Capstone Project Course Syllabus

Capstone Project HUM680 In order to fulfill your degree requirements for Tiffin University’s Master of Humanities program, you need to complete either a Comprehensive Exam (HUM 681) or a Capstone Project (HUM 680). You’re eligible to register for one of these courses once you’ve completed twentyone hours of coursework at Tiffin University. This course, HUM 680, is the Capstone Project option. Over the course of the semester you will meet weekly with faculty and fellow students on discussion threads to talk about your progress, to seek inspiration, to vent, to get answers to your questions, and to be directed toward some useful sources. You will submit your final project in a single Word, .pdf, or .rtf file to a designated folder in before midnight on the last day of the semester, but if necessary you can take an incomplete for one semester and finish your project before the end of the following semester. Be sure to read the entire syllabus so that you understand what’s expected of you in this course. The Capstone Project for Your Master of Humanities Degree at Tiffin University Your project will generally be in the 4060 page range, but it can be longer. It can be an extended academic study, a collection of poems or stories, a novel or novella, or a creative or teaching portfolio. your project Your project should also demonstrate writing competence. Successfully written projects will score an average of 3 on the writing rubric provided with this syllabus for writing, content, and thesis measurements. 1 2


Syllabus for James Rovira's graduate level Capstone Project course.

Transcript of Capstone Project Course Syllabus

Page 1: Capstone Project Course Syllabus

Capstone  Project  


In  order  to  fulfill  your  degree  requirements  for  Tiffin  University’s  Master  of  Humanities  program,  you  need  to  complete  either  a  Comprehensive  Exam  (HUM  681)  or  a  Capstone  Project  (HUM  680).    You’re  eligible  to  register  for  one  of  these  courses  once  you’ve  completed  twenty-­‐one  hours  of  coursework  at  Tiffin  University.    This  course,  HUM  680,  is  the  Capstone  Project  option.    Over  the  course  of  the  semester  you  will  meet  weekly  with  faculty  and  fellow  students  on  discussion  threads  to  talk  about  your  progress,  to  seek  inspiration,  to  vent,  to  get  answers  to  your  questions,  and  to  be  directed  toward  some  useful  sources.    You  will  submit  your  final  project  in  a  single  Word,  .pdf,  or  .rtf  file  to  a  designated  folder  in  before  midnight  on  the  last  day  of  the  semester,  but  if  necessary  you  can  take  an  incomplete  for  one  semester  and  finish  your  project  before  the  end  of  the  following  semester.    Be  sure  to  read  the  entire  syllabus  so  that  you  understand  what’s  expected  of  you  in  this  course.  

The  Capstone  Project  for  Your  Master  of  Humanities  Degree  at  Tiffin  University    

Your  project  will  generally  be  in  the  40-­‐60  page  range,  but  it  can  be  longer.    It  can  be  an  extended  academic  study,  a  collection  of  poems  or  stories,  a  novel  or  novella,  or  a  creative  or  teaching  portfolio.  

your  project  

Your  project  should  also  demonstrate  writing  competence.    Successfully  written  projects  will  score  an  average  of  3  on  the  writing  rubric  provided  with  this  syllabus  for  writing,  content,  and  thesis  measurements.      



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HUM680:  Capstone  Project  Syllabus  2  


Why  you  shouldn’t  fear  the  project  


Q: How will my project be graded? A. Your writing will be held to "average" or above expectations for graduate student writing, which is about a three out of four on most measures of the WIC rubric. We expect your writing to be coherent, correct, and organized, somewhat polished, but not necessarily publishable at this stage. Rubrics will be posted to the course shell for academic writing, poetry, and fiction. Q: Who will be reviewing my project? A: Each section of HUM 680 will have two instructors assigned to it. We will try to group students and instructors by concentrations when possible. These instructors will be your guides throughout the semester as you work through your project. Both instructors will read and grade your project at the end of the semester. Q: What if I can’t finish my project in one semester? A: Don’t worry, you don’t have to finish at the end of one semester. If necessary, you can take one incomplete and finish by the end of the next semester. If you have significant extenuating circumstances, document them, and inform your instructors as soon as possible. However, you cannot request an incomplete after the final due date.


Q: What is the difference between a Capstone Project and a thesis? A: The differences are only administrative. The same types of projects, of approximately the same minimum length, are allowed for both with the addition of a portfolio option. The main differences are that you don’t have to find readers, you don’t have to do an oral defense, you have two semesters to complete, and you’re in a class with several fellow travelers for encouragement and support while you’re carrying out your project. Q: What are you looking for in a successful Capstone Project? A: We expect any Capstone Project to be well-written and professionally presented, formatted following MLA style regardless of the type of project carried out. We expect your work to be original, and most of all, we expect it to be reflective of who you are as a scholar, a creative writer, or a professional about to enter a field.

You’ve  done  this  kind  of  work  before…  

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HUM680:  Capstone  Project  Syllabus  3  

Semester  Workflow  1. After  the  first  week  of  introductions,  you’ll  

start  by  writing  your  project  prospectus  for  

the  class.    This  prospectus  should  be  five  to  

seven  pages,  should  describe  your  project,  

what  it  will  accomplish,  what  methodology  

you  will  follow  (if  appropriate),  will  review  

literature  on  the  subject,  and  will  be  

followed  by  a  bibliography.      

2. After  that,  you’ll  spend  every  week  checking  

in  with  the  class  with  threaded  discussion  

board  posts  –  describing  your  reading,  your  

progress,  your  frustrations,  your  

accomplishments,  etc.    And,  ask  questions.  

3. When  your  project  is  complete,  submit  it  to  

the  designated  folder  in      


General  Policies  1. This  course  will  follow  this  year’s  Academic  Bulletin  for  plagiarism  policies.    Students  

who  plagiarize  significantly  will  be  assigned  a  grade  of  XF.    Please  carefully  follow  MLA  

style  for  all  projects  and  credit  all  of  your  sources,  both  with  inline  citations  and  

properly  coordinated  works  cited  entries.  

2. Students  are  advised  to  complete  their  project  in  one  semester  if  possible,  but  if  

necessary,  students  may  take  one  (1)  incomplete  for  one  (1)  semester.    Students  who  

need  to  take  an  incomplete  must  inform  their  instructors  at  least  one  week  prior  to  

the  last  day  of  class.    Students  who  fail  to  receive  permission  to  take  an  incomplete  

and  fail  to  submit  their  project  by  the  end  of  the  semester  will  be  assigned  a  grade  of  

F  for  the  course.  

3. All  projects  must  be  submitted  to  in  order  to  receive  a  grade.    Projects  

are  due  no  later  than  midnight,  December  7th  2012  unless  the  student  has  made  

arrangements  at  least  one  week  in  advance  for  an  incomplete.    All  times  posted  to  

this  syllabus  or  on  the  course  shell  are  Eastern  Standard  Time  (UTC-­‐05).      

4. Students  must  create  a  account  (if  they  do  not  already  have  one)  and  

join  the  class  on  in  order  to  receive  a  grade.    In  order  to  join  this  class,  

log  in  to  and  join  class  ID#  5354748  with  the  password  capprofa12.      

5. Academic  projects  and  other  non-­‐fiction  prose  will  be  graded  following  the  WIC  and  

content/thesis  rubrics  integrated  into  and  posted  to  eCollege.    Separate  

rubrics  will  be  provided  for  fiction,  poetry,  and  portfolios.    Students  are  generally  

expected  to  score  a  “3”  or  above  on  most  measures  of  the  rubrics  in  order  to  receive  

a  passing  grade.      

6. The  week  will  run  from  Sunday  to  Saturday.      



the  rules  we’ll  go  by  


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HUM680:  Capstone  Project  Syllabus  4  


Weekly  Schedule  

Week  1,  Reading:  syllabus  and  all  material  under  Course  Home,  including  videos.    Review  of  course  structure  and  course  policies.  Student/faculty  introductions.  Post  an  introduction  to  the  appropriate  threaded  discussion  by  midnight  EST  on  Monday  and  respond  to  at  least  two  of  your  peers  by  midnight  EST  on  Friday.  See  the  Threaded  Discussion  rubric  posted  to  the  course  page  for  grading  policies  on  all  threaded  discussion  posts.  

Week  2:  Post  your  Capstone  Project  prospectus  by  midnight  Wednesday  and  respond  to  at  least  two  of  your  peers’  posts  by  midnight  Saturday.    Try  to  evaluate  the  thesis  and  methodology  of    proposed  academic  projects  and  the  originality  of  creative  projects.    

Weeks  3-­‐14:  Your  threaded  discussions  for  weeks  3-­‐14  will  consist  of  an  initial  post  by  midnight  EST  on  Wednesday  describing  your  progress  for  the  week.  Discuss  what  you’ve  read,  summarizing  your  readings  in  a  couple  of  sentences,  and/or  what  kind  of  writing  you’ve  done,  even  if  it’s  just  notes  on  your  reading.    If  you  have  questions,  ask  them.    If  you  have  concerns,  share  them.    Respond  to  two  of  your  peers’  posts  by  midnight  Saturday.  

Week  14:  Same  as  Week  3.  This  week  is  the  last  day  to  request  an  incomplete  for  the  semester.  

Week  15:  Unless  you  contracted  for  an  incomplete  grade  by  Week  14,  you  need  to  submit  the  final  draft  of  your  Capstone  Project  by  midnight  EST  August  18th,  this  Sunday  tonight.    




Grading  Final  project:  1000  pts.  Prospectus:  100  pts.  Threaded  Discussions:  14  at  20  pts.  each,  280  pts.  total.  Total:  1360  pts.  

Your  Capstone  Project  will  demonstrate  your  

mastery  of  and  engagement  with  your  

fields  of  study.  

Incomplete  Grades  We  recommend  that  all  students  try  to  finish  their  Capstone  Projects  in  a  single  semester.  Don’t  think  of  your  Capstone  Project  as  your  definitive  work  or  your  magnum  opus;  you  might  better  think  of  it  as  an  early  draft  of  this  future  definitive  work.    Don’t  think  about  your  project  as  the  end  of  your  educational  career  either;  it  represents  a  milestone  in  your  progress,  but  not  the  end  point.    Even  if  you  never  go  back  to  school  you  will  continue  to  learn  and  grow.  Because  the  Capstone  Project  is  reflective  of  your  educational  achievement  and  professional  identity  at  this  stage  in  your  progress  you  do  want  to  do  the  best  work  possible,  but  the  best  work  possible  in  the  time  frame  that  you  have.  

This  time  frame  is,  at  most,  two  semesters.    If  you  can’t  complete  in  a  single  semester,  you  must  apply  for  this  incomplete  to  both  instructors  by  email  no  later  than  midnight  EST  on  the  Sunday  of  Week  14.  If  you  do  not  request  an  incomplete  by  this  date  and  time,  we  expect  you  to  submit  a  completed  project  by  the  last  day  of  the  semester.  If  you  are  granted  an  incomplete,  you  must  submit  a  completed  project  by  the  last  day  of  the  next  semester.        

Even  if  you  request  an  incomplete,  we  expect  you  to  participate  in  weekly  threaded  discussions  as  assigned.    They  are  part  of  your  grade.    If  at  any  point  you  disappear  from  the  course  it’s  very  likely  that  your  request  for  an  incomplete  will  be  denied.    Don’t  neglect  your  work  all  semester,  or  even  for  a  significant  part  of  it,  expecting  to  be  able  to  do  it  all  the  following  semester.    We  expect  you  to  make  progress  in  your  first  semester  even  though  we  allow  you  to  complete  it  in  a  second.  

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HUM680:  Capstone  Project  Syllabus  5  


Writing  Rubric,  Non-­‐Fiction  Prose  Characteristics of an A paper: The A paper is a highly sophisticated paper that supports an original thesis with a complex argument that skillfully and correctly integrates substantial outside research. The A paper demonstrates not only substantial understanding of primary and secondary reading but the ability to advance knowledge with its insight into the material. It has few or no grammatical or punctuation errors -- no more than three or four for every five pages of writing -- and maintains a highly academic tone that correctly and effectively employs field-specific language. Paper is insightful, thought-provoking, and complex, and it is carefully argued, developed, and supported. Thesis is specific, significant, arguable, and well-written; it gives the reader a "roadmap" to the paper and leads the reader to think differently about the subject.  Characteristics of a B paper: The B paper fulfills all requirements of the assignment. It meets or exceeds research requirements effectively, demonstrating comprehension of all sources. It properly documents its sources with no more than two or three citation errors. It is almost free of grammatical or punctuation errors, having no more than one or two errors per page, but while highly competent, the B paper lacks the insight and linguistic competence characterizing the A essay. Paper is very thoughtful and engaging but may not rise to the "superior" level in complexity, argumentation, development, or support. Thesis


is promising but could be more specific, significant, and/or better written. The importance of thesis may need to be better explained and its implications more fully drawn out. In these papers, the conclusion simply restates the thesis suggested at the beginning of the paper rather than developing its thought. Characteristics of a C paper: The average college-level paper will receive a grade of C. This paper is written well enough to be easy to follow, but could benefit from some restructuring or additional paragraphs. It meets minimum assignment requirements for research and other elements and integrates sources correctly following the most basic  requirements of the assigned documentation style; in-text citations are clearly keyed to the references, bibliography, or works cited page. It demonstrates basic reading comprehension of both primary and secondary sources. It may have some minor punctuation, capitalization, grammatical, or spelling errors or some use of informal language but is generally appropriate and correct. Paper meets all requirements, but ideas are basic, obvious, and/or overly generalized; they may lack careful explanation and support. It may have one promising idea that may need to be more carefully thought out or developed. Thesis is adequate but may not demonstrate a high level of critical thinking or provide an adequate blueprint for the paper. It may be significantly lacking in one of the three qualities of being specific, significant, or arguable.


Characteristics of a D paper: The D paper is deficient in one or more of the following areas: structure/organization, research, reading comprehension, documentation, word choice, grammar, or punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. The grade of D indicates below-average achievement in organizing ideas, expressing ideas, understanding sources, writing correctly, or following documentation style. Most D papers contain serious errors in usage and fail to present a central thesis or to develop it adequately. Paper is limited in some way: (1) fails to meet all requirements; (2) lacks focus; (3) lacks insight, is unconvincing or underdeveloped; (4) does not successfully argue a thesis that fulfills the assignment. Paper may be limited in more than one of these ways. Thesis is weak; makes only a generic claim, an obvious claim, or an insignificant claim. The paper may be summarizing sources without stating any thought beyond its sources. These essay standards summarize the Writing Intensive Class rubric created by Dr. Jim Rovira and Dr. Sherry Truffin in the summer of 2011. The rubric itself is integrated into and will be used to score your papers.        

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Contact  Information  and  Grade  Scale  


GRADE  SCALE    A   93-­‐100  A-­‐   90-­‐92  B+   87-­‐89  B   83-­‐86  B-­‐   80-­‐82  C+   77-­‐79  C   73-­‐76  C-­‐   70-­‐72  D+   67-­‐69  D   63-­‐66  D-­‐   60-­‐62  F   59  or  below    


Tiffin  University,  Office  of  Graduate  Student  Services  155  Miami  Street  Tiffin,  OH  44883  (800)  968-­‐6446  [email protected]        

INSTRUCTORS    Instructor  1:  Dr.  James  Rovira  [email protected]  419-­‐448-­‐3586  Associate  Professor  of  English  Tiffin  University  

Instructor  2:  Dr.  Stavroula  Kalogeras  [email protected]