C H A P T E R 3 Creating the Product Catalog: Part I E-Commerce

C H A P T E R 3 Creating the Product Catalog: Part I E-Commerce Hassanin M. Al-Barhamtoshy [email protected]


C H A P T E R 3 Creating the Product Catalog: Part I E-Commerce. Hassanin M. Al-Barhamtoshy [email protected]. How This Chapter Is Structured. The main topics we’ll touch on in this chapter are: Analyzing the structure of the product catalog and the functionality it should support - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of C H A P T E R 3 Creating the Product Catalog: Part I E-Commerce

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C H A P T E R 3

Creating the Product Catalog: Part I

E-CommerceHassanin M. Al-Barhamtoshy

[email protected]

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How This Chapter Is Structured

The main topics we’ll touch on in this chapter are:

1.Analyzing the structure of the product catalog and the functionality it should support

2.Creating the database structures for the catalog and the data tier of the catalog

3.Implementing the business tier objects required to make the catalog run, and putting a basic but functional error-handling strategy in place

4.Implementing a functional UI for the product catalog

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What Does a Product Catalog Look Like?

The store has a number of departments. Each department will contain a number of

categories. Each category can then have any number

of products attached to it.

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Graphical User Interface Designing

Accessibility: Standard GUI Blind Users (Color Blind) Movement Difficulties Sign Language Interface Braille (Active Content – no Images)

Localization and Globalization Multi Languages


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Installing the Software

Visual Web Developer 2005 http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/

express/ SQL Server 2005 SQL Server Express Manager

Check to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

IIS 5.x Go to the Control Panel and select the Add or Remove

Programs icon.

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Previewing the Product Catalog•In the figure, you can see the BalloonShop front page and four of its featured products.

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In the figure, you see the page that will appear when the “AnniversaryPreviewing the Product Catalog

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In the figure, you can see how that page appears when selecting the “Birthdays” category. Also note the paging controls, which appear in any product listings that contain more than an established number of products.

Previewing the Product Catalog

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• In any page that displays products, you can click the name or the picture of a product to view its product details page (see the figure). In later chapters, you’ll add more functionality to this page, such as product recommendations.

Previewing the Product Catalog

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• The following figure previews what you’ll create at each tier in this chapter to achieve a functional departments list.

Roadmap for This Chapter

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• To implement the departments list, you’ll start with the database and make your way to the presentation tier:

1. You’ll create the Department table in the database. This table will store data regarding the store’s departments. Before adding this table, you’ll learn the basic concepts of working with relational databases.

2. You’ll add the GetDepartments stored procedure to the database, which (like all the other stored procedures you’ll write) is logically located in the data tier part of the application. At this step, you’ll learn how to speak with relational databases using SQL.

3. You’ll create the business tier components of the departments list. You’ll learn how to communicate with the database by calling the stored procedure and sending the results to the presentation tier.

4. Finally, you’ll implement the DepartmentsList.ascx Web User Control to display a dynamic list of departments for your visitor, which is the goal of this chapter.

Roadmap for This Chapter

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Storing Catalog Information

Understanding Data Tables

This section is a quick database lesson that covers the essential information you need to know to design simple data tables. We’ll briefly discuss the main parts that make up a database table:

• Primary keys• Unique columns• SQL Server data types• Nullable columns and default values• Identity columns• Indexes

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The database element of the product catalog is composed of tables, table relationships, and stored procedures. Because this chapter only covers the departments list, you’ll only need to create one data table: the Department table. This table will store your departments’ data and is one of the simplest tables you’ll work with.

The table containing the departments’ data might look like the following figure.

The Department Table

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Suppose you add another record to the Department table shown previously in the following figure, making it look like the table shown in previous figure.

An alternative solution, and usually the preferred one, is to have an additional column in the table, called an ID column, to act as its primary key. With an ID column, the Department table would look like as in the following figure.

The Department Table

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Designing the Department Table

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Creating the Department Table1. Using the Database Explorer window in Visual Web Developer, open

the BalloonShop data connection that you created in the previous Chapter. Remember, if Database Explorer is not visible, activate it using View Database Explorer ➤ or by using the default shortcut Ctrl+Alt+S.

2. Expand the BalloonShop database connection node, right-click the Tables node, and select Add New Table from the context menu. Alternatively, after connecting to the database, you can choose Data ➤Add New Table➤ .

3. A form appears where you can add columns to the new table. Using this form, add three columns, with the properties described in the Table.

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Choosing Technologies and Tools: Using ASP.NET 2.0

After adding these fields, the form should look like in the following figure in Visual Studio.

Press Ctrl+S or select File Save ➤ Table1. When asked, type Department for the table name.

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Choosing Technologies and Tools: Using SQL Server 2005

After creating the table in the database, you can open it to add some data. To open the Department table for editing, right-click it in Database Explorer and select Show Table Data from the context menu. Using the integrated editor, you can start adding rows. Because DepartmentID is an identity column, you cannot manually edit its data-SQL Server automatically fills this field, depending on the identity seed and identity increment values that you specified when creating the table.

Add two departments, as shown in the following figure .

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Communicating with the Database


The SELECT statement is used to query the database and retrieve selected data that match the criteria you specify. Its basic structure is

SELECT <column list>

FROM <table name(s)>

[WHERE <restrictive condition>]

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Communicating with the Database

The simplest SELECT command you can execute on your BalloonShop database is

SELECT * FROM Department

SELECT DepartmentID, Name, DescriptionFROM Department

SELECT Name FROM Department WHERE DepartmentID = 1

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Communicating with the Database: SELECT

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Communicating with the Database: INSERT

The INSERT statement is used to insert or add a row of data into the table. Its syntax is as follows:

INSERT [INTO] <table name> (column list) VALUES (column values)The following INSERT statement adds a department named “Mysterious Department” to the Department table:

INSERT INTO Department (Name) VALUES ('Mysterious Department')

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Communicating with the Database: UPDATE

The UPDATE statement is used to modify existing data and has the following syntax:

UPDATE <table name>

SET <column name> = <new value>

[, <column name> = <new value> ...]

[WHERE <restrictive condition>]


UPDATE Department SET Name='Cool Department' WHERE DepartmentID = 43

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Communicating with the Database: DELETE

The syntax of the DELETE command is actually very simple:

DELETE [FROM] <table name>

[WHERE <restrictive condition>]

The FROM keyword is optional and can be omitted. We generally use it because it makes the query sound more like normal English. Most times, you’ll want to use the WHERE clause to delete a single row:

DELETE FROM Department

WHERE DepartmentID = 43

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Creating Stored Procedures

You need to create the GetDepartments stored procedure, which returns department information from the Department table. This stored procedure is part of the data tier and will be accessed from the business tier. The final goal is to have this data displayed in the user control.

The SQL code that retrieves the necessary data and that you need to save to the database as the GetDepartments stored procedure is the following:

SELECT DepartmentID, Name, Description FROM Department

This command returns all the department information.

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Saving the Query As a Stored Procedure

The syntax for creating a stored procedure that has no input or output parameters is as follows:

CREATE PROCEDURE <procedure name>

AS <stored procedure code>

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Exercise: Writing the Stored Procedure

1. Make sure the data connection to the BalloonShop database is expanded and selected in Database Explorer. Choose Data ➤Add New Stored Procedure. Alternatively, you can right-click ➤the Stored Procedures node in Server Explorer and select Add New Stored Procedure.

2. Replace the default text with your GetDepartments stored procedure:


SELECT DepartmentID, Name, Description

FROM Department

3. Press Ctrl+S to save the stored procedure. Unlike with the tables, you won’t be asked for a name because the database already knows that you’re talking about the GetDepartments stored procedure.

4. Right Click at the stored procedure, and Click Execute

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Exercise: Execute the Stored Procedure

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Exercise: Execute the Stored Procedure

4. Now test your first stored procedure to see that it’s actually working. Navigate to the GetDepartments stored procedure node in Database Explorer and select Execute, as shown in the following Figure.

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Adding Logic to the Site

The business tier (or middle tier) is said to be the brains of the application because it manages the application’s business logic.

For the business tier of the departments list, you’ll implement three classes:

1.GenericDataAccess implements common functionality that you’ll then reuse whenever you need to access the database. Having this kind of generic functionality packed in a separate class saves keystrokes and avoids bugs in the long run.

2.CatalogAccess contains product catalog specific functionality, such the GetDepartments method that will retrieve the list of departments from the database.

3.BalloonShopConfiguration and Utilities contain miscellaneous functionality such as sending emails, which will be reused in various places in BalloonShop.

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Each database operation always consists of three steps:

1. Open a connection to the SQL Server database.

2. Perform the needed operations with the database and get back the results.

3. Close the connection to the database.The class used to connect to SQL Server is SqlConnection.

When creating a new database connection, you always need to specify at least three important pieces of data:

1. The name of the SQL Server instance you’re connecting to

2. The authentication information that will permit you to access the server

3. The database you want to work with

Connecting to SQL Server

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• The following code snippet demonstrates how to create and open a database connection:

// Create the connection object

SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();

// Set the connection string

connection.ConnectionString = "Server=(local)\SqlExpress; " +

"User ID=hassanin; Password=CS483;" +


// Open the connection


Connecting to SQL Server

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Creating an SqlCommand Object// Create the command object

SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();

command.Connection = connection;

command.CommandText = "GetDepartments";

command.CommandType = CommandType. StoredProcedure;

Issuing Commands and Executing Stored Procedures

This is equivalent to:// Create the command object

SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("GetDepartments", connection);

command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

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• Here’s a simple example of reading some records from the database and saving them to a DataTable:

// Open the connection

conn.Open();// Create the SqlDataReader object by executing the command

SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();// Create a new DataTable and populate it from the SqlDataReader

DataTable table = new DataTable();

table.Load(reader);// Close the reader and the connection



Executing the Command and Closing the Connection

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The .NET Framework ships with Managed Data Providers for

SQL Server (System.Data.SqlClient namespaces),

Oracle (System.Data.Oracle),

OLE DB (System.Data.OleDb), and

ODBC (System.Data.Odbc).

Implementing Generic Data Access Code

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Before we continue, please:

Create an Access table (for your personal information), and do the following:

1- Display the contents in the Web page(Master page).

2- Follow the steps to create Data List.

Create Database Exercise

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// Create a new database provider factory

DbProviderFactory factory =DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.SqlClient");

// Create the connection object

DbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection();

// Initialize the connection string

conn.ConnectionString = "... connection string ...";

// Create the command object and set its properties

DbCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand();

comm.CommandText = "GetDepartments";

comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

// Open the connection


// Execute the command and save the results in a DataTable

DbDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();

DataTable table = new DataTable();


// Close the reader and the connection



Implementing Generic Data Access Code

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• The standard code that sends an email looks like the following code snippet (you need to replace the text in italics with your own data):

// Configure mail client (may need additional code for

// authenticated SMTP servers)

SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("SMTP server address");

// Create the mail message

MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage("from", "to", "subject", "body");

// Send mail


Sending Emails

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

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• GenericDataAccess contains the generic database access code, implementing basic error-handling and logging functionality.

• CatalogAccess contains the product catalog business logic.• BalloonShopConfiguration provides easy access to various

configuration settings (that are generally read from web.config), such as the database connection string, and so on.

• Utilities contains miscellaneous functionality such as sending emails, which will be used from various places in BalloonShop.

Writing the Business Tier Code

You ‘ll add the following C# classes:

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1. Open the web.config configuration file (double-click on its name in Solution Explorer) and update the connectionStrings element like this:

<configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0">



<add name="BalloonShopConnection" connectionString="Server=


Integrated Security=True;Database=BalloonShop"





Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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2. Add the other necessary configuration data under the <appSettings> node in web.config, as shown here:


<add key="MailServer" value="localhost" />

<add key="EnableErrorLogEmail" value="true" />

<add key="ErrorLogEmail" value="[email protected]" />


Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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3. Right-click the project’s name in Solution Explorer and choose Add New Item from the context menu.

4. Choose the Class template, and set its name to ApplicationConfiguration.cs. Click Add.

5. You’ll be asked about adding the class into the App_Code folder. This is a special folder in ASP.NET 2.0. Choose Yes.

6. Modify the ApplicationConfiguration class like this:

Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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using System;

using System.Configuration;

public static class BalloonShopConfiguration


// Caches the connection string

private static string dbConnectionString;

// Caches the data provider name

private static string dbProviderName;

static BalloonShopConfiguration()


dbConnectionString =ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings


dbProviderName =ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings



Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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// Returns the connection string for the BalloonShop database

public static string DbConnectionString




return dbConnectionString;



// Returns the data provider name

public static string DbProviderName




return dbProviderName;



Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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// Returns the address of the mail server

public static string MailServer




return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailServer"];



// Send error log emails?

public static bool EnableErrorLogEmail




return bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings




Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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// Returns the email address where to send error reports

public static string ErrorLogEmail




return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ErrorLogEmail"];




7. Right-click the project’s name in Solution Explorer and choose Add New Item from the context menu.

8.Choose the Class template and set its name to Utilities.cs. Click Add. You’ll be asked about adding the class into the App_Code folder. Choose Yes.

9.Write the following code into Utilities.cs (note that we’ve removed the unnecessary using statements):

using System;

using System.Net.Mail;

Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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public static class Utilities


static Utilities()


// TODO: Add constructor logic here


// Generic method for sending emails

public static void SendMail(string from, string to, string subject,

string body)

{// Configure mail client (may need additional code for authenticated SMTP servers)

SmtpClient mailClient = new SmtpClient


// Create the mail message

MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(from, to, subject, body);

Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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// For SMTP servers that require authentication


("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate", 1);








// Send mail



Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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// Send error log mail

public static void LogError(Exception ex)


// get the current date and time

string dateTime = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + ", at "

+ DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();

// stores the error message

string errorMessage = "Exception generated on " + dateTime;

// obtain the page that generated the error

System.Web.HttpContext context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;

errorMessage += "\n\n Page location: " + context.Request.RawUrl;

// build the error message

errorMessage += "\n\n Message: " + ex.Message;

errorMessage += "\n\n Source: " + ex.Source;

errorMessage += "\n\n Method: " + ex.TargetSite;

errorMessage += "\n\n Stack Trace: \n\n" + ex.StackTrace;

// send error email in case the option is activated in Web.Config

if (BalloonShopConfiguration.EnableErrorLogEmail)


Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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if (BalloonShopConfiguration.EnableErrorLogEmail)


string from = "[email protected]";

string to = BalloonShopConfiguration.ErrorLogEmail;

string subject = BalloonShopConfiguration.SiteName + " error report";

string body = errorMessage;

SendMail(from, to, subject, body);




Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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10. Right-click the project’s name in Solution Explorer and choose Add New Item from the context menu. Choose the Class template and set its name to GenericDataAccess.cs. Click Add. You’ll be asked about adding the class into the App_Code folder. Choose Yes.

11. Write the following code into GenericDataAccess.cs:

using System;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.Common;

using System.Configuration;

public static class GenericDataAccess{// static constructorstatic GenericDataAccess(){// TODO: Add constructor logic here}

Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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// executes a command and returns the results as a DataTable object

public static DataTable ExecuteSelectCommand(DbCommand command)


// The DataTable to be returned

DataTable table;

// Execute the command making sure the connection gets closed in the end



// Open the data connection


// Execute the command and save the results in a DataTable

DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

table = new DataTable();


Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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// Close the reader



catch (Exception ex)

{ Utilities.LogError(ex);

throw ex;




// Close the connection



return table;


public static DbCommand CreateCommand()


// Obtain the database provider name

string dataProviderName = BalloonShopConfiguration.DbProviderName;

Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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// Obtain the database connection string

string connectionString = BalloonShopConfiguration.DbConnectionString;

// Create a new data provider factory

DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.


// Obtain a database specific connection object

DbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection();

// Set the connection string

conn.ConnectionString = connectionString;

// Create a database specific command object

DbCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand();

// Set the command type to stored procedure

comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

// Return the initialized command object

return comm;



Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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12. In Solution Explorer, right-click on the App_Code folder and choose Add New Item. Using the window that appears, create a new class named CatalogAccess (which would reside in a file named CatalogAccess.cs). Add the new code to the file:

using System;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.Common;

public static class CatalogAccess


static CatalogAccess()

{ // TODO: Add constructor logic here }

// Retrieve the list of departments

public static DataTable GetDepartments()

{ // get a configured DbCommand object

DbCommand comm = GenericDataAccess.CreateCommand();

// set the stored procedure name

comm.CommandText = "GetDepartments";

// execute the stored procedure and return the results

return GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(comm);



Exercise: Implementing the Data Access Code

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• The configuration file web.config is an external configuration XML file managed by ASP.NET. This powerful file can include many options regarding the application’s security, performance, behavior, and so on.

• Saving data to web.config is beneficial because you can change it independently of your C# code, which now doesn’t need to be recompiled when you change the address of the mail server or the database connection string.

• Then, you added the BalloonShopConfiguration class, which is simply a collection of static properties that return data from web.config. The performance is improved as well because the class can cache the values read from web.config instead of reading them on every request.

• Next, you implemented the GenericDataAccess class, whose purpose is to store a series of common database access operations, to avoid typing it all over again in other places.

• CreateCommand creates a DbCommand object, sets some standard properties to it, and returns the configured object.

• ExecuteSelectCommand is essentially a wrapper for DbCommand’s ExecuteReader method, except it returns the results as a DataTable instead of a DataReader.

How It Works: The Business Tier

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Understand the OOP Terminology

Understanding of basic OOP terminology-such as classes, objects, constructors, methods, properties, fields, instance members and static members, public data and private data, and so on-is an important prerequisite for this course. These topics are covered in many articles on the Internet, such as the ones you can find for free download

at http://www.cristiandarie.ro/downloads.html .

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• We’ve chosen to use static members mainly to improve performance. Because static classes and static members are initialized only once, they don’t need to be reinstantiated each time a new visitor makes a new request; instead, their “global” instances are used. In the presentation tier, you’ll display your list of departments with a call like this:

list.DataSource = CatalogAccess.GetDepartments();

If GetDepartments would have been an instance method, you would have needed to create a separate instance of the CatalogAccess class instead of using the static instance, which would have had, obviously, a bigger performance impact:

CatalogAccess catalogAccess = new CatalogAccess();

list.DataSource = catalogAccess.GetDepartments();

How It Works: The Business Tier

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• Now that everything is in place in the other tiers, all you have to do is create the presentation tier part—the final goal you’ve been working toward from the beginning. As you saw in the figures at the beginning of this chapter, the departments list needs to look something like the following figure when the site is loaded in the web browser.

• Fortunately, the .NET Framework provides a few useful web controls that can help you solve this problem without writing too much code. For example, the DataList control can be set to simply take a DataTable object as input and generate content based on it.

• Before actually writing the user control, let’s prepare the BalloonShop CSS file.

Displaying the List of Departments

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• We’ve chosen to use static members mainly to improve performance. Because static classes and static members are initialized only once, they don’t need to be reinstantiated each time a new visitor makes a new request; instead, their “global” instances are used. In the presentation tier, you’ll display your list of departments with a call like this:

list.DataSource = CatalogAccess.GetDepartments();

If GetDepartments would have been an instance method, you would have needed to create a separate instance of the CatalogAccess class instead of using the static instance, which would have had, obviously, a bigger performance impact:

CatalogAccess catalogAccess = new CatalogAccess();

list.DataSource = catalogAccess.GetDepartments();

How It Works: The Business Tier

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Downloading the Code

• The code for this book is available for download in the Source Code area of the Apress web site: http://www.apress.com

• Unzip the file and open Welcome.html for installation details.

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Quiz # 1

• Design an interface for e-Learning Application, includes the following:

• Faculty Name.

• Department Names.

• Courses Content.