投影片 1 - 2019ceti.files.wordpress.com ·...

教多媒體主修生英文 Teaching English to Multimedia Design Majors 温瀅雅 Yvonne Ying-Ya Wen 國立虎尾科技大學應用外語系講師、臺北市立大學教育所博士候選人 Lecturer in the Department of Applied Foreign Languages of National Formosa University also a PhD Candidate in the Department of Education of the University of Taipei 摘要 主修多媒體設計的學生知識背景有別於一般生,著重於藝術、 美學和多媒體應用等等,教材與教法自然不能一成不變。有鑒於研 究者所任職學校的多媒體二技生歷來給英文教師評價極低,研究者 2015年九月至2016年一月教設計多媒體系二技一的同學英文時, 特別挖空心思準備教材,配合多媒體設計系學生的特性來準備教材、 設計教法,融入了多元技巧的策略,從四個方面著手:一、教材設 計;二、會話活動設計;三、測驗考試命題;四、小組作業。學期 近尾聲時,研究者邀請了14 位同學接受半結構式訪談[ 原班27 ] 除一位同學表示不明白為什麼要有那麼多的作業以外,其餘受訪同 學回應都全部很正面,這一位同學卻也同時表示老師準備的字彙投 影片有英英解釋,對他來說是新的學習方式。研究者所得到的教學 評量成績和書面意見皆為正面回應,得分4.33( 滿分5) ,有一位同 學說:「老師本身沒有問題,是我自己討厭英文.........」海報陳列教 材示意圖以及教師所製作的講義檔、作業說明示範檔樣張。 關鍵字:英語教學、教材與教法、多媒體設計主修生 Abstract The knowledge background of multimedia design majors is different from others, for it involves arts, esthetics, multimedia application, etc. Therefore, the way teachers teaching English to them cannot be the same as to others. Since the multimedia design majors in the university for which the researcher works are infamous for the low scores they gave to their English teachers, from Sept., 2015 to Jan., 2016, the researcher took special time and efforts to design teaching materials and methods especially for them. Integrated skills are incorporated into their curriculum in four ways. Firstly, the teaching materials are prepared with as many pictures as possible. Secondly, three conversation worksheets are designed to practice English speaking in conversations among themselves. Thirdly, examinations and quizzes are prepared with pictures. Fourthly, special group assignments are designed for these multimedia design majors. At the end of the semester, 14 students in the class of 27 accept the invitation by the researcher to receive semi- structures interviews. All the responses are positive except for one who says that he does not know why there are so many assignments. Yet the very same student also finds the PowerPoint slides of vocabulary with English-English explanations new to him. Eventually, the researcher gets from their teacher evaluation a score of 4.33 points in a 5-point scale. All (100%) of the students recognize the researcher to be a particularly excellent teacher. One of them writes down: “The problem is not with the teacher but with me” as a comment. During the Poster Sessions in this Conference, pictures of the researcher’s teaching materials will be shown. Students’ works as well as the researchers’ file pages will also be displayed. Keywords: Teaching English, teaching materials and methods, multimedia design majors 研究者於2015年九月至2016年六月教多媒體設計系二技一的同學英 文時,特別挖空心思準備教材,融入了多元技巧的策略,從四個方面著 手: 一、教材設計:準備課程教學投影片的時候,每個單字至少搭配一 幅圖畫,內容盡量搭配圖片幫助同學透過圖像學習。 二、會話活動設計:設計三組會話活動作業單,幫助同學開口說英 語; 三、測驗考試命題: 1. 平時測驗時加入圖像為測驗題的一部分便於作答; 2. 期中、期末考試聽力部分以看圖排順序的方式作答、期中考另有 配合題,使用圖像讓學生選填代碼、搭配詞組; 3. 期中口試讓學生以圖文並茂的方式,製作海報、每個人用英語介 紹自己的嗜好與專長; 四、小組作業:1. 期中考前小組作業各組以海報、用英文介紹 虛擬公司網站所要販售的商品、或想要提供的服務; 2. 期中考後小組作業請同學製作投影片,以英語口頭報介紹所 提供服務或商品的價格; 4. 期末動畫製作也是小組作業,請同學使用研究者開學時所提 供的迷你樂高人偶已停格動畫製作影片撰寫劇情對話、以英文配 音,講述一個完整的故事。 學期末研究者邀請了14位同學接受半結構式訪談[原班27]除一位同學表示不明白為什麼要有那麼多的作業以外,其餘受訪同 學回應都全部很正面,這一位同學卻也同時表示老師準備的字彙投 影片有英英解釋,對他來說是新的學習方式。研究者所得到的教學 評量成績和書面意見皆為正面回應,得分4.33(滿分5) ,有一位同 學說:「老師本身沒有問題,是我自己討厭英文.........D3

Transcript of 投影片 1 - 2019ceti.files.wordpress.com ·...

Page 1: 投影片 1 - 2019ceti.files.wordpress.com · 虛擬公司網站所要販售的商品、或想要提供的服務; 2. 期中考後小組作業請同學製作投影片,以英語口頭報介紹所

教多媒體主修生英文Teaching English to Multimedia Design Majors

温瀅雅 Yvonne Ying-Ya Wen國立虎尾科技大學應用外語系講師、臺北市立大學教育所博士候選人

Lecturer in the Department of Applied Foreign Languages of National Formosa University

also a PhD Candidate in the Department of Education of the University of Taipei




AbstractThe knowledge background of multimedia design majors is

different from others, for it involves arts, esthetics, multimedia

application, etc. Therefore, the way teachers teaching English to them

cannot be the same as to others. Since the multimedia design majors in

the university for which the researcher works are infamous for the low

scores they gave to their English teachers, from Sept., 2015 to Jan., 2016,

the researcher took special time and efforts to design teaching materials

and methods especially for them. Integrated skills are incorporated into

their curriculum in four ways. Firstly, the teaching materials are prepared

with as many pictures as possible. Secondly, three conversation

worksheets are designed to practice English speaking in conversations

among themselves. Thirdly, examinations and quizzes are prepared with

pictures. Fourthly, special group assignments are designed for these

multimedia design majors. At the end of the semester, 14 students in the

class of 27 accept the invitation by the researcher to receive semi-

structures interviews. All the responses are positive except for one who

says that he does not know why there are so many assignments. Yet the

very same student also finds the PowerPoint slides of vocabulary with

English-English explanations new to him. Eventually, the researcher gets

from their teacher evaluation a score of 4.33 points in a 5-point scale. All

(100%) of the students recognize the researcher to be a particularly

excellent teacher. One of them writes down: “The problem is not with

the teacher but with me” as a comment. During the Poster Sessions in

this Conference, pictures of the researcher’s teaching materials will be

shown. Students’ works as well as the researchers’ file pages will also be


Keywords: Teaching English, teaching materials and methods,

multimedia design majors







四、小組作業:1. 期中考前小組作業各組以海報、用英文介紹虛擬公司網站所要販售的商品、或想要提供的服務;

2. 期中考後小組作業請同學製作投影片,以英語口頭報介紹所提供服務或商品的價格;

4. 期末動畫製作也是小組作業,請同學使用研究者開學時所提供的迷你樂高人偶已停格動畫製作影片、撰寫劇情對話、以英文配音,講述一個完整的故事。

