Camden Gazette and mercantile advertiser (Camden, S.C...

CAMDEN GAZETTE Voi.. Ill ] .?.>/> MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. CAMDEN, (S C., THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1819. THE PUBLIC IVILL OUR GUIDE.THE PUBLIC GOOD OUR EAD. [No. 119. v Bj appointment. ! 1 OR SALE AT THE STORE OF YOUJ>TUy Camden, S. C. APPROVED jfamilp jfllftiktnejS Which are celebrated for the cure of most diseases fo which the hnman body is liable. Prepared only by the sole proprietor, T. AV. Dyott, M. D. grandson of the late celebrated Dr. Robert son, of Edinburgh. Dr. Jlol % tnons celebrated stomfchic Elixir of Health. For the cure of coughs, colds, consumption, hooping COU15I1, asthma, pains in tfc breast, wind in the sto¬ mach, bowel complaints, &c..price 4 dollar 50 cents. J)r. Robertson's Vegetable Nervous Cordial, Or Natures' Grand Restorative» Recommended for the cure of all .uervous complaints, attended with in¬ ward weakness, depression of the spirits, head-ache, tremor, faintness. Hysteric Fits, debility, the excessive use of Mercury, diseases peculiar to females, &c..price 1 dollar 50 cts. Dr. Dyott's Patent Itch Ointment. A safe and infalible cure for the Itch.price 50 cents per box. Dr. Tissot's Gout and Rheumatic Drops. Vegetable Balm of LIFE. Circas.asin EYE "WATER. A sovereign remedy for all disor¬ ders of the Eyes.price 50 cents. Mahy's renowned PUiister Cloth, Approved and recommended by all the most emiment Physicaus in the city of Philadelphia..This tdaister Cloth, so well known in the United States, and particularly in the city of Philadelphia, is a sove¬ reign remedy against all ulcers, how¬ ever old and invetorate.also, ersy- pilas, lumps, scorfola, fistula, white swelling, sore breasts, felons, whit¬ lows,:. boils, carbuncles, blotches, &c. &c. It cures sprains, bruises, ^ains in the back, swelling and pains in the joints, scalds, burns, chil¬ blains, sore legs, and wounds tend¬ ing to draws caute¬ rized sores or issues, very success¬ fully and without pain.dissipates the pains of the gout and rheuma tism in a short it softens the skin, it i%jused successfully for the cure of corns on 4he feet. This Plaister is recommended to mariners and others who travel by sea or land. CARMINATIVE MIXTURE For infants afflicted with wind, watery gripes, fluxes, and other dis¬ orders of the stomach and bowels. Dr. Dyott's In fallible Tooth-Ache Drops. Price 50 cents. Restorative Dentri- frice, for'cleansing, whitening, and preserving the Teeth and Gums. price 50 cents per box. £>* Take notice that each and all the al>ove genuine Medicines are signed with the signature of the pro¬ prietor, T. W. Dyott, m. d. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures performed through (he effi¬ cacy of the above Medicines may be had gratis, by applying as above. November The suosciiuei' ;las lately received from iJiiilau j)hia and JS*etc~ lurk, a cam pi - and general assortment of i^uglish, FrencU, India, _ Do metficZfJoods, CONSISTING IN PART OF Broad Cloths from & 1 50 cts. to $ 14 per y\»r<T trouble and single nulled plait) and mixec* CassimereS, assorted colors Printed Flannels, Peliesse Cloths Assorted Bombazctts Duffil and Rose Blankets Green Baize ; also, superfine Furniture Prints Furniture and Cambric Dimity Plain and figured Muil Mull, Jaconnet and India Muslins -P lain *nd figured C >> in brie ft Gentlemen and Lauies tine Buavers SilA: Velvet Indispensibies w itn gilt clasps Ladies laced C apes .«nd Collaretts Haw silk Hose and Gloves AND, Every other article in the dry good line sllj(jy a general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, &e. A few of which are enumerated, viz. Mill, closs cut, hand and frame Saws Double and single barrel shot Guns and Pistols, brass and steel mounted Best Philadelphia made Rifles A general assortment oft arpenters Tools, including Planes of every kind Blacksmiths Tools assorted Elegant JCnives and Forks with Carvers to match «. Sportamens pen and pockct Knives Common and best finished Razors in cases Pewter Plates, Dishes and Bosuns Toilltct Glasses Vvith single and double diawers Fancy, gilt and plain Hand Bellows Full plated and common Stirrup Irons Bridie Bi ts, Tea Caddies, kc. Saddlery assorted, consisting of brass and plated Gig Harness, Gig and Wag¬ gon C ollars Saddle Bags and seal skin Valices Mens common and best Saddles and plated Bridles Bridle Leathers Elegant carriage Whips eight Platts Tandem Thongs French Powder Flask* and single and dou¬ ble Shot Bags A general assortment ofgentlemens Boots, Bootees, and Shoes of every descrip¬ tion Ladies Leather and Morocco Shoes and Bootees of everv kind Misses, and l»,»ys, Shoes and Bootees, See. FFF Gunpowder by the keg Imperial l ea in cannisters .spices, sugars, kc. Gin, Whiskey, d A variety of otherarticles too numerous to enumerate The above is offered tor sale on the most libei al terms, for cash or produce. To merchants in the country who may pur chase by the quantity, the most liberal dis count will be given. James Clark. December 3 H. LEVY & CO. Has just received at his Hat, Boot and Shoe Store, Ladies black aikl colored Morocco Slippers Ladies black Walking Shoes l)o do thick Soals Do do cottage Shoes Do do do with Heels Misses colored high Laces Ladies white and colored Kid Slip¬ pers Misses Morocco Pumps Gents. Wellington and long Boots Do Washington Shoes Childrens Morocco and Leather Shoes, with a variety of others. November 21 ¦ . I, * H »¦ Just received, AND FOR SALfi flY II. LEVY & CO. c?\*ks host London Porter 2 pipes best Holland (i\n 10 hogsheads N. K. Rum 2 ditto W. 1. Hunt 10 hoxes Raisins 2 barrels Beef Tongue!* ? casks Itice, See/ Deccmbvv 2\ jfiejSD ©ru0js, MEOHUh &S9 &c. The subscriber has j«st received, an extensive supply of family anil pa¬ tent Medicines, which be will dis¬ pose of wholesale aud retail, at C harleston prices,including freight. Every article is warranted of ihe lirst quality : . * Among which t are the following, viz. Powdered Jalap \ Red Precipitate Do Hippo ISu-ar I^tui Do Rhubarb {White Vitriol Do Colombo \ Blistering Klie l)o Bark I Flaxseed Arrow Root I Sulphur Acid Nitre > Brimstone Do Stilph uric | Gamboge Do Murhrtic * Salt Pv-tre KoHielle ?Salts } Pearl Ash Glauber . do \ Rotten Stone Epsom do * 1 Mined Opium theltenham do ! Do Camphor Volatile do * Magnesia Barley jRust Iron Caustic Lunar * Salt of steel Do Vegetable j Creaiu of Tartar Aloes J Carbonate of Tartar Emetic \ Soda. Coiomel $ ALSO, Distilled rose } Havana Honey Water \ English calcined Cold drawn Cas- \ Magnesia tor Oil \ Lemon acid W est-India Oil i Essences Sweet do £ Pomatum, in silver wire Toothy china jars Brushes < Windsor Soap C omnion Brushes; \\ aiers in boxes Hair ^ do ) «n JL per lb. Oils, I inclines, j Trusses, large Spirits and Plaisand small ttiTS | Spices. Cloves,Cinnaniou \ Cardamon seed Nutmegs, Mace \ Long Pepper Patent Medicines. Stecr%iO|M»<leliloc $ Xurlinstnirs Harlsem Oil \ Balaam Bateman'sDroits 0 Lee's ['ills Godfiiiy'ji. Cor- | JviM'm e IVuptT- dial, &c. | . Mi,lt Britis!) °il AStougliton's Bit- Hill s liiilsfira of | (erR iloney $ Anderson's Pills Gla ssware. English anil A mo } Funnels l'ican l'liials,fts-} Hir.asl Pipes sorted ) Nipple Shells Tin cap & specie \Ointment Jars Bottles \ Graduated Mca- Glass Mortars $ sures Jlndj a small assortment of SUHGICA L IN STRUM ENTS. Medicine Chests for plantation use with proper directions, put up care¬ fully. ALSO RECEIVED, AN ADDITIONAL SUPPLY OF Paints. Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Spirits Turpen¬ tine, ftc. Slv. 1 S2* All orders will Ih» promptly attended to,end a liberal credit given to approved customers. A. Deleon, Between Masonic Halt and Hugh M Call 8c Co's. store. December 8 Just received % And for xale by H. LEVY & CO. 10 barrels Iri«h Potatoes 40 hb<l*. -Whinkey 5 lihils. Sugar 10 kc£ft Dutch Herrings 10 casks I*on<lon Porter. Jf'ebniHry 8 JS'ew More, H. levy & v o. Nearly opposite the 1 .asonic Hall, Has recti vail, and offers for sale on liberal terms, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF Fall and Wiftter GOOD**,-- Consisting of the foUoiqing Articles: Extra superfine black and blue Cloths Superfine green, brown, and golden olive Cloths Yorkshire Cloths, assorted colors Sipertme blue aud black Cassimeres, L)vj. diiibt mixed and assorted do. Do. Toilenetts and Marseilles Vesting* 7-4 and &~4 London duftil Blankets 7-4, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4, 13-4 and Rose Blankets Superfine Saxony Sliawls, assorted colors White, red and printed Flannels, Blue and mixed Mains Mena grt y, lambs wooi and half Hose Womc.ns slate, white and black Cotton Hose Supeifine black B^mbazeens Do. black, gt\en, brown, blue and Scar¬ let Bombazetts Elegant sewed Muslins Do. mull mull Muslins Do. 9-8 an^L 6 4 Cambric Muslins 5-4 and 6-4 Sheetings and brown Hollands Apron Cnecks, and liinghama Superfine undress Cailicoes Corumon do. ilo. Coiton Shirtings, and Humhums . Figured Muslins Elegant damask Tabic Cloths and Napkins White, black and colored Gloves ElegahtWorked Robes, Stc. 8tc. November 6. fi. Levy ^ Co. lias just received the followiug ARTICLES, viz. Best Cotton Bagging and bale Hope Do white and brown Hugar? Do Gin, Brandy, Hum, Whiskey. Wine* Cordials, and Vinegar Do refined Loaf &hi£&r Fruit in Brandy Pepper and Ginger Kii^ Blue and Starch iron Pots and Dutch Ovens, &c. November 81 Boot ami >lioe More, li. LEVY & CO. HAVE JU »! R. CEIVED Ladies elegant English Kid Slippers assotuo colo'S Dmo cottage S ^oes Di Uo i oi k so^ls l)iiu> walking Shoes Child' tni Boo s assorted colors Wellington Boots Morocco Pumps 8cc. December 3 I NOTICE. >pHE subscribe intending shortly to " leave Camden, earnestly solicit ail those indebted:to them, to make payments before tha I st day of March next, as no fur¬ ther indulgence can be given. They have removed their Store, to the coiner of Dekalb and Hroad Streets, where they offer fot sale, their Stock of Goods, consisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods. (Groceries, Hardware Cutlery, 8tc. at very reduced prices for cash. Also, their Mouses and Lots, where they now reside, and that, which they re¬ moved from, ail of which they will dispose of on moderate terms. J. & K. /flair. January *21 45 ?. For sale, AT THIS OFFICE: Attorney's Blanks. Original Writs in Assumpsit Writ* in Assumpsit Copy do. do. \V rits in common form Copy do. do. Original Writs ('a. Sa. on Sum. Pro. Cum. Pro. Writs of Foreign Attachment Copies do. do. do. Bonds for do. do. Copy do. do. wi*h nntiro thercor 1*1 j AN KS For H.vle at this Oftic*. I lodges $ aa Have just received from wV. Ywk and Philadelphia, a choice and exteusive assortment of B1UT1SH, FRENCH A^»"D DOMESTIC . GOODS, Consitiing in pari of t/ie foUowing Articles, viz. Lxtra superfine black, blue and brown Cloths Supei tine black, blue,brown, green, olive, azure, d.ab and mixed Cloths Ditto biue, dark and light mixt, green brown, olive and mixed Pelisse Cloths Uiito blue, blacky dark and light mixed, azure, green, drab and white* London double milled Cassitnere lilack, blue.*, green,brown, olive* and mix ed single milled Cassiinere Llastic t. ords, various colors Velvet Cord itiaciw, ilglit blue, and brown Stockingnett Draper) ami bocAring Baiz* superfine white, red, yciiow, and green plain and printed FiAnntl* Yorkshire Cloths, divers colors anu qua* lities lilue and-white Plains London duffii, rose and point Blankets m unsdown, l oilinett, Marseilles,V aici.cia, anion camict and Florentine Vi biingi Scotch i\aid, and Haid OoaAs Fine, second quaiit) and coarse Irish Linen lrisn >hee:tin^, Brown Holland 1 abie* towelling an< chiidrens Diape^- Long l^iwn,Linen Cambric t * and kerchieft Linen i-ambnc, Cotton Shifting Mauapullam and power loom Sheeting Bedttic4r, Linen and Cotton Checks VV nite and plaid Homespun Carlile Ginghams / Furniture, t ambric ai.d common Dimity Plain and figured ambric Mull Mull. Jaconet and Boo* Mucins Cx Li no and Kobe Dresses Blac*, blue, purple, brown, lead,green red yellow, and white, plain, printed lieuicd and twilled Bombazetts Red, yellow and greih Ratinetts Canton Crape, Levantine D >mas* Cassimere and siU Lace Shawls ail sizes and colors A few superb Merino and Levantine Shawls Blacjt-jSUid colored sil* H*ls. Bandanna miki flag H*fs. White and cohered Cravati Plain and plaid fancy <Silk Levantine, Satin, fancy Catize Velvet Canton, hat and halian Crapes, black and colored Muslin, Cambric, Satin, Merino. Pl.i.h * and Velvet Trimmings ' J tilk Lace Capes; T.npets, ThulJe Lare Black and white embroidered silk do Thread and cotton Lace Parisian Caps / Artificial Flowers ' Head Ornaments Velvet Indispensable*, with gilt clas KI«r«m Morocco and fancy Toilet Cas,-, Ladiesand frentiemens,worsted,lambs \v0.,i' silk, 8c cotton Hone, black mixed, white' and lead colored ' tircy, white, and hlack lambs wool, and worsted half Hose Children Hose Silk, beaver, kid,bock and doe «kin Glove* (ientlemens beaver and ,econ(J qu.a j Hats, biack and white f | Boys Morocco and beaver Hats Ladies, misses and chiidrens black »nrl drab beaver Hats Well in;*? on Boots Monroe and common ohoes and Pumps Mens stout, boys and negro Shoe* A complete assortmet ladies, misses, and chiidrens Morocco,leather and kid Allocs. Slippers and Bootees A few setts nierehants blank Books Memorandum and l ocket Books Writing Paper, Backgammon Boards Sand Paper, Port Polios Ink Stands, Quills and paper Hangings Fine and common Saddles, Valises' Saddle Bags, Bridles bridle Leathers Martingales, waggon and gig Collars (>ig,vchair and riding Whips All kinds of Locks I)o of Brushes Brass and pewter ps\ent Cocks Hand, mill, and cross cut <Yaws Ccffeeand spire Miils, common and patent Ditto Drab, mixt and fancy do. Yorkshire Cassimeres assorted colors AND, J ifty boxes of Spanish Aegars, warranted trcmiin Whid, with a vast nun ber of other useful and fane) artn les too m merons to pat tiru- arize, render their jwo»*tment complete AT.Sr, / Fight sets elegant CHINA. Octobur 3 1

Transcript of Camden Gazette and mercantile advertiser (Camden, S.C...

Page 1: Camden Gazette and mercantile advertiser (Camden, S.C · camden gazette voi.. ill].?.>/> mercantile advertiser.




[No. 119. v

Bj appointment. !1 OR SALE AT THE STORE OF


jfamilp jfllftiktnejSWhich are celebratedfor the cure

of most diseases fo which thehnman body is liable.

Prepared only by the sole proprietor,T. AV. Dyott, M. D. grandsonof the late celebrated Dr. Robertson, of Edinburgh.

Dr. Jlol % tnons celebrated stomfchicElixir of Health.For the cure of coughs, colds,

consumption, hooping COU15I1, asthma,pains in tfc breast, wind in the sto¬mach, bowel complaints, &c..price4 dollar 50 cents.

J)r. Robertson's VegetableNervous Cordial,Or Natures' Grand Restorative»Recommended for the cure of all

.uervous complaints, attended with in¬ward weakness, depression of thespirits, head-ache, tremor, faintness.Hysteric Fits, debility, the excessiveuse of Mercury, diseases peculiar tofemales, &c..price 1 dollar 50 cts.

Dr. Dyott'sPatent Itch Ointment.A safe and infalible cure for the

Itch.price 50 cents per box.Dr. Tissot's

Gout and Rheumatic Drops.Vegetable Balm of

LIFE.Circas.asin EYE "WATER.A sovereign remedy for all disor¬

ders of the Eyes.price 50 cents.

Mahy's renowned PUiister Cloth,Approved and recommended by

all the most emiment Physicausin the city of Philadelphia..Thistdaister Cloth, so well known in theUnited States, and particularly inthe city of Philadelphia, is a sove¬

reign remedy against all ulcers, how¬ever old and invetorate.also, ersy-pilas, lumps, scorfola, fistula, whiteswelling, sore breasts, felons, whit¬lows,:. boils, carbuncles, blotches,&c. &c. It cures sprains, bruises,^ains in the back, swelling and painsin the joints, scalds, burns, chil¬blains, sore legs, and wounds tend¬ing to draws caute¬rized sores or issues, very success¬

fully and without pain.dissipatesthe pains of the gout and rheumatism in a short it softens theskin, it i%jused successfully for thecure of corns on 4he feet. ThisPlaister is recommended to marinersand others who travel by sea or land.CARMINATIVE MIXTUREFor infants afflicted with wind,

watery gripes, fluxes, and other dis¬orders of the stomach and bowels.

Dr. Dyott'sInfallible Tooth-Ache Drops.Price 50 cents.

Restorative Dentri-frice, for'cleansing, whitening, andpreserving the Teeth and Gums.price 50 cents per box.

£>* Take notice that each and allthe al>ove genuine Medicines are

signed with the signature of the pro¬prietor, T. W. Dyott, m. d.

Pamphlets containing certificatesof cures performed through (he effi¬cacy of the above Medicines may behad gratis, by applying as above.


The suosciiuei';las lately received from iJiiilau

j)hia and JS*etc~ lurk, a campi -

and general assortment ofi^uglish, FrencU, India,


Broad Cloths from & 1 50 cts. to $ 14

per y\»r<Ttrouble and single nulled plait) and mixec*

CassimereS, assorted colorsPrinted Flannels, Peliesse ClothsAssorted BombazcttsDuffil and Rose BlanketsGreen Baize ; also, superfine Furniture

PrintsFurniture and Cambric DimityPlain and figured Muil Mull, Jaconnet and

India Muslins-P lain *nd figured C >> in brie ftGentlemen and Lauies tine BuaversSilA: Velvet Indispensibies w itn gilt claspsLadies laced C apes .«nd CollarettsHaw silk Hose and Gloves

AND,Every other article in the dry good line

sllj(jy a general assortment ofHardware, Cutlery, &e.

A few of which are enumerated, viz.

Mill, closs cut, hand and frame SawsDouble and single barrel shot Guns and

Pistols, brass and steel mountedBest Philadelphia made RiflesA general assortment oft arpenters Tools,

including Planes of every kindBlacksmiths Tools assortedElegant JCnives and Forks with Carvers

to match «.

Sportamens pen and pockct KnivesCommon and best finished Razors in casesPewter Plates, Dishes and BosunsToilltct Glasses Vvith single and double

diawersFancy, gilt and plain Hand BellowsFull plated and common Stirrup IronsBridie Bi ts, Tea Caddies, kc.Saddlery assorted, consisting of brass and

plated Gig Harness, Gig and Wag¬gon C ollars

Saddle Bags and seal skin ValicesMens common and best Saddles and plated

BridlesBridle LeathersElegant carriage Whips eight PlattsTandem ThongsFrench Powder Flask* and single and dou¬

ble Shot BagsA general assortment ofgentlemens Boots,

Bootees, and Shoes of every descrip¬tion

Ladies Leather and Morocco Shoesand Bootees of everv kind

Misses, and l»,»ys, Shoes and Bootees, See.FFF Gunpowder by the kegImperial l ea in cannisters.spices, sugars, kc.Gin, Whiskey, dA variety of otherarticles too numerous to

enumerateThe above is offered tor sale on the most

libei al terms, for cash or produce. Tomerchants in the country who may purchase by the quantity, the most liberal discount will be given.

James Clark.December 3

H. LEVY & CO.Has just received at his Hat, Boot

and Shoe Store,Ladies black aikl colored Morocco

SlippersLadies black Walking Shoes

l)o do thick SoalsDo do cottage ShoesDo do do with Heels

Misses colored high LacesLadies white and colored Kid Slip¬

persMisses Morocco PumpsGents. Wellington and long BootsDo Washington ShoesChildrens Morocco and Leather

Shoes, with a variety of others.November 21

¦ . I, * H »¦

Just received,AND FOR SALfi flY

II. LEVY & CO.c?\*ks host London Porter

2 pipes best Holland (i\n10 hogsheads N. K. Rum2 ditto W. 1. Hunt10 hoxes Raisins2 barrels Beef Tongue!*? casks Itice, See/

Deccmbvv 2\

jfiejSD ©ru0js,MEOHUh &S9 &c.

The subscriber has j«st received, anextensive supply of family anil pa¬tent Medicines, which be will dis¬pose of wholesale aud retail, atC harleston prices,including freight.Every article is warranted of ihelirst quality : .


Among whicht are the following, viz.

Powdered Jalap \ Red PrecipitateDo Hippo ISu-ar I^tuiDo Rhubarb {White VitriolDo Colombo \ Blistering Kliel)o Bark I FlaxseedArrow Root I SulphurAcid Nitre > BrimstoneDo Stilphuric | GambogeDo Murhrtic * Salt Pv-treKoHielle ?Salts } Pearl AshGlauber . do \ Rotten StoneEpsom do * 1Mined Opiumtheltenham do ! Do CamphorVolatile do * MagnesiaBarley jRust IronCaustic Lunar * Salt of steelDo Vegetable j Creaiu of TartarAloes J Carbonate ofTartar Emetic \ Soda.Coiomel $

ALSO,Distilled rose } Havana HoneyWater \ English calcinedCold drawn Cas- \ Magnesia

tor Oil \ Lemon acidWest-India Oil i EssencesSweet do £Pomatum, insilver wire Toothy china jarsBrushes < Windsor SoapC omnion Brushes; \\ aiers in boxesHair

^do ) «n JL per lb.

Oils, I inclines, j Trusses, largeSpirits and Plaisand smallttiTS |

Spices.Cloves,Cinnaniou \ Cardamon seedNutmegs, Mace \ Long PepperPatent Medicines.

Stecr%iO|M»<leliloc $ XurlinstnirsHarlsem Oil \ BalaamBateman'sDroits 0 Lee's ['illsGodfiiiy'ji. Cor- | JviM'm e IVuptT-dial, &c. | . Mi,ltBritis!) °il AStougliton's Bit-Hill s liiilsfira of | (erR

iloney $ Anderson's PillsGlassware.

English anil Amo } Funnelsl'ican l'liials,fts-} Hir.asl Pipessorted ) Nipple ShellsTin cap & specie \Ointment Jars

Bottles \ Graduated Mca-Glass Mortars $ sures

Jlndj a small assortment ofSUHGICA L INSTRUMENTS.Medicine Chests for plantation use

with proper directions, put up care¬fully.ALSO RECEIVED, AN ADDITIONAL


Paints. Varnishes,Paint Brushes, Spirits Turpen¬tine, ftc. Slv. 1

S2* All orders will Ih» promptlyattended to,end a liberal credit givento approved customers.A. Deleon,

Between Masonic Halt and HughM Call 8c Co's. store.December 8

Just received%

Andfor xale byH. LEVY & CO.

10 barrels Iri«h Potatoes40 hb<l*. -Whinkey5 lihils. Sugar

10 kc£ft Dutch Herrings10 casks I*on<lon Porter.Jf'ebniHry 8

JS'ew More,H. levy & v o.

Nearly opposite the 1 .asonic Hall,Has rectivail, and offers for sale on


Fall and Wiftter GOOD**,--Consisting of the foUoiqing Articles:Extra superfine black and blue ClothsSuperfine green, brown, and golden olive

ClothsYorkshire Cloths, assorted colorsSipertme blue aud black Cassimeres,L)vj. diiibt mixed and assorted do.Do. Toilenetts and Marseilles Vesting*7-4 and &~4 London duftil Blankets7-4, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4, 13-4 and

Rose BlanketsSuperfine Saxony Sliawls, assorted colorsWhite, red and printed Flannels,Blue and mixed MainsMena grt y, lambs wooi and half HoseWomc.ns slate, white and black Cotton

HoseSupeifine black B^mbazeensDo. black, gt\en, brown, blue and Scar¬

let BombazettsElegant sewed MuslinsDo. mull mull MuslinsDo. 9-8 an^L 6 4 Cambric Muslins5-4 and 6-4 Sheetings and brown HollandsApron Cnecks, and liinghamaSuperfine undress CailicoesCorumon do. ilo.Coiton Shirtings, and Humhums .

Figured MuslinsElegant damask Tabic Cloths and NapkinsWhite, black and colored GlovesElegahtWorked Robes, Stc. 8tc.November 6.

fi. Levy ^ Co.lias just received the followiug

ARTICLES, viz.Best Cotton Bagging and bale HopeDo white and brown Hugar?Do Gin, Brandy, Hum, Whiskey.

Wine* Cordials, and VinegarDo refined Loaf &hi£&rFruit in BrandyPepper and GingerKii^ Blue and Starchiron Pots and Dutch Ovens, &c.November 81

Boot ami >lioe More,li. LEVY & CO.

HAVE JU »! R. CEIVEDLadies elegant English Kid Slippers

assotuo colo'SDmo cottage S ^oesDiUo i oi k so^lsl)iiu> walking ShoesChild' tni Boo s assorted colorsWellington BootsMorocco Pumps 8cc.

December 3 I

NOTICE.>pHE subscribe r» intending shortly to" leave Camden, earnestly solicit ail

those indebted:to them, to make paymentsbefore tha I st day of March next, as no fur¬ther indulgence can be given.

They have removed their Store, to thecoiner of Dekalb and Hroad Streets, wherethey offer fot sale, their Stock of Goods,consisting of a general assortment of DryGoods. (Groceries, Hardware Cutlery, very reduced prices for cash.

Also, their Mouses and Lots, wherethey now reside, and that, which they re¬moved from, ail of which they will disposeof on moderate terms.

J. & K. /flair.January *21 45

?. For sale,AT THIS OFFICE:

Attorney's Blanks.Original Writs in AssumpsitWrit* in AssumpsitCopy do. do.\V rits in common formCopy do. do.Original Writs('a. Sa. on Sum. Pro.Cum. Pro.Writs of Foreign AttachmentCopies do. do. do.Bonds for do. do.Copy do. do. wi*h nntiro thercor

1*1 jAN KSFor H.vle at this Oftic*.

I lodges $ aaHave just received from wV. Ywkand Philadelphia, a choice andexteusive assortment of


GOODS,Consitiing in pari of t/ie foUowingArticles, viz.

Lxtra superfine black, blue and brownCloths

Supei tine black, blue,brown, green, olive,azure, d.ab and mixed Cloths

Ditto biue, dark and light mixt, greenbrown, olive and mixed Pelisse ClothsUiito blue, blacky dark and light mixed,

azure, green, drab and white* Londondouble milled Cassitnere

lilack, blue.*, green,brown, olive* and mixed single milled Cassiinere

Llastic t. ords, various colorsVelvet Corditiaciw, ilglit blue, and brown StockingnettDraper) ami bocAring Baiz*superfine white, red, yciiow, and greenplain and printed FiAnntl*Yorkshire Cloths, divers colors anu qua*litieslilue and-white PlainsLondon duffii, rose and point Blanketsm unsdown, l oilinett, Marseilles,V aici.cia,

anion camict and Florentine Vi biingiScotch i\aid, and Haid OoaAsFine, second quaiit) and coarse Irish Linenlrisn >hee:tin^, Brown Holland1 abie* towelling an< chiidrens Diape^-Long l^iwn,Linen Cambric t * andkerchieftLinen i-ambnc, Cotton ShiftingMauapullam and power loom SheetingBedttic4r, Linen and Cotton ChecksVV nite and plaid HomespunCarlile Ginghams /Furniture, t ambric ai.d common DimityPlain and figured ambricMull Mull. Jaconet and Boo* Mucins CxLi no and Kobe DressesBlac*, blue, purple, brown, lead,green red

yellow, and white, plain, printed lieuicdand twilled BombazettsRed, yellow and greih RatinettsCanton Crape, LevantineD >mas* Cassimere and siU Lace Shawlsail sizes and colorsA few superb Merino and Levantine ShawlsBlacjt-jSUid colored sil* H*ls.Bandanna miki flag H*fs.White and cohered CravatiPlain and plaid fancy <SilkLevantine, Satin, fancy Catize VelvetCanton, hat and halian Crapes, black andcoloredMuslin, Cambric, Satin, Merino. Pl.i.h *

and Velvet Trimmings ' J

tilk Lace Capes; T.npets, ThulJe LareBlack and white embroidered silk doThread and cotton LaceParisian Caps /Artificial Flowers '

Head OrnamentsVelvet Indispensable*, with gilt clasKI«r«m Morocco and fancy Toilet Cas,-,Ladiesand frentiemens,worsted,lambs \v0.,i'silk, 8c cotton Hone, black mixed, white'and lead colored '

tircy, white, and hlack lambs wool, andworsted half HoseChildren HoseSilk, beaver, kid,bock and doe «kin Glove*(ientlemens beaver and ,econ(J qu.a jHats, biack and white f |Boys Morocco and beaver HatsLadies, misses and chiidrens black »nrl

drab beaver HatsWell in;*? on BootsMonroe and common ohoes and PumpsMens stout, boys and negro Shoe*A complete assortmet ladies, misses, andchiidrens Morocco,leather and kid Allocs.

Slippers and BooteesA few setts nierehants blank BooksMemorandum and l ocket BooksWriting Paper, Backgammon BoardsSand Paper, Port PoliosInk Stands, Quills and paper HangingsFine and common Saddles, Valises'Saddle Bags, Bridlesbridle LeathersMartingales, waggon and gig Collars(>ig,vchair and riding WhipsAll kinds of LocksI)o of BrushesBrass and pewter ps\ent CocksHand, mill, and cross cut <YawsCcffeeand spire Miils, common and patentDitto Drab, mixt and fancy do.Yorkshire Cassimeres assorted colors

AND,J ifty boxes of Spanish Aegars, warrantedtrcmiinWhid, with a vast nun ber of other usefuland fane) artn les too m merons to pat tiru-arize, render their jwo»*tment complete

AT.Sr, /Fight sets elegant CHINA.Octobur 3 1