By Catherine Fennessy Katherine Garrity Tess Estep Heleena Begum Amanda Macdonald.

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Transcript of By Catherine Fennessy Katherine Garrity Tess Estep Heleena Begum Amanda Macdonald.

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by Catherine Fennessy Katherine Garrity Tess Estep Heleena Begum Amanda Macdonald Slide 2 An Introduction to Dig-in Dig-in aims to become a not-for-profit, community owned greengrocer in Bruntsfield, Edinburgh (Dig-in, 2014). They are currently in the stage of selling shares, in order to raise enough money to establish and run their shop. Dig-in seeks to be a community based effort to strengthen community spirit and reconnect Bruntsfield people with the food they buy (Dig-in, 2014). They will hire two full-time staff members, with one vacancy currently advertised; the rest of the employees will be made up of volunteers. Slide 3 PEST Analysis Political If Scotland were to gain independence, the Common Agricultural Policy will provide them greater financial support (Scottish Government, 2013) Economic The economic recession of 2008 has led to many economic challenges. Recently retail sales have experienced an economic downturn (Allen, 2014). Social Consumers are less trusting of food retailers, following the Tesco horsemeat scandal, with 7 out of 10 consumers stating they now care more about the origin of their food (Lawrence, 2013) Technological There is currently no technology in the Dig-in store. In the UK, 90% of face-to- face transactions are made using chip and pin cards (Nilson Report, 2013). Slide 4 Location Slide 5 Location: Facts and Figures Dig-in is located in Bruntsfield, twenty minutes South-West of the city centre by foot. There are pay-and-display parking charges in Bruntsfield from Monday to Saturday. The high street is a main bus route that can be accessed by five regular services (Lothian Buses, 2014). Bruntsfield falls in to ward 10 of the Edinburgh City Council Boundaries. The neighbouring villages in this ward include: Merchiston, Marchmount, Greenhill, Morningside and Lauriston (Edinburgh City Council, 2014). Slide 6 The Retail Marketing Mix Retail Marketing Mix Brand Image Product Design Logistics Customer Service Online/In- store Presence (Lazer and Kelley, 1961) Slide 7 The Retail Marketing Mix: Information Segmentation Segmentation involves analysing the market environment (Jenkins and McDonald, 1997) The average household in 2012 had a disposable income of 17,253. Just less than London (Edinburgh City Council, 2013). The EH10 postcode has a mixed demographic. There is a large middle class population in certain villages, but there is also a large student and elderly population, particularly in Bruntsfield (Edinburgh City Council, 2013). This will influence the pricing strategy. Slide 8 The Retail Marketing Mix: Logistics and Product Design Different seasons in a year determines the availability for fresh produce of fruit and vegetables for a green grocer like Dig-In, as fruit and vegetables cannot be in stock all the time. In solving the problem we have decided to promote the seasonal vegetables that we do have as "Seasonal Veg of the month". There are various storage problems associated with fresh produce as there is an issue of deterioration. Therefore there can never be a surplus of produce in store. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1989) Stock Delivery issues are also common with fresh produce as there would need to be a regular stock check carried out in order to know what needs to be delivered. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1989) Slide 9 The Retail Marketing Mix: Signs and Symbols Symbols are "shorthanded statements about reality" (Lazer and Kelley, 1973) The colors we have chosen to use are green and a warm yellow. The color green promotes health, eco-friendly caring and compassionate values. The color yellow promotes happy, light hearted and creative values. Colour is an important aspect as 90% of judgements are based on colour (Singh, 1967). Slide 10 The Retail Marketing Mix: Store Layout Slide 11 Dig-In uses a spine layout of the store which helps them utilize their space efficiently and allows consumers to be able to have a better exposure of the products displayed. (Newman and Cullen, 2002) The store layout needs to be spacious as it can help genrate consumer satisfaction of their shopping experience. It can also motivate consumers to move around the store and thus spend more time shopping. (Rompay, Tanja- Dijkstra, Verhoeven, Annemeik, 2011) The Service Scape model analyzes consumer behaviour and attitudes created from a service experience. Therefore an effective, open store layout will help create a positive consumer behaviour. (Surabaya, 2012) The use of bright lighting and colours can help engage a positive environment for consumers. Such as a pastel yellow colour. (Wilson, 1925, p.49) Shelf spacing can help promote the main products such as the fresh vegetables by allocating them at eye level. So consumers can see the produce easier. (Suarez, 2005) Slide 12 The Retail Marketing Mix: Merchandising 'The Merchandising Offering' is a well-planned balance variety of merchandise. As we have found research from a trip to Whitmuir Farm, we have decided to take their idea of 'Veggie Bags' and use it in the Dig-In store. The use of promotional merchandising will help target new potential customers as the pre-designed selection of vegetables, therefore guiding shoppers what to buy. (Branwell, 2012) The 'Veggie Bags' could also help to promote different vegetables such as Mooli as a unique selling point, making it educational for consumers. (Whitmuir Farm, 2014) Slide 13 The Retail Marketing Mix: Brand Image Brand image is defined as 'the set of beliefs held about a particular brand' (Kotler, 1988) Dig-In is currently promoting itself as an community run greengrocer " (Dig-In Bruntsfield: Community Green Grocer, 2014) Our strapline idea that we created for the brand is "being rooted in the community. We have taken the idea of roots as it is defined as being the basic cause of a family, cultural origins and origin and ethnic. (, 2014) The added element of people around the tree shows the integral role that community has in Dig-In. Slide 14 The Retail Marketing Mix: Customer Service Customer Relationship Management "CRM is the comprehensive approach for creating, maintaining, and expanding customer relationships" (Anderson, K. & Kerr, C., 2002) Applying the customer relationship management theory to Dig In, employees need to be knowledgeable, passionate, and enthusiastic about Dig-In. This can be represented through its products and their customer service skills. Dig In has started to practice CRM through having Soup Sundays which allow potential customers as well as members of the community to interact and learn about Dig In. (Dig-In Bruntsfield: Community Green Grocer, 2014) Dig In has already established social media accounts but they have not yet mastered the right balance and presence on these mediums. Slide 15 The Retail Marketing Mix: Customer Service Relationship With Suppliers "Pull" marketing places huge emphasis on supplying exactly what customers want, and uses communications to alert customers to this fact. (Mitchell, 2003) In order to achieve excellent service quality, there has to be a relationship. (Gronroos, 2007) If Dig-In were to order their supplies in long advance, there would be an easier flow of reliability and trust in the stock being delivered on time. "We need some ideas in advance... happy to supply shops, but need some ideas" (Meg Goodwin, 2014) Slide 16 The Retail Marketing Mix: Customer Service Customer Relationship Management: CRM is the comprehensive approach for creating, maintaining and expanding customer relationships (Anderson and Kerr, 2002) Social CRM involves using social media to enhance the CRM process. (Trainor et al., 2013) Slide 17 Promotional Idea Previous promotional methods include free soup on Saturdays, a website and social media. This model by Spillecke (2012), depicts the different customer touch points in a retail store that the shopper will experience. The store front/exterior is the first touch point during a typical visit. The exterior must correspond with the store identity that is already being projected, in order to create store image (Omar, 1999: Cornelius, Natter and Faure, 2010) (Spillecke, 2012, p.9) Slide 18 Promotional Idea: How Customers Use Windows (Sen, Block and Ran, 2002) Slide 19 Promotional Idea: Dimensions of Information (Kinney and Lyon, 2013) Slide 20 Promotional Idea: Inspiration The original vision that the developers of Dig-in had for the exterior of the store was an old fashioned greengrocer look. This look typically involves both awning (usually striped) and fresh produce stacked outside. 90% of community greengrocers and independent food retailers have closed down since the 1950s, therefore this look will evoke emotions of nostalgia for those who experienced their previous popularity (Wilby, 2011; Sierra and McQuitty, 2007). Slide 21 Promotional Idea Store Design and Windows Slide 22 Promotional Idea: Mood Board from Pintrest (Pintrest, 2014) Slide 23 Promotional Idea: Competitors in Edinburgh Real Foods Tattie ShawsEarthy Slide 24 Promotional Idea Final Outcome Slide 25 Secondary Promotional Idea: Uniform Slide 26 References Aaker, D.A. (1992), Managing Brand Equity: Capitalising on the Value of a Brand Name, The Free Press, New York, NY Allen, K. (2014) Retail forecast good despite greatest monthly sales fall since April 2012, The Guardian [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 th February 2014] Anderson, K., & Kerr, C. (2002) Customer Relationship Management, New York: McGraw-Hill, eBook Collection [EBSCOhost, accessed 19 February 2014] Aslam, M. (2006) Are You Selling the Right Colour? A Cross cultural Review of colour as a Marketing Cue, Journal of Marketing Communications, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 15-30. BBC (2014) Seasonality Table. 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Harveys Supermarket (2013) Storage 101 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24th February 2014] International Monetary Fund (2013) Treatment of Seasonal Products [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24th February 2014] Jenkins, M. and McDonald, M. (1997) Market segmentation: organizational archetypes and research agendas, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 31, no.1, pp 17-32 Johnson, B., (2012) Marketers spending more on promotional merchandise, MarketingWeek [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23rd February 2014] Kinney, D. and Lyon, P. (2013) Grocers window displays: The eclipse of a British tradition, International Journal of Consumer Studies, vol. 37, no.1, pp. 467-472 Kotler, P. (1988), Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall Lawrence, F. (2013) Horsemeat scandal: where did the 29% horse in your Tesco burger come from?, The Guardian [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 th February 2014] Lazer, W. and Kelly, E. J. 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(2002) Retailing: Environment and Operations, London, Thomson Learning Omar, O. (1999) Retail Marketing, Essex, Pearson Education Limited Pintrest (2014) Dig In Project [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 th February 2014] Sen, S., Block, L. G., Ran, S. (2002) Window displays and consumer shopping decisions, Journal od Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 9, no.5, pp. 277-290 Sierra, J.J. and McQuitty, S. (2007) Attitudes and emotions as determinants of nostalgia purchases: an application of social identity theory, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 99-112 Singh,S. (2006) "Impact of color on marketing", Management Decision, Vol. 44 no: 6, pp.783 789 Spillecke, D. (2012) Retail Marketing and Branding, 2 nd Edition, New York, John Wiley and Sons inc. Slide 29 12 References Suarez, M. (2005) Shelf space assigned to store and national brands, International Journal of Retail, vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 858-878 Surabaya, M. (2012) Effect of servicescape and employee, Academic Research International, vol.2, no.1, pp.229-240 The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding (2013) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 th February 2014] Thomas J. L., Karin, T., Joost W. M. and Annemiek F. (2011). On Store Design and Consumer Motivation: Spatial Control and Arousal in the Retail Context, Environment and Behavior. Vol 44, No. 6, pp. 800-820. Trainor, K.J., et al. (2013) Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of social CRM, Journal of Business Research, Science Direct [Online] Available at: Whitmuir Farm. Interviewed by Begum, H. (13th February 2014) Wilson, R. (1925) The Co-operative Apprentices, Text Book. Co-operative Union, Manchester.