Cape Fear Textual Analysis

Cape Fear Thriller Introduction. Poppy Driscoll.

Transcript of Cape Fear Textual Analysis

Cape Fear Thriller Introduction.Poppy Driscoll.

Here, the lead up to this point changes colour consistently but once the title "Cape Fear" comes up the background colour is red. This represents blood, juxtaposed to the greens and whites that arrive throughout the introduction. This point builds suspense and links with the Codes and Conventions of a Thriller being dark and eerie. The white text stands out from the red background which draws the viewers attention and builds suspense. The word "Fear" is a Code and Convention of Thriller as it represents death. The background of water fits the Codes and Conventions, due to the danger behind it, which is death and suspense. The soundtrack is a tense piece of music that has a sting to it, as soon as it starts playing it creates an emotion which could also be a Code and Convention of a Thriller.

This image is dark and he is seen as a shadow which automatically links to the Codes and Conventions of a Thriller. It also represents a thriller because in a thriller people are always watching you. The colour green in the background represents envy and jealousy. Even though we haven't watched the film the opening scene gives us a strong idea of what its going to be about. If you look closely at the fingers of the shadow there is a running of blood look which symbolizes that something bad is going to happen.

This image was chosen as a main point of the introduction of this Thriller because it is a Eagle. The importance of an Eagle is that they are dangerous and deadly animals. Its a predator which links to the Codes and Conventions of a Thriller. This is because stereotypically in thriller movies, there is someone being followed and stalker by another. The water is bloody which represents that the film is about a predator stalking its prey and that the film is going to contain violence, death etc. All of which fits the codes and conventions of a thriller.

The image here shows the character Cady working out whilst he is in prison which shows how fit he is and how determined he is to get revenge when he gets released which is one of the Codes and Conventions of a Thriller. The two tattoo on his back is of the ‘Scales of Justice’, the scale says Truth and Justice which yet again shows that he is determined to get revenge. In the background of this piece there is picture on the wall of leaders of countries which shows what Cady wants to do in his life, become a leader.

This image successfully shows the Codes and Conventions of a Thriller, this is because in a Thriller , the outline of the story is that somebody is always watching you. The blood in the background then again foreshadows that something bad is going to happen and that somebody is in danger of dying. The angle of the eye is looking at is as if somebody is there and that it is staring it down.

In this image Cady is leading the prison guard although he is the one being released from prison. This shows his importance and authority. The fact that all the prisoners are looking at Cady shows that he is a leader and that he is respected by others. In the next scene Cady leaves prison and dominates the audience by taking up the whole screen when walking into the camera.