CAQRA2011 Conference Proceedings



2nd International conference on Computer-Aided Qualitative Research 2011

Transcript of CAQRA2011 Conference Proceedings

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24 & 25 February 2011

University of Macau

Macau SAR, China

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Computer-Aided Qualitative Research 2011

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designed to bring together academics and industry practitioners to discuss the key

issues concerning the use software for accelerating qualitative research analysis.

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08:30 Registration 09:30 Opening words by Merlien Institute Agnes Lam Lok Fong - Interim Head of Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities - University of Macau (China)

Chair: Wu Mei - Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities - University of Macau (China)

09:00 The stories behind children living in HIV and AIDS affected families: Using CAQDAS to detect the needs and issues faced by families affected by HIV and AIDS Ng Lee Luan - Lecturer, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics - University of Malaya (Malaysia) 09:45 Decision making process in pap smear test: A novice’s experience with CAQDAS (NVivo) to expedite analysis Anisah Baharom - PhD Candidate Universiti Putra Malaysia 10:30 Networking Coffee break

11:00 Structuring and organising qualitative data in different devices using Personal Information Management (PIM) software Garry Tan - Lecturer & Doctoral Candidate Nanyang Polytechnic & University of Western Australia (Singapore)

11:45 Discussing the challenges and issues in learning ATLAS.ti among graduate students Rusyaizila Ramli - PhD Candidate Universiti Sains Malaysia

12:30 Lunch Break

Brainstorming workshop 13:45 Developing strategies to work effectively in teams while using CAQDAS Facilitated by: David J. Kirkham, Managing Director Calistro Consultants (U.K. & Malaysia) 15:15 Networking Coffee break

15:45 Symbolic convergency theory and analysis of online discussion Wu Mei, - Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities - University of Macau (China) 16:30 Closing remarks from the chair and close of the conference by organiser

Interactive workshop 09:45 CAQDAS: Comparing the two most popular qualitative data analysis software in terms of their practical usability and methodological utility

In this interactive session, Dr Elson Szeto will be reviewing two popular CAQDAS packages: ATLAS.ti and NVivo. He will be comparing the software packages in terms of their methodological utility and practical usability within the framework of managing, exploring, reflecting and integrating qualitative data. He will also highlight the core analysis features and will provide recommendations to researchers on how to make an informed choice based on their research methodologies. This session is beneficial to researchers who are considering using software for enhancing their qualitative data analysis and reporting processes.

Conducted by: Elson Szeto - Team Leader of e-Learning, LTTC The Hong Kong Institute of Education (China)

12:15 Lunch Break

13:30 Increasing the rigor and efficiency of research through the use of qualitative data analysis software Suria Baba - Deputy Director, Institute of Principalship Studies - University of Malaya (Malaysia)

14:15 Using ATLAS.ti for accelerating and reporting qualitative data analysis Siti Rokiah Siwok - Lecturer & Doctoral Candidate Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

15:00 Networking Coffee break

15:30 Dynamics of the Web: analysis of user-generated contents from a dynamic approach by ePOP TextMiner Angus Cheong, - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities - University of Macau (China)

16:15 Artichoke: a tool for transcribing, coding, searching and retrieving video data efficiently Tony Fetherston - Team Leader, Centre of Learning & Development - Edith Cowan University (Australia)

17:00 Summary and closing remarks from chair

17:15 - 18:15 Networking Reception


08:45 Opening words from Merlien Institute Chair: Angus Cheong, - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities - University of Macau (China)

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Thursday 24 February - 09:30

From our chairperson Opening remarks and speaker introductions

Wu Mei Association Professor, Coordinator of English Communication

University of Macau, Macau SAR, China

About Wu Mei… Prof Wu Mei is Associate Professor at the Department of Communication, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, the University of Macau, China. She specializes in media technology and communication studies. She has conducted a series of research on the Internet and telephony/mobile telephony in China. Her publications appear in major journals and by well-known publishers both in English and Chinese. She is currently a member of the Executive Board of the China New Media Communication Association (CNMCA). Her latest book (2010) explores Internet viral marketing in China.

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Thursday 24 February - 09:45

Elson Szeto Team Leader of e-Learning, LTTC The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China

Computer-aided qualitative data analysis software: methodological implications and practical choices

• An overview of CAQDAS - NVivo and Atlas.ti for qualitative data analysis

• Understandings of their methodological implications in a framework of managing; exploring; reflecting and integrating qualitative data

• By comparing the core data analysis features, a practical choice of CAQDAS can be made for qualitative data analysis.

• Interactive discussion with the audience Presentation abstract: In this pre-conference workshop, Dr Elson Szeto will be giving an overview on two of the most popular CAQDAS packages. ATLAS.ti and NVivo. He will be comparing the software packages in terms of their methodological utility and practical usability with a framework managing, exploring, reflecting and integrating qualitative data. Dr Szeto will also be discussing the core data analysis features of these two packages i.e. how a researcher can make a practical choce of CAQDAS. Members of the audience will be asked to reflect on their personal preferences using these two packages. This session will benefit researchers who are considering using software to aid qualitative About Elson… Elson Szeto is an education technologist at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. He is involved in the institute’s e-learning development and related educational projects for enhancement of learning and teaching. His research interests are art and design education, innovative pedagogy, impacts of e-learning on higher education and computer-aided qualitative research.

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Thursday 24 February - 13:30

Suria Baba Deputy Director, Institute of Principalship Studies University of Malaya, Malaysia

Increasing the rigor and efficiency of research through the use of qualitative data analysis software

• Discussing a systematic tools to manage and administer the data gain from several sources

• Identifying user friendly tool in the process of analysing data and leaving behind the nightmare

• Bridging up the gap by displaying data in many forms to produce rich and thick information on the study done

Presentation abstract: Software to support qualitative research is both revered and reviled, because over the years, researchers still believe in using manual to analyse data as it is safer and resourceful. Researchers are skeptical about utility, usability and the ultimate impact of using software. This paper provides an overview of using well designed research tool using NVivo Version 8 and Version 9 to facilitate data analysis. The use of this software has proven to benefit and enrich the findings of the study and is a sure pathway to increase rigor and flexibility in research. Computer assisted qualitative data analysis software has also been seen as aiding the researchers for an accurate and transparent picture of the data whilst providing an audit trail of the data analysis process as a whole. In NVivo, the task is to archive, manage, analyse and code the data from various sources whether internal or external and making memos. NVivo has features that are well suited to aid in analyzing the data throughout field work followed by refining the data. Discussion in this paper is focused on the analysing of the data towards the development of the themes and the display of findings. As a conclusion, procedural instruction and friendly user features will reduce the fear of the researchers towards changing their beliefs in using software as it leads to wider spectrum because in using the software the researchers are assured of a full assistance and work will be done most efficiently. About Suria… Suria Baba currently the Deputy Director (Academics) in the Institute of Principalship Studies at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Her professional area of specialization range in the spectrum of education, specifically in pedagogical leadership. As a qualitative researcher, she developed applications on the integration of digital devices and has been a trainer of using software in analyzing qualitative data. Her expertise in dwelling with the qualitative software had brought her to be a trainer for national and international workshop for private and public university as also private sector.

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Thursday 24 February - 14:15 Siti Rokiah Siwok Lecturer & Doctoral Candidate

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Using ATLAS.ti for accelerating and reporting qualitative data analysis

• Helping researchers appreciate the usefulness of ATLAS.ti in doing literature review.

• Assisting researchers see the user-friendliness of ATLAS.ti during data analysis.

• Helping researchers find a simple way of retrieving essential points for writing the findings.

Presentation abstract: It is common that researchers feel anxious with a new research project. Some researchers feel anxious due to the excitement of doing the project but most are anxious due to the perception of the enormity of the task ahead. Although guidelines of doing literature review are available, the actually doing of the review can be a daunting task. As data is being collected, researchers may feel overwhelmed by the accumulation of massive amount of data. Making sense of the data is a real challenge. At the end of the research project, as part of being a responsible member of a research community, another challenging task is writing the report or publishing an article. ATLAS.ti would not do the thinking process for the research project, but definitely ATLAS.ti will leave the researcher with more time for the thinking process by making literature review, data analysis and writing a report systematic, manageable and enjoyable. About Siti… Siti is a Lecturer in the Human Resource Department at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, besides being a counsellor accredited by the Malaysian Counsellor Accreditation Body. She specialises in family counselling and is involved in NGO works helping families at risks. Her current project is finding out the best way to help parents of deaf children who are in a special school in a local town. This project, which is also her doctoral study, brought her to learn ATLAS.ti from Dr. Susanne Friese. From then on, it is about her research love life with ATLAS.ti.

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Thursday 24 February - 15:30

Augus Cheong Research Director, ERS e-Research & Solutions; Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Science & Humanities University of Macau, China

Dynamics of the Web::::Analysis of User Generated Contents from a

Dynamic Approach by ePOP TextMiner

• Introducing a dynamic approach of analysing user-generated online content

• Analysing real-time searchable data while tracking the diffusion pattern of specific topics

• Discussing how contents is auto-coded, analysed and visualised by software

Presentation abstract: This presentation attempts to introduce a dynamic approach in analysing the user generated content (UGC) posted on the online forums by using a self-developed real-time online web content mining system - ePOP TextMiner. While most of the current computer-aided qualitative research tools are normally applied for static text data analysis, the ePOP TextMiner is developed and used to analyze the real-time searchable UGC dynamically so as to track the diffusion pattern of a specific topic posted and followed by forum users. In addition, by recording the response counts and hit rates over a period of time, the popularity of a set of topics and their development of agenda are examined. A visualized report is ready when the contents are automatically coded and analyzed. At this presentation, the author will also demonstrate how to make the task possible with his innovative tool. About Angus… Angus Cheong is the Founder and Research Director of ERS e-Research & Solutions (Macau) which is a research company focusing on web mining and polling business in the Greater China Region. He is also an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication at the University of Macau, where he teaches “Public Opinion” and “Research Methods in Media Studies”. Angus was awarded the 2003 Elizabeth Nelson Prize in the 56th Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR). He has been the partner of the World Internet Project (WIP) since 2001.

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Thursday 24 February - 16:15

Tony Fetherston Team Leader, Centre of Learning & Development Edith Cowan University, Australia

Artichoke: a tool for transcribing, coding, searching and retrieving video data efficiently

• Evaluating the efficacy of a tool for of transcribing, coding, searching and retrieving video

• Discussing and evaluating how to use video for reflective purposes;

• Understanding how to construct themes from coded video and to construct videos that exemplify that theme and how to export data to Inspiration to illustrate those themes

Presentation abstract: Researchers are looking for efficient ways of transcribing, coding, searching and retrieving this video. Artichoke is a program that facilitates all these functions. It runs on Macintosh or Windows platforms, creates small files, is fast and has wide applicability in teaching, learning and in research generally Artichoke allows the user to enter video into the database, to code and analyse that video and to use selected segments for reflective purposes. I will demonstrate Artichoke in this session. Some functions to be shown include using Artichoke to:

• Transcribe from video

• Capture live video and automatically code it

• Tag and code video segments

• Search for video based on those codes (or on any part of the transcribed text)

• Quickly retrieve and show video that is searched for and found

• Create video clips based on searches (export to PowerPoint for example)

• Facilitate the use of video for reflective purposes

• Construct themes from coded video and to construct videos that exemplify that theme

• Export data to Inspiration to illustrate those themes About Tony… Tony is an experienced Educational researcher with over thirty years experience at all levels in education. Currently he is a team leader in the Centre for Learning and Development at Edith Cowan University in Perth and is responsible for the quality in teaching and learning throughout the University. He also conducts research into teaching and learning and Artichoke arose from needs relevant to that research.

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Friday 25 February - 08:45

From our chairperson Opening remarks and speaker introductions

Augus Cheong Research Director, ERS e-Research & Solutions; Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Science & Humanities University of Macau, China

About Angus… Dr. Angus W.H. Cheong is the Founder and Research Director of ERS e-Research & Solutions (Macau) which is a research company focusing on web mining and polling business in the Greater China Region. He is also an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Macau, where he teaches “Public Opinion” and “Research Methods in Media Studies”. Angus is the co-founding member and deputy chair of the Asia-Pacific Internet Research Alliance (APIRA) and the founder and president of the Macao Association for Internet Research (MAIR). Angus was awarded the 2003 Elizabeth Nelson Prize (the best paper of the year) in the 56th Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR). He has been the partner of the World Internet Project (WIP) since 2001. Angus’ research covers Internet usage and impact, web mining, public opinions, communication strategies and e-government. He has published extensively in books, professional reports, conferences and journals. He also provides research consultancy services to the tertiary institutions, government agencies and commercial sectors in Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China.

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Friday 25 February - 09:00

Lee-Luan Ng Lecturer, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics

University of Malaya, Malaysia

The stories behind children living in HIV and AIDS affected families: Using CAQDAS to detect the needs and issues faced by families affected by HIV and AIDS

• Showcasing the use of CAQDAS in detecting the needs and issues faced by affected parties from interview data.

• Demonstrating the procedures involved in deciphering interview data using computer software.

• Discussing the suitability of CAQDAS in supporting evidence-based policy formulation.

Presentation abstract: The HIV and AIDS epidemic, unequivocally recognized as an unprecedented global health disaster, has claimed over 20 million lives worldwide since it was first identified almost 30 years ago in 1981as reported by the WHO. The epidemic’s reach is increasingly making its presence felt in the lives of more vulnerable groups including women and children. With infection rates still on the rise and expected to continue to do so for years to come, the social and economic development of countries, communities, families and individuals around the world are at risk of being severely undermined by this pandemic.

The study is intended as part of an effort initiated to investigate the extent children and families who have been affected by HIV and AIDS in Malaysia. The targeted group of participants in this study included children living in families with at least one parent affected by AIDS. Semi-structured Interviews were conducted with parents or the caregivers of these children. The presentation will demonstrate how CAQDAS was incorporated to detect the needs and issues faced by families with children who are affected by HIV and AIDS. In addition, the presentation will also discuss the major findings obtained from the interview data. Ultimately, the study aims to use the findings to support evidence-based policy formulation and programming for the medium and long-term future of Malaysian children affected by HIV and AIDS, and to generate further stakeholder dialogue and advocacy on relevant issues. About Lee-Luan… Dr. Ng Lee Luan teaches postgraduate courses related to research methodology and second language acquisition at the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya. She is trained in the fields of TESL and Applied Linguistics. Her current research interest includes computer assisted language learning, online learning, the use of computer assisted qualitative data analysis system in deciphering qualitative data in health science related research. She is also a certified trainer for the software, NVivo.

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Friday 25 February - 09:45

Anisah Baharom PhD Candidate

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Decision making process in pap smear test: A novice’s experience with CAQDAS (NVivo) to expedite analysis

• Demonstrating the experience of working from ‘what I want the computer to do’

• Discussing on the tracking of the trail of sub-themes in women’s decision making process regarding pap smear

• Sharing of experience using sets and queries in carrying out cross analysis

Presentation abstract: Introduction: Cervical cancer screening remains an important preventive measure despite the new development of HPV vaccination against cervical cancer. However, current studies on the process women go through to overcome the barriers to have pap smear test is still lacking.

Aims: This study aims to explore the process women go through when making decision regarding pap smear.

Methods: Phenomenological approach was used to explore women’s lived experiences in the decision making process regarding pap smear. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were carried out on married Malay women in a rural area in Peninsular Malaysia.

Data analysis: For this presentation, the data analysis process undertaken for 12 participants using NVivo 8 will be described. I will share my novice experience of working from ‘what I want’ to ‘how to get the computer to do it’ for me. Working with sets and queries has helped in analyzing data systematically and enabled cross analysis to be carried out.

Results: There were eight elements involved in the decision making process. The coding system has assisted in making the trail of sub-themes comprehensible.

Conclusion: The NVivo 8 software has aided in analysis and avoided the confusion and perplexity with the increasing volume of data. About Anisah… Anisah is currently doing her PhD at Universiti Putra Malaysia. She is also a Medical Trainer in the Department of Public Health at the University. Her main research interest is women’s health, especially reproductive health. She is a Trainer at the Malaysian National Technical (Training) Committee on Gender, Rights and Health. She is also a Life Member of Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia.

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Friday 25 February - 11:00

Garry Tan Lecturer & Doctoral Candidate University of Western Australia, Singapore

Structuring and organising qualitative data in different devices using Personal Information Management (PIM) software

• Highlighting the desired features of research data management portable applications

• Discussing the twelve templates that are used via the portable application for research data management and examines the problems encountered

• Suggestions for improvement in using portable application for research data documentation

Presentation abstract: This paper focuses on the considerations in documenting doctoral case study research using personal information management (PIM) software that run directly from a portable flash drive such as MyInfo PRO. The increasing use of mobile broadband internet, the introduction of smaller tablet-base personal computers, the increasing popularity of portable applications and the trend towards higher network security across Singapore provided the context for discussion. This paper attempts to highlights the desired features of research data management with the use of portable applications for future qualitative researchers.

The case study protocol is adapted from Yin (2009: p79) and Halpern’s Audit Trail (Lincoln & Guba., 1985: p385). About twelve templates were generated and an information tree is presented to illustrate how the research data is updated and kept. The open nature of the information facilitated its regular comparison and reflective journaling by the researcher. Similarly, research articles and their summaries can be kept within the same database for quick reference comparison and checks. While there are obvious advantages in open data systems, improvements are discussed on areas where research data can be better managed. Research scholars, especially doctoral students using the case-study approach would benefit from this presentation. About Garry… Garry has a diploma in architectural technology from Singapore Polytechnic, a bachelor degree in technology (industrial design) from Monash University, a master degree (with distinction) in leadership and education from the University of Western Australia. He is currently pursing a doctor degree in education with the same university. Garry has eighteen years of design experience in tackling military, industrial, commercial and consumer electronic product design. He has conducted research in design education and led future-based design projects. As an educator, Garry is with Nanyang Polytechnic since 1999. He had championed its studio-based approach and the programme’s integration with industry practices.

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Friday 25 February - 11:45

Rusyaizila Ramli PhD Candidate Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Discussing the challenges and issues in learning ATLAS.ti among graduate students

• Improving ATLAS.ti training based on lesson learned from the previous training

• Discussing about intensive ATLAS.ti training given to 10 postgraduate student given by a group of students that always use ATLAS.ti

• Discussing the challenges students face when analysing multi-media data

• Evaluating the success of this training by interviewing the participants using atlas.ti

Presentation abstract: We have successfully conducted Atlas.ti training to graduate students last year. However, we found that limited time and a large number of participants posed a challenge in the training. This year, we propose to conduct the Atlas.ti training by increasing the training time and recruit only a small number of participants. We created an intensive Atlas.ti training program whereby the training session will last for 8 hours and trains about only 10 graduate students who are pursuing their Masters in Computer Sciences or Masters in IT Technopreneurship. The training will include Introduction to Qualitative Research, Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis System (CAQDAS) followed by Atlas.ti functionalities and hands –on session. In hands-on session, we will use a real-life research data where the trainer will explain the scope of the research and explain about the rationale of the data. Participants will then use the data and learn how to create codes, memos, family and networks in Atlas.ti. At the end of the training session, we will conduct two focus group sessions to understand the learning aspects of the Atlas.ti training. The focus group data will also be analyzed using Atlas.ti. About Rusyaizila… Rusyaizila Ramli is a PhD Candidate at the School of Computer Sciences, USM, Malaysia. She has received her Bachelors degree in Information Technology Majoring in Multimedia from University Malaysia in 2006. Rusyaizila Ramli was sponsored by Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia to continue her Masters in Multimedia Networking at Lancaster University UK in 2007. She was teaching in Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technology in University Malaya for a year before she continues her PhD in December 2008. Her research interests are in Pervasive Healthcare and Security and Privacy Issues in Human Computer Interaction.

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Friday 25 February - 13:45

David Kirkham Managing Director Calistro Consultants, U.K. and Malaysia

Brainstorming workshop: Developing strategies to work effectively in teams while using CAQDAS With emphasis being placed on a distributed work environment and with large qualitative research studies, it is essential for researchers to collaborate and work effectively as a team. Not only do researchers have to develop efficient and effective methods of analysing different kinds of data using CAQDAS but also develop a common ‘research language’ within the team. Add to these the threats and opportunities that team dynamics generate. The introductory briefing session will provide some thoughts on how teams develop (Rousin, 2008; Whetton et al, 2000; Klein, 1998; Belbin, 1981;Tuckman & Jensen, 1977) and offer some tools for the work groups. In the workshop, participants will have to brainstorm and articulate best practices on how to work effectively in teams, given a large qualitative research project. At the end of the workshop, team leaders will have the opportunity to present the group results to the audience. The main theme of this workshop is:

How to develop an effective research design for team work?

Workshop Group Tasks:

• Project planning: Defining criteria for deciding on a software to support the analysis process. (Group 1)

• Project planning: How to communicate effectively while working in teams? (Group 2)

• Data collection: How to organize and conduct data collection? (Group 3)

• Data collection and analysis: Special considerations for teams when working with multimedia data (Group 4)

• Data analysis: How to develop a common coding system while working in teams? (Group 5)

• Data analysis: Assessing whether inter-rater reliability is important for the study. (Group 6) If yes: for which purpose and aim?

About David… David is an authority on strategic management under uncertainty. He has worked with corporate teams for 20 years across five continents in industrial and commercial sectors and advises government on risk and crisis management. After initial study at Cambridge University, his MSc was in Development Management and his Liverpool University PhD was on crisis and its management, using multi-media data analysis techniques. He is well-known for his imaginative, challenging and realistic simulations for senior executives. He has observed and coached teams for twenty years.

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Friday 25 February - 15:45

Wu Mei Association Professor, Coordinator of English Communication

University of Macau, Macau SAR, China

Symbolic Convergence Theory (SCT) and analysis of online discussion

• Conceptualizing the nature of online discussion as a transitional and dynamic content which is created through an individually initiated network of interactive group communication

• Demonstrating how SCT analysis is conducted in uncovering an interactive process of rhetoric vision creation among online discussants

• Evaluating the application of computer-aided qualitative research tools in the SCT analysis

Presentation abstract: Online discussion is a particular type of public commons created by the instantaneously and globally accessible conversational media of the Internet and mobile communication which consists of a variety of social media applications. The essential nature of the online discussion lies in the fact that it is an individually initiated network of interactive group communication. It is individual, transitional and dynamic. One of the theories which provides a particular insight into the analysis of dynamic interaction in group discussion is Symbolic Convergence Theory (SCT). It describes dynamic tendencies in the systems of social interaction and focuses on the symbolic and shared process of group discourse in generating meanings. SCT analysis consists of several key terms such as fantasy themes, fantasy types and rhetorical visions. This paper, based on two studies of online political discussion in China and Southeast Asia in relation to international politics, demonstrates how SCT analysis is conducted in uncovering an interactive process of rhetoric vision creation among online discussants. The paper also examines the application of computer-aided qualitative research tools in the SCT analysis. About Wu Mei… Prof Wu Mei is Associate Professor at the Department of Communication, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, the University of Macau, China. She specializes in media technology and communication studies. She has conducted a series of research on the Internet and telephony/mobile telephony in China. Her publications appear in major journals and by well-known publishers both in English and Chinese. She is currently a member of the Executive Board of the China New Media Communication Association (CNMCA). Her latest book (2010) explores Internet viral marketing in China.

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Attendee List


Abbol Ningyi Li PhD Student, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

University of Macau Macau

Agnes Lok Fong Lam Assistant Professor, Interim Head of Department of Communication

University of Macau Macau

Angus Cheong Assistant Professor University of Macau Macau

Anisah Baharom PhD Candidate Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysia

Athena Seng Head of Research Unit ERS e-Research Lab Macau

Chi Hung Chan Research Executive Policy21 Hong Kong

David Chu Leader, R & D ERS e-Research Lab Macau

David J. Kirkham Managing Director Calistro Consultants U.K.

Elson Szeto Team Leader of e-Learning, LTTC

The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Hong Kong

Garry Tan Senior Lecturer Nanyang Polytechnic Singapore

Gerald Rubale Research Officer Parliament of the Republic of Uganda


Hak Kwong Yip Director Policy21 Hong Kong

Hang Ting Lee Research Manager MVA Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong

Heisawn Jeong Associate Professor Hallym University South Korea

Hiroki Fukahori Associate Professor Tokyo Medical and Dental University


Stanislav Bondjakov Research Director Consumer Visions Australia

Preslav Bondjakov Director Consumer Visions Australia

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Attendee List


Joseph Kakeeto Research Officer Parliament of the Republic of Uganda


Joyce Leung Research Executive MVA Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong

Lee-Luan Ng Lecturer University of Malaya Malaysia

Minh Huen Ho Manager, Client Service Qualitative

The Nielsen Company Vietnam

Nicole Lee Ping Chen PhD Candidate University of Malaya Malaysia

Rusyaizila Ramli Ramli PhD Candidate Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia

Sherry Chang Leader, Web Mining ERS e-Research Lab Macau

Siti Rokiah Siwok Lecturer Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Suria Baba Deputy Director, Institute of Principalship Studies

University of Malaya Malaysia

Tomofumi Oka Professor Sophia University Japan

Tony Fetherston Team Leader, Academic Development

Edith Cowan University Australia

Wu Mei Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

University of Macau Macau

Yan Ni Annie Cheng Nvivo Trainer The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Zhang Qiao Wen PhD Candidate Calistro Consultants Malaysia

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Upcoming Events

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26-27 May 2011, Belfast, U.K.

Market Research in the Mobile World 2011 The future of Market Research is here!

Are you ready for the challenge?

19-20 July 2011, Atlanta, U.S.A.

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