Capita selecta intro

Capita Selecta 2012-2013 History of Dutch museum digitization 1-Introduction Universiteit van Amsterdam Opleiding Culturele Informatiewetenschap Trilce Navarrete Hernandez


History of digitization of Dutch museums course CIW 2012-2013. Class 1 - Introduction.

Transcript of Capita selecta intro

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Capita Selecta 2012-2013 History of Dutch

museum digitization 1-Introduction

Universiteit van Amsterdam Opleiding Culturele Informatiewetenschap

Trilce Navarrete Hernandez

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•  Welcome  CIW  

•  Presenta3on  round  

•  Goals  of  the  semester  •  Tasks,  rules,  ques3ons  •  BB  -­‐  Blackboard  

•  Quick  overview  of  the  semester  •  Context:  Main  themes  •  Defini3ons  •  A  brief  history  

CS  2012-­‐2013  Image: “Faces of the Rijksmuseum”

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Goals  •  Know  the  most  important  elements  in  the  digi3za3on  of  

Dutch  museums.  –  Discover  your  history  !  To  be&er  understand  the  present.  

•  Know  the  digi3za3on  process.  –  With  a  focus  on  policy,  finances,  technology,  organiza3onal  change  and  

the  user  of  heritage  content.  To  understand  complex  projects.  

•  Iden3fy  the  differences  between  the  Netherlands  and  interna3onal  museums.  –  To  compare  interna7onally,  with  other  7mes  and  across  sectors.  

•  Apply  CIW  theories.  –  Use  your  CIW  knowledge.  To  strengthen  your  CIW  excellence.  

•  Think  strategically  during  cri3cal  analysis  of  digi3za3on  processes.  

CS  2012-­‐2013  

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Tasks  •  Individual  wriVen  analysis  (x4)  •  You  chose  a  theme:  policy,  finances,  technology,  organiza3onal  change,  the  user.  

•  You  map  the  history  on  the  one  theme.  

•  Group  ac3vity  •  Linked  to  final  research  project.  

•  Literature  review  (x8)  •  You  read  and  analyze  the  texts  (summary,  core  ideas,  place  in  history).  

•  You  link  it  to  the  present  (e.g.  s3ll  valid?)  •  Final  research  project  

•  You  chose  a  theme  to  analyze.  

•  You  set  in  history  (based  on  x4  individual  wriVen  documents).  

•  You  set  in  CIW  theory.  

•  You  organize  the  data,  you  iden3fy  the  characteris3cs,  and  you  reflect  on  the  process  =  what  does  it  all  mean?  

CS  2012-­‐2013  

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CS  2012-­‐2013  

Mapping  of  thema3c  history  

Individual  wriVen  

analysis  (x4)  

Literature  review  /  

analysis  (x8)  

Theore3c  framework  

CIW  background  

Final  paper  

Research  project  report  

Capita  Selecta  2012-­‐2013  

Group  Project  

Final  paper  

Final  paper  

Final  paper  

Final  paper  

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CS  2012-­‐2013

•  We are both responsible for the success of the course: •  Me by supporting your learning / development process. •  You by taking an active role in your learning process.


Government perspective

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Overview  1  Context  

•  This  course  is  based  on  a  5  year  research.  •  PhD  about  History  of  Digi3za3on  of  Dutch  Museums  1960-­‐2011.  

•  Main  themes:  •  Policy  •  Financing  •  Organiza3onal  change  •  The  user  

•  The  goal  is  that  you  learn  from  the  experience  and  further  your  research.  

CS  2012-­‐2013  

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Overview  1  Context  

CS  2012-­‐2013  

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Overview  1  Context  

CS  2012-­‐2013  

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Overview  2  Defini3ons  

•  Museums  are  managed  by  the  Ministry  of  OCW.  •  Before  that,  by  Wellbeing,  health  and  culture  (1982-­‐1994)  •  Culture,  recrea3on  and  social  work  (1965-­‐1982)  •  Educa3on,  arts  and  science  (1952-­‐1965).  

•  There  is  no  museum  law  but  there  is  a  Cultural  Heritage  Preserva3on  Act  (1985).  The  Cultural  Heritage  Inspectorate  ensures  its  implementa3on.  

CS  2012-­‐2013  

Minister  of  Educa3on,  Culture  

and  Science  

State  Secretary  of  Culture  

Director  General  Culture  and  Media  

Cultural  Heritage  

Museums  Government  Service  for  

Cultural  Heritage  Na3onal  Archive  

Arts   Media,  LeVers  and  Libraries  

Cultural  Heritage  Inspectorate  


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Overview  2  Defini3ons  

•  There  are  810  museums  (ICOM  defini3on).  

•  Museums  can  be  divided  in:  •  Na3onal  museums  (30  ?)  

•  Municipal  museums  

•  Local  museums  

•  Private  museums  

•  Museums  are  autonomous  (private).  •  Staff  is  not  a  civil  servant  •  The  government  owns  (part  of)  the  collec3on  •  The  government  (may)  own  the  building  

•  The  government  provides  regular  subsidy  

•  Museums  can  apply  for  government  grants  

•  The  government  has  financed  (part  of)  the  digi3za3on  of  collec3ons  CS  2012-­‐2013  

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Overview  3  A  brief  history  

CS  2012-­‐2013  

- Museum policy every 4 years (linked to subsidy period) - Impact of other ministries in digitization of heritage (Economic/Internal Affairs)

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Overview  3  A  brief  history  

•  1960s:  First  use  of  computers.  

•  1970s:  Experimenta3on  with  heritage  content.  •  1980s:  AVen3on  to  selec3on  of  technology.  •  1990s:  Mass  adop3on  of  digital  environment.    •  2000s:  Adop3on  of  standards  (self  made).  Discussion  of  quality  vs.  quan3ty  (Memory  of  the  Netherlands).  

•  2010:  Sustainability,  born  digital,  archeological  data  (3D/4D).  Digital  sta3s3cs.  

•  2012:  Harmoniza3on  of  work  prac3ce  (interna3onally).  Open  data.  User  as  producer.  Revision  of  process.  

CS  2012-­‐2013  

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Next  3me  

•  Lecture:  The  start  (mari3me  museums)  

•  To  read:  Computers  and  their  poten3al  applica3on  in  museums  (1967  conference  NY).  Rijksmuseum  library  !  

•  To  prepare:  selec3on  of  themes,  division  of  tasks  

CS  2012-­‐2013