UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL OF ST. GEORGE 214 Avenue M South, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7M 2K4 Tel: 664-3459 Fax: 664-3467 www.cathedralsaskatoon.com БОЖЕСТВЕННА ЛІТУРГІЯ В неділі: 10:00 рано (двомовно) В будні: 8:00 рано Pastoral Team: Rt. Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji Deacon Myron Yamniuk K А Т Е Д Р А Л Ь Н І В І С Т І C A T H E D R A L N E W S C A T H E D R A L N E W S C A T H E D R A L N E W S DIVINE LITURGY Sunday: 10:00 a.m. (bilingual) Daily: 8:00 a.m. PARISH OFFICE Open Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CATECHETICAL PROGRAMS — Look inside for specifics BAPTISM — By appointment (Pre-Baptismal preparation) CONFESSIONS — 30 minutes before Liturgy MATRIMONY — By appointment (one year in advance) VISITATION OF THE SICK — Call any time HOLY COMMUNION AT HOMES — First Friday of the month Душпастирі: о. Янко Колошняї диякон Мирон Ямнюк ПАРАФІЯЛЬНИЙ УРЯД Від понеділька до пятниці 9:00 рано до 4:00 пополудні VOL. 56 No 44 (2696) Sundays, November 21, 2010

Transcript of C A T H E D R A L N E W SUKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL OF ST. GEORGE 214 Avenue M South, Saskatoon,...

  • UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL OF ST. GEORGE 214 Avenue M South, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7M 2K4

    Tel: 664-3459 Fax: 664-3467 www.cathedralsaskatoon.com


    В неділі:

    10:00 рано (двомовно)

    В будні:

    8:00 рано

    Pastoral Team:

    Rt. Rev. Janko Kolosnjaji Deacon Myron Yamniuk


    C A T H E D R A L N E W SC A T H E D R A L N E W SC A T H E D R A L N E W S



    10:00 a.m. (bilingual)


    8:00 a.m.


    Open Monday to Friday

    9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    CATECHETICAL PROGRAMS — Look inside for specifics

    BAPTISM — By appointment (Pre-Baptismal preparation)

    CONFESSIONS — 30 minutes before Liturgy

    MATRIMONY — By appointment (one year in advance)

    VISITATION OF THE SICK — Call any time

    HOLY COMMUNION AT HOMES — First Friday of the month


    о. Янко Колошняї диякон Мирон Ямнюк


    Від понеділька до п’ятниці

    9:00 рано до 4:00 пополудні

    VOL. 56 No 44 (2696) Sundays, November 21, 2010

  • Serving Schedule

    SUNDAY November 21st 10:00 a.m. Reader: Ana Besermenji (Ukrainian) Haley Johnston (English) Sacristan: David Nahachewsky Ushers: Adam Nahachewsky, Adam Kowaluk, Hania Nahachewsky Altar Servers: Marek Pshebylo, Petro Seman Lesia Thachuk, Sydney Joyes SUNDAY November 28th 10:00 a.m. Reader: Christina Thachuk (Ukrainian) Liz Fay (English) Sacristan: Peter Kapeluck Ushers: Bernie & Diane Vinnick Altar Servers: Joseph Bodnar, Marek Pshebylo Emily Zaleschuk, Solomiya Krushelnytskyy

    Вітаємо в Катедральній Парафії всіх парафіян та гостей.

    We extend a warm welcome to all parishioners and guests.

    We are pleased that you have come to pray with us today. Come again.

    Holodomor Commemoration at St. George's Cathedral

    The Youth Liturgy, rescheduled for next Sunday, November 28th, will conclude with a Panakhyda to commemorate the Holodomor. Children and youth in the parish will be asked to come to the front of the church and hold candles to remember all of the innocent lives lost by artificial famine during the treacherous reign of Stalin over Ukrainian lands. The candles are being provided once again through the generosity of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Your prayers and support are important, so that such tragic events in history will never happen again. Youth Liturgy Responders


    November 21st— November 28th THIS WEEK IN THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH


    8:00 a.m. +Peter Kostiuk ………………………………….….K of C #4938

    TUESDAY 10:00 a.m. +Steven Konchuk (40 days)………………………………..family

    WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. +Ceceilia Debrowka …………………………….…....sister Irene


    8:00 a.m. +Stephania Kaminsky…………………………………..… family

    FRIDAY 8:00 a.m. +Irene Kowaluk………………….….Bishop Filevich School staff SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. +Michaelene Nowosad……………………...……Stephanie & Ed

    Богослуження — Church Services:

    НЕДІЛЯ — SUNDAY, November 21st: 26th Sunday after Pentecost; (Gregorian Calendar) Entrance of the Theotokos; (Julian Calendar) Archangel Michael. 26-та Неділя по Зісланні Святого Духa (Григоріянський к.) Вхід у храм Пресв. Богородици ;(Юліянський к.) Собор Архангела Михаїла

    НАСТУПНА НЕДІЛЯ — NEXT SUNDAY, November 28th: 27th Sunday after Pentecost; 27-а Неділя по Зісланні Святого Духa

    After the Liturgy : Commemoration Holodomor Memorial Service—Панахида (Julian Calendar) Пилипівка , Pylypiwka




    TROPAR, TONE 1: Though the stone was sealed by the Jews and soldiers Guarded Your most pure body, You arose, O Savior, on the third day, and gave life to the world. And so the heavenly powers cried out to You, O Giver of l ife: Glory to Your resurrection, O Christ! Glory to Your kingdom! Glory to Your saving plan, O only Lover of Mankind. TROPAR, TONE 4: Today is the prelude of the benevolence of God and the herald of the salvation of mankind; for the Virgin openly appears in the temple of God and foretells Christ to all. Let us also with full voice exclaim to her: Hail, fulfillment of the Creator’s plan. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: KONDAK, TONE 2: Princes of God’s hosts, ministers of divine glory, leaders of angels and guides of men, pray for our welfare and for great mercy, O princes of the incorporeal powers.

    Тропар, голос, 1: Хоч запечатали камінь юдеї* воїни стерегли пречисте тіло Твоє,* воскрес Ти, Спасе, на третій день,* даруючи життя світові.* Тому сили небес Ні взивали до Тебе, Життєдавче:* Слава воскресінню Твоєму , Христе,* слава царству Твоєму,* слава провидінню Твоєму, єдин ий Чоловіколюбче! Тропар , голос 4: Сьогодні проображується Боже благово- ління* і спасіння людей пропові- дується:* у храмі Божому світло Діва зявляється і всім сповіщає Христа.*Їй і ми врочистим голосом заспіваймо:* Радуйся здійснення задумів Створителя! Слава Отцю, і Сину, і , Святому Духові: Кондак, голос 2: Архистратиги Божі, служителі божественної слави,* ангелів начальники і людей наставники !* Корисного нам

  • now and for ever and ever. Amen Kontakion, tone 4: The most pure temple of the Savior, the richest palace, and the treasury of the glory of God today enters into the house of the Lord, bringing grace which is in the spirit of God. The angels of God sing to her: This is the heavenly tabernacle! PROKIMEN, TONE 1: Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we have hoped in You. Verse: Rejoice in the Lord, O you just; praise befits the righteous. Alleluia: God gives me vindication, and has subdued peoples under me. Verse: Making great the salvation of the king, and showing mercy to His anointed, to David, and to His posterity for ever. Alleluia. (3) COMMUNION Verse: Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest. Alleluia (3)

    просіте і великої милости,* як безтілесних архистратиги. і нині, і повсякчас, і на віки віків. Амінь! Кондак, голос 4: Пречистий храм Спасів,* дорогоцінна світлиця і Діва,* священна скарбниця Божої слави* - вводиться сьогодні у дім Господній,* і приносить благода-ть, що від божественного Духа.* Її оспівують ангели Божі, бо вона Оселя небесна. ПРОКІМЕН, голос 1: Милість Твоя, Господи, хай буде над нами, бо ми надіялись на Тебе. Стих: Рдуйтеся, праведні, в Господі, правим належить похвала. Алилуя: Бог, що дає відплату мені, і покорив народи мені Стих: Ти, що звеличуєш спасіння царя, і даєш милість помазаннику Своєму Давидові і родові його повіки. Алилуя (3) Причасний: Хваліте Господа з небес, хваліте Його на висотах. Алилуя (3).

  • READING FROM THE LETTER OF SAINT PAUL TO EPHESIANS Brothers and Sisters, live as children of light for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything ex-posed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but under-stand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauch-ery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sings and make music in your heart to the Lord

    ДО ЕФЕСЯН ПОСЛАННЯ СВ. АПОСТОЛА ПАВЛА ЧИТАННЯ Браття і Сестрі, поводьтеся ж як діти світла, плід світла є в усьому, що добре, що справедливе та правдиве. Шукайте пильно того, що Господеві подобається. Не беріть участи в безплідних ділах темряви, а радше їх картайте, бо що ті люди потай виробляють, соромно й казати. Все, що ганиться, стає у світлі явним, а все, що виявляється, стає світлом. Тому говорить:“Прокиньсь, о сплячий, і встань із мертвих, а Христос освітить тебе!” Тож, уважайте пильно, як маєте поводитися, - не як немудрі, а як мудрі, використовуючи час, бо дні лихі. Тому не будьте необачні, а збагніть, що є Господня воля. Не впивайтеся вином, яке доводить до розпусти, а сповнюйтеся Духом. Проказуйте між собою вголос псалми й гимни та духовні пісні, співайте та прославляйте у серцях ваших Господа.

  • PYLYPIWKA Both Advent and Pylypiwka are preparations for Christmas, but they differ in some aspects. Advent in Roman Catholic Church begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. These four weeks represent the for thousand years before the coming of Christ. The Eastern Church prepares for forty days which models the forty day fast of Moses before he received the Ten Commandments. Pylypiwka is also known as St. Philip’s Fast, the Lent or the Christmas Fast. The reason it is named after Philip is because it begins November 15th the day following the Feast of St. Philip, according to the Gregorian Calendar, or November 28th according to the Julian Calendar.

    Advent is celebrated in the Sunday masses of the roman rite. Unlike the Latin Rite, our Advent is not a liturgical season; we do not see any changes in the Divine liturgy, vespers or matins, except for the two Sundays immedi-ately preceding Christmas. However, the Gospel of the Sundays of Pylypiwka each carry a theme that helps us to prepare for Christmas.

    The Western focus is the anticipation of King and Messiah. The Eastern focus is on the Light we are awaiting. The Nativity is celebrated as daylight hours begin the lengthen. We celebrate the victory of light over darkness both in nature and in us. We look to the fulfillment of this preparation. The Western Church’s preparation is fulfilled in the celebration of Christmas.

    It is important to approach the fasting with the right attitude. It does not make sense to abstain from meat on Friday only to go out to an elegant lobster dinner. It is essential that an inner fast accompany the outer fast. Fasting involves not just food, but the entire being. Our mouths should fast from off-color, offensive or hurtful words. Our eyes should fast from things they shouldn’t see, perhaps movies or television programs that do not promote Christian values. Our ears should fast from listening to things they shouldn’t, like gossip and music that goes against moral integrity. Our minds should fast from thoughts that aren’t compatible with our life as Christians.

  • Your Return Gift to God Last Week: Sunday & Feast Day Collection from 130 envelopes ……...... $1,126.75 Open Collection ………………………….……….....………… $60.50 Vigil Lights ………………………………..………………...…. $14.00

    May the gifts of time, talents and treasure you offer to God be multiplied through the

    world. May Our Lord bless you graciously.

    Сходини та Події - Meetings & Events – Mark your Calendar:

    Nov 25 (Thu) Choir practice at 6:00 pm @ Cathedral

    Nov 25 (Thu) St. Volodymyr Park Board Meeting @7pm- Cathedral Auditorium. Nov 27 (Sat) First Communion classes at 10 a.m. at Parish Hall Dec 1 (Wed) Liturgical Committee Meeting at 7 p.m. at Cathedral Auditorium Dec 6 (Mon) Cathedral 100th Anniversary meeting @7pm-Cathedral Auditorium Dec 11 (Sat) Yarmarok @ St. Joseph’s Home

    Dec 12 (Sun) UCWLC Annual Meeting, 10 am Liturgy/Brunch/Meeting to follow

    Dec 12 (Sun) UCBC Annual Meeting, 10 am Liturgy/Brunch/Meeting to follow

    Dec 19 (Sun) St. Nicholas Concert

    Jan 15 (Sat) St. George’s Cathedral Parish Malanka

    РІЧНІ СХОДИНИ – 12 грудня в 1:00 годині пополудню Саскатунського Відділу Братства Українців Католиків Канади та

    Катедрального Відділу Ліґи Українських Католицьких Жінок Канади Після Служи Божоя в 10:00 годині рано буде сніданок

    UCWLC & UCBC ANNUAL MEETINGS –December 12 at 1:00 p.m.

    Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada, Bishop Roborecki Branch #304 and St. George’s Branch of the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada After the Liturgy there will be brunch followed by organizational meetings.

    Cathedral 100th Anniversary Monday, December 6th @ 7PM.- Cathedral Auditorium

    Interested in taking part in the planning? Everyone welcome!

  • Dear Parishioners: Preserving Our Past – Building Our Future

    The Ukrainian Catholic Parish of St. George will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2012. As we prepare to mark our Centenary, a Building Campaign will be conducted. Our goal is to raise a significant amount of money for the building of the Rectory, Residence and much needed repairs to the Cathedral. The repairs to the Cathedral would include the roof, cleaning of the interior, possible outside/inside lighting upgrades and heating system upgrades. As we progress with this project, further details will be provided in the Church Bulletin. In the next couple of weeks, a letter outlining this Building Campaign will be sent to each parishioner. We are appealing to you to support this worthy endeavor. Fr. Janko Michael Luczka Pastor President, Parish Council

    Дорогі парафіяни: Збереження нашого минулого - Будівництво нашого майбутнього Парафія Української Греко-Католицької Церкви Святого Юрія відзначатиме своє 100-річчя в 2012 році. В той час, коли ми готуємось відсвяткувати наше сторіччя, буде проводитися збір коштів . Наша мета - зібрати багатозначну суму грошей на будівництво церковної резиденції, ректорії та на ремонт катедри. Цей ремонт буде включати перекриття церковного даху, прибирання та освітлення церкви надворі та всередині, оновлення опалювальної системи. Пізніше, коли розпочнеться робота цього проекту, більш докладна інформація буде представлена в церковному бюлетені. У найближчі пару тижнів, лист з детальнішим описом цієї будівельної кампанії буде відправлений до кожного парафіянина. Ми звертаємося до Вас для підтримки цієї гідної справи. Парох парафії, отець Янко Колошняй Президент парафії, Михайло Лучка

  • We are getting the Caroling Lists together for this year. If you have changed your address or your phone number in the past year and have not informed the Parish Office (664-3459), please do so right now, this week. This is so that we can update our files and to get the Caroling Lists ready.

    UKRAINIAN SCHOLARSHIPS UCBC Saskatoon Branch and William & Elsie Hnatiuk

    Three $100 Scholarships are available to youth ages 8-18 (ages as of Dec. 31, 2010) to encourage them to continue participating in Ukrainian Language, Liturgical Activities, Traditions and Culture. The youth must be a member of one of the three Ukrainian Catholic Parishes in Saskatoon and show consistency in leadership qualities. The youth may be nominated, in written form, by any Parishioner of the three parishes, Clergy, Sisters, UCBC Members, Bishop Filevich Ukrainian Bilingual School, Ukrainian Program at Bethlehem High School, Parish Organizations, Ukrainian Arts Groups, and St. Volodymyr Camp Board (Candidates may not be nominated by members of their immediate family!). Deadline for nominations is Monday, December 5, 2010. The Scholarships will be presented at St. George Parish St. Nicholas Celebrations on Sun-day, December 19, 2010. To forward nominations or to acquire more information, contact: Ed Werbicki 382-7563 Bernard Bodnar 382-1647 or William Hnatiuk 382-3764

    W O R L D Y O U T H D A Y B O T T L E D R I V E

    The St. George’s Youth who are attending World Youth Day 2011, would like to ask your support an a “Bottle Drive”. This will be an ongoing fundraiser until summer 2011. We thank you in advance for your generosity! WYD 2011

    Saskatoon UCYA (Ukrainian Catholic Young Adults)

    Next event: GAMES NIGHT

    When: Tuesday November 23rd from 6:30-8:30 PM Who: anyone 18-35 yrs

    Where: Bishop Filevich School located at 125 - 105th Street West (in Sutherland) What: Board games, card games, and a floor hockey game

    Bring: favorite board games, running shoes, BYOB, snack to share, a friend Note: Childcare is available, but must RSVP for this option to be available to you

    For more information check out our Facebook page (Saskatoon UCYA) or contact Samantha @ 249-9277 ([email protected]) or Anna @ 979-5400

    ([email protected]).


    St. George’s Senior Club 1235 20th street West, November 27 at 1pm-3:30pm Admission is $3 fro adults, $2 for children, Free for children six and under.

    Station 20 West, a core neighborhood housing and service project on Ave. L and 20th Street in Saskatoon, will shortly be making an announcement about "Good Food Junction", a new non-profit facility to deliver nutrition education and healthy food at reasonable prices. Numerous Church leaders in the community, including Bishop Bryan, have offered their support of this initiative. Find pledge forms and envelopes for the benefit of Good Food Junction in the church vestibule.

    UCBC 2010 Eparchial Raffle St. Athanasius Parish Hall Draw date: October 15, 2010

    $ 100.00 winners: Elizabeth & Karpo Gabruch ……………………………….Saskatoon Dan Huchkowsky …………………………………………Hague Kathy Stolar ……………………………………………...Regina Mike Zanevich ……………………………………………. Yorkton E. Pryma ………………………………………………… Edmonton Lawrence Pindus ………………………………………… Yorkton Dale Rawluk ……………………………………………… Saskatoon Gary Greenman …………………………………………... Shanniggan Lake Cobble Hill B.C. Fred Bodnaryk ……………………………………………. Saskatoon Glenda Korchinski ……………………………………….. Regina Stan Kyba ………………………………………………… Yorkton Mitch Hippsley …………………………………………… Yorkton Shirley Hordichuck ………………………………………. Regina Alice Derow ……………………………………………... Canora Mike Zanevich ……………………………………………. Yorkton

    $500.00 winner: Shirley Oleskiw ………………………………………….. Regina

    $1000.00 winner: Mike Zanevich …………………………………………….Yorkton


  • UCWLC CHRISTMAS TEA & BAKE SALE Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 1:00 – 3:30 P.M. Ss. Peter & Paul Church Auditorium

    * * * No Pre-Sales Friday or Saturday before 1:00 P.M. * * * * UKRAINIAN CHRISTMAS BREADS, * “KOLACHI”, * PYROHY, *HOLUBTSI, * *WHEAT FOR “KUTIA”

    * BAKING & GROCERY HAMPER RAFFLES *Admission: $3, Children (6-12) $2, Preschool: FREE

    St. Mary’s CWL Christmas Tea & Bake Sale December 4, 2010 1:00pm – 3:00pm; Corner of Avenue O South and 20th Street West

    Admission $3.00 - Includes lunch.

    ST.NICHOLAS CHRISTMAS PARTY @ ST. JOSEPH’S HOME On December 5, 2010 a St. Nicolas Christmas Party will be held at 1:30 pm. at St. Joseph’s Nursing Home. The party is sponsored by Sisters of St. Josephs, St. Joseph’s Board and Auxiliary. Come and enjoy the afternoon.

    Christmas Yarmarok Bazaar and Perogy Dinner You are invited to St. Joseph’s Home (33 Valens Dr.) on Saturday, December 11 from 11AM to 6 PM to do some Christmas shopping, to socialize, to purchase the foods for a traditional Ukrainian Christmas and stay for supper. Admission is free. Sponsored by St. George’s UCWLC and St. Joseph’s Home Auxiliary

    “An Evening with Theresa” Presenting her 1st Ukrainian Album CD Launch- Saturday December 11, 2010 at 7:00pm At St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Auditorium (Parish Hall). Complimentary Wine & Cheese Reception to follow. Tickets: $20 (Adult), $10 (children 12 & under). For Tickets call: 955-7029; Werezak Farmacy or McNally Robinson. For more information go to: www.theresasokyrka.ca DEEPEST SYMPATHY

    We express sympathy and prayers to the families and friends of the recently deceased:


    You can view St. George’s bulletin on line at:


    Dead line for submissions to the Sunday bulletin is Wednesday morning.

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