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cSharp core concepts

Transcript of c#

lecture 4#1.escape sequnce2.verbatim literal 10.00 lecture 5#terniry operator 11.55lecture 6#in c# types are divided into 2 categories 1.47 1.build in types = int,float,decimal etc 2.interface,arrays,delegates,clases etcfor making the null vlaue of a integer use ? before name of int or type.nullable boolean datatypeholds three values 1.true 2.false 3.orno example 10.14null coliising operatr 15.44lecture 7#in explicit two ways to converttye class and convert classtype cast operator it will not throw expection but hols the max value float f=152.25f int i=(int)fuse of convert class throws expectionimplicit conversion 9.17explicit 9.18parse method 15.30.......chap 16# a void method can be call with tha instance of teh calss 7.20but a static method can only b called by using the name of teh class 7.20