By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs. Modern advances in science have made in vitro...

ARTIFICIAL MEANS OF CONCEPTION By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs

Transcript of By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs. Modern advances in science have made in vitro...

Page 1: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.


By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs

Page 2: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.


Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood all ways to conceive a human baby

These new techniques have prompted many legal debates and disputes regarding the child’s status and the rights of the parents

Page 3: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.

What is infertility?

Infertility- is the inability (man or woman) to conceive a child after one year of unprotected sex and without the use of any birth control methods

Infertility affects approximately 6.1 million Americans, about 10% of men and women of the reproductive age

Risk factors for men's infertility include alcohol and drug use, toxins, smoking, age, health problems, medicines, radiation, and chemotherapy

Risk factors for women's infertility include ovulation problems, blocked Fallopian tubes, uterine problems, uterine fibroids, age, stress, poor diet, athletic training, and those risk factors listed for men

Infertility may be treated with medicine, surgery, artificial insemination, or assisted reproductive technology, based on the couples test results and other factors

Page 4: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.

In Vitro Fertilization

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) was used for the first time in the U.S. in 1981

More than 4 million babies have been born due to this process

What makes this process so unique, is that it give couples the opportunity to have a child that is biologically related to them

During IVF, a man's sperm and the woman's egg are combined in a laboratory dish, where fertilization occurs

The embryo or embryos is/are then transferred to the woman's uterus to implant and develop naturally

Two to four embryos are placed in the woman's uterus at one time and each attempt is called a cycle

Page 5: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.

Artificial Insemination

During artificial insemination, sperm cells are inserted directly into a woman's cervix, fallopian tubes, or uterus

This makes the sperm cells travel quicker and easier for them to pass any obstructions

The most common form of artificial insemination is intrauterine insemination, in which the sperm is placed in the uterus

Though the pregnancy rates may not be as high as some other more advanced procedures, artificial insemination is a procedure with very little side affects and is rather inexpensive

Page 6: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.

Surrogate Mother

There are two kinds of surrogate mothers; Traditional and Gestational

A traditional surrogate is a woman who is artificially inseminated with the father's sperm. She then gives up the baby at the end of the pregnancy for the parents to raise. A traditional surrogate, is the baby’s biological mother because it was her egg and the fathers sperm that created the baby.

A gestational surrogate is a woman who also carries a baby but the process is very different. Due to IVF, eggs from the mother can be extracted, fertilized by the fathers sperm, and placed into the surrogates uterus. Unlike traditional surrogates, gestational surrogates don’t have any

genetic ties to the baby, which make this process less controversial.


Page 7: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.

Class Debate

If you were infertile, would you choose artificial means of conception?

Page 8: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.

What does the church think?

The church considers IVF and artificial insemination morally unacceptable for at least two fundamental reasons From the time the ovum is fertilized, a separate

human life has begun that has its own identity and dignity. Scientific procedures often performed on lives begun in vitro violate the respect and physical and spiritual reverence owed to these lives.

IVF procedures involve a particular number of zygotes, that are all placed in the womb, but not all of them survive. But, in some procedures this involves directly killing human life

Page 9: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.

The best possible solution?

The best possible solution for this social injustice is adoption

Not only is adoption helping a child in need but it does not have a negative affect on the catholic teachings and is widely accepted by the church

In the United States, for every 100 live births there are 3 adoptions

Page 10: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.


Is artificial means of conception really a social injustice?

Page 11: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.

Works Cited


Page 12: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.

Opening Prayer

Dear Lord, help all of the parents to make the right and conscious decision while contemplating child birth. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill them with guidance when it comes to making the moral decision. Amen.

Genesis 3:16 - Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire [shall be] to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

Page 13: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.


We pray that all parents have guidance from God when contemplating child birth- we pray to the Lord

We pray that you help heal and console the couples that cannot have children- we pray to the Lord

We pray in thanksgiving for all of our wonderful parents, as they have made countless sacrifices for us- we pray to the Lord

We pray that you watch over and protect each and every one of us, as we look to turn the next chapter in our lives- we pray to the Lord

Page 14: By: Robby Langton, Troy Hilkens and Todd Sachs.  Modern advances in science have made in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.

Song & Closing Prayer

Dear Lord, We thank you for giving us the gift of life and the ability to start life. Even though some procedures are against the catholic churches teachings, we still reflect on how any type of birth is from the work of you. Thank you for blessing us with many gifts and talents as we appreciate everything you do for us. Amen.