by Jenny Tarry - Protective Behaviours

by Jenny Tarry

Transcript of by Jenny Tarry - Protective Behaviours

by Jenny Tarry

Rabbit lived in an overgrown garden. His home was amongst the weeds and lettuces. He felt very safe in the garden and had nothing to worry about.


Until one day some new creatures came to live in the garden. They had feathers, big beady eyes and sharp beaks. Rabbit thought they were monsters.

One of them came very close to Rabbit and said “CLUCK, CLUCK, CLUCK.” Rabbit’s paws were shaking, his mouth felt dry and he went very hot.

He was feeling frightened.


Little Rabbit shut his eyes tight and covered them with his paws until the monsters had gone. Why does my tummy feel funny? thought Rabbit.

Because he was feeling … frightened. Whatever could Rabbit do to feel safe again? He didn’t know; so he decided to ask some of his friends.


First of all he asked Bee. “Bee, how could a rabbit keep himself feeling safe, even if there were scary monsters in the garden?”

Bee said, “I’m a very busy, busy, bee. I don’t have time to answer your questions. I need to buzz off. Goodbye.” Oh dear, thought Rabbit. Bee is too busy. I‘ll have to ask someone else. Why do my legs feel all wobbly?

Because he was feeling … frightened.


In amongst the lettuce leaves lived a hairy green caterpillar, so Rabbit asked him. “Hairy Green Caterpillar, how could a rabbit keep himself feeling safe, even if there were scary monsters in the garden?”

Hairy Green Caterpillar said, “Could you paint your fur green? I’m the same colour as the lettuce and monsters wouldn’t notice me”. “I haven’t any paint”, said Rabbit. “Why have my paws have gone sweaty?

Because he was feeling … frightened.


So Rabbit asked Centipede.

“Centipede, how could a rabbit keep himself feeling safe, even if there were scary monsters in the garden?” Centipede said, “I would run into the long grass, where the monsters couldn’t catch me”. “But I’m bigger than you. They would see me in the long grass”, said Rabbit. “Why am I breathing so fast?”

Because he was feeling … frightened.


So Rabbit asked Ladybird.

“Ladybird, how could a rabbit keep himself feeling safe, even if there were scary monsters in the garden?” Ladybird said, “I would climb to the top of the tall grass where the monsters can’t reach”. “But the grasses are not strong enough for me”, said Rabbit, “Why is my heart is beating so fast?”

Because he was feeling … frightened.


So Rabbit asked Butterfly.

Butterfly, how could a rabbit keep himself feeling safe, even if there were scary monsters in the garden?” Butterfly said, “I would fly high into the sky. Can you fly?” “No. I can’t fly”, said Rabbit, “and I think I need a wee”.

Because he was feeling … frightened.


So Rabbit asked Ant.

“Ant, how could a rabbit keep himself feeling safe, even if there were scary monsters in the garden?” Ant said, “I would burrow through the thick grass, so that the monster couldn’t see me”. “I can burrow,” said Rabbit, “but I’m not very fast and the monsters would see me. Why do my muscles feel so tight?”

Because he was feeling … frightened.


All Rabbit’s friends sat by his lettuce and thought.

How could they help Rabbit to feel safe? Then Ant had a good idea. Every day a lady came to feed the monsters. Ant thought that while the monsters were eating they could all quickly go to the garden next door. So that is what they did.


When the monsters were eating their tea.

Centipede ran through the long grass.


Ladybird climbed to the top of some long grass and flew over the wall.

Butterfly flew high into the sky.


Ant went into the thick grass and burrowed into the next garden.

And Bee buzzed off.


Hairy Green Caterpillar crawled onto Rabbit’s shoulder and shouted, “Let’s go!”

So Rabbit went hop hop, hop, hoppety hop, as fast as he could into the next garden.


With his friends to help him Rabbit felt safe in his new home.

He knew that whatever happened; however awful, he could always talk about it with someone.