Cantigi - Etilasetat - Fraksi 2.1 - 2

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    2-ButoxyethanolFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    #$%&' name


    ther name!

    "utyl cello!olve"utyl lycol

    "utyl monoether lycol

    *" ( ethylene glycol mono butyl ether)

    +o anol


    a!tman " !olvent

    " -.. indu!trial cleaner




    "utyl oxitol


    Jeffer!ol "

  • 8/18/2019 Cantigi - Etilasetat - Fraksi 2.1 - 2



    '&/ 0umber 111- 3-2

    'h "# ' "#:3.421


    Jmol .+ model #nteractive ima e

    R6 '/ number 7J58 8999

    $0## #9%4 ;4W<

    #n'h# =!ho >/?#@ / =!ho >


    'hemical formula ' 3 1A 2

    ?olar ma!! 115B15 CmolD1

    &ppearance 'lear, colorle!! liEuid

    +en!ity 9B49 cm. , liEuid

    ?eltin point D G' (D19 GFH 143 7)

    "oilin point 1 1 G' (.A9 GFH AAA 7)

    /olubility in ater ?i!cible (and in mo!t or anic


    &cidity (p K a) hi h p7 a for - roup

  • 8/18/2019 Cantigi - Etilasetat - Fraksi 2.1 - 2


    /-phra!e! (/2) -/.3 . -/A3

    0F%& 9A2



    Fla!h point 3 G' (18. GFH .A9 7)

    &utoi nitiontemperature 2A8 G' (A . GFH 815 7)

    xplo!ive limit! 1B1-12B I=1>

    @ethal do!e or concentration ( LD , LC ):

    LD 89 (?edian do!e )

    12.9 m k (mou!e, oral)

    A 9 m k (rat, oral)

    .99 m k (rabbit, oral)

    1299 m k ( uinea pi , oral)

    1A59 m k (rat, oral)=2>

    LC 89 (?edianconcentration )

    A89 ppm (rat, A hr)

    99 ppm (mou!e, hr) =2>

    $/ health expo!ure limit! ( 0# / ):

    % @ (%ermi!!ible) 6W& 89 ppm (2A9 m m. ) =!kin>=1>

    R @ (Recommended) 6W& 8 ppm (2A m m

    . ) =!kin>=1>

    #+@ (#mmediatedan er) 99 ppm


    Related compounds

    Related ether!2-?ethoxyethanol

    2- thoxyethanol

    Related compound! thylene lycol

    xcept here other i!e noted, data are iven for material! intheir !tandard !tate (at 28 G' = GF>, 199 k%a)B

    verify ( hat i! ),_seek_medical_advice_immediately_and_show_this_container_or_label,_seek_medical_advice_immediately_and_show_this_container_or_label

  • 8/18/2019 Cantigi - Etilasetat - Fraksi 2.1 - 2


    #nfobox reference!

    2-Butoxyethanol i! an or anic compound ith the chemical formula "u ' 2 A ("u K' . ' 2' 2' 2)B 6hi! colorle!! liEuid ha! a ! eet, ether -like odor, a! it derive! from the familyof lycol ether! , and i! a butyl ether of ethylene lycol B &! a relatively nonvolatile, inexpen!ive!olvent of lo toxicity, it i! u!ed in many dome!tic and indu!trial product! becau!e of it!

    propertie! a! a !urfactant B



    • 1 %roduction

    • 2 $!e!

    o 2B1 'ommercial u!e!

    o 2B2 #n the petroleum indu!try

    • . /afety

    o .B1 +i!po!al and de radation

    o .B2 uman expo!ure

    o .B. &nimal !tudie!

    o .BA Re ulation in 'anada

    o .B8 Re ulation in the $/

    • A Reference!

    8 xternal link!

    Production! edit "

    2-"utoxyethanol i! commonly obtained throu h t o proce!!e!H the ethoxylation reaction of butanol and ethylene oxide in the pre!ence of the cataly!t:

    ' 2 A L ' A 4 M ' A 4 ' 2 A

  • 8/18/2019 Cantigi - Etilasetat - Fraksi 2.1 - 2


    or the etherification of butanol ith 2-chloroethanol B=.>

    #n 2993, the uropean production of butyl lycol ether! amounted to 151 kilo ton! , of hichapproximately 89I (49 kt a) a! 2-"utoxyethanolB World production i! e!timated to be 299 to899 kt a, of hich 8I i! for paint! and coatin ! =A> and 15I for metal cleaner! and hou!ehold


    #n the $/, it i! con!idered a i h %roduction hich a! idely u!ed in the aftermath of the 2919 +eep ater oriNon oil !pill B=5>

    $afety! edit "

  • 8/18/2019 Cantigi - Etilasetat - Fraksi 2.1 - 2


    2-"utoxyethanol ha! a lo acute toxicity, ith @+89 of 2B8 k in rat!B=A> @aboratory te!t! by the$B /B 0ational 6oxicolo y %ro ram have !ho n that only !u!tained expo!ure to hi hconcentration! (199-899 ppm) of 2-butoxyethanol can cau!e adrenal tumor! in animal! B=19> &merican 'onference of *overnmental #ndu!trial y ieni!t! (&'*# ) report! that 2-

    butoxyethanol i! carcino enic in rodent! B=11> 6he!e rodent te!t! may not directly tran!late to

    carcino enicity in human!, a! the ob!erved mechani!m of cancer involve! the rodent!Qfore!tomach, hich human! lackB =12> / & doe! not re ulate 2-butoxyethanol a! a carcino enB =1.>

    %isposal and degradation! edit "

    2-"utoxyethanol can be di!po!ed of by incinerationB #t a! !ho n that di!po!al occur! fa!ter inthe pre!ence of !emiconductor particle!B=.> 2-"utoxyethanol u!ually decompo!e! in the pre!enceof air ithin a fe day! by reactin ith oxy en radical!B =1A> #t ha! not been identified a! a maOorenvironmental contaminant, nor i! it kno n to bio-accumulateB =18> 2-"utoxyethanol biode rade!in !oil! and ater, ith a half life of 1PA eek! in aEuatic environment!B =5>

    Human exposure! edit "

    2-butoxyethanol mo!t commonly enter! the human body !y!tem throu h dermal ab!orption,inhalation, or oral con!umption of the chemical B=.> 6he &'*# thre!hold limit value (6@

    &nimal studies! edit "

    armful effect! have been ob!erved in nonhuman mammal! expo!ed to hi h level! of 2- butoxyethanolB +evelopmental effect! ere !een in a !tudy that expo!ed pre nant Fi!cher .AArat!, a type of laboratory rat , and 0e ;ealand hite rabbit! to varyin do!e! of 2-

    butoxyethanolB &t 199 ppm (A5. m m. ) and 299 ppm (433 m m. ) expo!ure, !tati!tically!i nificant increa!e! ere ob!erved in the number of litter! ith !keletal defect!B &dditionally, 2-

    butoxyethanol a! a!!ociated ith a !i nificant decrea!e in maternal body ei ht, uterineei ht, and number of total implant!B =14> 2-"utoxyethanol i! metaboliNed in mammal! by the

    enNymealcohol dehydro ena!e B=15>

    0eurolo ical effect! have al!o been ob!erved in animal! expo!ed to 2-butoxyethanolB Fi!cher.AA rat! expo!ed to 2-butoxyethanol at concentration! of 82. ppm and 53 ppm experienceddecrea!ed coordinationB ?ale rabbit! !ho ed a lo!! of coordination and eEuilibrium afterexpo!ure to A99 ppm of 2-butoxyethanol for t o day!B =29>

    When expo!ed to 2-butoxyethanol in drinkin ater, both F.AA 0 rat! and "3.F1 mice !ho edne ative effect!B 6he ran e of expo!ure for the t o !pecie! a! bet een 9 m k body ei ht

    per day to 1.99 m k body ei ht per dayB +ecrea!ed body ei ht and ater con!umption

  • 8/18/2019 Cantigi - Etilasetat - Fraksi 2.1 - 2


    ere !een for both !pecie!B Rat! had reduced red blood cell count! and thymu! ei ht!, a! ella! le!ion! in the liver, !pleen, and bone marro B =14>

    Regulation in anada! edit "

    nvironment and ealth 'anada recommended that 2-butoxyethanol be added to /chedule 1 ofthe 'anadian nvironmental %rotection &ct, 1444 (' %&)B=21> $nder the!e re ulation!, product!containin 2-butoxyethanol are to be diluted belo a certain concentrationB nly tho!e in hichthe u!er perform! the reEuired dilution are reEuired to include it on labellin informationB =22>

    Regulation in the #$! edit "

    2-"utoxyethanol i! li!ted in 'alifornia a! a haNardou! !ub!tance, =2.> and $/ employer! arereEuired to inform employee! hen they are orkin ith it B=2A>

    #t i! approved by the Food and +ru &dmini!tration a! an indirect and direct food additive for

    u!e a! an antimicrobial a ent, defoamer, !tabiliNer and component of adhe!ive! B, =5> and al!o may be u!ed to a!h or a!!i!t in the peelin of fruit! and ve etable! and may be !afely u!ed a!component! of article! intended for u!e in packa in , tran!portin S holdin food B =28> &fter it

    a! deleted from a $0 li!t of !ub!tance! reEuirin !pecial toxicity labelin in 144A, and a!ub!eEuent petition by the &merican 'hemi!try 'ouncil , 2-"utoxyethanol a! removed from the$B/B nvironmental %rotection & encyQ! li!t of haNardou! air pollutant! in 299AB=23>=2 > 6he %&currently li!t! it in the context of pe!ticide! a! a potentially toxic inert, ith hi h priority forte!tin B=25> 6he !afety of product! containin 2-"utoxyethanol a! normally u!ed i! defended bythe indu!try trade roup! the &merican 'hemi!try 'ouncil =2 > and the /oap and +eter ent&!!ociation B

    References! edit "1B T Jump up to: a b c d e "NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards # ! " National Institute for

    Occu ational Safet$ and Health %NIOSH&

    2B T Jump up to: a b "'()uto*$ethanol" Immediatel$ Dan+erous to Life and Health National Institute for Occu ational Safet$ and Health %NIOSH&

    .B T Jump up to: a b c Harris O , et al %-u+ust .//0& 1o*icolo+ical Profile for '()uto*$ethanol and'(2uto*$ethanol acetate 3 S De t of Health and Human Ser4ices

    AB T Jump up to: a b c /ie fried Reb!dat, +ieter ?ayer thylene *lycol in 3llmann5s 6nc$clo ediaof Industrial Chemistr$ , Wiley-

  • 8/18/2019 Cantigi - Etilasetat - Fraksi 2.1 - 2


    5B T Jump up to: a b c d Dicke$< 8o2ert, Dickhoff "-ssessment of the otential im act ofCO86 I1E oil dis ersants on seafood safet$" %PD?& Dis ersants and Seafood Safet$ 8etrie4ed ' .9( :(';

    4B 'ump up ( "S-?61F D-1- SH661 ( P8OD3C1 CO86 I1E 6C/B'!-" %PD?& Nalco 6n4ironmental Solutions LLC . 7arch ' .' 8etrie4ed : - ril ' .9

    19B 'ump up ( "1o*icolo+$ and Carcino+enesis Studies '()uto*$ethanol %C-S NO ...(!;('& in ?:99 N 8ats and );C:?. 7ice %Inhalation Studies&" National 1o*icolo+$ Pro+ram De artment of Health and Human Ser4ices 3S- +o4 -rchi4ed from the ori+inal on '0 7a$ ' . 8etrie4ed 9 =une ' .

    11B 'ump up ( "-ir ?oam HD 7aterial Data Safet$ Sheet" Product Safet$ -@uaClear< Inc 8etrie4ed 9 =une ' .

    12B 'ump up ( Gift< = S %' B& "3 S 6P-5s I8IS assessment of '()uto*$ethanol the relationshi ofnoncancer to cancer effects" 1o*icol Lett 156 .;: .!0 doi . . .; J to*let ' : 0 .9

    1.B 'ump up ( "Chemical Sam lin+ Information '()uto*$ethanol" Occu ational Safet$ > Health -dministration

    1AB 'ump up ( ullar, 6BH &na!ta!io, 'B Vield! of hydro en peroxide from the reaction of hydroxylradical ith or anic compound! in !olution and iceB &tmo!pheric 'hemi!try and %hy!ic!, 11, 294B

    18B 'ump up ( "-1SD8 ( 1o*?-As '()uto*$ethanol and '()uto*$ethanol -cetate" cdc +o4 8etrie4ed : =une ' .B

    13B 'ump up ( ' / 1LMs and )6Is , &merican 'onference of #ndu!trial y ieni!t!, 'incinnati, hio,2994, pB191B

    1 B 'ump up ( 8 )aselt %' 0& Dis osition of 1o*ic Dru+s and Chemicals in 7an %0th ed & ?osterCit$< C- )iomedical Pu2lications ' 0 '.

    15B T Jump up to: a b ?ranks< S = , S endiff< 7 K , Cocker< = , Loizou< G D %' ;& "Ph$siolo+icall$2ased harmacokinetic modellin+ of human e* osure to '(2uto*$ethanol" 1o*icol Lett 162 .;9 .!:doi . . .; J to*let ' B / .'

    14B T Jump up to: a b We!!, ?!B JB, +rB B &hler!, and +rB / +ob!onB 'onci!e #nternational 'hemical&!!e!!ment +ocument 19: 2-"utoxyethanolB World ealth r aniNation, nBdB WebB

    http: B hoBint ipc! publication! cicad cicadU19Urevi!edBpdf X

    29B 'ump up ( $nited /tate! of &mericaB & ency for 6oxic /ub!tance! and +i!ea!e Re i!tryB+epartment of ealth and uman /ervice!B 6oxicolo ical %rofile for 2-"utoxyethanol and 2-"utoxyethanol &cetateB "y livia arri!, /haron Wilbur, Julia *eor e, and 'arol i!enmannB &tlanta: nBpB,1445B & ency for 6oxic /ub!tance! and +i!ea!e Re i!tryB WebB

    http: Bat!drBcdcB ov toxprofile! tp115Bpdf X

    21B 'ump up ( "Current 3se Patterns in Canada< 1o*icolo+$ Profiles of -lternati4es< and the ?easi2ilit$ of Performin+ an 6* osure -ssessment Sur4e$" 6n4ironment Canada 8etrie4ed .B ?e2ruar$' ..

    22B 'ump up ( "8e+ulations -mendin+ the '()uto*$ethanol 8e+ulations" Canada GazetteCanadian De artment of Pu2lic orks and Go4ernment Ser4ices ': - ril ' .9 8etrie4ed : - ril ' .9

  • 8/18/2019 Cantigi - Etilasetat - Fraksi 2.1 - 2


    2.B 'ump up ( "California Code of 8e+ulations< 1itle 0< Section ::/ 1he Hazardous Su2stances List" State of California De artment of La2or 8elations -rchi4ed from the ori+inal on B 7a$ ' 0 8etrie4ed ' 0( 9('.

    2AB 'ump up ( "Gl$col 6thers ?act Sheet" California Hazard 64aluation and Information Ser4ice 8etrie4ed '/ Octo2er ' !

    28B 'ump up ( 'FR 6itle 21 - Food and +ru ! - $R@: http: BfdaB ov (299A)B 'FR 6itle: 21 'FR %art /ection: 1 .B.18

    23B 'ump up ( "List of Hazardous -ir Pollutants< Petition Process< Lesser Auantit$ Desi+nations<Source Cate+or$ List, Petition 1o Delist of 6th$lene Gl$col 7ono2ut$l 6ther" 3 S 6n4ironmental

    Protection -+enc$ ' 9(..('/ 8etrie4ed ': ?e2ruar$ ' 0

    2 B T Jump up to: a b "6G)6 - orld of Solutions ' " %PD?& =ul$ ' -rchi4ed from the ori+inal %PD?& on : Octo2er ' ; 8etrie4ed : - ril ' .9

    25B 'ump up ( %& @i!t of %e!ticide %roduct #nert #n redient! (?ay 1448) @i!ted 0ame(!): "utylcello!olveB Retrieved 0ov 1 , 2918B

    )xternal lin*s! edit "

    • #nternational 'hemical /afety 'ard 9984

    • 0# / %ocket *uide to 'hemical aNard!

    • #nchem /#+/ do!!ier

    • a!tman " !olvent info

    • 6oxF&Y!Z for 2-"utoxyethanol and 2-"utoxyethanol &cetate from the 'enter! for+i!ea!e 'ontrol

    &uthority control • *0+ : A5.9438-8

    im !rcK enB ikipediaBor iki /pecial:'entral&uto@o in !tart typeK1x1 altK titleKidthK 1 hei htK 1 !tyleK border: noneH po!ition: ab!oluteH X

    Retrieved from http!: enB ikipediaBor indexBphp titleK2-"utoxyethanolSoldidK 191.5A98'ate orie! :

    • *lycol ether!

    • %rimary alcohol!

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