C FIRE, We Are Going To Disneyland!! - cfireirs.orgcfireirs.org/newsletters/2017/12-2017.pdf ·...

Inside this issue: Greetings fFrom ATL 2 Scriptural Interpretation 3 Indy CFIRE’s praise report 4 Testimony Minute 4 Apostle’s Corner 5 C-FIRE National Board Article III of C-FIRE Bylaws 6 We have begun our plan- ning for the C-FIRE Con- ference 2018. The dates are June 13-15, 2018. However, we have the hotel room dates from June 9-16. For the past several years C-FIRE has held conferences across the country. We were in Kansas City, MO and the LORD blessed us with dy- namic speakers. The year prior (2016) C-Fire was in Ft. Lauder- dale, FL and again we had a great time in the LORD. Each year I have taken the C-FIRE conference as my sabbatical to relax and to meditate on CHRIST. It has been a time for family to get closer with one an- other while gaining information about CHRIST, getting insight on our IRS Careers and to learn more about how we can facilitate IRS goals. Even though we receive no fund- ing for the IRS to plan or pay for costs of the conferences we en- courage all chapter presidents to attend. So please plan your year accordingly so you may attend. You can reserve your hotel room now. We will be staying at the Embassy Suites, Irvine-Orange County Airport. Room cost is be- low the government rate at $169 per night. Breakfast is included for all room occupants. Reservations can be made on- line, with a group code or through the Hotel’s Central Reservation Department, 1-877-379-4478 or C-FIRE, We Are Going To Disneyland!! Volume 13 Issue 1 December 2017 National Christian Fundamentalist Internal Revenue Employees Newsletter Visit us on the Web! www.cfireirs.org Join us for Monday prayer! Call 319-527-3510 Access Code 228946 10 a.m. (PST) 12 noon (CT) 1 p.m. (EST) www.facebook.com/cfireirs Disneyland on Page 2 REMINDERS SAVE THE DATE! CFIRE National Conference is June 13-15 in Irvine California! Visit www.cfireirs.org for more info. Be sure to LIKE and follow National CFIRE on Facebook and Twitter!

Transcript of C FIRE, We Are Going To Disneyland!! - cfireirs.orgcfireirs.org/newsletters/2017/12-2017.pdf ·...

National CFIRE Newsletter December 2017

Inside this issue:

Greetings fFrom ATL 2

Scriptural Interpretation 3

Indy CFIRE’s praise report 4

Testimony Minute 4

Apostle’s Corner 5

C-FIRE National Board

Article III of C-FIRE Bylaws 6

We have begun our plan-

ning for the C-FIRE Con-

ference 2018. The dates

are June 13-15, 2018.

However, we have the

hotel room dates from

June 9-16. For the past

several years C-FIRE has held

conferences across the country.

We were in Kansas City, MO and

the LORD blessed us with dy-

namic speakers. The year prior

(2016) C-Fire was in Ft. Lauder-

dale, FL and again we had a

great time in the LORD. Each

year I have taken the C-FIRE

conference as my sabbatical to

relax and to meditate on

CHRIST. It has been a time for

family to get closer with one an-

other while gaining information

about CHRIST, getting insight on

our IRS Careers and to learn

more about how we can facilitate

IRS goals.

Even though we receive no fund-

ing for the IRS to plan or pay for

costs of the conferences we en-

courage all chapter presidents to

attend. So please plan your year

accordingly so you may attend.

You can reserve your hotel room

now. We will be staying at the

Embassy Suites, Irvine-Orange

County Airport. Room cost is be-

low the government rate at $169

per night. Breakfast is included

for all room occupants.

Reservations can be made on-

line, with a group code or through

the Hotel’s Central Reservation

Department, 1-877-379-4478 or

C-FIRE, We Are Going To Disneyland!!

Volume 13 Issue 1

December 2017

National Christian Fundamentalist Internal Revenue Employees Newsletter

Visit us on the Web!


Join us for Monday prayer!

Call 319-527-3510 Access

Code 228946

10 a.m. (PST)

12 noon (CT)

1 p.m. (EST)


Disneyland on Page 2



Conference is June 13-15 in Irvine California! Visit www.cfireirs.org

for more info.

Be sure to LIKE and follow National

CFIRE on Facebook and Twitter!

National CFIRE Newsletter December 2017 2

949-705-5145. It is under-

stood that all attendees

need to identify them-

selves as part of C-FIRE

Training Conference to re-

ceive the special negotiat-

ed rate. All reservations

must be accompanied with

a credit card guarantee. I

plan to arrive Saturday,

June 9, 2018, and will en-

joy a few days at Disney

with my children before

the conference begin.

Expect more details about

conference registration fee

and a list of topics that

will be covered during the

conference. You do not

have to be a C-FIRE mem-

ber to attend but we would

love for you join us on our

mission to pray, study and

bring the glory of the

LORD to the workplace.

Disneyland Continued from Page 1

The Lord has been gra-

cious unto to us and we praise His Holy Name! God opened a

door for us to witness to our co-workers in the IRS vineyard at

the National Disability Employee Awareness Month (NDEAM)

event yet again.

We displayed the C-FIRE mission, Bible tracts, candles (to sym-

bolize the Light of the world), wall creations w/ scripture and

special prizes for correct answers to Bible trivia questions. The

event took place on Oct. 30, 2017. It was yet another wonderful

blessing from Our Abba Father in heaven. We still have Bible

study classes on Tuesdays – Thursdays at 12 noon and prayer

meetings on Wednesdays & Fridays.

Greetings C-FIRE Family from the Atlanta Vineyard!

Contributed by: Adrienne Hickman

Left to Right,: Visitor ,Adrienne Hickman

October 4, 2017, CFIRE SPB and CSB celebrated

Diversity Day in Austin, with other organizations.

CFIRE members from both chapters facilitated a dis-

play table by providing employees the vision, purpose,

and goals of CFIRE.

We also gave out goodies and brochures with meeting

days and times. The Lord was present and at work!


Dr. Rashaanne N. Lewis (President of CFIRE SPB Aus-

tin)-Submission Processing Building Austin

Mr. Jerry Que (President of CFIRE CSB Austin) – Cus-

tomer Service Building Austin

Diversity Day in Austin, Texas

National CFIRE Newsletter December 2017 3


C-FIRE conduct bible studies, prayer, praise and

worship throughout our chapters across the IRS. The one

thing each of us must understand is where the name C-

FIRE comes from. We are Christian Fundamentalist In-

ternal Revenue Employees. The word Fundamentalist is

used because we all come from many different back-

grounds. (e.g. Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Church of GD

in Christ, Church of Christ, Holiness and the list goes

on.) The one fundamental thing we have in common in


The LORD placed emphasis on how we are to love

one another humbly submitting ourselves, in meekness,

longsuffering and preferring one another. Paul said in

his letter to the Philippians, “Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be

likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of

one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory;

but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than

themselves. “

When there is disagreement about the definition of

the WORD, we must remember that the LORD reveals HIMSELF to the believer based on their

level of knowledge and relationship they have with CHRIST. The scripture you read in the begin-

ning of your relationship with CHRIST, years later has a whole new meaning . Why? Because

the LORD revealed it to you. The revelation you have, your fellow C-FIRE member may not have

because of revelation. This is not the time to boast in what the LORD has shown you but to hum-

ble yourself and pray that the LORD reveals to your fellow C-Fire members.

This reminds me of the story in 2 Kings 6 when Elisha and Gehazi was surrounded by the

enemy. Elisha told Gehazi, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with

them. Then Elisha prayed, LORD open his eyes…” We need to pray the LORD open their eyes and

you may be surprised that the LORD may open your eyes to the truth.

My C-FIRE Brothers and Sisters across this nation. Know that we have been called unto

freedom. Freedom to gather in the workplace as believers of JESUS the CHRIST. We should not

use this freedom for an occasion of self-exaltation, but by love serve one another. Paul said if I

must boast, let me boast in my infirmities. Let us keep walking in love and exercising strength

through humility. Be blessed and know that we love everyone.

Lorenzo E. Henry

C-FIRE National Vice President

National CFIRE Newsletter December 2017 4

This year 2017 Indy

CFIRE donated over

600 pounds of food to

contribute to the over-

all 5122 pounds collect-

ed by our call-site dur-

ing the Feds Feeds

Families food drive.

for a drawing. Mark

14:7a For you have the

poor with you always,

and whenever you

wish, you may do them

good. Keep up the

good work Indy!!!

Indy CFIRE helps with Feds Feed

Adrienne, a servant of God

and His Son Jesus and to

all the saints in the Body

of Christ and to my

CFIRE family. Grace and

peace to you through Je-

sus Christ as you serve

Him in the IRS vineyard.

As this year comes to

a close, and as we draw

near to the beginning of a

new year – 2018, let us

take a moment to reflect

and remember what the

Lord has called us each to

do. His will be done.

Most of the freedoms we

enjoy come from a great

sacrifice and almost all

the holidays that we all

look forward to - were first

founded in Christian faith.

We as the body of believ-

ers must be wise and care-

ful to observe them in

such a manner that is

pleasing to the Lord. The

Gift we all have been giv-

en is more precious than

silver and gold. And we

are so abundantly blessed

to be able to celebrate Je-

sus -the Light of the world

every day.

(Say amen somebody!) Let

me say this: After the

Lord was sent to us as a

gift wrapped in swaddling

clothes(Luke2:12) and

lived among us (John 1:14)

and dwelled among us full

of grace and truth. Our

Savior the Lamb Who

takes away the sins of the

world (John 1:29), Who

steadfastly accepted His

mission from the Father

(Gen 3:15) and was walk-

ing, teaching, healing and

performing great miracles.

Who told his disciples

that it was expedient that

Testimony Minute Adrienne Hickman

Continued on page 7

National CFIRE Newsletter December 2017 5

We are surprised when we hear

ministers fall, ministers departing

from the faith, ministers giving up

and going back to the secular

world, and the reason for this is

they depend upon their gifts and

their human ability and they do not

stay in the place of consecration

and transformation.

Their pride is express in the fact

that they think they know the bible

from cover to cover, they know

everything, I am ready to preach,

but what they do not realize is this,

there are some mysteries in the bi-

ble you will only know by revela-

tion. The bible says we know in

part and we prophesy in part.

Nobody knows everything.

There are three types of Christians

and Satan knows this to be a fact:

(1) A true Christians are

crowned with glory and honor,

the light of God is emanated

from their spirit, the Bible

says, that God who called

light out of darkness has

shone in our hearts in the per-

son of Jesus Christ. We have

this treasure in our earthen

vessels that the excellency of

the power may be of God and

not of us.

(2) Then there is another

type of Christian, in the spirit

their garments of righteous-

ness or their robe of right-

eousness has spots and blem-

ishes on it. Those spots and

blemishes are sins that they

have not repented of. They are

in church praising God and

doing church work. Preaching,

praying, teaching Sunday

school and even telling others

about Jesus. But the spots

and blemishes on their robe of

righteousness are un-

confessed sins, addictions, bad

habits that people think that

are so small it is really sin,

like malice, un-forgiveness,

resentment, hatred, jealousy,

etc. Sins that Christians are

comfortable with.

(3) Then there is the third

type of Christian, if you

should put their soul next to

their spirit man, their soul is

dark and their spirit is dark,

there is no light emanating

from them, they are the fool-

ish virgins that the Bible

speaks about, there is not oil

in their vessels or in their

lamps, and their light has

gone out.

They have not gone to the

place of consecration and

transformation in so long, that

darkness have taken over their

soul and spirit, they could live

in malice and hate and be bit-

ter with un-forgiveness and

they are not even under convic-

tion, because there is no oil

and no light. No anointing, the

Holy Spirit has departed and

they don’t have the word living

and abiding in them, they are

in church and in the world at

the same time.

They can be in the market

place robbing people, being dis-

honest, stealing, lying to get

ahead, just to make money,

committing adultery, and for-

nicating and still be an active

tithe paying church member.

People hide behind their posi-

tion and title, but they are not

pursuing intimacy with God on

a daily basis. The Holy Spirit

was given to us to lead us into

all truth, when we have a rela-

tionship with the Holy Spirit

and we chose to listen to Him,

we will hear what he is saying.

But we have to block the noise

out. And find the time to

spend in quietness with the

Holy Spirit because the Holy

Spirit is God, He knows the

mind of the Father, He knows

the will of the Father for us.

Christians, including ministers who have not spent time in the place of consecration

and transformation struggle with sin issues.

Apostles Corner

Apostle Gemma Valentine

Watchmen & Gatekeepers

National CFIRE Newsletter December 2017 6

“But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me,

strengthen your brethren.” Luke 22:32 NKJV

We are a group of Christians at various locations around the country within the Internal Revenue Service. Our goal is

to represent Jesus Christ by providing IRS employees spiritual help, moral support and various worship activities.

Submit your prayer requests to [email protected]. If you have questions or comments about our site, send an email

to [email protected]. You may also contact CFIRE National President Richard Allen at (901) 546-2507.

Christian Fundamentalist Internal Revenue Employees

CFIRE National

P.O. Box 2018

Cordova, TN 38088

Phone: (901) 546-2507

Fax: (901) 546-3035

2017 CFIRE National Executive Board

• National President, Richard Allen

• National Vice President Lorenzo Henry

• National Treasurer, Mypati Reddy

• Northeast Region VP, Robert Carter

• Mid-States Region VP, Mona Greene

• Southeast Region VP, Shanena Perdue

• Western Region VP, Christine Brown

• CFIRE Administrator, Darlene Gray

• CFIRE Administrator, Rashaanne Lewis

• Chaplain, Tyra Lindsey

• Webmaster/Media, Bryan Jackson

• At-Large Member, James Poulson

• At-Large Member, Lena McTee

• At-Large Member, Darrell Johnson

• At-Large Member, Joyce Riddick-Reynolds

• Historian, Delois Bolton

• Historian, Wanda Casson

• Founder & Advisor, Lexie White

• Former President & Advisor, Victor Coleman

• Former President & Advisor,

Irene Shandell-Taylor

• Executive Advisor, Denice Vaughan

C-FIRE By Laws


Eligibility For Office

In order to be eligible for office, an individual

must meet the following requirements:

• Be a professed Christian

• Be a member of the organization in good


• Be familiar with IRS policies and support di-

rectives of the agency

• Be actively involved in the activities of the


• Be a current or former IRS employee subject

to the restrictions in Article VI, Section 1,

Item 6

• Be nominated for office by a member of the

organization in good standing

• Be available o attend NEB meetings

• Every minister, board member, employee or

volunteer shall affirm their agreement with

the Articles of Faith and shall conduct them-

selves in a manner that is consistent there-


National CFIRE Newsletter December 2017 7

Testimony Minute Continued

He should go away; that if He did not go the Comforter couldn’t come (John

16:7). Then, Our Lord Jesus ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God

the Father (Mark 16:19 & Ps110:1). The disciples were gazing up into the heavens

then the angels asked them – “Why do you stand here looking into the sky? This

same Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same

way you have seen him go into heaven. (Acts 1:10-12

So, are we still gazing up into the sky? Are we ready to receive Him? Are we

watching and waiting for His return? What are we doing right now? How does

the world see us – His church, His called-out ones, His followers? As Wendy

Williams would say – “How you doing?” How are we doing? What are we do-


Every day each of us are blessed to wake up to a brand-new day But what we do

with the precious gift of time God has given us is entirely up to you. Whose will are

we doing? Who are we serving? Are we completing the mission the Lord gave us so

long ago?

Well family, I’ll admit there are days that I forget to put on the whole armor and

have narrowly escaped the fiery darts of the wicked one. Or I’ve been tempted to

watch certain shows and movies that could compromise my walk with the Lord and

my witness to the world. (Whew! That was close Holy Ghost!) But oh, how I want

to please Him! The one Who saved me! The one who raised me! The One Who

healed me! The One Who forgave me! The One Who is my song in the night.

The mission Jesus gave us is clear – Go ye into the world and teach the nations

baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. And lo, I

will be with even unto the ends of the world. (Matt 28:19-20)

He is in us , He is with us and dwells among us. And to all who received Him, to

those who believe on His Name, He gave the right to become the children of God.