 1% 4.84

    Table 12 MMix Design Proportionss

    4 Anvi M48 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra3.12.2 MMix ProporrtionC: CA: FA: W/C= 1: 33.7139 :84338: 0383.12.3 CCorrectionns & Consiiderationss3.12.2.1 WWater AbssorptionoWaterr: 0.92%oCoarsee Aggregate (20mm): 0..89%oCoarsee Aggregate (10mm): 0..90% FFree Surfacce MoisturreoSand:88%oCoarsee Aggregate (20mm): 0o

    Coarsee Aggregate (10mm): CCorrectionn for Waterr Absorptioon & MoistureoSand: -0.73018oCoarsee Aggregate (20mm): -66.68248oCoarsee Aggregate (10mm): -44.27oWaterr: 11.693.12.4 AAdjusted WWeight (Acctual )Adjusted wweight in kgg/ m3 of the materials iss given in Taable 13.

    INGREDIIENTS SSD WEIGHHT IN Kg./mm3Cement 330Flyash 110Sand 6077.75Coarse agggregate (20 mm) 7444.16Coarse agggregate (10 mm) 4700.47Water 1667.2Admixture @ 1% 4.84

    Table13 AActual Materrial Weightss

    4 Anvi M49 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PRCOJECT 20hapter08- 09FOR4 MATS & CHECKLLISTSWeest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PRCOJECT 20hapter08- 09FOR4 MATS & CHECKLLISTSWeest Port (Phaase- 1), MunddraThe formaats & checklists for Pile CConstructionn are as giveen below:Bar Bending ScheduleBore Records

    DDetails of Linner UsedDDrilling mudd (Bentonite)) DetailsTremie & Conncrete Pour DetailsTransit Mixerr Details

    CConcrete Pouur card

    CConcrete Mixx Data SheettSOUURCE: QA/ QQA MANUALAL(SIMPLEX)

    5 Anvi M50 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra551Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra552Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra553Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra554Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra555Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra556Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra557Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra558Anvi Maniar (1205)

    SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PRCOJECT 20Chapter08- 09TOO5 OLS, EQUUIPMENTS & PLANTWeest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PRCOJECT 20Chapter08- 09TOO5 OLS, EQUUIPMENTS & PLANTWeest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra55.1 Detaails of ttools, eqquipmen ts & plaant usedd in pilinngFoollowing equuipments ar e used in thee operationfaabrication:

    oTotal SStation withh reflectorsoAuto LLevel Machineo

    Piling WinchoBar Cuutting MachhineoPlate RRolling Mac hineoHand Gas CutteroIron RRod Bending MachineoIron RRod Cutting MMachineoWeldiing RectifieroWeldiing GensetoSubmeersible PumppoVacseaal PumpoAir Coompressor PuumpoBatchiing PlantoTransiit MixeroVibrattoroConcrrete PumpoHoisting Hand WiinchoHydraaulic JackoDiesell GeneratoroCraneeoHydraaulic Mobilee CraneoJCB Exxcavator

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    oExcavator cum BaackhoeoPowerr packoDrill mmachineoGrinding machineeoRustonn engineoMono Block pumppof piling, inncluding lineer & reinforccement cagee

    5.1.1 Tootal Statioon with reeflectorsPurpose: GGiving pointss as per co-ordinates & checking off precision oof points


    Make:: Sokkia

    Modell: No.610

    Quanttity:1 no.

    Mode of operationn: Battery opperated5.1.2 Auuto Level MMachinePurpose: CChecking of levels

    Make:: Trimble


    Quanttity:1 no.

    Mode of operationn: Manual5.1.3 Piling WinchPurpose: LLifting, lowerring & pitchhing liner

    Anvi Maniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad


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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), MunddraBBoring operaation (Chiselling/ Bailingg)LLifting & lowwering of reinnforcement cagesLLifting & lowwering of tremmie pipesLLifting & lowwering of hoppper for conncreting conncrete compaactionLLifting % possitioning of bbracings

    Make:: Engine- Grreaves Cottonn Ltd. Winnch- Sanjoy Engg. (Kolkkata)

    Modell: 6 YDA MAAKE-3

    Capaccity: 7.5T

    Quanttity: Enginess- 31 Wincch-14 nos.

    Fuel foor operationn: Diesel

    Featurres: Winch is of Single DDrum type5.1.4 Baar Cuttingg MachinePurpose: CCutting of reeinforced barrs as per appproved BBS

    Make:: Jay Mech. EEngineeringg Ltd.


    Quanttity:2 nos.5.1.5 Plate Rollinng MachinnePurpose: BBending of MMS plates to form liners

    Motor Capacity: 7.5HHPPower connsumption: 6KW/hr.Quantity: 3 nos.Electricityy Source: Dieesel Generattor.

    5.1.6 Haand Gas CCutterPurpose: CCutting of MMS plates as pper requiredd size

    Quantity: 1 no.Features: UUse of LPG && Oxygen annd Oxyacetyylene & Oxyygen is used for the cuttiing.Cost: Rs.66000 (approxx.)

    5.1.7 Iroon Rod Beending MaachinePurpose: BBending of rreinforcemennt bars as peer BBS for faabrication off cage

    Make: SpaartanModel: SBBM-42SQuantity: 1 no.Electricityy Source: Dieesel Generattor

    Table 14 sshows capaccity of Bar BBending Macchine.

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    CAAPACITY OFF BAR BENDDING MACHHINENo. of barcan togethrs ither 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 noss. 4 nos.Bar Dia. 36mm 32mmm 25mm 20mmm 16mm

    TaTable 14 Bar Bending Maachine Capaacity

    5.1.8 Iroon Rod Cuutting MacchinePurpose: CCutting of reeinforcemennt bars as peer BBS for fabbrication of cage

    Make: SpaartanModel: SCCM-42

    6 Anvi M60 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), MunddraMotor Capacity: 8HPPower Consumption: 6.25KW/ hhr.Quantity: 1 no.Electricityy Source: Dieesel Generattor

    Table 15 sshows capaccity of Bar CCutting machhine.

    CAAPACITY OFF BAR CUTTTING MACHINENo. of barcan togethrs ither 1 no. 1 no. 2 nos. 3 noss. 5 nos.Bar Dia. 36mm 32mmm 25mm 20mmm 16mm

    TaTable 15 Bar Cutting Maachine Capacacity

    5.1.9 WeWelding RecctifierPurpose: WWelding of pplates & reinnforcement bbars

    Make:: Arc Tech.

    Input:: 42 Amp.

    Supplyy Voltage: 380/440

    Powerr: 30KVA

    Modell: RC 400

    Quanttity:2 nos.

    Mass: 326 Kg.

    Make:: Poweron

    Modell: RT 400

    Input:: 400A, 36VV

    Quanttity:2 nos

    Mass: 195 Kg.

    Make:: ESAB Indiaa Ltd.

    Modell: RC 400

    Quanttity:4 nos.

    Make:: SWE

    Modell: SWE 402

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    Quanttity:8 nos.

    Current: 400 Ampp.5.1.10 WWelding GGensetPurpose: WWelding

    Make:: Esab India Ltd.

    Modell: S3.8G4

    Powerr: 30/10KVAA

    Quanttity:3 nos.5.1.11 SSubmersibble PumpPurpose: TTo collect seaa water by ppumping for boring and cleaning off bailer &



    Motorr Capacity: 110 HP

    Quanttity:3 nos.6 Anvi M61 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra5.1.12 VVacseal PuumpPurpose: FFor mixing && pouring off bentonite innto bore holle

    Make:: Siemens

    Powerr Consumptiion:55KW

    Quanttity:1 no.

    Make:: Siemens

    Motorr Capacity:60HP

    Quanttity:2 nos.

    5.1.13 AAir Compressor PummpPurpose: FFor flushing out air formm pile bore hhole


    Quanttity:2 nos.

    Fuel uused: Diesel5.1.14 BBatching PPlantPurpose: FFor productioon of concreete as per the design mixx

    Make:: Schwing Sttetter India PPvt. Ltd.

    Modell No.:CP30


    Quanttity:1 no.

    Featurres: Fitted wiith Screw Coonveyor of 66m length. PProvided witth 60T & 40TT silos.

    Make:: Macons Enngineer


    Quanttity:1 no.

    Featurres: Fitted wiith Inclined Conveyor. PProvided witth 100T siloos.5.1.15 TTransit MiixerPurpose: FFor transportting concrette from Batchhing plant too site

    Make:: Chassis- Asshok Leylandd Make IIIMixer- Greeaves Cottonn Ltd.

    Modell: Chassis-25516h/4CDrum- RHHS65XL

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    Quanttity:5 nos.

    Fuel uused: Diesel

    Make:: Chassis- Taata MotorsMixer- Schhwing Stetterr India Pvt. LLtd.

    Modell: Drum- RHHS65XL


    Quanttity:5 nos.

    Fuel uused: Diesel5.1.16 VVibratorPurpose: FFor vibratingg of poured concrete

    Quanttity:1 no.Anvi Maniar (1205)SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad


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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra

    Fuel uused: Petrol5.1.17 CConcrete PPumpPurpose: PPumping of cconcrete intoo bore hole

    Make:: Sany

    Modell: 40C1410DDA


    Max. TTheo. Displaacement: -488m3/hr.

    Quanttity:1 no.

    Mass: 3500 kg.5.1.18 HHoisting HHand WincchPurpose: LLifting & lowwering materrials for pilinng

    Capaccity: 5T

    Quanttity:2 nos.5.1.19 HHydraulic JackPurpose: TTo lift/ raise material


    Capaccity: 1500T

    Quanttity:2 nos.5.1.20 DDiesel GenneratorPurpose: AAlternative soource of elecctricity

    Make:: Greaves

    Modell: TVB3D6MMK


    Quanttity:1 no.

    Fuel uused: Diesel

    Make:: Cummins


    Quanttity:1 no.

    Fuel uused: Diesel

    Make:: Greaves

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    Modell: TD4L4


    Quanttity:1 no.

    Fuel uused: Diesel

    Make:: Greaves

    Modell: 4YDMk3


    Quanttity:2 nos.

    Fuel uused: Diesel

    Make:: Kirloskar6 Anvi M63 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra

    Modell: 4R1040TAA


    Quanttity:11 nos.

    Fuel uused: Diesel

    Make:: Kirloskar

    Modell: 4R1190


    Quanttity:5 nos.

    Fuel uused: Diesel

    Make:: Cummins


    Quanttity:1 no.

    Fuel uused: Diesel

    Make:: Mahindra & Mahindraa

    Modell: 4575GM


    Quanttity:6 nos.

    Fuel uused: Diesel

    Make:: Kirloskar

    Modell: 3305GM


    Quanttity:6 nos.

    Fuel uused: Diesel5.1.21 CCranePurpose: SShifting of linners, MS plaates, reinforccement etc. at required locations

    Make:: XUZHOU

    Modell: RHS65XL

    Enginee Model: 6CC250-2

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    Quanttity:1 no.

    Fuel uused: Diesel

    Featurres: Tyre moounted. Prov ided with teelescopic booom.5.1.22 HHydraulic Mobile CrranePurpose: AAction constrruction equiipment

    Make:: HYDRA

    Modell: RHINO110C


    Quanttity:2 nos.

    Fuel uused: Diesel5.1.23 JJCB ExcavvatorPurpose: EExcavation

    Make:: JCB

    Modell: 3DXAnvi Maniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad


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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra

    Quanttity:2 nos.

    Fuel uused: Diesel5.1.24 EExcavator cum BackkhoePurpose: EExcavation && loading/mmoving of earrth/soil

    Make:: JCB

    Modell:KS-JCB 3DDX

    Quanttity:2 nos5.1.25 PPower PacckPurpose: PProvision of ppower for ruunning equiipments


    Quanttity:2 nos.

    Featurres: Providedd with 4 hosse pipes5.1.26 DDrill MachhinePurpose: DDrilling

    Quanttity: 1 no.

    Featurres: Hand Drrill Machinee5.1.27 GGrinding MMachinePurpose: PPolishing

    Make:: Bosch

    Modell: AG-10

    Quanttity:2 nos.5.1.28 RPurpose: WWRuston Enngineinch enginne

    Make:: Greaves Cootton Ltd.

    Modell: 4YDA MAAKE-3

    Quanttity:2 nos.

    Featurres: Single DDrum Winchh5.1.29 MMono BlocPurpose: FFor water supk Pumppply

    Make:: Cromson

  • 8/3/2019 CAR1 FINAL PILING REPORT Project Training Mundra


    Motorr Capacity: 55HP

    Quanttity:1 no.

    Make:: Cromson

    Motorr Capacity: 55HP

    Quanttity:1 no.

    Make:: Crompson

    Motorr Capacity: 00.5 HP

    Quanttity:1 no.

    Make:: KirloskarAnvi Maniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad


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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra

    Motorr Capacity: 55 HP

    Quanttity:1 no.55.2 Owniing & Opperatingg Cost oof transsit mixerrGeneral Informati on

    1. Investmment Cost (P ): Rs. 24, 000, 0002. Consideered Econommic Life (N):: 4 Yrs.3. Salvagee Value (S): RRs. 8,00,00004. Workinng Hours (HH): 4992 Hrss./Yr.(Considerring 16 Hrs.//Day, 26 woorking days// month)5. Mainteenance & Reppairs (M & RR): Rs. 50,0000/Yr.6. Diesel CConsumptioon (DC): 5 Liit./ Hr.7. No. of OOperators: 44 (2 shifts &1 driver, 1 hhelper/ shiftt)8. Operators Cost: 2 (6000 + 40000) = Rs. 200, 000/ Monnth

    5.2.1 Hoourly Ownning Cost

    Averagge Investmeent Value (p)): p= P(N+11)+ S(N-1)2N=24,00,0000 (5) + 8,00,000 (3)2(4)= Rs. 18, 00, 000

    Yearlyy Cost of Invvestment: Intterest on Invvestment @ 10% + Insu rance + Taxxes @ 4%= 14% of p= RRs. 2,52,000

    Yearlyy Depreciatioon (D): D=P-SN= 24, 00, 0000 8, 00, 00 044= Rs. 4, 00, 0000

    Yeearly Owninng Cost: Yeaarly Cost of IInvestment ++ D= Rs.. 6, 52, 000

    HHence,Hoourly Owninng Cost: Yeaarly Owning Cost

    H= 6, 552, 000/ 49992= Rs. 130. 61

    6 Anvi M66 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra5.2.2 Ho stourly Operrating CosA. Hourly Maintenancce & Repairss Cost: Yearlly Maintenaance & Repaiirs CostH= 50, 000/ 4992= Rs. 10

    B. HourlyLubricant CConsumptionn Cost:Fuel- Coonsumption : 5 Lit./ HrCoost: Rs. 40/ Lit.HHourly Cost oof Fuel: Rs. 2200

    Lubricannt- Hourly CCost:15% of Hourly Fuell Cost= Rs. 330

    Total Hoourly Lubriccant Cost= RRs. 230/ Hr.

    C. Operattors Cost: Monthly Operator waggesNNo. of workinng Hrs. per mmonth= 220,000116x26= RRs. 49/ Hr.


    Hoourly Operaating Cost: A+ B+ C= RRs. 10 + Rs. 230 + Rs. 4 9= RRs.289

    Thherefore,HOOURLY OWNNING & OPEERATING COOST = Rs. 1330. 61 + Rs.. 289

    = Rs. 419.616 Anvi M67 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PRCOJECT 20Chapter08- 09RAT6 E ANALYYSISWeest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PRCOJECT 20Chapter08- 09RAT6 E ANALYYSISWeest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra66.1 Ratee Analyssis of linner fabrricationSchhool of Buildding Science & TechnoloogyProject TRATraining 20ATE ANALYS08- 09ISProject Na

    (Phase- I)Mundraame : West P,Port Basin DDevelopmentt StudenCode nnt Name: Anno.: 1205vi ManiarItemNo. Item DDescription Unnit Quanttity Ratte Ammount RemarksFabtheofborinccombricating ane site 1100m6mm thickred castcluding bendmplete.nd deliverimm ID linersk Steel platt-in-situding, weldining tos madetes forpilesng etc.,MMTForr 3.41 MTA MAATERIALSSteel Plates MMT 3.411 430000 1446630Weelding Rods Noos. 3300 8.88 22904Oxxygen Cylindder Noos. 0.255 2000 50LPGG Gas Noos. 0.031 5000 115.50B LABBOURSkiilled Noos. 8 1700 1360

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    Unnskilled Noos. 12 115 1380TOOTAL A + B 1522339.50C TEPP @ 2% of AA + B 30046.81Weelding Transsformer (Appprox) 44000D.GG. Set Hr. 4 4600 1840D SCAAFFOLDINGG @ 2% of A + B -----E WAof AATER & ELECA + BCTRICITY @@ 2%33046.8TOOTAL A+ B ++ C + D + EE 1644273.10F PROof AOFIT & OVEA+ B + C +ERHEADS @

    D + E15%24640.97TTOTAL Rs. 18888914.08UNITT RATE Rs. 554000.02/MT

    6 Anvi M68 aniar (1205) SBST, CEPTT University, Ahmedabad

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    PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), Munddra PROJECT 2008- 09 Weest Port (Phaase- 1), MunddraQQuantities OOf Materialls (Theorettical)

    1.. SteelLiLiner (6mm tthk. Plate):

    Leength of platte required ffor one unitt : L = p x (66 + 1100)= 3.1411 x 1106= 3475mmm i.e. 3.4775m

    WWidth of one unit : 15000mm.

    Liiner Refusal Level: - 12.743mPiile Cut off leevel: +12.3995mWWastage due to cutting of Liner whille driving: 5% of liner leength= 0.944m

    Hencee, Total Lenggth of Liner == 12.74 +6 .00 + 0.94 == 19.68 m

    NNo. of units required to faabricate 19..67m long liiner: Total leength of lineer/ Length oof one unit= 19.68//1.50= 13 uniits( approx.))

    Thherefore, Quuantity of MMS Plate for LLiner= No. oof liner units x Length oofeach l