by - Amazon S3Recorder_1868_24_13.pdf · 2017-07-13 · 7 Near the close of yoor artICle, "glvlDg

P:a.bliiahed. by ... (lEOBIIlE B. UTTER. "THE DAY IS THE SABBATH OF TnE LORD \ VOLUME XXIV.--NO. 13 WESTERLY, R. 1., FIFTH-DAY, MARCH 26, 1868._ of his Hebrew grammar, says. should be especially to the soo is to be boned 10 tbis ohurch- EPI600PAL :&EF.oB.M. akin to it -of ferent phase We must be uoitelll millIe is employed with a to limit its' applioation in near- the same cases • in Greek and triumph of ofer helllD his re- surrection I do not Wish here to teach a speCific dgy, but to give a strong reason for abandonlDg the Jewish day. yard bot those hVlOg 10 the parish; The movement in ihe Eplsco- and tbose who wish to be buned are 10 heaven; we expect to be deslTed to apply to me, Ephraim ChtlTch towards treatiog other Grub, PartSh Clerk", of the Chnstlao family there; we long for that era aod Where all shall be one ' We three oeotanes of our way motlOg umon have not done It are all movmg 00 dlvllrgmg widemng as they prpceed a defimte object, ;,. mentioned, or already stp.otra:te or the only one of 4ts kind, For the Sabbath ROOorder THE OLD OAK TREE. .adlnit,hEI gllye"tbslIl' the subject of It 18 that ID several places oor trans- have rendered It" With the artl- "t"e," but It IS· their word, aud 9. Your allusion to the geographi- cal argument, IS heyond:,IIlY .ampre- henslOn, and needs explanation Please tell ns how the mlSSlonanes wonld be reconCiled By dOlOg thiS, you escape the force of the ar- gUllDeJlt; but not by merely saymg Presented at the. JubUee Sewon o( the Excelsior Lyceum,. UmoD. Academy, Shlloh, N Ii, by PHEliE S W_ God's Ple88e leave it oot of Ex:odtls 16, and then ask if the pas does not gq against you; but if inSist on tbat which God has not ilp(lken, the of him that add- book must fall npon you You now proceed to quote the 1011nlll. commandment, as found ID t1 leJrewisb day. r li:x9dus 20, 88 I had Baid a beCause the argument IS more agalDst me than you We want re88one, not 88sertlOns, lD thiS dIScussion Respectflllly yOtITe, .WM AlQIsTROHG lfE(}RO PBEAOBlIG,- A liegro preaoher at too SilutlJ, havlOg tabo for his te1\t, " Redeem- 109 the time, beoaose the· days" are often It oommenced thos been anBlI'ered (1 ) ThiS P88- "My beloved bredreo, if I bad de 111'88 introdoced in your number whole llar1;h for my meettn' honse: all I woold refer oor readers to de .chddreo of Adam for my congre- article, paragraph 10, for the gatlOn, de heavens for my pUlpit, aod (2) I assert that the cd'm- eterDlty for my Sunday m.ornm', de "' .. ,ntl, is broad and foll, aod is not text I have chosen for diS mornlD's by the word week; thiS rbflectlOn woold be de one I would the meanmg on Its face; and must on dat oooaslOn " taken ontll you show a better Another, havlDg had a white bro- (3) The article, ID the Vrllg".Jal, IS also wantiog here, show- tber preacbmg for him, clearly thtt neyer de- opon hiS people wkat had been said, SIglnea more thao tp,e I/lStitUtl0l1, and as follows seventh POrtlOO of time for its ob- "My bredren, you must not forget de sermon of de bmdder who has so 1 cannot see pertmenoe of kmdly taken place to mght quotatlOo of1NeheDl13h 9 13, Wnte de words upon de tablets of de He says that God came dolWl on archives 01" de memory-take de and gave them rIght judg- thought mto your mlDd-for if you OUlntlS, true laws, good statutes and don't, yoo'l1 Wish d at yon had; for made known when de time' comes when de sack hiS ; but 10 cloth of hell Will be placed before de of common sense, what hae soo-and whE'n de mooo, de Silver tt do With the speCIfic day? The messenger of de mght, will become 'day," or even yo\>r favonte a firey orb ID de when "seven," IS not m tbe passage de stars wInch hght op de firmament you quoted thiS to prove that WhICh" am over us, all rons 1OtO a sea Jews had, to some extent, lost o[.blc)odl-whlen all thmgs VISible and trne Idea of tue Sabbath-for no lin:vi>iihlin dIssolve WId a great big they had-It mIght have meant noise, den de time Will come when bot that they did not yoo had Wished you'd give attentIOn a sacred day 18 all pre to de tlDgs which have been spoken eVidence God did. make to YOIl diS Dlght by de white brodder =- .. ,,"k:riown to them hl8 holy as from de Norf" was to Nehemiah, who was a Jew, thiS giveS" no speCific day to os Another, preachlDg on tbe duty of 7 Near the close of yoor artICle, "glvlDg <hanks onto the Lord,' turn agalD to Exodos 16, for the as follows, to show how DUrD(ISe of revlewlOg my examlDa pnde was an IOsuperable obstacle to that ohapter You have se- renderlDg thanks the two least Important pomts that examlnatlOn, and made some "Bredren and you never remarks on them, passing by the oan give thaoks unto de Lord If you mos!. Important, WIth tho remark have YEde PrIde am de fader of And so I thlDk in regard all SID Why, look yar; dou't yon know say on thiS chapter Y.ou •. ",-"._+ dot de most of you hr,s snch prood as I thmk, hit upoo the TIght key hearts dat vou fiod It hard to thank IDterpretatloo" I will pay all dne de L!!rd for hiS merCIes Why, respect to your modest expression, when YOQ were slaves you had proud ., as I think," but our readers Will hearts, but you conld gIVe a few want more than your thlDk; they thauks unto de Lord Now de Gov- Will want your reasoos I agalD dar at WashlDgton made fer oor readers to my arti6le 4, para- yon contrabands; lat dIS you got 10, and ask them to read It 10 puffed up and a httle prouder, you CQlnn,eclion With yoor answer; that thought yoorself 80methID' better be enough You say, that the dan when yon were slaves; bllt now, Hebrews were somewhat Idolatrous, when by de 1>roclam\tlOo of dat and the preparatlOo of the manna great man who has Igone to hiS rest was new-grant all thiS Did they -' 0 give thaoks onto de Lord' that not keep the Sabbath .before thl8' de VlllalDs dat killed him can't glt at Had they not been out of Egypt sev- him-you've got free, and am oalled I ... ·""" rest of eral Sabbaths" If so, they ought freedmen, der IS no pottm' np Wid sacred day he,ve known 'l'l'hat day It was you've got so ,,"wful stllck op to them by Besul'e8, they must have had look yer, Y01I.'ve got finger- fathers. Thns you see to what baths, more or less, 10 Egypt. Moses I:ril,,'. opoo YOUf fingers, and ear- thlDga yoor specific day leads fdOnd them Bocially organized onder rmgs upon }':oor \Jars; you am dress- tbeir elders, and bad been WIth them .ad op Wid all de fringes and de fnr- some time The troth IS, that thiS belows, and got so many big Ideas ID plii!Ssig ehas strong presumptive evi- your heads, dat you oan't give thanks a change of the day, and.ln nnto de Lord at all But I jes tell With the other eVIdence, yen dlB; you am de same DIggers as I : to a. moral demonstratIOn you were before de war-Jes de same, I have already notICed more eVldelKle and if you don't squar' roon' and of thiS ohaoge, by the absenoe change yer pride, you never can give The seveoW day" the Hebrew artlole-I have shown, thanks unto de Lord" .110 .. ' ..... after that If the Jews cafDe out of Egypt seventb on thll seventh day', and commemo· OHARMS It, or rated thiS by their Sabbath, the Sab· Among other charms agalDl!t eVIl word to bath could not be on the seventh may b" named that of our ancestors, day did of the week, at the cOlmng out, who, when eatlDg eggs were careful , ... ,;;,. .. ,/.=l.. __ ;" (same therefore most hSl e been changed at to break the ·sbeUs, lest the Witches In.' ••• ·; .. 'iIIOVIe;) day dId the falhng of the manoa, aod now I should use them to their The sev- wlil add another hnk to the chain tage We do the Bame for a Similar .".",,"r. have Did the Jews keep the Sabbath be- rellsou; It is acconnted unlocky beeu fore the falling of the manoa' To leave them whole. They aVOIded dE say no, woold make God break bls tmg their natls 00. Friday, beoause owu law theIT God, and bad luck would follow; we have Moses 88 must bave dl- Improved opou practuie, and rected tbem from Sah- lay down tlie whole theory 88 fol- And yet we find that lows the seventh of the week U Cnt ;your nails on ;you cut them iug the falbng of the maona, WII8 the for news "'ild f T_ 1 Cllt them on Tnead .. y. a new'pnlr of shoeo , very day that the ou rep 0 ....... ae Cut them ou Wednesday, cnt them 10r health, toQl: their joomey from Elim Cnt them on Thursday, cut them for we:lith, into the wilderness or sto, namely, Cut them on Fnday, cnt them for .... oe, a Cut them ou Saturday a Journey yon Ii go , 15th or tlie nionth; see Eso ua 16 Cnt them on you'll ent them for evil, 1. On tlie next. mormog the lIIaona an the next week you 11 be ruled by the hSb devil' aod 10 seven days W88 tea - Now, fone of two things are Most grl¥ldmothers wlil 4!xclBlm, either God taoght hiS people "God bles81 you!" when they/hear a In moving ou the Sabbath- httle chtld tlneeze, and they lIum op fortbE'v 88 the pillar the pbilosophy of the 8Dbject with and must have been the followlDg hnes, which used to by God; or I})se the delight the wntsr lD tbe days of hiS J"e &b- ohildhood : Sneeze od Monday, yon anee?efor danger, on 'laesday: :fou kiss a stranger. on.Wedn;:.I.y yon sneeze for a letter, on'l'\im\!day, for Bomethlng betier , Frlda1,_Y0I1Bneez..ror Borrow, on Sattiraay, your sweetheart to mor· row t Sneeze on Sunday, your ear.ty to Beek, •• The old devil will lIave yon the .... hol. of the week I Theae Under yon Old Oak Tree, W,th Its green brancbeore Bending low over me, Sat I .t morn Then, from each 1eIlflet green, Gillmuenng Wlth golde" sheen, )I'lth the sunlight s beam, were borne ., I am an Otik Tree old jl My yean, though manifold 1 No poees BOng told. No propb.t :rake heed thot, In t Thou dOBt my life e&JlIC , Else clreaAj. the Otik Tle<:'. en ... For th .. I 800)ght iii ... Far In the mystic PMt\11 Wlth \iJ!;ht .nd shade 0 ercast, I from the ..."tII .t lastil Crept Illlo sunlight Looked I WIth wondenng eyes On blue a1 d star gemmed okies, On vale and mountain rise, Silvered WIth moonlighL Over my tender feet Crept moQ.s nnd \iolets , Past me, as breezes fieet, Bounded the deer Daily WIth plnmed head. Bons of the forest .ped, 'Vlth stealthy, silent trend, Yet knowlDg DO fear Gently mth lowly groce, Bowed I to the noble mee, Shielding each dnsky face From tbe sun s heat. When mgh t, With robes of gloom, Drooped iow her SlIble plume, R) of fires or mooll, Warriors would meet Year nIter year swept by, Then rose the WIld wnr.ocIT Heord 1 eacb gro.n nnd sigh Of tho poor red mUll From Islets 0 el the waves, Makmg hlB blathers sla.ves SOWlUg the laud wlth groves Came the stem white man Fenlless they trod no more, Red was the sod With gore Though \nmly bendmg 0 er 1 stro\ e to CO'pCeallt Till Heaven s tear-drops fell On rock nud.roossy dell, Lea., mg nQ stains to tell, Nanl;! to retenllt Thought I nO more of good Foresta no stood, Gone was the Bliady WOOd, The WIgwams shuttered One only at my SIde Left they the storms to flde- No otber for. gUIde- All, all were s(,,:attercd Round me, like magic, Sprung the graceful com nnd young, Lightly Its \alloels dung WIth the wmd ph'ymg Golden as snnset bars, When nnught theIr beauty mars, PeAceful as ShlDlDg stars, Was W::L1ilDg Theu tbey erected there Yonder old House of Pmver , It looked la.rge and fUll Mid their rude dwellings Then, on the Sabbath morn, Glad sounds of l)ruhc. were. borae Clenr lIB the Alpine horn o er the hills Caught I mom s lo'\"'clicst roy, 'Ihe gem C'f day Crowned, ns he kneJt to pray, The nged past.or KISSed I the l oung bride s balr, Wreathed with sweet bloseoms fair, Whispered I counsels rare Ofthe Grent Mustel Softened the sunbght down er the now made mouo.d, :Whilc on tlie grief. marked ground Stood the lune weepers A. wreath of green and gold 1 tWIned 0 er brow 60 cold Till hcnven Its gates unfold, And crowns the sleepers Years p"",sd, tall youths .nd maids Beneath myoid boughs strayed , My sister tree was laid Lo1V by tbo storm king Merrily passed the days, Sought they fair wisdom sways, Uhnnted they joyfull.ys Of the IIQors coming Under my out-stretched arms Found they life 6 sweetest charms Heard they the first Qlarms or tune s rough bIllows I weaved them sweetest dreams, TInged them with bope s bnght beams, many a jewel gleoms tltider tbe willows No more tbell"faccs bright Greet e er mT aged SIght No more theIr footsteps hght Pace 'neath my 8 They bade their furewell , Some III life moun tams dwell Some In the sbady dell Or the green meadows One as a. pastor true,· Quaffed the dew BhimmerlUg WIth eryoW hue, From the puro fonntums Leadeth bis peopl,e on, Wltb futh !Itm alrd strong, Till the sweet rest Is won O,er the mounto1ns Yonder tile genU. Wlfe t Tired 01 the \\ eary strife, Tued of the night of life, Longed for the monilng Oft have f w.tched lIer smile GazlDg fit me the wWle 1 .Now yon mamIc pile Wal\eth the da .... ning Calmiy the soldier r.,.ts,t b,s Ilfele •• breast Though many foes lDveet, Pale hands are folded E eo In life s dewy mern, Bent by the p .. OlOg siOnn, I loved that fr:lll yonng fOnD) In beanty moulded m.der a sontliam sky, One lald him die § No mother s hand'Wl!! nigh To BOothe Jus sorrow Death seeks the brlllhleot gem To.glow in his diadem. To-day rooes graceful bend- Withered, to ... mqrrow When eve's most befukOt1S queen, Wlth cnlm, IDleD, Peeps through the dMkeJled ecreen, And d.y decJlnelh, Then fairy .Iorbeamo tread Where moonliHeet have led. Pl.)' round the sTIow-draped bed WhOle I Willle' recllneth H with coorWsy, in allowing ao IOter- change or miuisterial offices, is not only progre88lve, bot has become 80mewhat formidable Y oong Tyng was last week repnmaoded 10 doe form, by the Bltlhop of New Yori, deVll10tlDg from the usl181 otder; on which oooasion his father, tpe Rev presented to the In Its .pmt solemolv of tblS conrt, and this approval thereof, by the Bishop of tMe diocese, under the most earnest scnse of the cmeilDJusticc With which thiE- respondent has been treated, to the snpreme and final de- CISIon of the Gcncrol Convention of the Pro-- testaut Ep,lSeopal Church lU the United Btates to the abIdlDg sense of justice and nJtbteous- ness ID the lDdlVldnal members of thIS Cliureh, to the conSCientIous reVIew of the ChrlStinn Ibrr;';i:tl()ut thIS land, to the rc<ord of truth, to generations of ad- purity Bnd po-wer, here.'lfter nnd WIth the WIth confidence unfOlgn scut of the Lord Jesns Great Head find Ruler of HIS approvnl can never be of the mnocent, or to the we 10k GIven TrnnsOguratlOD, In the catv thIS 14lh dRg of though Eternity, and are vast enongb to OOlu.talD hi we dOl not see how-all ¥h come POlDt at 188t r But what means rapid, SiiDDl11 taneoos, and feTVld UDlOn' • the space the rorces darted, and have developed a ,m,"?"" which p\lTJIues a duectlon common to them to the sooroe whence and distorbing Dh'11VeH , We have deSired to know tbe 108 of thought, of ios:trll(ltion, prayer wblch have beeo ohemlcal !lCLI!On, and we find them to be " comblDatlOns Ohrist," "the of a salvation of ChTlSt" whICh apt fJle absorbed the attention a,od the bl06d otterances of thll mlOisters We do not know pIe - breathed air prodoces These are the topics which 1D1luence, nor 18 It admlDlstered all the joy in the stop to IDqmre, ID thiS dUljJo!ssi,)n. Ghost whICh as IDdivlduals 10 our 18 certalD that ItS effe<$s rlOus Churches we may have eXIJeJji[4 health It would be ah.n?l1 enced And now It 19 foood that the frightfnl pre,val.eO(le they are all powerful feI umon somptlOo IS doe en1,irely has often been asserted, long h,,1 ,,,,., as all lOtelhgent ed; nQw It 18 seen to he a fact stand that there are many causes W oold any Wish that JOY operatlOg to prodoce or develop thiS foonded, and thos productive dIsease It IS nevertheless troe, that good works, to be evaoescent , Impure or re_breathed air' is the if good for them, 18 It to be deplTl!* greatest agent of eVil, in cated for others' Let us and renderlDg' fatal pulmooary the falseargnment.of theJews tlOns The crowded, they said of Jesus, "ThiS man ed school-rogm IS not be of God, because he lmP.n"t\J. where, earl,. ID hfe, not the Sabbath day" The commenceSlts deadly work Not one was, that he kept the day·nr,nn, .. I'rl: LI,cnool room m a hondred ID tbls and they did not know how IS a fit place III which to con- ST' Pin''' H T1 'G, 8r serve It Let us beware lest we SIX or eight hours 1D,·tnEH Rector of St George s Church in the "tty of under the ban, "Behold, ye The httle ones are nel·o.eo. March, A i:l New York d d d: h"' an won er an perlS, lor 10 a promlscuoos The c88e-ofMr Hubbard,ofWest a work ID your day, whIch ofteoder years and those more erly, which has some pomts m com- not beheve, thongh a man advanced, the feeble and the strong, moo wlth that ofMr Tyng, IS spoken unto yon" Our deBlTe for the the SICkly and the well, are all sub- of as by the Churel. Journal, petuatlOn of the work we see, to the same hou 8 of stody, deSire to have It spread aDd fnse same scbool dlsOlp IDe, and all the organ of the High Chllrch party whole Churoh IDto one, IS hased the same deleten os air The The Blsbop of Rhode Isl.nd takes the one pOSition, that It IS a work hardy and the strong m y be able God. It professes not to resist the iniluence of Vte pOIson; ",hI t nght It soon be orqlDary, hence needs no muacle the weak and tender on s grow pale all, e BIShops of the Church will nenr attest It It claHlIS to go npoo hllggard, aod st ogghng on, be oro to tbeIr own Order lId h 1 d pIe Gospe prIDOIp es, an ence through their schoo s hve per- JP thIS connectIOn, our readers wIiI frmts are tbe thIDgs whICh attest haps to the age of pube y, and then peruse With lDterest the follOWing verity I -drop ioto the consump IVll s grave edltonal from the Ep,scopal"ln, of \Vhatever others may saYlor Wtll never a ake to the f or feel, or fear, we have enormity of this eVil; PhiladelphIa, the WTlter 0 which - hlghost of ,Small, ill ventilate ale plUg-room., to have a :just and Bptntual l · Church would be to which re-breathed air 18 ever appreciation of the wQrk of diVIDe all of people, "Our f grace now progressmg ID Westerly the JOY of you all" are not fo nd alone ESTO and large towns, or among the lowly Well-tP-do farmers' AooordlDg to tbll accoon.ts recelv- BE-BREATHED AIR and sons ID the ooontry- ed from Westerly, Rhode Island, It IS a matter of astoDlshment who live amoog Ute mountalDl! a happier commuDlty doe. not at who understarld the New England States, where thiS momeot eXist, and OBnnot be Im- of a proper observance of pure air 18 ondefiled- agIDed The people of all olasses cal and physiologICal laws often vmtlms of oosompti.on lIud conditIOns seem to be moved and With our eXIStence, to observe IS thiS explaIDed? Look ioto to IJe actlDg under a common Impulse great abose of these laW8 the their bed-rooms; examl e IDOO their Tbe cburches of different D:1meS are IS capable of <latly hllblts of hfe; and the cause IS fused mto one There are SIX de- third of the race have any made plaiD Old fas oned fire- nomlDatlOns of Christians, all of of, or regard for, the places are boarded op; rubber WID- whom ID ordlDary times are more or tary rules upon which dow-strips and stoves I have less at variance With each depend Meo, women, and then way lOto the mQst retired whom lOSISt upon their 10 all parts of the world, hudale and corners of the land; and the lm- as necessary to the gether ID narrow huts, clillars1 prisooed moontl\1O aIT ID coootry a Gospel Chorch, snd a garrets, and breathe over and dw.ellings IS heated to a high pOInt, plete followlDg of the again the corrupted au; breathed over a 0. over dnnug Thlly would not'f,equeot each at the same time UDon tbe most days and mghts f the long win- churches, nor would the mmlster.s re- snbstantllli and food; ter months. It IS ce talnly true that gard lOterconrse With any other feel- they manage to live ont many girls ID the oountry t ke less exercIse 109 thao that of nnell.8lDess :As oBi- days, and months, and even 10 the than ose reSiding ID oers, tbey could not hold public 10- these abodes appear tie more afraid fore me, terl'ollrSe, thereby motually The power of resistance to air, city girls Con- 109 their equahty and acceptance ID nal and 10temal dlstllrbmg and IS noti less rare among fe- the Church of ChTlst stroYlDg forces possessed by the maleS' the oOUntry than In oltles, But lD a httle time all IS changed, mal orgaDlBID IS indeed m tie age I!i..:was not so aod a state of thlDgs as contrasted Great as IS thiS power, however, The declaraSs of grand- as pOSSible now eX18ts and seems like- constant &8 IS the warfare and old physiciaos go to Iy to cootlDue there; and pOSSibly by the vital forces agalDst that, IIty years ago, consomp- to be ImItated elsewhere toral and evil lDfluences was hardly known 111- the roral They are happy and are perfectly ana bad food, the conflict IS The wlDd whistled through convlDced that their happlOess IS and equal one The mroads of the d weltlngs Qien, aod the fire resolts from "Joy 10 tbe Holy Ghost" canuot vety long be reSisted; blazed and roared opon the hearth. ThiS 18 the abldmg ImpreSSIOn, and great fnodamental lall's upon Half the time, ID the oold wmtere, the claim IS that liS m the Apostohc hfe and helllth depend, 080not "thll backs of the IDmates werll Rnllllow Church m Pales\lDe, so the Lord IS ways be Violated With ImpoDlty freezmg, whIle tlie front parts of addlDg daily to their numbers such Among the many detpmental the person8 were roa8tlpg;" and yet as shall be saved fluence8 to whICh homan bemgs there was less rheumatlBm than now, The prayer of J esos, mtercedmg no one IS' greater and no oonsumptiolh '"I that Dll! dISCIples might all be one, IS air Whtlst there Whilst we have made in beheved to be fulfilled, and the coo- thousands who dwelhngs, workshops,1 and sequence follows, .. the world be- agency mvoluntanly, buddlDgs, whICh ope!"flte to sadly heves" that the work IS of the tens of thousands who detenorate and confin'l the interior, woold, aIT, the outSide atmospherl1;IB just .. II look 00 at.a distance more pr ence There is pore, Jost as healthfol as 1D the daYI less remote The mlDlllters of OtIT hietora-rooms, of oot anoestors I1et n1 I40pt \DlIWl,·o.,r .. , Chorch, tbe workmg laymen aud pariors, bed-ohllmbers, etc, a fall meaeme 1rt' are actively engaged ought not to be present; or It, life,'?:lear,oodIIUt- the 88semblies of occupieil, the air these .y and Dlght, have, throogh most become then of Bl ep and study the mBln facts, to Joumal oj Che11l1Btry abolit tbe unll8ual bas Ilveu'tA!':

Transcript of by - Amazon S3Recorder_1868_24_13.pdf · 2017-07-13 · 7 Near the close of yoor artICle, "glvlDg

Page 1: by - Amazon S3Recorder_1868_24_13.pdf · 2017-07-13 · 7 Near the close of yoor artICle, "glvlDg

P:a.bliiahed. by ... (lEOBIIlE B. UTTER. "THE DAY IS THE SABBATH OF TnE LORD \


of his Hebrew grammar, says. should be especially to the soo is to be boned 10 tbis ohurch- EPI600PAL :&EF.oB.M. akin to it ~-soDiething -of ferent phase ~ We must be uoitelll millIe is employed with a

to limit its' applioation in near­the same cases • in Greek and

triumph of ofer helllD his re-surrection ~ I do not Wish here to teach a speCific dgy, but to give a strong reason for abandonlDg the Jewish day.

yard bot those hVlOg 10 the parish; The movement in ihe Eplsco-and tbose who wish to be buned are 10 heaven; we expect to be deslTed to apply to me, Ephraim ChtlTch towards treatiog other Grub, PartSh Clerk", Ibl~a_nQhllS of the Chnstlao family

there; we long for that era aod Where all shall be one ' We three oeotanes of our way motlOg umon have not done It are all movmg 00 dlvllrgmg widemng as they prpceed

6t.~~~~~;~~~~i:when a defimte object, ;,. mentioned, or already

stp.otra:te or the only one of 4ts kind, For the Sabbath ROOorder THE OLD OAK TREE. .adlnit,hEI gllye"tbslIl' the subject of dieco~ion" It 18

that ID several places oor trans­have rendered It" With the artl­

"t"e," but It IS· their word, aud

9. Your allusion to the geographi­cal argument, IS heyond:,IIlY .ampre­henslOn, and needs explanation Please tell ns how the mlSSlonanes wonld be reconCiled By dOlOg thiS, you escape the force of the ar­gUllDeJlt; but not by merely saymg

Presented at the. JubUee Sewon o( the Excelsior Lyceum,. UmoD. Academy, Shlloh, N Ii, by PHEliE S W_

a~~;;~;:~~ God's Ple88e leave it oot of ~ Ex:odtls 16, and then ask if the pas

does not gq against you; but if inSist on tbat which God has not

ilp(lken, the pla~es of him that add­book must fall npon you

~~~~;ra'~1~~~~i~~~~~~ You now proceed to quote the ~ 1011nlll. commandment, as found ID

t1leJrewisb day. r li:x9dus 20, 88 I had Baid a beCause

the argument IS more agalDst me than you We want re88one, not 88sertlOns, lD thiS dIScussion

Respectflllly yOtITe, .WM AlQIsTROHG

lfE(}RO PBEAOBlIG,-A liegro preaoher at too SilutlJ,

havlOg tabo for his te1\t, " Redeem-109 the time, beoaose the· days" are

often It oommenced thos •

been anBlI'ered (1 ) ThiS P88- "My beloved bredreo, if I bad de 111'88 introdoced in your number whole llar1;h for my meettn' honse: all

I woold refer oor readers to de .chddreo of Adam for my congre- ~ article, paragraph 10, for the gatlOn, de heavens for my pUlpit, aod

'\:ati1~hil!1 a'aS\,el~: (2) I assert that the cd'm- eterDlty for my Sunday m.ornm', de • "' .. ,ntl, is broad and foll, aod is not text I have chosen for diS mornlD's

by the word week; thiS rbflectlOn woold be de one I would the meanmg on Its face; and must on dat oooaslOn "

taken ontll you show a better Another, havlDg had a white bro-(3) The article, ID the

Vrllg".Jal, IS also wantiog here, show- tber preacbmg for him, enforc~d clearly thtt Go~ neyer de- opon hiS people wkat had been said,

SIglnea more thao tp,e I/lStitUtl0l1, and as follows seventh POrtlOO of time for its ob- "My bredren, you must not forget

~ • de sermon of de bmdder who has so 1 cannot see 'th~ pertmenoe of kmdly taken m~ place to mght quotatlOo of1NeheDl13h 9 13, Wnte de words upon de tablets of de He says that God came dolWl on archives 01" de memory-take de

and gave them rIght judg- thought mto your mlDd-for if you OUlntlS, true laws, good statutes and don't, yoo'l1 Wish d at yon had; for

made known when de time' comes when de sack hiS ; but 10 cloth of hell Will be placed before de

n~me of common sense, what hae soo-and whE'n de mooo, de Silver tt do With the speCIfic day? The messenger of de mght, will become 'day," or even yo\>r favonte a firey orb ID de heav~ns-and when "seven," IS not m tbe passage de stars wInch hght op de firmament you quoted thiS to prove that WhICh" am over us, all rons 1OtO a sea

Jews had, to some extent, lost o[.blc)odl-whlen all thmgs VISible and trne Idea of tue Sabbath-for no lin:vi>iihlin dIssolve WId a great big

they had-It mIght have meant noise, den de time Will come when 8ornethl~I"; bot that they did not yoo had Wished you'd give attentIOn

a sacred day 18 agaIDs~ all pre to de tlDgs which have been spoken ~Ulnpl;lVe eVidence God did. make to YOIl diS Dlght by de white brodder

=- .. ,,"k:riown to them hl8 holy S~bpath, as from de Norf" was to Nehemiah, who was a Jew,

thiS giveS" no speCific day to os Another, preachlDg on tbe duty of 7 Near the close of yoor artICle, "glvlDg <hanks onto the Lord,'

turn agalD to Exodos 16, for the as follows, to show how DUrD(ISe of revlewlOg my examlDa pnde was an IOsuperable obstacle to

that ohapter You have se- renderlDg thanks 1I""~"'" the two least Important pomts

that examlnatlOn, and made some "Bredren and slster~, you never remarks on them, passing by the oan give thaoks unto de Lord If you mos!. Important, WIth tho remark have YEde PrIde am de fader of

And so I thlDk in regard all SID Why, look yar; dou't yon know say on thiS chapter Y.ou •. ",-"._+ dot de most of you hr,s snch prood as I thmk, hit upoo the TIght key hearts dat vou fiod It hard to thank IDterpretatloo" I will pay all dne de L!!rd for hiS merCIes ~ Why, respect to your modest expression, when YOQ were slaves you had proud ., as I think," but our readers Will hearts, but you conld gIVe a few want more than your thlDk; they thauks unto de Lord Now de Gov­Will want your reasoos I agalD ernmeot~op dar at WashlDgton made fer oor readers to my arti6le 4, para- yon contrabands; lat dIS you got

10, and ask them to read It 10 puffed up and a httle prouder, you CQlnn,eclion With yoor answer; that thought yoorself 80methID' better

be enough You say, that the dan when yon were slaves; bllt now, Hebrews were somewhat Idolatrous, when by de 1>roclam\tlOo of dat and the preparatlOo of the manna great man who has Igone to hiS rest was new-grant all thiS Did they -' 0 give thaoks onto de Lord' that not keep the Sabbath .before thl8' de VlllalDs dat killed him can't glt at Had they not been out of Egypt sev- him-you've got free, and am oalled

ton~:u~sl,b:vifrlrciing I ... ·""" rest of eral Sabbaths" If so, they ought freedmen, der IS no pottm' np Wid kee:jJ~~ ~mrer,ant sacred day he,ve known 'l'l'hat day It was vu.·,-._~. you've got so ,,"wful stllck op

to them by Besul'e8, they must have had look yer, Y01I.'ve got finger-fathers. Thns you see to what baths, more or less, 10 Egypt. Moses I:ril,,'. opoo YOUf fingers, and ear-

thlDga yoor specific day leads fdOnd them Bocially organized onder rmgs upon }':oor \Jars; you am dress­tbeir elders, and bad been WIth them .ad op Wid all de fringes and de fnr­some time The troth IS, that thiS belows, and got so many big Ideas ID

plii!Ssigehas strong presumptive evi- your heads, dat you oan't give thanks a change of the day, and.ln nnto de Lord at all But I jes tell

I~~~:~~!~~, With the other eVIdence, yen dlB; you am de same DIggers as I : to a. moral demonstratIOn you were before de war-Jes de same, I have already notICed more eVldelKle and if you don't squar' roon' and of thiS ohaoge, by the absenoe change yer pride, you never can give

The seveoW day" the Hebrew artlole-I have shown, thanks unto de Lord" .110 .. ' ..... :~I.'r~_' after that If the Jews cafDe out of Egypt

seventb on thll seventh day', and commemo· OHARMS ~~:~~~=r~::h~~~t prE,.~iled It, or rated thiS by their Sabbath, the Sab· Among other charms agalDl!t eVIl ~ word to bath could not be on the seventh may b" named that of our ancestors,

day did of the week, at the cOlmng out, who, when eatlDg eggs were careful , ... ,;;,. .. ,/.=l.. __ • ;" (same therefore most hSl e been changed at to break the ·sbeUs, lest the Witches

In.' ••• ·; .. 'iIIOVIe;) day dId the falhng of the manoa, aod now I should use them to their dIBadv~n-The sev- wlil add another hnk to the chain tage We do the Bame for a Similar

.".",,"r. have Did the Jews keep the Sabbath be- rellsou; It is acconnted unlocky

~~:~:8:~~;~~~~~~~:~i~1 beeu fore the falling of the manoa' To leave them whole. They aVOIded dE ha've,·virtos~ll say no, woold make God break bls tmg their natls 00. Friday, beoause

owu law theIT God, and bad luck would follow; bn~ we have Moses 88 must bave dl- Improved opou ~heir practuie, and rected tbem from Sah- lay down tlie whole theory 88 fol-

And yet we find that lows the seventh of the week DrE!Oe,~-,1 U Cnt ;your nails on ~{ond.y, ;you cut them iug the falbng of the maona, WII8 the for news

"'ild f T_ 1 Cllt them on Tnead .. y. a new'pnlr of shoeo , very day that the ou rep 0 ....... ae Cut them ou Wednesday, cnt them 10r health, toQl: their joomey from Elim a/l~cam6 Cnt them on Thursday, cut them for we:lith, into the wilderness or sto, namely, Cut them on Fnday, cnt them for .... oe, a Cut them ou Saturday a Journey yon Ii go , 15th or tlie nionth; see Eso ua 16 Cnt them on Bund~y, you'll ent them for evil, 1. On tlie next. mormog the lIIaona Fo~ an the next week you 11 be ruled by the

hSb devil' aod 10 seven days W88 tea -

Now, fone of two things are Most grl¥ldmothers wlil 4!xclBlm, either God taoght hiS people "God bles81 you!" when they/hear a In moving ou the Sabbath- httle chtld tlneeze, and they lIum op

fortbE'v 88 the pillar the pbilosophy of the 8Dbject with and must have been the followlDg hnes, which used to

)~~~1;;~'t~ii,:n~~:s\o:;:~;.~~~~'Ir~i'1ed by God; or I})se the delight the wntsr lD tbe days of hiS J"e &b- ohildhood :

l~I~:,:::ll;: i!:t~~~:~:~:~f::~!l~i~t" Sneeze od Monday, yon anee?efor danger, on 'laesday: :fou kiss a stranger. on.Wedn;:.I.y yon sneeze for a letter, on'l'\im\!day, for Bomethlng betier ,

t.l..,t.'I,~..,--on Frlda1,_Y0I1Bneez..ror Borrow,

~~~~!~f~~~ on Sattiraay, your sweetheart to mor· row t ;'lOrea8~ol Sneeze on Sunday, your ear.ty to Beek, •• The old devil will lIave yon the .... hol. of the

week I


Under yon Old Oak Tree, W,th Its green brancbeore Bending low over me,

Sat I .t morn Then, from each 1eIlflet green, Gillmuenng Wlth golde" sheen, TIn~ )I'lth the sunlight s beam,

.~PCrs were borne ., I am an Otik Tree old jl My yean, though manifold1

No poees BOng told. No propb.t ian~t'tflee.

:rake heed thot, In t ~~e, Thou dOBt my life e&JlIC , Else clreaAj. the Otik Tle<:'. en ...

For th .. I 800)ght iii ... Far In the mystic PMt\11 Wlth \iJ!;ht .nd shade 0 ercast, I from the ..."tII .t lastil

Crept Illlo sunlight Looked I WIth wondenng eyes On blue a1 d star gemmed okies, On vale and mountain rise,

Silvered WIth moonlighL Over my tender feet Crept moQ.s nnd \iolets ~weet , Past me, as breezes fieet,

Bounded the deer Daily WIth plnmed head. Bons of the forest .ped, 'Vlth stealthy, silent trend,

Yet knowlDg DO fear Gently mth lowly groce, Bowed I to the noble mee, Shielding each dnsky face

From tbe sun s heat. When mgh t, With robes of gloom, Drooped iow her SlIble plume, R) lI~ht of fires or mooll,

Warriors would meet Year nIter year swept by, Then rose the WIld wnr.ocIT Heord 1 eacb gro.n nnd sigh

Of tho poor red mUll From Islets 0 el the waves, Makmg hlB blathers sla.ves SOWlUg the laud wlth groves

Came the stem white man Fenlless they trod no more, Red was the sod With gore Though \nmly bendmg 0 er

1 stro\ e to CO'pCeallt Till Heaven s tear-drops fell On rock nud.roossy dell, Lea., mg nQ stains to tell,

Nanl;! to retenllt

Thought I nO more of good Foresta no loo~~r stood, Gone was the Bliady WOOd,

The WIgwams shuttered One only at my SIde Left they the storms to flde­No otber for. gUIde-

All, all were s(,,:attercd

Round me, like magic, Sprung the graceful com nnd young, Lightly Its \alloels dung

WIth the wmd ph'ymg Golden as snnset bars, When nnught theIr beauty mars, PeAceful as ShlDlDg stars,

Was ~e gru~ W::L1ilDg

Theu tbey erected there Yonder old House of Pmver , ~b, It looked la.rge and fUll

Mid their rude dwellings Then, on the Sabbath morn, Glad sounds of l)ruhc. were. borae Clenr lIB the Alpine horn

o er the hills SWCUlD~

Caught I mom s lo'\"'clicst roy, 'Ihe gem C'f day Crowned, ns he kneJt to pray,

The nged past.or KISSed I the l oung bride s balr, Wreathed with sweet bloseoms fair, Whispered I counsels rare

Ofthe Grent Mustel Softened the sunbght down O~ er the now made mouo.d, :Whilc on tlie grief. marked ground

Stood the lune weepers A. wreath of green and gold 1 tWIned 0 er brow 60 cold Till hcnven Its gates unfold,

And crowns the sleepers

Years p"",sd, tall youths .nd maids Beneath myoid boughs strayed , My sister tree was laid

Lo1V by tbo storm king Merrily passed the days, Sought they fair wisdom sways, Uhnnted they joyfull.ys

Of the IIQors coming Under my out-stretched arms Found they life 6 sweetest charms Heard they the first Qlarms • or tune s rough bIllows I weaved them sweetest dreams, TInged them with bope s bnght beams, many a jewel gleoms

tltider tbe willows No more tbell"faccs bright Greet e er mT aged SIght No more theIr footsteps hght

Pace 'neath my 8b:ldo~ 8 They bade their lon~ furewell , Some III life moun tams dwell Some In the sbady dell

Or the green meadows One as a. pastor true,· Quaffed the heQ~enly dew BhimmerlUg WIth eryoW hue,

From the puro fonntums Leadeth bis peopl,e on, Wltb futh !Itm alrd strong, Till the sweet rest Is won

O,er the mounto1ns

Yonder tile genU. Wlfe t Tired 01 the \\ eary strife, Tued of the night of life,

Longed for the monilng Oft have f w.tched lIer smile GazlDg fit me the wWle 1

.Now ~ yon mamIc pile Wal\eth the da .... ning

Calmiy the soldier r.,.ts,t b,s Ilfele •• breast Though many foes lDveet,

Pale hands are folded E eo In life s dewy mern, Bent by the p .. OlOg siOnn, I loved that fr:lll yonng fOnD)

In beanty moulded m.der a sontliam sky, One lald him down~ die § No mother s hand'Wl!! nigh

To BOothe Jus sorrow Death seeks the brlllhleot gem To.glow in his diadem. To-day rooes graceful bend-

Withered, to ... mqrrow

When eve's most befukOt1S queen, Wlth cnlm, lDtLJes~c IDleD, Peeps through the dMkeJled ecreen,

And d.y decJlnelh, Then fairy .Iorbeamo tread Where moonliHeet have led. Pl.)' round the sTIow-draped bed

WhOle I Willle' recllneth H

with coorWsy, in allowing ao IOter­change or miuisterial offices, is not only progre88lve, bot has become 80mewhat formidable Y oong Tyng was last week repnmaoded 10 doe form, by the Bltlhop of New Yori,

deVll10tlDg from the usl181 otder; on which oooasion his father, tpe Rev presented to the

In Its .pmt solemolv

of tblS conrt, and this approval thereof, by the Bishop of

tMe diocese, under the most earnest scnse of the cmeilDJusticc With which thiE- respondent has been treated, to the snpreme and final de­CISIon of the Gcncrol Convention of the Pro-­testaut Ep,lSeopal Church lU the United Btates to the abIdlDg sense of justice and nJtbteous­ness ID the lDdlVldnal members of thIS Cliureh, to the conSCientIous reVIew of the ChrlStinn

Ibrr;';i:tl()ut thIS land, to the rc<ord of truth, to generations of ad­

reh~'1.ous purity Bnd po-wer, here.'lfter nnd WIth the

d~~Pt";;'I' lt~,~~~~:r,~~~ WIth confidence unfOlgn ~ scut of the Lord Jesns

Great Head find Ruler of HIS approvnl can never be gl~en i~J~~:~i:~i~~~:~ of the mnocent, or to the ~ we 10k

GIven TrnnsOguratlOD, In the catv thIS 14lh dRg of

though Eternity, and InfiniteDt'~~I_1 v~~:~~~1Sa are vast enongb to OOlu.talD hi we dOl not see how-all ¥h come POlDt at 188t r

But what means t~IS rapid, SiiDDl11 taneoos, and feTVld UDlOn' • A('rO"~ the ~rvtlniog space the rorces darted, and have developed a ,m,"?"" which p\lTJIues a duectlon

t::i~~Joooree common to them to the sooroe whence and distorbing Dh'11VeH ,

We have deSired to know tbe 108 of thought, of ios:trll(ltion, prayer wblch have beeo prElsellte~ll ohemlcal !lCLI!On, and we find them to be " comblDatlOns Ohrist," "the glory~.\jllm!L,r form~ of a salvation of ChTlSt" whICh apt fJle absorbed the attention a,od the bl06d otterances of thll mlOisters We do not know P!l~l~f~~:~~(:; pIe - breathed air prodoces

These are the topics which 1D1luence, nor 18 It ."V'".~. admlDlstered all the joy in the stop to IDqmre, ID thiS dUljJo!ssi,)n. Ghost whICh as IDdivlduals 10 our 18 certalD that ItS effe<$s rlOus Churches we may have eXIJeJji[4 health It would be ah.n?l1

enced And now It 19 foood that the frightfnl pre,val.eO(le they are all powerful feI umon somptlOo IS doe en1,irely has often been asserted, long h,,1 ,,,,., as all lOtelhgent ed; nQw It 18 seen to he a fact stand that there are many causes

W oold any Wish that JOY operatlOg to prodoce or develop thiS foonded, and thos productive dIsease It IS nevertheless troe, that good works, to be evaoescent , Impure or re_breathed air' is the if good for them, 18 It to be deplTl!* greatest agent of eVil, in cated for others' Let us and renderlDg' fatal pulmooary the falseargnment.of theJews tlOns The crowded, they said of Jesus, "ThiS man ed school-rogm IS not be of God, because he lmP.n"t\J. where, earl,. ID hfe, not the Sabbath day" The commenceSlts deadly work Not one was, that he kept the day·nr,nn, .. I'rl: LI,cnool room m a hondred ID tbls and they did not know how IS a fit place III which to con-

ST' Pin''' H T1 'G, 8r serve It Let us beware lest we SIX or eight hours 1D,·tnEH "~ Rector of St George s Church in the "tty of under the ban, "Behold, ye The httle ones are nel·o.eo. March, A i:l

New York d d d: h"' an won er an perlS, lor 10 a promlscuoos The c88e-ofMr Hubbard,ofWest a work ID your day, whIch ofteoder years and those more

erly, which has some pomts m com- not beheve, thongh a man advanced, the feeble and the strong, moo wlth that ofMr Tyng, IS spoken unto yon" Our deBlTe for the the SICkly and the well, are all sub-of as fol1ow~ by the Churel. Journal, petuatlOn of the work we see, to the same hou 8 of stody,

deSire to have It spread aDd fnse same scbool dlsOlp IDe, and all the organ of the High Chllrch party whole Churoh IDto one, IS hased the same deleten os air The

• The Blsbop of Rhode Isl.nd takes the one pOSition, that It IS a work hardy and the strong m y be able ~: ,~a ~ili" God. It professes not to ~E resist the iniluence of Vte pOIson; ",hI t nght It soon be orqlDary, hence needs no muacle the weak and tender on s grow pale all, e BIShops of the Church will nenr attest It It claHlIS to go npoo hllggard, aod st ogghng on, be oro to tbeIr own Order lId h I~ 1 d pIe Gospe prIDOIp es, an ence through their schoo s hve per-

JP thIS connectIOn, our readers wIiI frmts are tbe thIDgs whICh attest haps to the age of pube y, and then peruse With lDterest the follOWing verity I -drop ioto the consump IVll s grave edltonal from the Ep,scopal"ln, of \Vhatever others may saYlor Wtll p~ents never a ake to the

f or feel, or fear, we have enormity of this eVil; PhiladelphIa, the WTlter 0 which -IV~~::t~,t~h,:;e hlghost happll~e.8 of ,Small, ill ventilate ale plUg-room., ~n()thiing

\.al~peal'S to have a :just and Bptntual l · Church would be to which re-breathed air 18 ever appreciation of the wQrk of diVIDe all of people, "Our f co~:so·:;~,:·1~~~~:~~:; grace now progressmg ID Westerly the JOY of you all" are not fo nd alone

ESTO PEUP~IJA and large towns, or among the • lowly Well-tP-do farmers'

AooordlDg to tbll accoon.ts recelv- BE-BREATHED AIR and sons ID the ooontry-ed from Westerly, Rhode Island, It IS a matter of astoDlshment who live amoog Ute mountalDl! a happier commuDlty doe. not at who understarld the New England States, where thiS momeot eXist, and OBnnot be Im- of a proper observance of pure air 18 WhOll~1 ondefiled-agIDed The people of all olasses cal and physiologICal laws often vmtlms of oosompti.on lIud conditIOns seem to be moved and With our eXIStence, to observe IS thiS explaIDed? Look ioto to IJe actlDg under a common Impulse great abose of these laW8 the their bed-rooms; examl e IDOO their Tbe cburches of different D:1meS are IS capable of <latly hllblts of hfe; and the cause IS fused mto one There are SIX de- third of the race have any made plaiD Old fas oned fire-nomlDatlOns of Christians, all of of, or regard for, the places are boarded op; rubber WID-whom ID ordlDary times are more or tary rules upon which dow-strips and stoves I have less at variance With each depend Meo, women, and then way lOto the mQst retired nookIHt.nro)O~!U whom lOSISt upon their 10 all parts of the world, hudale and corners of the land; and the lm-as necessary to the gether ID narrow huts, clillars1 prisooed moontl\1O aIT ID coootry a Gospel Chorch, snd a garrets, and breathe over and dw.ellings IS heated to a high pOInt, plete followlDg of the again the corrupted au; breathed over a 0. over dnnug Thlly would not'f,equeot each at the same time UDon tbe most days and mghts f the long win-churches, nor would the mmlster.s re- snbstantllli and ~mproper food; ter months. It IS ce talnly true that gard lOterconrse With any other feel- they manage to live ont many girls ID the oountry t ke less exercIse 109 thao that of nnell.8lDess :As oBi- days, and months, and even 10 the than ose reSiding ID oers, tbey could not hold public 10- these abodes appear tie more afraid fore me, terl'ollrSe, thereby motually recogDlz~ The power of resistance to air, ~han city girls Con-109 their equahty and acceptance ID nal and 10temal dlstllrbmg and IS noti less rare among fe-the Church of ChTlst • stroYlDg forces possessed by the maleS' the oOUntry than In oltles,

But lD a httle time all IS changed, mal orgaDlBID IS indeed m tie age I!i..:was not so aod a state of thlDgs as contrasted Great as IS thiS power, however, The declaraSs of grand-as pOSSible now eX18ts and seems like- constant &8 IS the warfare and old physiciaos go to Iy to cootlDue there; and pOSSibly by the vital forces agalDst that, IIty years ago, consomp-to be ImItated elsewhere toral and evil lDfluences was hardly known 111- the roral

They are happy and are perfectly ana bad food, the conflict IS The wlDd whistled through convlDced that their happlOess IS and equal one The mroads of the d weltlngs Qien, aod the fire resolts from "Joy 10 tbe Holy Ghost" canuot vety long be reSisted; blazed and roared opon the hearth. ThiS 18 the abldmg ImpreSSIOn, and great fnodamental lall's upon Half the time, ID the oold wmtere, the claim IS that liS m the Apostohc hfe and helllth depend, 080not "thll backs of the IDmates werll Rnllllow Church m Pales\lDe, so the Lord IS ways be Violated With ImpoDlty freezmg, whIle tlie front parts of addlDg daily to their numbers such Among the many detpmental the person8 were roa8tlpg;" and yet as shall be saved fluence8 to whICh homan bemgs there was less rheumatlBm than now,

The prayer of J esos, mtercedmg no one IS' greater and no oonsumptiolh '"I that Dll! dISCIples might all be one, IS air Whtlst there Whilst we have made in beheved to be fulfilled, and the coo- thousands who ~offer dwelhngs, workshops,1 and sequence follows, .. the world be- agency mvoluntanly, buddlDgs, whICh ope!"flte to sadly heves" that the work IS of the tens of thousands who detenorate and confin'l the interior, t'~~~!~h~~::t~~~~

woold, chtilrc1i~f, aIT, the outSide atmospherl1;IB just .. II look 00 at.a distance more pr ence There is pore, Jost as healthfol as 1D the daYI

less remote The mlDlllters of OtIT hietora-rooms, thE,atlie!,;.8cho'DI-lroo'~8, of oot anoestors I1et n1 I40pt \DlIWl,·o.,r .. , Chorch, tbe workmg laymen aud pariors, bed-ohllmbers, etc, a fall meaeme 1rt' ,'\'Ihu.tJilI;l'~t.~.oj~

are actively engaged ought not to be present; or It, life,'?:lear,oodIIUt-the 88semblies of occupieil, the air these .y and Dlght,

have, throogh most become then of Bl ep and study the mBln facts, lilll~tlt to Joumal oj Che11l1Btry

lI.a"I!'.t~ollllt~t abolit tbe unll8ual bas Ilveu'tA!':

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, II ,


paid ai he ~ho OlD ~ve a dollar a To favor a 8nt-day Sabbath, I is lauy pan_r 11., the, 'ch,~J;( Remember tile 'poor widow pretended'that man'a firat I I days are alike' bleued, or

who threw in two m{tea. JeaDl said, was the first day of hiB i bleAed, lIoconlin, to ,the poor eva-, orilialltio'~4l'r:ri~ini~'rs. "This poPi.widow b"'th O88t more in that is, the day on which the choose to make'oftbe'ot. Thl~im.fl (lie commandment pllltte,rm thau all t,IIe, ~hicb have cast into the or rested, at the eDd of tho be, then, iD one commnnity, thought of in the Jewish gling for a ..Dew life. It treuDry." 011& reason why benevo. week. This I is falBe, 118 blessed and eancti6ed Sali1iat1iil"o;rj:'ili~Pe[i8al~ioi'i;nor in the first centuries the ordinalion of Bro. '·.T~.;.;",;, u

lent funda are so' emali ia.thattheeitheroneo~tworevealedfacts.theLordinaBingleoftheChristian;andtheywillnotvistotheworkofthe ...... Il~. ppor do not give. I Those who call The Sabbath of that week was would be blessed and accepted at the bill' to which we try, which reqnest is being r~v'oraibly LIBBRALITY.

themselves poor &18 8I'eatly in the mlln's' first d~y, bnt his second; fusion. But, as " God is not the IIU- are all hastening, For fi .. e hundred considered" by the brethren aiajority in onr "burahes. Snppose he Willi created upon the sixth thor of confasion", such a state and more after Chm, the first it has been rt:ferred. J

J)1,!():;Jj,!~=~~2=~h; all tbe little spr;ngw among the hills This is near enough. the truth, thinge could not oOPle, but by day of the week waS' never called lIud Amaziah Bee are should IIY, .. I ~an contribute oDly a ever) for erroriets to build .. theory violation of his Iliw. Do you Sabbath by auy writer whatev.!'r. tiates of th'8.t church. A

iID(I;8~'~~ltiDI"!l l~ stream, ,jo I will contribute upon; neat' enough to constitute the thllt it is not (Qr men, bnt for God Then, if yon would obey the com- of worship, 28 /iy 36 teet, none." Whllt ',woald become of fulctum of the lever by which, to, only, to ohange the day f T.Jiis mandment of God, 'do not insult been erected here. It is owned

Bl laYing by a little, repeated- 9verthrow the IlIw of God. I 2. brings lis bllck to the old qn88tiOB: Him by pretending that 'he has not re- the Seventh-day Baptists alld regular" Il?ry' poor Chris- The Sabbatic institution was not com· Has he done it' There is no record vllaled the day of the Sabbath-the House Fork. There.are se,rllrlal

who haa liealt~ mlly render ea" pleted on the day that God of it. I , day on which he rested iu the first b81's of the Salem Chw'ch .,~~,'''Ui;;' sentialll!lsistance to benevolent enter- rested. He speut Seven whole We proceed to examine brietly the week. Keep holy the day the! thip nejghborhooll, The

'pllrie'tialll prisee, and himself be made the richer days in giving an example, ~nd Fourth CommandiJlent, and see were required to keep on pain used, thongh the inside by it. His lest upon the seventh day whether God has, to IIvoid this con- death; the day God calls by the completed.

Th('re arl! other IIdvantliges which it his reat (or Sabbath) day; but ulan- fusion, appointed the i day. . And prophet Isaiah, ." my holy day;" Your correspondent SPllD:tifOllr hllve not tieen named-the inflnence had no right to tbe Sabbath, it *as since it is admitted by all, that the lind you .will do what you ca" to five days at New Milton,

such eystem on familiee, &0., not given to him, unil it was,8an~ti- word saboo/h means rt8t, we willlllb- obey this commandl!lent, That day Sabbatb, the seventh of M!I~l~. which we"must pass unnoticed. Much fied, set IIpart, for his observance. stitute reat for sabbath in what we is no other than the seventb day of QUllrterly' Meeting of 'iMtGGle might be said of the need 0' ,11 Iys- The blessing and sanctification of ihe have to say, that the reader may bet.- the week, the day now called Satur- Island Church occurred fit tem on the part of each church, day [were subsequent to the Cre'at- ter take the sense of the command. Is it a narrow conception to Bro. J~cob Davie, pastor ofl~bj):~h'lirc:h which the liberality of its member- or's rest. "And God blessed the 1. The firet word of the the SabbMb to a particular at New Sahim, was -pr'ese:ntt ship should be encouraged and assist- day and slinctified it; l;eca~e ment is remember. The commandment of Qod is enjoye'da ple,av.ut /leason inl~hlbrat-

I " d I • ; but these _articles have tlready that in it he HAD RESTED from 1111 his looks back to the 80 Darrow:. Indee, the WRy to the J:,ord's Sapper


The Senate s~nt the Ilitgeat pllrt of three days, in considering \a bill n .. nn.

from the House to 1 relieve certain

manufactares from internal tax. In;li~~$,~~~~~~:~=~E:~i~~ Committe of the Whole,.an aqleDd~].I9~m,)CII~ ment was adopted retaining

been drawn out to a gr!ater length work which God created and mad~." had been doce in is mn~-ni"ore Bal;rOW than men Davis co~~t!que8 than was IInticipated in the Del~m- I Hence tbe institutiou WIIS • not colm. the institution generally im"gine. The brolld way hold meetings tbere~inring

eX~lrciiselj ning. Peroaps the principle here pleted" for man," till the Creator's memorial. not the, way to life. Let ns choose There Bre promising inciiClf.iclnB tbe; perfectcl,v,eIoIP'PinsiistE,d 00 may at a fatnre time be Rest-day was in the past, The first 2. Remember what! The res~ day. the nBrrow way, lind live. -good to the little church.

following ll"Ill!-l(I.alticll~,:"~i7a~;::JI~:~;;~~~;~ ~itto~ to \~oae ~~oepted:' II~ IH~u~~in: '.~~~~~~k

iIInstrated by individual examples. week, thllt of the creation, had ex- A rest day must be a day devoted R. F. CO'lTREJ.L, I 'Write from Clarksburg, So we rest herl! for the present. pired, the exa'mple of laboring six to rest by some one. ty seat of Harrison Counl;y,ii of sugar refineries,

days and resting the seventh wall' 3. Whose rest dlly is itT The OORRESPONDENOE. way to Janelew, in confectionery, complete, only at the close of the sev- seventh day is the rest of the NEW MILTON. emeralds, precions ston>:1!l lind

• S 'March 9th, 1868. • Ii f. d II . 1 I enth day; consequently tbe act ofstlnc- Lord thy God. It is the Lord s ome twenty years ago, Dea, Jep- taons t ereo, an a Jewe ry. DOES IT REQmRE THE OBSERVANCE OF tifying the ~ay for man's observance day, and not some day on which we F. Randolph spent a season at HOME NKWS. alDllndmJl.,nt was voted down in r(~;~::::.] =:~ITE SEVENTH DAY OF THE and use, CO~d not have taken place may choose to rest, that we are com- West Milton, Wis. Returcing to LON G B nAN t: H Seilate nexttday, and the bill PIIB'SM I The most suhtile manner of evad- earlier than he first day of the second manded to remember and keep holy. his home in \Vest Virginia, he pro- Lo"G BRAYeH, Ntb ..... lm, Feb. with \ sligh amendments requiring ~~~b:fc~~ri~~:

ing the' force of the fourth command- week. He , therefore, on the first 4, What seventh day must we rest cured the establishment of a post- 'As I am on bu.~ip:esll,. t~e concurr, nee of the House. The ment, resorted to at /be present day, day after th Creator's example wa~ upon and keep boly to the Lord t office at that point, naming it Nelf thougbt I would just btll repeals the lcts approved June is to claim that a pahi,cular day of complete, i~ the very time for God to The day, in its weekly retnrn, on Milton, in honor of his Wisconsin bretbreu, that we are _"':_~'i';~ 30, 1867, except so much as relates

reveal to my wbat he had done, and which He rested when he made the borne. The location is ten miles fine weather here. to the taxes imposed thereby on gas the week is not set apart by thiS' 6 say to him, ollow my example, The world. "For iu six days the Lord we3t of New Salem, in Doddridge winter we never made of coal Wholly or in part, or f oommandment: that it only incul- d

Clites one day of rest aTter six days' sanctificatio of the day was doubt- made 'heaven and earth, the lIea, and County, and on tbe waters of tbe farmers have plowe any ot~er material, on ilIumicating, less the rev ation to man of the fllct, all that in tbem is, anll. rested ·the Me~t House Fork. (The st;eams are this wiijter. We have lubricating, or other mineral oils o~ labor; and hence, thllt no definite • fi h .

day is requ'ired, but merely a propor- that he bad r~serve.d the day to his seventh day," We are to rest on tbe chief points of settlement in this no; snow- or rain or t e SIX articles, the products of the ,distilla-especial ho or; that it was his holy the seventh day, liS it recurs once a country, and every locality is knowp months r ,yet water is tion, 'redistillation, or refining tionllte time, for the oliservance of d

the'Sabbath. J" .. day. He bl seed the day, and sanc- w~ek, because God rested o'n it in in a geueral way by the name of the the springs, wells, an crude, petroleum, or of a tilied it, afte his rest upon it was com- the first,week. stream Uearest to it) \l'he face There is quite, an amount Ispnnl!fl distillation of coal, shale, peat,

We say, that this is a r ~ort of the I d t' h 'I d h I' h t d l'lO'~4'g h I h b' . pete ; ther lore, the blessing and 5, Why did God hallow, sanctify, country, t e SOl. an t e c Imate, W ea sown, an we are __ p a tu~, or ot er Itumtnous Present day, because that in the early 'fi '" b I' I fi hid' h fid- d . h' describ,'1 I sanctl catio have reference to tbe separate, or appoint this seventh diuer ut Itt e rom t ose p aces Will WIt con ence lin stance~; on WlOeII t erelD centuries of the Sabbatb discussion d .. kl f h h' hI h d 'b d . . f 'tfi Ilia e'st as early d II ,",' d "'I

C. A. B.


ay 10 Its ee y return rom t at day ~ Because that in it "e "ad rested W lC ave escrl e 10 prevIOus rUt 11 rv , e " ~n ~ on snuu, an ... in the Christian Church, this argu- F h' . f I Th II I' I 'd d h th b st here h fi t f t b

onwar. rom t IS POlOt 0 Wherefore [for this reason 1 the Lord etters. e va eys are a ttt e WI er oes muc e e , ot er ~anu ac ures 0 0 aooo, ment was never used. The claim of ~ fi II h d . k RRrVA·., time, nama y, the first day of the blessed the rest day, and' hallowed tban tbpse on tbe ,aters of Hugh's a 'We ! a some StC ness, c1udlOg Cigarettes, .cigars, lind obe- 1tlC,~bD,tl

the early advocates of the first day second :wee~ the eal]liest time that it, See Gen. 2: 3. Tbuswe,arepoint,. River, but not as wide as at Lost general/ Bnd it has for roots, Ilb~lIIat~lhog:;SCI10011a, IlliviDs:.'Yiae", was, not that that d,:y was the Sab- the complet d rest and the sancti6ca. ed back to the creation for the ori- Creek. Winter wh~at is grown iu passed !away,' leaving The Senate passed a bill authoriz. that .e8Itllblilll~ IID,llonlr!. b:hh of the fourtli tion of the .ay could be revealed to gin of the week and rest day. Did small quantities, and such other grainB Last year was not a very pr~!~p(lrOilS ing the Peace Commissioners to COn- SeVebth-day' "';(1f, bllt that it had-greater claims to h h d' d d d b fi f," hid . h h N . I . ,

man, e a Just sill: aye to labor in God bless an institution that may be an e I Ie roots as are necessary or season or ,armers e.e, cue It treaty WIt t e avaJo n. v~neration than th\Sabbath. They the beautifu ghden in he was observed on, any day ~ No he home consumption. The water is timid, on aucount of the dians in the Brusque Rotunda, and tpok not th: ground that anyone placed to dr ss and to keep it, ere blessed and sllnctified the soft. pel's or locusts, and planted 'n:~mlg- appropriating $150,000 for their re-day of rest atter siX; of labor would I d 411. I t th . ' the seventh ay of the .second week, the very day of the week on The method of opening a farm in y, all a '''w. os, elr moval.

answer both the letter and spirit of the first Sa~blltb hc was required't J"ested, Did he rest on one day West VlrglDia seems novel to a planting, while orops are ,HOUSE OF JUU'RE~ENTATlVES. the comma\ldment; but they taught. keep. The tve..!' days of all succeed- seven, and no day in Wisconsin-bred farmer, The timber injured, DS suggest~d above. l'I'hn'.~ On Monday, a~ usua.l, a large num-as Cil.Ivin expresses it, that the old k Ii ' d ' I h who have produce to sell ar~lgel;tiD,g ,

• wec s va ever SlOce returned Then he blessed eacq day of the is beavy; in eed, ave never seen ber of bills and joint resolutions Fathers (or's0m.

e otherauthority) put in their regurar order. seven alike, and 8IInctijied-no, he finer trees than those which co\'er remunerative prices. There otrered, among them II bill to

in the plac. of the S!lbbath the day h'll 'd Th' . b talk of building railroads As we lire now prepared for it, be- dill not set apart, devote, p~ appoint these steep I 8t es. tS tim er, Americlln shipbuildiDg ~+~"I'ri4~a~~~!ti~~~~ we now call Lord's day. ~ And the fore examini~gtbe Fourth Commllnd- any day, but we are left to choose being cut, is piled upon the ground, the coun~ry soon, ; a preamble and rea:olU-~'1 Roman church t9-day bases the claim ment, we win try the proportionate for ourselves SUplWSI! wlf iere Ic()ve,rin:g the entire surface as nearly Religiously, we bave not~~ing tilns declaring tbe policy of not on tbe dnctility of the command- ;, b d h d h,' boast bf, but much to be t1:I!~~'ul h th H d

time theory, and see if in reality it tlte New Testament as may e, an W lin ry en.oug tS •. gr~ss, ,whic , e onse refuse to 'lI

ent, but on the power of the church, has any advantage for our friends to observe weekly the a8Y of Christ's set on fire. The snrface belDg thus -the regular means of gr.""", lay ou the Ilallle, and referred to'the

"The church," say thev, "by virtue i I 'f h h'II'd d of working energy ~ over that of a de6nite clay. From resurrection, and the command in- burned over, I tel SI e egree J udiciaw ;mmittee; Dnd a resolu-

of the power she has1 received from the first wee of time, there has been formed us that he rose on" the first not too steep, the ground is plow- older members of the tion in favo of th~ expansion of the Christ, abolished the Jewish Sahbath, d 'th . I h d h I we mourn the apathy of the ,Y,v,"U;';.C' I"

II rean!ar s ccession of days, and day, and that tor this reason the first e WI a SlOg e orse an S ove currency. I " and substituted Sunday in it. stea,d," "'- I d ltd 'th members. Our Sabbath a~u\"y' A b 11" h ' .1: f r 'Or G oonsequently of weeks of seven days day was sanctified for our obeerv- p ow, an p an e Wt C(1l'n, or i lor t e reJ'e 0 en.

X: Weninger, D. D., 1862.) h Th h G d th C Id h h 0 'tb gra'n A "ew crops s.if. day school are int:eresting, i"nil-'.~ A d ~ t' $15000'" eac . er ore, w en 0 at e ance., ou we 0 ange t e resnr· s wn WI I • I' .. - n erson, rRn 109 " .. ¥ this church arose to power, beginning s t man upon the right rection day to another day, a day on fice to prepare the soil, and grass are tryiug to be the faithful wltness- agreed to .

.. nn ... tliat kept the Sabbath were de- d h d h fi Id es for God's tttlth. II "L!E¥E:Io~. r 1 track, comm n'ding him to keep the which the resurrection aid not occur' see is t en sown, an tee s l - A l'j!!lolutio to, suspeud the ru es LI""'U""U aa J ndaizers,' lind the term, I'd d .. ti . If th smLOn . h I h aI Sabbath eve y seventh day, he could Could we obey the command by ob. "al own or grazmg. e . dorlDg t. e mpeac lnent tri , ""I~lla'tll, was -never IIpplied to I te t b th I SHILOH, N, J , ~!.rch 'Pd"OUO' d • h' edi :-illa~i;I~r~tiloj;r £~;11~ (:'Ou,:a,it - change t e regular order of the serving another day, calling a day s opes are too s ep 0 e us p ow- to a mIt t e Imm ate p

during the first five_ hundred d ' d ' th Spring hue ome in earnest. f b' ~ d b he 'Or

' wee\:, and y maintain the propor- on whiaq He did not arise, bis resur- e , grass see IS so,!n uppn e new- 0 ani v su ~ect reporte y t Jlllln~I:~~~:l~:~ of the Christian ern. It re- d now engaged in fixing 'ya.rds , tion of one d y iu every seven for the rection day? So no one can remove Iy burned surface, .and the briars an agers, I }Vas agreed to. ma,ine,d for the moderns of the gos­

IIge, those living tbis "ide of the to discover . that the

Sabbath; ana consequently must keep the Father'S rest day to a day on us es care,u y cut away eac year, A to r,e teve certalO persona In . b h ~ II b gardens, planting bill l' , 1 • i;i;it:~~I.

fourth commandment Was indefinite ;.",;, ..... ,; n"i1~~.i al"petl~te'!;11 and ext:ra"a~1 as to the. particular day, onll requir­

n~h d' ing a ptoportionate time, i. e., one "I" er . expen t- dlly in seven, for its observance. \Ve ~U1l't!1tiY: p:~~l(leG, our system be as

the same sev nth day in, its weekly which he did not rest. 1i. command until they are killed, and the grass shrnbbety, lind the S9uthern Statfl@ from political nO'llUI8

d for fruit bearing. . dfi h R return to th end of time. This tokeepanydayyoucliooseiijn"law', li\sinstheascen IIncy, disllbilities,wasreporte romt e e--, almost a failure bere for I would be al ost, 'if not quite, equal fior you may choose to keep no day' The greater portion of the country l construction Committee, discussed

years, but we think tnere is to confining t e Sabbath to a definite at all. Men may trifle with the,law is yet uncleared. Land ranges in at considerable length by the House, time coming. . Farmers are d day. Now, henever the Sabbath is of the Most High, as they dare not price from five to twenty-five dollars and recommitte • iug their apple, peach, and b fo h 'f changed to a other day, this seventh trifle with the laws of the State, bnt per acre, New Milton is fou\- miles The ill r t e restoration 0

Part of time arrangement-this one they wil.1 find that God has a law, Long Run Station 011 the Park- ama was 18cusse a w ! e, I throw out this negative aa8ertion to to be. ' (9 t

I· .. tiya~, ,elf-tleniaj.; lAs self-denial ia elicit the proof, if there is any, that chards, aud also b d' d h'l small frnl.ts, day of rest after six ot labor-is and thllt in th::t law he has reserved ersburg Branch of the Baltimore and ~rAi~OONT~im~~l~S. co!WUitted.

broken. If I rael, at the exode, re- the day of his rest from secular em- Ohio: Railroad. Wiood can be had MISSIONARY The report of the Conference ".Y'"'", ·;'·A·!~eI6rito.) .. qli~()11 of 'dittciplesl!ip in- the idea was ever broached betore

the·Reformau-. We believe tte Saviour, (Matf'. ,16 : "... .DO Christian gtlllle invention, ~ith all its bene6ts, may tnoved the S bbath to what before ployments, 8nd I appointed it to his the cutting. Coal is found in the The following e±l;ra~!t mittee on the Cp,nsnlllr and """"~'v:".,

'hl':il(er.riielo~:Y}'icb brings a richer be jDltly claimed by moq,rn Chris­(5.) The hllbitual tians, and that the apostles and early Sabbllth that eek wonld oome after • But how can we tell which is the winters are mild. I picked butter- New Market, N. J, to to. ' ~

was the sixth day of the week, their own special honb.r and service. hills, but is little nsed as yet. The ter of Bro. !Baac mBtic APproprilllj,n bill was

'.s;f:,.telnlltic liberality in-. Clr.",;~~ in'~est in the objects of '01Ir"'~le~ll!el1lcej and quiairens our

IYlnplathY for our follows, ~~~~.p..nD',!italil.y and power to our

The exercise of IIny • ;;\~riII~,i, ~;ra.18 give, increased en· we fo11(1" onr

i;~";i~~\l~~~~~;!!~-~o~h~ewas i "ft'" .• ,...... lie became

only five days of labor j and if, iu tlte seventh day in regular succession nuts from the ground on the 8th of of the Seventh-day J:Saptlist .ol4""'"V'"1 A bill providil\ thllt on thEfremov-j! • . apostles' da s, the Sabbath was f~om the creation? If you cannot dis- three out of four of which ary Society, may ai, by dellth.oroth rwise, of thl~Chie:f-

covery. h d fi f ..." h h h d I . Justice, the Senio~ Aesociate c ange to t rat day 0 the week, cern thia, by the use or the ligbt were good, thoug t ey a aID ex- the readers of the REC?RD1!;R: ",~.''''''. The civil IlIws which GOd gave tlley then hll seven days of labor which God has given, you eer- posed all winter. Black walnuts are "I have been very muc~tbh~R~:~~~~ shall perform tbe' duties of the

tIle Jews as II nlltion, required that before the on of reat, unless indeed tainly are not to blame for not keel!- to be had for the gathering. ed in the efforts of our ;II: t~e IIppointment of~ a SU(lCeI80,rd tliose who labored on the Sabbath they· Kept S bbath two suocessive ing it If he has not pointed Ol\t For.twenty years past, it has been Board to raise funda for passed. should be put to death. Had the days, and thO woujd equally break and preserved the day,.by hi~~ord supposed that silver could be obtain- ary operations, and have u~'u .. " .. ~ •. ~ was passed to eontinue the Jewish S~bbatJp,breaker understood ing with considerable ~nxie'tYi~()r B

up the order, 8stroy the proportion, and providence, so that \fe call'ind it ed by mining on the head waters of sponses from the churches ureau one ),ellr. thia quirk, he oIllight hllve esoaped and would n t auswer the require- if we will, the fatilt of its non-bbse~ the Meat House Fork, about ten1miles from tlie Board me,etl~'g resolution wa~ passed that the penalty, provided he conld make ment of one ayof rest after six of anoe is not with' ns. Bnt how can from New Milton. Within a' few last, when a committee days wben the Senllte it IIppear t~at, bil had rested ou labor. -But 1 ttle iuterraptions like we ascertain the day? 1. God ill months, a shaft has been snnk ed to appcrt\io",n'llll .. thOtllll~t trjalof Pretident: of the six ~ays next precedin3; for these lire of 0 IICQOUD~ with those hilprovidenceh311preservildthenucn<: firty--relli-orrocl<,~iinder (which'811m ~nE!~~~y "'adicllliof im.pel~~IID"i~tl!xbibilted. this, in modern plirare, :would be who think the law of the Most ffigh bering of the days of tbe weelr, the silver was supposed to ~~!~:alio, HonBe of'RlWf(lse'nttlth'esj keellillg .. both th~ letter lind spiriJ; is so elastic. s milch like a piece of the time of Chri&t to the preseat, 10 be, and a rich vein of "eandle among tb, co~am'tte.~. oithe commllnd." ~ rubber, that y u mlly stretoh thllt Jews, Christian", lind )lolillm- coal" discovered. ¥llfald tltllt,the

It-iB generally IIdmitted, thatl tlie most IIny exte t wlthont brellkinglt medans, are IIped in their rock through 'Wbio~,''tIre shllfilpasses IIrbitrary division of time into w~ks What is one 1's varilltion from the 2. The ;New Testament i. ricb enough to pay the expense of

churoh can hold no cbim ta its dis­

of seven days had its origin in the la\l of God, they expound iii by that the,first dllY of the enterprise; but, jndgingfrom tbe lit the creation, God the one-day-in seven theoJ'y T But if " wbioh I lIaw, I think the ~l~~~~cheerlli1 !lver." No- wrou!~n~ six days and.rested on tbe apostles uld brellk in upon the silver that the enterprise will

!Ii cheerfalness in giv- I BIlfvellth~ I~ is also II trntll, that the established or er, changing the Sab- will be fouud in the ooal, or well·formed method the ,Old Testament co e- bath to the'" eighth dIlY," by the the oil which may be obtained""1U_~~"'1

ihat I14weth poan- p1'l¥li!lely with that. of he principl and precedent the About the year 1830, there being ~~"~,I,!~~~.~I&F allO bounilllaIlY." first llllY of the 11' k"lp~lOple mlly no chaoge it from San- members of the Nell' Salem 1{~'~~'·IIfI:~·reth, 'hlill be watered mentll)i1e,lfin the Ilitter'i immedia Iy day to Wedlle dky, and so make on(' , near what is now New Mil. 1:~~LI~~DiiIe!~'~ " He that hath-pity 00 followed "the Sabbatbl day rd- week coDBist 0 ten days, hllving one ton, it was deemed best to organize ~~I~.,,~~n~i!l4'Bd,a to the Lord; and ing to, the commandment" of !lhe day 91 'rest r nine of labor! a separate church at tbat point. It ~~~~~ ~'~~h.IP"·~n Will", pay former. Mark 16: 1, 23:.56, Would thisfal lleuct1ytheseventh. took the name of the Middle Island

wlto, be- : I, Thia admit. theory 1 If not, then Seventh-day Baptist ChufJlh. ;Elder "lhi~~:""'iI.!lpoi:i,t;ii~lifftddt(fbe ~~ •.• Therefore, jf from the originiIJ Lewis A. Davis, lately decellsed, was

change !rpm the .eventh dlly is a brelOh of .tbe law of J,lastor during the first year or of the wea: einee the llcoordiflg to the:choseu theory :two of its existence, After this, Bro. maat have been made our When.ever the ginning, lind if Ezekiel Bee, now of Hugh's River, creation 'IIIIlIJ the giving aay. was this theory, as Israel, 'It'lI8 the leading preacher for sev.~l at Sinai. ,It is no. claimed, well aa the law was .violated. ; when he I years. Some years ago, in an evil

~f,~"~I~~.·.·beileEI~ Incb 'a change wu inlde-thit seventh diiy and I blame-the boar, the church deoided to lilY aside wee~, u ~"en to the :J eWII, did it apa~-I, or ap- ' God told the IIrticles of faith under w)lich it ~Ipoqt·with tIi8 weel: special worship' sea, aay been organizell. This opened heginninll'. Thqa the " of God; or he did not. lind way for other impractical ideas,

,Ul<bIScrlp&l~ I Ule~IIUV w'lIIklly Sabbath of the he did i our theor- giving the church eoon went to pieces.

'~U~~j~~~~J:::~~;;~'i~i:tIl':~iilY of did not. . I tbis God ago, more or less, the rew ~ .miiajq'd!te, lIy oar friends i the man to remaining there determined ,thEI'!D'88DiDg i., ,hat He on the reet aay./ mlilre an ell'ort torebuiJd the waste

S~bblllh,:'h,I.Ilid' any eeyenth did Dot bow A few together and ~~;j~~;'~~c'~~[;~;~:~~a~~~.~ day. who faith, in har.'/J~:~:e:/Jt~~~tJ~::::l::~'~f'r~rf~ .• ~ii,~;;~!;l'~Jit~C~e'~~.~I~;;!p.~ QUdid of faith made'i"

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. ,

dIes and Gentlemen wanted as ag«'n"~i' the most libernl Induce ents

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• otlon-Ordln.ry 22@23e. Low lhddllng 24 @2oc MiddlIng 2a@26c.

E!J!Jr-!33 '01 doz Flour and Meal--F ur, 10@9 46for8u

finc State 10 15@t for tm S to shipping OhIO. 10 60@1 00 for trodo ond .1 0., 12 OO@14 50 for slDgle Loo s. RYe Flour -; 60@9 60 Com 6 00 for-1 Jersey, 6 25 for Brandyw cT

hent Flonr, 3 75@* 00 '01100 lb •• Gra",-Wheat. 2 36 fo 0 2 Milwaukie,

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ay-l 05@1 15 for Bhlppmg,l 2O@1 55 for , retalllots SIrs", 1 00 far ,hort, 1 20 fo long.


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~~;~~t\~~~l Mck ~ ill e ;nhn;m,i. s h perso

ed upon s h pers ,tlie me charged whh the serVlee of said oltce Sholl leave Q. cop thereof. th the phySICIan s re .. tUIn thereon, with he keeper of the said. m ... BIllle asylum nnd 'holl return Ihe said !IIlLiee to tlIe court whic.:h Issued the same wIthout further servl,ce and upon Euch return bemg mode the eonrt before whleh sueh applicatlon ~l1nll be pending, allan cause further notice of tue pending of ,ueh ppllcation to be gIven, bv pu blisbio2' the same ill Borne newspap& published in the county where such applIca­tIOn 8h e pending. for at least Ihree weeks, .o.nuthenthesludConrtmny:p ced on-etu n such applic.'\UOll1 With the s::s,me ffect lD respects as if pel~onnl notice hv.d been upon the mmllte of such insane OS lum In first instnnce

Sec. 2 This act elliII Inke effect from 0 d ..ner llie poss"o"" tbeteo!

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