Cambridgeshire Alliance newsleter 2013

Welcome to our autumn newsletter and I must say compared to the last time I wrote we have had an amazing summer. I hope you have all enjoyed some sunshine over the last few months. With this newsletter we hope to keep you up to date with what we are doing and what else is happening around the county. Website Our website is up and running with lots of useful information. Our Support Community pages allow PAs to advertise their availabilities as well as employers being able to their vacancies. We have a success story to share with you from our “shared care” element of the support community. Carer D had advertised that her daughter (N) and PA would like to meet other service users and their carers for lunch or other outings. J ( the mother of K ) got in touch and thought this sounded like a great idea. N her PA , J and K met up for lunch. The meeting was successful with N and K sharing their interests and J finding new information from the PA about things available in the community. They have all now met for a second time and plan to try and do something on a regular basis. This is exactly how we envisaged the shared care or arrangements working and hope to hear other success stories. Sometimes sharing an activity can make costs cheaper and introduce people to others who they may not have met any other way. Training We have run two lots of our training so far this year with funding from Cambridge Community Foundation and have two more to do. Additionally we are pleased to offer a couple of drop in sessions for people who may have a question or to ask about their care package, their direct payment or employing staff. Training Drop In Sessions 1) Orwell House – Cambridge (please note change of venue) 25th Sept, 2nd and 9th Oct 12.30am – 3.30 pm 1) Papworth Monday 21st Oct 10 -1pm 2) Pendrill Court – Papworth Monday 28th Oct 10am – 4pm 2) Papworth Tuesday 12th Nov 1am-4pm Your Voice AUTUMN 2013


The Cambridgeshire Alliance for Independent Living's Autumn newsletter 2013

Transcript of Cambridgeshire Alliance newsleter 2013

Page 1: Cambridgeshire Alliance  newsleter 2013

Welcome to our autumn newsletter and I must

say compared to the last time I wrote we have

had an amazing summer. I hope you have all

enjoyed some sunshine over the last few

months. With this newsletter we hope to keep

you up to date with what we are doing and

what else is happening around the county.


Our website is up and running with lots of

useful information. Our Support Community

pages allow PAs to advertise their

availabilities as well as employers being able

to their vacancies. We have a success story to

share with you from our “shared care” element

of the support community.

Carer D had advertised that her daughter

(N) and PA would like to meet other

service users and their carers for lunch or

other outings. J ( the mother of K ) got in

touch and thought this sounded like a

great idea. N her PA , J and K met up for


The meeting was successful with N and

K sharing their interests and J finding

new information from the PA about things

available in the community. They have

all now met for a second time and plan to

try and do something on a regular basis.

This is exactly how we envisaged the shared

care or arrangements working and hope to

hear other success stories. Sometimes

sharing an activity can make costs cheaper

and introduce people to others who they may

not have met any other way.


We have run two lots of our training so far this

year with funding from Cambridge Community

Foundation and have two more to do.

Additionally we are pleased to offer a couple

of drop in sessions for people who may have a

question or to ask about their care package,

their direct payment or employing staff.

Training Drop In Sessions

1) Orwell House – Cambridge

(please note change of venue)

25th Sept, 2nd and

9th Oct 12.30am – 3.30 pm

1) Papworth

Monday 21st Oct 10 -1pm

2) Pendrill Court – Papworth

Monday 28th Oct 10am – 4pm

2) Papworth

Tuesday 12th Nov 1am-4pm

Your Voice AUTUMN 2013

Page 2: Cambridgeshire Alliance  newsleter 2013

Older People’s Partnership

Board Cambridgeshire Older People's Partnership

Board exists to ensure that there is a co-

ordinated multi-sector approach from all

stakeholders to enable people aged 50 plus to

live active, satisfying and independent lives

whilst ensuring that the needs of the most

vulnerable people in Cambridgeshire are met.

The Older People's Partnership Board is made

up of representatives from Cambridgeshire

County Council, Cambridge and Peterborough

Clinical Commissioning group, Healthwatch,

and relevant voluntary sector organisations.

The Board is facilitated by the Cambridgeshire

Alliance for Independent Living. This ensures

the independence of the board from the

County Council.

It is vital that older people are not labelled as

one single-issue group. The age range alone

is very significant even before we consider

differences arising from gender, race, ethnic

origin, disability, actual or perceived sexual

orientation, gender identity, marital status,

nationality, religious belief or any other

characteristic which may impact upon a

person’s opportunities in life.

Older people (50+) have a lot to offer and the

Older People's Partnership Board recognises

this, as well as working to ensure that their

needs are met. Cambridgeshire Older

People's Partnership Board is fully committed

to recognising and celebrating that diversity,

and treating everyone with dignity and respect.

The Partnership works particularly hard to

include those people who are disadvantaged

because of their difference.

The Board tries to directly influence the

priorities, commissioning and service

developments of the different agencies and to

work together to ensure the highest quality

and best value services for older people in


It also shares information and good practice

across agencies and identifies gaps in

services and highlights areas of concern to

older people.

Current priority areas of work for the board



Community transport

Lifelong learning

Winter issues

Information, advice and guidance

There are two ways to be involved in the work

of this board;

Full membership – This involves attending and

contributing to the board meetings, reading the

relevant paperwork and participating in

relevant sub-groups as required.

Corresponding membership – This means that

you will be on the email circulation list for the

group and can feed in your views and

comments in this way.

The Board meets quarterly at venues around

the county. All venues are fully accessible and

a loop system will be provided. All expenses,

such as travel costs are reimbursed to


If you would like more information about the

work of this board please contact Nadeem


[email protected] or

call 0300 111 2301.

The Older People’s

Partnership Board is looking

for new members. Would you

like to join us?

Reminder! If you are a Blue Badge holder, make sure you regularly check the expiry date!

I just got a £40 parking ticket because my badge was out of date in July !

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Intro to our Board Member

Judith Margolis

As well as being one of the Directors of the

Cambridgeshire Alliance, I am a Trustee of

Disability Cambridgeshire and Disability

Huntingdonshire. We all share an office in

Papworth where once a week I work as a

telephone advisor for DISH.

Previously I was head of the Centre of

Strategy and Marketing at the Open University

Business School. In 2008, after two

encounters with breast cancer, I developed

Cerebella Ataxia and had to retire early. Now

I use an electric wheelchair most of the time

and have a great life.

Whilst it’s easy to dwell on the negative, there

are many good things that have happened to

me as a result of my disability. The best is my

wheelchair! Before I had it, I found life very

hard to cope with my condition. I was

exhausted all the time and was so unsteady

on my feet that people thought I was drunk.

Once I sat down, life became much easier.

The next best thing was that I got a chance to

learn how to fly an aeroplane. In 2006 I won a

disabled flying scholarship, and went to flying

school in South Africa for six weeks, it was

absolutely brilliant.

When I applied to have my little dog Alfie

trained as an assistance dog, I naively said

‘if I can fly a plane I should be able to train a

dog’. The Support Dogs Charity specialises in

training dogs owned by people with

disabilities. When Alfie was two, he went to

boarding school for four weeks and we had to

practice for a about year before we graduated.

It was hard work I soon found out that

aeroplanes do exactly what you tell them to

do, whilst dogs have a mind of their own!

But seriously, Alfie has changed my life; as

well as all the jobs he does for me, such as

picking things up and bringing me the phone,

he gives me the confidence to go into strange

places and try new things.

I’ve met loads of new people and made lots of

new friends, The conversations always start

with ‘what a cute dog’, and ‘what does he do?’

My work for the ‘Alliance’ brings me into our

office several days a week. Presently I am

working on the rebranding project, making

sure our new publicity materials and website

are changed to our new name, logos and

house colours. It’s funded by the Office of

Disability Issues which helps user-led-

organisations (like us) develop and grow.

I am determined to make our website reach

the ‘gold standard’ of accessibility.

We are a pan-disability organisation and

should have a website that is accessible to

everyone. It’s a tall order, and may take a

while, but I am determined to achieve it.

In my spare time (!) I work for the Huntingdon

and District branch of the MS Society as their

lead support volunteer, answering their advice

line and helping with welfare claims. Multiple

Sclerosis has very similar symptoms to

Cerebella Ataxia and I find that I can

understand the problems our members face.

In all these activities I am supported by my

husband who has become an excellent cook,

and Alfie the dog. Anyone attending meetings

with me usually can find him doing his bit,

actively sleeping under the table. (that’s the

dog, not the husband).

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Getting Around Town

With the introduction of many pedestrian only

town centres, getting around with a mobility

impairment can be really difficult. That’s

where a Shopmobility scheme can come in


In Cambridgeshire we have four schemes

that have a selection of motorised scooters

and wheelchairs for you to borrow.

All the local schemes are registered with the

National Federation of Shopmobilty and as

many schemes throughout the country, some

run by donation and some ask for a small fee

to join.

It’s always advisable to call ahead to the local

Shopmomility office to ensure that suitable

aids are available.

Did you know?

Many supermarkets and National Trust properties

have scooters that you can loan too. Locally,

Hinchingbrooke Park has a pair of Tramper

scooters that you can loan free of charge. These

rugged, battery powered wheelchairs, can go

around the Park on the harder paths. They have

simple hand controls and can be used after a short

training session.

Hinchingbrooke Park also lend out adapted bikes.

One is for 2 people to ride the other has a seat in

front for passenger to be carried around. We

suggest you 'phone to book your ride in advance as

they are very popular; 01480 451568

Shopmobility Opening Hours

Ely: 01353 666655

Thursday & Friday: 10.30am - 4.30pm


Grafton Centre: 01223 457452

Monday - Saturday: 10:00am - 4:00pm

Grand Arcade: 01223 461858

Monday - Saturday : 10:00am - 5:00pm

Sunday : 11:00am - 4:00pm

Peterborough: 01733 313133

Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 4:00pm

Saturday : 09:00am - 5:00pm

Huntingdon: 01480 432793

Monday - Saturday : 09:00am - 3:00pm

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Would you like to raise some

money for your favourite


On Thursday 7th November 12- 6pm

Huntingdon Shopmobility is organising a

“Sponsorthon” in the Commemoration Hall


You can choose to do a sponsored jigsaw-a-

thon or a knit-a-thon. There is a £5 entry to

cover the hall costs but any sponsorship you

raise will go to YOUR chosen charity. Jigsaws

will be provided but you can bring your own.

You can be sponsored by the hour or by the

number of jigsaws you take part in.

If you would rather knit you can bring your own

knitting or knit squares with wool and provided

knitting needles (limited numbers) and again be

sponsored by the time taken or by the square.

Squares will be used to make blankets for a

Ugandan Orphanage.

Contact Debbie on 01480 432793 or

[email protected]

Get your cameras ready

“ON THE MOVE 2013”

On the Move is the annual photographic

competition for people with disabilities and is

organised by Mobility Choice and The Disabled

Photographers Society.

This year's theme of Travel & Leisure offers

opportunities to capture the atmosphere of

being out and about, whether to destinations

near or far, holidays or short breaks, the

transport to get you there, the people you meet.

There are three age categories: under 12, 12-

18 and over 18 years. Winning and shortlisted

images will be printed, mounted and displayed

at a public exhibition and award ceremony at

Calumet Photographic in London. Each

category winner will receive a Merlin Annual

Pass for a disabled person and carer, offering

entry to a range of top UK attractions; such as

the London Eye, LEGOLAND Windsor

and Madame Tussauds; Calumet photographic

accessories and £150 cash. Closing date is

31st Oct 2013. Up to four JPEG images can

be sent to

[email protected] with a

completed entry form.

Stepping Stone

Free advice, support and funding are available

to help you get involved in local sporting


The project, Stepping Stones, offers children

and adults with a disability or long-term health

conditions; information, advice and support to

help them engage in regular sporting activities

within mainstream sports settings, clubs and


They also offer free training and advice to

coaches, officials, administrators and

volunteers so they can support you effectively.

The initiative is one of 44 projects

nationwide and is being delivered by Action

For Children and co-funded by Sport England

and Cambridgeshire County Council.

Stepping Stone will run during the next 18

months and hopes to help about 200 people.

If you or anyone you know can benefit from

Stepping Stone, please contact either, Emma

Yates or Ryan Armes; at Action For Children on

01223 301756 or e-mail

[email protected]


First All-Electric Vehicle through


The Nissan Leaf plug-in vehicle is available on

the Motability scheme, the first time that an

all-electric vehicle has been offered.

You can see the Nissan Leaf, which has a

£999 upfront payment on the Motability

scheme, here. The freephone number for

Nissan Mobility, if you would like to find out

more: 0800 731 9633 or you can email

[email protected].

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Useful telephone numbers

Adaptations for Council owned property:

Cambridge City Council

Housing Department 01223 457833

East Cambridgeshire -

Hereward Housing Properties 0800 9161422

South Cambridgeshire (Shire

Homes) 08450 450 051

Fenland Housing Department 01354 654321

Huntingdonshire Housing

Partnership - (Home

Improvement Agency) 01480 388720

Addenbrooke’s Advice Line 01223 217 397

Blue Badge 0345 045 5204

Cambridgeshire Alliance for

Independent Living 0300 111 2301

Cambridgeshire Direct

General enquiries 0345 045 5201

Children’s Disability Team 01223 568 808

Children’s Services 0345 045 5203

Countywide Physical

Disability Team: 0345 045 5202.

Disability Cambridgeshire 01480 839192

Disability Huntingdonshire 01480 830833

Occupational Therapists 0345 045 5205

PALS 01223 216 756

Papworth Trust Helpline 0800 952 5000

Pension Credit Help line 0800 991 234

Personal Independent Payments 0800 917 2222

Red Cross Mobility Aids &

Equipment Loans 01480 213376

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults 0345 045 5202.

Social Services

Adult & Older People 0345 045 5202

Village Benefits Service 01353 666 990


Take a look at this useful gadget. An

egg cracker and separator for cracking

eggs one handed.

Independent Living have got a good

article on wheelchair passports and the

benefits of having one of these. If you

are a wheelchair user get a look at this


If you have problems with uneven

streets, potholes or dropped kerbs. You

can report your issues on this site and it

will go straight to the CCC highways

team. You can even track the progress

of your complaints.

When looking for information on

accessible holidays or travel the

information the information always

seems to be scattered in lots of different


This new website may be the answer

and is the brainchild of the charity

Tourism for All UK, Open Britain aims to

bring together information from a variety

of sources, VisitEngland and

DisabledGo are major partners in this

venture. They have carried out access

inspections and have given award

ratings for accommodation under the

National Accessible Scheme. If you

want extra assurance, inspected

venues carry the logo of the

organisation who visited them.

Some of the information is

provided by the venues

themselves and the listings carry

the ‘i’ sign.