C harisl etter -...

Volume 17 Issue 6 Charisletter NOVEMBER 2017

Transcript of C harisl etter -...

Page 1: C harisl etter - cccrsa.netcccrsa.net/charismaticcenter/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/4-NOV-2017.pdf · Como grupos de oracion ungidos en el Espiritu, es necesario orar con la gente.

Volume 17 Issue 6

Charisletter NOVEMBER 2017

Page 2: C harisl etter - cccrsa.netcccrsa.net/charismaticcenter/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/4-NOV-2017.pdf · Como grupos de oracion ungidos en el Espiritu, es necesario orar con la gente.

November 2017 - Page 2

Most Rev. Thomas J. Flanagan

Liaison for CCCR

Father Bob Hogan, BBD

Associate Liaison

Support the Charismatic Center in this Jubilee Year In the November Charisletter we always ask our supporters to give a donation to help the Center. We have many bills this time of year as we prepare for our March conference. We need some people to be inspired to give us some larger donations so we can afford to do much needed bathroom repairs, and many other needed repairs, for our building. Please prayerfully consider sending us a donation in the envelope.

In this newsletter you will see information about our second annual Pray, Shop, Eat Event on Saturday, November 11, 2017 at CCCR from 11am to 2pm. It is appropriate as a Holy Spirit, prayer group movement to come together to pray with people. Bilin-gual teams will be available in the chapel to pray with those who would like to receive prayer. Our bookstore will have many items available; many at a discount price. You can make some great early Christmas shopping deals. Tickets for plates are being sold for $10.00 through your prayer group or the Center. You will need to purchase a ticket beforehand so we know how many plates we will need. Come to show your support for the Center; receive some prayer; get some gifts; and enjoy a meal (food will be in the St. Henry cafeteria building). This is a great time to buy a plate for a friend and invite them to come with you. Hearts will be touched by the Lord.

Also, you can find information in this newsletter on the Friday, November 17, 2017 Night of Renewal sponsored by the St. Paul adult and young adult prayer groups. I am thankful that they have been sponsoring this Renewal Night in November for many years. It is a great event seeing adults and young adults who really love the Lord, and want to work in partnership with the Holy Spirit. Everyone is welcome.

Mark your calendars for our annual bilingual Washing of the Hands Mass and Social which will be at St. Leo Church at 10:00 am on Saturday, December 9, 2017. This is always a great time to come together for prayer and fellowship as we ask to be servants of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the new Church year.

Por favor ayuden al Centro Carismático en este año de Jubileo En la Charisletter de Noviembre siempre pedimos a la gente que bondadosamente nos da su apoyo para que hagan una donacion especial para ayudar al Centro. Tenemos muchos gastos en este tiempo del año y nos estamos preparando para la Conferencia de Marzo. Necesitamos gente inspirada para hacer donaciones mas grandes para poder hacer las reparaciones urgentes a nues-tro edificion como son los baños entre otras muchas. Por favor consideren hacer una donacion en el sobre.

En esta carta veran informacion para nuestra segundo evento de Orar, Comprar y Comer el Sabado, Noviembre 11, 2017 en CCCR de 11 a 2 PM. Como grupos de oracion ungidos en el Espiritu, es necesario orar con la gente. Grupos bilingues de oracion estaran en la capilla para orar por todo el que quiera oracion. Nuesta tienda estara abierta con muchos articulos a precios de descuento. Podran comprar muchos articulos de Navidad a precios muy bajos. Los boletos para los platillos cuestan $10.00 y estan siendo vendidos por medio de los grupos de oracion y tendran que ser comprados antes del evento porque es necesario saber cuantos platillos se van a necesitar. Vengan a dar su soporte al Centro; reciban oracion y compren regalos. Podran gozar de una comida en la cafeteria de St. Henry’s. Este es un buen tiempo para comprar un plato para un amigo e invitarlo a comer con ustedes. Muchos corazones seran tocados por el Espiritu de Dios.

Tambien pueden encontrar informacion acerca de la Noche de Renovacion del Viernes Noviembre 17, 2017. La cual es presen-tada por el los adultos jovenes de St. Paul. Estoy muy agradecido que ellos siempre presentan la Noche de Renovacion en Noviembre todos los años Es una bendicion ver a tantos adultos y adultos jovenes que aman verdaderamente al Señor, y quieren trabajar bajo la direccion del Espiritu Santo. Todos son bienvenidos.

Marquen sus calendarios para nuestra Misa Bilingue del Labado de Manos en la iglesia St. Leo a las 10 de la mañana el Sabado 9 de Diciembre. Es un buen tiempo para orar juntos y reunirnos como siervos del Espiritu Santo al comenzar el año eclesiastico.

CONERENCE POSTERS & REGISTRATION FORMS AVAILABLE BY NOVEMEBER 11 We will have posters and registration forms available at these events for our March 2-3, 2018 conference at St. Mary Magdalen Church and Hall. As usual we will have Spanish and English tracks. Jesse Romero from Catholic Radio will be giving presentations in both Spanish and English. Jesse always has a powerful message, as a former policeman and champion kickboxer who stands strong for our faith. The theme is Strong Disciples, YES! Controlled by the Cul-ture, NO! Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller will be our celebrant for the bilingual Mass. We will also have speakers talking about the way our culture can place anti-Catholic/Christian pressures on woman and young adults. Our speak-ers will help us to be freed from bad influences in our culture, and learn to stand strong in our faith.

Page 3: C harisl etter - cccrsa.netcccrsa.net/charismaticcenter/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/4-NOV-2017.pdf · Como grupos de oracion ungidos en el Espiritu, es necesario orar con la gente.

November 2017 - Page 3

¡Tiempo de Testimonio! Aunque yo era Católico de nacimiento y me eduque en instituciones Católicas desde la primaria hasta la facultad de leyes, cuando pienso en el pasado, tengo que admitir que yo era solo un católico de nombre y que no había hecho ningún esfuerzo por crecer en mi fe y confianza en Dios.

Pero todo cambio cuando en Octubre del 2013 me incorpore al grupo de oración de la iglesia St. Mary’s (Downtown). Complete un seminario de “La Vida en El Espíritu” con el Padre Ed. Hauf y fui bautizado en el Espíritu. Desde entonces, paso a paso, mi fe y confianza en Dios ha crecido enormemente.

Antes yo hacia todas mis decisiones por mi mismo como si Dios no existiera, yo entiendo ahora que Dios tiene un plan para el resto de mi vida y que El se comunica conmigo y que yo debo discernir en oración lo que El me dice. También tengo que poder perdonar a las personas que me han hecho daño en el pasado. He recibido del Espíritu Santo los regalos de hablar en Lenguas, Profetizar y en ocasiones de Conocimiento. Mi vida de oración y mi asistencia a Misa es mucho mejor que antes. En resumen, he sido transformado y soy una nueva creación a través de mi contacto con el Centro Católico Carismático de Renovación. Pero entiendo que esta nueva creación no ha sido completada y que todavía Dios me está moldeando. Gracias sean dadas a Dios. ¡Dios es bueno- todo el tiempo! - Jack Moynihan - Santa Maria (Downtown) Hace unos 18 años yo empecé con síntomas de resfriado o de alergias. Cuando fui al Doctor, me dijeron que tenía pulmonía doble. Como no sabían lo que tenia, me tenían incomunicada por temor a que tuviera una enfermedad contagiosa como tuberculosis. Después de muchos estudios me encontraron que tenía una enfermedad del sistema inmunológico llamada polymyositis la cual ataca a los músculos de los pulmones. Yo no podía respirar; era como una especie de Lupus. El reumatólogo me dio un tratamiento de esteroides muy fuerte. Después de varios meses en el hospital me mandaros a un hospicio para enfermos con enfermedades terminales por los cuales ya no hay nada que hacer. Recuerdo que les pedí a los del hospicio que me dejaran pasar en mi casa el día de dar gracias y la navidad antes de internarme en el hospicio para morir. Yo tenía apenas 50 años. Un sacerdote de la Misión, Padre Herb, vino a verme y luego le pidió al grupo de oración, el cual ya existía, que hicieran oración especial por mí. El grupo hizo un Rosario especial al Padre Antonio Marfil de Jesús para que intercediera por mí. El Padre Antonio Marfil de Jesús fue uno de los fundadores de las misiones allá por los años 1700’s. El grupo continúo visitándome cada semana y hacían oración por mí. Yo estuve en cama sin moverme por 10 meses. La medicina que me dieron era tan fuerte que me quito mis fuerzas. Luego pude estar en silla de ruedas y con oxigeno para poder respirar. Mi recuperación fue muy lenta. Poco a poco pude empezar a caminar. Durante todo ese tiempo me aferre a la Escritura que dice “Esta enfermedad no es de muerte, sino para la gloria de Dios.” Yo repetía constantemente estas palabras que Jesús le dijo a María la hermana de Lázaro. Juan 11:4. Finalmente me recupere totalmente y el Padre Herb declaro en una Misa que mi sanación fue un verdadero milagro de Dios. Gracias a Dios estoy viva porque ahora yo puedo servir en mi grupo de oración declarando la Palabra de Dios y orando para la sanación de otros. - Maria Cantú del grupo de Oración Misioneros de Cristo - Misión San José.

Time for Testimony! Although a "cradle Catholic" and one whose formal education from elementary school through law school was in Catholic institutions, looking back, I have to say that all of my adult life I had been a Catholic marching in place and one making little or no progress in deepening my faith and trust in God.

All that changed in October of 2013 when I joined the St. Mary's (Downtown) Charismatic Prayer Group and completed a Life in the Spirit Seminar, conducted by Father Ed Hauf, and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Since then, and one small step at a time, my faith and trust in God has grown exponentially:

Whereas before I made all of my decisions on my own, I now understand that God has a plan for the remainder of my life that He whispers, and I must prayerfully discern and listen to His whispers.. Also, I have been able to forgive persons who wronged me in the past. I have received from the Holy Spirit the gifts of tongues, prophecy and, on occasion, knowledge. My prayer life and Mass attendance are far better than they were. In short, I have been transformed and am a new creation because of my encounter with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement. But this new creation is not complete and God is still chiseling away. Thanks be to God. God is good- all the time!!! - Jack Moynihan - St. Mary’s (Downtown)

18 years ago I started with flu like symptoms. When I went to the doctor, he told me that I had acute pulmonary infection. But after a lot of studies, they found out I had a illness related to the immune system called polymyositis which attacks the muscles of the lungs. The rheumatologist gave me a very strong steroid medication which took all the strength of my body. After a long time in the hospital, I was sent to a hospice to die. They told me that there was nothing more they could do for me. Before I was to be interned at the hospice, I begged them to let me stay at home to celebrate my last Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Fr. Herb, a priest from the Mission San Jose, came to see me. He then asked the Prayer group, which already existed at the time, to make a special prayer for me. They did offer a special Novena to the founder of the missions, Fr. Antonio Marfil de Jesus to intercede for me. The prayer group continued to visit me every week. They never failed to visit. I was in bed unable to move for about 10 months. Then I was able to be in a wheel chair but still connected to an oxygen tank to be able to breathe. Little by little I started to walk. During all that time I declared the my illness was not going to kill me according to what Jesus told Mary when he came to see Lazarus; “This sickness will not end in death” John 11:4. After my health was totally restored, Father Herb declared at Mass that my healing had been a real miracle. Thanks God I am alive because I know that I have a mission to do. I am active in my prayer group sharing the Word of God and praying for others. - María Cantú del grupo de oración Missioners of Christ – Mission San Jose.

Page 4: C harisl etter - cccrsa.netcccrsa.net/charismaticcenter/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/4-NOV-2017.pdf · Como grupos de oracion ungidos en el Espiritu, es necesario orar con la gente.

November 2017 - Page 4

Prayer Group Spotlight: St. John Neumann

The St. John Neumann Charismatic Prayer Group meets on Tuesdays

and invites YOU to “Come and see.” (John 1:39)

The newest English Prayer Group invites you to come out for praise/worship, prayer, teaching, fellowship! Some of the comments/reflections from the recent ‘Life in the Spir-it Seminar’ conducted September 29-30:

“Fr. Bob (Hogan) kicked it off FULL of the Holy Spirit!”

“Motivating speakers, table leaders, great table sharing.”

“You could feel the love and presence of the Holy Spirit!”

Overall you could say it was a very positive experience for all. Praise the Lord!!!

Upcoming Events

November 07 - “The Gift of Tongues / Interpretation” - Carmen Frankel

November 14 - “Gift of Faith” - Elaine Gumm

November 21 - “Gift of Healing” - speaker to be determined

November 28 - “Gift of Prophecy” - speaker to be determined

Come Join Us! St. John Neumann Catholic Church

6680 Crestway Dr. (NE San Antonio)

Tuesdays in the Family Center (to the left of the church building)

We meet in the “Scott Room”

Praise and Worship begins at 7:00pm

Meeting concludes by 9:00pm

ALL are welcome… bring your Bible and come with expectant faith!!

Prayer Group Core Team: Pat Garza, Joyce Compton, Mary de la Rosa,

Elaine Gumm, Helen Flowers

Contact Pat Garza - [email protected]

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November 2017 - Page 5

Sale on SELECT items in the Bookstore - 20% off!!!

PLUS a Rummage Sale on Gently-Used Items!

• Christmas items

• Books/CDs/Videos

• Family Room items

• Kitchen items

Page 6: C harisl etter - cccrsa.netcccrsa.net/charismaticcenter/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/4-NOV-2017.pdf · Como grupos de oracion ungidos en el Espiritu, es necesario orar con la gente.

November 2017 - Page 5

Prayer Group Tip Seems like this should be a given… but starting and ending on time are crucial for a variety of reasons. We want the people to know we respect their time but we also want them to know that we consistently are on time.

At least one or two Core Members should arrive approximately one hour in advance if at all possible, with the Moderator and others arriving at least 30 minutes prior. This gives time to ensure everything is set up and for joyfully greeting folks as they arrive. It also ensures that the meeting will begin on time.

If your music is not quite ready to get the meeting started, or the speaker has not yet arrived, still begin the meeting right at the advertised time. There are many ways to “buy time” until the music begins or the speaker arrives. If it is the Moderator who is running late, have a “back-up” person ready to kick things off at the proper hour.

Some groups have time limitations from the Parish to exit the property by a certain hour. Plan to end the meeting at least 15 minutes prior to that time so people are not made to feel “rushed” after having just experienced the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Beginning and ending on time goes a long way to send a message of consistency, respect, and encourages the people attending to not show up late.



St. Mary Magdalen - 1710 Clower St. - San Antonio - 78201 - 210-735-5269

Final two presentations for the Life in the Spirit Seminar that began in September continue on Thursday 2nd (“Transformation”) and Thursday the 9th (“Witnessing”). Presentations begin at 7:00pm

Spanish Seminar meets in the Church; English Seminar meets in Jubilee Hall

Additional Events

Healing of the Family Tree Mass - Wednesday, November 15 - 7:00pm (3rd Wednesday/Month) St. Mark the Evangelist Day Chapel - 1602 Thousand Oaks - San Antonio - 78232

Healing Mass / Service - Thursday, November 16 - 6:30pm (3rd Thursday/Month) Christ the King Parish - 2610 Perez St. - San Antonio - 78207

Healing Mass - Thursday, November 30 - 7:00pm (Rosary at 6:30) St. Mary Magdalen Church - 1710 Clower St. - San Antonio - 78201

Does your Prayer Group have an upcoming event for a future newsletter? Contact Dan Dúet at: [email protected]


Tendremos posters y formas de registro en estos eventos para nuestra conferencia de Marzo en la iglesia St. Mary Magdalene. Como siempre tendremos CD’s en Ingles y Español disponibles. Jesse Romero del Radio Catolico dara una presentacion en Español y en Ingles. El tiene un mensaje muy poderoso como un ex-boxeador quien esta muy fuerte en nuestra fe. El tema sera Discipulos Fuertes, SI! Controlados Por La Cultura, NO! El Arzobispo Gustavo Garcia-SIller estara celebrando la Misa bilingue. Tambien tendremos presentadores para hablar de como la sociedad puede poner presion anti-Catolica/Cristiana en los jovenes adultos. Nuestros presentadores nos ayudaran a escaper de esas enfluencias y nos enseñaran a estar

Page 7: C harisl etter - cccrsa.netcccrsa.net/charismaticcenter/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/4-NOV-2017.pdf · Como grupos de oracion ungidos en el Espiritu, es necesario orar con la gente.

November 2017 - Page 7


Subscription/Renewal Order

I want to subscribe/renew for: 1 year: $10 2 years: $20 Other: $____________

Name: __________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________ Phone #: ______________________

City: ______________________State _________ Zip: ___________

Please make checks payable to: CCCR and mail your payment to 1707 S. Flores, SA, TX 78204

We also accept VISA or Mastercard: #________________________________________ Exp. Date: ________

In addition to individual testimonies, we’d like to print

testimonies from married couples who are involved

in the Renewal. How has this shared experience

enhanced your marriage? Send your story to Dan at: [email protected]

Weekly CCCR-Hosted Prayer Groups / Masses

Mo day/Lu es

a - p Mira le Hour Rosar Group Bili gual

- Laura Mo to a - - or Mar Go zales - -

: p Fla e of Lo e Marti Fa il Musi Mi istr Bili gual

- Isa el Marti - -


: a Mass Praise/Worship egi s at :

*Every d Tues: A oi ti g of the Si k Mass

- Hele Pi kard - -

: - : p Mi isterio Católi o Caris áti o, La Bar a de Pedro

- Sa dra/Fra is o Go zalez - -

Wed esday/Miér oles

7: pm Tree of Life Prayer Group Bilingual

*Every st Wed: Heali g Mass at : p

- Elea or Huro - -

Thursday/Jue es

: am Sala Alta Pra er Group *Every d Thurs: Mass at : a

- Lu Sifue tes - - or Jua ita Ostegui - -

Friday/Vier es

: - : a Mira le Hour CCR Chapel

: a Heali g Mass at St. He r s, e t to CCR Ce ter Bili gual

- Laura Mo to a - -

: - : p Mou tai s of Praise Youth Mi istr Pra er Group

- Rud a d Delfie Gar ia - -

Saturday/Sa ado

a - p Di i e Mer Reig s Pra er Group d + th Saturday

- Yola da Hoh a - -

For all other prayer groups, please go to our e site: . rsa. et

Co fere e: Stro g Dis iples, YES!

Co trolled y the Culture, NO!

Friday a d Saturday, Mar h - ,

St. Mary Magdale Chur h a d Ju ilee Hall

Ar h ishop Gusta o Gar ia-Siller

Jesse Ro ero • Mary A Parks

Fr. Bo Hoga , BBD

Brother Sea Stilso , BBD

Car e Fra kel • Da Dúet

More i fo o i g SOON!

Page 8: C harisl etter - cccrsa.netcccrsa.net/charismaticcenter/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/4-NOV-2017.pdf · Como grupos de oracion ungidos en el Espiritu, es necesario orar con la gente.

Archdiocese Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal

1707 South Flores Street

San Antonio, TX 78204-1926

Phone (210) 226-7545

Fax: (210) 212-9330

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.cccrsa.net





PERMIT No. 1310

DiD You Notice: “expires oN”

As the Charisletter akeo er o ti ues, e are o addi g a E pires O date o our address la el so that ou ill k o

he our su s riptio e pires. Please take a o e t to he k ours a d see if it is a good ti e to re e . If so, see Page for

i stru tio s. Co sider a gift su s riptio

for a frie d or a priest or dea o !

Helpful Numbers:

CCCR-Youth Office: (210) 226-7070

Chariscenter USA: 1-800-338-2445,


For General Catholic Information:

Archdiocese of San Antonio: (210) 734-2620

by His



The Missio of the Charisletter is to ser e a d e a oi e for the Catholi Ce ter for Charis ati Re e al hose issio is to highlight the role of the Hol Spirit i the Ar hdio ese of Sa A to io. We do this des ri i g up-o i g e e ts a d pu lishi g arti les that ill i stru t a d i spire the faith-

ful for a ore i ti ate relatio ship ith the Hol Spirit. We e phasize the i porta e of:

U U dersta di g the haris s of the Hol Spirit spiritual gifts .

N Needi g to reate a lifest le e e plified the use of the haris s.

I I itiati g a d pro oti g efforts ithi the hur h to u dersta d the use of haris s as a esse tial aspe t of the life of the hur h.

T Tea hi g the faithful a out the haris ati fou datio s of Catholi is .

Y Yieldi g to the Hol Spirit ho reates a ulture of u it through o edie e rooted i lo e.

Bookstore Hours Monday - Friday 9:30 - 2:00

Lunes - Viernes 9:30 - 2:00