CakeFest 2010 Flex/Flash Builder with CakePHP

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CakeFest 2010 Flex/Flash Builder with CakePHP in Chicago, IL; USA

Transcript of CakeFest 2010 Flex/Flash Builder with CakePHP

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2. About Me: CakePHP and Flex Developer for 3 years PHP and Flash Developer for 9 years JQuery Developer for 4 years Created a number of heavy client side applications using combinations of theseTechnologies 3. 1) Coding Views- how to structure view code for similarity between CakePHP/javascript and Flex apps for gained sanity Points: 2) Using XML for communication between CakePHP and Flex 3) Using XML Model in Flex for CRUD an approach to model driven development 4. Lets start the MVC Analogy:The Earth as data- minerals and nutrients 5. Tables! Water and soil tables. 6. Even data mining fits this analogy! 7. The Models are the roots... 8. Data travels both ways in this tree 9. The Controller is the trunk, but fat controller not good for MVC tree! 10. There we go thin controllers and components, but odd looking or is it?... 11. 12. The MVC chair tree... 13. Behold, the MVC Tree! 14. Double Routed... 15. Double Rainbow... 16. 17. Our views are Flash swfs 18. Heavy Client-Side development: A kind of mini MVC? 19. Woah... 20. UIWidget.ctp CakePHP/JQuery very simple example 21. The view MVC works better flipped 22. But wait- also in the CakePHP element? 23. Yes! 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.