Car Desks | Truck Desks | Mobile work Platforms for any Vehicle | Productivity while jammed up in...

Notex t Zone

Transcript of Car Desks | Truck Desks | Mobile work Platforms for any Vehicle | Productivity while jammed up in...

Notext Zone

D2D Trip to the Track for the Daily Commute & Punishment Session. Forgot to grab my phone and coffee. Where is my computer? Traffic’s going to be bad (?) today. Good, I love a good, or bad, traffic jam these days. Does not bother me. Bring it!

Phone, Coffee, Computer on seat, Good to go! Not setting up computer yet, just in case no traffic. Ya right. That will be the day. Doesn’t much matter anyhow…

Yep, there is the ol’ traffic jam. Sure as shoot me in the foot. Far as the eye can see today, hmm, never can tell about these jams anymore. This jam up is moving slow as molasses in winter. Dang it all. Hmmm…

Need to make room. Should have ordered a bigger desktop, damn, they trade em in so will order bigger desktop later… let’s see… phone to seat…

Coffee … Need that… will stow it below… sitting at a complete stop … going nowhere fast. Might as well grab my computer and have at it! Check my email… and other…

Set up computer. No problem… Traffic Nothin…Not moving at all. Here we go… or not, just for a second or two. Crawling is the worst traffic.

Nope… Not even crawling… Stopped in my tracks… Traffics jammed up again, always something, so unpredictable too. Am gonna do something! Gonna Surf & Network!

Stop … and Go .. Or.. Stop and Stop. D2D traffic not so bad. Might be stopped by traffic but can still “GO” with computer. The Armadillo Notext Desk by D2D

In traffic the Armadillo Notext Desk is many cuts above the typical vehicle gadgetry holder.

Hands Down or Hands Free, D2D is good to go for those on the go. For the vehicularly efficient.

Simple surfing is a breeze. Networking is a no brainer. GPS Obviously.

Takes just a second to place on Dashboard or remove to back seat or trunk. Passenger fits and use. Direct Link to store & purchase here & main site linked @ pic. Thank you for your time.

When stationary or stop & go in traffic, proximity sensors use is diminished.