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CIlyEdltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102. _____________ Mine Rescu Struggles' TwoEntc Bounds Emerging Froi - Xavc-iri, Causo- Redoublc <B7 Th* A mocI SUPERIOR, Mont,, Nov. 16-; from the crumbling, water-soal gold miners were entombed by a rcscue workers to redouble thel They scarcely dared hope the said they were unable to delcrn .made-by ihe men or came froi the tunnel. Deputy SherUf A. 0. Miles ■ said at 11 o'clock tonight the I) crew had "only six or seven || reet to go, but the condition o( UlS tunnel walli, tolwned by w«t«r from %iprlnic ovtrhesd, (uch thJt Jt v u )mpo6iib)« So <St- ttrmlne how Just llie men could cleir the birrier. ,, WotUtu by Uie light of torchei. N < BuiS t* Ootnbe ind Fred M au.' , i«rtnera of (he tnpped men, di- rected half a'humlrc'd reteuers *ho narked In the ooiinj mud. ------ Ihej.ml3_o££HfIf<L70jKL*>«f /rom t;?s entnnce of the tunnel Reaeuer* could not determine how Jar back It extended. ly The miners. Antone Oustafton. 40. and Oscar Oevarl. « . appar- ently trapped Juat beforo midnight Saturday by a illde In a narrow hor- Jf luntJj tunnel at the Wlndlall ^ Iilacer gold mine, Taced poulble -------by-th> lona of.mud,.roctanit-par«. *'■ " fn LllUe Hope'ntid Uttle liope was iield they would gp he found alive. Muclcers. working gi in ahllta of three m cramped Quar* |n tcr< pa&xd dirt In buck^ta out to «] Ihr tunnel entrance. Previous reports «ald water from a uprlni; In the tunnel was dammed Iiy the Mlde Jind.rapidly Illllni the „ cave. . ra l^^ucker» were forced to work [f cauUoiiDly 0.1 wnter-ioaked earth nnd rocka contlnuv-d to rolt down i,, ' from ttie flde-walbt and celllns. ni Outiafwn and Oerart were atone ^ at the mine and the ailde v u dla- sg covered by a new crow a t midnight. The claim 1> In a rough narrow canyon in- the anow-cowred Bitter .Itoot mountalna aouth ot here. ■* ------------------------- - pc I ' T G H tS ^ii I S H A D O W S |i; k_ Jn Day’s Evints L _________ ' ' I di (By Ttie Ayocfated Picxsi « Thcro'i ft Llnil— BBOCtCTON, M0S5. - - Aj good- - n&lurfd^j Policeman William Wll* | | Mn u, lie.hopei Brockton high I , Jfhool trotemlty Kavenger hunt# ^ nre at an end. Tliree boj’s and Uiree glrU, each awfpied to s« /our lialr* from a IMllcenUn's cheat, taught out Wll- wn. Wlbon v u willing to help and bared his chejt. lie acomed aclason, Hijacked- TAUIUNA, Okla.-Andrew Tnl- Itrson, proud of the nine polnl deer ------ liOllled-drriiro'lail'-iIiij'-orUie i-1 Mn*on, w u rolling mcnily home* Tl' wnrd with It on lils car, lie told game "fl raiiKcrs, when live men with rifles Uu ■nonned him and took hk ilecr. am : ------- . -------------- ^— JJ, Sloopor's Friend—'* OKLAHOMA' CITV - A Negro ' i.-ixl driver arrested when (ound with an.electrical device sueh u .i., automobile Uilevta wire around Ig- .u , ' nltlon iwltcliea Inatead of ualng a ' key. cleared hinuelf by explatolng: He wrapped one end ol a wire around hls leg and connected the ' oilier lo a telephone. Wlien lie dozed I during the long iilsht hours, the j f • tinging lelcpUone shocked him I' “ We. _____ ror < Oongressiofial Timber— ! AUSTIN, Texas - W. A. Maun.Ipll' Unlvertlty ot Texu low atudent. a i wagtred his roommotea he could t>elier Uie late Senator Huey P. to Lcmg't llUlmeerini record ot IS I lioun. then wenl Into a eonUmiou.»lil»; monologue UuHJAaled IS hours and j ut« 10 mlnules, on utronomy. rellglon.lwll IMlitlcs, economiei, hls’Iife history pin and a lot o( oUier things. I hu Alaskan Villlage’s fl Prospers With Si DBTHEL, Aluka, Hov. 19 - thl Alice Foresgien brouEht romcililng 20 nf the modem touch lo thlt.Alosknn t vlllnge when she opened a beauty na' and bfliber shop which In lum doi brought lier bj much « « per hs 1 nhnve, hal ' I A ML« Forcssten, 22. cnme here „ A\ from BLimiirK. N. D.. thla tall to ~ K brlnB lyrnintienl wnvrs. fancy colt- . I fures nnd plucked eyebrows to the -.le*.\Vhite.nnil mnny.tfatlve:w',omen . ottlicKuslrckKJmrivfreounlrj’.and ^ b barber shop sen’lce to Ita men. ' ’ j 1 A “stlir bronchi here durinc the in | .Goodnews tlay cold mining siani> am ted* la ISU ia her water beatu In lul [E T\ u*MnrB aoun Doniao orciamATiowa ue Crew . To Reach ;ombed Men ■om Tunnel, Sceiie Of ic Workers T o .............. , e Efforts wcUted Pretl) 1-OccaalonaJ sounds emerging ;oakcd mine tunnel where two / a cavc-ln 48 hours ago, causcd heir efforts tonight, he trapped then were alive, »rmine whether the noises were rom more faJUng gravcJ Jnsldo nncuK 11 M IES NaUon’s W eather Conditions RanBB From Snow to Unseasonabie Heat -w y TWO Associated Press) Over Uia naUon's vut area, wldely-vuylnt weather condlUonj yeaterday brought tucli Incongnil- Ues u unteasonable heat 16 louUi- em CaUfomlft and ilx-lnchei-of I snow in the mountains of weaiern IE New ^ l a n d reporied “noUiIng ■ '* imusuiL!'-- Tlicre -were^tatlefed ' onow MUfllls. not-the first of’Uie ' season. In Uie Michigan upper pen- , Insuta the weaUier was w mild ' liuiilen feared their deer would _ spoil before remo^-al from the woods. Snow ranged trom one-halt to three Tl Inehcd. and U k e Michigan gales, ' which lud Imperiled ihlpplng, were subsldJn;. In South Dakola. Ic'mimture^ remained nbove iiorinol, having rcached aa high a i S< degrees. Chl- ■ cago reported temperature.i rising trom a low of 2S. with a fair nnil t; wormcr torecut. Iiidlnna hnd a ^ brUht sun, andV M degree mini- mum. Ulonesota and Nortl) Dakota MW tctnpen{urc5,o/ '<0 to iS and 38 to St,-fwpecllvel/. niiuQ|onrtir it»r In the SouUiwtatflhe weaUicr w u « fair and Qonnal. Los Angelea re- "1 ported it w u "unseaionably hot." di: A< did western Pemaylnnla, up- tli Itata New Yprlc hid anow. driven all'day'lri tbmri«Uo«is by a liigh w wind. II snowed In weatem ^tar}’• land nnd In lhe New York Clly area, bul Uio fall was tor Uie mott ? , jiart tcaUieiy and quickly blown off z* by eald. Iiea\7 winds. 'n' .._Columbua,..Ohlo, reporlcd-a-27- degree low, and looked today (Tues- " day) for a low uf 39-coldest o^ Uie Uit sfflsOD. CJwland expected a mini. tli( ' IConllnued' on W t 2 , Col. 8> DEflliMi' d lEMSIIli: Wife Defeated in Effort ^ to Reaoii Bedside of Oyinj^usband [—8YIUCU8E,-Nr-Y-rNor.-lfl-t/r)---;— Tlie death of three persons wrote '•tlnli" ,today lo a t.kyways drntiin Uut uw nn airplane cnuh in a inowstorm al night and a wife dc- ' Telkt^a^n•^lcr^ll^:^Bec•|I8«lnsc-Mmc — lo reach Uie bedside ot her dyln;; husband. Tiie vlctlm.1 were: &tiM Prlscllta Murphy, 17, Urook- llne, Maas, school girl and ahiateur . pilot who burned lo death when an airplane eruhed on a highway .tmt night IS mllea uuUiwcsi of Syra- cuse a tew minutes after taking oil (rom Amboy airport afler a refuel- ing tlop. Hfury Nadeau, 45, Naslma, N. H.. who chartered the plane In an ef- tort to' naelr Intenullonol Falls. Minn., to visit Ills taUier, John H. Shobe, 3>. veleran Boston pilot, Kho guided his plane Uirough a night snow storm fram Dostoii to Syracuse, bul crulied afler stopping lo refuel and check weather rcpcrb. floiJi NfldMU and Bliobe died to- day, Sliobe succumbing a tew min- utes less ihnii an hour before lil.s wife arrived by regular trnnjiwri pinne In a futile effort to reach her husband before'he died. Woman Barlber Shaves at .$5 Each I lhL^ weslem Alnska fctllemfnl nl I 20 whltfS^and 200 native.-.. i So fnr. she has had tiul om' iii.iiv i nallve patron, but While •'.■'lur- I douRlis" keep hrr tiiuy ndmlnLsifr-1 tiR Ihc first profe.vitonal ihnvrs nml I halrrdts many have had In ^riirj. Her tlrsl five shaves brouchi her 15 pcr face. MLu Fot«Krcn l^ B' H'* el's Krealest free slchbrruu: , Iracllon. They liternlly liiip'ui' n watch ft mnn recline In the b.ubT ehBlrwh«?*hewt)ritswithnr<'r«iul — brusli. Most'of her bu.*;lnc!i.i, ho«('fr. ii in permanent waves tor nflUvc li-'Uf" anxious to ulbnliU anii ple.ise Uirlr lultora. /fcciinj WIN ] ' TW . Wedding Bells! .ttAnV riCKFORD, onee “AmeHea'i nr Ht neil Friday as Ihe day for the (on ment tn Charles “Bnddy" Itogen, acli lured In an.ersbraee Id a film icene.- Mary Pickfo ‘Buddy’ Ro] Early Morning Tclephoi wood To Kansas (By The Assocli HOLLYWOOD, Callf., Nov. 1 6-i ended nil the denials about the i Pickford and Charles "Buddy" R' day for Ihc formal announccmt time for Uic iweddlng. , The «U1 .was from Plckfalrj th Miss PJcWoJt! to Olathe, Kansas Judge Bert Rogers, father of th said "Buddy" telephoned, — talked nt random for a mo- ment, then asked for his ^ mother, .... .... ....................... •. . "He atked' her it we could take the ’plane lo Hollywood Tueiday," , the judge snld. "She wanted to 'W 'wall, rll imw someone icir Ca you'." ,n Tlien' .Mla Plckford's voice rip- do pled softly nerc^^i 1,S00 mllet ot , wire nnd broke the news. U ie r In the momlnjf. In Holly- *“• ((Continued'on pag« 3, .(^L t> Hi : Wait p i Mother' __,L __ ir i t e l?y. —UP '..r<>ins 'mTE-'SU MBflfcaTED FALJ TWIN FALLS. IDAHO,^TUESDj^ s To Ring Soon' - ( tl: ' mt bt ai , qi Ull .S'. fcirrr ui< (01 ' r I un I fweelbearl" cf lhe screen, yMterday (orraal anooDncement of ber eacafe- aclor and orebrstra leader, and next ^ ‘ i-»ls«-ritktord.and.Bog»ni>i,plc. ^ ne.--<,t^ rhoto. nil Ofd To Be 2 ogers’ Bridei lone Call From Holly- IS Breaks News ' ,J oclafed Pre») ' tt }—A 2 a. m. telephone call totlay le impending marriage of Mary ' Rogers, set next Friday os the :mcnt, and next spring as tbe t the rambling, hilltop bom& of u i sas, BogMs' homo town, . Ju) ' the actor and orchestra leader, » — ... I — . ijh Father, Son Wed £ .Mother, Daughter up YUMA, A ril, NOT. 18 M^-FaUier and wn, prominent tong Deacft, [ ^ ] and daughter, boUi of Denver. In i double ceremony today. * Ha The cduplei were Sdwln Z. Buf- n„ (um, CS, and Mrs: Nln^K, Parr, <S.'laf( and Ruiaell J. Duffu^ 38.. nr;d|__ Horteose Annette Parr, 25)— ' 1 :r Takes Up The 30 Hour) 1 --------------------------------- -Brs IDEA 1----------------^ ---- MA-?- * .fi fit i^Hi - —■ -------1 • - ■ copy'ritbl. IJ3J, B: ED PRESS newspaper - LS Di SDAY MOnNING, NOVEMBER : im r^ ISHIFOWB IMI ISSUES -McGraily— Submits'“ Sixthj Pcace -Proposal; Coast Mayors at While House; Alaska Lacks Vegetables my llie ,Asioc\aled Preu) 6AN FnANCISCO. Nov. IG -The tjrst brief confcrcnco between employers and .unions 111 several days of the marl- tltnc strike was held loday as oiip union official .exprcased I bellf/ .ilrlkers would refuse to I arbltmtc nil differences as rc- I qiie.«itcd by seaport mayors I Who met «ui) president Iloosevell 1 In WcijhliiRion, I nrprcM-iiiHiivci ot Uiree seagoing I unions ond the cout commltlce (or I I Milpo»nrr» conferred briefly and | I Uien adjourned unUl'tomorraw (or I I furUier dlscusilon ot hltlns Iiaull I control, crucial Issue, and penaliirs i I which employers wish esubllshed ! for vioiaiion of workins agreemenU. ^ PwItloD tnehangea No Jlatmenl w u Issued afler Uie . mcelinc, bul A.ulitant U bor See- reUry Edward P. MoOrady Indlcat- ' ed IliQ posltloirDt'4»Ui aides w u ' unchanged. Unlona wanl full con- f tnl of Uib halts, and employen de- ' mind at least "neutrat" conlrol, f , MrOmdjr.. who has llrelessJy I dntied >ix proposals on the issue, ■ ■- -irnmirrr-KrjiyTTiiMtinrTirttr-ir ^ Uirec'hour conferencs wlU) the , Sailors Union ot Uu Pacific; the aartne firemen, oilers, wlpen and water lenden; and th# marine cooki tnd stewards. Tlie ISUi day ot Uie' itrike. at- c lecilng. 37,000 .workers and 178 ' , ships III coa»t poru, brought reporU t from Juneau, Alaskan caplul, tluit ' supplies of perishable vegeUbles wrre exlisuited because ot the strike blockade Uniom Rejeet Arbltrollon Long, before Uio strike, when ne- ]{ goyailoiis over new eontracla be- c ^ e dradlocked, emfitoftrt otferrd a lubmlt unsettled Issqcj to 'arbl- ,, , iraUon. Unlona decUred they eould ^ . not arbitrate auch ”tundamental" ^ demands as conUol at hiring, cash h' ’ oTcrtlme (or ullors, ft tiz-hour day , Sot longthortmen, and u eight- ' liour day tdr’cooka andrstewnids. [ U«..C.'H«ttleJd. p»sldoit-(ir the " . Juneau, Aluka. clumber ot»com- ■. . m ^ . telegraphed Seattle lliat per- Ishible vcgeUbles were exhausted, * fresh meat will be .gone In a (ew „ days, and- ttnples In about five ■ '' weeks unless the U»nsportatlon tie- ’ up.eads, ' « “One hutcher slibp clo.wl and ^ . two closing Prlday," his message J* said, “Several stores nre wllhoul ff ’[butter or cm ajid tliy.lixftl supply oe Mayon at While ilouie In Wuhlngton, Mayor Angelo br Hojsl of San- Franci-wo, who mel IS President RoMevcll, said mayors of ch j afteclcd seaport cities would confer, fo I "(ConUnued on Page J. CoU) ------------ Uc Br ir Week Idea “. )f 1 Isf cn nn jBl •few ^ I ^ IV V V V / ' Kl ffflfy W or"* JIM ; j H W Pl - ' w w ® /'# Jm m iilM z \\m M m /! ^ . p j i M fi s plfc^i s i: ---------- 1---------- ------------- boa 18, By T te Ne»'^ York .TObune, loe. I crui ^t~jCmPLETE MLY :R 17, 1036 New Fire As Reb< j Under hj Striclien“~ ,VlMr. CCIIUMANN'IIEINK. Teter- ' . an et thr epentUo and concert . stsfp. wu latl nlfht rrporied la . be rritlrally 111 al her heme lo ' S ' iNlywewi. | i CiliLf ILL i —_ I ; Famous Singer Suffers From 1 J Blood .Aiimenf at ' 1 Holiywood Home . i e ___ I HOLLYWOOD, Cnllf,, Nov, 17 Wl | —MAd,mie Kronliiie Schumniiii- • Helnk. 75-ycur-old veteran o( the , ' opcmtlo nnd conccrt itnge, wm cri- , ^ (Ically-ill tonfghc oC.Iier homa In ' I Koll}-wood.8iiewu suffering trom ft • blood ftllment which recurrcdSatu^. , dsy. It was leartied. tn the (orm of hemorrliagcs ot-the throat and ’ lungs. Her p1lS’^lcUn, Dr. Samuel Alter, , reported her condition w u lerlbus. , . allhQUgli he snld tba iripooded to> blood tnrnsfu-'loni and rallied some- . whnt trom the .lUack. ; Tlie famcus singer nuttered a sIm- , , liar attack at tho end ot tho sum- ! [ mer when the relnmed (rem a va- cotlon In Wisconsin, Dr. Aller aald. I That-one wns not-so-»eriou» and • , Oder two Iransrusloni rhe rallied , ; (rom tier IIIiica. i nnd wns N'lleved lo bc on the road to recovery. Madame Schumonn-Hclnk^ccle* brnted her.7!lh birthday lu t June IS wUIi her children and icrand- , children al her home, and looked fom'ard to a new carw In mollon , She Aupcrlnlcnded Uie prcpara- Uon o( the birthday dinner ond aang Brahm’s "Wlegenlled" to Uie mem- bers or Uie (amlly.' , •'I pray tor four or' JIrt' more , J-ears Mid wilh that I will be sal- , Isfled," she Mlrf then. "II Is long enough to do a Iliile bll ot good , nnywny,’ Dr. Alter said Ui< beIo\'ed linger , Is—maklng_.A._courji£iou4-.flght , sgalui her latest iilneiu, and con- ' llnuea to plan (or fier (ulure work. ' ’iiiD iiisJ FOfiPEfPIBlEf,; -Roosevelt Extends Vacation'J i Cruise to 12,000- jj I Mile Trip _i I WASKINOTON, Nor. 18 OT - "■ ; Presldenl floojcveli atuiounced late today he would extend hli pout- ^ elMilon vacation cruise Into a 12,000 <" mile Irlp to address lhe oi>enlng tai- . Blon o( lhe Inler-Aniprlcaii i>fafe ''I conference a t Buenos Alrei Decem-' J" ber 1. I ShDrtly before J;e innounced hli, h decision, the prcJldent lold a grou|) J" o( mayors, here lo allend ihelr a n -' - nual conferencr. tiuil he probably I' w u going, tl'iat-world |)eiice was, •more Importanl' ilian' ony par- Uculir Itrike. t "I see the mayor o( San tYsnclsco looking a t me." lhe chle( executive | JTTOi/ked, -JJul »iJj jJiIp .iirlke vn - the wcif cott.'!t-couia”KO'on"ror''a week. It might go on for two week.v 11j or longer. o> ••As brlween this particular strike in and wlialfver elfect my tl.^li lo "l Soulh America may have onaiie'Qi [lence c>( llic wOrld, the i>eacc of lhe worIdji.lh? more imitorlani o( the nb t»U' Dt •'I hope Uie ship grners and the co men oul on iirike will recognise Uint I'l facl and come togeUier.’^ Hr It win be Mr, Uoosevelfs second n|i vlfil to Soulh Amcrlcn, allliouKli "ll his,(irst liclow Ihc cfjualor. Two years ago^lic sloiipcil In Colombia loi en roule lo'llaaall ^ He ftu Iciice lViLififiiB(on"rarl}' i tomorrow nlghl for ciiatlesson, S, C.. K< where Wednesday momlng lie will G< board the 33 knot, 8,!)&0 ton heai'y i>ni cruiser IndlanapolU. la ____________ T r N E ) LiAstu WIIO uuucn or ______________ AgflOCTATtp r n rss • es Sweep 3 >els Renew r Cover of 1 Defending Militiamen gents Pushing In Corncr Of Sp; Death Rides Air, Lar (Dy Tlie Aaso MADRID, Nov. 17 ‘Tuesilaj I today wltJi bright fiamej and I tlllery and air bombardment li I set fire to about $0 houses. . I Inccssant rifle and miicliln University City, In the norlhv defending mllltlnmen tried to f Ing, to push. Into lhat sectioi district. «• ( The FascJsLi, In a surprise attack, occupied the fomier | Brillsh and American ho.iplla1 | In the Cairo Camlnos dlsUlcl, and government Jorces opened an In- tensive allack in on effort to dis- lodge them, Mnny housi'* In Madrid caught flro (rom artillery thrlls, vhlle in- , cendlary bombs set otlien ablate. . CuDAily UsU (irew ; Moro than ISO persons were . wounded or Injured in tlur iliclllng ftnd the three air raids of yeslerdsy whleh occurred ol 3:30 p, m.. 1 p, m.. and 8 p. m. During the third alr'aUaek-aitrr < nightfall-tlio insurgent planes loot- ' * ed bombs cn the Aloclmiutloii neir f _ ihmariliunuilJiulliiliif.__________i , Tliu (ftsclst ntteinpl to putli into I ttnlvenity City last nlghl camo < I atter tho goveniment luid dedared t h small body of liuurgenU. alter J penelmllng thnt dlitrlcl within the i condnei of Modrld proper, lud been II driven oul in n bloody ll-liour bat* c He. y Tlie defente Junto declared hve g Insurgent plane* had.been brought down during the air iltacki. Twen- , , ly-tliree government madiine* (lew , ’ over Madrid pursuing the 15 raiders, ' ' One bomb teU on a house al nu- * ® l)er sewn Villnlar streei. close to the | , Prench embassy and behind tlie As- , ’ socUtcd Press ottlce. AU'lho homes'in lhe vicinity ut : Uiote which caught tire were evacu- ‘ , »‘«1- =1 . ChBrthei In namei i , 'Hie THnlinrUni churcii where Uie 1 [ aihes of,Miguel Cervaatei, famoui 1 ' - Bombi *tr\iefc-lh» foJIoirlnf i BlreeU: Huertas, Juan de Mena, Al- t * berlo BOKh, Morelo, VlltoUr, Alo- cha, Verbnlcft and Jeaus, * The air ministry reporled govem- *: meni ptanei bombed (hs railroad ° ilodon nt tascUt-held Balimanca; <■ “ buming war materUls ilored there, * ° and an srseiul at CadU. - ■Tlie lhe fascist planes bombed the Atocha liaiion, /lomegoing crowdi ^ ‘ on Uic Oran VU. an Imporlani f' ® hujintss Itreet, scattered tor lafe- * ty Into subway enlrance* u anti- ° alrcnftgunsspatotUiepIann.Tlie P " riffenders' Iroccr bullcU aluhed (he * dark «ky. * II -KU Ute lin t tllghl wid !n mi- * enil weeks.. U ' Bc(ore the (ascliU loit Uielr foot- « hold In Madrid, teveral beautiful * “ and M|)cnslve buildings of the unl- verslty were wrecked in nn arUllcry ^ and machhic-Kun battle, the govem-. mrnl said, aoverameiit sollderi blew up the I lai fVitncwftt brlde« fo keep 'the efi'ulpmeneio-fortlfrthelrpositlons (111 lhe cnmpus. _Hurd£L£hatK£dJn_ s Uttle Girl’s Death AMKRICAN PALLS, tdaho, Nov. : Ifi .,v,-pra<iecuior P. A, Andcnoti . flint murder cliarge.i today agalnsi iLory W. f\an«, H, and hU 38- ^ I vrar-old housekeeper, L<U Broad- |, b'art. In eoimectlon with the deaUi u |o( fniir-year-old daughter. ), 'Pic iiatr «cTP Jailed rftenlly after v I a oiiniirr's jiny relumed a-.vcrdlct u . 'if •rrimlnKi iirglect,-' , lllfl Jiiiy alleged the ctilld. ,' Umgia-Msri'-. died from "numer- rr I oll^ lirul^ei snd buma." u 1 ’nie (lalr lieiiled in'Ulreatlng Ihe w : rliilil, .Mr.'. Ilrondhcad dctlarlng slie ei .' lovpd hfr u •'one of my own,” I i:ian» and ,Mrs. Broadliead liave pi i.brrii hfld at Pocatello In an ad- d; . ^jDlnins coimty. -for lafe keeping," dl ' ‘Simpson for Qiieen i ' Overwhelmed by Pl Or.YMI‘iA. Wn.ih„ Nov. 10 M’)— Itichard Ilamlllon. secreUrj^ lo lit Uoipriinr clarcnce Martini w u try- w: iiis 10 fluure oul todny how to .ie ■•(um Io(x«c'‘ o( hU "Sim[vv)ii for, In Qiin'n club,'^ Ilnmlllan renounced the ptnn nnd co nb<llcalPd os president Saturday in fu Dr. K. BfackJione ot Iferd cor^pjfS Porlinnd. Ore., who con- e.i iPiided he founded the movemenl Ui llnl and requested. Ilamlllon lo ed iipntuglzs-or meet Blukslone ou . "ihp field of honor.'^ lr llul today's mall broiielit Ilnmil- It ton nickels and dimes with rcfiue.ib ch for bultfln.1 and membership card-v Hi One Jccter. from a wonwi lit to Kent, Waslu .conulned a King an Oeonre nickel for n •'button,” She 1 i>al(l slie"wn^ EngllMi and 'Seolcli-jry and thought Um idt* -“gnmd," , Jha TODAY; Partly Clda'fe' WS ■[ _________ Price Five Cent* Madrid V Attack— ' Darkness n Crapple With Insur- Into Northwestern ipain’s capital and Bombardments^ laaocUted Presl) Jay)—Madrid was aglare early Id red «rio1c9 alter a Fascist ar~ t killed at least 60 persons and line Run flro was heard from Ihwestem corner ot Madrid, as ' 0 fight back Insurgents attempt- tion from the Cuatro Camlnos iPiiEimosi ^ iis 35 . PMS it ___ Series of Terrific Blasts . ; in Frencti Factory In- J lure 200 Wori<ers *' BAINT CIIAMAB. Ftince, Nor. IB ' r (A>^no of Prance's blgreat powder . fnclorin blew up Uxlay, killins *t r (cut JJ peraons uid (n/artnj more Uian aoo._________« ________________ 0 Local seodarmes described ft ieries 0 ot Urrifls explosions wlileb shook J the cnUre town and could ba lievd r 10 mllea Uiroughoul the eountn- e side, « 1 •nio flnt Uiunderoua bluf'ln one^. • ot Uie storehouics sent * colunui of Miwko and flames roaring Into the Before (npped w'orken In the ' (acuiry Imd tioie lo nm for Uietr lives, Uio geiidannes u ld, ft (howcr '■ of tlamlin (imben sUupk Uio roofs of oUicr itorehouse* and ths fac* torr n^If, causing quick succeulvo explosion!. . ( WlUUn a tew mlouUs Uit buUd- . Inga wen a pUa of fuming luias.' A few of thoae Injured who w en .- nat knocked, lemelen staggered e trom Uie burning buUdiogs and col- s Up«d. y •ir' ( whoto'Urrltled InhablUnU rutbed . to Uie tcene, Itm uen Drag Ont OodiN . Itescuen dug into Uio wreckage ] dragging out bodies u iha UltU town wu In a few houn turned tnto— one Urge hojplUL -TTwutands of rolunlem thronged , Inlo lhe (own wlUi gendarmes, tu t- \ trom nearby bases. VlcUmilncluded'Plerra Lft Rooqui, , manager of Uie lactoiy and s e n n l , powder experU who fought Uie fln , ftfUr the tint expituloa Twcuty-nlne of the dead were . IdenUtled, m ny officers working a l Uie scene lald. Among Uu iojured . wu the mayor of Saint Ohanui who ! (ConUnart on Page I'C o M ) . :l8Pllil8 - S'uperintendent-Opens-Rire— on Gunmen Durlnj Payroll Holdup I ---- PHILADELPHIA, Nov, IB OIV- • Tliree* bandits who dodsed a fusll- • lade of buileU from the pistol ot > the woman nipcrlnlcndcnt, held up 14 vblloro and employees a t Uie ' Methodist EplKOpal hoipllal Ule ; today ana lied wJlh « payroll r»U- maled between $3,000 and HXOO. . Halt a doun liosplial employees, • mosUy women, were behind the of- fice eountrr when Uie gunmen i walked In. E3ghl visitors were scat- : ed In Uie roon.1. MLss May A. Mlddlelon. 54. su- : pcrlnicndriit.'iAld each ot Uie ban- ' dlU'wss masked by a hondkcrchlrf dnd canled a pistol.____________ 1 Club’ Sponsor Popular Response AdeV- \V.' Joliaton Of tlic Okla- homa Ness. OkI.ih03i» Clly, Okln» wrole Hamilton U wu Uie -most •lewlble schcme she hid heird ef In n long Ume." Sho cnclascd a Uiin dime for ■* couple of ;.laV and said she would further lUe movrmcnt.ln ber arrn. •'IVJiy ihouHB't we. M tbe p ta i- est nlillon In Uie worid, rate wiili Uie middle cUsj BrlUsh?' she u k - ed Hfloillloii lUrted lhe cluh ly,- -Jujt In good clcan' tun. bui It jprrnd quickly. Tlien came lhe . clisllemro frem Dr. Bloctilone and llamllloiK “being chore boy to the yOTwn5r,*-*i}d-be-h»d-no-Um»-V»— r armi*. So he quit Uie whole Ulio*. He “wishes Blackstone would hur- ry and uke’Uils hot potato oil m Ihandi.-

Transcript of · C Ily E d...

Page 1: · C Ily E d ltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102._____________ Mine Rescu Struggles'

C I l y E d l t l i i B _______________

f T H{ ■ V o l . 1 1 , N o . 1 0 2 ._____________

Mine Rescu Struggles'

TwoEntcBounds Em erging Froi

- Xavc-iri, Causo- Redoublc

<B7 Th* AmocI SUPERIOR, M ont,, Nov. 1 6 - ;

fro m th e crum bling , w ater-soal gold m ine rs w ere entom bed by a rcscue w orkers to redouble thel

T hey scarce ly da re d hope the sa id th e y w ere u nab le to de lcrn

.m a d e -b y ih e m en o r cam e froi th e tu n n e l.

D epu ty SherU f A. 0 . Miles ■ sa id a t 11 o 'clock to n ig h t th e I) c rew h a d "only s ix o r seven | | re e t to go, b u t th e condition o( UlS tunnel walli, tolwned by w«t«r from % iprlnic ovtrhesd,(uch thJt Jt v u )mpo6iib)« So <St-

■ ttrmlne how Just llie men could cleir the birrier. • ,,

WotUtu by Uie light of torchei. N

<BuiS t * Ootnbe ind Fred M a u .', i«rtnera of (he tnpped men, di­

rected half a'humlrc'd reteuers *ho narked In the ooiinj mud.

------ Ihej.ml3_o££HfIf<L70jKL*>«f/rom t;?s entnnce o f the tunnel Reaeuer* could not determine how Jar back It extended. ly

The miners. Antone Oustafton.40. and Oscar Oevarl. « . appar- ently trapped Juat beforo midnight Saturday by a illde In a narrow hor- Jf lu n tJ j tunnel a t the Wlndlall ^ Iilacer gold mine, Taced poulble

-------by-th> lona of.mud,.roctanit-par«.

*'■ " fnLllUe Hope'ntid

Uttle liope was iield they would gp he found alive. Muclcers. working gi in ahllta of three m cramped Quar* |n tcr< pa&xd dirt In buck^ta out to «] Ihr tunnel entrance.

Previous reports «ald water from a uprlni; In the tunnel was dammed Iiy the Mlde Jind.rapidly Illllni the „ cave. . ra

l^^ucker» were forced to work [f cauUoiiDly 0.1 wnter-ioaked earth nnd rocka contlnuv-d to rolt down i,,

' from ttie flde-walbt and celllns. ni Outiafwn and Oerart were atone ^

a t the mine and the ailde v u dla- sg covered by a new crow a t midnight.

The claim 1> In a rough narrow canyon in- the anow-cowred Bitter

.Itoot mountalna aouth ot here. ■* ------------------------- - pc

I' T G H t S ^ i i

I S H A D O W S |i;

k _ J n D a y’s E vin ts• L _________ ' ' I di

(By Ttie Ayocfated Picxsi «

T h c r o 'i ft L ln i l—BBOCtCTON, M0S5. - - Aj good- -

n&lurfd^j Policeman William Wll* | | Mn u, lie .hopei Brockton high I

, Jfhool trotemlty Kavenger hunt# ^ nre a t an end.

Tliree boj’s and Uiree glrU, each awfpied to s « /our lialr* from a IMllcenUn's cheat, taught out Wll- wn. Wlbon v u willing to help and bared his chejt. lie acomed aclason,

H i j a c k e d - TAUIUNA, Okla.-Andrew Tnl-

Itrson, proud of the nine polnl deer------ liO llled-drriiro 'la il '- iI iij '-o rU ie i-1

Mn*on, w u rolling mcnily home* Tl' wnrd with It on lils car, lie told game "fl raiiKcrs, when live men with rifles Uu ■nonned him and took hk ilecr. am:------- .-------------- — JJ,

S lo o p o r's F r ie n d —'*OKLAHOMA' CITV - A Negro “

' i.-ixl driver arrested when (ound • with an.electrical device sueh u .i., automobile Uilevta wire around Ig- .u ,

' nltlon iwltcliea Inatead of ualng a ' key. cleared hinuelf by explatolng:

He wrapped one end ol a wire around hls leg and connected the

' oilier lo a telephone. Wlien lie dozed I during the long iilsht hours, the j f • tinging lelcpUone shocked himI ' “ We. _____ ror

< O ongressiofia l T im ber— !AUSTIN, Texas - W. A. Maun.Ipll'

Unlvertlty ot T exu low atudent. a i wagtred his roommotea he could t>elier Uie late Senator Huey P. to Lcmg't llUlmeerini record o t IS I lioun. then wenl Into a eonUmiou.»lil»;

• monologue UuHJAaled IS hours and j ut« 10 mlnules, on utronomy. rellglon.lwll IMlitlcs, economiei, hls’Iife history pin and a lot o( oUier things. I hu

Alaskan Villlage’s fl Prospers With Si

DBTHEL, Aluka, Hov. 19 - thlAlice Foresgien brouEht romcililng 20 nf the modem touch lo thlt.Alosknn tvlllnge when she opened a beauty na'and bfliber shop which In lum doibrought lier bj much « « per hs

1 nhnve, hal ' IA ML« Forcssten, 22. cnme here „A\ from BLimiirK. N. D.. thla tall to ~K brlnB lyrnintienl wnvrs. fancy colt- .I fures nnd plucked eyebrows to the “ -.le*.\Vhite.nnil mnny.tfatlve:w',omen .

ottlicKuslrckKJmrivfreounlrj’.and ^b barber shop sen’lce to Ita men. ' ’ j1 A “s tl ir bronchi here durinc the in |

.Goodnews tlay cold mining siani> amted* la ISU ia her water beatu In lul

[E T \u*MnrB a o u n Doniao

o rc ia m A T io w a

ue Crew . To Reach

;ombed Men■om Tunnel, Sceiie Ofic W orkers T o .............. ,e E ffortswcUted Pretl)1-O ccaalonaJ sounds em erging ;oakcd m ine tu n n e l w here two / a cavc -ln 48 h o u rs ago, causcd heir e ffo rts ton igh t, he trapped then w ere alive,»rmine w h e th e r th e no ises w ere rom m ore faJU ng gravcJ Jnsldo

n n cu K11 M IE S

NaUon’s W e a th er Conditions ■ RanBB From Snow to

U nseasonabie H eat- w y TWO Associated Press)

Over Uia naUon's v u t area, wldely-vuylnt weather condlUonj yeaterday brought tucli Incongnil- Ues u unteasonable heat 16 louUi- em CaUfomlft and ilx -lnchei-of I snow in the mountains of weaiern IE

New ^ l a n d reporied “noUiIng ■’'* imusuiL!'-- Tlicre -were^ ta t le f e d ' onow MUfllls. not-the first of’ Uie ' season. In Uie Michigan upper pen- , Insuta the weaUier was w mild ' liuiilen feared their deer would _ spoil before remo^-al from the woods. Snow ranged trom one-halt to three Tl Inehcd. and U ke Michigan gales, ' which lud Imperiled ihlpplng, were subsldJn;.

In South Dakola. Ic'mimture^ remained nbove iiorinol, having rcached aa high a i S< degrees. Chl- ■ cago reported temperature.i rising trom a low of 2S. with a fair nnil t ; wormcr torecut. Iiidlnna hnd a ^ brUht sun, a n d V M degree mini­mum. Ulonesota and Nortl) Dakota MW tctnpen{urc5,o/ '<0 to iS and ■ 38 to St,-fwpecllvel/.

n iiu Q |o n r tir i t» r In the SouUiwtatflhe weaUicr w u «

fair and Qonnal. Los Angelea re- "1 ported it w u "unseaionably hot." di:

A< did western Pemaylnnla, up- tli Itata New Yprlc hid anow. driven all'day'lri tbmri«Uo«is by a liigh w wind. II snowed In weatem ^tar}’• land nnd In lhe New York Clly area, bul Uio fall was tor Uie mott ? , jiart tcaUieiy and quickly blown off z* by eald. Iiea\7 winds. 'n '.._Columbua,..Ohlo, reporlcd-a-27- degree low, and looked today (Tues- " day) for a low uf 39-coldest o^ Uie Uit sfflsOD. CJwland expected a mini. tli(

' IConllnued' on W t 2 , Col. 8>

DEflliMi' d lEM SIIli:

W ife D efeated in E ffo rt to Reaoii B edside of

O y in j^ u sb a n d[—8YIUCU8E,-Nr-Y-rNor.-lfl-t/r)---;— Tlie death of three persons wrote '•tlnli" ,today lo a t.kyways drntiin U ut u w nn airplane cnuh in a inowstorm a l night and a wife dc- ' Telkt^a^n•^lcr^ll^:^Bec•|I8«lnsc-Mmc — lo reach Uie bedside ot her dyln;; husband.

Tiie vlctlm.1 were:&tiM Prlscllta Murphy, 17, Urook-

llne, Maas, school girl and ahiateur . pilot who burned lo death when an airplane eruhed on a highway .tmt night IS mllea uuUiwcsi of Syra­cuse a tew minutes after taking oil (rom Amboy airport afler a refuel­ing tlop.

Hfury Nadeau, 45, Naslma, N. H.. who chartered the plane In an ef- tort to ' n a e lr Intenullonol Falls. Minn., to visit Ills taUier,

John H. Shobe, 3>. veleran Boston pilot, Kho guided his plane Uirough a night snow storm fram Dostoii to Syracuse, bul crulied afler stopping lo refuel and check weather rcpcrb.

floiJi NfldMU and Bliobe died to­day, Sliobe succumbing a tew min­utes less ihnii an hour before lil.s wife arrived by regular trnnjiwri pinne In a futile effort to reach herhusband before'he died.

Woman Barlber Shaves at .$5 Each IlhL weslem Alnska fctllemfnl nl I 20 whltfS^and 200 native.-.. i

So fnr. she has had tiul om' iii.iiv i nallve patron, but While •'.■'lur- I douRlis" keep hrr tiiuy ndmlnLsifr-1 tiR Ihc first profe.vitonal ihnvrs nml I halrrdts many have had In ^riirj.

Her tlrsl five shaves brouchi her 15 pcr face. MLu Fot«Krcn l B' H'* el's Krealest free slchbrruu: , Iracllon. They liternlly liiip'ui' n watch ft mnn recline In the b.ubTehBlrwh«?*hewt)ritswithnr<'r«iul —brusli.

Most'of her bu.*;lnc!i.i, ho«('fr. ii in permanent waves tor nflUvc li-'Uf" anxious to ulbnliU anii ple.ise Uirlr lultora.


W I N ]' ■ TW

. W edding Bells!

.ttAnV riCKFORD, onee “AmeHea'i nr Ht neil Friday as Ihe day for the (on ment tn Charles “Bnddy" Itogen, acli

lured In an.ersbraee Id a film icene.-

Mary Pickfo ‘Buddy’ R o ]

Early Morning Tclephoi wood To Kansas

(By The Assocli HOLLYWOOD, C allf., Nov. 1 6 - i

ended n il th e de n ia ls a b o u t th e i P ickford a n d C harles "B uddy" R' day fo r Ihc fo rm al ann o u n cc m t tim e fo r Uic iweddlng., T he «U1 .w as fro m P lck fa lrj th M iss PJcWoJt! to O la the , K an sa s

Judge B ert Rogers, f a th e r of th s a i d "B uddy" te lephoned , — ta lked n t random for a m o- m ent, th e n ask ed fo r h is ^m o th e r , . . . . .... ....................... •. .

"He atked' her it we could take the ’plane lo Hollywood Tueiday," , the judge snld. "She wanted to

' W 'wall, r ll imw someone icir Ca you'." ,n

Tlien' .Mla Plckford's voice rip- do pled softly nerc i 1,S00 mllet ot , wire nnd broke the news.

U ie r In the momlnjf. In Holly- *“•

((Continued'on pag« 3, .(^L t> Hi

: W ait p i M other'


t e

l?y. —UP '..r<>ins

'mTE-'SU MBflfcaTED


s To R ing Soon' - (

tl:' m t

bt■ ai

, qi


f c i r r r ‘ ui<


' r I un I fweelbearl" cf lhe screen, yMterday (orraal anooDncement of ber eacafe- aclor and orebrstra leader, and next ^ ‘ i-» ls«-ritktord.and.B og»ni>i,plc. ^ ne.--<,t rhoto.

’ nil

Ofd To Be 2 ogers’ Brideilone Call From Holly- IS Breaks News ' ,Joclafed Pre») ' t t}—A 2 a . m . te lephone call totlay le im p en d in g m arriage of M ary ' R ogers, s e t n e x t Friday os th e :m cn t, a n d n e x t sp ring as tb e

t th e ram b ling , h illto p bom& of u i sa s , B ogM s' hom o tow n, . Ju) ' th e a c to r a n d o rch e stra leader,» — . . . I — . ijh

Father, Son Wed £ .M other, D aughter up

YUMA, Aril, NOT. 18 M^-FaUier and wn, prominent tong Deacft, [^ ]

and daughter, boUi of Denver. In i double ceremony today. *

HaThe cduplei were Sdwln Z. Buf- n„

(um, CS, and Mrs: Nln^K, Parr, <S.'laf( and Ruiaell J. D uffu^ 38.. nr;d|__ Horteose Annette Parr, 25)— ' 1

:r Takes Up The 30 H our)

1 ---------------------------------

■ -B rs ID E A 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M A - ? -

* . f i f i t

i ^ H i

- —■-------1 • - ■ copy'ritbl. IJ3J, B:

ED PRESS n e w s p a p e r -

LS D iSDAY M O nN IN G , N O V E M B E R :


IMI ISSUES■ -McGraily— S u b m its '“ S ix th j

P cace -P ro p o sa l; Coast M ayors a t W hile H ouse; Alaska L acks V egetables

my llie ,Asioc\aled Preu)6AN FnANCISCO. Nov. IG

- T h e tj r s t b r ie f confcrcnco between em ployers a n d .unions 111 several days o f th e m a rl- tltnc str ike w as h e ld loday a s oiip union o ffic ia l .exprcased I bellf/ .ilrlkers w ould refu se to I a rb ltm tc nil d ifferen c es as r c - I qiie.«itcd by s e a p o r t m ayo rs I Who met «ui) president Iloosevell 1 In WcijhliiRion, I

nrprcM-iiiHiivci ot Uiree seagoing I unions ond the co u t commltlce (or I

I Milpo»nrr» conferred briefly and | I Uien adjourned unUl'tomorraw (or I I furUier dlscusilon ot hltlns I ia u l l I control, crucial Issue, and penaliirs i I which employers wish esubllshed ! for vioiaiion of workins agreemenU. ^

PwItloD tnehangea No Jlatm enl w u Issued afler Uie

. mcelinc, bul A.ulitant U bor See­reUry Edward P. MoOrady Indlcat-

' ed IliQ posltloirDt'4»Ui aides w u ' unchanged. Unlona wanl full con-

f tn l of Uib halts, and employen de- ' mind at least "neutrat" conlrol, f , MrOmdjr.. who has llrelessJy I

dntied >ix proposals on the issue, ■ ■- -irnm irrr-KrjiyTTiiM tinrTirttr-ir ^

Uirec'hour conferencs wlU) the , Sailors Union ot Uu Pacific; the

aartne firemen, oilers, wlpen and water lenden; and th# marine cooki tnd stewards.

Tlie ISUi day ot Uie' itrike. at- c lecilng. 37,000 .workers and 178 '

, ships III coa»t poru, brought reporU t from Juneau, Alaskan caplul, tluit ' supplies of perishable vegeUbles

wrre exlisuited because o t the strike blockade

Uniom Rejeet Arbltrollon Long, before Uio strike, when ne- ]{

goyailoiis over new eontracla be- c ^ e dradlocked, emfitoftrt otferrd a lubmlt unsettled Issqcj to 'arbl- ,,

, iraUon. Unlona decUred they eould ^ . not arbitrate auch ”tundamental" ^

demands as conUol a t hiring, cash h' ’ oTcrtlme (or ullors, ft tiz-hour day ,■ Sot longthortmen, and u eight- '

liour day td r’cooka andrstewnids.[ U«..C .'H«ttleJd. p»sldoit-(ir the " . Juneau, Aluka. clumber ot»com- ■. . m ^ . telegraphed Seattle lliat per-

Ishible vcgeUbles were exhausted, * fresh meat will be .gone In a (ew „ days, and- ttnples In about five ■'' weeks unless the U»nsportatlon tie-

’ up.eads, ' «“One hutcher slibp clo.wl and ^

. two closing Prlday," his message J* said, “Several stores nre wllhoul ff

’ [butter or cm ajid tliy.lixftl supply oe

Mayon a t While ilouie In Wuhlngton, Mayor Angelo br

Hojsl of San- Franci-wo, who mel IS■ President RoMevcll, said mayors of ch j afteclcd seaport cities would confer, fo

I "(ConUnued on Page J. CoU ) ------------ Uc

Brir Week Idea “ .

— )f 1 Isf

■ cn nn

jB l

•few I^ I V V V V ■ / ' K l

ffflfy W or"*J I M ; jH W P l - ' w w ® / ' #

Jm m iilM z\ \ m M m /! ^

■ • . p j “ i

M f i s p l f c ^ i si : ---------- 1---------- ------------- boa18, By T te Ne»' York .TObune, loe. I crui

^t~jC m PLETE

M L Y:R 17, 1036

New Fire As Reb<

j Underhj “ Striclien“~

,VlMr. CCIIUMANN'IIEINK. Teter- ' . an e t thr epentUo and concert . stsfp. w u latl nlfht rrporied la . be rritlrally 111 a l her heme lo ' S ' iNlywewi. |

i CiliLf ILLi— _ I

; Famous Singer Suffers From 1 J Blood .Aiimenf at ' 1 Holiywood Home . ie _ _ _ I

HOLLYWOOD, Cnllf,, Nov, 17 Wl | —MAd,mie Kronliiie Schumniiii-

• Helnk. 75-ycur-old veteran o( the , ' opcmtlo nnd conccrt itnge, wm cri- , (Ically-ill tonfghc oC.Iier homa In '

I Koll}-wood.8iiewu suffering trom ft• blood ftllment which recurrcdSatu^. ,

dsy. It was leartied. tn the (orm of hemorrliagcs o t-the throat and

’ lungs.‘ Her p1lS’ lcUn, Dr. Samuel Alter,, reported her condition w u lerlbus. , . allhQUgli he snld tba iripooded to>

blood tnrnsfu-'loni and rallied some- . whnt trom the .lUack.

; Tlie famcus singer nuttered a sIm- , , liar attack a t tho end ot tho sum- ! [ mer when the relnmed (rem a va-

cotlon In Wisconsin, Dr. Aller aald.I That-one wns not-so-»eriou» and •, Oder two Iransrusloni rhe rallied , ; (rom tier IIIiica.i nnd wns N'lleved lo

bc on the road to recovery.

Madame Schumonn-Hclnk^ccle* ‘ brnted her.7!lh birthday lu t June IS wUIi her children and icrand- , children al her home, and looked fom'ard to a new c a rw In mollon ,

She Aupcrlnlcnded Uie prcpara- ‘ Uon o( the birthday dinner ond aang Brahm’s "Wlegenlled" to Uie mem­bers or Uie (amlly.' ,

•'I pray tor four or' JIrt' more , J-ears Mid wilh that I will be sal- , Isfled," she Mlrf then. "II Is long enough to do a Iliile bll ot good , nnywny,’

Dr. Alter said Ui< beIo\'ed linger ,Is— maklng_.A._courji£iou4-.flght ,sga lu i her latest iilneiu, and con- 'llnuea to plan (or fier (ulure work. '

’i i i D i i i s JFOfiPEfPIBlEf,;

-R oosevelt E x tends V aca tio n 'J i Cruise to 1 2 ,0 0 0 - j j I Mile T rip _ iI WASKINOTON, Nor. 18 OT - "■; Presldenl floojcveli atuiounced late today he would extend hli pout- ^ elMilon vacation cruise Into a 12,000 <" mile Irlp to address lhe oi>enlng tai- . Blon o( lhe Inler-Aniprlcaii i>fafe ''I conference a t Buenos Alrei Decem-' J" ber 1. • I

ShDrtly before J;e innounced h li, h decision, the prcJldent lold a grou|) J" o( mayors, here lo allend ihelr a n - ' - nual conferencr. tiuil he probably I ' w u going, tl'iat-world |)eiice was, •more Importanl' ilian' ony par- Uculir Itrike. t

"I see the mayor o( San tYsnclsco looking a t me." lhe chle( executive | JTTOi/ked, -JJul »iJj jJiIp .iirlke vn - the wcif cott.'!t-couia”KO'on"ror''a week. It might go on for two week.v 11j or longer. o>

••As brlween this particular strike in and wlialfver elfect my tl.^li lo "l Soulh America may have onaiie'Q i [lence c>( llic wOrld, the i>eacc of lhe worIdji.lh? more imitorlani o( the nb t» U ' Dt

•'I hope Uie ship grners and the co men oul on iirike will recognise Uint I'l facl and come togeUier.’ Hr

It win be Mr, Uoosevelfs second n|i vlfil to Soulh Amcrlcn, allliouKli "ll his,(irst liclow Ihc cfjualor. Two years ago^lic sloiipcil In Colombia loi en roule lo 'llaaa ll ^

He f tu Iciice lViLififiiB(on"rarl}' i tomorrow nlghl for ciiatlesson, S, C.. K< where Wednesday momlng lie will G< board the 33 knot, 8,!)&0 ton heai'y i>ni cruiser IndlanapolU. la

____________ T

r N E )LiAstu WIIO u u u c n or

______________ AgflOCTATtp rnrss •

es Sweep 3 >els Renew r Cover of1 Defending Militiamen

gents Pushing In Corncr Of Sp;

Death Rides Air, Lar(Dy Tlie Aaso

MADRID, Nov. 17 ‘T uesilaj I tod a y wltJi b righ t f iam ej and I t ll le ry a n d a ir bom bardm ent li I se t f ire to abou t $0 houses. .I In c c s sa n t rifle and miicliln

U n iversity City, In th e norlhv de fend ing m llltlnm en tried to f Ing, to push. Into lh a t sectioi d is tr ic t. «•

( T h e FascJsLi, In a surprise a tta c k , occupied th e fom ie r | B r illsh a n d A m erican ho.iplla1 | In the Cairo Camlnos dlsUlcl, and government Jorces opened an In­tensive allack in on effort to dis­lodge them,

Mnny housi'* In Madrid caught flro (rom artillery thrlls, vhlle in-

, cendlary bombs set otlien ablate.. CuDAily UsU (irew; Moro than ISO persons were . wounded or Injured in tlur iliclllng

ftnd the three air raids of yeslerdsy whleh occurred ol 3:30 p, m.. 1 p, m.. and 8 p. m.

During the third alr'aUaek-aitrr < nightfall-tlio insurgent planes loot- '

* ed bombs cn the Aloclmiutloii neir f_ ihmariliunuilJiulliiliif.__________i, Tliu (ftsclst ntteinpl to putli intoI ttnlvenity City last nlghl camo <I atter tho goveniment luid dedared t

h small body of liuurgenU. alter J penelmllng thnt dlitrlcl within the i condnei of Modrld proper, lud been

II driven oul in n bloody ll-liour bat* c He. y

Tlie defente Junto declared hve g Insurgent plane* had.been brought down during the air iltacki. Twen- ,

, ly-tliree government madiine* (lew , ’ over Madrid pursuing the 15 raiders, ' ' One bomb teU on a house a l nu- * ® l)er sewn Villnlar streei. close to the | , Prench embassy and behind tlie As- , ’ socUtcd Press ottlce. •

AU'lho homes'in lhe vicinity ut : Uiote which caught tire were evacu- ‘, »‘«1- =1 .

ChBrthei In namei i, 'Hie THnlinrUni churcii where Uie 1 [ aihes of,Miguel Cervaatei, famoui 1

' - Bombi *tr\iefc-lh» foJIoirlnf i BlreeU: Huertas, Juan de Mena, Al- t

* berlo BOKh, Morelo, VlltoUr, Alo- cha, Verbnlcft and Jeaus,

* The air ministry reporled govem-*: meni ptanei bombed (hs railroad ‘° ilodon nt tascUt-held Balimanca; <■“ buming war materUls ilored there, * ° and an srseiul a t CadU.- ■ Tlie lhe fascist planes bombed the

Atocha liaiion, /lomegoing crowdi ^‘ on Uic Oran VU. an Imporlani f' ® hujintss Itreet, scattered tor lafe-* ty Into subway enlrance* u anti- ” ° alrcnftgunsspatotU iepIann.Tlie P " riffenders' Iroccr bullcU aluhed (he *

dark «ky.* I I -KU Ute lint tllghl wid !n m i-* enil weeks.. U ' Bc(ore the (ascliU loit Uielr foot- «

hold In Madrid, teveral beautiful * “ and M|)cnslve buildings of the unl-■ verslty were wrecked in nn arUllcry and machhic-Kun battle, the govem-.

mrnl said, aoverameiit sollderi blew up the

I la i fVitncwftt brlde« fo keep 'the

■ efi'ulpmeneio-fortlfrthelrpositlons (111 lhe cnmpus.

_H u rd£L £ha tK £dJn_ s U ttle Girl’s Death

AMKRICAN PALLS, tdaho, Nov.: Ifi .,v,-pra<iecuior P. A, Andcnoti . flint murder cliarge.i today agalnsi iLory W. f\an«, H, and hU 38- ^

I vrar-old housekeeper, L<U Broad- |, b'art. In eoimectlon with the deaUi u

|o( fniir-year-old daughter. ), 'Pic iiatr «cTP Jailed rftenlly after v

I a oiiniirr's jiny relumed a-.vcrdlct u . 'if •rrimlnKi iirglect,-', lllfl Jiiiy alleged th e ctilld.,' Umgia-Msri'-. died from "numer- rr I oll lirul^ei snd buma." u1 ’nie (lalr lieiiled in'Ulreatlng Ihe w

: rliilil, .Mr.'. Ilrondhcad dctlarlng slie ei .' lovpd hfr u •'one of my own,”I i:ian» and ,Mrs. Broadliead liave pi

i.brrii hfld at Pocatello In an ad- d; . jDlnins coimty. -for lafe keeping," dl

' ‘Simpson for Qiieen i ' Overwhelmed by Pl

Or.YMI‘iA. Wn.ih„ Nov. 10 M’)— Itichard Ilamlllon. secreUrj^ lo lit Uoipriinr clarcnce Martini w u try- w: iiis 10 fluure oul todny how to .ie ■•(um Io(x«c'‘ o( hU "Sim[vv)ii for, In Qiin'n club,'

Ilnmlllan renounced the ptnn nnd co nb<llcalPd os president Saturday in fu Dr. K. BfackJione ot Iferdcor pjfS Porlinnd. Ore., who con- e.i iPiided he founded the movemenl Ui lln l and requested. Ilamlllon lo ed iipntuglzs-or meet Blukslone ou . "ihp field of honor.' lr

llul today's mall broiielit Ilnmil- It ton nickels and dimes with rcfiue.ib ch for bultfln.1 and membership card-v Hi

One Jccter. from a wonwi lit to Kent, Waslu .conulned a King an Oeonre nickel for n •'button,” She 1 i>al(l slie"wn^ EngllMi and 'Seolcli-jry and thought Um idt* -“gnmd," , Jha

TODAY; Partly C l d a ' f e '

W S ■■[_________ Price Five Cent*

Madrid V Attack— ' Darknessn Crapple With Insur- Into Northwestern ipain’s capital

and Bombardments^laaocUted Presl)Ja y )—M adrid w as a g la re early Id red «rio1c9 a lte r a F ascist ar~ t k illed a t le a s t 60 pe rsons a n d

line Run flro w as h e a rd fro m Ihw estem co rn e r o t M adrid , a s '0 f ig h t back In su rgen ts a tte m p t- tion fro m th e C u a tro C am lnos

iPiiEimosi iis 35. PMS

it _ _ _

Series o f T errific B lasts . ; in Frencti F acto ry In- J lu re 200 Wori<ers*' BAINT CIIAMAB. Ftince, Nor. IB 'r (A>^no of Prance's blgreat powder. fnclorin blew up Uxlay, killins *tr (cu t JJ peraons u id (n/artnj more

Uian aoo._________«________________0 Local seodarmes described ft ieries0 ot Urrifls explosions wlileb shook J the cnUre town and could ba lievd r 10 mllea Uiroughoul the eountn- e side, • « •1 •nio fln t Uiunderoua b lu f 'ln o n e ^ .• ot Uie storehouics sent * colunui of

Miwko and flames roaring Into the

Before (npped w'orken In the ' (acuiry Imd tioie lo nm for Uietr

lives, Uio geiidannes u ld , ft (howcr '■ of tlamlin (imben sUupk Uio roofs

of oUicr itorehouse* and ths fac* torr n^If, causing quick succeulvo explosion!. .

( WlUUn a tew mlouUs Uit buUd- . Inga wen a pUa of fuming luias.'

A few of thoae Injured who wen .- nat knocked, lemelen staggered

e trom Uie burning buUdiogs and col- s Up«d. y ■ • i r '

( whoto'Urrltled InhablUnU rutbed . to Uie tcene,

Itm uen Drag Ont OodiN . Itescuen dug into Uio wreckage ] dragging out bodies u iha UltU■ town w u In a few houn turned tnto—

one Urge hojplUL■ -TTwutands of rolunlem thronged , Inlo lhe (own wlUi gendarmes, tu t-

\ trom nearby bases.VlcUmilncluded'Plerra Lft Rooqui,

, manager of Uie lactoiy and s e n n l , powder experU who fought Uie f ln , ftfUr the tin t expituloa

Twcuty-nlne of the dead were . IdenUtled, m ny officers working a l

Uie scene lald. Among Uu iojured . w u the mayor of Saint Ohanui who

! (ConUnart on Page I 'C o M ) .

:l8 P llil8

- S 'u p e rin ten d en t-O p e n s-R ire— on Gunmen D u rln j

Payroll HoldupI ----■ PHILADELPHIA, Nov, IB OIV-• Tliree* bandits who dodsed a fusll-• lade of buileU from the pistol ot > the woman nipcrlnlcndcnt, held up

14 vblloro and employees a t Uie ' Methodist EplKOpal hoipllal Ule ; today ana lied wJlh « payroll r»U-

maled between $3,000 and HXOO.. Halt a doun liosplial employees,• mosUy women, were behind the of­

fice eountrr when Uie gunmeni walked In. E3ghl visitors were scat- : ed In Uie roon.1.

MLss May A. Mlddlelon. 54. su- : pcrlnicndriit.'iAld each ot Uie ban- ' dlU'wss masked by a hondkcrchlrf

dnd canled a pistol.____________

1 Club’ Sponsor Popular Response

AdeV- \V.' Joliaton Of tlic Okla­homa Ness. OkI.ih03i» Clly, Okln» wrole Hamilton U w u Uie -most •lewlble schcme she hid heird ef In n long Ume."

Sho cnclascd a Uiin dime for ■* couple of ;.laV and said she would further lUe movrmcnt.ln ber arrn.

•'IVJiy ihouHB't we. M tbe p ta i- est nlillon In Uie worid, rate wiili Uie middle cUsj BrlUsh?' she u k ­ed

Hfloillloii lUrted lhe cluh ly,- -Jujt In good clcan' tun. bui It jprrnd quickly. Tlien came lhe . clisllemro frem Dr. Bloctilone and llamllloiK “being chore boy to the yOTwn5r,*-*i}d-be-h»d-no-Um»-V»— r armi*. So he quit Uie whole Ulio*.

He “wishes Blackstone would hur­ry and uke’Uils hot potato oil m

I handi.-

Page 2: · C Ily E d ltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102._____________ Mine Rescu Struggles'

lm llil: H M i i a i s .

boou“ A m rB iim B nts’ H ark -O p e n ln j -5^

B ay o f New DIsW cl t o ~ -C o u r t - T e r m - - - - - - - - - ^

6eren men lecused ot felonle*' M « im lrM d befow DUtrlet Judg* .“ “ JAdtm B. Budiiy on U» openlni « “<1W of » Dew tena la Ul# dlitriet P«^, court hero }<sUnUjr, And In eub

-l&MB«t4h*-cuft.*u.ea!illnued to. ^ "-tod iy when UM-*eeused men mb' w i t

In rr\tpr yiUM- _ _ _ _ _ .7 -0 { tnojerea.crlme-ctarsed men. “ J

four i n 'tcnued of cheek forter- ^ le t Nom tb o . four n u repre-ecn ted -b /lejtl eoumlL ' i— i-

Tho lu t Induded:. — * VoUijr M«yhew. accujed of u -

Muilt VUh ft deadly «t>pon In eon- M BnecUoa WlUl iho ftUeged knUlnr ot Taienn Heaiy In T>ln FilU lu t H i Septmlier JO; 0 . W. Wlthtzn. d«- ■ ■leuo 'fttlcm er- ’ •

Berbert- lU rtler BailUa. leeuifd _ of rtbbln* John P. FUnn of Ml la * 0 “ ® T » a fWI# J*it A ujuit 31; W L.Dmn.- a i t n i . .Uomw. '

' And/ cindan. lecuMd of i r u d Jwreay ef el«bt ibeep /rom J. W. H irt RobertMQ »t Buhl l u t October I; terdar W. U Dunn, defeoH attonur. '

. H. D. Ounn,. Moued of f o i w ** of • 19 ebeek I u t September » . »tod *

lUymond U e, teciaed of forgery o t tn I ts check U it Oetober 10. .

Oeorse Heary W#mer. tccuied of *< *» ■ forseiy of a $S check U it Oetober Sunt 3L . tn d a i

n .A .6bn/eId(.tceuedorrorseiy fftodc of ■ t t w cbeek U rt October 2*. b t ^

M A R Y PICKFO BDT OBE '" w w ‘BUDDY’ ^ E R S ’ BRIDE(Ooctlnutd from P i i t One)

wood, Rosen stva the ( ta o non- M o O ' commJttl tntw ert to nenptpennen 'T, itatt ha b t t been slrlns In Un year • or n e rs tlnce taU n tn x A nt w u

-Itnfced - wltlr Mlg -P lckfort’c ------------ *tm«But the actresi ended all doubt, o w Ui "Tho aaaouncemeat will b« mtde orer U

■t B tmtU reception to be held on u p ^ Um t n i n l of «r». Rogen," the o m U n ld . , Manltc

Recordi thow MUi Plckford:i age P n M to be t t . Ber buiband'lo-lM U S3 O in j e tn old. She b u b«n manied alons twice; Ito stn aot a t a ll tendi 1

Uaiy Piekfordt fln t huibtnd w u tn d Co Owen Uwre, moUon picture actor, ertta r O m dlrcned h la t t J/e- imtoaTtda. March 3, U30. THre* weeki U ^ t h e mtrried Douglu

And then, for oore U itn .i dee- ^ ade, Uier w tn Uw "rortl couple* .. o f U» mono coionr, “ H***

Plckftlr, for ye tn , w u tte tem- poraiy addrett of ererr celebrltr k*bw who catne to Eollrwood. An

. ^ On Creet o( W tn Durlns Uiete y tan , U lu PIckford

u d ?Wrt)anki -rode .'toe topmoil c m t Of fflotlofl pictu* raeeen. S ! V x Ifaelr aifecUon waa w .itrons that •*bBr'*DousT tatd a- l o r f i ^ e In g • tnm. MUt Plckfont-ber baek to Uie camera-«lwa]« lupentded Uie in iu s i real leadlns Udr In hU eabracei.

In 1#31, howerer, rumon bestn to etrcslate U ut Plckftlr no longer _ hooied a htppy couple. • P tlrbtnli' vaadeiinst bad brfim astln.

■ , Maiy Plekford itayed bome aod -b tltM -e w rU U n i-v t t- a tJx fo re .

But lo IPJJ, Uiey tepanted. Two ; yean S ttu , U iu PJeUbrd appetred before a t o i Angelet Judge, and ietUfled U ut Faltbankt w u guUty th> of IndUfennco and neglect, -irhlch defeated Uie deepeit almt of mtr- K. E. t ruse.- Bhe w u snuted a dlroree. »t IM

Some monUu alter her dlroree. ntortua ‘TSuddf Rogen besan escorUns her Twtn I In Hollrwood tnd In London.

ConiUtent'denUU did oot dU- counge rumon of Uie nmtnce. k

I I yunei


--- IC onuanefl- '^ -P iie -O oO —■ II ^ wULbe.Uter and ‘probtbly take ime'*ac- undet d Uon." utry.-

Pacltle eou t mayon elUitr ta-W tthlnglon-of-en-touU -U iereJot----------Uie Unued SUtes. conference of nuyon include tUo Joieph K. Car- punei ion, J r , of PortUnd, Ore.: Pnnk dm t i h. Shtw ot liOi Angelet, tnd Dr. y t tn , % WUlUm J. McCncken of OtUtnd. };}o at

■nie Preildent met Uw delegtle* ^Ulll moroUiB,' and RoMl remained WlUl him after Uio oUien lett. “* "

Earlier BedeUry Perklni u ld --------Rotd had urged her to u u erery ; postlble meani for ietUement..bul the told him, in responie to hit U queitlon, that compuUory uW ln- | tlon w u not poulble. > H

In Houiton. T eu i . highway pt- § trol and T e*« lUnger ofllcUU an- B • ' nounced Uiey wero ilrengUienlng g forcei tn gulf porti to “pm cct life, jL t » j and property tn d Inm ttgtte ot rlolcnee” In lymptUiy walkc-;u.

A conterence In New York be- tween Joieph Curran, leider ot ttriklng InsiTKcnt letmen, tod Cip- tain D. A. Mtloney. preildent ot i j ' Uie Newtet Une, Jnllcd to elfecl ^ releue of Uiree ot the_eonu)^ y i t t ^ b o und veueli. t


PORTLAND, Ore, Nor. W W V ' filz m m en reoelred burnt and -bruUa today In a tire which iwept Uw ib M noor ot a three-itor; I

Dcar PortUnd't mtln bui* TIIO loMt fcctlon. Dtmage w u etUmil- cd a t W.OOQ. ___________ -


n o i i i m i BeaptBdi to Ky New Trn«e(rleal Teohsl«w Qalet. CrfeeUTa, L

— — f arty-el rt t OoMi. A ProrcUetbod. “ ■

IVrtte For folder on, B lna InfiDR.aW .HILL

lUHilnW eft TWta 1_ r h m . u a ~ t O m U ia m b Prtal A

V PAGE TWO ' _______

kiunty’s Guests PHB Sleep On Floor

A t Court House pDurlns Uie p u t month »0 ooieleu hare tiept on Uie court3uie.lIoor.lnJrwinJaUi.».rt<r, COUmrd kept by ibo cuilodUn of Uie roperty dlaeloied yolcrdw . Ulll l a tomo caiet, be tald. the ijnnty-a-O TO Tlght-neftt-hiTr --------rought along Uielr own bed-ns. but for tbo moit p trt Uiey piaailtke Uienuelrei t i comfortibl* chipln1 Uiey can wlUi a few old pi- propoiein . or on Uio btro Ulo floor. iion s iCounty commlMloneri recent- a t Uie■ entered Into an arrangement ^ »tominrthe-Salrttlon-Army-under- ben-ofhlch U » county U lo pay rent decUreI 'f t toora-ftt fltlratlon-AnBy ness tdetdQUtrten to be tued u a pjpt )jumltory for tranilfnti. •. the cit

■ preient^ ------------------- Cht[


B Q Q Q I ^ i s l'•It l l <

'OBECAST FOB TODAY AND needed MOBROW— I D A n O i Ptnly Twin J ody Tuetdiy and Wednetdiy; improT la cbtngl la (empentsre. become

' — l et up. U gh'tad low tmperaturej yej- Mtyc lay u reported by Uie sovem- terrene Dt weaUier obiener wen 60 tnd “will a desrea: Uiero w u a northeut wood Uj id and the iky was parUy cloudy; pUnt i ometrlo preaiuro a t 6 p. m. w u wUl um 10 Incbet and Uia humidity nnge. to unv to 39 per cent ot u turttlon. piy in unday't temperaturta n n M 131 degreet; thero w u a rariible Chap ^findU w ikyw ajpwtJyeleuily; ftklnf ometrto p reu u n w u 36iT tnchei (300,000 i Uie humidity r a ^ e , U to 39 unprort cenl of tttunU on. necetu

?etUier » yetr aso w u cloudy cU aro (I temperaturti of « and JJ de- U It s< y, uimaki

oderate Rainfall ‘ S In N orthw est Area ” "onlu

-I------ - o f li t wtootpherio-pnuufea - a ra hlgli. woulila' r Uto Interior weitem lUtei, and chtnso r Uia lOuUiem Oreat U kei and lou?" «r MUiliilppl valley, and low - i qi r Uie norUiem O retl P ltlni tod city U I oltoba, clear weaUier beUig ra- ohapln ted ta Uieu toeUont. much il a n e r a l cloudlneu conUnaea account IS Uio PacUlo cout. and ez- line. In I t tnltnd orer Uie p u u tu ittte i could b : Columbia river buln. wlUi mod- awar « >A ralna fiUlns In veitem W uh- paired." ioa aad Oregon. . . . . u ty oower tempenturei.'WlUl hetTy adjourn dl, aro proTalenl alons the cen- tlon an AUantio cou t. _ „ etaarso

Mil. Mla.l i ; r :z S 3 IS SSf »»>■»MO « XI .eo ct«r dty pU S * . Z Z « « M P tC f,

u :S SS 'iy 'J .N . B ttS u T ti* M •« s « '

Toit _ » g J J that haISJitt:" » S *«p«‘

| v | p 5 S ' S

“ A u T tl io P tc ty UiroushU ic^ . a » •»*. O '” 15 per (

FUNERALS - ■ “ 3,lhal the

r m a e . dea n ats n i u n o r i » B o r r E r O e ^ ^ i t s s s r lent and promlneni builnets |t,e n t iofTwlaPalU.wUl b e ^ d u tte d he Catholic churth Wedneiday city I nlns a t S o'clock hy Rot. F»Uier „ « « « ; L Heltman. Boiary will be tald ©ctober :J0 Tueiday night a t Uie ^ t etuary chapel. Burial wlU be In j,ad bro' n FUUi cemetery. , . lo ^ .

UBS. MAVDE WABD m enl lerrtcei for M n.'m udo 3 d. wife ot A. T. ward anJ an r plooeer c t thU dUtrJel. wjll leld Wedneiday a l 3 o'doek a t L L D. a Ubemaclo wlUi BUhopl,„y ldB_Brem_qftlclaUra^Burlal .be. la U ia jw ln .r t l^ c e m e ^ , 111 a direction of Twin rtlU mott-

Intereit. - ^ ' reportln

QENE CaANDAiX m enl lervlcci tor Oeno C nn- on a , Twin Palli reildent tor many Mti-cHo i w!U be conducted Tueidty al a l Ute White mortuary chapel cnousli

Blihop N. W. Arringtoa Burial ba In Twin FalU cemetery. - ng „

•— ' ' • ■■■ vtluatlo *-ai $00

i .to. pay provemc mill lev


uylna • Wuhlnj

0 ROOM. UUrnRNISIIED wtmeni. :Sfl Blue U k a Boule- ird NorUi.

TDR SALE. TRADE. OR RENT ^imUhed 4-wlieel traUer home. ■ ■ Jood tlrei. See Jl a t Uie Empire Vuto Compan>-.>138 Second Are. iottli. Phone 7fl8.


W INDOW G LASS.B rin e In Y onr Sash


Ia,^ljilurB«' Iiren Belentlflt ■ _

ureeuan I

{n Fani, Idth. ■ a i S ' I ; A G U n Co.) ■

t m


im cllm an .D lsaB rees W llli i . ' s S M ber M em bers o l B oard -O v e r- Im p ro v e m e n t- - - -

■ h u reitance . Commluloner U m A. the t1 pin l u t night Terbally endoned wied conitnicUon ot a ten mil- On '

gilloQ water itoraga reierrolr and i he d ty filter plant but brought arrira orm of proteit from oUier mem- rUlt i i-of Twln-PaU dty-couneil-aa-he- t t F. t n d tha t "it U not good buil- t to eotulder repUcemeot of Uie —Uet > line fm n the filler plant lo runke city dfitrlbuUns q item a l Uie Twin

lent time." ■ ' . . Uceniihtpin opened dUcuulon of Uie cordet Doied $300,000 bond Uiue which udet coatinicUon of Uie reieiv oo ■ and ImtallaUon of new c u t L eon. 1 pipe ftom ih e filter pUnt to cm a dUtrlbuUns iyiUm by taylns: Birou

ta evident tha t Uie dear well U parcni ded. Added coniumen Is Uie Jl Fall! lyitem hara nade Uie lu lt lorement neceuary, bul I can t « « . i ime tntereited to the ptp* line fn,m ( up-" by Ullayor Duncan McD. Johniloa to- Aluar ened, expUlntns U ut Uie ctty uome. 1 nol abandon tha pretenl red- 1 line Oald a l Uie Ume Uie fUter c t n it wat conitructed to 1919) but idami uie boUi Uie oid tn d new Unet and C uuro Twto FtlU ot a dutl tup- collidei In cato of emergeaey." n

■Good Butoetir' . ^ tm tsitpto camo uylns: I 'm Of U u ylawpotot U ul tpendlns u t f ,000 of Uie ta x p irm ' moner for uelga, WTtnunU U ul a n not really u e ls ti tn r y la wroas. W'e of the coun- arenue ire keepen of Uie dty!a money, ten 8 t 1 sood buitoeut Would any of he U uko unaecetitry chtnset to our tchooL

builnetaet U ut would ton lro ISO tum of mobey}" uakiluncllmtn 0. H. Coleman'inter- oave J ?d, aiklns Chapin: “If Uio dty m Tw Ilns between 10 and 18 per cent their 1 a water due lo a leaky pipe line rormer M al .11...1H. MM Ix u to i t e j i q _ ISO Uie pipe and prerent the the pa

queiUon WheUier or nol Uie on £ U loilns W l O or I t per cent," |oUate< pto aald. “We do not know how the toi h ot Uie water U ut U un- i, expe unted for runs toto Uie tewer emoon In case ot leakt Uia iteel bandi hero \

1 be replaced If Uiey're rotUns father, r and Uie pipe could be te- other . ed." . army cayor Johnitoa thea abrvpUy jj* f n urned Uie councli't weekly tea- la it pr and John B. Roberiton took

so of Uie tecond;half of Uie 4ns. a Jotol teailon of council- PIU P and memben ot Uia Twin PalU " * , plaanins board. ^• Pipe RotUns Away N, Uolyncux, 'dty itreet and ' Five

irwotki tupcrinlendeat, ttld ^aturd ha liad dus eight teit bo lu lo ^

ecl condlUon ot Uie ttdwood -,Only , reporUns U u f "Uia Iteel bands model not to tuch batt ihtpe, but Che Cart 1 lUeif UrqlUns.away.”.n e ia ld e u t , - i tha plpo llna to many pUcei arenue

ull of hold" and etUmtled lou Idaho . ush leakase a t between 10 and Rtco sr cent. ' lonslngD. Btoema. Twto FalU highway berly a let eastoeer,'endoned toitaUa- sitckle of Uio new Itoe and pototed out jw u . the lyitem would not be hamp- vere U a t any time If Uu prapoi^ UoiiliU

^ r “rH * iv o B rw m n iA t- in d \— ^ sater fluihed Uuoush Uie pret- tedwood mato. TIA/Qor Attorney Oeorge U. PauUon , rted U ul from Januaty I to I ber 30 of UiU year Uie 300 rrd waleruien ouuida Uio dty Clyde brought a total revenue of 18330 temaek le city and eiUmtted a $7600 court yi ltl lott If lenrlce to watcruien to chan de Uie city ihould be dUcon- » ld llto !d becaujc ot an lnodc<jutt« Uio dai ly. ^ The t

Four JWI U ry ed oul ilurtns on a baili or tJipco per totereit and not allowing for o ' SoremmenUl parllelpaUon to '"»• iro Je cW fa u U o n J tliU h a U Jo w L jrrr .tax-lei7-Jrould.cin-iO L.lhn gam nii oremenU. Ue u id U ut tota] of Uie f t l l would amount tp 171.130 o tte r rtlng lU it paymenu a t *6000 tidpate. iletfH-and'iaoothin-princJpel rt-»-tot g retired annually. { |3 ii,l i8 I a baiU of TO per cent a u u a l loani. t :tlon ot clly taxu. Uia four mill lotmmt

would, bring to IHMO or were lr gli. to meet tha annual pty- in rfif f 4 over the 30 yetr period. been hi

tald that aw rag^ aueued ^Mayoi ition ot Twin FalU di'elllnga n u i of $800. the average houiebolder |I J7.000, ay 83.<0 per year for Uia lm- en-olr a ement on a bu ll ot the tour The lln leiy. pipe an, P.W .AAIdUorai

telegnim Irom J. Vemon Otter, inforccdI dlreclor of the PWA. w u m d , The IS "indlcatloni tre U ul Uie progisn Mngton office li givlns prefer- the pul

lo applleaUoni where local initructII have been authorlred,” In lo terv< .ecUon WlUl pouibUlty Out Uie Infotmli

; A uctionNOVEMBER 18, i

50 White Face Weani 15 White Pace Feeder 50 Young Feeder Co’ 20 Feeder Heifers Millt CowsOther Stock Not List

S I G R K^ u e n o N ^

Vi Mile So. of Ea

t w i n F A U 5 DAILT NEV

I R € ^ T I € S 'P D S(TUU PtrtnU -John T. 8w tn ot Q a Diego U tUlUng hU ptrenU, H

and U n. J. H. 8w aa ^

Uare en T ri^M r. and Mn. tt. „ Slmpion left yuterdar on a trip ulQai St. UluU.- ••

U taroi H e m e - M rt._i(lldr«l ickea nunager orihVParic hotel.I retumed from CtUfotnla whero 9 TUIted for leveni wetkL

:>n v u t H ere-U n. p . L. McAlee dens K d ion. Frtyne. Jr, of UwUton. 000 to< rired Itte Bunday for a few dayt bltnkt ill a t the home of Dr. and U n . ntUon,- • ueAtee________ ^ ___tuk .fl

t , accounUeenied to -W r t— Joaeph F. worker ■n3u v t t - ^ tb tT I . n o u , boUi of — , rto FalU, ObUlned. a marrUge ease a t Twin FtiU eounty re- rder’i otllce yeitenUy.

ao (0 Cillfom U -M r. and M t^ on Jones have sona lo CtUfomU

a b\islne»i tnd pikaiun trip. iroule they ill l be Joined by her renu to Sait Uke City. Whei

■ . receivelUlnm From BealUe-Dr. aod ,p«ini a. D. L Alexander haro retumed citlon m flettUe where Ihey wero called u c h e: Uia lllneii and deaUi of U n . noreml

aandefs moUier, U n . a H. ,u i ih me. Umor*

• clal acColllde-Can driven by Dale

amion, 137 Fourth avenue north,1 curtnce Patton of Klmberiy llded yaterday oa Second ave- The i norUi. Police n p o t ^ minor «tUns

. s sw M /n » l.-B u llw PlW '

In , ton et Mr. and Mn. 0 , O. woricen 1st and an employs otUM ElghUi them n inue srocery the patl two yean, Empl 1 Stturdty for L a Angelea where to iheli U U) ba employed and attend quarter

lOoL pasl ofl' m a n

lake RBDe Here-Mr. and U rt. quired. ve Johnson and daughter arrired cach Twto FtlU lu t week to maka gn Ider Ir home here. Mn. Johnion wai niimber merly MUi Veima Adamion. » hU : ey.. h f tv a J i te n - J a ^ a ia a lJ g c _ sodtl

p t l t two yean. diy Uia

in Sad Slliilea-CecU Dean, w - through lated''wltn-“ Uia-deparUnenl of jnm pe

toterior at Wuhlngton, D. C , telephoi (zpected to irrira early ttaU aft* p{ mdlv oon to attend tuneral tervice* tormaU( e Wedneidty momtog for hU Ti„y wr, Uie late Peter E. Dean. The „ n f, er ton. CUrence Dean. reUred through ly oflleer, arrived wlUi hU fun - o » < Iwm U ng Beieh, CtUfomlt, tlen o t

■ Friday.--------------------------------- niUon't ------------------------- Urgest ■


Ivo Of the l i t can reported Itolen ;urday night and Sunday bad n recovered Uit avening. *miy a r lUli mUilng w u a IB3g dei Chevrolel ledtn owned by J J * '" " •1 Wompaon. 222 fwih arenuj -t,-reported itolen from Ualn ..........nuo e u t Sundty night. I t carried ho Ucenie 8R-1U0.:ecoTticd by police wete can be- itos to Ray a McVey of Klm- ly and Mrs. BItndie Wynn ana* due'Brownell. bbUi of Twin U. Recovered by Uielr ownen _ _ e the mtchlnet ot WUey llKf ot . lliter and C. a Durfee ot PUer. _ ■


lyde Botfman tnd Htrry Uon- I ade eadi paid |8 ftoei to police ■ rt yeilerday after pleading guilty harget of dutroylng property to illon to paytos coit of npUclns ; r damage.

^e two, otflcen reported, im tih- Y l lul tevenl glau wlndpwi In twtli 1 1' d to p and aijlonobjlei on a tour 1 1 lain arenue'early Bunday mom- A A

m m enl will s n n i « per •cent ~ le fundi for Uie Improi'cinents." I ;ter u ld U ut Uie PWA had par- «ted to 2B waterworki preJecU-total-C0rt-0f-W79.Wl-in-I<!«hor----------,1i8 to .sranU aud $483.:69 to s, but laid U ul "of the 34 al- • lenUlh Uie p u t 90 dayi no loam . s toduded and all were made , aiea where bond elections htdI held." . ,i_____ayor Johmton eilQ^atM total I

of Uie two ImprovemenU a t i ,000. M8J 00 fer tiie itorage rei- • lr and IIII.&00 for tha pipe itoe. line wUl indude 13.000 feet ot I and the reservoir will be cov- < WlUl a ilx-todi'concrete re- 1

ixed roof, he lald. . 1le planning board ouUlned a , Tsm for putUng the facts betore public and the chairman w u ’ w te d to appotot K committee erve to a publidty capacity to cmins Uie pubUo of Uie faeU. I

I Sale, A T 1 2 :3 0

iner Calves ler Steers ■]0WB


[ S TY A m s tSaat'Main ^

KW3. t w in 7ALL3. I D ^ 0. T

'D S liil lmm blis£------- ' cbl.1

iija n tlc T a s k o l S e l l l n j Up o o

A c io iin ts fo r W o rk e rs '^ d u «

G els U n d e r w a y .. ------- feionli

WASHINOTON. Hor. 18 (ffj - w ane »tmen carried netr recard bur* totace :ns today u Uiey dellraed S.OOO,- traffle 4 tocUi leeurity appUcaUon pUtob tnk t to employen Uiroughout the Itioa I ln l Itep to Uto sUmUo jk .o L je H ln r up tocUl aecnrity -■> j, rcountt for 38,0«.000^merlctnorkan.----------------------------------- tumu:The bUnki w re dliWiwied t n a ^ i,000 poit aU employen * , indujtrial and builneu punuiU. uh - employer li expecled to fUJ , Uie number of hU employw aad le natun of hU busineit. These . ankl muit be retumed to local vtoftlces by Norember 31. n n i l l

When the appUcaUoni have beea D U l! celved by Uie p o in f n ei«, - t ho ~ r i «m ed number ot employa-appU- L l .tlon biinkt WUl bo set. tilde for U l ch employer tnd deitvered to him >rember 3 t Employer tppUcaUoni ]| ihert be forwtrded to Uie B tl- jm. non tecounttng office of (ha to- a lecurity botrd for UbuUUoa

Worken KMdre BUoka

The next itep ta the proceu ot ^ » ;Ung up todlrldual lodtl aecurlty f e n w count numben tnd wtga reeordt » *da U follow. Employen wUl glva em- B m yjt tppllctUon blinki to their rken who tre required lo retura f f* -C sm nol liter Uian December L ^ Employei may relum their bUaki Ihelr employer*, to a union head- mortui arten. to a letter ariler, to Uu st office, or Uiey may pUco Uiem a mall box. Ko poiltge U re-

Ired. — ~Each employe will receive Uter IdenUtlcaUon card tnd iccount

mber through Uie lamo channel •>»° hU appilMtion WM lenU

I Uial Uie boord'e 13 reglontl of- M and M fleld ottleei loa ted ^ oughout the counlry have been imped tlnce eariymoramifwlUi !phone todulries and long Unes , todlvldutU wtUIng lo obtato to- rZ M rt maUon. ‘Z Z Sriiey are advising Uie publle io m h m It for receipt ot theU- forms ough tha regular channels. O) » oftldU described Uie coUec- ^ 1 o t w tgo-ln lo im lim for t i e V J ion't 38.000.000-worken u ‘ Uie n ;eat task of |t i kind ever under- 0 & en by aay country."lecause of modem machine book- -j pins K t up In the BaltUnore ' In?, where tabulations ot wage • ' . onnaUon are to be made, ipoce ulred for Uie board’i operation! lot a t grett a problem u it hai ome to tooio oUvr. eounUlet. In {land, where records a n compli- manutUy,' (houundi o r ic t ts a n


i S

IMPORTANT:l i E m N E i y ^ o N P m

------- K H raD W ^F lH G -m stlU T T IScleirtlfle IntoUtloa, ..In top, fleer, aid doorp*neU...ab*oibiorW2eluoulKiUi a^d m a m isg .

NEW R1DIH& COMFORTKew HuMter 8 ^ y MeBBtiasi-teparal.

I fromlr«mo...pillowlheAll-Si«eIT< I .erery p3 tin ..ib » ih read vibnliooi.

NewJUro4tydr«idle»l»cIi4biarbenM. e a e h w lv e e l. .^ N o E ilj |> i^ l2 ^ t^

Mor«SttlWIdtfc...3W eIn[2>i...2i4h back...noro bead aSTltg room. ^

AMAZnia SAFETY 1HIERI0RP r a t f a l l ^

Ior t a t e ^ . b a d T ^ e o( Itont icntpiddbuilt.towlnddiielddelreti«r2nti...5533'255a;U m a a lld * f» toi».»ldei.d»"n.rnBf.nd

kew MNDUHG EASE|w srinel»8 terenfro iitind ...noW ^

o » S 2 t *N nr S U ttU t E t t a . . . ^ > n je . ln » " y tr t» l .f i |h t . . .£ j t>*TC;ng^<> eWM Qifatar. la tle r fbmia*...duo to .dd« {rie»fc»baarinsi...Synert>-S.lent t;ia.n

- . . . y ilrt halkal H «ti thrau|houl.

^ T E S T ECONOMYe a t W taa s tii .te iti abow_18 to 24 b T SaHoofl a ^ r t o a C w iw p « e 0 .. .fw r f« 2Itftetto. . .with tlw eogine »«T O o T ^



Twto PalU d ty coundl. meeUng ___It evenlns, received Uia October w u Uca report from Howard OlUelte, :oo ;lef of poUce. J____ Eliauiette reported » I arnaU dur- g,Uia.aoaUi..2a for-vloUUon of .®L' r ordtaancei, 75 for vloUUon of iXflo o r d l m w 38 for dnuikeo-0 «ad*lO form lidetm earon and onl,et. Slxty-nv# penoai wtre imed, for vioUUoa of dty ord- i« e t and M w en wtmed for ..J* JflOTloUUont. Two hundred com- Unu were toretUgtled.Fwo tetreh w arruU wen exe- blewted. 18 atreet UghU wero nported theyt,-34.dost.wBro-kUUd, two dance door. lU wertjnipected. IDO metU wvretn U h e d \l^ fc t t r 1 a l l - a n d -2 4 .-v -dt w e» p r o r id e a ^ io n t oUifr M lin prlionen. -r rour automobUe* and iwo bl-llet wetw tlolen, aU of whldi w re ’m r e d . de

'___________ Jolm

H W BUS i fflPlE 8 U 1 IE 0 2

from------- lAUlS

Ufred WeUa Howard. 91. fedeni hu isui employe, dUd a t hU home Pller a t 13:J0 o’doek UiU mora- foUowtos a Ihort Utoeu ot artii-

te w u b o rn toB prtnsfled.U a«. mietU, June 14,1888,'and came H Idaho teven yean aso. ■ ■lUTTivtos a h hU widow, MTi. mie Howard of FUer; hU moUier, f. Oora Howard, and Iwo broUi- , Oordon Howard and John How- !. ftU of Hartford. ConnecUcut.'bo body ra U a t the Twto PaUi rtuary pending funeral am nge- nU. Interment wUl be to Uie Odd lowi cemalaty to FUer, •

ded for filins tnd Ubulatlon,' - rd otfieials lald. ' |teverUideis, Uie loclit-ae^rlty rd h u already i pread V o»lecs

a Uie one to BalUmore.. lU lf ot 1.400 persons is.alread)' lioycd to admlnUterins Hit aet ntuttUy Uie board expecU lo }Ioy 7i00 personi, all aelected jjigh dvll een-lcfc

Schillingt a k i n g P o w d e r .



m1 /R o n fe rto S o re y b a rT u n e -n 'c

• H tw F ijraoSIun a EAS

• Siory~THEN : S t t t k Car lls e lf

MOliiTB M p BItTWK------.aldciaBdloUe.hum


f e

>id«ljuiil- Hlatmuiioo atwiAr m i m i i p fcJifC

easytcbuti' “ 3 e ip « TWC-wnblCrWilCiW

^ .^ ’1

S B i i l*

EMBER 17,1086


(ConUnued from Ptse One) _ ■

ru itrudc down by hutUlfs d e ^ mun 00 yards from Uia tcene. eryElectric wirti wen ripped down, over

Jrclng work by Uie light « r huge army leatthUghU mounted Ham n trucks.-- - - — degn Tlie mayor u ld a n ld im tn fln l w u Ucovered ftro to'cna of the-iton- fire ouiei In which ipeclal exploilvei dren ere itortd. MiTlie aiRO w u aounded Immedl- Ued teiy. M im ser U Rocque and a No umber of Rotken nuhed from Uia IcaUt icUiry to Uia itorehouse, whlcb lerio' lev up WlUl a deafenlns roar when tiey were but a few yardi from luoor.— — ............... , — -SEf

iuFdeTCHafged Man Elected To Office

-------- . thow;DEXLBVILLE. Hi, Nor. 18 WV- mtmi

olm J. Hamilton, held to jaU hen of al a cltirgei of murder, todty n> elsht eliTd a certUleate offldaily notlv not a ,'lQg Idm ot hU clccUon November accor to Uie St. Calr county board ot biue<

ivlew. MoneDcmocrtllc parly leaden tried io atten enuide HimUton to wlthdnw — nm ths race but Ui# E u t fit. ^ Buu resident retuied.HamUton U chitjed wlUi lUytog :t wUe, Wilmt. and her admirer, lh nomu Oriuom.Board memben reeclve IIJOO an- laliy and are elected for a 8-year

fe e d 'Em Rig They'll Be B


J a c k M o s s ' Id BREAI





Buhl, BUn, Ibgerman, HoIU

Know about


H im t i l r r m i jo l on l l i i f u s f f c i n i

ASr.TO-imMm£R.haFta. tUmJWWIESSliemuUM^,

w u . iu m tm i M t f ^ 2

i s


. (OoaUautd from Page One) ^

PennsylvanU'i eoldeit point w ij Une, which bundled up agalnil ai esreo weaUier. An overheated ttovo •u mponslbe for an Irwto, P a , re that kiUed a miners five chU-- ren.Mudi of Ull counUy w u prom- ed warmer weaUier today.Nowhere did it appear commun. aUoni or UaaiportaUoa lud been • inously hampered.

lENIORS .GOOD PUPILS ' -ACCORDINB-TO SURVEY--A survey of students dolns saUs- ictory, work to the high *chool lowi Uiat the lenlor class with 18I . 8mbett hw lha lowest percentago

aU Uie advUory groups. • Only Sht per cent ot Knior itudenta are >t meeUns ichoUsUc requirements. tonUns to Uie report which w u iued yeiterdty durins Uie weekly oadty discussion period ta the- tem oortdn jo rr'tessloa.---------------

SHinXS FINISHED10e Eaeb m ib faa lly SnadJ*


ight and BrTght!

d a h o M a id \ D[ILK. AND IIONEY.


;iTV PARK OROCER7 n i AVENUE OROCEIir CASH CROCEBV-Fller la atoiUiler and Cutleford

itlhe I

mhttportait Facts AhotA Tht raMinatayottcanKlihe Tlmpitetmaibl,

I 'S l O i| | . ; | - a a a s r g * I

Page 3: · C Ily E d ltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102._____________ Mine Rescu Struggles'

H S s i r Ti lINFJLiSBESiNI :

i ptW itt CIlntOD EdmondMH, S3,1 dltd I t hb home. 8 » Third Avenue L

e u t, Bundiy following & two-ye#r Hlnu*. Funtn l 5m-lcw wilt bo eenilucted Thursdsy 7 o’doclc «t

.. th« .While Mortuary Chaptl wim o nev. R. 8 . n « # of lho MethodlJt «

- ehurch-ofllcl#UDj..Int«mcn{, .willb« In Twin Falla CMnrtery. ^

K» w u bom March M. 1853 In ^ Kno* eounly, Indians, and cam6 to Twin f t l i i K i’tn yrars ajo. He Is aurvlTcd by hi* »1fc. Mrj. Maty C. EdrnondionofTR-lnrttmiftMinftniS daughltr. Eatt J. Edmondwn ot touUvllle, Kentucky, and M n. no* bert* U uer of EransvUIf. IniSlana: ^ four »tfp*chll(lfen. Mra. Ethel Dunn m, and Mtj. Vf. n . BtU of TW In.aUi. na Willard McCoy of .Vlnwnnts, In- ^ dUna. and Clarcnce-E. McCoy .ofr vji San mnclK O ,. . of


:------- . , ,Formation of a new commlalon of eg, •• the BaptUl Vounf Pcoplra Union «y,

M J completed a t Uie tm l a r Sun- — day-erenlne metUnB-wllh lho.Bp- q i

polHtmenl of the following oflicera; ^2 Pianist. Evalyn Laubcr: cuilodLm . of. pfoperUfj. ‘f td Uuber: fellow- ship commission, Marj’ IloaK and [jj, Paut Bamett: tfn ice. Leonard ,<u Ftfld* and Dill Taylor; stewardship. t„r Eathtr Nicholson and JrAse Nogle: devollonalf, Itachael Batlanscr nnd Lottci! OlJon. Till

Other itatf oiembcn wilt be tt- lecltd by Ibis group a t n meetlns C Novembers. Uoi


RUPERT, N ov,'l5-A n automo- onbile oinied by Lock Dtan and dijv- khcn by Byron Dean, both of Rupert, icotllilcd with a email hord of cat- rcitie cn fJw hJeha-ay two and one- Coi

. half mll» easl of hero Thurtday Wapvenlng a l aevm o'clock. One heller wnwas killed. Ha

John Colff, who w u driving the dri: h e r! wat atruek by one of the herd

hMpltal*whtn he rewired*Ural- ^ ment lor minor Injurira and waa c dltmlucd the fottoa’ing momlng. for

Oakley State Band f,'; TJividend Announced -p"BOISE. Hov. 10 (flV-Irinlio HUlc

bank llquldatinc asenlj. on Uie lasl hilf of a task started a decade auo, prepared today to pay a flnat , dlrldend of }3,330 to ccneral clalma crcdlion e t Hw OsJJej- s taJe 'lan lt

Of 83 iiate banks closed In Ida- ho durlns tin 10 jvnn. all bipl 28 , have been tlfluldated or reopened, j, , E. N. Johnson, atato bank Ilquldat- Ine agent, tald. t,y

The Oakley bank dfvJdcd will be ,4.6 per ctnl anil the on $70220 of sencfil clalma. U wilt bo paid y r

. aa of Nowmbtr 18. The Initltutlon i n cJotfcl.ta IOM. Tire total payment t will be 19.0 per cent.

' — ■ MtDate Extended F o r, “

^ Van Vlack’s Appeal S<D015R Nor. 16 tr j-T h e Idaho

— aupreme courfpostpflned toda ru iir IIJ Noreniber 2} Ute d.t!f on whleh

file Ihtir final brief in appeal pro- eeedlngfl. JZ

Thl final brief n-a* due today.The delay wn.< granted itt the re- ■

<iu«t a t E V. Union of TKln Riils. I altorney for Va]i Vljck. nnd Attor- | Ilty Oencral Btrt H. Miller. ■

Van Slack tt~ ln aiate's prison I here, condemned to be hanged for L tlwoting hU former wife, Mildred Hook of Tacoma, to death near 1>ln Palh l u t November.

I lr admitted llrlng tliolx that were f»i*t lo State Traffic Officer Ton-

- i tains Cooper and Deputy SheriffHenry OlTent,

► b u r n s ^^ t i e tfesItlDg p i l n ^ ^ ^ a a ^ j

Resinol ['N e w 1 9 3 7 F o r d V

npD 2 SMART new fron t new bar-, divl* type bumperi, tlanllns V-type Is cwindfhleld and satooUi!)’ flon'Jnc c t :

•Hhcs ef this flve-wlndow coupe, typ-. cotrIfy the advanced design of the new Ihrt

' FordV-acanfarlD}?. llio coupe, (UUwhich if offctcd bolh with andwlUi- Keicut de luxe equipment, is the only ■‘cal^nKl^3Mt closed body lype. Ils feat

; lent la Ml width, wltli folding ava


SOCttTY.,Phone 82

s E N S F /r c x s D ATTRACTS LAHOe G ROVP 0 ;’cr one hundred persons attend- w

td • th e . benefit card porty -spoa- ■“ sored by St. Edwards school laat evening a t lho Odd Fellows hail. » Preceding play t program w u pre- aented by tludtnU of Mrs. George j Warberg. High tcore a l eontnicl was awarded ifrj. Milton Lehman; ^ auction, Mra. Mnyt; plnoclile, J. J. ™ .Hughes. Numbers on tho prognun included vocal aelectlons, QucnUn JJ* Anderson, accompanied by Mis* QitabeUt OMallry; piano toloa. ^ t t Margartl Delireller; iklt, Joan Be- S u noi»k acne^’levo Q(noll a n d .M F ^ ,< L . ^ a n ; reading, CaledonU BalleV. , . f | VitsUiIa.Canipbell acted u -m as tet

of th# proeram. . 9 '“'Mtl. James Winterholer wm gen-

eral ehaltman of the affair. Re- (rrshmenU were tened to Uilrty- tliree tables by tlie Brrangemcnls J* '. commltlee a l the conclusion of the evening. . _ Alvl


Zeta Pl Chapter cf Uie DclphUn jarj Socltty mel Uonday altemoon a i |,jj, the American Ceglon hall for a •tuiIy discussion ot clghieenlli een- i,„ | tury lltcralure. Mrs. C. fl. Beymer, lupcrvisor. nnd Mra.,R. S. Toffle- tj,g jMlrr, vJce-prcsldcni, lead the group, Tiilks were heard which includtd ^ t,, •Talent of Alexander Pope," Mra. C.C, Klngibury: ■•Olbbons Conlrlbu. Uons," Mrs. E. W. collinj; “In f i^ ^ 1, cnco of Adam SmiU)/' Mr*, w. r . Wilcox; “Sterling QuallUes ot Dr. JoDwon;" Mra, C. A. Robinson; "Charm of Botwclfs ’life of John- son',-. Mra. A. S. Ollbert; "SKfft, ‘ " Oreatesl of the Satiriita," Mrs, Rus- aell Poller. • ; ,p

■njplca of intermiUotial aifairt ttcro diseusM'd ty-Mnrwilcox, Mrs, J i Coe M. Pj-Jco. and Mrs, Oconie Jp , Ward. Mrs. R. W. Carpenter pre- Mnted a currcnt erenl nnd Mrs. Harold Uckey conducted the word . drill. ____P,r>

W ^ r S n m ; ------------------j i jOlrl Reser\'es who nre working

for rings enjoyed a tkatlng party Mc at a local rink last evening. The nice! group was Bccompanled by Mtw r . Hulli McManlmle, sccretarj' nnd sponsor. Mlts Jean Clatk Is chair- on ' man of (lie committee, mon


Mr*. M, B. Rasmaion of Rupert, ^ T t ttate proldent. tpoke to iwtnty. four Biembcrs of tho Plrsl District qi Nurses' asioclatlon a t a meeting gix Saturday evening. Mrs. EllaibeUi nun Smllh was lu»tess to.tho group a t vcte her home on Eighth Avenue Nortli. bam Rclrtshment.1 wers »er\’td during a nou roclal hour by Mrs. EmlUi, aitl.ited cars by Mra. Bhaw and Miss Norma Pot- ter. Payi

------- Mo:lYOUNG PEOPLE er.a t t e n d p a r t y . —

A group of young people were guesta last evening a t the home of Mtss Helen Oee In honor of her •. hlrttiday anniversary. Games and

Sore Gum s-PyorrhcaHeal jour gums and lavo >-our

teelh. It*-slmple..Juil.gCt.ft.bQtllt of IXTOS rVORRIlEA REMKDV and follow directions. Don't delay;•do-lt-now.-I.BTO'»-te-*lw«ya.Kuar--------anttcd. Majtsllc Pharmacy.-Adv.

T hey A rc U s tln R ' H em em branccs Of


------ ^y-NEW-BAOKCBOU.S'DS... ^, NEW PRICES ,

Come in (oday . . . a n d avoid

FLO W ER POTO SH O I'FlddUy N ad Dank Oldr.

V *8 C o u p e S e e n

divided tea(-back, l i e ipare tire Is carried in a cernpartment back'Bt ibe d r h ff .» TTie deep luw-’S'- (ompartment ean be rcached either Ihrough the rear deck door r r l>y lilting down the rlglit'back.Wcw ‘'flnfier-ilp” tieerlng and ntw '•caiy-flcUon" safety brakes aro featured. Two engine il« s arc available wilh Uili type.________

OTOR CO.D Dealer

— c

— rra ^ -,T,— ,TT-=;r;r— calli and

andCLUBS :„rand

J 2J 111)

soldlancing wen enjoyed after whleh folicIh# hostesi terved a buffet lunchcon wholo (he guests. Mbs Haael Teny roaj;F u aKarded two prttts for wimilng mentilgh acores al Uie evenlng'a games. Put

Guesis were the Misses Helen Col- theilns, Arllne Smith, H aul Terry. HidDoroihy Slaynor, AnlU Hardttly, the[}elty Rae Har\'ey, Loulte Campbell, luxlDahrl Green, Belty J. .Olanu, Jane a i)IDouglaas, Joyce Miller, Becky vie. oredMT, Maty Haney. Madeline Drack- inen, Margaret Van Engelen. Edna by i McCarthy, Margarel and AJIce Oee,

ZU Z IM S P U i T MePH EASANT d i n n e r P l .

-pheasant dinner will bo held Ihls evening a t the heme of Dick o .n infl-Oon liardtr-by thB 'Zu zim . „■ Club. Plana Kcre made a t a meet- Hay Ing Sunday aJietnoon a t the home q „ 3f Druce Palnwr. Frank Carpen- wnii Itr,'presJdeut, conductrd iJie busl. ,h . [jc*s aetslon, ahlcli wna followed by 1 character meeting. Attending nas ri'm Alvin Casey, spontor.

V/EDDINQ A im V E R S A R Y CA\u o n o r e d - a t - r e c e p t i o n - t s -

Tlie /JJiy-nlnUi trrddlng a n iih w ~ mry of Mr. and-Mr*. C. A. Voor- iiec. of Edgar, Ntbmska, m celc orated al a rccepllon tendered by T*. ihtlr daughterj.-Mrs. 0 . C. John- *®‘! .ton and Mrs. J. P, Johnston at ;he home of the Utter, Sunday af- “ le/noon. UiWy guoU irrre « n r d “' J k buffet luncheoti from a Uble at- “‘‘’f jaeUve with yellow clirj'tatilhe. nums and tall tapers. Mrs. P, R. a ^ r poured and Mias Marjorie [ " I ' ind Helen Jolmston. granddaugli- « 3 of the honorees, terved. Mr. md Mta. VoorUeta are gue:tj at I” *' ho J. P. Johnslon home.

. . Ing"•HEASANT DINNER ?'•* IELD B Y EM PLOYEES Employees of the agricultural de-

lartmenl of Uie Amalgamated Sus- “* ** ir Company pJant a t Tain J'alli , icre hosU Sunday evening lo ilie J lurley andlluperi plant employees rni it a'phea.unt dinner aeri'ed al the>ark Hotel. Reed Lewis waa in I Iharge of arrangements. • **

JED K N IG H TS „i3k,lE A R SPEAKER „ ii|.Members of the Red Kniglil Club

netting Bunday a t the home of Dr. t. A. Suttllft lieanl GeraltV-Wal- "’1. ', ace, high school insUuctor, speak _>n -Marks and Uie Man." Ray- uond Puttier conducted the meet- ng. which E. V. Urson, tponsor,


Oeneral Uwton Camp Number ri* and Oencral Uwton Auxiliary. dumber Seven, of the Spanlah Wnr >onc /cterans, enterlalned nl a Joint niusi anquet last evening a t Uie Patk I'te: loiel in honor of M n. Mabel C. worn ;arson of Lesbton, atale depart- erho nenl prt.«ldcni; Guy Oralikm of Dc ’ayclte, vlce-commander a’hd J . P. LYC ,tortaiid of Payette, paat command* Bt,E T. Toailmatter Eii’erell Sweeley Tlin


\ ./I m i

A llS ta r.. ---------------60-yard-dashcs,

to u c h d o w f is . .

____________ how America pa ir* m a il , f a n s n

p c r t s t h e d p . . .

I A l l - A m e r i c a n ."

.. And w h c i

cigarcttc eleven, it —/V'f what a ci

T - H .E le v e n 1

t h in g s a . . . a p l

M e n d 01

T u r k i s h

r c t t e p a ]

- J ' f / / ? i i f / I J

A . ■ I



Mlied for responses from all camp f ~ tnd auxUla^ prtsldcnla and com* t mander*. '

Pretident Carton tpoko conbem- ^ Ing Uie rltu&li, nilcs and regulations a. \ and complimented Twin M la on Ai Uio apparent prosperity ot local wttt buslness. She also told of tha Spian. Mrs. 1th War and the moUves of the soldlera during that time. Shs w u B. followed by Commander. Grahani, Tt who represenUng lhe. tlate com- Wcd mander, Frtd Mlnlnerdoft, discussed jj. i membersliip In ’the- organizaUon.Past Comniandtr Motland told Of KM lho early diys and organliaUon of ki Um Twin FaUt u m n and praised p«,i, the work of Uie auxiliary. Ttio „„,j luxUlary pretenled Mrs. Carson with a|)IflureandM f,M orlandwi4lion- ored with « rising vote of ihanks. r, in conclusion prayer w u offered by ChtpUln Peter Pearson. ^

— » o'cloM e T C L V B . .P L A N S D A N C S' Arrangcmenla ior the - annual ‘

ChtWmlii dance wtre dLwuised a t L:, i a meeting, of Uie MeT Club Sun* day aftemoon a l the home of Mlu .,.3. OeorglamiB O'Neal. Miss Eleanor ' Hollingsworth.- president, conducled j ,,., Ifie busmear*<«Jon; Iiaiteas served rcfrtshnifnts. Mta. Orr ^ Chapman, tponsor. attended.

■ TliuC A R D E V E N Ti s - s a c c c s s F U L ---------------------J - ' l

Tlie Dailness and Professional . Woman's dub conducted a tucccta* .Iltl card psrty latt evening a t (hc „ Patk Hoiel. Scvenlecn U blu of rarrfs and one of monopoly were ll play duUng tha evening. Mr*,K. A. Timm, high, and Mr. For- Co une. low, were awarded priaes a t lontract: Mrs. Prank Delvlile, high. — Uld Mbs Rebecca CurUn, low, auC; I S lon; and Mlsa OUdys Ballenger, ilgli, and Uba Merlo Bodetihamer, ow,- plnoclile. Door priies wero •ectlifd by Mbs Bodenhamer and iltts Marie Blltienbergcr. Fallow-

Hie board of dlrecUira of tho club in charge of arrangemenU with

vtl. a Derlha Tlce, president, acling u Rcflcni chalnnan.

How liOng Can A Three-Quarter W ife Hold H er H usband?.v»„ wrry nt murrlBBe lo

liiike n sucteas of it. Men may be .ellljh, unsympathelic. bul lhaf* lit wny UieyTe made ntid you nlchl u well realbe It.

When your back aches and your lerves tcrtam, don't Uke 11 cut on ,'our husband. He can’l tnstlbly enow how you feel.

Kor three gtntraUoia one" woman \u told anolhcr how to go •'tmlllng r hrough" with Lydia E. Plnkham'a iregetablo Compound. J l helps Na- ,ure‘ tone up the tyslcm, thus les. lenlng Die discomforla froni the unclional dborden which womtn nust tndurc in the three ordenls of lte :.l . Tumlng from girlhood lo vomanhood. 3. Preparing lur moth- irhood, 3. Approaching "middle age."

Don'l bc a three-quarter wife, uke -YDfA e . PINKfLUrS VEOETA- BLE CO^U>OUND nnd Go •'Bmiling nirough."-Adv.

le rie a 's I r E le v e n Ic s . . '. p a s s e s , a n d . p u n t 5 ^ , i ___J

. . . p e r f o rm a n c e ! T h a t ’s

I p ic k s *ctn. B y w i r e a n d

; r u s h to th e f o o tb a l l cx*

, . . " H t r c ' i a n o t h e r s u r c ’f i r e

b e n y o u p i c k t h e a l l - s t a r

i t ’s p e r f o r m a n c e a g a i n

d g a r e t t e d o c s t b a t c o u n ts

B - E - Y S - A - T - I - S - F - ln le t te r s t i n t s p e l l a ll ih c g o

! I c ig a r c l lc c a n g i v c . . .m i W n i

p le a s in g ta s te a n d a r o m a . ,

o f m ild r ip e h o m e - g r o w n a

s h t o b lc c o ! r o l le d in p u r e c ij

P »P “ .—the csseuhals oj

' good cigarei

2 . . 1 0 X 4/

Cfc '


— , . I for

C om inq E v e n ts a n" . __________I Uial

y . W. C. A. f ’'!’•Aduli Coimcll of the Y. W. 0. A, '

■wllt meet W«liipAd»y a l 3:30 with *«£■ Mrs; Pr'W. McRoberu. ^

____ • U dB. ANU T. * T-1

The n, and T. club wlU meel « Wednesdiy ai 5 o'clock wlUi Mrs.. >ng' JJ. E. HDJry. , ■ ,

K N IU , (ilJ,^XGl; STIKnull Orange mtelliig ha.i been

poMixined and will mcel again De- cember l, , . poni

KOJ'.ll. ,Vf;ifiI|BOn.S J f*Rojal Nfli:lil)0f.i J. U. club will A

me;i wltti Mr.v Dlanch DcaUi lor mena l»i-luci; diniiff \Ve1lne5day nl 1 nicdo'clock. }\ir inloanMlon call 1303- builtRl. • • erlni

.'fr;nfriiusT A iif. „ Cfi.iDlvl.iiui ,No, 8 ot tlifl Metli’pdl.>t Cl

L:i<lic.\' Alll fiKiriy will weel wlUi mec'Mfj. \V. U hfsni.-tcr 'Hiursday al Neui2:30 oVloclt, . tblli

fi»A»:nAi. f.\U T os c in c i.E m oCi.'iifrni UHion Social Circle III

will iiicci at the liomo of Mrs. Itom Mrs. Kcvaii, 1338 Eighth Avenue Easl. tero Tliurrdty ftl 2 o'clock.

------- MOIXVtMSC-ttUILD_________________ M

Kicnltig Oulld Of Uic Ejilscopal dny rluirrh siU inctl Wednesday a l i Bird ocltxlc III tlie homo of Mrs. Rlcliard Smitli. 3M eighth avenue north. MOI

COSniVNlTY LADIE.V AID av/> Coiiimitnity Udlet' Aid will meet gun

(H 1(10 riiurcJi biuement lhe;


■ C o m p le i

1. rreuore lubrication of all mori

i. Kill all cupa with proper grade3. t* f of Check-Chart exclualTtly,4. Oiling hood lacing clamp* and5. Oiling fan. generaior, dUtribnli e. I.ubrteallng door hlnge*. lorki, :. Oiling (hn((le and ipark adjai g. Oiling brake rod*, elevleea nnd 9. Tlthtening >fheel lag boU»-

r lo. Oiling body belU and padi (a It, l.ul>rlratlng *(errlng gear hosti it. t.ubrieatlRg wheels equipped »l 13. Sprajing or painting spring aw

'H. Clieck tranimiulon and diffrrr:

F IR E S T CI’llO N E 75

? - Y

g o o d •

Id n c s s

i . . . a • ^1 a n d

c iga*

of a ^ ------mile ^

s i l


for an all day mecUng with dlimer wi. a l t o'clock. All bills for the bauar fut are requctled to bo tumed-ln a t B.: Uial Ume. Tlio hottest will be J,fri. IM Phillip Petersen.

MEntoDisr Afo'" OfDlvblon No. I of lhe MeUiodbt

Udies’ Aid will meet with Mrs. W.T. Combs Tliunday a t 1 o'clock, for 1 K no host luncheon. Tliose attend- Ing'are rrtjueited lo bring table


MeelTiiS of the atltch anil Chaiter Olrelo hai been Indefinilely iiosl- Poncd............. . ' J

JU.S'IOJt .1J0IIIKB.S A NKclal nireUns.Af mothers of 2

iiiernk'ts of tho Junior clasa wUl lucet in room 1D3 of the hlgii tchool , ~ uuiidlng ’nifJday a t '3 o'clock. Sup* rrlntendcnt W. D. Smith wlli talk.

Cfl.tPTfR'D, 1), P.E.O. Slslerhood, will D

mecl Tuefday wilh Mis. M. J. I'VINeuninnn with Mrs. Carl Hahn aa. tho

(l(r.UI.AND VIEW clallilRhiand View cliib-wlll mecl with

Mrs. Oeorge Miller Wednesday af- banIcraoon. ftrl

--------- aprMOHNINGSmC fon

Mornlnc<lilp.xliih will hold iin nil- — day meeting Wcdnrsilny wlUi .Mts.Bird McComilcl:.. _______

MOUNTAIN VIKtV P.-T. A.Mountain View Parent-Te.icher

tv-oclallon will hold a 'favorite same" iMirly Tliursday eicniiig al ilie-tcliDOl house, proceeds lo go t* L . |*


:IA L f o r T le t e L U B R I C A T

noTing p irti equipped with Inbrl-

nde of iBbrlranl. . ^rtly. V ,md hingn. ' ibnlor and starter molar, Icki. wedge* and clamp*. J

lind itarter pedal hounlng, A

I (a rlimlnale tqurakt 1lOMing. "i with ronnecliontaurmbilrt wllli penrtrating olL ^ frrrnllil, .

Q N E sS v ic

™ E R .1 7 , m ss t

ward Uio playgroond equipment 1 r fund. Fbr information a l l M rt E.B. Bauer, 0J85-R<, or Mn. Ted Scott.

— — — ----------- J,


Quoti foVglrti tn the Welter ret* «pcIdence- ichool Is not quite filled, Falaccording to word rceelvtd litre by wh Hawld ealbbun', NYA. supenltor for Twin Falb area. AppllctUonswill bo acceplcd this week lor all EglrU-wbhlng to attend tho achool Sliiwh'o hava th e ' foliowlng'nuAllllca- “Uona: Ago Itom 11 to : j incluii«: “ •must comc Ir Di a cerUfirrt WPA , , ,famify or a,toclal wcurlty famif)'. “ |

Full Information iinil.timillnitlon 1blank.1 tnVy be ubialned al NYA of- I flee, Parbh hall. Twin f t lb , phone«9-W, J

HYPNOTIS.M SJIOW • . f BURLEY. Nov.,lfr_A fn.'o Mage

hypnoUsni tliow im l« ttaeed In p - the Burley high tchool auditorium ' here Wednesday, evening, November I* ' 18, when .Lew Sweeper will glvo r l; clalrroyast demonitnllon.i. Tho K ' aftow Is M a s *m *end by (hs I t t band mothers' club and a sliver of* K fering wlil be taktn whlcli will b« n applied on high tchool band unl* |B forma. , . . . ■


Pbono UO aod b« eanrineed. | ^ tlcented Sasllen* C l e ^ n

PA R IS IA N . INC . ■, ■

Special No. 2 ^ .-TUESDAY- *


O D A Y ! iT I O N “


W \ ]:_______________________ ' V



. _4I0 MAIN SO. I I

U P V ’

8 \ . W w M

a»- ■


R oyD »hliuU t,M ;ofO tk l*T .lrto -■ ' *dm«tfjJ,- tnw klnf • car aetj to tleep ln ’» irelght car’ln Twin Puila nllroad yard* Sunday night,''wuitpend Ul* next 90 dayi la Twin ......Fall* eounty Jill under . lenleDca which JutUco of UlB Pe*c« H. M.Holler pronounced here yeatenHay. • -

Dahlquiit was arrested by Oregon • Sliort Lino ipeclal. agents.




*"Prosj to fin/th J h id M ' ihofouchly enloyable trip, I reited ami relaxed in completo comfort ' anil tatr a world of intenaUijg (hliigt along your tcenic bighway*. .My appreciation, too. to your courteous, (riendly dtivera—theyreflrct tu evrryway Ihe fine IraTcl--------ten'ice you oiler.'

You can (ravel awlfily. comfort. ‘ ably, and ufely a t tb* lowest fare* in yean right now. Call oa your local bui agent to giv* you full travel Intorrnation. Hb i l a t______

cott or obligation. You'w itl b« amated a t the money laving fare* offered by thii dependable tnye j. . ' •yttem.

, AFrMi I* <dMlfcU«f M KkL O W f i m

AnRcles ........J12.60Snit Lako.______ 4.G0

, D tn v e r ----------- 10.75K an sas 'C lly ____ 19.95Chicago_______ 25.40

UNION n u s DEPO T .241 Shoflhone K orth

P hone:265


• '


• .


Page 4: · C Ily E d ltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102._____________ Mine Rescu Struggles'

i j “ ;‘ ' S m 'F A I L S DAILK NEWf>- ' m > d m i^ nem iai h m I UbbOi j ,

r u T r a ’Fiiu K m n u a u a t oo.I -' * « » « *

„ M )]p-«aitto'nM nd w 'iM OO tf-^. Bwiur. I. U ll M u« p«tan>M kl nufc l ^ a . una« m K t et Uuth a . .

>, SDBSOBiraON U T U u..n c m m

;; - g . s a , ., " " ^ i z

'- “ . s K ^ s i s S i s ^ c j s' U d n u «uAtj. Kmdai1 xttf. rvu ii* u k d m e r ------r;;:iBU UoatsL rukU* U tdnnc* n m u u & t. iKrw* la * < 3 n w « _

J Of atui (M vam la Uts»t.1 rtw , FijftBii Us u n o n .1Ol*l4ld4 61419 ’ol IdA&OII l tu . fm m * to miBCT ,\

■ u m n c s o r UIOCURD . m s i n * AModilM t t m U uciuUTtir «aa

M Um UM cer puuiutua <4 >u s m ptUbK cMlUd 10 It, or Dst OUur crMiud .IS uu* p4pe> u d to U» imu c puWluM U nU . 'Au rVAU er rapuauc* ot «p*etii auptiBiai t w ^ tUo n u n t

AtMCUUd Frm.,■ Miaftw AodirBuma et Crculttiont,

XAttoNU. ■ tF K U D ru n m l' > nODUIH,~KISO AHO PAOODIH, 1 ; TOtl. C1UU«0. 840 rrUCUM.

Tb* N m 4MuaM BO tipu d ii ntpe: — —bUit|..tet-*net»-Xa>.MttfU*tDuU-6ui

C4H *&«•' ts* ptpir b 4t t4Ull 4 oomci el Ib4t pu l et Wl tawUMDtni in wt IM n m oenn wU m puuiUM «iuiCa4Tff.___________________________

All soUeti M«ulnd 6; u « df'bj ortci Niut' ef ronpiiu t juntueuoa w m p uuiad «MUr. aiu M puaiiibM ta tt« W oad*» luu* ot tu i ptp« punu4si lo B

ALL-AMERICAN UNITY W ashlngtoa corrcspondenLs soy that

t r u r d lo u y eKort«" are b tlng mad arouse public lo tc r u t In tbe approfti

. Znter-Ainerlcim conference a t B uenoi, The most apcetaculor move ls> the I dent'A plan to go to ArgenUna hlnue) the'opening, although It Ia t d im cult

.(o r him. AttentjQti l i - a l r e a d ; on th rougho u t'th li ^em liphere, and the

' o f the world will be looking on.' I t moyj^e ft great historic occasion, n Ing tbe beginning, of doso and effe cooperation- between -th e-n a tlo n i ofhemisphere. — ---------------- ---------

. Some such purpose w u behind t h e : American nTovement of a generation But It was no t very effective, becouse I

. wtta toQjnuch sus^clon of U nde 8am'. te n tlo u among tbe Latln>Amerlcaa c trie#, and some of them vi?«e atUl b. by strong.tles to t h » - « d > W ^ !• T h a t.s ltiia tlo a .b is -te tn -ch li^9d gre

f l« t by the .fforld;W nr; O d subseii chaos jn Eurppe, . second by (be rise o f . aoese pow c?>vos» th e Pacific, and t by the measures taken by our gorem t to conTlnce. Mexico,'. C eo th I and & A m erica-that'the "Colossus o t tbe No

. has sordeslgu^agalnse them but seeks mutual wtUare and co-operation.

Wofedy knows r w to Is going to haj lu Siiflipf uut~Aiti>' IIU 8U U lo be~i for America'to form a n effecUre groulu .0^ - i,i,.

^ i r a 'c A l i r o i l N I A 'S SHOW. O lf J h n n d a y there was opened to todsta’vC allfom lay 'ltansbay Bridge, 1 Ing SsA F ra n c is ^ w ltb Oakland and o e a s t Bay d tlea . .Coitlng.twenty-four 1

. and seTcnty-soren million two hum thousand dollars, tb e .bridge Is the e Uest In the world. Its exte^tslon toi

'^extending five hundred fee t abOTA'iind' hundred feetDCTow tbo bay surface, i j a |n r t h e longest stretch, of navigable w ever'bridged, four ond ' a half miles,

i^actual length Is e ight and a quarter m There are three miles of approaches.

• . AU of 'w hlcE !^ I n te r e ^ g , espedallj p e rs o u w ith a n engineering bent of m

' ' Butf for most of us, the Im portant tl c o n c e r^ g th e bridge Is th a t the Btat< California, which owns and will operat< is capltftllilng an tm uiual possession. W< fairs have attracted millions to 'x ^ o r l u In other yean .'. CaUfomla offers, In bridge, a continuing spectacle. CaUfoi has predlcatedH s eanUngs from this vestment on tbo basis of a continuing Itor Interest.

ft ta rge t a t which o ther'sta tes may sh A copltal investment, no m atter how io which wUl continue,to a ttrac t counties: thousands of vlsitori,' who wlU ipend cot less mliiiona of dollars. Is an InTCstm bound to spur competing communlUes I sim ilar acUvlty.

. AN OBJECT LESSON We can. If we ore lntelUgent, accept

lesson which daily is becomlns more i dent OS Spain's in ternal dispute approac iU climax.

T b a t lesson Is U iat we must not pen ever again, th e rise of facUonoi dls^i anco in th is country. Even now, .we h n o t recovered entirely from the cffect^ four years o l dvU war. The war now r

• Ing in Spain is, in lls consequences, e n o re d rea ^ u l than was our dvU war.

T he lesson is Uiot we cannol perinlt s trlv ln s forces, eiUier o t Fascism or Cc m unlsm, to secure a clutch in Uie fal o f our naUonal destiny...Wo have a democracy. We hove pro

tb e 'fact only recently. WIU we undcriU I t 'l a onr most imporUint possession? < business Is to sco to It th a t we do not come Involved in others ' famUy quan a n d th a t tb e qaarrelsome children in own fam ily a re iponked properly.

ONE CANBE_WRONG Woodrow Wilson was convinced Uie

tomobUa w ot destined to be a vchlcIe tb e r ich , only.. T lo o has proved bim . ^ n g .

Wo a re . w itnessing th e beginning o kindred in d u stry -o n d , bu r guess -concc ing its fu ture Is u good os. any,one's. 'E v en th e m aoufacturera of bouse t r

era a r e n t agreed conccm ing th e pot* UaUUea of Uie business.' I t Is csUmo there aro some threo bundred makers

j house traUers who are ope TOP m erdol scale. In recent j

f - units In the motor Indusi 9 , ^ Ul# rapidly expanding fie **■ mortaUty-rote o t Uaiier-

h l8h , _ . ........................ ...• ii» ta -< I t Is true Uiat builders ( i i S many of Ui'cm,-at least, 1

dence in Uie future of Un traU et company execuUves

— w monufoclure will alwa. scope and wUl by no mean

ma*. automobile IndustryISU4S • perhops tha t's true. Tt — ni at a among automobile—*‘2 and more years ago. No 1

accurately the future of t— IMS

— But It Isn’t wise to be is t ture Is Umltcd. There’s only«o a « j c e r ta ln -th e fact you ca2m » » th e capacity of the Ami

wT»d. for Uielr purdiose. •

_____ l i6 n ' in t o “f. (New York TU

I------- Ptir the lUUi ttin# Mr. B<elected lo the sfwile. The Mr a i dliliwaler wltlioul

-------- ejUat. fiopetlpiM lie Is riglil« " “ >♦ . Uut he Is ilglit. Hb powerfu

' -curl5uiIy-l»'UKinnu unlci.1 i waiai personase. Without nny rtl

nmoui slncerKy bul In Justice lo hb he may bc called lhe head

rtcr et sUge. Td lhe worid he b Id• <Urcr»i//«l M lier tur/aee. U0 Uie Knato U a aubJcct ol genei uitttie . in «Mch for good teaMns »

Republlcanj cannol bo expeei— StudenU of pollllcal natural

' shake Uielr Iitads ovtr ihe cUh a t "ex- sifted eptclmtn as the Uon of - J - . h u ptnly of couragc, bul he naae w 'oecaalons. U b overruled at tli xiodilng ordinary InsUnct of teU-pn os Alrei, l& m the Ume to be brare, h B P f u i . lUne to-llo low. Besides, lhe , , . 1* f . . muUi dbputcd. According to s M ir.ll, “ ll cowardly aitleiu lt Ume found nelUier ferocity nor nobl aroused characlcr. Ue even said that Uie rest the lion's roar from Uial ot

florili la perhaja- our betl roai mrirk Iblimcnt has earned him a d

if « Vlcllms of tho lion myUi, I iffecuve been seared again nnd again of this Toor, never more noUbly Uiai

;----------- yearj-hut-h# was roving Ultotie Pan- hke a lion, muth l tu lUco an c on BEo. . .1, . , II®® ^ August he withdrew ( se thero any candidacy cxcepl hb own. im's In- tnenUonlng nclliier Mr,.Rootcv J coun- don, lu went about h b stale co!1 bound showing himself to coniUtuenl

to bellere that be was a pemu ^ Washington, p e w . Not even "a muffled roar" wi sequent parts. Yei bo vns expounding of Jap - lold, in every town In Uie siau d third thorough perambulation a

certain names was rea: o .w triumphed by the art of neyw “ Uw lion, he mujl be a verslptl'who

NorUi" toto a fez.iksonly ■ .............

HOSIE WOBK TO fc. • (Cleveland JJa la ,D

roup o t along Uia someUmes tedious pi Itt Uie pubUe schoob of Chlcai

. . gUinlog of the February temesi«■ DO more hooxe wotk In Chica' 7 __ announced by Dr. William H.*« nio- intcndtnl of C hlago schootts, link- But before cheering loo loud:d oUier Chicago and ebewhtre should,or lives '^cluoon's plon’does not mean ic unHSa* 'he-alms-forjnortt-lntensJTrant

TKllh moro of Uie school day i0 cost- 1, now supposed to bo done bytowers Tlib uperlm ent is In line wl

h d tv o ' ^t]caU onanea'dm '6vetywli«n ((oan- doser wlUi Ufe. The pnMtAr Important In Uie high «

Uon ago a good many puplb le■s. l u completed Uielr formal- mUes. the elementary grades. Now I •s. eourse h u become «reU<nlgh ui ally to deal elfeeUvcly wlUi'youtJis of ’ minrf *>th an Interest along mechanli : u those wlUi a booklsli bent, 7 tU Ung iiigh school, especially in Uie ell to te of mously wider program Uiah Iti rate It, > quarter cenlury aga 'World Chicago idea Is to sup;

i« ^ i . «n»e. “ ®a>“ «V dtm wlllr the many dbuactlom tn is wban-Ufe. IM l succeeds, th rifom la should do less work, bul havelUs in - to show lor lu

. THE SALES TA.X AgiiUbo Granger

iClliUL — Tlwigli->he-ottfw»lwts-w>n shoot, strongly opposed by tho Ora

' large down a l the rcccnt elecllon, cot Jess of InlUaled by tor

"«1 designing poUUdans to Iia' count- jiie approaching session of tl stment' tu n and not only farmers, bul i es into compote the average man clu

Uie a ltrl and co-operate to prev acUon by the legblature.

I^mnera and other liuUvlduab ...* iu . of Uie Slate should mako Uielr r ■Pt Uie cIcltgaUons'fully understand tli re evi- oppose the re-Cnactmcnl of th oachcs they will regard the votes lor i

d!slo>-al and unfriendly.^ _ i ( Do th b now. farmen, btfore

b eonvtned. blu rb . • Tiio Uw was Uie diUd of self t have -of (he sUte whose solo purpoK ;cts o t tosaUoa thtmselves and ihrov w fag . larmtrs and the aitrage man ( , The tame'lortes will be at wot ■ ortcr tJ defeat Uielr stltlsli p

and otliers opposing llie obnoxloi ill Uic be actlro and p resen la sollil

Com- nU-itako about Uils danger-lhe fabric prepare for It.

provtd . —r«umd B R E A K F A S T I? Our _______________ ■ ■

‘’f - ■ SAJIE WARiw cls, A w m an was In lysterlcs U in our band had received a notice to

■ • the drali board.• ^ e r e b .n o cause for tonci

a neighbor. "Mosi. likely N uh cl&ulficatlon Uial will render It

le nu- luni lo go to war, Pelng a fart :Ic for a wlic and four chlldrtn."

" ll vould'sen’e him 'right If . u !d lhe vlfe. “I told h ta wlien i

• to leave Missouri and' “ "Dut tlmt woulUnX have lieli nccni- ••\Miaii" cxcltilincd the upwl !. imvliig a war. up lliere, loo!"trail- -------------- ----------

Mien- Tranip: ’Could j-ou spare mt coffecr

Bcoisman; -Hool, monl 'DVe crs of I Jumpa of sugar around In my j

operaUng on ft com- “It monlhs, powerful NATIOt' lu itry hftve entered ' / v t t t o q n field. Certainly Uie ler-buiidcr# wUl be '"W rlg b t, U

rs’ of house traliers,t, havo UtUo confl. ' b po b t in q . ithe industry. Some nation's terrUloves th ink tb a t IraU- itoosevelUw pci[ways be Umltcd-ln:ans rival in slM Uie S J S te

' I f ’anything, tlThere were pesai- and Uberal-exli

He buUders twenty Uio iu t Uiree >-n '0 one-can forecast f Ul# trauer Indus-

reslraUied. jusUi t confident lls fu- anti-New Dealer

' c S * c « S a 2 S S S r 'S ic ^ f f lunericanto fhid the money The uin t'Jus

exactly nolhing, T-9 W • sUndpolnt, everj) FOX ' thtlr decblons (Times) ,Uon to discoverBorali l iu been re- elared, Uiey .“fol stnate would be dull been only a few ..He b usually Inter- sscred tribunal i Iht, Uo always knows does tod4y.->vni ;rful .Inuucctuali are i.1 Ie b-a-grearptiKIir ~AW ED.Tmiae reflection upon h b orer the most sw<

h b dramalie artistry, h u given to any ad of the Amencan Washlngt^ and Idaho, and as fully It also heartens

. ilU conlinuanee In ^rumalliclc forcu tneral ccngralulaUpa. lUeugh tlirllltc s some dlsUngubhed v e lfh u jirlvatelj peclM to Join. appcannce of p< iral history, however, Ulll. He liad lo b classUlcatlon ot th b spoodent (the \

I of Idaho. U r. Borah dentally) lnto"v( he uses It on proper and dividend Inc 1 times by hb extra- hb reeleeUpn. Ue •p^ rva tlon . If h# u ia poilUcos Uiat t, ho also knowi the btfore InauguraU he lion's courage b n rla ln business i •j) some observen he ' confer' wlih theo itler. Dr. U rln^tons vacaUon. loblUty in the leonine U t. Soosevdils

“. 5 s s ' : s s s t f s j» UUe.'"”11, Republicans Imve aiTEES. Democ Bin by Mr. Borah's idcnt nooscvclt, a han In M and Uib txienl of llio Noi like Mr. Borab, not congress, governor in ostrich. At Cleve. r ' t h o s ^ T ; Uie pbtform. Some m tlielr victory

w lo Idaho, cold to ' lliuidreds of adt wn. Cannlly neutral, Uito office, su te itcvell nor Mr. l« n - dent's coatUUs. ; collecling voles and. publican. Democn

lenb vho liad come they did not esc miantnl resident of happens undtr sue

nomlnaUon to Uie w u heard In theso real e s u u nckei«

ing himself, we are kinds “ u ? n K latc. n ie larvciH of. doomed candidatesI and hb inability yclfi u S o u S

beach-comben Inu '" 'o rty .e lghtsU te

lho changed himielf are eeruin govem____ ‘Ihese raeu -c« r

the Democratic p:

S - f i r S S " " T oTin x n . i g> path of educaUon may tum their ejicago. With Uie be. Uian »«<">■ ju-a-pnester, thtre wUi be Thougli It was bIlcago schoob. It b men h u been su rtH. Johnson, suptr- elections lo tho sata- a wttk btfore. Tlujudly, the puplb In results fontold byaid, notice Uint Dr, poll Ihb ycar-havcnless study. Ralhtr. come more correct:and-effettlre-workr ir in ip w li ld r- iU g ly derated to what SoUi In'plcklng Uu by homrwork. Maryland h u rung

be.iwstn_Uie iU tei ra (oHoklhe scHm! Maryland has. ac problem b parUc- prvhecles simply 1

II school. A gtnera- a t Uie aame time I Itss itudloujly in. Maine. But Uie acci nsi education with commonwealth coUe w tlie high school gun h u InclinedI unlverssl. I l must luggest that 11 entof aU ijpti, Uiose bUl aulhorlilng ih<

anlu i lints, u veil the next w?«l"n of I TIius (he moderoJ elty. l iu au enor- DirUJSIAS, RepI lb predecessor of aro often called upo

n tn of Klwanls, Ucnipply-Uils broader suppers. In fact, elcI useful to Uie stu- ol a Whllo Housectloos InevlUble lo Fnm Uib curlothravetago itudtnl velopcd a iinlqua,llave more of ralue Uie J.'RusscU Youn

_______________Young hu_been a— h o " ! ) ^ lo cover

C AQAIN Washington Star l«ger) . ful If any oiher Joui

3range, w u voted CooUdgt. Hoover, Jtcovert efforts have he v u urged by Prttorporate InteresU a school lor.helplnjIiare il re-enacted tied fourih esuie.

If tlie su te legists- Mr. Young did. Sc'Ut ell ot ihose vho a diploma lo the prclass thould be on for the latter'a "tyirevent tuch unjust Soon the J. RusseU

Vlll hold lu secondb b of every counly engraved dlplotnuIr respective couniy because of h b ipetI tliat Uiey bitterly crowd thal “The oldUie law nnd Uiat Ickcs vlll bo honon

or re-cnactmtnl u Meaws. Tugwtll an plomu for Uie "spt

tore Uie leglslaturi make.”

selfish corporaUons JUNK. For Uie fit iwse w u to escape bulltUn board In Ut' 'ov the burten on noun;;ed llie unhap|i m of otlitr classes; tlon. Nobody knows wotk igalu and In a « a few of U30 btI purpose, farmen Bread lino »uppU<xious m euun must uieni (not used sinId fnn t. Make no £lt|>Iiani harnesshe battle b ahead, ''tl't above are pa

Wtll be cold Ior sU•— One (I) larg'o R4■ special <le.il8n for gi

inevcr used), •' FOOD’ .edlUons ot

b}' Al fimlUi. "Error ■ -------by >’unk and Wag

Uuit," by Doctor Tl I bfCiijiM her hus- !)>• wiioytu "Oone■ lo nppear before CoughUn.

Miscellaneous' Se sncem - comforted oerbys, TumeoaU, t Mh WIU receive n Auctlonetr: HARI ' It unnecessary fortarmer and having NOTES. An anU-

duced by Rc'presenti If he had to go," Vote on lu l year's

en thb vor sUrted joummeiit Intentnt nd move to Iov».” have high hopes tha lielltd." mind this Ume....set wife. "Are they liegun Invrsilgatlon ■

and operation hen whlskj-, sugar, canni

me someUilng for wheat, Torn, cheese creased'IhLi year—.

)Ve think I carrj' Seplember w tn H jr pockelJ,- September 1PM.


3NAU WHIRLIGIG3 BEHIND THB NEWS) '— , McCIora t<svspap«r Sysdicite) 'p

WASIimOTON............................... JBy Bay,Tneker y

}. Tlio supreme court accented the i Iflo mandate tor a conUnuatuo of polldes wllhout. batUng aa eye.

Deal obser^-ers-attendliig recent ' <m sft^g reed 'U iit Uia high prlesU '

t, Uie nembtrs-lMUi conservaUve •extilbll-more-tDeUovnau-Uian laI years. Justices Butler and RoberU r tial seemed like sardonlo commenU i nment argumenU, but Uielr qubi- ' ■£ nliuaUon lawyen w u poUle and 3- usUee McReynoIds, moit ardent ‘ aler on tho bench, listened wiUi A Id silent tongue. Even though Aal sunley Keed (umbled Uio legal ' Jme*. the court did not crowd and T I It h u In previous 'appearances. ' JusUces' demeanor may mean­

ing, Uut-lrom a purdy iponing very Uwyer m Uie eounUy awalu IS on (lending New Deal leglsU- ; .ver Blieiher, u Mr. Dooley do- .“follow tho rotums.’* There have few insunces hlUierlo when Uw lal slood on u hot a spot u it - 'ffll know by Januaiy a t Uie Uiest

. sweeping tr iu m p h ^ w S America any president except prcdecesjon ‘f? ind Atonroe am aas hb assocUtes. mS lens the business, industrial and Iw irces which fought him so fiercely llled by hb conquest, Mr. Itoose-itely uprcssed regret a l Uio db - W i f poatrful opposition oa'Caplibl ' Pft'« be forced by a perslsicpi com - Ime^Whlrllglg correspondent, Incl- Rll1 voicing.sausfacuoa over wage «'

Increases whl^h coincided wlUi RilUe declined suggesUons of cer- I®

Uist he tuge a JubUee celebraUon IKl iraUoa He l iu quleUy noUfled :ss men "that *he wUl be gUd Ui ;hem upon liU return from' h b —

1 T..« Uut In UUs Instance he does | \« actlllg; Uo appean to be awedggrandlMd. • _

mocraUo Icad'tn, Including Pr*,. i - ' It, aro secretly worried- over Uie November 3 sweep u It tf/ecU n

■non and sUte Ifgblalures. Thev ' Df party downfkU, slow but lure, H —

admUlcdly unfit candidates rode Jte and naUonal, on Uio presl- « is. 1)1 dUtrlcU lilsiotlcally Ro. *I>c locratic bosses. nominated men ^ expect to wm and. u always « such clrcumsUnco, hawked the Uie h lghai bidder. Loan'sharks PUlmr keteera and specUl groups of aU '' »1 funds for the supposedlr ‘ ‘1 Uu ates. As It turned out Mr. Roose- )us .vote canled these poUtlcal into offlco-at Waahlngton and " « h c u te caplub. Included In Uio ib t "^Uidre- .-emon nnd senaion. cssUng.e«ntuatly-nuiy m»ke or break : party. Tho chances aro Uint lho liand which unwltUngly led

I ^ f o r t h poUtlca) looUtuyen = u r: eyes toward Maryland raUier ■ ■ •a-presldenUal-propheU • —IS born In Jest, a « rloui move-urted U) slilft MaryUnd's stale S f wsame dato u Mamo's-or eren l u LTho reaion b Uial MAryland's w R l by Uie BalUmon.Sun paper's

Uvo matched Uib naUonal ouUrecUy_Ui»iuUie.iUto.of wiutli l i S Svs goes Mame, so goes Vermont.” i n BUie winner and hU perctotago f £ i i a

ung- Uie beU ever since Uie «nr W i f l_ E =

L achieved no publicity for lu 0> a I lly because It holds lu elecllon me u otlier su tes do-exctpt intent < accblm which Uie New England that he* »llecU by Jumping Uio pcllUcal to mak ed InfluenUal .Matybnders to truitecsl enter Uio preelecUon derby, a uto of a Uie shift wlU be presenled a t ^ mere 1 of Uio legbUtura a t Annspolb. ore_i,o

Eteportera who IraU presldenu upon lo make ipeeches-at dta- ' Uons, Rotary dubs and church ^be ol

, eloquence U almost a rcquUlie ui>lcuhe JSO reporter. desalblflirlous alUuUon Uwre w u dc- le,InsUtuUon a t Washington- oung School ot Expression, iJr. q'^ tn, a i.aJ»Torlte.ef.presldenl».ilncc. pver Uie WhlU Houte for the r iwenty years ago. I t b doubt- haysUek joumaUst had such confldenllal |he^falle,

r, Jtoosovell. An orator hlmwlfi loneliest President Roosevelt lo on;ani:e vanderei

iplng out Uie normally tontuc. Ieeled a U. ■■ ttroUed I

Some months ago h t awarded " “ r- 1 president and to -Jim" l-arlry “lyplcal pralrlo sUle" siw ii. No hoi

teU Young School of Eiptruion ri ond eonvocaUon. Sclieduled lor '* l u aro nankllti Ilooievcli Jr. ipeech teUlng a back-iilaitorm t old man's aUll In bed." Harold Tnorcd for hU doughty tlriiiery. room ali

and Hopkins wilt rccviio tli- could po "speecbes which Uiey iiiil .NOT Loubvlllt

chteler C• ------- lUs. I n

J first'Ume In hlstorj- tlie preu up lo ob I the Whlto House rctcnily an- peruser a inppy deUlb of a polliiai b w an. wide lows Uie ptrpeuator, bui litre boiled sli 9 bargains: somehowppUcs and soup kllclitn equip. I ground since 19M). read tha

less (unused slneo 19)1). ilp-totd 1 I packed and rendi' lor rjiwrt. storage clurges. Flllbg

' RcpubUcan gnss-inowcr —*n type of n ir grass growing m cliy jirtci*. W. W. t<

Wind amot rare books:—•Travelosyes.” rrors and Omlsiloni txec|i:fd.- Aflerm: Wagnalb. “JJOO .Monthly and tvening 1 r Townsend. “As Oocj Mninc- a wntehn jne Is My Wind.'.- by f-RHicr w|fe. Th

\ maid—Ull Eephanu, BUnd Mice. u,o»n cheek bo

U, etc. ' RembnuiiUID COMMON SENSE. Uirough t

nU-lynThlng bill vlli be l„tro.enUtlvo Ludlow ot Indlani.,..' n iih t drear's bfll w u . ordered, but ad- ror b ai,-ened.. .World court adi-oeaies of u » eyithat the senate win chsnje it-i er she ea....MarlUme commijilcn .-haj u'causes,on ot cost of ahlp consiruction and trem!len and abroad..r;JmpotU of m ague; 1mned meat, pork, 1mm. Uuon, el of tear eese nnd poutoes crfaliy—foodstuffs Importeil dutins The sn

H per cent larger than in come one clal muj


’ Y E P „ .A \ 4 ^ - w r0ABY G l R L . r S ^


PV / / m / / / m id n i g h t . . IJ( THEYRE 60 rH . j ' ( 8 ;

• • 7 DOING ^^ S W E L l i / , ^

* i l m

C j ^ '*1,

New Y ork I 0 Day Day U-B y O .O .M o I N iy R B - |

s-EW YORK. NOT. n -P e w ede- jrowUi ties of the New York parade now ' re so completely vlthdrawn trom conten ! spotlight u Alexander WooU- UghUu t, Consplclous tor years u a dra- puled >tlo crlUc, quondam acttfr and a no'- mi eak in the Algonquln'i- llleraiy laughU ilraml, ho is now- teen but atl- iho w •a. A radio Ulk now and then isimess 1 Uiat U aU. ' In tho)ver night he chucked hb page Pleu Tho New Yorker tnd ret out of allow l d t of U » fnnlla editors. Uo gradual hdrcw from rtgulsr radio brood- and Ui Ung. when he coutd avail hlmselt iHg 'Ui a number ot cholco offert Ma^ born. Ino edllon find him vague in again; lr overlurta. Also book pubUsh- ought

growth,------------------Ue-dbpoaed-of tho-ta;

g h b E u l side ap. Uiem. ■ R W S f l artment, "W its Men

End." And the of thel w » ^ > l i [ haunts he ustd undersl

to grace now and and It

of minors ns lo wbdom

S ! Q | j P ^ cvonbhment — Thumb and. like tnoil. are

IM W M such rumors are ^rsUur: . . I HfcelyJwiikered-ln

.a ile ln ty t* mere guessts. WeaU: Some eny he Is

mt on conquering the obeslly the4eU hlin.0U itn say he plans mako Uio most o t a collcge ilctshlp and lead U» clobtered f / l ^ J of a savant. SUlt oUiers say It's ”

icro aarbo shrink from Uie fur- -ho vantfl to be alone.

ne of tha old newjsUnd glrU Snnkta' he old Waldorf, Mary Doyle, h u jor mai »ahed her memoirs in a book ilblng lhat mirrored, rtd plush i ato lump. Kilt period. Mn. stuyve- haberds

I Pish li described u Uie social n> to I :n. a bright feral figure with no kuij « ale eye-brows wlio_vore-_at ail u a m p a, oh h tr ample booom. a young ed knee

rnlltionaWiley. U itn thtre w u Benjamin nlcknat «i llie willl9nnliT."'whg"seeniW’ tBS"iiirii Jlest of nil the Pentock Alley n,# dtrera. He loi-ed old lij-nvu, col- inundm td and hummed them u Iw. they fli Ued Bbout. The Waldorf hired thouBhi ly. rich eccentrics. -

) hotel todny has the «pacloai|i[I,ff*o/f ic roona of Ihe old Waldorf, copi-rl » -h u become too precioui. dtcale) re vere a dosen nooks u large tn - foyer of, ssy the R lti Carlton of ^ y. The out-of.lown ntwjpaptr,1 alaaja attracted me. Here 1 W c U . J peruse the-Kansu. City Star. I jvllle Courier Journal, Man-1 ler Ouardlsn and oUier favor-l I remember ono day looking, / ^ .

0 obicn-c tha t my nelghborln; v ser w u William Jennings Brj--. wide hal. black ihoestrlna th\ j •d slUrt nnd alL Hb a w n r c n m l ^ " * how pinged me Inlo a panic.' ound oul my clgaret. havlne

that he abhored, them, nnd oe<t out.

Ibg sUUon Ungo: ' a certnln' | i | )of motorist b known as an 1. A It

IV. to attcndanu-lnformallon. •1 and Water.

. I Due tolermaUi: 1 rblted the o'^er. wen tiIng In a home of Rcnilc folk. Manuf:itchmaker and his whltchnlrcil • ' “ li it

They had; ft''Beljlan-bom Condlil—Uie substanUdly built, high Ing mcic boned Flembh type of tlie «PWlybrandt prtats. She had gone ThesiIgh the v ar and u v her entire Uib traty massacred and ber home In «up<Ing ruins, u ahe fled In her Pointedi dress. A itflex from the hor- Appllb an unerontrollable' blinking bare gc« eyes, An IndefaUgable votk- Instoile cannot stand a sudden nolic. >tan.uses h tr lo tUnd la her tracts *d llelctremble u Uiough In stburnol Inttrlue; tnd U followed by a fresh- wmim

. — beloret snack bar business h u be- “<>"• 1. one of the surprise commer- *amlni mushrooms-llke Uw Tom^


. The Letdown

V y ' " H i pw a itW ^



I" ( i

Our Children SBy ANGELO J A T R I " J

PARE.Vr6 DO OROW ' extran>e_comlng_of_chl!dren_t*_mn£. Th-jen ts (icms to impcee a Once ■ling ef finality upon’’ Iheln usual iwUi. Tlicy seem to feel that the < w that iwrenthood has been slop iferred upon Uiem all Uio de- to sl lUul nonsense ot youUi h u de- cente rted from Uiem. There wlU be In ni - m o t» -dok ir-fe r-ihe -«8k e -o cares' ghter, no moro adventurtng for her j I wnture's take, no mote fool- Uon ness snapping a flippant finger bondo lho VTtnkled ftoe of wlsdoDU ehlldr 'lease. Uils b not so. Do not Uio cl •w 11 to be so. YouUi merges somet dually In experience and age. Ing a I.Uitro' b no necessity for fed- about

Uiat It dits when a child is The i n. RaUier U should bo bom pens, In; Tho coming of children r r r bl to bo an hupIraUon to { S K wth, lo imblUon and hopo and -tayety-of-swiM ha t ' goes wlUr —71' nten and vomen g r ^ to tho day their ending. Their power o t '* lersUndlng'. ihtir powtr lo create oUC I lo constnicl nnd lo ' enjoy n wlUi thetr experiences. Es- ialty do Uiey grow In undentand- f ,,' and that, u you know, U nbove lom. Rearing a child b a liberal Nc

imb golf enue. And. to tempt- .. are the dbplaya of tld-bit.1 that auranUurs are yowUhg they ato

IU making New York a 5 to 7 p town. WlUl tho snack snafflcts ‘R'’ '’ lacked wlUi yum yums and drink dinner time, they go homo to p 11 olf. The inttaacy of Uw ( «s b velcomed by the atfttude cen. Tht outfltUngs of tho snack - / - coRslsU'Of a vise cracking bar . r •'

1, a doten revolving bar chain : a strolling gutUr or accor-;^Plus Uio rumor tha t Tallulah , ( - . khesd or a vlslUng Robert T > may pop ta any moment.

stopped In one of Ute plush : erda^herlM lodny ftxed-to Itl ■ •< to the hllt for nn nsh gray tieI s.ilmon pink spoU like I taw i-Jlihtr.sporUng,-And>I-]and- ~> cnee dtep in the confusion of a - - - - ionalre's scion buying a few . nacks. Tho entire force was on jumji. Jlc WIU onicniig tics by ■gnus,' pajamas. slilrU and

glng robes by Uie .do»n. Wlien finally got around lo me I ifS r

ghl of t lu t one He purchase , pip-squtaked I vns only valt- ™ for a friend. And w jit vhbt- off dovn lhe street, pj-rlghl 1B3B. McNauRhl Syn- ™

dty at

a u g h t a C o l d ? " - ;& jT o help enti Jt sooner, “Erei J i r o b Uiroat and chest with vlcUm

T V A P o B u .• -------------- 10 rush

uka It.

M EN Umpcn

W ANTED Sffi.f o r deddtd


! to lhe demand for trained any mcn In Uib field, 40 Leading elUitr,:nufacturcrs' are co-opcrnUng stop toII itie Rclrlgerntton and Atr h u Inc idiiiontng InsUtute ta prepnr- fed tm men for vork in thU new and moal Wly growing IndusUy. henrd ( ■hese manufacturen • Indorse thb sta I training program and direct- Sl O' tuper^ue It by lU own ap-nted Board of Govtmors. • VAN-pp lla cu ' must be amblUous. Kerb).^ good referenees and be wlU- Splendlito prtpire In Uitlr spare tlmo bowels,earning thb new and unllmlt- on sluRi!Held. Bblf pt>nttntewi arranged by ap- differenniment only. Wrlle or phone wlume. Holbrook a t the Park bold of Uibore noon giving age. educa- jjmsble.

present employment and Tage—"I Johnsor


1 art to

_______________________ • alo

• f e. m ™

T s 'WEATER V ____ _ < . o t ‘


lucatlon In Itself, and, Uken dong 1th Uio other experiences of life, rovlde* Uie itlmulus for adult «v th , UlB ordinary nutlne of Illy living In the famUy provides lough of InleUectual food to de- ilop tho thoughtful parent Into an ;traordlnftry person. Tjja__nluiiida_.ot_mlnd. counu. _ nee a young moUier or f a lh tr- :ualty it b the moUier-accepU IB coming of children u a full op lo groath the growUi b likely I slop, “nicn v e Iiave Uie ditld. ntered mother vho b tnlcrcsled

noUilng, knows nboul nothing, res-noUilng for anythlng beyond) - T nur»ry door. Such a IlmlU-1 c j m upon growth Is a tentblel ndago upon tho mother and her I t s lldren. The day vUl come vheri0 children tum frem her toward i meone who h u kept on grow-1 and b contequtnUy knowing . . . . out life u Uio children lli-e It.10 parents say, when thb hap- y , ns, "Uow, ungrateful chlldnn

TOMACH PAINS Tull: D R raE-O R EJtfA N - “

TO SODA HABIT_____ ______________Opel

IUCS3 I Muflt’Hnvc Taken aB arrel o f I t ." Says Promi- andnenl C illrcnt Awful Gas »<** m oot M isery Since 1 9 2 1 - N ow H cSnyflV an-T oK cH oii. , " tRc!icrcdIH.‘?S u ffcrinW nd n"bithe Soda H abll !a G one!. mne

------- ' withtnoUier Amailng InsUnte of re- towiITrm irC onrSuffrrfiig came to inie'ht hero a few days ago In a find!temml nbout’' VAN-TAOB re- abocved from Mr. Raymond L. Weld- . . •r, of Otrvlui.Ore. Vnn.Tagels ams

t ****

IR. RAYMOND U WEIDNER Remarkable New Compound ot o rtr

ure's Roots and Herbs and er Splendid IngredlenU which itt, I recenUy taken ilib whole sec- the (

, hy Itorm and b now bdng i xn oduoed to crowds dslly In thb ttka a t Schremm.Johnson Drug, 102 u n

■um St. Mr. Weldner said: road >AS BLOAT MISERY GONEl

QtJITS SODA HABrri J •frer tUico IM l I had betn a 1"““ lm of ilooach dborden," u ld ' Weldner. •'Whenever I ale I

d feel the RU form Inside of me m i l mo up, and I would h tre J'*? ' ush out and gel tome soda and I It. I guess I m utt have Uken “ JTtl of soda, but It only gavo mo porary relief. I began to lose ht, and got down to only 143 *r ids. 1 read about Van.Tage, so I dtd to give th b new mtdlclne a . I want you to know Uiat I l ' l ^ n mo .more real help Uian I dared to hope for. Now n y food ®

es wlUi me. I don't havo lo taka ^ m en of tha t disgusting toda,

•r, ^ U M v*n-TBge h u pul a to the stomach g u ; M/welght tacreased to 171 pounds, and 1 " I " fine all over. Vnn-Tago b the ■*?\ t vonderful medicine I ever •d of. and I will jud ly verify “ ^ statemeni to anyone.- IlerI CREAT NATURAL IIEBBS fnll ■

IN THE VAN-TAOE sole iIN-TAOE conuins 31 Oreat arch i M. and nearly tt dosen olhtr at .thi ndld IngredlenU TTiey cleanse $138, ■U, clear gas from itomath. tr t Wb h; lugglsh Ilver and kidneys. Mber- acres people vrlte ,us they toon feel boll d rent all over. Due to Immejise me In vhlch tt sella, ths price lb Amatlng Compound Is rea- ' L L /. ble. So don'l hcslUte. Get 'Van- wTODAY! — nt Schramm- ijon Drug; 103 N. Main S t .- On

«« . WahaToaatrUltrtaveTTtW Bg' lo Uidr noeds and h u e ve are, life alone, whUe thoy go Uielr way'arrjl tlnd ottier Irlendi, other mtertsb’k

Orow along wlUx yoof eh lldn i and Uib cannot happen. I knowk that. Ui# comlqg ot children mahs | changes in tbo home toullae aa&f Uie acUvlUes of Uio parenU neotJ-' tary, bul these chtngcs can be madt and lUll leare rt»m for Uio growth of tha puenU. Qrovtti Is inheicnk ta every one of us. I t b never eea* pitted, neii-er checked unUl wa aUoW ourselvts to check It: There b aU ways room.for acUvlUes .that one. enjoys, always Ume for friends and ' Uie UlUe gaUierlngi ot friends Uiil make life sweet for us. A llllle fore- Uiought and a great deal of deter-, - mtaaUon vlll make groa-th con« tlnuous.

Chlldten <So noi n t td a» much " roUowlng u parenu uiudly think leoessary. MoUiers and faUieni w d more relaxation and fun ahd , usodntlon v llh their oan sort ta r nore lhan tliey usually Uiink nee- sssary. ParenUl conschtnccs aro iversensltli-e In thb particular. .In« tead of fedlng guilty about .taking Ime for tdf-devdopment and-telf- ulture Uity ought to plume thtm- dves for I t JT H e-trovC g patent I the best parent for tbe growing hild.

Patrt wiU g lia . penoBsS tlenllon lo Inqulriei fnm par- nU and tcbool leacbtn on Uib a n and devtlopmenl ot children. Vrit« hlffl fn care of Ihb paper, Dtfoaliir. » thrto ceal stamped, tlf-addrcMd envelope for reply,-fC opyrlgliim J.byThoB dlSyn- ••tcale. Ine.)

I cannol lell yon vhat llie fatun farmen will be like . . . bot Ihe »-op b aeUtag a n e v rabbet tlr- rd tractor and the big monatrr Is all painted rtd . . . I luve a tlau colter painted red . . . II li -.ailed the Rcd D erll. . . bbt th li tlau cotter can't travel n tar aa i fail u th b r ttf devil tractor. jnireo-Bp-®iKr«t«rthat'eamB-tr — Iior place had the (bn ttle vide I Ipen, atui It took three of iti io J CO l l . . . ono lald h e n II cornea

aaother «a(4 Ihen I l b . . . md (he third one' aald th tn II :oea . . . lliat Iractor w u iome- hlng llko CUod P ra lt . . . 11 w u in the toad to the liospUal, bnt tl uthlgh-liatted.lhe.liospilallUie. _ lobody's boslneci . . . Ja«l ai i nnch .u lo say, Jiut fill me up ' lUh oH and g u I 'll milk jour owt and cut yonr graai. . . looks iib'^h'rtaiTOera“ li6>T“ (!i>s~irr Indlng ost that they can do Juit boot whatever they undertake . . weU m on power to Ihem. I m a fana organlutlon myself In act I belong to tho Fana tn ';o -o p . . . they may have lo pay10 a dividend . . . who ean tell - . . I am not n it trying to get onhe good side of th» {knneTt. . . I Ml believe in trying to help them . nd I don'l rare who knows IL I m not uhamed At the Grange nd I don’MhInk they are uham . d of m& Back In K ansu when re had a Jolnl meeting' yonr tnde CUad was cennled a;< one f Ihe farmera dealen . -. . youlight call CUnd Pratt »n Inter- __irm “orga'nluUoniilsf,'* IhaCs" nather ward lliat Webiter ean dd Id hll dlcttonarr. 1 am feel. ___

nr lost mlik cow,, and we BBght w a u c k of yellow eom I ta l. . . we a n also selltag lols r oak fleorlng and hare aold rer 13iM tacks of cement doting ie lu t feur weeks. . . and ihlng- s, Ihey travel almott as fu l as le Co-op's Red Dtrll frflctor. . . would like to teo lhal trw ter Jte off across lhe field u fast I It vaa trarcling .down Ihe i >ad pnlUng a plow. . ^I wcBldo'l want io be sUndlng X ilUti a hnndred feel of » on 4 le r ight'hand tid^ especUUy 1 Ithtw mottUi o p e n .. .U u l old / ed Devil tractor wonld Ihrow rt like a snowplow. If I had a tld to plow, and a lot of eows mlUc and a lot ol fe r tm w to

atler oat, and a lot of egp to in] to lown. aod a lot e f feed

grind I bellcTe I woold boy' t ane of thow Co-op Red Dtrll ttlcra. Wo tell glau and gun ease u well u batteries and lOli, oretalls and ovenhoes a t — ; ta prlcea. and Ibo FUk tire* weI aro leUIng faster and fu te r id Ibo motor and tractor od we11 ts abtOlBUly ansorpassed. . . h u BO peer, peopla eomo frem r u d near. Clip th b ad ost and id It io yonr nandfaUier, aad t him It he IWnka Ctaod Trait erasyor fs he Jest foo fat? .Hen's a het thoL 15 Inch top -II m .lB leallier. aolld leather • le nnVheel with giiaranteed eh fopport lo all tires for mmIhU riatcBlanily low ptlee #t j

!U . . , Downtown prU*. « a s . Ma hare Iota ef parking room. S> f Mn t e t acUvtty, althongh my MU ilog-hai left. ^ ■


On Ih, n . . a I . m n u p iu i W

Page 5: · C Ily E d ltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102._____________ Mine Rescu Struggles'

■iiiicissii irlEGISiAMlEBSL

M any P robem s F ace /daho ' SoonsI, R epresen ta tives Am

. a l Next Session S------- in A

.B O B a Not. H MV-TTn tumult Thiof Idaho'i 10*months*!on; election cmlucimpiilia i iu diMl. and poIlUnl Claralntere*t>UHMfQnt to problems tha t lii acwlU confront the tu te 'a lith .ltgU - tf. onlaiur«. • ly »©' Political irluacrM foresee tliue u "TheMtno of (he luues Iht lavmaken toolb*>111 b« ealled upon lo vyIkIi during andthe eo-dar eculon beElnnlnt Ju i- leadsuary 4: thcat

. 1. nerlJlon or llie llQUor l a n lo Du• plwfl upon a member or olflecr of plajt

tha commlulon the duty of entorc- iloro■ Ins.the law, iMlcad of Inving cn- dcn,

forcemcnt up to county oHlcera licr;and the alale law enforcement de- ousparttntnl, *IU>

a, An alUmpt completely to Amci-amend' the pruent liquor commls* Oeor

aion aelup and change to a spte tn ble :lhat would reserve lo the stale po* CarltIlclng power only. Caeli

____1 Ttfvtnufi mcasureB_ln_provlJe Nortl1130,000 monthly lor rtllel, uhlch of Al for nearly two jvara h u been ftn* lane, anced by tht 3 per cent retalal u ica and i las that waa defeated In the No- An I’ember 3 rfferrniJum. f/lea,

4. 4;feallon of a*Ut« police force Jait and criminal Identlflcalloa bureau, any

8. Ttev-hlon of municipal power elude regulatloiu to do away with' legal Bobb lechnlcallllei making It dllilcult for Jone: cities to go Inlo the power busl- peart new. • crip,

8. &cpanslon ot the Unlveralty Pran of Idaho, loutliem branch, a t Po> "Klni calello, from a lwo->tar to a four* "Chu year Institution. •-

7. Production, of additional rev­enue lo complete the public acliool S®™

I. ApproprlfttloM for vsrloiis In* f " ' atllutlons a n i divisions of govern- menu

Few Change*Capitol talk h u It that the In-

fomlnj chief executlre. Dardlla W.Clark of Idaho ralLv wlll make fvw

. ehingcs.ln the personnel of^ partmenb and bureaus. ••

Caplaln K. W. Abendroth. Oov- emor 0. Ben Rou' mlllta/y aldo foa the past six years and prexnt atate purchulng agent, wlll bo promoted, friends ol Clark predlcL

One-of lh# Ilrst problems Oover*— nor-tleeV-c;arlt-lia*-to-deal-»lUuU- —

the budgel; he and Governor Ito.\i will confer before tlw month end.i. executive oUlce attaches say. Tliei



Andy Devine probably hu,played'llh and against more Alt-Amerkaii • t otball pla>-ers lhaa any olher man ■ , America. ^ ‘ KThe popular 'grarel-Uiroat- com-1 •; J nian played fooiball a t 8antn[ . W lara unh-.tally and h u appeared . acores ot-stidlron pictures tum* « ; out In Hollywood. Ile U current- ^

teen as a comical plgsklnner In J S m e Big Oame." lUCO Radio's M polball drama wllh m U p lluslon B H Id June Travis In t>w romantic 1 ads^now-al Uncle Joe-K's Roxy n M icaler. B HDuring Ills movie career Andy lajed with Hie tmmorlar "Four ^ oreemcn" of Notre Dame — Lay* , :n, Crowley, . Miller and Stuldre- f,., ,,, cr; with "Hed'’ Oranse. Ihc fam* , „ IS "Oalloplng Ohost ot Illinois; .. Itli.Ernle Nei-ers, alMlmo All- mcflcan Jrom filanlord; with eorge Wilson ot Waslilngton; Al- lc Booth ot Yale. SchwarU and arldeo of Notre Dame. Chris .“Red" aele ot Ajmy. "Reb': Ruisell ot ortliwetlem. John '■Sugar'* Cain , [ Alabama. Jerry DalrympinifTlp- , .ne. Clarence Munn of Minnesota.:id many others. !!'Andy sayi the group of All*Am- gyj 'lean stars In “The Big Oame" are ^ lit as classy football playera as , ly of the old*llmcra, Tliey In* ude Jay Derwangcr of Chicago U„ obby 'WlUbn-of-S.-M.-U^'Oomer ‘’'Ijy ' jncs of Ohio State, Bill flhakes- - ‘ . Mre of Nolro Dame. "Monk" Mos- ° , •Ip, Robert "Bones" Hamillon and rank Alustlta of Stanford. Irwln .<lng Kong- Klein of-trY."U„ and aiuck" Bennls ot IlUnols. p,,!— ' was Ioremor's recommcndntlons are K> jbmltied to the ftate leglslalure )r approval, amendment or re)ec- A[*f' on wtien appropriations are made,



8 6 9 _ _ _ I

Oil-Fia. . -OfFICIAl COUNT (

AmBricof) Aulomebil

^ coughi wilh cJcplelei

dif?icullicJ.'' Don'l lel^ -------------------- jy ilem -checkedrof-s

ensino Ihe big exlro

Oi/'Pfofing wilh Cone

0 definite Ploling of


Then OH-Ploling is oh

you drive, bul belwei

curb or ol n ighl-w hi

mains completely Oil-]

oily enables this oil Ic

clher porli, lo Oil-P/a

Since there connel b

COUI# of W inler wear

cessed 0*1 and its excl

™ t S 11Comln gto the Orpheum K



I mewkVIlh a laagb,'a till, a Ihrill anil Coppeiicart'panr, Intmpened with k t * rlxlyfIt nfw muilcal hlla. “Slar for a Kteld*,llll," oprni lomorrow al Ihe Or* Erani,eum Ihealer, msny <fealurlng Claire Trttor, Jan* tie wl.rwelt, Aitln* h i t i . Etelyn Van* manee,Ir, J. rdward lUombrrg,' Dean wllh |ir r and Alan DIntharl, Ihe Him dowrdt« an entrancing ilory of how prograidrap rhorut girls (um a mutlcal n t ntnw to w -lo rrr and Broadway r i - SheiA -alH ta.aate.bellcTa-to- roafca- •(-U iimother'! drrarai ceme tme. Rugglc

---------------------- SeverSERVICES FOB INFANT

QURLEY-Drlef funeral sen 'lces--------tv held at the Payne mortuary • turday for WillUm Leon Smltli.ant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. . / ,Illll,.W. II. Oltjson offlclaled. \Y 'f iMrs. Fred Smllh sang- ':Yqur V s Jeet Ultle RoJCbud HaTLeffYou- ^ d.Mrs. Prcd fimlth nnd Mrs. idjfy tang "Sometime We'll Uti-rsuind," Prayer was ollered by ^5crt Cliesley. ^PoUowlng the len’lces the body ^ s laken by llie Payne mortuaryParker, Idaho, for Interment. j

Into fer bigger and belter ralrei. m w obe Seed t Fetd Co.-Adv. U U .

A U C T I O N------- ------ NOVEMBEl

Miles South of Ilanstn, HORSES, CATTLE, MACHINl



l a r k s t h e - c a r v

i t e d ^ n i

IT ef lasl yeor'i emergenciei hondlec

ibile Asseciolion shows "3 ,200 ,000 r

^led bo lle tie s. . . ond 2,000,000 ho<

lel il ba you this Winter. Hovo yeur t

>f-ceurj«.-Bvy good gosoline.- And g

ro surely of modern Oif*P/olInj.--------

:neco Germ Precesied o ii-po len led

of oil en every engine part continue

olwoys ih e ro i^h e o d oli woor, nol or

ween limes, too, Thtough hours of col

when olher oils droin d o ^ n -y o u r en

5il-P/oled. For lhe pelenled Germ Pfoci

ii lo unile wilh bearings, pistons, cylinc

P/ole'lhem for smooth, Jllppy, drogle:

■I b# a moment of "missing oil," lhe '

!or is oul, as you change te Conoco G«

xclusive Oil-P/olinjj. Conlinenlal Oil G

:rm process

J o


'D avid _ ^ p e r l i e l d ’ FINA

f f l c


A doMy >'»

it’- V ; n'-xutii lili. S!

V . ; \ ^ IlWlOJIPurhlilllslMiiLl

kglnntag lemorrow the Idaho ■aler presenia ai IU regnUr mid* rk rtlBTTi hll Frtddle B*rtholo. w la Charlu Dlckena' "David pperfleld,” wllh 3 a lar ra il of ■ ■ lyflve playerw Ineludlnj W. C. I I | 1 Ids, Llenel Darrymore, Aladtr ■ * I am, AlaBmn.O'SulllTan, amt ■ I J ny ether*. This li'a IKerary elu* with » lave alcrr, foil of r«-

jiee, heart Inlem t and tinged lh palhei. AUs U li amply en- ' nrd with comedy contrast The igran ll complelfid with ihe lat-

newa eventa. ihowlng for (he lail (lme* (oda; -lh*-ldahe-tbe«lrr-U -C I>arln - ggles and Mary Boland In “Wl«c. ver Knew."


' 7 ^ / ■

^ J ! m

Schillingp e p p e r

^ S A L EE R J8en, S li'f tin i: 1 I*. M.INERY, HOl'SEHOLD S

f ESTATE __________;K, Auclionccr

with tI is - ~

iglnedied by the,

)0 moleiiilt

hod slorler

ur eleclricol

d give your- • • - -


inuoujly ...

ll onlyv-hlje

cold otiKe

engine re- .



glejs ttorl».

he gteoieil


iSEi Oil



------- It. 01BURLED-, Nov. 18-Uist rltrs ' PalU .■re conducted Saturday alternoon Home: 2 o'clock at FJbft L D. S. churcli

ir Vilnuind P. Homer, pioneer . rmer. Ilutiop Ellhu Dctclier of-,:ls irj. FA double mixed quartci sang •'Oh, _ _ y t'atlirr." Pm>-er wns olJftwl bv

M- Olllcy (Uld wa.1 Iollott\'<l ■ n i»oIo, -I Have-Read of ttic■AUlllul Clly," by Mra. Wx Pnr- _____11. SprnVen were On’fll Ward,.'liop Davkl Hubbard and Afonto irhli wllh cliMliis remarks, by .'Iwii Beectirr. ,\lr. and Mla. LfW- Einw »nng a duct culllled, "Tlml raiiiilul Ijnd," accomimnled liy v„i.. r>. ttoyd Lravllt. and thr clc»- R Mins by Uie quartet. "Ood Bc Ul. You TUI We Meel Again." The

[ l i l l H i l kM I^ h o t s e ™ ~ ^

NYE-AVANTMagle a iy Feed * Fuel Co. ~ ~ ~

Fontierly Nya Coal C». •N. V, Ny# Leonard Avant

. Clarenee H. Nye !H A Y C R A IN -F E E D * I


"POCin creC hila

Three years ago, It w is fl child in'ever^

fcrs from poor eyesig

th a t defective child.eye

on the Increase.

. . . a n d so- Scientisls; Eyt Lighting Expe

I .E

_ Eled S

lalng prayer w u by Jolm Ottlcy. ^ termcnt w u tn the Qba ceme*-y with grave dMilcatlcn by Pred

Ollley.Pallbearen were relatives of thc imer lamlly.

Real E s ta te t r a n s l e r s•umlshcd b; iht Twin PaUa Tltli

and Abjtracl Company

Jeed; N, V. .s')a lo c. Tf. .Nye.W 'j of U)t 7 Clk 3 Joiif.vAd-


jlobo A*1 laying mash. geU rt*Is. Globe Seed and Fred Co.—

r X M I N a f t V S l ' g l i S S / C L A M

I M E A T ■V l o a p ^ ^ ' : ^i.«i ((•riOMiiiuiHClotiaCiAus •u,<i *M I n t«ii I <•» •i.ikI.I.O >mM>. Tm, to, 11 MU« ..xk. iMk Hlr. AM S,.,M •<>> t'M»I v,.h I,t« 1 ^vf *• »*4f**<llf • I1>S««0 4,VM.1


riiONE uo

OR EY!casing Q dren ''!

is found thnl

'e ry five suf*

;sighl — iind


3— . E syesight Specialists, lerts Designed the


a • S c ie n c c h o d f o u n d th a 1 - w a s c o n t r ib u H n g to d c fc ^ th a f e y e s tr a in p ro d u c e s ^ - f a t ig u e , h e a d a c h e s a n d 0

S o — fro m c a r e f u l -^ciont c a m e a n e w la m p , -i p tn g , o n e l h a t g iv e s b e l te r c o s t . I t la k e s ifs n a m e frort It w as b u llr 16 s p e c if ic n ii I l lu m in a t in g E n g in e e r in g S'

■ P r o te c t y o u r fa n j i ly 's e ;Cbi< ' 'b e t t e r s e e in g " la m p s . G uai

, m o s t p r e c io u s p o sse ss io n s , f in d , a t y o u r la m p d e . i l c r 's , . fo r e v e ry l ig h t in g n e e d — s se w in g .


ctrlcal ® E Sales Assc

IBEIt 17. 1030 ' ,

An I.E,S.For Every P u rp o se

- F loo r M o d e ls , T ib l c L am

J u n io r F loo r L a m p s

B ridge L im p s

, 3 ' ' 2 3 ' ' ^ IVisit the Idiiho Power j i s.ifcsiponi .Hid scc these / M new I.E.S. D citcr Sight h M Lamps, A selec­tio n o f m o d e ls to choose frem in new de-

-sign .md new finishes.SluiJes .vc in tlic new*_______;esl niatcfials and colors..

•N ' ■”

IDAHO^I- £ f o d h i d t l / - ^ i Se MOCH-

E S IG H Ta m o n g (

i i7

h a t.p o o r l ig h t in g if e c tiv e e y e s ig h t , cs w ea rin ess a n d J o th e r d iso rd e rs . • i W

'n t if ic r e s e a r c h 3H | a | p fo r b e t le r s e e - ' ■te r lig h t a t le ss ■

o m th c fa c t th a l ■n tio n s f ro m th c JI S o c ic ly I I .E .S .) i io w T m : i . . ig h l w ilh th e s e , u a rd o n e o f li f e 's „ ,p IS, N ow y o u c a n

. ' IlK- «liAilr rrs, a n l,E.S . L am p n«nun'iiiigiii

- Ilm on1ln»r;- S tudy , r e a d in g , t.ith t tor iir

J S — G O O D ; . I G H T IS


. M C E F i ^

>. Lamp

im p s

POWERCH-Corts’s e u r m i - - •

r isour

' K.

. I ■,

f \

>: I. y. s, I..VMPIIKS lllO’fUKKKi;i\r.

I IionI ftlmlniiln >rirn< llir llsi.l,• trJIr,-!. TUH i:Iglil ilminiinril •« ‘J>r7 liinip, llriirf Ilftlrr Wihl!



Page 6: · C Ily E d ltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102._____________ Mine Rescu Struggles'

I■ ■ opnttmwd f ro n U i t teai> f —

8W 0P8IS: 8*llr Wm tm w *kcM Irilh tb# exelHin pto«p»el “ ‘‘Ia $UrUv be rn tw ieb u to tltir ®*"«dlur c( tb« Wkmnlon Ccorier. ..y A1«V* IbeBtblfnl «t o lbtn, the

- c a b U» Iwloi, Tlmi»iti U p ^- and fU)4bai iU r. ud .tH p i doim

•U in (a flid ber rt«pmo{hrr rt- lacUnllr crtUnc bretkfut - or- I d dlowUy S t V i aoly. T»klnr*«Tf en. th« bbeoil BiklDf. 61U7 dcKIr tb it (lolibii Ibe bruU M t prcpin* ttou. Uer tMthn, a r t t p ttlt i . SBiU town U *ytf nhoM Income ^ . h u d«tladled i*dlr. jolni Ihcm “ u d tbe e m n m ilo a m n lo 6«U7'i Job M Xl-mr-otd lUr Tt! conn 1« tbo brwkfMt Uble.. otf <

worriCbvUT Two. ■ >«? ’

In tb t EdltorUl Room. * alUy W tn tn fulped doini his '

Kcond cup 'Of coKtt tnd fo>d<xl , I . . the rwt «jf th« tgs lnu>» wodslch; “ »hU* his oioUitr lookfd on dlap- ‘ prertnily. “n

. Kt VU' a duk , hindwme boy. n m n th i f lUffht « i j 'e l and full of for A

~promUe. 11 filTHIgnlprriirwuld'M r Wd-t turned tnto the rljht ehinnel. He i *11 n u itudylnt hwd now fo r» lehol. be I

‘ anhlp vhlch jniuld Uke him i« a ; lUru to eoJlw Md t j:re-medlc*l pulili touiK. W ilehlnj him e it *nd retd you I Salljr tbouiht he might al veil be to ur catlnc Mvduit u bticults and out a omelet. !•]>

1 “You oulbt to Mt more, n ir ,”U n . W«r«n complilned. “You need , i , „ ’

I, plenly of good food whllo you-re I irov lng-"i -Don't vorry about me. Mo*. ,

I'm a lv a» itufflng from morning ' till night l 'n got my pocket full ‘TIj ' ol peanuts nov. So long— ” Sally.

He la r t h li mother a hu ty U u us ha and ran out. Adelaide Warren’i ey« ■ folloved him'adoringly.

“Don't you think he looki thtn, ' S»«l • 6tUyJ" • behlni

“He'i Juit growing fu t,’ comfort- bHck cd Bally. '1 think he'i handiome and flne-gotng (0 be a good doc- dock' tor 0D« ot UXM dayi- lf we keep Uie 1 him on_ the tnck; ind a_heirt- the d( breaker beildei.’' ' " ~ flee.”

“I hopo he won't marry for a long cept I Ume, U erer.” lald M ri Warren Itrges ud ly .,. room.

, “Well, l l a going to. and you ►Oo m iW .M w u get uml t<rlhe ldc»i^ oertal

' MM Tip Warren, coming In tm> kqo ezpcct«d{y tnd UlUng lier moUier . k ^ i clear ol the Iloor In a quick hug. h . j 41

"Tip, you little witieh. k t mother ,m . ] gol" Itld Sally, coming' to Ade* that t Ulde’i retcue. “Oo and play .vlth m um

^ ) td - y o u know he Ukei It." , , t »iii “Of COUTM he doej.- u ld Tip, h to f

U i^ g Robert W aim 'i bald ipot. eomoe and taking av iy hU paper. “Hov

» " » ? • " " ■ ' " • ’'“ • a s ’

■ “N ew mind," u ld Ttp. attacking hour 1 _ U » to « * y M L J l! lh J 88iJipp*Ul«. levtt-

“K no one handtome comta along, iim, 111 many * rich man and u v e lhe a»n

• Uiat 1.. "Ttp.“ aurm uitd ber mother dli- approTiotly. but Uw look ahe gare duk Jlay'4 t m - w t a r m g but h i n t N O ^ could erer be reiy cro« v lth Tip. who v u dark like Ray. n i bi

_ b a t uoaU aad-»l»ld. like tone ol U« ^ f u ^ o T lW ^ a m h vomen. vho had been bellet of the Warren- ton for getMratlona. “ “

Duke Adaau b h li nev plane tJiJi . ■’2 5 ' ; “ cUmlj. “ . V

"rou're notl" u ld her mother. ^ o. “I ^ r t , forbid h tr to go." -

“K Sally goea up with Terry M»mard. I don't m vhy I can'l go up with Duke." pouted Up.

Of eouree you van t to do . vhat..SaUy.doe».”.M ld-M n. War.' f f i

r tn aagrtly. “i knev wmetWng Sv,?T,

"Come, eome, now, Adelaide.". Uld Mr. W antn mildly, -yeung '“ L "

Maynard'j a lehoolmale of Saliyi ■ and a line leilow, I can't- u y ; < n

^ m a k e t h i s m o d i

■ T w i t r P a l l F D a i l y N (

/ M \ \ AddnPaiuni

------------------------ P(_

i l lAllEY WOIH ^

__________ . _____ ^ 8 1

rant either of*rou two fljJns. bul :ally It old enough lo pick her wn Irlcndi, I'm lure." ^

'Tcfl, SaUy can pick her friendi, nd lead Tip, who's not old enough m > know better, to Umt old garaee U ^ ike vtial’s left.”

“M olherr Bally'i fice waa slflk- ] n. "You don'l-you don'l tlilnk. > » t tboul m e r“Of oourte the 'doesn't." u ld Tip. ^ Mhlng bick her dufr, “Shc-i only JM Ild with mo in d she's taking It VJU it on you. Dy*by—"Tip bJew Ihem a k lu and went ^ tf cheerfully.-TMnlly rows never orrled her, 10 long as ihe bade? *f»y. . , ■ J"Don't you bolher v lth Uie dl»h- ' *' I," u ld Mn. W antn, wlUiout look- lg I t 8tVr. I'm tony z u ld R'hat f—■ did about you and-«nd Uitit boy. tn lure X didn't mean iny harm.* *C ‘ a t ' t tll right," u ld Silly, IsB arming toward her atepmoiher, p c ir Adelealde Warren rarely idmll- L // H -th a tT h e -w a rtn -th e ^ r-B u l- - g «1U run along. I don't want to

J late Urj l in t momlng." flhe | ~ arted oul. then lumed baek Im- ) iltlrely. ".Mother. If It will make , lU fett betler. 111 promise not to • up with Terry any more—with* it uklng you and Dad Ilnl.""11 you vould. Sally" u ld Mn. arren. looking relieved, "X de- tre,’Tlp worries me so. I know that ike Adams Is not a fit penon for , ir lo bo. Vlth. and she's too im j to fly uirw tr."T ip w u bom with wlnp," u ld L - lly. Uughlng," but the m t of haw to work for ‘cm." e =

Enteri Tbe Soclely Editor gSally w u gild to leave the house hind and go 10 Uie .duity old _ ick building on Mlln tlreet which \ u m l tW Warrenton Courier. Tlie ck'strvck nine -as she cltmbed m t ita In and paused timidly In . U s doorwiy of the big edltorUl of- i n e.“ Tnere'vas-TKi-on8-there-ex-— H J }t Uie city editor, who had thc K le st desk. In one comer of the A im. K-Oood momlng," said Gaily un- S ■tataly; . «'Oood momlng," u ld Uie editor lenUy. without looking up. He . }r* d already gone over Sally's duties i l her and had promptly forgot It Uxre was to be a nev person M Uie olllce. Sally knew h to veil ^ alght and her father had known I V n for }-can. Hugh Johnton v u a npetent newiptper man and \Z* iO’one knew that old Mr. Win* ' 1 2 le, who ovned tbe paper, had Jongce tumed over ati the editorial --------r k to him. Mr. Wlngito rarely • • .<« ne to his offloe for more Uian an P llv ir a day, and his editorials grew ULUil r tr -a n d -Je u -rlg o ro u s-a ll-th e --------- -

3aUy ctoeaed to -,U ie-^g-d t»k It had been M lu DeUa'i. Tbtre te tlrcidy iome JUmi.on her ‘Ik. and Ihere w u a copy of Uie BUHmCng paper v llh several blU of ing ofal nevi marked Jot- her. she mercei busily pecking atUie typewriter of Butc t-U m porU -edlto rr-M ac-Jlc .. on.Sal tiom. came In. He uuntered over ollnSally's desk and wat<hed her mlttc;

>greu vllh’ Inlereat. be mii''Whete'd you' leam l« lype?" be pLceted'pteteaUyr-'-------------— Bpenln'I - I kamed a t home by mytelf." eirllerd ally, itarUed. II li piPreliy good." lald Uie ttd*hilr* Ing of. S c o t i an. "You're Just vhat launch

s"o m « needed." Xle itroUed hollBai:r to hU ovn desk. leavInK Silly mltteeIhed. but pleued. grand.tier t |» oUien came ln - « girl Uie reiorter_« th_a lopd voice, wbo e itnu . iW henelf on beUig u h a rt u TheIs. andau tka llve ’manwhocov* fkctord the police court and v ts Cloverv s Ulklng aboul I t-b u t Utey w u rt:d llUle attention'to Sally. ed upiCopyright. IMt, Btlley Wolfe) Shojhc

~»ConUnued 'n Next Issue)

)EL AT HOMe I ^the 51;

News Pattern- shouldIM 0* UNE -tVASir FROCK ' “ !• » OR >fATnONS'K AtL*DAY

WEAR • Uw! '"IPATTEItN d J . ~ ~ ~T

h O t n n c C i l o i n y j Jay goodbye to tlie "house dr«s" jMterrcar. for this isjg model imirl enoush 10 sene ax an aft- oon frock, loo! Indetd. In the ft s sleeved venlon youH wear It -

InJormal vljlls, shopping, and umerablc j»y occaalonsl Are 1 ^ bit on the "wclgftty" side? _ _ tn your problema are over, for< drtlRliiftii It}* *|(j mike you .i rred-sllm. and Inchee taller. ll?o- b spelled by lU Irlm col- snd low neck, with a panelled

111 and • illglitly flared akirl riei lU’s to tlK smart eftecl. Eully Dc de. Is Pattern <313, and so slm- Con

to eul and stllch lha t you'll fT T Z ^ It flniil)cd In no lime. Youll - rf fc I this frock In percale or glng* v t '-P ^ and a lo/rg-. ieft-cd vcnfon ta

'attem «I3 ij avBllable In s la s 36. 38. « . 42. 40 and 45, giM lakes 4 yards 3S Incli fabrle. XI- i S S Iraled slep-by-step aewlng In* s 9 BletloM included. ' *

i» AaliTii

eg s c a t - io s 'T m .i iM " I | W

m m

’ CO** or" ‘'* ‘ 11 •

M» - trom llnf*u«lai'f * 3 'B l? inI loaclni r«r ilitt d in tad nratli. iy > i .y u » n m « N c in ti^ at* M

a u T oom itn . • ' “ IfieIdftM onlfti .10 T^in rtlU Rrvi, l _ ^ ^ « S ' DrputmiDL T au ru iv Mt-


W l H W E S ' / B . T O O y P c

J U S T K ID S -

I'M G O M N aS A u A T W rU . BB 1 A W I ^ I j w u B P l y g r -

s b n b v b v b ; — X b .PER A p ^ J k | § W ALK- > ^



D S iT liS E T I s

U m iN T S S____ Mil!

lUHL, Nov. IS-At a receni meet* “‘' “Jf of the Buhl Chamber of Com-

ree It was decided that Ihe stores f * " " ! Butil would clCM I t nUie o'eloekSalunlaj,erenlneJ___ ________ !To7 ,^«ln Smllh of the slreeU com- _ „ t ' tc; reporied Uiit an effort would mnde to tliave colored IlghU In ce by Hianksglvlng Ume. Uius D ijp in lnr-tht~holid#j-«aion*-w «h------ ^tier decorations than heretofore.I planned lo call a gv-neral meet- ' of the body sometime toon to BUR

nch a concerted program for the oiuen < may seawn. Tlie merchanta com- Burley, tee U making, plans tor Ihe big collided nd prttt dnwlng In addition to In Iron

regulsr Saturday lUver dollar Main 1 nu. Mrt.lie su te will s«on IniUll a rc* liusban itor warning sign where the about 1 w r road Joins highway SO. fl I tn d t I rtported fay dlreclon who call- escaped upon the district engineer a l Mrs. uhone.recently. ColUgt

s Ireatmi


EROME. N01-. I .-n t iw rti otSU ic Orantc ronrtnUen by Afr. SOV.1 Mn, WlUlam Snyder, a dls- Postmalion of wheihjr or not lhe grange ler ofild plan for thc couniy fair tn to Iteljr. and the appointing of a com* here to<lee to make invrsllgsiloiu vere US' formiln biaincAs ot tht Jerome «n?thlr

U S T PAY!Chirlls Mary ! —

fll'CJOLES noL\SII I 1 ^

""W IVES N e V e k ' !K N O W I \ I "j

TOMORROW! ll indTIW RSDA Y !, I WRelum Showing at 1 5 ® ' » Doon Open At t;4S P. M.

:onllniiuii^ 6I10RJ nolh Diiyj A

Mallnet n-.~.OWmvM» 1“ ,"; aod Avqld UtttlSTOM I ^ fie Crowd! tON'AUATOUvn I I DA

aOlAKlH-QUNQ 1 1 ■


y A C A N '^

J DON'T H\T HIM fw ?m R .R tM E M Q E R HE'S GO

-n M E P O P P f t / TH

^ I c

® a ") I Irw aoN N X t a k b S T t-------- VUH W AN*^ 6 « W VUH

S’R B t L B V 'S ^ ^

: (

Hi WAND AT I I / i .O O K /\ ,

ange meeting Ftldiy evening') . ! ir n f l r»'o new numbers Rev. Albert E. 1 J f | | | l »rtln and Olbbon Bird, were re - |'* ^ "* ' .ved-lnlO'the-ofginlailonr-andJ— n n ms were made for lhe conferring! . n degrees on olhen. | UU

Mlu RuU) Reed gan a talk en 1ull education. X\)r the e n i e r t i l n - ___•Dl, Jay flnyder and Mrs, A. P.i J^RC u ler gave readings and a spell-! Uie wc< ; milch was hetd by M Mifc'ied‘ le Bou mben. • lPf>c«nb)fllce«-vU I-be-elected-st the-ed-lor- It meeling, November 27. Uie sui

pressed general


" ^ R E r r a S “ COLLIDE S "tURLEY. Nov. 18-JCMph film-en of Altflon and Orant Freer of 11,0 k crley, bolh driving touring ran. n o,a,ided aboul 13:30 a. m. Sunday dI i.i. ,front of the Shell oil atatlon on orfidaijIII avenue here. •■Tltetrt.' Slmonsen. rkUng with her (pfband sustained cuU and brulws ci.ipiieut the face and Itead and iut- ];,j■d « re te shack. .The luo men patchesiped uninjured. Shepltn . Slmonsen w u Uken lo ,ihe uvcnes.iUge hospluj where medicil mounleiitmenl w u administered and kind 0was Iller dlschirged. ihrougl'

■ ' . llie kllHLEY-IN-IREUND.-SEES-. - blUkJ-rAOSPERITY .FOR AMERICA InxCl ;OimMMPTON. No», i t IJFt- p ffgtmuter-Oeneral James A. Fir- g, ot the United States, enroute

IreUnd for a holiday, reached) loday and predicted a nrotper- M M for his country "greater thanIhlng we ever have known.* —


They (urn » Broadvfiy /Show Upside Down! /

IANIGHT' ic l a ir e ’ t r e v o r : f f iJA N E DARWELL ; | T

I^Evelyn V E N A B L E ^ . 1 ^

LM T Young - Gayaer / NOTE DAVf Simon • SenntU / Ne




T i f w C A N p r V f t W H i P & Q OO D.PO PPI^? CiEt h e y W N T N O ' J M -FR SENSE IN S e i N V f l H H IX

i 1HH6 B L r m a P i s s ) X T J w s v J T T O r a r r f i O l f

\ / t tm E H E lP W E U fllT f llA X ') I FffOAl THOSE BABIES'S I ^ V

/ I FAPSD l/Oi) j C T T

5 ™ i r ™ismFiEDBimtj

------- MenncJEROME, Nov. Id-Bcllef thal Ei'ft I ! weed burner such as used by “■ ! flouUi River Valley^projecl neat; A sl oenlx. Arlxona. might bc adopt* f^'slkei 4or-««.'d cradlcallon-pro]ecU<ln~lns-'R• surroundlns-ierrltory « t e ex-1 Oatls: aied today by R. E. Shepherd, j «ev. 6 wral manager of the Twin ralLi | diction rth Side Land and Water andj At t

Iday from in Iwpecllon of the I Me" qichlne's work. Aceomtwnylng him juarteire Oeorge Uwslie. director of Heavei> Norlh Side Canil company; J. ^lev. OStxklng. walermuler: D, £. Xnlei

Illh, county agent, and Tain Palls cemeteIclaU. P“ ''Ttie michlne Is most effective *er. Ed• use on large patches .of weeds. Orlesei Ich cannot be eonvcnlcnlly hand- ''er.. with chemlciLi, u cm imall Mra. :ches," atiepherd declared. J*??. ' Iheptierd pointed out tho effec* ^^^e eneu of the oll-bumlng device Colorn unted upon Imcki, spurting the *er 34 Id of llciuld flro gtneruted 'ough hoM-lIkt projections. In ,! killing of veeds along river 3kJ.-and.JnJhe-CXtcrm.lnatlon of ecl pests.

reed Gfobe A-I dairy feed for ire mUk..ClDbe Seed A Feed C o.-:

— UNCLE JOE-K'S -------


CotarC 'A News Svenli J f ■

TOMOflROWl iUcardo Corte* * PalrtcU EHU ,


OTe T k T T iI In Fan- »“d We ’N e r t l - a a l s e O w i ^ J .


{ O V E M B E R 1 7 ,ie8 5 '.


' S 0 N . D i D '^ ; e v 6 B . ' « r 7G ET TOOK. p /FROM ^ PUKCe VE ^ \

■ t r ? r<

^ : r t ' } ' •


” i H -


3UHL, Nov. I8- L u t rites were S jij! Id on Friday ifterooon a t the innonlte ehurch In PUer for Mn. a U Walker, who died on .Tues- n a i i )- (light /olloirlng a long lilneu.\ shorl service w u held a l lhe T ilker home *»h a quartet slng- ;J-nock.ol.Agts‘_anlJleivA .JV . —bui rlM -t giving a lew remarka tnd (tmal: V. SldneyOlson giving the bene- diy fi tlon. wUhlrU the Mr\'Ices a t tlie church a wereihU «<Tiy "lt»" ijnd "Savior Lesd Me." The T cin irtet sang “No 01si(ii>oln(meni In were iven." Sotli Rev. Barbeui and laetor f. Olson olflcUtfd at lhe chuith. ject li nlerment w u held In tlie Flier factor netery. TIili>atlbearen were S. Y. Luicu* — — , Ed U ncutcr. Dave Rlcli. Chris k | | leser. S.,M anhill and J. F. Be* H l i

.Ira. Walker jfwborn. March 15. I do. ?. a t SJrimSiugh.* lows, tnd i . ^ ne lo Buhl IS yean ago from :ortdo. flhe minled T. D. Wtl* ■ E ' 34 ye in tgo In Bloomington. H I arukt. She wu t member ot

Family ofTUs

l i NOTICI iiiiluccmcnt, th c nllowonc■ POWER COST O F O PEI■ YEAR, has b.een extended■ coiivcnictice o f a M e y e rs '


“/ V E R T f t W N 'M E W U W PF { ME I S L M A D - T f S m ’ M E V\ UPE \ uoyE6, 1 Be ft 01:

~ - A

p t > s o W D M aA ®

^ ~


" i s i* r T T m ^

g g ^

a Mennonlle church a t Filer for n u j . iny j-ean, tonsSurviving her are her husband, tld r ,' . D. Walker, and three ions. Earl and ( alker of Twin Falls and Wayir.* uury alker and Ray WaUier, .both cf of th Ihl. diy.

m s m m o p e nTO CASH BEET CHECKS

BURLBYrNov;-18-Burley-banks nalned open until 3 p. m. Satur- y for the convenience of firm en . ihlng to caali beet checka which _ ° re Luued by the Amalgamated gas. company on Friday evening. Pop-: Chocks amounting to $SU,402 ••■) re Luued here and a l the Paul Itory 10 beeigrowers on llie pro- t for beeU delivered to the iwo ;torlM. ' Butmis amount U In payment for P‘a’«

.. — — Tills .

IIGHT COUGHSdwtaicBld^ndilrRtkndbrUiU / Sore tw i y m'jiWioagtw?^. Onlfa/. J ' bfeatf

>«*• IIB I I I I t ' 1 3[ ■ M l * r A l 1 i I ^ slore.

l « t )-0

W H Y N O T A F E R S Y S T E M N O ^

plentiful aupply of fresh run- i f w ater— for k itchcn, laun- y, b ilh , toilcls, law n. n j, barns, fire profecfion— u can have it a t low cost.Iiy bc W lthoul it? W hether u own a sm all home or a le, we have th e riRht .lys* ' n lo suit your individual rc* irements.' Buy now and save mey. Priccs arc low est in

IC E-A S A SPECIAL,mcc of A d iscoun t th n t will E (■e r a t i n g y o u r p u m p f o rded until D«ccnibcr 1. E n jo y th c •s W ate r sygtcm . ~..................

m ^ ■

B 7 E , a j 3 E G A B

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" " W i t 's ’“" - J m m i i ^« e l W «E‘5 « u n r K S K ff l'W rH ^ lL K N O W

i l i t f '

• mi n> 4 r.ii

).1M tons of beeU of which C9.313 iia wtre produced on Hit noriti le. 'tribuUry to the Paul factoryd M.0« on-Ui»-soulh-»ide,-trlb------ary to lhe Ourley fictory, olllclil-i the company itited here Mon*


QUEZON PARDONS REBELS MANIAU Nov. IS M>^bndltlon- pirdons ol 33 Sakdal rebels wci'J ued loday by Manud L Que»n, txlflent“ of“ tliB“ PhUlpplnB-com*— )nwtallh. They had been con- j :|ed ot sedition. . ^

jp-S lide-C lick!"D e n tu re S ta tic " I lc lra y s

FALSE TEETHQut nobdy'can lell you wear lies, when you use PASTECTJI. ils adhesive powder grips platci III for a< hours. Olves clear cech. Stops mumbling, hlsslni;. cklng, popping out. C ant cau:s re sums, bumlng or denture ;ath, because It'a alkaline. Tiute- s. Nut gummy. Oel PA8TEET1I Schramm-Johnson or any dn'ii;

ire. ^Vhen moutli tissues change.! )-our denttit.-Adv.


• i l - '

EQ U A L fhtS I R O NE FU L L ■1C co m fort nnd H


Page 7: · C Ily E d ltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102._____________ Mine Rescu Struggles'

P r o m d ( (/■ * *

NorthweArmed Wiih Philadelphia To SeUie

I f G o u l d S i g n s H e C a n

R i g h t A w a y , ’ T a y l o i

E v e O f - N e w Y o r k i

Br EDDIE BRJ NEW YORK. Nov. 16’ W —A rm et

*100,000, H erm a n TayJor. P h lladel to tow n tom orrow to try - to sew up T.nul<i flight fo r A tlan tic City.

T aylor sa id In P H lln d e l^ la toil; th e proposed F e b ru a ry 22 12-rount se ttled a t a con fc rcnce he would h a g e r of Braddocic a n d Mlko Ja co Bontbcr.

••If O ould s igns hc can have p . Ilia m oney r ig h t aw ay.” Tnylor h i l ja ld . " I ’ll h av e a certified W l ciifck In m ; pocket.’’

Tiylor U pi»r«nl« ln j the ch»ra- plon UOO.OOO, plus SO prr eent 6l

('receipts over 1500,000. Oould Iiu Ulld hell *lim the minuto T»ylor '

'produn# * tlilrd of the giuriiitM.Joo Lc»T. lo s Anjeles promoter. W g;

w u here (odiy (o try to tm k Louis , (or a nuteh v lth U*zli -Rosen* I

•bloom, former ll£ht' he«»y»*lght ehnmplon, In Februaiy.

Told there w u no IlkelUiood of tlie Nerro belns krallable U (be At* SA UnOe City fight la cto*e<t. Uvy u ld Ed G Ik vould trr to UU Tnylor Into lece shilling this to Los Angeles. Sund

. unorfootti

Ry CltAItLES GRUMICll m ta,------irnw'YblUCrNof. 1»-T he prUe "

crackpot propojitlon coming oul o( lh« slalemated 'heaTy^'fight de« pariment of tlio pugilistic IndaUfy U the one for throvlng Joe Louis Into an Atlantic Clly ring vltli Champion Jtimes J. Braddock-ln a no'dice bout. .

Wtiat about &hm(Ilng. tha cour* ageoui Gennan vtio h u tieen bitted aboul from'pillar to pout, forenslcal- ,,,0^ ly but certainly not In tho ring, since hr nhellDckfd LoiiLi and thus dirt «n (hat vas A»ked of )ilm In regard (^11) to earning a tltls ahot? m ea

Turn back a few montlis on the i«cek. Hsilc calendar. You find Schmellng camo to (his country wtklng a boul * ' with Uniddock. vho had lilted (he ilile Jrom Max Baer by being Mrloir. "J ** wilii a lefl vhlle (lie crstwtlTr«.tUns ■}" '

—nbi.wr?wrned lilmiiinntffTHt-dH-

Pickings looked pretty easy vltli Braddocic sitting on top of Uio heap “ '• —and sclunellns wanted’ some of them. He made his desires knovn (0 tlie boxing oTwlords and (hey 0 1 ,, (old him. In effect:

"Oo out and conquer the young^gladiator,-Louls.-vJio'ls-cslled-the------K.uijcrovned king of tho,, hea\7 * ch'

weights: (hen. Herr Schmellng, vc poii, vlll give you a boul vlUi-Utc.cli&m.' plon-lf you should happen to sur- vlve." jupr,

Glren Up For I.a>l to aNobody gave the German a gho l uhed

oC a chance v lth Louis, who had practically scared all olhers out of the hta\7welght division Inlo ranch- b™« lag tod « » Jtt», JneJudJnf the Jeud- mouthed bul Umotous.Mr. Baer, nomi . But Uaz chopped ,dovn the LouU ^le i myth of Invlnclblllly so completely ,„{j lhat thry all cams trooping b«ck. clamoring for a “chanee." naming pracUcally everyone u a desirableepBacjn}’ tvi" JL oU lsl^ffar oLgtltlng his fraturesicnmbled beyond repair, vanled a fiP^iretum bout v lth the Brown En- CiUlebalmer-h# «W . Ilo e itn a m i eul :------

_of-a-unIrtrully_Uuilrt_retlr»m ent .10 launch another one of those . fartlcal "comeback" am ptlgn i

■•itnong (he push-overs ,on Ui» by-

Out In Missouri, the boxing super- "‘f’” '': Tlscn had the forUtude snd good Let ]udgment to deny him Ihs right to vho i appear In K ansu a ty , vhlch had spot ( letn Maxis ta cliamplon In tome Louis,pretty svful eihimilons that « n * -------listed principally of face-making r — and paving good-naturedly vlth y , Brother Buddy. I .

Max carried a itumble-bum for ^ I kayo purposes, declaring In asides I lhal hs v u afraid to h it him too ' hsrd lest tlie guy might die on him

(hpn and there. ■ -• Loull halted Uio come-backers

momentarily, a t least, by putting the ne i vhammle on ex-Ciiamplon Jnci: (ory I Sharkey and claiming he v u not j j iht hlmKlf In the Schmellng flglu, t »id6 i claim (hat v u preKy obvious. nomlr

•Max Agrre* To Wal( nnd aEfforL-i to re-match Louis and poM,cr

Sciimeilng r«u through when (he mg-a German poiiiied out that he was coachi not a tlcr money, rrlteratlng Umt his jw , chlet purpojfi v a j (o be (he first man evrr (o rwlalm the heavTwelRhl tuie. ■nien a Braddoclt-Schmcllng llUt bout had to be postponed In- denmiely bccause lho champ do-

. vrioptd hand (roubln. Schmellng j. dlKU-ved (he matter v lth Braddoek „ Itl a friendly vKy nnrt agreed lo wait..:', nrfiffi

Tlien rromotcr Jlmm}- JohnMon gpi-,. of MndLwn Square Oarden. tpeak- ins' from Ixindon. said Braddoek ^ ought lo (letenil his (llle agalntt Jolm U im ' •LevU. IlRhl-heaO’ j , „ , chnmpirn and one et the victims nonnh praiocU harl u:ed 10 Rln hlmwif tiie Ulle siiot ngaiiuM Baer.

Hrosriany coiinlcrfd vllli-the pro- jir ji-j

I postal for an Atl«nt!: Cliy meeting j betwcni Uuls lind Braddoek - In Vhlch the cliamp could nol be slioni of his tllle even thouRh knocked out, vhlch he likely vould 1

r n i s fbllc )nduslr>- Iim enough ■ black mark< agsin-'i It. and (he ,

heavyvclghv c l ia m p lu u ih ip b u

er Makestern C , * ■* ' i Cheek, - , ian Hopes n e D etails 3an H ave His Money p o r Declares On L k C onference. H3R1ETZ Wle d w ith b a t t to th e tune o l | 1ic lp h la p ro m o te r. Is com ing I ’lup a Ja m e s J . B raddock-Joc M

lind, no decision a f la lr to be ■ I have w ith Joo G ould, m a n - “ icobs. a c tin g fo r th e Brow n ;

id Goddard Tops i Western Scorers '

— on/astim gto ti S la te Q t/arler- «

back L eads Wilh . . . . . . . . . 3 6 P o in ts ■ . . . . . . . „SAH FRANCISCO, Nov, 18 WV 1 Goddard, Waahlngton Stale col- ge quarterback, paced the field A inday for high scoring leadership I I nong PAClfle coast confcrcnce \ otliafl player*, .ifls Idal "'•u 3«,ade In.elBht gimej, ___________Tlireo players. Dave D av li,)uthcm California; Bob Williams. ♦, nlversliy of California at Loi( Ali- fles, and Jimmy C.Mn, Washlnc- 'n,'vfie tied for second place mUIi

_____ ' ' ■■ ■ PIN

LEADS IN EAST I QUyfi NEW YOIUC. Nov. H MI-AI- loufh his team had no ksiiic sched- ■“ '« i ed. Fred King, alar ball carrier "iilc '’

lhe uiidcfeutcd Hobart leani,ia>'d i islly held h ll place aa lilgh scorer, today . eastern football during lhe paM i hole i tek. i’fofcs A total ol 7S polnu, scored on 11 , Coli iuchdjnns and nine Mira polniJ ‘*V0“ ' , aeven games gave King a mar- 'H'g n of Mven polnls over Barney arcus.oLBale>,.vtio.conipleledJiU Chlcoj ajon with n lour-touchdovn burgli, ilurge agalnsi Colby on Armltlice Smllh ly. do not

- took ■ --------------;-------- Will

Iherokees, Vandals «mbi Play 21-21 Deadlock

----------------------Cherokrcs and VandaU of Twin tomor ills high Khool Rlrls' Oo-Nutajue-vUl-meet'ln llie-hl*!i-«hool -------■m a l * p, m. today to determine uro ipremacy. The tvo sextets ballled were I a 21 to 21 (le In the regularly ty iw heduled cla.ih yesterday.. ixiro. :Lineups for yeslerd.iy’a Raii-.e ^ lierokee^-Vlvlan Andersen, Ruth J;'®, ' rase. Bc((y McKay, Mariha More- luse. R to Salmon. Alice Afurphy, *“ J '“ jrothy Hough. Joyce Kelley, Jen- e Mae Holden. Mar>- K. Smith .a A itin . D oralnt. “Vandals — En’ft Baljuer. Rulh log- ih red. Anna Joe Johnson, Irene Alex Jtler. Barbara Mlnnlclr. Helen posted •rchal. Lols Hayden.' Marjorie along >encer, Belty Painter and Ruth qui i H'w. . ■- PhUad- er, De

eapentd- considerabir-»lnee-thc 53--^- ya of Tunney. Braddoek. vho b sn'l had A right alnce he beal Baer , year ago Ust summer, needs the - 7. ’ , mey. according to ihe grape-vine,.,U t him earn it agalnsi lhe man thank. 10 won his vay (0 (he challenger Gem 3t over the prostrate form of Joe Conn., UlS. vllh a

Coaches Compa A t Weekly Any PAUL MlCKEUiON Ipartior

SEW YORK. Nov. 18 (,P>-Ora- ■ ffom J y twmcrt lo a ne* high loday j"> the old profe.wr ajked for In-1 Slip G Information on all-American fpiior, mlnatlons.'Rose Bovl proisp.'cis it. It d a line nn cmnparatlve- team I-Wdlia ),er a t hb weekly .Monday mom- my ht [•allbl cla.'S for'collese foolbali,lake U iches. ^.Buck'roffiw r: ’'We’tc iirarrt.enouch Kllng, jnwling and alibli Ior one]''” * neater. Whal I vant tod.iy is lii-:“ ^oo mallon and lots ot It. llowaril,0 tisV.'s the Hose Bo»l nomlna-11''®n oul In your countrj'?'” membe loaard Jone-v Saulhern C.ijifo:- ■ : "I dou't see ho r they krc [> I Jack ! Huskies oul of (he Rose DonI.'Minnes iffiior. nf course. Us Jum nn |profe?ii nion but between Wa-'liintton urtver lie and Wiuhln;tnn tim es noiMliines rslJon. WB.’.htnsion li l)et;rr. | V.'olle"

played them bolh." 'bfickfUImmy Phelan. Wa.-.hln:ioii: - r i r i Hernl Iflhino My-aBdut lhe :dl;l-air'fe^w. We've sllll sot nnothrri Profc ne ahead of u.v For il;c ihinl iMik. H ik h t w k . our kleklnc rool-d i Dana . I don't knov-whal'j tiic mat- iwrjh v lth It, AmbroM Schindler, [irn- ;iealn«l

sor, 13 the best Mphoniorr <iwr- aack wc played asalnst ali '.-ote-uor: ’'Well, rv can't so’.sny- L*irue. fre Iryfnc to llgare tl-.r r.islrn) I Jftck1 .'Diithern Bosl rjnrtl- p!.ivtv(

but «e caa gci tome cou-i-S'cbmk

tes Finaa i t i g s i

S a n t a C U r a B r o

■ y '

\N T A CI.A H A m ain ta ined Hn r « nnd .Hhaltered lh e Gael “jin x ” b;0 hefore 60,000 fan s a t San Fran ond touchdow n, w ith PeUes'rini, s i (5 1 ). S t . M a ry ’s guard, h r n ine ya deoparinffiy a f te r th e fleetinff Pe

Golfers Vie In Qualifying Round £

- over t

ly 'C o le m a n rF o rm e r Ama= ‘“ m ” te u r S ta r , Equals

P in eh u rs t Record •m Son Ihl

’INEllURST, N. C.. Nor. 18 WV- y Coleman., 31-year-oid former liver Clly. Calif., amaleur atar. ' ked the nllei of (fte Hijid. d the vhlch combined i— , ilcvolcntly lo vhlp the favorites, I l n d siole the sholinaklng honors 1/(U lay hi the first half of (he 3S- le qualifying round of the Uth jfesslonal golfers championship.;oleman iliot the No. 3 Plnehunl out In 08, four under par.'eguil- IK the course record hung up nlly n year ago by Horton Smith, ‘B33ilcuto..aiid nay Mangrum. Pltls-.____rcll. hi Jhe North and South opecL n mil. playing wlUi Coleman, eould nol better thao-Ts, and ilangrum lk 74.‘While Coleman set the pace, J8- NBl ir-old Alex Gerlak, vho ts 1. |« ||h nblnadon pro and gccenskeeper tnana Catsklll, N. y .. took second place vas ( Ih a 71. - elub'sm e Mcond'rounQ'viit be played - i.u j norrov, ■

In Third Place ____ [ng.lcJroiiped In third |ilace vllh 7Js . re Henry Plcanl. Henhey, Pa,. list and Tony Mancro. Oreeni- He ni. N, C., 1930 national open vln- slioul r. Uie llrst favorites to appear In Mung 3 standing, and Leo Wai|Mr, Pic ih e stj^ fd ,. and Clarence VockVy, eompi ■tlsM City, a paL- of comparative Dlay kflovns. XI (Mthougli exempt as defending ball 1 eholder, Johnny Revolia, Chicago, think rtlclpaled In the qualifying ,test to kn r ihe'txerclso and a slioi a l the guess :x Smllli memorial medal. He Mung Ilcd A 7<. entering tin t bracket ju ng wllli Cralff Wood, Deal, N. J„ '1 Burkr, Cleveland. Ed Dudley, „ lladelphla, Alvln (Butch) ’Krtug- J ‘ Delolt, Wls^ »nd Mangrum.

Llghtliorso Hany" Coo[xr,_Chl- fo.'vent Olil In 33Ttlirce'under•, but lie faltered on the second ^ 1‘- le. vlndlng up viili a big « for O'.” '' 5, alon? v lth Smllh, Ky Ulloon. » ” • Icago.' and Wee Bob^ Crulch- ” * ink. lUelimond, Va, • >'»"•Jene Bararen, Brookfield Cenler. ^ 0 ■ un., led the veleran conilngenl h a 37-38-75. Walter Hagen, De-

------------------------------------------ NAI

are Teams Alibi Classlpitwns. You human punching bsgs n St. Mftor'j and Texas ought haw u r m iMlde dope."Up Madlgan, Sl. Mary'a: "Pro­or, give Sanla Clara full ered- It has a great football team. P s dham and Marquette beat us but U hunch Is Santa Clara vould W B them bolh dov Ti the llne. * N H

uck Shaw. S a n u Oara: "After I d iIIJ It on Uie dim since m j . tlu W f tover St, Uiry't, makes us feel ntJC

Eood as If precedent had'been I M;tered and ve w re lnvlt?d tb I Mnose Bowl, profewir. Just re- [ jSS

nber. team play is better than L V(Id full of Individual sUrs," g fm .ick Chevlgny. IVxas: "Oh, those ' U mInc£0U backsl Wlisl' a paradel H SM or, that vas the greatest M Ber demonstrallon I ever sav B Bnesoia'a Buhler and our Hugh W B!e vould be. an Sll-Amerlca H Scfi;?id by themselves, professor " B O l;rnle Blerman. Mlnnesoti:. “We ■ ■a irrlgh ta i- tlmc5.'profeuor." ' ■ I •ofciMr: "Thal'a ihe vay to, Ko«' at>oul Nebraska?" I Mtna Bible. Nebraska: -pitu - B M:h ta«-;tys has |u bcsl day P I 6 ! nsl us. T))-y made no mlslakev«-<ir. D.nddlo nl end..lackles T H E U .M D>awi, ,„d le. are greal foolbaU players." ck fiuUierJand: “WWi g f couldevery game llkc've did acaiui in 1

•a*ka, prolestor. Woe U me." bro


al Efforl0 Slende

r o n c o s S h a H e r S t . N

/ " ■ f t f f l

record as th e Pacific Coasl’Hont’ ' by defeating S t. Mary’H for the M rancisco. H ere arc the Broncos m' .substitu te halfback, sIlppinR oiil ‘j ’ardflclffM to lhe jroni line. Jor^i Pellegrini.— (/P) Pholo.________

l o n z a g a W i n s O v e r H /L

P o r U a n d , 14 T o 13 "H

PORTLAND, .Ore.. Nov. 18 iH’i - :I» Ooniaga Bulldogs from Spo- i me edged out a U lo 13 victory er lho University of Porltsnd PI-

The**^BuHdo(n acored vlihln fonds after Uie opening gun vhen j, bln, Pilot half, fumbled a kick ’ '' Ilch vas recovered for Oonuga1 lhe Portland J7. Karamatlc, on

X (eep around lell end. scored up, He kicked the extra


' r

laffy Dodgers F a lls .

Face Discipline's'"* couni(

I eapini

ia se b a ll’s a Serious H K S,'B rooK lyn 's New

M anager Asserts S " i_____, from

NEW. YORK. Nov. 18 (,V. - Bur- igh Grimes’ first official aci As anager ot the Brooklyn Dodeers ■‘"f u to declare vnr-today on the “ i* lib's reputation for dafflness. j *BMcbiUr*'a“ KrIoWhusInfsr.'' he ]' ~BoU Id. ’'and my ball club is nol to- overtlr g to be lumed. Into ivJ)urle£Qiif,:}jiM!?! And burly Burleigh looked a . I t : '”I m-.’ani IL uanicrHe vaa especially enlhaUaitIc: — _ lOUl Ills act' pltclier. Van U iifJel, " “

' i' m IiooIPmsed by the reporters for a 'l in a f <mpartson betaven' .Mungo aiid'<.ponso lay Dean, he said: I depart"I Uilnk Mungo will be In bi-e- p ,,„ ill 10 year# from nov, I don't lr>.j- Ink Dean vlll be. Nobody knov Just hov old Dean I.s, M.v,

less is he’s around 30. We knon!! S ' :

The Dodsers vlll have a curfex ■ ^ ixl yesr. the new manascr .Mitl. jjfntoi "I'll decide en the llmc laicr." he ' Barns, Ided, _ . Baguh

•___________________ and 0

Dll. Vho von the (llle for the Iliil i five imies Ul 1021, finished vllii!

77. Tommy Armour, Chicago. | , , 1 a *e: Paul 'Llltle PoL-om Him-' in. Wlilte Plains. N, Y, Tfl, aiirt

! C .—------------------- > l l - c a

COADI TO BETint |«MUoi NASirVtLLE '•Jl - Rum Colirn.i le-llme caplaln of (hc Varidrihili; olball team nnrt *l present ro.\-li -i

the Clnrmnstl university crlrt- rs. Is planning to retire at liie fil l UNP

the etirrfni r.impaign, Ue lot- tlrsu e erly vas nn ar-'isiant to Dsn Mo-1 bama ugln nl Vandfrblli.____________, IwlnU

H u s l c i e

IE University of.AVnshinsIon Husltii defeabt Iiv cttnijui'rinu Ilic Univcra T bfir viclory made Ihctti the lendir in the Ro«;e Thi« pidurc shou brought doivn allcr a iiaia through


rt To SI☆ ☆ *

er Lead. Mary's Jinx Qy

'S pri

^ x ^ T ^ w n f i c|4 y ^ H H 7 in c0

In f. J r i ' I I ' C

W l , ' J H Tl

j fewm w rls.

“’Cllthe a all d

; only m a jo r unbeaten eleven Tin he rirKt tim e in l^ yea rH 19 lo Dua « m oving nlonfi; to th e ir sec- 'l i ’t Olil o f th e nrm n o f Conlee

or^e Gael ffunrd, loo lu ithe y

— nouA'

iites Capture Soccer Tourney

_ _ _ style

r w o - G o a l r l i r O v e r t i f n f P c r - ^

lo d -G iv e 2 1 6 O utfit

, 4 to 2 V ic lo ry ««'»i_ _ _ obs,

StnghiE a sirong comeback In an wliM verllmr jwriod the WlUle soccer nivm earn from 2J8 look lhe ned divl- te! rija/iipjon.i trom fOS inlo am p lo 2 111 the annual champloil’.hl])

issh vhleli terminates (he T»in nils Junior high touniamem

Andrew Bnlrd, caplaln of 2IS’s Ih'* v 'am, and Albert Denolt worked the > 3 all o irr Ihc goal line for the flr>t Dunter of the game. Olen Olbb, """t* ipinin on h c V e d a. folloved wltli Uonil ne for hb tide (o end the half in J - n i r . OJbb main counieri Jor ■'"''e!

Is team o trn ' free kick caflj"lrtlli? -------;cond half. With only a fev mln. les 10 play'Baird booled ihejjall T om (he ccnter and side ol''tlic r cld lo bo relayed by Le Roy Bnrni I J _I Ui( Red goal keeper vho muffeil I le ball permltllng ll to roll overl .>e Ilne for the 2-2 (ie a( ilic elose Hot t Uio.,game. TvUi

•BoUi-leams-fought-hanl-tn-thp-„75-,K- .'crtlme period. Bams succeeded In to lea ndlng anolher betveen the mark- yamr a to bc followed by one by Bobby comn ankhead, Lawrence Lundln ond •>,( hauncy Abbott offlclaled lhe game, he winners will be awarded a ban- < er ond added a inliii in ih'. all a :liool contest. 'I1ie name uas the , mil' In a SG-leam lournanient . nnsored by lhe pliysleal education ^Pattmcnt.Playera from JOS were Hex Piiiner. men 1 ale Ohan. Glen Glbb, James of 203 eorge. Wr.-.le>' I 'ulifr. Jim Uooliig. < ick Oooing, Bob Goddnrd, Onen hat) and Dean Freeman. PlajerstJennin dm 210 vere Andrew Baird, Hnw-,'- 'd Baldk. AlberU-neiMlt, Ulliierlj'mihUr enlon. Le Hoy Darn.', ’nifOdorelsiMe orns, Bobby Banklnnrt,' Kl»tn( aguley, Otto B.irrcth, llntj Handy!Id Oerald Benlon, Irmnu: — . ----- !n_-siti

ixifirn'BOO.ST r o l l Hl'IVln • riria

MILWAUKEK (,V)-SenlQt» cn lhe ichlgan sta le college rmiI tram Ited Capi. Ray <Buai IJiiivid of . trqiictle unlver.liy Uie b f U |,u „ „ ll-carrier and lorMurd pavtr ilieyjinimmi V In (hree years ol ursity com -''’""]"'; Mtloii, . | ' “

■BAMA J3I; »;si:»iii;s ii |[{J’,V"

UNlVERSnT. Aln ' f - In sl fcven same.'. thiN ?m i, ti,r .M.i-; kibim tiia Crimson Tide ^eu;rd 131 Inu io'lLs'oiii»neni^.' 13.

cies Defeat Trojans

w ltie s k e p l ih e i r P.icifie Coi kc rsity o f .Southern Calirom ia ele ndinK con ten tlcr fo r the honor of ihow s J fm m y Cnfn (fi2). s ta r fi lUgh th e lin e b>; L jn ia n Kusscli, T


iign Brs..-n

[)wens Leads In Race for 1936 Suiivan Award

Iprin t .^nd B ro ad . Jum p ' C ltam p -F o rg es A liead of Glen fh ir r is , U. S . and Olymplo D ccalhlon King

NEW YORK. Nov. 18 ( - r ) - I m t m a n Jesse Ow ens Is ou l II fro n t itfiuln. th is tim e In hc racc for th e 1930 Jam es).-S u U lv a t i-a u ,'a rd _ ._ ______ .DO

T lic O hio S ta te sp r in t a n d ^ iroad Jum p cham pion w as a ^ cw voles a h ead o t Q len M or- ^ Is, n a tio n a l a n d Olympic de- ^ a th lo n cham pion , today In si nc list of 31 aliileies nominated for lie award by over 800 aports expert! p, 11 over (he'roiintry; ' —Tlie announcement v-hs made by

lull Ferris, secretary of lhe Ama- 1 / | atrjV^ilellc Union, He retaied lo | ) | L s^ o tl)C margin Ovens held.Tills llsl of 33 win be cul (o 10 by

le Sullii-nn svard commmlKee of le AA.U. The committee vlll an- ouAco Ux selections a l ths AA.U. onvenllon In Houston. Texas. De- rniber 4, and the 600 sporia leader* Cni ■III teleci lhe vlnner from these 10,

Jatk Medlea ThW . ‘ Other leaders In tha order of bal-

Jtlng vero Jack Medlca, Seatlde. Vashlnglon. Olympic 400-meler free a,, lylB svlmmtnjr champion; Pcrrwl Spec'- Towns. Unlvenlly of Oeor- * '* In hurdler; aienri l^ ln . 'L o u u l - ' , . na Blate unlveraUy hurdler: John- ‘ y Fischer. CInclnnaU. naUonal nmteilr golf champion; Helen Jac- I"' bs, Berkeley. Callf., vlnner of tho li-England tennis singles crown: lelrii Slepheiu. iMlten, Missouri, llympie n-omen's sprint champion. SI nd J iy Berwaiiser. all-American Kea ack from (he University.of Chf- over oco. • P0V(Olenn Cunnlnsham. fjivrence.

:atisa.s, nilirr also vas favored In 1’'“ *' lie voting. Ihough as vlnner of Uie ’ P33 Bvard he Is not eligible (o re- rive It nsaln. Oiher vlnneri ol the ward are Uivsbn Little. 1935; Bill _ lonihroii. 1M<: Jim Baii.seh, IP32: S*nl larney nerllnger. 1031, anrt Bobby jl”" ones. ID30, Drot

■ rlppi

Bo\ding|Bob McCracken look (he lead In vUi Falls bowling compellUon’a ^e for the aeason'a high ieries 1* 0 nilTlasl'cvenInB“bycaTdlnf l'KI7 “hor ' lead (he Siudebakera (o a three- oi iiae-vlcUiry-ovcc-.Uie-Aces .la -a . rliar 3mmercUI league llK. 3MP to aU2. inio McCracken also topped ilngle soon ,me arilsLs v lth 221. N. O. John- FVor n had previoujly held (he lead (loin r a terks v llh CW. fnrIVln Pj IIs Lumber company won Derc 0 out ot three games over Brook- end, ild. 20n to 1970. in a Clly league goal, counler. Ximes of Uis Lmber^ a •n led scoring v tth a single game pan 203 and 493 for the series. ),],»


nnlnit ............ ISI Kl Itl 411t>, MeCtsckcn „ Ml Ml IU inIlrr . ............ m HJ lit 4IChirr ......... ...... IU 111 Kl W« the>ae ...-------- the I

MJ III UJ : tn .■itudebaker

iriKk ----------- - III UJ 111 MJ ■ SM-IKLuUitn _ ^ » l ll(- :a ( MJ ed.-i

------Z — 111 iil JJI “ ock■fa --------------- |(« IIJ IJJ . 411 Doua

m v >.,:’aV b i™^ Breokfleld

_______ _ IM IJI IK 411 ■ ■nrofk K III li t It)mmr , lU Its IJS }J3mnir . 12J. IIS Its )JS 1IUtp«r -----------i:j Ml 1>I 4!S I

I t t ' a j i ' i i i i i i i (Tvin Falls Lumbrr

icri .•________ IO IJ] III IJt ^i»f ■ ~ iV r in* 'as j‘ii S, SUCtarkrn lla n t Iti Jll nr< . :S] / I Itt 111 —

iL CT iiM

* -S:E n a o i ^ ^ ^ H a a

M f l B K S >91

ij B t '

C onference rccord fre e of ( eleven 12 It. 0 n l Seattle , of reprexentinK lh e W eat Cl

H ask y ha lfback , bcinij I, T ro ja n ha lf.— {/P; P hu to . I H

3JIBER17, 1988 \

a d d o c k r

S.-J'ootbsT I G E R V E T E R A N / i

GlM M ' ' ^

nO N _BT{aLr_or,Pller..,m :m ndgu rd . Is ene af the fev remain- tnc Ing n te n n a oa the 1931 Tiger an team of (he Idaho Banlhem fa r u lre r tlly and vlll pUy a major so t part Ja Ihe Jiomeromliif game Ihls prc Satsrdaz agalnsi Ihe Collep «f nol| Idaba In the nev itadlum at %

. rocalelle. , e„,., ..... F(

Broncos Trounce F.acci

St, Mary’ Gaels—— sam'

Santa C la ra’s Undefeated “ - E leven T rim s Ancient «

Foe, 19 to 0 Ior_____ poll'

SAN PRANCISOO, Nov. 18 WV- nio finest football learn ever lo , ;ear-tha Cardinal and.WhltC-mloix '"J,, if the U nl«nlty of Santa Clara ^ lrengUiene<Lllfl .cUlpi to lecog- Iltlon as one ot Ihe natlon’a lead- ‘ ng elevens Sunday vllh a lB-to-0 Ictory over lU mwi bUtcr rival.' v ; , , he St. Maty'* eollege GmLs,Sixty thousand fan>, Jamming

Ceur aladliim In capaclly snd >• I verflovfng onto cha field, tav tlie t . ! loverful SanU Clara eleven main- 3. 1 aln the only iinblemlshed ^cord 4. 1 lOtsesaeO by a major team In the 5- 1 ar wvit. *• 1

r in t Win Alnee I J )It v u the flrsl triumph; of a t - f

ianU Clara team over St.'M try's 10-1 Ince 1933, and the Ilnal gun sent Jronco rooters Inlo a freniled H - 1 elebraUon-vhfeh uw . gosl-poits I Ipped doan, serpenUns dancu >3. > over (he Ileld and a doien trlend- ’ y aculllei for fragments of (he ' iptlghta. iL 1

Conqueror ot Stanford early In }!• | he season, and Alabama Polytech- ; ilc“ln a recent InleraecUonal en- i ! ‘ ; ounter, Santa Clara lived up to its ^ ■ avorlle's role by clinching victory —■hortlr-*fb?r-lhe-klck-off;------------— -

Oalnlng greatly on punt ex- li«ii»!f*,-tlw-DroMoa-put the ball llio iilay on St, Mary's 34-yard line oon afler they had kicked otf.'Vom Uie 33.yard line. Left Half leme* passed to Illght Half JJerosa J ! ‘ , ur 20 yards and tvu playa later )erose avltthed to UrJ IhroUng nd, Gomel caught the ball ovtr tlie

**’ , Clart A fev mlnu(«A laCer njllbacl; the :

vveiko recoi'cred. St, Mary's fum- Uie t ie on the latter'a 21. and from the fallln laht-yard line Gomes piised to ell end Finney, vho snagged the I'll behind the goal In tbe clear. > ellcgrlnl. aubalilUle. half, kicked i» first ennverslon bul failed on n , . |;

lUonces Scors Again tenlo Soort tiler tl» IMrtl period open- ■ Ju f.-SanU-Clara cflpllalltrd -cn-K t^ucl::orked punl lo score again, Phil vlcloiouaherty. center, broke Ihrough venil> Hop (lie kick ot Fullback Max- vas im and Righl Ouard Rodgers that



M.1 - K o u i ) D cLuxe C O U PE, ri M5— FO IU) D cLuxe SED A N , ru i ’; i l - P I A M O i m i D e L u « COAC

new G-ply llre s , R uarantced -29~ F ()U D C O U PE, fully equippi M O -C H B V . CO U PE ,.radio, very M O -K O U l) SE D A N , good conditi M O -KO U D COACH, very good .. ’2 S - F 0 U I ) CO U PE, fu lly cqu lp f '^ i l -N A S H C O U PE, S landard e, ’.- ll-N A S H SE D A N . L lph l 8, nev 'I 'S -O A K L A N D SED A N , K ari-K ’2 T -U U IC K COACH, fn ir condit '2 r ,-C A D IL L A C JE D A N . low m M.% -(’U E V . PIC K -U P, l-stieed. ri M;i~ C H E V . TRU CK . 157-Uual.

- p la tfo rm body, guaran teed 12-FO O l' V AN PA N E L , insulateii S E V E R A L ’26, *27, '28 Good Cars


f 'Lou^i

Gridiron Experts / Rank Champions Over Minne ta

Bio T en Conferefioe T itje -

h o ld e r j Occupy _ F irs t,

P lac e In B aiio ting f o r

. T ltird C o n se c u llra W eek

NEW Y O EK . N ot. I t M V - C linging tenaciously to th e ir slender, m a rg in w ith th e sam e bulldog spirit^- th a t .c arried th c r n t o B l f f ^ t t ' t r l u m p h a n d — an n ll-w ln n ln g aeason th u s fnr, N orthw este rn led M lnne- jo ta to d a y In th e Associated > re u college foo tball ran k in g

^ ^ io balloting marked Korthveit- ;m‘» third atralght veek on top.

For Uie Kcond itralght vtek ths ' ,ViIdcaU led Uie Oophen by a fcant ilz polnu. «1U) a total of 3)7 out ',f a maximujn of S70. Mlaoetota iccumulaUd U l polaU.

IT m Notihvtitera Seventeen of the S7-expert* eon- .

rlbullng to th li week’i BaUoo-vlde Ampllng of l l» eipert pulse kept {orthvestem a t the peak. T v the lamed Ulnneiota as ths country'* lest team.-Pour placed Pordham.rurrently the “hof* eutem .cholc#___or the ROM Bovl. In ths Ho.’ I — willlon despite, tho faet Uu B ui*Ud not even pUy last Saturday, llie UiJJrmlty of Wublngton, mov- ng up to alxth ^ m tenUi In Uie

(0, s on the list, split the other Irat-place ballot*.Here’s the outcome of this week'*

loll (polnta scored on IO-9-8-1-8-S- ,-3.2-1 basLi):

F ln t TenPolnls

]. Nnrlhvettern ------- - mt. ,'M/nnetof*__________—2. Kerdham______ __________UT4. PltUburgh______________ 3405. LoalaUna filate — - , iaa8. U. ef Washington------------m7. M arqaeUe______________ Wi«. Alabama___________ is*9. SanIa C lan0. rennajlvanla ............... ........«

Seeend Ttn1. Noira D am s----- --------------1«

3. NebrasU ■■■ ------ ~~ f l " "4 .’iV iia A. and M .__________ a5. Washington Slats T8. Dnke7. Holy Cres*--------------5g. Ohio fl(a(e---------- 49. Tennessee----------------------- j ,0. Temple and Dsqoenw - . t

sughe Uie ball on the boanee (o in five yards.Although badly, oulclaued In Uie n l half, St. Mary’* outplayed lu - ncleot gridiron foe la the la it tvo erlodt, chalking up nine fln t dovju I sgalnst none for S aait Olara.On Ivo desperate, acorlng *t-

•nipta in lhe final quarter, the sels cliarged 17 yard* to Sanla lara’a ivo-yard lUie *od later to IS Il-yard barter, only to lo<e le ball eaeh t|me Uirough puses illlng Incomplelo In the end tone.


EAST LATINO. Mich, lenn a iPop) Warner should be ad that Arthur BrandiUlter is » nior a t BUehlgan SUte collegt As Junior, Brsndstaller seorrd tvo

uchdovua-to-spark.hli.leaia.to____clory over Warner's Templs unl- •nlty eleven. 12-7. This year he' as the No, 1 back In Uie drive lat tied-Templs 7-7.



, K uaran lccd „ . . . „ . ; . ^ 6 5 ‘R u n m n te e d ------------$ 5 0 0A CH , low m ileage, nearly rH 'S 4 5 0p p e d ...................... . . . .5 1 0 0ry g o o d ......................$ 2 0 0iltlo n , new fin ish ....$ 2 2 51 ..............................^ .. .$ 1 5 0Jp p e d ..........................f 1 2 56. e x tm ,g o o d ------$ 1 7 5

le w f in i s h ........... — $ 2 2 5i-Kecn t r u n l i .............$ 1 2 5ilition ............. ......... - $ SOm ileage, special..... $ 1 2 5

.- Ruarnnteed ....-— .$ 4 6 5 ll, 11 :.-ion, oversige tire s .- d ...... iled . m e la l b o 3 y .....$ 1 0 0t r a ................... $ 2 3 1 0 $ 7 5


Page 8: · C Ily E d ltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102._____________ Mine Rescu Struggles'

' m m m n

PiiS M l — sr, .Traders R espond to F avor- 5 K “

able Earnings .R eports l g ~ .' and Dividends

i m Ilm f


6t(iO »>nnn; tcduitrU U nllr. Bond»-Hl«her: corponUi up, ^

roTernioeaU tineren.Outb-lm proTed: ip«U lU a

'itnaij.ytjrelgn B x c lu u « u -M tr* d :

pound Uld lUiUnc bljtitr.. CoUon^Ugber; loctl to d nonll tn d t burins; (teadr ctblM. n i r

f lu i i r - a t t id r j tnda Imylnr. Colfcft-lllslier; Eupipcui bur> lUgh

_ -Inj, LowChlcaio: <W heat-atronr! an luftd flour

tnuln(u>Cont-HJilifr; taflueacad by

v h e i t 4- -a itU ft-ate>dy_to .ioy tr;' top: 31 , ,

H o ^ l W » lOTOi top M.M.______________________________ _ i

B r FREDEBICK OABDNEa 3!i* i NSW VOBif. Nor. 1$ m - U t t *

Iloek mirket climbed biek In the 3 ',u < reeovery »*<ldle todiy. ' 3!i* i

WlUl itroribla lUlemtnU *nd a i t - dlvldeadi h«irteii!n» tmden. Induj- 3a ai- trill leiden wera jlren 1 lilt of 3i H-l frietloM to 3 points m d 1 lew u 3’i i 1 much M B or w. 3’** *

Amusement and mereJiindblnj la- 35.« i luat m ra In ttia forerronL SelecUd ana S •Wtl. cepper, motor, a lrentt. ulU- Ity u d oU farorllea wert plenU- 3 ^ i 4 fui; Ralla wera tncllced to mark 3s 47

' time. 3a 49Tranjfen toUled 3J74.4M ihires 3!ii S

a ialnit 3.4S3,»0 tu t Frldiy. Ttie Aaioclaled Preea a w n e of M 3a A 5 atocka waa up .7 of a point a t 11.4. SHa i

Wall Slreel wts wtltinf Waah- 3 iu i Initon-a nert mota ln the-proposrt - - to curb -excesitve buying ot Amer* lean aeeurttles by forelgnen and In n e « tha meantime appeared to be I eai

akcUy OU dlreclon paid o ffS v l. dend accumulaUona on the preferred amounting to t3SiO a ihara. This . ijiue. up tbout 3 a t ona Ume. fln- ” lahed wllh a net gain.of I ’i a t . " “ 135. common w u up 1% a t I."® "' Sflli. Paramount fln t preferred ^ w u a Itar performer. Jumping 0 ‘ polnlJ to a new high at 1S7. Part* mount eommon w u tho moat tet* iTi Usus of the dty wllh a gain NEW of l*i a t 3X steady;

Pramlneol Oaloer* IIO.SO;Olhen prominent on the upilde eaiy:

Included B-K-0 at 10. Wamer Broa.I«. Radio 13, Sean Roebuck M'.i, Lead i Woblworth m , V. B. Sltel to M i Bethlehem 79, Oenenl Moton 74^ (tnn: t American Telephone 1B3S, Weat- u j y ] Inghouu 144?>, Boeing 30H, Elec- tm P

•irle Power i t Ught 18«, - North „ p jo ; American 30'i. ContoUdaled Edison . . . ,L 45, Anaconda t l , Keanecott MH. Amerlcaa Smeltlog MU, V. 8. Rub- b tr 3#W,-I>e«ra'«S\i and Union

’Facirie ISS'i. ,Du Pont divided aome of ILi re*

cent Oeneral Moton a t n dlridend with thartholden by voting S3 y n r-

w u a conlnry . a c t o ^ ^ n g » ; a t a 3 ^ . _______ ^

COTTONNSW YORK. Nor. 18 V f) -U tt t *

trada Intmata had abaorbed tha bulk e t cotton coottMia today at atewSy prloea. a Ul* n lly dartloptd on eortrlnf. Karch tdnnced from ' « tli< to 111.78 and elosed a t 811.14 ^ 'd>y with th* market ending 11 to 15 . POI.I. M l M il...,_______________

T W IN FA I-J^H A R K E T S S ' i h « S 5 S l" u 'V a ™ !” " 't a w .

■ 14^C,urtiuca Plymoii

] i s , x s & z . i ^ — : : " a , yOnrtewiiht^toJithm. btrebti H ^ 'bu lchen . JJoT M rT w rilllliO raenlni ww*. ao pouwU -------- Mi* liom rt

------ . 12c.

Coiarrt iiVmI o w ____i:e hens •o»ioftd hent. 4 to a Ib i._______lie more tColond Dnu. uaSn 4 pQus(U __ lSc

l ^ 'Z d TOMm*. «rrf 4 MUDilj _ llc D'Ul< Cblortd rcrm. to 4 ila. . , .. l ie fiw l t tii g a iij

J ; ; . . ______ j; : S "0 ? d ' 'n f t i i ? * ' ' ____________IOld tom, Ho. )• -----------» f

Msdlun turtfjn J »nU if- . No. :JliLV/* ‘ i ni a JOfMI , - ___________ 13C J

"nMB'Sr^n. r*»h Pjleo___ _____ Ue »o 3ivDullertiu No! I -..ZZZZZZZjOc Trtln J

Dual TTUa ■V. B. at. Korllitrni. Ko. U J I » lo USO tU. & O m t Nonnmu. Do. 2«___m.ioSmill R«j». No. U -------- M.W la IMJ Antinemill RnU, No. 2i ___ ______ U.71 LtiTMr j o w i -------------------Aftita

GnlB kRd um fcttf ‘ AnVin Xnu). lOO-pouDO lou --------------tl2S u * i«S S . ' ass? . 'M g * “*ntritr. io6*pouBa l o u _______ i m Amm

^ .y , ' ARitwroutoM LMm

V. B. nu»«U. Ho. a --------------- »ef n tu n fiteti _ .S ; T ?

C u n u . buneh ^ KJ }w ,

g.?.P!truli .s> l g ^^ ____ WH* 8:

m«9C* i-M Inuiur. raaeh

n n t t*kim

i s s s £ . S ! ^ ! = : j i s f f l ' . "

. ;P A ^ g r ^ ;

S to o k M a rk e t A verages ^

in tht AModitu Pmi) . ' i

io?ui: n*iu Ulll. stocu 9 1 e h u |( _ 4 1 4.3 -JIO aSS»:=aJ8_JS..K ...I

s . ; s i l t i 0 S r - S S il:i s I S r - ! ! 3 i l l - i t l - ' S l ......LlorRnnt In ttctsi tmti: a ie w __ 17J . 1.7 a » i»» 1/IT low ---- 3IJ <11 A I \

t r e n d o f S taple P rices 8

tw w YORK, Nor. 18-Tli» Asw- ited Press weighted wholeule ' Ice index ot.3J commodllica loday vaneed to 84.10 (riew IMfl Miih).Pre'Tloua day (3.17, wefk ago S3.8I, ■ mlh ago 81.18, year ago 77.58.[Ungs cf recent yean:

1D38 1M5 1934 10»gh -------78.«8 74.94 fl9.M •m - I ; .. ? i j i 7134 eiJS 41.« ■— \

(1938 trenga equals IOO)' J


a 4 7 - « ----------------------- l» .l»a 43-45 ______________ I09J8 Aluk» ,« . j i ______________ ;_II51fl A’» « Ct 4 8 - « ----------------------- 1I3!ma 40-43 J u n e __________ 1M.I4 Am Cma 41-4J M arch_________ 100,14 J " *J 41 .......................... .......109 III 4<-4«----------------------- 109^8 Am Hm(

4g.Va' ----------------------- iM^n81-55--------------------------1M.981-55 R eg_____________ \X 3 ijwl.lwn» 45-60 ----------------------)W.aI 43-47 ---------------------- IM.4 lltuuehia 48-51 -----------------------iw. nurr Ma 51-54......... ................ ..I02JO

Fedeni Fam Morlcaie Cu»diuI 42-47 .... ............. ...........10358 Cu# TU4 7 --------- ;------------------- IM.41 1 ...................................... iM.iiI 8i ...... ........... ................10553 o n I ,

llonie O anm Leio cSrI**SA 53 .............. ................. . 104.17 Colom (I 49 ................ ................:i0358 « » “™8o‘. 43-44 _.....•.-----------_ , « 3 0 g S « ^ “d’

------- Coot OlMONET Oom I’t

FEW VORK. Nov. 18 OT) - Call Iney sleady; I per ccnt all day; Du ront ne commcrtUI paper,*i-percentr .8 Joani. sleady; 60 days to 6 b iJ a ’ stlu I ’i-per cent o(fered;lbank- Qtntoix acceptances unchanged; 50 days S ” 2!}I lo ! i ; 80 to w dayt 3/18(0 >1; lontha U lo 3/18; 5 lo 8 monlla aiidden lo 8/18; 'redUcounl nlei.' New S22{«1 k neservB bank, l! j per cenl. onjim ^

RfETALS S[Jp‘ aBW YORK, Nov, 18 (JV-Copper C»nt idy; eleclrolyllc spol and fuiure \^ \ i ',« 50; export tIOiO to tl0.52!i. Tin m t Tei . r: spot and nearby 851.75 lo 87!i; fuiure ♦5lJ7‘l to I51J0. d strong; ipol New Yotk U50 uiMino 1533; E u t 81. Louis 13.03. Zinc i: Eail au Louis ipol and fuiure ulS ooti 3. Iron quiet; No. 3 fii.b. east- uumuti

Pennsylvania 82050; Butfalo 80; Alabama tlSJO. Aluminum u o w v to 8 a . AnUmony: ipot 813.50. Nub uc

tkallver 893 lo MS. PUllnum 148. S l l .rolfnmlle IU,U to .815.50. nU %

------- H .l rtr«FOREIGN EXCHANQE ' C r wi>‘

IEW YOIUC. Nov. 18 W>-OHer. NSrw A I Ot lhe dollar In European mar- 5*®"*'!" I helped lend ftench franca and herUnds guiiden higher today, losing New Yotk ntca: Ftanee 31Hc; um d.- 443H :-cab lo .- '4 .B 3!i: ftandar ntreal In New York: 100.12!i; 3l!;e.I York In Monlretl, n .s7 'i. E(8s:

can anBAB BILVEB tm U c

EW YORK, Nor. 18 pp) - Barir altady and unchanged from 3*^®: * lay November 13, a t 45(ie.

CIIICAQO PRODUCE NEWiUOAGO, Nor. 18 (A>-PouIlry: lUgar w I. 3 can, 30 trucki; sUtdy; hens lone wa Ibl up'18e, leas than 4>i Ibs cllned i

c; Leghom.hens 11c; aprlnga 4 augar w up, PlymouUi arid Whllo Rock Tlia c, colortd 14c, lets than 4 lbs 10,100 l> nouUi Rock H lie, White Rock from at

colortd 13Hc; R m ou th and of 1937 lie R «k brollen 17c, colored 18c; ary-Peb iback clilckena lie, leghom 'Tlie i kens l l ' jc ; rooilen 13e, Leg- Inal; Ja 1 m u te n 12c; hen turkejTi'IStie bid; Mi ag.tAma lCc,old toma l4o;.No.3 Srpleml leys 13e; wliUa ducka 4>i lbr Rerint 15e, colored 14o,- amall while lu 14c, small colortd 13c; gtese Los

LOS Ireiicd lurkeys: Easy; young duce Ei a 2Jc, old 20!ic: young tonu 118JOO i « than 18 Ibl 3Ic, 18 lbs and Duttei 23c. old 20c: No, 3 turkeys 15c. «pre j ;

Uller: 0,811: llrmer: creamer)-- JO 'j. Oats (93 acore) 32<i to 33c; exlrni Eup:I 32c; ex ln flnU -(90-01) 31 lo 3-candlc

, a w meT i m e T a b l e s died sm

. ____ I’oullrtitdal* ot PUKBiir «ralBi tBa 3 'i pou R oust, fuiiiii nuouib 3-0

“ " " “ “i . s ; . " , '

i i r ? . ,

B-m Im n ________.M; 11-;w uxa niUNCii . . 3|? pou

B «> » .? ■ ‘^ ! ! l ! ! _ s jo B. B >K“ftbCSJi— n-old .1

a tie >n1m n a n m lynung ( usio.N rac in c a ta o t i -o.ovrr

n , _ pound, !<• It-M a, m. 3-old h t a ----------------------- ‘Nole:z —'«• p. Bi tints.)

CillC,»« _______________ 1D;« 1. m. -Onlotv

T :~ . . . . . . . '1 1 ? ? S ’ S ,TB t m. u u h M

-S A .V .o rn u t STAGK UKU SAN 1

J wa _ :------ -."jg ^ „ «9 ‘core

Tula r>iu.(Teni Ecu:S:

»U1I awla* Tlm I mill l :« p. n . .nd p. B. OntOIV» a" ’« ! *■ •“ * "■ “ “ J'"”®”

u m s ' * '• '»« >

ruM ________________S3« K m. PoUtc

WntMBBS fomla :U M t S: « • « to

DIXIE DUGAN!| C W -T H 'PO O R 'O eA R S.^^r;)EI ARE TH Ey HURT? U W r I i < i 7 j ~ i s 3 i

f l 4 I > i I k V ?

N E W i Y O

n f B a m' Bllb low Clott Pirwn

U J u n u u ____ IS>t 1S\i 19(i rtnn Hd Chem H D jt J l i l j tU li i u u IhillmJii

Chalrnm m , UU UU Pure 0ricui Ctn U4ii m 4 nisio iC v H Mrr _ J I S SI SI ncrnolcat for rowtr _ 7 a*j an lu/priiLocomoiKt___ a)^ 3}<t. u u Man IlU diiio r------- Tiy, a a i . tinell nUffltit ai Rt( _ n i l n u w u uimmoi:Tel c T t i — isau m u in u axeiirTobieeo........ Hli MS MU HocanrWattr Worki _ U'k 34U UU Houlh (OQd« Copptr _ S I 49U M. HouUitrUon T & 0 r _ 7Sli' 7IU 7S sund Ii t Ohio------- n u IIU » '4 sund C

Ix ArUlloa _ » t i »U » ! i Ihlindleh«nUl«l____73!i 70U 7J Hund CAdd UicIi ___9IU SIU 3I<; tl(e>a>l

. P»(k l0 i------ 4IU 4tv, 41U atudtbtne lftllfcla __l«U »>« «U T ru i cd lu ricirio _ MU u u «U TlrnktBTUmhlni ___IM IStU IU Tnnt ID t.P uc*------ TJU UU OU UBdtnitL OHIO_____TIU 71 1 Union <

« e^P^Si P pJ._ 3U S'i 3U Union «a»r Coiv"Z-'tU U >uu IUU unll(d .Cou .. ....._ . l » inU IMU UnlMd ■

II Q u Si See . IIU I7U IIU tl H Ini B o lrrnu____l lj . 17|i 17U U B nu

iliditrd o in H l lU l l ' l n u VtMdIuon Dti — .37U SIU 37U WnWmJ-TDdllcU 7«U 73 74U Vr'nIlnil

u Wriitil ---- tu l!i au WoolvoiL llud^n ___ 47>, 4tuent Dt Nrm . . . i n lio lunaa-Jtodit___ 177__ J77__ in ________I-ovrr Sl L fb t. I tu (U tU NEWa n ------------Ii!< su su i*uow:lont nu&brr __»U > U Amrrluin l B t e ------- 31U i«U SIU Ctnwln U .rood i____ 41U 41'a 4>U ClUn S'rtl Uoion ___74U T3U 74U neeuloicn Co .... ........43U <IU 4IU nrclrter” f nufilw pLlMU l«!i' IMU iSlonil*Hott&*i*r’p'r'Z 4»u « u ■ 4olj itw Ki M"tor” '!?IlLlZ *lu **uwmni> n tn l______ 34U U’i ' 14 TrantluiIUrrt»ltr ____ MU •» WU TwhnlK«ex»l . _ _ . « U OU «U>1 i! Tel UU i:ii UU ■ BodII Jitinvilii _ t u IUU t t t ]tw u Copptr ... MU s«U ss'i IM . S " " S i ; 'n,. ' a , fSJo’V & ? ”- = : K W ! 5 ! ; c „ . t

uri f^citie ...— lU 3U SU rund. IiS m r W .M ^ « - : a ’* alU m rrlC i:r WDcfl_____UU UU UU Amrriei:Motort UU n u n u Breirle

Cub R n A UU 3TU sou Puuaoi& - r S ^ l t ' ‘ S5!rower li l* t _ tIU lOU UU Aubum

C nitr»l_____41U «U «U While »411 Sl lllld —^ 4 Hi SU Brln> >1 Amer C »___ J»'i i t ' , MU]«m r u l l lo ___TIU 7tU Ml. UounUIttd U oton___ i:u UU »U W*ikcr.

;; flnla (88-89i 30 lo 30!Sc; Netted, [lards I90'cenuallted carlots) 2 S to |]

gs; 1,809: weaker; extra flnts and local 34«c; freih gnded „ ” ,

J can and local 3Jc; current f " *' pU 32c; refrigenlor sUndards

refrigeralor extns 29c. « “ j

SUOABW YORK, Nov. 18 CT) - Raw ' ' r was less acUve loday bul the p was easier and spot pricea de-

d 5 polnta. while 1937 quoU ’---------r WM unchanged, FUI.e only talcs reported were 9 bagi of Cubu cf 1938 quotu . atore a t 3.83 and 37.000 bags 137 QuoU Ptilllpplnes tor Jinu- 3 can February shipment a t 3.62. 3 earle close: November 3.75 nom- 8

January 2.60 bid; March 2.M Clojit May-2.C9 btd; July 3.73 bid;

rmber 3.7J-bld,--------------- - - S - M ffined was unchanged al 4.80. Closlr


Exchanse)—Recelpis: buller » pounds.' D A )-Her: 1-£I3 Kore JJU ; 2-91 Munty j : : 3-SO score J l ; 4-80 icore tntUi ‘

82JO toip.: l-CAiidled clean extras .40; 81.80. r Idled IftiEC itandardj J4; 1- Durbanl led mcaium exlra.i JS; 3-cait- Prldea medium Mandntds JO; l-can- Kern cc small exlras 20, lug. faliullrj': 1-heni: leghorns, under 2‘ie lb. Munds .13: 2-3U lo 4 pounds 3-over 4 pounds .16: 4-liens.ed. 3U to 4 pounds .19; 5-over unds J2; fl-brollen. I to lUd» .10; 7-ovcr lU lo 2U pound. ^ B-Jr>'ers; leghorns. 2U lo 3 g^., ds ,15; 9-barred roet<, 2 'i to ^ pounds .10; 10-olher colored UpperII-rofuleri, barred rocks, over (rack ti [xjuiids .18; ll-otliers .18; Ifl- mostly-; i: IDunc. under 4S poundi .12; to 81J< d .11; 18-seeso .ifl; l9-iurkcys; C u h to E Inma, 14 lo 18 pounds .17; sela U. ( rr 1.8 pounds' .19; 21-hens. 9 Many i ds and up JO; 22-oTd lom. .14; dlsposltl d hens .17.ole: Duller key: 92-extrM: 91 " me flnUi.M-^fUndard; ' “ jJej t

_____ • Cash toHICAGO ONION M.SRKET :iCA(30, Nov. 18 (,n lU S D A) “ • ® / * Ions; Supplies Including truck '^'8 pt.i lie.i»7. Demand slow, mar- • >' lull. Carlol tnck wiles; Idaho,

50-lb. MCks, Valeo^u. U. 8,1. no early sales reported." q

l.V.FIL\.SCISCO.rRO0L-(;E _CIUCN FRANCISCO. Nov. I« (,D - PoUtoe■r; 92 .wore 33c; 91 wore 3:e; U 5. ahlore 31c. day 108,a ; Large 38'ic; mediums 3i'je . en l. de\.2T.i£. Idaho; Flala 18c: trtplela ITjc. 82J5 lo tow: 50 pound laclui Btocklon No, 3 81 >’S 50 to 65r. Urge 73 lo BOc; from cu ■i 11 to 81.10; vhlle brollen to 82J 0lo 81,50: Wuhlngton-Ore;on banka I

»•* 70 to 80c. large W lo 9Jc; blnaUonJilcn:'Sacked per cwt.. Call- ColondiX Della dWrtcl loni; T.lilles »2A3: NU> (2.50; choice 11.50 lo 81.85; No. 1 a



t e ' A S J ' lOO'^SrTDOWN ANO l u r a E 'ypURSELVES'TOGET


(J :

O R K t ;;

Co*’"*--------iS li lOl’’ IB 'iin n R .4______o u -4111 431,’’ “ -imtn In o -------- UU M U | Cuttli1*0 l!'* II* n'iPOUlld;-noldt Tobtceo D. tMi I t ’i tOulup.'Ke

- - JI!* 1!}‘ !I • !oid 1®:s.'.‘ 5imont Co -------- 4IU 4 t’ 4T(| (liort ll

! ! ' c 2 ' K 7 = s i ' ' s l ; f f ' l l ' S iUifm Ptcllla _ u n 4l> O icotl I..Id nnndt -------- lau I tu UU rd unid a u ll C tt _ 7U t*> 1 ■ 'ind on C t l___ 40U »■« 4tU;‘''*'=Id oil H J ----- « iu a MU aroundjJbtktf*CCoV- JU* Ml! i j ’u Cotp______ JO 4IU M deck fflken Roll Ortr _ 4 7S 71 Iimlu 8r r , 5 S 'm « ~ « . ’! i J i ; 'm cubidt ___ I03U ioo>i jn i , 00 lo 8

f : , s ; j j - Sird Ou 4i Imp . 4% MU • MU <

i e f ' S = i ! i i il! ;tdium ...._____ I J , a .a^ 'loM l fcwm Vnlon W(t RU nllh 4 'llnmouir Cto _lUtk I4IU MI'.i,l.orm CO ._ ^ « U ts « u ;

■ Ctnn M*nKET . ^.j. j,5W "y^THa*. II tn -cuT b 'W - A i-^of

«io®MMiT'h7rt“ I I Z ± : » . ' i ' '® * ’ ' ^ irle DObd fc Witrt p t___ ^?nvri?rew"Z'~".7.''.7.---------1 1 'iL o M isS f d ' ^ l ! ! l l ! l . ! L = 'J l; markett r iiudtoa_______________i j i je r lhanih ln t----------------------------- I” 'in S lo r ~ 3 r Z ! Z ------------- » '

------ lioundsBudltr, 'Wrttaer tod eomptnr. Cattle

BU- nidf. Twin rail* I'ound.:r IU prt ctni dut IMt-IOIU tfl U EOOd am■ ' • ' " ' . l i . r V l S r ™ ' - ” 'I. T rm t________________ UU down, girt. Ineemt Blitrra--------------l i n Ungs np

'K.w'VSrh 8 i«U ------’•riCM Power tnd I J in f_____ lOli Ucal lO|tieiB QU tnd neelilo 8.00; lo«

loati nueutt _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J iu pUctme^ l a e o u i ----------------------- r . BheepIt vtoioti----------------------- MT,x t MCr Co. ......................... u A.iklng

Kill U kt siiBiBi • limbs ImUln CUr Copper.... l l ' i la 1I3C0 <._v. nktr Mlnlrii — __ t3.31 lo OJO UmbS li

Itd-Otm i Oregon.U. S - ls 82.-0 83.50; No. 2s 8l.65'lo.|lJ0.sultry: Brollen 19 to Cc; frjers cliolce e lo 19e. Old’rbo iltn 10 to 13c. rr.J I0>i lo 22c. Ducka 12c, harea s) 8 lo 13c. R ou ten 20 lo 3le. TO aba 29 lo 30c. Turkeyi (dressed) poRT .0 23^c. ' A)-Hot

------- lower llhiglier

POTATO MARKETS “ ',.1mwlly


Nertmber 18 '*

c im ,« £ ' r z = = r . ™i « « 'c j r r » r r o R S . '

March Delivery unevenlj

Si?i"bid Illd u » u n I . UM.”■ few losd

U>9 ANQELES POT,\TOF.<l mon gn 58 ANOELES, Nov, 18 (-D (US i "

-P o la lo e s : US. No. I Kem Ity RusseU 83J5 lo «30. KU- K?,it. tl, h dlslrlet Ruasets U.S. N'n. 1, ‘*“7 ) to 83J5, U£. No. 81,75 lo " S L l ). poorer 8IA3: fair Stockton banks 83J5,. goo<l WI«on.\ln lea 82iO, ordlnar>’ 8153 cwl: *1 couniy While Rwe $l to jt.lO fair Nuevo \Vhlle Ito'. 2’, lo

» l r : V l J------- 3.05; odd

IDAHO POTATOKS 'P’ 3 00 I lAHO FALLS, Nov. Ill ,U SL)—Shipping i«lni infuriv,.Illon ^O.sBafurday: ^Qg'^Jper v;"ey: Cailnjd.^ fob unh S D A).t to dealer,i; navv:t.« ,l), a, \ fert 985lly .81.70 lo JI.75: U. 6. 2 »U3 Csttle:UJO mosUy 81.17'; ;o Ji20. weak loI togrow tn bulk per c»:.: RtM- steadj; rT7.8.1»few aalM »I.i3io*IiJ. 7J0 lo 9ly growtta_holdlnK . tnr later lelfers fljaltlOR. U. S. 3 Wc 10 tl. 85; cultefln Ftlls-Burle}-; Carln.i* (i.i, 1,‘L * ^ 'tnck to dealers: »u.Mfir U. 8. ^1,,,,;. !

C3 lo 81.75: U. S. 2 81.15 to j i .m ; “ 7 “ .' ■ I to growen bulkier c » : : niu.U. 8. I t few saltj 11.35 :o »i w. i J ® . '. J 90 to 95C, Many crn^m liol.t- 4for higher prices, offcnnc only " e .n o l aulUble fnr mntlnned*««• • c


UCAQ0,..NW,. 15_a-;-iUiUA».toes 184: on track ,ou i S v H T ; atilpmenu Saturday 731. sim- ni<«Uy « 1081 about Iieady. r w i i t , ub- 5b;. demand slow; Mckert j)ft. cwt cattle'10 Russel Burbanks VS. No. t. ab.1 lo U50; Urge Mic »;c(i; u a . iMund f(2 8W0 to 8l i 0; i.racilc.i1ly free U wm I euU and slipped eml.i j : . i7i.i medium 3J0; Wtslilngion Uu.wt Bur- o » r»ur ca v a . No. 1 large U.7J; tom- cows oul Uon grwde baker Hm J2as; »te«n 6 ■ndo red McClures Ufi. No. 1. jjO: odd i; Nebraika Bll.« Tjliinipfvi US. pUlh'da 1 and partlj' pailed t j j j , .00 to t



N0'PUU: \ ^ - ~ ^ 1 ( r m'G E T H E R -) T -TH A N K] WHUrtE NICE A O O U / BEir- T ^ :— fl \ r A HI'_ A V , /« !X U P I


• dergr

.SAN JTiAnCISCO LIVESTOCK ? ghei SAK FRANCISCO. Nov. 18 (fll ,(U D A )-llojs: UOO; top tnd bulk0 to 230 pound.1 1025; other < 'Ighu absent, few psclclng aowa .Qjjti

Cuttle: IOOO; five lo)ds HO to IOOO j und northem CallfornU warmed-1._ .1 .Iteen 8.13; load M7 pounds 8.00;Id 1015 pound Oregon sn ss ite tn aiiionr i: mrilum grassen f 7J to 7J3; ort load 807 iKiund Idaho gristlt-.'rs 8.00; part lo jd '1535. pound »**8nl. i l» range coas 5 JO: load dairyII i.50;- bulU scarce, good quoI- . ‘ up U) 5.75: calvei. none; nom-

ll: good cliolce \eslera quoted)und 850 to »iO. ” “ “ 0 Jheep: 2900; iteady lo »eak. long:k food 77 i»und wooled Oregon V'lsn*) nbi 8.50: sorted 20 head, midlum)d medium pelt OrcRon lambs 8.- Pf««- f lo 8.U: sliom lamb.1 7.75; med-n pelt 77 pound lambs from local " •‘®''<1 lol 7.75; sorted 15 i>er cent tnd ttl 4 per cenl shrtnls: two decks Slice:dlimi good 118 pound medium activeI CalirornU caes 3.10; few from steadyat feeil lot 2.00 to mostly 2.80. dull bih 4 per cent ahrlnk. wcek’a

------- nallveST. j o s c n i LIVK.ST0CK Urger

;T. JOatTlf. Nov. 18 (J*) (U S D small 1-Hogs; 6500; bulk good and ^'titenilice hogs IM pounds up 9J0 to ly to i; now slopping a( 925 for beat:s, Ughl slulf verj' -uneven. 100 'holce 180 pound fclghb B.75 .to OJO:’ 140 to 180 pounds B.OO to 8.85;:s 15c lower; bulk 8.65 to 835;rket closing bcUtc. shade high- OMAlhan mld-se.islon or mostly 5 to Close:

lowtr lhan Friday's average; Ifogs:I satea good and cholct hogs 180 Packenmds and up 9.15 to 9 30. . confide,attle: 3100; small lot.prlme 000 stlghllyind.yearling it?cr> 11.50; few pen 10d and choice fed'ifeers and year- 15 U> 1■J 9.35 lo 10.25: grauy klndi 700 to 89J5in, grassy liclfers and lishlycar- UghU i3 around 4.00 to fl.50; beef cows 140 toI Co 5.00; bulls t.M to 4 85; prac- IOO lo>1 lop veabrs 8i0;others 4.00 lo 70 Ib uri; load good to choice 420 luund Caitli:k calres 7.00; olher -vies re* stccrasi cement cattle 4iO to 8.75. ! and miheep 4000; no early aales cr bids lower.Umbs, buyers laUlng 25e loacr. noon. £ling Sleady pricea. Holding b « t to 811.'lbs upward to 8.75: ilaughtvr 955 lblbs IS 10-25C lower;' desirable na- aame ats Ursely 8J5 (o 8.80; quality tlcuUrl:wesltms mostly plain, Bulk fl.OO juppU'1.S5: feeder Umb.1 unchanged up> —Sheerrd to fl.OO: aged shcej) strong; and salice ewrs quotable 10 lo ISc high- native

' ' 86.50, e------- . nnge 1

r0RTL\ND UVESTOCK J3.75. ■ORTLAND. NOV. 18 Wl (U S D -Hogs; 3300; steady to ahade t r lhan-Frlday or around I5cher llian wetk ago- good lo S0S1lice 183 lo 310 pound drlvelns S.- Tht B<

sparingly to 10.00; load loU on Oh:Uly 10.00; 225 lo 2C0 pound quoUUighU 9J5 lo 9.50; light IlghU lytbovSlly 9.35 to 9J0; lucklng so«t Ued las1; lew choicc local feeder p ip SeverI, . Ohio fllattle: 2250; ctlves 175; mile furtherle on tletrs, generally asking 25c caughtmore higher, best warmed-up lourl flis held above 8.00; bulk eligible containiell around 650 to 7J5; ahe stock ter bloc■venly 25c higher, besl heifers cloUilnjUlid^snirtircrrtdwe—gn aeru p w ld 'a i; bulls and ita lc n fully Heady, east.load^ helfera 5.75 lo 8J0; com-

a gndes 4.50 lo SiO; low cut-•nd cutlcr cows mostly 3.00/lo LC; cnmmoii to medium gndes 3.75 — 1.50; good beef coau 4.75 lo 535; ^a Iirsfly 450 10 5.25; good to I"Ice \ealeri 8.00 lo 0,00. «»t» •heci); 1800; fal lambs around of l'l'hljhrr Uian Friday or fully Count

dy with week ago; good Iruc't- Dorus I1 Umbi 7J5 lo 7 i0; common :6 !Ilum cradcs 0,00 to 7.00; year-1 lUrry 1 s .icanv. fat cata lully 23c hliih-1 dead.2 loadi choice lUughler c«ei| vised : odd loi.t medium to good dnu'. | .3.00 tn 323: load mJdlum gudcs' The £ i above 2.75. , lugs lo

------- , and It dLO.S ANfiKLES LIVKSTOCK [devlaeea DS ANOELES, Nov., 16 (,V; ru : lhe tboi ) Ai-llogs; 3501 Iteady. crsln' You a 98S to 10J5; locals 0.50 to 9.TJ. komplalr itlle: 7000; holdoven fllD; fo'A>| in lhe D, k lo 25c lower, olhcr cla-v.'si Judicial dj-; medium to chofce fed ite. i\ | iJalio, h to 9.00: nnge sleen 7.35 doan. I by the i

frs a.;s to 8 i5; cows 4 35 lo .! you nre cuiter grades 3.75 lo <25; hilL^'aml pie; 100; stocker nnd feeder k iiu in u to G.85; helfen S.OO lo S!)ij,|iiiis .wm

e.i; 2800. slow, altady; aI.wcIi-I notified calvea 500 lo 110; stock'eahr.»laiiil plw lo 6J0.- ; tlif lime

leep; 2100; iteady, medium io:tiif wm ce w«led Iambs 8,20 to prayeI. ewes 3.80, liiUai

— l>uri)o«OGDEN LIVESTOCK iiu and

DEN. Nor. 18 W (U 8 D A )- Loi Iifie 1 7W. Ittady lo 5c loatr Uun of S » r t, :ay; tatly top B.OO on cliolrr I Paiii, jd tlns.-mlxed-wtlghU and' gmriMldiTtston- down to 8,50 and under; o»., n r

Uy 8.75 10 7.25; odd head inlTam Fs j County;

ittle: IJOO; fairly active. eir;\ aiipune: s aboul sttidy; car good l i : i | wimri id leedlol ateen 7.iXi; 22 iwii I ihe mio j»und drlvelns 6 25; odd'liih<nt Nove; lum and good SJO lorfloo; o r ! pound Idatp fetden SJO; tf» .s „ ii I out 4.00; load welshly jio,-k n 6.IS; car Wi-cmlng lie ilw : odd lou drlrelna 8.00 to SSOi-w, i. u n'dalb' bred M etn and helfrr-l M,om lo t50; 3 can good young Wy. Rcmu,


H E R O Pfe B R O K E V O U SE /HILE W E W ERE WITHOUT N BNG-'TOWEO U P S g a s o l in e H I L L - W E e n d e d ) D P N T MIN

P IN v o u a . USE.VOl< a y s t a c k / T t d c a l l w h o n----------- \^ V E R S E T H E

ilns cowa 4.75 and 6,00; medium I n f l d sood drivelns 4.00 to 4.50; un- UU r gradea 350 to 3.75; notlilng done: [ H

bulU or vealen. * "iheep: IIJ00;_noihlng done early.


epenwl WhCw, 10 10 ISc lower, ipota off more , llgliUr weighu. Closed wlih part I early losa regained. U ia lopM.85.Ippen 3500, holdoven 4000.W ile: 20.000: calves 3000; ghly Iteen closing weak lo 25c w , moatly weak compared dull CTC ;k end close but very ilow, ill oral ] des light Mltle lUady. Improved iwept :ker and feeder market helping rtcorc imon klllen. Two loada inlxed Chlca :n tn d yearllnp 812.10, most ghty ateen 8I0J3 lo 811; ilrlcily lice 1400 lb offerlngi a t Utter :e. Slie itock closed fully aleady; " snI hundred head weaiern helf*Ilock calvea 85,75 lo IflJO; tleer •es up to 87; bulla iteady lo weak, , • ’v heep: 12,000; fat Umbs closing , ive after alow lUrl, most sales V , Idy with PrWay.,Feeding Umbs I but tboul Iteady wlih last ,[»* k’a decline. Dulk good to choice ' ' Ive and fed comeback Umbs lo Indl ter Inlercsta 88.75 lo 89. Top to mesili ill klllen 89.15 on natives. Few recent Icrujffrouritrlncs ruimlng large- portec0 feeden 88 do»-n. Dulk feeding outbui ,bs tround 8SJ0 lo 87J5; no wlieat Ice feedera here. ^y,„


02*»-MAHA, Nov. 18 (in (USDA) - 103S- « : 3*i.ogs: 1800; market'deadlocked, ber 4i ken bidding 89.10 down; icllen bulge, fldeiiily holding for 80JS and come lilly higher. Laic inde to ship- cenls 1 10 lo 15c.lower than Friday or lo 25c under Saturday or. 83.15 Sit 19J5 for betler 200 lb up. Ught , ,u an'd pigs steadr to J5c cfl; .

to' 160 lb 'U te 87.75 to 88.76; ‘ lo HO lb 86 lo 88; feeder pigs

» lip 81.50 to 8fl,75.8lilppers MOO.;"' m ic: I3i00; yearlings and Ughl ra steady lo weak; weighty tlcen i ^ *

medium weighta weak lo 2 5 c ^ er. Numerous loads unsold t t , ^ ‘ n. Severn loads yearlings 811.15 811.10; load 1232 lb 8UX0 and,“' ' “"' ' lb 811.75. Oilier classes mostly.?,™ "

le as early but vety slow, |iar- ,larly eows wlih large patl o( Rein ply unsold. priceanetp; 6500; Umbs slow early-blds trada > , Mies around 25e lower;., besl In the Ive Umbs unsold, held iround 'lure t 0, early tales sorted nallve and lem hi ge Umbs 88 to 88J5 nnge ewes*• _____ repres.

scortdWOOL "

bushelOSTON. Nov. 16 (USDA) - „1 Boston wool matkel waa alow Ry* Ohio tn d Ilmllar' fleeces, bul UUons wer# vety firm and mosl-ibove the mailmum pricea real*. last wttk. "ivenl houses lud told ahead on0 Ileeces and weta offering no “ ‘ ■y ' her quanlllles untU lliey had Pnv ih t up onlgndlng. Avenge Mls- Mrtngi 'I fleeces In counlry packed loU I'alnlng three-elghlhs and quir-blood gndes wllh combing tnd lllng lengili staple together were whrt

ai'42c in'th'a grease delivered nee

Legal AdifeTtisemenIs K •ANOTHER SUMMONS i j j '

:he DbUlcl C:ourl of the Elev- <uu- ih JudlcUl District of the Siaie • Idaho, In and for Ta'ln Falls j i /

luniy.. 1 _ »®T >u H. TJ'ler, Plaintiff. Jf,' •

- v s . - , ji,r_7 L. Tilton. If living, and II ad. the unknown heirs and de- ect of the said Harry L. TllWn,' ' luriej

Defcndanla. gr* le s u te ot Idaho leiid.i greet-,10 Harry L. Tilton, if living Dro

It dead, the unknown heln and j[»" eta ot the said Harr>' L. Tilton, u t r ibove named defcnrianis. Jii'u are hereby noiUled Uial t 'j ,* J '“ '" ilaint haa been llled against you jan e Distrlcl Court the EleveiUti |;tal District of ihe-SUilC.Jif- | 0, In and for Twin Palls County :ie above named plalnlllf, and are hereby dlreiAed to appear plead to Ihe said complaint11 twenty days of, Ihe terrlce of summons; and you are further led llial unless you w appear plead lo said complaint wllhln lme herein specified, the pUln->.'111 take judgment against you ■ . -ayed In said complaint. IIs action U commenced for the ' o» of quleilng tllle In plain- >nd against the defendanU U flfleen (li) In Block One (D >re Addillon lo the clly of Twin , Idatio being a patl of t lub- im of DIqek-fbur-(4) of Moor» n rs t Addition to said city of

1 rails, situated In Tvin FalU Ity; Slate of Idaho, wllh the rtesances.ine.vs my hand and tha teal of ■aid District Court, this 9th day lovember. 1936. . ,

TOANK J. B sn n i. 1 ll Clerk. !

PAUL H. OORDON,Depuly Clerk.

.. Dunn.lorney tor PlalnUIf,Itdlng at Twiu Falls, Idaho.

^ E R ^ t l O S * . ’

By J. P. McEVOY amS E E w e ' r e BU rW EH A VEtv :M O N E y O B A P H O N E ,M y C e - i p y o u ---------------^INO 10 UKE r

€ CHARGES^ • •


IBOFflLL .,s l i l D l C E g

_____ kJin

(hea i Sw eeps IJpw aFd'T o 5 " 1 New High in L a te “ i ;

Buying M ovement w « «____ SOJ

By JOIIN P. BOUGHAN ’CinCAOO, Nov. 16 (>n-In a gen- il Uie buj'lng movement, whetl ept upn'trd today lo a new high 4^.;. :ord Ilnce 1929. reaching 81.18',i, Bm ilctgo Dectmbtr dellvto’. gndeWl fulurea of rj'e. lhe companion whetl as t bread stuff, overtop-

d thUxa.wn‘a previous peak QUO- ™ lloni. and shol akju'ird In aome * sea 3*i cents, while aoy beans »red 4 ctnu . lhe ImmedUte ol- rablo limit, rtsislering t total In of more Umn 11 ccnU wllhln 6 past month. Corn valuea ad- nced to almosl equal lo the yeafj ^

' sellln[ndlcaUons 1 larger volume of do- l t n :silc flour purdiaslng haa been othy *nUy pul through lhan waa re- vetch rted-dW iiiiicirto briiig lhe"iicw porili Iburel of apeculatlve demand for leat and other, gnlns. iVheat closed .Ilrong. IU-2 cenla 31-e Baturday'a finwh, December , lU-U; May I l5 'i - 'i . December ‘i;*'*

com % .1 \ up. December iS-%, May new 97-98K. July new 'i. oala S-14 advaneed, Decem- • 44!i. hnd rj-e-ahowing 2U-3»i Ige, December 92'i. Tlio oul- , ne In provL lon* varied from 2 Ils decline lo 12 cenU gain, j,

.Molilure SliorUp Reported 0«1 white

JlsquleUng reporu of moLslurt )tlag» In widespread_areas of do- sllc wheal atca.s fouUinesi help- inaterUlly lo Impart an upward NE' n d"to 'tlie Chleago'nmrk';r'de- bratei le pronounced setback of Liver- quo(« ll quoUUons, Weakness at Liver- unquc )1 n-aa *.scr1bed to the fact that oo .4( eka of wheat afloat for Europe k >wed 3.0J2W0 bushcLs lncrea.«. j j j . j 1 now exc«d 40.000.000 bujhels. iju c . ! largest toUl since August 1931. puc; lelardlng the ' rlsa o f ' wheal cea unlll Just befote Uie day'a “ ‘el* d« tiided waa decldcd oppasltlon 0?* « the shape of aclh t selling prt.s- “ Mdj e that um e largely from cast« sion 1 I houses. ■ dolt 1Chicago July wheat conlracta, resenUng the 4937 domestle crop, rtd the aharptat rl'e today, nblng lo 81.02U, up 2 ctilU t iliel from Saturday. Fily« owed lla bulge mainly to lU Itlve cheapness compared wiui eat. Com lagged a t tlmea be- ise of liberal rtcclpla and favor- = = e wealher for rural crop move* nU. OaU symp.ilhli«l niodcr- ty with corn.•rovUiona reflected the late ;ngth ot grains. ^ g

HICAGO. .Sor. 19 tn —Optn . lllih low ciixt

■ hril—■i.i«';-i7'i;i»!;"i.MS'i.itu-u

r I.H.I4U l.lSU I.I4 I.IIU'U . .I-00U*U I OI’. 1.00U l.OIU*’i

gtn— nma'

new .KIU-U J>3U .SJU .M>. I to d•« IhiK

.43U . .MU .«U .MU ' l” '>*•43U-U .♦JU .41U .43U*U l lw

I, nt.nlil* i Niin. I.IT IJOI'. I.n isftu i sold

I.17U u o u I7!!i u o u ! marl

i” ‘I !u/i~1pu -MUiflej—J l ' i .IT .ISU «7

td - **1I.7S U.T7 11.73 ll.TT

l i t j - in s Ij o rhot

u u 1 3 IS 13 ISJO

S e l e c t e d

POTAKP r e s e n t P r i c e

6 0 c ^

D e l i v e r e d T i

O t a t o C p r p i

o f I d a l iBurley, Ida

n d .J .H . STRIEBELE N T^ o e a r s . O h m L - k-

-I m i ■


5.'“ i , . f d * S ' i . ‘ " ' ‘'Com: No. 3 mixed 1.04; kiln dried05: No. 4 mixed 1.01-5: . C s rSu-I 99-l.OOH; No. 2 yellow old L ji; In dried 1.08-10; No. 3 yellowklln fied-l.09;-N or4-j‘(!low-i;0iu;()3:“ o.Syellow9fl-1.01:kiln dried 1.05; 0. 3 while l.Ofl: Na 4;whlU 1.04-' i 'i ; No. s while 1.02-04'i: iam- e gnde 90-l.M ,, .Soy beam: No. 2 yellow JJ8-31*!: »:3 5'«” '>»l«-31!i;N o.4.yellow J-29; sample gnde l23>i-27. ^ U : No. I «hlte 47-47!<: No. S i'lt«46; No. 3 while 45;No.4whlU

i t s " ' - “ »'•Barley: Feed 65-80 nominaJl. idling L00.10 nominal.

a o m « d :Lard: Tierces Jll.75; loosa 81130 rlllea 815,75. ‘ ’* •

PORTLAND HAT - TORTUND, Nov. H W, «Ulng price lo reUilen; alfalfa Nn 817 to 817JO: eastern Oregon tlm- hy 8IS to 816JO ton; oau and i'.’l^JL*.-‘0-»l3:-ClBver,813.ton._

r u xDULUTIf, Nor. 16 (flvFlax on »ck 82.05'i 10 82.15U: December ' ,05U; May 81i8!i.

WINNIPEG GRAIN WINNIPEG, Nov. 18 _ Oaih leal: Np, l northem 81.09; No. a 'rihern 81.08; No. 2 northem

Oau: No. 2 while 48So; No.- S lite 14‘ie ; No. l mUed fetd 44Kc.

-■^tVAPORATED ra il lT NEW y 6 r k , Nov.-Ifl M v-Ertp. ^ted tpples Sletdy; itandard un* Oled; cliolce lOlic; extra chelct quoled. Prunei twtdy; CallfomU >-10s) 0i.i to 7c: Oregon (}0-40t) J I to fl'ic. Aprlcota itetdy; eholc* J ;; ex ln choice ll '. i lo I4!ie: fancy lie. readies -ateady; ilandard ic; choice 9S ; extra cholct 9 \ 10c, Rtlslni steady; loosa tliis<

tell 6'tc:'clioice 10 fancy iceded i lo 6'ic:.Medless 5S to 6c. FIga •ady; CallfornU Uney, bltck Mu-i in 0 ', : Adrlaile, Uney lOc; K *f I t unquoted,

C A LL 850For tk lter UuDdrr SerrlM



. . . . . . T ______________

Any quanllly or tol of beans, mall or large, covered by a Jonded Warehoate Negotiable lecelpl.ahowlng all chirgea paid0 dale and wllh a grade etUb- Islied Ihereon by the warehouse- lien or by (i Federal Certlllcate howing .Warchoiiat Hecelpl lumber, h In proper ihape lo bc nld nn n F.Oi). car basis In any iiarkct.

. T

t h e c h .as . w .BARLOW CO. ,

hone 548 431 Shothone SU Ss l[

1 C u l l

OESe O f f e r e d

5 CWT.

T o -

i o r a t i o n ■

h o \ ■jaho \ I I

Page 9: · C Ily E d ltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102._____________ Mine Rescu Struggles'

^ N e w s WI .WANT AD RATES-------BATES r n r LIKE K B 'O A r ^

8tz dtj*. per Ust p«r dijr — k o i lTbrt* pn IIb« per d a ;___lo pOm dayi pet UW' . „ lt« d;

S3 l/37fl D U count a F o r C M h ■

Oub isifcovat^ai^rt tt udMrU*^

m n f s j tor u M ia ier — - 19JI

INDEX TO ,WANT ADSagajM cw c i u > * • A

iu i ? fcrnSk' r u t l — I I—DwutT Sheta — «BuilSCM "'r—'T * “CIUtuTnl DUpUf - " ”OoftL Hom. Im ”Docl OUer r«U ^ i BeaiB».--a*»pr _ •ror 6U» UTMtock - »rwotii liup waawd '» ■ Inortiu jf s £ S " « S S S f f iS S " - I= Z S ;n r S(M OMito ----------- ----- >MmiK* ted vntubiw »

- ru n w ii-P ih c w t- ,, J - —. rureuura lor W* .■. «

Oood TOn» » W »»-*Riln tu il er m n a ll — ,l»KotS« lot MBI --------------- nInilnicUes »

, — i nilp Uall ffaaud IUoon u Lo*B — . »uotUk . s u n t* ___________ 14 —

i nneBtU --------------------------- «' —miUT >s4 BuppiiM n Ift RwiM asd ttniM - « ■« J. IMI b u i i tor e*ii ________ s *

* ft««I b U ti for irtd i , aa * Bm I bU U WtnUd - - —M

; • K i i r * 5 ? = 4 = 5 * 1I - ■ Bltuatieei ------- » i J

--------------- g »Wtsud 10 lUfii - -^1 *Wtaltd UUCtlltSMU* » *A ¥ 'for 6ii« ot T»4i J l * «

T in KxwB 'w B a n to uajq 'II elMT W fMdrra-oi tOi eli»l- * 1

nid p tti U ll Uun u a lUlcl . rail iniB it f i tu i aar tddiuoe- ^ ; tl la/orm»Uoa cSBMniet *6lln< I* ' tdi.* tb ti It, tdnrUMaiBU i1cb‘

.td imii a bot DumUr la car* u

Lost and Found 5 ,», -------------------------------- .............U

" BLACK IIAKDCASE ON !CCY- »b u n . CoDlaliu conlnct books. * Leave Maylaj oHlcc.

LOST I ROAN COW. 3 RED COWS P " and roan calf. AJI branded L and —X on right ribj. newatd.

* NoUfy Q._L. Jiulescn, Carey. Ida.Rt. I.

r TAKEN UP AT MY PLACE - ONE' horte, Btinday, Nov. 19th, 193d.. 0 «mcr nuy have horse by pay­ment of adv. and keep. Maywood

■ O.T5Ui7R=3rWMt-nrybum-Ave..'' • Twin RilJj, Idaho._________________

* B eauty S hops 6 —. AT LAST WB HAVE W UND A

roachlnelesi wvB thal WB can uu- — . Iieallatlnflr recDmmend. U's a WA

dramaUc new aetilevement in per* ” . moneiit wavlnj. Come In and let . oi

u« glv-o you a l » t curl. No chntjte and no obllfaUon. Oil penntincnls pricKl from ItiO atid up, Arllitic “1 Beauty Salon. U i Main Ave. Wcjt.Ph. IW. . .___________ WA

MRS. NEELCT OPPERS HER M ^ Oil Ct Tutlp'trood permanent vra\% thU week for 13. OUier pennantnb _ tl.50 up. Idaho Barber i i Beauty Shop, 131 Main E. Pli. C<.

SPECIAL - OIL PERM. $1. t i OIL ^ P em . t3. Klaas Beauty. Shop, 23G, c

" 6Ui Ave. E. Ph. »35,__________ | hi

« PERMANENTS tl.M, t3. USO. U /B hI USO. Shampoo and. Ilnserwave. tl dried SSc. by Ruth Persuson c Brown. Over Ind, Meat Co. Mn. 3( Beamer. . P,

TUK r a a ro» u i tn - T r - r b ia i

’ I I W I - W H A T A S A P y d u v J T O H O O K A U T U

l[ [ I L IK E A N D Y C iU M I S 'V A S T lN C r Y O U R '

T H A T O L P BAT^ t i l

' H i

I A '

>» -------- - ■ . _ __

% W ' ' \ B R O U G H T MV 1 ; fi STA W P ALBUM - FO R 1 - 9 V OO T O .S 6 E , A



\ P C ? Wi-w m

t^ant AdiB e au ty Shops , 6 U l

(Coailaaid tnm gm«di«| C d«M ),

OIL PERMANENTS PROM $1^- g PlnBtr waving, hair cutUnj. balr - d jtln i. f*claU.-Crawlotd BMuQf . . Salon. I l l Main S o , Ph. 1*74 orer DeU'a Cltar Stora._______

A u to s fo rS a ie 7 ■19M DELUXE P L Y M O U fl l

coupe, Norton. Ju»Umtr« Inn.

1P30 CURYSLER SEDAN. il9 <TB Ave. W. after B a. m.


Compare our prices before you . buy

We buy our cars for cash and lliertfore we can aeU for lets.

•And Wo Do U ■ t r25r^evrol«ls and ^

IIM and up ta t l7 i «______-28 andJ3(LM0dels ' _ , ^

Coupes tn d Sedans Easy Terms

Jno. B. W hite . UThe Used Car U aa •

IM Becond Avt. North

r r r r r r r s T T J T T T i » * *>(. IMS OLDSMOBILB SEDAN • j w

[T he AOTO MART^i JJ------ iU Ualn AW. W ut *» WE BO Y -fiEU ^TRA DI ♦» ' • -----W * * * * * * * * * * * * * M0^— --------------------------- ------------ lm

* 1938 Cliev. Coach, ex tn good ♦ ^* Bolor, 4 almost new tirts, new ♦ „* up and paint, good brakes. « jjj* Ooes For tn o « — t J. LOA ' ■ Terms or TVaila ♦ a ,

I JOHN O’CONNOR* USED CAR CO. ! J.* 3ia Bhoahone West ^ ^

------------ F


193S Die. Sed. S ”1931 O it Sedan. •1930 Dodga sedaa193$ V-» Bedan " ,ID3< Chev. sundard coupe 1934 Dodge sedanSeveral good used trucks ”


* ' - J r u

Fem ale. Help W anted 1 0 ;VANT W OMAN WITH OOOD retfrtnces for housewort Fb. 11« or jli .______________________ _ _

EXPERIENCED CH O C O L A T E _ _ dlpfKr. Itcrbst Candy store, Or*

WANT 15 GIRLS TO SERVE 3 ra j banquets this «tck. Specr^ Coffee J. Sliop. • DE

bar--------------------------------------------- We

S llua tlbns W anled 14WANTED - CARPENTER WORK. L—

Can give reference. C. A. Stroh* —hieyer, Rt. 3.. IM I


slonni herder wants steady, work. ___Cnn Rive good rcfertncn, single, MUR30 yrs. old. J3 years experience, n i

. P. O. Box 273, Bulll, Idaho. lui:

*Tui c m roB usvL T i'-rboD i n ^

— r t f i

J WERE-TR^N<a 8U E F I» H II M P - H U H - ^ iR TIME W)TH ?A TT L E ^A X E J - , , <

fl' ^

~ G A J

T H A T S .SV/EET \ §i f i f l - o p v o u r r c o c n w - 4i 3 BO T I HAVEM'T , g

^ ^ KJOW. *

” I


BUBBLES. -------- -----------

' . ■ '

“I alA-ayfl lo o k . . . th e re m ls h t

M oney to Loan 16 f--------------- --------- <C«»lONEY TO LOAN ON UWELL- { jigIngs. .Lowest rates, long terms. , ] ,quick terrleo. Sanger'^ones. Ph sth437. 133 Uala t e L - p.

P y o u NEED. UONEY, SEE ------Harry a t Twin Palls Loan Offlco HOU 115 Ualn Are. E. Jat

OANS - 9%. NO COMMISSION « ♦ flwlm Inr. Co. » ,

EDERAL PARM LOANS 4 ^ . SEE *J. W. McDowell, Room 14, Bank * i! T nut Bldg. . *

— ** N

For Sale, M iscellaneous 17 *— . '■ — ■ I " .

PENCINO *Don't buy any Kind of Fencing, *5tt«l PoiU, Barb Wire, Gate*, or * 'Bale Tics without llrst consulting it mus conccming our prices. Wo ____cany a full and eomplele atock. pori

o ,w .& w .o o .------------------------- ;----------- ------1 T«

------- ^

Vei: • - pWe have ABCROECtf Coal, _ would you like your bln flUed FOR or maybe a load? 031


143-Phone-lM P»ani

--------------------------------------------- BAL-------------------------------------------1 allUsed Implemenls. Sevenl 3- ray J. D. horse plows. Several J. D. manure tprtaden. ONB qo DEAR CAT HAY CUOPPER. a u , bargain. Several heaUng stoves. ca We will sell the above. Well worili cii the money. co

a w. & M. CO, PJ,--- ----------------------------------------! o r

UcU TONS HAY. FEED GROUNDS Oy for sheep. S mL So. Hansen, *i sk west.'Carl Hughes. Sa'

tURESOO PAINT, ENAMEU ___nra lth aad all kinds of painting n s i supplies. Sreugtl^ Hardware. Mt

n t l CALL r o i u n n .T i* -n B s i n ^

r E ~ G - u : M - p s ^ A ~ 'F y \

f c u N C L E B IM .T H E BILLI ^ / H E ' S M V m a m - B U T ' W S T E P y R U N T , o l '^ b o > ^ ^ A f t T - H E ‘S N O PL


i S O U N E ' A L L E Y - C H A

N O U O P (g S A IO V O U 'D ta b u t 3 L 0V 5 T O fa • o r w e K l SH E TMEW.-



jf QuickB yF redN eher

- ^ , , proroo:

i i i F i l i i ' ' IBfc

. KoiOlei hoi

' . ■' .P A I U

ovvil■ ' ' 2


ff-/7. TRAI

h t bc an old maid there.” _wi

F o rS a !fl.M /sc e lla n e o iis l7 Wa(coatlauid fnm PTKidiB* CiloBB)

ISED LUBiIBER. DOORS AND Siu windows. See Roy Atwood. 337 ' Boi 8th Ave. No, beU 8 a. m. and 8

P- ” • Iliafill

lOUSE, 13x19, FOR SALE. 3 9 1 ------Jackson Sl. LET

' and hat

* P.I: FO R SA L K ; —


• No cliarge for labor Kiting j, ^ . ginsi 1C you will bring your ^, uah or drive your cnr In. Oet " »• *

ready for winter before snow * — '•files. * £

MOON’S * ^.. . Phone! .* C 1 I0 I

* vidi

■r e d b eer- dea ler IN MON- D p .ments. markera. 3M_ Ualn 8 ,Twin Falls, Ph. »16Bi^

TED AND PASTURE TO WIN- Kin ter 75 head of hor«*>or catUe;P. R. Mann, Box 355. Jerome.

. 1. . I I— l lf iO R SALB-APPLE WOOD. PH. berl

'E H I!LEAN CONCRETE ORAVEL Ror Passea state Inspection a l Tlious* Ore and Springs Sen'lw SUllon, ,

5ALE. TIES, AND FENCING OF all kinds at lowett prices. C. W.^ fohFEED WXTURE8 » • Bona Meal Llnxtd UealC M . J ! l !Charcoal ■ ' WIN!Collon Seed Meal InuFish Steal cfta:Onnllo Orlt • hti(Ucat Meal Oyiter EhellStock Mlnenl ____Sardine Oil *31 0.


ISH. AND OYSTERS AT PUBLIC OOOI Market. 313 Stioshons North. tn d

TUB cAiTroft B M U tw -ra iB i H - n i l


'l' ^

I A N C E Y O U R B A m

■ CO U RSE, f D O N 'T VO T SO M E Lyi, CARE, GO

f j


Cash FFor Sale, M iscellaneous 17

(CiDllnurt ;>90 m ^lB i.C elam s). (C«

m y GRVEN- M lV o U C T m 8K:protect and beautify your new gOroof n th linseed oil ahlngle ttaln futlu t rUl tu y treiea a long time. WPh. S. Moon^ - - ' - bu


A carload of Mureseo In bulk.Bu; what you need, brtng back what you hara left. We lotn you ^

- a bnwli to put tt oa with free.McMurtry House P ^ t . 4- Tli

Hour Enamel, Floor aod Lin- fj,oleum Vamlsh drtea ta two wihours.-A Urge tlock of-Wall q ,p»w.


- ' I . • - ., . nrp,PARLOR FURNACE, FIROT CLASS ,n .nndltlon. Reasonable. Pit. IIISR, ^

inJRNITURB - MEW AND UBED -----fumlture of all kinds, coal nnges.eleetrie nngts. coal stores, clrcu- ___

and ether household /uro- WAI lililnKS, Moon-a. Ph. 8. Store No. 1; . ba

- n n i J T B to r e - N d T l -----------------tQl


OWNm LEAVING CITY WILL j* tetl 1 bedroom suite. Singer tew- — liilt machine. MayUg washer, Thor TEN msngle, Frigidaire, etc. Call be- tin lEcen 9 a.' m. and S p. m , Tues- ch day. Nov. 17, a t 380 Lincoln street. Bo

TOAILER HOUSE. .CniEAP. «S FUR 6ih St. West. m

— — in

W anled M iscellaneous 17-A A________ _____________ ______OLOWANT PASSENOER TO CALIF. Ml

Slurr eiaense. About 31st. Write — Box 30. care fJew T^ '

! PASSENOERB TO NEpRASKA, iliare expense. Ph. 781! or call Sin- “ Clair nation, 384 Main N.,

LET ME TRAIN YOUH MLTS. and brtiik your horses of all b«d habits, SaUsfaetlon guaranteed. E. wm P. Hawklna, 3 ml. E. 4 So. of Eden, ^r,

PLUMBINO REDAIR WORE. PB 4as. Krenge's lUrdware.

TORNITURE WANTED - WE BUY ^ Ulfd /umfJune, coal rartge* itorei and ice boxes. Wo p ty cash. Ph.5. Moon's!

Fruits an d V egetab les 18 ^:ilOICE TABLE QUEEN JNDI- ^

vldusl wjuash. SOc per d o t Ph. C387-JI3, y ,

DELICIOUS. JO N A T H A N S . ^ Romes, All grtdes. Box or. truck- load, Alto cider, and onions. Log J _ Cabin Ser\-lce StaUon,'H ml. catt ROC Kimberly. ------ ;------- an

3 K r ‘ D E l c i o U 8 ' 'A i M r 7 T MOI Hyde's. Box or lotd. F r m Klm- om berly 3 ml. east 3H Bo. —

— — ATT 3 E L I 0 I 0 U S , JO N A TH A N S. in|

Romes, Wlnesaps. D. Jean Day rai . Orchard, I ml. Na. l i E. Kimberly. 3S:

A I'PLES n wAinirlcMes, any-w aaU ty JSo per bu. and up wJiUe they last,Jobn Balsc) Orchards. 4 Ml.So. oa tu m St., Kimberly. ^

iWEET CIDER, 15 CENTb .PER _£*> gallon. Publio Market. '

VINTER APPLES BY BUSHEL OR truck loads. E. L Wonacotl Or- ^OK cftanl S miles e u t oa V. B. 30, u ., half So. from east end Main St. ___ I

F o r S ale o r T rade 21 pH'11 CHEVROLET TRUCK. WITH ROO; beet body. Phone 0193-Jl. Noi

IOOD 4 WHEEL TRAILER OR ROO: tnde (or beef. 3Si Jackson. An

niB CAU rox s u u T t ’-^nsBi n * m

? ' r • •

LISn’E N /PA D D Y - " , THAT-CjUY OVEf?. T H E R E - A I N 'T HE

k , “ P IE R R E T H E J ^ \ P E N M A N " - ? ^

P ■


•R E I R A R E T O O - 'm iSE S T G D / DOMlMICAW iM . A R 6 P U B U C FO R



^or Sur)For S ale o r T rado 21 1

^ a t i a « t4 rtia .rrtiM tas Celoma). r - JECOND HANd ’s TORE AT BIJKL, *

good Clean stock ol new and used m(umllure, healers, ranges, etc. m Well uUbllthed and dolt« good m ‘busiAess. See our store a t 137 So; m . Btmdway. BuhUIda.

F urn itu re (o r S ale 2 3VANT A BAROAlNt SMALL SIZE

piano Uke new, also larger used piano, must be takea up. WUI seU Ji for unpaid balance on easy terms. ^ Wnie Tallman Plano Store, Salem, Oregon. __________ SM

jEATHER DUOFOLD. BUFFCT f and dining Uble. 414 Srd^Ave. W.

lEPOaSESSED FURNITURE, OF aU kinds, 80 used nngea. Prices rang* from 110 up. Moon'a. —

' W anted to Buy 2 5 ^WANTEd ' t O BUY; HAY FOB

baling. N. W. Arrington. Phone . «• -OJJT.-JI:------------------------------— ‘-k

IVE PAY MARKET PRICES POR IW your brass, copper, lead, aluminum I' and lurs. T. P. Junk House, 330 — Msln Ave. a f ~

rEN OAUOE DOUBLE BARREL r slwlguu, or wlU trade good Win-Chester pump gun (or um e. Write uPox n , care Newt. _________m

FURNITURE WANTED-WE BOY uud fumlture, coal nnges, stoves and. Ice boxes. We pay cash. Phone. L _

_____________ m3LD HORSES AND-COWS. PH. 'w

M90-J3, Box <05. Twin Falls. P------------- -------------------------------- . 0

A partm en ts 2 8 J :I ROOM FURNISHED APT. 518 |—

3td Ave. West.

Fu r n ish ed a p a r t m e n t t o r hi rent, stoker heat. Ph. 287. }o

rURNISHED APT. 851 2ND AVE,Weat.____________________ _

n i o o u MODERN FURNISHED L _ apt. Bungalow Apia. 2nd Ave. E.

TORNISIIED APTS Tlffi OXTOM.438 Main Ave. No. of

Rooms lo r R ent 29BOARD AND ROOM, 135. 1545 T .Heybum.

eOR RENT REASONABLY, ONE fraiil bedroom, outside entrance. ^ •I’wo men preferred, Pll. U48W.- ^

?nONT BEDROOM WITH BoThD, iirlvale entrance. Pii, 850M. .tu

— 12itOOM AND BOARO — 330 SRD

3o5 eRN FRONT BEDROOM. ^ outside entrance^ 1318*4Ui Ave. 2, “

kTTRACnVELY FURN. SLEn»- t *tng room, sun porch, prirate ent- ^ ranee. O e n t l^ n preferred. Ph. «35IW.. ’

tOOM AND BOARO SUITABLE * for 3 or more. 154 6Ui Ave. E. *

AROE SLEEPINO ROOM. SUIT- ♦ ablefor two gentlemen; also single v room. 304 Seventli Avenue North, V Phone 1374-M. ¥

-RONT BEDROOM. CLOSE IN. 1 * 444 Srd Ave. E, . ^

I07r d a nd r o o m , i n 4TII A ^ . Jf North. . J

;00M AND BOARD, 1 UAN IN * 4 prtvate home. S53 8lh Are. Z. _

.^ M AND BOARO, 120 dth AVE. — Nortli.

OOM AND BOARD - U l TTH At*. No. Ph. 88L . _

r n CALL r o s nuiR .T(*-^oD» a

------ ■ Ii

— ' ....... ' ir

" I W f f l f f l S l l l f f l l f '*•

J l l l l i ■:

^ I / I ■f c i l M =f f l ■; j»: 2 s - i - 1 1 3 l S ^ 5 R r '• i 5 L l . l l -J i l i - j jp i i i . “ ■


~ ” Ti


ITlMB TRV ------- 2

m s A FA S m O M I S O O K J H

n ^M 4i

EMBER 17, Wair.;

plus FuiF o r R en t, M iscellaneous 30

* ........... * ^¥ 60 acres near Ooodlng, caslt * t * - r tn L fiudler W egtner.& Co,-* .» ♦ Pl^« « « « « * * « * I

- • GTM

W an te d lo H ent .31 J

IOO OR 130. A g o o d ' POTATO IT land. WUI pay crop or cash tent, K. n U Jenkins, 148 Main N. —

SMALL HOUSE, DEC, 1: RELI- *' ‘ ableyoungcouple, one* child. Luke.

Ph. 1478. • —

Real E s ta te for Salo 3 2 w?13 A. IMPROVED, TOR SALE OR

trade on good 40. Pli, 0389-J4. _

8-RDOM HOUSE. BATH. OARAOE. rtolce location: 11800. K. L. Jcn- _

•-klns.-148-MiiIh N.-.---------------------------------------------------------------------- AT1800 A. ORAZINO LAND, SOlTm S

Idaho. Wrlle MM ath Ave. E. ' r ' - ' — 4

Tm Sale: Oood modem sU- room house and batli, gange. ^ a-ell located In Rler. Price 13500. _ 1900 will liandle. Balance $35 per montti.


' ' ' ■ eMOST PRODUCTIVE B A. TRACT fT ' wlUiln 'i ml. T. P. city limits, jj

Priced for quick sale, fieoo. Terms. i0 . P. Plekett, Eugene, Ortgon, Rt. ij1. Box 358. _

SPI■' L fl

For Sale: 90 acre dairy nnch r r 3'.4 miles (rom Bulil. with 4-roomhouse, stable, all fenced, price ”

.107 per aere, 11500 will handle,balance to suit. V

J . E. ROBERTS, REALTOR .----------— P lnm ron---------------- ■ =

■ ______________I 3 I

' 0For Sale: 80 aetts southweit. —

of Filer, with slk-room house,bam. gsrage, deep well, all “ (enccd. Prtce $135 per acre, I3W0will liandle, balance to ault a t ^4 per cent. ™

J. B. ROBERTS, REALTOR ' nPhone 883 h

- -•------ . I!

For Sale: A well built S-room' ||.oouse, well located for apts. Price . -a m ;

J . E. ROBERTS, REALTOR -------------- Phone 903---------------—

♦ OOOD BUYS A^OOODINO * —♦ 80 acres, 84 under cull., 8 ¥.. paiture. 8 waste, elec., plio., ¥¥ small Ilte, barii^ele. M800.00.'¥ »¥ teoo casli, bal. easy terms. ¥ .¥ 40 aeres. 37 euilivaled, 4 ¥ _¥ mVlise,gar.ands]ied.»3<00.> ¥ v¥ 00. 8400,00 cash, bal easy ¥ TO¥ temis. ■¥ (*¥ 97 1-3 acres, 91 culUvated", « g ft¥ 4 rm. lise, elec;. grvl. rd., ¥ —¥ 7000,00. 81000.00 down. ¥¥ , We have other good buya. ¥

¥ SUDLER WEOENER & 0 0 . ¥ * ^


Daily Cross-TVAcnoii Solution ef Yisttrdi

u A n n ____________«. r<rltl^iilnf p£ U [p lT M PI'fl|p |

». fludpiiei m r U k l l D M IS. Ul undtr A LIA S M I W t , ly g g | | [ 5 | | i ( g |g |

14, fiiiiin l ^ f i H r 'U r r tp iT i i itt, CharacttnKIs I U s l L P l a l t . ^ J V

fruil ot m» |d p N E tt/IS H P I 'IT. B i m j s t t J & j N p l ^i», all r" ” H i l l i m l S l l E l i:t. umiii cup R ^ Q l^^ n M lF in iK

iiiMincut- V T 6 n O ^ p Mtins Illt- | p u u |^ H N |A |P I

:t. .siSki** I e I r I i I e B o T 61

AiiKrieta (1 Oai irbs ti. C:t. riiriiiinxi 41. Toiith 19. p>1. Kilkworm «(. JiptfliM I" I,

Ihl eoniutntr r . rirtslning

; i : a « r » a a r i . i ' l10. Slick ui«<l It. i'ortlsn of a

In (tuinf tu rn ' S. n. tKKil IL Aii-«ni) «. SI

tl. Tint l«li«« IL Till S. 8.

/ 12 13 | 5 16_ _ y .

— l - v - 2 0 ' -

S f W_______________28- g 2? 3o

3 r ~ ^ ~ 3 4

s r ~ h r i ( '

---------- P - -

T ~

irnitureReal M e fo r S a le 3 2 -;

WELL IMPROVED 20 N.W. OUBBT'■ a t 45000, 11500 down, no trtdea.

Write Box It, care.Jteux_____ : ___

FIVE ROOM MODERN HOUBB I18S0. Possession a t onee. W. O. Smith.

TMPROVED 80 A C R E S NEAR Hansen 113,000, Terms. W. O. Smith.

15 ’AORES. LONO TIME PAY.. ‘ menta. Low Inurest. Ph. 0398-Rl

4 A. ALFALFA. IM L S. OP O O O S■ Ing, >1300 cath. Balance, 1/3 crop. Wrtle H. 6 . Beals, Twin Fall^

Real E s ta te W anted 3 4 'W ANTED-LIffrmoa o n 40 a, 80’l .,

and 130 acre fstms. Haro buycra.J. E. Roberts, Reallor, Pli. 503.

Dobs, O ilie r P e ls 3 5--------------- ■ - .AT STUD - BOSTON TERRIER. *

squires Blgsliot. ton of Cli. MuUlns Perfeclion. Weight 15 lbs. Fte 810.445 2nd West. Phone 775J.

PUREBRED PBRSrAN IC m E fS Phone 0185-J3.

F or S a le L lv es to c lf 3618 WHIIZ PAOED OLD EWES, IS

ewe lambs. Ph. 0195-J3. .

18 PUREBRED. LAROE~TYPE - lUmpshlre ewes. Will Iamb Uarth 1. One and one-half miles e u t of Hansen, W. O. Sampson.

SPRINGER COW, 1 ML 8 , 1 U. W. from SouUi Park. Finney.

HORSES POR SALE. UNN OAR* , ner, Rt. 4. Buhl.

■reAM MVLES. ,4 AND 8 YRS. OLD.Wt. 3100. Clltton Lowe, 3 m l B. and 3ti So. KlmlMrlr.___________

3 COLTS, COUINO YEARLINa and 3 yr, old. Oood ones. Ph. W9I-J3. .

RVE 3 ANO 3 YEAR OLD JEI> aey eows and 4 heifer cbws, cheap - (or quick eale. ]L Olark.

FOR SALE — 1300 HEAD CROSS* • bred, while-faced ewea. lA tit type Ramboulllett, smooth neck, shear heavy. Bred to lamb In Feb. with

. Hamp.' bucka... Also can (umlsh . nev alieep shMs for any number. Hsy clote lo sheds. Can uraage finance for the deal wlUi reliable

' patUes. W. E. Hunter. Rupert, Ph.181


Insu rancePEAVEV TA8ER CO. INO. PBOHI ' 30L Fire and auto losunnet.

tVhrn In need of ADMIN1STRA> TOB BOND, Instnet yeur a tlo n e y '' ' lo grt It frem tha B. BeberU


get new service and appearaaeo by taking them to Twin M is Shoe Shop, m W. Bhoshooa. Phone 398.

iVord Puzzleirdsy'aPonIe *•£«**«•.................... I 1 s. l>ripir*d '

N T U It. uook el U e'

K M y ijiiriih uw '

IE E U C UIBI lUllirti le. riMk or £ l 2 l2 i L I V I pitehir ot■ m P H n k ciiuicst

arthrolocrp M w R U P «t

I n l i j n ^ m f«bosB7iI(. Tbislir eot

I, Ctpraiilon ]j. I’iritlnlsg is el dlisuit lovi

1 f in la i 1. IIaH blreiI, KumBir 41. of,

L 8ol.m» i W■oBdir II. Kiiii

I. n«mo>i hair CL llubbtr In iI. Slolhir C«. llAckilk Soon II. Hurt] la lla t

' 7 I® \ '

---------------- i ^ ~ ~

I —

- ; p s r p - - “


. .


Page 10: · C Ily E d ltliiB _______________ f TH { Vol. 11, No. 102._____________ Mine Rescu Struggles'

" i i i i i e 1> lEBSiETL

P rojects Outlined by Group_ _ _ G athering M aterial for _ _ _

Activitiesj> i^ ( o r obUlninc and tH Ijiln s

—nutciial and dstA relatln to -ouiti icUrtUes of tho communUy were outlined I t « metUns ye»t«nlay of

O e commlttce In chirce o( i-local . youth «un-ey lieaded by Rev. J»aie4

Butler, cJiBlnnan.In nddltida to malcrUt beln( b**

Uicjtd bj tha rtlUtous junry now belHB unlerttken by th« Trln* rail* MliUsterial associaUon, the jreup • *111 allempt to .obtain Hit* youth organUaUon*. nchool «nsu»

, and tnrollmcnl, jtalemenU from ** ' the probate cotirt concernlni Jute* Bqol nlle deUoQuencles.' reporti from = = Uachcrs, Inatnjctor* and librarians.An JmmodlBle InvejUgatlon of the poulbtUllM of winler actlvlUu In T tbe gymnaalum and pa rb vlll be* X

’ Selecleil-'rTeJfeti SelccUon of Uicm pro)ccls from

a Itst ccnlrlbuted by all.persom and .organlaUoni Inter.uled In the »ur- vey was mad: alter a itudy nnd dl»eus»!on by tlie group which In­clude repre«ntall«s from Par* ent-Teachet^ auoclatlon, ehurcliei men'8 «er\'lee organluUons and lodge*. NaUonal Youth-AdmlnlMra- p e lion. Boy Soouia, Oltl ficouU and »'** Camp Pin Olrls.

The aurvry ta to Inelude four age ' groups: 9 to 13, 13 to IS, IS lo 18 and la to :s, Sponsonhlp, leader* ahip and meeting places for acUrl- Hu t in are among the Inunedlato prob* c s r Jems lo be conaldertd for Uu fln t three group*, wlille cocUt recrea* 3— tlon and eommunlty fellowship are to be studied In conncctlon wlUi Uie older group. I —

QuHtlona suggested for tludy in­clude the toclal uuM s.of Jurcnlio - deliJKiuency. the adjustment of or- . ■anlaUoni to facUllau Uie conUcl*Ing ofaU-sroup*r>TocatlonaI i^uld* ’<

files, eitabllihmient of Y. M. 0. A. '' ■nd Y, W, 0. Alrlype of amuse- ncn ts being afforded by publlca* » Uons, radio, Ih e tlm and pool halls acd the OT'etttowded eondltlon of achools. •;


Alleging d c s e ^ dating from VDecember IS, ISU, Mack Brl^hl ,,, • ta rtfd 'fu lt In Uie district courthere mterday for dlroree from Mrs. ’2Hefen Bright whom he married at , •-i Butte, Montana,' June I. in<. ThepetlUon asaerta that the abandooed A their home wlUiout cause and re-1

’tunwd to Montana. There were no', ’2thlldren and no- community prop- '2erty is inrolved.' Rayborn and Bay* ii bon . are petltloDefs aUomejs.


OASTLSPORD, Nor; I9-Robert leeper of Palrfleld la the neir pro­prietor of the Castleford Cath gro- «ery, Hs> rccenUy purchased the huifiefl-fitFm-Mrraiia-Mri.'-Jtiriy — ^m nbh, who have retumed to Twlo >r Ttlit.■ The Leeper lamlly U-occupylng the gager houfj, formerly rented by the Cannons.

Dr. 8. C Wyalt, ChlropncUo aod electrical tm tn eo l, feet eorreeUon. CcntBlialloa free. ISl Srd Art. No. rhone IS7T.>.AdT.


PUt.Work rinUhtd W ttitng Apparel Damp


W ^ m m


W o rld 's A nt c a n vrith d u a l econom y <

O V «fdflye.« .N e w u n d tn lu n g ^ a r - o

e iia l r heIgM i » a h • W o rld 's la rgest lui

e lo t ln a d o o n w ith oxclu iive non-ral

f in t c a n w itfi bu liM n w arm a ir defroi

H lll H o ld e r • W o rld ’i sfiongw f,

b o d ie s • S tu d eb o k a r’l CI,T. B udget

T W IN F.; 254 Main N orth

V';rAOB'TEin, ■

W i l l i e W i l l i s IBy BOBEST QUILLEN I IU

_ (iftiUi,,er name’i Marjorr, bul ihr'. •« Lat'ollc [ood seonl «n’ U.e t«(t* llk« litr Krandcl « well we decldrd' lo »ll hrr Mrs. No IqBlnteye.” * InCo.

B u y Y o iir U “ N < ) W ^ 1 9 3 7

In Kff^ict. Thi.s Means a Very Sn Any fnr thc Next Six

H u rc succcss bf 1937 Ford V-8 floo cars. Ali cars sold with n money im5 -1 9 3 6 Ford V-8 Fordor Tourlnjj J

2200 lo 4800, Liberal discounUi, I— 193fi Tourinj: TudorSe'dan, 2800

’29 Chcvrolcl S edan .................’31 Chevrolet C oupc..... - ..... —’30 Chevrolet C oupe........... - ....

-'28-ehcT ro lct-S cdaii...... - .........’28 Chevrolet C oach ......... 1......’3.1 Chevrolet P ickup ................’29 Plymouth Sedan ..................'35 Ford V-8 Tudor, radio, hea te r;

new t i r e s ...'30 DcSoto Scdnn’.U Ford V-8 Sedan. lU m U ;.......•3! Nnsh 8-80 S ednn ..... ...........'3 ! Ford S ed an ....... .. ........•’29 Studebakcr Dictator Sednn ..w

. ’3 t Ford V-8 Tudor, new molor ...’29 Chrysler S edan ...................Ml Ford Sedan, nctv motor........’28 Buick S edan..... ................ -’29 Ford Roadster ’31 NashGCoifpe '29 F_ord Sednn ...

TRUCKS! TRUCKS!'31 Chevrolet lonir wheelbase true

wheels .... :........................’33 Ford V*8 lonR wheelbase true

- ’31V ;8 Dump Truck-...-.:.:;:..:!.'..,.'; ’31 Ford V-8 long wheelbase truck '31 Ford A Pickup, R and (5 ... .

. ^ . l U ’ays to See Your FORD Dr Economical Transporl

U n i o n M o t

Y o u r F O R D I

U I W i l M U B I

y of From oil c leaner and dutomotii r-axles give big roomy, interiors- luggage copaeily • W orld's eoiles

•raHle roloty door locks • World' Tojiers • O nly can'W lth Aulomajlj :sf, safest and quietest a ll stee let Plan offers low time payments

^ A L L S M O

S T S U iO N S C iE S P

acoh-P<'-Dossett; -BJrrMldenl of V ”In FUls ilnce IN), died ynler* k at the home of his ton. Milton W

M lc ,-art« r-nn-lllne ts-of-tw o lu. Funeral serrlces will bo held % Inetday a t 2 o'clocit a t the Pres* ^;rlan cliurch with lUv: o . L. 1 rk officiating. Buriat will be In ^ ' n Fallt cemclery under dlrec-

of Ills Wlllle m orluw . ^ e Is survived by five lUl* i J • and Elmer Doswtt of Ta'ln J l

3, Clarence and Charles Doascit k jitcll. Nebruka, and Ernest Dos* ^ or San Pranclsco, who were all %I Ihelr falher a t Uie Ume or h. A ibter, Mrs. Belle Smith of ^ olletle, Tenneswe, and eight ^ ulchlldren aUo turvlve. His wife. ^, Nancy Dosselt, died three yeara %

J s e d C a r r P r ic e s ^Sm oll D eprecia tion I f 9 iix M onths;

io o ^ us w ith Rood used ^back RU.-iranlee. «

j; Sedans, m llenge fro m ^tii, new c a r K uarnntees. ^

iOO milc.s. Bif; D iscount. ^


....................... $265 k_ $195 W

---------- ---- --------- $60— t f — -. $ 6 5 J

$275 J $ 1 4 5 J

e ra n d %$495 Ij$195 J

............ - ....... $410 J

...................... $275 3....--------- . $ 1 9 5 - %. ^

..J ................. $165 -.....................$425

..............$195 3 .

.. -- fll \ 1............... $ 95 J ................ $210 %.... .......... $115 I

TRU CK S!........................ W -uck, dual..................................W ...... ................$250 . J-uck, d u a l s ......$495 ^

Jck. duah...... $365 h.........................* 2 1 5 £ .

— .................S ■lortatlon 1^ ;

------------- it o r C o . ^ I

^ fD e a l e r J ;

™ _ J 3 ;

■ i I

Jnts. . ^

JT O R 5Phone 86 ^ ■



Q u a l—'A grand fhree-point i

If I t Isn’t Right, Bring I



Choose yours, on tale this wteic i • from our spcclal allowing, Hundr

new rings In many, deslgiu. stones, blrUislones, ' costume men's rings. Rhodium finish and InR Silver. Price range - '

5 9 c - , . $ 2 . 0 0BUY NOW F0RuCHRlSTM<


• i ^ v \

i T i / iB t "I” ” * / ^ l l

■' V I VtAl

@ '

Have You Seen i U.LUSION . T l

Shower Curtains?

r j S i

I jH ^

TTiey look as tliough.tliey wtre Inspired by a mythical fairy* . ] land Interior. Mada ot fine ’ pure silk. Illusion curtains are j Just as theer aa your chiffon hosiery. TreaUd by lhe famed Soft«x process they ate made abjolutely water-proof with­out the use c t rubber. -They are guaranleed not to cnick. stick,- peel or luirden and are ml[dew realstent.

$4.98 r' -RUFFLED-CURTA1N3---------


$4.98 "


TK. .VI. \v . l o c k :

n l Cjn»(ll»n PhjiicUn,

. I q |P \ J B Ai in oWura but t4

^ t"D ofH riu ii.’i rI’fiifl d f r « of Li(

orPiyiieUt.: [.OCKI:. fint tiifilul the werld.wi

.treuble !i . o u .f (r,iW ih.n • r t r

hw .jD r.M .W .-I.O C K E w liodti

. T h c j jM .A V . l o c

lOMtiil (tie tiwiontv. »bo wouW

EWS, T w nf F A IM , IDAHO, TD


l i t j !nt combination tha t you i

lg I t Back.

D E PA H T M E N T ~

AND SHINE ’W GEM RING-eeic only—undreds of ■nt. White ^ U j T l l t e me rings, a ^ g t g S g s S ^ and Sterl*'


e rp t« e « o f teO orrn j



Uk* • igTMt Bmdelia. Kop., p e td .c ta« h a s . spedal leeli nlqMaIItlMlr»wB.Noaelni

« worrtod aalt llfc« r» k ..T T -__________with It* pu ridaa duTMtc* of «»w,lU*eaUIltycfal7U»fc lUDOSebalastMte,

A lbrM M t

$35.00 I

DRY fiOODS DEP'T II Th'eyY c3V |nners-;T hc«r'' ' 3

Reversible ^

Woolgora | |

Blankets I $4.98 I

Size 7Cx80-Beaut!fuI K R eversible-Colors and O

Solid Shades. ^



Hose^~ I 49c I

Plcot T o p -S llk Plaited

Sm art colors for Fall nnd •Winter.


E W ithii I^ e p u t a i h n l ^

r.)CKE ibe* it on* «f |K» p,loeslioflhewerlJf**®"* ji:U n ,M .W .U c lf .M .n . V,

/-•ut Ulealed eouatty d w l ^ from po .lT aJ»a>^ '*-V , N'

,*i (T ttl lieipllali wiib ll>» f Ucentlale of lk« R ojil .SicUnt and Surjto"i. DR. S.d .wltb b it theory liu t fool I rtiull) c*ni»i«7 ailntnH..

0 d ti'jn e d an i •Pf*oveJ—

3 C K E S b o a

outd -be untbU lo .IHfld Crj,-------------------------- :-------------------


► E P T .

V a lu eu g et w ith every purcha




' . -NEW GRO

Crepe D- $3.‘

Sizes 11 to

. High shades in st

T . / / 'Yc

■- - - - - - - M j i - - - - - - - - Jtfl

Ir iKl illi f l ^ j | [• B|i l i

yi H I ilH I f l

1 1

1 2

p c s m t s


t h t N e w S h i n '

ARROW ’J ta fu r r d in t i e D ic m b i r -

i s j t t t o f E s tju in

Sjtin Stripes rcilKC one of the rao« tigQificint ttylc trcnJt reported during thc current London jcajon. L

A aao w h ji autiicnticjlly rcproduccj the m ott im- fw un t pjncm of thit new jnJ unuiujl shirting in a vjncty of smart coloringj /.'r fill weir.'

Mtny new co lltr ttylcs tJJ-plciiurc in tsicction. * .Miiogi ttilo rcd-\o -lit.Sjr/oriicd Shrunt.

$ 2 5 0

Anatnv Dvi/ Si.M UioStrift - rJ iJ /; fJ ttiC M hrlj.u ffftfrijti


, S T O

i ! s t yhase here . . . plus our \

m iVED . . .


-S H O P .'

:0U P 0F

)resses^99 ^

, to 52

I solid colors;*

Tunics and stralKht lines. I Well styled and nicely i

trimmed. m

Your opportunity to buy a f l dress tha t's sm art a t a pricc thn t is something lu ^ u j -p u rs e .............................................



N E W H98c

Velvet turbans w ith s h l r * ^ ^ red bandings nnd c r o w n . i^ B Colors of black, Ijrowii. ^

green, purple and red. , r i i They arc thc season’s newest style crcatloiis n t I lowest priccs, , |


■KEW~S€]To Brighten

- Coats

98c ,..$1.98Velvet.'!, Crcpcs, Satins,

Paisley, Wools. Tied and j j g

tycd_ designs in all tlic

popular styles,

^ ^ T h e G A. - A r ie n S tlm

I i your sbo^a(ign you 'ro v Bbooson "outi

A v e ' ' Fbnho im G ai

H o vrill ond TunnJ

' R E . k

i^ le !guarantee tha t f

f t


lATS ^

H I j

!SRPSTI Winter S

I ItniUDER 5 I

r fA R F I E L D ^tim r i a t t w i g t S tfl* ^

041 tu n 0 T«r, l l ' l a a w ea lin g o rd inary t >utflaro"ioct. Ti7 the j j . J aariio ld . . . tho oztra O A UiijFJai’owodgoBlioo J f l

| |
