爀䐀漀 琀攀 洀攀猀漀渀椀 琀攀 爀攀樀愀 瀀攀爀 洀...


Transcript of 爀䐀漀 琀攀 洀攀猀漀渀椀 琀攀 爀攀樀愀 瀀攀爀 洀...

Page 1: 爀䐀漀 琀攀 洀攀猀漀渀椀 琀攀 爀攀樀愀 瀀攀爀 洀 …erasmusplus.al/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/KA1.01...Ky eshte nje prezantim qe behet ne kuader te thirrjes 2020
Presentation Notes
Ky eshte nje prezantim qe behet ne kuader te thirrjes 2020 Do te mesoni te reja per mobilitetin e te nxenit si edhe per ata pjesemarres qe nuk kane aplikuar me perpara ne kete program do te infromohen mbi menyren e aplikimit.
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Presentation Notes
Bazohen në marrëveshje të ngritura midis universiteteve europiane dhe atyre shqiptare, me qëllim kryerjen e shkëmbimeve individuale me burs midis tyre.
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Presentation Notes
Show of hands Kush prej jush e njeh programin ICM? Kush prej jush ashme kapunuar ne Mobilitetin e te nxënit? Pavaresisht qe Erasmus+ ka filluar ne 2014-2020 vet programet e arsimit te larte ne bashkimin europian sivjet festuan 32 vjetorin. Eshte Akoma programi me Ndërkombetar qe ekziston ne fushen e arsimit te larte. - Per ata qe jane te rinj e kete program apo nuk kane aplikuar me perpara, menyra se si ajo funksionon eshte kur aplikantet jane nga dy grupe : Programme and Partner Countries. 34 Programme Countries (EU 28 + 6) contribute financially to the programme and have a National Agency to manage it. The latest member to join is Serbia (2019).
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Presentation Notes
34 Programme Countries (EU 28 + 6) contribute financially to the programme and have a National Agency to manage it. The latest member to join is Serbia (2019).
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Presentation Notes
Partner Countries jane te gjitha vendet e tjera qe sishin tek harta mesiper por ata kane mundesi te perfitojne nga ky projekt
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What is ICM?

Presentation Notes
Konsiderohet si nje vazhdim i progrmait Erasmus por per gjithe Boten Por mqse ka nj elimit buxheti dhe kerkesat jane te medhaja duhet te kalojne ne nje proces seleksionimi, ne konkurs, Mobiliteti i te nxenit- ka ndryshim nga CBHE, ai eshte nje bashkepunim bilateral dhe i decentralizuar i manaxhuar nga Agjencite kombetare te vendeve Program.
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Presentation Notes
Pra cili eshte perkufizim I Mobilitetit te te nxenit? Bazohen në marrëveshje të ngritura midis universiteteve europiane dhe atyre shqiptare, me qëllim kryerjen e shkëmbimeve individuale me burs midis tyre.
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ICM in brief

Short-term higher education mobility

For students and PhD candidates (3-12 months) & staff (5-60 days)

All levels: BA, MA, PhD, academic & administrative staff

Can also supports traineeships

Generous grant… and no tuition fees!

Presentation Notes
Periudhe e shkurter mobiliteti Per t egjitha nivelet Mbit e gjitha mbulon traineeships Buxhet abodant, psh ne vendet e rajonit eshte rritur 3 fshi buxheti nqse bashkepunojne vendet e rajonit
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How does ICM work?

Presentation Notes
Si funksionon nje ICM
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Decentralised management

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Kjo marreveshje manaxhohet nga Agjencite Kombetare te nje prej 34 vendeve Program (EU28 + 6)
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Decentralised management

Programme Country HEI

Presentation Notes
… dhe nje Insitutcion I Arsimit te larte ne vendet e Programit aplikon tek Agjencia Kombetare e tyre , ne emer te patnerit nga vende Patner ne te gjithe boten , pra edh ene rastin e Shqiperise.
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Presentation Notes
INISIATIVA fillon nga INSITUTCIONET e AL ne vendet e Programit , PRA JU NUK MUND TE APLIKONI DOT VET DREJTPEDREJT. Por ju duhet t egjeni nje te tille nqse ata sju kane gjetur juve akoma . CFARE eshte e rendesishme qe ju duhet ti tregoni patnerit qe : JU JENI GATI PER NJE bashkepunim te tille . Cdmth Kjo? Qe minimumi ju duhet te jeni nje patnere i i ligjshem per aplikim, dmth duhet patneter te jene te akredituar nga agjencia kombetare ne Shqiperi, Duhet te jeni gati per propozime te ketij lloji .
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EUR 193 million

Presentation Notes
Cdo shtet Program, merr nje buxhet qe per 2020 eshte sipas ndarjes ne figure . Dhe ai e perdor per te ndertuar marreveshje me vendet parner ne te gjithe bote. Dhe cdo vit zgjidhen aplikimet sipas kesaj ndarje bashkangjitur. Por ne total nr i fundit psh i mobilitetve arriti 35 000. JU INSITTUCIONET E ARSIMIT TE LART NE SHQIPERI , nqse doni te filloni apo te mendoni te aplikoni ne ICM , sugjerohet te fillohet me ato patneritete qe i keni tashme kontaktet apo bashkepunime, por per me shume grante mund te aplikoni edhe Porgramin MOS mendoni vetem PER shkembime studentore por edhe SHKEMBIME Stafi akademic apo admin , por edhe per TRAJNIME
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Over 200,000 exchanges planned since 2015

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Psh mobilitetet deri ne diten e sotme psh nga western balkan jane deri ne 23 mij per ne europe dhe 13 mij nga europane
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Getting involved

Presentation Notes
Please also refer to the Quick Reference Guide for Partner Country HEIs.
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Presentation Notes
Programme Country HEI marrin njoftimin se projekti qe kane aplikuar eshte zgjedhur Ata nen shkruajne GRANT AGREEMENT me Agjencine Kombetare , e cilap arashikon edhe mbeshtetjen fianciare per projektin. Ju Institucionet e arsimit t elarte ne Shqiperi jeni Vendet Patnere, prandaj praktikisht ju duke mos firmosur kete Grant agreement , pavaresisht qe projekti eshte marreveshje midisi jush, perseri I vetmi pergjegjes per Grantet eshte IAL ne program country dhe ai do t eneshkruaj grant agreement me aplikantin. .
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Presentation Notes
Pas Grant Agreement me NA vazhdon marreveshja nderisntitucionale. Institucionet, i premtojnenjera tjetres pergjegjshmeri dhe respektin I kerkesave bilaterale dhe bien dakort ne nje seri mjetesh qe mund te sigurojne mbajtjen apo permisimin e cilesise. Institcioni dergues, pra nga Shqiperia, esht epergjegejse per perzgjedhjen e aplikuesve, dhe tu siguroj atyre informacione pergatitore perpara se t enisen, pergjate kohes dhe njohjen e krediteve gjate periduhes te mobilitetit. Institucioni prites I ofron aplikanteve, programin e studimit, apo trajnimit apo mesimdhenies per stafin ne institcionin e tyree. Ne kete marreveshje detajohen te gjitha pergjegjesite dhe detyrimet qe duhet te kete secila pale .
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Organisational support

EUR 350/participant

Individual support

EUR 700-900/month for students and EUR 140-180/day for staff

Contribution to travel costs

EUR 20-1500, depending on distancetravelled

Presentation Notes
Ne marreveshjen institucionale sugjerohet te futen te gjitha keto zera Mbeshtetja organizative Mbestetja individuale Dhe mbeshtetja ne koston e transporti sipas limiteve te distancave
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Living costsMobility to… Student monthly

rate (2018-2020)

Staff daily rate

(2018-2020)DK, FI, IS, IE, LI, LU, NO, SE, UK

€ 900 € 180


€ 850 € 160


€ 800 € 140

All Partner Countries € 700 € 180

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Travel costs EUR per participant

< 100km € 20

100 - 499 € 180

500 - 1999 € 275

2000 - 2999 € 360

3000 – 3999 € 530

4000 – 7999 € 820

> 8000 € 1500

Presentation Notes
LIVING AND TRAVEL Distance – more for far travel > 8000 km is now EUR 1500, travel of less than 100km also covered, but only EUR 20.
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Presentation Notes
Perpara se sa te filloj Mobiliteti dy institucionet sebashku me aplikuesin duhet te bien dakort per aktivitetet qe apliuesi do t emarri pjese dhe do te perfshiohet gjate periudhes te percaktuar . kjo percaktohet tek Learning agreement ku duhet te aprovohet nga student, ku percakton edhe perfitimet akademike, dhe specifikon gjithashtu edhe nje paraformat te njohjes te krediteve. dhe per secilin program ka GUIDAT per katese 'Guidelines on how to use the learning agreement for studies’. Po e njejat procedure ndiqet edh epe rMobilitetin per mesimdhenie apo trajnim te stafit akademik apo adminsitrativ. Si edh Elista e detyrimeve dhe e pergjegjesive e secilit.
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Before the start of the actual mobility


PartnerCountry HEI

Programme Country HEI

National Agency

Application Phase Contractualisation Phase Implementation & Reporting Phase


Participant Report

Online EU Survey

Reporting in Mobility



Before the start of the actual mobility

International Credit Mobility Timeline for Contractual Documents

Learning/ Mobility

Agreement3 parties


Agreement Programme HEI-



Students: 30 days before the end of the mobility

Staff: After the end of the mobility

Delegation Agreement

Grant Agreement

Application Form

2 February 2016

Inter-institutional Agreement

Start of the mobility projects

(1 August)


Qualitative Assessment

Before encoding mobilities in Mobility


Student Survey on


Reporting to National

Agency Interim report

& final beneficiary


Every month, once mobilities have started

After the end of the mobility

Presentation Notes
Sic thane ne fillim te gjitha projektet fillojnen e daten 1 Gusht dhe zgjasin 24 ose 36 muaj Kjo mundeson mos humbjen e nje simestri (until now projects would end on 31 May).
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Erasmus+ Programme Guide online(all EU languages)

More guidance and detail?

ICM handbook

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In addition to the Programme Guide, we have produced a series of guidelines to help you understand the action.
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• Written by practitioners

• Specially designed for Partner Country universities wishing to start ICM projects

• At the initiative of the German AcademicExchange Service

More guidance and detail?Handout "from colleagues for colleagues"


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