By: The Armed Arabs

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  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Alan PatonBy: The Armed Arabs

  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Facts about hiswritings

    Cry, the Beloved Countrywas Patonsfirst novel

    It was originally published in 1948.

    It was a great success everywhere,except in South Africa where is was

    banned, because of its politicallycontroversal material.

    :// . . / /h ttp q a n d a e n cyclo p e d ia com q u e stio n w e re
  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Why did he write Cry,The Beloved Country

    One reason he did NOT write the book isbecause of Apartheid, since it

    was not law until later thesame year of itsoriginal publication.

    He wrote the book in a similarstyle to the King James

    Version of the Bible.

    The main reason he wrote thisbook was to spread Christianity.

    :// . . / / / / /h ttp u p lo a d w ikim e d ia o rg w ikip e d ia e n 7 7 5 C ry B e lo v e d C
  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Where was AlanPaton from

    Alan wasborn in

    PietermaritzburgNatalProvince, in

    South Africa.

    :// . . / /h ttp e n w ikip e d ia o rg w iki S o u th _A frica

    It s Zulu

    name isumGundlovu
  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Where does this noveltake place?

    :// . . / / / .http www theodora com maps new9 south_africa_provinces jpg

    Cry, The Beloved Countrytakesplace in South Africa.

    The beginning of the book starts outin the small town of Ixopo. Soon

    into the book the main charactergoes on a journey down to

    Johannesburg, which is wheremost of the story takes place.

    It is the largest city in South Africa. Though during the Apartheid

    era it was split into 11local authorities. 7were Whitedomain and 4 were Black
  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs



    Apartheid-a system of legal racialsegregation enforced by the NationalParty in South Africa.

    The apartheid was just recentlyremoved from South Africa in 1994after a series ofnegotiations took place.

    It caused civil unrest as well as riots.

    The Apartheid segregated Africans,

    Whites, and Indians.:// . . / /tp e n w ikip e d ia o rg w iki A p a rth e id
  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Apartheid Video

    This is a video power point that givesmany examples of apartheid.

    Many of the photos show apartheid inSouth America but a few show itelsewhere.

    You can see the different types ofsegregation.

    :// . . / =h ttp w w w y o u tu b e co m w a tch ?v Z w g A P lX O b
  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Did his life influencethe book?

    Yes, he lived in a place where Apartheidwas very common, and this subject isdiscussed very much in Cry, TheBeloved Country.

    One part of Apartheid that really shinesthrough in the book is the physical aswell as the emotional structures of theirsociety.

    He attempts to give an unbiased view onapartheid. He tells how the Whites areaffected by native crime. While the

    Blacks suffer from severe social

  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    the book?

    Continued He also talks about the land itself. HowSouth Africa is facing problems withthe degrading of the land that isreserved for the natives only. There

    is often native crime because of this.

    Something else Alan wanted totouch on in his book is the fear

    in the people.Some of his charactersare just so scared andthey have great fear, because

    they dont feel safe.

    :// . . / /h ttp e n w ikip e d ia o rg w ikiC ry_th e _B e lo ve d _C ou n try
  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs



    South Africa has a Bicameral Parliament.They then have two separate houses.

    The upper house with 90 members and the

    lower house with no more than 400members.

    The members of the lower house are electedbased upon population basis.

    These elections are held every 5 years.

    South Africa has nine provinces. Eachreceives ten members to represent theirprovince in the upper house parliament

    :// . . / /h ttp e n w ikip e d ia o rg w iki N a tio n a l_C o u n cil_o f_Pro vin ce s

    :// . . / /h ttp e n w ikip e d ia o rg w iki N a tio n a l_A sse m b ly _of_S o u th _A frica
  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Bicameral Parliament

    Upper House-National Council ofProvinces-NCOP-Cape Town

    Lower House-National Assembly-CapeTown

    The National Party was the governing

    party of South Africa.Alan Paton was not veryhappy with this since

    one of its main

    polices was:// . . / / (h ttp e n w ikip e d ia o rg w iki N a tio n a l_Pa rty_ S o u th _A frica )
  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Edward Callan

    He was a life long friend of Alan Paton.

    Wrote extensively on his work (loved

    his poetry) and has written manyreflections on Cry, The BelovedCountry

    He is now an English professorat Western MichiganUniversity.

    :// . . / / /h ttp w w w o p ra h co m a rticle o p ra h sb o o kclu b cry t
  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Why might culture and timeperiod be important to understand

    before reading a novel?

    Novels often include the real culture of thecertain era.

    By researching the place and time thebook takes place, you are learning aboutthe book itself.

    Knowing the culture you can get anessence of if it was a good or bad time,a lot of wealthy people, or how the

    population was doing.

    Wh i ht th b k d

  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    Why might an authors backgroundand life experience influence the

    content of a novel ?

    When authors write books to it is oftenthat they lived it or it is somethingthey hold close to their heart.

    It is much easier to write a novel aboutthings you know about.

    Also when an author writes a bookthey put their own feelings into it,and often their opinion. You can onlydo so if you truly know what you aretalking about.

  • 8/14/2019 By: The Armed Arabs


    period that a novel was written, as well as, theauthors background and life experience, help in

    your understanding of a novel ? Researching an author before you read

    their book will overall help you

    understand the book completely andthoroughly.

    You can find out whether they livedthrough an experience that relates to themain character in the book.

    Or had a tragedy in their life that causedthem to write maybe a rather tragic


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    http:// . . / / - - - - - .qanda encyclopedia com question were some works alan paton 136020 html

    http:// . . / / / / / .upload wikimedia org wikipedia en 7 75 CryBelovedCountry jpg

    http:// . . / /en wikipedia org wiki South_Africa

    http:// . . / / / .www theodora com maps new9 south_africa_provinces jpg

    http:// . . / / / / /www oprah com article oprahsbookclub crythebelovedcountry ctbc_expert_01 4

    http:// . . / /en wikipedia org wiki Apartheid

    http:// . . / = & =www youtube com watch?v ZwgAPlXObA4 feature player_embedded

    http:// . . / /en wikipedia org wiki Cry_the_Beloved_Country

    http:// . . / /en wikipedia org wiki National_Council_of_Provinces :// . . / /http en wikipedia org wiki National_Assembly_of_South_Afric

    http:// . . / / (en wikipedia org wiki National_Party_ South_Africa)