By:Lizzy Pistoria 3/30/12 Photo by: dontspeakw hiense.

By:Lizzy Pistoria 3/30/12 Photo by: dontspeak whiense.

Transcript of By:Lizzy Pistoria 3/30/12 Photo by: dontspeakw hiense.

By:Lizzy Pistoria3/30/12

Photo by:dontspeakwhiense.

Where it got it’s name Uranus had got it name from the Greek deity of the Heavens. Which is the MIGHTY SKY!!!!

?Did you know?Did you know that Uranus was a husband and

father?Yes, a Planet can have a human life.So do you want to know who he was “married” too?And who was his son?Well his son was Saturn.His wonderful wife was Gaia, goddess of the Earth.Also did you know that Uranus got its wonderful color from. Well it

gets it color from is it absorbs Red light and it does something that we have no clue how. That is why it is Blue/green color.

Pictures of Gaia and SaturnPhoto: by Livingmoonastrology Photo by:

What is looks like and how it is formedThe Mass on Uranus is 8.683e25 KG!!!! Boy a

lot of mass!! The diameter is 51,118 km (equatorial)It is tipped on it’s sideIt has 13 unique rings all of them are named After Greek symbols. (Names) 1986U2R/Z,6,5,,4,a,B,n,y,Z h,3, ( 3 is backwords to Greek



This is Uranus in space with rocks floating rocks.

This is Uranus’s moons well some

Photo by: DavidDarling

More about Uranus!!Uranus composes air. Well some of the air that

is on Uranus is some of the air as we know. One is helium. We all know what helium is right? Well it is that stuff that we breath and our video becomes squeaky. Another one is Hydrogen. Hydrogen is used for? Do you know? Well if you do great!! The last one is…… Methane!! Does anybody know what Methane is? This is Methane.

How and why it looks likeHow you ever notice that some planets are on

it’s side? Well like I said in the 5th paragraph Uranus is on a tilt. That is because scientists believe that a

Meteor had hit it and the power of the meteor had made it tip over on its side. That is why it seems like it is on it’s wrong side.

Photo by:


More of the Moons of your Uranus is the website that you can see more of the

Also did you know that ALL of the moons are named

After William Shakespeare and Alex Pope.

This is Uranus in a shape form.

Where it is in the GalaxyHow you ever actually known where all of the

planets might be? Well I know where Uranus is ! It is 3 BILLION km away from the Sun. CRAZY!!!!! Well see in space planets just float. But do you think Earth is closer or farther? Well if you said closer you are right!!

Earth and Uranus is 2.6 Billion km away.

Photo from:

Some cool FACTS!!!!Lets say you weight about 95 pounds. On

Uranus you would weight about 84.55 pounds. That is because of the air and different things that make you be that weight. So that is because you multiply your weight by 0.89. Cool right!!!

What is it’s other name

All of the gas planets.Photo By:Andrain Berry

Uranus’s rocky core
